- Jun 2024
www.autismspeaks.org www.autismspeaks.org
There is not one type of autism
- Oct 2023
www.spectrumnews.org www.spectrumnews.org
- Mar 2023
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
An article about contemporary philosopher Agnes Callard
- Jan 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Therefore, we propose that flow and hyperfocus are the same phenomenon. Although we are mindful that just because two phenomena are descriptively similar, they are not necessarily mechanistically identical, there is no evidence to suggest that either flow or hyperfocus are distinct.
Ashinoff and Abu-Akel propose an equivalence between "flow" and "hyperfocus". They mention later in this paper that "flow" is more often used in positive psychology literature whereas "hyperfocus" is more often used in psychiatric literature. Even so, they also qualify that they may just appear to be the same (ie, descriptively similar) while having a different cause (ie, mechanism of action).
- Dec 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
We need more social acceptability for neurodivergence in much the way we accept the use of eyeglasses without attaching a social stigma to it.
What ways is this like exacerbating the stigmas of racism and institutionalized racism? How can we break down these broader barriers without othering people?
- Nov 2022
www.spectrumnews.org www.spectrumnews.org
the feeling of his ankle bones touching each other.
www.spectrumnews.org www.spectrumnews.org
“For scientific and ethical reasons, it would be dishonest not to do it.”
I wish more people thought like this.
www.spectrumnews.org www.spectrumnews.org
“Imagine waking up one day and reading a book dedicated to arguing why you, and someone like you, doesn’t actually count as a person,”
Not only that, but the book is written by dozens if not hundreds of people who are considered experts, so the general public has no reason to doubt them.
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The bouba/kiki effect might be an interesting thing to use for memorizing birdsong patterns.
- Jul 2022
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
- Apr 2022
- Mar 2022
In one study, subjects who had watched a videotapedspeech were 33 percent more likely to recall a point from the talk if it wasaccompanied by a gesture. This effect, detected immediately after the subjectsviewed the recording, grew even more pronounced with the passage of time:thirty minutes after watching the speech, subjects were more than 50 percentmore likely to remember the gesture-accompanied points.
People are more likely to remember points from talks that are accompanied by gestures. This effect apparently increases with time.
What does the effect of time have on increased lengths? Does it continue to increase and then decrease at some point? Anecdotally I often recall quotes and instances from movies based on movements that I make.
What effects, if any, are seen in studies of mirror-neurons and those with impairment of them? What memory effects might be seen with those on the autism spectrum who don't have strong mirror-neuron responses? If this is impaired, what might account for their improved memories for some types of material? Which types of material do they have improved memories for?
Is the same true of drawing points from a speech using the ideas of sketchnotes? Is drawing an extension of gestural improvement of memory?
www.reseau-canope.fr www.reseau-canope.fr
En somme, les études sur la communication des élèves atteints d’autisme permettent de mettre en évidence l’importance d’un contexte riche en stimulations appropriées (sons et images), mais également une évidente « stabilité » de l’information à décoder, le suivi des émotions des personnages, le rôle de l’imitation dans les apprentissages. Ces résultats encouragent donc l’usage d’outils informatiques adéquats pour améliorer la communication sociale chez les enfants atteints d’autisme.
L'association de deux sujets qui n'ont pas de corrélation vérifiéé, revient dans la conclusion en contradiction avec la conclusion de l'étude de Ramdoss, S et al.
Nous allons montrer par une courte analyse de quelques études l’impact du travail éducatif informatisé dans l’apprentissage de la communication sociale chez des enfants atteints d’autisme.
En contradiction avec l'hypothèse :
Results suggest that CBI should not yet be considered a researched-based approach to teaching communication skills to individuals with ASD. However, CBI does seem a promising practice that warrants future research. Les résultats suggèrent que le CBI ne devrait pas encore être considéré comme un approche fondée sur la recherche pour enseigner les compétences en communication aux personnes ayant Troubles du Spectre Autistique. Cependant, le CBI semble être une pratique prometteuse qui justifie des recherches futures.
- Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2010b). Use of Computer-Based Interventions to Teach Communication Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55‑76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-010-9112-7
- Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2010a). Use of Computer-Based Interventions to Teach Communication Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55‑76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-010-9112-7
- Dec 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
McCrackin, S., Ristic, J., Mayrand, F., & Capozzi, F. (2021). Face masks impair basic emotion recognition: Group effects and individual variability (Accepted for Publication in Social Psychology). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2whmp
- individual differences
- psychology
- emotion
- communication
- behavioral science
- is:preprint
- COVID-19
- facial expression
- autistic traits
- facial obstruction
- personality traits
- mask wearing
- social competence
- personality
- emotion recognition
- lang:en
- face mask
- facial features
- face occlusion
- autism
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
One specific form of technology that is poised to potentially impact autistic people is virtual reality (VR) used with head-mounted displays (HMDs) as an immersive technology. Indeed, research supports the use of VR for safe, predictable and effective interventions with autistic groups
- Nov 2021
flavorsofdiaspora.com flavorsofdiaspora.com
- Oct 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Code, A., Fox, L., Asbury, K., & Toseeb, U. (2021). How did Autistic Children, and their Parents, Experience School Transition during the COVID-19 Pandemic? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8kzsn
- Sep 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Paynter, J., Luskin-Saxby, S., Keen, D., Fordyce, K., Frost, G., Imms, C., Miller, S., Trembath, D., Tucker, M., & Ecker, U. (2019). Evaluation of a template for countering misinformation—Real-world Autism treatment myth debunking. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0210746. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210746
- Jul 2021
www.brainpost.co www.brainpost.co
individuals with difficulties in understanding speech-in-noise, including individuals with autism spectrum disorder,
Indeed, heading problems correlate to autism disorders particularly of that kind: nose understanding speech in noisy environments.
van der Plas, E., Mason, D., Livingston, L. A., Craigie, J., Happé, F., & Fleming, S. M. (2021). Computations of confidence are modulated by mentalizing ability [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/c4pzj
- Jun 2021
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
Essley Whyte, L. (2021, June 8). Spreading Vaccine Fears, And Cashing In. HuffPost UK. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/anti-vaccine-influencers_n_60be36b9e4b0ea8a1920d73f
- May 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Jama, A., Ali, M., Lindstrand, A., Butler, R., & Kulane, A. (2018). Perspectives on the Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination among Somali Mothers in Stockholm. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(11). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15112428
www.acpjournals.org www.acpjournals.org
Hviid, A., Hansen, J. V., Frisch, M., & Melbye, M. (2019). Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism. Annals of Internal Medicine, 170(8), 513–520. https://doi.org/10.7326/M18-2101
- Apr 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Shelby, A., & Ernst, K. (2013). Story and science. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 9(8), 1795–1801. https://doi.org/10.4161/hv.24828
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
Berman, J. M. (2020). Anti-vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/12242.001.0001
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Deer, B. (2011). How the vaccine crisis was meant to make money. BMJ, 342, c5258. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.c5258
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Godlee, F. (2011). The fraud behind the MMR scare. BMJ, 342, d22. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d22
Eggertson, L. (2010). Lancet retracts 12-year-old article linking autism to MMR vaccines. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(4), E199–E200. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.109-3179
www.businessinsider.com.au www.businessinsider.com.au
Insider, H. B., Business. (n.d.). Amazon Has Removed a Misleading Documentary on Vaccines, And It’s About Time. ScienceAlert. Retrieved April 21, 2021, from https://www.sciencealert.com/amazon-just-removed-the-sham-science-documentary-called-vaxxed
Once a handicapped person, Bruce Perence realized the gravity of attacking a disabled person like Stallman, and concludes accordingly: punishment must not last forever.
www.arp242.net www.arp242.net
doesn’t diversity also mean diversity of neurodivergent people, or at the very least some empathy and understanding when people’s exhibit a lack of social skills and behaviour considered creepy?
