2,726 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
    2. When the message say function was called outside component initialization first will look at my code and last at my configuration.
    1. The RFC is more appropriate because it does not allow a parent to abritrarily control anything below it, that responsibility still relies on the component itself. Just because people have been passing classes round and overriding child styles for years doesn't mean it is a good choice and isn't something we wnat to encourage.
    2. margin, flex, position, left, right, top, bottom, width, height, align-self, justify-self among other is CSS properties that should never be modified by the child itself. The parent should always have control of those properties, which is the whole reason I'm asking for this.
    1. Nic Fildes in London and Javier Espinoza in Brussels April 8 2020 Jump to comments section Print this page Be the first to know about every new Coronavirus story Get instant email alerts When the World Health Organization launched a 2007 initiative to eliminate malaria on Zanzibar, it turned to an unusual source to track the spread of the disease between the island and mainland Africa: mobile phones sold by Tanzania’s telecoms groups including Vodafone, the UK mobile operator.Working together with researchers at Southampton university, Vodafone began compiling sets of location data from mobile phones in the areas where cases of the disease had been recorded. Mapping how populations move between locations has proved invaluable in tracking and responding to epidemics. The Zanzibar project has been replicated by academics across the continent to monitor other deadly diseases, including Ebola in west Africa.“Diseases don’t respect national borders,” says Andy Tatem, an epidemiologist at Southampton who has worked with Vodafone in Africa. “Understanding how diseases and pathogens flow through populations using mobile phone data is vital.”
      the best way to track the spread of the pandemic is to use heatmaps built on data of multiple phones which, if overlaid with medical data, can predict how the virus will spread and determine whether government measures are working.
    1. I was now about to form another being of whose dispositions I was alike ignorant; she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness.

      No one knows what someone will be like after they've been brought into the world, but we don't lament every single person who is born. When someone you know is having a kid you don't say to them: "remember H.H. Holmes? Are you sure you want to have kid? They might be ten thousand times worse than H.H. Holmes!" Because that would be ridiculous.

    1. When a component reaches such a size that this becomes a problem, the obvious course of action is to refactor it into multiple components. But the refactoring is complex for the same reason: extracting the styles that relate to a particular piece of markup is an error-prone manual process, where the relevant styles may be interleaved with irrelevant ones.
    1. Further discussion can take place when this has a PR.

      That's funny that he mentions a PR being a prerequisite for having further discussion, when elsewhere ( ), someone said that instead of talking about the

      So is a specific proposed implementation (how to built it) necessary/useful in order to have a general discussion about a feature proposal? I would say no.

    1. Often, allowing the parents to compose elements to be passed into components can offer the flexibility needed to solve this problem. If a component wants to have direct control over every aspect of a component, then it should probably own the markup as well, not just the styles. Svelte's slot API makes this possible. You can still get the benefits of abstracting certain logic, markup, and styles into a component, but, the parent can take responsibility for some of that markup, including the styling, and pass it through. This is possible today.
    1. I’ve seen some version of this conversation happen more times than I can remember. And someone will always say ‘it’s because you’re too used to thinking in the old way, you just need to start thinking in hooks’.

      But after seeing a lot of really bad hooks code, I’m starting to think it’s not that simple — that there’s something deeper going on.

    1. Looking forward to the upcoming property management trends, there will be a wider range of opportunities, some big economic and social shifts, and a set of new technological trends upping the future of housing market sales numbers across the world.
    1. Independent Variable Manipulation

      Independent variable manipulation is the hallmark of experimental design.

    2. Writing proficiency is an essential learning outcome for undergraduate education as a whole and, specifically, in postsecondary psychology education. The American Psychological Association (APA, 2013) explicitly names effective writing as a goal in its guidelines for psychology majors,

      Effective writing is a core principle in education, emphasized by the most noted national psychological associations (APA; American Psychological Association). The following sections outline efforts to streamline the methods used instructor to student feedback for essays in a psychology class.

  2. Aug 2020
    1. But it's easy to imagine that the caption was incorrect for too long because those who know the language, know where the mistake is, and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it.

      those who know the language, know where the mistake is, In other words, they can easily spot the mistake and no better than to repeat it themselves, but either are powerless or too lazy to actually fix it on SE.

      and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it. So those who should no better are inadvertently perpetuating the mistake and teaching others that it is an acceptable/correct usage.

    1. As a web designer, I hate that "log in" creates a visual space between the words. If you line up "Log In Register" - is that three links or two? This creates a Gestalt problem, meaning you have to really fiddle with spacing to get the word groupings right, without using pipe characters.

      Sure, you can try to solve that problem by using a one-word alternative for any multi-word phrase, but that's not always possible: there isn't always a single word that can be used for every possible phrase you may have.

      Adjusting the letter-spacing and margin between items in your list isn't that hard and would be better in the long run since it gives you a scalable, general solution.

      "Log in" is the only correct way to spell the verb, and the only way to be consistent with 1000s of other phrasal verbs that are spelled with a space in them.

      We don't need nor want an exception to the general rule just for "login" just because so many people have made that mistake.

