1,164 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. 3 BIG LEVERS that grew our business from 2 clients per month  to 13 clients per month... in less than 30 days

      Massive promise here

    2. Secrets to our 70% close rate:

      Insinuating a promise of 70% close rate

    3. Our business catapulted from 2 clients per moth to 13 clients per month...in less than 30 days.

      Insinuating a promise of 13 clients per month

    4. Here’s how two struggling consultants FINALLY “released the breaks”, and grew their business from 2 clients per month to 13 clients per month ...In less than 30 days

      This sub-head is not compliant. It suggests that if the person follows these instructions then they too will get 13 clients per month

  2. Oct 2019
  3. Sep 2019
    1. Table 2.2:

      IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C - Table 2.2: The assessed remaining carbon budget and its uncertainties

    1. Is there a planetary threshold in the trajectory of theEarth System that, if crossed, could prevent stabili-zation in a range of intermediate temperature rises?

      Yes: there are tipping points.

    1. While these are excellent frameworks for evaluating instructor-level change, our field is pivoting from an emphasis on 1:1 work or workshops to longer-term, systemic change initiatives

      Shift from one-off sessions to more sustained faculty development efforts

  4. Aug 2019
    1. The history of the scientific discovery of climate change began in the early 19th century when ice ages and other natural changes in paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural greenhouse effect first identified. In the late 19th century, scientists first argued that human emissions of greenhouse gases could change the climate. Many other theories of climate change were advanced, involving forces from volcanism to solar variation. In the 1960s, the warming effect of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. Some scientists also pointed out that human activities that generated atmospheric aerosols (e.g., "pollution") could have cooling effects as well. During the 1970s, scientific opinion increasingly favored the warming viewpoint. By the 1990s, as a result of improving fidelity of computer models and observational work confirming the Milankovitch theory of the ice ages, a consensus position formed: greenhouse gases were deeply involved in most climate changes and human-caused emissions were bringing discernible global warming. Since the 1990s, scientific research on climate change has included multiple disciplines and has expanded. Research has expanded our understanding of causal relations, links with historic data and ability to model climate change numerically. Research during this period has been summarized in the Assessment Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (such as more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors that include oceanic processes (such as oceanic circulation), biotic processes (e.g., plants), variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, and human-induced alterations of the natural world. The latter effect is currently causing global warming, and "climate change" is often used to describe human-specific impacts.

      This section needs citations included.

    1. As I was reading this article, knowing that it's 10 years old, I was constantly trying to think back to 2009 and see how different education became since then. For us, today, the change is not enough and reforms take forever to get through the system. However, the speed of change has never been higher! So, for us, teachers, it has never been a more exciting time to face forward and see what's ahead, and participate in the Change. But we need to buckle up!

  5. Jul 2019
    1. zombie theory

      since 1991, less than two per cent of all peer-reviewed studies say climate change is caused by something other than human activities (that's burning fossil fuels and digging up forests, to you and me).


  6. Jun 2019
    1. To keep recession away, the Federal Reserve lowered the Federal funds rate 11 times - from 6.5% in May 2000 to 1.75% in December 2001 - creating a flood of liquidity in the economy. Cheap money, once out of the bottle, always looks to be taken for a ride. It found easy prey in restless bankers—and even more restless borrowers who had no income, no job and no assets. These subprime borrowers wanted to realize their life's dream of acquiring a home. For them, holding the hands of a willing banker was a new ray of hope. More home loans, more home buyers, more appreciation in home prices. It wasn't long before things started to move just as the cheap money wanted them to.
  7. Apr 2019
    1. Two commonly used change strategies are clearly not effective: developing and testing “best practice” curricular materials and then making these materials available to other faculty and “top‐down” policy‐making meant to influence instructional practices.

      Would this be predicted by the Cynefin framework? Teaching problems are rarely obvious enough for "best" practices; "better" practices may be the best we can hope for.

  8. Mar 2019
    1. This is one of many discussions of Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation. More of the page is taken up with decoration and graphics than needs to be the case but this page is included in this list because it offers a printable guide and because the hierarchy of the four levels is clearly shown. The text itself is printed in black on a white background and it is presented as a bulleted list (the bullets are not organized as well as they could be). Nonetheless it is a usable presentation of this model. rating 3/5

  9. Feb 2019
    1. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have all struck lucrative arrangements—collectively worth billions of dollars—to provide automation, cloud, and AI services to some of the world’s biggest oil companies, and they are actively pursuing more.


    1. we will have amplified the intelligence of the human by organizing his intellectual capabilities into higher levels of synergistic structuring.
    2. The realization that any potential change in language, artifact, or methodology has importance only relative to its use within a process' and that a new process capability appearing anywhere within that hierarchy can make practical a new consideration of latent change possibilities in many other parts of the hierarchy—possibilities in either language, artifacts, or methodology—brings out the strong interrelationship of these three augmentation means.
    1. 1. Explore the current situation. Paint a picture in words by including the “presenting problem,” the impact it is having, the consequences of not solving the problem, and the emotions the problem is creating for those involved.

      This step is somewhat similar to the EEC (Evidence/Example Effect Change/Challenge) model, often used with Feedback?

