166 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. 49 theme months across multiple topic areas

      This was huge, I think, from a KM perspective -- in my mind one of the most impactful approaches to knowledge sharing at scale. In brief, it provided a structure for diverse USAID teams to have "their month" to curate, synthesize, and create relevant content that amplifies the good work of their team and makes it accessible to stakeholders, users, and partners in the USAID ecosystem.

    2. overall blogs by 35 percent

      This is great. I could definitely see Agrilinks blog posts being leveraged by teams and individuals to have that consistent space to write and share. I have a Wordpress blog but not everybody has their own site.

  2. May 2024
  3. Apr 2024
    1. Ocean productivity is essentially the same process occurring as in our previous plant example, except different organisms are involved in the transfer of energy.

      "ocean productivity is the same process, except different organisms are involved in the transfer of energy."

      Add ing a words to know section up top might be helpful for making it easier for the reader to refer to one section rather than having to find the phrases in the text

    2. In regards to the plant example, GPP would be the total energy incorporated into the plant that will be dedicated to metabolism or growth. NPP is obtained when looking at GPP rate after factoring in the rate of loss of energy to metabolism and other necessary organism maintenance processes.

      make a new paragraph that just includes the plant example instead of referencing it retroactively.

    3. Productivity can be defined

      "Productivity is defined as"

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240421060823/https://www.identityblog.com/ Kim Cameron (died 2021)'s blog wrt [[7 Laws of Identity 20201024210040]] with the last post being from mid 2020, but the last pertinent posts from fall 2018, having started in 2004. There seems to be a large amount of useful material here around identity. Cameron was a chief architect at MS wrt identity. His 7 laws sought to tie our human understanding of how identity works to the digital realm, putting things like consent, minimal disclosure which people do fluently irl, and seeing people as part of the system when you design something at the heart.

  4. Jan 2024
    1. Good luck on your deep sea transition!

      No feedback! This is great! I love how you touched on so many abiotic factors in one post! If you wanted to expand on any of them, you certainly could, but you have plenty of information already!

    2. If you’re anything like me, you’re sick and tired of hot summer days and the sun beating down on you. If that’s the case, I bet you’ll be wishing that you were born as a fish in the deep sea. Well, good news! By following these easy steps, you’ll become a deep sea fish in no time!

      This introduction is so much fun! I love the unique way you chose to format this post.

    1. 3

      The images are great too, but it might be helpful to add captions with a brief explanation.

    2. 2 Diel vertical migration is extremely important because it helps to cycle carbon through the environment.3

      Awesome explanation, very clear and informational!

    3. Diel Vertical Migration

      Even though I'm already excited to read this, it may be good to add a little hook/intro paragraph to illuminate why this is so interesting!

    1. To answer that question, we need to first look at the environment that facilitates such large organisms.

      I love this introduction! You do a marvelous job of drawing in the reader, especially with these photographs!

  5. Jul 2023
    1. Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies
      • Title
        • Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies
      • Author
        • World Bank
    2. Hiding in plain sight: The missing trillions for climate change
      • Title
        • Hiding in plain sight: The missing trillions for climate change
      • Author Axel Van Trotsenburg
      • Date
        • June 15, 2023
      • Publisher
        • World Bank
  6. Jun 2023
  7. May 2023
    1. Es muy interesante. Require pago desde USD 5 mensuales.




  8. Feb 2023
    1. Considering the above120 and in light of the specific circumstances of the processing, the EDPB finds that the IE SA could not have concluded in paragraph 115 of the Draft Decision that the contact information processing may be regarded as necessary for the performance of a contract between Meta IE and child users.

      Holding. Not necessary.

      "As a consequence, the EDPB finds that Meta IE could not have relied on [[Article 6(1)(b)]] GDPR as a legal basis for the contact information processing.”

  9. Jan 2023
  10. Dec 2022
  11. Nov 2022
  12. Sep 2022
    1. Immediately on the doors being opened, the court was crowded to excess, as it was expected that the Sibsey murder case would be tried.

      both the ballad and the murder case were based on the trial of Pickett and Carey for the murder of Stevenson in Sibsey.

  13. Aug 2022
  14. Jun 2022
    1. Adopt an API such as Akismet

      This is one reason for why I love Mataroa. The admin chooses privacy over an easily implemented solution. Brilliant.

  15. May 2022
  16. Apr 2022
  17. Mar 2022
  18. Jan 2022
  19. Dec 2021
    1. It is a form of intelligence shown by computers, unlike humans.

