- Mar 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
git log -SFoo -- path_containing_change
Excellent command to search in git history of a specific file!
theinformed.life theinformed.life
By having a longer historical view, it actually tends to extend our time horizons in both directions. So, by thinking more about the past, it sets us up to think more about a long-term future and to challenge ourselves to think more expansively and ambitiously about what might come by having the sense of a wider aperture to think about rather than just thinking about the here and now or what’s coming out in the next cycle.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
When the animals and plants were first made–we do not know by whom–they were told to watch and keep awake for seven nights, just as young men now fast and keep awake when they pray to their medicine.
Seven is a sacred number but I do wonder why it is always seven? I also wonder why the young men had to pray to their medicine. I saw a source that seven represents the highest spiritual power and I wonder if that is true.
Coyote was quite willing and complied, but immediately afterwards lay down and died.
Why and how did Coyote die after having intercourse with the woman? I guess I'm confused on why it took so much out of him. Did anything happen to the woman after he died? I understand this is about reproduction but I wonder if he could have gone about it a different way.
The Salinian and Cherokee
These stories are about the Salinian and Cherokee tribes. They are stories about how human and animals were created. The Salinan story was written by John Alden Mason in 1912. The Cherokee story was written by W.Powell, Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in 1897-1898. Both are these stories were created in what is now California.
Gälûñ’lätï is defined as the sky world or realm.
When the animals and plants were first made–we do not know by whom
The language of this suggests that the identity of the creator is unknown. It almost seems like this was supposed to remain a mystery to prevent people questioning the presence of the creator. This is significant because it will not disrupt the harmony created. It was expected to understand the activities of the creator. Without balance the creator and people would not be able to keep each other in check.
It was afterward fastened to the sky with four cords, but no one remembers who did this.
The four cords seem to represent a compass. This is significant because it shows Earth was created with stability and balance that should be maintained. Although no one remembers who did it, it can be indicated that God created it. This differentiates the Earth. The audience are the people who came to be after and were told this story of how life on Earth was created, even if there are questions with how it came to be. This also shows that Earth was created from the efforts of the water-beetle.
When the world grows old and worn out, the people will die and the cords will break and let the earth sink down into the ocean, and all will be water again. The Indians are afraid of this.
The Cherokee made this story to describe the beginning of life. This is important because it shows there is a genuine concern for Native's to be extinct. This shows significance in taking care of Earth because life is precious. This also shows how Earth came to be and how fast it can disappear. This is significant because harmony is important to live.
When all was water, the animals were above in Gälûñ’lätï, beyond the arch; but it was very much crowded, and they were wanting more room.
This almost indicates that the animals create the earth and determine how it is shaped. This seems to take place before humans were created. Before them, there was no Earth and the animals lived on a land in the sky. They would also need to make sure every animal could survive and thrive in the new room. The animals had to get Earth ready to prepare for human creation so they could live.
When the world was finished, there were as yet no people, but the Bald Eagle was the chief of the animals. He saw the world was incomplete and decided to make some human beings
The Native Eagle Symbol is known as “The master of skies” and is believed to be the creature with the closest relationship with the creator.
Progress Trap - Ronald Wright - 2004 Massey Lecture Series - A Short History of Progress
Burke, Colin B. Information and Intrigue: From Index Cards to Dewey Decimals to Alger Hiss. History and Foundations of Information Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262027021/information-and-intrigue/
annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:3ca2bc5e94d24cfc51c7b40b4ea7daf9
Cahoone, Lawrence. The Modern Intellectual Tradition: From Descartes to Derrida - Course Guidebook. The Great Courses 4790. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2010. https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/modern-intellectual-tradition-from-descartes-to-derrida.
Cahoone, Lawrence. The Modern Intellectual Tradition: From Descartes to Derrida. Audible Audio Edition. The Great Courses 4790. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2013. https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Intellectual-Tradition-Descartes-Derrida/dp/B00DTO5BTO.
Annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:92bff7dc89e6440afc484388b7b72d79
alternate version: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3A92bff7dc89e6440afc484388b7b72d79
hardhistoriesjhu.substack.com hardhistoriesjhu.substack.com
Read [[Martha S. Jones]] in Sleuthing the Card Catalog
I fingered my way through where I thought I’d find entries: African American, Afro-American, Black. Nothing there. I had to then brainstorm like it was 1999, or was it 1989, 1979, or even earlier, to discover the right term. As far back as 1984, the Library of Congress, whose subject headings most research libraries in the United States utilize, admitted that it was “frustrating” to search for Black people in its catalog because two terms were simultaneously in use: “Afro-Americans” and “Blacks.”1 Neither term made it into the old Peabody Library catalog, so perhaps it and the terminology it reflected dated from an even earlier time.
Research on keywords and their shifting meanings over time can make things difficult for the novice researcher. This example from Martha S. Jones certainly highlights this perspective even in under a century of semantic shift.
- Feb 2024
winworldpc.com winworldpc.com
is still used in many businesses.
for - history - Russia and Siberia
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Leisure was one precondition: enough people had to be free of the demands of subsistence to have time on their hands that required filling.
for - boredom - Deep Humanity - boredom - psychology - boredom - adjacency - boredom - insight - history - modernity
adjacency - between - boredom - insight - history - modernity - Adjacency statement - This is an insightful observation that - the affordances of a technologically sophisticated modernity - promotes boredom by providing a means to escape it, - rather than deal with it. - The notable decline of religiosity in the West also cuts off a traditional means of getting in touch with the wonder of existence - This could explain the tiffin popularity of meditation in the West as a non religious vehicle for centering in the here and now, - as boredom is a condition of avoiding the here and now
- Leisure was one precondition:
- enough people had to be free of the demands of subsistence
- to have time on their hands that required filling.
- Modern capitalism multiplied amusements and consumables,
- while undermining spiritual sources of meaning
- that had once been conferred more or less automatically.
- Leisure was one precondition:
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
Dames, Nicholas. The Chapter: A Segmented History from Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century. Princeton University Press, 2023. https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691135199/the-chapter.
Suggested by Eric Sinclair in Dan Allosso Book Club
Local file Local file
Duncan, Dennis. Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age. 1st ed. London: Allen Lane, 2021. https://wwnorton.com/books/9781324002543.
annotation link: urn:x-pdf:a4bd1877f0712efcc681d33d58777e55
scholastic learning
How much different things may have been if the state, and not the Church, had been the progenitor and supporter of the early university?
How might education have been different if it came out of itself (or something like curiosity or even society in general) without the influences on either church or state?
scholastic learning would favour externaldemonstration over inner revelation, intellectual agility over endlessmeditation.
the reading-out of commentaries (a format with a now-familiar name: the lecture)
Link between the commentaries of the early middle ages and modern lectures
centralizing reforms of Pope Gregory VII calledfor a more professionalized clergy. Church officials should now betrained administrators, versed not only in the scriptures but also inthe principles of accounting and law. A papal decree of 1079 orderedthat cathedrals should establish schools for the training of priests,
- religious reforms
- definitions
- References
- 1079
- commentaries
- church and state
- card index
- history of education
- open questions
- quotes
- Pope Gregory VII
- accounting
- meditation
- internal vs. external
- zettelkasten
- educational reform
- papal decrees
- education reform
- XI
- card index as database
- universitites
- lectures
- indices
- Dennis Duncan
- history of universities
- intellectual history
- scholasticism
- church vs. state
- law
- professionalization
- history
- digital age
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWVrz5oCt2w<br /> The meaning of Hand Gestures in Art History<br /> Amuze Art Lectures
Middle and ring fingers together to represent modesty. (He doesn't say it, but it also could stand for "M" as in Medici??)
Finger pointing at viewer may indicate a self portrait.
Woman's hand on abdomen may represent pregnancy, a fertile marriage, or the desire to bear children.
Local file Local file
he very degree of wornness ofcertain cards that you once ipped to daily but now perhaps do not—since that author is drunk and forgotten or that magazine editorhas been red and now makes high-end apple chutneys inBinghamton—constitutes signicant information about what partsof the Rolodex were of importance to you over the years.
The wear of cards can be an important part of your history with the information you handle.
Luhmann’s slips show some of this sort of wear as well, though his show it to extreme as he used thinner paper than the standard index card so some of his slips have incredibly worn/ripped/torn tops more than any grime. Many of my own books show that grime layer on the fore-edge in sections which I’ve read and re-read.
One of my favorite examples of this sort of wear through use occurs in early manuscripts (usually only religious ones) where readers literally kissed off portions of illuminations when venerating the images in their books. Later illuminators included osculation targets to help prevent these problems. (Cross reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370119878_Touching_Parchment_How_Medieval_Users_Rubbed_Handled_and_Kissed_Their_Manuscripts_Volume_1_Officials_and_Their_Books)
(syndication link: https://boffosocko.com/2024/02/04/55821315/#comment-430267)
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Byington shared her uncle’s interest in and support for indigenousculture and language, serving as President of the Stockbridge branch of theIndian Rights Association, and on the Education Committee for the Women’sNational Indian Associatio
Support for
There was a high number of librarians among the Americans, such asCharles Ammi Cutter of Harvard and the Boston Athenæum (who producedAmerica’s first public library card catalogue).
Francis March was a Professor of English Language and ComparativePhilology at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. The study of Englishin higher education was a development of the nineteenth century, and it tooka long time for English studies to gain recognition. March’s appointment as aProfessor of English in 1857 had been the first in the world that had theprestige of a full professorship – Rutgers appointed its first English professorin 1860, Harvard in 1876, and Oxford in 1885.
in 1864, Webster’s Unabridged was published and it marked animportant moment in modern lexicography: no longer the idiosyncratic workof one man, this dictionary was the product of a collaborative team withNoah Porter as Chief Editor and the German scholar Carl A. F. Mahn asetymologist
Maitland co-wrote History of English Law with Frederick Pollock.
The Cambridge jurist and legal historian (and advocatefor women’s education) Frederic Maitland
Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper, two Readers who wereaunt and niece and also lesbian lovers.
