346 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. But when did art start leaping off gallery walls?

      good question, i can use this for the styling of the essay

  2. Jan 2025
    1. Kultur ist vor allem Einheit des künstlerischen Stiles in allen Lebensäusserungen eines Volkes. Vieles Wissen und Gelernthaben ist aber weder ein nothwendiges Mittel der Kultur, noch ein Zeichen derselben und verträgt sich nöthigenfalls auf das beste mit dem Gegensatze der Kultur, der Barbarei, das heisst: der Stillosigkeit oder dem chaotischen Durcheinander aller Stile.

      تعریف فرهنگ

  3. Nov 2024
    1. something like Gangam Style has been viewed to the tune of like almost or over two billion times and when you just when you count just the data coming out of Google servers let alone all the links we're dealing with something close to 500 pedabytes of data that's a lot for a video right I mean this is clearly an issue there's no reason we should be moving around all of this data constantly through the network

      for - internet limitations - inefficient bandwidth use - example - music video - Gangam Style

  4. Oct 2024
    1. One might think at first that it was a Universal Lawthat all Writing or Speaking should be so clear as tobe transparent. And yet, as we have seen, no readerof Carlyle can doubt that a great deal of his Forcewould be gone if one made his Writings transparent.If one took some of Carlyle's most typical works andparaphrased them in simple English, the effect wouldnot be a quarter as good as it is.

      How is this accomplished exactly? How could one imitate this effect?

      How do we break down his material and style to re-create it?

    2. as Vigour, but the two generally go hand in hand.

      "Brevity is not always the same as Vigour, but the two generally go hand in hand." -Miles

    3. As to the other extreme, it is a questionwhether a sentence can be too clear, whether the Ideacan be too simply expressed ; and, if we once admitthat Carlyle's writings produced a greater effect anda better effect than they would have done if they hadbeen perfectly clear, then we must admit that forcertain purposes absolute Clearness is a Fault.
    4. No Writer seems to be going off the point, and tobe violating the Law of ' Unity ' and Economy, morethan Carlyle does. As we read his "Frederick theGreat", the characters at first appear to us to have nomore connexion with one another than the characters
  5. Aug 2024
    1. Sunwest Charms offers a wide range of high-quality sterling silver spacer beads that are perfect for both professional jewelry makers. In this article, we will explore why spacer beads are a must-have in every designer’s toolkit and how Sunwest Charms can help raise your creations.

      In this article, described Sterling Silver Spacer Beads uses, benefits, designs and many more

  6. Apr 2024
  7. Mar 2024
    1. we write functions as functionName rather than functionName(); the latter ismore common, but people don’t use objectName{} for objects or arrayName[] for arrays,and the empty parentheses makes it hard to tell whether we’re talking about “the functionitself” or “a call to the function with no parameters”



  8. Feb 2024
    1. We do want to avoid going around in circles on matters of style, and there has historically been a ton of discussion on Meta about what kinds of style edits are appropriate and what variation in style is acceptable. But in general, an author whose post is edited can expect to be out-voted - especially when the edit has a basis in policy. In short, these changes were not simply about "style", but about the site's goals for clarity, focus, precision and overall quality.
  9. Jan 2024
  10. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Schuller differentiates between thewestern and African understandings of polyrhythmic playing by stating that westernmusicians generally see polyrhythm as two or more rhythmic patterns played simultaneouslybut always resolving or meeting at the start and ending of phrases, bar lines and other centralpoints in the music. In contrast, “African music” reveals a far more intricate, extended,“polymetrically organized” understanding of polyrhythms, in which the individual rhythmicphrases hardly ever, and sometimes never coincide vertically (Schuller 1968, 11). These twointerpretations of polyrhythm are apparent in much U.S.-American jazz and can be seen toshift closer to the African approach in the later styles of jazz through the rhythmiccontributions of musicians such as John Coltrane, Tony Williams and Miles Davis. KeithWaters states that polyrhythm and polymeter, which he terms “metrical conflict”, were a keyfeature of music performed and recorded by the Miles Davis Quintet from 1965 to 1968(Waters 2011, 68).In terms of the use of polyrhythm in Western music from the pre-jazz era, Schuller citesCharles Ives as the only European composer who experimented with polymetric andpolyrhythmic structures, stating as an example Ives’s Fourth Symphony. Gridley deviatesfrom Schuller by suggesting that polyrhythms were used in European folk and concert musicin America for a long time before the jazz era came about but were not as prominent as inAfrican music (Gridley 1999, 45). He acknowledges the African ancestry of polyrhythms asoriginating from combinations of rhythms which can be heard in ragtime music. He definespolyrhythms as “the sounding of some rhythms that have a basis of two pulses while
    2. Polyrhythms and Polymeter
  11. Dec 2023
  12. Nov 2023
  13. Aug 2023
    1. If there’s only an asterisk: Click the style name, then move the pointer over the style name in the Paragraph Styles pop-up menu. Click the arrow that appears, then choose Redefine from Selection.

