2,794 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. Fédérations de parents d’élèves : FCPE et PEEP

      il semble que la FCPE ait été consulté, mais qui ?

    2. Le second objectif consisterait à faire partager le diagnostic par tous les acteurs, les personnels d'encadrement, les personnels enseignants et ATOSS, les parents d'élèves et les collectivités territoriales. Les instances telles que les comités techniques paritaires académique et départementaux (CTPA, CTPD) et les conseils académique et départementaux
    3. Cette dispersion des responsabilités nuit gravement à la mise en œuvre d’actions dynamiques attendues notamment par les associations de parents d’élèves
    4. Une volonté d’organisation des tableaux de bord
    1. mongoose.model


      When you call mongoose.model() on a schema, Mongoose compiles a model for you. The first argument is the singular name of the collection your model is for. Mongoose automatically looks for the plural, lowercased version of your model name. https://mongoosejs.com/docs/models.html#compiling

    1. Extend ActionConfig interface in rfc-extended.d.ts file with new params: import * as RFC from 'react-fetching-library'; declare module 'react-fetching-library' { export interface ActionConfig { // Only new params skipAuth: boolean; params: any; }; }
  2. Aug 2020
    1. If you are a senior, try talking to a junior or someone less experienced than you. Many companies are running what is called ”reverse mentoring” programs where juniors coach senior members of a company. Senior’s experience is traded for a fresh perspective from a junior. You’d be amazed at how much you could learn and share.
    2. Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
    1. D'autres "barrières" sont prescrite mais pas forcément réalisables. Le protocole impose le lavage des mais pendant 30 secondes à l'arrivée, avant chaque repas, apres être allé aux toilettes, avant de renter chez "ou dès l'arrivée au domicile". Mais on sait qu'un quart des établissements n'a pas les installations suffisantes pour cela.
    2. Le plan invite les académies à constituer « un pool d’équipements informatiques mobiles homogènes (mêmes ordinateurs et applications) pour prêt aux élèves et professeurs pour l’enseignement à distance, sans qu’on sache bien d’où viendraient ces matériels. Les ordinateurs des établissements et des écoles appartiennent aux collectivités locales et non à l’éducation nationale. Et cela ne résout pas la question des accès Internet
    3. Mais aucune obligation n’a été faite aux collectivités locales de rendre cette recommandation possible en faisant les travaux nécessaires durant l’été
    4. Seulement 43% des établissements secondaires (collèges et lycées) affectent des moyens financiers à l’éducation à l’orientation. Sur les 867 millions du plan étudiant , pas un euro ne finance des actions dédiées à l’orientation.
    5. les 54 heures annuelles dédiées à l’orientation ne sont plus financées ce qui revient à ce que les établissements arbitrent entre l’éducation à l’orientation et le maintien d’options ou de dédoublements. Le même problème se pose au collège pour les 12 heures de 4ème et les 36 heures de 3ème.
    1. FWIW, I would have raised it earlier if I thought it would have made a difference.

      This is different from apathy; it's more like powerlessness.

    2. If we've gone more than a year without this being a problem in the slightest, I don't see how the next year would be any different.
    3. But it's easy to imagine that the caption was incorrect for too long because those who know the language, know where the mistake is, and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it.

      those who know the language, know where the mistake is, In other words, they can easily spot the mistake and no better than to repeat it themselves, but either are powerless or too lazy to actually fix it on SE.

      and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it. So those who should no better are inadvertently perpetuating the mistake and teaching others that it is an acceptable/correct usage.

    4. Can't upvote this enough. It is highly irritating to see language destroyed (and we wonder why kids bastardize the language..).
    1. my point is that using "into" in such a case is just as incorrect as using "inas" would be. The fact that people make mistakes doesn't change this.

      "Log in" is the only correct way to spell the verb, and the only way to be consistent with 1000s of other phrasal verbs that are spelled with a space in them.

      We don't need nor want an exception to the general rule just for "login" just because so many people have made that mistake.

    2. As a web designer, I hate that "log in" creates a visual space between the words. If you line up "Log In Register" - is that three links or two? This creates a Gestalt problem, meaning you have to really fiddle with spacing to get the word groupings right, without using pipe characters.

      Sure, you can try to solve that problem by using a one-word alternative for any multi-word phrase, but that's not always possible: there isn't always a single word that can be used for every possible phrase you may have.

      Adjusting the letter-spacing and margin between items in your list isn't that hard and would be better in the long run since it gives you a scalable, general solution.

      "Log in" is the only correct way to spell the verb, and the only way to be consistent with 1000s of other phrasal verbs that are spelled with a space in them.

      We don't need nor want an exception to the general rule just for "login" just because so many people have made that mistake.