Very early one chilly morning in October 1895, Fielding Blandfordstepped into a horse-drawn carriage with Edith Lanchester’s father and twobrothers. The four men arrived at Edith’s rented lodgings in Battersea. Theywoke the whole house with heavy banging on the front door, and FieldingBlandford forced his way in to ‘examine’ Edith. He ordered that she be takento an asylum because she was committing ‘social suicide’ by insisting on livingwith her working-class lover without marrying him. He justified this byarguing that under the Lunacy Act 1890 he would have certified her had sheattempted (normal) suicide.
Fascinating story of a kidnapping and committal of a woman in October 1895 for shacking up with a man she wasn't married to.
Ultimately gained international attention.
There were two approaches to the treatment of patients in psychiatrichospitals at the time: a humane consideration for their well-being and possiblerecovery, or the opposite – an inhumane disregard for their personhood andpossible recovery. These different approaches were championed by twoDictionary volunteers who sat on either side of the debate: Thomas NadauldBrushfield and George Fielding Blandford.
The man who solved the problem was an American chemist, who alsocontributed to the Dictionary, Thomas Sterry Hunt. In 1857, he had beenteaching at Laval University in Quebec and responded to an appeal by thePresident of the Montreal City Bank who was battling counterfeit notes. Huntcreated a special green ink, using chromium sesquioxide, that was pretty wellindestructible. Numerous experiments showed that you couldn’t remove itfrom the banknote without destroying the paper itself – until one chemistsucceeded in doing so, and the Canadians dropped Hunt’s invention. But theAmericans took it up, especially on the back of their banknotes, hence thecolloquial term ‘greenbacks’ for US dollar bills, which was given its own entryin the OED in 1900 and defined as ‘the popular name for one of the legal-tender notes of the U.S., first issued in 1862 and so called from the devicesprinted in green ink on the back’, alongside something rather topical at thetime but now archaic, Greenback Party, defined as ‘a party in U.S. politics,which advocated that “greenbacks” should be made the sole currency of thecountry’, and its various derivatives Greenbacker and Greenbackism.
It was left to a handful of keen British scholars, by no means part of themainstream, to encourage others to take up Continental philology. Murrayand his colleagues at the London Philological Society, especially its foundersEdwin Guest, Henry Malden, and Thomas Hewitt Key, were main players inenlivening the British linguistic scene and adopting the methods ofContinental philology. Now known as ‘the oldest learned society in GreatBritain dedicated to the study of language’, the Philological Society wasfounded in 1842 as a forum for discussion, debate, and work on developmentsin philology. But all this innovation came comparatively late, and theGrimms, who were made honorary members of the London PhilologicalSociety in 1843, were at the heart of the European innovations. Theyinfluenced Continental philology; they practised the application of historicalprinciples; they pioneered the descriptive method of defining and tracing aword’s meaning across time; and they forged the crowdsourcing techniquesand lexicographic policies and practices adopted by the OED editors.
The study ofwords and language, otherwise known as ‘philology’, was all the rage inEurope at the turn of the nineteenth century. European scholars haddeveloped their own methodologies to compare languages and to trace thesource of a word, which became known as ‘Continental philology’. It was halfa century until Britain took up these methods, which are still practised todayand form the basis of comparative linguistics
We think of the OED as a radical dictionary because of its size, itsscholarship, and its methods, and it was radical for English. But if youcompare it with other languages, there was nothing about its creation in themid-nineteenth century that had not been done before in Europe. English wasrelatively late to the table. The English editors were able to pick and choosethe best methods from different European dictionaries. The OEDimplemented European lexicographic practices, and advanced upon them, tocreate something truly revolutionary, something that would in fact end upbeing the envy of Europe.
- Greenback Party
- Edwin Guest
- Cyrus Byington
- zettelkasten history
- Indigenous allies
- Francis March
- Carl A. F. Mahn
- Webster's dictionary
- feminism
- Fielding Blandford
- psychiatry
- Thomas Hewitt Key
- women's education
- kidnappings
- Frederick Pollock
- Henry Malden
- Jacob Grimm
- Oxford English Dictionary zettelkasten
- firsts
- 1857
- Lunacy Act of 1890
- Edith Lanchester
- Women's National Indian Association
- indigenous cultures
- Deutsches Wörterbuch zettelkasten
- sex outside of marriage
- intellectual history
- London Philological Society
- mental health
- librarians
- collaboration
- Alice Byington
- Eleanor Marx
- Indian Rights Association
- history
- dictionaries
- Edith Cooper
- politics
- History of English Law
- Michael Field
- development ideas
- counterfeit currency
- Noah Porter
- Indigenous languages
- English professors
- Continental philology
- Katharine Bradley
- 1864
- greenbacks
- lesbians
- Charles Ammi Cutter
- Frederic Maitland
- philology
- Karl Marx
- neologisms
- library card catalog
- English departments
- Wilhelm Grimm
- higher education history
- law
- Thomas Sterry Hunt
protocolswithoutzion.wordpress.com protocolswithoutzion.wordpress.com
οι Αραβες αποικιοκράτες, από τον 7ο μ.Χ. αιώνα, όταν κατέλαβαν την Ιερουσαλήμ. Τότε ζούσαν 300 με 400 χιλιάδες Εβραίοι στην περιοχή. Οι Αραβες ισοπέδωσαν και αραβοποίησαν κάθε ίχνος του εβραϊκού πολιτισμο
Ανιστοριτες εθνοθρησκειπικες αφηγησεις που προπαγαδοζονται στα ισραηλινα σχολεια. Οχι μονο απο DNA γνωριζουμε πως ποτε δεν εφυγαν οι Φιλισταιοι, ουτε και ειχαν τοση διαφορα με τους συντοπιτες τους Εβραιοι. Η Αραβικη επελαση ηταν πολιτισμικη επεκταση περισσοτερο παρα αλλαγης πληθυσμων & εθνοκαθαρσης.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
The history of Arabia just before the birth of Islam is a profound mystery, with few written sources describing the milieu in which Muhammad lived.
Few primary sources before Islam
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The only realistic alternative I see is relinquishment: to limit de-velopment of the technologies that are too dangerous, by limiting ourpursuit of certain kinds of knowledge.
- Jan 2024
Kells, Lyman M., Willis F. Kern, and James R. Bland. K+E Slide Rules: A Self Instruction Manual. New York: Keuffel & Esser Co., 1955.
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Cowen Tracts
Cowen Tracts on JSTOR
about.jstor.org about.jstor.org
Pamphlets nineteenth century England
guides.ou.edu guides.ou.edu
British History: Primary and Secondary Sources - Primary Sources
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in hishistory of such ideas, Darwin Among the Machines, George Dysonwarns: “In the game of life and evolution there are three players at thetable: human beings, nature, and machines. I am firmly on the side ofnature. But nature, I suspect, is on the side of the machines.”
Danny is also a highly regarded futurist who thinkslong-term—four years ago he started the Long Now Foundation
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
read [[Dan Allosso]] in Actual Books
Sometimes a physical copy of a book gives one information not contained in digital scans. Allosso provides the example of Charles Knowlton's book The Fruits of Philosophy which touched on abortion and was published as a tiny hand-held book which would have made it easy to pass from person to person more discretely for its time period.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - history - King Philip II - El Escorial - polycrisis - religion - history - adjacency - polycrisis - war - religion - epoche - CHD
Adjacency - between - polycrisis - war - religion - epoche - CHD - history - adjacency statement - King Philip II is an interesting historical figure who left behind this enormous physical artefact of El Escorial. - So much of history has revolved around the religious beliefs of leaders, and how those beliefs are entangled and enacted in wars, enslavement, politics and power. - Phillip's fervent Catholicism drove him to expand his empire, fight wars with the Ottoman empire and Protestants and build the sprawling El Escorial complex. - The building was designed to express his Catholic beliefs - from the monastery to the Basilica, secret relic room, to library and mausoleum. His beliefs were responsible for driving his behaviour, which influenced much of humanity during his rule. - religion's power have influenced many powerful people of history, resulting in mass influence on society, including perpetuating inequality, extractionism, colonialism and violence - all in the name of a concept of apprehending the great mystery of life. - The desire to understand the great mystery of life and death has been hijacked to perpetuate great harm instead. What is needed now is a wisdom commons for the entire species that can help elevate, deepen and interconnect all the legacy belief systems before it. For in spite of the great variety of belief systems, they are fundamentally united through a common humans denominator - they all require human beings. - It is a deficiency in any existing systems that can justify offering and violence against other belief systems and claim the throne of THE one and only, true belief system. Indeed, the claim of "the truth" is itself already a poison since it is never achievable. An epoche for the common person is necessary to penetrate the weak link of the argument itself, the linguistic social conditioning which enables storytelling itself. - the inability to collectively grasp the symbolosphere, the noosphere compells us towards beliefs, out of which self- righteousness, self- reification and othering blossom.
shrewdies.com shrewdies.com
Hortensia, historia real
Spanish to English translation by Google with some grammar/readability adjustments by Keith Taylor.
Hortensia, True Story
In the city of Cumaná, Sucre state, Venezuela. Faithful witness to the story of Hortensia, a woman who was held captive for 40 years in a house by her husband, Fernando Inserny.
Hortensia Maestrucci, a young woman who lived in the state of Bolívar, where she was born and grew up for a time, arrived in the city of Manzanares with her boyfriend Fernandito Inserny. Once she arrived in the city, her stay was comfortable and good for the first few months. It is said that she was a very pretty young woman who attracted the attention of many men, due to her beauty and innocence. Her boyfriend, Fernando, was the owner, at that time, of many businesses. Owner of luxurious cars at that time, an icon in the city of Cumaná. He was a descendant of a militant family of Christian democracy, a man with many things around him, among those women. Some time later, she began to feel jealous and put things in Hortensia's head, saying that if she went out on the street, the communists would take her. Things that were a lie but since she was an innocent young woman she believed her and agreed to her confinement. That's how the young woman spent her days, months, and even years. To be more exact 40 years.
This event occurred, especially near Plaza Ribero, on Úrica Street in Cumaná. During that time, she was fed through the slots in the door of the room where she was. There she was tied the entire time without making any noise so that the communists would not hear her and take her away. After 40 years locked up, she was discovered. There are two versions: - It is said that there were some children playing on the street, and they heard Hortensia crying. - And another that the neighbors warned that thieves had broken into that house.