      Pages is so much more impressive than you'd expect in so many ways, but damn...

      The way styles are handled still perplexes the shit out of me... even after consuming this document.

  14. Jul 2023
    1. In the West, the primary impact of the idea has been on literature rather than science: "stream of consciousness as a narrative mode" means writing in a way that attempts to portray the moment-to-moment thoughts and experiences of a character. This technique perhaps had its beginnings in the monologues of Shakespeare's plays and reached its fullest development in the novels of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, although it has also been used by many other noted writers.[184]

      Using stream of consciousness for writing, as a narrative form (for me, this portrays more authenticity, maybe even a way to communicate inspirations as it first strook the person, without filter).

    1. “Hemingway read Garnett’s Dostoyevsky and he said it influenced him,” he continued. “But Hemingway was just as influenced by Constance Garnett as he was by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Garnett breaks things into simple sentences, she Hemingwayizes Dostoyevsky, if you see what I mean.”
  15. Jun 2023
  16. viva.pressbooks.pub viva.pressbooks.pub
    1. we

      Style Gripe: I don't "we" should be used unless you're specifically speaking of you and some other person who agrees with you. It always seems like it's trying to tell the reader what they think.

    1. Each volume was bound andnumbered, and the set was titled whatwe had ended so many of our letters

      Really well written ending to this piece

    2. a bundle of cards withwarm words as palpable as the straw-berry cream cake, for which I lusted

      Good wording

    3. OVIDstill had some fangs,

      Good wording

  17. May 2023
    1. Citing the work of a number of prominent scholars on the style of kwela she states, “Academics who have written about kwela have been no more precise, or more in agreement with one another, about the boundaries of this musical style” (Allen 1993, 58).
    1. n Pascal’s definition of style: ‘the manner in which a work of art is executed [...] which is orientated towards relationships rather than meanings, [...] it may be used to denote music characteristic of an individual composer, of a period, of a geographical area or centre, or of a society or social function’ (Pascal, 2001).

      definition is actually by Pascal

  18. Apr 2023
    1. especially frightening was how hishair lay flat on his pale forehead

      Parallel to beginning where Pyoter is looking at his dead body in the coffin; he says the same thing

    2. Ivan Ilyich sensed it, drovethe thought of it away, but it would go on, and it would come and standdirectly in front of him and look at him, and he would be durilbstruck,the light would go ?ut in his eyes, and he would again begin asking himself: - "Can it alone be true?"


    3. As his wife became more irritable and demanding

      This story paints her in a very negative light. I still think this is an instance of unreliable narration; perhaps if told from her perspective, she would not think so kindly of her husband trying to simply "protect his peace," instead of valuing their family or helping care for children.

    4. His eyeswere tearful and such as are found in impure boys of thirteen or fourteen

      Wording; Impure. They do not yet know how to perform.

    5. noticing that the table was threatened with �sh

      I like the wording a lot

    6. (generally the whole drawing room was filled withknickknacks and furniture)

      This parenthetical seems oddly out of place?

