880 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Knappes Blogpost, in dem die Geowissenschaftlerin Bárbara Zambelli der aktuellen „Ethik der Erschöpfung“ eine „Ethik des Überflusses“ gegenüberstellt. Es ist am Höhepunkt der Covid 19-Pandemie in Brasilien geschrieben. Fundamentale Tatasachen wie die Interaktion von Wirtschaft und Erdsystem und die Begrenztheit aller Ressourcen werden sehr klar aufgeführt.

    1. Die Position der deutschen Umweltverbände zu Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) ist nicht einheitlich. Es wird von WWF und Nabu wie von vielen Fachleuten als in bestimmten Fällen unvermeidlich angesehen. In der europäischen Bevölkerung sind die Haltungen sehr unterschiedlich. Hinter der CCS-Strategie der deutschen Regierung könnte auch das Bestreben stehen, die Überkapazitäten beim Ausbau der LNG-Infrastruktur zu legitemieren. https://taz.de/CO-Speicherung-unter-der-Nordsee/!5993226/

    1. Die vom deutschen Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck verkündete Carbon-Management-Strategie erlaubt CCS auch bei Gaskraftwerken, bei denen es aber nicht gefördert werden soll. Vorgesehen ist ein Pipeline-System zur Speicherung von CO<sub>2</sub> im Boden des deutschen Teils der Nordsee. Der BUND-Vorsitzende Olaf Brandt sprach davon, dass Habeck damit eine Büchse der Pandora öffne. Durch die Strategie wird eine kommerzielle CCS-Infrastruktur möglich, von der die Gasindustrie profitiert. https://taz.de/Habecks-CO2-Speicherplaene/!5991971/

    1. John Kerry gibt sein Amt als Klimabeauftragter der US-Administration auf. Er hält am 1,5°-Ziel fest und entschuldigt die Spitzenposition der USA bei den Öl- und Gasexporten mit dem Ukraine-Krieg. Kerry äußert Zweife an den behaupteten Wirkungen von Carbon Capture and Storage, warnt die Fossilindustrie vor Stranded Assets und wendet sich gegen Desinformsationskampagnen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/04/john-kerry-us-committed-to-tackling-climate-crisis-despite-fossil-fuel-growth

    1. Interview mit Mia Mottley, der Premierministerin von Barbados und Hauptvorkämpferin der von ihr ins Leben gerufenen Bridgetown Initiative zur Klimafinanzierung für den globalen Süden. Mottley geht auf die Schuldenkrise in vielen Ländern nach der Pandemie ein und fordert, wie sie sagt, unorthodoxe CO2-Steuern, z.B Abgaben von fossilen Konzernen und Fluggesellschaften. Die derzeit Mächtigen verhinderten eine wirksame Klimafinanzierung, obwohl es Fortschritte z.B. bei Finanzinstitutionen gebe. Dass Finanztransfers vor allem zu einer klimagerechten Transformation nötig sei, werde nicht anerkannt. https://taz.de/Barbados-Premier-ueber-Klimakrise/!5994100/

    1. Das Tempo der Temperaturerhöhung an der Oberfläche der Ozeane ist auch für erfahrene Forschende schockierend. Besonders hoch ist es im Nordatlantik, dessen Erwärmung zu schwereren Hurricans führen könnte. Aber auch der Südatlantik und damit das antarktische Meereis sind betroffen. Die Ursachen sind nicht geklärt; das El Niño-Phänomen reicht zur Erklärung nicht aus. Es könnten Feedback-Mechanismen eine Rolle spielen. Die New York Times hat mehrere Wissenschaftler befragt.


      Infografik: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/02/07/multimedia/27cli-newsletter-02/2024-02-07-sst-hottest-january-index-superJumbo-v2.png?quality=75&auto=webp

    1. Eine Modellierung durch Forschende der Chinesischen Akademie für meteorologische Wissenschaften ergibt für 2024 hochwahrscheinliche Rekordtemperaturen und Extremwetter u.a. in südasiatischen Küstengebieten und dem Amazonasbecken. Auch bei einem gemäßigten El Niño ist aufgrund des Treibhausgasgehalts der Atmosphäre mit schweren Katastrophen zu rechnen. Der Artikel stellt das El Niño-Phänomen selbst relativ ausführlich dar. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000209661/el-nino-sorgt-in-den-naechsten-monaten-fuer-temperaturrekorde

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-52846-2

  2. Feb 2024
    1. The purported reason seems to be the claim that some people find "master" offensive. (FWIW I'd give that explanation more credence if the people giving it seem to be offended themselves rather than be offended on behalf of someone else. But whatever, it's their repo.)
    1. Zwei neue Studien aufgrund einer genaueren Modellierung der Zusammenhänge von Erhitzung und Niederschlagen: Es lässt sich besser voraussagen, wie höhere Temperaturen die Bildung von Wolkenclustern in den Tropen und damit Starkregenereignisse fördern. Außerdem lässt sich erfassen, wie durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen festgesetzten Aerosole bisher die Niederschlagsmenge in den USA reduziert und damit einen Effekt der globalen Erhitzung verdeckt haben.



      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj6801

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45504-8

    1. Ausführlicher Bericht über die neue Studie zum Zustand des Amazonas-Regenwalds. Bis 2050 drohen 10-47% einen Kipppunkt zu erreichen, jenseits dessen sie ihre jetzigen Funktionen für Kohlenstoff- und Wasser Zyklen verloren. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit 5 Treibern für Wasser-Stress. Um den Regenwald sicher zu erhalten, ist der Verzicht auf jede weitere Entwaldung und das Einhalten der 1,5°-Grenze nötig. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/14/amazon-rainforest-could-reach-tipping-point-by-2050-scientists-warn

    1. Erneuerbare Energien sind der wichtigste Treiber des Wirtschaftswachstums in China. Zugleich droht China die Klimaziele für 2025 zu verfehlen. 2023 hat der Energieverbrauch um 5,7% zugenommen. Zwischen 2021 Uhr und 2023 wuchsen die CO2-Emissionen jährlich um durchschnittlich 3, 8%. Ein Hauptgrund dafür ist die Stimulierung der Wirtschaft in China selbst und den Ländern, in die China exportiert, nach der Covid-Krise. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/22/growth-in-co2-emissions-leaves-china-likely-to-miss-climate-targets

    1. Fachleute rechnen damit, dass ein Sieg Trumps bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen zu einem Rollback bei den Projekten für saubere Energie führen würde, die die Biden-Administration eingeleitet hat. Der Inflation Reduction Act hat bereits zu Investitionen von etwa 200 Milliarden Dollar in solche Projekte geführt. Wie weit der Rollback gelingen würde, ist unklar, zumal besonders republikanisch dominierte Regionen von den Projekten der aktuellen Administration profitieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/us/politics/inflation-reduction-act-republican-attacks.html

    1. One of my inquiries was for anecdotes regarding mistakes made between the twins by their near relatives. The replies are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children, they are usually distinguished by ribbons tied round the wrist or neck; nevertheless the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes was usually given by the mother, in a phraseology that is some- [p. 158] what touching by reason of its seriousness.

    2. "But twins have a special claim upon our attention; it is, that their history affords means of distinguishing between the effects of tendencies received at birth, and of those that were imposed by the special circumstances of their after lives."

