- Apr 2022
remacle.org remacle.org
poètes se mettent en scène
La poésie représenterai la scène et une performance pour les personnes qui se disent être poètes. À l'époque, on ne croyait pas à l'émancipation de la poésie comme une discipline à part entière.
remacle.org remacle.org
Très volontiers ; car tu ne dis rien que de raisonnable.
La confiance accordé à la sagesse de l'époque pour les propos véhiculés par un homme de confiance.
Peut-on appeler grand ce qui se passe en un petit espace de temps ?
L'impact que peut déclencher chaque moment dans une vie vécue malgré la faible espérance de vie ou le peu de possibilité d'émanciper sa pensée publiquement avant une exécution quelconque. (Comparaison avec la destinée finale de Socrates)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DICER1 Syndrome
GeneName: DICER1 PMID: 28323992 PMCID: PMC5443331 *No HGNCID found Inheritance pattern: autosomal-dominant Disease Entity: multinodular goiter and thyroid cancer Mutation: Germline Zygosity: not listed Variant: c.3726C>A; p.Tyr1242a, c.3675C>G; p.Tyr1225a Family Information: 145 individuals with DICER1 germline mutations from 48 family controls (135 individuals) that lacked the DICER1 mutation Case: male and female carriers as well as family members were studied. Ages: 20, 30, and 40 for both populations (DICER1 carriers were significantly younger than controls}. Population from Great Britain, UK, and USA (no significant difference between race, ethnicity, or sex found). CasePresentingHPOs: no previous therapeutic radiation or chemotherapy. Thyroid cancer or MNG diagnoses were likely reported with the DICER1 mutation CasePreviousTesting: Sequencing performed with Sanger or next-generation sequencing assays. DICER1 carriers underwent testing to obtain thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine, thyroxine-binding globulin, and serum albumin levels as well as medical history and physical examinations (+thyroid palpation). Participants were also given thyroid US examinations. gnomAD: n/a Mutation Type: missense
- CasePresentingHPOs:thyroidcancerorMNGdiagnosis
- CasePreviousTesting:geneticsequencingbloodtestforthyroidhormonesandserumalbuminphysicalsthyroidUSexams
- PMCID:PMC5443331
- Mutationtype:missense
- DiseaseEntity: multinodular goiter and thyroid cance
- Case:age203040withnosignificantdifferencebetweenraceethnicityorsex
- InheritancePattern:autosomal-dominant
- Variant:c.3675C>G
- FamilyInformation:145individualswithDICER1germlinemutationsfrom48familycontrols(135 individuals)thatlackedtheDICER1mutation
- PMID:28323992
- Variant:c.3726C>A
- Zygosity:notlisted
- Gene:DICER
- Mutation:germline
github.com github.com
Instead read this gems brief source code completely before use OR copy the code straight into your codebase.
- software development: use of libraries: only use if you've read the source and understand how it works
- having a deep understanding of something
- software development: use of libraries vs. copying code into app project
- learning by reading the source
- copy and paste programming
- read the source code
qu'il veut toujours être délivré du mai
mal* - Je crois que chaque humain, dans un moment d'émotion pure (ex : rage aveuglante) se laisse livrer du mal et ne veut y sortir pour ce moment précis ou l'agressivité aggrave sa pensée du mal malgré que son subconscient tentera de se débarrasser de ce même mal, mais dit, implicitement.
la gymnastique par un soin excessif donné au corps
L'ivresse et la déléctation du corps dans toute sa grandeur et voluptée de l'époque Grècque.
la conscience morale du genre humain, ils la consacrent et même l'élèvent et l'épurent
Cette même conscience de la moralité à longuement suscité de longs débats sur son élévation ou son exclusion.
Telle est leur manière de louer la justice et de blâmer l'injustice.
L'intérêt vers une justice qui est propre aux philosophes Grecs de l'époque a toujours été considéré comme d'une importance capitale lorsqu'il attrait à l'énonciation de ses idées.
elle pour tuer le roi et s'empare du trône
prise du pouvoir par la force à l'époque. Signe de masculinité
fr.wikisource.org fr.wikisource.org
Dis-moi, m’aimes-tu ?
Questionnement de l'authenticité de la relation amoureuse entretenue et sa stabilité malgré la divergence de vision.
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
Thus have been briefly noticed the results obtained by research in the Leipsic laboratory during the past seven years. They prove conclusively that it is possible to apply experimental methods to the study of mind. The positive results are, besides, not insignificant, and will compare favourably with what has been accomplished during the same period in many chemical, physical and physiological laboratories. An increased interest is everywhere being taken in experimental psychology, and we may hope that we shall some day have as accurate and complete knowledge of mind as of the physical world.
As experimental psychology was being pushed to evolve into new science through development of experimentation, observation, appliance of external stimuli and reaction of the psyche; the results produced equate to the ones in other scientific fields. The importance of having psychology be a natural science is to understand how an individual's psychology functions in response to the stimuli. Experimentation would allow better understanding of conscious beings. The experiments discussed provide value to adapting psychology as an experimental science that would benefit students and provide equality to psychology in comparison to a field like chemistry.
eduscol.education.fr eduscol.education.fr
Entretenir la qualité de l’accueil des parentset des responsables des élèves
les parents etla communauté éducative soient unis par lesmêmes valeurs et se soutiennent mutuellement
démonstration de la dissociation volontaire des parents pourtant membre à par entière de la communauté éducative
« préparation aux apprentissages scolaires »
école de l’épanouissement
alexcabal.com alexcabal.com
could a few carefully-placed lines of jQuery
Look, jQuery is not lightweight.* It's how we got into this mess.
* Does it require half a gigabyte of dev dependencies and regular dependencies to create a Hello, World application? No, but it's still not lightweight.
There's way too much excuse-making in this post.
They're books. If there's any defensible* reason for making the technical decision to go with "inert" media, then a bunch of books has to be it.
* Even this framing is wrong. There's a clear and obvious impedance mismatch between the Web platform as designed and the junk that people squirt down the tubes at people. If there's anyone who should be coming up with excuses to justify what they're doing, that burden should rest upon the people perverting the vision of the Web and treating it unlike the way it's supposed to be used—not folks like acabal and amitp who are doing the right thing...
motherfuckingwebsite.com motherfuckingwebsite.com
your 40-pound jQuery file and 83 polyfills
wirfs-brock.com wirfs-brock.com
So, I’m going to coin a term, Personal Digital Habitat
twitter.com twitter.com
BU Epi COVID Response Corps. (2021, February 17). We’ve seen so many vaccine questions, we did two videos! Here’s part 1 of our vaccine FAQ: https://t.co/gYASlhiwmm [Tweet]. @EpiCOVIDCorps. https://twitter.com/EpiCOVIDCorps/status/1362099096102854657
vhsoverdrive.neocities.org vhsoverdrive.neocities.org
This appeal would have a greater effect if it weren't itself published in a format that exhibits so much of what was less desirable of the pre-modern Web—fixed layouts that show no concern for how I'm viewing this page and causes horizontal scrollbars, overly stylized MySpace-ish presentation, and a general imposition of the author's preferences and affinity for kitsch above all else—all things that we don't want.
I say this as someone who is not a fan of the trends in the modern Web. Responsive layouts and legible typography are not casualties of the modern Web, however. Rather, they exhibit the best parts of its maturation. If we can move the Web out of adolescence and get rid of the troublesome aspects, we'd be doing pretty good.
documentation.divio.com documentation.divio.com
www.ohchr.org www.ohchr.org
Article 5Les Etats parties respectent la responsabilité, le droit et le devoir qu'ont les parents ou, le cas échéant, les membres de la famille élargie ou de la communauté, comme prévu par la coutume locale, les tuteurs ou autres personnes légalement responsables de l'enfant, de donner à celui-ci, d'une manière qui corresponde au développement de ses capacités, l'orientation et les conseils appropriés à l'exercice des droits que lui reconnaît la présente Convention.
Les Etats parties s'engagent à respecter les droits qui sont énoncés dans la présente Convention et à les garantir à tout enfant relevant de leur juridiction, sans distinction aucune
Article 2
particulièrement dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la santé et en ce qui concerne le nombre et la compétence de leur personnel ainsi que l'existence d'un contrôle approprié.