    7. snap.

      The whole timing of this prior section is genius! Very funnily timed!

  19. Mar 2023
    1. The ‘top level’ category was too fixed, and it was hard to know when you needed a new category i.e. 1004 versus 1003/3.

      The problem here is equating the "top level" number with category in the first place. It's just an idea and the number is a location. Start by separating the two.

  20. Feb 2023
    1. Every visual creative work is a manifestation of the character of thedesigner.

      This emphasizes the importance of the designer understanding how their work ties into how people determine their level as designers.

    2. The resulting International Style leapt from Europe to the United States, spreading valuesof neutrality, objectivity, and rationality expressed through tightly gridded layouts andrestricted typography.

      The values that this style presented were impactful enough to reach the U.S thus foreshadowing it's importance.

    3. turned revolutIonary avant-garde Ideals Into forMal Method–ologIes, detachIng desIgn froM a dIsruptIve aesthetIc agenda.

      This can relate to their approaches to design and how they may relate to our approaches.

    4. A movementcalled the New Typography emergedfrom the Bauhaus

      This will be important to keep in mind for later in the reading.

    1. Rhetoric of encomium

      How do institutions form around notions of merit?

      Me: what about blurbs as evidence of implied social networks? Who blurbs whom? How are these invitations sent/received and by whom?

      diachronic: how blurbs evolve over time

      Signals, can blurbs predict: - the field of the work - gender - other

      Emergence or decrease of signals with respect to time

      Imitation of styles and choices. - how does this happen? contagion - I'm reminded of George Mathew Dutcher admonition:

      Imitation to be avoided. Avoid the mannerisms and personal peculiarities of method or style of well-known writers, such as Carlyle or Macaulay. (see: https://hypothes.is/a/ROR3VCDEEe2sZNOy4rwRgQ )

      Systematic studies of related words within corpora. (this idea should have a clever name) word2vec, word correlations, information theory

      How does praise work?

      metaphors within blurbs (eg: light, scintillating, brilliant, new lens, etc.)

  21. Jan 2023
    1. Woit does not, for the most part, follow the death march of proposition, lemma, proof. He writes in the style of a theoretical physicist.

      "death march of proposition, lemma, proof"

      This is a bit harsh n'cest pas?

  22. Dec 2022
    1. Since there is no measurable performance advantage for either, any time (however marginal) spent thinking or talking about a choice between the two is wasted. When you prefer single quoted strings, you have to think when you need interpolation. When you use double quoted strings, you never have to think. (I'd also add, anecdotally, that apostrophes are more prevalent in strings than double quotes, which again means less thinking when using double-quoted strings.) Therefore always using double-quoted strings results in the least possible wasted time and effort.
  23. Nov 2022
    1. When he was coming up as a writer, the author and journalist Rex Murphy would write out longhand favorite poems and passages. He was asked, what’s that done for you? “There’s an energy attached to poetry and great prose,” Murphy said. “And when you bring it into your mind, into your living sensibility, by some weird osmosis, it lifts your style or the attempts of your mind.” When you read great writing, when you write down a great line or paragraph, Murphy continues, “somehow or another, it contaminates you in a rich way. You get something from it—from this osmotic imitation—that will only take place if you lodge it in your consciousness.”

      This writing advice from Rex Murphy sounds like the beginning portions of Benjamin Franklin's advice on writing and slowly rewriting one's way into better prose styles.