This sentence is not supported further down the text, and the final conlusion that Stallman should step-down.
Besides this and the pox about GCC-AST, nothing bad with this article
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
it's too late what the hell am i supposed to do what do you want me to do start over well if i don't start over they'll never understand anything they won't know what it's about
Richard Stallman Freaks Out and Has a Meltdown
Video with Stallman's obviously ND behavior.
Stallman was giving a speech in Brazil where they speak Portuguese. Stallman speaks English and Spanish, but not Portuguese. The audience was asked whether they want Stallman to present in Spanish (similar to Portuguese) or if he should present in English. The audience originally preferred English but they over estimated their ability to comprehend English. Part way through the speech, the coordinator asked Stallman to switch to Spanish. Stallman then has a meltdown as a result.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Bleuler defined schizophrenia with his four ‘A’s’, referring to the blunted Affect (diminished emotional response to stimuli); loosening of Associations (by which he meant a disordered pattern of thought, inferring a cognitive deficit), Ambivalence (an apparent inability to make decisions, again suggesting a deficit of the integration and processing of incident and retrieved information) and Autism (a loss of awareness of external events, and a preoccupation with the self and one’s own thoughts)
I stumbled upon this accidentally. I was going to add to my prediction that schizophrenia might be related to autism, but now that I've found this I need to publish my draft.
Edit: Here was the prediction I wrote. Copied unmodified, ensuring transparency.
March 28, 6:15pm Prediction: Some cases of schizophrenia are being misdiagnosed as autism. I recently took a Coursera.org course on schizophrenia. The negative symptoms look similar to some autism symptoms.
Before I look it up, there are a few other predictions I should make. Do I think schizophrenia and autism will be linked? If there’s cross-diagnosis, will this link be artificial or real? Last time I looked, people with aspergers had (more or less) normal sleep EEGs. In contrast, schizophrenia is associated with disrupted sleep spindles. I already know that schizophrenia and bipolar are genetically linked, but I don’t know what the bipolar sleep EEG looks like. That is to say, I don’t know if the lack of sleep abnormality in autism is evidence against a link to schizophrenia. All in all, I predict that there will be a real link (for example, genetic), but I have a low confidence in this prediction. The reason is that I expect there is little EEG sleep changes in bipolar, implying that there is a supra-mechanism causing all these effects; somewhat like metabolic syndrome, the same cause may manifest in different ways.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
We throw these “weirdos” to the dogs all of computer science loses out.
- Mar 2021
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Qian, M., Chou, S.-Y., & Lai, E. K. (2020). Confirmatory bias in health decisions: Evidence from the MMR-autism controversy. Journal of Health Economics, 70, 102284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2019.102284
publications.aap.org publications.aap.org
Nyhan, B., Reifler, J., Richey, S., & Freed, G. L. (2014). Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, 133(4), e835–e842. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2013-2365
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Lewandowsky, S., Ecker, U. K. H., Seifert, C. M., Schwarz, N., & Cook, J. (2012). Misinformation and Its Correction: Continued Influence and Successful Debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 13(3), 106–131. https://doi.org/10.1177/1529100612451018
- Jan 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Oct 2020
The purpose of this toolkit is to familiarize the user with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and communication techniques to assist in successfully facilitating a healthy living program for individuals with I/DD. These are suggested techniques particularly helpful for those who don’t have any experience working with individuals who have I/DD.
This toolkit can be used as a starting point for working with or developing programs that people with a developmental or intellectual disability might use. It does not go into detail but offers strategies for communication, behavior and setting learners up for success.
10/10 It is short and highly informative with free resources within it.
