116 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Alone at last, I think. The fact is that I don't want to be alone with him,not on a bed. I'd rather have Serena there too. I'd rather play Scrabble

      Irony in the "Alone at last", as she really hates it. She'd rather have Serena there, in all hypocrisy of her misery, she'd rather go through the ceremony -- in the end none is best, men are men, any sort of rape is uncomfortable for her. The men have not changed.



  2. Sep 2024
    1. havenot been the first then.

      She then knows she is the outside woman. She is the outside woman of the outside woman. She is just one of many pawns to complete the Commander's incompleteness temporarily

    2. "What would you like?" he says, still with that lightness, as if it's amoney transaction merely, and a minor one at that: candy, cigarettes."Besides hand lotion, you mean," I say."Besides hand lotion," he agrees."I would like..." I say. "I would like to know.

      This shows the disconnect between the understanding of the severity of the situation. He is still playing with her when she is in fear of her own death, as if it is a simple and equal transaction.

    3. y arms around him.It's only a job, he said, trying to soothe me.

      Men don't understand, he is patronising her in the way that a job is not just a job but a sense of power, of individuality and a duty, which Serena Joy keeps trying to find in her knitting and in her garden.

  3. Jul 2024
    1. owthoroughly trenchant was his ability to sort contradictory signals, I have nodoubt that he must have already suspected something.


    2. Like all caubois, she said: theyknow everything there is to know about food, because they can’t hold aknife and fork properly. Gourmet aristocrats with plebian manners. Feedhim in the kitchen.

      To know everything there is to know about oneself (the food) because he does not adopt the non-paradoxical constraints that one uses to define identity. He defies expectations of knowing so much about foods, cheeses and wines -- more than the Italians who have been doing this forever, because he does not stick to custom, to traditional views of identity.

    3. It was not only thenational hymn of their southern youth, but it was the best they could offerwhen they wished to entertain royalty.

      Show of his maturity by being called "royalty" because of his extensive knowledge that came from experimentation and not limiting oneself to a standard view of identity

  4. Jun 2024
    1. One day I saw Oliver sharing the same ladder with the gardener, tryingto learn all he could about Anchise’s grafts, which explained why ourapricots were larger, fleshier, juicier than most apricots in the region.

      When the apricots represent Oliver's deepest and most hidden fragments of identity, and Oliver "trying to learn all he could about Anchise's grafts" shows his determination in understanding his contradictory bits of himself, that don't meet his confident, tan caubois mannerisms. Furthermore, the apricots were "larger, fleshier, jucier than most apricots in the region". Indicating his understanding of his identity allowed him to mature into such a beautiful fruit.

  5. May 2024
  6. Dec 2023
    1. I disagree. What is expressed is an attempt to solve X by making something that should maybe be agnostic of time asynchronous. The problem is related to design: time taints code. You have a choice: either you make the surface area of async code grow and grow or you treat it as impure code and you lift pure synchronous logic in an async context. Without more information on the surrounding algorithm, we don't know if the design decision to make SymbolTable async was the best decision and we can't propose an alternative. This question was handled superficially and carelessly by the community.

      superficially and carelessly?

  7. Oct 2023
    1. virtually every sentence of the critique 00:04:20 presents difficulties attempts have been made to provide commentaries comprehensively illuminating uh comprehensively illuminating each individual section of the work 00:04:33 and some of these run to several volumes without getting near its end and then one commentator com noting what it's like to read the critique of pure reason says it is quote 00:04:46 a disagreeable task because the work is dry obscure opposed to all ordinary notions and long-winded as well who said that 00:04:59 kant
      • for: Kant, quote, quote- Kant, Kant - critique of pure reason - difficult to understand

      • quote: on reading the Critique of Pure Reason

        • a disagreeable task because the work is dry obscure opposed to all ordinary notions and long-winded as well
      • author: Immanuel Kant

      • comment

        • Now I don't feel so bad! :D
  8. Aug 2023
  9. Dec 2022
  10. Nov 2022
    1. by using symbols as keys, you will be able to use the implicit conversion of a Mash via the #to_hash method to destructure (or splat) the contents of a Mash out to a block

      Eh? The example below:

      symbol_mash = SymbolizedMash.new(id: 123, name: 'Rey') symbol_mash.each do |key, value| # key is :id, then :name # value is 123, then 'Rey' end

      seems to imply that this is possible (and does an implicit conversion) because it defines to_hash. But that's simply not true, as these 2 examples below prove:

