- Jan 2025
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
avigating the diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives of researchers and participants in transdisciplinary processes raises challenges
for - adjacency - challenges of harmonizing multiple perspectives - SRG complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - embedded in Indyweb - intrinsic perspectival knowing - facilitates high resolution perspectival complementarity - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
- Nov 2024
ebookcentral.proquest.com ebookcentral.proquest.com
Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. Migrants who move from lower to higher income economies are often able to gain an income that is 20 or 30 times higher than they would be able to gain at home. the World Bank estimates that the annual value of formally transferred remittances in 2004 was about $ 150 billion, representing a 50 per cent increase in just five years.
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The complication comes from the fact that the execution model does not have any means for the execution of "give up ownership of the lock" to have any influence over which execution of "gain ownership of the lock" in some other timeline (thread) follows. Very often, only certain handoffs give valid results. Thus, the programmer must think of all possible combinations of one thread giving up a lock and another thread getting it next, and make sure their code only allows valid combinations.
- Aug 2024
feministai.pubpub.org feministai.pubpub.org
Freedom of Expression and Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence
The first section concentrates on the building a conceptual framework which is based on the relationship between freedom of expression and democracy and the way in which the Internet and social media enhance the exercise of freedom of expression.
The second section examines the challenges to freedom of expression in relation to the promotion of gender equality on social media which are imposed by AI content curation and moderation.
In the final section, the two-tiered approach, i.e., policies and law, is proposed to deal with the problem.
www.truthdig.com www.truthdig.com
he’s spent years grappling with barriers to retrofit existing cities.
for - urban planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - downscaled planetary boundaries - barriers to transition - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - barriers to transition - question - retrofitting cities to stay within the doughnut - what are the challenges?
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
that calls for a new form of altruism plus a new form of asceticism
for - rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - Ronald Wright - Give me liberty or give me death - degrowth challenges
rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - We need something that can be higher than stripping away many of the liberties we take for granted? - This will be challenging because the American dream is based on the feeling and phrase "Give me liberty or give me death!"
- Jun 2024
bjhess.com bjhess.com
Blogging Every Day by [[Barry Hess]]
- May 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Dillman and colleagues33Dillman KJ Czepkiewicz M Heinonen J DavíÐsdóttir B A safe and just space for urban mobility: a framework for sector-based sustainable consumption corridor development.Global Sustainability. 2021; 4: e28Crossref Scopus (16) Google Scholar noted that allocating the remaining planetary capacity to cope with the various barriers among countries and smaller units is morally and mathematically challenging.
for - followup - downscaling planetary boundaries - challenges - Dillman et al.
unisapressjournals.co.za unisapressjournals.co.za
Understanding the Complex Interplay of Governance, Systematic, and Structural Factors Affecting Service Delivery in South African Municipalities
for - South Africa - service delivery challenges
- Apr 2024
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy in Early Childhood Education: The Challenges and Opportunities
- Mar 2024
getpocket.com getpocket.com
People have to verify their identities before companies can delete data, which poses an extra obstacle.
www.csap.cam.ac.uk www.csap.cam.ac.uk
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
Challenges of an Citizen Launch
for citizen initiators - challenges, cosmolocal SoNeC
- challenges that citizens face are often lack of capacity. This can be reduced through cosmolocal pooling of the global network of SoNeCs.
Challenges of a Governmental Launch
for: local government initiators - challenges
- another challenge of a government actor as SoNeC initiator is that governments can be in conflict with community members on a variety of issues so may not attract community participation if such antagonism exists
Thisradically inclusive approach is significantly more challenging than creating communitiesof like-minded people
for recommunitify - challenges
challenges: recommunitify
- to be so inclusive will require tools that help people deal with differences, preojudices and conflict
If, in addition, the necessary financial resources are lacking, the citizens will not be able to adequatelymeet expectations either
for: community participation - challenges
- time and money are the two biggest factors governing participation. There is a high level of precarity in society currently and many people are just trying to survive, leaving little time left over for anything else
For citizens,neighbourhoods are the place to live. This is the level at which they get to know each other, build re-lationships and take action to achieve political and socio-ecological change 23
for: neighborhood cooperation - challenges, community cooperation - challenges
- the greatest challenge with community and neighbourhood cooperation is that the great diversity of people living in them can pose a challenge to effective cooperation.
