- Oct 2024
www.arabellaadvisors.com www.arabellaadvisors.com
- Sep 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
la empresa implica una reflexión que lleva a cambiar de visionesprototípicas o paradigmáticas
Me parece que debemos tener en cuenta las fases del proceso.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Qm2By9A0T6I?si=6CUqAEc-kPwocVh7" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
www.gnu.org www.gnu.orggnu.org1
(in its practitioners' perverse terminology) as “secure boot”
- Jul 2024
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
The New York Post took pains to observe that the author was accompanied to cocktails by “his wife, Véra, a slender, fair-skinned, white-haired woman in no way reminiscent of Lolita.” At that reception, as elsewhere, admirers told Véra that they had not expected Nabokov to show up with his wife of thirty-three years. “Yes,” she replied, smiling, unflappable. “It’s the main reason why I’m here.” At her side, her husband chuckled, joking that he had been tempted to hire a child escort for the occasion.
- Jun 2024
blog.oxfordcollegeofmarketing.com blog.oxfordcollegeofmarketing.com
Attention, interest, desire, action.
blog.oxfordcollegeofmarketing.com blog.oxfordcollegeofmarketing.com
Product, price, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence.
- Apr 2024
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
Imagine having instant access to the world's knowledge in your pocket. Something that everyone should be able to use and the discerning should appreciate.
and driven by data
This is insanity; to say turtl is the only 'content creation platform' that's 'backed by data' is complete hogwash.
This is marketing fluff at its worst: a lie.
Turtl is the only content creation platform backed by psychology
This is marketing fluff and hyperbole; I'll believe this claim when I see proof that they've examined every single 'content creation platform'.
For example, Microsoft Office apps could be considered part of a 'content creation platform'. They're partly built via UX research and feedback via people who are trained in psychology. This simple fact shows turtl as unreliable.
thegaryhalbertletter.com thegaryhalbertletter.com
Writing "copy" is less than 1/10 as important as learning to think about new offers and getting them down on paper as I just did. I can't say it often enough or strongly enough... It Is The Deal... The Offer... The Proposition You Are Making That Is The Heart And Soul Of Great Copywriting!
Strong copy will not overcome a weak offer but.. In Many Cases, A Strong Offer Will Succeed In Spite Of Weak Copy Written By Marketing Morons!
You should think more about how to "sweeten" your offer than any other aspect of writing copy. Think about what you are selling. How would you like to buy it? Would you want a free trial? A huge and legitimate discount? Easy payments? A money-back guarantee? Would you like a free gift with your purchase like a color TV or a toaster oven? A night on the town with Kim Bassinger or Paul Newman? A free Florida vacation?
What you need to do next is to start thinking about your offer. Your offer (think of it as a business proposition) is by far the most important element in the entire sales message we are constructing here.
What's that? You say your car is not heavy at all? In fact, it's quite light? OK, it seems to me that probably translates to a believable reason why your car gets great gas mileage. It's a snazzy red convertible? Perhaps that translates to the "benefit" of the owner getting a lot of attention from young ladies or other folks he'd like to impress. It's a sedate grey sedan? Perhaps that translates to the "benefit" of giving the buyer a dignified, no-nonsense impression. Very useful when trying to impress out-of-town clients with your trustworthiness and respectability.
"it's not a flaw. it's a feature."
- Mar 2024
we have the Pilgrims (a people who are celebrated atThanksgiving, a holiday that did not exist until the Civil War), who cameashore at Plymouth Rock (a place only designated as such in the lateeighteenth century). The quintessential American holiday was associatedwith the native turkey to help promote the struggling poultry industryduring the Civil War.
Why does it seem so apropos that Thanksgiving, a quintessential American holiday, is the product of corporate marketing?
- Jan 2024
www.dailydot.com www.dailydot.com
From a branding perspective, it’s a bizarre and self-sabotaging move. Twitter is an established, internationally recognizable name. It’s cited in untold numbers of books, broadcasts, TV shows and news articles. Every internet-literate person knows what a tweet is. Needless to say, it will be hard to persuade regular people to refer to X as “X” instead of good ol’ Twitter. Plus, a single letter is difficult to google. These are just some of the many, many reasons why Twitter/X users are dunking on Musk’s new rebrand.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
蔡叡浩 · optnSedors54au 031:Mtf a46 mahe2c, hgeca8 ge3ba2hm3t20m81DA2t9l6ra104 · Shared with Public最近一個叫 Plaud Note的廣告打很兇而我就是在嘖嘖募資時的第一波早鳥這幾天用下來我真的覺得很爛通話錄音品質不好要使用它就必須裸機檔案會偶爾不見錄音轉文字功能勉勉強強//但最神奇的事在臉書上看到的任何業配下方一堆網友曬出自己收到商品的照片並大讚好用反觀去他們嘖嘖募資頁面的留言區那裡災難遍地很多人留言說要退貨到底投入多少經費在做口碑操作All reactions:34 You and 33 others
真相與行銷的差別 前者要費心挖掘 後者有錢好辦事
- Dec 2023
superhuman.com superhuman.com
Get 4 hours back every week.
