335 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. February 2008

      The IGDA EduSIG is working on an updated version. If you are interested to participate in the development of the new version, please reach out to us using the Contact form from that page.

  3. May 2024
    1. their defense industrial base can't keep up with replacing that um they have replaced a lot of the stuff that they lost in the first 18 months of the 00:00:38 conflict but even at at the rates of losing that mean they can't keep that up so that's hollowing the Russian forces out

      for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate

      to - economic game analysis of Russia Ukraine War - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/

    1. for - polycrisis - Russia Ukraine war - game analysis

      summary - A simplified but interesting economic game analysis of the trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine war. - Drones have become a critical technology in this war and especially their mobile and cost advantage over much heavier, more expensive and slow-moving Russian equipment. - Drones conserve Ukrainian soldiers and minimize risk substantially. The 3 million drones being manufactured this year will likely accelerate the destruction of the Russian economy, bringing the war closer to ending. - Russia is critically dependent on its oil and gas industry and with the major destruction of its refineries, it will no longer be able to finance the war.

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:24:40][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une conférence sur l'innovation dans l'éducation, organisée par l'INSEP. Les intervenants discutent de l'importance de l'innovation pédagogique et de son intégration dans la formation des enseignants.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Présentation des rencontres de l'innovation + [00:03:33][^4^][4] L'importance de l'innovation * L'innovation alimente la formation et la recherche + [00:07:00][^5^][5] La création d'une communauté * Développer une culture de l'innovation chez les étudiants + [00:09:00][^6^][6] Le service d'innovation pédagogique * Présentation du service et de son rôle + [00:11:43][^7^][7] Les objectifs de l'innovation * Éveiller la créativité et accompagner la création de dispositifs pédagogiques + [00:17:01][^8^][8] Les types d'innovation * Différence entre innovation incrémentale et de rupture

      Résumé vidéo [00:24:44][^1^][1] - [00:49:46][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'innovation pédagogique et le rôle du mini-lab dans la création de ressources éducatives. Elle met en lumière l'importance de la collaboration, de la créativité et de l'expérimentation dans le développement de méthodes d'enseignement innovantes.

      Points forts: + [00:24:44][^3^][3] Introduction aux contreparties * Formation requise * Création de dispositifs + [00:26:48][^4^][4] Mission de création de ressources * Développement d'escape games * Réappropriation par les visiteurs + [00:29:48][^5^][5] Bilan des accompagnements * Soutien individuel et en groupe * Projets avec divers partenaires + [00:35:42][^6^][6] Perspectives et enjeux * Capitalisation des productions * Renforcement du lien innovation-recherche

      Résumé de la vidéo 00:49:48 - 01:11:08: La vidéo présente un projet éducatif innovant utilisant le kamishibai, un théâtre de bois japonais, pour encourager l'expression orale des élèves. Le projet intègre la technologie avec des cartes mécaniques et une Raspberry Pi pour créer un mur d'expression interactif sans nécessiter d'ordinateur ou de connexion internet.

      Points forts: + [00:49:48][^1^][1] Introduction du kamishibai * Théâtre de bois pour l'expression * Collaboration avec le mini Lab + [00:53:00][^2^][2] Application en mathématiques * Utilisation d'un escape game pédagogique * Amélioration de l'engagement des étudiants + [00:57:00][^3^][3] Avantages du module * Motivation et implication accrues * Développement de compétences diverses + [01:07:23][^4^][4] Escape game en mathématiques * Facilité de mise en œuvre * Changement d'attitude des étudiants

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:11:10][^1^][1] - [01:34:07][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une table ronde sur l'innovation pédagogique, abordant des sujets tels que la création d'un escape game éducatif, les défis de l'innovation, et l'importance de l'adaptation et de la réflexion dans l'enseignement.

      Points forts: + [01:11:10][^3^][3] L'escape game éducatif * Discussion sur la conception et l'adaptabilité + [01:11:43][^4^][4] Défis de l'innovation * Accepter l'inconnu et gérer l'imprévu + [01:12:23][^5^][5] Importance de l'adaptation * Réflexion sur l'usage du numérique en éducation + [01:18:26][^6^][6] Réflexions finales * Contributions au domaine de l'éducation et remerciements

    1. Pour échanger avec Aurélie Canizares le mardi 12 mars 2024 à 12h30, inscriptions ici : https://comprendreleseleves.ensfea.fr...

