2,569 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. Il importe de leur donner une information la plus complète et la plus claire possible quant à l’organisation des élections des représentants de parents d’élèves
    2. Les parents sont membres, à part entière, de la communauté éducative
    1. En fin d'année scolaire, le directeur de l'école établit à l'intention des membres du conseil d'école un bilan sur toutes les questions dont a eu à connaître le conseil d'école, notamment sur la réalisation du projet d'école, et sur les suites qui ont été données aux avis qu'il a formulés.
    1. après consultation du conseil d'école

      doit-il questionner chaque année, ou une fois pour toute.? Réponse DSDEN: c'est chaque année

    2. constituent un moment essentiel de la vie des écoles et des établissements scolaires
    3. les directeurs d'école et les chefs d'établissement doivent communiquer aux associations de parents d'élèves qui en font la demande la liste des parents d'élèves de l'école ou de l'établissement scolaire mentionnant leurs noms et adresses postale et électronique
    1. The phonograph is like a book on tape it could read to people who really needed the help and support. Like the blind people with Learning disabilities the elderly and people who just wanted entertainment.

    1. Documents of the time

      This would be a good place to have one or two illustrative primary documents inserted.

      One of the most well known is:

      Description of a Slave Ship. London: Printed by James Phillips [for the London Committee of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade], 1789. Two broadsides.

      A digitized copy of the original can be found here: https://dpul.princeton.edu/wa/catalog/qj72p788s

      along with some additional context here: https://blogs.princeton.edu/notabilia/2020/05/28/teaching-the-slave-ship/

    1. Top 8 SaaS Pricing Models: Ultimate Guide for 2021Alina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipTop 8 SaaS Pricing Models: Ultimate Guide for 2021Oct 28, 202016 min readThere’s hardly a thing that impacts your software-as-a-service product revenue more than SaaS pricing models. Still, for many companies choosing the right monetization strategy is no easy feat. To shed some light on this matter, we have prepared a detailed guide on the most popular SaaS pricing strategies. You will find out the pros and cons of each option and learn how to adopt them properly from well-known SaaS companies. Finally, we will discuss the required steps to take when choosing between different SaaS business models.

      There’s hardly a thing that impacts your software-as-a-service product revenue more than SaaS pricing models. Still, for many companies choosing the right monetization strategy is no easy feat.

      To shed some light on this matter, we have prepared a detailed guide on the most popular SaaS pricing strategies. You will find out the pros and cons of each option and learn how to adopt them properly from well-known SaaS companies.

      Finally, we will discuss the required steps to take when choosing between different SaaS business models.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhgwIhB58PA

      Learning styles have been debunked.

      Learning styles: V.A.R.K. model originated by Neil Flemiing stands for:

      • visual
      • auditory
      • reading/writing
      • kinesthetic


      Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological science in the public interest, 9(3), 105-119. — https://ve42.co/Pashler2008

      Willingham, D. T., Hughes, E. M., & Dobolyi, D. G. (2015). The scientific status of learning styles theories. Teaching of Psychology, 42(3), 266-271. — https://ve42.co/Willingham

      Massa, L. J., & Mayer, R. E. (2006). Testing the ATI hypothesis: Should multimedia instruction accommodate verbalizer-visualizer cognitive style?. Learning and Individual Differences, 16(4), 321-335. — https://ve42.co/Massa2006

      Riener, C., & Willingham, D. (2010). The myth of learning styles. Change: The magazine of higher learning, 42(5), 32-35.— https://ve42.co/Riener2010

      Husmann, P. R., & O'Loughlin, V. D. (2019). Another nail in the coffin for learning styles? Disparities among undergraduate anatomy students’ study strategies, class performance, and reported VARK learning styles. Anatomical sciences education, 12(1), 6-19. — https://ve42.co/Husmann2019

      Snider, V. E., & Roehl, R. (2007). Teachers’ beliefs about pedagogy and related issues. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 873–886. doi:10.1002/pits.20272 — https://ve42.co/Snider2007

      Fleming, N., & Baume, D. (2006). Learning Styles Again: VARKing up the right tree!. Educational developments, 7(4), 4. — https://ve42.co/Fleming2006

      Rogowsky, B. A., Calhoun, B. M., & Tallal, P. (2015). Matching learning style to instructional method: Effects on comprehension. Journal of educational psychology, 107(1), 64. — https://ve42.co/Rogowskyetal

      Coffield, Frank; Moseley, David; Hall, Elaine; Ecclestone, Kathryn (2004). — https://ve42.co/Coffield2004

      Furey, W. (2020). THE STUBBORN MYTH OF LEARNING STYLES. Education Next, 20(3), 8-13. — https://ve42.co/Furey2020

      Dunn, R., Beaudry, J. S., & Klavas, A. (2002). Survey of research on learning styles. California Journal of Science Education II (2). — https://ve42.co/Dunn2002

    1. Salvinorin A was notsoluble in 100% propylene glycol to our surprise. However,solubility increased in propylene glycol by adding increasingconcentrations of DMSO. A 9:1 mixture ended up beingsuitable for our studies

      I'm quite a novice in chemistry. I assume a 9:1 ratio would work with other solvents replacing the 9 parts propylene glycol. That is to say, given that salvinorin A was not soluble in propylene glycol, I'm assuming the propylene glycol plays little to no role.

    1. liberty of conscience

      "Liberty of conscience" is a phrase Roger Williams uses in a religious context to denote the freedom for one to follow his or her religious or ethical beliefs. It is an idea that refers to conscious-based thought and individualism. Each person has the right to their own conscience. It is rooted in the idea that all people are created equal and that no culture is better than the other.

      This idea is strongly tied to: freedom from coercion of conscience (own thoughts and ideas), equality of rights, respect and toleration. It is a fundamental element of what has come to be the "American idea of religious liberty". Williams spoke of liberty of conscience in reference to a religious sense. This concept of individualism and free belief was later extrapolated in a general sense. He believed that government involvement ended when it came to divine beliefs.

