324 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Here's one quick way to test if your application has properly segregated itself between the Model, View, and Controller roles: is your app skinnable? My experience is that designers don't understand loops or any kind of state. They do understand templates with holes in them. Everybody understands mail merge. And if you say, "Apply the bold template to this hole," they kind of get that, too. So separating model and view addresses this very important practical problem of how to have designers work with coders. The other problem is there is no way to do multiple site skins properly if you don't have proper separation of concerns. If you are doing code generation or sites with different skins on them, there is no way to properly make a new skin by simply copying and pasting the old skin and changing it. If you have the view and the logic together, when you make a copy of the view you copy the logic as well. That breaks one of our primary rules as developers: have only one place to change anything.

      An effective way of testing whether your app practices separation of concerns within the MVC paradigm is whether or not it is "skinnable"

    1. In 1972 David L. Parnas published a classic paper entitled On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules. It appeared in the December issue of the Communications of the ACM, Volume 15, Number 12. In this paper, Parnas compared two different strategies for decomposing and separating the logic in a simple algorithm. The paper is fascinating reading, and I strongly urge you to study it. His conclusion, in part, is as follows: “We have tried to demonstrate by these examples that it is almost always incorrect to begin the decomposition of a system into modules on the basis of a flowchart. We propose instead that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others.”

      Parnas published a paper in 1972 about what heuristics are best to decide when to decompose a system into modules.

      His conclusion is that it is almost always wrong to start with a representation such as a flowchart (because things change).

      Instead he recommends focusing on a list of difficult design decisions, or decisions, once made, that will likely change. Then design each module is designed to hide such decisions from others.

    1. Domain-driven design separates the model layer “M” of MVC into an application, domain and infrastructure layer. The infrastructure layer is used to retrieve and store data. The domain layer is where the business knowledge or expertise is. The application layer is responsible for coordinating the infrastructure and domain layers to make a useful application. Typically, it would use the infrastructure to obtain the data, consult the domain to see what should be done, and then use the infrastructure again to achieve the results.

      Domain Driven Design separates the the Model in the MVC architecture into an application layer, an infrastructure layer and a domain layer.

      The business logic lives in the domain layer. The infrastructure layer is used to retrieve and store data. The application layer is responsible for coordinating between the domain and infrastructure layer.

  2. Sep 2020
    1. He claims that chip makers have erected a new Berlin Wall in between the user and the microprocessor: “And so, software— a billion- dollar enterprise based on one of the cheapest elements on Earth— used everything at its disposal to prevent said ‘humans’ from having access to hardware” (209).

      accès au microprocesseur: le mur de Berlin comme parallèle architectural + géopolitique

      les microprocesseurs créent une barrière, mais dans un sens différent: une barrière d’échelle (difficulté d’accès parce que les puces sont microscopiques, elles ne peuvent être manipulées à mains nues).

    2. If code governs so much of our lives, then to understand its operations is to get some sense of the systems that operate on us.

      pour une architecture (espaces habitables) de l’information (environnements informationnels)

      Comment rendre l’information habitable?

    1. Developing software is usually easier if you break your project into smaller separate pieces, since that often removes unexpected interactions and dramatically reduces the complexity of the problems you'll need to solve
  3. Aug 2020
    1. The RAT model sees software development as an off-line program-construction activity composed of these parts: defining, decomposing, estimating, implementing, assembling, and finishing

      This is what can lead to the 'there is only version 1.0' problem - and improvements / iterations fall to the sidelines.

      This can have a number of consequences

      • over designed / engineered
      • doing unnecessary work
      • lack of user feedback and ability to accommodate it
      • rigid / fragile architecture
    1. Choice architecture is a concept introduced in the book Nudge by Richard Thaler (who would go on to win a Nobel Prize for some of this work) and Cass Sunstein. The basic concept is that how an environment is designed influences the decisions people make in that environment.