      Intervenant : Aurélie Canizares, maître de conférences en numérique éducatif

      Résumé : Nous nous intéressons aux stratégies de traitement des informations développées par les élèves dans le cadre d’un escape game pédagogique numérique. Dans ce type de jeu où la contrainte temporelle est particulièrement forte, ces dernières relèvent-elles de stratégies pour apprendre ou de stratégies pour gagner ? Un escape game pédagogique est-il compatible avec la construction de connaissances ? Autant de questions auxquelles nous tenterons de répondre en nous appuyant sur un jeu portant sur l’évaluation de la qualité de l’information auquel ont participé des étudiants de BTSA. Transcription

  5. Jan 2024
    1. If you have studied the historical campaign, you may wonder if the same operational plan can be duplicated in the game—with the same results.  The answer is yes.  The unit capabilities and game mechanics allow for a repeat of history, but there is always the other player to consider.  As with history, the two sides have nearly the same number of infantry divisions, tanks, mobile units and artillery.  The German advantage is most evident in airpower—the Luftwaffe dramatically outclassed the Allied air forces in the campaign (and so it is with the game).  Only the German player who knows exactly how to employ their units with careful attention to the movement and combat sequences, event card use, the hidden unit dynamic, and especially the air rules—will be able to duplicate the historic success of the 1940 Wehrmacht.  And even then, the historic result was only possible because the Allied response played almost perfectly into Germany’s hand.  But there is more than one path to a decisive result, and the game allows for multiple campaign plans for both sides.  The rules are set up to mirror the operational, command, and doctrinal differences between the two opposing sides, but the contest is designed simply to re-create the same historic “canvas” upon which both players may then paint—the issue will be decided by a combination of player decisions and the fortunes and fog of war.
  6. Dec 2023
    1. the idea of a game is really important and the rules of the game so what's happened is that to the extent that that we've we 00:39:33 have lost the common understanding of our reality then people start attacking the rules of the game and and that's you know going back to my work on conflict
      • for: adjacency - rules of the game - violence, dangers of not playing by the rules of the game

      • adjacency between

        • rules of the game
        • violence
      • adjacency statement
        • When people cannot agree on the rules of the democratic game, we are just one step away from violence
        • Homer-Dixon explores the relationship between environmental breakdown and violence in an earlier book
        • If you believe your "opponent" is not playing by the rules of the game, then they are outside the moral ambit of your community, and you can justify violence
        • Their status as a human being is no longer legitimate and they are dehumanized. Violence is now possible
        • Whenever a group feels another group is not playing by the rules of the game, it is a very dangerous situation as violence can be justified on these grounds
  7. Nov 2023
    1. Fog of war terrain system. With the randomised terrain set up, every game is different and forces you to make choices as you uncover your predefined play area and it encourages you to explore every inch of it.  
    2. This is a fully tactile experience. No decks of cards to shuffle, no score tracks, no fiddly cubes, no confusing rules or nuances. Just a fluid set up, play and pack down experience with beautiful components.
  8. Oct 2023
  9. Sep 2023
    1. The Glass Bead Game is "a kind of synthesis of human learning"[11] in which themes, such as a musical phrase or a philosophical thought, are stated. As the Game progresses, associations between the themes become deeper and more varied.[11] Although the Glass Bead Game is described lucidly, the rules and mechanics are not explained in detail.
    1. "All skill, no luck. There may be dice, but they're not for rolling. Beating your opponent is pure skill."

  10. Aug 2023
    1. Too bad the aim assist ruined it for me.
    2. the game rewards you for picking the most defensive

      Being mindful of defensive abilities

  11. Jul 2023
    1. The toughest part of the game is easily deciding which club you will use because the game gives you absolutely no clue on how long a club will take you, if you use its full potiental. Well, I calculated the distances... use this table to find which club you would use when in need. ---------------------------- | Club | Max. Distance | |----------------------------| | 1W | 260 yards | | 3W | 230 yards | | 4W | 220 yards | | 1I | 210 yards | | 3I | 190 yards | | 4I | 180 yards | | 5I | 170 yards | | 6I | 160 yards | | 7I | 150 yards | | 8I | 140 yards | | 9I | 125 yards | | PW | 100 yards | | SW | 75 yards | | PT | 30 yards

      Guide for club distance in original Game Boy Golf.

    1. We all like games with a wide variety of resources, but most board games or card games never seem to have all that many.  So let's do a comparison with popular games out there.
  12. Jun 2023
  13. May 2023
    1. CD-ROM interactive content and games like Myst (1993)

      The 1993 game Myst, available on CD-ROM, had a card index like format.

  14. Apr 2023
    1. AAA (or Triple-A) video games are to the gaming world what blockbusters are for the film industry.
    1. If there’s a force that’s driving us toward greater complexity, there seems to be an opposing force, a force of destruction that uses competition for ill. The way I see it, Moloch is the god of unhealthy competition, of negative sum games.

      Quotation - If there's a force that's driving us toward greater complexity - there seems to be an opposing force, - a force of destruction that uses competition for ill. - The way I see it, - Moloch is the god of unhealthy competition, of negative sum games

  15. Feb 2023
    1. The simulator widget below contains the entire source code of the game. I’ll explain how it works in the following sections.
  16. Jan 2023
    1. Judge Domino is a game in which players judge if toppling a line of dominoes will succeed or fail. Players take turns adding to the line, but to score points, you must make others think that the toppling will fail. Can you baffle other players' judgment?
    1. The game went on to be a minor hit in Japan, selling over 100,000 copies -- and was followed up by a Game Boy version which, thanks to Pokemon's popularity, sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise.