Article 3
Règles de Beijing
Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (en particulier à l'article 10)
acte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques (en particulier aux articles 23 et 24
Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme
Déclaration de Genève de 1924 sur les droits de l'enfant
Déclaration des droits de l'enfant adoptée par l'Assemblée générale le 20 novembre 1959
enfance a droit à une aide et à une assistance spéciales
forums-enseignants-du-primaire.com forums-enseignants-du-primaire.com
Le travail matériel préalable et notamment la présentation des documents en plis clos ou agrafés doivent être assurés par les associations.
circulaire n°88-208 du 29/8/88
A study of Samuel Johnson (1709–84) has identified four different kinds of reading in which Johnson described himself engaging: “hard study” for learned books read with pen in hand, “perusal” for purposeful consultation in search of information, “curious reading” for engrossment in a novel, and “mere reading” for browsing and scanning “without the fatigue of close attention.”216
"Mere reading" today consists of a lot of scrolling through never-ending social media posts on mobile phones....
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
which I hope would extend to iframes.
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
quietly interesting
- Mar 2022
www.storeboard.com www.storeboard.com
Learning about the difficulties to create a mobile app is critical for developers to understand what works and what doesn't. This blog will assist you in understanding deeply about them along with learning about the ways to resolve the same.
democracygame.fandom.com democracygame.fandom.comPolicies1
world.hey.com world.hey.com
schoenberginstitute.org schoenberginstitute.org
www.oriane.info www.oriane.info
Selon une étude du Fafiec en 2014, le logiciel libre joue un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'évolution des métiers du numérique. Et l'évolution du marché vers le Cloud Computing ne fait que renforcer ce modèle de développement.
Logiciel libre important pour le developpement du cloud (attention date de 2014)
momentjs.com momentjs.com
The Moment team has discussed these issues at length. We recognize that many existing projects may continue to use Moment, but we would like to discourage Moment from being used in new projects going forward. Instead, we would like to recommend alternatives that are excellent choices for use in modern applications today.
dorian.substack.com dorian.substack.com
the department knew it was happening and almost certainly has a master calendar somewhere that features months worth of programming for every facility under its control. So a couple questions:Why so stingy with that data?Why not publish it in a format that people will actually use?This information is not very useful on some random, deep-linked webpage
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
D’une part, « la sensibilisation des personnels de l’Éducation nationale, pour repérer et orienter les jeunes aidants, grâce à des outils efficaces et co-construits avec le monde associatif » (avec une phase d’expérimentation en Île-de-France et en Occitanie)
codes.droit.org codes.droit.org
www.reseau-canope.fr www.reseau-canope.fr
En somme, les études sur la communication des élèves atteints d’autisme permettent de mettre en évidence l’importance d’un contexte riche en stimulations appropriées (sons et images), mais également une évidente « stabilité » de l’information à décoder, le suivi des émotions des personnages, le rôle de l’imitation dans les apprentissages. Ces résultats encouragent donc l’usage d’outils informatiques adéquats pour améliorer la communication sociale chez les enfants atteints d’autisme.
L'association de deux sujets qui n'ont pas de corrélation vérifiéé, revient dans la conclusion en contradiction avec la conclusion de l'étude de Ramdoss, S et al.
Nous allons montrer par une courte analyse de quelques études l’impact du travail éducatif informatisé dans l’apprentissage de la communication sociale chez des enfants atteints d’autisme.
En contradiction avec l'hypothèse :
Results suggest that CBI should not yet be considered a researched-based approach to teaching communication skills to individuals with ASD. However, CBI does seem a promising practice that warrants future research. Les résultats suggèrent que le CBI ne devrait pas encore être considéré comme un approche fondée sur la recherche pour enseigner les compétences en communication aux personnes ayant Troubles du Spectre Autistique. Cependant, le CBI semble être une pratique prometteuse qui justifie des recherches futures.
Ce programme nommé « I can word it too », disponible en hébreu et arabe, a été spécialement créé pour cette étude. Il reproduit les activités quotidiennes (jouer à des jeux, prendre les repas, faire sa toilette…) et demande à l’enfant ce à quoi il veut jouer, en lui présentant un choix de jeux sur l’écran
==>il s’agirait d’une déclinaison sur écran des outils et méthodes de communication améliorée et alternative (CAA), comme le PECS ou le Makaton. déjà existants, IDEOPICTO ou le langage conceptuel SACCADE
L’imitation et l’influence du jeu interactif sont bien mises en évidence dans une étude de Orit Hetzroni et Juman Tannous, de la Faculté des Sciences de l’éducation de l’Université de Haifa (Israël)
==>l’échantillon de l’étude est est extrêmement limité, l’étude n’est pas répliqué et elle ne permet pas de retirer de résultats concluants
- Autisme et thérapie : connaître les thérapies possibles. (s. d.). Autisme Info Service. Consulté le 11 mars 2022, à l’adresse https://www.autismeinfoservice.fr/accompagner/connaitre-therapies
- Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2010b). Use of Computer-Based Interventions to Teach Communication Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55‑76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-010-9112-7
- Ramdoss, S., Lang, R., Mulloy, A., Franco, J., O’Reilly, M., Didden, R., & Lancioni, G. (2010a). Use of Computer-Based Interventions to Teach Communication Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. Journal of Behavioral Education, 20(1), 55‑76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10864-010-9112-7
- Stevens, J. R. (2017). Replicability and Reproducibility in Comparative Psychology. Frontiers. Consulté le 11 mars 2022, à l’adresse https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00862/full
www.yvelines.gouv.fr www.yvelines.gouv.fr
www.78-92.fr www.78-92.fr
scolaire.loupbrun.ca scolaire.loupbrun.ca
Je me caressais aux fourrures, aux corsages satinés des femmes
Il y a potentiellement ici , un tentative de se rapprocher du modèle féminin avec des pièces de vêtements pouvant rappeller à ce que c'est d'être une dame et ainsi trouver une partie de soi et identité de ce qu'on est supposé vouloir être ou devenir.
gesture isimpressionistic and holistic, conveying an immediate sense of how things lookand feel and move.
Gestures provide a powerful and immediate sense of how things look, feel, and move and provide facilities that can't be matched by spoken communication.
Link this to the idea of dance being used in oral cultures to communicate the movement of animals, particularly in preparation for hunting. cross reference: Songlines and Knowledge and Power by Lynne Kelly
Link to [[a picture is worth a thousand words]]
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Mass protests against Russia’s aggression combined with existing political pressure to move more quickly on climate change might lead to new policies to do yet more.
The time is ripe for a converged march and to launch SRG Tipping Point Festival.
fr.wikisource.org fr.wikisource.org
Quel argent ?
Strepsiadès joue ici l'innocence, tentant de s'acquérir un peu de sympathie et empathie à l'égard du désir d'Amynias d'avoir son blé(argent).
Socrate demande une confirmation car il est pointilleux qu'on lui donne des preuves tangibles sur ce que les gens autour de lui avance.
Par la Respiration ! Par le Khaos ! Par l’Air, je n’ai jamais vu d’homme si grossier, si stupide, si gauche, si oublieux
Socrate vient critiquer l'éloquence et longitude des phrases dîtes par le chœur qui sont complètement vides et absentes d'humanité quelconque. Comme si elles étaient récités sans se questionner.
je t’en donnerai de bonnes preuves.
Socrate tente ici d'aller à l'encontre la pensée traditionnelle de l'époque et ses croyances par des preuves météorologiques et non-divinatoires.
Alors c’est du haut de ton panier que tu regardes les dieux, et non pas de la terre, si toutefois…
Un procédé très intéressant ici qui peut laisser présager la confiance de Sokratès qui "regarde de haut" ce que les Dieux préparent et n'est pas en dessous du panier (pour faire des offrandes ou demandes aux Dieux. La pensée critique et autonome de Sokratès est donc dévoilée par Strepsiadès.
observatoire-reussite-educative.fr observatoire-reussite-educative.fr
sive.rs sive.rs
writing instead of formatting
A substantial subset of the personal homepage contingency associated with blogging advocacy "movement" doesn't understand this.