      Link to Franklin's quote

    2. David Brooks talks about what he calls the “theory of maximum taste.” It’s similar to what Murphy is saying. “Exposure to genius has the power to expand your consciousness,” Brooks writes. “If you spend a lot of time with genius, your mind will end up bigger and broader than if you [don’t].”
  24. Sep 2022
    1. I don't like the first syntax because then you have weird looking code due to all the leading whitespace, and you lose a lot of real estate.
    2. Aligning everything with however long the method name is makes every indention different. belongs_to :thing, class_name: 'ThisThing', foreign_key: :this_thing_id has_many :other_things, class_name: 'ThisOtherThing', foreign_key: :this_other_thing_id validates :field, presence: true Compared to the following, which all align nicely on the left. belongs_to :thing, class_name: 'ThisThing', foreign_key: :this_thing_id has_many :other_things, class_name: 'ThisOtherThing', foreign_key: :this_other_thing_id validates :field, presence: true
    3. This one bugs me a lot, but honestly, I don't like either style of the "normal method calls" above. I'm definitely voting to change the rule, but I'd also recommend trying to use the following syntax. In my opinion, it's the best of both worlds. a_relatively_long_method_call( :thing, :another_thing ) Or, if there are a lot or arguments, or the arguments are long: a_relatively_long_method_call( :a_long_argument, :another_long_argument, :a_third_long_argument )
    1. For example, whereas C programmers have argued for years about where to put their brackets, and whether code should be indented with tabs or spaces, both Rust and Go eliminate such issues completely by using a standard formatting tool (gofmt for Go, rustfmt for Rust) which rewrites your code automatically using the canonical style. It’s not that this particular style is so wonderful in itself: it’s the standardisation which Rust and Go programmers appreciate.
  25. Aug 2022
    1. Während es schon im ersten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts Pläne für eine weitereRationalisierung der Katalogisierung durch die Einführung des Zetteldruck derpreußischen (wissenschaftlichen) Bibliotheken gab, entstand ab 1919 auf der Seiteder öffentlichen Bibliotheken die „deutsche Büchereihandschrift“.Die von Erwin Ackerknecht entworfene Schreibanleitung diente primär dazu,noch handschriftlich geführten Katalogen ein einheitliches, leserliches Schriftbildzu geben. Als Ausgangsschrift wählte er von daher die „Latein-Schreibschrift“,die im Gegensatz zur damals gebräuchlichen Sütterlin-Kurrentschrift leichter zulesen war.

      Machine translation (Google):

      While there were already plans in the first decade of the 20th century for a further rationalization of cataloging by introducing label printing in the Prussian (academic) libraries, from 1919 the “German library handwriting” was created on the part of the public libraries. The writing instructions designed by Erwin Ackerknecht primarily served to give handwritten catalogs a uniform, legible typeface. He therefore chose the “Latin cursive” as his starting script, which was easier to read than the Sütterlin cursive script that was common at the time.

    2. Ackerknecht, Erwin: Deutsche Büchereihandschrift: mit 21 Tafeln. - 3. Aufl., Berlin1948.
    1. theGerman library handwriting style invented by E. Ackerknecht is recommended in order toensure equal handwriting style.

      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Ackerknecht<br /> Influential historian of medicine

      <ins datetime="2022-08-24T15:44:48+00:00"> Erwin Heinz Ackerknecht (1 June 1906, in Stettin – 18 November 1988, in Zurich), the historian of medicine, did some library related work, but didn't invent this handwriting style, his father Erwin Julius Ackerknecht did. see: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Erwin_Ackerknecht</ins>

      What does this handwriting style look like?

    1. Selections from CarlyleEdited by H. W. BOYNTON. i2mo, cloth, 288 pages. Price, 75 cents.

      And here I was not knowing who Carlyle was just a day or two ago and now I'm seeing advertisements for collections of his work! 😁

      Apparently I've just been reading the wrong things and jumping back to the early 21st century is where it's all at.



    1. Mechanical form.Use standard size (8t/,xll in.) type-writer pa er or the essay paper in standard use a t the in-stitution. %or typing, use an unruled bond paper of goodquality, such as “Paragon Linen” or “Old Hampshire Mills.”At the left of the page leave a margin of 1% to l’/e inches;and a t the top, bottom, and right of the page, a margin of1 inch. Write only on one side of the paper. In ty in thelines should be double-spaced. Each chapter shouyd feginon a new page. Theses for honors and degrees must be typed;other essays may be typed or legibly written in ink. Whetherthe essay is typed or written, the use of black ink is prefer-able. The original typewritten copy must be presented. Incase two copies of a thesis are required, the second copymust be the first carbon and must be on the same quality ofpaper as the original.