      Interesting facts about the launch of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series in Japan. The first game for SNES sold about 100,000 copies. The game that most launched the series, however, was the simpler Game Boy game, which "sold over 300,000, launching the new franchise." This article credits the success of Pokemon in part with the high sales of Story of Seasons.

  17. Dec 2022
  18. Nov 2022
    1. When writing a story you must take all key elements into account in order to produce a story that will flow for the reader. Stories can be broken down into five key elements; the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict and the resolution. Finding a prompt for what to write a story about can be very difficult. To help, the following link provides an activity to come up with some story ideas!
    1. The novelist and screenwriter Raymond Chandler said he avoided reading books written by someone who didn’t “take the pains” to write out the words. (It used to be common for writers to dictate into a recorder then have an assistant transcribe those words.) “You have to have that mechanical resistance,” Chandler wrote in a 1949 letter to actor/writer Alex Barris. “When you have to use your energy to put those words down, you are more apt to make them count.”
  19. Oct 2022
    1. en 2018 et 2019, Ubisoft a ajouté à chaque jeu un mode éliminant toutes les missions et tous lescombats, appelé « Discovery Tours », dans le but que les professeurs d’Histoire dans les écoles secondairespuissent utiliser ces jeux dans leurs cours.
    2. Pourtant, cesmêmes chercheurs accordent toute leur attention aux jeux vidéo sérieux qui, ils le reconnaissent eux-mêmes,sont souvent « peu motivants », « amusants » et « divertissants » (c’est-à-dire, offrant un engagement et uneimmersion faibles), contrairement aux jeux vidéo commerciaux ou basés sur le divertissement (Davidson, 2008;Gee, 2008; Granic et coll., 2014; Hamari et Koivisto, 2015).
    3. si l’onsuppose qu’une part importante de nos étudiants ont une motivation intrinsèque pour jouer aux jeux vidéopendant leur temps libre, il vaut la peine d’étudier si cette même motivation et ce même engagement peuventêtre transférés dans le contexte d’un cours, et si ce type d’expérience peut aboutir à des apprentissagessignificatifs
    4. si l’onsuppose qu’une part importante de nos étudiants ont une motivation intrinsèque pour jouer aux jeux vidéopendant leur temps libre, il vaut la peine d’étudier si cette même motivation et ce même engagement peuventêtre transférés dans le contexte d’un cours, et si ce type d’expérience peut aboutir à des apprentissagessignificatifs
    5. notre recherche a pour objectif de mesurer l’impact de ces jeux vidéo sur l’engagement général,l’apprentissage, l’empathie et le raisonnement critique des étudiants dans un cours en Humanities de niveaucégep et dans un cours du programme de techniques d’éducation spécialisée (TES) de niveau cégep,respectivement.
    6. La volonté d’étudier les jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement en particulier est motivée par le fait que lesétudiants sont largement plus susceptibles de jouer à ces jeux vidéo en dehors de la salle de classe, précisémentparce qu’ils sont plus populaires, captivants et immersifs, dès leur conception
    7. les jeux vidéo basés sur le divertissement offrent des expériences similaires aux jeux vidéo sérieux, et qu’il estdonc probable qu’ils mènent à un apprentissage significatif
    8. générer des résultats d’apprentissage significatif sous la formed’empathie en utilisant un jeu vidéo basé sur le divertissement, Never Alone (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa)(Upper One Games, 2015), dans le cours « Interactions and Cultural Communities » /« Interactions et communautés culturelles » (351-CC1-AS) du programme de Techniquesd’éducation spécialisée
    9. générer des résultats d’apprentissage significatif sous la forme depensée critique en utilisant un jeu vidéo basé sur le divertissement, Portal (2007), dans le cours« Knowledge » (345-101-MQ) du programme Humanities 101.
    1. When people first see your Twitter, without even having to scroll down, they should knowThe name of our Game (make this your Twitter tag, not your company name!)Gameplay footage of our game pinned to the top of the feedOur unique selling point/elevator pitchWhat our logo looks likeWhat genre the game isWhere our Discord isWhere our Patreon isWhere our Facebook isOur email address
    2. Try and think of something catchy that’s easy to remember. Don’t make your name too long or confusing.
    3. I have seen games in the past that have used a generic word and then found it impossible to find their game, even when I was actively searching for it
    1. I joined a game dev company and quickly learned the ropes of (Unity) game development from professionals. Like you said, most online tutorials are aimed at beginners

      Learning game development from professionals

    1. Learn the fundamentals of the field, like value propositions, price anchoring, antes vs drivers, etc
    2. Price is deceptively difficult to get correct, especially when you start talking about microtransactions, but is solvable with competitive research
    1. You bring up a really good point. It's important to reach out to Youtubers who are specifically interested in the type game you are making while having a small enough following to actually pay attention to you

      Reaching out to a streamer who streams similar games to ours

    2. First of all focus on where your potential "clients" are. Try to sketch'em and list their habits. We call it the Buyer Persona

      Finding the buyer persona

    3. don't try to be everywhere, keeping up with accounts/channels, etc that don't do much

      Advice to not open up too many social accounts

    4. Ok, so that's clear, but knowing your audience is more than people playing games similar to yours. It even goes beyond demographic data. Really understanding what makes them tick, or developing a persona


    1. GO SMALLER UNTIL YOU CAN FINISH IT. If you're still struggling to finish you haven't reduced your scope enough in all three of the above areas
    2. It's always easier to practice skills on their own than within a huge project where they will make or break the game and there are 16 interactions for everything you put into the project
    3. Before you start developing a game for commercial release, you should already be confident that you can execute every major part of the development process.
    4. And that difference is all about scope. If there is one thing you need to think about when starting a game project, it's scope.

