- Last 7 days
sr.ithaka.org sr.ithaka.org
the affordability message is still the most effective one to communicate to legislators
I wonder if in the age of AI and information disorder if different messaging might gain traction. For example: messaging about how OER and OEP can lead to higher information literacies...
- Jan 2025
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
Transdisciplinary sustainability science is increasingly applied to study transformative change. Yet, transdisciplinary research involves diverse actors who hold contrasting and sometimes conflicting perspectives and worldviews. Reflexivity is cited as a crucial capacity for navigating the resulting challenges
for - adjacency - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept spaces - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
adjacency - between - reflexivity - tool for transdisciplinary research - indyweb - people-centered, interpersonal information architecture - mindplex - concept space - perspectival knowing - life situatedness - SRG transdisciplinary complexity mapping tool - adjacency relationship - This paper is interesting from the perspective of development of the Indyweb because there, - the people-centered, interpersonal information architecture intrinsically explicates perspectival knowing and life-situatedness - Indyweb can embed an affordance that is a meta function applied to an indyvidual's mindplex that - surfaces and aspectualizes the perspective and worldview salient to the research - The granular information that embeds an indyvidual's perspectives and worldviews is already there in the indyvidual's rich mindplex
substack.com substack.com
I thought it was bad growing up during the “just Google it” age, but as society always manages to outdo itself, the current “just use ChatGPT” mindset is so much worse. At least with Google, there was a semblance of effort: sifting through search results, evaluating sources, and piecing together information to paraphrase for your paper that was due in the next hour. Now, the expectation is instant answers with zero context, no critical thinking, and a growing dependency on AI to do the heavy lifting. It’s not just a shortcut—it’s an exit ramp off the highway of media literacy.
www.robotscooking.com www.robotscooking.com
In an era where trust in science and concerns about misinformation areparamount, publishers could leverage anxieties about the risks of sharing "non-peer-reviewed" material to cast doubt on the reliability and credibility of preprints.
A deep concern, especially in a wider context where the value of expertise itself is being undermined...
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
On a recent afternoon at his synagogue, Rabbi Hayon recalled taking a picture of his bookshelf and asking his A.I. assistant which of the books he had not quoted in his recent sermons. Before A.I., he would have pulled down the titles themselves, taking the time to read through their indexes, carefully checking them against his own work.“I was a little sad to miss that part of the process that is so fruitful and so joyful and rich and enlightening, that gives fuel to the life of the Spirit,” Rabbi Hayon said. “Using A.I. does get you to an answer quicker, but you’ve certainly lost something along the way.”
LLMs taking the joy out of the search for information
- Dec 2024
new.prototypefund.de new.prototypefund.de
Ein besonders wichtiges Ziel von Datensicherheit ist der Datenschutz, also der Schutz personenbezogener Daten wie E-Mail-Adressen, Sozialversicherungs-nummern oder Standortdaten. Verankert ist dieser im Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung, nach dem jede Person selbst über die Preisgabe und Ver-wendung ihrer eigenen Daten bestimmen darf. Mögliche negative Konsequen-zen einer Offenlegung von personenbezogen Daten reichen vom Verkauf für Werbezwecke über Identitätsdiebstahl bis hin zu politischer Verfolgung. Aber auch der Schutz nicht-personenbezogener Daten kann im Interesse der All-gemeinheit liegen. Das gilt insbesondere, wenn von ihnen der Betrieb kritischer Infrastrukturen abhängt, deren Ausfall zu Versorgungsengpässen oder sogar zur Gefährdung für die öffentliche Sicherheit führen kann.
www.google.com www.google.com
In recent years, the healthcare industry in Dubai has witnessed rapid advancements, especially in the integration of technology to improve patient care and operational efficiency. At the heart of this transformation lies the HIS Hospital Information System , a powerful solution designed to streamline healthcare processes and deliver superior services. As a leading global hub for medical tourism and innovation, Dubai continues to embrace cutting-edge technologies like hospital information systems to ensure healthcare excellence.
Information architecture is a task often shared by designers, developers, and content strategists. But regardless of who takes on the task, IA is a field of its own, with influences, tools, and resources that are worth investigation. In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture really is, and why it’s a valuable aspect of the user experience process.
www.howtomakesenseofanymess.com www.howtomakesenseofanymess.com
www.writethedocs.org www.writethedocs.org
Should we optimize for searching or browsing?¶ Documentarians may have to determine whether users search or browse for content of interest. What you decide may influence how to focus your resources: SEO and search tools or navigation aids. The resolution to this may depend on your users and what they’re looking for… and also your product interface. Some users, those who frequently search online for content, may prefer to search through your documentation (for example, spending 70% of their time on search and 30% navigation). Other users may prefer to use your site’s navigation system (for example, 30% search and 70% navigation). Nonetheless, some documentarians assume that searching is the primary method that all users rely on. Some indicate that it’s important to have both methods available for the users to select what they want to do. Information architecture (IA) helps a docs team to develop content in a structured and comprehensive manner. A navigation methodology can implement the IA of the documentation system. So, if your team has developed a structure for the content, you can use it as a navigation device for your readers. As one person indicated: No documentation should be random pages of text. Readers use the structure to learn relationships between different features, use cases, or topics. Searching and browsing are complementary actions. The method used by any one person may depend on different factors and users may use both. Offer the best of both to satisfy your readers. Search-related resources Search platform tips for documentation websites (WTD Newsleter) Making documentation discoverable in search engines (WTD video) Search engine optimization (SEO) for documentation (WTD page) Information Foraging (Nielsen Norman Group) Navigation- and IA-related resources Many articles available from Nielsen Norman Group Building navigation for your doc site: 5 best practices (WTD video) Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture (UX Booth) How To Make Sense of Any Mess (book by Abby Covert)
- Nov 2024
Local file Local fileLayout 14
Dousa, Thomas M. “Facts and Frameworks in Paul Otlet’s and Julius Otto Kaiser’s Theories of Knowledge Organization.” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 36, no. 2 (2010): 19–25. https://doi.org/10.1002/bult.2010.1720360208.
on the guide card for each main entry term a list of the other main entry termswith which it stood in semantic relation: the latter included synonyms, broaderterms, narrower terms and related terms [8, § 415, 423]. The “logical key”served as the syndetic structure of the index, indicating a web of conceptualrelations otherwise unexpressed by the alphabetical structure of the index file.
Some of the structure in Kaiser's system was built into relationships on guide cards. While not exactly hub notes, they did provide links to other areas of the system in addition to synonyms under which materials could be found including broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms often seen in library information systems.
In the 1950s and 1960s, information retrieval (IR) theorists drew a distinction between“document retrieval systems” and “fact retrieval systems.” The former, were intendedto retrieve, in response to a user’s query, all documents that might contain informationpertinent to answering that query, while the latter were to lead the user directly tospecific pieces of information – facts – embedded within the documents being searchedthat would answer his or her question. The idea of information analysis clearlyprovided the theoretical impetus for fact retrieval (aka question-answering) systems
the emergence of the idea that documents could bedecomposed not only into smaller bibliographical units (as, for example, aperiodical into articles or a book into chapters), but also into yet smallerinformation units (such as, for example, the concepts or facts discussed indiscrete passages within a text) and that, once identified, these informationunits could be reconfigured in new arrangements that would facilitate theirretrieval [1, p. 223; 2, pp. 221–222].
- card system organization
- knowledge organization
- Julius Kaiser
- information analysis
- document retrieval systems
- knowledge management
- atomic notes
- tabbed dividers
- Universal Decimal Classification
- read
- Paul Otlet
- zettelkasten design
- zettelkasten organization
- fact retrieval systems
- hub notes
- information science
- information retrieval
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I would say the epigenetic inheritance that has to occur there and how it occurs must be contributing a very large fraction indeed to the differentiation process
for - answer - Denis Noble - to Michael Levin - question - What percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards ? - a very large fraction is epigenetic inheritance indeed.
what percentage of the information that is used by an organism let's say embryogenesis onwards is genetic versus all other sources put together what what what would you guess as a as a breakdown
for - question - Michael Levin to - Denis Noble - percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards
the only way you can visualize the vaces because they're too tiny to be visualized by standard microscopy labeling with florescent dyes is about the only way we can um easily identify what molecules have been passed down from the vesicles to The Germ cells but that's very restrictive you see because there will be millions of different molecules in a single visle to be faced with only being able to label three or four of those otherwise we can't make out the the differences is it's very tedious
for - evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
we have a huge amount of our DNA it's more than the DNA involved in protein coding that's come from viruses I mean it's clear that incorporation of new DNA from other organisms into the germ line has occurred many times uh during the process of evolution
for - evolution - viruses and other organisms - inject information into germ line throughout evolution - Denis Noble
vican barrier
for - Weismann Barrier - disputed by Darwin himself, who believed that the body sends information to the germ line to pass on to the next generation - Denis Noble
- evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
- nswer - Denis Noble - to Michael Levin - question - What percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards ? - a very large fraction is epigenetic inheritance indeed.
- question - Michael Levin to - Denis Noble - percentage of genetic vs non-genetic information passed down to germ line from embryogenesis onwards
- evolution - viruses and other organisms - inject information into germ line throughout evolution - Denis Noble
- Weismann Barrier - disputed by Darwin himself, who believed that the body sends information to the germ line to pass on to the next generation - Denis Noble
www.gezondleven.be www.gezondleven.be
Een chunk (letterlijk ‘brok’) is een verzameling elementen die sterke associaties met elkaar hebben. Samen vormen ze een betekenisvolle informatie-eenheid. Die chunks, groot of klein, gebruiken we in ons interne informatieverwerkings- en geheugensysteem. Ons brein houdt namelijk van logica en voorspelbare patronen. Het opdelen van informatie gebeurt automatisch en continu, maar kan ook bewust worden ingezet. Dat heet doel-georiënteerde chunking.Ons brein kan slechts een aantal zaken opslaan in het kortetermijngeheugen. Maar door veel gegevens te groeperen in kleinere brokjes informatie, kunnen we de limieten van ons geheugen uitdagen. En dus meer informatie verwerken en onthouden.
