- Oct 2024
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - semantic fingerprint - semantic space - semantic folding - cortical.io
- Aug 2024
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
A change in the minor component signifies a non-breaking change, and that the consumer can safely use the new version without breaking, although the consumer might need to be updated to use its new functionality. For example, adding a non-mandatory feature column with a default value to the model is a minor bump, because when a value for the added column is not passed, inference still works.
Using semantic versioning facilitates model deployment, by communicating which if a new version can be deployed without changes to the application:
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we are using set theory so a certain piece of reference text is part of my collection or it's not if it's part of my collection somewhere in my fingerprint is a corresponding dot for it yeah so there is a very clear direct link from the root data to the actual representation and the position that dot has versus all the other dots so the the topology of that space geometry if you want of that patterns that you get that contains the knowledge of the world which i'm using the language of yeah so that basically and that is super easy to compute for um for for a computer i don't even need a gpu
for - comparison - cortical io / semantic folding vs standard AI - no GPU required
we basically grow models of let's say same quality like all the others by using thousand time or ten thousand times less training data
for - comparison - semantic folding vs normal machine learning - training dataset sizes and times
in that bitmap representation at the end i can look at every position in my bitmap and i can refer it back explicitly to the bits of reference information that i trained it with
for - semantic fingerprint bitmap - tracing bitmap to training dataset
for - semantic folding - semantic fingerprint - cortical.io - numenta - sparse coding - Francisco Webber - symmathesetic fingerprint
summary - In this informative interview, Francisco Webber, a principal cofounder of Cortical.io, discusses how the company's core technology, semantic folding and semantic fingerprints of words is unique and differs from the usual AI large language models. - Cortical I/O's approach is a biomimicry approach that is based on representing words in the way that brain operates. - It employs a word-to-geometry mapping implemented using Numenta's sparse coding technique. - This approach allows Cortical to train using very small training data sets of 100 gigabytes of data, which takes a few hours to train - many orders of magnitudes smaller than normal AI training data sets.
if you have bitmaps let's say 100 times 100 in in square and you now throw in let's say 200 dots in this bitmap the rest is white you should what you need is a function that renders any given word in a bitmap such that words that are similar render in two similar bitmaps
for - example - semantic fingerprint bitmap - adjacency - semantic fingerprint bitmap - semantic folding - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding - Indyweb - adjacency - indranet - salience mismatch
example - semantic fingerprint bitmap - 100 x 100 square - 200 dots in the bitmap - sparse coding - function that renders words in the bitmap such that - words that are similar render in two similar bitmaps
adjacency - between - semantic fingerprint - semantic folding - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding - Indyweb - Indranet - adjacency - salience mismatch - adjacency relationship - This word-to-geometry mapping is the key idea and can also be employed within Indyweb to represent the concept of word/idea adjacency unique to the meaningverse of each language user - While Cortical develops dictionaries for specific domains, within Indyweb, we can go even more granular, and develop dictionaries for each indyvidual!
definition - indyvidual dictionary - In Indyweb, an indyvidual's dicitionary can be calculated by employing a word meaning-to-geometry bitmap to determine the adjacencies salient to any word - This can be used to reduce salience mismatch (misunderstanding) that is inherent in any human symbolic communication
what we basically do is that we try to find a representation for textual content so we call these representation fingerprints and they are like bitmaps
for - definition - semantic folding
definition - semantic folding - geometric (bitmap) representation of textual content
- semantic fingerprint
- semantic fingerprint bitmap - tracing bitmap to training dataset
- comparison - semantic folding vs normal machine learning - training dataset sizes and times
- semantic folding
- adjacency - semantic fingerprint bitmap - semantic folding - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding - Indyweb - adjacency - indranet - salience mismatch
- sparse coding
- definition - semantic folding
- numenta
- comparison - cortical io / semantic folding vs standard AI - no GPU required
- Francisco Webber
- example - semantic fingerprint bitmap
- cortical.io
- symmathesetic fingerprint
- Jun 2024
coevolving.com coevolving.com
Alexander would also step away from the notion of a semantic network and more toward the pursuit of the geometrics of order.
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
There's so many different worlds So many different suns 00:02:58 And we have just one world But we live in different ones
for - Indyweb - connecting the multimeaningverse - multimeaningverse - lebenswelt - perspectival knowing - quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - private inner world / public outer world - self other gestalt - adjacency - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - Deep Humanity salience landscape - John Vervaeke
quote - Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms - (See quote below)
- There's so many different worlds
- So many different suns
- And we have just one world
- But we live in different ones
adjacency - between - Brothers in Arms - We have just one world but live in different ones - - perspectival knowing - self other gestalt - lebenswelt - semantic fingerprint - salience mismatch - Indyweb - John Vervaeke - salience landscape - Deep Humanity - meaningverse - multimeaningverse - adjacency relationship - This verse is so beautiful in summarizing the human condition - We each have our own unique lifeworld, what Edmund Husserl called "Lebenswelt" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=lebenswelt - The self / other gestalt has its two poles, each belonging to two complimentary worlds: - The self has a private inner space only accessible to the individual organism - At the same time, the individual self phenomenologically experiences other living organisms, both of the same and different species - Different individual organisms can share a common public space, which for humans is navigated using the instrument of language - Deep Humanity defines the words - "meaningverse" - the individuals world of meaning - "multi-meaningverse" - the shared meaning of many individuals converging their respective individual meaningverses together - The song employs these verses to articulate the complimentary and sometimes contradictory-appearing worlds of the private-inner ad the public-outer - The semantic fingerprint of each word in an individual's vocabulary is unique to that individual as a function of - varying enculturation and social conditioning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=semantic+fingerprint - and all these different perspectives - something cognitive scientist John Vervaeke calls "perspectival knowing" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=John+Vervaeke - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=perspectival+knowing - can lead to what we call in Indyweb / Deep Humanity terminology "salience mismatch" (ie. misunderstanding) - derived from John Vervaeke's popularization of the term "salience landscape" - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=salience+landscape - War, hatred, crime and violence are all extreme forms of othering which emerge when we fail to understand the nature of the self/other and individual/collective gestalt
- Apr 2024
For example, a developer mightdecide that colored text marks should be allowed to overlap, with the overlap region rendering ablend of the colors
That would be better for user to decide.
I think a good default is to express semantics explicitly.
