77 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Dem Global Energy Monitor zufolge sollen in den kommenden Jahren 1,5 Billionen Dollar in LNG Terminals und Pipelines investiert werden. 20% dieser Summe sind für Europa geplant und hier wiederum ein großer Teil für Anlagen in Griechenland. Die USA lobbyieren in Mittel- und Südosteuropa intensiv, um ihr LNG dort zu verkaufen. Der subventionierte Aufbau von Gasinfrastruktur übersteigt den europäischen Bedarf bei weitem. Reportage in der New York Times zum Gasboom in Griechenland. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/climate/greece-europe-natural-gas-lng.html

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Die Konzentration der drei wichtigsten Treibhausgase CO<sub>2</sub>, Methan und NO<sub>2</sub> hat 2023 neue Rekordwerte erreicht. Die Daten der amerikanischen NOAA zeigen, dass sich der Anstieg im Durchschnitt der letzten Jahre nicht verlangsamt hat, auch wenn er in manchen Vorjahren noch steiler verlief. Die CO<sub>2</sub>-Konzentation liegt 50% höher als in der vorindustriellen Zeit und entspricht der vor 4 Millionen Jahren. Die Atmosphäre enthält 160% mehr Methan als vor der Industrialisierung. Außer dem Verbrennen von Kohle, Öl und Gas ist die industrielle Landwirtschaft Hauptursache der Treibhausgas-Konzentration. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/06/record-highs-heat-trapping-gases-climate-crisis

      Bericht: https://research.noaa.gov/2024/04/05/no-sign-of-greenhouse-gases-increases-slowing-in-2023/

  3. Feb 2024
  4. Jan 2024
  5. Nov 2023
    1. polysomnography
      • for: polysomnograph, oxygen saturation levels, graph - sleep apnea, sleep apnea - monitoring

      • description: sleep apnea oxygen saturation process

        • oxygen saturation cycles through the night with peaks and troughs
        • abdominal movement attempts to draw air in but is obstructed
        • when a threshold of oxygen deprivation occurs, the brain wakes up and awakens the person to remove the obstruction
  6. Sep 2023
  7. Aug 2023
    1. he Search Suggestion Effect (SSE), the Answer Bot Effect (ABE), the Targeted Messaging Effect (TME), and the Opinion Matching Effect (OME), among others. Effects like these might now be impacting the opinions, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, purchases and voting preferences of more than two billion people every day.
      • for: search engine bias, google privacy, orwellian, privacy protection, mind control, google bias
      • title: Taming Big Tech: The Case for Monitoring
      • date: May 14th 2018
      • author: Robert Epstein

      • quote

      • paraphrase:
        • types of search engine bias
          • the Search Suggestion Effect (SSE),
          • the Answer Bot Effect (ABE),
          • the Targeted Messaging Effect (TME), and
          • the Opinion Matching Effect (OME), among others. -
        • Effects like these might now be impacting the
          • opinions,
          • beliefs,
          • attitudes,
          • decisions,
          • purchases and
          • voting preferences
        • of more than two billion people every day.
  8. Mar 2023
  9. Jan 2023
    1. Because endpoints are URLs, you can – and should – monitor them to ensure they stay online. When talking about online services and websites, you’ll often hear the word “uptime”. This is the percentage of time your application stays up – in other words, the percentage of time your app is accessible and functioning. Outages and performance errors will lower your overall percentage.Monitoring your endpoints also gives you metrics on which endpoints are being accessed and what types of API calls developers are making. This can help you track user behavior, and gain insight into which endpoints are highly trafficked so you can maintain your performance.
  10. Sep 2022
  11. Aug 2022
    1. We definitely want to have a way to monitor this "queue" as a follow-up with a Prometheus counter. This counter could be used to create alerts in case the queue grows significantly, for example: the scheduled (every 1 minute) worker cannot keep up with the deletions.
    1. https://app.idx.us/en-US/services/credit-management

      Seems a bit ironic just how much data a credit monitoring wants to help monitor your data on the dark web. So many companies have had data breaches, I can only wonder how long it may be before a company like IDX has a breach of their own databases?

      The credit reporting agencies should opt everyone into these sorts of protections automatically given the number of breaches in the past.

  12. Apr 2022
  13. Feb 2022
  14. Jan 2022
  15. Dec 2021
  16. Nov 2021
    1. Deploying appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

      rekomendasi pertama: membuat instrumen monev untuk implementasi sains terbuka pada level nasional di negara masing-masing. >> ini akan dan telah terbukti juga menggunakan layanan komersial.