    3. I don't doubt that we will soon treat the process of logging in as a figurative point of entry, meaning that log into will make full conceptual sense (cf you don't physically delve into a problem or pile into an argument, yet both are correct grammatically because they are semantically [i.e. figuratively])
    1. Les manifestations nautiquesArrêté interministériel du 3 mai 1995 modifié relatif aux manifestations nautiques ;Arrêté n° 2010/08 du préfet maritime de l’Atlantique du 18 février 2010 portant réglementation des manifestations nautiques dans les eaux relevant de la compétence du préfet maritime de l’Atlantique ;Arrêté n° 2011/37 du préfet maritime de l’Atlantique du 24 juin 2011 Tous les renseignements sur les manifestations nautiques sont disponibles sur le site de la préfecture maritime («Informations pratiques / démarches / déclaration d’une manifestation nautique»).
    2. L’utilisation de l’outil data.shom.fr est recommandée pour établir ces représentations. Des notices d’emploi de cet outil sont disponibles sur le site du SHOM :http://diffusion.shom.fr/ref/imagettes/AIDE/guide_dessin_data_simple.pdfhttp://diffusion.shom.fr/ref/imagettes/AIDE/guide_dessin_data_avance.pdf
    3. Une représentation graphique du balisage de la plage figure en annexe de ces deux arrêtés.

      intéressant à exploiter

    4. Le plan de balisage est ensuite constitué par un arrêté signé par le maire portant sur la baignade et les engins de plage et un arrêté du préfet maritime portant sur la circulation maritime et sur les activités relevant de sa compétence
    5. Le maire réglemente par arrêté la baignade et les activités nautiques pratiquées à partir du rivage avec des engins de plage ou des engins nautiques non-immatriculés dans la bande littorale de 300 mètres.
    1. New information that would be useful toward the future usage or troubleshooting of GitLab should not be written directly in a forum or other messaging system, but added to a docs MR and then referenced, as described above.
    2. When you encounter new information not available in GitLab’s documentation (for example, when working on a support case or testing a feature), your first step should be to create a merge request (MR) to add this information to the docs. You can then share the MR in order to communicate this information.
    1. There is an observable widespread tendency to give an awk answer to almost everything, but that should not be inferred as a rule to be followed, and if there's (say) a Python answer that involves less programming then surely that is quite on point as an answer for a readership of users.
    2. Acknowledge programmer questions for what they are and wede the scope further by offering a programmer's answer. One written in a proper programming language.
  3. unix.meta.stackexchange.com unix.meta.stackexchange.com
    1. Remember that Unix’s forte (or not, depending on your point of view) has always been that it’s a self-hosted operating system designed to make it easy to develop itself, and the result is (still) that advanced system administration often ends up being programming in one way or another. In such a context, exposure to better tools and techniques is good for everyone.
  4. Jul 2020
    1. "that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
    1. This isn’t an accident. OpenOffice’s sidebar code was copied and incorporated into LibreOffice. The Apache OpenOffice project uses the Apache License, while the LibreOffice uses a dual LGPLv3 / MPL license. The practical result is LibreOffice can take OpenOffice’s code and incorporate it into LibreOffice — the licenses are compatible. On the other hand, LibreOffice has some features — like font embedding — that don’t appear in OpenOffice. This is because the two different licenses only allow a one-way transfer of code. LibreOffice can incorporate OpenOffice’s code, but OpenOffice can’t incorporate LibreOffice’s code. This is the result of the different licenses the projects chose.

      What part of LGPLv3 / MPL prevents LibreOffice code from being incorporated back into OpenOffice's Apache Licensed code??

    1. Take a look at the slogans of some of the popular companies.

      Hmm, are these taglines or slogans? According to https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/slogan-vs-tagline-12643.html:

      A tagline should represent your business, while a slogan represents a single product or is part of an advertising campaign

      it seems that these are more taglines than slogans.

    1. As mentioned earlier in these guidelines, it is very important that controllers assess the purposes forwhich data is actually processed and the lawful grounds on which it is based prior to collecting thedata. Often companies need personal data for several purposes, and the processing is based on morethan one lawful basis, e.g. customer data may be based on contract and consent. Hence, a withdrawalof consent does not mean a controller must erase data that are processed for a purpose that is basedon the performance of the contract with the data subject. Controllers should therefore be clear fromthe outset about which purpose applies to each element of data and which lawful basis is being reliedupon.
    1. In your environment you may want to always configure internationalization, routers, user data etc. If you have many different React roots it can be a pain to set up configuration nodes all over the place. By creating your own wrapper you can unify that configuration into one place.
    1. In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.

      Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?

      Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.

      Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?

    2. This improved readability

      Not really. How?

    3. inaccurate

      How is the use of - for sets inaccurate?

    4. Introducing alias doesn't work in my opinion, I think it is better to think what the best option is than having many options for the same.
    1. Added `Array#union` and `Array#difference` instance method.

      It appears that this PR built on (was based on) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/1747/files.

      That seems perfectly reasonably to me in this case. Better than creating 2 completely independent PRs that both modified some of the same lines (requiring/forcing a conflict).

      The only downside is that it arbitrarily chooses one PR to be the parent of the other, when they should more intuitively be thought of as siblings/co-equals.