      ``` main > symbol_mash.class_eval { undef :to_hash } => nil

      main > symbol_mash.each {|k,v| p [k,v] } [:id, 123] [:name, "Rey"] => {:id=>123, :name=>Rey} ```

      ``` main > s = 'a' => a

      main > s.class_eval do def to_hash chars.zip(chars).to_h end end => :to_hash

      main > s.to_hash => {a=>a}

      main > s.each Traceback (most recent call last) (filtered by backtrace_cleaner; set Pry.config.clean_backtrace = false to see all frames): 1: (pry):85:in __pry__' NoMethodError: undefined methodeach' for "a":String ```

  11. Sep 2022
    1. Writing Code for Humans — A Language-Agnostic Guide…because code which people can’t read and understand is easy to break and hard to maintain.
    1. Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.
    2. To see if you are writing good code, you can question yourself. how long it will take to fully transfer this project to another person? If the answer is uff, I don’t know… a few months… your code is like a magic scroll. most people can run it, but no body understand how it works. Strangely, I’ve seen several places where the IT department consist in dark wizards that craft scrolls to magically do things. The less people that understand your scroll, the more powerfully it is. Just like if life were a video game.
    3. This is so clear that you don’t even need comments to explain it.
    4. Another type of comments are the ones trying to explain a spell.
    5. The rule of thumbs is, never use code that you do not understand.
    1. PRs will introduce various mechanisms step by step. Some of these have issues already. A possible breakdown could be: Annotation collection using instance values (links also does this) Defining annotations to which multiple keywords contribute (this is new, see Need more details of annotation collection #530) Defining subschema and keyword processing results to include annotations Processing sequence for keywords that dynamically rely on the results of static keywords The actual definition of unevaluatedProperties An example of unevaluatedProperties
    1. The discussion here can get very fast-paced. I am trying to periodically pause it to allow new folks, or people who don't have quite as much time, to catch up. Please feel free to comment requesting such a pause if you would like to contribute but are having trouble following it all.

      Why is it necessary to pause Can't new person post their question/comment even if it's in reply to comment #10 and the latest comment happens to be comment #56? There's no rule against replying/discussing something that is not the very latest thing to be posted in a discussion!

      Possibly due to lack of a threaded discussion feature in GitHub? I think so.

      Threads would allow replies to "quick person" A to go under their comment, without flooding the top level with comments... thus alowing "new person" B to post a new comment, which in so doing creates a new thread, which can have its own discussion.

  12. Aug 2022
    1. This leads to duplicated effort and ultimately small differences between common interactions.

      How does it cause that?

  13. Jul 2022
    1. 4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.

      4.3 Understand the great brain battles and how to control them to get what “you” want.

    2. 4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.

      4.1 Understand the power that comes from knowing how you and others are wired.

    3. 4 Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently

      4 Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently

    4. 3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.

      3.6 Understand how you can become radically open-minded.

    5. 2.7 Understand your own and others’ mental maps and humility.

      2.7 Understand your own and others’ mental maps and humility.

    6. 1.6 Understand nature’s practical lessons.


  14. Apr 2022
  15. Mar 2022
    1. “As a neonatologist, ... prior to COVID, I had maybe attended two to three deliveries in the medical ICU because it’s not common for women of childbearing age in their 20s and 30s to be critically ill and sick,” she said. Now, she said, “I truly cannot remember the last time I was on call at night and did not have to attend a COVID delivery. We’re just seeing a lot more complications in moms who you would expect to be healthy.”

      She is reflecting on her work before COVID, and during. What she is seeing more mothers having complications because of COVID.

    2. Utah Department of Health reports that 81% of the state’s coronavirus deaths were patients who were “high risk,” only 52% of hospitalizations were of people deemed to have risk factors for serious illness.

      UDOH reported: 81% of COVID Deaths = High Risk people 52% of Hospitalizations = At Risk for serious illness.

    3. Now thousands of people have shared their own stories about living through the pandemic with chronic illness — and about coping with remarks from media personalities and even health officials that minimize the human toll of COVID-19 because deaths and hospitalizations disproportionately affect people who are old or have underlying medical conditions.

      Comments made by Media, and Health Officials was minimizing the COVID-19 deaths and illnesses because most or some of those affected were older or had comorbidities.