It was at that moment when the community looks out and realizes it. They immediately call the competent authorities to investigate the case. At the time of her departure, Hortensia looked very bad. She was extremely skinny, with super long nails, and hair that reached almost her size. Very old, she had a bad smell. She was taken out of the house around 5 in the afternoon, covered and in the arms of a police commissioner. The people and everything caused her some discomfort and hurt Hortensia's eyesight, since she had been without sunlight for 40 years.
After 2 years from her release, Hortensia dies. The story of this woman who moved the city of Cumaná transcended through the years and will remain in the memory of those who lived that time. How someone manages to harm another person of that magnitude, all their years of life lost due to be locked-up.
What name could we give to this story?
40 años encerrada en una casa
40 Years Locked in a House
- Who: Hortensia, Fernando Inserny
- What: Hortensia was held captive in a house by her husband Fernando Inserny for 40 years.
- Where: Cumaná, Sucre, Venezuela
- Why: Fernando Inserny held Hortensia captive out of jealousy and fear of communist threats.
- When: The captivity lasted for 40 years.
- How: Hortensia was fed through the door of her room and was discovered after 40 years either by children playing nearby or by neighbors suspecting a break-in. Hortensia was in poor physical condition after being locked up for so long. She died two years after her release.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
johnhalbrooks.substack.com johnhalbrooks.substack.comHwæt!1
This image resonates with the earliest description of an English poet, which we find in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, completed in the year 731. Bede, a prolific monk and scholar from the monastery of Jarrow in Northumbria, provides an account of a certain Caedmon, an illiterate brother at the abbey at Whitby, who is visited by God and taught to sing beautiful poetry. Caedmon remains an oral poet, but his literate brothers write down his poetry for him.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2001.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
More, essentially all research in self-reference for decades has been in artificial intelligence, which is the device around which this plot turns. The language of AI is LISP, the name of the archvillain. In the heyday of LISP machines, the leading system was Flavors LISP Object Oriented Programming or: you guessed it -- Floop. I myself worked on a defense AI program that included the notion of a `third brain,' that is an observer living in a world different than (1) that of the world's creator, and (2) of the characters.
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
in 1978 Gary Turk was working for the digital Equipment Corporation he was a sales rep and his job was to sell these the deck system 20. now this thing had built-in arpanet protocol support it was like you don't have to do anything special you could plug it into a network and it would just work and rightly or wrongly Gary thought well I reckon people who are on the upper net might be interested in knowing about this computer and digital didn't have a whole lot of sales going on on the US West Coast they had a big office on the East Coast but West Coast you know California Portland those kind of places they didn't really have much of a presence so he got his assistant to go through the arpanet directory and type in the email addresses of everybody on the American West Coast who had an email address 393 of them and put them now at this point they overflowed the header field so all the people who got this email got an email which started with about 250 other people's email addresses and then right down at the end of it it says hey we invite you to come and see the deck system 2020
Gary Turk "invented" spam in 1978
one person whose Innovation is still a significant part of the way we work with it was this guy it's Ray Tomlinson and he was working on an opponent Mail system in 1971 and Rey invented at Rey is the person who went well hang on if we know the user's name and we know the arpanet host where they host their email we could put an at in the middle because it's Alice at the machine
Ray Tomlinson invented the use of @ in 1971
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
These sectors emerged as new social problems emerged
for: history - major societal sectors
history: major societal sectors
- government - early civilization
- (organized) business - 16th century
- NGO - 19th century
extension765.com extension765.com
www.sixthtone.com www.sixthtone.com
This dilemma was reflected in the furor over a second round of Chinese simplification in 1977, an effort that was rescinded in 1986.
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www.theodinproject.com www.theodinproject.com
With the introduction of ES6 Modules, the module pattern (IIFEs) is not needed anymore, though you might still encounter them in the wild.
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
If you have studied the historical campaign, you may wonder if the same operational plan can be duplicated in the game—with the same results. The answer is yes. The unit capabilities and game mechanics allow for a repeat of history, but there is always the other player to consider. As with history, the two sides have nearly the same number of infantry divisions, tanks, mobile units and artillery. The German advantage is most evident in airpower—the Luftwaffe dramatically outclassed the Allied air forces in the campaign (and so it is with the game). Only the German player who knows exactly how to employ their units with careful attention to the movement and combat sequences, event card use, the hidden unit dynamic, and especially the air rules—will be able to duplicate the historic success of the 1940 Wehrmacht. And even then, the historic result was only possible because the Allied response played almost perfectly into Germany’s hand. But there is more than one path to a decisive result, and the game allows for multiple campaign plans for both sides. The rules are set up to mirror the operational, command, and doctrinal differences between the two opposing sides, but the contest is designed simply to re-create the same historic “canvas” upon which both players may then paint—the issue will be decided by a combination of player decisions and the fortunes and fog of war.
- Dec 2023
cuis-smalltalk.github.io cuis-smalltalk.github.io
For Cuis-Smalltalk, we built Morphic 3, the third design iteration of these ideas, after Self’s Morphic 1 and Squeak’s Morphic 2. If you already know Morphic in Self or Squeak, most concepts are similar, although with some improvements: Morphic 3 coordinates are not limited to being integer numbers, the apparent size (zoom level) of elements is not tied to pixel density, and all drawing is done with high quality (subpixel) anti aliasing. These enhancements are enabled by the huge advance in hardware resources since Self and Squeak were designed (in the late 80’s and late 90’s respectively). Additionally, careful design of the framework relieves Morph programmers from much the complexity that was required, especially with regards to geometry.
Vector Graphics is actually what got the Cuis project started. In 2003, ten years before the Retina display, I (Juan Vuletich) decided that making Morphic zoomeable and independent of pixel resolution would require completely abandoning back compatibility with the existing Morphic in Squeak. I took Squeak 3.7 and started working on what would later be named Cuis Smalltalk.
—Juan Vuletich, Vector Graphics and Morphic 3
Local file Local file
Adler & Hutchinson's Great Books of the Western World was an encyclopedia-based attempt to focus society on a shared history as their common ground. H. G. Wells in his World Encyclopedia thesis attempts to forge a new "moving" common ground based on newly evolving knowledge based on distilling truth out of science. Shared history is obviously much easier to dispense and spread about compared to constantly keeping a growing population up to date with the forefront of science.
How could one carefully compose and juxtapose the two to have a stronger combined effect?
How could one distribute the effects evenly?
What does the statistical mechanics for knowledge management look like at the level of societies and nations?
Wells, H. G. “The Idea of a World Encyclopedia.” Harper’s Magazine, April 1937. https://harpers.org/archive/1937/04/the-idea-of-a-world-encyclopedia/.
There is no dignityyet in human history. It would be purecomedy if it were not so often tragic, 'sofrequently dismal, generally dishonora-ble, and occasionally quite horrible.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Trilogy<br /> - The Outline of History (1919–1920) - The Science of Life (1929) - The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (1932)
www.historyofinformation.com www.historyofinformation.com
www.historyofinformation.com www.historyofinformation.com
docdrop.org docdrop.org
history is always the result of a lot of causes coming together you know 00:29:22 you have this metaphor of the chain of events and this is a terrible metaphor for there is no chain of events a chain of events imagines that every event is a link connected to one previous event and 00:29:36 to one subsequent event so there is a war there is one cause for the war and there will be one consequence it's never like that in history every event is more like a tree there is an entire system of 00:29:50 roots that came together to create it and it has a lot of fruits with lots of different influences
for: insight - history - complexity, bad metaphor - chain of events
insight: complexity and history
- chain of events is a bad metaphor for things that occur in history
- the complexity of history is that many causes come together too being about an event
- likewise, when that event occurs, it is the cause of many different consequences
- linear vs systems thinking
adjacency between
- history
- emptiness
- Indra's net
- adjacency statement
- history reflects emptiness
- Indra's net extended into historical events
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: science and religion, flat earth misconception, DH, Deep Humanity - science and religion - historical relationship
- Dutch historian Jochem Boodt explains how fake news isn't something new, but as old as the history books!
- Science and religion were not antagonist in early Western history, as is believed today. This was fake news fabricated in a fascinating way.
- He uses the example of the common misconception that before Columbus, people thought the earth was flat.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
- annotate
for: evolutionary biology, big history, DH, Deep Humanity, theories of consciousness, ESP project, Earth Species Project, Michael Levin, animal communication, symbiocene
title: The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains
- author: Joseph LeDoux
- date: Jan. 2023
doi: 0.1080/09515089.2022.2160311
- The essence of who we are depends on our brains.
- They enable us to think, to
- feel joy and sorrow,
- communicate through speech,
- reflect on the moments of our lives, and to
- anticipate,
- plan for, and
- worry about our imagined futures.
- Although some of our abilities are comparatively new, key features of our behavior have deep roots that can be traced to the beginning of life.
- By following the story of behavior, step-by-step, over its roughly four-billion-year trajectory,
- we come to understand both
- how similar we are to all organisms that have ever lived, and
- how different we are from even our closest animal relatives.
- we come to understand both
- We care about our differences because they are ours. But differences do not make us superior; they simply make us different.
- good article to contribute to a narrative of the symbiocene and a shift of humanity to belonging to nature as one species, instead of dominating nature as the apex species
- question
- @Gyuri, Could indranet search algorithm have made the connection between this article and the symbiocene artilces in my mindplex had I not explicitly made the associations manually through my tags? It needs to be able to do this
- Also interesting to see how this materialistic outlook of consciousness
- which is similiar to the Earth Species Project work and Michael Levin's work on synthesizing new laboratory life forms to answer evolutionary questions about intelligence
- relates to nonmaterial ideas about consciousness
Local file Local file
Today it is almost heresy to suggest that scientific knowledge is notthe sum of all knowledge.
