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Even our ability to detect online manipulation is affected by our political bias, though not symmetrically: Republican users are more likely to mistake bots promoting conservative ideas for humans, whereas Democrats are more likely to mistake conservative human users for bots.
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- mask wearing
- science
- mortality
- government
- behavioral science
- protection
- Republican
- normalcy
- psychology
- paediatric
- Democrat
- vaccination rate
- cherry-picking
- conservative
- scientific evidence
- effectiveness
- public health measure
- misinformation
- mask mandate
- is:news
- vaccine
- face mask
- lang:en
- political spectrum
- children
- New York
- education
- social media
- fact check
- school
- policy
- partisanship
- COVID-19
- social distancing
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- science
- schools
- government
- children
- is:article
- political interference
- bad science
- scientific integrity
- economy
- COVID-19
- response
- Trump
- scientific advice
- Donald Trump
- scientific practice
- data
- misinformation
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- politics
- public health
- lang:en
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- scientific
- political
- government
- misinformation
- evidence-based
- denial
- Brazil
- is:commentary
- Bolsonaro
- recommendation
- weapon
- COVID-19
- lang:en
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