      I like how both PRs both say that they "This solves partially https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14097"

    1. Matz, alas, I cannot offer one. You see, Ruby--coding generally--is just a hobby for me. I spend a fair bit of time answering Ruby questions on SO and would have reached for this method on many occasions had it been available. Perhaps readers with development experience (everybody but me?) could reflect on whether this method would have been useful in projects they've worked on.
    1. que nous confions à des machines presque toujours à portée de nos mains et dont les capacités doublent tous les dix-huit mois pour le même prix

      L'utilisation de la mémoire extérieur est devenue très simple et moins cher, notre mémoire extérieure est dans la poche. Le comportement human est pratique et c'est plus ecologique à prendre le portable pour voir un numéro que la mémoriser. Pourtant, il semble ça coute plus cher à long terme et on paye avec notre mémoire à long terme et, par conséquant, avec notre capacité mentale

  5. Jun 2020
    1. This means you no longer have to declare inverse_of on two associations which have good names.

      ... which have good names.

      This implies that those names where the inverse_of cannot automatically be inferred are bad names. I disagree that a "good name" is at all related/dependent on that ability.

      What they should say here instead is:

      ... which have names that allow the relationship to be easily inferred.

      Or refer to these names as the "default" or "Rails conventional" names for these associations.

      But it is not necessarily a better name. A better name is, quite often, one that is more descriptive and specific.

      For example, just because by default if you use rails generate with a User model, it might (I don't remember; can it even generate associations?) create a belongs_to :user association doesn't mean that's the best name for it. belongs_to :author or belongs_to :owner, for example, being more specific, are likely better names. The model still needs a generic name like User because it may be used in various relationships, but the relationships themselves should pretty much never be called user because there's almost always a more specific name that better reveals/describes the relationship.

    1. Au-delà de cette tendance de fond, ce sont de nouveaux modèles économiques et sociaux qui se mettent en place et qui nous rappellent l’économie à la tâche que nous avons déjà connue au XIXe siècle. Alors, retour vers le passé ou changement total de paradigme ?

      C'est ici que se pose la question argumentative. L'auteur se demande si cette révolution numérique avec tous les changements sociaux et économiques qui vont avec, est en soi un nouvel équilibre (la gig economy) des forces économiques et sociales au sein de la société ou bien est-ce une régression vers un modèle d'économie à la tâche qui existait déjà au XIX ème siècle,mais qui serait cette fois-ci, généralisé au niveau mondial. . Nous avons donc ici la problématique posée sous forme dialectique. Je peux déjà mettre pro puisque la conclusion nous le confirmera.

    1. Recommandation 19Le Défenseur des droits recommande à l’État et aux collectivités territoriales de mettre en place des outils permettant d’évaluer les moyens nécessaires à la mise en œuvre effective des politiques publiques en faveur de l’enfance, et de s’assurer que les crédits nécessaires soient affectés conformément aux résultats de cette évaluation.
    2. La violence ne résulte pas seulement de passages à l’acte. Elle peut être engendrée par la carence d’une institution publique qui ne répond pas aux besoins de l’enfant, ne respecte pas ses droits ou ne fait pas de son intérêt supérieur une considération primordiale. Elle est alors indirecte, moins visible et conscientisée
    3. en formant les professionnels à la gestion de la violence et à la contenance éducative, et en rappelant aux responsables qu’ils doivent en toutes circonstances privilégier la protection de l’enfant.

      La contenance éducative est un concept intéressant à développer

    4. •Améliorer le contrôle Recommandation 8Le Défenseur des droits recommande l’amélioration des évaluations et des contrôles des établissements et services prenant en charge des enfants. Il insiste sur la nécessité de disposer d’un système d’évaluation et de contrôle des établissements et services sociaux et médico-sociaux transparent, impartial et reposant sur un référentiel commun.Il recommande que chaque autorité compétente pour autoriser l’établissement ou le service social ou médico-social ou l’habiliter à recevoir des mineurs confiés sur décision de justice, et particulièrement la préfecture, assume son entière responsabilité dans le contrôle et le bon fonctionnement de celui-ci et l’accompagne dans une démarche d’amélioration continue.

      Page 17 valable aussi pour le climat scolaire et les conseils de disciplines.

    5. Recommandation 11Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux conseils départementaux la mise en œuvre effective dans les meilleurs délais du projet pour l’enfant, lequel doit permettre d’identifier les besoins de l’enfant et les réponses à y apporter. Il rappelle à l’État la responsabilité qui lui incombe, malgré la décentralisation, en matière de protection de l’enfance et l’invite à s’assurer que l’ensemble des droits et besoins fondamentaux soient assurés à chaque enfant accueilli en protection de l’enfance.
    6. Recommandation 6Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux établissements et services sociaux et médico-sociaux d’élaborer un protocole de gestion des situations de violences entre enfants, fixant une procédure claire, respectueuse des droits de la défense, et des sanctions graduelles pour chaque acte de violence. Dans ce cadre, l’exclusion ne doit intervenir qu’en dernier recours, lorsque, après consultation des différents intervenants auprès de l’enfant, la poursuite de son accompagnement par la même structure ne peut être envisagée et qu’un nouvel établissement ou service pouvant le prendre en charge a été trouvé

      valable en école et EPLE

    7. Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux conseils départementaux la mise en œuvre effective dans les meilleurs délais du projet pour l’enfant, lequel doit permettre d’identifier les besoins de l’enfant et les réponses à y apporter.
    8. Enfin, le renforcement de l’éducation des enfants et adolescents à la sexualité est indispensable pour favoriser les signalements.
    1. qui portent atteinte aux droits de l’enfant, et au besoin fondamental de sécurité mis en exergue par la récente conférence de consensus2.
    1. Les interviews ont été réalisées par questionnaires en ligne du 21au 24avril 2020.

