300 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. A few days without healthcare and a single accident can push someone into financial ruin.

      Di Amerika Serikat dimana biaya kesehatan sangat tinggi. Pekerja akan berpikir berulangkali untuk pindah-pindah perusahaan karena takut kehilangan proteksi atas kesehatan.

    2. In exchange for their loyalty, the company offers its employees the security of long-term employment, along with additional incentives including tax-sheltered retirement accounts and access to healthcare.

      Pekerja yang terfokus dalam keahlian tertentu, akan bekerja dalam waktu lama pada perusahaan tersebut dan menjadi loyal.

      Sebagai timbal balik atas loyalitas pekerja, perusahaan memberikan jaminan kesehatan dan hari tua.

    3. By dividing the tasks needed to produce goods and services, individual workers could focus on specific tasks rather than developing a variety of expertise.

      Pengelompokan pekerja membuat pekerja bisa fokus di keahlian masing masing, dan menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas.

  2. Jun 2020
    1. One of the new tools debuted by Facebook allows administrators to remove and block certain trending topics among employees. The presentation discussed the “benefits” of “content control.” And it offered one example of a topic employers might find it useful to blacklist: the word “unionize.”

      Imagine your employer looking over your shoulder constantly.

      Imagine that you're surveilled not only in regard to what you produce, but to what you—if you're an office worker—tap our in chats to colleagues.

      This is what Facebook does and it's not very different to what China has created with their Social Credit System.

      This is Orwellian.

  3. May 2020
    1. Ghinai, I., McPherson, T. D., Hunter, J. C., Kirking, H. L., Christiansen, D., Joshi, K., Rubin, R., Morales-Estrada, S., Black, S. R., Pacilli, M., Fricchione, M. J., Chugh, R. K., Walblay, K. A., Ahmed, N. S., Stoecker, W. C., Hasan, N. F., Burdsall, D. P., Reese, H. E., Wallace, M., … Uyeki, T. M. (2020). First known person-to-person transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the USA. The Lancet, 395(10230), 1137–1144. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30607-3

    1. Lai, J., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Cai, Z., Hu, J., Wei, N., Wu, J., Du, H., Chen, T., Li, R., Tan, H., Kang, L., Yao, L., Huang, M., Wang, H., Wang, G., Liu, Z., & Hu, S. (2020). Factors Associated With Mental Health Outcomes Among Health Care Workers Exposed to Coronavirus Disease 2019. JAMA Network Open, 3(3), e203976–e203976. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.3976

  4. Apr 2020
    1. By retracing how one body is chained to another in precarity, it shows the thickness of desire and potential inside these digital bonds.

      i'm still not sold on the idea that there is desire or love for the work that is performed (see annotation about digital worker above).

    2. this ten-year span of digital work exemplified the precarity of digital labor before precarity became a term to describe the uncertain and stressful conditions of work for digital workers.

      Are they digital workers though? Maybe they need to define digital. I was reading this case study as a proceeding whatever digital was. Is it digital because they made equipment for electronics?

    3. A digital worker is not necessarily alien-ated from the commodity she doesn’t own; she finds an unrequited desire and love for the digital work she performs. A feminist methodology shows how being chained is not determined by digital rules and technologies that enable oppression. It is not a result of the material infrastructures and technologies that enable communication, connectivity, and networks.

      What? I need to come back to this.

  5. Mar 2020
    1. The French Court of Cassation has decided to reclassify the contractual relationship between Uber and a driver as an employment contract.
  6. Feb 2020
  7. Jan 2020
  8. Dec 2019
  9. Aug 2019
    1. Last March, ProPublica published an extensive investigation that found IBM had fired an estimated 20,000 U.S. employees ages 40 or older in the past five years.
    2. The company started firing older workers and replacing them with millennials, who IBM’s consulting department said “are generally much more innovative and receptive to technology than baby boomers.”
    3. International Business Machines Corp. has fired as many as 100,000 employees in the last few years in an effort to boost its appeal to millennials and make it appear to be as “cool” and “trendy” as Amazon and Google, according to a deposition from a former vice president in an ongoing age discrimination lawsuit.

      IBM has a long history of working against humanity, e.g. when colluding with the Nazis.

  10. Jul 2019
    1. Amazon.com Announces Second Quarter Sales up 20% to $63.4 Billion

      Do note that this page mentions nothing on worker rights nor worker wages.

      See this page on the matter.

    2. Amazon announced that it will hire nearly 12,000 new employees across Europe in 2019, taking its permanent workforce in Europe to nearly 95,000 by the end of 2019. Amazon pledged to upskill 100,000 of its employees across the U.S. by 2025, dedicating over $700 million to provide employees across its corporate offices, tech hubs, fulfillment centers, retail stores, and transportation network with access to training programs that will help them move into more highly-skilled roles within or outside of the company. Programs include Machine Learning University, Amazon Technical Academy, and Career Choice.

      More workers that can practically be enslaved in 55-hour-work weeks and sleep standing up: yeay!

    1. Döpfner: Last week we had Bill Gates for dinner here and he said in a self-ironic manner that he has a ridiculous amount of money and it is so hard to find appropriate ways to spend that money reasonably and to do good with the money. So what does money mean for you, being the first person in history who has a net worth of a three-digit amount of billions. Bezos: The only way that I can see to deploy this much financial resource is by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel. That is basically it.

      Why fix the issues with how many Amazon workers are basically wage slaves, working 55-hour weeks, while falling asleep during work?

      For more information:

    1. Amazon (AMZN) disclosed in a filing Wednesday that the median pay for its employees was just $28,446 in 2017. Put another way: half of Amazon's employees earned less than that amount.
  11. Nov 2018
  12. Oct 2018
    1. React is fast, thanks to the VirtualDOM. Using a diffing algorithm, the browser DOM nodes are manipulated only when there is a state change. This algorithm is computationally expensive. Using webworkers to perform the calculations can make React even faster.
    1. A completely different Service Workers’ storyThis section was added on Feb, 8th.Apple followed the Service Worker API, but it creates an entirely different story of what it is and what we can do with it in the future. The main differences appear when Apple says:“To keep only the stored information that is useful to the user, WebKit will remove unused service worker registrations after a period of a few weeks. Caches that do not get opened after a few weeks will also be removed. Web Applications must be resilient to any individual cache, cache entry or service worker being removed.”https://webkit.org/blog/8090/workers-at-your-service/That is a huge change! At Chrome, Firefox, Samsung Internet, and other browsers, a Service Worker registration is not going to be unregistered automatically, and we can rely on being there in the future. That’s why an installed PWA will be able to work offline in the future. But with Apple’s idea of a service worker, there is no guarantee that the service worker or the cache will be available in the future. It might be if the user comes back to the web app within “a few weeks.” I know, the web app should work anyway while online, but we can’t guarantee one of the key concepts of PWAs: offline access.
  13. Aug 2018
  14. Mar 2017
  15. Apr 2015