      Citation: Eberle, Edward J. "Roger Williams on Liberty of Conscience." Roger Williams University Law Review: vol 10:, iss: 2, article 2, pp. 288-311. http://docs.rwu.edu/rwu_LR/vol10/iss2/2. Accessed 8 Sept. 2021.

    1. Exceptionally, chlorophyll b was not found in any of the top phases. The lack of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in some ATPSs could be due to low extraction efficiencies or a change in the molecule structure by oxidation. Chlorophyll stability is affected by temperature, light irradiance, acids, bases and oxygen, causing the loss of its magnesium ion and/or phytol group40 and a change in colour to olive‐brown.41

      Which one it is should be possible to determine by running multiple washes and visually assess how much pigmentation is removed. The idea is to dissolve acetone plant extract, add PEG-400, let the acetone evaporate, pour PEG-400 leaving sediment and/or crystals, then repeat. While I'd probably be doing this with salvia divinorum, any leaf should work for testing chlorophyll washing.

    2. Chlorophyll a was recovered by PEG400‐Ch DHp (50.6 ± 2.3%), but it was not detected in the other two systems at 660 nm [Fig. 2(b)].

      They seem to be saying that PEG dissolved 50% of the chlorophyll? I also don't know what what Ch or DHp means. I'm somewhat outside my wheelhouse.

      Assuming PEG-400 does not dissolve salvinorin A, then it may be an excellent option for purification of salvinorin A.

    1. SA was soluble in 25% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)/75% polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG-400) at 4,000 μg/mL and was stable for 6 days, as determined by LC-MS/MS, with only trace amounts of the hydrolysis product salvinorin B (SB) forming.

      As with DMSO and propylene glycol, I suspect that the DMSO is doing the dissolving. Given that it appears to only take 10% DMSO to dissolve salvinorin, naturally the 25% works. Unfortunately, I see no mention of whether salvinorin A is soluble in pure PEG-400. I suspect it is not.

    1. wealthe

      Winthrop believed that the acquisition of wealth and profit was acceptable so long as it was done in the glory of God and for the common good. In other words, he justified the acquisition of wealth in a religious society that it was the duty of members in a society to band together to correct the inequality put forth by God. The act of charity was portrayed as a service to God. He also believed that excessive wealth lead people astray from God.

      Winthrop addressed wealth in "A Model of Christian Clarity" because he called for members of his community so they could establish successful colonies in the face of numerous hardships. This was because many were not willing to share their wealth with others or cooperate. He wanted to place the interests of the community over the interests of the individual.

      Citations: Wood, Dr. Andrew. “Summary of John Winthrop’s ‘Model of Christian Charity.’” San Jose State University COMM 149 Rhetoric and Public Life, www.sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/s149/149syllabus5summary.html. Accessed 8 Sept. 2021.

    1. 4. Allow acetone to evaporate in a dark, well-ventilated area. You will be left with a bright green powder – about 1g per 100g of leaf. This powder is about 2 parts chlorophyll to 1 part salvinorin A.

      This is incredibly useful information.

      I noticed my extract had some bitter taste and some earthy notes. I don't know what salvinorin and chlorophyll taste like, but I assume the taste comes from other impurities. However, I extracted for many minutes (10 or so); next time, I should do only the 3 minutes suggested here (3 times 1 minute).

    1. Quora+ is a subscription to the best of Quora.Access great writing, straight-from-the-source knowledge, and stories you can’t find anywhere else while supporting creators who matter to you.

      Another example of a service that tries to entice users with a free service (and writers with a financial incentive) and then once they achieve enough popularity, they make some of "their" content "premium".

      (YouTube Premium, ...)

      This is why we should distrust and avoid using "free" services.

    1. The question is similar but its in a Rails context. The solutions would answer my question, but I'm almost certain that he could probably leverage Arel to solve his problem. The question I posted was designed purely as a Ruby question so that it was easier to search for. You might want to suggest an edit of the title of his question because it didn't show up when I searched for a solution to my problem.
    2. Yes, unfortunately the other question has a misleading and completely irrelevant Rails context and might be harder to find for some people. IMHO, it's still a perfect content duplicate, although not a topic one. Answers are also equal. Anyways, still a good question of yours.
    1. When salvinorin A isolated from leaves of Salvia divinorum was irradiated with 300 nm UV light in ethyl acetate, it degraded from 100 μg/mL to 2.84 ± 0.05 μg/mL in 30 min. The calculated average rate constant k of this degradation was 0.12/min and the half-life was 5.7 min. When authentic salvinorin A was irradiated by UV light in an organic solution or an aqueous solution, it degraded over 90% within 40 min, whereas when it was irradiated by natural sunlight, it took 8 h to degrade 50% both in an organic and an aqueous solution.

      Incredible. I may have destroyed my current batch. I'll have to start over. Good thing I only made a moderate amount.

    1. our Lab. for extracting terpenes and sterols from plant materials, we used petroleum ether (40-60), followed by acetone and finally methanol. Terpenes were found in petroleum ether- and acetone-extract.

      This is the first confirmation I've seen of using acetone as a solvent for terpenes. I'd be surprised had acetone not dissolved them.

      I'm using a method of adding terpenes to my salvia divinorum extract, then evaporating the acetone. This creates an instant e-juice. It's a relatively crude method, containing large amounts chlorophyll. Nonetheless, the contents should be safe for inhalation.

