59 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. In response, Yampolskiy told Business Insider he thought Musk was "a bit too conservative" in his guesstimate and that we should abandon development of the technology now because it would be near impossible to control AI once it becomes more advanced.

      for - suggestion- debate between AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy and Musk and founders of AI - difference - business leaders vs pure researchers // - Comment - Business leaders are mainly driven by profit so already have a bias going into a debate with a researcher who is neutral and has no declared business interest


    2. for - article - Techradar - Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don't worry, Elon Musk disagrees - 2024, April 7 - AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy disagrees with industry leaders and claims 99.999999% chance that AGI will destroy and embed humanity // - comment - another article whose heading is backwards - it was Musk who spoke it first, then AI safety expert Roman Yampolskiy commented on Musk's claim afterwards!

  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. you're going to have like 100 million more AI research and they're going to be working at 100 times what 00:27:31 you are

      for - stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher

      stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher - 100 million AGI AI researchers - each AGI AI researcher is 100x more efficient that its equivalent human AI researcher - total productivity increase = 100 million x 100 = 10 billion human AI researchers! Wow!

    2. having an automated AI research engineer by 2027 00:05:14 to 2028 is not something that is far far off

      for - progress trap - AI - milestone - automated AI researcher

      progress trap - AI - milestone - automated AI researcher - This is a serious concern that must be debated - An AI researcher that does research on itself has no moral compass and can encode undecipherable code into future generations of AI that provides no back door to AI if something goes wrong. - For instance, if AI reached the conclusion that humans need to be eliminated in order to save the biosphere, - it can disseminate its strategies covertly under secret communications with unbreakable code

  4. May 2024
  5. Aug 2023
    1. Helen Bridle, Anton Vrieling, Monica Cardillo, Yoseph Araya, Leonith Hinojosa. (2013). Preparing for an interdisciplinary future: A perspective from early-career researchers. Futures Volume 53, September 2013, Pages 22-32 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2013.09.003

  6. Jul 2023
    1. Milena Büchs, Professor of Sustainable Welfare at the University of Leeds
      • lead researcher
        • Milena Büchs,
      • Position
        • Professor of Sustainable Welfare
      • Institution
        • University of Leeds
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Feb 2023
  9. Aug 2022
    1. Most of the existing self-care guidelines, however, are specifically tailored towards practitioners, humanitarian workers, service-providers and front-line staff (Frey et al., 2017; Williamson et al., 2020).

      There are self care guides for those who are enmeshed in the field but not for those who spend a brief time in processing these

  10. Jul 2022
    1. Otto sagt zu den Ergebnissen: „Hitzewellen sind die Extreme, die in einer sich erwärmenden Welt am stärksten zunehmen. Solange der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen anhält, werden solche Ereignisse zu immer alltäglicheren Katastrophen.“

      Kurze und gute Darstellung der Attributions-Studie zur Hitzewelle in Indien und Pakistan. Wichtig ist sich die Aussage zu Hitzewellen als.der schlimmsten unmittelbaren Folge der Erhitzung.

    1. James Lovelock ist an einem 103. Geburtstag gestorben. Liberation stellt die Genese der Gaia-Hypothese dar, die sagt, dass sich das Leben auf der Erde seine eigenen Voraussetzungen schafft. Ausgangspunkt für Lovelock war die Zusammensetzung der Erdatmosphäre, die extrem unwahrscheinlich ist und sich nur durch die Aktivität des Lebens erklären lässt, dass seinerseits auf diese Zusammensetzung angewiesen ist. Der Artikel weist darauf hin, das Lovelock die Hypothese zusammen mit der Mikrobiologin Lynn Margulis entwickelt hat. Er geht kurz auf die Rezeption in Frankreich ein, wo Isabelle Stengers und Bruno Latour Lovelock als Begründer einen neuen Art von Wissenschaft verstehen, die die Erde als komplexes Netzwerk zum Ausgangspunkt der Wissenschaft macht, nicht die reversiblen Bewegungen bin Himmelskörpern.

    1. Die neuseeländische Regierung halt bei einem Prozess an ihrer Entscheidung fest, die Prospektion des Taranaki Öl- und Gasfelds zu erlauben. Es steht wissenschaftlich fest, dass mit der Forderung zusätzlicher fossiler Ressourcen das 1,5°-Ziel auf keinen Fall einzuhalten ist. Die IAE hat im vergangenen Jahr den Verzicht auf jede zusätzliche Erschließung von fossilen Energiequellen gefordert.

  11. Nov 2021
  12. Oct 2021
  13. Sep 2021
    1. the same time such closeness may create certain kinds of blindness in the researcher. One protection we developed against this was in the ongoing process of analysis in the research group. Our analytic discussions, of necessity,

      overcoming the blindness that sensitivity can bring about.

    2. he fact that we, the in- terviewers, were women who have been married, divorced, and had children (one of us had a baby after the study began) increased the validity of our data.

      positioning the researcher within the data and its interpretation - important to account for and explain similarities between researcher and interviewee - as it enhancing the interpretation of the data through sensitivity to phenomena.



  14. Jun 2021
  15. May 2021
  16. Apr 2021
  17. Mar 2021
  18. Feb 2021
  19. Dec 2020
    1. Academic research and teaching often necessitate manipulation, re-creation, breaking, rebuilding, etc. This “manipulation, re-creation, breaking, rebuilding” — in other words, hacking

      It's not self-evident to me that these activities are the same as those associated with hacking (and I'm not talking about the malevolent/negative connotations of hacking).

      I also think of a hacker as a tinkerer, which can include "manipulation, re-creation, breaking, building, etc." but need not. It feels like there's something fundamental missing here but I can't put my finger on it.

      I don't really have a conclusion here, other than to suggest that the hacker/scholar relationship might need a lot more development than I see here.

  20. Sep 2020
  21. Aug 2020
  22. Jun 2020
  23. Apr 2020
  24. Mar 2020
  25. May 2019
  26. Feb 2019
    1. Creating a work of art will depend more and more on the ability of the artist to select, organize and present the bits of raw data we have at our disposal

      The Artist-Researcher paradigm

  27. Dec 2018
  28. Mar 2017
    1. but the immediacy of being in a room in Krakow, from a room in Clermont Ferrand was absolute, to the extent that I was able to butt in to respond to questions from the people attending our conference..in Poland.

      Virtual Connection. Real Connecting

  29. Sep 2016
    1. In order to discover the hidden principles of another way of life, the researcher must become a student.

      Researchers have to learn the insiders view of a culture. Observe from native perspective.