    1. “I don’t think most people have a systems view of the natural world,” he said. “But it’s all connected and when the invertebrates are declining the entire food web is going to suffer and degrade. It is a system-wide effect.”
  10. Jan 2019
  11. getincredibles-fe.herokuapp.com getincredibles-fe.herokuapp.com
    1. What's your target platform?

      Please say "What's your target platform? (e.g. Web, iOS, Android etc)" The hint text below should say 'you can add multiple options'

    2. Which industry/vertical/domain does your project belong to? (e..g Games, AR/VR)*

      Please remove the extra dot (.) from 'e..g' in the text

      the dropdown should show the following options "Games, AR/VR, FinTech, HealthTech, iOT". It's currently showing platforms instead of verticals/domains

    3. What's the name of your project*

      Please use the following as hint/example text below in the text field " e.g. Fun Doing Math"

    4. Tell us briefly about your project*

      Please use the following as hint/example text below in the text field "e.g. I want to build an educational game for 5 to 10 year olds that teaches addition. It is a 2D infinite runner..."

    1. Also, with disaster research having strong theoretical ties with the study of collective behavior(Wenger 1987), and with the field of collective behavior often looking at issues related to social change {e.g., riots, social move­ments), another link between disasters and social change has implicitly

      Neal connects concerns about disaster-driven social change and the natural desire for people to respond via some collective action impulse.

      Nice segue into SBTF as collection action motivated by social change

  12. Dec 2018
  13. Nov 2018
    1. “Any time when nurse practitioners and other providers get together, there is always this challenge of professions,” he says. “You’re doing this or you’re doing that, and once you get people who understand what the capabilities are past the title name and what you can do, it’s just amazing.”
    2. “It didn’t shock me at the time because I had already made major changes in our intensive-care unit at the hospital, which were unpopular,” Dr. Gorman says, adding all of the changes were good for patients and produced “fabulous” results. “But it was new. And it was different. And people don’t like to change the status quo.”
    1. transforme

      J'aime pas ça. J'aimerais mieux change

    1. clean air and water

      Do these still qualify as public goods? I would argue that our use of air and water has started diminishing these goods' availability—and quality—for others.

    1. As with other forms of value-based health care, patient-centered care requires a shift in the way provider practices and health systems are designed, managed, and reimbursed. In keeping with the tenets of patient-centeredness, this shift neither happens in a vacuum, it driven by traditional hierarchies in which providers or clinicians are the lone authority. Everyone, from the parking valet and environmental services staff to c-suite members, are engaged in the process, which impacts hiring, training, leadership style, and organizational culture. Patient-centered care also represents a shift in the traditional roles of patients and their families from one of passive “order taker” to one of active “team member.” One of the country’s leading proponents of patient-centered care, Dr. James Rickert, has stated that one of the basic tenets of patient-centered care is that “patients know best how well their health providers are meeting their needs.” To that end, many providers are implementing patient satisfaction surveys, patient and family advisory councils, and focus groups, and using the resulting information to continuously improve the way health care facilities and provider practices are designed, managed, and maintained from both a physical and operational perspective so they become centered more on the individual person than on a checklist of services provided. As the popularity of patient- and family-centered health care increases, it is expected that patients will become more engaged and satisfied with the delivery of their care, and evidence of its clinical efficacy should continue to mount.

      Cultural shift to patient-centered care

    1. My work, rooted in both theory and practice, reveals three things that are essential to bringing individuals into the circle of change: autonomy, guidance, and a sense of social community, or working toward a larger meaningful goal.
  14. Oct 2018
    1. a comprehensive crash course on human psychology to deal with the massive changes we’re seeing; a guide to self-care for the most important decade in human history. We need to know how climate change will change us as social beings, how we can deal with grief, how to go about the process of imagining a new society. We will need to know not only how we can survive in this new world, but how we will live.
  15. Sep 2018
    1. But in the past year alone, teens have demonstrated that they have the power to change the national conversation and mood.

      It was smart of Snap to add this to their app because teens do use Snapchat a lot and as shown in the quote above teens do have power to change the world how they see fit. So getting more teens to register to vote is very smart of Snap.

    1. No. It’s not you. You were different before. – I’m still the same person, Lin. – I wasn’t, when I was on it. I did things I would never do. – Those things saved your life. – But they weren’t me. – Yes, they were. No, the way it works… – I know how it works. I get it. I totally get it. You feel invincible.

      The rhetoric of this passage raises a very important question. Are the people who are taking this drug really themselves still? If this was just a thought enhancing drug then perhaps this would be the case, however it does more than just make the user hyper-intelligent. The fact that this drug changes people's attitudes and their personalities proves that these people aren't themselves. On the other hand a hyper-intelligence may not directly change the person, but may enable them because a higher intelligence could reasonably lead to a higher confidence and a higher rationale of thinking.

