83 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. let's face it if you create a traumatized child you then have 00:44:39 to have the capacity for dealing with the traumatized child so it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that it's a lot easier to be in relationship 00:44:51 with someone for the rest of your life that a that you haven't damaged

      for - progress trap - parenting - traumatizing our children - Nora Bateson - quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children

      quote - Nora Bateson - progress trap - traumatizing our children (see below) - Let's face it, - If you create a traumatized child - you then have to have the capacity - for dealing with the traumatized child - So it's not just out of benevolence to him but also that - it's a lot easier to be in relationship with someone for the rest of your life that - you haven't damaged

  2. May 2024
    1. Alan Clark Agreed...also; learning = change in behaviour, is another widely held belief.

      Reply to John Whitfield: I think that one is mostly a semantic issue. In some definitions of learning, learning does equate to a change in behavior. In parenting for example, how is learning measured? If the behavior is changed. Therefore, for parenting, learning is a change in behavior.

      I'd argue for many books the same is true, what is the use of a book if the knowledge is only in your head. Application, thus changing one's behavior, is essential for the proper use. Obviously this is not for everything the case, but I am highlighting a few scenarios where it would be accurate to say that learning is a change in behavior.

      Nothing is ever black and white, it is quite simplistic to say such things, often there is a lot of nuance going on.

      Comment link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7197621782743252992?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A7197621782743252992%2C7198233333577699328%29&dashCommentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_comment%3A%287198233333577699328%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7197621782743252992%29

      Link for Hypothes.is context: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7197621782743252992/?commentUrn=urn:li:comment:(activity:7197621782743252992,7198233333577699328)&dashCommentUrn=urn:li:fsd_comment:(7198233333577699328,urn:li:activity:7197621782743252992)

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Le sommeil est une pierre angulaire du développement et du bien-être de votre enfant. Chez Amour De Bébé, nous comprenons cette obsession bien légitime pour le sommeil de bébé et proposons une gamme de produits et de conseils pour transformer le coucher en un moment paisible et réparateur. Des gigoteuses aux moniteurs de sommeil, nous avons tout ce qu'il faut pour assurer des nuits tranquilles pour votre bébé et pour vous.

      En savoir plus : https://amourdebebe.beehiiv.com/p/sommeil-bebe-obsession

    1. Naviguer dans le monde de la parentalité devient plus simple avec notre boutique en ligne. Amour De Bébé offre une expérience d'achat sans stress, où vous pouvez découvrir et acquérir tout le nécessaire pour vos enfants, de la naissance à l'enfance. Notre plateforme est conçue pour vous offrir une expérience d'achat fluide, où la qualité rencontre le confort et la sécurité.

      En savoir plus : https://code.datasciencedojo.com/amourdebebeshop/boutique-bebe-enfant/blob/53e9f89717e20620c75bbc9d02743b4e05602e64/README.md

    1. Dans l'univers de la puériculture, chaque détail compte. Amour De Bébé met en avant l'importance cruciale de sélectionner des articles qui répondent aux normes les plus élevées de sécurité et de confort. En collaborant avec des fournisseurs de confiance, nous nous assurons que vous disposiez d'un large éventail de choix pour tout ce qui touche à la santé et au bien-être de votre enfant, du premier jour et au-delà.

      En savoir plus : https://thirdparty.yeelight.com/topics/4407/le-role-crucial-des-magasins-de-puericulture-pour-larrivee-de-bebe

    1. Notre collection, allant des tenues douces et confortables aux jouets qui éveillent l'imagination, est pensée pour répondre aux besoins variés de votre enfant. Amour De Bébé s'engage à apporter une touche de magie dans la garde-robe et la salle de jeu de votre bébé, avec des articles qui allient esthétique et praticité. Laissez-nous vous accompagner dans le choix d'accessoires qui rendront le quotidien plus facile et plus joyeux.

