- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Youtube - Buzzfeed video - Blind until 36 & Seeing myself for the first time - This is that story - Olivia Durant - 2022 - constructed perception of reality - SOURCE - Youtube - Buzzfeed video - Blind until 36 & Seeing myself for the first time - This is that story - Olivia Durant - 2022 // - Summary - This is a video about a woman who was almost 100% blind since birth and had her eyesight restored as an adult - It is an example of a case study that can shed light on how aspects of our sensory reality that we take for granted are constructed from years of conditioning in chiildhood //
- Youtube - Buzzfeed video - Blind until 36 & Seeing myself for the first time - This is that story - Olivia Durant - 2022
- constructed perception of reality - SOURCE - Youtube - Buzzfeed video - Blind until 36 & Seeing myself for the first time - This is that story - Olivia Durant - 2022
Local file Local file
Theymight as well be nowhere, as I am for them. I too am a missing person.
She loses her identity in Gilead. Especially without their names, which plays such a big role in identification. And so she conjures stories of what happened, even if they are contradictory to save herself.
- Dec 2024
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
I sort of trace out these parallel developments
for - history - connection stories that challenge the Genesis control story- begin with indigenous peoples of North America - then ping pong back and forth between Europe and North America - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
history - connection stories that challenge the Genesis control story - Indigenous elders of North America share stories with some Westerners in the United States and Canada - These are shared in Europe and become popular, especially amongst intellectuals - It was refreshing to hear an account of nature that wasn't considered evil and that had to be tamed and brought into God's order - Alexander von Humboldt wrote some of these and was widely read - Thoreau, WHitman and Rousseau read Humboldt - British and German Romantics such as Wordworth, Shelly and Coleridge are also influenced by it and see the rediscovery of the wonder of nature as an antidote to the alienation of the industrial age - Completing the circle, American intellects Thoreau and Emerson read the Romantics, in turn influencing Whitman and John Muir
the ten thousand things became so catastrophically powerful.
for - epiphany - adjacency - progress traps - losing sight of the sacred - the Genesis story of intentionality - the symbol is the abstraction - is the intentionality - is the incompleteness - in the light of the infinite emptiness
epiphany - adjacency - between - progress traps - losing sight of the sacred - the Genesis story of intentionality - the symbol is the abstraction - is the intentionality - is the incompleteness - in the light of the infinite emptiness - adjacency relationship - Epiphany occurred to me that Genesis is the story of control - and control is about intentionality - and intentional design is all about incompleteness - The written symbol is inherently incomplete - To control anything in nature requires intentionaity - We must design something with intention, which will always be incomplete - and here we immediately run up against the infinite - and the emergence of progress traps - In this sense, every design is a mistake, biding its time to reveal the form of its unintended consequences
- epiphany - adjacency - progress traps - losing sight of the sacred - the Genesis story of intentionality - the symbol is the abstraction - is the intentionality - is the incompleteness - in the light of the infinite emptiness
- history - connection stories that challenge the Genesis control story- begin with indigenous peoples of North America - then ping pong back and forth between Europe and North America - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton
medium.com medium.com
for - climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
summary - A good article that offers an explanation of how language has potentially led the public to rely on top down actors to provide solutions to the climate crisis - Joe Brewer draws on his background as a frame analyst to analyse the role language and cognitive linguistics has played in framing the discourse on the climate crisis - He claims that this has led the public to look to elite top down actors to provide the solutions - This had led to a disempowerment of the public in actively participating in contributing too solutions - Indeed it could be why we have a sleeping giant - Reframing the story could have the opposite effect of inspiring people's to wake up and take action to regenerate nature within and surrounding the communities where people live.
from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/yvHstLfVEe-cyRN4sq09Ow/www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-brewer-4957925_earlier-this-week-i-lived-into-an-important-activity-7270035170328494080-E7Cq/ - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed. - https://hyp.is/0NOdtLiREe--pwPfB1SmdA/www.resilience.org/stories/2024-04-18/a-transcender-manifesto-for-a-world-beyond-capitalism-a-seed/
- climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
- from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.
- from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
www.resilience.org www.resilience.org
Communicate the base intent of our design in simple, deep story. Evaluate choices by how they elaborate and strengthen the story.
for - A Transcender Manifesto - addendum - it is critical to move beneath the story level - Deep Humanity
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
What I did this week was sit down and record a video explaining how the climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us -- and what we can do about it by focusing on grassroots organizing to restore health to our local ecosystems
for - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/XoQoRLfVEe-ZMIMjZheLLA/medium.com/@joe_brewer/how-climate-change-is-framed-to-disempower-you-01d871413487
- post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4
- to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I went to a rethinking economics conference in London and Jack Reardon gave a talk
for - Fairshare Commons book - origin story - Graham Boyd
- Nov 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
There is less need for them. These days we are sowell behaved.I don't want to be telling this story
"I don't want to be telling this story" signifies she is nearly at the end.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Globetrotting Boy Detective by [[Jerry Michalski]]
Also in this pantheon, though later, are Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego and Wild Kratts.
The Mad Scientists' Club was in the genre, but with less globetrotting.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
https://www.amazon.com/100-Fathoms-Under-John-Blaine/dp/B004J0V01A<br /> 100 Fathoms Under by John Blaine<br /> Grosset & Dunlap, 1947
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
nobody told it what to do that's that's the kind of really amazing and frightening thing about these situations when Facebook gave uh the algorithm the uh uh aim of increased user engagement the managers of Facebook did not anticipate that it will do it by spreading hatefield conspiracy theories this is something the algorithm discovered by itself the same with the capture puzzle and this is the big problem we are facing with AI
for - AI - progress trap - example - Facebook AI algorithm - target - increase user engagement - by spreading hateful conspiracy theories - AI did this autonomously - no morality - Yuval Noah Harari story
when a open AI developed a gp4 and they wanted to test what this new AI can do they gave it the task of solving capture puzzles it's these puzzles you encounter online when you try to access a website and the website needs to decide whether you're a human or a robot now uh gp4 could not solve the capture but it accessed a website task rabbit where you can hire people online to do things for you and it wanted to hire a human worker to solve the capture puzzle
for - AI - progress trap - example - no morality - Open AI - GPT4 - could not solve captcha - so hired human at Task Rabbit to solve - Yuval Noah Harari story
- AI - progress trap - example - no morality - Open AI - GPT4 - could not solve captcha - so hired human at Task Rabbit to solve - Yuval Noah Harari story
- AI - progress trap - example - Facebook AI algorithm - target - increase user engagement - by spreading hateful conspiracy theories - AI did this autonomously - no morality - Yuval Noah Harari story
www.ribbonfarm.com www.ribbonfarm.com
Remember Douglas Adams’ story of the Golgafrinchans Ark B? To refresh your memory, the Golgafrinchans got sick of the mediocre people in their midst: “telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives and management consultants.” So they convinced these mediocrities that some sort of doomsday was looming and that they had to get off the planet in a big spaceship, the B Ark. The B-Arkers were assured that the rest would follow in the A and C arks. The A Ark would contain all the excellent people, Golgafrinchans at their best: scientists, artists and such. And the C Ark would contain all the people that did the actual work. Of course, the supposed A and C Ark people never left.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what you are constantly doing is reconstructing yourself and your memories to make them applicable in the new you know in the new scenario
for - caterpillar butterfly story - Michael Levin - adjacency caterpillar story - Michael Levin - Indyweb dev - conversations with old self - evolutionary learning
adjacency - between - caterpillar butterfly story - Michael Levin - Indyweb dev - conversations with old self - evolutionary learning - adjacency relationship - In relating the caterpillar / butterfly story, Levin is using an extreme example of transformation, that happens to all living beings, including human beings - Levin talks about how the particulars of the old caterpillar engram are meaningless to its new form, the butterfly - The experiments he cites demonstrate that the old engram is re-interpreted from the new butterfly perspective - In a similar but less dramatic way, all of us learn new things every day, and we are constantly rehashing old memories - The Indyweb informational ecosystem that is being developed is based on a framework of evolutionary learning, that is - Our network of meaning is constantly in flux and our associative network of ideas is continuously changing and evolving - The Indyweb is designed to record our evolutionary learning journey and to serve as an external record of salient private ideas that emerge from it. The present interpretation of old engrams is referred to as "having conversations with our old selves"
butterfly caterpillar
for - caterpillar butterfly story - Michael Levin
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Really useful video about the generation of story beats.