Chapeau! Een Belgische website kaart dit aan in de context gezond leven.
Peretti figured out early on the first principle of a successful website: wide distribution. Rather than publishing articles people should read, BuzzFeed focuses on publishing those that people want to read. This means aiming to garner maximum social shares to put distribution in the hands of readers. Peretti recognized the first principles of online popularity and used them to take a new approach to journalism. He also ignored SEO, saying, “Instead of making content robots like, it was more satisfying to make content humans want to share.”[8] Unfortunately for us, we share a lot of cat videos. A common aphorism in the field of viral marketing is, “content might be king, but distribution is queen, and she wears the pants” (or “and she has the dragons”; pick your metaphor). BuzzFeed’s distribution-based approach is based on obsessive measurement, using A/B testing and analytics. Jon Steinberg, president of BuzzFeed, explains the first principles of virality: Keep it short. Ensure [that] the story has a human aspect. Give people the chance to engage. And let them react. People mustn’t feel awkward sharing it. It must feel authentic. Images and lists work. The headline must be persuasive and direct.
First principles of virality
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Class 2, Does Memory Matter? Why Are Universities Studying Slavery and Their Pasts? by David Blight for [[YaleCourses]]
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Paul Conkin's zettelkasten
- David Hume
- Augustine
- memory vs. history
- Paul Conkin
- memory and history
- information overload
- Mark Twain
- DeVane Lecture 2024
- storytelling
- Avishai Margalit
- Robert McKee
- invisible hand
- System 1 vs. System 2
- David Blight
- memory palaces
- hard histories
- Charan Ranganath
- Lieu de mémoire
- slavery
- Pierre Nora
- zettelkasten examples
- Glaucon
- Yale University history
- neuroscience of memory
- Andrew Jackson
- The Republic
- Daniel Kahneman
- William James
- Benjamin Silliman
- watch
- memory boom
kottke.org kottke.org
You already know Donald Trump. He is unfit to lead. Watch him. Listen to those who know him best. He tried to subvert an election and remains a threat to democracy. He helped overturn Roe, with terrible consequences. Mr. Trump’s corruption and lawlessness go beyond elections: It’s his whole ethos. He lies without limit. If he’s re-elected, the G.O.P. won’t restrain him. Mr. Trump will use the government to go after opponents. He will pursue a cruel policy of mass deportations. He will wreak havoc on the poor, the middle class and employers. Another Trump term will damage the climate, shatter alliances and strengthen autocrats. Americans should demand better. Vote.
Lovely information design with mere hyperlinks, also serving as emphasis.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
- Campaign for Nature
- Common Initiative
- Fauna & Flora
- Pierre du Plessis
- COP16 biodiversity
- Bernadette Fischler Hooper
- author:: Phoebe Weston
- author:: Patrick Greenfield
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Digital Sequence Information
- Oscar Soria
- date:: 2024-11-03
- Kunming-Montreal pact
- Brian O’Donnell
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Catherine Weller
- Oct 2024
hedgehogreview.com hedgehogreview.com
“Think like a librarian,” Milo used to urge us, which might sound less impressive than “Think like a philosopher,” “Think like a psychologist,” or even “Think like a lawyer,” but it did make the point that information wasn’t given, that it had to be actively sought. Once, a student called asking for book titles that might help her with her assigned topic on the pros and cons of marriage. The Library of Congress subject heading “marriage” was too broad to be of much use, and the subheadings in various library catalogs weren’t much better. But remembering James Thurber and E.B. White’s Is Sex Necessary?, I reasoned that there might well be a book on the pros and cons of marriage with an analogous title. Sure enough, Is Marriage Necessary? did turn up as a title in our catalog, and I was able to start the student on her way to a bibliography—nothing special, but our work was full of wonderful, nothing-special moments. Far more impressive was the ingenuity of a colleague who supplied a patron with the names of Korean massage parlors in the Gramercy Park area (yes, someone asked) by combing the Manhattan white pages for names (Oriental Health Spa, Rising Sun Health Club) of likely establishments on and around East Twenty-Third Street. Ours was not to reason why.
Information had to be actively sought - by thinking associatively, where it may be. Can LLMs do this?
In the apprenticeship each of us endured under Milo’s exhausting tutelage before getting anywhere near a telephone, we learned not merely how to find information but how to think about finding information. Don’t take anything for granted; don’t trust your memory; look for the context; put two and three and four sources together, if necessary.
Value of knowledge in a zettelkasten as a function of reference(use/look up) frequency; links to other ideas; ease of recall without needing to look up (also a measure of usefulness); others?
Define terms and create a mathematical equation of stocks and flows around this system of information. Maybe "knowledge complexity" or "information optimization"? see: https://hypothes.is/a/zejn0oscEe-zsjMPhgjL_Q
takes into account the value of information from the perspective of a particular observer<br /> relative information value
cross-reference: Umberto Eco on no piece of information is superior: https://hypothes.is/a/jqug2tNlEeyg2JfEczmepw
Inspired by idea in https://hypothes.is/a/CdoMUJCYEe-VlxtqIFX4qA
Here's my setup: Literature Notes go in the literature folder. Daily Notes serve as fleeting notes. Project-related Notes are organized in their specific project folders within a larger "Projects" folder.
inspired by, but definitely not take from as not in evidence
Many people have "daily notes" and "project notes" in what they consider to be their zettelkasten workflow. These can be thought of as subcategories of reference notes (aka literature notes, bibliographic notes). The references in these cases are simply different sorts of material than one would traditionally include in this category. Instead of indexing the ideas within a book or journal article, you're indexing what happened to you on a particular day (daily notes) or indexing ideas or progress on a particular project (project notes). Because they're different enough in type and form, you might keep them in their own "departments" (aka folders) within your system just the same way that with enough material one might break out their reference notes to separate books from newspapers, journal articles, or lectures.
In general form and function they're all broadly serving the same functionality and acting as a ratchet and pawl on the information that is being collected. They capture context; they serve as reminder. The fact that some may be used less or referred to less frequently doesn't make them necessarily less important
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life
for - book - The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life - Paul Davies
From ChatGPT: TLV encoding stands for Type-Length-Value encoding, a format often used in communication protocols to represent data in a structured and efficient way. The format includes three parts:
Type: Identifies the kind of data or the meaning of the value (e.g., a field identifier). Length: Specifies the length of the data field in bytes. Value: Contains the actual data associated with the type. This structure allows flexible, self-describing data communication, where each element can be easily parsed and identified. It is commonly used in protocols like ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One), EMV (credit card transactions), and many other network or security protocols.
In CESR padding is handled a bit differently because it repurposes the pad characters for type codes in its TLV encoding scheme
OK. BINGO. I FOUND A KEY TO UNDERSTAND THIS. So because these digests/hashes are always 32 bytes, we have some padding we can re-purpose.
decoder is the same value you put in
Base64 is a two-way encoding scheme
A note on terminology, sometimes digests are called hashes or hash values. The technical definition of the term hash refers to a hash function. Hash functions transform data into a fixed-size string. This fixed-size string is the digest, the output of a hash function.
Yes. And property of hash functions relative to this discussion, is that that Hash is unique and is effectively and ID
SHA2-256, SHA3-256, and Blake3-256
These functions all produce a one-way "Hash". The "Hash" for all intents and purposes is an ID: Something UNIQUE that can identity(ID) the given input. Your grandmother would understand this as "Giving something a name". The "something" is the input. The "name" is the output hash.
- Sep 2024
www.rachelwu.com www.rachelwu.comLWtL V61
Once a learner figures out what to learn, then theremaining task is to learn the information, which can still be a challenge depending on thecomplexity of the information
This is a highly linear sketch, figure out what to learn, gather information, done. In complexity figuring out what to learn does not then give you a clear path to the 'right' information, as it doesn't exist in that form. You iterate your way forward based on pattern recog. Fractals of figuring out what to learn repeatedly along the way
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Shneiderman’s design principles for creativity support tools
Ben Shneiderman's work is deeply influential in HCI; his work has assisted in creating strong connections between tech and creativity, especially when applied to fostering innovation.
his 2007 national science foundation funded report on creativity support tools, led by UMD, provides a seminal overview of the definitions of creativity at that time.
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
for - digital delay stats - Pew Research
summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!
Provide a complete description of the issue. If it works on A but not on B and others have to ask you: "so what is different between A and B" you are wasting everyone's time.
trustoverip.github.io trustoverip.github.io
domains or protocols
I see, some "protocols" are Text Only (because Human Readability is baked into the protocol)
digests, salts, seeds (private keys), public keys, and digital signatures
Nice List of "Cryptographically Verifiable Primitives"
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is information isn't truth this naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom this is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information
for - quote - Yuval Noah Harari - Most information is junk - dominant Silicon Valley view that information is truth is naive
quote - Yuval Noah Harari - (see below) - The basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is - Information isn't truth - This naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom - This is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information
for - Yuval Noah Harari - interview - book - Nexus - progress trap - information
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
via Chris Aldrich. Ann Blair of [[Information edited by Ann Blair]]
www.platformer.news www.platformer.news
Why note-taking apps don't make us smarter by [[Casey Newton]]
Newton takes a thin view of the eternal question of information overload and whether or not AI might improve the situation. No serious results...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - paper review - Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach - Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano & Federico Faggin
annotation by time
5:54 - what is awareness (or consciousness)? - it is the "feeling of the information processing
link.springer.com link.springer.com
hard problem proposed here has been suggested by David Chalmers as satisfying the following requirements
for - David Chalmers - hard problem of consciousness - citation - Federico Faggin - Giacomo Mauro D'ariano - Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach
Comment - Federico Faggins, in other talks emphasizes that - consciousness is not an epi-phenomena of materalism, but rather - consciousness is a foundational experience and materialism is derived from it -
Quantumness of experience: the information theory of consciousness is quantum theory.
for - private inner world - quantum information theory explanation - Federico Faggin and Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
for - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano - Federico Faggin - Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach - consciousness research
reference - youtube discussion of this paper by Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano - https://via.hypothes.is/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDb1XyS8gTo
The ontology derived by accepting consciousness as fundamental would be that objectivity and classical physics supervene on quantum physics, quantum physics supervenes on quantum information, and quantum information supervenes on consciousness.
for - quote - classical physics supervenes on quantum physics, which supervenes on quantum information, which supervenes on consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
quantum-information panpsychism
for - definition - quantum-information panpsychism - Federico Faggin
definition - quantum-information panpsychism - Federico Faggin - The idea that consciousness is fundamental for information and physics supervening on quantum information
- definition - quantum-information panpsychism - Federico Faggin
- David Chalmers - hard problem of consciousness - citation - Federico Faggin - Giacomo Mauro D'ariano - Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach
- Hard Problem and Free Will: An Information-Theoretical Approach
- consciousness research
- private inner world - quantum information theory explanation - Federico Faggin and Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
- quote - classical physics supervenes on quantum physics, which supervenes on quantum information, which supervenes on consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
- Federico Faggin
- Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what we do is we use language we squeeze it down to a to a simple low bandwidth message you will have to re-expand and and reinterpret that message
for - squeezing down and re-expanding - Michael Levin
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:07:30 The mind prioritises emotional information.