    1. Course as community onboarding

      I like this idea - as when joining a community figuring out the 'rules of engagement' can be hard, and also

      • who to go for what
      • what do I need to know to start
      • how does this community work

      For team on-boarding, project on-boarding, etc - it can also guide people towards other courses / resources that may be more ongoing or of other types

    1. Then when giving answers I'm even less certain. For example I see occasional how-to questions which (IMO) are ridiculously complex in bash, awk, sed, etc. but trivial in python, (<10 lines, no non-standard libraries). On such questions I wait and see if other answers are forthcoming. But if they get no answers, I'm not sure if I should give my 10 lines of python or not.
    2. I went against the grain, applying other tools that people have written over the years to directly perform the job at hand which do not involve entering a program for awk or a shell to run, with answers like https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/574309/5132 and https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/578242/5132 . Others have done similar. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/584274/5132 and https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/569600/5132 are (for examples) answers that show alternative tools to answers employing shell script and (yet again) awk programs, namely John A. Kunze's jot and rs (reshape), which have been around since 4.2BSD for goodness' sake!
    3. There is an observable widespread tendency to give an awk answer to almost everything, but that should not be inferred as a rule to be followed, and if there's (say) a Python answer that involves less programming then surely that is quite on point as an answer for a readership of users.
    1. Java may have been designed as a completely object oriented language, but when Java SE 8 was released in 2014, it added Lambda expressions (aka closures), which added some functional programming elements. Not every problem is best served by OOP, and by adding Lambdas, Java became more flexible. 
  3. Jul 2020
    1. Ruby has some really nice libraries for working with linked data. These libraries allow you to work with the data in both a graph and resource-oriented fashion, allowing a developer to use the techniques that best suit his or her use cases and skills.
    1. As mentioned earlier in these guidelines, it is very important that controllers assess the purposes forwhich data is actually processed and the lawful grounds on which it is based prior to collecting thedata. Often companies need personal data for several purposes, and the processing is based on morethan one lawful basis, e.g. customer data may be based on contract and consent. Hence, a withdrawalof consent does not mean a controller must erase data that are processed for a purpose that is basedon the performance of the contract with the data subject. Controllers should therefore be clear fromthe outset about which purpose applies to each element of data and which lawful basis is being reliedupon.
    2. In cases where the data subject withdraws his/her consent and the controller wishes to continue toprocess the personal data on another lawful basis, they cannot silently migrate from consent (which iswithdrawn) to this other lawful basis. Any change in the lawful basis for processing must be notified toa data subject in accordance with the information requirements in Articles 13 and 14 and under thegeneral principle of transparency.
    1. Some vendors may relay on legitimate interest instead of consent for the processing of personal data. The User Interface specifies if a specific vendor is relating on legitimate interest as legal basis, meaning that that vendor will process user’s data for the declared purposes without asking for their consent. The presence of vendors relying on legitimate interest is the reason why within the user interface, even if a user has switched on one specific purpose, not all vendors processing data for that purpose will be displayed as switched on. In fact, those vendors processing data for that specific purpose, relying only on legitimate interest will be displayed as switched off.
    2. Under GDPR there are six possible legal bases for the processing of personal data.
    1. the successes and failures of a long-running consultancy are not particularly interesting or unique, and most are wise to the fact that Unspace’s strengths were a mixture of strong bonds, evolving senior talent, sociability, serendipity and scotch tape.
    1. If you answer is yes, then we are doing this wrong because subset? or part_of method should be in a parent class (maybe Enumerable class ) in order for it to work for subset, array, hash and any data structure that inherit from it Enumerable.
  4. Jun 2020
    1. One need arose quite commonly as trains of thought would develop on a growing series of note cards. There was no convenient way to link these cards together so that the train of thought could later be recalled by extracting the ordered series of notecards. An associative-trail scheme similar to that out lined by Bush for his Memex could conceivably be implemented with these cards to meet this need and add a valuable new symbol-structuring process to the system.

      This reminds me of of how the Roam Research app has implemented bidirectional links and block references.

    2. We refer to a way of life in an integrated domain where hunches, cut-and-try, intangibles, and the human "feel for a situation" usefully co-exist with powerful concepts, streamlined terminology and notation, sophisticated methods, and high-powered electronic aids.

      This sounds a lot like Rheingold's tools for thought.

    1. hypothes.is is an exciting project, but not a commenting system. It belongs, therefore, to a different category of software (annotation systems).
    1. Please don't put "feature request" items into GitHub Issues. If there's a new feature that you want to see added to Ruby on Rails, you'll need to write the code yourself - or convince someone else to partner with you to write the code. Later in this guide, you'll find detailed instructions for proposing a patch to Ruby on Rails. If you enter a wish list item in GitHub Issues with no code, you can expect it to be marked "invalid" as soon as it's reviewed.
    1. With that said, the term “tools for thought” has been widely used since Iverson’s 1950s and 1960s work An account may be found in Iverson’s Turing Award lecture, Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979). Incidentally, even Iverson is really describing a medium for thought, the APL programming language, not a narrow tool. introducing the term. And so we shall use “tools for thought” as our catch all phrase, while giving ourselves license to explore a broader range, and also occasionally preferring the term “medium” when it is apt.