Note the use of the word "heresy" here, which is most often used in the framing of religion at a time when the establishment is moving from religion-based mechanisms into scientific based ones.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"In the general confusion of our time," Febvre wrote, "old ideas refuse to die and still find acceptance with the mass of the population."
sourcing on this?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Henri-Jean Martin (16 January 1924 – 13 January 2007)
Febvre, Lucien, and Henri-Jean Martin. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800. Edited by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith and David Wootton. Translated by David Gerard. 1st ed. Foundations of History Library. 1958. Reprint, London: N.L.B., 1976.
Local file Local file
Die erste Neuerung besteht darin, dass Harrison’s Karteikasten so aufgebaut ist, dass er als ein ech-tes Zweitgedächtnis fungiert.
Cevolini seems to be saying that it was an innovation of Harrison's Ark of Studies that it served as a second memory.
Surely my translation is "off" as the use of a variety of notes and writing long prior to this were used in this way.
Cevolini, Alberto. “Die Erfindung des Zettelkastens als Vergessensmaschine: Eine historische und wissenssoziologische Einführung.” Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bielefeld 2022 41 (September 29, 2023). https://publikationen.soziologie.de/index.php/kongressband_2022/article/view/1564.
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
Indeed, fortunately, digital technology has also changed material consumption and production. 2008, the global financial crisis which created mass youth unemployment in many different countries and urban areas, saw the emergence and then exponential growth, of what is called the ‘urban commons’.
- for: urban commons - history
- Nov 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
Chapter 39 of Zoonomia, “On Generation,” presents Erasmus’ ideas on competition, extinction, and how “different fibrils or molecules are detached from…the parent…to form” the child. The Temple of Nature goes even farther, declaring “all vegetables and animals now existing were originally derived from the smallest microscopic ones, formed by spontaneous vitality” in ancient oceans.
Interesting to contemplate the evolution of the idea of evolution through the Darwin family.
Charles would obviously have read his grandfather's book, but it also bears noting that he also had access to his grandfather's commonplace book (and likely his other papers).
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Taking notes for historical writing .t3_185xmuh._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } questionI'm trying to understand how to adopt parts of the Zettelkasten method for thinking about historical information. I wrote a PhD in history. My note-taking methodology was a complete mess the whole time. I used note-taking to digest a book, but it would take me two or three times longer than just reading. I would go back over each section and write down the pieces that seemed crucial. Sometimes, when I didn't know a subject well, that could take time. In the end, I would sometimes have many pages of notes in sequential order sectioned the way the book was sectioned, essentially an overlay of the book's structure. It was time-consuming, very hard, not useless at all, but inefficient.Now consider the Zettelkasten idea. I haven't read much of Luhmann. I recall he was a sociologist, a theorist in the grand style. So, in other words, they operate at a very abstract level. When I read about the Zettelkasten method, that's the way it reads to me. A system for combining thoughts and ideas. Now, you'll say that's an artificial distinction, perhaps...a fact is still rendered in thought, has atomicity to it etc. And I agree. However, the thing about facts is there are just A LOT of them. Before you write your narrative, you are drowning in facts. The writing of history is the thing that allows you to bring some order and selectivity to them, but you must drown first; otherwise, you have not considered all the possibilities and potentialities in the past that the facts reveal. To bring it back to Zettelkasten, the idea of Zettel is so appealing, but how does it work when dealing with an overwhelming number of facts? It's much easier to imagine creating a Zettelkasten from more rarefied thoughts provoked by reading.So, what can I learn from the Zettelkasten method? How can I apply some or all of its methodologies, practically speaking? What would change about my initial note-taking of a book if I were to apply Zettelkasten ideas and practice? Here is a discussion about using the method for "facts". The most concrete suggestions here suggest building Zettels around facts in some ways -- either a single fact, or groups of facts, etc. But in my experience, engaging with a historical text is a lot messier than that. There are facts, but also the author's rendering of the facts, and there are quotes (all the historical "gossip"), and it's all in there together as the author builds their narrative. You are trying to identify the key facts, the author's particular angle and interpretation, preserve your thoughts and reactions, and save these quotes, the richest part of history, the real evidence. In short, it is hard to imagine being able to isolate clear Zettel topics amid this reading experience.In Soenke Ahrens' book "How to Take Smart Notes," he describes three types of notes: fleeting notes (these are fleeting ideas), literature notes, and permanent notes. In that classification, I'm talking about "literature notes." Ahrens says these should be "extremely selective". But with the material I'm talking about it becomes a question. How can you be selective when you still don't know which facts you care about or want to maintain enough detail in your notes so you don't foreclose the possibilities in the historical narrative too early?Perhaps this is just an unsolvable problem. Perhaps there is no choice but to maintain a discipline of taking "selective" literature notes. But there's something about the Zettelkasten method that gives me the feeling that my literature notes could be more detailed and chaotic and open to refinement later.Does my dilemma explained here resonate with anyone who has tried this method for intense historical writing? If so, I'd like to hear you thoughts, or better yet, see some concrete examples of how you've worked.
reply to u/ethanzanemiller at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/185xmuh/taking_notes_for_historical_writing/
Rather than spending time theorizing on the subject, particularly since you sound like you're neck-deep already, I would heartily recommend spending some time practicing it heavily within the area you're looking at. Through a bit of time and experience, more of your questions will become imminently clear, especially if you're a practicing historian.
A frequently missing piece to some of this puzzle for practicing academics is upping the level of how you read and having the ability to consult short pieces of books and articles rather than reading them "cover-to-cover" which is often unnecessary for one's work. Of particular help here, try Adler and Van Doren, and specifically their sections on analytical and syntopical reading.
- Adler, Mortimer J., and Charles Van Doren. How to Read a Book: The Classical Guide to Intelligent Reading. Revised and Updated ed. edition. 1940. Reprint, Touchstone, 2011.
In addition to the list of practicing historians I'd provided elsewhere on the topic, you might also appreciate sociologist Beatrice Webb's short appendix C in My Apprenticeship or her longer related text. She spends some time talking about handling dates and the database nature of querying collected facts and ideas to do research and to tell a story.
- Webb, Beatrice Potter. My Apprenticeship. First Edition. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1926. https://archive.org/details/myapprenticeship0000beat/page/412/mode/2up.
- Webb, Sidney, and Beatrice Webb. Methods of Social Study. London; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1932. http://archive.org/details/b31357891.
Also helpful might be Mill's article which became a chapter in one of his later books:
- Mills, C. Wright. “On Intellectual Craftsmanship (1952).” Society 17, no. 2 (January 1, 1980): 63–70. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02700062.
Perhaps u/danallosso may have something illuminating to add, or you can skim through his responses on the subject on Reddit or via his previous related writing: https://danallosso.substack.com/.
Enough historians and various other humanists have been practicing these broad methods for centuries to bear out their usefulness in researching and organizing their work. Read a bit, but truly: practice, practice, and more practice is going to be your best friend here.
Can you provide any more information about how this method works in detail?
reply to u/ethanzanemiller at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1843k2w/comment/kb4d882/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Presuming you came into this from a search on "history" or a related topic rather than long time experience in this sub?
A card index, fichier boîte (French), or zettelkasten (German) is broadly the use of index cards (or digital versions) for research and writing. (I generally frame it as an extension of keeping a commonplace book.)
But some of it is best described within the area of "historical method" by practicing historians themselves, so also try these texts written by historians on the subject:
Allosso, Dan, and S. F. Allosso. How to Make Notes and Write. Minnesota State Pressbooks, 2022. https://minnstate.pressbooks.pub/write/.
Barzun, Jacques. The Modern Researcher. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992. http://archive.org/details/modernresearcher00barz_1.
Dow, Earle Wilbur. Principles of a Note-System for Historical Studies. New York: Century Company, 1924.
Eco, Umberto. How to Write a Thesis. Translated by Caterina Mongiat Farina and Geoff Farina. 1977. Reprint, Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 2015. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/how-write-thesis.
Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal. Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method. 1st ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1950. https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-History-Louis-Gottschalk/dp/B001OY27L6.
Goutor, Jacques. The Card-File System of Note-Taking. Approaching Ontario’s Past 3. Toronto: Ontario Historical Society, 1980. http://archive.org/details/cardfilesystemof0000gout.
Langlois, Charles Victor, and Charles Seignobos. Introduction to the Study of History. Translated by George Godfrey Berry. First. New York: Henry Holt and company, 1898. http://archive.org/details/cu31924027810286.
Margolin, Victor. The Process of Writing World History of Design, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxyy0THLfuI.
Thomas, Keith. “Diary: Working Methods.” London Review of Books, June 10, 2010. https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v32/n11/keith-thomas/diary.
Maybe start with Keith Thomas and Margolin which are short and then jump to either Goutor or Allosso (first half of that text) which are slightly longer but still quick reads. Umberto Eco may be the dean of studies here, though Barzun has been fairly influential. If you prefer, you can practice Luhmann's method, which is very similar though with a twist, and laid out at https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/.
archives.library.illinois.edu archives.library.illinois.edu
Macaulay claimed that his memory was good enough to enable him to write out the whole of Paradise Lost. But when preparing his History of England, he made extensive notes in a multitude of pocketbooks of every shape and colour.
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay, PC, FRS, FRSE 25 October 1800 – 28 December 1859) was a British historian and Whig politician, who served as the Secretary at War between 1839 and 1841, and as the Paymaster General between 1846 and 1848. Macaulay's The History of England, which expressed his contention of the superiority of the Western European culture and of the inevitability of its sociopolitical progress, is a seminal example of Whig history that remains commended for its prose style.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
This myth is mostly the blame of the novelist Washington Irving
for: Washington Irving, book - the History of New York, book - A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
- Irving was a American writer who wrote fiction for the intent of stoking nationalism. He bent the truth in many ways.
- Among his most famous and impactful historical lies that Irving fabricated in his book on Columbus was that prior to Columbus, the majority of educated people thought the earth was flat. In fact, most educated people believed the earth to be round during the time of Columbus.
interesting fact: knickerbocker
- The term knickerbocker originated in the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker that Irving chose for his book "A History of New York"
docdrop.org docdrop.org
that's exactly the hypocrisy of the Israeli Zionist lift which in many ways is worse than the 00:36:03 right Wingers in many ways not in all ways yeah but at least the right Wingers are not hypocritical they say what they want the Israel Zionist left labor party and others 00:36:15 are the biggest Hypocrites because they establish the occupation it's not the right wing as we establish it they establish the settlements it's not the right Wingers to establish it they started everything they had 00:36:28 actively done the nakba it was not the right Wingers it was the Socialists left of Israel
It was the Socialist Zionists that perpetrated the Nakba ([[BenGTurion]]).