- Jul 2024
paddyleflufy.substack.com paddyleflufy.substack.com
I am trying to understand where the modern world, and individuals within it, might fit into the big story of our species.
for - adjacency - big story of our species - Deep Humanity
adjacency - between - big story of our species - Deep Humanity - absolute - relative - adjacency relationship - This is very similar to the goals of Deep Humanity - The problem with being fully immersed into modernity - and having no sense of history - is that we start to believe that our modernity is absolute, - when in reality, it is relative
it is useful to instead zoom out, look at a bigger picture, on a longer timescale, and see if we can use this to find our way forward.
for - zoom out - in time and space - story of our species
Despite this panoply of stories, we are in fact living in a time between stories, because the d
for - paradigm shift - we need a new story quote - a time between stories
quote - a time between stories - Despite this panoply of stories, we are in fact living in a time between stories, because - the dominant narrative remains the same: - progressing within the modern paradigm is the best way to create and maintain a good quality of life, and the only way societies can do this is through - Western-style industrial development, - corporate capitalism, and - representative democracy. - While many people recognise that this narrative needs to be replaced, - we haven’t yet found a new narrative that’s powerful enough to replace it.
for - paradigm shift - we need a new story
article details - title - Finding our place in the human story - author - Paddy Le Flufy - date - 14 July, 2024 - publication - substack - self link - https://paddyleflufy.substack.com/p/finding-our-place-in-the-human-story
www.epi.org www.epi.org
Improving the living standards of all working-class Americans while closing racial disparities in employment and wages will depend on how well we seize opportunities to build multiracial, multigendered, and multigenerational coalitions to advance policies that achieve both of these goals
for - political polarization - challenge to building multi-racial coalition - to - Wired story - No one actually knows how AI will affect jobs
political polarization - building multi-racial coalitions - This is challenging to do when there is so much political polarization with far-right pouring gasoline on the polarization fire and obscuring the issue - There is a complex combination of factors leading to the erosion of working class power
automation - erosion of the working class - Ai is only the latest form of the automation trend, further eroding the working class - But Ai is also beginning to erode white collar jobs
to - Wired story - No one actually knows how AI will affect jobs - https://hyp.is/KsIWPDzoEe-3rR-gufTfiQ/www.wired.com/story/ai-impact-on-work-mary-daly-interview/
- Jun 2024
story of getting lost
for - book - Combining - Nora Bateson - Meet, not Match - Getting lost together story
book - Combining - Nora Bateson - Meet, not Match - Getting lost together story - Getting lost together, when embraced creates the space to learn together - Nora learned that from getting lost with her children - Together, they learned how to cocreate a solution
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - post - LinkedIn - Success defined by the consumer story sustains the conveyor belt of escalating class carbon consumption
from - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes <br /> - https://hyp.is/6E3LqCTCEe-J_59TeM1N5g/www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf
www.idos-research.de www.idos-research.de
for - paper
paper - title: Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Class - year: 2020 - authors: Never et al.
summary - This is an important paper that shows the pathological and powerful impact of the consumer story to produce a continuous stream of consumers demanding a high carbon lifestyle - By defining success in terms of having more stuff and more luxurious stuff, it sets the class transition up for higher carbon consumption - The story is socially conditioned into every class, ensuring a constant stream of high carbon emitters. - It provides the motivation to - escape poverty into the lower middle class - escape the lower middle class into the middle class - escape the middle class into the middle-upper class - escape the middle-upper class into the upper class - With each transition, average carbon emissions rise - Unless we change this fundamental story that measures success by higher and higher levels of material consumption, along with their respectively higher carbon footprint, we will not be able to stay within planetary boundaries in any adequate measure - The famous Oxfam graphs that show that - 10% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 50% of all emissions - 1% of the wealthiest citizens are responsible for 16% of all emissions, equivalent to the bottom 66% of emissions - but it does not point out that the consumer story will continue to create this stratification distribution
from - search - google - research which classes aspire to a high carbon lifestyle? - https://www.google.com/search?q=research+which+classes+aspire+to+a+high+carbon+lifestyle%3F&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgGECMYJxjqAjIJCAAQIxgnGOoCMgkIARAjGCcY6gIyCQgCECMYJxjqAjIJCAMQIxgnGOoCMgkIBBAjGCcY6gIyCQgFECMYJxjqAjIJCAYQIxgnGOoCMgkIBxAjGCcY6gLSAQk4OTE5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - search results returned of salience - Carbon Consumption Patterns of Emerging Middle Classes- This discussion paper aims to help close this research gap by shedding light on the lifestyle choices of the emerging middle classes in three middle-income ... - https://www.idos-research.de/uploads/media/DP_13.2020.pdf
- May 2024
for - photosynthesis - RubisCO - Grist story - photosynthesis
www.desmog.com www.desmog.com
In den USA besteht seit langem eine Netzwerk, in dem PR-Firmen mit Unternehmen der Fossilindustrie zusammenarbeiten, Dabei werden u.a. durch gefakete Kampagnen und die Gründung von Umweltgruppen die eigentlichen Stakeholder der Desinformation versteckt. In einem Hearing eines Unterausschusses des Repräsentantenhauses wurden die Praktiken von PR-Firmen aufgedeckt. https://www.desmog.com/2022/09/14/house-committee-pr-climate-disinformation/
- PAC\/West
- Noble Energy
- FTI Consulting
- Duncan Meisel
- Anadarko Petroleum
- Robert Brulle
- disinformation
- 2022-09-14
- Christine Arena
- by: Nick Cunningham
- Chevron
- Clean Creatives
- Melissa Aronczyk
- Carter Werthman
- Story Partners
- Events/2022-09/Hearing des Unterausschusses Oversight & Investigations des Ausschusses für Natural Resources des US-Repräsentantenhauses
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
Look how he laughs already!
Confirmation bias yet again, Iago has done none but plant the seeds (or rather, water the seeds of insecurity) that Othello has in him, and the rest is the human need for drama, for coherency, for understanding.
Do but encave yourself,And mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable scornsThat dwell in every region of his face
Confirmation bias! To provide an inkling of suspicion is to provide the basis of a narrative.
Witness that here Iago doth give upThe execution of his wit, hands, heart,To wronged Othello’s service. Let him command,And to obey shall be in me remorse,What bloody business ever
Iago has fully vowed himself to this plot that he has created, perhaps even if it means it will destroy him. Why? What is his motive? Does simply the creation of an entertaining story constitute the meaning of life?
- Jan 2024
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Last Bookstore sold set of 11 + extras of The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant for $227.50 on 2024-01-31. Stunning condition, clean jackets including plastic protectors.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I have a financial advisor who came to me with an investment opportunity, not that I'm some big mucky muck, but I have a little bit of investments and it was investing in wind. And I read through the materials and I was, and I went to my advisor and I said, so am I actually investing in the productive growth and development of wind farms?
for: example - financial investor ignorance
speculative investing - example
- Marjorie tells the story of her financial investor who was clueless about whether this investment she was advocating for was derivatives that invest nothing in production and development of wind technology, or not.
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I started my academic career as a specialist in medieval military history 00:39:49 I wrote about things like the Crusades the 100 Years War Logistics in the 100 Years War it's still like I think the the the the field that I understand best um and I wrote sapiens out of an 00:40:02 experience of teaching an introductory course in history to students in the Hebrew University it was originally written in Hebrew and I didn't think it will have much of a of a suc
- for: book - Sapiens - origin story
it has happened before in the past the great german existential philosopher carl jaspers has spoke of the axial age between 600 bc 01:15:42 bce and 200 bce during which five human civilizations all shifted their cosmologies simultaneously they weren't communicating much with each other but that shift in cosmology laid the groundwork for modernity we may 01:15:56 be on the cusp of a second axial age in the 21st century and and because the moment that we face as a species is completely unprecedented we've never been in a situation like this before so it's it's quite conceivable that 01:16:09 unprecedented positive changes are possible for us
- for: story of hope - a new axial age
when we get our story wrong we get our future wrong
for: quote - when we get our story wrong, we get our future wrong, quote - Thomas Homer-Dixon
- When we get our story wrong, we get our future wrong
- author: David Korten, quoted by Thomas Homer-Dixon
- date: 2021
the story of stephanie may
for: story of hope - Stephanie May
story of hope
- Stephanie May was a housewife who one day read the story of nuclear test fallout in the atmosphere and was dismayed
- She started petition, phoned local people, worked with other housewife to get thousands of people to sign peittion
- In 3 years, she mobilized mothers around the US, met Betrand Russell in UK, mobilized UK housewives.