  16. Aug 2018
    1. This approach, I believe, works well for digital ethics, where we try to articulate rules that govern how we interact with each other through digital technologies. For example, when social media emerged, there was no fixed rule about when it is appropriate to tag someone in a picture and when it isn’t. So we figured out a netiquette and ethical norms as we were going along, based on experience, existing norms, insights from experts etc. There still might be areas of disagreement, but I would argue that overall we have come to an understanding of what is acceptable and what isn’t on this issue, and these norms are passed on to new users of social media.
    2. Phillip Kitcher, in the introduction of The Ethical Project describes the project of this pragmatic naturalism as follows: “Ethics emerges as a human phenomenon, permanently unfinished. We, collectively, made it up, and have developed, refined, and distorted it, generation by generation. Ethics should be understood as a project --the ethical project-- in which we have been engaged for most of our history as a species.” This a functionalist view sees ethics as a set of guidelines that make communal living possible. A successful ethical system is one that can fulfill this function.
    3. For a pragmatist, documenting this change and questioning what perpetuated it in order to better understand our current norm is the more interesting endeavor. From this understanding, ethical guidelines can be crafted, but the descriptive process precedes the prescriptive one.
    4. According to pragmatics, our attitudes and norms change in response to societal changes. For example, in an episode of Mad Men a guest at a party could be seen slapping a child that wasn’t his. It was one of the many (and one of the milder) examples in which the show’s creators’ reminded their audience that in the 1960s different rules governed social interactions.
    1. The spaces may change, but the organizing principles aren’t different.
    2. the more things had changed, the more they seemed the same.
  17. Jul 2018
    1. It was found that the three new emerging districts (District 2, 9 and ThuDuc) are highly vulnerable to floods, but the local government still implements the plan for attracted investments in housing without an integrated flooding management. This is also in line with the development pattern of many coastal cities in Southeast Asia, as economic development can be seen as a driving factor.

      This is interesting!

  18. May 2018
    1. Idaho, however, this year joined several other states that have declined to adopt new science standards that emphasize the role human activities play in climate change.

      this is fucked up.

  19. Apr 2018
    1. Given the conclusions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely to be due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, and furthermore that it is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent except Antarctica, we conclude that anthropogenic climate change is having a significant impact on physical and biological systems globally and in some continents.

      supports: climate change leads to global physical and biological change

  20. Mar 2018
    1. Complexity Theory - Dynamical Systems Theory

      If we want to make change we should come at a problem from as many different areas as possible.

      We should be wary of the magic bullet. Complexity theory may be seen as post-structuralist or even further?

      This is part of an agency structure debate.

      There are varied factors that contribute to change.

      The connections of neurons are more important than the number of cells are more important for consciousness or the mind. This is a good analogy for why complexity theory is so essential.

      Consciousness emerges when critical mass is reached in a system.

      It's hard to know how much of a factor something can be in a causal system. For example, how much do we cause do we attribute to butterfly wings causing a storm in India.

      What causes change in the education system?

      We need to use words like compounding effects to explain change.

      We need to conceive of change in terms of speed and direction, like a mathematical function.

      We need to be wary of one dimensional change or one kind of initiative. You need to think of multiple factors.

      Effective intervention means intervention from every possible angle.

      We need to pump resources until we have autocatalysis.

      International Journal of Education Development Mark Mason

  21. Feb 2018
    1. Center of Excellence

      Join the Center of Excellence. It is designed to help you improve your practice of Integrated PM through:

      • Collaboration
      • Training
      • Shared Assets
      • Knowledge Management
      • While helping you overcome change adoption hurdles


    1. In addition, around 144 million people weredisplaced by disasters in between 2008 and 2014, and many of them were exacerbated byclimate change with increasing frequency and intensity.

      This is interesting.

  22. Jan 2018
    1. chapter VII. A Marriage Contract.

      As Dickens notes on the left-hand side of his page, he moved this chapter, "A Marriage Contract," to his third installment (as chapter 10) because it was too long for the second. In its place he added a Chapter 7 titled "In Which Mr Wegg Looks After Himself." In the manuscript at the end of chapter 9, Dickens wrote "Marriage Contract last Chapter of No. 2, to be added here."

    2. Teddy Boffin

      In the manuscript, the first few times the name is corrected from 'Teddy." Dickens probably added the note below (Nicodemus. "Noddy Boffin") after he made the changes in the manuscript.

    3. In its stead

      Dickens moved this chapter, "A Marriage Contract," to his third installment (as chapter 10) because it was too long for the second. In its place he added a Chapter 7 titled "In Which Mr Wegg Looks After Himself." In the manuscript at the end of chapter 9, Dickens wrote "Marriage Contract last Chapter of No. 2, to be added here."

    1. Climate science details the threats that climate change poses to the livelihoods and well-being of present and future human generations and ecosystems, while policy approaches increasingly recognize the growing social risks of climate-change-driven vulnerabilities. 8

      This is interesting!

    1. Instead, we envision a long, hard-fought victory in which the scientific evidence debate should occupy the foreground. We propose that not all sceptics are of the entrenched/obstinate kind, and that many sceptics sincerely share the values of transparency, critical freedom, and inclusivity associated with serious scientific enquiry.

      this is interesting!

  23. Dec 2017
    1. A study from Finland's Leppeenranta University of Technology and Berlin-based Energy Watch Group claims that the entire world could transition to 100% renewable electric power by 2050.

  24. Nov 2017
    1. attaching our project’s goals to a defined institutional need allowed us to move forward

      Key lesson, here.

    1. We invite all scientists to endorse this global environmental article and engage with a new alliance concerned about global climate and environmental trends

  25. Oct 2017
    1. I take as given the evidence that human beings are irrevocably altering the conditions for life on Earth and that, despite certain unpredictabilities, we live at the cusp of a mass extinction. What is the place of digital humanities (DH) practice in the new social and geological era of the Anthropocene? What are the DH community’s most significant responsibilities, and to whom?