- there is a structural reason for the alenation found in Western communities and neighbourhoods that have emerged in historical context of the three great separations
- the three great separations
right at the top of my list is our absolutely disastrous relationship with the natural systems around us
for: top challenges humanity faces
top challenges
- our relation to the natural world and pushing natural systems to their limits
- climate change is a symptom of that
- our relation to the natural world and pushing natural systems to their limits
- Sep 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
13:00 adversity/challenge as tool for enlightenment & self-improvement
- May 2023
issuu.com issuu.com
Kim Bora face challenges in persuading investors to choose a middle school student as the protagonist.(page 14)
- Apr 2023
www.idfa.nl www.idfa.nl
Working with a vast number of characters, all of whom defied expectations, demanded a different kind of film language. It became clear that an observational film wouldn’t work, and not only because of the number of subjects involved; it just wouldn’t do justice to the girls. “We didn’t want to just follow them,” Van Hemelryck says. “We felt there was much more that could be done with them.”
challenges while making the film Alis
- Mar 2023
app.tomorrows.education app.tomorrows.education
In what other fields can the concept of “grand challenges” be used?
Pretty much all fields, I think. I guess it's like formulating a problem, a possible future, giving a vision to aim at. And then gathering the people to collaborate and work toward it together.
- Feb 2023
app.tomorrows.education app.tomorrows.education
“formulations of global problems that can be plausibly addressed through coordinated and collaborative effort”.
Global Challenges
understand the nuances and obstacles that so frequently stymie the initiatives they undertake
There are so many nuances to consider and learn about. In a way, we can all lead and learn by acknowledging that sometimes good intentions are perceived differently. I appreciate the author emphasizing core needs.
- Jan 2023
www.edge.org www.edge.org
Our species faces two great tasks in the next few centuries. Our first task is to make human brotherhood effective and permanent. Our second task is to preserve and enhance the rich diversity of Nature in the world around us. Our new understanding of biological and cultural evolution may help us to see more clearly what we have to do.
!- modern humans : face two challenge - universalising Humanity - preserving the rich diversity found in nature
- Dec 2022
bafybeid2xqau2fweqvs2nztbppirtyknfbrrbhonbqz4cpaqgjichb3tq4.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid2xqau2fweqvs2nztbppirtyknfbrrbhonbqz4cpaqgjichb3tq4.ipfs.w3s.link
doughnut economics does questionthe dominant economic growth paradigm [1,14]. How-ever, Brand et al. [49] see the absence of upper limits onthe social foundation as a particular limitation of thedoughnut, proposing that ‘societal boundaries’ areneeded to address injustice and slow the metabolism ofsocieties that overshoot ecological boundaries. Indownscaling efforts, determining such societal bound-aries would require powerful local leadership and in-tensive public engagement to foster their legitimacywhile also helping to identify the social and culturalresources that can support collective self-restraint [49].Such engagement may also help to counter the interestsof powerful actors who oppose socioeconomic limits orbenefit from greater inequality [69].
!- local doughnut economics : challenges - incumbent power will resist constraints to socio-economic limits - local doughnut economic champions will need to provide strong leadership to counter such actors
Translating the ambition behind the doughnut to localaction is inherently political given the demand for socialand economic shifts that imply a significant redistribu-tion of power and resources [23,65]. Critical social sci-ence research highlights the need for principles tounderpin such decision-making processes, ensuring thatgovernance for sustainable development is transparent,accountable, and responsive, particularly to those whoare marginalised [49].
!- doughnut economics : local governance -will require major power shifts so becomes political - there is a need for transparency, accountability and responsiveness, especially to those who are marginalized
Thisraises questions about the mechanisms to coordinate andmonitor change across scales, as well as the challenge ofmaintaining coherence over time while wider prioritiesand goals may shift. Given this, and the plethora of localgovernance institutions and arrangements that exist,successfully deploying the doughnut will require re-newed attention to coordination across multilevel gov-ernance regimes [5,53].
!- challenges of : cross scale coherence - coordination of different government layers will be critical for a coherent strategy
he concept of planetary boundariesprioritising scientific expertise and discussed primarily inacademic debates [14], and the doughnut commonlyappealing to policy-makers and practitioners at nationalor subnational scales, neither has the traction acrossspatial scales that has been achieved through the steerby the UN in the case of SDGs.