- Went on hunger strike in front of Russian embassy and inspired mothers across the US to also perform hunger strikes
- She created a mobilization of a previously diffuse group
- She had good understanding of different worldviews
- Ultimately, she played an important role in securing a treaty to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere
it was the mothers that made all the difference he said it was mothers mobilizing around the world that stopped the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere
- for: story of hope - Stephanie May, hope - mothers stopped nuclear testing
this third book is very much a book about activism it's about personal engagement it's about agency how we can how we can make the world better as individuals and perhaps 00:20:38 collectively as as societies
for: book - Commanding Hope - description
book: Commanding Hope
- This is a book about agency, activism and personal engagement
- It takes a philosophical understanding of hope and applies it to the polycrisis we face
- hope - mothers stopped nuclear testing
- quote - David Korten
- book - Commanding Hope - Genesis story
- quote - Thomas Homer-Dixon
- quote - When we get our story wrong
- book - Commanding Hope - description
- story of hope - Stephanie May
- book - Commanding Hope - Agency
- story of hope - a new axial age
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I had a student uh a couple years ago two years ago named 00:17:41 Jillian Sawyer and Jillian's uh dad died of pancreatic cancer uh while she was in college
- for: good story - accompaniment
when Jimmy greets 00:15:11 anybody he's greeting someone anybody made in the image of God he's looking into the face of God he's looking at somebody with the in a soul of infinite value and dignity he's looking at somebody so important that 00:15:24 Jesus was willing to die for that person now you could be Christian Jewish Muslim Muslim Buddhist atheist agnostic I don't care but greeting each person you meet with that level of reverence and respect 00:15:36 is a precondition for seeing them well
- for: good story - everyone is sacred
I was in Waco Texas several years ago and I was having lunch with a woman named laru dorsy and Mrs dorsy was a teacher most of her career and she presented herself to me as this Stern disciplinarian sort 00:14:19 of a drill sergeant type
- for: good story - illuminators - pastor
Bell labs they 00:12:40 had a bunch of researchers and some of them were just more creative and Innovative than others and they wanted to know why
- for: good story - illuminators - Bell labs
- Oct 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
The first several rules of reading a book analytically follow the same process of writing a book as suggested in the snowflake method.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
There is an interesting theme of staying true to a center or core of a story which is broadly similar to David Lynch's staying true to the original idea. The difference may be that Lynch is staying true to his own original idea which started the process whereas Coppola is distilling out a core from an original source and then focusing on that rather than having Puzo's own original core.
Which core is the "true" one?
- Sep 2023
www.timesunion.com www.timesunion.com
flyingleapgames.com flyingleapgames.com
Recommended by Jesse Stommel.
17:00 authenticity runs against barriers, story not telling everything
- see on how stories/language can be limited
18:00 story as providing a lot (see symbolism as achieving this, telling something broader)
github.com github.com
Should any one stumble upon this issue @tenderlove reverted commit a8bf129 in a71350c which is in v5.0.0.beta1 and later.
- Aug 2023
www.advancedfictionwriting.com www.advancedfictionwriting.com
If you believe in the Three-Act structure, then the first disaster corresponds to the end of Act 1. The second disaster is the mid-point of Act 2. The third disaster is the end of Act 2, and forces Act 3 which wraps things up. It is OK to have the first disaster be caused by external circumstances, but I think that the second and third disasters should be caused by the protagonist’s attempts to “fix things”. Things just get worse and worse.
Interesting and specific advice about the source of disasters in act two...
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013, we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
- for: search engine manipulation effect, SEME, voting, voting - bias, voting - manipulation, voting - search engine bias, democracy - search engine bias, quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias, stats, stats - tilting elections
- paraphrase
- quote
- In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013,
- we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
- 2015 PNAS research on SEME
- http://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/E4512.full.pdf?with-ds=yes&ref=hackernoon.com
- stats begin
- search results favoring one candidate
- could easily shift the opinions and voting preferences of real voters in real elections by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups
- with virtually no one knowing they had been manipulated.
- stats end
- Worse still, the few people who had noticed that we were showing them biased search results
- generally shifted even farther in the direction of the bias,
- so being able to spot favoritism in search results is no protection against it.
- stats begin
- Google’s search engine
- with or without any deliberate planning by Google employees
- was currently determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections.
- This is because Google’s search engine lacks an equal-time rule,
- so it virtually always favors one candidate over another, and that in turn shifts the preferences of undecided voters.
- Because many elections are very close, shifting the preferences of undecided voters can easily tip the outcome.
- stats end
howtosavetheworld.ca howtosavetheworld.ca
story of three Inuit tribe members who get stranded in a blizzard during a hunt
- for: governance - story, story - choice, story, Inuit
- story
- Three Inuit tribe members who get stranded in a blizzard during a hunt
- They discuss their situation.
- The two elders say their experience and instincts tell them to stay put and wait for rescue.
- The younger hunter accepts the argument
- but states his belief that it would be best for the group if one of them were to attempt to make it to safety and tell the rest of their community about their predicament.
- Finally the younger hunter heads off.
- In the end, the elders are rescued and the younger man dies.
- There is
- no blame,
- no repercussions,
- no second guessing the decisions.
- The choices were the only ones the trio could have made in the circumstances.
- They were respected, the young man’s death was mourned, and life went on.
- Three Inuit tribe members who get stranded in a blizzard during a hunt
- Jul 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Pillar 7. Brand Story
Stories are important.
- Apr 2023
www.dalekeiger.net www.dalekeiger.net
Sometimes you must surrender the idea of steering the story toward a predetermined structure and destination. We all know how to do the latter, so it feels secure.
jon-e.net jon-e.net
All we make and offer up to each other freely is stolen ten times over by those who have much grander visions of enclosure.
Ah, but we do have the grander visions of enclosure. "The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around." That's Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, from a few decades ago. But similar sentiments come from countless other sources, from Lakota "all our relations" to Amish sentiments toward technology, etc. Point is there are many, even just in the USA (which drives so much of this), peoples to ally with and sources to draw on in crafting a broader collective story (and thus practices and institutions) which place life's (including humans') needs at the center and economic "needs" in service to them, rather than the other way around.
beiner.substack.com beiner.substack.com
You own a fish farm
- A good story
- about how myopic, self-interested short-termism behavior
- can lead to temporary success
- and long term failure
- A good story
- Mar 2023
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
If you have not read about the Tilma, I highly suggest you do so. It is truly amazing and many organizations have researched it. NASA had conducted studies on it that they claimed broke certain laws of science. Likewise, as a child I remember stories of how during a series of civil strife in Mexico, a hand grenade was thrown in the church it resides in. Everything was destroyed, but it. The reflection of Juan Diego in the eye of The Blessed Virgin Mary is un-replicable, among others that I have probably forgotten.
summon a priest…
The use of Priests, v.s. Pastors is a common theme seen in the textbook in later chapters. Protestants (which is the perspective we see the most given that the US formed out of British control) use pastors, which for many, but not all denominations serve as a sort of coach and for lack of a better term "qualified teacher". They assist in interpreting scripture, head services, but don't possess any position or power that separates them from the laity. In Catholic theology, Priests are not only an authority in our church, but have the ability to say Mass, administer The Holy Eucharist, hear confession, give The Last Rites etc.
there appeared the drawing of the precious Image of the ever-virgin Holy Mary, Mother of God, in the manner as she is today kept in the temple at Tepeyacac, which is named Guadalupe…
This ties into some of the "arguments" that we see in later chapters from Protestants cast upon Catholics. Many, but not all Protestants (Typically those who practice a sort of High Church Protestantism) dislike the use of icons, as they are seen as a sort of superstition. Catholics on the other hand, use them as a form of visual aid in worship and a sign of reverence.
Mexico City.
Of course the Spanish had renamed the city of Tenochtitlan to Mexico City. This entire story takes place around this region post Spanish occupation.
first published in Nahuatl by Luis Lasso de la Vega in 1649.
The actual apparitions happened in December of 1531. Obviously, the translations of this would take a while, especially with limited printing capabilities to fully publish it.
Cuauhtlatoatzin was one of the first Aztec men to convert to Christianity after the Spanish invasion. Renamed as Juan Diego, he soon thereafter reported an appearance of the Virgin Mary called the Virgin of Guadalupe. This apparition became an important symbol for a new native Christianity.
Spanish conversions up until this point had been mixed as far as success. Many individuals still held onto their old cultures and beliefs. As such, Catholic missionaries had reached a sort of roadblock in converting through peaceful means.
she sent him to Mexico, to see the bishop, to build her a house in Tepeyacac.