    1. In Barcelona und 200 anderen katalanischen Städten wurde Anfang Februar der Wassernotstand ausgerufen. An der spanischen Mittelmeerküste, in Sizilien und Nordafrika herrscht starke Dürre. Südandalusien leidet set 2016 kontinuierlich unter Trockenheit. Der Kommentar im Guardian beschhäftigt sich vor diesem Hintergund mit dem Widerstand gegen Klima- und Wasserschutmaßnahmen, der populistisch angeheizt wird. Es sei noch nicht ausgemacht, dass auch in der Landwirtschaft das Verständnis für die Gründe der Krise wachse. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/15/spain-water-barcelona-farmers-tourism-catalonia-drought

      Karte des European Drought Observatory: https://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/edov2/php/index.php?id=1052

    1. Die New York Times analysiert den Auftritt von Sultan al-Jaber, Ölminister der Emirate und Präsident der COP28, beim „Peterberger Klimadialog“.Er unterscheidet zwischen Fossilen Brennstoffen und fossilen Emissionen. Viele Beobachter:innen interpretieren seine Statements optimistisch – sie sind aber deutlich auf eine Legitimation der Fossilindustrie ausgerichtet. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/climate/un-climate-oil-uae-al-jaber.html

    1. Eine neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein Umkippen des nordatlantischen Strömungssystems Amoc in einem anderen Zustand schon sehr bald drohen könnte, wenn sich die globale Erhitzung fortsetzt. Die Studie modelliert auch die Folgen, zum Beispiel sehr schnell steigende Wasserstände an der amerikanischen Ostküste, ein Umkippen des Amazonas-Regenwaldes und wesentlich niedrigere Temperaturen in Europa. Der Studienautor stellt fest, dass wir die Erhitzung sehr viel ernster nehmen müssen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/09/atlantic-ocean-circulation-nearing-devastating-tipping-point-study-finds

      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk1189

    1. Die Selbstverpflichtungen der Regierungen zur Dekarbonisierung reichen bei weitem nicht aus. Ein Bericht, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage für die kommende COP28 publiziert wurde, ergibt, dass 2030 etwa 20 bis 23 Gigatonnen mehr CO<sub>2</sub> emittiert werden sollen, als mit dem 1,5 °-Ziel verträglich wäre. Zum ersten Mal wird in einem offiziellen UN-Dokument das Ende der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe gefordert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/08/un-report-calls-for-phasing-out-of-fossil-fuels-as-paris-climate-goals-being-missed

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/EMBARGOED_DRAFT_Sythesis-report-of-the-technical-dialogue-of-the-first-global-stocktake.pdf

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/631600

    1. Der CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalt der Atmosphäre wird 2024 weiter steigen, so dass die vom IPCC erarbeiteten Pfade, um das 1,5°-Ziel einzuhalten, nicht mehr eingehalten werden können. Das ergibt sich aus einer Studie des britischen Met Office, die sich auf die Daten des Mauna Loa-Observatoriums in Hawai stützt. (Die obere Grenze der Unsicherheitsbereiche dieser Pfade ist erreicht, selbst wenn der El-Niño-Einfluss abgezogen wird. Ein Einhalten der Pfade würde ein sofortiges Absinken des CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalts erfordern.) https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat-les-concentrations-de-co2-cette-annee-menacent-la-limite-de-15c-daugmentation-globale-des-temperatures-20240119_6JIALPQDBNADFGNHS4MVDXR5QA/?redirected=1

      Animation: https://youtu.be/RYPDvTWDi0E?si=wWEUnypFxQO8M9D7

      Bericht: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/long-range/forecasts/co2-forecast-for-2024

    1. Die Bauernproteste haben zu Revisionen von Maßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung (und Pestizidreduktion) in europäischen Ländern und auf EU-Ebene geführt, obwohl die Klimaziele der EU ohne eine deutliche Reduktion der Emissionen der Landwirtschaft nicht zu erreichen sind. Der Arikel der New York Times beschäftigt sich mit der besonderen Rolle der Landwirtschaft in der EU-Politik und mit der Notwendigkeit, Klimapolitik als just transition zu gestalten. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/06/climate/europe-farming-protests-policy.html

      Mehr zu den EU-Emissionszielen für 2040: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22EU%20emission%20goals%202040%22

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Driver management through Selenium Manager is opt-in for the Selenium bindings. Thus, users can continue managing their drivers manually (putting the driver in the PATH or using system properties) or rely on a third-party driver manager to do it automatically. Selenium Manager only operates as a fallback: if no driver is provided, Selenium Manager will come to the rescue.
    1. Ausführlicher Artikel zum Hintergrund der Entscheidung der Biden-Adminstration, den Bau der LNG-Terminals CP2 nicht ohne Überprüfung der Klimawirkung zu genehmigen. Zur Zeit haben die USA sieben LNG-Export-Terminals, fünf sind in Bau. CP2 wäre das bisher größte; es ist eines von 17 Terminals im Planungsstadium. Die USA sind weltweit führend beim LNG-Export und bei der Öl- und Gasproduktion insgesamt. CP2 soll, bei Baukosten von 10 Milliarden Dollar, 20 Millionen Tonnen LNG im Jahr verschiffen, 20% der US- Exporte. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/climate/biden-lng-export-terminal-cp2.html

    1. if we had a choice what would we want to eat what brings us joy and my my strong belief

      for - William Li - personal philosophy - healthy food strategy - begin by asking about favorite foods

      personal philosophy - William Li - what food do you eat that already brings you joy? - find out which ones are healthy - show them it's not heavy lifting

    1. i was just banned from reddit for 3 days for "threatening violence" in this comment

      you have to be really stupid (or evil) to interpret this comment as "threatening violence". but well, nothing new. hate maintainers, hate moderators, hate admins, ...

      Kinda crazy that something that every body does is taken away from them and they shut up and obey like they are the government's property or something.

      because people ARE property of the government

      if i would own my children, then i could kill them, just like i can kill my dog. but "my" children are property of the government, and if i "hurt" my children, or if i teach the "wrong" things to my children, then police bust my door, steal my children, throw me in jail, and put my children into a "normal" family

      you sound young, maybe 20. im 30, and i have some experience in this field... im officially labelled as "unfit for educating children" because of my radical views

      here is the ban message:

      Hi milahu2,

      Reddit is a vast network of communities that are created, run, and populated by people like you. In order to keep communities welcoming, safe, and great places to be, everyone who uses the platform operates by a shared set of rules.

      Banned 3-days for threatening violence

      We flagged the following as a potential policy violation:

      Content shared from milahu2 on 01/16/2024 UTC


      After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 1 because you threatened violence or physical harm. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for threatening violence against people or animals. We don’t tolerate any behavior that threatens violence or physical harm against an individual, groups of people, places, or animals. Any communities or people that threaten violence towards an individual, group, animals, or place will be banned.

      As a result, we’re issuing a temporary 3-day ban on your milahu2 account, removing the violating content, and asking you not to break this rule again.

      Reddit and its communities are only what we make of them together, and we want you to continue enjoying Reddit while helping your fellow redditors and communities stay safe. We suggest reading and getting acquainted with Reddit’s Content Policy. A better understanding of these rules will help you avoid further actions from our admin team. If you do continue to break Reddit’s rules through this or any other Reddit account, you may face additional actions such as a permanent ban from the platform.

      If you feel like you didn’t break the rules, you can file an appeal any time within the next six months and we’ll take a second look.

      – Reddit Admin Team

      Note: This content was flagged by Reddit's automated systems. This decision was made without the assistance of automation.

      my appeal:

      not a single word in my comment is "threatening violence"

      do you understand the english language?