I.e., for Bob to not automatically state his utterance as important just because it's atop of Alice's, that she considers important.
If Bob tries to reword - ok. If Bob want to add - no.
Given Bold, Italic, Colored are syntactic representation of semantics that we do capture - they can overlap.
Moreover, in Bob's user-defined mapping from semantics to syntax, Bob's "important" can be bold, while Alice's "important" can be italic.
Conflicts occur not only with colors; even simple bold formatting operations canproduce conflicts
Again, let them capture semantics.
Say, "Alice considers "The fox jumped"" as important. Alice changes mind, only "The" is important. Bob considers "jumped" as important.
Result: Alice considers "The" important. Bob considers "jumped" important.
Consider assigning colored highlighting to some text
Color is meant to convey some semantics. Like "accent", or "important". These semantics can coexist, just like italic and bold.
So a solution may be to: 1. Let users express semantics of their annotations 2. Give user-customizable defaults of how they are to be rendered.
Ensuring, that semantics's render is composable. I.e., it conveys originally asigned semantics.
Furthermore, as with plain text CRDTs, this model only preserves low-level syntactic intent,and manual intervention will often be necessary to preserve semantic intent based on a humanunderstanding of the text
Good remark of syntactic vs semantic intent preservation.
Semantics are in the head of a person, that conveys them as syntactic ops. I.e., semantics get specified down to ops.
Merging syntactically may not always preserve semantics. I.e., one wants to "make defs easier to read by converting them to CamelCase", another wants the same but via snake-case. Having merged them syntactically, we get Camel-Snake-Case-Hybrid, which does not preserve any semantic intent. The semantics intent here are not conflict-free in the first case, though.
Make defs readable | | as CamelCase as Snake Case | | modify to CC modify to SC
They diverged at this point, even before getting to syntactic changes.The best solution would be to solve original problem in a different way - let defs be user-specific. But that's blue sky thinking. Although done in Unison, we do have syntactic systems around.
So staying in a syntactic land, the best we could do is to capture the original intent: "Make defs readable".
Then we need a smart agent, human or an AI, specify it further.
Local file Local file
We quote because we are afraid to-change words, lest there be a change in meaning.
Quotations are easier to collect than writing things out in one's own words, not only because it requires no work, but we may be afraid of changing the original meaning by changing the original words or by collapsing the context and divorcing the words from their original environment.
Perhaps some may be afraid that the words sound "right" and they have a sense of understanding of them, but they don't quite have a full grasp of the situation. Of course this may be remedied by the reader or listener not only by putting heard stories into their own words and providing additional concrete illustrative examples of the concepts. These exercises are meant to ensure that one has properly heard/read and understood a concept. Psychologists call this paraphrasing or repetition the "echo effect" (others might say parroting or mirroring) and have found that it can help to build understanding, connection, and likeability between people. Great leaders who do this will be sure to make sure that credit for the original ideas goes to the originator and not to themselves simply because they repeated it, especially in group settings where their words may have more primacy amidst their underlings.
(I can't find it at the moment, but there's a name/tag for this in my notes? looping?)
Beyond this, can one place the idea into a more clear language than the original? Add some poetry perhaps? Make the concept into a concrete meme to make it more memorable?
Journalists like to quote because it gives primacy of voice to the speaker and provides the reader with the sense that they're getting the original from which they might make up their own minds. It also provides a veneer of vérité to their reportage.
Link this back to Terrence's comedy: https://hypothes.is/a/xe15ZKPGEe6NJkeL77Ji4Q
- Feb 2024
www.cortical.io www.cortical.io
for - semantic folding - semantic fingerprint - natural language processing - NLP - cortical.io - Numenta
- Jan 2024
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Issue relations are meant to be the basic infrastructure to build on (at least that is how I meant it when I posted the original feature request). Just like the labels are just a binary relation between a issue and a "label", the relations should be just a ternary relation between two issues and a "label". Then you can build issue task lists on top of the relations like you've built issue boards on top of the labels.
Simple relations: [Issue A]---(relation R)--->[Issue B], which is a ternary (A, B, R) relation in a database.
I see specific relations in a similar way as labels. If a "label" is a binary relation between a label and an issue, "relation" between issues would be ternary relation between two issues and a label (from different set than ordinary labels).
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Sep 2023
AI turns semantic relationships into geometric relationships
- for: key idea, key idea - language research , AI - language research - semantic to geometric
the shape which is say Spanish can't possibly be the same shape as English right if you talk to anthropologists they would say different cultures different cosmologies 00:14:45 different ways of viewing the world different ways of gendering verbs obviously going to be different shapes but you know the AI researchers were like whatever let's just try and they took the shape which is Spanish 00:14:59 and the shape which is English and they literally rotated them on top of each other and the point which his dog ended up in the same spot in both
- for:AI - language research, AI - language research - semantic invariancy
- Jun 2023
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Issues of Upgrading Study Courses and Use of Semantic Networks as a Means for Their Evaluation
Penggunaan Jejaring Semantik sebagai metode evaluasi Mata Kuliah.
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
Commentators insisted that gossip was the province of women. Originally meaning ‘godparent’, ‘gossip’ shifted its meaning across the early modern period. It became commonplace to accuse women of gossiping and of being gossips, and a set of meanings crystallised around the word that reflected men’s anxiety about what women were saying about them behind their backs.
- May 2023
infomesh.net infomesh.net
almost all beginners to RDF go through a sort of "identity crisis" phase, where they confuse people with their names, and documents with their titles. For example, it is common to see statements such as:- <http://example.org/> dc:creator "Bob" . However, Bob is just a literal string, so how can a literal string write a document?
This could be trivially solved by extending the syntax to include some notation that has the semantics of a well-defined reference but the ergonomics of a quoted string. So if the notation used the sigil
(for example), then~"Bob"
could denote an implicitly defined entity that is, through some type-/class-specific mechanism associated with the string "Bob".
- Apr 2023
Local file Local file
These systems provide quite powerful tools for automaticreasoning, but encoding many kinds of knowledge using their rigid formal representations requiressignificant- -and often completely infeasible-amounts of effort.
philip.greenspun.com philip.greenspun.com
There are a few obvious objections to this mechanism. The most serious objection is that duplicate information must be maintained consistently in two places. For example, if the conference organizers decide to change the abstracts deadline from 10 August to 15 August, they'll have to make that change both in the META element in the HEAD and in some human-readable area of the BODY.