- Sep 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Social narrative is a learning tool designed for a person with disability (e.g. Autism and Asperger syndrome) that teaches them how to do something new. It is referred to as a story or a written explanation that tells the learner not only what to do but also what the situation is, with the goal of addressing the challenge of learners finding social situations confusing.[2]
[[social narrative]]
- Jul 2020
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Balancing out difficulties with human communication, Grandin has recently popular- ized the notion that ASDs can produce a special understanding of animal consciousness and contribute to enhanced interspecies communication.
Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders can logically break down human interaction, but are woefully unable to replicate it in the moment. This can also be applied to interspecies interactions.
- Jun 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
'We use Shakespeare's heartbeat': lockdown theatre for autistic audiences.(n.d.). The Guardian. Retrieved June 17, 2020 from https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2020/jun/17/shakespeare-autistic-audiences-lockdown-flute-theatre-pericles
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Tingley, K. (2020, June 10). How Architecture Could Help Us Adapt to the Pandemic. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/09/magazine/architecture-covid.html
twitter.com twitter.com
Bergstrom, C. T. (2020, June 14). "1. Another day, another blog post of #COVID19 misinformation making the rounds." Twitter. https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1272007583222513664
- May 2020
Altable, M., de la Serna, J. M., & Gavira, S. M. (2020, May 15). Child and Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder in COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kt3a4
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kornack, J., Williams, A. L., Johnson, K. A., & Mendes, E. M. (2020, May 8). Reopening the Doors to Center-Based ABA Services: Clinical and Safety Protocols during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ctxkf
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Espinosa, F. d., Metko, A., Raimondi, M., Impenna, M., & Scognamiglio, E. (2020, April 10). A Model of Support for Families of Children with Autism Living in the COVID-19 Lockdown: Lessons from Italy. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/48cme
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Lee, J. (2020). Mental health effects of school closures during COVID-19. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, S2352464220301097. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30109-7
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Higbee, T. (2020, April 18). Mattson, Higbee, Aguilar, Nichols, Campbell, Nix, Reinert, Peck, and Lewis-BAP Criando e compartilhando atividades digitais de instrucao. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9x7mj
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Higbee, T. (2020, April 17). Mattson, Higbee, Aguilar, Nichols, Campbell, Nix, Reinert, Peck, and Lewis-Digital Materials Tutorial BAP. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9gwpj
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Tarbox, C., Silverman, E. A., Chastain, A. N., Little, A., Bermudez, T. L., & Tarbox, J. (2020, April 30). Taking ACTion: 18 Simple Strategies for Supporting Children with Autism During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/96whj
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Colombo, R., Wallace, M., & Taylor, R. S. (2020, April 11). An Essential Service Decision Model for Applied Behavior Analytic Providers During Crisis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/te8ha
- Oct 2019
www-oxfordscholarship-com.vu-nl.idm.oclc.org www-oxfordscholarship-com.vu-nl.idm.oclc.org
although there have been many speculations about the role of compensation in adult development (e.g., see Dixon & Backman, 1995), there is still very little empirical evidence documenting the existence of age-related compensation in cognitive activities.
here it may be useful to look towards current research on aging of ASD individuals for compensating development in adulthood.
- Mar 2019
thevision.com thevision.com
Una ricerca dell’istituto Ipsos Mori ha scoperto che 6 adulti su 10 in 38 nazioni pensano possa esistere un legame tra l’insorgenza dell’autismo e il vaccino; in Francia sono il 65%, in Gran Bretagna il 55% e in Italia il 52%. Anche per questo, secondo i dati pubblicati dall’Oms tra il 2016 e il 2017 il numero di casi di morbillo è aumentato del 31% in tutto il mondo; nella sola Europa l’incidenza è cresciuta del 400%, con quasi 4mila casi solo nel nostro Paese, dove la copertura vaccinale è scesa sotto il 90% per la prima volta in 10 anni.