    1. “When the environment itself is constituted by electric circuitry and information, architecture becomes the content of the new information environment. Architecture is the old technology which is automatically elevated into an art form.”
    2. electronics presents new challenges to planners because this latest prosthetic extension of the body defines an entirely new form of space.
    1. reducing the presence of those things we usually call “architecture” demands that we return to what is most effective about architecture and the way it frames social relationships
  4. Jul 2020
  5. Jun 2020
    1. Mr. Speyer’s most famous work is the Ben Rose House near Chicago, a modern glass box known for its supporting role in the 1986 movie ”Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” Mr. Speyer studied architecture under famed modernist Mies van der Rohe at the Illinois Institute of Technology, and later became curator of 20th century painting and sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago.

      architecture, art, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    2. Mr. Speyer was critical of American home-building bombast, declaring in a 1986 interview conducted by the Art Institute of Chicago shortly before his death, “I think the typical suburban style is really not at all based in comfort, it’s based in ostentation,” he said. “Everybody,” he added, is “putting a centerpiece on the table.”
    1. This integration of digital tools and automated technologies into building practices has become ever-more urgent in light of the agility that will be required to cope with the effects of climate change, including the increased mobility of people and reduction in material and human resources. Architecture that could accommodate more people in the event of mass migration, or construction practices that could efficiently utilise local resources instead of relying on global supply chains, are possible results of digitising the production of the built environment.

      As long as the tools are made freely available to the public, lest the control shift to those who own/control such tools (proprietary software in the hands of large digital coroporations).

  6. May 2020
    1. The overall software architecture is actioning years of developers experiences through Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture. Thanks to Lerna and Yarn workspaces, GanttLab now comes with the entities, use-cases and gateways packages that are used by the adapter-webapp making up the web application on https://app.ganttlab.com.
    1. “As I enter the office floor, I see my colleagues, wave to them, and find myself a desk. I overhear some guys talking about an old client of mine. I give them some tips on how I used to handle this client, but I really don’t have time to chitchat. My new client will arrive in an hour; a key account and we cannot afford to lose him. I’m damn nervous and I need to prepare. So, I pick up my laptop and move into one of the available quiet rooms. I close the door and start working.” This straightforward story explains the advantages of the open office, as well as the users’ fears of not being able to concentrate, and the potential business implications of distracted workers. And the story provides a possible design solution (creating ‘quiet rooms’), which proved to be valuable input in the design process (they got their quiet rooms).

      Example of an effective and authentic narrative.

  7. Apr 2020
    1. Guédelon Castle (Château de Guédelon) is a castle currently under construction near Treigny, France. The castle is the focus of an experimental archaeology project aimed at recreating a 13th-century castle and its environment using period technique, dress, and material.

      Guédelon Castle (Château de Guédelon)

      More info on HN

    1. la ville comme teaching machine : cet environnement, réceptacle d’information, devient support d’un apprentissage

      l'architecture en elle-même est donc sémantique, porteuse de sens – et non pas simple support technique.

    2. Ainsi l’architecture a eu, à un moment de l’histoire, la capacité de rendre visibles les supposées qualités (spatiales) d’un environnement numérique en cours de co-construction par les informaticiens et les architectes, un espace redéfini comme pur milieu d’apprentissage
    3. quand l’environnement lui-même est constitué de circuits électroniques et d’information, l’architecture devient le contenu d’un nouvel environnement informationnel

      renversement de l’architecture traditionnelle: dans l’environnement informationnel, le contenant (architecture, comme structure) devient le contenu.

    4. l’architecture comme un cadre d’élaboration de la pensée informatique a été bien documentée

      l’architecture s’entend ainsi comme cadre épistémologique, une condition du réel permettant le cheminement de la pensée, son articulation, sa cristallisation.

    5. dispositif de réorganisation permanente du site par ses habitants

      c’est d'ailleurs la qualité du mobilier urbain que d’être appropriable par ses occupants (ex. déplacer une chaise dans une place publique, ne serait-ce que de quelques centimètres ou en la tournant de quelques degrés: par ce simple geste, on se l'approprie, même si c'est un bien commun; contrairement à un banc fixé dans le béton, la chaise déplaçable permet d'assouplir (soft-en) l’environnement urbain pour qu’il puisse être plié aux usages)

    6. Ainsi, par le recours aux outils informatiques, la pratique architecturale se voit coupée en deux (opérant par là le renversement d’un paradigme accepté par la discipline depuis Alberti) : une partie hard dont l’architecture est responsable, et une partie soft rendue aux habitants

      dualité du régime de vie du projet architectural: la partie hard, la structure, celle dessinée par les architectes, et la partie soft – dynamique, imprévisible, dont s’empare les citoyens.