      While the thought of this is incredibly depressing, it does open up questions as to the place of DH. Personally, I think the DH community's most significant responsibilities are to record life on earth as we know it now, how we as humans are endangering it and suggesting ways to actively preserve it. I believe keeping a record or an archive of plants and animals that are in danger of becoming extinct (for example) is incredibly important for future generations to come and this is who DH must aim to speak to: future generations.

    2. ‘Truly it would seem as if “Man strews the earth with ruin.”4 But this conclusion is too flattering to human vanity. Man's most permanent memorial is a rubbish-heap, and even that is doomed to be obliterated’ (Sherlock, 1922, p. 343

      CO2 atmospheric concentration used as simple indicator for many years to track great acceleration / progression in Anthropocence, this now joined by long list of other indicators, escalating at an alarming rate, population, water use/ shortage, paper consumption, global warming, increase in number and ferocity of storms .......

    3. In 1873, the Italian geologist and priest Antonio Stoppani suggested that our technologies, infrastructures, and patterns of land use had created fundamental changes in Earth’s systems, propelling us into what he called an ‘anthropozoic era’

      Note : Read over Article again by Will Steffen, Paull J Crutzen & John R McNeill. [] (https://www.pik-potsdam.de/news/public-events/archiv/alter-net/former-ss/2007/05-09.2007/steffen/literature/ambi-36-08-06_614_621.pdf)

      Explore development of Anthropocence. How do we track progression of Anthropocene? CO2 Emissions??

    4. Ted Talk by Will Steffen . Journey through science measuring humanity effect on the planet. important for me, while i had heard and read about debate on climate change, Anthropocene is a new concept for me. Irrefutable change, cannot be ignored.

    1. The transformative view is that learning is a social process, with students and teachers working in partnership with each other and with experts beyond school, supported by digital technologies. In the transformative view, collaboration, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial know-how, and ethical citizenship infuse teaching and learning. Students and teachers co-design their work. The learning environment, which extends beyond the classroom, is purposefully designed for students to think, research, analyze, develop and improve their ideas, and demonstrate deep understanding through the work they produce
    2. This paper proposes a shift away from hierarchical policy-driven systems toward networks of strong, responsive schools, with educators collaborating continuously and sharing knowledge both horizontally and vertically. In these transformed systems, leaders at the top empower leadership at all levels, resulting in schools and classrooms that are holistic and adaptive.

      This requires a different kind of leadership. Not everything will work, and leaders need to be comfortable with (authentically) learning from failure. Not accepting failure, but also not punishing failure. We always want our students to learn from failure, but I don't think we allow ourselves to take risks necessary to be truly transformative.

    3. Change is inevitable: transformation is possible.

      I love this quote... potential from inevitability

  26. Sep 2017
    1. Duncan (16) found that less than 5% of the figures in a typical textbook contain data. It is no wonder that students using a traditional and passive textbook do not know how to support their answers with data.

      Absolutely. The question is how to bridge the Perry Scheme so that students are more focused on evidence than the conclusion.

    2. However, if reading the book is a key component of class time and tests, students will use the text to help them construct their own understanding of the material.

      I agree. The text should be the organizing factor.

    3. Second, students must come to class prepared for classroom activities, which also facilitates studying for exams as the semester progresses.

      Hypothes.is also helps with this too

    4. First, student work outside of class needs to be intentionally and effectively structured.

      Hypothes.is is one tool that I use to achieve this goal.

    1. The good news is that it is a challenge we can meet

      This seems optimistic based on climate research.

    1. In its stead

      For more information on this change, see note 16 beside the old chapter seven in the right-hand-side notes.

  27. Jul 2017
    1. 252 million years ago; it began when carbon warmed the planet by five degrees, accelerated when that warming triggered the release of methane in the Arctic, and ended with 97 percent of all life on Earth dead

      Why aren't we talking about this?

    1. Communism

      a classless and stateless society

    2. Social Change

      caused by conflict between the oweners of material productions and the producers which results in a change in the economic bases. This then leads to a transformation of the superstructure.

    3. Class Consciousness 

      social classes posses an awareness - of itself, the living conditions, the social world, - and futher their ability to act in their own interests is based on this awareness. Therefore, class consciousness has to be reached before the class can have a successful revolution.

    1. By means of various political alterations which took place over a few centuries, the landlord class came to share political power, first with the capitalist landowners, and then with the new industrialists. Eventually the control of political decision-making passed irrevocably into capitalist hands, though a residue of influence has remained withthe landlords up to today

      The transformation of modes of production and social organization resulting from changing superstructures -- due to a reordering of social relations and belief sets in a society -- and technologies that change the means of production. The process begins when problems with the system become apparent to producers but remain unaddressed by owners.

  28. May 2017
    1. Did the writer engage with anyone who disagrees? Did they call a senator whose legislation bugs them? Did they try to grasp what the president-elect was doing, or merely repeat one of his more outrageous statements? If it's a broadcast interview, was the guest presented with genuine opposing views and challenged to answer? Those who wrestle with opposing arguments do you a service and often improve their own arguments.