!- downscaling : planetary boundaries and doughnut economics - neither has the traction as SDGs
If the doughnut is to bea practical tool for governance it will need to involve newconversations incorporating political institutions, civilsociety organisations, and the wider public
!- downscaling : doughnut economics - challenges - wider stakeholder engagement than just scientific community is required
downscaling poses the additional complexity ofunderstanding place-based dynamic systems to identifypathways that are safe and just over time [26,37]. Incomparison to national processes, where issues are ad-dressed by separate government departments and siloedpolicy agendas [22], local institutions may be better ableto generate integrative place-based policy and action[43,44]. However, institutional capacity and integrationmechanisms may be needed to support these kinds ofpolicies [45]. Applications of the doughnut present fur-ther challenges in this regard because of a need to in-tegrate and respond to changing scientific knowledgeregarding non-linear change, tipping points, interactionsand feedbacks [35], for which it may be difficult toidentify the implications for local contexts.
!- downscaling : doughnut economics - challenges related to place-based dynamic systems
Downscaling the doughnut may require more attentionto connectivity across scales than has been demanded bypast approaches to local governance for sustainable de-velopment. The task of downscaling global models in-tensifies established challenges around goal setting,indicator selection, data availability and ongoing mon-itoring [18,22,23,26,39] because it requires goal setting tobe informed by an understanding of context-specificsocial and ecological trends and how they interact toinfluence both local and planetary outcomes. There areparticular complications in incorporating a burden-sharing approach that explores the extent to which localactivity contributes to global trends and problems.
!- downscaling : doughnut economics - challenges in downscaling
agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
To put any of these ideas into practice requires the involvement of diverse actors across scales from the local to global (Ostrom et al., 1999). While cross-scale translation is necessary to inform decisions by such actors at sub-global scales, translation is complicated by the spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts (Biermann & Kim, 2020) and the value-laden (Biermann & Kalfagianni, 2020; Häyhä et al., 2016) and potentially iterative (Pickering & Persson, 2020) judgments involved in the allocation of these targets.
!- challenges of : cross scale translation - spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts - value laden judgments in allocation of the targets
docdrop.org docdrop.org
think I would add complexity and the fragility of six continent supply chain. The inability of global leaders to actually say some of the things that you're saying, 00:09:30 because that would cause a phase shift in how we approach the resource situation. I would add that everything is optimized for growth, and we will kick any possible can forward. So the default would be to grow a bigger global system using more fossil fuels and more renewables, 00:09:54 even with renewables growing at a faster rate. And in the process of decarbonizing our energy source, as you pointed out, we will re-materialize our mineral product source on the manufacturing side.
!- summary of challenges : Nate's additional comments - complexity, fragility of global supply chains, global leader stuck on dangerous economic growth story
So now we are in a situation where we want to build a new system. And that system is going to be built with really, really fragile and expensive energy. No sorry, ineffective and expensive energy using a fragile finance system. It's probably a better way to say it. So our finance sector is not in a fit state to engage in industrial reform. And now we're also finding because energy's becoming a problem, and natural resources 00:06:52 are decreasing in grade, and getting harder to get hold of. So our ability to bring more resources online are getting harder and harder. At the same time, we have a massive pollution stream that is historically unprecedented and an environment that is deteriorating, that's the only way to describe it. Deteriorating at all levels. And we've got an unprecedented number of human population embedded in this system.
!- summary : current challenges - have to quickly build an entirely new system but... - fragile, expensive, low EROI, scarce energy - fragile financial system not fit for industrial reform - scarce and insufficient mineral resources - massive pollution stream - environmental degradation at all levels - unprecedented human population
- Nov 2022
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
This is an effective, dynamic stand-in for a fixed secret.
run-time dynamicness vs. hard-coded values hard-coded values = fixed secret
- May 2022
david.shanske.com david.shanske.com
GWG, Some random thoughts:
Your challenge question is tough, not just for the mere discovery portion, but for the multiple other functions involved, particularly a "submit/reply" portion and a separate "I want to subscribe to something for future updates".
I can't think of any sites that do both of these functionalities at the same time. They're almost always a two step process, and quite often, after the submission part, few people ever revisit the original challenge to see further updates and follow along. The lack of an easy subscribe function is the downfall of the second part. A system that allowed one to do both a cross-site submit/subscribe simultaneously would be ideal UI, but that seems a harder problem, especially as subscribe isn't well implemented in IndieWeb spaces with a one click and done set up.