    1. Les élections des représentants des parents d’élèves aux conseils des écoles et aux conseils d’administration des établissements publics locaux d’enseignement constituent, à ce titre, un moment essentiel de l’année scolaire.
    1. Author and librarian Nancy Pearl advocates the “Rule of 50.” This entails reading the first 50 pages of a book and then deciding if it is worth finishing. The Rule of 50 has an interesting feature: once you are over the age of 50, subtract your age from 100 and read that many pages. Pearl writes: “And if, at the bottom of Page 50, all you are really interested in is who marries whom, or who the murderer is, then turn to the last page and find out. If it’s not on the last page, turn to the penultimate page, or the antepenultimate page, or however far back you have to go to discover what you want to know.…When you are 51 years of age or older, subtract your age from 100, and the resulting number (which, of course, gets smaller every year) is the number of pages you should read before you can guiltlessly give up on a book.…When you turn 100, you are authorized (by the Rule of 50) to judge a book by its cover.”
  2. Aug 2021
    1. Question and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesTimur YilmazTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipQuestion and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesAug 25, 202117 min readSocial media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge. That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year. What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

      Social media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge.

      That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year.

      What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

    1. Caution: This is NOT the current local time in most locations in that time zone North America: Only some locations are currently on MST because most places in this time zone are currently on summer time / daylight saving time and are observing MDT.
    1. If you dig into the details, you will see that the TypeScript team take breaking changes very seriously and with consideration.
    2. I think the TS team generally tries to minimize breaking changes from version to version and don't do so unless there is a good reason.
    1.  "what is the beginning of Civilization?" and "Y?"

      This is the question, the answer is ... because I know that if I am then so are you--understanding what it is the change wrought by my life and us all watching it.

      Understanding how law and order have become a thing of archaic mideival horror stories in the world we see, and that's pretty much all that was possible in reality.

      In Heaven, in our "rael world" that's not true, and the line ... the minimum we can allow--

    1. How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

      SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.

      So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.

      You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.

      Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

    1. At lower doses (0.18 mg/kg and 0.32 mg/kg) we observed no prolonged effect on KOR binding but at 0.60 mg/kg salvinorin A induced a sustained decrease in KOR binding (BPND decreased by 40–49%) which persisted up to 2.5 h post administration, long after salvinorin A had been eliminated from the brain. These data point towards an agonist-induced adaptive response by KOR, the dynamics of which have not been previously studied in vivo with PET.

      This may partly represent the salvia "afterglow". It also demonstrates how rapidly tolerance-like mechanism can occur.

      I find it odd that 0.32 mg/kg had little prolonged effect when twice that dose had a very large effect. I'd expect more of a gradient. The graph (figure 4) shows a nonsignificant drop in KOR binding of ~13% at 1 hour at 0.32 mg/kg, which I'm certain would become statistically significant in a larger sample. Still, that's nowhere near the 45% seen at 0.6 mg/kg. At 0.18 mg/kg, we see ~9%.

      I calculated the human equivalent dose to be 6.8mg (0.6mg0.16270). This is an very high dose, so likely does not represent an accurate dose conversion.

    1. How to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Eugene VolkovFrontend DeveloperKate KikidzhanCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherReactJavaScriptPWAHomeBlogDevelopmentHow to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Oct 7, 202021 min readThe early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps. But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence. At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

      The early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps.

      But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence.

      At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

    1. How to Calculate the Cost to Build a SaaS App in 2021Dmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Calculate the Cost to Build a SaaS App in 2021Jan 6, 202114 min readHow much will it cost to build a SaaS app? If you decided to follow the latest trends and invest in SaaS development, this question is relevant more than ever. This blog post is written to help you clear up this matter. Here, we will cover in detail the main factors that define the final cost of building a SaaS product. They include the project scope and timeline, API integration, and the required functionality. Also, you will learn how the total cost of a completed software-as-a-service product changes depending on the chosen SaaS development service provider.

      How much will it cost to build a SaaS app? If you decided to follow the latest trends and invest in SaaS development, this question is relevant more than ever.

      This blog post is written to help you clear up this matter. Here, we will cover in detail the main factors that define the final cost of building a SaaS product. They include the project scope and timeline, API integration, and the required functionality.

      Also, you will learn how the total cost of a completed software-as-a-service product changes depending on the chosen SaaS development service provider.

    1. La publicidad va a seguir existiendo y no debería ser malo que las empresas utilicen nuestros datos recolectados para que, al menos, nos lleguen anuncios relevantes o personalizados.

      ¿Cuál es el límite entre hacer uso de datos personales para fines publicitarios y abusar de esos datos para manipular a los consumidores y el mercado? ¿Cómo influye la libre competencia del mercado en el tratamiento de datos de los usuarios?

    1. Pero yo me he quedado sorprendido, por buscar una palabra, cuando después del 11 de Setiembre, de pronto el gobierno empieza a mezclar el patriotismo con los deberes de la prensa

      Por otro lado el periodismo es una labor de suma importancia en la sociedad, los periodistas no son simples mensajeros. Se tiene la capacidad de procesar lo que vemos siendo testigos activos. Saber preguntar y a quienes preguntar. En una sociedad en la que la informacion signfica tener poder. El propósito principal del periodismo es proporcionar a los ciudadanos la información que necesitan para ser libres y capaces de gobernarse a sí mismos. Los medios informativos nos ayudan a definir la comunidad y a elaborar un lenguaje y un conocimiento compartidos basados en la realidad. El periodismo también contribuye a identificar los objetivos de una comunidad, y reconocer a sus héroes y villanos.

    1. How Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDec 27, 201918 min readOnline classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items. You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US. In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.

      Online classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items.

      You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US.

      In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.

    1. Funnily enough, I've been on an intellectual bent in the other direction: that we've poisoned our thinking in terms of systems, for the worse. This shows up when trying to communicate about the Web, for example.

      It's surprisingly difficult to get anyone to conceive of the Web as a medium suited for anything except the "live" behavior exhibited by the systems typically encountered today. (Essentially, thin clients in the form of single-page apps that are useless without a host on the other end for servicing data and computation requests.) The belief/expectation that content providers should be given a pass for producing brittle collections of content that should be considered merely transitory in nature just leads to even more abuse of the medium.