Il grafico qui sotto riportato mostra l'andamento del tasso di crescita dei soggetti autistici nel solo Stato della California nel periodo 2001-2016 ed è stato realizzato secondo le fonti ufficiali del locale Ministero dell'Educazione. Accedendo a questa pagina [https://amp.sacbee.com/site-services/databases/article90300877.html] è possibile vedere il grafico in forma dinamica al fine di avere una percezione del trend esponenziale di crescita. La California è lo Stato dell'Unione in cui il tasso di vaccinazione è altissimo. Troppo evidente per passare inosservato. Osservate bene, nella pagina di cui al link sopra riportato, il grafico dinamico e il tasso di incremento annuale (praticamente esponenziale). Eh, l'"autismo è di natura genetica" continuano a dire... Non si può più ignorare e chi ignora il fatto dovrebbe fare harakiri...Allo stato attuale il Ministero dell'Istruzione italiano non ha mai condotto una statistica seria (anche solo per rendere le strutture e il personale scolastico più adatte e competenti e per fare una seria politica di prevenzione basata sui fatti reali). Eppure è una macchina mangiasoldi che paghiamo tutti non so quante volte e ci viene offerto un servizio di qualità scadente..
- Jul 2018
archive.is archive.isTwitter1
A catastrophe happening with nobody on the Left daring to say a word.
- May 2018
www.eastersealstech.com www.eastersealstech.com
“High” Tech Strategies
And the inevitable high tech options that can be out of reach for a lot of families and school districts. The IEP requires, if it is agreed upon by the committee, that the school does everything possible within reason to get the device.
These strategies involve some type of battery operated device such as a tape-recorder, that enhance specific skill areas. Most devices in this category refer to Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs
The next level of tech that includes battery operated devices. With growing inclusion of smart devices in classrooms, I could see this being an easily accessible option for a lot of students. Apps and programs are often easily purchasable and accessible.
Assistive Technology for children with Autism and Aspergers
This article caught my eye with the categories of assistive technology it presents. It displays low tech, mid tech, and high tech options. This can be crucial to not only finding which is appropriate for non verbal ASD students, but what is also within economic and accessible boundaries.
dry erase board, a photograph, clipboards
Low tech options include everyday material that you can find in everyday classrooms. Easily accessible and easily used.
www.autismspeaks.org www.autismspeaks.org
defining what exactly is meant by "non-verbal." For instance, some individuals have spoken words, but do not use them functionally, while others may have little spoken language but are able to use it to communicate their needs. The first day of the meeting was focused on developing a description
Interesting note here. Defining what it means to be non verbal and determining the degree to which one is non verbal. Each individual are a separate case by case instance that can make results vary.
"We still know very little about the cognitive capabilities of nonverbal people with autism, and how best to help them learn to communicate,"
ASD is a relatively new disorder without a lot of research behind it, leading to a lack of information of how to best help this group of people.
It is estimated that as many as 25 percent of individuals living with autism spectrum disorders are non-verbal.
This is a large portion of ASD, not including those that are limitedly verbal that could also use assistive technology.
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
“People with autism bring strengths that we need at Microsoft,” she said, adding that “some have amazing ability to retain information, think at a level of detail and depth, or excel in math or code.”
I like how this article shines light on how assistive technology can aid the transition for ASD people to have success in the real world. Microsoft here invests in ASD people and they are able to exhibit their strengths in the work place and with the abilities show in this text.
She further explains that even a grocery store or movie theater can be filled with distractions and triggers that will continue to elicit autistic behaviors,
The need for assistive technology goes beyond the classroom as seen here. IEP research that I have done indicates that students who require assistive technology through the school can request for the service to be taken home as well. This decision is made in the ARD meeting and can be discussed as an option.
Visual Scene Displays — a type of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) — that give detailed context to common situations. She cited an app called Scene Speak, as well as more dynamic ones like TouchChat, Look2Learn and Tobii Sono Flex. The latter programs turn symbols into speech, allowing less-verbal children a better way to communicate.