  16. Jan 2022
    1. There's a problem with 401 Unauthorized, the HTTP status code for authentication errors. And that’s just it: it’s for authentication, not authorization. Receiving a 401 response is the server telling you, “you aren’t authenticated–either not authenticated at all or authenticated incorrectly–but please reauthenticate and try again.” To help you out, it will always include a WWW-Authenticate header that describes how to authenticate.
    2. So, for authorization I use the 403 Forbidden response. It’s permanent, it’s tied to my application logic, and it’s a more concrete response than a 401. Receiving a 403 response is the server telling you, “I’m sorry. I know who you are–I believe who you say you are–but you just don’t have permission to access this resource. Maybe if you ask the system administrator nicely, you’ll get permission. But please don’t bother me again until your predicament changes.”
  17. Dec 2021
    1. (Note that lowering the intermediary fees can have a multiplier effect on creator disposable income. For example, if you make $100K in revenue and have $80K in costs, cutting out a 50% take rate increases your revenue to $200K, multiplying your disposable income 6x, from $20K to $120K.)
  18. Nov 2021
  19. Oct 2021
  20. Sep 2021
  21. Aug 2021
    1. function strictIsDog<T extends Dog extends T ? unknown : never>( // like <T super Dog> candidate: Dog | T // if Dog extends T then Dog | T is T ): candidate is Dog { // compiler recognizes that Dog | T can narrow to T return "bark" in candidate; } if (strictIsDog(animal)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(dog)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(mixed)) {} // okay if (strictIsDog(cat)) {} // error! // ~~~ <-- Cat is not assignable to Dog
    1. Adding to the accepted answer, if you happen to need to use a type guard against a mixin, you'll get this error too, since the is operator doesn't behave as an implements would.
    2. the generic means "give me one of each function a -> Boolean" so if any of those functions doesn't exist, then the generic doesn't exist.
    1. 要给程序员这样的灵活性,Go必需支持指向分配在堆中对象的指针,我们将这种指针称为内部指针。上文的例子中X.buff字段保存于struct之中,但也可以保留这个内部字段的地址。比如,可以将这个地址传递给I/O子程序。在Java以及许多类似的支持垃圾回收的语音中,不可能构造象这样的内部指针,但在Go中这么做很自然。这样设计的指针会影响可以使用的回收算法,并可能会让算法变得更难写,但经过慎重考虑,我们决定允许内部指针是必要的,因为这对程序员有好处,让大家具有降低对(可能实现起来更困难)回收器的压力的能力。到现在为止,我们的将大致相同的Go和Java程序进行对比的经验表明,使用内部指针能够大大影响arena总计大型、延迟和回收次数。
  22. Jun 2021
    1. Another problem was the ambiguity of RFC 3066 regarding the generative syntax. The idea of "language-dash-region" language tags was easy enough to grasp; most users didn't read RFC 3066 directly or consider the unstated-but-realized implication that other subtags might sometimes occur in the second position.


  23. May 2021
    1. --tag-rename '':'my-module-' (the single quotes are unnecessary, but make it clearer to a human that we are replacing the empty string as a prefix with my-module-)
    1. Darren Dahly. (2021, February 24). @SciBeh One thought is that we generally don’t ‘press’ strangers or even colleagues in face to face conversations, and when we do, it’s usually perceived as pretty aggressive. Not sure why anyone would expect it to work better on twitter. Https://t.co/r94i22mP9Q [Tweet]. @statsepi. https://twitter.com/statsepi/status/1364482411803906048

  24. Apr 2021
    1. Very slow, very cheap shipping via Royal Mail. Royal Mail advertises an ‘online’ international 12 week ’no rush’ service (not trackable). The price of the service is dependant on weight. It may be possible for international shipping to be achieved for around £15 GBP, may be even less! (This is not a typing error).  If you are interested in this service you will need to contact us before the campaign ends.

      Why do we need to contact you before the campaign ends if we want cheap shipping? Why wouldn't we want cheap shipping? What will shipping be if we don't choose that? How do we choose that? Why can't we choose shipping directly after the campaign ends?

    1. Yet, it certainly is important to make the proper choices when picking up style. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy. In order to make an informed decision, it’s mandatory to understand the issue at stake well. We all have defined class methods many times, but do we really know how do they work?
  25. Mar 2021
    1. That said, I wish more people would talk both sides. Yes, every dependency has a cost. BUT the alternatives aren't cost free either. For all the ranting against micropackages, I'm not seeing a good pro/con discussion.
    1. Microlibraries are easier to understand, develop and test. They make it easier for new people to get involved and contribute. They reduce the distinction between a “core module” and a “plugin”, and increase the pace of development in D3 features.
    1. It is much easier to track what is going on within the activity. Instead of transporting additional state via ctx, you expose the outcome via an additional end event.