      Even actual programs get put into a ruddy state by this sort of thinking. Often, I don't even care about the program itself, so much as I care about the process it's applying, but maintainers make this effectively inextricable from the implementation details of the program itself (what OS version by which vendor does it target, etc.)

  3. Jul 2021
    1. PatientID: None

      KindredID: 1

      Case: Sex Unknown, Age Unknown, Ethnicity Unknown

      DiseaseAssertion: Adrenal pheochromocytoma

      FamilyInfo: The proband was part of a cohort of apparently sporadic cases of pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma, implying this individual had no family history of VHL disease or pheochromocytoma.

      CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0006748 (Adrenal Pheochromocytoma)

      CaseHPOFreeText: N/A

      CaseNotHPOs: HP:0002668 (Paraganglioma)

      CaseNotHPOFreeText: N/A

      CasePreviousTesting: RET, SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD

      PreviouslyPublished: N/A

      SupplementalData: N/A

      Variant: ex. p.R161Q (c.482G>A)

      LegacyVariant: N/A

      CaseProblemVariantFreeText: N/A

      ClinVarID: ex. 182983, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/182983/

      CAID: N/A

      gnomAD: N/A

      VariantEvidence: N/A

      MutationType: missense_variant;transition

      CivicName: R161Q(c.482G>A)

      MultipleGeneVariants: N/A

    1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare sem

      I'm annotating the text using hypothes.is - it looks like you cannot annotate an image with this. You have to sign up to annotate text like this and log in.

    1. To the extentthat people accommodate themselves to the faceless inflexibility ofplatforms, they will become less and less capable of seeing thevirtues of institutions, on any scale. One consequence of thataccommodation will be an increasing impatience withrepresentative democracy, and an accompanying desire to replacepolitical institutions with platform-based decision making:referendums and plebiscites, conducted at as high a level as possible(national, or in the case of the European Union, transnational).Among other things, these trends will bring, in turn, theexploitation of communities and natural resources by people whowill never see or know anything about what they are exploiting. !escope of local action will therefore be diminished, and will comeunder increasing threat of what we might call, borrowing a phrasefrom Einstein, spooky action at a distance.

      This fits in line with my thesis to make corporations and especially corporate executives and owners be local, so that they can see the effect that their decisions are having.

    1. “But how can I automate updates to my site’s look and feel?!”

      Perversely, the author starts off getting this part wrong!

      The correct answer here is to adopt the same mindset used for print, which is to say, "just don't worry about it; the value of doing so is oversold". If a print org changed their layout sometime between 1995 and 2005, did they issue a recall for all extant copies and then run around trying to replace them with ones consistent with the new "visual refresh"? If an error is noticed in print, it's handled by correcting it and issuing another edition.

      As Tschichold says of the form of the book (in The Form of the Book):

      The work of a book designer differs essentially from that of a graphic artist. While the latter is constantly searching for new means of expression, driven at the very least by his desire for a "personal style", a book designer has to be the loyal and tactful servant of the written word. It is his job to create a manner of presentation whose form neither overshadows nor patronizes the content [... whereas] work of the graphic artist must correspond to the needs of the day

      The fact that people publishing to the web regularly do otherwise—and are expected to do otherwise—is a social problem that has nothing to do with the Web standards themselves. In fact, it has been widely lamented for a long time that with the figurative death of HTML frames, you can no longer update something in one place and have it spread to the entire experience using plain ol' HTML without resorting to a templating engine. It's only recently (with Web Components, etc.) that this has begun to change. (You can update the style and achieve consistency on a static site without the use of a static site generator—where every asset can be handcrafted, without a templating engine.) But it shouldn't need to change; the fixity is a strength.

      As Tschichold goes on to say of the "perfect" design of the book, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve have been developed over centuries". Creators publishing on the web would do well to observe, understand, and work similarly.

    2. There used to be an internet middle class, of non-commercial users whowere not overtly technical, but were still able to self-publish.

      This is probably the least flawed claim in the entire piece.

    1. Seems as if Slavitt has translated a lot of modernity into an ancient text which likely didn't have many of our modern references. This seems to be the sort of reading into a text that many moderns do to the Bible. Better would be to read it as the author intended to the audience to which it was intended rather than reading additional meanings into the text.

    1. Enfin, les élections des représentants des parents d'élèves en lycée et lycée professionnel s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la Semaine de la démocratie scolaire au cours de laquelle sont également organisées les élections aux conseils des délégués pour la vie lycéenne (CVL).
    1. Bird sound encoding

      I was at the bookstore yesterday and ran into two new useful resources that looked interesting in this space.

      Specific to birdsong, there was

      200 Bird Songs from Around the World by Les Beletsky (Becker & Mayer, 2020, ISBN: ‎ 978-0760368831)

      Read about and listen to birds from six continents. A beautiful painting illustrates each selection along with concise details about the bird's behavior, environment, and vocalizations. On the built-in digital audio player, hear each bird as it sings or calls in nature with audio of the birds provided by the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

      This could be useful in using the book itself as a memory palace in addition to the fact that the bird calls are built directly into the book for immediate playback while reading/memorizing. There are a few other related books with built in sound in this series as well.

      The other broader idea was that of

      "A bird a day"

      I saw the book A Bird A Day by Dominic Couzens (Batsford, 2021, ISBN: 978-1849945868) to help guide one towards learning about (or in our context maybe memorizing) a bird a day. It had names, photos, and other useful information which one might use to structure a palace to work at in small chunks. I know there are also many other related calendars which might also help one do something like this to build up a daily practice of memorizing data into a palace/journey/songline.

      The broader "Thing-a-day" calendar category might also be useful for other topics one might want to memorize as well as to have a structure set up for encouraging spaced repetition.