    1. Au lieu de « Que nul n’entre s’il n’est géomètre » , « Que nul n’entre s’il n’est codeur ».

      excellent slogan pour l'école d'architecture (numérique) du XXI siècle!

    1. Peut-être, au lieu que d’espace numérique, nous devrions parler d’architectures numériques, en donnant au mot « architecture » une signification à la fois spatiale et temporelle. Le nuage est une architecture, l’infrastructure d’Internet est une architecture, et l’ensemble d’algorithmes, données, plateformes et câbles est une architecture.
    2. Arrêtons-nous-y : parler musicalement de l’espace est une façon de l’investir de temps (au pluriel), de l’aérer avec des rythmes, de changer (par accélération) la hauteur nombrée en durée rythmée.

      la musique comme métaphore de l'exploration de l'espace-temps

  8. Mar 2020
    1. different problems that are sufficiently similar that you can apply a same model to them, but sufficiently different that this model has to be customized considerably to be applicable in each case.

      Equivalent Problems

    1. les communs tendent à se définir par les modalités et l’intention de leur gouvernance, plus que par la seule préservation de ressources. C’est cette architecture de gouvernance en mouvement, et l’écosystème humain qui en résulte, qui constituent les communs.

      questionne la finalité des communs et renverse ce qui est commun : «l'architecture de gouvernance en mouvement»

  9. Feb 2020
  10. Jan 2020
    1. le numérique permet l’optimisation des flux et des ressources, rassemble des compétences, orchestre le dialogue et les échanges. Lien entre les différentes composantes de la ville, le numérique crée désormais des ponts entre les environnements tangibles et virtuels. Dès lors, cette ville « augmentée » rythmée par les connexions et la mobilité, offre de nouvelles opportunités pour le design dans la conception de services et la création de nouvelles expériences pour les citadins.

      esquisse du rôle du numérique dans la nos manières de penser l'urbanisme

    1. Dans ces cas, les raisons d’agir rendent un service inestimable en révélant pourquoi des opérations de conception ont été entreprises.
    2. Le parallélisme entre les deux formules (1) et (2) suggère de rapprocher échelles E et raisons d’agir R du concepteur. Démontrer l’équivalence des échelles et des raisons d’agir revient à établir E  ⊂  R et R  ⊂  E.

      implication biconditionnelle entre l’échelle et la raison d’agir

    3. cet article s’interroge sur le cœur ou « part commune » des activités de conception. Celle-ci suggère tout à la fois l’unité des sciences de la conception et l’approche internaliste des processus de conception
  11. Dec 2019
    1. elle prend du même coup une dimension utopique. Dans ce monde saturé d’images et de messages, il n’y a de sortie et d’espoir que du côté de l’utopie?: c’est ce que l’architecture a compris, à l’insu peut-être des architectes.

      L’architecture comme utopie (fragmentaire) : esthétique du reflet (fragments brillants éclatés), pour un monde idéal (qui n’existe pas encore).

  12. Nov 2019
    1. Le beau et la forme : éléments architecturaux et musicaux

      Proust évoque souvent des sentiments puissants que nous éprouvons, relatifs au beau (effet esthétique).

      Dans ce passage, il est question d’abstraction (formes abstraites, comme en architecture), ce qui rejoint le texte d’Eupalinos de Valéry :

      Ce sont les formes de cette <mark>syntaxe</mark>, mises à nu, respectées, embellies par son ciseau si franc et si délicat, qui nous émeuvent dans ces tours de langage familiers jusqu’à la singularité et jusqu’à l’audace et dont nous voyons, dans les morceaux les plus doux et les plus tendres, passer comme un <mark>trait rapide ou revenir en arrière</mark> en <mark>belles lignes brisées</mark>, le <mark>brusque dessin</mark>. Ce sont ces formes révolues prises à même la vie du passé que nous allons visiter dans l’œuvre de Racine comme dans une cité ancienne et demeurée intacte. Nous éprouvons devant elles la même émotion que devant ces <mark>formes abolies, elles aussi, de l’architecture</mark>, que nous ne pouvons plus admirer que dans de rares et magnifiques exemplaires que nous en a léguées le passé qui les façonna […] (p. 193)

      Il est beaucoup question de forme (« syntaxe », « lignes », « dessin », « formes abolies »).