46:00 Social anxiety as "disordered attention" (HealthyGamer) where we fixate on certain signals too much. It warps incoming information. Positive signals are filtered out and attention is fixated on negative information.
54:00 "Distorting the flow of information" (also see Mihaly jump) Information is internal based rather than external (because attention is internally directed rather than externally).
Reminds me of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi his notion of psychic entropy where consciousness is essentially disordered. One can say that social anxiety contributes to entropy.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Federico Faggin - quantum physics - consciousness
summary - Frederico Faggin is a physicist and microelectronic engineer who was the developer of the world's first microprocessor at Intel, the Intel 4004 CPU. - Now he focuses his attention on developing a robust and testable theory of consciousness based on quantum information theory. - What sets Frederico apart from other scientists who are studying consciousness is a series of profound personal 'awakening'-type experiences in which has led to a psychological dissolution of the sense of self bounded by his physical body - This profound experience led him to claim with unshakable certainty that our individual consciousness is far greater than our normal mundane experience of it - Having a science and engineering background, Faggin has set out to validate his experiences with a new scientific theory of Consciousness, Information and Physicality (CIP) and Operational Probabilistic Theory (OPT)
to - Frederico Faggin's website - https://hyp.is/JTGs6lr9Ee-K8-uSXD3tsg/www.fagginfoundation.org/what-we-do/j - Federico Faggin and paper: - Hard Problem and Free Will: - an information-theoretical approach - https://hyp.is/styU2lofEe-11hO02KJC8w/link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85480-5_5
what you call CIP B which is the Consciousness information and physicality and how it links to opt which is operational probabilistic Theory
for - definition - Consciousness Information and Physicality (CIP) - definition - Operational Probabilistic Theory (OPT)
- to Federico Faggin & Giacomo Mauro D'Gariano 2021 paper - Hard Problem and Free Will: an information-theoretical approach
- definition - Consciousness Information and Physicality (CIP)
- to - Federico Faggin's website
- consciousness scientist - awakening experience
- Federico Faggin - quantum physics - consciousness
- definition - Operational Probabilistic Theory (OPT)
link.springer.com link.springer.com
As a result we reach a quantum-information-based panpsychism, with classical physics supervening on quantum physics, quantum physics supervening on quantum information, and quantum information supervening on consciousness.
for - quantum-information-based-panpsychism - consciousness - relationship - quantum information - to consciousness
consciousness - relationship - quantum information - to consciousness - classical physics supervenes on quantum physics - quantum physics supervenes on quantum information - quantum information supervenes on consciousness
arxiv.org arxiv.org
for - Hard Problem and Free Will - an information-theoretical approach - consciousness research - Federico Faggin - Giocomo Mauro D'Ariano
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Information Futures Lab at Brown University
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This person argues that one should cultivate a personal library, the tangibleness of the physical, to safeguard knowledge and prevent information control from falling to a single institution or person, so that they may never control the past.
I think he should go deeper into his argument, I do not fully understand what he means.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we forget stuff yeah and it is even more it is not precise and accurate we invent stuff retrospectively
for - neuroscience - memories - reconstructed in the present - with new information - Indyweb - talking to our old selves - memories
- Jul 2024
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - google - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - search results of interest - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph
search - google - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - https://www.google.com/search?q=high+resolution+addressing+of+disaggregated+text+corpus+mapped+to+graph&oq=high+resolution+addressing+of+disaggregated+text+corpus+mapped+to+graph&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTMzNjEzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
to - search results of interest - high resolution addressing of disaggregated text corpus mapped to graph - A New Method for Graph-Based Representation of Text in - The use of a new text representation method to predict book categories based on the analysis of its content resulted in accuracy, precision, recall and an F1- ... - https://hyp.is/H9UAbk46Ee-PT_vokcnTqA/www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/12/4081 - Encoding Text Information with Graph Convolutional Networks - According to our understanding, this is the first personality recognition study to model the entire user text information corpus as a heterogeneous graph and ... - https://hyp.is/H9UAbk46Ee-PT_vokcnTqA/www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/12/4081
opencollective.com opencollective.com
Indy Learning Commons
for - Indyweb information page - Open Collective Indyweb
from - Paper Review - Participatory Systems Mapping - https://hyp.is/FSRodE0QEe-Z26cIILK6sw/journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1356389020980493
Local file Local file
Whenever a teacher orally explains something to a class or a pupil, wheneverpupils talk to each other or hear speech, the information presented is transient. Byits very nature, all speech is transient. Unless it is recorded, any spoken informationdisappears. If it is important information for the learner, then the learner must tryto remember it. Remembering verbal information often can be more easily achievedif it is written down. Writing was invented primarily to turn transient oral informa-tion into a permanent form. In the absence of a permanent written record, thelearner may need to use a mental rehearsal strategy to keep information alive inworking memory before it dissipates. The more information there is to learn, themore difficult it becomes to remember, unless it is written down, or students haveadditional access to a permanent record. Furthermore, if spoken informationrequires complex processing, then the demands made on working memory becomeeven more intrusive. For example, if a teacher explains a point using several spokensentences, each containing information that must be integrated in order to under-stand the general gist, the demands made on working memory may be excessive.Information from one sentence may need to be held in working memory whileinformation from another sentence is integrated with it. From this perspective, suchinformation will create a heavy cognitive load. Accordingly, all spoken informationhas the potential to interfere with learning unless it is broken down into manageableproportions or supported by external offloads such as written notes.
Note to self: - Transient = Fading - Non-Transient = Permanent
Johns, Adrian. The Science of Reading: Information, Media, and Mind in Modern America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023. https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/S/bo183629196.html
the information about how bad things have been has not been meaningfully connected to the levers of power there just isn't there's this you know there's been no connection between those two worlds at all um they've sort 00:55:06 of been operating in parallel
for - climate crisis - disconnect between - levers of power - and information of what is happening
climate crisis - disconnect between - levers of power - and information of what is happening - there is an abundance of scientific information available to political leaders, yet - they are failing to make the necessary decisions - why?
newsletter.weskao.com newsletter.weskao.com
We value qualitative data as much as quantitative, because while numbers never lie, they also never tell the full story. We then write down our thoughts because it is both the most efficient and effective form of communication.
substack.com substack.com
secondary sources are great sources of quality interpretation.
makes me think of roundups or curation
- Jun 2024
disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org disruptedjournal.postdigitalcultures.org
Because “open” may face a similar fate as befell “design” and “innovation,” terms that are alternatively inspiring and incomprehensible, both motivation and muddled jargon.
Comment by chrisaldrich: "Information" is another word that might fit into this group of over-saddled words.
clerc-avocat.fr clerc-avocat.fr
l’administration ne justifie pas avoir porté la date de la réunion de la commission d’appel à la connaissance de Mme B dans un délai lui permettant d’assister à cette réunion
orientation.ac-creteil.fr orientation.ac-creteil.fr
Afficher la liste par niveau, sur laquelle figurent les décisions prises par les commissions d’appel, pour chaqueélève concerné conformément à la décision.
for - AI - inside industry predictions to 2034 - Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034
document description - Situational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - author - Leopold Aschenbrenner
summary - Leopold Aschenbrenner is an ex-employee of OpenAI and reveals the insider information of the disruptive plans for AI in the next decade, that pose an existential threat to create a truly dystopian world if we continue going down our BAU trajectory. - The A.I. arms race can end in disaster. The mason threat of A.I. is that humans are fallible and even one bad actor with access to support intelligent A.I. can post an existential threat to everyone - A.I. threat is amplifier by allowing itt to control important processes - and when it is exploited by the military industrial complex, the threat escalates significantly
- to - YouTube - 4 hour in-depth interview with Leopold Aschenbrenner on the disruptive and existential impacts of A.I. super-intelligence
here are so many loopholes in our current top AI Labs that we could literally have people who are infiltrating these companies and there's no way to even know what's going on because we don't have any true security 00:37:41 protocols and the problem is is that it's not being treated as seriously as it is
for - key insight - low security at top AI labs - high risk of information theft ending up in wrong hands
- article - SItuational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - Leopold Aschenbrenner
- to - YouTube - 4 hour in-depth interview with Leopold Aschenbrenner on the disruptive and existential impacts of A.I. super-intelligence
- key insight - low security at top AI labs - high risk of information theft ending up in wrong hands
- Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034
- AI - inside industry predictions to 2034
niklas-luhmann-archiv.de niklas-luhmann-archiv.de
Overlap of Claude Shannon and Niklas Luhmann
you can take a lot more than you are and have a lot more information
for - adjacency - open source - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - objective - Nora Bateson comment on more information - diversity - Indyweb/Indranet - progress trap mitigation
adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping<br /> - open source - progress trap mitigation - Indyweb/Indranet
- adjacency relationship
- When Nora talks about the
- oversimplified,
- reductionist
- problem-solving approach that most of modernity employs to tackle wicked problems,
- it boils down to oversimplification.