      Note: It's only super easy to see what's going on if you have the benefit of a diagram.

    2. So why the over-complication? What we got now is replicating a chain of && in the former version. This time, however, you will know which condition failed and what went in by using tracing. Look at the trace above - it’s impossible to not understand what was going on.
  26. Feb 2021
    1. Defaults names are given to steps without the :id options, but these might be awkward sometimes.

      Why would those default names ever be awkward?

      If you the default name is whatever comes after step:

      step :default_name

      then why can't you just change that name to whatever you want?

      To answer my own question: I think you can do that, as long as the name is the 1st argument to step. But below I noticed an example where a Subprocess was the 1st argument instead, and so it needs a name in this case:

      step Subprocess(DeleteAssets), id: :delete_assets

      Why are they inconsistent about calling it name or id? Which one is it? I guess it's an id since that's what the key is called, and since there's an Id() helper to reference a task by its id.

    1. That’s pretty gnarly. While the name of the constant LOOSE_APP_ASSETS gives me some idea of what it does, it still takes a second to wrap your mind around. If you were trying to figure out what assets are being precompiled and you did a puts config.assets.precompile that lambda object would be utterly baffling.
    1. It's hard to say why people think so because you certainly don't need to know category theory for using them, just like you don't need it for, say, using functions.
    1. The rsync and sleep commands (the sleep is just an example) are run through exec to prevent the creation of zombie processes if I kill the parent script while they're running, and each potentially-long-running command is wrapped in its own subshell so that when exec finishes, it won't terminate the whole script.
    1. @adisos if reform-rails will not match, I suggest to use: https://github.com/orgsync/active_interaction I've switched to it after reform-rails as it was not fully detached from the activerecord, code is a bit hacky and complex to modify, and in overall reform not so flexible as active_interaction. It has multiple params as well: https://github.com/orgsync/active_interaction/blob/master/spec/active_interaction/modules/input_processor_spec.rb#L41

      I'm not sure what he meant by:

      fully detached from the activerecord I didn't think it was tied to ActiveRecord.

      But I definitely agree with:

      code is a bit hacky and complex to modify

  27. Jan 2021
  28. Dec 2020
  29. Nov 2020
    1. Chevy tried an all-emoji press release about a new car that came across as very forced, proving that less is more when it comes to using emojis in emails. Not to mention, it’s almost impossible to decipher the message they’re trying to communicate.
  30. Oct 2020
    1. One of the significant differences between the two is that a call to a partially applied function returns the result right away, not another function down the currying chain; this distinction can be illustrated clearly for functions whose arity is greater than two.
  31. Sep 2020
    1. I didn’t quite understand that until I saw this tweet from Ryan Florence, who is a genius when it comes to explaining the React programming model in ways that normal people can understand — ‘the question is not when does this effect run, the question is with which state does this effect synchronize with?’

  32. Aug 2020
    1. As a result, I end up quoting multiple people, sometimes quoting several people back-to-back, before even writing my reply. In those instances it feels like I'm not properly citing those individuals. I feel like it might seem I'm not providing new readers appropriate context for a given quote. It might also be implied that separate quotes are from the same person, leading to mis-attribution.
  33. Jun 2020
  34. May 2020
    1. Many also question how the average user with little knowledge of the GDPR will react to being asked so many questions regarding consent. Will they be confused? Probably at first. It will be up to each business to create a consent form that is easy to understand, while being at the same time comprehensive and informative
    1. Add-ons must function only as described, and should provide an appealing user experience. Based on the description of the add-on, a user must be able to understand and use the add-on’s features without requiring expert knowledge.
  35. Mar 2020
    1. "users are not able to fully understand the extent of the processing operations carried out by Google and that ‘the information on processing operations for the ads personalization is diluted in several documents and does not enable the user to be aware of their extent."
    1. One of the main threads of the GDPR is providing clear and transparent information to individuals about data collected, how it is processed, and the lawful basis for this processing.
  36. Feb 2019
    1. Blair lceds the popular desire for rules of taste, guidelines for writing and speaking, and well-digested, if not predigested, samples of proper liter• ature.

      Word choice! That is, making such literature easier to absorb and understand (digest).

  37. Feb 2018
  38. Jan 2017
  39. May 2015
    1. gain accurate insight into the emotional and cognitive ebbs and flows of this process that periods of confusion and apparent regression can be tolerated more easily.