      je ne comprends pas comment l'ifop a pu faire répondre ces familles non connectées via des "interviews ont été réalisées par questionnaires en ligne du 21au 24avril 2020."

  6. www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
    1. Les comités d'entente sont des groupes de dialogue, réunis tous les 6 mois, qui regroupent les acteurs de la société civile et le Défenseur des droits. Ils sont au nombre de 7 : comité d'entente santécomité d'entente LGBTI (Lesbiennes, Gays, Bi, Trans et Intersexes)comité d'entente pour l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommescomité d'entente pour la protection de l'enfancecomité d'entente avec les associations du handicapcomité d'entente originescomité d'entente avancée en âge Ces comités constituent des instances de concertation et de réflexion. Ils dressent un état des lieux des difficultés rencontrées sur le terrain, alimentent les réflexions sur les propositions de réformes et font connaître les prises de positions du Défenseur des droits.

      rien directement concernant l'éducation mais la FCPE aurait ca place dans nombre d'entre eux

    1. Les lanceurs d'alerteComme l’évoque l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe, « les lanceurs d’alerte jouent un rôle essentiel dans toute démocratie ouverte et transparente. La reconnaissance qui leur est accordée et l’efficacité de leur protection en droit et en pratique contre toutes sortes de représailles constituent un véritable “marqueur” démocratique, ainsi qu’une question de droits fondamentaux (liberté d’expression et d’information). Révéler des dysfonctionnements graves dans l’intérêt public doit devenir le réflexe normal de tout citoyen responsable ayant pris connaissance de dangers graves pour l’intérêt général » [APCE 2019].

      On pourrait considérer qu'un parent ou un personnel qui signale un fait puisse entrer dans cette catégorie.

    2. Le Défenseur des droits est particulièrement préoccupé par les difficultés de scolarisation et les délais d’affectation souvent longs rencontrés par les enfants allophones.
    3. Ces chiffres, relativement faibles, mettent en évidence le déficit de notoriété dont souffrent les « droits de l’enfant », comme l’a déjà constaté le Défenseur des droits : selon l’enquête « Accès aux droits », en population générale, seule une personne sur deux est en capacité de citer spontanément au moins un droit de l’enfant [Défenseur des droits 2020, Vellut 2019]. Les principaux droits mentionnés sont : le droit à l’éducation, le droit d’être protégé contre les maltraitances ou encore le droit d’être en bonne santé.
    4. Analyses territorialesLe nombre de réclamantes et réclamants par territoire (l’échelle régionale est ici privilégiée) doit s’apprécier à l’aune de la notoriété variable de l’institution selon les territoires, de la diversité des modalités de saisines de l’institution (par exemple, les grandes aires urbaines sont surreprésentées au sein des saisines en ligne, ce qui renvoie, en partie à la répartition de la population active et aux enjeux de fracture numérique) et doit être rapporté à la densité démographique des territoires concernés. À cet égard, il convient de remarquer que la présence de permanences de proximité, déconcentrées, permet à l’institution d’assurer une meilleure égalité d’accès aux droits sur les territoires

      L'ile de France étant l'endroit de France avec le plus de recours, nous serions bien inspirer de renforcer nos liens avec les défenseurs des droits locaux

    1. EducadroitAvec la fermeture des établissements scolaires en France, c’est à la maison que s’est exercé le suivi scolaire. En cette période, de nombreuses questions sur l’exercice du droit et des droits ont pu se poser. Le Défenseur des droits a rappelé qu’elles pouvaient être abordées grâce aux outils pédagogiques accessibles en ligne sur le site qu’il a créé, Educadroit.fr, qui vise à sensibiliser les enfants et les jeunes au droit et à leurs droits.
    2. La protection des mineurs non accompagnésLe Défenseur des droits a alerté les autorités locales et le Gouvernement sur la situation et la mise à l’abri des mineurs non accompagnés (MNA) qui, dans un certain nombre de départements, font face à un service d'accueil qui a tout simplement fermé, conduisant à ce que ces mineurs soient traités comme des étrangers adultes.
    3. Protection de l’enfanceLes services départementaux et structures de la protection de l’enfance ont rencontré des difficultés pour assurer la continuité de leurs missions auprès des 340 000 enfants confiés à la protection de l’enfance.
    4. ar ailleurs, suite à l’alerte du Défenseur des droits, le Secrétariat d’État chargé de l’Égalité femmes hommes et de la lutte contre les discriminations a mis en place un dispositif de réclamation sur une adresse de messagerie dédiée pour recevoir les signalements des parents isolés refusés à l’entrée des magasins et intervenir.