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      Psych Experiments https://www.amazon.com/Psych-Experiments-Rorschachs-psychologys-fascinating-ebook/dp/B01M3R7RVN/ 4.6/5 $12/$11

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      Bizarre World https://www.amazon.com/Bizarre-World-Collection-Creepiest-Traditions-ebook/dp/B07MKDH8XY/ 5/5 $9/$10 Want: 8/10

      Statistics 101 https://www.amazon.com/Statistics-101-Distribution-Determining-Probability-ebook/dp/B078M5FZ1P/ 3.4/5 $11/$10 Want: 3/10

      Everything Guide to Anatomy and Physiology https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Guide-Anatomy-Physiology-Everything%C2%AE-ebook/dp/B00XO0PZAS/ 4.6/5 $16/21 Want: 7/10

      Advanced Roblox Coding Book: An Unofficial Guide https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Roblox-Coding-Book-Unofficial-ebook/dp/B07GNVRPXW/ 4.6/5 $11/$10 Want: 5/10

      Genetics 101 https://www.amazon.com/Genetics-101-Chromosomes-Cloning-Everything-ebook/dp/B078M5KLXB/ 4.1/5 $11/$10 Needs pictures Want: 5/10

  5. May 2020
    1. Reasons You Might Want to change your job! Leave a Comment / Blog Contact If you’re planning on leaving or changing your current job, this blog is going to help you in a certain way. Given what’s going on right now, some of you might be saying that the last thing you’re thinking about is changing jobs. I totally understand. But there are companies hiring today. And they’re looking for the best talent. So, deciding whether to change or leave your job remains a very personal decision. There are three things that I would suggest to someone who’s trying to make the decision about changing jobs. I can’t answer these questions, but I do think the answers will help someone figure it out for themselves. Your job is impacting your health. First and foremost, if your job is making you physically or emotionally sick, you need to step back and think. There are jobs where risks do exist, and individuals take those roles knowing that. Jobs in health care, construction, etc. come to mind. Individuals in these industries are taking as many preventive measures as they can. Your work doesn’t make you happy anymore. This could be one of two things: 1) You love what you do but you don’t love the company (or your boss) anymore. OR 2) You’ve fallen out of love with the work. Maybe you used to love traveling as part of your job and now, not so much. It’s important to understand which one you’re dealing with. (NOTE: It’s also possible that the answer is both #1 and #2.) Your career doesn’t make financial sense. I don’t want to simply say that the job doesn’t pay enough. Because maybe the pay is fine. It’s possible that the benefits package doesn’t suit your current situation. Or the cost of maintaining your professional license is getting expensive and the company isn’t reimbursing. The question is “Does your current position adequately cover your living situation?” Once you honestly and seriously answer the above questions, it might help you decide if you want to make a change AND more importantly, what you might want to make a change to. There is some truth to the saying that the best time to look for a new job is when you have a job. I realize not everyone gets that opportunity which is why it can make some sense to always be thinking about your job wants and needs. If you’re thinking about a new opportunity, I want to give you something else to consider. Now is the time to start planning. Don’t wait until you have to make a move to start planning for it. Here are three action steps that will help you find your next job. Also, there are some other important questions that you might want to ask yourself before taking the big step : What specifically about my current situation is frustrating to me? Pinpointing the issue is the first step towards solving it. Kimberly Bishop, recruiter and chief of her eponymous career management firm based in New York, advises employees to identify how their job is failing them. Is the problem the people, the environment or the work itself? After you’ve defined the frustration, consider the scope. If you decide you’re creatively stifled, for example, you may not need to quit to fill the void. Seek an outlet outside of work or raise your hand for another department or project. Have I taken every action possible to make my current job workable? If you realize your situation is not abusive and could be manageable, consider the steps you might take to improve it. Try taking a positive attitude, altering your time management or work habits, and communicating more clearly with your manager. Perhaps a schedule change or clearing an item off your workload will make a big difference. Ultimately, what do I want for my job, career, and life? “A big mistake: When people decide to quit they think they’ll just update their resume and start networking,” says Bishop, who advises being more thoughtful about what you really want and how you’ll get there. Define your priorities. Going to law school may be intellectually stimulating but will not help you achieve the flexible schedule you’ve been craving. Similarly, if you’d like to make a career change, think about all the necessary steps. They may include more school, a pay cut, or working your way up from the bottom–again. Once you know exactly what you want, you may want to ask: How much do I want it? Have I saved enough to cover nine to 12 months of expenses? Susan Hirshman, financial planner and author of Does This Make My Assets Look Fat?, says a few years ago she told people to save enough for six months of expenses. Now she tells people they need nine to 12 months. “If you’re quitting, you won’t get unemployment,” she cautions. Hirshman suggests mapping out fixed expenses like mortgage, credit card, and loan payments, transportation, and food, as well as factoring in the “what if” costs. You may need a little extra to cushion against the unexpected, like car or appliance repairs. How might I cut expenses or earn income while between jobs? After completing a detailed budget, you may realize you’re coming up short and need to create some cash. Often, income is easily supplanted with a part-time service job. However, Hirshman warns that even waiter jobs are difficult to come by in the current economy. You only have two options: Cut expenses or bring in more money. Figure out what will work for you and be honest with yourself, Hirshman says. Have I timed this appropriately? Agryie suggests that employees who’ve decided to quit consider their timing. Firstly, are you in the midst of the busiest season or working on a big project? You may want to honor your commitments so that your team isn’t left in a bind and you’re able to leave on good terms. Secondly, “maximize the money,” he says. If you’d like to get your quarterly bonus or the holiday vacation, it might be smart to wait a few months. So after answering all these questions for yourself, you’d be able to decide if you’d want to continue with your old job or career or switch to a new one.Put together a job search plan. Grab a notebook and start plotting your strategy. Think about your skills. Make note of the knowledge and skills you want to work on before starting to interview. List your must-haves and nice-to-haves for your next company and job. Start thinking about your professional network, both online and the one on one type. Identify the resources you need. It’s possible that you would benefit from taking a class, joining a professional group, or reading some books. Make a list of everything you need and roughly how much it will cost. Start budgeting for these items. Also, think about if you will be out of work for a while and if you will need to cover health insurance in-between jobs. That needs to be budgeted as well. Ask for support. Once you have a plan, reach out to your network. Start reconnecting with them. If you’ve been doing that all along – fantastic! If you haven’t, it will take some time before you can ask for favors. Also, be sure to speak with your family and make sure they’re prepared to support you through this transition. Changing jobs will impact them too. Regardless of where you are in your career and what’s going on in the economy, the job search process is hard. It takes time. The best suggestions I can give someone is to think about why you’re considering a change and create a plan to get from where you are to where you see yourself. The worst thing someone can do is react too quickly and find themselves in another toxic workplace. I know that the current work situation is tough but remember it’s tough you know. Have a plan and work the plan out. You’ll definitely succeed. All the best!

