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The problem is that HTML can now do so much, that any attempts to create a consumer-focused app to edit it soon get unfocused and unusable.
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This was the stethoscope, the invention of R. T. H. Laennec (1781–1826), one of the most complex and gifted of the French clinicians.
Essentially hearing and speaking are replaced by instruments/tools.
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My experiment illustrated how the vast majority of any medical encounter is figuring out the correct patient narrative. If someone comes into my ER saying their wrist hurts, but not due to any recent accident, it could be a psychosomatic reaction after the patient’s grandson fell down, or it could be due to a sexually transmitted disease, or something else entirely. The art of medicine is extracting all the necessary information required to create the right narrative.
This is where complexity comes in, teasing out narratives and recombine them into probes, probing actions that may changes the weights of narratives and mental models held about a situation. Not diagnostics, but building the path towards diagnostics. Vgl [[Probe proberend handelen 20201111162752]] [[Vertelpunt 20201111170556]]
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Differentiating PGD from MDD
differentiating PGD from MDD
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- collaboration
- machine learning
- prediction of individual responses
- revolution
- lang:en
- algorithmic complexity
- machine learning powered precision medicine
- electronic health database
- clinical science
- personalised medical approach
- improved diagnosis
- challenges
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- omissions
- bogus results
- healthy scientific scepticism
- lang:en
- pharmaceutical industry
- over-medication
- attention disorders
- COVID-19
- reliable
- over-diagnosis
- adverse effects of medication
- increased risk of infection
- attention disorders research
- stimulants reduce risk
- over-treatment
- raise awareness
- inappropriate operational definitions
- spins
- transparent
- manipulations
- in-depth inspection
- biases
- poor methodologies
- misrepresentations
- is:preprint
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- error
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- clinical
- therapeutic option
- morbidity
- cognitive
- misdiagnosis
- psychology
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- is:article
- diagnosis
- rule
- communication
- preparation
- lang:en
- involvement
- outbreak
- control
- COVID-19
- response
- risk
- community
- Korea
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an abnormal noise from the upper airway might be audible during galloping, which usually is a sign that there is something amiss with the upper airway
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G-DRG ( German Diagnosis Related Groups )
"Since patients within each category are clinically similar and are expected to use the same level of hospital resources"