- Feb 2022
you can't see the beetle in my box nor I the one in yours ludwig wittgenstein use the beetle in the Box analogy to suggest that the meaning of sensation words such as pain isn't given 00:01:10 by referring to some private inner introspected something a sensation to which you alone have access in his view there can't be more to the public meaning of our language than we are capable of teaching each other and the 00:01:23 private something the beetle can't have a role in that teaching because we can't get at
The duality of self and other is the peculiar symmetrical asymmetry of being human, and possibly of being life itself.
Similarity and differences in the meaning of words between individuals is unavoidable because we all seem to share this quality of consciousness, as well as the quality of experiencing others as objects of our consciousness.
Nature instills the quality of "unique conscious experience" to each of us. Biological replication is the basis for the repetition of this pattern in all members of our species.
Why was I drawn to the content of this youtube, which came from this article interviewing Teodora Petkova: https://medium.com/content-conversations/a-semantic-text-strategy-conversation-teodora-petkova-fa6d8ad7c72f Through this youtube and through the interview with Teodora Petkova, I became aware of Ludwig Wittgenstein's beetle-in-a-box analogy for private thoughts.A meme is reproduced and shared over and over, drawing people who resonate with it.
Hence, my own discovery of this idea demonstrates the mechanics of self and other consciosness. In any rendition of the present, my semantic state has been influenced by countless number of other writers, content developers or consciousnesses, echoing Husserl's Lebenswelt. Once we are bootstrapped into language through a long gestation period of child development, we simply grow our vocabulary of words, and continuously upgrade their individual meaning through the unique experiences of our unique lifeworlds.
This symmetrical asymmetry is a distinct and unique property of the individual human, showing just how entangled the individual is with the collective, the self with the other.
It is said that the most obvious is at the same time the most difficult to see. The metaphor "a fish does not know of the water that surrounds it" is apt. Our symmetrical asymmetry of experience is so universal that its salience and peculiarity is easily overlooked and not explicitly discussed except by the philosophically inclined. It is more often subconsciously felt than made into an explicit subject of discourse. It is recognized as obvious and coming with the territory of being human.
Indeed, we might say that this common peculiarity of the private, subjective world is paradoxically one of the strangest and yet one of the most common at the same time. Its obviousness does not lessen its profound sense of magic.
The fact that we live in these two kinds of worlds, the private inner and the public outer, and that these terms "private inner" and "public outer" are themselves abstractions, also explains how our participation in collective reality may often not live up to expectations.
For example, in a time when the world needs to undergo a monumental whole system change, it is a challenge to mobilize sufficient number of people to drive the needed change. Part of the reason for this could be that the individual pole, the salience of the "private, inner" pole could prioritize it above even such collective action. The ideas and feelings in our own life as an individual, driven by our private inner lives may dominate our individual actions. Getting on with life often supersedes even threats to society.
chienluocsong.com chienluocsong.com
Blog này được lập vào khoảng 2014. Tác giả tự giới thiệu sinh năm 1979, tức hồi anh ta 33 - 34 tuổi. Ở bài trước, được viết vào 1/2016, anh ta "tự ái" khi đọc bài Sự khốn cùng của “tư duy triệu phú” - Tuổi Trẻ Online bởi Đặng Hoàng Giang (1, 6, 2015). Ở vào thời điểm này (2021 - 2020), có lẽ anh đã "trưởng thành" hơn và suy nghĩ, nhận thức có hệ thống hơn. Như ở đây anh ta tìm hiểu về "kinh tế học" một cách nghiêm túc thay vì đọc mấy cuốn self-help vớ vẩn như trước đây?
Ha,... ở tuổi 40 - 41, anh ấy thấy thấm thía hơn vai trò của sức khỏe, tập luyện thể dục thể thao đều đặn. Có lẽ anh ta bớt "ảo tưởng" và dần nhận ra điều gì là quan trọng hơn đối với cuộc sống của bản thân.
Nhưng cái sơ đồ thì hết sức "buồn cười". Sức khỏe của bản thân sẽ đạt tới trạng thái tối ưu nhất trong một độ tuổi nhất định, có lẽ trong khoảng 15 - 25 tuổi. Sau tuổi đó dù có tập bao nhiêu đi chăng nữa, cũng không thể đạt được như vậy bởi thể chất được quy định bởi gen di truyền. Đó cũng là lý do tại sao, những vận động viên trong quá trình tập luyện, không may mắn bị chấn thương, họ buộc phải nghỉ 1 - 2 năm và sau đó không thể quay lại thi đấu được nữa. Một số người có thể trở thành huấn luyện viên, số khác thì chuyển nghề,... để hiểu có những thứ khi đã qua đi thì không thể lấy lại. (Ngoài thời gian thì còn là sức khỏe, trí tuệ, mối quan hệ,.... sau cùng mới là tiền bạc). Vì vậy nhận thức sớm, hiểu biết (sâu sắc) sớm là quan trọng để thay đổi sớm.
Nhớ lại trong phần giới thiệu cuốn sách "Hiện tượng học về tinh thần" - Hegel, dịch giả Bùi Văn Nam Sơn chia sẻ:
H. Schnädelbach kết luận quyển sách của mình về Hegel một cách mỉa mai: “Điều Hegel không nói ra [trong diễn văn ấy] là: khi trẻ thì ta còn nhiều mơ mộng, còn lớn rồi thì tỉnh mộng. Hệ thống của Hegel là một cơn mơ trí tuệ mà triết học phải biết thức tỉnh khi đã lớn khôn” (H. Schnädelbach: Hegel, 1999: 166).
Một thông tin thêm là có những ngành học chuyên nghiên cứu về thể chất con người [[Tản mạn về Chuyện Đọc#^uga1qu]]
Ở nước ngoài có một môn tên là động năng con người (human kinetic). Môn học ấy tập trung nghiên cứu về sự chuyển hoá của các dạng vật chất và năng lượng bên trong con người. Một người bạn của tôi nghiên cứu môn này với mục đích là để có được cơ thể khoẻ mạnh. Sau khi đọc hết một quyển sách, hắn tìm ra mấu chốt trọng tâm chỉ là ngủ sớm, dậy sớm, tập thể dục đều đặn, mỗi ngày uống một cốc nước cam. 99% lượng thông tin còn lại của quyển sách là nói về việc nếu bạn không làm như thế thì cơ thể sẽ thế nào.
Ở bài Tốc độ của niềm tin P1 (Hệ thống niềm tin) | Chiến lược sống (8, 2020), anh ta trích dẫn cuốn sách "7 thói quen thành đạt" cùng với hình minh họa (figures), trích dẫn/highlights/ví dụ (do anh ta thêm vào), sơ đồ tư duy (mindmap) do anh ta tự vẽ. Thiếu sót đó là: nó không có trích dẫn tài liệu tham khảo. Và có lẽ do vốn tiếng anh hạn chế, nên anh ta không tìm hiểu và đào sâu hơn vào các tài liệu liên quan bằng tiếng anh (thứ sẽ không có nếu chỉ đọc bằng tiếng Việt), ví dụ bài phê bình cuốn sách "7 thói quen thành đạt" phía trên bằng tiếng anh (hoặc các ngôn ngữ khác)? Và phê bình cái sơ đồ quy luật (?!) "niềm tin" này mà anh ta sử dụng. Nó từ đâu? Có nghiên cứu (lý thuyết/thực nghiệm) củng cố nó?
Anh ta (có lẽ?) không biết là mỗi chữ cái mà anh ta vẽ trên cái sơ đồ trên, tương đương với các lĩnh vực nghiên cứu liên quan với hàng trăm, ngàn, trăm ngàn bài nghiên cứu và các cuốn sách liên quan trong lĩnh vực học thuật. Và cái sơ đồ trên chỉ mang tính "quy giản" (reduction). Tin vào nó cũng tốt (với người không biết gì hay người muốn có một bức tranh tổng quát "nho nhỏ"). Chứ nó không có ý nghĩa về mặt kiến thức hay sự hiểu biết.
the guide shall be written in such a way that all we have to do is produce the guide itself and then a computer can do the heavy lifting—where we might otherwise expect a separate, possibly GUI-driven, "app" to be created for the end user to interact with, we accomplish the same effect by making the guide very detailed—in part also an attempt to evoke the style and quality of old equipment operation and repair manuals that used to be available, when such manuals could be expected to include e.g. full schematics. If done correctly, this should be sufficient for the guide itself to be interpretable by a machine.