      A job change is a big decision and requires a good consideration. We are here to give reasons why you might want to change the job.

    1. This is not a Q&A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic.
    1. React Static is also a great replacement for the ever popular Create React App CLI. It provides a similar developer experience, zero-config environment, and features, but without boxing you in. If you ever need to customize your build system in React Static, there is no need to eject!
    1. Requested Dormant Username Enter the username you would like to request, without the preceding URL (e.g., "User" instead of "gitlab.com/User")

      Problem Type: Dormant Username Requests

    1. The GitLab.com support team does offer support for: Account specific issues (unable to log in, GDPR, etc.) Broken features/states for specific users or repositories Issues with GitLab.com availability
    2. Technical and general support for those using our free options is “Community First”. Like many other free SaaS products, users are first directed to find support in community sources such as the following:
    3. Out of Scope The following details what is outside of the scope of support for self-managed instances with a license.
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    1. Account Support If you haven't received your confirmation email, you can request to resend your confirmation instructions via our confirmation page.

      This Account Support section only includes one possible problem related to account support

      If you haven't received your confirmation email, you can request to resend your confirmation instructions via our confirmation page.

      What about if you have any other issue with your account? How would you get support then? This would be a good opportunity/place to describe what to do in that case.

      Presumably the answer is to submit support requests at <del>https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum</del> (to be shut down) or in the community forums.

    1. We're closing the Support Forum issue tracker in favor of the Community Forum and support channels. We recognize that the Support Forum issue tracker has not received much attention in the last few months, and want to redirect our community members to locations that are regularly monitored by GitLab staff. As a result, this issue will be moved to the GitLab product issue tracker and triaged there.
    1. Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading, which is fantastic, so we’ve promoted you up a trust level! We’re really glad you’re spending time with us and we’d love to know more about you. Take a moment to fill out your profile, or feel free to start a new topic.
    1. It seems weird to me that we are trying to enforce commit messages when they are not really visible or used in the GitLab workflow at all. This is what you see most of the time when interacting with the commit list. I've taken time to compose a nice descriptive body and it is hidden by default:
    2. What I think we're lacking is proper tooling, or at least the knowledge of it. I don't know what most people use to write Git commits, but concepts like interactive staging, rebasing, squashing, and fixup commits are very daunting with Git on the CLI, unless you know really well what you're doing. We should do a better job at learning people how to use tools like Git Tower (to give just one example) to rewrite Git history, and to produce nice Git commits.
    1. Many also question how the average user with little knowledge of the GDPR will react to being asked so many questions regarding consent. Will they be confused? Probably at first. It will be up to each business to create a consent form that is easy to understand, while being at the same time comprehensive and informative
    1. A "tag" is a snippet of code that allows digital marketing teams to collect data, set cookies or integrate third-party content like social media widgets into a site.

      This is a bad re-purposing of the word "tag", which already has specific meanings in computing.

      Why do we need a new word for this? Why not just call it a "script" or "code snippet"?

    1. The folks at Netlify created Netlify CMS to fill a gap in the static site generation pipeline. There were some great proprietary headless CMS options, but no real contenders that were open source and extensible—that could turn into a community-built ecosystem like WordPress or Drupal. For that reason, Netlify CMS is made to be community-driven, and has never been locked to the Netlify platform (despite the name).

      Kind of an unfortunate name...