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Oslo was that territories would be divided into categories a b and c so there would be Palestinian territories there would be territories under mix control and C which were going to be Israeli
Eventually Palestinians got only 12% of West Bank full of denigraded barbecheck-points. Even that 12% they have to defend it against armed settlers that wander freely in Areas C & D.
there's a detail here which is that there are also parts of the Palestinian movement who 00:05:28 reject the original state of Israel and the 1948 borders
The interviewee does not clarify enough this point,though it is recognized as contentious.
According to UN 1945, 2.8 Palestinians have the right to demand conpensations for the lands Israel apropiated before the Nakba.
The international community after 1967 came to the gradual understanding that negotiations for the reparations & the occupation will commence AFTER Israel withdraws to pre-1967 borders. Israel & the US are the parties that have been steadily resisting this, as is is shown by all intermediate agreements the US contributed to manufacture consent.
Palestine after the war and in 1948 led by David Boran a the setting up of the state of Israel driven by actually uh an Israeli military assault 00:03:43 that takes a lot of the territory previously held by Arab communities and involves many many Arabs being displaced from their homes
[[Nakba]] started earlier than 1948.
The kick-off event was the 1929 AlBuraq revolts. David Ben-Gurion participated since 1935, in parallel with [[Haganah]] & [[Irgun]] Jewish militants terrorizing pastoral Palestinians for more than a decade before the peak of the Nakba.
The whole sentence in the video here a a great understatement of the organized terror employed by the militant Zionist organizations against the indigenous populations to kick them out and appropriate their lands.
back to the former 00:02:28 state of Israel
There was no "former state of Israel" for the European Jews, and that biblical missconception framed the grave consequences of their colonization. Ashkenazies had patrilinear only of M.Eastearn origin - their husbants were convested to Jewdaism:
Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.
the Brits were actually uh targets of terrorist attacks from both Arabs and and Jews and
The British were not impartial. On the contrary, they cooperated with the Zionists, and handed over to them years of intel they had collected on the indigenous people facilitating thus Nakba. Certainly there were clashes (eg. British arrested many [[Irgun]] members, but with the cooperation of [[Haganah]] & [[Ben-Gurion]].
during the nearly 2,000 years this had become very much a place dominated by Arab Muslim communities so the Jews were moving back
Grave missconception, Arabs did not replace Palestine populations.
Modern DNA tells that people of Palestine, Jews and Muslims, Christians and Druzes, never left the place. Arab emigration were mostly a spread of their ideology, not in body counts. The admixture of Arab DNA to the Muslims of the Levant is actually lower than expected, and non-existent for other Levantines.
going back 3,000 years state of Israel was um dominated by a Jewish 00:01:26
Non-Jewish religions (Kebarans, Natufians, Sumerians & Akkads and later Babylonians originating from Levant, Anatolia & Eurates crescent) and non-Semitic races (the biblical "Philistines") all co-existed for millennia before the Bible was even written, 1200-200 BC. Jews being the dominant population probably ap
plies only after ~600BC, when they started returning from the 80y Babylonian enslavement, and started to gradually re-occupy their fatherlands, a significant event that culminated a sense of identity much stronger than that of the neighboring populations.
they were displaced just under 2,000 years ago basically by the Romans
This is disputed. We don't see any population drop in the Levant , actually it continued to grow that period.
Certainly the Romans destroyed Jerusalem's temple, but populations in Palestine mostly laid low, were not exterminated or evicted.
OTOH, Semitic people were sailors who were emigrating to Mediterranean coastal cities for centuries - no displacement story needed to explain their spread populations, the same as for the Hellenic people.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's remarkable to me once i started to dig in that the speed and scope of what we did as a country and actually what we specifically did here in british columbia
for: history - wartime mobilization - Canada
trivia: in 6 years, starting from zero, British Columbia produced
- 750 ships (350 ships produced in British Columbia)
- 16,000 military aircrafts (4th largest air force in the world)
800,000 military vehicles (more than Germany, Italy and Japan combined)
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's things in the 10th Century in what we think of as now as broadly Western and Central Europe 01:13:46 that are beginning to show up particularly in art and architecture and poetry and music not an accident the musician we know that artists are often people who sense 01:13:59 things and are ahead of a culture they give the first articulation to a set of ideas and so if you today if next time you're in Ottawa I invite you to go to the 01:14:10 National Gallery because the National Gallery in Ottawa has one of the world's best collections of European northern European art and it starts about 1300 01:14:22 there's some before that but their collections of that's old enough to get you into it and it works through historically as you work through the rooms and at least it used to last time I brought it was there it brought you 01:14:36 out into a post-modern into postmodern art as if what's beyond what we think of as Modern Art uh into post-modern art
- for: BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
docdrop.org docdrop.org
why are we still asking the same questions in this slightly sort of sclerotic manner
Unfortunately, the interviewer did not pick up David's saying on inequality: what should we have been doing by now?
foragers hunter-gatherers being less parochial basically than
[[David Wingrow]] doesn't reply on religiosity of ancient humans but on the scale of their reach.
There was no automatic advertising delivery. There was no personalization, or any kind of tracking. Instead, I go through all of this every morning, picking which ads I thought looked interesting today, and manually changing and updating the pages on my site.This also meant that, because there was no tracking, the advertising companies had no idea how many times an ad was viewed, and as such, we would only get paid per click.Now, the bigger sites had started to do dynamic advertising, which allowed them to sell advertising per view, but, as an independent publisher, I was limited to only click-based advertising.However, that was actually a good thing. Because I had to pick the ads manually, I needed to be very good at understanding my audience and what they needed when they visited my site. And so there was a link between audience focus and the advertising.Also, because it was click based, it forced me as an independent publisher to optimize for results, whereas a 'per view' model often encouraged publishers to lower their value to create more ad views.
Per-click versus per-view advertising in the 1900s internet
Graeber, David. Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Updated and Expanded. 2011. Reprint, Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Publishing, 2021. https://amzn.to/3MPHKaZ.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
I've highlighted the shit out of this because I believe it actually argues a fundamental truth: communicating electronically is, indeed, a better way of communicating.
I don't think this friendship had to die, but the illusion of romance probably did. I'm going to do my best to choose to ignore the confirmation bias within me - could it be the absence of stigma that enabled these realizations? Is the stigma, itself, then, now a virtually all-powerful (beyond any measure of reflection) force which will never allow us to progress???
Fuck hype, man.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Listened to on 2023-11-11
Huffduffer data: podcast:name="fresh air", podcast:producer=npr, podcast:interviewer="terry gross", podcast:interviewee="scott eyman", book:author="scott eyman", book:title="Charlie Chaplin vs. America", book:year=2023, movie:writer="charlie chaplin", movie:director="The Great Dictator", movie:genre=satire, movie:genre=comedy,
manifold.umn.edu manifold.umn.edu
Cut/Copy/Paste explores the relations between fragments, history, books, and media. It does so by scouting out fringe maker cultures of the seventeenth century, where archives were cut up, “hacked,” and reassembled into new media machines: the Concordance Room at Little Gidding in the 1630s and 1640s, where Mary Collett Ferrar and her family sliced apart printed Bibles and pasted the pieces back together into elaborate collages known as “Harmonies”; the domestic printing atelier of Edward Benlowes, a gentleman poet and Royalist who rode out the Civil Wars by assembling boutique books of poetry; and the nomadic collections of John Bagford, a shoemaker-turned-bookseller who foraged fragments of old manuscripts and title pages from used bookshops to assemble a material history of the book. Working across a century of upheaval, when England was reconsidering its religion and governance, each of these individuals saved the frail, fragile, frangible bits of the past and made from them new constellations of meaning. These fragmented assemblages resist familiar bibliographic and literary categories, slipping between the cracks of disciplines; later institutions like the British Library did not know how to collate or catalogue them, shuffling them between departments of print and manuscript. Yet, brought back together in this hybrid history, their scattered remains witness an emergent early modern poetics of care and curation, grounded in communities of practice. Stitching together new work in book history and media archaeology via digital methods and feminist historiography, Cut/Copy/Paste traces the lives and afterlives of these communities, from their origins in early modern print cultures to the circulation of their work as digital fragments today. In doing so, this project rediscovers the odd book histories of the seventeenth century as a media history with an ethics of material making—one that has much to teach us today.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
One of the primary problems with note taking in most of the mid-twentieth century (and potentially well before, particularly as framed in most educational settings) was that students would take notes, potentially review them once or twice for a test, but then not have easy access to them for later review or reuse.
People collected piles of notes without any ability to reuse or review them. Perhaps we should reframe the collector's fallacy as this: collection without reuse has dramatically decreasing returns. Certainly there may be some small initial benefit in writing it down as a means of sense making, but not reviewing it past a short period of two weeks or even several months and not being able to reuse it in the long term is a travesty, especially in a world of information overload.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
relationship with context collapse
Presentism bias enters biblical and religious studies when, by way of context collapse, readers apply texts written thousands of years ago and applicable to one context to their own current context without any appreciation for the intervening changes. Many modern Christians (especially Protestants) show these patterns. There is an interesting irony here because Protestantism began as the Catholic church was reading too much into the Bible to create practices like indulgences.)
The historian David Hackett Fischer identifies presentism as a fallacy also known as the "fallacy of nunc pro tunc". He has written that the "classic example" of presentism was the so-called "Whig history", in which certain 18th- and 19th-century British historians wrote history in a way that used the past to validate their own political beliefs. This interpretation was presentist because it did not depict the past in objective historical context but instead viewed history only through the lens of contemporary Whig beliefs. In this kind of approach, which emphasizes the relevance of history to the present, things that do not seem relevant receive little attention, which results in a misleading portrayal of the past. "Whig history" or "whiggishness" are often used as synonyms for presentism particularly when the historical depiction in question is teleological or triumphalist.[2]
This sort of Whig History example seems to be cropping up again in the early 21st century as Republicans are basing large pieces of their beliefs/identity/doctrine on portions of The Federalist Papers which were marginally read at the time they were written, but because those historical documents appear to make their current positions look "right" today, they're touting them over the more influential Federalist tracts at the time of the founding of America.