Silo based spaces where you're subscribed to the people who might also participate might drip feed you some responses, but I don't think that even micro.blog has something that you could use to follow the daily photo challenges by does it?
Other examples: https://daily.ds106.us/ is a good example of a sort of /planet that does regular challenges and has a back end that aggregates responses (usually from Twitter). I imagine that people are subscribed to the main feed of the daily challenges, but I don't imagine that many are subscribed to the comments feed (is there even one?)
Maxwell's Sith Lord Challenge is one of the few I've seen in the personal site space that has aggregated responses at https://www.maxwelljoslyn.com/sithlordchallenge. I don't think it has an easy way to subscribe to the responses though an h-feed of responses on the page might work in a reader? Maybe he's got some thoughts about how this worked out.
Ongoing challenges, like a 30 day photography challenge for example, are even harder because they're an ongoing one that either requires a central repository to collect, curate, and display them (indieweb.xyz, or a similar planet) or require something that can collect one or more of a variety of submitted feeds and then display them or allow a feed(s) of them. I've seen something like this before with http://connectedcourses.net/ in the education space using RSS, but it took some time to not only set it up but to get people's sites to work with it. (It was manual and it definitely hurt as I recall.)
I don't think of it as a challenge, but I often submit to the IndieWeb sub on indieweb.xyz and I'm also subscribed to its output as well. In this case it works as an example since this is one of its primary functions. It's not framed as a challenge, though it certainly could be. Here one could suggest that participants tag their posts with a particular hashtag for tracking, but in IndieWeb space they'd be "tagging" their posts with the planet's particular post URL and either manually or automatically pinging the Webmention endpoint.
Another option that could help implement some fun in the system is to salmention all the prior submissions on each submission as an update mechanism, but one would need to have a way to unsubscribe to this as it could be(come) a spam vector.
- Apr 2022
sloboda-studio.com sloboda-studio.com
Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully
Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"
However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?
According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.
It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial News. ‘“Issue of Inequalities” for Long COVID Patients Needs to Be Addressed | Imperial News | Imperial College London’. Accessed 22 April 2022. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/232234/issue-inequalities-long-covid-patients-needs/.
- health
- science
- school of public health
- fatigue
- COVID-19
- infectious diseases
- symptom
- is:website
- persistent symptoms
- urgence
- global challenges
- centre
- survey
- comms strategy
- imperial college london
- inequalities
- patient
- data
- health and wellbeing
- wider society
- long covid
- disability
- lang:en
- academic
www.openphilanthropy.org www.openphilanthropy.org
- Mar 2022
www.project-syndicate.org www.project-syndicate.org
This demands that mobile technologies take into account differences in gender, education, and resource levels among farmers, and are responsive to changing circumstances. The impact and success of these tools and programs should be monitored and evaluated, with ineffective approaches being improved or replaced.
Local file Local file
Lastly, the large number of con-nected sensors and devices can produce a huge amount of data whichcan easily overwhelm small scale server infrastructure
Power consumption canbe an issue since these IOT equipment requires power sources, whichcan increase the production cost of the vegetables
Another important facet of aquaponics is in pH stabilization. One ofthe most commonly reared fish species in aquaponics is nile tilapia(Oreochromis).
Pest and disease control is another challenging aspect of aquaponicsthat requires attention.
Firstly, for aquaponics to be a sustainable system for food produc-tion, nutrients input have to be used efficiently with minimal discard toachieve a zero discharge recirculating
aquaponics isdifficult to sustain due to several factors such as temperature control,lack of sunlight, excessive wind and moisture of air.
- Nov 2021
drive.google.com drive.google.com
upcoming challenges
upcoming challenges
teacher challenges excessive number of tasks,
- Challenges persisting after the initial phase of the COVID19 crisis in regard of online learning.
- Challenges persisting after the initial phase of the COVID19 crisis in regard of online learning.
this is where we can ask her about the hyflex model; her findings based on the surveys
- Oct 2021
Lean Canvas in JavaScript
See my Coding Challenges.
leancanvas.bldrs.co leancanvas.bldrs.co
Lean Canvas
For the builders collective, I created some tools that are open source and useful for design and social architecture. Other projects are coding challenges to experiment with what is possible on the web.
This experiment is based on the Lean Canvas, based on the Business Model Canvas from the book Business Model Generation.