    1. Sure, anti-spam measures such as a CAPTCHA would certainly fall under "legitimate interests". But would targeting cookies? The gotcha with reCAPTCHA is that this legitimate-interest, quite-necessary-in-today's-world feature is inextricably bundled with unwanted and unrelated Google targeting (cookiepedia.co.uk/cookies/NID) cookies (_ga, _gid for v2; NID for v3).
    1. P ⇒ Q

      It may be confusing for a newcomer (or on first read-through) that the variable/predicate/condition that represents the "necessary condition" in this statement P ⇒ Q is the Q.

      One might be forgiven for incorrectly assuming that the P represents the necessary condition. That is because most of the time when one states a statement/relation/implication/etc. about a subject, the sentence/statement begins with the subject. For example, if we're explaining about a "less than" relationship, and we give x < y as an example, one would correctly assume that x is the subject here and x is the thing that is less than.

      So it may be a bit surprising to a newcomer (on first read-through) that the subject of this section — the necessary condition — is represented by the Q and not be the P.

      (Made even more confusing by the fact that the very same implication P ⇒ Q is also used to express the opposite sufficiency relationship in the very next section. I would argue that Q ⇒ P should have been used instead in exactly one of these sections to make it clearer that the subject is different and/or the relation is different, depending how you look at it.)

      Is there any reason we couldn't rewrite this to express the logical relation between P and Q with the subject first? If we let P be the subject (that is, "necessary condition" that we're illustrating/explaining), could we not rewrite this as P ⇐ Q?

      In fact, that is exactly how this relation was expressed below, in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necessity_and_sufficiency#Simultaneous_necessity_and_sufficiency !:

      that P is necessary for Q, P ⇐ Q, and that P is sufficient for Q, P ⇒ Q

    2. In algebra, for some set S together with an operation ⋆ {\displaystyle \star } to form a group, it is necessary that ⋆ {\displaystyle \star } be associative.

      Seems like a simpler example (of individually necessary and jointly sufficient) that is easier to follow could be found.

    1. Where a processing activity is necessary for the performance of a contract.

      Would a terms of service agreement be considered a contract in this case? So can you just make your terms of service basically include consent or implied consent?

    2. “Is consent really the most appropriate legal basis for this processing activity?” It should be taken into account that consent may not be the best choice in the following situations:
    1. It’s useful to remember that under GDPR regulations consent is not the ONLY reason that an organization can process user data; it is only one of the “Lawful Bases”, therefore companies can apply other lawful (within the scope of GDPR) bases for data processing activity. However, there will always be data processing activities where consent is the only or best option.
    1. If you’re a controller based outside of the EU, you’re transferring personal data outside of the EU each time you collect data of users based within the EU. Please make sure you do so according to one of the legal bases for transfer.

      Here they equate collection of personal data with transfer of personal data. But this is not very intuitive: I usually think of collection of data and transfer of data as rather different activities. It would be if we collected the data on a server in EU and then transferred all that data (via some internal process) to a server in US.

      But I guess when you collect the data over the Internet from a user in a different country, the data is technically being transferred directly to your server in the US. But who is doing the transfer? I would argue that it is not me who is transferring it; it is the user who transmitted/sent the data to my app. I'm collecting it from them, but not transferring it. Collecting seems like more of a passive activity, while transfer seems like a more active activity (maybe not if it's all automated).

      So if these terms are equivalent, then they should replace all instances of "transfer" with "collect". That would make it much clearer and harder to mistakenly assume this doesn't apply to oneself. Or if there is a nuanced difference between the two activities, then the differences should be explained, such as examples of when collection may occur without transfer occurring.