This connects to the course material in that we see the growth of Catholicism in Mexico. These native individuals down the line, along with Spanish influence would help shape the southwest of our country and the cultures they bring. Likewise, these advances served as points of contention for Anglo Protestant settlers in the coming centuries.
that she would properly be named, and known as the blessed Image, the ever-virgin Holy Mary of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of Guadalupe was pivotal in the conversion of the Native Aztec people to Catholicism. She appeared in the garbs of the natives and spoke to a native and a peasant as well. Her apparition was meant as a means to incorporate the individuals of this new exotic world, with the traditions and faith of the old.
you the most humble of my son, that I am the ever virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth.
Humility within Catholicism is one of the most important key elements of the faith. This is especially true with Our Most Holy Virgin, whose entire life was dedicated to humility and complete obedience to the will of God. For the Virgin herself to commend you on this would be very remarkable.
her garments were shining like the sun
This while seemingly unimportant is actually very important. Within most Marian Apparitions, bright light or the Sun in some cases are commonplace. At Our Lady of Fatima we see what is referred to as the Miracle of The Sun and here, her garments shine with a sunlike aura. Christ's power and love is often depicted as the sun, this is to say her presence and herself are glowing with the love/power of Christ.
I wonder what the meaning of this word in English is? As for what this is, this is the site in which Juan Diego was met with the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The original name of Juan Diego before his renaming.
Sort Files in Folders.py
Here we commit to the Fever Dream
This is the page where the story is. The story is told through the three C's. Commits, Code and Comments. Wander through.
faculty.washington.edu faculty.washington.edu
constructing our perceptual reality
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
Often, environmental and social analysts focus on threats, dangers,and damage. They highlight negatives, in terms of limited or non-renewable resources, or the impacts of excessive emissions or effuents.But what if one took the opposite approach and focused on the posi-tives that we want to strive for? We – the authors – believe that everyhuman being, that is you and us and everybody close and far away,wants to be able to live a good life, a life that is worth living. Giventhat the Earth’s resources are limited and distributed highly unevenly,the core objective has to be how everybody can live well within limits.
// - A key shift is required to mobilize people at scale - This strategy is already being adopted by change agents around the globe but the change in perspective needs to become greater - Living within doughnut economics reaches the same conclusion: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=a+good+life+for+all - and currently, as the "Good Life for All" study showed at a national (country) scale, very few if any countries are meeting this requirement - the great inequality implies that the poor must be uplifted materially, whilst the rich must be encouraged to share material and economic wealth - the poor of the world will receive material and economic gain while the economic elites of the world gain nonmaterial wealth
It requiresa deep and profound orientation toward the good life. It requires usto ponder what the good life is, what conditions must be fulflled forindividuals to live it, and what it takes to create these conditions.
// - Orienting towards the good life is needed to mobilize action. - Why? - Because shifting from a negative vision to a positive one is necessary to mobilize action (at scale) - It is the difference between: - being coerced vs being self-motivated - being reactive vs being proactive - being depressed and lethargic vs being joyful and energetic - hence, in this transition journey, we must accompany the limits with the positive transformation that allows us to achieve wellbeing within them.
- Jan 2023
conf.sibgmbh.com conf.sibgmbh.com
در زمان کم بودن باطری خودمان متوقف کنیم خیلی چیزها رو ولی قبلش اطلاع بدیم به فرد ذی نفع
Can see can choose can set can enable/disable
conf.sibgmbh.com conf.sibgmbh.com
If parent disabled one child notification, then notification related to that child shouldn't be sent to parent.
notification push notification
medium.com medium.com
Create User Stories CollaborativelyWith the collaboration of all the development team, the epics are broken into several smaller user stories that will be used in the sprint.
Create User Stories Collaboratively With the collaboration of all the development team, the epics are broken into several smaller user stories that will be used in the sprint.
www.gamedeveloper.com www.gamedeveloper.com
The game went on to be a minor hit in Japan, selling over 100,000 copies -- and was followed up by a Game Boy version which, thanks to Pokemon's popularity, sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise.
Interesting facts about the launch of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series in Japan. The first game for SNES sold about 100,000 copies. The game that most launched the series, however, was the simpler Game Boy game, which "sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise." This article credits the success of Pokemon in part with the high sales of Story of Seasons.
"It wasn't all that easy to apply the concept of living life in the countryside to a game design document," said Yasuhiro Wada, creator of the Harvest Moon franchise. Wada had moved to Tokyo after being brought up in the countryside. Though he had no interest in returning to that environment, he finally understood its advantages compared to the big city, and thus wanted to turn that experience into a game. The problem was that he didn't know how. "I needed to nail the player experience," said Wada, but he had a problem: "How do you express the game system of living while working?"
Yasuhiro Wada, the creator of Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, explained that he first had the idea of creating a game where the player cared for cows from growing up in the Japanese countryside.
- Dec 2022
www.wired.com www.wired.com
in 2005, the International Rice Research Institute used a radio soap opera called Homeland Story to persuade millions of rice farmers in Vietnam to stop spraying their crops with harmful insecticides. Farmers who listened to the series were 31 percent less likely to spray their crops than those simply told not to.
!- example : storytelling impacts - Millions of Vietnamese rice farmers - who heard a soap opera called "Homeland Story" - stopped spraying their crops - with a harmful insecticide
hypothes.is hypothes.is
hca.gilead.org.il hca.gilead.org.il
- Nov 2022
pinnguaq.com pinnguaq.com
When writing a story you must take all key elements into account in order to produce a story that will flow for the reader. Stories can be broken down into five key elements; the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict and the resolution. Finding a prompt for what to write a story about can be very difficult. To help, the following link provides an activity to come up with some story ideas!
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
I would like to understand this design then. In my experience it has only served to limit what I can achieve, and gained me no additional benefit.
Good question! This is going to be a bit long, so bear with me
- Oct 2022
livebook.manning.com livebook.manning.com
Often these conversations uncover uncertainty or complexity, which leads us to split features into smaller chunks. In Scrum, a User Story needs to be small enough to deliver in a single sprint. If a feature will take more than one sprint to build, it is good practices to split a it into several stories that can be delivered incrementally over several sprints. This way, the team can get feedback earlier and more often, which in turn reduces the risk of error.
This is talked about in the user story book
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Kyle McCann has always prided himself in his ability to make the best of any situation. So when his boss fired him from the job he started just eight weeks earlier, McCann held back tears and decided to focus on the bright side.
- Sep 2022
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
Octavia Butler’s 1993 Parable of the Sower. The story follows a teenage girl seeking freedom from her deteriorating community in a future destabilized by climate change. Part of the reason it’s held up so well is that so many of Butler’s predictions have come true. But she wasn’t a fortune teller, she just did her homework.
- Jul 2022
icla2022.jonreeve.com icla2022.jonreeve.com
“We have certain events to relate,” Mr. Franklin proceeded; “and we have certain persons concerned in those events who are capable of relating them. Starting from these plain facts, the idea is that we should all write the story of the Moonstone in turn–as far as our own personal experience extends, and no farther. We must begin by showing how the Diamond first fell into the hands of my uncle Herncastle, when he was serving in India fifty years since. This prefatory narrative I have already got by me in the form of an old family paper, which relates the necessary particulars on the authority of an eye-witness. The next thing to do is to tell how the Diamond found its way into my aunt’s house in Yorkshire, two years ago, and how it came to be lost in little more than twelve hours afterwards. Nobody knows as much as you do, Betteredge, about what went on in the house at that time. So you must take the pen in hand, and start the story.”
Mr. Franklin suggests that more first- and third-person narrators i.e., characters in the story, be included to tell the tale about the Diamond and its disappearance. But how reliable is the evidence that each one has to offer? This is probably at the heart of this detective story.
- May 2022
hamamoozfiles.s3.ir-thr-at1.arvanstorage.com hamamoozfiles.s3.ir-thr-at1.arvanstorage.com
user story mapping شخص مشخص قدم ها در طول زمان هم مشخص
Release slice
از بالا به پایین ، کلیات به جزیییات تقسیم میشه
نقطه چین ها :تتوی کدوم ورژن میخوام باشه
user activities (backbone) user tasks (walking skeleton) user stories
WIP (work in progress)
user story writing workshop
OUTPU کمکه
OUCOME که چی؟ IMPACT تاثیر نهایی رو که میخواد
روایت عالی باید همه این سه تا رو داشته باشه
INVEST Independent negotiable valuable estimable small testable
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."
- In this annotation, I choose to expand on my introduction. Before I explain why I chose the words I did, I should mention that my first draft failed to meet one of the assignment's primary requirements: a "Story like" structure. Finally, I decided to rework my introduction because my first draft did not begin with a clear beginning. Instead, I started by describing the fundamental context of the encounter before detailing my previous experiences. To improve my final edit, I made sure I described my experiences and/or how I felt before they occurred.