- There are usually far more causes and conditions to a problem than are known to construct the solution
- In Deep Humanity praxis, this is how we get into progress traps, the shadow side of progress
- The Stop Reset Go complexity mapping system is designed to reveal greater information by
- creating a space for diverse perspectives to systematically engage in addressing the same wicked problem
- This system must be open source in order to create the space for maximum diversity
- The Stop Reset Go process is specifically designed as a workspace for diversity for the purpose of
- mitigating progress traps and
- helping find more effective ways to address wicked problems
- This is done by using Trailmark Markin notation within the Indyweb/Indranet people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem
- When Nora talks about the
- adjacency relationship
www.belfercenter.org www.belfercenter.org
Beyond simply dividing time, computation has enabled the division of information.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
. On the one hand, thisincrease placed books in more people’s hands, effecting a democrati-zation of book ownership. On the other hand, the proliferation wassuch that the average person could not, without intense study, moni-tor the quality or quantity of new books published—estimated byone 1881 source at 25,000 annually. Even if incorrect, the estimateconveys a sense of despair felt about keeping up.20
ref: Charles F. Richardson, The Choice of Books (New York: American Book Exchange, 1881), 6. The publication estimate came from a librarian, F. B. Perkins.
- May 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
04:00 Maurits says that information is everything. It differentiates those who make it versus those who don't.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
ces gadients sociaux reflètent une pluralité de de facteurs mais je voudrais ici insister sur les barrières de nature informationnel parce qu'il s'agit d'un 00:11:47 facteur sur lequel il semble possible d'intervenir assez rapidement d'une part les parents issus des milieux populaires au moins souvent accès à des sources d'experts tels que des articles de des 00:11:59 journaux des livres euh des sites web des blogs sur les liens entre parentalité éducation et développement des enfants d'autre part ces informations circulent moins souvent 00:12:10 dans le cercles sociaux et sans surprise les chercheurs ont identifier des gadiiens sociaux importants dans la familiarité des parents de différents milieux sociaux euh avec un ensemble d'activités de pratiqu 00:12:24 qui peuvent euh euh stimuler le développement cognitif et socioémotionnel des enfants or si les familles socialement défavorisées ont une connaissance plus limitée des bienfaits de ces activités 00:12:37 des informations qui apportent des des interventions qui apportent des informations et des conseils pratiques aux parents pour à la fois favoriser ses activités stimuler les apprentissages informels et réduire les inégalités 00:12:49 sociales correspondantes
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
What makes this simple strategyeffective is that students must do more than listen passivelyto the lecture. They must pay attention, comprehend theinformation being presented, and then take action withthat information – in this case, talk about a question with apartner. One study (Ruhl, Hughes & Schloss, 1987) showedthat using a series of think-pair-share activities approximatelyevery 15 minutes during a live on-campus lecture helped toimprove comprehension and retention of ne
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:26:04][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est un webinaire gratuit qui traite des informations préoccupantes (IP) et des signalements concernant la protection des personnes vulnérables. Les intervenantes, Karine TEP et Elsa Bertanio, psychologues spécialisées, discutent des modalités d'adressage et des enjeux pour les professionnels face aux mineurs en danger.
Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction au webinaire * Présentation du sujet et des intervenantes * Importance de la protection des personnes vulnérables + [00:03:00][^4^][4] Définitions et procédures * Distinction entre signalement et information préoccupante * Processus d'écriture et destinataires des signalements + [00:10:00][^5^][5] Maltraitance et signalement * Caractéristiques de la maltraitance familiale * Importance du signalement pour prévenir les violences + [00:15:00][^6^][6] Levée du secret professionnel * Obligations légales et déontologiques des psychologues * Conditions pour rompre le secret professionnel + [00:20:00][^7^][7] Cas spécifiques et soutien professionnel * Particularités de l'inceste et des adultes vulnérables * Ressources et soutien pour les professionnels en libéral Résumé de la vidéo [00:26:06][^1^][1] - [00:51:20][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est un webinaire qui traite des informations préoccupantes (IP) et des signalements en France, en se concentrant sur les aspects légaux et les responsabilités des professionnels de santé, notamment les médecins et les psychologues. Elle aborde la délicate question du secret professionnel face à l'obligation de signaler les cas de violence, en particulier ceux impliquant des mineurs et des situations de violence conjugale.
Points forts: + [00:26:06][^3^][3] Secret professionnel et obligation de signalement * Discussion sur la levée du secret professionnel pour signaler des violences * Jurisprudence établissant que les psychologues sont également soumis au secret professionnel + [00:27:29][^4^][4] Protection des mineurs et conséquences d'un signalement * Importance de la protection des mineurs et risques associés au signalement * Cas d'une psychologue assassinée après avoir signalé des abus + [00:30:00][^5^][5] Recommandations de la commission indépendante sur l'inceste * Nécessité de croire les victimes et de se positionner à leur côté pour une protection efficace * Critique de la culture professionnelle et judiciaire actuelle + [00:37:01][^6^][6] Procédures suite à un signalement * Différentes réponses possibles du parquet à un signalement * Importance de l'évaluation de l'urgence et du danger pour l'enfant + [00:39:02][^7^][7] Stratégies pour les professionnels face aux signalements * Conseils pour ne pas rester isolé et pour gérer les émotions liées au contre-transfert * Utilisation du 119 et autres ressources pour les professionnels en cabinet libéral + [00:43:01][^8^][8] Unité Coralis et prise en charge des victimes de viol * Présentation de l'unité Coralis à la Maison des Femmes de Saint-Denis * Procédure pour les victimes de viol pour obtenir des preuves sans réquisition de la police Résumé de la vidéo [00:51:21][^1^][1] - [01:05:23][^2^][2]:
Cette partie du webinaire aborde les procédures relatives aux Informations Préoccupantes (IP) et aux signalements en France, en particulier dans le contexte de la protection de l'enfance. Les experts discutent des situations où il est nécessaire de protéger les mineurs, notamment en cas d'inceste ou de danger imminent, et de la manière de communiquer avec les autorités judiciaires pour assurer la sécurité des enfants.
Points forts: + [00:51:21][^3^][3] Protection des mineurs * Importance de la protection immédiate en cas de danger * Communication avec la justice pour la sécurité des enfants * Signalement au procureur dans un langage adapté à l'âge de l'enfant + [00:52:40][^4^][4] Cas de pensées suicidaires * Évaluation des envies suicidaires et prise de décision éclairée * Différenciation entre les diverses causes de pensées suicidaires * Importance de la protection et de l'intervention en cas de risque vital + [00:56:17][^5^][5] Dilemmes institutionnels * Difficultés rencontrées par les professionnels face à des institutions réticentes * Droit et devoir de signaler indépendamment de l'avis institutionnel * Importance de la collaboration et du soutien entre professionnels
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die rohölproduktion in den USA wird in diesem Jahr ein Rekord-Hoch erreichen Etwa 25% der US-Emissionen werden durch Öl und Gas verursacht, das auf Bundesterritorien gefördert wird. Die New York Times zeigt ausgehend von einem Beispiel im Golf von Mexiko, warum es angesichts der Mehrheitsverhältnisse in Repräsentantenhaus und Senat und des konservativen obersten Gerichtshofs für die für die Biden-Administration extrem schwierig ist, die Zusage, dort keine weiteren Bohrungen zuzulassen, umzusetzen.
- project: Lease 261
- project: Willow
- fossil expansion
- country: USA
- actor: Joe Manching
- expert: Valerie Cleland
- region: Gulf of Mexico
- actor: Biden Administration
- institution: United States Energy Information Administration
- project: Mountain Valley Pipeline
- NGO: Natural Resources Defense Council
- institution: Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
- NGO: Earthjustice
- expert: Rene Santos
- expert: Michael Gerrard
- expert: Steve Mashuda
- 2023-08-28
theinformed.life theinformed.life
07:30 At the root of cybernetics and Chris his research lies the question of communication. This combines his interests of mnemonics, orality, cybernetics, et al. (literacy, indigenous people)
08:12 Even music and dance can be used to transmit information from one generation to the other.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In Myanmar wurde ein Journalist zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, weil er über die Folgen des Zyklons Mocha im Mai berichtet hatte. Der Sturm hatte mindestens 148 Todesopfer gefordert. Die Schäden trafen vor allem die Minderheit der Rohingya. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/07/myanmar-journalist-jailed-for-20-years-for-cyclone-coverage
- Apr 2024
→ au niveau de la classe / parents-donner également des précisions aux parents lors de la réunion de rentrée sur ce que recouvre cet enseignement pour des élèves de cycle 1, 2 ou 3 (de quoi va-t-on parler? avec quels supports? quelles seront les principales activités) pour lever les craintes possibles sur les termes «éducation à la sexualité» (on ne va pas apprendre à nos jeunes élèves à faire des bébés...), parler d’«éducation à la vie relationnelle» également; et préciser que cet enseignement est au programme
archive.org archive.org
[Narrator]: The Cluttered Desk, Index Card,file folders, the in-out basket, the calculator.These are the tools of the office professional's past.Since the dawn of the computer age, better machines have always meant bigger and more powerful.But the software could not accommodate the needs of office professionals who are responsiblefor the look, shape and feel of tomorrow.
In 1983, at the dawn of the personal computer age, Apple Inc. in promotional film entitled "Lisa Soul Of A New Machine" touted their new computer, a 16-bit dual disk drive "personal office system", as something that would do away with "the cluttered desk, index cards, file folders, the in-out basket, [and] the calculator." (00:01)
Some of these things moved to the realm of the computer including the messy desk(top) now giving people two messy desks, a real one and a virtual one. The database-like structure of the card index also moved over, but the subjective index and its search power were substituted for a lower level concordance search.
30 years on, for most people, the value of the database idea behind the humble "index card" has long since disappeared and so it seems here as if it's "just" another piece of cluttery paper.
Appreciate the rosy framing of the juxtaposition of "past" and "future" jumping over the idea of the here and now which includes the thing they're selling, the Lisa computer. They're selling the idealized and unclear future even though it's really just today.