"comprehensive codebook"?
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
only jquery
It would be nice if people would stop saying this—and saying it like this—as if it's a badge of honor. jQuery is a fuckin' beast. 10 years ago, the reason that the browser was being brought to a crawl on any given pages often came down to the fact that it was using jQuery. jQuery is the reason that bloated frameworks became normalized and brought us to where we are today. So, enough already with this just-a-little-jQuery stuff.
digitarium-app.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at digitarium-app.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at
www.ohchr.org www.ohchr.org
a) Encouragent les médias à diffuser une information et des matériels qui présentent une utilité sociale et culturelle pour l'enfant et répondent à l'esprit de l'article 29;
b) Encouragent la coopération internationale en vue de produire, d'échanger et de diffuser une information et des matériels de ce type provenant de différentes sources culturelles, nationales et internationales;
règlement intérieur
github.com github.com
There is nothing stopping you from creating store objects which scrapes XE for the current rates or just returns rand(2):
idf.drieets.gouv.fr idf.drieets.gouv.fr
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
and keep your site consistent
But maybe you don't need to do that. Maybe it would be instructive to take lessons from the traditional (pre-digital) publishing industry and consider how things like "print runs" and "reissues" factored in.
If you write a blog post in 2017 and the page is acceptable*, and then five years later you're publishing a new post today in 2022 under new design norms and trying to retrofit that design onto your content from 2017, then that sounds a lot like a reprint. If that makes sense and you want to go ahead and do that, then fair enough, but perhaps first consider whether it does make sense. Again, that's what you're doing—every time you go for a visual refresh, it's akin to doing a new run for your entire corpus. In the print industry (even the glossy ones where striking a chord visually was and is something considered to merit a lot of attention), publishers didn't run around snapping up old copies and replacing them with new ones. "The Web is different", you might say, but is it? Perhaps the friction experienced here—involved with the purported need to pick up a static site generator and set your content consistently with templates—is actually the result of fighting against the natural state of even the digital medium?
* ... and if you wrote a blog post in 2017 and the page is not acceptable now in 2022, maybe it's worth considering whether it was ever really acceptable—and whether the design decisions you're making in 2022 will prove to be similarly unacceptable in time (and whether you should just figure out the thing where that wouldn't be the case, and instead start doing that immediately).
Local file Local file
his suggests that successful problem solvingmay be a function of flexible strategy application in relation to taskdemands.” (Vartanian 2009, 57)
Successful problem solving requires having the ability to adaptively and flexibly focus one's attention with respect to the demands of the work. Having a toolbelt of potential methods and combinatorially working through them can be incredibly helpful and we too often forget to explicitly think about doing or how to do that.
This is particularly important in mathematics where students forget to look over at their toolbox of methods. What are the different means of proof? Some mathematicians will use direct proof during the day and indirect forms of proof at night. Look for examples and counter-examples. Why not look at a problem from disparate areas of mathematical thought? If topology isn't revealing any results, why not look at an algebraic or combinatoric approach?
How can you put a problem into a different context and leverage that to your benefit?
Indeed, the Jose-phinian card index owes its continued use to the failure to achieve a bound
catalog, until a successor card catalog comes along in 1848. Only the<br /> absence of a bound repertory allows the paper slip aggregate to answer all inquiries about a book ’ s whereabouts after 1781. Thus, a failed undertaking tacitly turns into a success story.
The Josephinian card index was created, in part on the ideas of Konrad Gessner's slip method, by accumulating slips which could be rearranged and then copied down permanently. While there was the chance that the original cards could be disordered, the fact that the approximately 300,000 cards in 205 small boxes were estimated to fill 50 to 60 folio volumes with time and expense to print it dissuaded the creation of a long desired compiled book of books. These problems along with the fact that new books being added later was sure to only compound problems of having a single reference. This failure to have a bound catalog of books unwittingly resulted in the success of the index card catalog.
Because of the constantly growing number of volumes, and to minimize coordination issues, Gottfried van Swieten emphasizes a set of instructions for registering all the books of the court library. Written instructions are by no means common prior to the end of the eighteenth century. Until then, cataloging takes place under the supervision of a librarian who instructs scriptors orally, pointing out problems and corrections as every-one goes along.
Unlike prior (oral) efforts, Gottfried van Swieten created a writtten set of instructions for cataloging texts at the Austrian National Library. This helped to minimize coordination issues as well as time to teach and perfect the system.
Written rules, laws, and algorithms help to create self-organization. This is done by saving time and energy that would have gone into the work of directed building of a system instead. The saved work can then be directed towards something else potentially more productive or regenerative.
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Les dossiers montrent par exemple combien les difficultés rencontrées par les enfants dans le cadre de leur scolarité ont une incidence directe sur leur bien-être. L’insuffisante prise en compte d’un harcèlement entre élèves ou l’absence de protection face à des violences, psychologiques ou physiques, empêche bien souvent les enfants concernés de jouir pleinement de leur droit à l’éducation.
Il est urgent de dépasser les logiques de silos. La santé mentale des enfants, véritable enjeu de société
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
line in the sand between the old and new "smart" phone worlds
I like this distinction—"new world" smartphones vs "old world" smartphones.
www.psycom.org www.psycom.org
Comprendre la santé mentale et ce qui l'influence, grâce au Cosmos mental®, un kit pédagogique Psycom. Ce kit comprend le clip Cosmos mental® et un mode d'emploi pour l'utiliser en contexte d'animation.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I used Publii for my blog, but it was very constraining in terms of its styling
This is a common enough feeling (not about Publii, specifically; just the general concern for flexibility and control in static site generators), but when you pull back and think in terms of normalcy and import, it's another example of how most of what you read on the internet is written by insane people.
Almost no one submitting a paper for an assignment or to a conference cares about styling the way that the users of static site generators (or other web content publishing pipelines) do. Almost no one sending an email worries about that sort of thing, either. (The people sending emails who do care a lot about it are usually doing email campaigns, and not normal people carrying out normal correspondence.) No one publishing a comment in the thread here—or a comment or post to Reddit—cares about these things like this, nor does anyone care as much when they're posting on Facebook.
Somehow, though, when it comes to personal Web sites, including blogs, it's MySpace all over again. Visual accoutrement gets pushed to the foreground, with emphasis on the form of expression itself, often with little relative care for the actual content (e.g. whether they're actually expressing anything interesting, or whether they're being held back from expressing something worthwhile by these meta-concerns that wouldn't even register if happening over a different medium).
When it comes to the Web, most instances of concern for the visual aesthetic of one's own work are distractions. It might even be prudent to consider those concerns to be a trap.
sgenbn.fr sgenbn.fr
La fixation de l’ordre du jour du CA est élaborée par le·a chef·fe d’établissement et ne requiert plus l’approbation du CA. Il n’est plus possible lors de la séance du conseil, à la majorité des présent·e·s, d’ajouter ou de retrancher des points au projet d’ordre du jour.
journals.openedition.org journals.openedition.org
à analyser
eduscol.education.fr eduscol.education.fr
Les équipes académiques de pilotage Dans chaque académie, une équipe référente assure le pilotage du dossier relatif à l'éducation à la sexualité. Dans le cadre de la circulaire n°2018-111 du 12 septembre 2018 relative à l'éducation à la sexualité, chaque recteur d'académie est invité à désigner une équipe académique pluri-catégorielle et inter-degré de pilotage du dossier relatif à l'éducation à la sexualité.
utcc.utoronto.ca utcc.utoronto.ca
keeping your website's look 'up to date' requires changes
Yeah, but...
Keeping your website's look 'up to date' requires changes, but keeping your website up does not require "keeping its look 'up to date'".
- Jan 2022
www.ac-versailles.fr www.ac-versailles.fr
mettre en œuvre à toutes les échelles.
page blanche dont chacun peut s’emparer.
espaces propices au travail d’équip
’encourager les collectifs à travailler dans des « tiers-lieux »
(accès limité)
nouveaux potentiels à considérer,
méthodes collaboratives
Objectif 8 : Contribuer au bonheur à l’école
synergie des ressources et des acteurs des territoires
conforter la mixité sociale
voir le constat de la DAPEP
’outils prospectifs de pilotage des politiques publiques
améliorer le service aux usagers
renforcement de la coéducation et du rôle des parents dans l’apprentissage des élèves
vivre des collectifs apprenants
les parents et les RPE en font-ils partie ?