      En savoir plus : https://issuu.com/amourdebebe/docs/amour_de_b_b_-_boutique_pu_riculture_mode_jouet

    1. Les premières années de la vie de votre enfant sont une toile vierge sur laquelle chaque expérience peint une couleur unique. Chez Amour De Bébé, nous vous proposons une palette variée d'activités enrichissantes, des jeux sensoriels aux livres d'éveil, conçus pour favoriser l'apprentissage et l'épanouissement de votre bébé. Nos produits et idées d'activités visent à renforcer le lien parent-enfant tout en soutenant les jalons développementaux essentiels.

      En savoir plus : https://www.deviantart.com/amour2bebe/journal/Transformez-les-Premieres-Annees-De-Votre-Bebe-1022245741

    1. L'aventure gastronomique commence dès les premiers jours de la vie de bébé, et Amour De Bébé est ravi de faire partie de ce voyage. Nous offrons des conseils avisés pour une transition en douceur vers les aliments solides, des recettes adaptées à chaque étape du développement de votre enfant, et des produits innovants pour rendre les repas à la fois amusants et nutritifs. Notre objectif est de vous aider à créer des moments de partage et de découverte, pour que manger devienne une expérience enrichissante pour toute la famille.

      En savoir plus : https://blog.libero.it/wp/amourdebebe/2024/02/16/repas-bebe-odyssee-culinaire/

    1. Les jouets Montessori, sélectionnés par Amour De Bébé, sont plus qu'un simple divertissement. Ils sont une invitation à l'apprentissage autodirigé, à la découverte personnelle et au développement des compétences essentielles. En mettant à la disposition de votre enfant des outils qui respectent son rythme et encouragent son indépendance, nous favorisons une croissance harmonieuse et consciente. Ces jouets sont les compagnons parfaits pour les petits curieux désireux d'explorer le monde à leur façon.

      En savoir plus : https://amourdebebe.substack.com/p/jouets-montessori-cles-du-genie-ou

    1. Accueillir un nouveau-né est un moment magique, et Amour De Bébé est là pour s'assurer que vous êtes parfaitement équipés pour cette nouvelle aventure. De la chambre à la garde-robe, en passant par les indispensables de soin, nous vous guidons vers les meilleurs choix pour assurer le confort et la sécurité de votre bébé. Chaque produit est choisi pour sa qualité, son ergonomie et son design, afin de faciliter votre vie de parent tout en enveloppant votre enfant de douceur.

      En savoir plus : https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/amourdebebe/diary/202402170000/

    1. Au cœur de la mission d'Amour De Bébé réside la conviction que le bonheur familial est la clé d'une enfance épanouie. Nous vous invitons à explorer ensemble des activités qui renforcent les liens, des jeux qui suscitent le rire et la complicité, et des pratiques parentales bienveillantes. Notre objectif est de vous accompagner dans la création d'un quotidien joyeux et équilibré, où chaque membre de la famille trouve sa place et son bonheur.

      En savoir plus : https://copyfol.io/v/n6dm7kr8/bebe-heureux-parents-heureux-conseils-et-astuces-pour-une-vie-de-famille-epanouie

    1. Amour De Bébé s'engage à éclairer le potentiel inné de chaque enfant en proposant des jeux et des activités qui stimulent l'esprit dès le plus jeune âge. Notre gamme soigneusement sélectionnée de jouets éducatifs encourage non seulement l'apprentissage par le jeu mais aussi la découverte de soi et l'expression créative. En privilégiant des jouets qui sollicitent les cinq sens, nous offrons à votre bébé un environnement riche et diversifié, propice à l'éveil de son génie intérieur.

      En savoir plus : https://amourdebebe.hashnode.dev/comment-transformer-bebe-en-genie

    1. Plongez dans l'univers merveilleux d'Amour De Bébé, votre destination incontournable pour tout ce qui concerne la puériculture, les vêtements, chaussures et accessoires pour bébé. Notre boutique se distingue par sa sélection minutieuse de produits haut de gamme, conçus pour offrir le maximum de qualité, confort et style, afin d'accompagner chaque étape précieuse de la croissance de votre enfant.