- Introduction p.1
- (Major Essay) Introduction paragraph
- Apr 2022
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
which I hope would extend to iframes.
- Mar 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @CT_Bergstrom: I also dislike the choice of axis scales. I don’t mind line graphs with axes that don’t go to zero (https://t.co/EpPNR9Lx…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1477181158425251840
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
புதுமைப்பித்தனின் “கடிதம்” என்ற சிறுகதையை வாசித்தேன்
acestoohigh.com acestoohigh.com
The reality is that Ukraine didn’t attack Russia, had no plans to attack Russia, and why would it? Russia’s military is 10 times larger AND they have nuclear weapons. It’s clear that Putin has created his own reality about the situation, one that isn’t shared by people who operate in facts. Besides, his actions cannot be justified merely because he believes his reality. He’s a damaged person who needs to stop what he’s doing before he shatters the lives of millions more.
Historian Yuval Noah Harari makes an astute observation to this same effect, which I comment on in my other Annotation: https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FyQqthbvYE8M%2F&group=world
Harari says "these are the seeds of hatred and fear and misery that are being planted right now in the minds and the bodies of tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, really. 00:26:20 Because it's not just the people in Ukraine, it's also in the countries around, all over the world. And these seeds will give a terrible harvest, terrible fruits in years, in decades to come. This is why it's so crucial to stop the war immediately. Every day this continues, plants more and more of these seeds. 00:26:44 And, you know, like this war now, its seeds were, to a large extent, planted decades and even centuries ago."
In true abuser/abused cycle, Putin is foisting his unhealed trauma onto the rest of the world, perpetuating another cycle of intergenerational pain.
We as a species must surface this as the root cause of all the misery that never seems to go away. We need to see this as the systemic root cause of the entire perpetuation of pain that keeps humanity locked in perpetual misery, one generation after another. This is the key cultural change that will boost humanity to the next stage of cultural evolution.
We are now experiencing the unhealed pain of the previous generations. They are fruit that have ripened. We in THIS generation have to recognize that if we do not identify this at this system level, it will always be this way. We need to make an effort RIGHT NOW, in OUR generation to stop this cycle on a mass scale.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bromwich, Kathryn. ‘How Long Covid Forced Me to Confront My Past and My Identity’. The Observer, 8 November 2020, sec. World news. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/08/how-long-covid-forced-me-to-confront-my-past-and-my-identity.
- Feb 2022
The extremely high tax rate and the fact that the losses cannot be offset would invariably propel investors to turn to alternative means of storing and undertaking transactions in cryptocurrencies, without foregoing the significant losses involved as they “switch” back into the rupee. An inadvertent upside of this, then, is the prospective conversion and reallocation of crypto-funds from one form to another.
what are the alternate approaches of cryptocurrency investor if not turning into rupee
After the Budget’s ‘crypto signal’, India awaits reforms
=$ Post-COVID indian adolescent transformation after modi govt prescient move on cryptocurrency
Lit/Quote prescient move amounts to effectively being a de facto affirmation of the role that cryptocurrency and related technologies could play in India’s financial-cum-economic system.
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
aspirations of constituent groups — linguistic, religious, ethnic or political.
My story-telling background social issues
- linguistic
- religious
- ethnic
- political
- Jan 2022
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
As in Shakespeare’s plays, after an emotionally charged scene, there is dramatic relief in the form of comedy. A pastoral dance (Aychiyar Kuravai) performed by cowherd girls to ward off evil succeeds the death scene.
The dramatic value of this scene lies in building up the audience’s admiration for the hero so that the shock is greater when he is wrongfully killed in the very next scene.To enhance the tragic intensity, Ilango brings Kovalan and Kannagi together in the last scene before Kovalan’s death, when Kannagi serves him the delicious food she has cooked for him. They seem to be enjoying the blessings of a happy married life after a long gap, but Destiny has the last laugh. The lunch proves to be Kovalan’s last supper.
Last supper of Kovalan
- anklet laughing at kovalan
Matalan, a Brahmin and a friend of Kovalan, functions like the chorus in Greek tragedy. He appears in two cantos, the Madurai Kantam and Vanchi Kantam, and provides the link to all the events that happen offstage. In Adaikalakathai (chapter on refuge), we come to know of all the noble qualities possessed by Kovalan, courtesy Matalan.
Role of Matalan in Silappadikaram
=> who functions like Matalan in greek tragedy? => matalan appears in which 2 kantams (cantos) ?
- like in telugu superhero films 'ayina evru thelsa'
- Nov 2021
craftywriters.club craftywriters.club
Yesterday, I was at a thrift store with my wife, Jayne, and as I usually do, I went straight to the books section. I happened upon a couple books. One was entitled Elephant Reflections and included high praise from Jane Goodall. Another was The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.
While in the store, I was checking my email and noticed there was something from the Design Science Studio.
Tomorrow’s visiting Visionary, Catherine Connors will be speaking on New Narratives: Storytelling ARTchitecture!
As I was flipping through the book in the checkout line, I noticed the preface to the second edition:
“I’m not trying to copy Nature. I’m trying to find the principles she’s using”
— R. Buckminster Fuller
A book goes out like a wave rolling over the surface of the sea. Ideas radiate from the author’s mind and collide with other minds, triggering new waves that return to the author. These generate further thoughts and emanations, and so it goes. The concepts described in The Writer’s Journey have radiated and are now echoing back interesting challenges and criticisms as well as sympathetic vibrations. This is my report on the waves that have washed back over me from publication of the book, and on the new waves I send back in response.
On the back of the book, the description includes the following introduction.
Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
, or ‘that is tragic’, nor are we certain, since short stories, we have been taught, should be brief and conclusive, whether this, which is vague and inconclusive, should be called a short story at all.
Looks at Russian example of MODERNIST short story and likes that its
- Oct 2021
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
இஸ்லாமியர் உட்ப இவர்கள் அனைவருமே காளியை வழிபட்டு பலிகொடுத்தபின் கொள்ளைக்குச் செல்பவர்கள். காளிவழிபாடு இவர்களின் குற்றவுணர்ச்சியை இல்லாமலாக்கியது. ஆகவே ஈவிரக்கமில்லாத கொலைகாரர்களாக ஆனார்கள்.
இவர்கள் கொள்ளை அடிக்க வரும்போது நாம் வீட்டில் காளியை வழிபட்டால் ஒரே வழிபாட்டின் பக்தன் என்ற முறையில் கொள்ளாமல் விட்டுவிடலாம்
theliturgists.com theliturgists.comEvents1
The Sunday Thing
The love of money is the root of all evil
This week, Michael Gungor asked us to discuss money in our breakout groups.
Money is power
We outsource our power and authority to those who claim to have greater access to capital, because we underestimate and undervalue our own social influence, economic capacity, and political agency. The entreprecariat is designed for learned helplessness (social: individualism), trained incapacities (economic: specialization), and bureaucratic intransigence (political: authoritarianism). https://hypothes.is/a/667dOC0bEeyV6Itx3ySxmw
Indigenous cultures in Canada were disempowered by outlawing the cultural practice of generosity (potlatch) and replacing the practice with centralized power over the medium of exchange: money. Money is a mechanism of disempowerment.
Money is a shared story we tell ourselves about what has value. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/795246685
We translated “ekklesia” as church. It is the deliberative body of the experiment in democracy in Athens, Greece. The people who are figuring out how to live together in the commons. The work of the people. The Liturgists.
The Story of Money
In this hour, On the Media looks at the story of money, from its uncertain origins to its digital reinvention in the form of cryptocurrency.
On the Media: Full Faith & Credit
Squid Game
People were also discussing Squid Game.
Squid Game was on my mind today before the call. “The reality of the history of Canada’s mining industry makes #SquidGame look like child’s play.” https://twitter.com/bauhouse/status/1449726452098682881?s=20
The truth is that all of the gold that was mined out of the Klondike was under Indigenous land. There was no treaty with any of Indigenous peoples in the Yukon.
imaginaxiom.com imaginaxiom.comListen1
However, we know that money is a fiction, a story that we tell ourselves. Money is a story about what and who has value. This scale of human value that we call money is fake. But if enough people believe it, that idea of money becomes our reality.
On the Media
The Story of Money
Full Faith & Credit
In this hour, On the Media looks at the story of money, from its uncertain origins to its digital reinvention in the form of cryptocurrency.
www.wnycstudios.org www.wnycstudios.org
In this hour, On the Media looks at the story of money, from its uncertain origins to its digital reinvention in the form of cryptocurrency.