      Game development

    1. from experience, gamemaker does a phenomenal job with making simpler games that perform how you want it to, without having to worry about extra things that may not pertain to the kind of project you wish to make. you can think of gamemaker as more of a blank slate, and you add what you need versus unity being more general and having a lot of components and tools that you most likely won't have to use.
    1. Create a user journey storyboard to clarify what your players do in each play session, what types of players are playing your game, their daily or weekly gameplay, their environment, and the community behaviors you want your players to embody.
    2. Designers will often fixate on a mechanic without figuring out the core loop, but understanding what systems you want your players to go through will help you understand what features to focus on, and which ones can be postponed or even cut

      the game dev

    1. ‘He knows everything that’s happened fromB’reshis [Genesis] to today’, it went, ‘and it really isn’t work to him – it’s merely play’,a sentiment later expressed when one colleague wrote of Deutsch’s ‘game of cards’(Margolis, 1921).3

      Apparently a colleague wrote about Deutsch's "game of cards" as a description of hit use of a zettelkasten. The play here is reminiscent of the joy Ahrens talks about when doing research/reading/writing (2017).

  20. Sep 2022
    1. Countering represents a writer attempting to “suggest a different way ofthinking” as opposed to attempting to “nullify” a writing (p. 57).
    2. The need for students to participate in the larger conversations around subject mattershelps writers creating more intellectual prose, but this becomes difficult in a “culture

      prone to naming winners and losers, rights and wrongs. You are in or out, hot or not, on the bus or off it. But academics seldom write in an all-or- nothing mode” (p. 26).

      Our culture is overly based on the framing of winners or losers and we don't leave any room for things which aren't a zero sum game. (See: Donald J. Trump's framing of his presidency.) We shouldn't approach academic writing or even schooling or pedagogy in general as a zero sum game. We need more space and variety for neurodiversity as teaching to the middle or even to the higher end is going to destroy the entire enterprise.

      Politics is not a zero sum game. Even the losers have human rights and deserve the ability to live their lives.

  21. Aug 2022
    1. Magie's game was becoming increasingly popular around the Northeastern United States. College students attending Harvard, Columbia, and University of Pennsylvania, left-leaning middle class families, and Quakers were all playing her board game. Three decades after The Landlord's Game was invented in 1904, Parker Brothers published a modified version, known as Monopoly. Charles Darrow claimed the idea as his own, stating that he invented the game in his basement. Magie spoke out against them and reported that she had made a mere $500 from her invention and received none of the credit for Monopoly.[7] In January 1936, an interview with Magie appeared in a Washington, D.C. newspaper, in which she was critical of Parker Brothers. Magie spoke to reporters about the similarities between Monopoly and The Landlord's Game. The article published spoke to the fact that Magie spent more money making her game than she received in earnings, especially with the lack of credit she received after Monopoly was created. After the interviews, Parker Brothers agreed to publish two more of her games but continued to give Darrow the credit for inventing the game itself.[11] Darrow was known as the inventor of Monopoly until Ralph Anspach discovered Magie's patents and her relation to the Monopoly game while fighting a legal battle with the Parker Brothers because of his Anti-Monopoly game. Subsequently, her invention of The Landlord's Game has been given more attention and research. Despite the fact that Darrow and the Parker Brothers capitalized on and were credited with her idea, she posthumously received credit for one of the most popular board games.[3]

      This is a fascinating bit of trivia, and that should be better known by the general public.

    1. The ideas expressed in Creative Experience continueto have an impact. Follett’s process of integration, for example, forms the basisof what is now commonly referred to as a ‘‘win-win’’ approach to conflictresolution; and her distinction between ‘‘power-with’’ and ‘‘power-over’’ hasbeen used by so many distinguished thinkers that it has become a part of ourpopular vocabulary. ≤

      While she may not have coined the phrase "win-win", Mary Parker Follett's process of integration described in her book Creative Experience (Longmans, Green & Co., 1924) forms the basis of what we now refer to as the idea of "win-win" conflict resolution.

      Follett's ideas about power over and power with also stem from Creative Experience as well.

      1. Those using the power-over, power-with distinction include Dorothy Emmett, the first woman president of the British Aristotelian Society, and Hannah Arendt; Mans- bridge, ‘‘Mary Parker Follet: Feminist and Negotiator,’’ xviii–xxii.