  6. Apr 2020
    1. In particular, I, quite accidentally, became a maintainer of ActsAsTaggableOn, a Rails tagging engine, after bumping a long-stale, minor, pull-request I had written.
    1. U.K. Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham clearly states that consent is not the "silver bullet" for GDPR compliance. In many instances, consent will not be the most appropriate ground — for example, when the processing is based on a legal obligation or when the organization has a legitimate interest in processing personal data.
    2. data processing limited to purposes deemed reasonable and appropriate such as commercial interests, individual interests or societal benefits with minimal privacy impact could be exempt from formal consent. The individual will always retain the right to object to the processing of any personal data at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions.
    3. organizations may require consent from individuals where the processing of personal data is likely to result in a risk or high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals or in the case of automated individual decision-making and profiling. Formal consent could as well be justified where the processing requires sharing of personal data with third parties, international data transfers, or where the organization processes special categories of personal data or personal data from minors.
    4. First, organizations must identify the lawful basis for processing prior to the collection of personal data. Under the GDPR, consent is one basis for processing; there are other alternatives. They may be more appropriate options.
    1. Vertical navigation needs to scroll and “stick” to the screen so that users don’t lose it. Often vertical navigation works well on a single page design
    2. With wider screens, the scroll is higher and some navigation elements might get “lost.”
    3. One thing is certain when it comes to navigation trends, users and designers seem to be fed up with completely hidden styles and demand options that work in similar formats on desktops and mobile devices. This might be one of the reasons a vertical pattern is trending.
    4. Responsive design almost forced designers to think about alternative navigation patterns to make getting around on small screens easier. And the hamburger menu icon was born.
    5. The common theme is that many hamburger icons open into vertical sliding navigation.
    1. There is a forum for discussing CommonMark; you should use it instead of github issues for questions and possibly open-ended discussions. Use the github issue tracker only for simple, clear, actionable issues.
    1. Having said all that, I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment. I had wanted to write an article about the data itself but I will have to do that later because I had to write this lame thing trying to convince the FBI not to raid me.
    2. I could have released this data anonymously like everyone else does but why should I have to? I clearly have no criminal intent here. It is beyond all reason that any researcher, student, or journalist have to be afraid of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to be protecting us instead of trying to find ways to use the laws against us.
    1. The data is stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data serves us to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. The legal basis for the temporary storage of the data and the log files is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
    2. The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable the website to be delivered to the user's computer. For this the IP address of the user must remain stored for the duration of the session.
    3. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes.
    1. it isn't actually -prune itself that causes this, by the way. The issue is that the or operator "short-circuits", and or has lower precedence than and. The end result is that if a file called .snapshot is encountered it will match the first -name, -prune will then do nothing (but return true), and then the or returns true since its left-argument was true. The action (eg: -print) is part of its second argument, so it never has a chance to execute.
    1. Oxygen is required for almost all steps of wound healing and is also an important factor in the body’s defense against bacterial infection
    2. In addition to its role in healing, oxygen plays an essential role in the production of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide that are angiogenesis stimulators and are bacteriostatic
    1. IDEs and standard *nix tools like sed can help, but you typically have to make a trade-off between introducing errors and introducing tedium.
    1. In patients with clear indications for operation, essential radiographs should be taken, and the patient should be transported to the OR immediately. Such patients include those with blunt trauma and massive hemothorax, those with penetrating trauma and an initial chest tube output of >1 L, and those with abdominal trauma and ultrasound evidence of extensive hemoperitoneum.
    2. General surgeons in communities without emergency neurosurgical coverage should have a working knowledge of burr hole placement in the event that emergent evacuation is required for a life-threatening epidural hematoma
    3. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) should be maintained in a normal range (35–40 mmHg), but for temporary management of acute intracranial hypertension, inducing cerebral vasoconstriction by hyperventilation to a PCO2 of <30 mmHg is occasionally warranted.
    4. The role of decompressive craniectomy for refractory ICH remains controversial.
    1. descriptive study of a large develop-ment team—roughly 450 people producing about 9,000 annotationson about 1,250 documents over 10 months—using a Web-based anno-tation system.
    1. It is not the browser's responsibility to auto-login to websites. This is the responsibility of the website you are accessing. The browser can remember form data and auto-fill for you, as can various extensions like LastPass.
  7. Mar 2020
    1. There is no system that is equally well-suited to significantly different scenarios.
    2. The higher the load on the system, the more important it is to customize the system set up to match the requirements of the usage scenario, and the more fine grained this customization becomes. There is no system that is equally well-suited to significantly different scenarios. If a system is adaptable to a wide set of scenarios, under a high load, the system will handle all the scenarios equally poorly, or will work well for just one or few of possible scenarios.
    1. legitimate interest triggers when “processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject
    2. of the six lawful, GDPR-compliant ways companies can get the green light to process individual personal data, consent is the “least preferable.” According to guidelines in Article 29 Working Party from the European Commission, "a controller must always take time to consider whether consent is the appropriate lawful ground for the envisaged processing or whether another ground should be chosen instead." 
    3. “It is unfortunate that a lot of companies are blindly asking for consent when they don’t need it because they have either historically obtained the consent to contact a user,” said digital policy consultant Kristina Podnar. “Or better yet, the company has a lawful basis for contact. Lawful basis is always preferable to consent, so I am uncertain why companies are blindly dismissing that path in favor of consent.”
    1. By choosing Matomo, you are joining an ever growing movement. You’re standing up for something that respects user-privacy, you’re fighting for a safer web and you believe your personal data should remain in your own hands, no one else’s.
    2. Take the challenge: Compare your Google Analytics data (sampled data) against your Matomo data.
    1. Legitimate interest. When there is a genuine reason for processing personal data without consent. Interpretations of this legal ground may vary, but a good example would be risk assessment or checking children’s age, such as in an online liquor store.
    1. Are cookies governed by the GDPR? Cookie usage and it’s related consent acquisition are not governed by the GDPR, they are instead governed by the ePrivacy Directive (Cookie Law) which in future will be repealed by the up-coming ePrivacy Regulation.
    1. They are in place to prevent brute forcing a password. If you had to complete these every time you login, a person has to be there to answer it. This makes it so you can’t leave a guessing software to break your password. So, in short, it's for your account’s safety.
    1. Describe the problem fully Link to a test case showing the problem.
    2. Without this information, very likely your question will not be answered, frustrating both yourself and anyone else who does want to help, because they are unable to do so
    3. ask your question in a way that it provides enough information that it can be answered
    4. We have a fantastic community here, full of very helpful and knowledgeable people
    1. An example of reliance on legitimate interests includes a computer store, using only the contact information provided by a customer in the context of a sale, serving that customer with direct regular mail marketing of similar product offerings — accompanied by an easy-to-select choice of online opt-out.
    1. This is no different where legitimate interests applies – see the examples below from the DPN. It should also be made clear that individuals have the right to object to processing of personal data on these grounds.
    2. Individuals can object to data processing for legitimate interests (Article 21 of the GDPR) with the controller getting the opportunity to defend themselves, whereas where the controller uses consent, individuals have the right to withdraw that consent and the ‘right to erasure’. The DPN observes that this may be a factor in whether companies rely on legitimate interests.


