- May 2021
doctorow.medium.com doctorow.medium.com
Cringing at your own memories does no one any good. On the other hand, systematically reviewing your older work to find the patterns in where you got it wrong (and right!) is hugely beneficial — it’s a useful process of introspection that makes it easier to spot and avoid your own pitfalls.
This idea is far from new and is roughly what Georg Christoph Lichtenberg was doing with the science portions of his Waste Books in the late 1700's where he was running experiments, noting wins, losses, and making progress using the scientific method.
www.learnbayesstats.com www.learnbayesstats.com
The ‘Learning Bayesian Statistics’ podcast. (n.d.). Retrieved 13 May 2021, from https://www.learnbayesstats.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The scrapbooks reveal a critical and analytical way of thinking and emphasis on experimental evidence in physics, through which he became one of the early founders and advocates of modern scientific methodology. The more experience and experiments are accumulated during the exploration of nature, the more faltering its theories become. It is always good though not to abandon them instantly. For every hypothesis which used to be good at least serves the purpose of duly summarizing and keeping all phenomena until its own time. One should lay down the conflicting experience separately, until it has accumulated sufficiently to justify the efforts necessary to edifice a new theory. (Lichtenberg: scrapbook JII/1602)
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg used his notebooks as thinking tools with respect to scientific methodology.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Rhi-zophora apiculata
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
Bruguiera parvifiora
Avicennia marina
Aegiceras corniculatum
vicennia mari-na
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
lMytilua edulis
Mytilus edulis
Theodoxm fluviatilis,
Cordylophora caspia
Cyprinodon macularius
Gamrnarus dueben
Cordylophora caspia
Cordytophora caspia
Garnmarus auebeni
Ilomarus americanus
Cor@lophor~: caspia
C. macularius
Cyprinodon macularius
Salmo iridaeus
Theodoxus fluviatilis
Fundu/us heteroditus
Anguilla anguilla
Eriocheir sinensis
Sargus rondelet
Scyllium catulus
Scorpaena porcus
Mytilus eduli
Metridium rnarginatum
Metapenaeus monocero
Palaemonetes varians
O~poda quadrata (albicans
Gammarus dueben
Alderia modesta
Hemigrapsus oregonensi
Potamon edulis
Gammarus locusta
Eriphia spinifrons
Carcinus maena
Nerds diversicolo
Mytilus edulis
Hemigrapsus nudus
Pleuronectes platessa
Mytilus edulis
Sesarma cinereum
Sphaeroma hookeri
Gammarus duebeni
poly- chaete Nerds ( Neanthes) diversicolor
Cvprinodon macularius
Nerds (Neanthes) diversicolo
Gammarus duebeni
Carcinus maenas
Fundulus parvipinnis
Mytilus californianus
Littorina littorea
Carcinus maenas
Gammarus dueben
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phylum Chlorophyta.
phylum Rhodophyta
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Jose-Luis Jimenez. (2021, February 5). 1/ Some reflections on scientific Twitter sociology I hadn’t used Twitter much before the pandemic. I was used to the politics of peer-review, grants, large studies etc. But scientific Twitter can be the Wild West by comparison. [Tweet]. @jljcolorado. https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1357737374621515776
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Darren Dahly. (2021, February 24). @SciBeh One thought is that we generally don’t ‘press’ strangers or even colleagues in face to face conversations, and when we do, it’s usually perceived as pretty aggressive. Not sure why anyone would expect it to work better on twitter. Https://t.co/r94i22mP9Q [Tweet]. @statsepi. https://twitter.com/statsepi/status/1364482411803906048
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Given the circumstances, Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term “climate emergency” in its coverage of climate change
Białek, M., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Social bias insights concern judgments rather than real-world decisions. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y3h7n
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West, J. D., & Bergstrom, C. T. (2021). Misinformation in and about science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(15). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1912444117
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Emails show Trump officials celebrate efforts to change CDC reports on coronavirus—The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/04/09/cdc-covid-political-interference/
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- is:article
- science
- children
- public health
- Trump
- response
- scientific advice
- Donald Trump
- bad science
- COVID-19
- scientific practice
- economy
- misinformation
- schools
- politics
- scientific integrity
- political interference
- government
- data
- lang:en
- Mar 2021
‘bold’ means to have many observational consequences
As I said at the wiki I saw this link from, you don't test the hypothesis directly, you test the predictions, the "observational consequences", from the hypothesis.
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- behavioural science
- analytical flexibility
- garden of forking paths
- psychology
- social policy
- researcher degrees of freedom
- sociology
- researcher variability
- economics
- meta-science
- is:preprint
- noise
- immigration
- crowd sourced replication initiative
- reseach
- political science
- crowdsourcing
- scientific method
- lang:en
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Cailin O’Connor. (2020, November 10). New paper!!! @psmaldino look at what causes the persistence of poor methods in science, even when better methods are available. And we argue that interdisciplinary contact can lead better methods to spread. 1 https://t.co/C5beJA5gMi [Tweet]. @cailinmeister. https://twitter.com/cailinmeister/status/1326221893372833793
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Heyman, T., Moors, P., & Rabagliati, H. (2020). The benefits of adversarial collaboration for commentaries. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(12), 1217–1217. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-00978-6
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We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April
Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.