The Story of Money
Ten autumns ago came two watershed moments in the history of money. In September 2008, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers triggered a financial meltdown from which the world has yet to fully recover. The following month, someone using the name Satoshi Nakamoto introduced BitCoin, the first cryptocurrency. Before our eyes, the very architecture of money was evolving — potentially changing the world in the process. In this hour, On the Media looks at the story of money, from its uncertain origins to its digital reinvention in the form of cryptocurrency.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
So the story that emerges about the origins of money is very different than the way we usually think about it. In this model embraced by Bill and other anthropologists, money is partly a mechanism of social obligation and partly a mechanism to keep track of who owes what to whom. It's also a mechanism that cements the relationship between ordinary people and authorities who maintain records. In other words, it's a story about power.
forum.artofmemory.com forum.artofmemory.com
The Natural Navigator (Tristan Gooley) is worth a look as it is how these people would have seen the world. We live in a world of clock and compass while they lived by a circle, wind and light. I also wonder what other surviving memory methods there are out there like maybe the Story Knife from Alaska?
These may be worth looking into.
- Sep 2021
www.linuxquestions.org www.linuxquestions.org
Thanks for the rest of the story.
- Aug 2021
hyperlogos.org hyperlogos.org
I joined Caldera in November of 1995, and we certainly used "open source" broadly at that time. We were building software. I can't imagine a world where we did not use the specific phrase "open source software". And we were not alone. The term "Open Source" was used broadly by Linus Torvalds (who at the time was a student...I had dinner with Linus and his then-girlfriend Ute in Germany while he was still a student)
From Linus Torvalds Remembers the Days Before ‘Open Source’:
Torvalds counters that “I wouldn’t trust Lyle Ball’s recollection 100% about me… since my girlfriend-at-the-time (now wife) name was Tove, not Ute.”
- Jul 2021
icla2021.jonreeve.com icla2021.jonreeve.com
The deity commanded that the Moonstone should be watched, from that time forth, by three priests in turn, night and day, to the end of the generations of men. And the Brahmins heard, and bowed before his will. The deity predicted certain disaster to the presumptuous mortal who laid hands on the sacred gem, and to all of his house and name who received it after him.
Through this paragraph, the author talks about the uniqueness of the moonstone as the only one escaped from the rapacity, and shows the spiritual myth behind the Moonstone. I feel it makes the moonstone more mysterious. The deity's prediction that disasters will happen to the ones who laid hands on the sacred gem lays a foundation for the rest of the story related to stealing the Moonstone. It also stimulates curiosity for the readers to test whether this sacred dream will be validated by the story or not.
- May 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Erich Segal
Reasonably certain that this is the same Erich Segal who wrote the screenplays for Love Story and The Yellow Submarine.
Also interesting that the movie The Paper Chase is advertised on the same page as this story.
- Apr 2021
wehrlegig.com wehrlegig.com
Unfortunately, there is some urgency to this effort. As Shashi Tharoor writes in his book Inglorious Empire (2018), over the past 30 years, there has been a tremendous bout of collective amnesia, espeically in the UK, about the history of empire and its consequences. Into this vacuum, revisionist historians of the worst kind like Niall Ferguson have capitalized on historical blind spots of people living today to make an absurd case for the benefits of empire. This cannot be allowed to happen. Tharoor believes that one of the best bulwarks against this erasure is to do the work of inquiry and to make the history of empire accessible and apparent to the widest audience. It is into this effort that I submit my work. John Company is an unsparing portrait that hopefully will give its players a sense of the nature of empire and the long half-life of its cultural production. It is certainly not the only way to make a game about empire, but I hope that it does its part in adding to our understanding of that subject and its continued legacy.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
origin story at around 4:00, also mention on KS page
As a result of all this in a couple of weeks I had a working version of empty (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/empty) which allows to start interactive programs and communicate with them using FIFO-files
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
Around &Bigger the box is bigger: 75mm high instead of 45mm or so.That was the main reason for the name &Bigger. The first edition does fit in its box but very tight. Because the first factory used bigger cardboard than planned. They told me about this "upgrade" after they produced the game. The thicker tiles (about 2.5mm) did feel good for the game so the &Bigger edition has the same
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
Enter 2020: Matt and Jordan managed to scrape together some illustrations for playtesting, but they weren’t up to the bar of a production game. Fortunately, we connected through friends with Jaehee, and she cautiously listened to the pitch for the game. Once she decided to join the team, the artwork and designs quality improved by orders of magnitude, to the point where we had an experience we felt was worthwhile sharing publicly.
- Mar 2021
www.rubymotion.com www.rubymotion.com
If you want to know more about the story behind this best-selling game, check out the New Yorker Article.
A Dark Room makes use of the ProMotion and BubbleWrap gems. During its development Amir used all the refactoring techniques of the Ruby language and also ran the built-in spec framework in the background
Not enjoying Xcode, Amir used RubyMotion instead. Amir had real-world experience with Xcode and Objective-C, but didn't like it at all. Amir also has a Ruby background and went with RubyMotion to build A Dark Room. The command-line interface, the testing framework, the gems libraries and the CocoaPods integration and the freedom to use any text editor contributed to his decision.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Originally he had used the terms usage scenarios and usage case – the latter a direct translation of his Swedish term användningsfall – but found that neither of these terms sounded natural in English, and eventually he settled on use case.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
TRAILBLAZER-STORY will follow as it turned out to be inevitable for setting up application state for tests. Instead of fumbling around with factories and traits in your tests, you “tell a story” about what to create in which order, easily customizable, and all written using activities.
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
I have proposed a new word for this quality: onceability.
faastruby.io faastruby.io
One day last August 2018, I stumbled upon an online petition that sparked my curiosity - We Want Serverless Ruby. At that time, none of the major cloud providers had first-class support for Ruby in their serverless products. There were ~1400 devs signing that petition, and I wondered if there was something about Ruby that made it unsuitable for FaaS. I decided to roll the sleeves and start building what would be the first PoC of faastRuby.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Good intentions, but I doubt there's any relation of the origin of the terms blacklist/whitelist to race. There are many idioms and phrases in the English language that make use of colours without any racial backstories. I haven't met any black person (myself included) who was ever offended by the use of "blacklist".
www.morozov.is www.morozov.is
Railway Oriented Programming comes from functional programming, so it is tightly related to the usual FP concepts like monads, composition, and many others.
educationinnovation.pressbooks.com educationinnovation.pressbooks.com
Are designers also wasting the time of the critics?
Wow what a way to end the chapter. Are instcutional Designers wasting their time decorating their instruction or filling them with jargon that they miss the point of educating the learners.
This is a wonderful story about something that anyone could be familiar with and understand how instrucitonal design can go at times. Lending to the attractiveness and lacking on the informing side.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Regardless of measurable impact, Svelte resonates with our emotions and it makes for a good story.
www.harborfreight.com www.harborfreight.com
For safety reasons, certain pumps and sprayers cannot be returned to the store if opened.
More likely: they don't want to deal with these returns because of risk to store and because they want to keep the money they made from the sale.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
I started this project in order to Materialize Tunnelgram.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
I'd be happy to take on this issue, if no one else has up to this point!
studybreaks.com studybreaks.com
The dormancy of 2013-2017 might just be because people got bored of the genre.
Just like Hallmark movies, romcoms are known for having similar story lines
I recommend folks use https://github.com/shama/bel instead of this package; we've been working hard on it for the past two years to make sure it has all the features you could want to write inline HTML. Hope it's good; closing for now!
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Wow, no answers to this question. That's too bad. Did you ever find the solution?
thespinoff.co.nz thespinoff.co.nz
Hannah, K. (2020, September 7). Counting and Countering the infodemic: A deep dive into Covid-19 disinformation. The Spinoff. https://thespinoff.co.nz/media/07-09-2020/counting-and-countering-the-infodemic-a-deep-dive-into-covid-19-disinformation/
- is:webpage
- infodemic
- New Zealand
- communication
- story
- knowledge
- fake news
- COVID-19
- conspiracy theory
- lang:en
- disinformation
books.google.com books.google.com
Morland, P. (2015). Risk Wise: Nine Everyday Adventures. Profile Books.
- Jul 2020
link.chtbl.com link.chtbl.com
Nature Podcast. (n.d.). Retrieved July 8, 2020, from https://link.chtbl.com/_f_Eq3xb?sf235711885=1
- May 2020
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
Draulans, D. (2020, May 8). ‘Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects on facing death from COVID-19. Science | AAAS. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/finally-virus-got-me-scientist-who-fought-ebola-and-hiv-reflects-facing-death-covid-19
secure.avaaz.org secure.avaaz.org
Avaaz. 10 Reasons to Love Humanity right now. https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/covid19_reasons_to_hope/
- Mar 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I came upon a great idea that would put an end to these ceaseless interrogations by my comrade. 'We are five or six friends', I told him some time later, 'who are in charge of the same mathematics curriculum at various universities. Let us all come together and regulate these matters once and for all, and after this, I shall be delivered of these questions.' I was unaware of the fact that Bourbaki was born at that instant.