Microdata addresses this.
- Mar 2023
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Auch das grammatische Verhalten eines Wortes nach Flexion und Rektion ist der Sammlung vollständig zu entnehmen. Und schließlich und vor allen Dingen lag hier der Schlüssel zur Bestimmung der Wortbedeutungen. Statt jeweils ad hoc durch Konjekturen einzelne Textstellen spekulativ zu deuten (das Raten, von dem Erman endlich wegkommen wollte), erlaubte es der Vergleich der verschiedenen Zusammenhänge, in denen ein Wort vorkam, seine Bedeutung durch systematische Eingrenzug zu fixieren oder doch wenigstens anzunähern. Auch in dieser Hinsicht hat sich das Zettelarchiv im Sinne seines Erstellungszwecks hervorragend bewährt.
The benefit of creating such a massive key word in context index for the Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache meant that instead of using an ad hoc translation method (guessing based on limited non-cultural context) for a language, which was passingly familiar, but not their mother tongue, Adolph Erman and others could consult a multitude of contexts for individual words and their various forms to provide more global context for better translations.
Other dictionaries like the Oxford English Dictionary attempt to help do this as well as provide the semantic shift of words over time because the examples used in creating the dictionary include historical examples from various contexts.
- Feb 2023
www.srf.ch www.srf.ch
Lois Hechenblaikner, Andrea Kühbacher, Rolf Zollinger (Hrsg.): «Keine Ostergrüsse mehr! Die geheime Gästekartei des Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera». Edition Patrick Frey, 2021.Der reich bebilderte Band bietet eine spannende Reise in ein Stück Schweizer Tourismusgeschichte: Die Herausgeber haben die 20'000 Karteikarten aus den Jahren 1920-1960 sehr sorgfältig kuratiert, nach Themen gegliedert und in einen grösseren, gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhang gestellt.Die Leserinnen und Leser erfahren viel über die Klientel im Hotel Waldhaus, zum Teil sogar in kleinen biografischen Porträts; und sie können an konkreten Beispielen verfolgen, wie sich der Sprachgebrauch der Concierges im Laufe der Zeit verändert – gerade zum Beispiel im Zusammenhang mit jüdischen Gästen.
Google Translate:
Lois Hechenblaikner, Andrea Kühbacher, Rolf Zollinger (editors): «No more Easter greetings! The secret guest file of the Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera". Edition Patrick Frey, 2021.
The richly illustrated volume offers an exciting journey into a piece of Swiss tourism history: the editors have very carefully curated the 20,000 index cards from the years 1920-1960, structured them by topic and placed them in a larger, social context.
The readers learn a lot about the clientele in the Hotel Waldhaus, sometimes even in small biographical portraits; and they can use concrete examples to follow how the concierge's use of language has changed over time - especially in connection with Jewish guests, for example.
- Jan 2023
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
Semantic leadership Extent to which word usage by one entity is subsequently adopted by others. Specifically, Klein measures how often novel semantic usage in a given newspaper is mirrored by other newspapers. When a newspaper is a semantic leader, its semantic usage better predicts the later usage of that word in other newspapers compared to those other newspapers' own, earlier usage of the word.
How might this leadership happen within the social epidemic view of Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point framework?
- the law of the few,
- the stickiness factor, and
- the power of context
and with respect to mavens, connectors, and salespeople?
Semantic change Change in a word's meaning over time or other dimensions. Klein measures semantic change for a given word by tracking: 1) the words that appear alongside it (i.e., the word's context), and 2) the year in which the word was published. This approach assumes that semantics, or meaning, of a word can be inferred from the context in which that word appears.
- Dec 2022
semantic-release.gitbook.io semantic-release.gitbook.io
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In other words, the semantic field of the hyponym is included within that of the hypernym.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Summarization of Methods for DeFi Optimization
squashed resource table of methods for DeFi Optimization.
www.ischool.berkeley.edu www.ischool.berkeley.edu
Historical Hypermedia: An Alternative History of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 and Implications for e-Research. .mp3. Berkeley School of Information Regents’ Lecture. UC Berkeley School of Information, 2010. https://archive.org/details/podcast_uc-berkeley-school-informat_historical-hypermedia-an-alte_1000088371512. archive.org.
Interface as Thing - book on Paul Otlet (not released, though he said he was working on it)
- W. Boyd Rayward 1994 expert on Otlet
- Otlet on annotation, visualization, of text
- TBL married internet and hypertext (ideas have sex)
- V. Bush As We May Think - crosslinks between microfilms, not in a computer context
- Ted Nelson 1965, hypermedia
- Michael Buckland book about machine developed by Emanuel Goldberg antecedent to memex
- Emanuel Goldberg and His Knowledge Machine: Information, Invention, and Political Forces (New Directions in Information Management) by Michael Buckland (Libraries Unlimited, (March 31, 2006)
- Otlet and Goldsmith were precursors as well
four figures in his research: - Patrick Gattis - biologist, architect, diagrams of knowledge, metaphorical use of architecture; classification - Paul Otlet, Brussels born - Wilhelm Ostwalt - nobel prize in chemistry - Otto Neurath, philosophher, designer of isotype
Paul Otlet
- wrote bibliography on law
- book: Something on Bibliography #wanttoread
- universal decimal classification system
- mundaneum
- Le Corbusier - architect worked with Otlet for building for Mundaneum; See: https://socks-studio.com/2019/05/05/the-shape-of-knowledge-the-mundaneum-by-paul-otlet-and-henri-la-fontaine/
Otlet was interested in both the physical as well as the intangible aspects of the Mundaneum including as an idea, an institution, method, body of work, building, and as a network.<br /> (#t=1020)
Early iPhone diagram?!?
(roughly) armchair to do the things in the web of life (Nelson quote) (get full quote and source for use) (circa 19:30)
compares Otlet to TBL
Michael Buckland 1991 <s>internet of things</s> coinage - did I hear this correctly? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things lists different coinages
Turns out it was "information as thing"<br /> See: https://hypothes.is/a/kXIjaBaOEe2MEi8Fav6QsA
sugane brierre and otlet<br /> "everything can be in a document"<br /> importance of evidence
The idea of evidence implies a passiveness. For evidence to be useful then, one has to actively do something with it, use it for comparison or analysis with other facts, knowledge, or evidence for it to become useful.
transformation of sound into writing<br /> movement of pieces at will to create a new combination of facts - combinatorial creativity idea here. (circa 27:30 and again at 29:00)<br /> not just efficiency but improvement and purification of humanity
put things on system cards and put them into new orders<br /> breaking things down into smaller pieces, whether books or index cards....