      Definitely a paragraph aimed at the student in the manner of a syllabus, but also an interesting tidbit on the potential evolution of writing forms over time.

      How does language over time change with respect to the types and styles of writing forms, particularly when they're prescribed or generally standardized over time? How do these same standards evolve over time and change things at the level of the larger pictures?

    2. Zn&tence on good style. Reasonable care in follow-ing these suggestions with regard to style is essential tothe production of an acceptable essay, and neglect of themwill affect unfavorably the grade to be assigned.

      Sadly, he doesn't define "good style" here and only a paragraph after saying to avoid the style of Carlyle and Macaulay.

      This paragraph is one of the several of the type that would more appropriately appear in a syllabus than in a published journal article on this particular topic. Thus the style is here is part journal article on writing, but also format which could be subsumed into syllabi by others.

    1. https://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/08/how-and-why-to-keep-a-commonplace-book/

      An early essay from Ryan Holiday about commonplace books including how, why, and their general value.

      Notice that the essay almost reads as if he's copying out cards from his own system. This is highlighted by the fact that he adds dashes in front 23 of his paragraphs/points.

  26. Jun 2022
  27. Mar 2022
  28. Feb 2022
    1. When you read widely, your brain is exposed to different ways in which a sentence or paragraph is written. There are patterns in the use of nouns, pronouns, verbs and other parts of speech; there are patterns in syntax and in sentence variation; and there are patterns in sound devices, such as alliteration and assonance. You can annotate these with different symbols or colors, and develop understanding as patterns emerge, and style emerges from patterns. To read like a writer, you need to annotate like one, too.

      I haven't seen very much in the area of annotating directly as a means of learning to write. This is related to the idea of note taking for creating content for a zettelkasten, but the focus of such a different collection is for creating a writing style.

      Similar to boxing the boring words (see Draft #4; http://jsomers.net/blog/dictionary), one should edit with an eye toward the overall style of a particular piece.

      Annotating structures and patterns in books is an interesting exercise to evaluate an author's style as a means of potentially subsuming, modifying, or learning other styles.

    1. Argument that popular modern dictionaries are taking the wrong approach by defining words as plainly as possible. That makes it no fun to use them except for definitions.

      For writing at least, using something like the original Websters dictionary is a great help to improve your style.

  29. Jan 2022
    1. 在選詞上一開始會有過於主觀或是太日常的詞彙出現,降低了論文
    2. The adjective “well-known” seems to be too subjective and exaggerative. The modified statement is more objective and realistic, which is more suitable in academic writing.
    3. The “academic flavor” tastes different from our daily communication and literary works. I can still remember I used the word “at the first brush” in my RA, however, this word is an informal expression. I was advised to remove the word. What I learned is that the words in the paper need to be formal and rigorous to give the paper an academic flavor.



    1. In Wise’s version, the very walls of the gym are hot with passion, painted a furious red, and the dancing itself, unlike that in Spielberg’s film, is blatantly erotic

      He uses more sophisticated ways of saying the walls were very red he states, "are hot with passion, painted furious red." Instead of focusing on the argument he distracts you with the word choice and different senses.

    2. with a voice both powerful and delicate.

      Brody is distracting you with how Zegler's voice sounds with words like "powerful" and "delicate."

  30. Dec 2021
    1. Poem Mechanics Summary

      First published in 1978, the poem details the hopes of the speaker to abolish prejudices and injustice. It speaks to the struggle of the African American community. Major themes throughout the poem include courage, pride, and injustice. The speaker is proud of her identity and openly challenges those who want to hold her down. Rather than giving in to societal standards, Angelou illustrates a resilient and defiant spirit. Embodying the African American experience and feminism, she speaks to the harmful past of ancestors with the chains of slavery.