- Jan 2020
www.audioverse.org www.audioverse.org
46: Lean not on your own understanding.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Leigh Hunt’s “Rimini.”
The Story of Rimini was composed by Leigh Hunt and published in 1816. The poem is based on Hunt's reading of Paolo and Francesca in hell, famously told in Dante's Inferno (Circle 2, Canto 5). Hunt's version is sympathetic to how the two lovers came together after Francesca was married to Paolo's brother. The lovers were later punished for the fraternal transgression. The poem advocates for compassion for all of humanity.
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
www.crossref.org www.crossref.org
- Nov 2019
itp.nyu.edu itp.nyu.edu
It also means recognizing that our civic infrastructure was built for the normative perpetuation of a status quo that is morally wrong and fundamentally unsustainable. As a society, we don’t need to agree on policy choice, problem framing, or ideology. But can we agree to build the infrastructure needed to have those conversations? Can we move toward centering different stories?
Make no mistake: this isn’t a technology issue, but a civil rights issue. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of jargon (technical terminology, marketing hype, legalese), keeping communities from engaging in the wave of data collection and technology procurement that will shape how social services like education, welfare, and child protection are delivered for decades to come. There’s little space for the meaningful and collaborative radical reimagining of alternative futures when the public is repeatedly told that the revolution is already here and they just don’t understand it.
- Oct 2019
corporate.walmart.com corporate.walmart.com
Walmart is a place of opportunity. Here, you can go as far as your hard work and talent will take you.Our associates are building better lives for their families, and we’re proud to be a part of their success stories. We’re investing in our associates by offering competitive pay, advanced training through Walmart Academies, career development through our Pathways training program and, most of all, a chance to move up. No matter what goals our associates set for themselves, we want to help them grow professionally and personally. To that end, we offer a variety of education benefits.Training and Opportunity Walmart Academies is an immersive training program that is tied to a working supercenter, allowing associates to receive both classroom and sales floor training in advanced retail skills and soft skills like leadership, communications and change management. In 2018 alone, we trained 450,000 associates including frontline supervisors, department managers and assistant managers in our Academies.A new video game called Spark City lets anyone “play” as a department manager. Through the game, associates enrolled in Walmart Academies learn the same techniques and processes that they will use on the sales floor in real life. The game is free to the public on the Apple app store and the Google Play store.In Walmart’s fiscal year 2019 we promoted more than 215,000 people to higher-paying jobs with increased responsibility.More than 75% of our salaried store management teams started as hourly associates.Store managers, on average, earn $175,000 annually and manage and help mentor 300 associates.Full- and part-time associates are eligible for quarterly bonuses based on store performance. In Walmart’s fiscal year 2019, hourly associates earned nearly $800 million in bonuses.We’ve converted nearly 175,000 associates from part-time to full-time in fiscal year 2019.
- Sep 2019
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
A narrative weaves together otherwise isolated bits of information into a meaningful whole, linking them in important ways but also chunking the information so that it takes up less space in working memory and connects to existing threads in long-term memory
- May 2019
www.howesound.com www.howesound.com
Known as the "grandfather of micro-brewing in Canada," John Mitchell helped design Howe Sound Brewery in 1996, working with founders Stephen Shard, Dave Fenn and Colleen Fenn.
Proudly brewing award-winning ales in Squamish for over 20 years, we owe much of our early success to John Mitchell. He co-pioneered North America's first modern craft brewery at Horseshoe Bay on BC's spectacular Howe Sound back in 1982, with the assistance of Frank Appleton. The pair began what has become known as the "craft brewing renaissance."
www.siding14brewing.com www.siding14brewing.comOur Team1
Josh & Femke Lubach Owners & Barley Growers
www.siding14brewing.com www.siding14brewing.com
Why Siding 14? It's a nod to our rich Alberta and western Canadian railway heritage. Before the town of Ponoka was named, it was Siding 14 of the Calgary-Edmonton Railway Company. The siding was a supply point for steam locomotives making the run between the two major cities. The railway not only provided transportation between small towns and major centers, it was historically the heart of communication and social interaction in communities across the province.
newlevelbrewing.ca newlevelbrewing.ca
Maybe we should just start a brewery that makes what we like to drink?
The Ross brothers decided to start their own brewery while attending Maryland Deathfest.
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
Field Engineer Story
First field engineer in the field of telecommunications and networks:
Telecommunication engineering has seen immense advances in the recent years and thus, the role of a field engineer has also evolved. Telecommunication engineering is among the most evolving industries in the world. It is a branch of electrical engineering and it dates back to the 18th century when there were beacons and telegraphs used for communication.
The first field engineer in the field of telecommunications and networks was Claude Chappe, who was a French engineer. Then we have a long list of field engineers such as Thomas Edison, Carlos Slim, and many more. After the advent of computer networks and the internet in the 20th century, the role of a field engineer completely changed.
Who created the first telecom company that offers a link between consumer and employees?
The telecom industry is expected to expand even more in the coming years, but to date, the world's top telecommunication companies have reached a market value of over $50 billion. China Mobile Ltd., Verizon Communications Inc., and AT&T Inc. are the leaders in the world of telecommunication service providers. These companies serve as a link between the consumer and the employees, allowing them to communicate whether they're using traditional wired telephones or mobile phones.
We created the FE On Demand Freelance Marketplace Platform to streamline engagement between field engineers and businesses looking for them.
- Feb 2019
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
According to this checklist, a User Story should be:
Indepedent (of all others)
Negociable (not a specific contract for features)
Valuable (or vertical)
Estimable (to a good approximation)
Small (so as to fit within an iteration)
Testable (in principle, even if there isn't a test for it yet)
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
same old anthropocentric bedtime stories
Is Aliens in Underpants Save the World anthropocentric?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
"A story should be seen as a battle," and went on abbut strategies, attacks, victory, etc.) Conflict, competition, stress, struggle,
A story can be used as a rhetorical weapon.
The skillful hunters then would come staggering back with a load of meat, a lot of ivory, and a story.
This makes me think of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TED Talk: "The danger of a single story." Rather than solely focusing on the single story aspect, Adichie delves into the topic of storytelling and the subsequent power associated with it. In this sense, the discussion of power alludes to Foucault's extensive work on power.
- Jul 2018
www.weareteachers.com www.weareteachers.com
Inkle- Great story telling website for kids:) kids can publish, write, and create their own book online
- Nov 2017
„Gość Niedzielny": „Młodzi ludzie nie kryją, że noszenie patriotycznych ciuchów jest z ich strony formą manifestacji poglądów, wręcz swoistym wyznaniem wiary".On Interia: „Rośnie zainteresowanie odzieżą z symboliką patriotyczną. Noszą ją ludzie na ulicach, biegacze w parkach czy celebryci. To już nie jest chwilowa moda".„Polska The Times Plus": „Jedni mówią przy tej okazji o renesansie patriotyzmu, inni o modzie bardzo powierzchownej, bo istotą patriotyzmu jest wnętrze człowieka".
2017.11 RZ "Red is bed"
- Mar 2017
rhetcompnow.com rhetcompnow.com
This paranoia has some pretty deep roots
Mistrust. Paranoia
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
I want to us to have all sorts of biographies, all sorts of photos of unknown urchins with whom we may connect.
personal research local
difficulty of frame - of readability - of length
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
We have gradually built up a story.
storytelling common story
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
I never regret the eleven months which hardened my resolve, to go beyond 98 'Nos' to get to the precious, unexpected 'Yes's'. I was nobody, I was selling nothing, I could be nobody selling anything.
I realized that what sold was not the script but the connection of excitement, the acceleration of a heart beat, the comic tone, the sudden absurd eruption in the life of another.
Facts count for nothing.
Excitement. - Career? Power? Attachment? Identification? Meaning? Numbers?
The people on the other end were targets. They were nothing. They were nobody.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
With only an hour face-to-face meeting with my friend Claude Tregoat we set up connections for 500 students in a project which would become to be known as CLAVIER.
Taking the risk to be open.
Feeling of being uncomfortable when first confronted with explaining a potential project - that reminds me of conversations with Maritta and Leena.