      It is created to substitue human consciousness in human intensive tasks.

    1. How to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelineTimurTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelinePublishedNov 19, 2021UpdatedNov 19, 202120 min readIt’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows. Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers? In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.

      It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows.

      Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers?

      In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.

  20. Oct 2021
  21. Sep 2021
  22. Aug 2021
    1. Have you ever … In December 2008, I came across this post from someone who was on my blogroll, or in my feeds, or something. They listed 100 things that one might have done in one’s life, and invited one to indicate those that one had actually done. I took the challenge on as a lark and then decided that the same list could prompt individual blog posts, so I started doing that.2 And now I’m resurrecting the meme, and tagging Amanda Rush and ladyhope. I hope they will participate, link to this, and tag two more people.3 Of course, if you are inspired to do it too, then just go ahead.

      There's something here that sounds like the idea of a friendship book, but in online/blog form.

      It's also a bit reminiscent of a social startup in the late 00s called Formspring.me.

      Everything old is new again?

    2. Taking turns at hosting shared the administrative load and the benefits that accrued. It was considered good practice to read all the submissions and craft your own post that would link to them, possibly exercising some selection, in a way that might entice readers to see for themselves. In that respect, because they were curated, blog carnivals to me are distinct from planets that merely accrete stuff, admittedly on a topic, without curation.

      This almost sounds like the creation of a wiki page, but in blog format.

    1. I still like the idea of getting into a habit of writing posts in a specific format but have also come to terms with the fact that I just enjoy blogging more when it’s a little bit more spontaneous.

      i've been semi intending to write a week oriented personal data project for a while. and yes the classic weekly newsletter, with some recaps & general scene-setting, place-finding, backgrounding about where we are/i am.

      i like this proposition a lot though, of not trying to bind oneself. thinking of that as antethical to a certain spirit of chance.

      but i do value the practice of reminding, of thinking & distilling what has, of reflecting on here, of thinking forward. the steps. snapshotting our OODA loops, seeing them spiral on.

      so how about this? a "days since recap" service, that aggregates all your traffic & that you can use to surface & note on, & then you just annotate or pick out pieces of that service. you kind of build a running notes, then annotate atop with longer form content, or synergize. or filter, drop candiates to distill down. i'm trying to think of a web model, an annotative model, for how else we might serve a week-notes like idea, but more hyper-mediumed.

  23. Mar 2021
  24. Feb 2021
  25. Jan 2021
  26. astralcodexten.substack.com astralcodexten.substack.com
    1. So I'm going to try to start a medical practice that provides great health care to uninsured people for 4x less than what anyone else charges. If it works, I plan to be insufferable about it. If it doesn't, I can at least have a fun conversation with Alex Tabarrok about where our theories went wrong. Since I'm no longer protecting my anonymity, I can advertise it here - Lorien Psychiatry - though I'm not currently accepting blog readers as patients, sorry.

      Scott Siskind no longer anonymous blogger opened his own medicat practice (4x cheaper).

    2. No, seriously, it was awful. I deleted my blog of 1,557 posts. I wanted to protect my privacy, but I ended up with articles about me in New Yorker, Reason, and The Daily Beast. I wanted to protect my anonymity, but I Streisand-Effected myself, and a bunch of trolls went around posting my real name everywhere they could find.

      Anonymous blogger deleted blog.

  27. Nov 2020
    1. **Os cursos de direito: às vezes é premente, mas sempre é possível melhorar**

      Tendo em vista que o Direito é, em grande medida, uma linguagem, o centro do estudo jurídico está em compreender esta linguagem. A faculdade de Direito, e os cursos de Direito, possuem a atribuição de ensinar aos estudantes as particularidades, regras e atribuições dessa linguagem com o intuito de habilitá-los a operar a burocracia movida pelo Direito nas suas diversas vertentes. Advogados, Poder Judiciário, Ministério Público, são apenas alguns dos atores que são responsáveis por operar a linguagem jurídica no cotidiano dos tribunais e demais órgãos da administração pública, trabalhando com questões de direito civil, processual, administrativo, penal, regulatório, trabalhista e concorrencial, para citar alguns. Uma outra importante vertente que o estudo do Direito possui é a preparação para a academia. É fundamental que os cursos de Direito preparem e formem os doutrinadores e professores da próxima geração, permitindo que a linguagem seja constantemente revisada e aperfeiçoada.