Otlet doesn't use the word interfaces, but makes these with language and annotations that existed at the time. (32:00)
Otlet created diagrams and images to expand his ideas
Otlet used octagonal index cards to create extra edges to connect them together by topic. This created more complex trees of knowledge beyond the four sides of standard index cards. (diagram referenced, but not contained in the lecture)
Otlet is interested in the "materialization of knowledge": how to transfer idea into an object. (How does this related to mnemonic devices for daily use? How does it relate to broader material culture?)
Otlet inspired by work of Herbert Spencer
space an time are forms of thought, I hold myself that they are forms of things. (get full quote and source) from spencer influence of Plato's forms here?
Otlet visualization of information (38:20)
S. R. Ranganathan may have had these ideas about visualization too
atomization of knowledge; atomist approach 19th century examples:S. R. Ranganathan, Wilson, Otlet, Richardson, (atomic notes are NOT new either...) (39:40)
Otlet creates interfaces to the world - time with cyclic representation - space - moving cube along time and space axes as well as levels of detail - comparison to Ted Nelson and zoomable screens even though Ted Nelson didn't have screens, but simulated them in paper - globes
Katie Berner - semantic web; claims that reporting a scholarly result won't be a paper, but a nugget of information that links to other portions of the network of knowledge.<br /> (so not just one's own system, but the global commons system)
Mention of Open Annotation (Consortium) Collaboration:<br /> - Jane Hunter, University of Australia Brisbane & Queensland<br /> - Tim Cole, University of Urbana Champaign<br /> - Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory annotations of various media<br /> see:<br /> - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311366469_The_Open_Annotation_Collaboration_A_Data_Model_to_Support_Sharing_and_Interoperability_of_Scholarly_Annotations - http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20130205/index.html - http://www.openannotation.org/PhaseIII_Team.html
trust must be put into the system for it to work
coloration of the provenance of links goes back to Otlet (~52:00)
Creativity is the friction of the attention space at the moments when the structural blocks are grinding against one another the hardest. —Randall Collins (1998) The sociology of philosophers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (p.76)
- evidence
- Vannevar Bush
- memex
- Wilhelm Ostwalt
- Herbert Spencer
- Open Annotation Collaboration
- references
- Randall Collins
- Charles van den Heuvel
- Herbert Van de Sompel
- Emanuel Goldberg
- Tim Cole
- index cards
- mnemonic devices
- atomic notes
- S. R. Ranganathan
- semantic web
- material culture
- Hypothes.is
- octagonal index cards
- atomic ideas
- Jane Hunter
- W. Boyd Rayward
- Otto Neurath
- Le Corbusier
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Paul Otlet
- atomist philosophy
- Universal Decimal Classification
- listen
- idea links
- materialization of knowledge
- hypermedia
- Mundaneum
- Michael Buckland
- Ted Nelson
- Web 2.0
www.semanticscholar.org www.semanticscholar.org
Unbeknownst to me, I've got a Semantic Scholar author page with an h-index of 4...
- Jun 2022
wordpress.org wordpress.org
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
MemoNote, an annotation-based personal knowledge management tool for teachers
meta.wikimedia.org meta.wikimedia.org
Improving communication and knowledge accessibility well beyond the Wikipedia projects.
Interesting to see what the ideas for imporved comms and knowledge accesibility beyond the project will be.
- Apr 2022
www.connectedpapers.com www.connectedpapers.com
See also: - Research Rabbit - Open Knowledge Maps
Connected Papers uses the publicly available corpus compiled by Semantic Scholar — a tool set up in 2015 by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington — amounting to around 200 million articles, including preprints.
Semantic Scholar is a digital tool created by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, Washington in 2015. It's corpus is publicly available for search and is used by other tools including Connected Papers.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Wulff, D. U., & Mata, R. (2021). On the semantic representation of risk. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/eywjk
www.southampton.ac.uk www.southampton.ac.uk
- Feb 2022
web2-unterricht.ch web2-unterricht.ch
Semantic Web Tool: Hypothes.is
www.oreilly.com www.oreilly.com
Table 8-2. Various manifestations/eras of the Web and their defining characteristics
Internet bis Web 3.0 (semantic web)
Um dem entgegenzuwirken, werden im Forschungsbereich Corporate Semantic Web innovative Konzepte und Lösungen für die Gewinnung, Verwaltung und Nutzung von Wissen auf Basis von semantischen Technologien mit speziellem Fokus auf den Unternehmenskontext entwickelt.
Forschungsbereich: Corporate Semantic Web Ziel: Innovative Konzepte und Lösung für die Gewinnung, Verwaltung und Nutzung von Wissen auf Basis von semantischen Technologien im Unternehmenskontext
Local file Local file
Während das Semantic Web im Kern auf Standards zur Beschreibung von Prozessen, Dokumenten und Inhalten sowie entsprechenden Metadaten – vorwiegend vom W3C27 vorge-schlagen – aufsetzt, und damit einen Entwurf für das Internet der nächsten Generation darstellt, adressieren semantische Technologien Herausforde-rungen zur Bewältigung komplexer Arbeitsprozesse, Informationsmengen bzw. RetrievalProzessen und Vernetzungs- oder Integrationsaktivitäten, die nicht nur im Internet, sondern auch innerhalb von Organisationsgrenzen in Angriff genommen werden.
Unterschied zwischen Semantic Web und semantische Technologien
Sauermann L (2003) The Gnowsis-Using Semantic Web Technologies to build a Semantic Desktop. Diplomarbeit
Innerhalb eines Jahres wurde ein neuer Begriff geprägt: Web 3.0, der die Entwicklung des Webs über die 1.0-Ära der HTML-Webseiten und den frühen E-Commerce hinaus in die grelle 2.0-Periode markiert, in der soziale Medien und „benutzergenerierte Inhalte“ geboren wurden. .