Type in the grey box at the top of the page. Click or tap in the boxes to add the text as a box in each section of the Lean Canvas. Click on the box to delete.
There is no save functionality, so be sure to take a screenshot. Or roll your own by using the code on Codepen and GitHub.
Baraniuk, Chris. ‘Covid-19: How the UK Vaccine Rollout Delivered Success, so Far’. BMJ 372 (18 February 2021): n421. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n421.
- Sep 2021
www.thetechedvocate.org www.thetechedvocate.org
the online classroom might be challenging for some to grapple with
During the OTL Advisory Board meeting, I'm hoping to pull out some of the areas/ideas that faculty are seeing challenges in. I'm sure we will hear about proctoring and academic integrity. However, this is a small percentage of our learner population. I'm also curious what areas you are seeing as ITSs, IDs, or multimedia team members.
- Jun 2021
disqus.com disqus.com
network requests are a big deal, and having to deal with this kind of thing is one of the prices of switching away from server-side rendering to a distributed system
hacks.mozilla.org hacks.mozilla.org
This poses a few problems for automation. In some environments, there may be no graphical display available, or it may be desirable to not have the browser appear at all when being controlled.
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
He was telling me it was 3,500, but the landlord was keeping 2,500 and giving him 1,000 of it. And I had found out, because the own landlord lady told me, and I had to move and I had to lose my job.
Return to Mexico - challenges - economic well-being Family relations - father tricking him for more money
www.compose.com www.compose.com
This is an important one, as it will enable us to use the aggregate functions that we are familiar when dealing with relational databases, but in the otherwise counter-intuitive environment of JSON data.
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Racine, Nicole, Rachel Eirich, Jessica Cookee, Jenney Zhu, Paolo Pador, Nicole Dunnewold, and Sheri Madigan. ‘When the Bough Breaks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms in Mothers of Young Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. PsyArXiv, 7 May 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u8pnh.
www.impressivewebs.com www.impressivewebs.com
I like the idea in theory, however it doesn’t feel very robust – you are relying on the layout of the page in question. Many authors regularly revisit articles and add new sections and paragraphs. Now your #h2:3 link points to a previous section. (This is far less likely to happen with IDs.)
- Mar 2021
www.digitalcitizenship.net www.digitalcitizenship.net
Teachers and administrators need to be aware of their community and who may or may not have access, not only in school but at home as well.
Example.. students from low-income countries may not have reliable or affordable access to the internet in which the elements include digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security. Other examples like the prolific use of the internet in tertiary education advocates the responsible use of technology, in which practices and standards are essential informants on the importance of digital citizenship.
- Feb 2021
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The underlying data might get changed by another process and then your process that uses the cache will be working with incorrect data
- Jan 2021
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
I had one issue with snap and that involved VLC but I can see how it would lead to issues with other packages. I hav the libdvdcss2 package installed to allow me to watch DVDs on my laptop. The snap version of VLC was not aware of that and wouldn’t play the DVD. I had to uninstall the snap and install the .deb package. Just one example, but I know there will be others. Due to the quasi-legal nature of libdvdcss2, I doubt it’ll ever be bundled in a VLC snap package.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
- Oct 2020
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
480Gabriela Grosseck / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 478–482 2. Web 2.0 – Opportunities and Challenges for Higher
Great perspectives considering you're making an investment...you would want to know the advantages.
- Sep 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Wilkinson, Jack, Kellyn F. Arnold, Eleanor J. Murray, Maarten van Smeden, Kareem Carr, Rachel Sippy, Marc de Kamps, et al. ‘Time to Reality Check the Promises of Machine Learning-Powered Precision Medicine’. The Lancet Digital Health 0, no. 0 (16 September 2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2589-7500(20)30200-4.