      Speaking from the perspective of her own and similar to that of many other African Americans, the autobiographical poem can be assumed that the setting is America in the 1960s following the era of segregation and discrimination as based on Angelou's life. It can also be classified as political poetry, feminist poetry, and revolutionary African American poetry. The poem is broken into nine total stanzas. The first seven are quatrains, the eighth stanza is made of six lines, and the final stanza is composed of eight lines. The rhyme scheme follows ABCB for the first seven stanzas, which tightly links the stanza. The eighth stanza follows a ABABCC rhyme scheme and the final stanza follows a ABABCCBBB rhyme. The underlying conflict intertwined throughout the poem lies between the speaker herself and the people of society who have oppressed her and her community in the past, as well as are offended by her success and achievements. The speaker foreshadows her rise to equality and continued efforts of the civil rights and feminist movements.

    2. Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

      Assonance is used in this line as the letter "e" sound and the rhyme of the two words produces a strong image of the speaker rising like an ocean's tide - emphasizing that she will bring change and drive the civil rights movement.

    3. I rise

      A refrain is a set of lines that is repeated at some distance throughout the poem. So in this poem, "Still I rise" is a refrain that is repeated in the first, third, and fifth stanza. "I rise" is also considered a refrain. The poem grows in power and builds to the climax in the eighth stanza. Preceding this stanza, the speaker intentionally questions the the oppressor and details the suffering of African Americans. After she is finished with her interrogation, she declares her objective to rise above this pain of the past by using the refrain.

  31. Nov 2021
  32. Oct 2021
    1. raison d’être

      Reason or justification for existence.


    2. The typographer must take the greatest care to study how his work is read and ought to be read.

      Absolutely, depending on the work and the intention behind it. You wouldn't want your audience to be confused about the readability of your work.

  33. Aug 2021
  34. Jul 2021
    1. En dashes, which are about the width of an upper-case N, are often mistaken for hyphens. But, traditionally, en dashes function as a kind of super hyphen. They’re meant to give you a little extra glue when you have a compound modifier that includes a multi-word element that can’t easily be hyphenated. For example, the phrase Elvis Presley–style dance moves uses an en dash because Elvis-Presley-style dance moves is awkward; “Elvis Presley” isn’t a compound modifier, so hyphenating it looks odd. But, keep in mind, not all readers will notice en dashes or understand what they mean. Sometimes, it’s better to simply reword the phrase. Elvis Presley–style dance moves or: dance moves like Elvis Presley’s pre–World War II buildings or: buildings constructed before World War II En dashes are also used to show ranges of numbers, such as times, page numbers, or scores (I’ll schedule you from 4:30–5:00). But, outside of formal printed publications, this type of en dash is commonly replaced with a simple hyphen.
    1. A charming letter!

      One writing style of Ezra Jennings I noticed it that he likes to use exclamation mark.

    2. If he attempted to defend himself, or to deny the facts, she was, in that event, to refer him to me.

      The writing style of Mr. Bruff just really matches his occupation, direct and clear. And often we can ask just like this sentence, he writes as what a lawyer would say at work, such as "attempt," "defend," and "deny," etc.

    3. There was an absence of all lady-like restraint in her language and manner most painful to see. She was possessed by some feverish excitement which made her distressingly loud when she laughed, and sinfully wasteful and capricious in what she ate and drank at lunch.

      Comparing to Betteredge's writing style which more focus on the description of character's physical appearance and story reveal personality; Miss Clack' writing style are more focusing on character's speaking attitude.

    4. In order that the circumstances may be clearly understood, I must revert for a moment to the period before the assault

      Start from the beginning of this book, I noticed that many sentences were written in inverted order. Is this a popular writing style of the 19th centuries, or it just author's personal writing style?