      A breve explanação acima do que consiste um curso de Direito nos permite perceber um problema central. A formação jurídica não dá a devida atenção à reflexão crítica acerca da forma como a linguagem jurídica fundamenta suas verdades e é construída pelos juristas. Warat afirmava que a faculdade de Direito forma pinguins, uma analogia para evidenciar o caráter uniformizante que a formação acarreta nos estudantes, aparando pontos de vistas distintos em prestígio a um discurso supostamente objetivo. De forma acessória, percebe-se em algumas matérias a falta de comprometimento de alguns professores com a boa didática das aulas, optando muitas vezes por métodos antiquados de aula, afetando a qualidade do ensino.

      Outro aspecto impactante é que muitos estudantes buscam na Faculdade de Direito um cursinho preparatório para concursos públicos ou um curso técnico profissionalizante e se fecham para a extensão e para a pesquisa. Tal perfil de aluno é espaço fértil para "insolidarismos" que distanciam a Universidade de Brasília de seu papel enquanto universidade pública. Darcy Ribeiro (1978) já alertava que o desperdício da potencialidade dos estudantes e de outras formas de aprendizado seriam uma das consequências da orientação "profissionalista das universidades de padrão napoleônico". Segundo o fundador, a extensão tem uma função muita séria, pois realiza uma das funções básicas da Universidade, que é "proporcionar uma ampla gama de serviços à comunidade". Assim, o menosprezo pela extensão e o destaque de interesses imediatistas e individualistas tem relação com a avaliação de WARAT (1995) no sentido de que a significação jurídica é sempre resultado de um ato político e os discursos jurídicos fazem ouvir sempre aos sujeitos do poder.

      No atual sistema, também é de se considerar que muitas questões são levadas à vida dos universitários como disciplinas obrigatórias, como o direito constitucional, o direito administrativo e o direito tributário. E, logicamente, existem assuntos que necessitam estar no currículo, pois são requisitos mínimos para que se tenha um conhecimento básico sobre as principais áreas do direito e as matérias que regulam o cotidiano da sociedade. Contudo, nesse universo de conhecimento, não é possível afirmar que parte relevante do saber foi realmente apreendido. Isso decorre, muitas vezes, da falta de afinidade com determinada área, tornando a escolha pela realização da disciplina um resultado meramente imposto pela Universidade.

      Além disso, o mundo está em constante mudança e o mercado de trabalho se mostra cada vez mais dinâmico. Para conseguir acompanhar essas transformações, não seria necessário um debate acerca da efetividade de cada disciplina na construção do conhecimento pelos alunos? Isso, claro, sem desconsiderar que mudanças estruturantes não podem deixar de ponderar os riscos relativos à quebra de um sistema já consolidado e respeitado em termos de conhecimento.

      Nessa perspectiva, o cenário atual pode dar ensejo a uma necessidade de adaptação do ensino de forma a evidenciar práticas jurídicas voltadas à realidade dos alunos. E, disciplinas como a filosofia do direito possibilitam a discussão de temas como esse, de forma mais flexível e inovadora.

      Atualmente, é possível afirmar que a universidade federal tem um viés de ensino mais pautado para a Academia, ou seja, incentiva o aluno a permanecer aluno por mais alguns anos após a finalização da graduação. Não que isso seja negativo, ao contrário, é um movimento importante, pois é de lá que poderá sair os mestres e doutores, que se tornarão cientistas, pesquisadores, doutrinadores, responsáveis por contribuir com as mudanças necessárias de cada época da sociedade.

      Entretanto, há que se pensar também naqueles que, talvez de forma pragmática, visam apenas a boa aplicação técnica dos anos de cadeira transcorridos dentro da universidade. Nesse sentido, o curso de Direito da UNB não está delineado de forma eficaz.

      O ensino ali praticado pouco transporta o discente para a dinâmica do dia-a-dia. Disciplinas importantes ainda estão entregues a um corpo docente que, pontualmente e infelizmente, aparentam não ter acompanhado algumas das importantes evoluções sociais e didáticas, o que resulta em aulas enfadonhas nas quais mal se consegue apreender um conteúdo mínimo.

      Noutros casos, o egocentrismo é o comandante da desilusão do estudante. O ego é um grande vilão da relação professor/aluno, sobretudo no curso de Direito. Isso porque, por vezes, o status de professor de uma universidade como a UNB, acrescido de uma carreira jurídica de destaque, deixa aquele que deveria ser responsável por mediar o processo ensino/aprendizagem com aparência de um “semideus”, o tornando quase inacessível, principalmente para aqueles “filhos” pequeninos e “ateus”.