    1. Tracking dependent relationships between Issues and whether something is blocking another piece of work is important with any project process because it creates a central hub where everyone can communicate what’s needed without relying solely on meetings or comments to uncover important connections.
    1. All stakeholders in the world must now act according to the agreed Cop28 output, and deliver on the CopP28 Global Stocktake Agreement, which means rapidly transitioning away from oil, coal and gas, aiming at more than 40% reductions by 2030
      • for: climate mitigation, stats - 40% reduction by 2030, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - fossil fuel phase out

      • quote: Johan Rockstrom

        • All stakeholders in the world must now act according to the agreed Cop28 output, and deliver on the CopP28 Global Stocktake Agreement,
          • which means rapidly transitioning away from oil, coal and gas, aiming at more than 40% reductions by 2030
      • Date: Dec 31, 2023
    1. Blockers would give better insight into when an issue can be started,
    2. bugzilla has had the concept of one or more ticket(s) blocking another for quite some time. We used that for over ten years before switching to GitLab and it is a feature I miss. A dependency tree between issues enables planning and workflow. This is can be seen as related to issues boards in that blocked issues should not be able to move ahead until the blockers are at least implemented perhaps reviewed.
    3. It would be useful filter to have, also it would be useful to sort issues using topological order on Board and other issue listings, so the unblocked issues would be first.
    1. It doesn’t matter if *you* believe in climate change or not… Because Insurance companies believe in climate change. And so you're *already* paying for the costs of climate breakdown
      • for: climate denial - insurance companies will make everyone pay, climate deniers - will pay carbon tax - via insurance, carbon tax - climate deniers
    1. this is kinda the concept of Patreon and other "tipping" services ... honestly I am pleasantly surprised at how widespread this has become! :) Almost all the YouTubers I follow, who still rely on Google/YouTube ad revenue to some degree, also rely on their Patreon funding to a significant degree. (Crucially the Patreon funding is more dependent on audience desires than advertiser desires, e.g. less sensitive to "The Algorithm.")It's pretty interesting ... given the voluntary dynamic of paying for the media. I personally doubt Hollywood (or any national newspapers or "magazines") would ever adopt this "voluntary" model (instead attempting to enforce per-unit sales via DRM), but without question "pay what you want" is remarkably sustainable for smaller creators.
    1. why is, are so many working class whites driving toward the hard right and wanting to support, you know, what seemed to us kind of insane policies? Well, people are desperate. They're looking for the answer. They're looking for the problem, and they're being told the problem is immigrants. And we don't look at wealth as the problem.
      • for: the real BIG LIE, elephant in the room - wealth inequality, working class driven to hard right
    1. Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts

  4. Dec 2023
    1. In the neoliberal era, individuals are forced to assume sole responsibility for navigating “every hardship and every difficulty—from poverty to student debt to home eviction to drug addiction.” When the pandemic exacerbated these hardships, it was an uphill battle to build solidarity and convince people to support collective solutions. After a lifetime of being told they were on their own, “a subset of the population” doubled down on individualism. It does not, now, seem surprising to Klein that they essentially said, “Fuck you: we won’t mask or jab
      • for: key insight - anti-vaxxers, key insight - conspiracy theories, key insight - maga, key insight - neoliberalism and failure at collective action

      • key insight: neoliberalism and failure of collective action

        • neoliberalism's continuous assault on society has striped use off any support system, leaving us to fend for ourselves
        • when polycrisis events occur, it provokes a distrust of any attempt at government intervention
        • this is a sign of things to come when climate chaos will accelerate social breakdown
      • for: climate crisis - elites, Kevin Anderson - elites, carbon emissions - elites, adjacency - elites - carbon inequality - incentives - luxury - capitalism

      • title: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You

      • author: Kevin Anderson
      • date: Nov. 29, 2023

      • comment

      • adjacency between
        • elites
        • capitalism
        • free market
        • incentives
        • double bind
        • wicked problem
        • inequality
        • carbon inequality
        • luxury industry
      • adjacency statement
        • This article was pulled by "The Conversation" for being too controversial
        • It addresses the double-bind / wicked problems that we find ourselves in.
        • It's not just that the elites that are the highest per capita polluters, but
          • it is an indictment of the entire philosophy and worldview of capitalism and the market economy which produces winners and losers and
          • the winners reap enormous resource benefits, including being able to afford luxury items as rewards which constitute the largest ecological footprint of all
        • while at any one time, there is always a minority of the 1%, who hold the most outsized ecological footprint of all, the logic that produced that 1% also serves as the incentives for the majority of the 99%, who because of the inherent precarity created by capitalism, will fight and struggle to become part of that 1%
        • So while one generation of the 1% die off, a new generation is born and created by the incentive structure of scarcity and precarity.
        • In this sense, capitalism has its own self-reinforcing, positive feedback loop that keeps the masses of the disenfranchised aspiring to the same high resource and ecological footprint, luxury lifestyle
        • Look at the culture industry of sports, entertainment, movies, music, TV, etc. and of business in general. The leaders of these and ALL fields are celebrated as heros and they all reward themselves with an ultra-high carbon intensity, luxury lifestyle.
        • Unless we do more than simply demonize the current set of elites, and recognize the root cause and change the incentive structure itself, we will only ever deal with the symptom and not the problem, and continue to generate the next generation of elites
        • The luxury lifestyle industry is a important role-player in the self-reinforcing feedback loop
    1. the idea of a game is really important and the rules of the game so what's happened is that to the extent that that we've we 00:39:33 have lost the common understanding of our reality then people start attacking the rules of the game and and that's you know going back to my work on conflict
      • for: adjacency - rules of the game - violence, dangers of not playing by the rules of the game

      • adjacency between

        • rules of the game
        • violence
      • adjacency statement
        • When people cannot agree on the rules of the democratic game, we are just one step away from violence
        • Homer-Dixon explores the relationship between environmental breakdown and violence in an earlier book
        • If you believe your "opponent" is not playing by the rules of the game, then they are outside the moral ambit of your community, and you can justify violence
        • Their status as a human being is no longer legitimate and they are dehumanized. Violence is now possible
        • Whenever a group feels another group is not playing by the rules of the game, it is a very dangerous situation as violence can be justified on these grounds
    1. 最近我在試著翻譯 Do things that don’t scale 這篇有名的文章,在用 chatGPT 的時候,發現一個有趣的差別。 Airbnb now seems like an unstoppable juggernaut, but early on it was so fragile that about 30 days of going out and engaging in person with users made the difference between success and failure. chatGPT: Airbnb現在似乎是一個不可阻擋的巨無霸,但在早期,只要花大約30天的時間親自外出與使用者互動,就可能決定成功與失敗之間的差別。 我的翻譯:目前 Airbnb 似乎是個無人能擋的巨無霸,但它初期其實脆弱到如果三十天內不去和使用者互動,迎接他們的就會是失敗而不是成功。 chatGPT 「只要花 30 天就會決定成功與失敗」聽起來很不知所云,不知道到底是會失敗還是會成功?那是要超過三十天還是要低於三十天? 但如果是用我的版本,要表達的就很明確:「超過三十天不去找用戶的話,你就完蛋了。」 雖然我不確定自己翻的到底是否符合原話,但至少讀起來的「立場」較為明確,就是在說你就是要趕快去找使用者。但如果是 chatGPT 的版本,就會看不出來到底什麼東西會決定成功與失敗?又怎樣會導致成功、怎樣會導致失敗?




  5. Nov 2023
    1. Auf den Öl- und Gasfeldern der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, darunter vielen, die der staatlichen Gesellschaft Adnoc gehören, wurde in den vergangenen 20 Jahren in großem Umfang routinemäßig Gas abgefackelt, was zu hohen Methanemissionen führt. Die Emirate hatten sich verpflichtet, das Abfackeln schnell zu reduzieren. Die dieser Selbstverpflichtung krass widersprechende Praxis gilt bei NGO als weiterer Beleg dafür, dass Selbstverpflichtungen der Fossilindustrie nicht getraut werden kann. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/17/cop28-host-uae-breaking-its-own-ban-on-routine-gas-flaring-data-showsactor

    1. blah. this surveillance system is one big personality test.<br /> the problem is, they do not want a balance of all personality types or "natural order",<br /> but they do a one-sided selection by personality type.<br /> aka socialdarwinism, socialism, survival of the social, social credit score, civilization, high culture, progress, "made order", human laws, human rights, humanism, ...