Some direct examples of apps that are being used as assistive technology for students who are non verbal. The app is a medium between the students and to those whom they are trying to communicate with. It taps emphasis into visual skills to compensate for verbal deficiencies. A growing trend in schools as this article advocates.
- Apr 2018
jbhandleyblog.com jbhandleyblog.com
With a title like that, many will not take the time to read, and that's unfortunate.
- Mar 2017
www.goodnewsnetwork.org www.goodnewsnetwork.org
Autistic Parenting Skills
These are very key skills for anyone. Much compassion and patience and unconditional love needed!
- Aug 2016
www.sciencebasedmedicine.org www.sciencebasedmedicine.org
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justthevax.blogspot.com justthevax.blogspot.com
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www.vaccinateyourbaby.org www.vaccinateyourbaby.org
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www.voicesforvaccines.org www.voicesforvaccines.org
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Credibull score = 1.31 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
Credibull score = 8.18 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
Credibull score = 9.60 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
Credibull score = 8.31 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.health.harvard.edu www.health.harvard.edu
Credibull score = 7.31 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.dailymail.co.uk www.dailymail.co.uk
Credibull score = 2.52 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
Credibull score = 3.86 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.naturalnews.com www.naturalnews.com
Credibull score = 0.80 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.naturalnews.com www.naturalnews.com
Credibull score = 0.10 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Credibull score = 0.61 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
Credibull score = 4.08 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
Credibull score = 2.83 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
Credibull score = 4.60 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
thinkprogress.org thinkprogress.org
Credibull score = 4.74 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.ibtimes.co.uk www.ibtimes.co.uk
Credibull score = 3.74 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.iflscience.com www.iflscience.com
Credibull score = 4.66 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.medicaldaily.com www.medicaldaily.com
Credibull score = 3.54 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.news.com.au www.news.com.au
Credibull score = 3.17 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
news.nationalgeographic.com news.nationalgeographic.com
Credibull score = 4.35 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Credibull score = 6.06 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.abc.net.au www.abc.net.au
Credibull score = 5.62 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.newsweek.com www.newsweek.com
Credibull score = 4.90 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
Credibull score = 6.71 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
Credibull score = 1.73 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Credibull score = 8.03 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.publichealth.org www.publichealth.org
Credibull score = 6.13 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
- Jun 2016
news.mit.edu news.mit.edu
For the small population of people with Shank3 mutations, the findings suggest that new genome-editing techniques could in theory be used to repair the defective Shank3 gene and improve these individuals’ symptoms, even later in life. These techniques are not yet ready for use in humans, however.
when will this apply on human?
- Apr 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I know I need to touch, gently, upon the notion that making friends or finding love entails risk. There’s no guarantee of forever. There may be heartbreak. But we do it anyway. I drop this bitter morsel into the mix, folding around it an affirmation that he took a risk when he went to an unfamiliar place on Cape Cod, far from his friends and home, and found love. The lesson, I begin, is “to never be afraid to reach out.”
That desire to connect has always been there as, the latest research indicates, it may be in all autistic people; their neurological barriers don’t kill the desire, even if it’s deeply submerged. And this is the way he still is — autism isn’t a spell that has been broken; it’s a way of being. That means the world will continue to be inhospitable to him, walking about, as he does, uncertain, missing cues, his heart exposed. But he has desperately wanted to connect, to feel his life, fully, and — using his movies and the improvised tool kit we helped him build — he’s finding his footing. For so many years, it was about us finding him, a search joined by Griffin and others. Now it was about him finding himself.
insightful & moving
For most of us, social interactions don’t feel so much like work. We engage instinctively, with sensations and often satisfactions freely harvested in the search itself. For Owen, much of that remains hard work. Despite his often saying to Griffin that his aim is to be popular — a catchall for the joys of connecting with other people — that goal, largely theoretical, has been like watery fuel in his sputtering engine.
yes, we take for granted what comes naturally to us.