    1. Au même moment, « une application numérique dédiée au remplacement desprofesseurs absents est expérimentée dans la Somme,pour unegénéralisation au premier trimestre 2022. » C’est un pas de plus vers la «dématérialisation de l’Etat », en lieu et place de personnels qualifiés.
    1. So that’s webmentions! If you need more of a deep dive than this, then I recommend starting with this article.

      I always wish they'd be able to proxy the webmentions for this piece back to my site....

  4. Jun 2021
    1. Some of the best customers of such a service will be academics.

      Indeed. Web literacy among the masses is pitifully low. Browsermakers are certainly to blame for being poor stewards. Hot Valley startups are responsible as well. (See https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/11/30/salary/.)

    1. black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform

      This has been a powerful source of inspiration for me since day immoral

    1. Giving peers permission to engage in dialogue about race and holding a lofty expectation that they will stay engaged in these conversations throughout the semester or year is the first of the four agreements for courageous conversation. While initially, some participants may be eager to enter into these conversations, our experience indicates that the more personal and thus risky these topics get, the more difficult it is for participants to stay committed and engaged." Singleton and Hays

    2. "In Colormute, Pollock(2004) makes specific suggestions for addressing the fear of talking about race: “In all conversations about race, I think, educators should be prepared to do three things:ask provocative questions, navigate predictable debates,and talkmore about talking”(p. 221, italics in original)"

    1. The salary for each profession varies from similar factors. What determines the salary of software developers? After reading this article, I concluded that the greatest role is played by the country in which the developer works. For example, there are countries where developer salaries are much lower, although skills are not inferior. Skills, background and many other points also affect. Enjoy reading!

    1. This is why for a recent Angular+Rails project we chose to use a testing stack from the backend technology’s ecosystem for e2e testing.
    2. We used testing tools that were in the same ecosystem as our backend technology stack for primrily three reasons: We owned both ends of the stack Team experience Interacting with the database
    3. We chose to define the frontend in one technology stack (Angular+TypeScript/JavaScript) and the backend in another (Ruby+Ruby on Rails), but both came together to fulfill a singular product vision.
    1. Now, when the Coleridge of 21st-century marginalia emerges, he should be able to mark up the books of a million friends at once.

      This could be an interesting service to set up and run.

      I wonder if I could set up a private Hypothes.is group and actually charge a club rate to members for doing such a thing?

    1. Programmers should be encouraged to understand what is correct, why it is correct, and then propagate.

      new tag?:

      • understand why it is correct
    2. Thanks, this was just what I was looking for! This is a perfect appropriate use of instance_eval. I do not understand the nay-sayers. If you already have your array in a variable, then sure, a.reduce(:+) / a.size.to_f is pretty reasonable. But if you want to "in line" find the mean of an array literal or an array that is returned from a function/expression — without duplicating the entire expression ([0,4,8].reduce(:+) / [0,4,8].length.to_f, for example, is abhorrent) or being required to assign to a local, then instance_eval option is a beautiful, elegant, idiomatic solution!!
    1. Seth Long takes a closer look at the number of memory treatises from 1550-1650 to come up with a more concrete reason for the disappearance of mnemonic imagery (and the method of loci) in English rhetoric and pedagogic traditions. Some writers have attributed it to the rise of more writing and publishing. Long extends Frances Yates' idea of its decline to the rise of Ramism by presenting some general data about the number and quality of memory treatises published during the time period in question. Comparison of this data with European continental publications helps to draw some more concrete conclusions.

      In particular, he highlights an example of a Ramist sympathizer re-writing a previous treatise and specifically removing the rhetorical imagery from the piece.

    2. Todate, however, no scholar has taken advantage of bibliographic resources to verify whether or notmemory treatises did in fact decline in England in the latter sixteenth and early seventeenthcenturies, a period that coincides with the continuing influence of iconoclasm and the risinginfluence of English Ramism. In this article I provide such bibliographic evidence, demonstratingthat the publication of memory treatises abated in England following Henry VIII’s reforms andduring the English Civil War

      When reading Yates and thinking about the disappearance of these traditions in the West, I've wanted to delve into this exact question!

      Glad to see the work has already been done for me.

    1. Your attempt should work. There is a mismatch in column name in your query though. The query uses col2 but the table is defined with col1.

      I would actually lean towards making this a comment, at least the typo fix part. But if you remove the typo fix part, all that's left is "should work", which I guess should be a comment too since it's too short to be an answer.

  5. May 2021
    1. Companies do tend to use scripts but the good ones will allow their staff to stray off the script once they are experienced enough to do so as long as it benefits the customer and the company, usually this involves fixing the problem more quickly.
    2. Some people, regardless of their experience level are horrible as teachers. A school teacher gets asked the same question every year. Every year they answer them, even if it seems redundant, and the answers are simple to THEM. Teaching requires patience and the acceptance of being asked "dumb questions" repeatedly. If they cannot handle that, then they should simply not teach or pretend to be a teacher.
    3. I find most tech support is filled with inexperienced and frustrated staff who just run off a script. They're not paid well. They are Tier One support to filter out most of the incoming calls. Tech support is designed in tiers.
    4. Tech support works with scripts. Just get to know these scripts by heart and answer all questions from the script you can in one long sentence, before they ask it. Like in "Hi I have a problem with this and that...I have restarted the router, I have checked the cables, the red light is on, the green light is off, not other lights are blinking......etc.etc.etc. That way the person at the other end of the line can just go click-click-click and you'll be 10 steps further in their script in 5 seconds.
    5. So, +1 for play ball. Level 1 is supposed to filter out all simple issues (and once upon a time, you'll have forgotten something, happens to all of us), and they are not supposed to be creative. They get a script that has been refined over and over. Learn the scripts, prepare the answers, and you'll get to Level 2 more quickly than with any other method.
    6. Very often the first people you get through to on tech support lines are reading from a script.
    7. They have to ask you the dumb questions, either because their employer demands they do, or sometimes because their computer system doesn't let them get to the next part of the script unless they play ball.
    8. However I appreciate that price and functionality often dictates who we deal with.
    1. In this blog, we will see how one can build a fitness app that can be highly accepted by its users and the revenue model. Let’s have a look!
    1. Salvinorin A, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist hallucinogen: pharmacology and potential template for novel pharmacotherapeutic agents in neuropsychiatric disorders

      I think this may be the best review of salvinorin A that I have ever looked at. I definitely need to sit down and read the full article at some point.