    1. In der Repubblica stellt Jaime d'Alessandro fest, dass Italien dabei ist, den Kampf um ein neues Energiesystem und damit auch eine Erneuerung der Wirtschaft zu verlieren. Seit den 90ern befinde sich das Land im Stillstand. D'Alessandro beruft sich auf Studien zur besonderen Betroffenheit des Mittelmeerraums von der globalen Erhitzung und zur schon bald bevorstehenden Eisfreiheit der Arktis. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/11/01/news/decarbonizzazione_greenblue_novembre-418935623/

      Studie zur eisfreien Arktis: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38511-8

      Studie zur Erhitzung in Europa: doi:10.2760/93257

  6. Oct 2023
    1. Commenting paused to protect the community We've discovered that comments you've left may violate Community Guidelines: • Spam, deceptive practices and scams policies You'll be able to post comments again in 1 day. Have feedback? Let us know Got it

      fuck youtube, fuck google, fuck CIA, fuck NSA, ...

    1. Toillustrate this principle, an HTML page typically provides the user with a num-ber of affordances, such as to navigate to a different page by clicking a hyperlinkor to submit an order by filling out and submitting an HTML form. Performingany such action transitions the application to a new state, which provides theuser with a new set of affordances. In each state, the user’s browser retrievesan HTML representation of the current state from a server, but also a selec-tion of next possible states and the information required to construct the HTTPrequests to transition to those states. Retrieving all this information throughhypermedia allows the application to evolve without impacting the browser, andallows the browser to transition seamlessly across servers. The use of hyperme-dia and HATEOAS is central to reducing coupling among Web components, andallowed the Web to evolve into an open, world-wide, and long-lived system.In contrast to the above example, when using a non-hypermedia Web service(e.g., an implementation of CRUD operations over HTTP), developers have tohard-code into clients all the knowledge required to interact with the service.This approach is simple and intuitive for developers, but the trade-off is thatclients are then tightly coupled to the services they use (hence the need for APIversioning).
    1. Water immobilization is a cool thing! The simplest way to accomplish it is by freezing. But can you think of how water might be immobilized (so to speak) at temperatures above freezing, say at 50°F (10°C)? Think Jell-O and a new process that mimics caviar and you have two methods that nearly stop water in its tracks.

      I learned that science and cooking is always connected. Even if we don't think about it in every day life like when water evaporates or freezes it is chemistry. But what I found most interesting that I learned is how water immobilization works, or to put it more simply the science behind Jell-O. When you add gelatin to water it traps the water molecules in place which creates the sort of liquid and solid hybrid we find with Jell-O.

  7. Sep 2023
    1. "Surrendering" by Ocean Vuong

      1. He moved into United State when he was age of five. He first came to United State when he started kindergarten. Seven of them live in the apartment one bedroom and bathroom to share the whole. He learned ABC song and alphabet. He knows the ABC that he forgot the letter is M comes before N.

      2. He went to the library since he was on the recess. He was in the library hiding from the bully. The bully just came in the library doing the slight frame and soft voice in front of the kid where he sit. He left the library, he walked to the middle of the schoolyard started calling him the pansy and fairy. He knows the American flag that he recognize on the microphone against the backdrop.

    1. Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.

      The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.

      The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.

      Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

  8. Aug 2023
    1. Shrine was heavily inspired by Refile and Roda. From Refile it borrows the idea of "backends" (here named "storages"), attachment interface, and direct uploads. From Roda it borrows the implementation of an extensible plugin system.
    1. We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment: democracy by device
      • for: democracy - by device, quote, quote - Barry Chudakov, quote - democracy by device
      • quote
        • We are in the midst of a remarkable social and civic experiment, democracy by device
      • author: Barry Chudakov
  9. Jul 2023
    1. the graph you see here shows the two Alternatives we have 00:12:22 either we really radically reduce emissions and come to Net Zero by 2040 with limited overshoot
      • for: bend the curve, planetary boundaries, planetary tipping points, 1.5 Degree, overshoot 1.5 Degree C

      • two alternatives

        • come to net zero by 2040 with limited overshoot
        • come to net zero by 2060 with 3 decades of overshoot to 1.6, 1.7 Deg C
      • first alternative is no longer viable
  10. Jun 2023
    1. By the 1980s the adage had implausibly been reassigned to Benjamin Franklin. The 1986 book “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching” by Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers contained the following passage:[12]1986 (Seventh Printing 1991), Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis by Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Chapter 7: The Silent Way, Quote Page 100, Cambridge … Continue reading These premises are succinctly represented in the words of Benjamin Franklin: Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.

      The misattribution of this quote often seen in educational settings likely stems from Richards & Rodgers from 1986.

      See also: - https://hypothes.is/a/cKMkaAZQEe6dq0fkeyNabA - https://hypothes.is/a/YWrJKgZPEe6dy2sJU5KcSw

    2. Several English renderings have been published over the years. The following excerpt is from “Xunzi: The Complete Text” within chapter 8 titled “The Achievements of the Ru”. The translator was Eric L. Hutton, and the publisher was Princeton University Press in 2014. Emphasis added to excerpts:[1]2014 Copyright, Xunzi: The Complete Text, Translated by Eric L. Hutton, Chapter 8: The Achievements of the Ru, Quote Page 64, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. (Verified with … Continue reading Not having heard of it is not as good as having heard of it. Having heard of it is not as good as having seen it. Having seen it is not as good as knowing it. Knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice. Learning arrives at putting it into practice and then stops . . .

      The frequent educational quote "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.", often misattributed to Benjamin Franklin, is most attributable to 3rd century Confucian philosopher Kunzi (Xun Kuang or 荀子) who wrote:

      Not having heard of it is not as good as having heard of it. Having heard of it is not as good as having seen it. Having seen it is not as good as knowing it. Knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice. Learning arrives at putting it into practice and then stops . . .

      The translation of which appears in Xunzi: The Complete Text, Translated by Eric L. Hutton, Chapter 8: The Achievements of the Ru, Quote Page 64, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 2014.

      Variations of the sentiment and attributions have appeared frequently thereafter.

  11. May 2023
    1. It is unfortunate that the German word for a box of notes is the same as the methodology surrounding Luhmann.

      reply to dandennison84 at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/17921/#Comment_17921

      I've written a bit before on The Two Definitions of Zettelkasten, the latter of which has been emerging since roughly 2013 in English language contexts. Some of it is similar to or extends @dandennison84's framing along with some additional history.

      Because of the richness of prior annotation and note taking traditions, for those who might mean what we're jokingly calling ZK®, I typically refer to that practice specifically as a "Luhmann-esque zettelkasten", though it might be far more appropriate to name them a (Melvil) "Dewey Zettelkasten" because the underlying idea which makes Luhmann's specific zettelkasten unique is that he was numbering his ideas and filing them next to similar ideas. Luhmann was treating ideas on cards the way Dewey had treated and classified books about 76 years earlier. Luhmann fortunately didn't need to have a standardized set of numbers the way the Mundaneum had with the Universal Decimal Classification system, because his was personal/private and not shared.

      To be clear, I'm presently unaware that Dewey had or kept any specific sort of note taking system, card-based or otherwise. I would suspect, given his context, that if we were to dig into that history, we would find something closer to a Locke-inspired indexed commonplace book, though he may have switched later in life as his Library Bureau came to greater prominence and dominance.

      Some of the value of the Dewey-Luhmann note taking system stems from the same sorts of serendipity one discovers while flipping through ideas that one finds in searching for books on library shelves. You may find the specific book you were looking for, but you're also liable to find some interesting things to read on the shelves around that book or even on a shelf you pass on the way to find your book.