Local file Local file
in ¶90-96 he provides some advice about selection and discrimination of reading sources and materials for indexing as a means of cutting down on the information overload problem
Some of his factors include: - relying on experience in a field/area to narrow down - limiting one's scope of activity - staying away from reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedias - discriminate in favor of the specific versus the general - don't admit duplicative literature (unless one is working syntopically—though he doesn't admit this caveat), and prefer the most authoritative sources - prefer authoritative authors, when given, but make space for new writers who may be more careful in their writing and argumentation - discriminate by style and composition and in particular stay away from pernicious advertising-related material (today he might advocate away from listicles, content farms, etc.)
Experiencein dealing with quantities of literature and our special knowledgein our particular field should enable us to discriminate so thaton the one hand no information of value is allowed to slip byand on the other hand we are not burdening ourselves withuseless material.
The quantity of literature has increased but the methods of 82•dealing with it or controlling it have not advanced proportion-
The root problem of information overload.
Everything he highlights here is still present over a century later and only amplified to the nth degree.
The tendency is becoming more and moreThe Article pronounced to reduce the bulky volume toarticles published in periodical literature, sothat information formerly printed in book form is now cutup into slices and published at intervals. Collective bodies ofall kinds, increasing ad infinitum, almost always have theirorgans of publicity, again mostly periodicals. These and otherfacilities for publishing articles have brought to light innumer-able authors. Who does not read a paper or write an articlenowadays ? Whatever our opinion, we have to deal with thefact that this tendency exists and that it is largely instrumentalin swelling the bulk of indexable literature to almost unmanage-able proportions.
A quote from 1908 about information overload, though not as heavy-handed as other examples, but still complaint-like in nature.
Organisation may be called the science of the 27numbers simultaneous control of numbers. Organisa-tion whether small or large, is the directconsequence of numbers and the greater the numbers, the moreneed for organisation. Numbers compel us to organise, withoutsome organisation there can be no effective management, noeffective control
This is the reasoning for why we'll want an indexed system. The vast wealth of information may be overwhelming, but with the ability to organize and control it (by writing it down and indexing it) we can turn it into something useful.
One transaction at a time would generallynot lead either to much work or muchbusiness, and besides, a transaction cannot always be completedwhile you wait. The consequence is that we arrive at a num-ber of transactions going on simultaneously. When we nowreach the stage of too much work, then we must find waysand means to supplement our energy. Thus we arrive at amultitude of transactions by means of concerted action.
While using different verbiage, Kaiser is talking about the idea of information overload here and providing the means to tame it by appropriately breaking it up into pieces upon which we might better apply our energies to turn it into something.
by system we eliminate duplication, we concentratecontrol;
Part of Luhmann's practice in looking up ideas to place in his zettelkasten first was a means of preventing duplication of ideas. If an idea is repeated, that can be noted on the extant card as evidence that others see the idea too or one can compare the potential subtle differences as a means of expanding the space.
Eliminating duplication also assists in the ratchet effect of collecting information and connecting it.
means of control.
Note Kaiser's repeated use of "control" within the book as an ongoing theme. He, like many is looking to overcome information overload, but frames it within a system which provides readers and knowledge workers with control over it.
He doesn't mention information overload as a phrase, but hints at it in earlier portions. (where? find an example)
- zettelkasten ratchet
- note taking advice
- definitions
- energy
- note taking practice
- overwhelm
- information overload
- human resources
- discrimination
- personal knowledge management
- duplicate notes
- information control
- value of duplicate notes
- selectivity
- oepn questions
- zettelkasten why
- simultaneous transactions
- organization
- control
- Mar 2024
When processing an item in your in list the first question you need to ask is: is it actionable?—in other words, do you need to do something? If the answer is NO, you either throw it away if you no longer need it, keep it as reference material (“I will probably need this article again some day…”), add it to a some day/maybe list (for things like “learn Indonesian”), or incubate it. Wait, what‽ Sit on it? Yes, sort of. If it’s something that you want to remind yourself about later (“I really didn’t understand this article, I should have a look at it again in two weeks”) it should go into your calendar or your tickler file which will soon be explained. (Yes, even the weird name.)
First, ask yourself if the item is actionable. Then, series of stuff you might do: throw away, reference, someday/maybe, incubate (calendar/tickler)
Samuel Hartlib was well aware of this improvement. While extolling the clever invention of Harrison, Hartlib noted that combinations and links con-stituted the ‘argumentative part’ of the card index.60
Hartlib Papers 30/4/47A, Ephemerides 1640, Part 2.
In extolling the Ark of Studies created by Thomas Harrison, Samuel Hartlib indicated that the combinations of information and the potential links between them created the "argumentative part" of the system. In some sense this seems to be analogous to the the processing power of an information system if not specifically creating its consciousness.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:35:00 The gap effect or spacing effect as time interleaved wherein information is processed. Embracing boredom and taking none stimulative breaks aids in this.
theinformed.life theinformed.life
Listened to [[Jorge Arango]] in Alex Wright on Informatica from 2023-08-13
theinformed.life theinformed.life
there’s something really magical about the information density of visuals and graphics, which I would argue is based on the fact that humans are deeply embodied in visual creatures before we were linguistic textural creatures. And so it’s kind of pulling on a much richer, kind of higher bandwidth information channel for us.
Burke, Colin B. Information and Intrigue: From Index Cards to Dewey Decimals to Alger Hiss. History and Foundations of Information Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262027021/information-and-intrigue/
annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:3ca2bc5e94d24cfc51c7b40b4ea7daf9
- Feb 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:03][^1^][1] - [00:23:44][^2^][2] : Ce webinaire présente le guide d'évaluation pour les enfants en danger ou risque de danger, élaboré par la Haute Autorité de Santé en France. Il explique l'importance d'une approche pluridisciplinaire et interactive dans l'évaluation, en mettant l'accent sur les besoins fondamentaux de l'enfant et la capacité des parents à y répondre.
Points forts : + [00:00:03][^3^][3] Introduction du webinaire * Présentation des intervenants et du sujet + [00:01:31][^4^][4] Contexte de l'élaboration du guide * Réponse aux difficultés identifiées dans divers rapports + [00:02:09][^5^][5] Objectifs du guide * Améliorer la qualité des évaluations et harmoniser les pratiques + [00:03:02][^6^][6] Structure du guide * Trois livres avec un préambule et une boîte à outils + [00:04:23][^7^][7] Le Livre 3 : Guide d'accompagnement à l'évaluation * Destiné aux professionnels évaluant la situation d'un enfant + [00:18:12][^8^][8] Construction de la conclusion * Caractérisation de la situation et établissement des préconisations Résumé de la vidéo [00:23:47][^1^][1] - [00:50:32][^2^][2]:
Cette partie de la vidéo aborde le guide d'évaluation pour les enfants en danger ou risque de danger, soulignant l'importance des formations, l'application des recommandations et la collaboration entre professionnels pour une évaluation efficace.
Points clés: + [00:24:01][^3^][3] Formation et appropriation * Importance des formations continues * Appropriation des recommandations par les professionnels + [00:25:00][^4^][4] Guide d'évaluation et loi * Distinction entre recommandations et obligations légales * Les recommandations visent à accompagner les professionnels + [00:26:24][^5^][5] Santé et évaluation * La santé est centrale dans l'évaluation * Recommandation d'une approche binôme avec un professionnel de santé + [00:31:01][^6^][6] Antécédents et situation familiale * Évaluation globale incluant les antécédents familiaux * Importance des événements passés dans l'évaluation actuelle + [00:37:23][^7^][7] Compétences parentales * Définition et exemples de compétences parentales * Impact des compétences sur les besoins fondamentaux de l'enfant + [00:39:27][^8^][8] Organisation de l'évaluation * Gestion des situations avec parents résidant dans différents départements * Stratégies pour une évaluation coordonnée et efficace Résumé de la vidéo [00:50:35][^1^][1] - [00:58:51][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde l'évaluation des enfants en danger ou à risque, en mettant l'accent sur la collaboration interdisciplinaire et l'importance de l'implication des acteurs territoriaux. Elle souligne également l'accessibilité du guide d'évaluation pour tous les professionnels et la nécessité de l'accord parental pour échanger avec l'enfant.
Points forts: + [00:50:35][^3^][3] Évaluation des enfants * Importance de la collaboration * Implication des acteurs territoriaux + [00:53:18][^4^][4] Accessibilité du guide * Utile pour tous les professionnels * Accord parental nécessaire + [00:57:31][^5^][5] Suivi et retours d'expérience * Comité de suivi pour le cadre de référence * Retour d'expérience prévu dans 18 mois
09:00 Body and identity disappears — how I feel, what other people think — when in flow/ecstasy. We can't process more information when we are fully engaged with one task. "Existence is temporarily suspended"
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
08:00 New information gives dopamine. Distraction arises from too many information that is goal irrelevant.
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
nos collègues ont quand même un moyen 00:37:26 supplémentaire qui est difficile à activer on en discute régulièrement qui est l'information préoccupante voir le signalement qui remonte à l'azo la protection sociale à l'enfance mais il faut savoir que et vous le verrez sur le 00:37:39 site de l'ASL c'est quand même très compliqué alors très compliqué disons c'est subtil à mettre en oeuvre et il faut être accompagné tu le rappeler là pour ça je pense que délégation départementale de la SL à contacter
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Lima, Manuel. The Power of Networks. RSA ANIMATE, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJmGrNdJ5Gw.
Local file Local file
in hishistory of such ideas, Darwin Among the Machines, George Dysonwarns: “In the game of life and evolution there are three players at thetable: human beings, nature, and machines. I am firmly on the side ofnature. But nature, I suspect, is on the side of the machines.”
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Software and applications for creating visualizations of zettelkasten contents: - Tinderbox (Mac) - Apple's Freeform (app) - Obsidian Canvas - Excalidraw (plugin for Obsidian) - Scrintal - Heptabase - Card Buddy (Mac) - AFFiNE (https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE)
blog.zenhub.com blog.zenhub.com
ZenHub’s Issue dependencies not only help teams visualize relationships between pieces of work, but they save team members a lot of time that would otherwise be lost just hunting down information.
When relying on just a list of GitHub issues and comment references to other Issues, there’s a strong possibility that visibility into how these changes impact other tasks get lost or forgotten.