      Mas, sabe-se que quem faz a universidade é o aluno, e cada um constrói um sentimento quanto ao modelo vigente. Alguns se adaptam muito bem e saem com uma bagagem invejável, outros nem tanto. De toda forma, como tudo nesta vida, sempre há espaço para melhorias.

      Bibliografia<br> RIBEIRO, Darcy. A universidade necessária. Editora Paz e Terra, 1978. Pág. 238.

      WARAT, Luís Alberto. Manifesto para uma ecologia do desejo (segunda versão do Manifesto do Surrealismo Jurídico). Parte I. Pág. 177.

  28. Oct 2020
    1. This is an interesting concept to be sure. It seems sort of odd that it's an explicitly organized thing though given that there's (used to be?) a less organized, but bigger distributed blogosphere.

      I suppose this version helps to focus multiple people on specific ideas and work that might otherwise occur.

      I recognized most of the bookmarked material and writers mentioned here. One or two may be worth revisiting.

  29. Aug 2020
  30. Jul 2020
  31. Jun 2020
  32. May 2020
  33. Apr 2020
    1. Vaya este esfuerzo

      Creo que de las cosas que más se necsita ahora es el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y escribir me parece que es una forma de hacerlo, compartirlo también lo hace, porque te enfrenta a la opinión de otros. Amartya Sen dice que la libertad de expresión fortalece las democracias y supongo que entre más voces existan, más fortaleceremos nuestras democracias. Ray Bradbury aconsejaba escribir mínimo mil palabras diarias y él lo hizo desde los 12 años. Yo trato de seguirle el ritmo (aunque seguro estaré muy lejos) pero con el tiempo empiezas a ver que deja de ser un esfuerzo y empieza a fluir naturalmente. Es como con estas tradiciones orientales como el Tao: no te esfuerces. No quiere decir que no lo hagas, que te rindas a la pereza, sino que (y viene un ejemplo que se me hace muy latinoamericano) cuando uno baila no está pensando que tienes que dar un paso y hacer un movimiento y así te estás esforzando. Cuando las cosas empiezan a fluir, cuando no lo piensas sino que sólo suceden, ya no te estás esforzando.

      Pero eso supongo que sólo viene del hábito.

    2. Poder dejar algo que sirva a otras personas y quizás tener una respuesta del otro lado del cable.

      A veces la respuesta no llega, pero eso no debería desanimarnos. La inmediatez de la transparencia, como dice un amigo surcoreano que tenemos en común, nos ha acostumbrado a que si no hay respuesta inmediata, es porque nunca llegará. Pienso que puede ser que tengas respuesta o resuenes en un lugar lejano del tiempo, que es lo que pienso cuando leo tantos libros que me han influenciado y muchos de gente que ya ha muerto. Tal vez la conversación se de, pero supongo que como bibliotecarios deberíamos pensar en términos de milenios, no en segundos.

    3. Hace años pienso en escribir.

      Para mi resulta una necesidad, como respirar. Pienso más cuando escribo que cuando pienso y me gusta pensar. Como te decía por otros medios creo que escribimos bastante, pero en lugares dispersos. A mi me ha preocupado eso de compilar las ideas que nos van llegando y vamos desarrollando. Ando esperando que un colega habilite mi nuevo pedacito de tierra digital y ya retomaré lo mío.

      Qué bien que te animes y ojalá que sea un hábito.

    4. confinada

      A mí estas épocas me parecen particularmente complicadas, pero creo que el confinamiento es apenas físico.

    5. Cosas sobre bibliotecas / Things about libraries

      Primer post del blog de Virginia

  34. Mar 2020
  35. Jan 2020
    1. This quote from Richard Feynman is at the top of my blog’s landing page: I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.

      Inspiration to maintain a research blog

    2. Blogging has taught me how to read a paper because explaining something is a more active form of understanding. Now I summarize the main contribution in my own words, write out the notation and problem setup, define terms, and rederive the main equations or results. This process mimics the act of presenting and is great practice for it.

      Why teaching others/blogging has a great value in terms of learning new topics

  36. Dec 2019
    1. To top it off if I would add a racial slurs and inform them that they did not belong on the earth once in a while just for my own satisfaction

      Dehumanization research suggests that when people see others as less than human, empathy centers in the brain deactivate. For example, people who commit mass violence, cruelty, or hate crimes often rationalize these actions by comparing the victims to animals.

    1. Supplementary data

      Of special interest is that a reviewer openly discussed in blog his general thoughts about the state of the art in the field based on what he had been looking at in the paper. This blog came out just after he completed his 1st round review, and before an editorial decision was made.