      Perhaps naming it and referring to it as the Dewey-Luhmann note taking system or the Dewey-Luhmann Zettelkasten may help to better ground and/or demystify the specific practices? Co-crediting them for the root idea and an early actual practice, respectively, provides a better framing and understanding, especially for native English speakers who don't have the linguistic context for understanding Zettelkästen on its own. Such a moniker would help to better delineate the expected practices and shape of a note taking practice which could be differentiated from other very similar ones which provide somewhat different affordances.

      Of course, as the history of naming scientific principles and mathematical theorems after people shows us, as soon as such a surname label might catch on, we'll assuredly discover someone earlier in the timeline who had mastered these principles long before (eg: the "Gessner Zettelkasten" anyone?) Caveat emptor.

  12. Apr 2023
    1. In particular, with AC connected, a battery with a charge level higher than the stop charge threshold will not be discharged to the stop charge threshold, nor will there be a (cyclic) discharge down to the start charge threshold
  13. Mar 2023
    1. They also highlighted that high emitters live in all countries, but were concentrated in the USA (3.16 million), causing an average 318 t CO2-e per person, Luxemburg (10,000 individuals emitting 287 t CO2-e/year each), Singapore (50,000, 251 t CO2-e/year), Saudi Arabia (290,000, 247 t CO2-e/year), and Canada (350,000, 204 t CO2-e/year)

      Noteworthy countries with the most high carbon net worth individuals (HCNW): - USA - 3.16 million individuals emitting an average 318 t CO2-e/year/person, - Luxemburg: 10,000 individuals emitting an average 287 t CO2-e/year/person, - Singapore: 50,000 individuals emitting 251 t CO2-e/year/person, - Saudi Arabia: 290,000 individuals emitting 247 t CO2-e/year/person, - Canada: 350,000 individuals emitting 204 t CO2-e/year/person

    1. We strongly recommend the use of security keys and TOTPs wherever possible. SMS-based 2FA does not provide the same level of protection, and it is no longer recommended under NIST 800-63B.
    1. We now take an opinionated stance on which second factor you should set up first – you'll no longer be asked to choose between SMS or setting up an authenticator app (known as TOTP), and instead see the TOTP setup screen immediately when first setting up 2FA.
    1. The problem with using SMS-2FA to mitigate this problem is that there’s no reason to think that after entering their credentials, they would not also enter any OTP.
    2. discussions about SMS-2FA get heated very quickly. I've found that SMS-2FA deployment or advocacy has been a major professional project for some people, and they take questioning it's efficacy personally
    3. I believe that SMS 2FA is wholly ineffective, and advocating for it is harmful.

      Would this also appyl to OTP by e-mail??

    1. In Polen hat die Staatsfirma Orlen lange enormer Gewinne mit fossilen Brennstoffen aus Russland gemacht. Damit hat sie sich u.a. in die Regionalpresse eingekauft, um dort Propaganda für die rechtskonservative Regierung zu machen.

  14. Feb 2023
    1. One online company, Books by the Foot, offers to ‘curate a library that matches both your personality and your space’, promising to provide books ‘based on colour, binding, subject, size, height, and more to create a collection that looks great’.
  15. Jan 2023
    1. we have committed to spend 6.2 billion dollars we've made that public to give ourselves real Zero by 2030.

      !- quotable : Andrew Forrest - Real zero by 2030 : not net zero by 2030

      !- question : just transition - can a clean energy transition be just when billionaires are involved in capital centralising investments?

    1. Note 9/8j says - "There is a note in the Zettelkasten that contains the argument that refutes the claims on every other note. But this note disappears as soon as one opens the Zettelkasten. I.e. it appropriates a different number, changes position (or: disguises itself) and is then not to be found. A joker." Is he talking about some hypothetical note? What did he mean by disappearing? Can someone please shed some light on what he really meant?

      On the Jokerzettel

      9/8j Im Zettelkasten ist ein Zettel, der das Argument enthält, das die Behauptungen auf allen anderen Zetteln widerlegt.

      Aber dieser Zettel verschwindet, sobald man den Zettelkasten aufzieht.

      D.h. er nimmt eine andere Nummer an, verstellt sich und ist dann nicht zu finden.

      Ein Joker.

      —Niklas Luhmann, ZK II: Zettel 9/8j


      9/8j In the slip box is a slip containing the argument that refutes the claims on all the other slips. But this slip disappears as soon as you open the slip box. That is, he assumes a different number, disguises himself and then cannot be found. A joker.

      Many have asked about the meaning of this jokerzettel over the past several years. Here's my slightly extended interpretation, based on my own practice with thousands of cards, about what Luhmann meant:

      Imagine you've spent your life making and collecting notes and ideas and placing them lovingly on index cards. You've made tens of thousands and they're a major part of your daily workflow and support your life's work. They define you and how you think. You agree with Friedrich Nietzsche's concession to Heinrich Köselitz that “You are right — our writing tools take part in the forming of our thoughts.” Your time is alive with McLuhan's idea that "The medium is the message." or in which his friend John Culkin said, "We shape our tools and thereafter they shape us."

      Eventually you're going to worry about accidentally throwing your cards away, people stealing or copying them, fires (oh! the fires), floods, or other natural disasters. You don't have the ability to do digital back ups yet. You ask yourself, can I truly trust my spouse not to destroy them?,What about accidents like dropping them all over the floor and needing to reorganize them or worse, the ghost in the machine should rear its head?

      You'll fear the worst, but the worst only grows logarithmically in proportion to your collection.

      Eventually you pass on opportunities elsewhere because you're worried about moving your ever-growing collection. What if the war should obliterate your work? Maybe you should take them into the war with you, because you can't bear to be apart?

      If you grow up at a time when Schrodinger's cat is in the zeitgeist, you're definitely going to have nightmares that what's written on your cards could horrifyingly change every time you look at them. Worse, knowing about the Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle, you're deathly afraid that there might be cards, like electrons, which are always changing position in ways you'll never be able to know or predict.

      As a systems theorist, you view your own note taking system as a input/output machine. Then you see Claude Shannon's "useless machine" (based on an idea of Marvin Minsky) whose only function is to switch itself off. You become horrified with the idea that the knowledge machine you've painstakingly built and have documented the ways it acts as an independent thought partner may somehow become self-aware and shut itself off!?!


      And worst of all, on top of all this, all your hard work, effort, and untold hours of sweat creating thousands of cards will be wiped away by a potential unknowable single bit of information on a lone, malicious card and your only recourse is suicide, the unfortunate victim of dataism.

      Of course, if you somehow manage to overcome the hurdle of suicidal thoughts, and your collection keeps growing without bound, then you're sure to die in a torrential whirlwind avalanche of information and cards, literally done in by information overload.

      But, not wishing to admit any of this, much less all of this, you imagine a simple trickster, a joker, something silly. You write it down on yet another card and you file it away into the box, linked only to the card in front of it, the end of a short line of cards with nothing following it, because what could follow it? Put it out of your mind and hope your fears disappear away with it, lost in your box like the jokerzettel you imagined. You do this with a self-assured confidence that this way of making sense of the world works well for you, and you settle back into the methodical work of reading and writing, intent on making your next thousands of cards.

    1. The usefulness of JSON is that while both systems still need to agree on a custom protocol, it gives you an implementation for half of that custom protocol - ubiquitous libraries to parse and generate the format, so the application needs only to handle the semantics of a particular field.

      To be clear: when PeterisP says parse the format, they really mean lex the format (and do some minimal checks concerning e.g. balanced parentheses). To "handle the semantics of a particular field" is a parsing concern.