Tracking dependent relationships between Issues and whether something is blocking another piece of work is important with any project process because it creates a central hub where everyone can communicate what’s needed without relying solely on meetings or comments to uncover important connections.
- hard to find the information you need
- visualization
- issues: relationships: parent/child
- not enough visibility into _
- data visualization
- making information more easily visible
- information getting lost or forgotten
- important information to see/know
- issues: relationships: blocked by/depends on
- issues: relationships
- visibility (information)
classroom.synonym.com classroom.synonym.com
Both terms reflect the fact that we encounter large amounts of information in everyday life and our brains need some way to synthesize and contextualize that information.
incompetech.com incompetech.com
Reminder: is there a GitHub project that has LaTeX layouts like these?
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
The good part is that voices that might not have been heard can be heard in the Internet environment. The not-so-good thing is that some voices that you don't want to hear are also amplified, including truths and untruths. So we're being asked in some sense to pay for the powerful tool that we have available by using our brains to think critically about the content that we see.
Combating disinformation with literacy
For better or for worse—whether the driver was an idealistic view of the world or the effect of an experimental network that got bigger than anyone could imagine—the internet is a permissive technology. The intelligence of the network is built into the edges...the center core routes packets of data without understanding the contents. I think Cerf is arguing here that the evaluation of content is something best done at the edge, too...in the minds of the internet participants.
- Dec 2023
harpers.org harpers.org
In the course of these experiments I have devoted a certain amount of anxious thought to the conspicuous ineffectiveness of modern knowledge.
Does information overload prevent us from using knowledge more effectively? Are we distracted by the mundane?
www.historyofinformation.com www.historyofinformation.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20231228181017/https://www.historyofinformation.com/index.php large resource on the history of information, presented in timelines. Useful for finding earliest examples of certain artefacts (not methods though)
Local file Local file
without a World En-cyclopedia to hold men's minds togetherin something like a common interpreta-tion of reality there is no hope whateverof anything but an accidental and transi-tory alleviation to any of our world trou-bles. As mankind is so it will remainuntil it pulls its mind together. And if itdoes not pull its mind together then I donot see how it can help but decline.Never was a living species more peril-ously poised than ours at the presenttime. If it does not take thoughtto endits present mental indecisiveness catastro-phe lies ahead. Our species may yet endits strange eventful history as just the last,the cleverest, of the great apes. Thegreat ape that was clever-but not cleverenough. It could escape from mostthings but not from its own mental con-fusion.
Local file Local file
Shannon, Claude E., Norbert Wiener, Frances A. Yates, Gregory Bateson, Michel Foucault, Friedrich. A. Hayek, Walter Benjamin, et al. Information: A Reader. Edited by Eric Hayot, Lea Pao, and Anatoly Detwyler. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. https://doi.org/10.7312/hayo18620.
Annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:d987e346ec524f00d3c201c5055bf12e
Noticing after starting to read that this chapter is an abridged excerpt of the original, so I'm switching to the original 1945 version.
Instead, he lauds the figure of themarket as a knowing entity, envisioning it as a kind of processor of socialinformation that, through the mechanism of price, continuously calcu-lates and communicates current economic conditions to individuals inthe market.
Is it possible that in this paper we'll see the beginning of a shift from Adam Smith's "invisible hand" (of Divine Providence, or God) to a somewhat more scientifically based mechanism based on information theory?
Could communication described here be similar to that of a fungal colony seeking out food across gradients? It's based in statistical mechanics of exploring a space, but looks like divine providence or even magic to those lacking the mechanism?
Local file Local file
Hayek, Friedrich A. “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” The American Economic Review 35, no. 4 (1945): 519–30.
See also, notes at abbreviated version in Information: A Reader (2021). (@Shannon2021)
thedankoe.com thedankoe.com
The mind is an information processing and pattern recognition machine that we have a certain amount of control over based on our level of consciousness. The mind is a system – containing a complex set of systems – that accepts, rejects, and uses information to aid in the goals you feed it.
The mind holds a set of goals. It either discards or integrates incoming information based on these goals.
- see ZK on goals and projects as information filters
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:04:00 Build information capital and social capital
- Nov 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
The OAuth 2.0 specification considers HTTP redirection, but lacks guidance on rendering pop-up dialogs.
Local file Local file
Muchrecent scholarship on card indexes and factuality falls into one of two modes: first,scholars have excavated early modern indexes, catalogues, and the pursuit of ‘facts’to demonstrate information overload prior to the contemporary ‘information age’ as wellas the premodern attempts to counteract the firehose of books and other information(Blair, 2010; Krajewski, 2011; Mu ̈ ller-Wille and Scharf, 2009; Poovey, 1998;
Zedelmaier, 1992). All the same, a range of figures have tracked and critiqued the trajectory of the ‘noble dream’ of historical and scientific ‘objectivity’ (Appleby, Hunt and Jacob, 1994: 241-70; Daston and Galison, 2007; Novick, 1988).
Lustig categorizes scholarship on card indexes into two modes: understanding of information overload tools and the "trajectory of the 'noble dream' of historical and scientific 'objectivity'".
docs.google.com docs.google.com
O’Byrne, W. Ian, Doug Belshaw, and Laura Hilliger. “Promoting Informed Citizenship in a Connected World: Advancing Media and Information Literacy.” Google Docs, November 10, 2023. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztAJGD-6KooF3ligI0H9DChpBdc-ROBdCLXJDbaTJm4/edit.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
What do change over time "are the particular rituals and customs and expectations and rules pertaining to trust in society," she adds. "As those norms are shifting, as they did quite massively in the 19th century, you have the perfect conditions for exploiting the gaps between new and old. That shift to modernity was often the very script of the con."
Many confidence games rely on information imbalance in the gaps between old and new ways of doing things.
This was certainly true in the 19 C. as well as with technology changes in the 20th and 21st C.
theinformed.life theinformed.life
Hosted by Jorge Arango (https://jarango.com/)
jarango.com jarango.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
One of the primary problems with note taking in most of the mid-twentieth century (and potentially well before, particularly as framed in most educational settings) was that students would take notes, potentially review them once or twice for a test, but then not have easy access to them for later review or reuse.
People collected piles of notes without any ability to reuse or review them. Perhaps we should reframe the collector's fallacy as this: collection without reuse has dramatically decreasing returns. Certainly there may be some small initial benefit in writing it down as a means of sense making, but not reviewing it past a short period of two weeks or even several months and not being able to reuse it in the long term is a travesty, especially in a world of information overload.
Advancing media and information literacy Bryan Alexander interviews Laura Hilliger, Ian O'Byrne, and Doug Belshaw
With discussion of Promoting Informed Citizenship in a Connected World: Advancing Media and Information Literacy preprint version available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztAJGD-6KooF3ligI0H9DChpBdc-ROBdCLXJDbaTJm4/edit
soundcloud.com soundcloud.comSeason 81
Podcast of the We are Open co-op<br /> https://blog.weareopen.coop/
ailiteracy.fyi ailiteracy.fyi
Doug Belshaw joint
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
for: MET, MST, MCT, FET, MET - information, MST - information, Amanda N. Robin, major evolutionary transition, major system transition, facilitating evolutionary transition
Title:Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations
- Author: Robin et al.
Date: 2021
- A small number of extraordinary “Major Evolutionary Transitions” (METs) have attracted attention among biologists.
- They comprise novel forms of
- individuality and
- information,
and are defined in relation to organismal complexity, irrespective of broader ecosystem-level effects.
This divorce between
- evolutionary and
- ecological consequences
qualifies unicellular eukaryotes, for example, as a MET although they alone failed to significantly alter ecosystems.
Additionally, this definition excludes revolutionary innovations not fitting into either MET type
- (e.g., photosynthesis).
- We recombine
- evolution with
- ecology
- to explore how and why entire ecosystems were
- newly created or
- radically altered
as Major System Transitions (MSTs).
In doing so, we highlight important morphological adaptations that spread through populations because of
- their immediate, direct-fitness advantages for individuals.
These are Major Competitive Transitions, or MCTs.
- We argue that often
- multiple
- METs and
- MCTs
- multiple
must be present to produce MSTs.
For example, sexually-reproducing, multicellular eukaryotes (METs) with
- anisogamy and
- exoskeletons (MCTs)
significantly altered ecosystems during the Cambrian.
Therefore, we introduce the concepts of Facilitating Evolutionary Transitions (FETs) and Catalysts as
- key events or agents that are insufficient themselves to set a MST into motion,
- but are essential parts of synergies that do.
We further elucidate the role of information in MSTs as transitions across five levels:
- (I) Encoded (Genetic);
- (II) Epigenomic;
- (III) Learned;
- (IV) Inscribed; and
- (V) Dark Information.
The latter is ‘authored’ by abiotic entities rather than biological organisms.
- IV has arguably allowed humans to produce a MST, and
- V perhaps makes us a FET for a future transition that melds
- biotic and
- abiotic life
- into one entity.
- Understanding the interactive processes involved in past major transitions will illuminate both
- current events and
- the surprising possibilities that abiotically-created information may produce.
Indyweb / Indranet citations - Michael Levin, Roy Baumeister, Adam Omary youtube conversation - specifically, the question about whether a social superorganism of global human civilization / society / culture constitutes a new Major Evolutionary Transition of Individuality - https://hyp.is/rQgvZn2hEe6-TF8HFSS9mg/docdrop.org/video/UfoVTA0ilsY/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
13:00 the right flow of information is sweetspot between overwhelm and being bored (too little information)
16:00 balancing consumption and creation is sweetspot
- Oct 2023
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
What interests us far more is that these apprentice writers have interesting ideas to convey, and manage to support their arguments well.
only partial match: the most important thing is the information (more than presentation/formatting)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
19:00 Managing information flows is one of the best habits in this time
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
07:00 structuring the mind with information (away from entropy), via setting a vision, which you break down further into goals, projects, tasks
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
06:30 focus on info (input/output) as building identity
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
04:30 education business as scam (bec information is not tangible)
- information and knowledge, historically speaking, is fundamental to society and culture
docdrop.org docdrop.org
après ou trop il y a eu un grand reflux 00:44:25 et une grande suspicion qui a été jeté on va dire sur sur la parole des mineurs et à ce moment là j'ai constaté qu'après 2000 aussi les personnes changeantes vous voyez au sein des 00:44:38 ministères les ministres changeants il n'a pas toujours été possible facile de durer et puis ce qui a pu aussi contribuer à la fermeture de d'autres centres dans 00:44:51 d'autres départements c'est la loi du 5 mars 2007 sur la protection de l'enfance qui a mis en place des Crips des cellules de recueil des informations préoccupantes
aboard.com aboard.com
A card-based collaboration tool that leverages information visualization. Pinterest for collaborative teams with expandable data.