    1. In contrast to its acute administration, repeated salvinorin A administration did not modify dialysate DA levels. Similarly, neither basal extracellular DA levels nor DA uptake was altered. Unlike synthetic KOPr agonists, prior repeated administration of salvinorin A did not attenuate the locomotor activating effects of an acute cocaine (20 mg/kg, i.p.) challenge. However, cocaine-evoked DA overflow was enhanced.

      Fascinating and useful stuff. This is close to what I was expecting. Though, I was expecting chronic exposure to upregulate dopamine beyond baseline. If I'm understanding this correctly, it was upregulated in the sense that it enhanced the dopaminergic effects of cocaine. I've not yet read the full study.

    1. Il convient avant tout de traiter la difficulté scolaire à la racine : lire, écrire, compter, mais aussi respecter autrui sont des compétences qui conditionnent l'atteinte de tous les objectifs qui recouvrent l'ensemble de la scolarité des élèves jusqu'à leur poursuite d'études dans l'enseignement supérieur ou leur insertion professionnelle.

      C'est une courte vue de l'existence et de la citoyenneté. C'est un peu comme considérer qu'on va d'un point A à un point B pour utiliser sa voiture

    1. les relations entre l'école et les familles : état de lieux et axes de progrès 

      où se trouve ce rapport ?

    1. Dans quel délai l'administration doit-elle répondre ?Le silence gardé pendant plus de 2 mois par l'administration signifie que votre demande ou démarche est acceptée.

      Il importe de savoir si ce délai de deux mois est acceptable pour toute demande interne à la communauté éducative

    2. A savoir : l'administration peut suspendre l'examen d'un dossier dans l'attente d'un document uniquement si ce document est indispensable à l'instruction.
    1. Perhaps you could memorize all the constellations and potentially see if they could serve as double duty?

      I've found The Stars: A New Way to See Them by H.A Rey (yes, the creator of Curious George) to be a comprehensive list with a tremendous number of pictures, charts, useful stories, mythology, etc. for memorizing all the major constellations and many of the common star names and related data. It's ostensibly aimed at a novice audience, but one might also think he was targeting the mnemonists among us as well.

      Should it help in your researching image formation, the phenomenon you mentioned is called pareidolia.

    1. Éducation nat. / enseignement sup.

      quel est le rôle des représentants de parents dans la faible proportion des saisines qui concerne l'éducation ?

    2. rogramme des jeunesambassadeurs du droit (JADE) et leprogramme Educadroi
    3. L’objectif est d’anticiper l’effet d’une politique publique sur la réalisation des droits de l’enfant, afin de maximiser les impacts positifs, d’atténuer ou d’éviter les impacts négatifs.

      à priori intéressant

    1. The new model is very much influenced by prudent bank regulation and the aim to reduce income smoothing

      Il y a un peu confusion des genres. Certes le nouveau modèle est influencé par les pratiques du secteur bancaire. Le G20 ayant sommé le Board de l'IAS de revoir sa copie suite à la crise financière, c'est un peu logique. Cela dit c'est un grand pas de l'IASB car le normalisateur comptable ne souhaitait pas "sectoriser" la norme comptable. Cependant ce sont les établissements financiers qui utilisent le plus la norme sur les instruments financiers (IFRS9).

    1. Le projet académique est pensé comme un mouvement symphonique perpétuel. Les futurs défis à relever, les opportunités à saisir, les nouveaux potentiels à considérer, les technologies modernes à venir : tous ces éléments peuvent être porteurs et vecteurs d’initiatives individuelles ou collectives pour construire l’avenir. Ce dernier objectif, laissé libre pour que chacun s’en saisisse, reste donc à écrire. Il vise à faire éclore des dynamiques originales et ambitieuses et offre la possibilité de traiter et développer un sujet qui n’apparaitrait pas dans les trois axes du projet. Libérer les intuitions, les expertises et les initiatives : tel est l’état d’esprit de cette page blanche dont chacun peut s’emparer.
    2. Econofides : apprendre l’économie autrement
    3. La mise en place d’un schéma directeur de la relation à l’usager en lien avec la direction interminestrielle de la transformation publique (DITP) pour simplifier et fiabiliser au maximum les opérations, afin d’offrir une meilleure qualité de service rendu à l’usager (personnels enseignants et administratifs).

      Et l'usager élève et familles ? L'institution est elle passé en circuit fermé ?