      ah ? je ne savais pas

    1. Un renforcement de la compétence d'information sur les métiers et les formations au service de l'orientation tout au long de la vie. Une mission définie dans un cadre national de référence qui a vocation à être déclinée au niveau de chaque région académique. Un choix d'acteurs des secteurs économique, professionnel et associatif mandatés pour mener les actions d'information (les entreprises du territoire, les chambres consulaires, les branches professionnelles, et également des associations locales ou nationales) qui incombe à la Région. Une action concertée au niveau de la région académique pour la mise en œuvre de l'information.

      pas très explicite

    2. les Régions ont désormais la responsabilité d'organiser des actions d'information auprès des élèves, des étudiants et des apprentis sur les métiers et les formations, notamment dans les établissements scolaires et universitaires ;
    3. Au niveau de chaque région académique, ce cadre national de référence a vocation à être décliné sous la forme d'une convention définissant les modalités concrètes de coordination des actions de l'État et des Régions, en précisant le rôle de chacun selon les ressources et spécificités locales. L'objectif est d'articuler les actions d'information des instances régionales avec les priorités définies par la région académique et ainsi de donner davantage de cohérence aux actions des différents acteurs
    1. I could get a lot more done in an 8-9 hour day with a PC and a desk phone than I get done now in a 9-10 hour day with a laptop /tablet / smartphone, which should allow me to be more a lot more productive but just interrupt me. I don't want the mobile flexibility to work anywhere. It sucked in management roles doing a full day then having dinner with friends and family then getting back to unfinished calls and mails. I much prefer to work later then switch off totally at home.
    1. If you've found a problem in Ruby on Rails which is not a security risk, do a search on GitHub under Issues in case it has already been reported. If you are unable to find any open GitHub issues addressing the problem you found, your next step will be to open a new one.
    2. Sometimes, the line between 'bug' and 'feature' is a hard one to draw. Generally, a feature is anything that adds new behavior, while a bug is anything that causes incorrect behavior. Sometimes, the core team will have to make a judgment call.
    1. Une Autorité organisatrice délégataire peut appliquer son propre Règlement intérieur à la condition que le texte précise les obligations des usagers et de leurs responsables légaux ainsi que le régime de sanction et qu’il ne vienne pas en contradiction avec celui édicté par Ile-de-France Mobilités. Ce Règlement intérieur devra être transmis à Ile-de-France Mobilités. L’Autorité organisatrice assurera la diffusion de son Règlement intérieur aux usagers ou à leurs responsables légaux.

      Demander à IDFM de nous les fournir ?

    2. Le dépliant présentant le service de Transport adapté est adressé chaque début d’année scolaire aux familles afin de leur rappeler leurs responsabilités.

      Le dépliant ferait bien de rappeler les responsabilités du transporteur également

    3. Par ailleurs, les conducteurs effectuant des circuits de transports d’élèves et étudiants handicapés doivent disposer des formations obligatoires relatives à la prise en charge de personne à mobilité réduite. Une attestation devra être fournie à l’autorité organisatrice.

      La vérification de l'effectivité et de la qualité des formations auto-certifiées mise en place par les sociétés est à questionner

    4. Relation avec les bénéficiaires Les entreprises de plus de 10 véhicules qui assurent les transports doivent disposer d’une permanence téléphonique pouvant recevoir les appels des parents pour l’information sur les conditions de transport et les annulations de trajets en cas de maladie ou absence justifiée. Elle doit être en contact avec le ou les conducteurs. La permanence téléphonique doit également informer les Etablissements ou les parents d’élèves en cas de retard de plus de 15 minutes

      La qualité et la réalité de cet accueil est à vérifier

    5. Il peut être demandé aux conducteurs d’être en possession d’une Attestation de Formation aux Premiers Secours (AFPS ou équivalent). Celle-ci doit être renouvelée tous les 3 ans
    1. vous

      Pourquoi est ce que pour cette question il a fallu calculer a nouveau le rayon de la terre alors qu'elle était déjà donnée dans un document et que nous l'avons calculer dans la question 13 ? Et que les 3 valeurs ( valeur donnée dans le doc et dans les calculs ) ne sont pas les mêmes

    1. I know you acknowledged your response was late and you're just trying to help but please don't resurrect very old threads.

      This is better than creating a duplicate new thread.

      There is no better place to respond to an existing topic than in the existing thread for that topic.

    1. Some large tech behemoths could hypothetically shoulder the enormous financial burden of handling hundreds of new lawsuits if they suddenly became responsible for the random things their users say, but it would not be possible for a small nonprofit like Signal to continue to operate within the United States. Tech companies and organizations may be forced to relocate, and new startups may choose to begin in other countries instead.
    1. This is a poor solution

      What's so bad about this solution? If it works, it works. And it only requires wrapping in 1 additional block. Pretty simple.