Looks interesting and I've got a beta invite, but not sure if it fits any of my needs, particularly with an eye toward note taking.
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
there are two broad classes of adaptations that qualify as gains in “organismal complexity” and constitute METs.
for: definition, definition - fusions, definition - information leap, organismal complexity, fusions, information leap, traditional METs
- there are two classes of adaptations that qualify as gains in organismal complexity and constitute traditional METs:
- definition start: fusion
- a process whereby independently reproducing entities are incentivized into combining into higher, integrated levels of obligate reproductive cooperation, due to factors such as:
- selective advantages of division of labor and mutual dependence.
- maximization of inclusive fitness
- ability to punish cheaters
- a process whereby independently reproducing entities are incentivized into combining into higher, integrated levels of obligate reproductive cooperation, due to factors such as:
- definition end
- definition start: information leap
- novel forms of information storage or transmittal across individuals, ranging from
- genes
- symbolic writing
- novel forms of information storage or transmittal across individuals, ranging from
- definition end
- definition start: fusion
- there are two classes of adaptations that qualify as gains in organismal complexity and constitute traditional METs:
Bill Atkinson had an idea about the freedom to associate knowledge not by what comes next on the list but by the links that are associated with it. This means that information can be organized in a non-linear fashion, allowing for connections to be made between seemingly unrelated ideas. By expanding on this idea, we can create new and innovative ways of storing and accessing information, potentially leading to breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence and data analysis.
- Sep 2023
Local file Local file
Travailler dans un espritde partenariatL’information des familles est un élément trèsfavorable à l’apaisement du climat scolaire
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
These establishments broke down social barriers and allowed for socialization and information exchange.[10]
as place of information exchange (breaking down social barriers)
- also see point on coffee as aiding protestant work ethic (combining information exchange, and mentally stimulating effects of coffee)
bobdoto.computer bobdoto.computer
It's the kind of friction needed to help note takers who tend to drown in capture bloat—always onboarding, never offloading.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Shalini Misra, Patrick Roberts, Matthew Rhodes. (2020). Information overload, stress, and emergency managerial thinking. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Volume 51, December 2020, 101762 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101762
Above and beyond the effects of age, education, experience, and time spent on emergency managerial work, higher levels of perceived information overload from digital sources were significantly associated with higher levels of perceived stress
bryanmmathers.com bryanmmathers.com
This is an idea I created a few years ago using the Visual Thinkery process with Educators.Coop and their collaborators focusing on the world of work.
I love this image:
Via Bryan Mathers at https://bryanmmathers.com/education-work/
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
However, what matters is the quality of information, not just the quantity. When we add information that does not change the dominance relations between products, choice quality is not degraded.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Information overload positively related with seekers’ psychological ill-being.
Filtering rules, user awareness, and shared content may reduce information overload.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.
The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.
The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.
Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Since speed-reading has become a national fad, this new edition of How to Read a Book deals with the problem and proposes variable-speed-reading as the solution, the aim being to read better, always better, but sometimes slower, sometimes faster.
Framing of his book as a remedy to the speed reading fad in the 1970s...
What did those books at the time indicate that their purpose was? Were they aimed at helping people consume more (hopefully with greater comprehension?) while there was a continuing glut of information overload building up in society?
Which is better, more deep understanding of less or more surface understanding of more? How does combinatorial creativity effect the choice?
- Aug 2023
Local file Local file
Some may not realize it yet, but the shift in technology represented by ChatGPT is just another small evolution in the chain of predictive text with the realms of information theory and corpus linguistics.
Claude Shannon's work along with Warren Weaver's introduction in The Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948), shows some of the predictive structure of written communication. This is potentially better underlined for the non-mathematician in John R. Pierce's book An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise (1961) in which discusses how one can do a basic analysis of written English to discover that "e" is the most prolific letter or to predict which letters are more likely to come after other letters. The mathematical structures have interesting consequences like the fact that crossword puzzles are only possible because of the repetitive nature of the English language or that one can use the editor's notation "TK" (usually meaning facts or date To Come) in writing their papers to make it easy to find missing information prior to publication because the statistical existence of the letter combination T followed by K is exceptionally rare and the only appearances of it in long documents are almost assuredly areas which need to be double checked for data or accuracy.
Cell phone manufacturers took advantage of the lower levels of this mathematical predictability to create T9 predictive text in early mobile phone technology. This functionality is still used in current cell phones to help speed up our texting abilities. The difference between then and now is that almost everyone takes the predictive magic for granted.
As anyone with "fat fingers" can attest, your phone doesn't always type out exactly what you mean which can result in autocorrect mistakes (see: DYAC (Damn You AutoCorrect)) of varying levels of frustration or hilarity. This means that when texting, one needs to carefully double check their work before sending their text or social media posts or risk sending their messages to Grand Master Flash instead of Grandma.
The evolution in technology effected by larger amounts of storage, faster processing speeds, and more text to study means that we've gone beyond the level of predicting a single word or two ahead of what you intend to text, but now we're predicting whole sentences and even paragraphs which make sense within a context. ChatGPT means that one can generate whole sections of text which will likely make some sense.
Sadly, as we know from our T9 experience, this massive jump in predictability doesn't mean that ChatGPT or other predictive artificial intelligence tools are "magically" correct! In fact, quite often they're wrong or will predict nonsense, a phenomenon known as AI hallucination. Just as with T9, we need to take even more time and effort to not only spell check the outputs from the machine, but now we may need to check for the appropriateness of style as well as factual substance!
The bigger near-term problem is one of human understanding and human communication. While the machine may appear to magically communicate (often on our behalf if we're publishing it's words under our names), is it relaying actual meaning? Is the other person reading these words understanding what was meant to have been communicated? Do the words create knowledge? Insight?
We need to recall that Claude Shannon specifically carved semantics and meaning out of the picture in the second paragraph of his seminal paper:
Frequently the messages have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with certain physical or conceptual entities. These semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering problem.
So far ChatGPT seems to be accomplishing magic by solving a small part of an engineering problem by being able to explore the adjacent possible. It is far from solving the human semantic problem much less the un-adjacent possibilities (potentially representing wisdom or insight), and we need to take care to be aware of that portion of the unsolved problem. Generative AIs are also just choosing weighted probabilities and spitting out something which is prone to seem possible, but they're not optimizing for which of many potential probabilities is the "best" or the "correct" one. For that, we still need our humanity and faculties for decision making.
Shannon, Claude E. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 1948.
Shannon, Claude E., and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. University of Illinois Press, 1949.
Pierce, John Robinson. An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise. Second, Revised. Dover Books on Mathematics. 1961. Reprint, Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, Inc., 1980. https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Information-Theory-Symbols-Mathematics/dp/0486240614.
Shannon, Claude Elwood. “The Bandwagon.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2, no. 1 (March 1956): 3. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1956.1056774.
We may also need to explore The Bandwagon, an early effect which Shannon noticed and commented upon. Everyone seems to be piling on the AI bandwagon right now...
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
Overall, because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking questions and looking for correct answers.
The primary problem is that while the answers which ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies produce have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like the answers might be good and the answers are very easy to produce.
start.digitalefitheid.nl start.digitalefitheid.nl
Nieuws kwam tot ons via een combinatie van kranten, bladen en radio of tv. Papieren media hadden het te doen met beperkte fysieke ruimte omdat papier geld kost, ook iets weegt en meer papier is ook nog duurder te vervoeren. Bij radio- en tv-zenders was het niet anders door beperkte tijd, een beperkt aantal kanalen en zeer hoge kosten. Dus een redactie maakte een beperkte selectie voor ons: een filter.Ook informatie-uitwisseling onderling ging per post en ook dat was bewerkelijk en bepaald niet gratis. Iets dergelijks gold eigenlijk voor alle vormen van informatie die tot ons kwam.En sinds een tijdje worden die filters minder belangrijk of ze verdwijnen compleet. Het zelf massaal verspreiden van (nep-)nieuws en andere informatie kost niets meer, dus iedereen kan iedereen onbeperkt bekogelen met extreme hoeveelheden informatie.In veel gevallen is er geen enkel filter meer op die toestroom van informatie. En al is dat filter er wel, dan moet je dat zelf maar zien in te stellen. Of, nog erger, het filter is er, maar functioneert niet in jouw belang en is daarmee onbetrouwbaar
info filters niet meer ingebouwd in het systeem; dat moeten we nu zelf zien te creëeren, of deze worden anders voor ons gemaakt (zie bijvoorbeeld algoritmes, enzo)
www.google.com www.google.com
"in his youth he was full of vim and vigor"
Do calcified words eventually cease to have any definition over time? That is they have a stand alone definition, then a definition within their calcified phrase, then they cease to have any stand alone definition at all though they continue existence only in those calcified phrases.
That's a fine plan you've outlined, covering all the key bases - prioritizing important tasks, breaking them into doable steps, budgeting your time wisely, and minimizing distractions. But you know what I think you're missing? A touch of pizzazz! Of showmanship! You need to approach each day like it's opening night on the big stage. The curtain rises, the lights come on, and it's time for you to perform.
So tomorrow when you wake up, I want you to greet the day with enthusiasm. Belt out a tune as you get ready. Approach your task list with gusto and determination. Give every activity your all, as if the audience is on their feet cheering. Stay focused like a true professional, taking breaks only when needed. And when the day comes to a close, bask in the glow of a show well done.