Link this to example of this (which I can't seem to find right now.)
fs.blog fs.blog
Cosmos was unlike any previous book about nature. Humboldt took his readers on a journey from outer space to earth, and then from the surface of the planet into its inner core.
Could Alexander von Humboldt have been one of the early examples of a popular science writer?
Perhaps an early David Attenborough?
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
sumption of decreasing virulence with time is a double-edged sword in NativeAmerican disease history. Recent Native Americans have extreme susceptibility to oftenacute infections such as influenza and tuberculosis (Indian Health Service 1999; Koenig1921; Matthews 1886). Although, as detailed later in this paper, many factors, includingsocio-economic conditions, diet, and other concurrent infections, could be contributing tothis incidence, these factors seem to pale by comparison with disease history. Essentially,current incidence rates account for the absence of crowd infections prior to Columbus andabsence explains the present incidence rate
se diseases, once introduced, severelywinnowed Native American populations.
Since the mid-twentieth century it has been widely accepted that Old World populationsintroduced infectious diseases to Native Americans beginning with the Columbianvoyages of AD 149
letterformarchive.org letterformarchive.org
Coles, Stephen. “This Just In: Schriftenkartei, a Typeface Index.” Letterform Archive, November 3, 2023. https://letterformarchive.org/news/schriftenkartei-german-font-index/.
Example of a zettelkasten covering the available typefaces produced from 1958 and 1971 in West Germany.
- Oct 2023
www.haaretz.com www.haaretz.com
Gilad, Elon. “In the Bigynnyng: A Brief History of the English Bible.” Haaretz, January 18, 2019. Https://web.archive.org/web/20220809202404/https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2019-01-18/ty-article-magazine/.premium/in-the-bigynnyng-a-brief-history-of-the-english-bible/0000017f-e5d2-dea7-adff-f5fbf0a70000. Internet Archive. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2019-01-18/ty-article-magazine/.premium/in-the-bigynnyng-a-brief-history-of-the-english-bible/0000017f-e5d2-dea7-adff-f5fbf0a70000.
There were no Jews in England to consult with, since they had all been expelled from the country by King Edward I in 1290.
lawliberty.org lawliberty.org
But sometimes Alter’s comments seem exactly wrong. Alter calls Proverbs 29:2 “no more than a formulation in verse of a platitude,” but Daniel L. Dreisbach’s Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers devotes an entire chapter to that single verse, much loved at the time of the American Founding: “When the righteous are many, a people rejoices, / but when the wicked man rules, a people groans.” Early Americans “widely, if not universally,” embraced the notion that—as one political sermon proclaimed—“The character of a nation is justly decided by the character of their rulers, especially in a free and elective government.” Dreisbach writes, “They believed it was essential that the American people be reminded of this biblical maxim and select their civil magistrates accordingly.” Annual election sermons and other political sermons often had Proverbs 29:2 as “the primary text.” Far from being a platitude, this single verse may contain a cure to the contagion that is contemporary American political life.
Ungenerous to take Alter to task for context which he might not have the background to comment upon.
Does Alter call it a "platitude" from it's historical context, or with respect to the modern context of Donald J. Trump and a wide variety of Republican Party members who are anything but Christian?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Yeah, I want back in search history and see Sascha started around 2014. There are hardly any references to ZK before 2012.
reply tu u/sscheper and u/Barycenter0 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/17gmrj8/before_2021_who_here_was_using_a_luhmannian/
Before 2021, who here was using a Luhmannian analog Zettelkasten?
This blogpost by Manfred Kuehn dating from 2007-12-16 is one of the earliest posts about Luhmann's Zettelkasten I've seen referenced on the early web (at least in an English language setting). You'll notice that Christian Tietze, the creator of zettelkasten.de, pops up in the comments, though it wasn't until almost six years later.
Daniel Lüdecke was also obviously reading Kuehn by 2013 and making his digital version of ZKN3. His post has a reference to a 2001 web post in German, but sadly it's not archived. One might presume he tried physical index cards prior to implementing his digital solution.
German speakers may be better versed to indicate a greater number of potential users in the 80s through the 00s as Luhmann's paper and method were relatively well known, though physical index cards were obviously going out of fashion during that time period. It's most likely that it was academics using it. By the late 00s into 2015, there were probably several dozens of people doing this practice, but identifying/contacting them will require a lot of legwork.
The zettelkasten.de forum and blog posts may indicate quite a number of users prior to 2021, but I'll leave that work to others. Christian and Sasha may have better approximations for that time period.
Given the number of digital users who are probably all mostly Luhmann-adjacent in their practices (at best), there likely still aren't a lot of people (digital or analog) who are following his particular recipe or method. Most of what I see discussed in zettelkasten and zettelkasten adjacent spaces online these days could best be described as a mélange of commonplace book and wiki-esque methods with a focus toward smaller atomic level notes. Most practices vary across a pretty wide spectrum.
dhayton.haverford.edu dhayton.haverford.edu
Hayton, Darin. “Washington Irving’s Columbus and the Flat Earth.” History of Science blog. Darin Hayton, December 2, 2014. https://dhayton.haverford.edu/blog/2014/12/02/washington-irvings-columbus-and-the-flat-earth/.
Within a decade, William Whewell had published his History of the Inductive Sciences (1837) (online here). In a section on antipodes, he admitted that most people throughout history had known the earth was round.
Link to https://hypothes.is/a/hvDAtHT0Ee6_Z3em_Dz4bg (Columbus & Washington Irving)
Preserving Harvard’s Blogging History by Matt Mullenweg<br /> October 2, 2023 https://ma.tt/2023/10/preserving-harvards-blogging-history/
www.hemmings.com www.hemmings.com
Crosley's intent for his car was well summarized by his proclamation "You wouldn't cross a river in a battleship," nor would you want to cross town in a large family car just to purchase groceries or have coffee with a friend.
I'm afraid I'm having a problem coming up with any other reference (aside from the latest Grand Tour episode) to corroborate this quote...
Local file Local file
Nein. Ich habe den Zettelkasten aus der simplen Überlegung her-aus angefangen, daß ich ein schlechtes Gedächtnis habe. Zunächsteinmal hatte ich Zettel in Bücher gelegt, auf die ich mir Notizenmachte, auf diese Weise gingen die Einbände der Bücher kaputt.Dann habe ich mir mit Mappen geholfen, als die jedoch dickerwurden, fand ich nichts mehr in ihnen. Ab 1952 oder 1953 begannich dann mit meinem Zettelkasten, weil mir klar wurde, daß ich fürein Leben planen müsse und nicht für ein Buch.
Machine translation:
No. I started the Zettelkasten out of the simple thought that I have a bad memory. First of all, I put pieces of paper in books on which I wrote notes, so the covers of the books got ruined. Then I helped myself with folders, but when they got thicker I couldn't find anything in them. In 1952 or 1953, I started my Zettelkasten because I realized that I had to plan for a life and not for a book.
There's some missing interstitial space here about how precisely he came to it outside of the general motivation for the thing in general.
52/53 would have been after law school and in his administrative days and before his trip to Harvard in 61.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I'm going to kind of give you my 00:04:56 take on what I believe to have been the natural history of or what I believe is the natural history of awareness a sort of a sequence of innovations that occurred that facilitated the appearance 00:05:09 of consciousness on Earth
- for: key claim, key claim - natural history of awareness leading evolution of consciousness, natural history - awareness leading to consciousnessn
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
I'm not so much saying Adler and Van Doren were trying to prevent readers from coming to grips with the unresolved issues of American history illustrated in this example. But I am suggesting that the idea that there's a "message" in these foundational texts and they know what it is and our job is to find out, is flawed. Too deterministic, too hierarchical, too supportive of a master narrative that needs to be challenged so truth can be appreciated in its complexity.
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
story is chronotopic. Chronos is the Greek word fortime, topos the Greek word for place.
- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
"Poetry is more philosophical than history," wrote Aristotle.By this he meant that poetry is more general, more universal.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
a transcendental is something that is, or not a thing, of course, but it's very well known and it has been well known for a very long time.
for: Kant's transcendental - in history, quote, quote - Upanishad, quote - Ernst Cassirer, quote - Michel Henry, quote - Giovanni Gentile, quote Edmund Husserl
- The transcendental cannot be an objective thought but is the condition for any objective thought
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- Kant's transcendental is equivalent to the Braham
- it is never seen but is a seer
- it is never heard but is a hearer
- it is never thought but is the thinker
- it is never known but is the knower
- it is the source of things and the source of knowledge
- Kant's transcendental is equivalent to the Braham
- Ernst Cassirer
- Consciousness is a goal to which knowledge turns its back
- Michel Henry Consciousness cannot be shown, for it is the power to show.
- Giovanni Gentile
- Edmund Husserl
- transcendental turn
- the world is a sense for the transcendental ego
- the transcendental ego is presupposed by the senses
- transcendental turn
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Day One for me has created journal nirvana, in the same way that Things created multi-platform to do syncing and iA Writer perfected multi-platform text editing.
www.davidrumsey.com www.davidrumsey.com
forgottenfiles.substack.com forgottenfiles.substack.com
jhiblog.org jhiblog.org
Helbig, Daniela K. “Ruminant Machines: A Twentieth-Century Episode in the Material History of Ideas.” JHI Blog (blog), April 17, 2019. https://jhiblog.org/2019/04/17/ruminant-machines-a-twentieth-century-episode-in-the-material-history-of-ideas/.