      Chez Amour De Bébé, nous comprenons que chaque famille est unique, et nous nous engageons à fournir une expérience d'achat personnalisée et satisfaisante, remplie d'amour et de soin. Que vous prépariez l'arrivée de votre nouveau-né, naviguiez à travers les premières années de vie de votre enfant ou cherchiez le cadeau parfait, vous trouverez tout le nécessaire pour chérir et équiper votre enfant avec amour.

      Rejoignez la communauté Amour De Bébé et découvrez pourquoi nous sommes la révolution dans l'univers de la puériculture et des accessoires pour bébé. Avec Amour De Bébé, transformez l'aventure de la parentalité en une expérience joyeuse et sereine, en choisissant le meilleur pour votre bébé.

    2. Chaque bébé apporte avec lui un monde de premières fois, d'émerveillement et de joie. De leurs premiers sourires aux premiers pas hésitants, chaque moment est une étape précieuse dans leur développement et une occasion pour les parents de tisser des liens d'amour et de soutien inconditionnels. Pour accompagner ces instants magiques, il est essentiel de s'équiper de produits qui allient sécurité, confort et stimulation. C'est là qu'Amour De Bébé intervient, en proposant une gamme variée de produits de puériculture sélectionnés avec soin pour répondre aux besoins de chaque famille et contribuer au bien-être et à l'épanouissement des tout-petits.

      Rejoindre la communauté de parents satisfaits d'Amour De Bébé, c'est faire partie d'une famille grandissante qui choisit le meilleur pour ses enfants. C'est également partager des expériences, des conseils et des moments de bonheur avec d'autres parents qui, comme vous, veulent offrir un environnement aimant et stimulant à leurs bébés. Ensemble, nous célébrons la beauté de la parentalité, en soutenant le voyage unique de chaque enfant vers la découverte du monde. Invitons l'amour, l'innovation et la qualité dans chaque foyer avec Amour De Bébé, et faisons de l'aventure de grandir une expérience extraordinaire pour nos enfants.

  4. Oct 2023
    1. One of the key aspects of Tech-Positive Parenting is encouraging interactive learning experiences. Instead of passive consumption of content, parents can promote activities that require active engagement.

      interactive screen instead of passive consumption for children

  5. Sep 2023
    1. This Be The Verse<br /> by Philip Larkin

      They fuck you up, your mum and dad. <br /> They may not mean to, but they do. <br /> They fill you with the faults they had<br /> And add some extra, just for you.

      But they were fucked up in their turn<br /> By fools in old-style hats and coats, <br /> Who half the time were soppy-stern<br /> And half at one another’s throats.

      Man hands on misery to man.<br /> It deepens like a coastal shelf.<br /> Get out as early as you can,<br /> And don’t have any kids yourself.

      Philip Larkin, "This Be the Verse" from Collected Poems. Copyright © Estate of Philip Larkin. Reprinted by permission of Faber and Faber, Ltd. Source: Collected Poems (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2001)

      Reference: Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1989.

      Compare with The Kids Are Alright.

      Recited in Ted Lasso, S3 https://www.looper.com/1294687/ted-lasso-season-3-episode-11-maes-poem-sounds-familiar/#:~:text=To%20jog%20your%20memory%2C%20the,extra%2C%20just%20for%20you.%22

      See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Be_The_Verse

  6. Feb 2023
    1. Aesopian language is a means of communication with the intent to convey a concealed meaning to informed members of a conspiracy or underground movement, whilst simultaneously maintaining the guise of an innocent meaning to outsiders.


      Parents often use variations of double entendre to communicate between each other with out children understanding while present.

      It's also likely that Indigenous elders may use this sort of communication with uninitiated members nearby.