      Syndication link: - https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Win%E2%80%93win_game&type=revision&diff=1102353117&oldid=1076197356

  22. Jul 2022
    1. Games are like that. Everyone thinks because games are easy to play, they must be easy to make. The challenge of a making a game is significantly harder. When we design a utilitarian tool, we have to make a complex set of requirements simple and easy to use for the user. But when making a game, we have to take equal amounts of complexity and make it simple, easy to useand fun. If a game is not satisfying to play, people will put it down. If excel is not satisfying, people will soldier on because math is more unpleasant than excel.

      This is an important think to understand - that making games to seem simple is quite hard. It takes a lot of work and thinking to make something simple for others to use. That is the key work of the developer historian – to take loads of historical research and turn it into easy to understand games.

  23. bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. competitions or leaderboards, where players can compare their achievements with those ofother players, so that they are incited to do better than they did up to now• narratives, in which the challenges are situated within a concrete context or storyline, so thatindividual actions become part of an extended course of action within a meaningfulenvironment (Dickey, 2006; Heylighen, 2012a)• epic meaning, in which the impression is created that the player is working to achieve a goalthat is particularly important or awe-inspiring (McGonigal, 2011)• trophies or virtual goods, in which players receive virtual presents as a reward for theirachievement• gifting, in which players get the opportunity to give virtual presents to other players, thustightening links of friendship

      Ask @Gyuri what he thinks about this list of ideas for game motivation and how Indyweb might integrate them or add new ones.

    2. The result is that the best games tend to be addictive, as playersare so strongly motivated to continue the play that they find it difficult to get back to their normalactivities (Grüsser, Thalemann, & Griffiths, 2006; Kim, Namkoong, Ku, & Kim, 2008).

      Designing "Bend the Curve" or other Rapid Whole System Change games, we could not intentionally make games addictive as that would create out-of-balance social situations which could create social tensions and therefore be applying the same pathological logic that has created the conditions we are attempting to transform. Hence the other motivating factors must be so strong as to compensate for techniques that purposely embed addiction.

  24. Jun 2022
    1. In game theory, a focal point (or Schelling point) is a solution that people tend to choose by default in the absence of communication. The concept was introduced by the American economist Thomas Schelling in his book The Strategy of Conflict (1960).[1] Schelling states that "(p)eople can often concert their intentions or expectations with others if each knows that the other is trying to do the same" in a cooperative situation (at page 57), so their action would converge on a focal point which has some kind of prominence compared with the environment. However, the conspicuousness of the focal point depends on time, place and people themselves. It may not be a definite solution.
  25. May 2022
    1. the underprivileged are priced out of the dental-treatment system yet perversely held responsible for their dental condition.

      How does this happen?

      Is it the idea of "personal responsibility" and "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" philosophy combined with lack of any actual support and/or education?

      There has to be a better phrase or word to define the perverse sort of philosophy espoused by many in the Republican party about this sort of "personal responsibility".

      It feels somewhat akin to the idea of privatize profits and socialize the losses. The social loss is definitely one that is pushed off onto the individual, but who's profiting? Is it really so expensive to fix this problem? Isn't the loss to society and public health akin to the Million Dollar Murray problem?

      Wouldn't each individual's responsibility be better tied to the collective good as well as their own outcomes? How can the two be bound together to improve outcomes for everyone all around?

  26. Apr 2022
    1. In his practice, Leiris wrote,Duchamp demonstratesall the honesty of a gambler who knows that the game only has meaningto the extent that one scrupulously observes the rules from the very out-set. What makes the game so compelling is not its final result or how wellone performs, but rather the game in and of itself, the constant shiftingaround of pawns, the circulation of cards, everything that contributes tothe fact that the game—as opposed to a work of art—never stands still.


      but rather the game in and of itself, the constant shifting around of pawns, the circulation of cards, everything that contributes to the fact that the game--as opposed to a work of art--never stands still.

      This reminds me of some of the mnemonic devices (cowrie shells) that Lynne Kelly describes in combinatorial mnemonic practice. These are like games or stories that change through time. And these are fairly similar to the statistical thermodynamics of life and our multitude of paths through it. Or stories which change over time.

      Is life just a game?

      there's a kernel of something interesting here, we'll just need to tie it all together.

      Think also of combining various notes together in a zettelkasten.

      Were these indigenous tribes doing combinatorial work in a more rigorous mathematical fashion?

  27. Mar 2022
  28. Feb 2022
    1. Rebel Wolves said it will be a studio built on “the foundations of fairness, teamwork, and openness [...] unified by the mission of putting the team first —ALWAYS— [...] they believe that happy people create great games

      You can't help but notice the shade thrown over CD Project Red with this statement. The development of The Witcher 3 was notorious for its crunch, I can only imagine it was worse for Cyberpunk 2077.



    1. Google killed SG&E about one year after Stadia launched, before the studio had released a game or done any public work. In a blog post announcing Stadia's pivot to a "platform technology," Stadia VP Phil Harrison explained the decision to shutter SG&E, saying, "Creating best-in-class games from the ground up takes many years and significant investment, and the cost is going up exponentially."