  7. May 2020
    1. Related concepts in other fields are: In natural language, the coordinating conjunction "and". In programming languages, the short-circuit and control structure. In set theory, intersection. In predicate logic, universal quantification.

      Strictly speaking, are these examples of dualities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duality_(mathematics))? Or can I only, at strongest, say they are analogous (a looser coonection)?

    1. ssh-add <(echo "$PRIVATE_KEY")

      Does this have any advantage over simply saving that key to a key file under ~/.ssh?

      Like they do on https://stackoverflow.com/a/61944004/47185:

      mv "$DEPLOY_KEY_PRIVATE" ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    1. For the past few years, we've run GitLab.com as our free SaaS offering, featuring unlimited public and private repositories, unlimited contributors, and access to key features, like issue tracking, code review, CI, and wikis. None of those things are changing! We're committed to providing an integrated solution that supports the entire software development lifecycle at a price where everyone can contribute. So what's changing? Over time, the usage of GitLab.com has grown significantly to the point where we now have over two million projects hosted on GitLab.com and have seen a 16x increase in CI usage over the last year.
    1. This is not a Q&A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic.
    1. We iterate to deliver features, so we often don't have functionality that people expect. For this reason, 'people could reasonably expect this functionality' does not make it a bug.
    1. Cette dimension sera au cœur de la circulaire de rentrée.

      Il faudra l'analyser rapidement

    2. Lycée général, technologique et professionnel Fin mai, un examen de la situation sanitaire permettra de déterminer la possibilité d'étendre la réouverture progressive, le cas échéant, aux lycées.

      pas de réponse avant fin mai

    3. Un plan de reprise départemental, fixant les modalités de la réouverture des écoles, est arrêté par le directeur académique des services de l'éducation nationale. Le directeur d'école informe le conseil d'école des modalités d'organisation retenues.
    1. Disclaimer: Termly LLC is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice.
    1. Vincent Berger a insisté pour sa part sur l’impact du numérique à l’Université.

      Vincent Berger présente les avantages de la pédagogie numérique en plusieurs arguments. Dans leur majorité ces arguments sont dialectiques Pro et épistémiques comparatifs car il s'agit pour l'auteur de défendre les bénéfices de l'enseignement en ligne contre le système éducatif classique en présentiel.

    1. FORUM Higher Education in the Age of Coronavirus Besides overturning the very structure of higher education virtually overnight, COVID-19 will also accelerate a number of troubling longer-term trends—including less public funding and a migration of courses online.

    1. Mojofication, Onion Souping, and the Network Service.

      What is Mojofication?

      What is Onion Souping?

    1. It is a choice to squeeze every last ounce of profit at the expense of privacy, democracy and society. A choice they don’t have to make.
    1. The consent provided by the user is saved in some cookies within the host page’s domain. By verifying the presence or the absence of these cookies you can determine whether the user has given their consent or not.

      But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??

    1. Customizability is a popular word that arose of jargon in software and computer related circles . It is not yet a formally recognized and would not be correct utilized it is not yet a formally recognized and would not be correct utilized in formal writing outside of its common reference to the flexibility of a design and it's ability to be altered to fit the user.
    1. The folks at Netlify created Netlify CMS to fill a gap in the static site generation pipeline. There were some great proprietary headless CMS options, but no real contenders that were open source and extensible—that could turn into a community-built ecosystem like WordPress or Drupal. For that reason, Netlify CMS is made to be community-driven, and has never been locked to the Netlify platform (despite the name).

      Kind of an unfortunate name...

    1. This kind of cookie-based data collection happens elsewhere on the internet. Giant companies use it as a way to assess where their users go as they surf the web, which can then be tied into providing better targeted advertising.
    2. For instance, Google’s reCaptcha cookie follows the same logic of the Facebook “like” button when it’s embedded in other websites—it gives that site some social media functionality, but it also lets Facebook know that you’re there.
    1. Make it clear that signing up is optional. Consent must be “freely given”; you may not coerce users into joining your mailing list or make it appear as if joining the list is mandatory. For this reason, you must make it clear that signing up is optional. This is especially relevant in cases where you offer free white-papers (or e-books) for download. While the user’s email address is required for the delivery of the service, signing up for your newsletter is not. In such a case, you must not make it appear as if signing-up to the newsletter list mandatory and must make it clear that it is optional.

      Question (answer below)

      Are they saying that it's not allowed to make signing up for a mailing list a precondition/requirement for anything? This was surprising to me.

      So if you have a newsletter sign-up page that sends a digital bonus gift (like an e-book) to new subscribers, are required to completely change/repurpose your "newsletter sign-up page" into a "download e-book page" (that has an optional checkbox to also sign up for the newsletter, if you want)? That seems dumb to me, since it requires completely reversing the purpose of the page — which was, in my mind, primarily about signing up for the newsletter, with a bonus (an essentially optional one) thrown in for those who do so. Are you required to either repurpose it like that or remove the free bonus offer that would be sent to new subscribers?