    1. I only allowed smaller closures in the code and refactored the rest into separate top-level functions. This is a deliberate move against the common practice of js programmers. Why? Because I noticed closures make code harder to read.
  35. Jun 2021
    1. I am not sure if this is an improvement. To me it does not seem very pretty. Of course I am biased since I also prefer () in method definitions if they have arguments; although I think it is fine that ruby does not mind omitting the (). For my brain, I like the () for visual separation.
  36. May 2021
  37. Apr 2021
    1. “Who cares? Let’s just go with the style-guide” — to which my response is that caring about the details is in the heart of much of our doings. Yes, this is not a major issue; def self.method is not even a code smell. Actually, that whole debate is on the verge of being incidental. Yet the learning process and the gained knowledge involved in understanding each choice is alone worth the discussion. Furthermore, I believe that the class << self notation echoes a better, more stable understanding of Ruby and Object Orientation in Ruby. Lastly, remember that style-guides may change or be altered (carefully, though!).
    2. “It is less clear that way” — that is just arbitrary, even uninformed. There is nothing clearer about def self.method. As demonstrated earlier, once you grasp the true meaning of it, def self.method is actually more vague as it mixes scopes
    3. When we usedef self.method, though, we are defining a method across scopes: we are present in the regular class scope, but we use Ruby’s ability to define methods upon specific instances from anywhere; self within a class definition is the Class instance we are working on (i.e. the class itself). Therefore, usingdef self.method is a leap to another scope, and this feels wrong to me.
    4. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy.
    5. Yet, it certainly is important to make the proper choices when picking up style. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy. In order to make an informed decision, it’s mandatory to understand the issue at stake well. We all have defined class methods many times, but do we really know how do they work?
    1. The best procedure is the one you don’t need. If the UI is crystal clear and leads the customer through a task, a procedure isn’t necessary. Start there.
    1. I actually think this is Not Constructive, since there's no absolute rule about which pairings can be joined into a single word or hyhenated, and it's pointless having "votes" here about each specific case. Follow a style guide if you have one, or search Google Books and copy whatever the majority do. Or just make your own decision.
  38. Feb 2021
    1. the first step in improving academic writing is to learn to reduce the jargon academics use and express concepts clearly

      See Pinker, S. (2015). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Reprint Edition). Penguin Books.

      Also, Thomas, F.-N., & Turner, M. (2011). Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose (2nd Edition). Princeton University Press.

    1. We cannot and will not realize our full potential as a nation unless we have both parties working to forge a new sense of shared association that can enable a much more diverse America to journey together into the 21st century. Today, sadly, only one party is in that business.

      Friedman ties in his purpose once again at the end. He accentuates that the nation as a whole cannot develop or reach its full potential until the two political parties work together; until they both place importance to the diversity of the nation. This allows him to demonstrate that without change occurring in the Republican party, change cannot occur in the nation. He shows that the Republicans need to change and the parties need to work together to make nation better. He places emphasis to show that we are well into the 21st century and yet we are still not treating everyone equally, showing the importance of what his point of view is. Then he ends with a sentence that is almost demoralizing to emphasize that we cannot become diverse until the Republican party changes.

    2. It tells you that there is a market for a center-right conservative party that appeals to today’s America, not yesterday’s. But is there such a party? It’s been suppressed.

      This is almost a call to action. He shows that there are people that are willing to make a change and have ideas that will benefit society, but they are being suppressed. Their ideas are not given importance and they are not being evaluated. Friedman shows that the time to act is now and that we need to do something to prevent this from occurring. He shows that there are people that believe in changes and that they need to become more prominent.

    3. This reality, plus Trump’s warped character, made him so reckless that he believed that he could shoot a whole branch of the U.S. government in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and his base would stick with him. And he was right!

      Friedman brings the humor here once again to establish that Trump is just like the deer. He could behave thoughtlessly and without any reason and no one would do anything. Friedman's point of view becomes clear here. He does not agree with how Trump has been given the power to do whatever and how the government was just supporting him no matter what.