  7. Jan 2023
    1. Manolis Kellis: Origin of Life, Humans, Ideas, Suffering, and Happiness | Lex Fridman Podcast #123

      My summary:

      Biology: * Life = energy + self preservation * Neanderthals could be the reason why wolves/dogs are living closely with humans. Maybe in the past generations, dogs had no choice but to live with humans as they were scared of our power? * People evolved from the deep ocean (we're made in 70% of water). We're like transporting the sea with us now * Dolphins as mammals came back into the water * RNA invented proteins. Later RNA and proteins created DNA * Life is like any kind of self-reinforcement such as self-reinforcement of RNA molecules which lead to the evolution process * Europa (moon of Jupiter) already evolves some non-DNA life there. Life could exist in its under-ice ocean, perhaps in an environment similar to Earth's deep-ocean hydrothermal vents. It will be fascinating to get to know it

      Life: * Don't focus on goals but have a path to prevent the "rat race" sort of feeling * Almost every Hollywood movie has a happy ending. It prepares us, humans, really poorly for the bad times in life We need to read/watch more stories with a bad ending * Life is about accomplishing things, not about being happy all the time * As a parent, don't ask your kid if he's happy but what he's struggling to achieve * Most likely, we live on the best planet during the best time as the most beautiful mammals * If you understand yourself, you won't seek self-assurance in what other people think of you * It's hard to get to know your true self if you live all the time in the same location/environment and have the same friends who would like to have a stable image of you

    1. It would actually be nice if there were some negative things that went along with conscientiousness, but at this point it’s emerging as one of the primary dimensions of successful functioning across the lifespan. It really goes cradle to grave in terms of how people do.— How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character

      double-check quote and source

  8. Oct 2022
    1. We will endow them with exceptionally docile parents;

      Hilarious that she sees "exceptionally docile parents" as a necessary condition for educational reform!

  9. Aug 2022
    1. You know, it’s not really that difficult, but it’s not being taught at all.

      Reminds me of my 2008/2010 projects in primary schools on this. I find myself explaining marketing ploys to our 6yo in response to material she sees in print, on billboards, and online. Perhaps I should be doing that more consistently

  10. Jun 2022
    1. Kiddo was worried about today’s medicine because box described them as “tablets,” and she thought that meant chewing up something shaped and sized roughly like an iPad.


      Happy (early) Father's Day!

      (Took me a minute to find the permalink for this by itself since it didn't appear on the "Relationships" archive page.)

    1. Kiddo was worried about today’s medicine because box described them as “tablets,” and she thought that meant chewing up something shaped and sized roughly like an iPad.


      Happy (early) Father's Day!

  11. May 2022
    1. The Sydney researchers were able to confirm this theory by analyzing dried blood samples taken from newborns who died from SIDS and other unknown causes. Each SIDS sample was then compared with blood taken from healthy babies. They found the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) was significantly lower in babies who died of SIDS compared to living infants and other non-SIDS infant deaths. BChE plays a major role in the brain’s arousal pathway, explaining why SIDS typically occurs during sleep. 
  12. Jan 2022
    1. A hundred years from now, I hope there are people who do not know my name or remember me, but nevertheless carry about with them seeds of faithful living that were first planted in the soil of this home.

      Well said.

  13. Dec 2021
  14. Nov 2021
  15. Oct 2021
  16. Aug 2021
  17. Jul 2021
  18. Jun 2021
    1. Almost immediately, I noticed how social policies, schools and health care systems all make it difficult for dads to be highly involved and engaged at home. Contradictory expectations about work and family life abound.

      This is one of the reasons I view the pandemic as a net win for white collar american workers - not the affordance of more family time, but the visibility of it. Kids crashing zooms, babies crying, yelling in the background. It normalizes being a parent

  19. Mar 2021
    1. So we have a couple of options. We can 1) hurl their electronics to the damn moon or 2) begin to implement some new limits. They won’t like the latter but they really wouldn’t like the former—and there are a few things you can do to make the transition a little less painful for everyone involved.