Find more details in Health Feedback's analysis
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Pennycook, Gordon. ‘How the COVID-19 Crisis Exposes Widespread Climate Change Hypocrisy’. CBC, 22 May 2020. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/opinion-climate-change-should-believe-dont-understand-1.5482416.
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Smaldino, Paul E., and Cailin O’Connor. ‘Interdisciplinarity Can Aid the Spread of Better Methods Between Scientific Communities’. MetaArXiv, 5 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/cm5v3.
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Ledgerwood, Alison, Sa-kiera Tiarra Jolynn Hudson, Jr Neil Lewis, Keith Maddox, Cynthia Pickett, Jessica Remedios, Sapna Cheryan, et al. ‘The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive’. PsyArXiv, 11 January 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gdzue.
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- misconduct
- science
- statistic
- result
- is:blog
- table
- outcome
- false
- unreliable
- self-correction
- scientific
- test
- value
- correction
- significant
- non-signficant
- data
- forge
- lang:en
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van der Linden, S. (2021). The Gateway Belief Model (GBM): A review and research agenda for communicating the scientific consensus on climate change. Current Opinion in Psychology, 42, 7–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.01.005
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Grzegorz. S., Żogała-Siudem. B., Cena. A. Gagolewski. M., (2020).Three dimensions of scientific impact. PNAS. 117 (25) 13896-13900
- Dec 2020
www.danielgreenfield.org www.danielgreenfield.org
A scientist who does not utilize the scientific method is as much use as a carpenter who cannot make chairs or a plumber who cannot fix toilets. A science that exists as a fixed absolute, whose premises are not to be questioned, whose data is not to be examined and whose conclusions are not to be debated, is a pile of wood or a leaky toilet. Not the conclusion of a process, but its absence.
Understanding science is a process.
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Ross, L. (2020). How Intellectual Communities Progress. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k6yux
- Nov 2020
abcnews.go.com abcnews.go.com
Gov. Kristi Noem defended her hands-off approach to managing the deadly COVID-19 pandemic while addressing lawmakers earlier this week and called mandatory stay-at home orders "useless" in helping lower the spread.
Take away: Lower COVID-19 spread occurred after stay-at home orders were issued. Room for debate exists on how restrictive lockdowns should be.
The claim: Mandatory stay-at home orders are "useless" in helping lower the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
The evidence: Two publications showed that lower COVID-19 spread occurred after stay-at home orders were issued (1, 2). Hospitalizations were lower than predicted exponential growth rates after implementation of stay-at home orders (3). Some caveats to consider include that it is impossible to tease apart the effects of the stay-at home orders from other measure implemented simultaneously with stay-at home orders such as increased hygiene measures, social distancing guidelines, and school closures. It is also impossible to conclusively state that the effect is from the stay-at home order and not the natural progression of the disease.
The comparison between Illinois with stay-at home orders and Iowa without stay-at home orders resulted in an estimated 217 additional COVID-19 cases in Iowa over the course of a month (2). This small number raises the question, "are stay-at home orders worth it?" It is important to remember that comparison of Iowa and Illinois is the comparison of two social distancing strategies. Stay-at home orders close everything and then write the exceptions that can remain open. Iowa took the approach of leaving everything open except what the government choose to close (4). Some businesses in Iowa were still closed and many federal guidelines were still followed. A negative control showing disease progression without any mitigation measures does not exist in published literature.
1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7246016/
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
We have designed a dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor that blocks this critical first step of infection for emerging coronaviruses and document that it completely prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection in ferrets.
The takeaway: Dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor prevented SARS-CoV-2 infection in all six ferrets tested. Much more work is needed before this could be used in humans.
The claim: Treatment of ferrets with a dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor completely prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection in ferrets.
The evidence: Per Figure 3, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in all three animals inoculated with the virus, all six animals treated with a placebo, and none of the animals treated with the dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor (1). Animals treated with dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor did not mount an immune response to SARS-CoV-2 while an immune response was seen in inoculated animals and placebo treated animals (Figure 4).
More research is needed before this treatment can be used in humans. This preliminary study showed that in a small sample of animals which do not typically show COVID symptoms, SARS-CoV-2 infection was blocked by the dimeric lipopeptide fusion inhibitor. This paper describes the first step in a long journey. Before a new treatment is approved for use in humans, Phase I, II and III clinical trials must be completed (2) which includes showing that a treatment does no harm to healthy humans and proving that it works in humans. This work also needs peer-review in a published journal which may occur with time.
1) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.11.04.361154v1.full.pdf
2) https://www.fda.gov/patients/drug-development-process/step-3-clinical-research
- Oct 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com