- clinical science
- lang:en
- personalised medical approach
- revolution
- improved diagnosis
- challenges
- prediction of individual responses
- algorithmic complexity
- machine learning powered precision medicine
- clinical practice
- machine learning
- is:report
- collaboration
- electronic health database
- Jul 2020
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
The World’s Supply Chain Isn’t Ready for a Covid-19 Vaccine. (2020, July 25). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-25/the-supply-chain-to-save-the-world-is-unprepared-for-a-vaccine
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Shorenstein APARC. (2020, June 10). Rebooting Business After COVID-19: A View From China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DDqlzp_gKc
www.opentable.com www.opentable.com
OpenTable. ‘State of the Industry’. Accessed 20 July 2020. https://www.opentable.com/state-of-industry.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
UCL. (2020, May 28). One crisis leads to another: Challenges and responses across emerging economies during COVID-19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCXpg2iqYlM&feature=youtu.be
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Lee, Jaehyeon, So Yeon Kim, Heungsup Sung, Sang Won Lee, Hyukmin Lee, Kyoung Ho Roh, Cheon Kwon Yoo, and Ki Ho Hong. ‘Challenges and Issues of SARS-CoV-2 Pool Testing’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 0, no. 0 (14 July 2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30516-8.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
PEN America. (2020, May 14). [WEBINAR] What Higher Education Needs to Know About Disinformation and COVID 19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqx7UpZgDPw
zoom.us zoom.us
The Adaptable Animal - Webinar
- Jun 2020
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Wallace-Wells, B. (2020, June 12). Can Coronavirus Contact Tracing Survive Reopening? The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/news/us-journal/can-coronavirus-contact-tracing-survive-reopening
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Forscher, P., Vazire, S., & Anvari, F. (2020, May 19). To create social good, psychology needs credible evidence. Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/to-create-social-good-psychology-needs-credible-evidence/
www.statnews.com www.statnews.com
Branswell, H. (2020, April 4). Q&A: CDC director on the coronavirus, masks, and an agency gone quiet. STAT. https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/04/an-interview-with-the-cdc-director-on-coronavirus-masks-and-an-agency-gone-quiet/
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Yong, E. (2020, June 4). COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/06/covid-19-coronavirus-longterm-symptoms-months/612679/
- May 2020
www.darpa.mil www.darpa.mil
Moreover, common search practices miss information in the deep web—the parts of the web not indexed by standard commercial search engines
github.com github.com
I originally did not use this approach because many pages that require translation are behind authentication that cannot/should not be run through these proxies.
- Dec 2019
unixwiz.net unixwiz.net
One of the more clever aspects of the agent is how it can verify a user's identity (or more precisely, possession of a private key) without revealing that private key to anybody.
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It makes sense that the incoherent render would not be committed to browser and that it would not have any consequences most of the time. But that means that you render logic must be ready to manage incoherency between props and states without crashing. E.g. a list of resource ids in props that doesn't match a list of http requests from a previous id list in the state could lead to weird situations. This is a worry that didn't exist in class components.
But that means that you render logic must be ready to manage incoherency between props and states without crashing
ometer.com ometer.com
The thing is that each UI decision depends on countless other UI decisions. A simple example is keybindings. On UNIX/Linux, it’s nearly impossible to pick reasonable default bindings for global desktop navigation because they all conflict with bindings that some app is using. On Windows, the desktop navigation bindings are hardcoded, and no app uses them, because apps know for sure which bindings to avoid.
www.wildnoodle.com www.wildnoodle.com
Online Coding Challenges for Better Programming Skills
www.wildnoodle.com www.wildnoodle.com
Validate Candidate’s Skills with Coding Assessment Test
Test coding skills of candidates using Wild Noodle's online coding assessment tests. Their automated online coding challenges to assess developers' programming skills and also have an extensive pool of role based programming and objective questions. Contact now!
- Jul 2019
One dystopian potential outcome would be that, despite the best efforts of many institutions of all kinds, we could see a devolution back to a distinctly two-tiered system like what existed in 19th Century Britain. In this negative projection one can envision a very small number of well-endowed institutions that cater to the wealthy, well-prepared class as well as a small number of carefully picked representatives from various groups. These students would receive a world-class education, while most students would be at risk of receiving a much lower quality education that is overly-reliant on poorly built computerized teaching systems or online learning courseware that does not provide the kind of encouragement and motivation that is required to help students through the many challenges encountered when learning. Following this path could well lead to a self-perpetuating system across generations where a small elite group benefits from a compounding level of social capital, while most students are left out, leading to a widening of social, political, cultural, and financial gulfs.
This is the dystopian vision that I fear a market-fundamentalist, machine-first approach will generate.
Pet peeve: Points taken away for Kevin's use of "devolution back" here, given that evolution does not go backwards.
- Jun 2019
storylab.cu.studio storylab.cu.studio
Is something supposed to load under the 3 bullet points? I see a 'loading circle' but nothing is popping up.