      This is a double-edged sword in traditional media - the need to get both sides of the argument. It is important for balanced and factual reporting, but it can also be problematic as it frames both sides as having equal importance in an issue. Think of the debate about climate change. In the name of journalistic fairness, a mainstream reporter may often feel obliged to get the opinion of a climate change denier to balance the story. This often gives the impression that the deniers are of equal weight on the issue. Could lead the general public to believe that climate change is a devisive issue since there are 2 sides, despite the fact that 99% of the science and research is weighted towards climate change. Should both sides be given equal weight in journalism? Could this actually help to create an environment of skepticism about facts? Making all facts seem debatable?

    1. Scientists think that the increased melting of permafrost in polar regions could lead to the revival of viruses that haven't been around for thousands of years.

      This is scary!

  29. Apr 2017
    1. As Martha Stoddard Holmes suggests, nineteenth-century thinkers were among the first to see disability as a cause of individual suffering, which has the problematic consequence of minimizing “the importance of the material circumstances that surround all disabilities” while maximizing “the importance of personal agency while minimizing the need for social change” (Fictions of Affliction 28-9).

      This part of the article stands out to me for a number of reasons. First, the idea that people with physical and mental disabilities prior to the nineteenth century suffered in a difference sense compared to what they deal with now. Prior to this point, this introduction points out the stereotypes that people with disabilities had in the eighteenth century. Though this is something that is still socially dealt with now, we've taken further measures to help people who deal with specific setbacks that emphasis the overall point on maximizing "the importance of personal agency," and minimizing social change. Overall, this article interests me because it allows me to think deeper about how disabilities have always existed, though they've been handles in a variety of different ways as well as reflect it to how it's handled regarding circumstances we've learned including the role of the doctor and what they can do to help and the resources we had access to then versus now.

    1. The ability of story (prose and poetry) to trans-form the storyteller and the listener into some-thing or someone else is shamanistic

      I think this section is interesting in merging tradition and change. She celebrates language as offering the potential for liberation from a tradition of silence, but language is also a means of preserving her cultural heritage, such as the traditional figure of the nahual. This interest in both change and preserving tradition seems to result from the intersections of her sexuality, gender and ethnicity. There's a similar interest in tradition and change in Nervous Conditions, so I wonder if this is a common theme in postcolonial literature and theory. I don't think we've seen this shared interest in tradition and change in our previous readings.

  30. Mar 2017
    1. Question: are the facilitators and leaders and participants here outsiders or are they ‘rearrangers’? Are we cozy web makers or are we punks? Fuse lit.


      Can we separate the two extremes ever?

      Unless we are victims or perpetrators...

    2. the best chance for legitimate change comes from outside the discipline

      Or from outside context - for better or for worse.

      What one introduces from the outside is always risky...

    1. 4 years, that is like twenty minutes, nothing in the time it will take to transform education.

      time change long

    2. My colleagues were freaking out and this inspired the post Nature Regains Ground.

      changing roles panic disorientation teachers

    1. What’s more, when COP21 negotiators were asked about how confident they were in their scientific understandings of temperature rise, they showed no more confidence than the MBA students they were tested against. While it’s one thing to have a group of over-confident (probably millennial) MBA students, it’s another to have international climate negotiators reporting an average confidence level of about 4 out of 7 in their own understandings of temperature rise. 

      For me, this is not surprising, but rather a beautiful example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. (Graph)

      They know the amount of uncertainty and lack of predictability of the severity. And they are equally sure of the trajectory of failure.

    1. Beaufort Sea Project

      The Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change began as a research project in Canada in 2002. The project was started by Magdalena A.K. Muir and Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists with support from the Fisheries and Joint Management Committee and governmental organizations. The focus of the project from 2002 to 2007 was to study the effects of climate change on marine mammals and fish in the Beaufort Sea. In conjunction, the research studied the effects of using, managing, and allocating marine resources. After 2008, the research has focused on identifying species of marine wildlife that could be at risk in the future due to overfishing and climate change related effects. This research continues to study the effects of climate change on the health of marine species and management of marine resources. The management of these resources includes gaining species knowledge, setting limits on the number of marine mammals and fish that are allowed to be captured and killed per year, and enforcing legislature about managing marine resources. Specifically, researchers are studying the effects of climate change in marine mammal migrations patterns. The specific environmental effects are changes in the fresh water Mackenzie River inputs, sea and land ice, and water circulation. Researchers plan to use these changes to catalogue direct effects of climate change on migration. Sea and land ice changes will be detrimental to ice dependent animals. This research will provide information for scientists, researchers, organizations, charities, and government officials so that appropriate laws and regulations can be established (Muir n.d.).


      Muir, Magdalena A.K. "Beaufort Sea Project for Climate Change." Arctic Institute of North America. Accessed March 05, 2017. http://arctic.ucalgary.ca/beaufort-sea-project-climate-change.

  31. Feb 2017
    1. s, and characters from the fictional story world, in ways that powerfully resonate with fans of the series. Participants are mobilized as “Dumbledore’s Army of the real world” in campaigns such as Not In Harry’s Name which pressures Warner Brothers into using Fair Trade chocolate for its Harry Potter Chocolates.

      Fair trade chocolate is a topic that i recently learned about after a long discussion with my sister. It essentially is a Standerd that certifies that the chocolate is not made from plantations that make children and work under unfair conditions and wages.Its amazing how they were able to stand up to cooperates to a issue that most people are not even aware of, Great Work

    1. we are finally seeing signsthat the core is beginning to crumble.