    4. That is a lot like Trump and his followers, whose attachment to him has become so cultlike that every other Republican leader knows that challenging Trump is potential political suicide. The result: He, too, has no serious predators

      Now Friedman ties in deer and the BOE to Trump and his followers. After already establishing the incompetence of both, by bringing up Trump and his followers, he makes the description apply to them too. He describes Trump and his followers as cultlike in an exaggerated way to highlight the flaws of the Republican Party. He makes the question arise in the readers, "Is this even democracy?" As a result, he is able to demonstrate the real reason behind his writing and show the readers that when one person has too much power and is unopposed, that person gains the power to do anything he wants.

    5. So, they do all sorts of stupid stuff, like walk into the middle of the road and get hit by cars, rub the bark off tree trunks and eat all our flowers.

      Once again, the author emphasizes his light-hearted tone. He begins by describing the deer first. Instead of making the article start off with its political nature, he brings in a humorous appeal to the readers. This style of writing slowly builds up to the main claim of the author by starting off with the least important content and working its way up.

    6. Liberal Democrats dominate politics there, so there’s no serious threat from a conservative alternative.

      At first, Friedman introduces the ineffectiveness of the BOE in a humorous way by comparing it to deer. Then he puts the humor aside and goes into his main point. He emphasizes that the Board has the power to do whatever it wants because there is no one standing against it. It is dominated by Liberal Democrats and as a result, no important change is occurring. Here, he is able to emphasize his main point on the democracy of the United States.

  39. Jan 2021
    1. “The difference between style and fashion is quality” — famous words spoken by no less a detractor of Savile Row than Giorgio Armani
  40. Dec 2020
    1. Include articles, such as the. Articles help readers and translation software identify the nouns and modifiers in a sentence. Examples Empty the container. The empty container
    1. The only piece of note taking software on the market that currently supports this feature (that I’m aware of) is Microsoft OneNote.

      OneNote supported on-the-fly interlinking with Double Square Bracket Linking

    2. Cunningham first developed the ability to automatically create internal links (read: new notes) when typing text in CamelCase. This meant you could easily be typing a sentence while describing a piece of information and simply type a word (or series of words) in CamelCase which would create a link to another piece of information (even if its page hadn’t already been created).This was quickly superseded by the double square bracket links most wiki’s use today to achieve the same results, and its the staple creation method in both wiki’s and other premier information systems today.

      History of the Wiki-style linking or [[Double Square Bracket Linking]]

    3. Evernote had long been the gold standard of note taking, flexible, functional and best of all affordable. While its user interface was a little odd at times, the features were excellent, but they made the simple mistake of not enabling wiki style internal links. Instead, they required a user to copy a note link from one note and paste it into another.

      Evernote made the mistake of not allowing on-the-fly wiki-style internal linking.

    4. It needs wiki-like superpowersIf there is one feature that excels above all others in information software of the past two decades that deserves its place in the note taking pantheon, its the humble double bracketed internal link.We all recognise power to store and retrieve information at will, but when you combine this power with the ability to successfully create new knowledge trees from existing documents, to follow thoughts in a ‘stream of consciousness’ non-linear fashion then individual notes transform from multiple static word-silos into a living information system system.Sadly, this is the one major feature that is always neglected, or is piecemeal at best… and one time note taking king Evernote is to blame.

      Tim Kling posits that one of the most important features for a note taking app to have (which most lack at the time of writing) is the ability to link to other notes with the wiki-standard double bracket command.

    1. The only piece of note taking software on the market that currently supports this feature (that I’m aware of) is Microsoft OneNote.

      OneNote supported on-the-fly interlinking with Double Square Bracket Linking

  41. Nov 2020
  42. Oct 2020
    1. However, know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes style guide recommendations just aren't applicable.
    2. The limits are chosen to avoid wrapping in editors with the window width set to 80, even if the tool places a marker glyph in the final column when wrapping lines.
    3. For code maintained exclusively or primarily by a team that can reach agreement on this issue, it is okay to increase the line length limit up to 99 characters
  43. github.com