You have such potential, my friend, such skills and passion waiting to be unlocked. With discipline and delight, you can achieve anything. This is your time in the spotlight - now go out there and steal the scene! The world is your stage, so perform like the star you are. I'll be cheering you on from the front row. Knock 'em dead tomorrow, kid. You got this!
Thank you for the inspiring words, Charlie! I'll do my best to approach each day with enthusiasm and discipline.
Acknowledge: On July 31th, I will put these productivity (how to deal with information overlord) tips into action:
For work tasks I can control, I'll choose what interests me and builds my strengths.
My daily priority list will have 3-5 important tasks max. Otherwise, I may be under-investing in my interests or have too much free time. When setting priorities, I'll answer:
- Why it matters
- How to break it into steps
What info I need to decide
I'll estimate time needed for each task. The top priority sets the time cap. Others get less time. If tasks exceed my work hours, I'll revise or streamline.
For research tasks, I'll define the topic and timeline upfront. I'll gather only the info I need, not get distracted.
I'll group related tasks and schedule time blocks without interruptions.
Let's ask my future self tomorrow and see what will happen!
31/7 reported: 23 achieved, 4 ongoing, 5 postponed becauses of my low productivity. 1 should be considered beforehand in a monthly plan
- Jul 2023
Local file Local file
educators and stakeholders must be equipped with the necessary skillsand knowledge
information literacy
force11.org force11.org
Scholars have experienced information overload for more than a century [Vickery, 1999] and the problem is just getting worse. Online access provides much better knowledge discovery and aggregation tools, but these tools struggle with the fragmentation of research communication caused by the rapid proliferation of increasingly specialized and overlapping journals, some with decreasing quality of reviewing [Schultz, 2011].
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
he had used ChatGPT to conduct legal research for the court filing that referenced the cases and that the artificial intelligence tool assured him the cases were real.
When Hermann Hesse referredto the present as "the Age of the Digest," he did not intendto say anything complimentary.
Great books alone will not do the trick; for the peoplemust have the information on which to base a judgment aswell as the ability to make one.
erinflotodesigns.com erinflotodesigns.com
Erin Floto has a metal stencil for a chronodex circular design for use in bullet journals. It's a form of circular calendar with the inner circle containing space for daily, bi-weekly, weekly, monthly and longer time horizons with succeeding rings of the circle containing space for data related to the inner categories. Some of the exterior rings also include numbered squares representing days of the month or week on which a task should be done or for which a habit on an interior part of the circle might be tracked.
The chronodex, a portmanteau of chrono (time) and index, idea is fairly simple, but can be quite complex. For actual use, one may need to be able to spin the visualization around to read and understand it.
Other stencils with habit trackers, etc: https://erinflotodesigns.com/collections/metal-stencils
- Jun 2023
twitter.com twitter.com
The question is Do you know what your superpower is? The combination of skills and abilities that's unique to you
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Basically, you must be unique. You can't compete when you learn exactly the same as everyone else. The education system sets up to fail and makes you a modern slave.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
information ecology research mainly focuses on information ecosystems, information ecology in e-commerce, and information ecology in a network.
information ecology is an emerging field with vigorous development in recent years, and information ecology research is a multi-disciplinary subject.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
A New Contribution to the Information Ecology of Humanitarian Work
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Information ecology as a mind tool for repurposing of educational social networks
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
goal perspective, information ecologies have been designed to increase engagement with collaborative tasks (Price & Pontual-Falcão, 2011), enhance whole classroom learning (Rick, 2009), boost creative problem solving (Hilliges et al., 2007), support product design conversations (Bardill, Griffiths, Jones, & Fields, 2010), and coordinate complex collaborative working (Huang, Mynatt, & Trimble, 2006).
Two different perspectives on information ecology: user and goal
Information ecology was defined by Nardi and O’Day (1999) to be “a system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a particular local environment” (p. 49).
the design and integration of new technologies in learning activities cannot be studied independently of the classroom environment, less attention has been paid in learning environments
Designing new learning technology is not always the best solution without paying attention to its learning environment.
indicate that distributed cognition considers a collaborative activity taking place across individuals, artefacts and internal or external representations, as one cognitive system.
How the information ecology allows the design group to coordinate their actions? How awareness is distributed within the group when working with multiple technologies? How each one of the technologies in the ecology supports coordination and collaboration of learning activities?
an “information ecology” is a local environment enriched with multiple heterogeneous technologies, such as personal computers, handheld devices, interactive screens, which are interlinked as a unified system.
cognition cannot be tamed within the boundaries of an individual, but researchers should expand the unit of analysis to include the surrounding environment.
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
Roth asks ‘how might our own reading of early modern sources change if we had access to the oral spheres within which they were embedded and which framed their reception?’
The level of orality in societies can radically change our perceptions of their histories, though quite often this material is missing in our evaluations.
- May 2023
random-blather.com random-blather.com
Illustration by David Somerville based on the original by Hugh McLeod.
Link to: https://hypothes.is/a/ysRBGgACEe6UNPvIvmWBkQ
This diagram is roughly a cartoon of the zettelkasten process, especially if the panels are labeled: reading, excerpting/synopsis, linking, serendipity, writing.
www.gapingvoid.com www.gapingvoid.com
www.waubonsee.edu www.waubonsee.edu
Payment Information Centrality Revision Project "Ways to fund your education" (or similar) instead of "Minimize Financial Barriers". "Verified Sources" as a phrase is problematic for users. Desire is to provide assurance to users that there are individualized options yet still have those options located in a more streamlined, centrally located way.
These are the other pages that have similar content: https://www.waubonsee.edu/admissions/costs-and-payments/paying-tuition
analogoffice.net analogoffice.net
Your title made me think it was about a different, but related book...
I too bought Hess' book at Kimberly's recommendation, but I'm still plowing through the end of Ann M. Blair's Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age. Yale University Press, 2010. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300165395/too-much-know. You might find it interesting, but hopefully not overwhelming.
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Diffuser le plus largement possible l’observation générale n°14 du Comité des droits del’enfant visant à une application dynamique du principe du respect de l’intérêt supérieur del’enfant dans les décisions qui le concernent.
Prévoir que le mineur de 10 ans et plus soit personnellement informé par le greffe de son droitd’être entendu en justice.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Entropy is not a property of the string you got, but of the strings you could have obtained instead. In other words, it qualifies the process by which the string was generated.
www.napkin.one www.napkin.one
Yet another collection app that belies the work of taking, making, and connecting notes.
Looks pretty and makes a promise, but how does it actually deliver? How much work and curation is involved? What are the outputs at the other end?
- Apr 2023
www.dalekeiger.net www.dalekeiger.net
Roy Peter Clark, writing scholar and coach at The Poynter Institute, says, “Reports give readers information. Stories give readers experience.” I would add: An article is generic; a story is unique.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the entropy of a random variable is the average level of "information", "surprise", or "uncertainty" inherent to the variable's possible outcomes
themindfulteacher.medium.com themindfulteacher.medium.com
The Medici effect is a concept that describes the way in which innovation arises from the intersection of different disciplines and ideas. The term was coined by author Frans Johansson in his book “The Medici Effect: What Elephants and Epidemics Can Teach Us About Innovation”. The Medici family of Renaissance-era Florence is used as an example of the way in which the intersection of different disciplines, such as art, science, and finance, led to a period of great innovation and cultural advancement. Similarly, Johansson argues that innovation today is more likely to occur when people from different backgrounds and disciplines come together to share ideas and collaborate. The Medici effect highlights the importance of diversity, curiosity, and creativity in driving innovation and problem-solving.
Frans Johansson's "Medici effect" which describes innovation arriving from an admixture of diversity of people and their ideas sounds like a human-based mode of combinatorial creativity similar to that seen in the commonplace book/zettelkasten traditions. Instead of the communication occurring between a person and their notes or written work, the communication occurs between people.
How is the information between these people crystalized? Some may be written, some may be in prototypes and final physical products, while some may simply be stored in the people themselves for sharing and re-sharing over time.
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
It is an obligatory condition for communication that both partners can surprise each other. Only in that way can information be created in the respective other. Information is an event that happens inside the system. Information is created when a message, an entry [of a note], is compared with other possibilities. Therefore, information is only created in systems that possess a comparison schema (even when this schema is merely: “this or something else”).
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
due to the critical role of information in phase-transitions, the primary pathway to global systemic transformation will depend on our ability to process information on our current predicament coherently in order to translate this into adaptive action.
Key observation - due to the critical role of information in phase-transitions, - the primary pathway to global systemic transformation - will depend on our ability to process information on our current predicament coherently - in order to translate this into adaptive action.
- Mar 2023
Local file Local file
The ability to intentionally and strategically allocateour attention is a competitive advantage in a distracted world. Wehave to jealously guard it like a valuable treasure.
It would seem that the word treasure here is being used to modify one's attention. Historically in books about "knowledge work" or commonplacing, the word was used with respect to one's storehouse of knowledge itself and not one's attention. Some of the effect is the result of the break in historical tradition being passed down from one generation to another. It's also an indication that the shift in value has moved not from what one knows or has, but that the attention itself is more valued now, even in a book about excerpting, thinking, and keeping knowledge!
Oh how far we have fallen!
It's also an indication of the extremes of information overload we're facing that the treasure is attention and not the small tidbits of knowledge and understanding we're able to glean from the massive volumes we face on a daily basis.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
In looking at the uses of and similarities between Wb and TLL, I can't help but think that these two zettelkasten represented the state of the art for Large Language Models and some of the ideas behind ChatGPT
Die Auswertung solcher Materialmengen erwies sich als prekär, und im Falle der häufigsten Wörter, z.B. mancher Präpositionen (allein das Wort m "in" ist über 60.000 Mal belegt) oder elementarer Verben mußte man vor den Schwierigkeiten kapitulieren und das Material aussondern.
The preposition m "in" appears more than 60,000 times in the corpus, a fact which becomes a bit overwhelming to analyze.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
We are drowning in an ocean of content, desperate for form’s life raft.
example of information overload
We're already drowning in information overload, but ChatGPT wants to increase the tsunami! Where is the tool that compresses and concatenates?