      And what are these sign of edupocalypse? Maybe this is just wishful thinking. Is this whitepaper a viable alternative? I will continue to read, but I worry that the name whitepaper might reveal how very unchallenging it might be. I hope they prove me wrong.

    1. This is one subject where it might be wise not to rely on the reflexive media narrative.

      Did they not ask for lists of scientists working on climate change during transition? Did they not wipe any mention of climate change from whitehouse.gov on a day one? Did they not put a gag order on science?

    1. how it uses zones

      Does anyone have an authoritative link for this concept of zones and how they work? It'd be much appreciated.

  32. Jan 2017
    1. philosophy is to improve languag

      From what I've read so far, it seems that for Locke improvement in language means that language would more accurately convey knowledge. But I also wonder about how language changes over time. Language has certainly changed over time; for example, there are many new terms because of computer technology and social media. Language changes because of cultural/technological context, but it seems that no amount of change in language can remove language's distance from reality (language represents ideas which represent the essence of things).

    1. The larger point that this argument and false dichotomy misses is that we need to speak to the racial realities of the entire American electorate—the fears of most whites and the hopes and dreams of people of color and progressive whites.

      This is true for all outreach and initiatives offered to people. We can no longer live in black and white, men and women, children and adults. The false dichotomies miss the specificity which is needed to speak to the racial realities of the American people. In order or force collective change, we need to move away from notions and ideas of individualism and recognize that until all are free, no one is. And in order to ensure this change spurs lasting impact and unites our people, we need solutions that respect and cater to the fears of most whites as well as the hopes and dreams of people of color, progressive whites, and all intersecting identities.

      How does change like this happen? You got to want it. You got to want it even though you know it means pain, suffering, sacrifice. You got to want it badly enough to do something; to fight back; to question and ask why; to educate yourself; to educate others; to lose friends; to lose jobs; to unlearn the lies you've lived by; to remain hopeful despite it all. Learn to use the pain as fuel and find joy in the struggle because it's constant.

    1. ‘Books,’ declared Thomas Edison in 1913, ‘will soon be ob-solete in the public schools. Scholars will be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years.’57

      Thomas Edison. Love his quotes

  33. Dec 2016
    1. You are preparing to be a contributor in a new set of circumstances. You must have great confidence in your own experience in order to prepare because there will be little agreement around you. Perhaps you cannot define your intent, but that is okay because Knowledge is working within you. You are the forerunner of great change, but the great change will come in the next century, and it will be greater than what you experience now.
    2. There are three factors that will generate the forging of a world community. The first factor is that this is the stage in history where your world emerges into the Greater Community of Worlds, which it is destined to do, both from its own explorations and from the timely visits of many cultures from beyond. The second factor is that your environment will deteriorate to a very great degree, bringing about international crisis. This will require cooperation and will require citizens everywhere to become actively engaged in the maintenance-indeed, even the rescue-of your planet. The third factor is the integration of world economy. These three factors more than anything else will bring about a world community.
    3. The change that must be forged in the next century and indeed in the centuries to come-for it will take several hundred years to bring it about successfully-is that the world must unite into one community. Now, if you think about that, it can arouse both great expectation and considerable anxiety because it holds the promise of a greater ability for humanity and also the reality that humanity will lose much of the heritage, identity and meaning that it has brought with it from the past.
    4. new world order
    5. You are all very fortunate to live at this period of time.
  34. Nov 2016
    1. Yet, as a rebel fronts a king in state, I stand within her walls with not a shred Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer.

      This sounds more hopeful than ambivalent, and shows an ability to confront injustice without shame or fear.

  35. Oct 2016
    1. He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying

      These two lines indicate that the wheels are always turning. The circle of life. The only thing constant is change!

  36. remikalir.com remikalir.com
    1. (Holden, 2016a; Kalir, forthcoming)

      Might be a good time to ask about the name change. Hope it’s not too indiscreet.

    1. dual-language programs

      making a change

    2. Now almost 17 years later, while the political tensions remain, a reversal is underway,

      Why after so long has nothing changed? Why don't people figure something out sooner

  37. Sep 2016
    1. Finally, in order for data-driven interventions to be wide-spread, institutions must sustain a culture that embraces the use of data, and create incentives for data-driven activities amongst administrators, instructors and student support staff. Large-scale, data-driven policy changes are implemented with minimal friction and maximal buy-in when leaders demonstrate a commitment to data-informed decision-making, and create multiple opportunities for stakeholders to make sense of and contribute to the direction of the change. Users not only need to be trained on the proper ways to use these tools and communicate with students, they also require meaningful incentives to take on the potentially steep learning curve.[40]

      Thankfully, this paragraph isn’t framed as a need for (top-down) “culture change”, as is often the case in similar discussions. Supporting a culture is a radically different thing from forcing a change. To my mind, it’s way more likely to succeed (and, clearly, it’s much more empowering). But “decision-makers” may also interpret active support as weaker than the kind of implementation they know. It’s probably a case where a “Chief Culture Officer” can have a key role, in helping others expand their understanding of how culture works. Step 1 is acknowledging that culture change isn’t like a stepwise program.