Coconstruire les diagnostics pour optimiser l’action collective
Les Audits à Visée Participative (AVP)
"Pour promouvoir une culture de l’évaluation venant en appui au pilotage pédagogique et à la prise de décision, l’académie met l’accent sur le déploiement d’audits à visée participative (AVP). Conduits selon une démarche conçue par Angeline Aubert-Lotarski, Michel Lecointe et une équipe de chercheurs universitaires, ce ne sont pas des audits d’établissement, mais l’examen d’une organisation ou d’un dispositif précis et existant. Proposé par un commanditaire (chef d’établissement, IEN 1er degré, chef de service), l’AVP repose sur l’implication négociée et contractualisée de l’ensemble des acteurs audités. La participation à un AVP, que ce soit en tant qu’auditeur ou acteur d’un établissement audité, est une formation-action. Elle contribue à la construction d’une culture commune et inter-catégorielle de cadre, notamment dans le domaine de l’évaluation et de l’analyse des situations complexes."
Le dialogue de pilotage (78 et 91)
Les DSDEN des Yvelines et de l’Essonne ont installé un temps de rencontre et un dialogue de pilotage entre l’autorité académique et les équipes de direction élargies des établissements secondaires publics, pour faire un point sur le fonctionnement global de l’établissement, examiner la manière dont il emploie ses marges d’autonomie, analyser son action sur des objectifs ou des thématiques prioritaires prédéfinis, relevant de la commande nationale ou de la stratégie académique, et partager les projets de l’établissement en matière d’action pédagogique et éducative et d’offre de formation. Moment privilégié d’animation du réseau des EPLE, il sera appelé à évoluer dans le cadre de la mise en place de l’évaluation des établissements secondaires portée par le Conseil d’évaluation de l’école et construite en deux phases : une auto-évaluation d’abord et une évaluation à proprement parler ensuite."
stratégie d’envergure autour de l’orientation
école réellement inclusive
réduction des inégalités
capacité d’initiative et l’enthousiasme
leviers et des marqueurs
compter sur les collectifs
de conversation
pas avec les parents
former des citoyens éclairés. S’épanouir aujourd’hui et demain dans et par l’école, c’est penser la qualité de vie en milieu scolaire et dans nos services, parce que l’épanouissement et le bien-être sont des composantes essentielles de la réussite des élèves
je souhaite
Le projet académique est celui de sa rectrice ?
il doit permettre de susciter chez chacun des acteurs académiques la capacité d’impulser des projets marqueurs de notre stratégie et libérer les initiatives personnelles
Quid du soutien académique aux initiatives et à l'engagement des familles
- projet académique
- à exploiter
- climat scolaire
- espaces parents
- à questionner
- outil
- analyse
- représentants de parents d'élèves
- fcpe
- orientation
- coéducation
- mixité
- inclusion
- besoins particuliers
- handicap
- académie de Versailles
- compétences psychosociales
- santé mentale
- social
- parentalité
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
La semaine de la démocratie scolaire favorise la prise de conscience de l’importance et des enjeux des élections des représentants des parents d'élèves, en les encourageant à se présenter. En effet, c'est au cours de la semaine de la démocratie scolaire que se déroulent les élections des représentants des parents d’élèves au conseil d’école et au conseil d’administration, ainsi que les élections aux conseils des délégués pour la vie lycéenne (CVL). Cette semaine contribue à donner visibilité et sens à la participation des acteurs au processus de décision dans un esprit démocratique. Elle se déroule la sixième semaine suivant la rentrée scolaire.
circo71.cir.ac-dijon.fr circo71.cir.ac-dijon.fr
Une élaboration concertée Afin de favoriser l’appropriation du règlement intérieur par l’ensemble de la communauté éducative, son élaboration doit faire l’objet, en amont de la présentation au conseil d’école, d’une large concertation organisée par le directeur d’école.
communauté éducative
étrangement ce lien ne fonctionne pas https://hyp.is/2bgMuoJ3EeynE4tHUtjfPQ/circo71.cir.ac-dijon.fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/Direction/guide_direction_ecole_eduscol.pdf
référentiel pour l’éducation prioritaire
lien à trouver
. Il peut être consulté et émettre des vœux sur toute question relative à l'organisation et au fonctionnement du service public d'enseignement dans l'académie. Il examine le schéma prévisionnel des formations secondaires, le programme d'investissements, de subventions de fonctionnement des lycées
Il est responsable de la totalité du service public de l'éducation dans l'académie, de la maternelle à l'université
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Le dispositif, tel que défini par l’article 17 de la loi de décembre 2016 relative à la transparence, à la lutte contre la corruption et à la modernisation de la vie économique, comprend un ensemble de huit mesures et procédures visant à prévenir et à détecter les faits d’atteinte à la probité au sein d’une entité, qu’il s’agisse d’une grande entreprise ou d’une administration publique.
www.service-public.fr www.service-public.fr
Que faire si vous ne recevez pas de réponse écrite ?Consultez l'accusé réception de votre demande.L'AR indique la date à laquelle, en l'absence de réponse écrite, votre demande est considérée comme acceptée ou refusée.Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquementSi l'AR indique que la demande est acceptée en l'absence de réponse écriteIl s'agit d'une décision implicite d'acceptation : Lorsque l'administration ne répond pas à une demande, le silence signifie que la demande est acceptée..L'AR indique que vous pouvez demander une attestation à l'administration.Si l'AR indique que la demande est refusée en l'absence de réponse écriteIl s'agit d'une décision implicite de rejet : Lorsque l'administration ne répond pas à un recours gracieux ou hiérarchique, le silence est assimilé à un rejet ..L'AR indique comment contester ce refus (voies et délais de recours). Choisir votre cas Si l'AR indique que la demande est acceptée en l'absence de réponse écrite Si l'AR indique que la demande est refusée en l'absence de réponse écrite Si l'AR indique que la demande est acceptée en l'absence de réponse écriteIl s'agit d'une décision implicite d'acceptation: titleContent.L'AR indique que vous pouvez demander une attestation à l'administration.Si l'AR indique que la demande est refusée en l'absence de réponse écriteIl s'agit d'une décision implicite de rejet: titleContent.L'AR indique comment contester ce refus (voies et délais de recours). À noter : sauf exceptions, si vous ne recevez pas de réponse au bout de 2 mois, cela signifie que votre demande est acceptée. C'est ce qu'on appelle la règle du silence vaut acceptation (SVA).
Comment savoir si l'administration a reçu votre demande ?Quand une administration reçoit votre demande, elle doit vous envoyer un accusé de réception (AR).L'AR indique la date à laquelle l'administration a reçu votre demande.Toutefois, vous ne recevez pas d'AR dans les situations suivantes :Lorsque l'administration a l'obligation de vous répondre dans un délai maximum de 15 joursLorsque l'administration doit uniquement vérifier que vous remplissez les conditions pour avoir un document ou une prestationLorsque votre demande est abusive. Par exemple, vous avez envoyé plusieurs fois la même demande.
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
en conformité avec la définition de l’OMS, dans le cadre d’une véritable stratégie publique afin de favoriser, notamment à l’école , la mise en œuvre de mesures dédiées et adaptées aux besoins fondamentaux des enfants
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Par ailleurs, des enquêtes ou testings spécifiques doivent être menés dans les secteurs et/ou contextes où les jeunes sont les plus exposés aux discriminations, comme l’intérim, les stages, l’apprentissage ou les emplois avec des contrats courts1
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Le Défenseur des droits, sollicité par les familles et les associations, a également la possibilité de présenter des observations devant les juridictions saisies par les familles (juridictions administratives – en référé notamment – ou judiciaires)44
Possibilité du DD d'appuyer les associations spar référé
En effet, le droit international comme notre droit interne prévoient que tout enfant a droit à l’éducation indépendamment de la situation de ses parents, de sa nationalité ou de son lieu d’habitation
B · L e d r o i t à l’ é d u c at i o n d e s e n fa n t s d’o r i g i n e R o m : l a p e r s i s t a n c e d e r e f u s d e s c o l a r i s at i o n d i s c r i m i n at o i r e s
Garantir une égalité effective d’accès à tous les stades de l’éducation et de l’enseignement sans discrimination
0920919z.index-education.net 0920919z.index-education.net
Des espaces qui suscitent des litiges et des contentieux
Arg3: Les EM sont au coeur de tensions géopolitiques entre les Etats qui se disputent l'accès aux ressources halieutiques, hauturières et aux routes maritimes
Mer de Chine méridionale Chine // Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonésie, Malaison "langue de boeuf" => Archipel des Spratleys + Îles Paracels Zone de trafic CMM Territorialisation , militarisation des EM Mars 2020: percussion bateau de pêche vietnamien
Mer de Chine Orientale Chine // Japon Îles Senkaku et Diaoyu COVID19: Liaoning traverse ZEE jap
Mer méditerranée Turquie // Grèce // Chypre // Israël // Liban EM triangulaire de 850km² = réserves de gaz ?