      I suspect Google wanted faster, more measurable results than is possible with game development. There's a reason why tech companies are vastly more profitable than game companies.

      I don't particularly see the shame in changing a strategy that isn't working. As an early user of Stadia I do see the lost potential though, maybe that's where this is coming from.

  29. Jan 2022
  30. Dec 2021
    1. 3. Using the game bar Another way to capture the screenshot is by the game bar if you want to capture some scene from the game you are playing. Windows 10 offer the flexibility to use the game bar for a screenshot. Start the game either by Xbox for video games 2 or start the menu For expressing game bar overlay during the game, press the Windows + G. After this, click the camera icon to take the screenshot. Another way to capture screenshot is the keyboard shortcut (windows + alt + print screen) That screenshot you will find in videos with the name of captures.
  31. Nov 2021
  32. Oct 2021
    1. DAOstack imagines thousands of organizations and applications utilizing the stack in the near future. And the intention is not just to serve each use case individually. It’s easy to imagine how, with a scalable solution for decentralized governance in place, decision-making can become more frictionless not only within collectives but also between collectives.Indeed, this is the broader vision of DAOstack. The platform is designed to underpin an entire ecosystem of decentralized organizations — a community of interoperable DAOs, able to share talent, ideas, and learnings with one another. DAOs will even be able to act as members of other DAOs, creating a fluid “DAO mesh” or “internet of work” in which collectives of collectives are commonplace, and in which any given individual might participate in dozens of different DAOs.

      This is an idealof stigmergic collaboration, to move away from azero sum game and towards a positive sum game.

    1. The reality of the history of Canada’s mining industry makes #SquidGame look like child’s play.

      “The truth is that all of the gold that was mined out of the Klondike was under Indigenous land. There was no treaty with any of the Indigenous peoples in the Yukon.”

      “That land was stolen by the Canadian state and that gold was whisked away by private interests. The Federal Government only signed land claims with Indigenous peoples in the Yukon in the 1990s, but by that point, almost all the gold had been mined out of the ground.”

      “The Klondike gold rush was a rolling disaster that captured tens of thousands of people. When the first European explorers came to the Americas, they came here looking for gold. In the 1890s, that lust for precious metals eventually led men to the farthest reaches of this continent.”

      “Today, instead of 100,000 people descending on a small patch of land, you have large corporations digging treasures out of the ground. But the legacies these mining operations leave behind are just like what happened in the Klondike: workers with broken bodies, environmental destruction, the dispossession of Indigenous land, sexual violence. The gold rushes never stopped. They just morphed into something different.”

    1. Neil Strauss' famous story for busting Last Minute Resistance. This hasn't failed me yet. Once upon a time, there was this guy...who was walking down the street...and there was a beautiful girl that was walking down the street towards him. And when they saw each other, they stopped...and deciding to start talking. It was a totally natural and spontaneous thing and it wasn't something that these people usually do. It just happened. And these people just connected with each other on every word and at every level. It was as if, they had already known each other for so long, even though they had only known each other a matter of minutes...but it soon came a couple hours. And the incredible connection these two made was so strong it was as if there was a glowing light between these two people. So it was then that they decided that their meeting must be FATE. To test this out, the two went on their separate ways...and decided that if they would meet again, they would KNOW for sure that it was their DESTINY to be together. So they departed. They went on their separate ways. And as the years passed, a plague hit their city. And many people died. And years later...there was this guy...who was walking down the street...and there was a beautiful girl that was walking down the street towards him. And as they passed each other, both people recalled a faint glimpse of a memory of having seen each other before. But they continued walking their own separate ways... THE END

      A história original é ON SEEING THE 100% PERFECT GIRL ONE BEAUTIFUL APRIL MORNING by Haruki Murakami.

  33. Sep 2021
    1. Rogue would inspire dozens of successors, including Hack, an extended clone with innovations including a “bones” file, a record of each prior hero who’d died in its world: these could be brought back as uniquely personal undead villains on future runs.

      A beautiful game mechanic

  34. Aug 2021
    1. The beauty of space science-fantasy adventure is to manually pilot or captain your own spaceship into the vast unknown. For exploration, combat and various other role-specific game mechanics, the cockpit view gives a sense of ownership and grounding to a player’s chosen ship purchases. This immersive first person, seated view will allow players to utilize equipment such as flightsticks, throttles, multi-functional button control panels, head tracking hardware, and most importantly, virtual reality head-mounted displays.

      And yeah, Space Flight Simulation!

    2. The first principle driving the entire economy of Star Atlas is the mining gameplay. The wealth derived from mining creates many other branching revenue streams for players to contribute to and establish a career. From trading raw and refined ore, to cargo hauling, to crafting retail components, there is a broad range of career choices a player can embody and advance within the specializations of that career.

      How do players play and make money?