Web 3.0
Local file Local file
Eine wesentliche Idee von Linked Data ist es, dass Daten und Informationen un-terschiedlichster Herkunft und Struktur auf Basis von Standards interpretiert, (weiter-)verarbeitet, verknüpft und schließlich dem User in einer Form präsentiert werden können,sodass dieser seine Aufwände zur Informationsgewinnung und -aufbereitung verringernkann
Leitidee von Linked Data
Zusätzlich bietet die Abfragesprache SPARQL die Möglichkeit,RDF-kodierte semantische Daten strukturiert abzufragen, wobei bereits (beschränkter)Gebrauch der Möglichkeit logischer Schlussfolgerungen gemacht werden kann.
SPARQL = Abfragesprache von RDF
OWL basiert auf einer speziellen mathematischen Beschreibungslogik (SHROIQ(D)) undstellt ein ausdrucksmächtiges Instrument zur Modellierung von Wissensrepräsentationen(Ontologien) dar [34].
OWL = Instrument zur Modellierung der Wissensrepräsentationen
Abbildung 2.3 zeigt den vorgeschlagenen SemanticWeb Technologie-Stapel, der das traditionelle World Wide Web ergänzt, und gibt den ak-tuellen Stand der Standardisierung an.
Diese Form von Wissens-repräsentation wird in der Informatik als Ontologie bezeichnet.
Ontologie = Zieldefiniton von Semantic Web
Die Idee hinter dem Semantic Web liegt darin, die Bedeutung von sprachlichen Be-griffen und anderen bedeutungstragenden Entitäten explizit in einer maschinenlesbarenund vom Computer korrekt interpretierbaren Form anzugeben
Die mit Linked Data beschrittene Lösung macht sich existierende Technologien zu Nut-ze, die vom W3C2 als Semantic Web Technologien standardisiert wurden.
- owl
- Abfragesprache
- rdf
- semantic web
- linked data
- ziel
- Semantic Web Technologien
- ontologie
- stack
- W3C
www.mkbergman.com www.mkbergman.com
Practical guidance on KR, knowledge graphs, semantic technologies, and KBpedia
Titel: A knowledge representation practionary Autor: Michael K. Bergman
halfanhour.blogspot.com halfanhour.blogspot.com
it depends on businesses working together, on them cooperating.
semantic web will fail because businesses are not working together
Local file Local file
Make fleeting notes. Always have something at hand to write withto capture every idea that pops into your mind.
Fleeting notes are similar to the sorts of things one would have traditionally kept in a waste book.
Francesco Sacchini recommended the use of two notebooks:
“Not unlike attentive merchants... [who] keep two books, one small, the other large: the first you would call adversaria or a daybook (ephemerides), the second an account book (calendarium) and ledger (codex).” —Francesco Sacchini "Chapter 13". De ratione libros cum profectu legendi libellus. Wurzburg. p. 91. (1614).
(See also Blair, Ann M. (2004). "Note taking as an art of transmission". Critical Inquiry. 31 (1): 91. doi:10.1086/427303.)
The root word ephemeral in this context is highly suggestive of the use and function of fleeting notes.
The Latin word "ephemerides" can also be translated as "newspaper", useful for only a short period of time.
Recall also that in a general sense Cicero contrasted the short-lived memoranda of the merchant with the more carefully kept account book designed as a permanent record.
Reference: Cicero (1930). Pro Quinto Roscio comoedo oratio,"The Speeches". Translated by Freese, John Henry. Cambridge, Massachusetts. pp. 278–81.
- Jan 2022
my main frustrations are around the lack of the very basic things that computers can do extremely well: data retrieval and search. I'll carry on, just listing some examples. Let's see if any of them resonate with you:
- 20 years waiting from Semantic Web promises!!!
- Conclusions:
- competition vs cooperation (reinventing the wheel again and again)
- minority interested in knowledge vs majority targeted to consume
youtube videos, even though most of them have subtitles hence allowing for full text search?
beepb00p.xyz beepb00p.xyz
the tool I've developed
a more realistic and plausible target: using my digital trace (such as browser history, webpage annotations and my personal wiki) to make up for my limited memory
- OK: tools for register, but NEED "THE TOOL" for searching and RECOVER these data!
- Dec 2021
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Advocates of Deep/Machine Learning often dismiss the Semantic Web, claiming that algorithms are much better at constructing knowledge from large amounts of data than are these painstaking efforts to encode knowledge
- SEE [citation needed]
- ok! "these painstaking efforts to encode knowledge"
Web documents are databases full of facts and assertions that we are ill-equipped to find
- not designed for Semantic Web!!!
How will we retrofit the web we already have?
- "parallel" web???
- bots??? explore and pass
The semantic web is, of course, another idea that’s been kicking around forever. In that imagined version of the web, documents encode data structures governed by shared schemas. And those islands of data are linked to form archipelagos that can be traversed not only by people but also by machines. That mostly hasn’t happened because we don’t yet know what those schemas need to be, nor how to create writing tools that enable people to easily express schematized information
- Semantic Web: an utopia???
- I have been waiting for it for 20 years, and counting...
- Instead "plain text": "triplets"; properties and wikidata-Qs
twitter.com twitter.comTwitter1
there was line of thought among those making native GUIs (see also Sherlock) that future of the web was having more things from web pulled into native GUIs
The dream is still alive among semweb people (incl. Tim Berners-Lee himself).
The sad state of current norms re webapps created by professional devs leads to what probably seems like a paradox but isn't, which is that the alternate future outlined in this tweet is closer to the ideal of the Web than the "Modern Web".
- Nov 2021
Wagner, U., & Echterhoff, G. (2021). Socially induced false memories in the absence of misinformation. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/f8eyr
- Sep 2021
semanticbible.com semanticbible.com
Bibleref is a simple approach to automatically identifying Bible references that are embedded in blog posts and other web pages. This enables search engines, content aggregators, and other automated tools to correctly label the references so they're more easily searchable. Bibleref is part of a general movement toward markup that expresses more semantic, rather than presentational, element.
tailwindcss.com tailwindcss.com
I’ve written a few thousand words on why traditional “semantic class names” are the reason CSS is hard to maintain, but the truth is you’re never going to believe me until you actually try it.
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
Mattei, M., Caldarelli, G., Squartini, T., & Saracco, F. (2021). Italian Twitter semantic network during the Covid-19 epidemic. EPJ Data Science, 10(1), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-021-00301-x
My understanding is that the caret is the answer for traditional SemVer, i.e., there will be breaking changes prior to 0.1.0, there may be breaking changes between minor versions prior to 1.0.0, and there may only be breaking changes between major versions above 1.0.0.