Une délimitation héritée de la Convention de Montego Bay
Arg1: La délimitation des ZEE est héritée de la Convention de Montego Bay
En 1982 est adoptée la CNUDM, réègles internationale utilisation, exploitation, circulation des espaces maritimes
Eaux territoriales: droits souverains de l'Etat jusqu'à 22km
La ZEE: droits souverains de l'Etat à des fins d'exploration, d'exploitation, de conservation et de gestion des ressources naturelles jusqu'à 200 miles / 370 km.==> 350 km si extension avec le plateau continental selon Convention de Genève (1958)
Haute mer: 64% surface des MO, "bien commun de l'humanité" - Résolution 2749 de l'ONU, Arvid Pardo (1970) Exploitation= licences Autorité Internationale des Fonds Marins (AIFM) // liberté de circulation, survol, recherche sc, pose pipe line, cables, ... ==> Mare liberum car "terra nullius"
liberté de circulation, "mare liberum" De la liberté des mers, Grotius, XVIIe Un Etat ne peut pas restreindre la circulation d'un navire étrangers hors de ses eaux territoriales. Idem Etats proches d'un passage stratégique
Des frontières maritimes non figées
Arg 2: Les frontières maritimes ne sont pas figées
ZEE = modèle théorique difficilement applicable contentieux entre pays cotiers: Cour Internationale de Justice (1945), Cour permanente d'arbitrage (1899) EX: Fixation ZEE, Ghana - Côte d'Ivoire (2013)
ZEE : demande prolongation Demande extension du plateau continental
Argument 4 : Les espaces maritimes et les points de passage stratégiques : des zones sensibles menacées
Arg 4: Les choke points et les EM sont menacés Pirtarie maritime 2018: 201 attaques // navires marchands 4000 attaques depuis 20 ans selon l'IRIS 330M $ de rançons en 7 ans = financement activités criminelles Golfe de Guinée Golfe d'Aden Asie du Sud (Bangladesh) Asie du Sud Est (Détroit de Malacca) Amérique du Sud (Bolivie et Venezuela) = 2 régions les + touchés => next to routes maritimes
Argument 3 : Les routes maritimes, les points de passage stratégiques et les goulets d’étranglement : des espaces maritimes vitaux pour le commerce maritime
Arg3: les enjeux vitaux des chokes points pour l'économie mondialisée et le CM Connecter espaces de prod°/conso° Espaces maritimes très réduits concentrent trafic maritime:
- Canaux; Suez, Panama
- Détroit, Ormuz, Gibraltar, Bab el Manbed, Bering, Malacca
- Caps: Bonne espérance, Horn
Détroit de Malacca selon Institut Supérieur d'économie marine (2017) 14M barils / jours Port Klang (Malaisie) = 12e port à conteneurs mondial "Dilemme de Malacca" selon Hu Jintao 20 - 25% du trafic mondial / an
Dépendance = ouverture permanente des passages stratégiques Mauvaise situations: insécurité, piraterie, conflits, tensions géopolitiques sinon = perturber approvisionnement marchandises + matières premières = - économie mondiale EX: 1967 -> 1974 = pas Canal de Suez (G6jours) alternative = Cap de Bonne Espérance (+ temps, +argent)
Argument 2 : La maritimisation renforce la littoralisation et le rôle des façades maritimes
Arg2: Maritimisation = littoralissation + importance facades maritimes littoralisation: 60% pop in moins 60km côtes (3,6 Milliards hab) 14/16 aires urbaines
**Secteurs économiques 1st = pêche 2nd = ZIP (Port de Pirée, Port de Marsaxlokk à Malte), accesibilité, entreprises de raffinages et sidérurgiques = matières premières Services = tourisme, aménités, héliotropisme, haliotropisme => stations balnéaires
Rôle des ports: HUB dans le processus de M°
- grande capacité portes conteneurs (1st = Shanghai Yangshan, St Expuéry par CMA CGM) MAIS nécessitent port adaptés (ports en eaux profondes de Kribi, espaces de stockage, portd de transbordement, plateformes intermodales: Port de Rotterdam)
Rôle façades maritimes = lieu de concentration CMM Northern Range: Have - Hambourg Cote Est des EU: Nord de Boston - Miami Cote ouest des EU: Puget Sound - Californie Asie de l'Est et Japon: Tokyo - Singapour
Argument 1 : L’accroissement du commerce maritime et l’accélération du processus de mondialisation renforcent le rôle central des espaces maritimes
Arg1: CM + M = rôle des espaces maritimes ++
90% marchandises et matières première
- temps, - couts, + fiable
- Grandes capacités portes conteneurs (CMA CGM Megamax // Ecounter Bay)
Espaces maritimes inclus dans fluw et réseaux télécommunications = cables sous marins (1,2M km, 99% trafic intercontinental, 10T $/jour) trafics illicites: piraterie, narcotrafiquants
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
hypothes.is hypothes.is
github.com github.com
Sorry, let me rephrase. Is this how it is supposed to work? Because right now it looks like a bug. The documentation is really terribly sparse on this topic.
github.com github.com
having inconsistencies when all the "subtle" conditions were met is unfriendly. it requires the user to have much deeper understanding of the nuances of the language.
support.mozilla.org support.mozilla.org
The ticket which tracks issues using Gmail with Thunderbird (Bug 402793)
Notice how it was created >= 14 years ago and is still open.
Notice how they just keep updating it by adding "Depends on:" "No longer depends on:" (cleaner than adding the details of those related/sub issues directly here)
scattered-thoughts.net scattered-thoughts.net20211
the frothy web
- Dec 2021
ezinearticles.com ezinearticles.com
A plumber was a man who used lead for many reasons. Since lead was very malleable and had a low melting temperature it was employed quite a great deal to seal and repair.Pipes used to be connected and secured just as they are at present, although now we use plastics or ceramics.
One may think that the pipes leading to the sink, and the job of installing or maintaining them is described as plumbing since pipes were previously made with lead and the Latin word for lead was plumbum (consequently the elemental letters Pb).While this fact is absolutely valid, it is additionally true that plumbers were once employed in additional ways than installing pipes when the phrase plumber originally became popular in French then English within a century around the 14th Century A.D.
Furthermore, lead is very weighty and so it was often used in the role of a weight. At the end of a twine hung to be certain of a perpendicular line it is described as a plumb bob. Persons in charge of water workings earlier than the era of dependable pressure systems had to fall back on on gravity defined methods and so accurate lines and levels were essential.
media-exp1.licdn.com media-exp1.licdn.com
Deep learning: A definition
Deep learning: A definition
Machine learning: A definition
Machine learning: A definition
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How is it transmitted? (n.d.). Retrieved December 24, 2021, from https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-how-is-it-transmitted
How to Build a Marketplace Platform in 2021?