- Jan 2017
cognitivemedium.com cognitivemedium.com
Many people implicitly or explicitly use this cognitive outsourcing model to think about augmentation. It's commonly used in press accounts, for instance. It is also, I believe, a common way for programmers to think about augmentation. In this essay, we've seen a different way of thinking about augmentation. Rather than just solving problems expressed in terms we already understand, the goal is to change the thoughts we can think:
Good distinctions here. Cf. also what happens when one begins to master the heptapod language in "Story of Your Life." It's Whorf-Sapir, but a "soft" Whorf-Sapir. So I'd say, anyhow. Relevant too that Engelbart discusses Whorf-Sapir.
- Nov 2016
Up to an inch-and-a-half of rain was also expected overnight, which could help.
about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of rain last night. It did help
Three people died
At least three people died, others are still missing
- Sep 2016
www.rollingstone.com www.rollingstone.com
It's like getting really drunk at a party and spilling your guts in front of everyone and feeling incredibly great and cathartic about it, and then waking up the next morning and realizing what a complete fool you made of yourself."
www.pastemagazine.com www.pastemagazine.com
Are the Killjoys the heroes? If you want to look at it in a nihilistic 15-year-old point of view, watching A Clockwork Orange for the first time, I guess you could see them as the heroes. Are Better Living Industries (BLI) really the bad guys? Who’s the bad guy? I feel like The Girl just wants to hang out with her cat.
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
The goal of ethnography, as Malinowski put it, is “to grasp the native’s point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his world.”
Not to just study the culture, to study from within the culture. (English lit, one story) Ethnographers look past culture's "one story" to live in people's individual stories
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
There will be a · 1 · · · h I ·11 d gtr s1ttmg opposite me w 0 w1 won er why I have not been flirt-ing with her
This is our first indication throughout the book that David views women differently than the average man. We don't yet know the real reason why, especially since he then refers to "his" Hella. According to Juliet Gardiner, Baldwin's implication here is consistent with the wold wide view of women in the 50's. They were expected to be perfect wives and mothers, and often flirted with and arguably viewed as an object of entertainment.
- Aug 2016
www.npr.org www.npr.org
I wanted to record civil breakdown by degrees ... it's not all at once, it's not, you flip a switch and suddenly people are dog-eat-dog and regard everything in a Darwinian, animalistic way. I think that it starts subtly ... you walk into a restaurant and the maitre d' does not see you to your table, but just waves at it. Or doormen no longer carry groceries for the elderly. It's that little.
- Jul 2016
www.undertheradarmag.com www.undertheradarmag.com
Fuck You, I'm Stealing Home: A baseball themed band that toured the coast playing primarily basements and selling matchbooks with our name on them. The oddity of the theme alone helped move some serious units.
Aftermath: My first band when I was 12, named after the fourth Rolling Stones' (our biggest and practically only influence) album (Aftermath), and also because we rehearsed after math (well, school).
New York City Rhythm: Just straight up ripped off the title of a Barry Manilow song. At this point I was starting to become proud of the fact that I had no shame in admitting I liked what some might refer to as the more shameful side of AM Gold.
- Jun 2016
www.altpress.com www.altpress.com
“The time we were opened to that world is when we talk to other bands. People who are great people, amazing musicians. Then they release a new song, and I’m like, ‘That’s not them. I’ve been on tour with them for months, that’s something they would not do. That’s where we’ve seen it the most, honestly.” When it is suggested those artists drank the Kool-Aid, Joseph adjusts the metaphor, replacing “drank” with “served.” “They weren’t given a choice. They were painted into a situation where they were going to get shelved or a plug was going to get pulled, by people in control who think they know [what works].”
For the sixteen-track album, the band invented fifteen fictional personas, each with its own sound, aesthetic, and backstory that draw from different decades of club culture. Genres range from Studio 1 reggae to indie rock, under pseudonyms like Burning Phlegm, White Virgins, and Noah's Dark.
pitchfork.com pitchfork.com
But even if being in PUP sounds like a living nightmare for Babcock, it’s all he’s got. Gig or no gig, he’s waking up most mornings on the floor with more apologies than dollars in the bank, coming to the same conclusion over and over again: that voice in my head telling me I’m a loser was right all along.
- Feb 2016
mercedessaenz.wordpress.com mercedessaenz.wordpress.com
I instantly knew it was something I wanted to do
I love your story and want you to continue to sharpen it. I think it speaks volumes. Explaining what you felt in this moment, what appealed to you, how it shaped your vision might take this story one step closer to really helping your reader get a sense of your motivations from this moment.
learning.ccsso.org learning.ccsso.org
Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections.
A third grade student should be able to refer to different parts of a text by using specific vocabulary such as "chapter" or "stanza" to identify key details in the text.
Parts of a Story
A good example of this would be chapters books for third graders such as books from the Junie B. Jones series. These allow students to recall details from the text by referring to specific chapters of sections of the book.
- Nov 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
In one version of this experiment, if we gave participants synthetic oxytocin (in the nose, that will reach the brain in an hour), they donated to 57 percent more of the featured charities and donated 56 percent more money than participants given a placebo. Those who received oxytocin also reported more emotional transportation into the world depicted in the ad. Most importantly, these people said they were less likely to engage in the dangerous behaviors shown in the ads. So, go see a movie and laugh and cry. It’s good for your brain, and just might motivate you to make positive changes in your life and in others’ lives as well.
Once a story has sustained our attention long enough, we may begin to emotionally resonate with story’s characters. Narratologists call this “transportation,” and you experience this when your palms sweat as James Bond trades blows with a villain on top of a speeding train.
Any Hollywood writer will tell you that attention is a scarce resource. Movies, TV shows, and books always include “hooks” that make you turn the page, stay on the channel through the commercial, or keep you in a theater seat. Scientists liken attention to a spotlight. We are only able to shine it on a narrow area. If that area seems less interesting than some other area, our attention wanders.
This evidence supports the view of some narrative theorists that there is a universal story structure. These scholars claim every engaging story has this structure, called the dramatic arc. It starts with something new and surprising, and increases tension with difficulties that the characters must overcome, often because of some failure or crisis in their past, and then leads to a climax where the characters must look deep inside themselves to overcome the looming crisis, and once this transformation occurs, the story resolves itself.
- Oct 2015
It turns out
Cue Merlin Mann voice.
- Aug 2015
cias.rit.edu cias.rit.edu
Seneca Creation Story
This Seneca story was recorded by Jeremiah Curtin, a white man fluent in the Seneca language. In 1883, 1886, and 1887, Curtin spent many hours talking with Seneca men and women on the Cattaraugus reservation in New York state. The largest of the five tribes of the Iroquois confederacy, the Seneca had inhabited much of central New York in the sixteenth century, but by the mid-seventeenth century they had moved west to Lake Erie and south into Pennsylvania. Curtin recorded this tale in the Seneca language, and it was subsequently translated into English by I. W. B. Hewitt. Source: Jeremiah Curtin and I. W. B. Hewitt, “Seneca Fiction, Legends and Myths, Part 1,” Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 32 (1910–11 [1918])
I would like you to read it as an origin story. That is, think about it as it explains the creation of humanity.
What is the relationship between humanity and nature? What structure do you think society will take based on this origin story? These are questions I want you to think about and seek the answers to while you do this reading
www.bartleby.com www.bartleby.com
The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis
This is the first chapter of Genesis from the King James version of the Bible. While I realize that this is clearly a religious text, I would like you to read it as an origin story. That is, think about it as it explains the creation of humanity.
What is the relationship between humanity and nature? What structure do you think society will take based on this origin story? Who authorizes this text? Why? These are questions I want you to think about and seek the answers to while you do this reading
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
As soon as computer data entry moved from punch-cards to online files (in the mid/late 1960s) there were "commands" for accomplishing this operation.
- Jan 2015
newleftreview.org newleftreview.org
But if you turn data into a money-printing machine for citizens, whereby we all become entrepreneurs, that will extend the financialization of everyday life to the most extreme level, driving people to obsess about monetizing their thoughts, emotions, facts, ideas—because they know that, if these can only be articulated, perhaps they will find a buyer on the open market. This would produce a human landscape worse even than the current neoliberal subjectivity. I think there are only three options. We can keep these things as they are, with Google and Facebook centralizing everything and collecting all the data, on the grounds that they have the best algorithms and generate the best predictions, and so on. We can change the status of data to let citizens own and sell them. Or citizens can own their own data but not sell them, to enable a more communal planning of their lives. That’s the option I prefer.
Very well thought out. Obviously must know about read write web, TSL certificate issues etc. But what does neoliberal subjectivity mean? An interesting phrase.
liliputing.com liliputing.com
Teachers can save digital content to the built-in storage and up to 50 students at a time can connect to the Access Point to download or access documents, videos, or other files on their own devices even if there’s no internet signal.
CouchDB replication anyone?