    1. paranoia has some surprising behaviour (like overriding ActiveRecord's delete and destroy) and is not recommended for new projects. See discard's README for more details. Paranoia will continue to accept bug fixes and support new versions of Rails but isn't accepting new features.
    1. But it does not work, because the association with authors will return empty authors for the Material as the materials are also soft deleted.
    2. The problem is that Globalize knows nothing about acts_as_paranoid. You can delete a Material, and it should delete the translations, but when you try to recover the Material then there is an error because of how the translations are implemented and the order in which the translations and the Material are recovered. Which record should be recovered first?
    3. Remember that the Material has all of its translations for the title in a table that just got soft deleted. So the correct answer is “nil”. The title of the delete material is nil.
  16. Dec 2022
    1. This is a terrible idea. At least if there's no way to opt out of it! And esp. if it doesn't auto log out the original user after some timeout.

      Why? Because I may no longer remember which device/connection I used originally or may no longer have access to that device or connection.

      What if that computer dies? I can't use my new computer to connect to admin UI without doing a factory reset of router?? Or I have to clone MAC address?

      In my case, I originally set up via ethernet cable, but after I disconnected and connected to wifi, the same device could not log in, getting this error instead! (because different interface has different mac address)

    1. what you and I just said compared to the global narratives like net zero by 00:11:29 2050 is maybe blasphemy. It's almost a completely different worldview. And so the net zero very common McKinsey sort of governmental forecast is very different than what we're saying. And I don't think both can be true.

      !- contradiction : between mainstream green growth net zero by 205 narrative, and ours

  17. Nov 2022
    1. So far for the obligatory warning. I get the point, I even agree with the argument, but I still want to send a POST request. Maybe you are testing an API without a user interface or you are writing router tests? Is it really impossible to simulate a POST request with Capybara? Nah, of course not!
    2. The Capybara Ruby gem doesn’t support POST requests, the built-in visit method always uses GET. This is by design and with good reason: Capybara is built for acceptance testing and a user would never ask to ‘post’ parameter X and Y to the application. There will always be some kind of interface, a form for example. It makes more sense to simulate what the visitor would really do
    1. Throughout this piece Oppenheimer provides examples of notes he wrote which eventually made it into his written output in their entirety.

      This has generally been uncommon in the literature, but is a great form of pedagogy. It's subtle, but it makes his examples and advice much stronger than others who write these sorts of essays.

    1. Some software attempts to hide this by translating the bytes of invalid UTF-8 to matching characters in Windows-1252 (since that is the most likely source of these errors), so that the replacement character is never seen.
  18. Oct 2022
    1. Les murs du cabinet de travail, le plancher, le plafond même portaient des liasses débordantes, des cartons démesurément gonflés, des boîtes où se pressait une multitude innombrable de fiches, et je contemplai avec une admiration mêlée de terreur les cataractes de l'érudition prêtes à se rompre. —Maître, fis-je d'une voix émue, j'ai recours à votre bonté et à votre savoir, tous deux inépuisables. Ne consentiriez-vous pas à me guider dans mes recherches ardues sur les origines de l'art pingouin? —Monsieur, me répondit le maître, je possède tout l'art, vous m'entendez, tout l'art sur fiches classées alphabétiquement et par ordre de matières. Je me fais un devoir de mettre à votre disposition ce qui s'y rapporte aux Pingouins. Montez à cette échelle et tirez cette boîte que vous voyez là-haut. Vous y trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin. J'obéis en tremblant. Mais à peine avais-je ouvert la fatale boîte que des fiches bleues s'en échappèrent et, glissant entre mes doigts, commencèrent à pleuvoir. Presque aussitôt, par sympathie, les boîtes voisines s'ouvrirent et il en coula des ruisseaux de fiches roses, vertes et blanches, et de proche en proche, de toutes les boîtes les fiches diversement colorées se répandirent en murmurant comme, en avril, les cascades sur le flanc des montagnes. En une minute elles couvrirent le plancher d'une couche épaisse de papier. Jaillissant de leurs inépuisables réservoirs avec un mugissement sans cesse grossi, elles précipitaient de seconde en seconde leur chute torrentielle. Baigné jusqu'aux genoux, Fulgence Tapir, d'un nez attentif, observait le cataclysme; il en reconnut la cause et pâlit d'épouvante. —Que d'art! s'écria-t-il. Je l'appelai, je me penchai pour l'aider à gravir l'échelle qui pliait sous l'averse. Il était trop tard. Maintenant, accablé, désespéré, lamentable, ayant perdu sa calotte de velours et ses lunettes d'or, il opposait en vain ses bras courts au flot qui lui montait jusqu'aux aisselles. Soudain une trombe effroyable de fiches s'éleva, l'enveloppant d'un tourbillon gigantesque. Je vis durant l'espace d'une seconde dans le gouffre le crâne poli du savant et ses petites mains grasses, puis l'abîme se referma, et le déluge se répandit sur le silence et l'immobilité. Menacé moi-même d'être englouti avec mon échelle, je m'enfuis à travers le plus haut carreau de la croisée.

      France, Anatole. L’Île Des Pingouins. Project Gutenberg 8524. 1908. Reprint, Project Gutenberg, 2005. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8524/pg8524.html

      Death by Zettelkasten!!

      (Coming soon to a theater near you...)

      In the preface to the novel Penguin Island (L'Île des Pingouins. Calmann-Lévy, 1908) by Nobel prize laureate Anatole France, a scholar is drowned by an avalanche of index cards which formed a gigantic whirlpool streaming out of his card index (Zettelkasten).

      Link to: Historian Keith Thomas has indicated that he finds it hard to take using index cards for excerpting and research seriously as a result of reading this passage in the satire Penguin Island.<br /> https://hypothes.is/a/rKAvtlQCEe2jtzP3LmPlsA

      Translation via: France, Anatole. Penguin Island. Translated by Arthur William Evans. 8th ed. 1908. Reprint, New York, NY, USA: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1922. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Penguin_Island/6UpWAvkPQaEC?hl=en&gbpv=0

      Small changes in the translation by me, comprising only adding the word "index" in front of the occurrences of card to better represent the historical idea of fiches used by scholars in the late 1800s and early 1900s, are indicated in brackets.

      The walls of the study, the floor, and even the ceiling were loaded with overflowing bundles, paste board boxes swollen beyond measure, boxes in which were compressed an innumerable multitude of small [index] cards covered with writing. I beheld in admiration mingled with terror the cataracts of erudition that threatened to burst forth.

      “Master,” said I in feeling tones, “I throw myself upon your kindness and your knowledge, both of which are inexhaustible. Would you consent to guide me in my arduous researches into the origins of Penguin art?"

      “Sir," answered the Master, “I possess all art, you understand me, all art, on [index] cards classed alphabetically and in order of subjects. I consider it my duty to place at your disposal all that relates to the Penguins. Get on that ladder and take out that box you see above. You will find in it everything you require.”

      I tremblingly obeyed. But scarcely had I opened the fatal box than some blue [index] cards escaped from it, and slipping through my fingers, began to rain down.

      Almost immediately, acting in sympathy, the neighbouring boxes opened, and there flowed streams of pink, green, and white [index] cards, and by degrees, from all the boxes, differently coloured [index] cards were poured out murmuring like a waterfall on a mountain-side in April. In a minute they covered the floor with a thick layer of paper. Issuing from their in exhaustible reservoirs with a roar that continually grew in force, each second increased the vehemence of their torrential fall. Swamped up to the knees in cards, Fulgence Tapir observed the cataclysm with attentive nose. He recognised its cause and grew pale with fright.

      “ What a mass of art! ” he exclaimed.