      (Proust mentionne aussi une qualité remarquable et chère à Valéry, la durabilité – les « exemplaires » sont remarquables parce qu’ils ont traversé le temps.)

      Proust ne s’arrête pas en parlant d’architecture (il a notamment étendu son propos à « tous les arts », p. 190); il poursuit avec un discours autour du rythme et des silences (un autre aspect formaliste, relativement à la musicalité) :

      Souvent dans l’Évangile de saint Luc, rencontrant les <mark>*deux-points*</mark> qui l’interrompent avant chacun des morceaux presque en forme de cantiques dont il est parsemé, j’ai entendu le <mark>silence</mark> du fidèle qui venait d’arrêter sa lecture à haute voix pour entonner les versets suivants comme un <mark>psaume</mark> qui lui rappelait les psaumes plus anciens de la Bible. <mark>Ce silence remplissait encore la pause de la phrase</mark> qui, s’étant scindée pour l’enclore, en avait gardé la <mark>forme</mark> […] (p. 193-194)

      Proust s’attarde à des éléments très subtils de la forme (les « deux-points », les silences, les psaumes, les textes chantés) qui ne sont pas sans évoquer la musique, la « spatialisation des sons » ou encore une certaine « mise en forme » de la parole.

      Le rythme (c’est de la forme) contribue au sentiment de beauté.

    1. Cette étendue de leurs pouvoirs est le triomphe même de ce mode de construire dont je te parlais.

      Le pouvoir est aux philosophes-architectes-poètes; ce pouvoir est total.

    2. L’élégance inattendue nous enivre.

      L’architecture ne peut s’en remettre qu’aux seules lois mathématiques; il y a d’autres principes qui produisent l’effet esthétique; le hic, c’est que, contrairement aux mathématiques, ces principes sont flous.

    3. comment trouver les principes ?

      Ah! La belle question épistémologique des principes de l’architecture.

      (Une piste : Principes universels du Design, ouvrage publié chez Eyerolles, réunit de nombreux principes applicables notamment en architecture, reposant sur des textes fondateurs et des études en psychologie : organisation de l'espace urbain, environnement et sécurité, mais aussi des effets a posteriori, après la construction, comme les boucles de rétroaction).

    4. Mais l’arbre et toutes ses parties ; et le coq, et toutes les siennes, sont construits par les principes eux-mêmes, non séparés de la construction.

      La construction fait unité!

      L’architecte-philosophe s’assure que son projet se tienne en un, malgré ses différentes parties (la nature et les corps organiques offrent un bel exemple). L’unité est une qualité de la construction!

    5. conçois comme si j’exécutais

      L'architecte fait correspondre la conception (planification) et l'exécution (réalisation) – c'est l'objectif ultime de l'architecte, penseur-démiurge!

    1. What does composition have to do with mocking?Everything. The essence of all software development is the process of breaking a large problem down into smaller, independent pieces (decomposition) and composing the solutions together to form an application that solves the large problem (composition).
  13. Oct 2019
    1. statue of Garibald

      dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi, it's a statue of an Italian general.

    2. Albanian Orthodox Church,

      The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania is one of the newest autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Churches. It declared its autocephaly in 1922 through its Congress of 1922. The church suffered during World War II and the church has seen a revival since religious freedom was restored in 1991. Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_Orthodox_Church.

  14. Sep 2019
  15. Aug 2019
    1. There’s a perception that the Old World is the advanced world and transferred all this knowledge to the New one, but we are realizing that they knew a lot, and I think this is one more piece of evidence for that

      It's refreshing to see someone coming to this conclusion based on the research and evidence. It seems most of the time we tend to underestimate the technology that civilizations in this era used.

    2. What happened here is that these rocks were struck by lightning sometime between when they were formed many thousands of years ago, and when they were carved

      It kinda makes you wonder if it wasn't struck by lightning naturally but that the people did it to the rocks intentionally.

    3. The fields found in the statues, however, are far stronger — in some cases nearly four times that of the Earth’s magnetic field.

      That's quite impressive. It's on the same order of magnetisim as the rocks at the Puma Punku site in Bolivia.