    4. Incarnant l’ambition spécifique de l’académie au regard de ses territoires diversifiés et contrastés, les trois piliers du projet traduisent une vision de l’école que je souhaite porter et l’ambition d’une profonde modernisation et amélioration de son service à ses acteurs et usagers.
    5. S’engager dans la transformationde nos services pour améliorerle service aux usagers
    1. I like the idea in theory, however it doesn’t feel very robust – you are relying on the layout of the page in question. Many authors regularly revisit articles and add new sections and paragraphs. Now your #h2:3 link points to a previous section. (This is far less likely to happen with IDs.)
    1. I'm coding an email for a project and man! it's such a pain. Every other client has it's own implementation and supported rules. Some don't allow even simple properties like background-image while some support most advanced rules like media queries
    2. That's what's supported, and is all that is EVER likely to be supported... and even then be DAMNED sure you send multipart with a plaintext copy or a great many mail servers will flat out reject it on the assumption that no legitimate e-mail has any damned business even having HTML in it in the first place!
    3. I've worked with people at companies where this was their only responsibility. Setting up emails for clients, making sure they pass a battery of tests and look great in all browsers and clients. It's an incredible PITA and it's not a set it and forget it thing. Clients can change month to month; spam filters change, etc...
    1. While support certainly isn’t universal, many of the leading email clients support HTML5 and CSS3. In fact, about 50% of the total market and 3 out of the top 5 email clients support them. Support may be even bigger for your particular audience.
    2. “You can’t use HTML5 or CSS3 in email.” Due to their “limited” support, the idea that using HTML5 and CSS3 in email is “impossible” remains a commonly-held notion throughout the email design industry. However, we’re calling it a complete myth.
    1. Just because there can be issues with CSS in HTML emails doesn’t mean you should abandon efforts to use it. It all comes down to determining which codes are absolutely needed and how to style them so they can be rendered by email platforms.
  6. Apr 2021
    1. This sounds tangential to the sort of idea that Greg McVerry and I have noodled around with in the past.

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Darius Kazemi</span> in Darius Kazemi: "In just a couple hours I'll be speaking with @jom…" - Friend Camp (<time class='dt-published'>04/28/2021 10:19:27</time>)</cite></small>

    1. Pour les lycées, nous sommes tout de même à 23 lycées privés et 49 publics soit 31% de privé. La proportion est de 20% de privé pour les collèges 4% de privé dans le primaire Avec une migration en première pour ceux qui veulent intégrer des CPGE publiques plus facilement.

      Quel est l'impact de ce comportement?

    1. can you remove the not a bug label considering that PaperTrail is creating this empty versions even when :updated_at is an ignored attribute?
    1. But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
    1. If no file is detected (in case, it's being run as part of a script or the command is being piped)

      How does it detect that it's being run non-interactively as part of a script?

      Is that distinct/different from detecting whether the command is being piped?

    1. can be easily invoked directly from shell prompt or script

      Can't expect / unbuffer / etc. (whatever this is attempting to contrast itself with) be easily invoked directly from shell prompt or script too??

      Okay, I guess you have to know more about how expect is invoked to understand what they mean. One glance at the examples, comparing them, and all becomes clear:

      empty -f -i in -o out telnet foo.bar.com
      empty -w -i out -o in "ogin:" "luser\n"

      I didn't realize that expect required/expected (no pun intended) to be used in scripts with its own shebang line:

      spawn telnet foo.bar.com 
      expect ogin {send luser\r}

      That does make it less easy/normal to use expect within a shell script.

      I was coming to the expect project from/for the unbuffer command, which by contrast, is quite easy to include/use in a shell script -- almost the same as empty, in fact. (Seems like almost a mismatch to have unbuffer command in expect toolkit then. Or is expect command the only odd one out in that toolkit?)

    1. However, it can be extremely frustrating placing the tiles. Very commonly there will be no position to place a tile in and it will be put to one side. Perhaps someone new to tile-laying games wouldn't find this so odd, but to anyone with experience of Carcassonne it will seem very limiting. In Carcassonne you can pretty much always place a tile, with several choices of position available. Every player I've introduced this game to has looked at me as if to say, "We must be doing something wrong." But no, that game is designed that way. Sometimes it feels like the map builds itself - there is often only one viable placement, so it starts to feel like a jigsaw, searching for that available position. Surely placing a single tile shouldn't be this difficult!

      I don't think I'd find it frustrating. I think I would enjoy the puzzle part of it.

      But indirectly I see that difficulty in placing tiles impacting my enjoyment: because it means that there are no/few meaningful decisions to be had in terms of where to place your tile (because there's often only 1 place you can put it, and it may sometimes benefit your opponent more than yourself) or which tile to place (because you don't get any choice -- unless you can't play the first one, and then you can play a previously unplayable one or draw blind).

    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
    2. you're quite the lucky man. i finally got my wife to agree to play fjords with me last weekend and, after beating me pretty soundly in two straight games, she announced she didn't like the game. turns out she didn't like the puzzle/board-building aspect of the game, the lack of aggressive play ("it would have been better if i could have fire-bombed some of your land") nor all of the 'action' taking place in the last minute or two of the game.drats.
    3. It's the first time that my wife and I have played Fjords together. She's not a gamer but we've recently been playing a few more games and she's been willing to try a few Eurogames (e.g. Carcassonne) and some of the kosmos 2-player games (Jambo, Odin's Ravens, Balloon Cup, Lost Cities) that I've borrowed from friends which is great. I manage to get a hold of a copy of Fjords and we have a go.I tell her that it involves spatial awareness and planning ahead. I explain the rules to her (having only played it once or twice myself and won each time), and she's doing her best not to roll her eyes; there's a definite lack of enthusiasm there.
    1. Les indicateurs nationauxPlusieurs indicateurs ont été définis dans la circulaire n° 2011-216 du 2-12-2011 - Politiqueéducative de santé dans les territoires académiques qui défini des priorités de santé àdévelopper dans les établissements scolaires
    1. unsuspecting childlikeness

      I'd also add [learned helplessness] (https://www.britannica.com/science/learned-helplessness) - the constant need for entertainment is definitely a problem, but if we take a deterministic view of these broader design trends the long-term ramifications are even more disturbing - the rise of Web 2.0 has seen a massive shift towards user-friendly platforms, but in addition to cultural infantilization we are seeing a significant decrease in tech literacy - and sometimes these trends manifest simultaneously. For instance, I'm writing this annotation in Chrome, but if I lose internet access my browser tab would allow me to play the endlessly addictive "Chrome Dino" browser game until my connection was restored - this is a fairly innocuous little easter egg (not coincidentally a term also used by Yelp UI designer Yoni De Beule in one of the articles I linked to above), but it does raise some broader questions about the amount of tech literacy and user autonomy these companies want us to have - features like these suggest that passivity is their preferred state for consumers, which is troubling.