      This spawned additional blogs that broadened the discussion among the community-- again looking toward the future.<br> See: https://www.homolog.us/blogs/genome/2013/02/23/titus-browns-thoughts-on-the-assemblathon-2-paper/



      Further the authors, now in the process of revising their manuscript, joined in on twitter, reaching out to the community at large for suggestions on revisions, and additional thoughts. Their paper had been posted in arxiv- allowing for this type of commenting and author/reader interaction See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.5406

      The Assemblathon.org site collected and presented all the information on the discussion surrounding this article. https://assemblathon.org/page/2

      A blog by the editors followed all this describing this ultra-open peer review, highlighting how these forms of discussions during the peer review process ended up being a very forward-looking discussion about the state of based on what the reviewers were seeing in this paper, and the directions the community should now focus on. This broader open discussion and its very positive nature could only happen in an open, transparent, review process. See: https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/bmcblog/2013/07/23/ultra-open-peer-review/

    1. To top it off if I would add a racial slurs and inform them that they did not belong on the earth once in a while just for my own satisfaction

      Dehumanization research suggests that when people see others as less than human, empathy centers in the brain deactivate. For example, people who commit mass violence, cruelty, or hate crimes often rationalize these actions by comparing the victims to animals.

  37. Nov 2019
  38. Oct 2019
  39. Sep 2019
    1. Jennifer Gonzalez, editor of the teaching blog Cult of Pedagogy, summed up the concept quite nicely in the title of a blog post: “To Learn, Students Need to DO Something.”
  40. Jul 2019
    1. Also been thinking about this for a while, but generally most of the so-called platforms aren't pushing a particular message, but are simply pushing the most acceleratable messages, regardless of their content, so that they can leverage the advertising perspective.

      The Russian government apparently leveraged this to cause issues in the 2016 election and in that case they did have a specific message.

      Rather, we ought to take away the rapid fire and reach portions of these tools which give far too much power to people who don't know how to wield it or aren't responsible enough.

      I should expound on all of these more in the future.

  41. May 2019
    1. One of the jewels in the crown of the National Library of Russia is the Voltaire Library.

      When I saw it I can't believe it. There are many books and I like Voltaire's ideas. After I read Treatise on Tolerance I created the Spanish article in Wikipedia and I was surprised that no one created it before. It makes me think we are not reading him and his ideas, have value more than never.

      I have very good memories of the libraries in St Petersburg, and I spent many days in the reading room of the building in Nevsky Prospect.

      Thanks for write and share your impression, Christine.

  42. Apr 2019
  43. Mar 2019
    1. I want to do what...

      Really cool way to filter posts by using a common language sentence. I want to. . . teach. . . in blended mode. . .etc

    1. This is associated with the e-learning development tool "Articulate Storyline." There are frequent blog posts and they are not limited to or exclusive to the Articulate products. Posts are brief and not all of the content will be new, but there are worthwhile tips to be had and they combine theory (not to the extent that an academic would) with practice. rating 3/5

    1. Participate in eLearning Learning

      This page is set up like a Pinterest page. There are changing (not necessarily completely current) articles on various aspects of e-learning for adults. The page is laid out in a sufficiently attractive manner and the page seems relevant to those who are training adult learners. This is not the best site to visit if one has a specific need in mind but could be used well by someone who has a few minutes and wants to browse. Rating 3/5

  44. Feb 2019
  45. Jan 2019
    1. What social media did was to transform discovery into a passive rather than an active process.

      Nicely put observation on how social media changed the way in which we discover information.

  46. Oct 2018
  47. Sep 2018
  48. Aug 2018
    1. in-class reading of Chee’s “The Writing Life” and blog response

      Chee summarizes what he’s learned about writing through his experiences in school and the mentorship of writer Annie Dillard. Specifically, he learns: the value of his perspective, writing makes possibility, talent is nothing without work, we get to where we aim to be. For your first post, consider one of his lessons in your own writing life. When did you learn this lesson? How did you learn it? On the flip side, you might want to challenge a lesson he talks about and explain how/why it isn’t true.

  49. Jul 2018
  50. May 2018
  51. Feb 2018
    1. Máire Ní Mhongáin

      As Ciarán Ó Con Cheanainn writes in Leabhar Mór na nAmhrán, the oldest written version of this song dates to 1814, and is found in MS Egerton 117 in the British Library. Oral lore in Conneamara has it that Máire Ní Mhongáin’s three sons joined the British Army, and that Peadar deserted soon after joining, and emigrated to America. It seems probable that their involvement was in the French Revolutionary Wars or the Napoleonic Wars, the major conflicts fought by the British Army in the final decade of the eighteenth century and the first decade of the nineteenth respectively.