  38. Aug 2016
  39. Jun 2016
    1. “separate but equal”

      But isn't this also what Roberta Davenport is doing at P.S. 307? Not waiting for racism to disappear, but accepting that it will always be with us, and trying to build an educational environment that resists injustice, that teaches the students how and why they are in segregated schools, and what we can do about it -- but also a stance that rejects judging schools by test scores and other standard measures.

    2. “Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does.” The ruling made clear that because this nation was founded on a racial caste system, black children would never become equals as long as they were separated from white children.

      And I know that my giving up on integration basically denies the truth of this. When I say that we need to give the African-American and Latino students the best counter-education we can give them, I am accepting that they will always be separate and unequal. I don't accept that, but what can I do about it? This is inspiring: http://www.integratenyc4me.com/

    1. the third definition

      The definitions are not numbered. It would be nice to have them numbered.

    2. entails

      "entails" is an unfortunate choice of words. "implies" / "includes" / "requires" perhaps?

    3. orthonormal matrix
    4. bely

      What does "bely" mean?

    5. is in meters and ̃xAis ininches.

      Again, might be so - but quite ambiguous statement. Since we see a decreasing function on the plot.

    6. nearby

      "nearby" would make sense if the right-most plot of Fig. 3 shows the first diagonal, which it doesn't.

      Or perhaps "nearby", but one of the cameras is upside down.

      All in all, quite ambiguous statement.

    7. Figure 3

      The example for redundancy is not (or at least it doesn't seem to be) in the context of the example with the spring and the ball. Since there is no clear separation between the examples, this might be confusing to readers.

    8. does not lie along the basis of the recording(xA;yA)butrather along the best-fit line

      Ambiguous statement. A "direction" cannot lie along a "basis". Perhaps "basis vectors"?

      Also, if "best-fit line" usually refers to a line found via least-squares regression, which is not the case here (PCA versus linear regression).

    9. largest directionof variance

      "direction of largest variance" perhaps?

    10. variablex

      Unfortunate labelling of variable. x would be time, actually.

      To do: don't name the variable, it's not necessary.

  40. May 2016
  41. www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.com
    1. Quickly and with his eyes watering with satisfaction, he ate one after the other the cheese, the vegetables, and the sauce. The fresh food, by contrast, didn’t taste good to him. He couldn’t bear the smell and even carried the things he wanted to eat a little distance away.

      This passage depicts one of the pivotal moments in the Metamorphosis in which Gregor loses another piece of his humanity. An important image in the book is that of Gregor’s sweet bowl of milk. After Gregor’s transformation he longs for the bowl of milk as a way to hold on to his humanity as this is one of the symbols of his lost self. This is something that Gregor the working man enjoyed and symbolizes what Gregor no longer is. Therefore this quote is important because it shows that Gregor slowly becoming inside what his outside has already transformed into. The refusal of fresh food that he would have quickly indulged in as a human shows that Gregor is conforming to his shell. By eating the rotten vegetables and spoiled food because he enjoys the smell and it has become appealing to him, it shows that Gregor is losing sight of himself. He is also far less introspective, a prevalent literary element in the rest of the story. The moment he realizes he is vermin the story is riddled with Gregor’s almost comical deadpan description and reflection on his newfound condition. However, this passage is lacking that aspect; it is mainly the omniscient narrator who tells of this event, despite it’s importance; suggesting Gregor would have a lot to say on the subject.

    1. identifying who or what body in the community has power to make the change;

      THIS is something I could learn more about.

  42. Feb 2016
    1. the personal, social, and emotional transformations that adolescents and adults who are at risk experience as they develop resilience and shift from disengagement to engagement, and/or academic failure to success in schools.

      I think it's important to be able to identify the changes in attitude, relationships and moods that we can see when at-risk teenagers begin to be self-directed learners. If we could see what these changes look like and agree on them, then we might be able to assess students better. Currently none of the ways we move or prevent students from moving through school make sense to me: social promotion (advancement because of age), testing (usually of a small subset of math and reading skills), or even portfolio assessment (because at-risk students usually don't have a body of "mastery" level work).

  43. Jan 2016
  44. Dec 2015
    1. IPCC: Solar & biomass produce 3.5 - 21 times more carbon emissions (eq.) per kilowatt-hour than nuclear & wind.

      Is this right? If so, that's disappointing for solar. But it shows wind as lower CO2 than nuclear. (And the chart doesn't show fossil fuels. Is solar favorable compared to them?)

    1. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI

      Science is such a funny thing.

      Ruminant for a healtherier world, https://youtu.be/MwbdDqq7HMI

      Science is not simple, less than 1% of bacteria can be grown in a petri dish, https://goo.gl/Y0LY7O

      Freeman Dyson: A Global Warming Heretic, https://youtu.be/Pou3sGedeK4

    1. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI

      Science is such a funny thing.