    1. l passe par l’élaboration de partenariats stratégiques visant à construire une vision partagée des problèmes et des stratégies d’intervention mutuellement bénéfiques

      Peut-on consulter ce document ?

    2. consultation publique

      Quelles preuves peut donner l'ARS de la consultation des RPE?

    3. instances de démocratie en santé

      Qui sont nos représentants?

    4. communauté éducative, parents, pairs

      Parent et jeunes font partie de la communauté éducative

    5. Faire des MDA des têtes de réseaux territoriales pour développer des projets adolescents
    6. Nous souhaitons agir pour améliorer la capacité d’agir des jeunesAider les jeunes à être pleinement acteurs de leur santé passe par le renforcement de leurs compétences et habiletés, Pour cela, nous choisissons de développer de façon générale la promotion de la santé, d’étendre de façon très significative les démarches de renforcement des compétences psycho sociales, selon des méthodologies valides, et de favoriser la mise en œuvre du Parcours Éducatif de santé. Il sera nécessaire de mieux mobiliser la communauté éducative et les acteurs publics, et associatifs des champs de la prévention du périscolaire. Pour les adolescents, la place de la famille devra être l’objet d’une réflexion systématique.
    7. Finalités de l’action sur la période du PRS 2Nous souhaitons peser pour un environnement social et éducatif favorable à la santéS’agissant des adolescents, une action déterminée pour un processus éducatif favorable à la santé est nécessaire. Elle inclue à la fois une action sur l’environnement et le climat scolaire, qui conditionne les processus d’assurance et de confiance en soi, et une action autour du parcours éducatif. De façon plus générale, il est nécessaire d’intervenir quand c’est possible autour des interfaces entre la santé des jeunes et son insertion, son cadre et ses contraintes familiales (notamment en termes de logement et de revenus), et autour de leur accès aux droits à chacune des étapes.
    8. Favoriser le renforcement des facteurs faisant de l’école un environnement favorable à la santé mentale dans le sens des écoles bienveillantes (cf. le rapport Moro-Brison)
    9. Enquête "HBSC" : Enquête "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children".C'est une enquête internationale réalisée sur 41 pays et mise en place par l'OMS. Elle collecte des données sur la santé, le vécu scolaire et les comportements préjudiciables ou favorables à la santé des élèves âgés de 11, 13 et 15 ans
    10. Mieux prendre en compte les priorités pour l’allocation des ressources Consacrer 40% du soutien à l’amélioration de l’offre aux enfants et adolescents

      est-ce le cas ?

    11. Organiser dans chaque territoire un dispositif de liens entre la pédopsychiatrie et la médecine scolaire.
    12. Augmenter l’intervention sur les lieux de vie (école
    13. Mettre en place, pendant 3 ans, l’expérimentation "Ecout' émoi" de l'organisation de repérage et prise en charge de la souffrance psychique chez les jeunes de 11 à 21 ans
    14. Renforcer les programmes de type expérientiel de développement des compétences psychosociales en milieu scolaire pour enfants de 6 à 12 ans.

      Quels moyens et quels actions mise en place ?

    1. Les arcanes juridiques de la captation de spectacles Publié le 08/03/2021 • Par Hélène Girard • dans : Actu juridique, Actualité Culture, Documents utiles, France

      concert-captation-noraismail-AdobeStock_251493765 © noraismail-adobestock Le Centre national de la musique a mis en ligne fin février une « fiche pratique » intitulée « de la captation d’un spectacle à son exploitation ». Le document explicite les aspects juridiques du sujet, avec un zoom sur le cas spécifique du livestream. A la faveur de la crise sanitaire, la problématique de la captation gagne du terrain dans la réflexion des gestionnaires de salles.

    1. Le référentiel des compétences des métiers du professorat et de l’éducation indique qu’ils sont des « pédagogues et éducateurs au service de la réussite de tous les élèves ». Plus précisément, la compétence 6 intitulée « Agir en éducateur responsable et selon des principes éthiques » précise que le professeur et/ou le conseiller principal d’éducation doivent apporter leur contribution à la mise en œuvre des éducations transversales,



    1. Esto me lleva a otro terreno en el que las tecnologías digitales crean más oportunidades: el empleo. En la economía moderna, donde el trabajo mental es más valioso que el trabajo físico, alguien con una discapacidad física puede encontrar un trabajo mucho más fácilmente que hace cien años

      Si para las personas como dice en el texto, alfabetizadas digitalmente, y entonces para las personas menos favorecidas que ejercen trabajos de menor rango, el crecimiento desbordado de la tecnología los pondrá a sobrar?

    1. Tangentially is defined as briefly mentioning a subject but not going into it in detail, or is defined as going off in a different direction.

      in the case of

      briefly mentioning a subject but not going into it in detail the topic/subject need not be related at all (it sounds like).

      What about in the case fo:

      is defined as going off in a different direction. Does the fact that it's going off in a different direction imply that it at least starts out connected/related to the original (starting point) subject (as it does in the geometry sense of tangential)? Or does it permit "jumping" to another topic (in another direction) without being related/connected at all??

      I don't think I like this definition very much. It doesn't quite fit the sense I'm trying to use it for in my tag:

      tangentially related content (aside)

      Ah, here's a definition that matches what I thought it meant (one of the senses anyway): https://hyp.is/3Bn2bpZ7Eeu3Ok8vg03AVA/www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tangential

    1. The Art of Memory. Frances Yates. University of Chicago Press, 1966.

      I wonder if he really referenced this at all? To my knowledge there isn't anything from her text written here.