Great and useful materials about how to build a marketplace platform, highly recommended
ccss.jhu.edu ccss.jhu.edu
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
O cerebelo modela erros de predição sensorial da periferia e os retransmite para o córtex para modificar rapidamente as predições motoras (ou seja, é hipotetizado que prevê as consequências sensoriais de um comando motor muito mais rápido do que erros reais de predição sensorial podem ser recebidos [ 74 ], e ajuda o córtex reduz as consequências sensoriais causadas pelos próprios movimentos). O cerebelo pode ter o mesmo papel a desempenhar para as previsões alostáticas, dada a conectividade entre o cerebelo e os córtices cingulados, o hipotálamo e a amígdala [ 104 , 114 - 116 ]. 8 Isso daria ao cerebelo um papel importante na alostase
. A dopamina é hipotetizada para apoiar a ação vigorosa e o aprendizado necessário para garantir as recompensas que mantêm a alostase eficiente (ou restaurá-la em caso de interrupção), em vez de desempenhar um papel necessário ou suficiente nas próprias recompensas
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
With secondary sources, I like to check and see what the author is doing with the information. It's standard to refer to interpretations that agree with yours, but often even more interesting when the new interpretation is arguing with, modifying, or "complicating" the previous one.
I have noticed in some anthropological literature that it appears that the authors completely missed the boat as the result of the lack of ability to communicate with their subjects or better understand their broader basic contexts.
Particular examples of this: -1930s: A. Irving Hallowell conversations with William Berens, Chief of the Berens River Anishinaabe about rocks
- Robin Wall Kimmerer mentions in Braiding Sweetgrass that the new American immigrants looked down on the indigenous people for not "giving thanks" for their food, when in fact it was so embedded into their general culture that it should never have been in question. The immigrants just didn't possess the ability to see the how the thanks had been given.
schoenberginstitute.org schoenberginstitute.org
www.ccomptes.fr www.ccomptes.fr
Alors que les absences de plus de 15 jours des enseignants y sont remplacées à p lu s d e 9 6 %
le chiffre est étonnant...
fortune.com fortune.com
This Internet of Everything needs a Ledger of Everything. Business, commerce, and the economy need a Digital Reckoning.
Internet of Everything -- Ledger of Everything
Tout au long de cette période d’enseignement à distance du printemps 2020, les échanges entre élèves, parents et professeurs se sont révélés d’intensité et de qualité inégales. Selon les familles interrogées par la DEPP, certains professeurs se sont mobilisés selon des modalités différentes et avec un degré variable28.
à exploiter pour faire évoluer vers un niveau de qualité acceptable
8 Cour des comptes, Rapport public annuel, La contribution du service public du numérique éducatif à la continuité scolaire pendant la crise sanitaire, mars 2021
La Cour a étudié en 201710 la question du remplacement des enseignants, qui préoccupe à juste titre les parents et les cadres de proximité de l’Éducation nationale. Depuis la publication du référé, peu d’évolutions ont été constatées sur la question du remplacement des absences de longue durée qui n’a donc pas fait l’objet d’une nouvelle instruction. Le présent rapport s’attache à analyser en profondeur les diverses causes des absences des enseignants devant leurs élèves et à étudier l’évolution du remplacement de courte durée
Retrouver le lien vers le document
L’enquête a montré le rôle essentiel du directeur d’école en matière d’information des parents d’élèves. Alors que l’utilisation en circonscription de l’application nationale ARIA établit un lien en temps réel entre les écoles et la direction des services départementaux de l’éducation nationale dans le signalement et le suivi des absences des enseignants, le défaut d’outil de communication en direction des parents d’élèves prive ceux-ci d’une information essentielle. C’est souvent à la porte de l’école que les familles apprennent l’absence de l’enseignant.
L’enquête de terrain a montré que c’est d’abord au niveau des établissements que se trouvent les conditions d’une amélioration de la situation,
b) Étendre le champ des ORS à de nouvelles missions Le temps consacré par les professeurs du second degré au suivi, à l’évaluation et l’aide à l’orientation des élèves, au travail en équipe pédagogique ou pluri-professionnelle, aux relations avec les parents d’élèves, n’est actuellement pas quantifié, bien que ces travaux fassent depuis 2014 explicitement partie de leurs missions. En conséquence, le travail des professeurs en dehors des heures de cours repose aujourd’hui, dans le second degré, sur la seule bonne volonté de certains enseignants,
Il faut approfondir cette question
How to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelineTimurTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelinePublishedNov 19, 2021UpdatedNov 19, 202120 min readIt’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows. Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers? In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows.
Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers?
In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.
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- Fiverr
- How to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you've used this word evil and you've used the word crime why I have used those words? Why do you think that's appropriate at this point ? it's a crime. It's a crime against humanity. It's actually a crime against all humanity, right? If we start calling it a crime as it is, I call it the crime of all time. 00:28:27 Then, at least we will switch the discussion to a level that people can actually understand, right? You can give people all these numbers but they're just numbers. You can show people graphs but they're just graphs, right? We are now, our business model are perverse, irrational economics, it's destroying us! 00:28:52 It's destroying the planet! Disrupting all the oceans, poisoning the oceans. The entire oceans with acidification with heating, which disturbs and breaks down all the healthy, ocean, currents, and deoxygenation. This is evil! If you don't act against that evil, if you don't call that evil, evil 00:29:20 you are complicit and that's an enormously powerful and emotional realization and I think you're dead right
Using ethically charged words such as evil and crime shift the paradigm.
stephaniewalter.design stephaniewalter.design
log.schemescape.com log.schemescape.com
I have heard that Oracle's cloud has a free tier that even includes your own virtual private servers, so I may look into that eventually. Planning to use Oracle is something I never thought I'd be doing as a hobbyist, but these are interesting times.
The results of the study showed that object control motor skills (such as kicking, catching, and throwing a ball), were better in the children who played interactive games.“This study was not designed to assess whether interactive gaming can actually develop children’s movement skills, but the results are still quite interesting and point to a need to further explore a possible connection,” said Dr. Lisa Barnett, lead researcher on the study.“It could be that these children have higher object control skills because they are playing interactive games that may help to develop these types of skills (for example, the under hand roll through playing the bowling game on the Wii). Playing interactive electronic games may also help eye-hand coordination.”
This is a deductive argument because the logical premise which is that video games can improve motion control skills is supported by a logical premises which is the evidence from Dr. Lisa Barnett. This premises leads to the conclusion that video games can improve motor skills.
- Nov 2021
philip.greenspun.com philip.greenspun.com
public type registry
Any known previous occurrences to this phrase? It's used today in the Solid Project.
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
Il s’agit de donner une dynamique aux relations avec les parents, en travaillant avec les fédérations des parents d’élèves.
hcommons.org hcommons.org
I think it’s a good idea to have a fall break. Also a mental day. But the mental day has to be productive. A roundtable discussion is a really good idea. Maybe even some group therapy sessions if that’s even a thing. And with students with disabilities. We should also have classes that talk about serious subjects. And also give The students with disabilities a chance to air their grievances. And also have teachers explain to them what’s going on and how they can make a change. Or have some additional counseling. Maybe we can even have a way to make sure everybody is safe both physically mentally. And educationally. Students with disabilities have a right to. It’s harder for students is with mental challenges to grasp at serious subject. Maybe we should have a class maybe at the Achieve center like a roundtable class or a class and teaching us how to be more resilient. How to deal with trauma and PTSD and she CPTSD.
groups.google.com groups.google.com
Item #51104 Marquis Fountain Pen at $5.00 eachItem #51110 Classic Impressions Fountain Pen at $6.00 eachOur minimum order requirement is $100 plus shipping and handling.Payment must be Check In Advance.Mondial is the Italian Company who makes the ink cartridges.
I've got an old one of these A&W Marquis fountain pens that only takes ink cartridges kicking around in a drawer. I knew they were relatively inexpensive and likely a simple "student" pen, but didn't know they were so inexpensive.