    3. To augment that grand strategy, Star Atlas enables players to captain deep-space, crewed spaceships to scan and discover celestial and terrestrial assets. Once discovered, rich claims that are staked can be mined, refined and traded through a network of commercial mining installations, refineries, and the Universal Marketplace. Exploration will lead to many other surprises in the outer limits of space. In this mode the player primarily interacts with a top down space view showing their spaceship exterior with the ability to go into an x-ray view to see the interior of the ship and the crew performing their individual tasks. Players can also captain and pilot the ship manually through the first person cockpit/bridge view. Cockpit view is also suitable for seated virtual reality gaming.

      How Star Atlas' Grand Strategy implemented?

    4. The grand strategy genre of video games encourages claim staking to expand your empire and install strategic trade routes using an offensive and defensive tactical plan of action. In this mode the player primarily interacts with a dynamic overview of the charted and uncharted regions of space via the map view aka the Star Atlas.

      Star Atlas's grand strategy.

    5. The way a blockchain network is designed closely mimics the basis for the genre of Star Atlas. Mining or staking is the core of how blockchain assets are proven to be legitimate and tangible. To discover mined assets requires exploration on the part of a miner to unlock value. People set up mining or staking nodes and plug them into the blockchain network to enhance the network while also earning value from it. The hybrid experience of Star Atlas closely mimics the nature of how blockchain technology functions.

      Star Atlas design mimics how a blockchain network functions.

    1. 've long been a fan of board games, I enjoy a game that fully occupies my mind, clearing out all the serious thoughts for a bit, while enjoying the company of good friends. Modern board games saw dramatic improvement in the 1990's with the rise of Eurogames, and I expect many people would be surprised if they haven't tried any of this new generation.
  35. Jul 2021
    1. or Jonas, one of the questions we must face is this“What force shall represent the future in the present?”

      This is a pressing question which our governments pay far too little attention to.

    1. ‘Don’t get fooled by those mangled teeth she sports on camera!’ says the ABC News host introducing the woman who plays Pennsatucky. ‘Taryn Manning is one beautiful and talented actress.’ This suggestion that bad teeth and talent, in particular, are mutually exclusive betrays our broad, unexamined bigotry toward those long known, tellingly, as ‘white trash.’ It’s become less acceptable in recent decades to make racist or sexist statements, but blatant classism generally goes unchecked. See the hugely successful blog People of Walmart that, through submitted photographs, viciously ridicules people who look like contemporary US poverty: the elastic waistbands and jutting stomachs of diabetic obesity, the wheelchairs and oxygen tanks of gout and emphysema. Upper-class supremacy is nothing new. A hundred years ago, the US Eugenics Records Office not only targeted racial minorities but ‘sought to demonstrate scientifically that large numbers of rural poor whites were genetic defectives,’ as the sociologist Matt Wray explains in his book Not Quite White: White Trash and the Boundaries of Whiteness (2006). The historian and civil rights activist W E B du Bois, an African American, wrote in his autobiography Dusk of Dawn (1940) that, growing up in Massachusetts in the 1870s, ‘the racial angle was more clearly defined against the Irish than against me. It was a matter of income and ancestry more than colour.’ Martin Luther King, Jr made similar observations and was organising a poor-people’s march on Washington at the time of his murder in 1968.

      examples of upper-class supremacy

      This seems an interesting sociological issue. What is the root cause? Is it the economic sense of "keeping up with the Jonses"? Is it a zero-sum game? really?

  36. Jun 2021
    1. But a better path forward is one of true global cooperation based on mutual benefit and reciprocity.

      This is the case for so many human endeavors.

      How might game theory help to ensure it? Are there other factors that could assist as well?

    1. This leads us to Markovits’s second critique of the aspirational view: The cycle that produces meritocratic inequality severely harms not only the middle class but the very elite who seem to benefit most from it.

      What if we look at meritocracy from a game theoretic viewpoint?

      Certainly there's an issue that there isn't a cap on meritocratic outputs, so if one wants more wealth, then one needs to "simply" work harder. As a result, in a "keeping up with the Jones'" society that (incorrectly) measures happiness in wealth, everyone is driven to work harder and faster for their piece of the pie.

      (How might we create a sort of "set point" to limit the unbounded meritocratic cap? Might this create a happier set point/saddle point on the larger universal graph?)

      This effect in combination with the general drive to have "power over" people instead of "power with", etc. in combination with racist policies can create some really horrific effects.

      What other compounding effects might there be? This is definitely a larger complexity-based issue.

    1. "While it takes time to make these changes now, it's a one-time engineering cost that will have lasting impacts, both internally and externally," Sorenson said in an email. "We're in this for the long game, and we know inclusive language is just as much about how we code and what we build as it is about person-to-person interactions."
    1. After working on the problem for a while, we boiled it down to a 4-turn (2 per player), 9 roll (including doubles) game. Detail on each move given below. If executed quickly enough, this theoretical game can be played in 21 seconds (see video below).

      The shortest possible 2-player Monopoly game in 4 turns (2 per player). See the details below this annotation

  37. May 2021
    1. 130 years on, privacy is still largely conceived of as an individual thing, wherein we get to make solo decisions about when we want to be left alone and when we’re comfortable being trespassed upon.