      I called to him and leaned forward to help him mount the ladder which bent under the shower. It was too late. Overwhelmed, desperate, pitiable, his velvet smoking-cap and his gold-mounted spectacles having fallen from him, he vainly opposed his short arms to the flood which had now mounted to his arm-pits . Suddenly a terrible spurt of [index] cards arose and enveloped him in a gigantic whirlpool. During the space of a second I could see in the gulf the shining skull and little fat hands of the scholar; then it closed up and the deluge kept on pouring over what was silence and immobility. In dread lest I in my turn should be swallowed up ladder and all I made my escape through the topmost pane of the window.

    1. Elizabeth I’s tutor, Roger Ascham (1515–68), promotedlearning-by-doing in The Scholemaster: ‘Bring not up your children in learningby compulsion and feare,’ he said, ‘but by playing and pleasure.’
    1. Importante fornecer um e-mail válido para a solicitação da nota fiscal.
    1. in many ways, Law 25 is the most stringent of the three regimes
    2. Privacy by default: Bill 64’s “confidentiality by default” clause is far broader in scope and significantly more stringent than the “privacy by design” concept under the GDPR. The CCPA does not provide for this concept at all, instead taking an “after-the-event” remedial approach. 
    1. La confidentialité par défaut : La clause de "confidentialité par défaut" du projet de loi 64 a une portée beaucoup plus vaste et est beaucoup plus stricte que le concept de "confidentialité par conception" prévu par le RGPD. Le CCPA adopte plutôt une approche corrective "après coup".
  19. Sep 2022
    1. As I’d watched Momma put ruffles on the hem and cute little tucks around the waist, I knew that once I put it on I’d look like a movie star. (It was silk and that made up for the awful color.) I was going to look like one of the sweet little white girls who were everybody’s dream of what was right with the world. Hanging softly over the black Singer sewing machine, it looked like magic, and when people saw me wearing it they were going to run up to me and say, “Marguerite [sometimes it was ‘dear Marguerite’], forgive us, please, we didn’t know who you were,” and I would answer generously, “No, you couldn’t have

      known. Of course I forgive you.”

    1. R is the implementation of the S programming language combined with lexical scoping semantics inspired by Scheme.
    2. The S language is often the driver programming language for research in statistical methodology, and R gives an Open Source route to participation in that activity.
    1. Taking carbon steel as an example, as shown in Picture 1, using a 1000w fiber laser cutting machine, for carbon steel materials thickness below 10mm, when the thickness of carbon steel is less than 2mm, the cutting speed per minute can be up to 8 meters. When the thickness is 6mm, the cutting speed is about 1.6 meters per minute, and when the thickness of the carbon steel is 10 mm, the cutting speed is about 0.6 to 0.7 meters per minute.

      Taking carbon steel as an example, as shown in Picture 1, using a 1000w fiber laser cutting machine, for carbon steel materials thickness below 10mm, when the thickness of carbon steel is less than 2mm, the cutting speed per minute can be up to 8 meters. When the thickness is 6mm, the cutting speed is about 1.6 meters per minute, and when the thickness of the carbon steel is 10 mm, the cutting speed is about 0.6 to 0.7 meters per minute.

      • Taking carbon steel as an example, as shown in Picture 1, using a 1000w fiber laser cutting machine, for carbon steel materials thickness below 10mm, when the thickness of carbon steel is less than 2mm, the cutting speed per minute can be up to 8 meters. When the thickness is 6mm, the cutting speed is about 1.6 meters per minute, and when the thickness of the carbon steel is 10 mm, the cutting speed is about 0.6 to 0.7 meters per minute.

      It can be seen that when the thickness of carbon steel material is less than 2mm, customers who attach great importance to cutting speed can consider using 2000W fiber laser cutting machine, but the 2000W machine is much higher than 1000W in equipment price and operating cost. When the carbon steel material is larger than 2mm, the 2000W machine is not much faster than the 1000W cutting speed. Therefore, the 1000W fiber laser cutting machine is more cost-effective than the 2000W fiber laser cutting machine.

      The cutting speed can directly reflect the efficiency of the fiber laser cutting machine. For cutting different materials with different thickness, the cutting speed will also change greatly. The thicker the thickness, the slower the speed!

  20. Aug 2022
  21. Jul 2022
    1. This section does not apply to any political party or group which has had a place on the ballot in each national and gubernatorial election since the year 1900.

      You are only allowed to advocate overthrow of the Government in Ohio if you are a Republican or Democrat.

    1. Nella licenza ODbL definita come “eventuali termini o misure tecnologiche presenti nel Database, in un Database Derivato, o in tutto o in parte sostanziale dei contenuti che alterano o limitano i termini della Licenza”, intesa, quindi, come divieto di imposizione salvo possibilità di lasciare copia aperta. Nella licenza CC-BY definita come “misure che, in assenza di apposita autorità, possono non essere eluse ai sensi di leggi che adempiono agli obblighi di cui all’articolo 11 del Trattato WIPO sul diritto d’autore adottato il 20 dicembre 1996, e/o accordi internazionali simili”, intesa quindi come divieto di imposizione senza alternative

      piccola nota: questo è anche uno dei motivi per cui non c'è compatibilità fra CC-BY 4.0 e ODbL

    1. # ActiveStorage defaults to security via obscurity approach to serving links # If this is acceptable for your use case then this authenticable test can be # removed. If not then code should be added to only serve files appropriately. # https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html#proxy-mode def authenticated? raise StandardError.new "No authentication is configured for ActiveStorage" end
    1. Kierkegaard has essentially this same view of human existence, a view that Becker praises in The Denial of Death. Because we are this tension of opposites, says Kierkegaard, in order to be authentically human we need to accept the mystery and responsibility of participation in both of these dimensions of reality that constitute life structured by death. Most people fall short of this authenticity, he declares. They flee its difficulties. And there are two basic ways of doing this. People either (1) immerse themselves in the dimension of things that perish, the things and pleasures of the world, which allows them to evade the awareness of death: the attitude summed up in the advice to “eat, drink, and be merry.” Or they (2) cling to some false certainty about immortality, imagining that some kind of immortality is their assured possession, and this too allows them to evade the awareness of death.

      Kierkegaard seems to look at death the same way as Becker. If we are authentic, it takes courage, first, but then we recognize it as wisdom. We participate in both the changing, perishable reality as well as the immutable, unchanging reality. Most people are too afraid to reach this point and evade a life structured by death in two major ways of denial of death. First they can live and let live. Enjoy all pleasures today with no regard for tomorrow. Second they can fall into an immortality project

  22. May 2022
    1. The hyperthreat can be outmaneuvered by humans reconfiguring their activities in two ways: security by design and security by dispersal. National security in the Anthropocene is increasingly achieved by designing systems and settlements so that enhanced security is incorporated from the start. For example, it can be imagined that each time a person refuels a car with petrol, this action empowers the hyperthreat. This leads to global warming, which creates ocean acidification and in turn reduced fish stocks, while also creating pressures for resource wars, thereby influencing whether a soldier or civilian dies and how much taxpayer resources are required for material security missions. In contrast, zero-emission transportation technologies can “design out” the slow violence and threats associated with a fossil-fuel-intensive lifestyle. This is similar for plastic use, in which case the “threat” is embodied in the high polluting design of consumable products and lifestyle activities. Likewise, other health threats and longer-term costs are embodied in hidden toxins or sugars in food products. Accordingly, peace, health, and a different form of national prosperity can be created through design, which requires a longer-term and mesh-intervention viewpoint. OP VAK has a role to play in achieving security and safety by design by linking apparently benign activities with their devastating impacts.    

      Linking these many fragmented and long causal chains and tracing them back to the hyperthreat can be a polwerful visualization that brings the hyperthreat to life.

    1. the underprivileged are priced out of the dental-treatment system yet perversely held responsible for their dental condition.