"Over the past few years I've come to appreciate that freedom of [mental] movement is the key," he said, highlighting the nature of liquidity in putting thoughts to the page. "When you look about the freedom of your own hands moving, you have such incredible freedom of movement."'
drive.google.com drive.google.com
A qualitative narrative design
A qualitative narrative design
continue to follow a long-term education policy
continue to follow a long- term education policy
role of school as a community
According to teachers, distance learning should be based on a school's strategy where everyone is equally committed and responsible for students
- how to structure to resolve equality
- equality after overcoming disparities
- securing equality will remain a permanent concern
www.promosante-idf.fr www.promosante-idf.fr
www.iledefrance.fr www.iledefrance.fr
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Professional musicians, concert pianists get to know this instrument deeply, intimately. And through it, they're able to create with sound in a way that just dazzles us, and challenges us, and deepens us. But if you were to look into the mind of a concert pianist, and you used all the modern ways of imaging it, an interesting thing that you would see 00:11:27 is how much of their brain is actually dedicated to this instrument. The ability to coordinate ten fingers. The ability to work the pedal. The feeling of the sound. The understanding of music theory. All these things are represented as different patterns and structures in the brain. And now that you have that thought in your mind, recognize that this beautiful pattern and structure of thought in the brain 00:11:52 was not possible even just a couple hundred years ago. Because the piano was not invented until the year 1700. This beautiful pattern of thought in the brain didn't exist 5,000 years ago. And in this way, the skill of the piano, the relationship to the piano, the beauty that comes from it was not a thinkable thought until very, very recently in human history. 00:12:17 And the invention of the piano itself was not an independent thought. It required a depth of mechanical engineering. It required the history of stringed instruments. It required so many patterns and structures of thought that led to the possibility of its invention and then the possibility of the mastery of its play. And it leads me to a concept I'd like to share with you guys, which I call "The Palette of Being." 00:12:44 Because all of us are born into this life having available to us the experiences of humanity that has come so far. We typically are only able to paint with the patterns of thoughts and the ways of being that existed before. So if the piano and the way of playing it is a way of being, this is a way of being that didn't exist for people 5,000 years ago. 00:13:10 It was a color in the Palette of Being that you couldn't paint with. Nowadays if you are born, you can actually learn the skill; you can learn to be a computer scientist, another color that was not available just a couple hundred years ago. And our lives are really beautiful for the following reason. We're born into this life. We have the ability to go make this unique painting with the colors of being that are around us at the point of our birth. 00:13:36 But in the process of life, we also have the unique opportunity to create a new color. And that might come from the invention of a new thing. A self-driving car. A piano. A computer. It might come from the way that you express yourself as a human being. It might come from a piece of artwork that you create. Each one of these ways of being, these things that we put out into the world 00:14:01 through the creative process of mixing together all the other things that existed at the point that we were born, allow us to expand the Palette of Being for all of society after us. And this leads me to a very simple way to go frame everything that we've talked about today. Because I think a lot of us understand that we exist in this kind of the marvelous universe, 00:14:30 but we think about this universe as we're this tiny, unimportant thing, there's this massive physical universe, and inside of it, there's the biosphere, and inside of that, that's society, and inside of us, we're just one person out of seven billion people, and how can we matter? And we think about this as like a container relationship, where all the goodness comes from the outside to the inside, and there's nothing really special about us. 00:14:56 But the Palette of Being says the opposite. It says that the way that we are in our lives, the way that we affect our friends and our family, begin to change the way that they are able to paint in the future, begins to change the way that communities then affect society, the way that society could then affect its relationship to the biosphere, and the way that the biosphere could then affect the physical planet 00:15:21 and the universe itself. And if it's a possible thing for cyanobacteria to completely transform the physical environment of our planet, it is absolutely a possible thing for us to do the same thing. And it leads to a really important question for the way that we're going to do that, the manner in which we're going to do that. Because we've been given this amazing gift of consciousness.
The Palette of Being is a very useful idea that is related to Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE) and autopoiesis. From CCE, humans are able to pass on new ideas from one generation to the next, made possible by the tool of inscribed language.
Peter Nonacs group at UCLA as well as Stuart West at Oxford research Major Evolutionary Transitions (MET) West elucidates that modern hominids integrate the remnants of four major stages of MET that have occurred over deep time. Amanda Robins, a researcher in Nonacs group posits the idea that our species of modern hominids are undergoing a Major Systems Transition (MST), due specifically to our development of inscribed language.
CCE emerges new technologies that shape our human environments in time frames far faster than biological evolutionary timeframes. New human experiences are created which have never been exposed to human brains before, which feedback to affect our biological evolution as well in the process of gene-culture coevolution (GCC), also known as Dual Inheritance theory. In this way, CCE and GCC are entangled. "Gene–culture coevolution is the application of niche-construction reasoning to the human species, recognizing that both genes and culture are subject to similar dynamics, and human society is a cultural construction that provides the environment for fitness-enhancing genetic changes in individuals. The resulting social system is a complex dynamic nonlinear system. " (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3048999/)
This metaphor of experiences constituting different colors on a Palette of Being is a powerful one that can contextualize human experiences from a deep time framework. One could argue that language usage automatically forces us into an anthropomorphic lens, for sophisticated language usage at the level of humans appears to be unique amongst our species. Within that constraint, the Palette of Being still provides us with a less myopic, less immediate and arguably less anthropomorphic view of human experience. It is philosophically problematic, however, in the sense that we can speculate about nonhuman modalities of being but never truly experience them. Philosopher Thomas Nagel wrote his classic paper "What it's like to be a bat" to illustrate this problem of experiencing the other. (https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/iatl/study/ugmodules/humananimalstudies/lectures/32/nagel_bat.pdf)
We can also leverage the Palette of Being in education. Deep Humanity (DH) BEing Journeys are a new kind of experiential, participatory contemplative practice and teaching tool designed to deepen our appreciation of what it is to be human. The polycrisis of the Anthropocene, especially the self-induced climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic have precipitated the erosion of stable social norms and reference frames, inducing another crisis, a meaning crisis. In this context, a re-education of embodied philosophy is seen as urgent to make sense of a radically shifting human reality.
Different human experiences presented as different colors of the Palette of Being situate our crisis in a larger context. One important Deep Humanity BEing journey that can help contextualize and make sense of our experiences is language. Once upon a time, language did not exist. As it gradually emerged, this color came to be added to our Palette of Being, and shaped the normative experiences of humanity in profound ways. It is the case that such profound shifts, lost over deep time come to be taken for granted by modern conspecifics. When such particular colors of the Palette of Being are not situated in deep time, and crisis ensues, that loss of contextualizing and situatedness can be quite disruptive, de-centering, confusing and alienating.
Being aware of the colors in the Palette can help us shed light on the amazing aspects that culture has invisibly transmitted to us, helping us not take them for granted, and re-establish a sense of awe about our lives as human beings.
www.cries-idf.fr www.cries-idf.fr
Rencontre "Mesure des inégalités sociales et territoriales en Île-de-France"
à exploiter
hcommons.org hcommons.org
I know I know with the Paris is it is a stone. And people used to write on stone in Egypt. And that’s where they would create their hieroglyphic alphabet.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Actually, I ended up uninstalling Chrome and installing a chromium deb. Since no chromium deb exists in Ubuntu or Pop OS repositories anymore, I followed the instructions from https://askubuntu.com/questions/1204571/how-to-install-chromium-without-snap to add the Debian stable repo and install Chromium from there instead.
manpages.ubuntu.com manpages.ubuntu.com
apt-rdepends exists. This functionality should really reside in apt-cache itself.
Update: Maybe it does already exist now. I was able to run this, for example without apt-rdepends being installed: apt-cache rdepends --installed libwebpmux3
could you please log the separate issue to track your problem?
schoenberginstitute.org schoenberginstitute.org
LJS 418, f. 3r, the remnants of a sewing repair with thread remaining
In parchment manuscripts one will often see small pin prick holes in the parchment which indicates that a hole in the animal skin was repaired during processing. Usually after curing and before use the thread from the repair is removed leaving only the small holes.
Rarely, but occasionally, the thread will still remain in the final manuscript. An example of this is LJS 418, f 3r where one can see the thread left in the page.
The smudged line indicating where the quire would have been originally folded is clear in the center of the folio.
Smudged or worn lines on manuscripts may be indicative of a manuscript having been unbound and potentially folded and possibly carried during regular use.
LJS 418 f. 6v shows an example of this pattern though the manuscript was later bound.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
if you put the reactive statement $: validate(inputValue); after the function updateInputValue declaration, it's working as expected:
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Mentioned at Coffee With a Codex on 2021-11-01 with an example on the closing pages of LJS 418, which isn't very clear/good, and another in MS Codex 1248, which is in a tiny manuscript, but very clear and lovely.
bibliophilly.library.upenn.edu bibliophilly.library.upenn.edu
I am not sure about aliases though... The number of aliases for various type definitions could grow without bounds. Unless it is a very common usage Indexify, my 2 cents would be not to create an alias. But I don't make the call on this.