      Máire Ní Mhongáin seems to have resonated among Irish emigrant communities in the United States. My evidence for this is that Micheál Ó Gallchobhair of Erris, County Mayo, collected songs from Erris emigrants living in Chicago in the 1930s, over a century after the occasion of ‘Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin’s’ composition. It features in his collection, which you access via the following link: http://www.jstor.org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/stable/20642542?seq=2#page_scan_tab_contents

      The virulent cursing of departed sons by the mother, named Máre, produces the effect of striking g contrasts with John Millington Synge’s bereaves mother, Old Maurya, in Riders to the Sea.

      My Irish Studies blog features an in-depth account of typical features of the caoineadh genre to which Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin belongs. You can access it via the following link: johnwoodssirishstudies.wordpress.com/2018/01/03/carraig-aonair-an-eighteenth-century-west-cork-poem/

    1. Mrs. Scales' Room

      Title of the Blog

    2. Out of Eden Walk Follow-Up

      Title of blog entry/post, author name and timestamp. The timestamp will be automatically generated when you create the post.

  52. Jan 2018
      • audience consensus: little discussion necessary about whether blogs should have DOIs, concrete implementations needed
      • manual DOI registration possible, but of little use
      • API call better, but integration from blogging software necessary
      • SEO also requires exposing metadata => interests align
      • schema.org/BlogPosting suggested
      • https://blog.datacite.org/ uses JSON-LD
      • https://wordpress.org/plugins/schema/
      • sitemap needed so that indexer can find the posts to then extract metadata
      • beta testers from institutions that already register DOIs welcome
    1. So, R.I.P. The Blog, 1997-2013. But this isn’t cause for lament. The Stream might be on the wane but still it dominates. All media on the web and in mobile apps has blog DNA in it and will continue to for a long while. Over the past 16 years, the blog format has evolved, had social grafted onto it, and mutated into Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and those new species have now taken over. No biggie, that’s how technology and culture work.

      I agree. It is not that blog is dead, or that blogging is no longer an activity worth doing outside Facebooking, Instagramming and Tweeting, or that bloggers are no longer exist. I would say that blog, blogging and blogger are expanding. They just exist in different platform (like Facebook and Pinterest), with different method (people who rant on Facebook .. isn't that blogging?) and as different people (Instagrammers, Facebookers, etc).

  53. Sep 2017
  54. Jun 2017
    1. In a recent analysis of more than 500 billion events collected from multiple global online services, 18% of user accounts that originated from cloud service IP ranges were fraudulent.

      Really cool statistics.

  55. Apr 2017
  56. Dec 2016
  57. Nov 2016
  58. Oct 2016
  59. Sep 2016
    1. commenting

      From one of the Disqus comments:

      Which piece did you read?

      Though seemingly innocuous, this comment gets much closer to an ad hominem attack than to a throughtful conversation. The rest of the comment is ok, but it’s with slips like these that we get into flamewars.

  60. May 2016
  61. Apr 2016
    1. Scott owns the blog, Amy’s a sharecropper on it.

      I've been thinking about this metaphor, and about comments on blogs vs. blogs linking to blogs. In some ways this is another part of the Wikipedia vs. Federated Wiki question. I say "vs." because the alternatives do become binary at some point in the conversation. But back to the owning vs. sharecropping: in terms of web presence, maybe; in terms of discourse and rhetoric and the ways call and response differ, maybe not. I'll keep thinking. And I'm grateful for the heads-up that Hypothes.is is at last up and running!

  62. Mar 2016
  63. Aug 2015
  64. Jan 2015
    1. After 2004, I believed the story that the protesters in Ukraine and elsewhere were mobilized through text messaging and blogs.

      believes the story ... it's a story he believes.

    2. We were supposed to be saving the world by helping to promote democracy, but it seemed clear to me that many people, even in countries like Belarus or Moldova, or in the Caucasus, who could have been working on interesting projects with new media on their own, would eventually be spoiled by us.

      Applies to these activities wherever undertaken, including any country in the West, he just so happens to be interested in former Soviet Block countries

    1. Recebi, da Fundação Roberto Marinho, cópia do livro Aprendiz Legal – Módulo Telemática. Na pag. 15 há um texto de minha autoria, “O Jogo da Carreira”.
  65. Feb 2014