      How does this happen?

      Is it the idea of "personal responsibility" and "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" philosophy combined with lack of any actual support and/or education?

      There has to be a better phrase or word to define the perverse sort of philosophy espoused by many in the Republican party about this sort of "personal responsibility".

      It feels somewhat akin to the idea of privatize profits and socialize the losses. The social loss is definitely one that is pushed off onto the individual, but who's profiting? Is it really so expensive to fix this problem? Isn't the loss to society and public health akin to the Million Dollar Murray problem?

      Wouldn't each individual's responsibility be better tied to the collective good as well as their own outcomes? How can the two be bound together to improve outcomes for everyone all around?

    1. "I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."

  23. Apr 2022
    1. Seeing examples of outstanding work motivates students by givingthem a vision of the possible. How can we expect students to produce first-ratework, he asks, when they have no idea what first-rate work looks like?

      Showing students examples of work and processes that they can imitate will fuel their imaginations and capabilities rather than stifle them.

    2. three steps required to solve the all-importantcorrespondence problem. Step one, according to Shenkar: specify one’s ownproblem and identify an analogous problem that has been solved successfully.Step two: rigorously analyze why the solution is successful. Jobs and hisengineers at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, immediately got towork deconstructing the marvels they’d seen at the Xerox facility. Soon theywere on to the third and most challenging step: identify how one’s owncircumstances differ, then figure out how to adapt the original solution to thenew setting.

      Oded Shenkar's three step process for effective problem solving using imitation: - Step 1. Specify your problem and identify an analogous problem that has been successfully solved. - Step 2. Analyze why the solution was successful. - Step 3. Identify how your problem and circumstances differ from the example problem and figure out how to best and most appropriately adapt the original solution to the new context.

      The last step may be the most difficult.

      The IndieWeb broadly uses the idea of imitation to work on and solve a variety of different web design problems. By focusing on imitation they dramatically decrease the work and effort involved in building a website. The work involved in creating new innovative solutions even in their space has been much harder, but there, they imitate others in breaking the problems down into the smallest constituent parts and getting things working there.

      Link this to the idea of "leading by example".

      Link to "reinventing the wheel" -- the difficulty of innovation can be more clearly seen in the process of people reinventing the wheel for themselves when they might have simply imitated a more refined idea. Searching the state space of potential solutions can be an arduous task.

      Link to "paving cow paths", which is a part of formalizing or crystalizing pre-tested solutions.

  24. Mar 2022
    1. I used to maintain a small patch set of issues that affected me and were fixed on the GNOME bugzilla but ignored by main devs. This is was a motivating factor in my switch to to Unity years ago. Sad to hear this situation hasn't improved.
    2. I don't want to agree with you, but I tried to make a few polishing contributions to GNOME games and they got ignored after the first developer response (they told me what to fix, I fixed it). They've been stagnant for over 3 years now.
    3. Submitting changes and having them accepted by GNOME is an exercise in futility if you aren't a GNOME dev.
  25. Feb 2022
    1. Hence an email address/mailbox/addr-spec is "local-part@domain"; "local-part" is composed of one or more of 'word' and periods; "word" can be an "atom" which can include anything except "specials", control characters or blank/space; and specials (the *only* printable ASCII characters [other than space, if you call space "printable"] *excluded* from being a valid "local-part") are: ()<>@,;:\".[] Therefore by the official standard for email on the internet, the plus sign is as much a legal character in the local-part of an email address as "a" or "_" or "-" or most any other symbol you see on the main part of a standard keyboard.
    2. There's a common design flaw on many many websites that require an email address to register; most recently I came across this bug on CNet's download.com site: for some reason they don't accept me when I try to register an email address containing a "+", and they then send me back saying my address is invalid. It isn't!
    3. "+" is a completely valid character in an email address; as defined by the internet messaging standard published in 1982(!) RFC 822 (page 8 & 9)... Any website claiming anything else is wrong by definition, plus they are prohibiting me and many fellow anti-spam activists from tracking where inbound spam comes from:
  26. Jan 2022
    1. Theircontemporary descendants prefer Wendat (pronounced ‘Wen-dot’), noting that ‘Huron’ was originally an insult, meaning(depending on the source) either ‘pig-haired’ or ‘malodorous’.
    1. these covid concentration camps are going to be ramped up into extermination / death camps

      Argument by assertion fallacy and claim of fact: Repeating the claim again and again, does not make it true.

    2. Democrats have built death camps in America

      Argument by assertion fallacy and claim of fact: Restating this claim once again.

    3. covid concentration camps are actually politically-motivated death camps

      Argument by assertion fallacy and claim of fact: The article has repeated this claim multiple times.

  27. Nov 2021
  28. Oct 2021
    1. Peers can help you go from No Open Access to some Open Access.

      It's difficult to spread Open Access and Free cultural work licenses if blog posts about Open Access are not compatible with Open Access. The article by Anne Young has a non-commercial restriction. It would be nice to contact Anne Young to propose to release her blog post under CC BY-SA license or anyway under a Free cultural work license.

  29. Sep 2021
    1. The willingness to trade other peoples' fundamental rights for preferential tax treatment fits neatly into all three of these, as does the delusion that somehow this can be resolved with sufficient "personal responsibility."

      We know enough about psychology and behavioral economics to know that "personal responsibility" is not going to save us.

      This is in even higher relief when we see laws applied in unclosed systems or where other loopholes exist to help the privileged. Frank Wilhot's idea sums things up fairly well:

      "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

    2. We don't need the threat of repo men to keep you paying your car note – miss a Tesla payment and your car will phone home and lock its doors. When the tow arrives, it will flash its lights, honk its horn and back out of its parking space for repossession.

      The technology in advanced cars like the Tesla can be used for repossessing them. Is this an intended or unintended consequence?

    1. Author and librarian Nancy Pearl advocates the “Rule of 50.” This entails reading the first 50 pages of a book and then deciding if it is worth finishing. The Rule of 50 has an interesting feature: once you are over the age of 50, subtract your age from 100 and read that many pages. Pearl writes: “And if, at the bottom of Page 50, all you are really interested in is who marries whom, or who the murderer is, then turn to the last page and find out. If it’s not on the last page, turn to the penultimate page, or the antepenultimate page, or however far back you have to go to discover what you want to know.…When you are 51 years of age or older, subtract your age from 100, and the resulting number (which, of course, gets smaller every year) is the number of pages you should read before you can guiltlessly give up on a book.…When you turn 100, you are authorized (by the Rule of 50) to judge a book by its cover.”
  30. Aug 2021
    1. two notes that are five pitches away from each other, one, two, three, four, five

      Out of context, this sounds like an OBOE (off by one error). You typically wouldn’t count the origin: the two notes are four (semitones) away from one another. That becomes quite useful when you think about all of this as sets and, perhaps, start doing some computation with these. In context, it might simplify things for the moment. It’s just a bit strange to keep all of these in mind. The major third (so, the third note in the scale) is “five pitches” away from the root. The perfect fourth would be “six pitches” away. The perfect fifth “eight pitches away”. Major sixth “10 pitches away”. And the major seventh “12 pitches away”. Which means the octave is “13 pitches away”. Could lead to interesting confusion.

  31. Jul 2021
    1. Platforms of the Facebook walled-factory type are unsuited to thework of building community, whether globally or locally, becausesuch platforms are unresponsive to their users, and unresponsive bydesign (design that is driven by a desire to be universal in scope). Itis virtually impossible to contact anyone at Google, Facebook,Twitter, or Instagram, and that is so that those platforms can trainus to do what they want us to do, rather than be accountable to ourdesires and needs

      This is one of the biggest underlying problems that centralized platforms often have. It's also a solid reason why EdTech platforms are pernicious as well.