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
since table data is essentially an ordered collection of items, it seems natural to use ordered lists.
- Aug 2021
The TypeScript team has made it clear. They do not follow semver. "minor" (X.X) releases can contain breaking changes. Major releases (X) have very little meaning.
github.com github.com
For better or worse, TS doesn't do semantic versioning; see #31761
www.benmyers.dev www.benmyers.dev
Curious double entendre title here.
Note to self: I should use these patterns more.
- Jul 2021
direnv.net direnv.net
A semantic command dispatch intended for loading external dependencies into the environment.
- Jun 2021
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
semantically target the element
- Apr 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The use of U+212B 'Angstrom sign', which was encoded due to round-trip mapping compatibility with an East-Asian character encoding, is discouraged, and the preferred representation is U+00C5 'capital letter A with ring above', which has the same glyph.
Is there a difference in semantic meaning between the two? And if so, what is it? 
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It should be defined inline. If you are using the img tag, that image should have semantic value to the content, which is why the alt attribute is required for validation. If the image is to be part of the layout or template, you should use a tag other than the img tag and assign the image as a CSS background to the element. In this case, the image has no semantic meaning and therefore doesn't require the alt attribute. I'm fairly certain that most screen readers would not even know that a CSS image exists.
I believed this when I first read it, but changed my mind when I read this good rebuttal: https://hyp.is/f1ndKJ5eEeu_IBtubiLybA/stackoverflow.com/questions/640190/image-width-height-as-an-attribute-or-in-css
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Which HTML tag I should use to enclose such notes to add a semantic meaning of a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow?
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The hierarchical structure of semantic fields can be mostly seen in hyponymy.
Good explanation about semantic fields.
I assume the same or an even stronger statement can be made about semantic classes (which to me are like more clear-cut, distinct semantic fields), then? 
A hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is more specific than its hypernym.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Is this topic part of linguistics too? Or only semantics?
A semantic class contains words that share a semantic feature.
For example within nouns there are two sub classes, concrete nouns and abstract nouns.
The concrete nouns include people, plants, animals, materials and objects while the abstract nouns refer to concepts such as qualities, actions, and processes.
Semantic classes may intersect. The intersection of female and young can be girl.
More examples are given at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_feature:
- 'female' + 'performer' = 'actress'
(Not answered on this stub article)
What, precisely, is the distinction/difference between a semantic class and a semantic field? At the very least, you would say that they are themselves both very much within the same semantic field.
So, is a semantic class distinct from a semantic field in that semantic class is a more well-defined/clear-cut semantic field? And a semantic field is a more fluid, nebulous, not well-defined field (in the same sense as a magnetic field, which has no distinct boundary whatsoever, only a decay as you move further away from its source) ("semantic fields are constantly flowing into each other")?
If so, could you even say that a semantic class is a kind of (hyponym) of semantic field?
Maybe I should pose this question on a semantics forum.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Some types exist as descriptions of objects, but not as tangible physical objects. One can show someone a particular bicycle, but cannot show someone, explicitly, the type "bicycle", as in "the bicycle is popular."
The words type, concept, property, quality, feature and attribute (all used in describing things) tend to be used with different verbs. E.g. Suppose a rose bush is defined as a plant that is "thorny", "flowering" and "bushy". You might say a rose bush instantiates these three types, or embodies these three concepts, or exhibits these three properties, or possesses these three qualities, features or attributes.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A semantic similarity network (SSN) is a special form of semantic network.[1] designed to represent concepts and their semantic similarity. Its main contribution is reducing the complexity of calculating semantic distances.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
'female' + 'performer' = 'actress'
An individual semantic feature constitutes one component of a word's intention, which is the inherent sense or concept evoked.
Would this be referring, then, to explicit meaning or implicit meaning -- or neither?
The semantic features of a word can be notated using a binary feature notation common to the framework of componential analysis.[11] A semantic property is specified in square brackets and a plus or minus sign indicates the existence or non-existence of that property.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Semantic class
semantic fields are constantly flowing into each other
The English word "man" used to mean "human being" exclusively, while today it predominantly means "adult male," but its semantic field still extends in some uses to the generic "human"
Synonymy requires the sharing of a sememe or seme, but the semantic field is a larger area surrounding those.
A general and intuitive description is that words in a semantic field are not necessarily synonymous, but are all used to talk about the same general phenomenon.
A semantic field denotes a segment of reality symbolized by a set of related words. The words in a semantic field share a common semantic property
grouped semantically (by meaning)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
semantic domain or semantic field
What, then, is the difference between a semantic domain and a semantic field? The way they are used here, it's almost as if they are listing them in order to emphasis that they are synonyms ... but I'm not sure.
From the later examples of basketball (https://hyp.is/ynKbXI1BEeuEheME3sLYrQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_domain) and coffee shop, however, I am pretty certain that semantic domain is quite different from (broader than) semantic field.
For instance English has a domain ‘Rain’, which includes words such as rain, drizzle, downpour, raindrop, puddle.
"rain" seems more like a semantic field — a group of very related or nearly synonymous words — than a semantic field.
Esp. when you consider the later example of basketball (https://hyp.is/ynKbXI1BEeuEheME3sLYrQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_domain) and coffee shop, which are more like the sense of "field" that means (academic/scientific/etc.) discipline.
For instance, in basketball there are many words that are specific to the sport. Free throw, court, half court, three pointer, and point guard are all terms that are specific to the sport of basketball. These words make very little sense when used outside of the semantic domain of basketball.
But this example seems so different than the first example they gave, "rain", which seems more like a semantic field — a group of very related or nearly synonymous words.
In lexicography a semantic domain or semantic field is defined as "an area of meaning and the words used to talk about it
Semantic domains are the foundational concept for initial stages of vernacular dictionary building projects.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
meaningful or meaningless – for example, whether a given word is part of a language's lexicon with a generally understood meaning
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
is the capacity for a word or phrase to have multiple meanings, usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Kozlowski, Diego, Jennifer Dusdal, Jun Pang, and Andreas Zilian. ‘Semantic and Relational Spaces in Science of Science: Deep Learning Models for Article Vectorisation’. ArXiv:2011.02887 [Physics], 5 November 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.02887.
github.com github.com
The semantic has changed a bit as far as I understand. You need to select a pipeline in debug mode.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Usually when people are talking about code being semantically correct, they're referring to the code that accurately describes something.