- Mar 2019
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
A Pedagogical Framework for Technology Integration in ESL Classrooms 191is that in an online reading environment designed with embedded compre-hension strategy supports, ELLs’ comprehension gains were significantly associated with their frequency of using coaching avatars that provided sup-port for effective use of reading comprehension strategies (Proctor et al., 2007). Ubiquitous technology environments can arouse student interest in us-ing the technologies (Huang, Huang, Huang, & Lin, 2012; Sandberg, Maris, & de Geus, 2011) and promote better learning outcomes in listening, speak-ing and vocabulary acquisition (Gromik, 2012; Liu & Chu, 2010; Sandberg et al., 2011). Sandberg et al. (2011) observed that when students took home a smartphone to learn English about zoo animals, they were motivated to use it in their spare time, which enabled them to outperform those who did not take the mobile applications home. Technologies designed to adapt to individual learners’ needs have also demonstrated positive effects in promoting learning (Lo, Wang, & Yeh, 2004; Chen & Chung, 2008; Hsu, Hwang, & Chang, 2010; Jia, Chen, Ding, & Ruan, 2012; Wible, Kuo, Chien, Liu, & Tsao, 2001). Lo et al. (2004) used a hypermedia-based English prepositions learning system2 to diagnose students’ errors and provide adaptive remedial instructions, which signifi-cantly improved students’ confidence and learning outcomes. Challenges. The degree of freedom that teachers should give students when students use technology for language learning deserves exploration. Experiments have shown that, when students were free to choose how and when to use CALL, their choices could lead to poor learning and wasted time (Sciarone & Meijer, 1993). Another challenge is that, although learning tools provide easy access to resources, learners may feel overwhelmed by large amounts of information and become passive receivers of knowledge (Schmid, 2008). Easy access to resources can encourage laziness and pas-sivity of learners when it comes to checking materials and exploring knowl-edge themselves.
This paper exemplifies the technology integration into an ESL classroom. The author has found many great things about using technology to teach her students as well as many challenges associated with it. Some of the positive ways technology has helped her teaching is the student interest in technology, the scaffolds it can provide for these students and how it can adapt to students individual needs. On the flip side, some of the challenges technology presents for this ESL classroom are the initial engagement with technology is short lived, teachers are not trained adequately and there are few guidelines to provide a framework for ESL teachers. Rating 8/10
- Nov 2018
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
Adult learners face numerous challenges that include changing definitions, overcoming circumstances, relearning, and motivation. Addressing these challenges in a timely and personal way is especially important in distance learning environments. This roundtable will discuss how WGU addresses these challenges and prepares educators in a manner independent of place and time.
This article discusses ways to help adults in distance learning environments. The panelists are university workers sharing how they address the issues.
- Aug 2018
www.aseantoday.com www.aseantoday.com
Malaysia’s smart cities are some way behind as they are still new. That is not a bad thing as Malaysia has avoided the pitfalls of being an early adopter. Authorities can apply advanced technology and systems that already work.
- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
infrastructure (the Internet is slower in Egypt)
It's even more of a challenge in Lebanon (the internet is even slower).
- Jul 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
I’m sure lots of you out there may have challenges to the above ideas and even better ones.
I struggle with annotating texts that are potentially controversial. For example, last semester we annotated some texts on GamerGate. It's such a touchy subject that I felt that I couldn't express my full opinions, I had a fear of retribution.
- Apr 2016
wiki.surfnet.nl wiki.surfnet.nl
new solutions for societal challenges
If TDM is limited to non-commercial and/or academic use, then addressing societal challenges basically excludes contributions from outside the non-commercial and/ or academic realm, i.e. from large parts of society.
- Feb 2016
www.libraryinnovation.org www.libraryinnovation.org
learning.ccsso.org learning.ccsso.org
Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenge
A second grade student should be able to identify what challenges the main characters goes through in a story and how they get through it.
A good example of this would be the book David Gets In Trouble. This book shows the challenges David goes through and how he overcomes them in the end of the story.
- Dec 2015
www.sr.ithaka.org www.sr.ithaka.org
So far this has been minimally to moderately successful.
Challenges relating to policy adoption, particularly administrative policy. What type of "policy" typically encourages the most participation in open initiatives?
- Jul 2015
www.venturesity.com www.venturesity.com
Up for a Challenge?
Do you have what it takes? Signup on www.venturesity.com and unlock opportunities.