      The irony of this is that it requires websites that have a newsletter sign-up page like that to change it into a "newsletter sign-up page" where the newsletter sign-up part is optional. Which make you look kind of stupid, making a page that claims to be one thing but doesn't necessarily do what it says it's for.

      Does this mean, in effect, that you may not lawfully provide any sort of incentive or reward for signing up for something (like a mailing list)? As long as it's very clear that some action is required before delivery of some thing, I don't see why this sort of thing should not be permitted? Would this fall under contract law? And as such, wouldn't such a contract be allowed and valid? Are mailing lists a special class of [service] that has special requirements like this? Or is it part of a broader category to which this requirement applies more generally?

      Why is requiring the user to provide an email address before they can download a digital reward allowed but not requiring signing up to a mailing list? Why isn't it required that even the email address be optional to provide? (To answer my own question, probably because it's allowed to allow a user to request a specific thing to be sent via email, and an email address is required in order to fulfill that request. But...) It seems that the website could just provide a direct link to download it via HTTP/FTP/etc. as an option for users that chose not to provide an email address. (But should they be required to provide that option anytime they / just because they provide the option to have the same thing delivered via email?)


      Looks like my question was answered below:

      Explicit Form (where the purpose of the sign-up mechanism is unequivocal). So for example, in a scenario where your site has a pop-up window that invites users to sign up to your newsletter using a clear phrase such as: “Subscribe to our newsletter for access to discount vouchers and product updates!“, the affirmative action that the user performs by typing in their email address would be considered valid consent.

      So the case I described, where it is made very clear that the incentive that is offered is conditional on subscribing, is listed as an exception to the general rule. That's good; it should be allowed.

    1. A real-world example of this would be an e-commerce site that allows users to “hold” items in their cart while they’re using the site or for the duration of a session. In this scenario, the technical cookies are both necessary for the functioning of the purchasing service and are explicitly requested by the user when they indicate that they would like to add the item to the cart. Do note, however, that these session-based technical cookies are not tracking cookies.

      I'm not sure I agree with this:

      [the technical cookies] are explicitly requested by the user when they indicate that they would like to add the item to the cart.

      The only thing they requested was that the item be held in a cart for them. They didn't explicitly request that cookies be used to store information about items in the cart. They most likely don't understand all of the options for how to store data like this, and certainly wouldn't know or expect specifically that cookies be used for this.

      In fact, localStorage could be used instead. If it's a single-page app, then even that would be necessary; it could all be kept in page-local variables until they checked out (all on the same page); such that reloading the page would cause the cart data held in those variables to be lost.

    1. the data controller shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and to contest the decision.
    1. Google charges a lot for their translation tool. It is fairly difficult to build something similar without running up against their free API limits or having the user create an API key.
    1. What's terrible and dangerous is a faceless organization deciding to arbitrarily and silently control what I can and can not do with my browser on my computer. Orwell is screaming in his grave right now. This is no different than Mozilla deciding I don't get to visit Tulsi Gabbard's webpage because they don't like her politics, or I don't get to order car parts off amazon because they don't like hyundai, or I don't get to download mods for minecraft, or talk to certain people on facebook.
    2. They don't have to host the extension on their website, but it's absolutely and utterly unacceptable for them to interfere with me choosing to come to github and install it.
    3. I appreciate the vigilance, but it would be even better to actually publish a technical reasoning for why do you folks believe Firefox is above the device owner, and the root user, and why there should be no possibility through any means and configuration protections to enable users to run their own code in the release version of Firefox.
    4. You might try this extension: https://github.com/andreicristianpetcu/google_translate_this It does the same thing in the same way as Page Translator and likely will be blocked by Mozilla, but this is a cat and mouse game worth playing if you rely on full-page in-line language translation.
    1. Motion Picture Association of America Chairman Chris Dodd stated that the coordinated shutdown was "an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today."

      It's not an abuse of power. It's free speech. It's protesting against an awful proposed law.

    1. d’unguide relatf aux établissements sSolaire

      où est ce guide EPLE ?

    2. doStrine élaborée par les autorités sanitaires du pays

      où se trouve la doctrine cité ici ?

    3. un SontaSt régulier entreleurs professeurs et la très grande majorité des élèves.

      Il va falloir revenir sur ce point à l'avenir. Certains disent n'avoir aucunes nouvelles de certains professeurs

    4. rouvrir leséSoles et les établissements sSolaires, progressivement

      le terme "progressif" devrait amener à moins de stress dans les préparatifs, mais il n'en est rien. Beaucoup réagissent comme si on devait faire carton plein dès le 12 mai

    5. Ce fonStonnement suppose que les transports sSolaires puissent éventuellement s’adapter enfonSton des modes d’organisaton retenus

      Il faut contacter idf mobilité

    6. La stabilité des Slasses, des groupes et des élèves est une stratégie Slaire visant à réduire le brassagedes élèves

      Il faut faire préciser ce que stabiliser signifie. Les élèves doivent ils être de façon assidue dans l'école?