HTML elements have meaning. "Semantically correct" means that your elements mean what they are supposed to.
Semantically correct usage of elements means that you use them for what they are meant to be used for.
It means that you're calling something what it actually is.
Another example: a list (<ul> or <ol>) should generally be used to group similar items (<li>). You could use a div for the group and a <span> for each item, and style each span to be on a separate line with a bullet point, and it might look the way you want. But "this is a list" conveys more information.
The classic example is that if something is a table, it should contain rows and columns of data. To use that for layout is semantically incorrect - you're saying "this is a table" when it's not.
Browsers can correctly apply your CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), describing how each type of content should look. You can offer alternative styles, or users can use their own; as long as you've labeled your elements semantically, rules like "I want headlines to be huge" will be usable.
Screen readers for the blind can help them fill out a form more easily if the logical sections are broken into fieldsets with one legend for each one. A blind user can hear the legend text and decide, "oh, I can skip this section," just as a sighted user might do by reading it.
Mobile phones can switch to a numeric keyboard when they see a form input of type="tel" (for telephone numbers).
Knowing what your elements are lets browsers use sensible defaults for how they should look and behave. This means you have less customization work to do and are more likely to get consistent results in different browsers.
All of this semantic labeling helps machines parse your content, which helps users.
Fits the ideal behind HTML HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language"; its purpose is to mark up, or label, your content. The more accurately you mark it up, the better. New elements are being introduced in HTML5 to more accurately label common web page parts, such as headers and footers.
- reasonable defaults
- calling something what it actually is (semantic labeling)
- good explanation
- good example
- example
- semantic markup
- advantages/merits/pros
- be specific
- definition
- semantic meaning
- semantically correct
- web: accessibility
- conveys more information (semantic)
- explanation
- good point
- use meaningful names (programming)
- fundamental principles/paradigm of the Web
- simple explanation
- explicit meaning
- consistency across all platforms
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
You don’t need to do any tricky cursor stuff, because it’s all semantically wired up already.
always use real <label for="correct_input"> elements. Just that alone is a UX consideration all too many forms fail on
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Semantics are mostly relevant for nesting
Remember, in a railway activity each task has two standard outputs with the “semantics” success and failure.
By using Output(:semantic), you can select an existing output of the task and rewire it.
Since you can reference outputs by their semantic, you as a modeller only connect conceptual termini to ongoing connections!
- Feb 2021
alistapart.com alistapart.com
I use <b>s for the decorative portions of the layout because they’re purely decorative elements. There’s no content to strongly emphasize or to boldface, and semantically a <b> isn’t any better or worse than a <span>. It’s just a hook on which to hang some visual effects. And it’s shorter, so it minimizes page bloat (not that a few characters will make all that much of a difference). More to the point, the <b>’s complete lack of semantic meaning instantly flags it in the markup as being intentionally non-semantic. It is, in that meta sense, self-documenting.
- Jan 2021
publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
You can style a link to look button-like Perhaps some of the confusion between links and buttons is stuff like this: <img loading="lazy" src="https://i1.wp.com/css-tricks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Screen-Shot-2020-01-08-at-8.55.49-PM.png?resize=264%2C142&ssl=1" alt="" class="wp-image-301534" width="264" height="142" data-recalc-dims="1" />Very cool “button” style from Katherine Kato. That certainly looks like a button! Everyone would call that a button. Even a design system would likely call that a button and perhaps have a class like .button { }. But! A thing you can click that says “Learn More” is very much a link, not a button. That’s completely fine, it’s just yet another reminder to use the semantically and functionally correct element.
- Dec 2020
material-ui.com material-ui.com
Heading hierarchy. Don't skip heading levels. In order to solve this problem, you need to separate the semantics from the style.
github.com github.com
Unless we choose to use the semver ju-jitsu of calling the changes a bugfix
- Nov 2020
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I've spent the last 3.5 years building a platform for "information applications". The key observation which prompted this was that hierarchical file systems didn't work well for organising information within an organisation.However, hierarchy itself is still incredibly valuable. People think in terms of hierarchies - it's just that they think in terms of multiple hierarchies and an item will almost always belong in more than one place in those hierarchies.If you allow users to describe items in the way which makes sense to them, and then search and browse by any of the terms they've used, then you've eliminated almost all the frustrations of a file system. In my experience of working with people building complex information applications, you need: * deep hierarchy for classifying things * shallow hierarchy for noting relationships (eg "parent company") * multi-values for every single field * controlled values (in our case by linking to other items wherever possible) Unfortunately, none of this stuff is done well by existing database systems. Which was annoying, because I had to write an object store.
Impressed by this comment. It foreshadows what Roam would become:
- People think in terms of items belonging to multiple hierarchies
- If you allow users to describe items in a way that makes sense to them and allow them to search and browse by any of the terms they've used, you've solved many of the problems of existing file systems
What you need to build a complex information system is:
- Deep hierarchies for classifying things (overlapping hierarchies should be possible)
- Shallow hierarchies for noting relationships (Roam does this with a flat structure)
- Multi-values for every single field
- Controlled values (e.g. linking to other items when possible)
www.ontotext.com www.ontotext.com
Semantically Annotated Content Opens Up Cost-Effective Opportunities: Search beyond keywords; Content aggregation beyond manual sifting through; Relationships discovery beyond human research.
Benefits of semantic annotation
- Search beyond keywords
- Content aggregation
- Discovering relationships
- Oct 2020
html.com html.com
New Semantic Tags Added by HTML5
- Sep 2020
flaviocopes.com flaviocopes.com
The versions must be compatible, so if a peerDependency is listed as 2.x, you can’t install 1.x or another version. It all follows semantic versioning.
react-spectrum.adobe.com react-spectrum.adobe.com
The fully styleable primitives that the web offers (e.g. <div>) are quite powerful, but they lack semantic meaning. This means that accessibility is often missing because assistive technology cannot make sense of the div soup that we use to implement our components.
hiddedevries.nl hiddedevries.nl
The benefit of using the <ul> (unordered list) element are plenty: it will stay a list outside the context of our page, for example in Safari Reader mode, it will show as a list when printed with stylesheet turned off, it will show as a list for people who use screenreaders, it is a list (screenreaders can announce things like ‘list, 3 items’).