      How could one design a mathematical balancing system to help separate individuals embedded within a variety of societies or publics to enforce a balance of levels of privacy.

      • There's the interpersonal level between the individuals
      • There's the person's individual privacy and the public's reaction/response to the thing captured, for which the public may shun or not
      • There's the takers rights (possibly a journalist or news outlet) to inform the broader public which may shame or not
      • There's the publics' potential right to know, the outcome may effect them or dramatically change society as a whole
      • others facets?
      • how many facets?
      • how to balance all these to create an optimum outcome for all parties?
      • How might the right to forget look like and be enforced?
      • How do economic incentives play out (paparazzi, journalism, social media, etc.?)
  38. Apr 2021
    1. I really like the ideas in this game: the theme, what it's trying to accomplish (explore the problems with imperialism, if I understood correctly), the game board, the game in general. I want to like it.

      but, I don't think I would like this one enough due to the luck and relying on other players' whims (trading) mechanisms:

      • Dice Rolling
      • Push Your Luck

      You can risk a lot getting an expensive estate, but if you push your luck too much, your risk/gamble won't pay off and you'll permanently lose that [pawn] and those victory points.

    1. Factory FunNER is the sequel and a very solid improvement to Factory Fun. It uses hexes instead of squares to allow more creative building, and some subtle improvements to scoring, length, and machine placement rules really improve things.
    1. Unleash your creativity with the innovative Navalia ship editor and bring your creations into battle!
    1. A non-pretentious yet funny and innovative physics puzzle game
    2. A Game-design MasterpieceTake one simple game mechanic, and make the absolute most of it – that's exactly what the developers of Jim is Moving Out did, and it worked really well! The core of this game is stunningly simple: a few little boxes (furniture) inside a big box (Jim's house), one or two flying fellas (the players) and a physics engine. Think about the most creative ways you could make this into a game. Anything you think about, this game did it. What if you had to squeeze through narrow holes without breaking too much furniture? It's in the game. What if the room had wheels? Yep, it's there too. What if one of the walls was missing and you had to avoid losing the furniture? The whole co-op is about this. Zero gravity? Yes, even that is in the game.
  39. Mar 2021
    1. If those problems are planetary, then trying to cohere them around the game theory dynamics of locally embedded sovereign zones called countries disables the paths that should be open.
    1. Common ground in communication has been critical in mitigating misunderstandings and negotiations.

      All the fun of watching the Newlywed Game is in seeing the communication and mis-communication in realizing how much common ground a couple has or doesn't.

  40. boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
    1. Players try to build a village together. As the game goes on each player secretly chooses whether they want to go for a coop victory or a single-player win.
    1. a strategy game for me is mostly about the mechanics and the replayability. I love good art and design, but function follow form!
  41. Feb 2021
    1. It’s about holding on to the idea that the players can control the game, and not the other way around

      Ik zie nieuwe generaties minstens zo actief bezig zijn met virtuele werelden. Minecraft, Sims, Roblox, zelfs games als Super Mario Maker. Er zitten nu wel meer financiele afhankelijkheden aan (Robux etc) maar de creatieve en creeërende internetter is er nog altijd.

      • Establish the number of Rubik's cube combinations.
      • Establish "algorithm" capabilities based on the x12 "impossible" cubes.
      • "Signmaster notation" for describing algorithm moves.
      • x2 links to youtube tutorials.
  42. Jan 2021
  43. Dec 2020
    1. The settlement of the res-titution claims made by the Italian government against the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Getty Museum in Malibu, and the Cleveland Museum of Art and the return to Italy of looted antiquities raise ques-tions about the integrity of some museum directors and trustees – well-informed people whom one would expect to be the guardians and defenders of the past, not par-ticipants in the commercial processes which lead to its destruction.

      The museum directors definitely should know and have some subject area expertise here, but likely the trustees wouldn't have. While the museum directors should educate them, the financial position the trustees have will almost always tend to drown out the better angels of the museum directors who rely on those trustees' support.

      Part of the question is how to redesign the structural support underpinning the system to help ensure more ethical outcomes.



    1. Months and a lot of play-testing later and we are excited to present The Big Lockdown, a tongue-in-cheek card game inspired by people’s experiences during the global pandemic.
  44. Nov 2020
    1. (15x) ENJOYMENT: Forgettable Outstanding(10x) DEPTH (IN RELATION TO COMPLEXITY): Lacking Meaty (5x) LUCK FACTOR: All Luck All Skill (3x) REPLAYABILITY: Nil Limitless(10x) MECHANICS: Boring Interesting (4x) PLAYER INTERACTION: Low High (4x) PLAYER COUNT PERFORMANCE: Not Balanced Balanced (2x) GAME LENGTH: Too Short/Long Just Right (2x) CLARITY OF RULES: Mud Crystal (5x) COMPONENT QUALITY: Cheap World ClassINITIAL RATING (sum(Criteria Rating x Criteria Weight)/Total Weight) = 7.7

      rating scale evaluation

    2. STATUS: Play