      This is some good guidance.

  20. Feb 2021
  21. Dec 2020
    1. Sanders explains that often when parents see that a child does not appear to be motivated, they tend to place blame and judge. Instead, she recommends that parents should be curious about what is going on and try to work collaboratively by problem-solving.

      Great Parenting.

      Try to understand why your kid has problems with motivations, maybe along the self-determination theory route (autonomy, relatedness, and competency).

      Try to see if your child has a sense of control of the situation, what skills they have or are lacking to tackle the issue, and if they feel heard and connected.

  22. Nov 2020
    1. Observations, on the other hand, cultivate connection by showing you’re paying attention, Braman explained in her post; that’s why she encourages parents to lead with statements like “You seem frustrated,” or “You’re full of smiles.”

      Asking a kid "how was your day" can cause them anxiety because they still don't have the language to describe their feelings. This question usually don't lead to any good.

      On the other hand, make observations! Say something like "you seem frustrated" or "You seem pretty happy today". This helps them develop a language to describe how they are feeling.

      As I was writing this I thought about how important books are. They can describe the emotional language of someone and help the reader empathize with it and also adopt ways to express themselves.

    1. a child's curiosity could serve as an important teaching tool when the child is allowed to explore the things that the child is curious about


  23. Aug 2020
  24. Jul 2020
    1. For example, a parent or guardian could be asked to make a payment of€0,01 to the controller via a banktransaction, including a brief confirmation in the description line of the transaction that the bank account holderis a holder of parental responsibility over the user. Where appropriate, an alternative method of verificationshould be provided to prevent undue discriminatory treatment of persons that do nothave a bank account.
    2. The EDPBacknowledges that there may be cases where verification is challenging (for example wherechildren providing their own consent have not yet established an ‘identity footprint’, or where parentalresponsibility is not easily checked.
  25. Jun 2020
  26. May 2020
  27. Apr 2020
    1. “Hey, I have a good idea for a game,” I said. “It’s called the function machine game. I will think of a function machine. You tell me things to put into the function machine, and I will tell you what comes out. Then you have to guess what the function machine does.” He immediately liked this game and it has been a huge hit; he wants to play it all the time. We played it while driving to a party yesterday, and we played it this morning while I was in the shower.

      Great idea for a game with your kids to develop logical thinking in them

    1. In my book The Life of Dad (2018), I argue that fathers approach their role in myriad different ways dependent upon their environment but, when we look closely, all are fulfilling this teaching role. So, while Western dads might not appear to be passing on overtly practical life-skills, they do convey many of the social skills that are necessary to succeed in our competitive, capitalist world. It is still very much the case that the wheels of success in this environment are oiled by the niceties of social interaction – and knowing the rules of these interactions and the best sort of person to have them with gives you a massive head start, even if it is just dad’s knowledge of a good work placement.

      in Crowley, et al. (2001), parents were 3x more likely to explain science to boys than to girls

      Where parent-child attachment is concerned, the attachment between a mother and her child is best described as exclusive, an inward-looking dyad based on affection and care. In contrast, a father’s attachment to his child has elements of affection and care, but it is based on challenge.

  28. Mar 2020
  29. m.egwwritings.org m.egwwritings.org
    1. Each morning consecrate yourselves and your children to God for that day. Make no calculation for months or years; these are not yours. One brief day is given you. As if it were your last on earth, work during its hours for the Master. Lay all your plans before God, to be carried out or given up, as His providence shall indicate. Accept His plans instead of your own, even though their acceptance requires the abandonment of cherished projects. Thus the life will be molded more and more after the divine example; “and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
  30. Jan 2020
  31. Sep 2019
  32. Jul 2019
    1. some parenting styles or early trauma, which can impair social and mental development, can contribute to creating the school bully. How about reaching out and asking the bully?