Merchants and traders have a waste book (Sudelbuch, Klitterbuch in GermanI believe) in which they enter daily everything they purchase and sell,messily, without order. From this, it is transferred to their journal, whereeverything appears more systematic, and finally to a ledger, in double entryafter the Italian manner of bookkeeping, where one settles accounts witheach man, once as debtor and then as creditor. This deserves to be imitatedby scholars. First it should be entered in a book in which I record everythingas I see it or as it is given to me in my thoughts; then it may be enteredin another book in which the material is more separated and ordered, andthe ledger might then contain, in an ordered expression, the connectionsand explanations of the material that flow from it. [46]
—Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Notebook E, #46, 1775–1776
In this single paragraph quote Lichtenberg, using the model of Italian bookkeepers of the 18th century, broadly outlines almost all of the note taking technique suggested by Sönke Ahrens in How to Take Smart Notes. He's got writing down and keeping fleeting notes as well as literature notes. (Keeping academic references would have been commonplace by this time.) He follows up with rewriting and expanding on the original note to create additional "explanations" and even "connections" (links) to create what Ahrens describes as permanent notes or which some would call evergreen notes.
Lichtenberg's version calls for the permanent notes to be "separated and ordered" and while he may have kept them in book format himself, it's easy to see from Konrad Gessner's suggestion at the use of slips centuries before, that one could easily put their permanent notes on index cards ("separated") and then number and index or categorize them ("ordered"). The only serious missing piece of Luhmann's version of a zettelkasten then are the ideas of placing related ideas nearby each other, though the idea of creating connections between notes is immediately adjacent to this, and his numbering system, which was broadly based on the popularity of Melvil Dewey's decimal system.
It may bear noticing that John Locke's indexing system for commonplace books was suggested, originally in French in 1685, and later in English in 1706. Given it's popularity, it's not unlikely that Lichtenberg would have been aware of it.
Given Lichtenberg's very popular waste books were known to have influenced Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein, Andre Breton, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. (Reference: Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (2000). The Waste Books. New York: New York Review Books Classics. ISBN 978-0940322509.) It would not be hard to imagine that Niklas Luhmann would have also been aware of them.
Open questions: <br /> - did Lichtenberg number the entries in his own waste books? This would be early evidence toward the practice of numbering notes for future reference. Based on this text, it's obvious that the editor numbered the translated notes for this edition, were they Lichtenberg's numbering? - Is there evidence that Lichtenberg knew of Locke's indexing system? Did his waste books have an index?
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- note taking advice
- zettelkasten transmission
- open questions
- quotes
- John Locke
- zettelkasten numbering
- academic writing
- Dewey Decimal System
- accounting influence on note taking
- Niklas Luhmann's zettelkasten
- Sönke Ahrens
- numbering systems
- intellectual history
- fleeting notes
- waste books
- idea links
- Konrad Gessner
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
"... I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculair to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written."—George Orwell
check source and verify text <br /> (8:42)
ryanholiday.net ryanholiday.net
I was searching for notecard systems after reading Will and Ariel Durant’s dual autobiography and not having much luck. The book talks a lot about his writing and the use of “classification slips” to cover the depth of material, especially for The Story of Civilization series they did.
via SAM on January 15, 2017 at 8:54 pm
Apparently Will Durant and Ariel Durant used a form of commonplace book set up in which they used "classification slips".
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Back in the day, the de facto standard for sending binaries across electronic mail was uuencode. It still exists, but has numerous usability problems; if at all possible, you should send MIME attachments instead, unless you specifically strive to be able to communicate with the late 1980s.
Local file Local file
Harl, Kenneth W. The Vikings: Course Guidebook. Vol. 3910. The Great Courses. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2005.
Vikings. Streaming Video. Vol. 3910. The Great Courses. Chantilly, VA, 2005. https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/vikings.
annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:e17d7b3a22a4a56be07f2afb64548410<br /> search
Started 2023-09-18
support.apple.com support.apple.com
500 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
According to this not-entirely-vetted World Wide Web service, this unit ("Candela per square meter") is 1:1 equivalent to "Nits."
...no, it would seem the latter is just an incorrect name for the same unit. Cool.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Adler's record of ineptness is pret ty good so far — but he surpasses it with his third Revolution. He dis likes both Marxists and Moscow, so how did the Russian Revolution be come one of the great sources or change in modern society? Because “with the Russian Revolution, we have, for the first time, the emer gence of the welfare state” — mild offspring sired from such ferocious parents. In the past, only right‐wing kooks thought F.D.R. derived his in spiration for W.P.A. from the Bol shies!
Reference to the "welfare state" in 1971 by Gary Wills.
openarchives.sncf.com openarchives.sncf.com
medium.com medium.com
Jarvis, Jeff. “Moving On.” Medium. Whither News? (blog), September 2023. https://medium.com/whither-news/moving-on-4eecb1c76ce3.
Jeff Jarvis looking back briefly on his history at CUNY's Newmark Graduate School of Journalism. An interesting snapshot of some of the pedagogical changes and programs over almost 20 years.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
discussions.apple.com discussions.apple.com
Essentially, @mac.com is legacy users and was in place from the debut of osX to late 2000s. It required a annual paid subscription to have an email address, lol. Then the short-lived mobileMe era happened, which lasted only a couple years before Apple retracted and replaced it with iCloud, a much more sweeping service. MobileMe was also a paid subscription and included primordial versions of photo sharing and web hosting, etc. The iCloud era starting in 2012 finally ushered in free email addresses and free operating system updates. That's when the business model of large tech companies turned more into user accumulation wars to see who can attract the most subscribers and retain them in their ecosystem of products.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ego as personal history (see my view on history, as ongoing presence)
Local file Local file
facilitated by having selected passages typewritten anddistributed to the class in mimeographed sheets.
Not sure I knew that typewritters and mimeograph machines were so prevalent by 1910. (typewriters yes, but mimeo?)
- Aug 2023
Local file Local file
Paxton, Jennifer. 1066: The Year That Changed Everything. The Great Courses 30070. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2020.
Annotation url: urn:x-pdf:95025ce10247406db3d649a9a17fded0
Search annotations: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&addQuoteContext=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3A95025ce10247406db3d649a9a17fded0
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
As late as 1884 the four hundred American institutions of higher education had about twenty full-time teachers of history.”
second hand quote from History: Professional Scholarship in America<br /> John Higham, 1965
americanhistory.si.edu americanhistory.si.edu
other jokes did not land because I did not know the movie star or celebrity referenced.
The main thing I learned while reading through Phyllis Diller's jokes is that comedy has changed a lot since she started her career in the mid-1950s. Her comedy is focused on short one-liners that get laughs in quick succession, while today's comedy is more story-driven. Although a lot of her jokes are very time-bound due to their content, it was interesting to get a glimpse of what was happening at the time a joke was written. Each joke card has a date on it, and the cards span the 1960s to the 1990s. The topic of the jokes told a lot about what people were worried about or focused on at the time the joke was written, whether it was the inflation or student protests of the 1970s, a celebrity's many marriages, or gossip about the president at the time. While, like any comedian, some of her jokes fall flat, I appreciated Diller's hard work in meticulously recording, testing, and filing each joke in the gag file, along with her ability to make a joke about almost any topic.
evidence of comedy shift from 50s/60s of one liners to more story-based comedy of the 2000s onward. Some of this may come about through idea links or story links as seen in some of Diller's paperclipped cards (see https://hypothes.is/a/W9Wz-EXsEe6nZxew_8BUCg).
Methodenstreit mischten sich zahlreichenamhafte Historiker und andere Geisteswissenschaftlerein. Warburg leistete keinen direkten publizistischen Bei-trag, nahm jedoch, wie der Zettelkasten belegt, als passi-ver Beobachter intensiv an der Debatte teil.359
Karl Lamprecht was one of Warburg's first teachers in Bonn and Warburg had a section in his zettelkasten dedicated to him. While Warburg wasn't part of the broader public debate on Lamprecht's Methodenstreit (methodological dispute), his notes indicate that he took an active stance on thinking about it.
Consult footnote for more:
59 Vgl. Roger Chickering, »The Lamprecht Controversy«, in: Historiker- kontroversen, hrsg. von Hartmut Lehmann, Göttingen 20 0 0, S. 15 – 29
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
on Aug. 12, the National Museum of American History is giving the artifact pristine treatment.WpGet the full experience.Choose your planArrowRight"Have You Heard the One . . . ? The Phyllis Diller Gag File" is an exhibition of the beige cabinet in the quiet Albert H. Small Documents Gallery.
The National Museum of American History debuted Phyllis Diller's gag file on August 12, 2011 in the Albert H. Small Documents Gallery in an exhibition entitled "Have you Hard the One...? The Phyllis Diller Gag File."
see also: press release https://www.si.edu/newsdesk/releases/national-museum-american-history-showcases-life-and-laughs-phyllis-diller
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
These revolutions appear invisible in the history of science, Kuhn explained, because each successive generation learns science through the lens of the current paradigm.
As a result of Kuhn's scientific revolutions perspective, historians of science will need to uncover the frameworks and lenses by which prior generations saw the world to be able to see the world the same way. This will allow them to better piece together histories
How is this related to the ways that experts don't appreciate their own knowledge when trying to teach newcomers their subjects? What is the word/phrase for this effect?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- for: history - hyperlink, history - Vannevar Bush, history - Ted Nelson, history - Doug Engelbart
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
BookmarkZettelkasten for historical research?
@pgrhowarth @MartinBB @tevka and other historians (and sociologists, anthropologists, humanists, etc.) who want to delve into some of the ideas of historical method, zettelkasten, note taking, intellectual craftsmanship outside of Luhmann's version, I've compiled a list of various primary sources who have written on a variety of related methods throughout the past few hundred years: https://www.zotero.org/chrisaldrich/tags/note%20taking%20methods/items/KTZXN3EV/item-list
Historians in particular have used indexing their notes as a means of creating analog databases for individual facts outside of their other writing/compiling practices. Thus a mixture of methods may suit your working needs.
To help frame it one might also consult the following: * Thomas, Keith. “Diary: Working Methods.” London Review of Books, June 10, 2010. https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v32/n11/keith-thomas/diary. * Blair, Ann M. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Yale University Press, 2010. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300165395/too-much-know.