    1. How do relevant ads help pay for content and services? Advertising is the engine that powers much of the content and services that consumers enjoy online. More relevant ads get more clicks, and advertisers pay more for these ads, allowing content and services providers to continue to operate without charging visitors to their sites.
    1. Rather than using NFS for this task, use explicit data duplication, via one of the long-established mechanisms designed for this purpose.
    1. When you upgrade or improve your home, you may increase your home's estimated replacement cost. Your State Farm agent will then help you adjust your policy to meet your home insurance coverage needs.

      explanations of parameters for decision

    1. 4. Build With Not For This simple but compelling phrase sums up our approach to building technology. The concept comes from a long history of movement work, and in the civic tech space has been popularized by Laurenellen McCann, who has written extensively on the topic. To us, the ethos of “build with note for” is a reminder that the moment we are in the mindset of building something “for” our partners rather than with them, we have failed. Going back to the theme that technology is not neutral and that our values are embedded in our work, whether it’s conscious or not, building “for” inherently conjures up a feeling of saviorism, of believing we have the answers, or believing we are here to do something for someone else. Building with means constantly checking our assumptions, being open to ideas we haven’t thought of, and, most of all, results in much better work.
    1. Introductory Videos

      table properties, you can create two columns, 1 row, merge the heading column. Modify the heading column size to be closer to the font size.

    1. This makes it easy to use Markdown to write about HTML code. (As opposed to raw HTML, which is a terrible format for writing about HTML syntax, because every single < and & in your example code needs to be escaped.)
  8. Feb 2020
    1. 5 Must-Have Graphic Design For A Business By jenny

      Graphic Design is very important for your business, but there are a lot of different graphic design categories that you can use. Here are the 5 must have graphic designs for your business.

    1. people assume that by asking someone a question privately, they are doing everyone else a favor by bothering the fewest amount of people.
    2. We encourage team members to consider making private issues public wherever possible so that we can all learn from the experience, rather than requiring a small group to spend effort translating those learnings in the future.
    1. Wrong solutions can be fixed, but non-existent ones aren’t adjustable at all.
    2. It's important that we keep our focus on action, and don't fall into the trap of analysis paralysis or sticking to a slow, quiet path without risk.
    3. Decisions should be thoughtful, but delivering fast results requires the fearless acceptance of occasionally making mistakes; our bias for action also allows us to course correct quickly.
    1. We believe load test scripts should be plain code to get all the benefits of version control, as opposed to say unreadable and tool generated XML.

      Saw another comment lamenting the use of ugly/unreasonable XML files:


      Tired of using the JMeter GUI or looking at hairy XML files?