      Ruminant for a healtherier world, https://youtu.be/MwbdDqq7HMI

      Science is not simple, less than 1% of bacteria can be grown in a petri dish, https://goo.gl/Y0LY7O

      Freeman Dyson: A Global Warming Heretic, https://youtu.be/Pou3sGedeK4

  45. Oct 2015
    1. RAJ: [Addressing Susan.] Susan, nothing is going on of the sort you are looking at and reacting to. I cannot tell you what is going on. But, I have told Paul that what is going on Actually in your experience is not destructive and will not be experienced that way. You are both caught up in your past conceptualizations and what has worked. But, what governed those appearances is no longer in force. They are not in force for anyone any longer. You and Paul are being led through this change. In a way, you both have an advantage, in that Paul chose to speak to his Guide just prior to this occurring. So, you are getting information that most do not have. This is simply because they were not listening, and did not ask to speak with someone who could do what I am doing with you. If others are not aware of this change having occurred yet, they will soon. And you have an opportunity to be grateful for the information you have at this point. I understand that it is not easy to believe this because, based upon your prior concepts, the whole process by which you are becoming aware of it is not “usual” or “normal” as you understand it. It is, nevertheless, true. Paul is being guided and pressured to move along a new path because he desires it and asked for it. You, Susan, are at the point where you are capable of understanding exactly what is going on. But both of you are hanging onto patterns which are no longer in force, and trying to make these appearances fit in. I can do no more than advise you of these facts, and guide you as long as you are looking for help in understanding what is available to you to understand.

      Paul and Susan are fearful of their current situation. Raj says that what they are looking at and reacting to is *not what is going on.

      What is actually going on in your experience is not destructive - you cannot see that because you are caught up in past concept and experience.

    1. Growth, itself, is like this, in that there are times of changing speed, and there are times of not changing speed, and yet speed is everpresent. The change lines are as natural to life as the spaces in between. And you can see this.
    1. Paul, I know I am relentless with you on these points, but if I were not, you would not make the shift. Yet the shift must be made. The shift must be made, because it is the unfoldment of your Being, and because it is the unfoldment in a more universal aspect—it is a change line for your world. It is the age old question of whom you are going to serve. The question is being put before you by your very own Being. Do not mistake what is happening and feel that it is I who is making these demands. I am bound to support only that which your Being is bringing to the level of your conscious experience. I can only help facilitate you in overcoming your ingrained fears, and your habits and patterns of limited thought. I cannot make you give them up. I cannot make you drop them. And, I cannot make you make the shift. You will make it, come hell or high water, because that is where your Being is. But, if you are willing to continue to follow the leadings of your own “upward, individual convictions,“1 as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully put it, then you will continue to experience this shift with no more dissonance or suffering than you have so far. It is finally up to you.

      Many important points here.

      1. I must decide what I want
      2. It is worthwhile to honestly question what I think and feel.
      3. Suffering and dissonance is not necessary
    2. find myself questioning, from the standpoint of a gut-level, non-conceptual feeling, whether this is “right.” Yet, by the same token, I find that by relinquishing my awareness of myself as a separate identity with a will of its own, there is this tremendous influx of understanding and enlightenment, together with a greater experience of peace, which seems far more valid than any sense of relaxation I have experienced before. RAJ: Paul, I realize this is a difficult shift to make, especially since the concept of “individuality” has been so prized—the concept of the “self-made man,” et cetera. I can only suggest Paul, nothing more, that you take a look within your Self. Ask your Self whether the way you have been living for the last two and a half years, as an “individual,” brought with it anything of the sort that you are experiencing now, after having relinquished your “individuality.” I ask you to seriously consider which you find more satisfying, and I suggest you literally make a choice.

      Feeling like a puppet

    1. I know you have heard this before. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s True. To whatever degree we identify ourselves with that which Life, Itself, is moving beyond—to that degree (as the fire consumes it) we feel as though something destructive is happening to us. We forget that this fire is constituted of the energy of Spirit. We focus our attention on that small portion of our experience which is being outmoded, closing ourselves off to our Universality. We thereby feel ourselves into believing that the Totality of us is being destroyed.

      Description of why change causes fear.

    1. our conference about fair ladies

      What do scholars sit around talking about? Cute girls. Image Description

    2. To glut the longing of my heart's desire

      Faustus, despite all he's been given, is still missing one thing: Image Description

    3. let us see that peerless dame of Greece

      Faustus has incredible powers, and his friends want him to use them to show him a cute girl. Image Description

    1. A ‘Financial Katrina’ is unfolding, which conveniently (for the developers) threatens to wipe out low-income neighbourhoods on potentially high-value land in many inner-city areas far more effectively and speedily than could be achieved through emi-nent domain.

      unplanned change that will allow the government to overcome initial resistance

  46. Sep 2015
    1. The benefits of increased consumption were greater for fruits than for vegetables and strongest for berries, apples/pears, tofu/soy, cauliflower, and cruciferous and green leafy vegetables. Increased satiety with fewer calories could be partly responsible for the beneficial effects of increasing fruit and vegetable intake. These findings may not be generalizable—nearly all the participants were well-educated white adults.
  47. Aug 2015
    1. The right-wing base has a coherent position on climate change: It's a hoax, so we shouldn't do anything about it. The left-wing base has a coherent position: It's happening, so we should do something about it. The "centrist" position, shared by conservative Democrats and the few remaining moderate Republicans, is that it's happening but we shouldn't do anything about it. That's not centrist in any meaningful ideological sense; instead, like most areas of overlap between the parties, it is corporatist.

      The worst possible outcome.

  48. Feb 2014
    1. That changed with the end of WWII. Waves of discharged soldiers subsidized by the GI Bill, joined by the children of the expanding middle class, wanted or needed a college degree.