    4. artisans carved the figures so that the magnetic areas fell at the navel or right temple — suggesting not only that Mesoamerican people were familiar with the concept of magnetism but also that they had some way of detecting the magnetized spots

      The potbelly statues have very strong magnetic areas on the head and around the belly button suggesting that the people who made them had knowledge of magnetism.

  16. Jul 2019
    1. There are several different architectures that can be used by Android developers: Stable samples — Java Stable samples — Kotlin External samples Deprecated samples Samples in progress Of course, each of these samples should be used depending on the objectives, approaches, etc. Having explored them, we’ve come up with a more understandable approach and a less layered architecture for our projects. Utilizing this architecture, we’ll show how to develop a basic Android app.

      We explain the development process of Android applications using Kotlin. Our team describes Android application architecture as well as makes the Android Clean architecture easier to understand.

  17. May 2019
    1. Cahokia, as it may have appeared around 1150 CE. Painting by Michael Hampshire for the Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site.

      This structure reminds me of the pyramids. It's interesting how cultures thoughout the world tend to share the same shapes of structures.

    1. A gradual decline in the Cahokian population is thought to have began sometime after 1200 A.D. and two centuries later, the entire site had been abandoned.

      Interestingly, the Mayan declined around the same time as this civilization began.

    2. Archaeologists have also excavated four, and possibly five, circular sun calendars referred to as Woodhenge.

      Again there is a connection to megalithic architecture's large sundials

    1. There was also an astronomical observatory (“Woodhenge”), consisting of a circle of wooden posts.

      This term "Woodhenge" further points to an acknowledgment of the similarities between this site and other pyramid sites.

  18. Apr 2019
    1. expressed through many different mediums: rituals, ceremonies, paintings, poems, drama, oral texts such as prayers and music such as hymns, symphonies and folk songs

      in the case of the transparency myth, we see it built into the very institution of the Court, glass everywhere, social media use, etc.

  19. Mar 2019
    1. Q&A: How to Develop ‘Program Architecture’

      Discusses they ways in which Kacey Thorne of WGU, outlines plans for developing underlying competencies for online programs. Program architecture refers to the connect of skills and competencies for specific industries linking back to a network of what students will learn in school through offered programs. This is necessary for creating relevant programs that teach translatable skills for the real world after college. Rating 10/10

  20. Feb 2019
  21. Dec 2018
    1. Cette conjecture suppose que si l’ambition est de créer « une configuration sociale où la rencontre entre des entités individuées engage intentionnellement à la conception de représentations communes », alors, et sous des formes extrêmement variées, se succèdent différentes séquences qu’il est à priori possible de créer, d’inventer, de standardiser.

      de la conjoncture à l'architecture. Il semble y avoir un delta important entre les deux. Dans le tiers-lieu, l'acte d'architecture (conception intentionnelle) est commun, et vient plutôt après (parce que) une conjoncture. Finalement dans les tiers-lieu ainsi définis, l'architecture est celle des représentations communes.

  22. Nov 2018
    1. One way to identify cycles is to build a dependency graph representing all services in the system and all RPCs exchanged among them. Begin building the graph by putting each service on a node of the graph and drawing directed edges to represent the outgoing RPCs. Once all services are placed in the graph, the existing dependency cycles can be identified using common algorithms such as finding a topological sorting via a depth-first search. If no cycles are found, that means the services' dependencies can be represented by a DAG (directed acyclic graph).
  23. Apr 2018
  24. Mar 2018
    1. It would be fair to characterize Beaker as “a novel application of Bittorrent’s concepts to the Web platform.” If Beaker had been started in 2006, it would be using Bittorrent as its primary protocol. However, as of 2016, new variants have appeared with better properties.
  25. Dec 2017
  26. Nov 2017
    1. Alexander replied: “I find that incomprehensible. I find it very irresponsible. I find it nutty. I feel sorry for the man. I also feel incredibly angry because he is fucking up the world.”


    1. the erection, preservation & repair of the buildings, the care of the grounds

      The inclusion of the importance of the architecture in this document does not surprise me, as UVA takes great pride in being known as one of the most beautiful universities in America. They are constantly working to improve the look of buildings, hence why there is always some form of construction going on. However, the university remains with the same Jeffersonian architecture look, since that is what it is known for. Of course many universities work of preserving their buildings; however, the fact that this needed to be incorporated shows that UVA wants it to be known how much they care for the grounds.