  17. Oct 2021
  18. Sep 2021
    1. A PFC assessment can be incorporated into an integrated riparian management process through a logical sequence of actions (figure 2). Figure 2. Recommended steps for managing riparian areas using an integrated process. After effectiveness monitoring has been done (step 6), initial objectives are validated and modified if necessary. After implementing adaptive actions, step 6 is repeated to monitor the effectiveness of those actions.Step 7: Implement adaptive actionsStep 6: Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of actions and update resource condition ratings (PFC)Step 5: Design and implement management and restoration actionsStep 4: Identify issues and establish goals and objectivesStep 3: Prioritize reaches for management, restoration, or monitoring actionsStep 2: Identify riparian resource values and complete additional assessmentsStep 1: Assess riparian area function using the PFC method • Identify assessment area and assemble an interdisciplinary team • Review existing information and delineate and stratify reaches • Determine the potential of the reach • Assess the reach and determine its functional rating (validate with monitoring data if necessary)Modifyobjectivesif necessaryMonitoradaptiveactions
  19. Jun 2021
  20. May 2021
  21. Apr 2021
  22. Mar 2021
  23. Feb 2021
  24. Jan 2021
  25. Dec 2020
  26. Oct 2020
  27. Aug 2020
  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
  30. May 2020
    1. Betsch, C., Wieler, L., Bosnjak, M., Ramharter, M., Stollorz, V., Omer, S., Korn, L., Sprengholz, P., Felgendreff, L., Eitze, S., & Schmid, P. (2020). Germany COVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring (COSMO Germany): Monitoring knowledge, risk perceptions, preventive behaviours, and public trust in the current coronavirus outbreak in Germany. https://doi.org/10.23668/PSYCHARCHIVES.2776

  31. Apr 2020
  32. Mar 2020
    1. The host of a Zoom call has the capacity to monitor the activities of attendees while screen-sharing. This functionality is available in Zoom version 4.0 and higher.

      This is true if one uses the Zoom apps for desktop or mobile devices.

      There is a Chrome extension that redirects Zoom meetings via a web browser.

  33. Feb 2020
    1. k6 provides great primitives for code modularization, performance thresholds, and automation. These features make it an excellent choice for performance monitoring. You could run tests with a small amount of load to continuously monitor the performance of your production environment.
  34. Oct 2019
  35. publications.parliament.uk publications.parliament.uk
    1. 15 Environmental monitoring(1) The Secretary of State must make arrangements for obtaining such data aboutthe natural environment as the Secretary of State considers appropriate for thepurpose of monitoring—(a) whether the natural environment is, or particular aspects of it are,improving in accordance with the current environmental improvementplan,(b) the progress being made towards meeting any targets set undersections 1 and 2, and(c) the progress being made towards meeting any interim targets set undersection 10 and 13

      This seems useful - SoS must publish in parliament outline of monitoring arrangements 4 months after Env bill passed, then publish data obtained under that. Might be worth checking on what role parliament play here and the timescales involved in publishing data?

  36. Sep 2019
  37. grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. grazing does not permanently damage soil and vegetation resources, animal numbers and/or grazing time must be controlled.
    1. These measurements are related to wind and water erosion, water infiltra-tion, and the ability of the site to resist and recover from disturbance.

      This is an outdated method. Lorem ipsum.

  38. grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. Before collecting field monitoring measurements (Figure 2) it is important to specify why, where, how, at what frequency, and at what intensity you will monitor. The methods described in the Core Methodsvolume are part of Step 8 in implementing a moni-toring program (Figure 3). Describing the anticipat-ed data analysis and interpretation of the monitoring data will also inform the characteristics of the moni-toring program design. Volume II of this manual provides detailed guidance on monitoring program design, data analysis and interpretation. In some cases, you may need to refer to Volume II (see ques-tions below) before continuing to read the rest of the Core Methods volume.

      Testing from app!

  39. Sep 2018
  40. May 2018
    1. Negative values included when assessing air quality In computing average pollutant concentrations, EPA includes recorded values that are below zero. EPA advised that this is consistent with NEPM AAQ procedures. Logically, however, the lowest possible value for air pollutant concentrations is zero. Either it is present, even if in very small amounts, or it is not. Negative values are an artefact of the measurement and recording process. Leaving negative values in the data introduces a negative bias, which potentially under represents actual concentrations of pollutants. We noted a considerable number of negative values recorded. For example, in 2016, negative values comprised 5.3 per cent of recorded hourly PM2.5 values, and 1.3 per cent of hourly PM10 values. When we excluded negative values from the calculation of one‐day averages, there were five more exceedance days for PM2.5 and one more for PM10 during 2016.
  41. Jun 2017
    1. in sync replicas (ISRs) should be exactly equal to the total number of replicas.

      ISRs are a very imp metric

    2. Kafka metrics can be broken down into three categories:Kafka server (broker) metricsProducer metricsConsumer metrics

      3 Metrics:

      • Broker
      • Producer (Netty)
      • Consumer (SECOR)
  42. May 2017
  43. Feb 2017
    1. AZGFD developed a draft Sonora chub monitoring plan and the CNF has proposed a linear habitat sampling protocol for Sycamore Canyon in 1993. Neither protocol has been finalized as of 2012.

      Wow. 19 years and the agencies can't finalize their monitoring protocol. Impressive.

  44. Dec 2016
  45. Apr 2016
    1. closer to what my own parents experienced than you might guess.

      Here it comes, the plug for algorithmic love or at least the comparison to arranged marriage. Are the services akin to parent arrangements?

  46. May 2015
  47. Feb 2014
    1. API Services During my monitoring of the API space, I came across a new API monitoring service called AutoDevBot, which monitors all your API endpoints, and notifies you when something goes wrong. Pretty standard feature in a new wave of API integration tools and services I’m seeing emerge, but what is interesting is they use Github as a central place to store the settings for the API monitoring service. AutoDevBot has you clone their settings template, make changes you need to monitor your APIs, register and fire up AutoDevBot to monitor. Seems like a pretty simple way for API service providers to engage with API providers, allowing them to manage all the configuration for API services alongside their own internal API operations.