      The writer explain that bullying is a symptom of social impairment and mental development. Bullying have their own issues that need to be evaluated and possibly intervention. Writer suggest to reach out to bullies in order to find potential solutions for positive effects.

  33. Feb 2019
    1. Indeed, Japan’s parenting attitudes, as reflected in the World Values Survey, are closer to those in culturally remote Germany and the Netherlands than to China’s.

      This has got to be a huge difference from thirty years ago. Japan's demographic problems have meant that every kid has a future now.

  34. Dec 2018
    1. But the bottom line seems to be that we now have a better idea why rewards work better than punishment with pre-adolescent children. So if it is an explanation you need for why you should reward good behavior more than punish bad behavior, at least with pre-adolescent children, now you have one. The task that still remains, of course, is regulating one's own irritability, frustration and thus behavior in the face of annoying child behavior so that we can ignore it.
  35. Oct 2018
    1. The psychologist Richard Freed, who wrote a book about the dangers of screen-time for kids and how to connect them back to real world experiences, divides his time between speaking before packed rooms in Silicon Valley and his clinical practice with low-income families in the far East Bay, where he is often the first one to tell parents that limiting screen-time might help with attention and behavior issues.
    2. It wasn’t long ago that the worry was that rich students would have access to the internet earlier, gaining tech skills and creating a digital divide. Schools ask students to do homework online, while only about two-thirds of people in the U.S. have broadband internet service. But now, as Silicon Valley’s parents increasingly panic over the impact screens have on their children and move toward screen-free lifestyles, worries over a new digital divide are rising. It could happen that the children of poorer and middle-class parents will be raised by screens, while the children of Silicon Valley’s elite will be going back to wooden toys and the luxury of human interaction.
  36. Sep 2018
    1. helicopter parenting is ruining future generations. By kid-coddling, parents are not letting their children experience obstacles in life that they need to overcome in order to grow and gain more knowledge. The logos appeal "Seventy-one percent of American adults think of 18-to-29-year-olds-millennials, basically- as "selfish," and 65% of us think of them as "entitled." That's according to the latest Reason-Rupe Poll, a quarterly survey of 1,000 representative adult Americans." refers back to the thesis " Millennials Are Selfish and Entitled, and Helicopter Parents Are to Blame." The reading reaches out to parents who may be concerned on how to raise their children.

    1. Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it. But we are delivered over to it in the worst possible way when we regard it as something neutral;

      Technology has the human enslave. Giving great thought to this if you look around most humans cannot "live" without technology. Is as if technology has become the oxygen to human life. Parents now a days has use technology to do the parenting and the babysitting for them. You see 2-3 year old toddler glued to the phone. But if technology were to vanish human life would be a lot more difficult than it already is.

  37. May 2017
    1. Turn all her mother's pains and benefits KL I.iv.284  To laughter and contempt, that she may feel KL I.iv.285  How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is KL I.iv.286  To have a thankless child! Away, away! KL I.iv.286  Exit

      Let it be a wicked child who mocks the mother who cares for it. Make my daughter feel—make her feel how an ungrateful child hurts worse than a snakebite.—Now let’s leave. Go!

  38. Mar 2017
  39. Feb 2017
    1. feeling the most unhappy or depressed when their children are in middle school

      So, middle school is rough for parents also. I think we should get rid of it...

    2. "Parenting a tween is harder than mothering an infant,"

      People with infants don't want to hear or believe this.

  40. Aug 2016
    1. life is full of enough difficult things that we do not need to make life more difficult on purpose.
    2. We don’t have to turn every choice into an object lesson. Nor do we need to make childhood as joyless as adulthood can be.
  41. Oct 2013
    1. Nor let those parents, who have not had the fortune to get learning themselves, bestow the less care on the instruction of their children, but let them, on this very account, be more solicitous as to other particulars.

      Do not let the parents limitations pass on to their children.