    1. To never block or remove features from k6 in order to make them exclusive to Load Impact’s SaaS productStrive not to delay introduction of new features in the k6 OSS tool, if the feature was planned to appear both there and in Load Impact’s SaaS productTo never introduce into the k6 OSS tool any artificial limits designed to promote conversion to Load Impact’s SaaS productTo work with the community, participating in and prioritize building the functionality the k6 community wants, making it the prefered tool for load testing
    2. With k6, our goal has always been to create the best load testing tool for the modern working developer and that we do this in collaboration with the k6 community. Our revenue will not come from k6 directly, but from premium value creating offers based on k6. These offers will be made available at https://loadimpact.com. Load Impact premium offers will have focus on providing further simplicity, productivity and ease to use functionality.
    3. We believe the key to Load Impact’s long-term success as a Company is to foster an active community of users around k6 as an open source project. To achieve this long-term goal, it is vital that we do not withhold new features from k6 based on whether or not they compete with our SaaS offering.
    4. Load Impact is a for profit organization, and recognizes that there is a need to balance this requirement with the needs of the k6 open source project. In the longer run, we strongly believe that those two needs will rarely be in conflict.
    1. How to Build a Successful Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business? February 15, 2020 Shiv Graphic Design A successful business needs a successful graphic design strategy. A strategy helps the business in taking necessary action and adequate guidance to increase business growth. There are a lot of factors that go into building an effective business strategy, but, when it comes to graphic design strategy, it’s all about the visuals and representing your business visually to your customers. This guide will help you in building a successful graphic design strategy that can skyrocket your business growth, but, before that let’s find what does an effective graphic design strategy means. What Does an Effective Graphic Design Strategy Mean? Graphic design is a creative piece that is visually appealing to look at and when you strategize the production and display for the graphic design then it is called a graphic design strategy. The purpose of having a defined graphic design strategy is to deliver a clear brand message among your audience. It is all about visual branding and creating a visual presence among your clients. The idea behind having a strategy is to integrate business with a creative visual idea to promote business growth. Why Does Graphic Design Strategy Matter For Your Business? Graphic design plays an important role in business and commerce. Design is more than aesthetic but a way of communication that helps viewers in understanding the underlying concept of design. Business uses graphic design in a variety of areas like website design, logo design, business card design, flyer design, etc. the objective of using these tools is to inform the viewers about the business. When a piece of information is shared via audio, three days later the percentage of data retention is just 10%, whereas, when the same information is presented visually, three days later the percentage of data retention is 65%. It provides us clear evidence of how important visuals are for a business. An Infographic design that is one of the most used visual marketing tools and uses visual graphics heavily has the potential of increasing the website traffic by 12%, which is a significant amount of growth. Here is the Guide on Building an Effective Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business Display Your Brand Identity Your brand identity is the key to success, therefore, it becomes important for your business to display the brand identity with pride. A strong brand identity attracts customers automatically and customers tend to trust you more. Graphic design helps in establishing a groundwork for a business to brand its business. Branding enhances business outreach and ensures a brand is recognized easily. When a business works more on the branding part rather than the sales part, the business tends to grow with a “J-curve”. The reason for this is the influence of branding on the customers and the decision to purchase the product or services. Create the Awareness of Your Brand A graphic design element like flyer, poster, business card, logo design,  etc. address the clients about the business. The purpose of using these elements is to create brand awareness.  Brand awareness is how easily your brand is recognized by potential customers. To understand the effect of this factor, we have to dig deep into the psychological factor behind brand awareness. The psychology behind creating brand awareness is to establish positive memory among the customers interacting with the brand. People tend to trust those who they are familiar with, therefore, it becomes important for a business to become familiar with the customers. In psychology, this is called the mere-exposure effect and in layman’s term, it is called the familiarity principle. According to this principle, people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. You can use this psychological phenomenon to your advantage and use visual designs to advertise and make people aware of your brand. Stand Apart From Your Competitors The market is always competitive and is constantly changing as time passes. It becomes a hefty challenge for a business to adapt according to the needs of the consumers. If a business does not adapt to the market then people are going to reject the product, no matter how good your product is. You always have to play by market rules otherwise you are going to lose. You can take the example of Nokia, which was the best selling mobile phone manufacturer when feature phones were at their brink, but Nokia failed. There were many factors that collectively made Nokia a failure but the primary one is the refusal of adaptability to the market. When other smartphone sellers were providing users with an Android smartphone, Nokia was still providing a Symbian based smartphone. When you are up to date with the technology, you could stand apart from your competitors and provide your customers with unique and new technology. Graphic design can help you in designing the framework of the product.  You can change your website design to enhance your User experience by optimizing the user interface. When you focus your attention on these factors, you could create a difference in your service and your competitor service, which helps you in standing apart from them. Advertise Your Business to Potential Customers You can have a revolutionary business idea, but if your customers do not know about it, then what’s the benefit. This is where advertisement comes into play. The advertising market is around $1.2 trillion which is expected to grow at an average pace of 5%. A professional graphic designer can help you in your campaigns by designing advertisement materials like billboard design, flyer designs, etc. Designing these elements is essential as the attention span of the viewers is very limited to 3-5 seconds and the job of the design is to deliver the brand message within this time limit. Graphic design uses visual hierarchy and other design concepts to either increase the attention time span or to deliver the message fast and sometimes do both. When you can increase these factors, you can influence the viewer into buying your product. Use Social Media to Engage With Customers Using social media for your business is essential in this day and age because of the user base this platform offers. There are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide and on average, a user spends 3 hours on social media. One of the main content on  Social media is images, graphics, and videos. The majority of the posts you see on social media are visual content. A business can create high-quality visual content like images, videos, etc. and post it on various social media platforms to attract customers. Around 90% of the brands use social media to increase brand awareness and if you fall on the 10% of business then you are missing out on a big opportunity, therefore, to brand your business, you would need to have social media marketing on point. Now, that being said, one of the main aspects of social media is the use of graphics and media. Your investment in media content can be easily recoverable if you can provide quality over quantity, therefore, it is recommended that you post shareable content that has the potential of going viral. How to Effectively Implement the Graphic Design Strategy? Any strategy whether it’s a graphic design strategy or a business strategy needs to have adequate planning to give direction to your team. Planning is an essential part of strategy implementation as it provides you with measurable insights that you can hold accountable. You would need Creative design services in order to have a graphic design strategy, therefore, you should choose the services accordingly. What is a design strategy in graphic design? Design strategy in graphic design refers to the integration of graphic design and businesses with each other to produce content that can be used for the benefit of the business. How does graphic design affect marketing? Graphic design is an essential element of marketing, whether its content marketing or offline marketing using a poster, flyer, etc. you need to have quality graphics to attract customers. Why is graphic design important in advertising? Graphic design is a very important part of the advertisement industry, it attracts us towards the brands. Graphic design gives a business a face that influences the brand positioning in the mind of the viewer. What is a good graphic design? Design is an artistic approach to anything which differs person to person but, when you add a business element to it then we can define good graphic designs as a design that presents the business such that it attracts customers towards the business. Shiv Edit profileHi, my name is Shiv Kumar. I’m a blogger, Digital marketer at EveryDesigns and I write on various topics including design, ecommerce, startups, digital marketing, interactive content, and much more. You know, wherever the mood goes.

      Having a defined graphic design strategy helps a business in positioning itself better in this competitive world. Find out about graphic design strategies.