    7. Les servietes à usage SolleStf sont à prosSrire.

      Il faudra le vérifier, mais qui le fera ?

    8. Les parents d’élèves jouent un rôle essentel
  8. Apr 2020
    1. In particular, I, quite accidentally, became a maintainer of ActsAsTaggableOn, a Rails tagging engine, after bumping a long-stale, minor, pull-request I had written.
    1. The common law—so named because it was "common" to all the king's courts across England—originated in the practices of the courts of the English kings in the centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066.[10] The British Empire spread the English legal system to its colonies, many of which retain the common law system today. These "common law systems" are legal systems that give great weight to judicial precedent, and to the style of reasoning inherited from the English legal system.
    1. The activity carried out by iubenda does not constitute legal advice in any way and no attorney-client relationship shall be established.
    1. Any explanatory texts provided in correspondence of the available services by no means substitute a legal opinion nor replace the assistance or advice of a professional. Such texts are merely intended to facilitate use and understanding of the Service, and are not exhaustive nor may they fit any specific case.
    1. Despite their awarded diplomas in the art of writing, you'd be surprised at how many editors and journalists in the United States make English mistakes. For instance, "an" is still often coupled with words that begin with an "H" sound, even though this is improper. I'd advise against treating material from news sources as if it were error-free or even a higher authority on grammar.
    1. While these particular indictments refer to credit card data, the laws do also reference authentication features. Two of the key points here are knowingly and with intent to defraud.
    2. Having said all that, I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment. I had wanted to write an article about the data itself but I will have to do that later because I had to write this lame thing trying to convince the FBI not to raid me.
    3. I could have released this data anonymously like everyone else does but why should I have to? I clearly have no criminal intent here. It is beyond all reason that any researcher, student, or journalist have to be afraid of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to be protecting us instead of trying to find ways to use the laws against us.
    4. For now the laws are on my side because there has to be intent to commit or facilitate a crime
    5. As serious leaks become more common, surely we can expect tougher laws. But these laws are also making it difficult for those of us who wish to improve security by studying actual data. For years we have fought increasingly restrictive laws but the government’s argument has always been that it would only affect criminals.
    1. Chrome first sends an encrypted, 3-byte hash of your username to Google, where it is compared to Google's list of compromised usernames. If there's a match, your local computer is sent a database of every potentially matching username and password in the bad credentials list

      Why do they only send password matches if username also matches?? A password should be deemed compromised and never used again if the password is found in a breach/paste anywhere, even if in connection with a different username/email.

    1. Recently the HaveIBeenPwned API has moved to a authenticated/paid model , this does not effect the PwnedPasswords API, no payment or authentication is required.
    1. Another approach I toyed with (very transiently) was blocking entire countries from accessing the API. I was always really hesitant to do this, but when 90% of the API traffic was suddenly coming from a country in West Africa, for example, that was a pretty quick win.
    1. Well, as a home user, I also belong to an investment club with 10 members. I also have a medium size family who I like to send photo's to, and my son is on a soccer team. all those have greater than 5 people on the list. sooooooooo..... once again, the people with valid use of the internet have to 'deal' with those that abuse it.
    1. The point is that users should be in control of their data, which means they need an easy way of accessing it. Providing an API or the ability to download 5,000 photos one at a time doesn't exactly make it easy for your average user to move data in or out of a product.
    2. It's typically a lot easier for software engineers to pull data out of a service that they use than it is for regular users. If APIs are available, we engineers can cobble together a program to pull our data out. Without APIs, we can even whip up a screen scraper to get a copy of the data. Unfortunately, for most users this is not an option, and they're often left wondering if they can get their data out at all.
    1. This is a great time to individualize instruction and have students work at different paces. You don’t want 100-120 papers coming at you all at one time. Spread it out, and it will keep you from getting short-tempered with your students.

      As the educational system operates today, many teachers easily put in 60 hours of work per week. But when you teach remotely, it sounds like work becomes much more manageable.

      Do I want to become a teacher? If I can teach like this I do—and no, not because it seems easier but because it seems easier AND more effective.

    1. General surgeons in communities without emergency neurosurgical coverage should have a working knowledge of burr hole placement in the event that emergent evacuation is required for a life-threatening epidural hematoma
    1. Now that he had no work to hold, he laid the knuckles of the right hand in the hollow of the left, and then the knuckles of the left hand in the hollow of the right, and then passed a hand across his bearded chin, and so on in regular changes, without a moment's intermission. The task of recalling him from the vagrancy into which he always sank when he had spoken, was like recalling some very weak person from a swoon, or endeavouring, in the hope of some disclosure, to stay the spirit of a fast-dying man. “Did you ask me for my name?” “Assuredly I did.” “One Hundred and Five, North Tower.” “Is that all?” “One Hundred and Five, North Tower.”

      Maybe the shoemaker had forgotten his name from prison?

    2. he women who had left on a door-step the little pot of hot ashes

      does this symbolize something?

    3. rags

      rags is a reoccuring image