      • Katherine Palencia-Monterrosa
  27. Oct 2017
    1. Beta blockers have long been associated with sleep disturbances such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and insomnia. They have been shown to reduce the production of melatonin via specific inhibition of beta-1 adrenergic receptors. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, and helps in maintaining normal circadian rhythms.6,20-21 People with hypertension already have a lower melatonin production rate than those with normal blood pressure.22

      The question becomes, then, do beta blockers impair sleep when exogenous melatonin is administered concurrently?

  28. Sep 2017
  29. Aug 2017
  30. Jul 2017
    1. As we're now recognizing, often the best way to find out if a software idea is useful is to build a simplistic version of it and see how well it works out

      một điều cần nhớ

    2. You cannot assume that you can take an arbitrary system and break it into microservices. Most systems acquire too many dependencies between their modules, and thus can't be sensibly broken apart. I've heard of plenty of cases where an attempt to decompose a monolith has quickly ended up in a mess. I've also heard of a few cases where a gradual route to microservices has been successful - but these cases required a relatively good modular design to start with.

      cẩn thận không tạch

  31. Jun 2017
    1. Messages are immediately written to the filesystem when they are received. Messages are not deleted when they are read but retained with some configurable SLA (say a few days or a week)
  32. May 2017
    1. “An individual building, the style in which it is going to be designed and built, is not that important. The important thing, really, is the community. How does it affect life?” I.M. Pei
    1. parlours

      "In a private house: a sitting room; esp. the main family living room, or the room reserved for entertaining guests" (OED).

    2. garrets

      “A room on the uppermost floor of a house; an apartment formed either partially or wholly within the roof, an attic” (OED).

    3. Cottage

      A term used to designate a " small country residence... adapted to a moderate scale of living" (OED).

      The image below is a still from the 1995 film adaptation of Sense and Sensibility showing the building used to represent Barton Cottage.

  33. Apr 2017
    1. cottage;

      An example of an early 19th century cottage, this one being the birthplace of author Thomas Hardy

    1. The bridge at Heidelberg

      This is an interesting choice of photo--the bridge is contained in the top half and the right third of the photo, and the angle/compression/lighting is making it hard to discern the particulars of the bridge. Other photos are obviously available), so I assume it's to emphasize the bridge as an element of the city, rather than one that emphasizes it as an architectural span over water.

  34. Mar 2017
    1. Architecture guidelines for stable Deep Convolutional GANsReplace any pooling layers with strided convolutions (discriminator) and fractional-stridedconvolutions (generator).Use batchnorm in both the generator and the discriminator.Remove fully connected hidden layers for deeper architectures.Use ReLU activation in generator for all layers except for the output, which uses Tanh.Use LeakyReLU activation in the discriminator for all layers

      Concrete guidelines for DCGAN architecture

  35. Feb 2017
  36. Oct 2016
  37. Aug 2016
    1. When design solutions address the symptoms of a problem (like sleeping outside in public) rather than the cause of the problem (like the myriad societal shortcomings that lead to homelessness), that problem is simply pushed down the street.
    1. the art of structuring space through mathematical functions
    2. first, it creates a living space; and, second, it is in motion

      les deux caractéristiques de l'architecture :

      1. créer des espaces de vie
      2. être en mouvement
  38. Jul 2016
    1. architecture responsive, mixte de calcul et d’affinité, d’égocentrisme et de connexion, d’automatisme et d’occasion.

      responsive : ou adaptative, situative, "à mémoire de forme"

    2. a posteriori

      pas tant a posteriori que récursif ou itératif : norme-adopte-norme

    3. a priori

      accueille l'usage, la façon d'habiter : degré de liberté

    4. l’architecture

      voir Rosati

  39. Apr 2016
  40. Feb 2016
    1. It is important as well to recognize that “platforms” are not only a technical architecture; they are also an institutional form. They centralize (like states), scaffolding the terms of participation according to rigid but universal protocols, even as they decentralize (like markets), coordinating economies not through the superimposition of fixed plans but through interoperable and emergent interaction.