I've got a relatively short overview of some of these methods and examples of users at https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/22/the-two-definitions-of-zettelkasten/.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
What was Mommsen's historical method?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the Auto industry built for us and what's most Insidious is the financials behind all of this
- for: adjacency - urban decay, suburbs, history- suburbs, history - car culture, urban decay - economics
- as the suburbs expanded they need more and more roads highways Bridges infrastructure to stay afloat
- but because the nature of the suburb is spread out single-family housing as opposed to the densely packed City Apartment dwelling the suburbs have too few people to be able to fund this infrastructure
- subsequently, they so they have to keep expanding in order to fund themselves and even then they still can't fund themselves
- so they often rely on tax dollars from City dwellers to subsidize their Suburban excesses
- who lives in the cities because of white flight ?... people of color
when it comes to housing, people of color have been screwed over in literally every way in imaginable
so we have this self-perpetuating cycle
- the growth of suburbs leads to more suburban sprawl
- this increases the need for cars
- this leads to the building of more highways and Roads
- this leads to not enough income to pay for the suburbs
- this leads to black and brown communities being forced to subsidize Suburban Lifestyles at the expense of the beautification of their own communities leading to the degradation of inner city neighborhoods
Auto industry actively demonized pedestrians making fun of pedestrian victims of auto accidents and coining the term jaywalker from the term J used in the late 1800s to mean worthless 00:10:26 fourth rate a hick or a dope and walking in the suburbs is actively discouraged through City planning
- for: history - suburbs, history - car culture
- etymology
- jaywalking
- invented by the auto industry to discourage waling in the suburbs. A "Jay" was a derogatory term in the 1800s that meant "worthless"
- jaywalking
Lots but the people living in the suburbs continued to work and commute in the cities what's the solution High-Speed Rail and Incredibly 00:08:08 efficient mass transit no dummy cars obviously but it wasn't obvious the obsession with and Reliance on cars that seems uniquely American was manufactured as not a symptom but a feature of the 00:08:20 suburbs
- for: history - suburbs, history - car culture
- paraphrase
- With so many people living in the suburbs, there was a new transportation problem as these people had to travel to the city centers to work.
- High speed rail and mass transit lost out over big oil and the auto industry lobby, and this loss resulted in an auto-centric design that shaped not only the American landscape, but the entire world
- The 1956 federal aid highway act created a national highway system, but also provided positive feedback to increase suburban development
- highway construction disproportionately affected minority communities
the GI Bill provided a range of benefits to returning World War II veterans including low-cost mortgages job training and college tuition the implementation of these benefits was not Equitable across racial lines though the 00:04:36 legislation itself didn't explicitly differentiate benefits based on race in practice the distribution of its benefits was largely influenced by social and institutional racism the GI Bill worked in tandem with existing racially discriminating housing and 00:04:48 lending practices such as redlining and restrictive covenants which effectively excluded black veterans from enjoying the same opportunities for homeownership as their white counterparts redlining was a discriminatory practice where 00:05:00 lenders would designate neighborhoods with a high percentage of black people as high risk areas for mortgage lending these areas were often outlined in red on maps used by Banks and other lending institutions hence the term redlining 00:05:13 this led to a systemic denial of Home Loans or Insurance to People based on the racial or ethnic composition of their neighborhoods
- for: history - suburbs, GI Bill, racial discrimination, structural racism, institutional racism, racial discrimination
- paraphrase
- The GI Bill institutionally and structurally discriminated against people of color and played a major role in how suburbs expansion was racially discriminatory against people of color
- for: town planning, zoning, uglification, history - car culture, big oil - lobby, history - suburbs
- urban decay - economics
- jaywalking
- 1956 highway act
- etymology - jaywalking
- zoning
- history - car culture
- etymology
- racial discrimination
- adjacency - urban decay - suburbs
- history - suburbs
- adjacency
- big oil - lobby
- auto-centric
- town planning
- institutional racism
- uglification
- structural racism
cognitive-surplus.com cognitive-surplus.com
Local file Local file
Oreskes, Naomi, and Erik M. Conway. The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023.
zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org
毛奇制造的两个唱片圆筒是唯一已知的 18 世纪出生的人的录音。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
中共上海情报科,是中央特科的延续,是「最后的特科」留下的种子。1934 年到 1935 年,中共上海地下党受到国民党特务的反复大规模破坏。为保存力量,1935 年 8 月决定撤销上海临时中央局、中央特科等机构并分批撤离。特科在上海只留下一个办事处,由丘吉夫负责。1935 年 11 月 18 日,国民党特务又将特科上海办事处破获,丘吉夫被捕。1936 年 4 月,陕北中央派冯雪峰回到上海。冯雪峰指示徐强,将主要任务转向情报工作。1937 年 7 月全面抗战爆发,国共合作之后,上海特科被改组为中共上海情报科,负责对日战略情报侦察。之所以能够担负这项任务,是因为特科的王学文发展了中西功和西里龙夫两名日籍党员。1933 年春,西里龙夫来到上海谋职,就任日本新闻联合通讯社上海总局记者。1934 年,他设法找到王学文,加入中共,开始进行情报收集和分析工作。1937 年,日军攻陷南京后,西里龙夫就任日军「北支派遣军」司令部奏任级嘱托(顾问)、伪「中华联合通讯社」指导官和日本同盟社首席记者,打入日军高层。1934 年,中西功经尾崎秀实介绍到大连「满铁总社调查部」就职。经过一段时间的观察,他认为日本侵华的策划中心已移至上海,于是设法调到上海,通过西里龙夫与王学文接上联系。1938 年,中西功加入中共,就任日军「支那派遣军」特别嘱托(顾问)、「满铁上海办事处」调查室主任、日本「中国抗战力量调查委员会」派驻上海委员,打入日本驻华情报机构。1939 年,徐强调回延安,吴纪光接手上海情报科工作。在潘汉年直接领导下,吴纪光调整加强了上海情报科:上海以中西功为核心,利用中西功的地位,在「满铁上海办事处」调查室名下成立了一个「特别调查班」。名义上,这个调查班的任务是搜集南京、延安和上海租界方面上层人物的活动情报;实际上,这个特别调查班里安插了多名上海情报科的中共党员,特别调查班的班长程和生担任联络员。【注:程和生为化名,本名郑文道。】在南京,有西里龙夫、李一峰(伪「中央社」采访部主任,汪伪特工总部顾问)、汪敬远(汪精卫随从秘书)三名战略情报员,李得森及其妻子张敏以行医为掩护设立南京情报站,张明达担任与上海方面的联络员。在华北,尾崎庄太郎打入日军「北支派遣军」司令部任情报课长,白井行幸在太原以经商名义活动,并派钱志行到北平建立联络站。这样,上海情报科构成了埋伏在日军内高层的情报网络,为延安提供了大量侵华日军以及汪伪、日蒋之间活动的战略情报。据八路军总部作战参谋杨迪回忆,当时日军的重要军事、政治行动,总部均能提前得到可靠的情报。
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robertreich.substack.com robertreich.substack.com
Robert Reich course “Wealth and Poverty” 2023
- Jul 2023
Local file Local file
Winchester, Simon. Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic, 2023. https://www.harperacademic.com/book/9780063142886/knowing-what-we-know.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
Unlike Turkophobic reviews I know real history behind WW1, Armenian gangs (most famous ones Henchak and Dashnak) killed lots of people and rob their neighbors. My mom side ancestors came from Van and I heard stories about Armenian neighbors came to rob them when their husbands went to war.Turkey suggested Armenia for a joint historians board for so-called Armenian Genocide research and opening state archives. Armenia denied their proposition.Let me explain this to you: you don't accept historians to decide, you praise (millions of) so-called Armenian Genocide supporter films without historical proof and if you see one film which just picture real situation it is propaganda. You say it is a propaganda because it conflicts with your propaganda.
England: From the Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest. Streaming Video. Vol. 30140. The Great Courses. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, LLC, 2022. https://www.thegreatcourses.com/england-from-the-fall-of-rome-to-the-norman-conquest. https://www.wondrium.com/england-from-the-fall-of-rome-to-the-norman-conquest.
Paxton, Jennifer. England: From the Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest. The Great Courses: Books. First. The Great Courses 30140. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company, 2022.
we regard this disappearance as an aberration, and notas an indication of progress.
disappearance [of education] as an...
there's also disappearance of context of what has gone before
earlyradiohistory.us earlyradiohistory.us
cloudflare.tv cloudflare.tv
minitel.us minitel.us
thechipletter.substack.com thechipletter.substack.com
- Jun 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
The idea that what happened was not inevitable. Understanding the contingency of the past, I think, may suggest to them that the present and future are similarly “not a done deal”.
In some respects, even the past is not a done deal. It must be examined and studied and will be viewed differently in the present and in the future, thus making history a feedback loop, though hopefully in positive ways.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
22:30 Differing environments/context matters. So before giving tricks, hacks, etc. realise that you function within a different environment.
Historicity is a historical sibling to this: periods have different environments, and thus don't apply 1 on 1.
But we can still learn from other other people & periods?
www.paris-treizieme.fr www.paris-treizieme.fr
spectrum.ieee.org spectrum.ieee.org
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There’s no evidence ofdisputes requiring intervention by mediators or arbitrators, and reading all the edits gives a verygood idea of what all the rumpus over the years has been about.
This quote and example enhanced my understanding and views of Wikipedia. I'm happy the article included Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's wikipedia page for reference because by telling me that it has been revised 607 times and there is no evidence of anything rude, or inaccurate makes me trust wikipedia and the volunteers a lot more. I attached the history list of Daniel Goldhagen. as further proof
johnmenadue.com johnmenadue.com
In Chile, two million Chileans were estimated to have been killed by the Pinochet regime
Totally overblown, 3065 dead, ~40k tortured, 200k exiled from Chile by Pinochet.
www.bortzmeyer.org www.bortzmeyer.org
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
www.shehui.pku.edu.cn www.shehui.pku.edu.cn
histoireduticketdemetro.blogspot.com histoireduticketdemetro.blogspot.com
- May 2023
en.wikiquote.org en.wikiquote.org
The object of the present volume is to point out the effects and the advantages which arise from the use of tools and machines ;—to endeavour to classify their modes of action ;—and to trace both the causes and the consequences of applying machinery to supersede the skill and power of the human arm.
[28] AI - precedents...