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
semantic markup was of key importance
- Apr 2020
www.w3.org www.w3.org
This graph view is the easiest possible mental model for RDF and is often used in easy-to-understand visual explanations
- Feb 2020
instructionaldesign.com.au instructionaldesign.com.au
The wiki can be used as a semantic networking tool, a way to construct meaningful connections between topics, ideas or concepts. A semantic network is composed of nodes (such as wiki pages ) with meaningful links (hyperlinks) connecting them. A semantic network of wikis can help learners to organize their ideas and to convey that organisation of ideas to others (Jonassen et al, 1999, p.165)
semantic networking tool: a way to construct meaningful connections between topics, ideas or concepts. A semantic network is composed of nodes (such as wiki pages) with meaningful links (hyperlinks) connecting them. The pages are nodes the hyperlinks are the meaningful links. You can also see how important a concept is by the times it appears in other pages.s
www.vice.com www.vice.com
- Jan 2020
twobithistory.org twobithistory.org
www.semantic-mediawiki.org www.semantic-mediawiki.org
- Dec 2019
wellcomeopenresearch.org wellcomeopenresearch.org
broaden the definition of a ‘researcher’ to include a molecular biologist and basic science researcher, and to widen the scope of research ethics
In order to adapt to new contexts, policy diffusion often triggers such semantic drift of key concepts.
Would be great to see that linked to the policy learning framework.
- Sep 2019
ogp.me ogp.me
www.semantic-web-journal.net www.semantic-web-journal.net
- Feb 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
for example, comments and identifiers
Some better illustrated examples can be found in UBCx: SoftConst2x - Software Construction: Object Oriented Design's course lecture on Coupling.
- Dec 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A semantic treebank is a collection of natural language sentences annotated with a meaning representation. These resources use a formal representation of each sentence's semantic structure.
- Oct 2018
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Do neural networks dream of semantics?
Neural networks in visual analysis, linguistics Knowledge graph applications
- Data integration,
- Visualization
- Exploratory search
- Question answering
Future goals: neuro-symbolic integration (symbolic reasoning and machine learning)
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Intelligent agents the vision revisited
Memex, 1945 (for storing individual memories) License + societal norms + interoperability
dkm-static.fbk.eu dkm-static.fbk.eu
Learning Expressive Ontological Concept Descriptions via Neural NetworksMARCO ROSPOCHERTheRoadLessTraveledTransforming a sentence into an axiom
Building ontology from text: transforming a sentence into an axiom.
- Nov 2017
www.imsglobal.org www.imsglobal.org
An institution has implemented a learning management system (LMS). The LMS contains a learning object repository (LOR) that in some aspects is populated by all users across the world who use the same LMS. Each user is able to align his/her learning objects to the academic standards appropriate to that jurisdiction. Using CASE 1.0, the LMS is able to present the same learning objects to users in other jurisdictions while displaying the academic standards alignment for the other jurisdictions (associations).
Sounds like part of the problem Vitrine technologie-éducation has been tackling with Ceres, a Learning Object Repository with a Semantic core.
events.educause.edu events.educause.edu
Moving to a Web of Linked Data for Credential Ecosystems
Oh? Credentials going Semantic? CBE going TBL?
Might be worth a deeper discussion with @jeffgrann, at some point.
- Apr 2017
www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org
hat Velterop essentially does is to generalize the Wikipedia implementation of distributed contributions by linking it to the semantic web
Fascinating. Mark this for followup.
- Mar 2017
- Feb 2017
wiki.dbpedia.org wiki.dbpedia.orgDBpedia1
semanticweb.org semanticweb.org
www.cyc.com www.cyc.com
demo.dbpedia-spotlight.org demo.dbpedia-spotlight.org
lod-cloud.net lod-cloud.net
www.sensebot.net www.sensebot.net
labs.sparna.fr labs.sparna.fr
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.orgWikidata1
query.wikidata.org query.wikidata.org
cognonto.com cognonto.com
cognonto.com cognonto.com
semanticweb.org semanticweb.org
en.lodlive.it en.lodlive.it
www.w3.org www.w3.org
- Aug 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
I Annotate 2016 shows that it’s ready for prime time.
Will 2017 be “the year of annotations”?
- Jun 2016
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
produce schema-aware writing tools that everyone can use to add new documents to a nascent semantic web
That dream does live on. Since Vannevar’s 1945 article on the Memex, we’ve been dreaming of such tools. Our current tools are quite far from that dream.
Annotation can help us weave that web of linked data.
This pithy statement brings together all sorts of previous annotations. Would be neat to map them.
- Apr 2016
dauwhe.github.io dauwhe.github.io
Is it possible to add information to a resource without touching it?
That’s something we’ve been doing, yes.
- Mar 2016
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
Open data
Sadly, there may not be much work on opening up data in Higher Education. For instance, there was only one panel at last year’s international Open Data Conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUtQBC4SqTU
Looking at the interoperability of competency profiles, been wondering if it could be enhanced through use of Linked Open Data.
- Feb 2016
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Semantic Mapping vs. Pictorial Cues
- Jan 2016
manual.calibre-ebook.com manual.calibre-ebook.com
Set Semantics¶ This tool is used to set semantics in EPUB files. Semantics are simply, links in the OPF file that identify certain locations in the book as having special meaning. You can use them to identify the foreword, dedication, cover, table of contents, etc. Simply choose the type of semantic information you want to specify and then select the location in the book the link should point to. This tool can be accessed via Tools->Set semantics.
Though it’s described in such a simple way, there might be hidden power in adding these tags, especially when we bring eBooks to the Semantic Web. Though books are the prime example of a “Web of Documents”, they can also contribute to the “Web of Data”, if we enable them. It might take long, but it could happen.
- Dec 2015
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
you can tag questions with difficulty level and Bloom’s Taxonomy level
With SmartBooks, students can see the important content highlighted
Like an algorithmic version of Hypothesis? Is McGraw-Hill part of the Coalition? Looks like it isn’t. Is it a “for us or against us” situation?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
personal note taking, peer review, copy editing, post publication discussion, journal clubs, classroom uses, automated classification, deep linking
Useful list, almost a roadmap or set of scenarios. The last two might be especially intriguing, in view of the Semantic Web.