      Platforms centralize/standardize interface definition and thereby decentralize flow.

  41. Jan 2016
    1. albums produced between 1908 and 1913 by developers and the real estate industry to entice potential middle and upper class tenants to New York City’s “principal high class apartment houses,” declares one volume’s subtitle. Each featured apartment house is briefly described, and illustrated with an exterior photograph and one or more floor plans.

      Mauricio Geraldo made a game out of the floor plans.<br> http://publicdomain.nypl.org/mansion-maniac/<br> http://github.com/nypl-publicdomain/mansion-maniac

  42. Dec 2015
    1. The latest wave of digitalarchitecture conceives of self-organizing robotic assemblages within the modernhome, for example, which will blur the distinction between architecture and furnitureto create new kinds of interactive and ergonomic spaces

      I'm not quite sure how architecture and furniture will become similar... are chairs going to be coming out of walls?

  43. Sep 2015
    1. Rabinow links the growth of modem forms of political power with the evolution of aesthetic theories and shows how the

      the quote continues on to discuss how the French showed their superiority through the presence of their architecture

    1. A very fundamental property to maintain in ontologies are the identity criteria. There is fundamental work by Nicola Guarino et al. about making ontological distinctions based on identity criteria, which led to the DOLCE ontology. For the Semantic Web, we must try ensure two things: a) that different parties see one thing as one, both at the same time and diachronically b) that things have well-defined properties.
    1. all representations have essentially the same information content. And what we mean by "essentially" allows in fact some wriggle room, and in the end it rests on a common understanding between publisher of the information and quoter of the URI. The sameness we are after is the sameness of information content. That is what is identified by the URI. That is why we say that the URI identifies that conceptual information content, irrespective of its particular representation: the conceptual work. Without that common understanding, the web does not work. Some people have said, "If we say that URIs identify people, nothing breaks". But all the time they, day to day, rely on sameness of the information things on the web, and use URIs with that implicit assumption. As we formalize how the web works, we have to make that assumption explicit.
    2. I'm sticking with the machine-processable languages as examples because human-processable ones like HTML have a level of ambiguity traditional in human natural language but quite out of place in the WWW infrastructure -- or the Semantic Web.
    3. we must either distinguish or be hopelessly fuzzy. And is this bad, is it an inhibition to have to work our way though documents before we can talk about whatever we desire? I would argue not, because it is very important not to lose track of the reasons for our taking and processing any piece of information. The process of publishing and reading is a real social process between social entities, not mechanical agents. To be socially responsible, to be able to handle trust, and so on, we must be aware of these operations. The difference between a car and what some web page says about it is crucial - not only when you are buying a car. Some have opined that the abstraction of the document is nonsense, and all that exists, when a web page describes a car, is the car and various representations of it, the HTML, PNG and GIF bit streams. This is however very weak in my opinion. The various representations have much more in common than simply the car. And the relationship to the car can be many and varied: home page, picture, catalog entry, invoice, remote control panel, weblog, and so on. The document itself is an important part of society - to dismiss its existence is to prevent us being aware of human and aspects of information without which we are impoverished. By contrast, the difference between different representations of the document (GIF or PNG image for example) is very small, and the relationship between versions of a document which changes through time a very strong one.
    4. It demonstrates the ambiguity of natural language that no significant problem had been noticed over the past decade, even though the original author or HTTP , and later co-author of HTTP 1.1 who also did his PhD thesis on an analysis of the web, and both of whom have worked with Web protocols ever since, had had conflicting ideas of what the various terms actually mean.
    5. an HTTP URI may identify something with a vagueness as to the dimensions above, but it still must be used to refer to a unique conceptual object whose various representations have a very large a mount in common. Formally, it is the publisher which defines the what an HTTP URI identifies, and so one should look to the publisher for a commitment as to the exact nature of the identity along these axes.
  44. Mar 2015
    1. You can expect to pay 50 cents a day. Or try DIY. This is where you will own your content.

      Rent to own?

      There is no ownership while we rent.

      We either own or increase our freedom of movement in and out of rental environments...or both.

  45. Nov 2014
    1. the interface currently works quite slowly, much slower than regular web content.

      This may be browser-side speed. Most of the heavy lifting of the application is done in the client.