Great pitch.
www.atomicworkflows.com www.atomicworkflows.com
StudentsTeachersContent CreatorsEntrepreneursProgrammersProfessionalsLife-long Learners
He's at least done enough research to know the general groups of people who are already broadly using the zettelkasten method (or some other area of PKM).
- Aug 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
You don't consult with the customer when you're thinking of changing the formula for the soap, I know. But is that the appropriate model for this situation?
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
You can mark topics provided by request headers as observed by setting an Observe-Browsing-Topics: ?1 header on the response to the request. The browser will then use those topics to calculate topics of interest for a user.
Call the Topics API from within that iframe:
const topics = await document.browsingTopics();
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
On-device ad auctions to serve remarketing and custom audiences, without cross-site third-party tracking.
Naming a thing with a meaning opposite to what the named thing is...
Google is insatiable when it regards to accessing users private data. Let's block that bullshit.
- Jul 2023
anotherangrywoman.com anotherangrywoman.com
I work in marketing, for my sins. This is mostly why I’m so entirely down on the marketing industry and many of the people who work in it. I also happen to have an MSc in psychology – actual psychology! – with a focus on behaviour change. On day 1 of your class about behaviour change in a science course, you learn that behaviour change is not a simple matter of information in, behaviour out. Human behaviour, and changing it, is big and complex. Meanwhile, on your marketing courses, which I have had the misfortune to attend, the model of changing behaviour is pretty much this: information in, behaviour out.
Marketing assumes information in means behaviour out, and conveys that in marketing courses. Psychology teaches that behavioural change is not just info in behaviour out, but a complex thing. Marketing has clay feet.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
he bristles thinking about the fight and the fact that Google Reader is known as “an RSS reader” and not the ultra-versatile information machine it could have become. Names matter, and Reader told everyone that it was for reading when it could have been for so much more
Product names matter
It sets the perception for the boundaries of what something can be.
- Jun 2023
blog.hubspot.com blog.hubspot.com
ensuring salespeople and customers understand it.
geniuslink.com geniuslink.com
First saw via Ryan Holiday.
Also saw a live example on 2023-06-16 at https://personalknowledgegraphs.com/#/page/pkg for an affiliate link for a book.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
James Patterson's Kentucky fried books
Link to: - Ulysses S. Grant and Mark Twain: https://hypothes.is/a/8qMVggeyEe6f7G9Gd5OrNw
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Early precursor to the sort of publishing and marketing work of James Patterson?
- May 2023
xtiles.app xtiles.app
https://xtiles.app/62e9167a308426236b1d2b91 https://xtiles.app/62c29d1866533a18d0717564
Presumably this is part of xTiles' planning for various personas and strategy.
Get some of the lowest ad prices while protecting your brand with a system backed by Verity and Grapeshot. Rest easy that your ads will only show up where you’d like them to.
Is there a word or phrase in the advertising space which covers the filtering out of websites and networks which have objectionable material one doesn't want their content running against?
Contextual intelligence seems to be one...
Apparently the platforms Verity and Grapeshot (from Oracle) protect against this.
trainingindustry.com trainingindustry.com
lack of instructional design
Paging Christie DeCarolis...
There’s another distinct problem that occurs from this arrangement: Because the marketing department is so focused on engagement and conversion metrics, it develops its educational content specifically to meet those goals. Even if the content is informative, it is generally not written as educational content that builds proficiency through specific learning objectives. There tends to be content like passive videos that are informative but do not help build viewers’ competencies.
Wow, just totally different genres, really.
Education-based marketing is a strategy that shifts the message from a persuasive sales focus to one that imparts knowledge and builds trust,
I'm down with this!
www.questionpro.com www.questionpro.com
Another key step in drawing the retail store customer journey map is to identify the ideal customer or buyer persona.
buyer persona是一個比較合適的概念,有些人已經很瞭解他要購買什麼產品、甚至是已經決定了;有些人則知道他的需求,但還不知道什麼產品可以滿足他的需求。
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
The Consumer Decision Making Process
www.tokinomo.com www.tokinomo.com
What are planned purchases? Planned purchases are those shopping decisions that customers make after examining products and taking into account the pros and cons. To put it in simpler words, planned purchases are those items on your weekly grocery list. Planned purchases can also be bigger investments like a car or electronics. These are not products that you want to waste money on and that’s why shoppers almost never purchase a piece of electronics in the spur of the moment. Even for planned purchases, there is a decision that is made in-store, in most cases: which brand to select? While some shoppers are loyal customers and stick to one brand, most customers know they want oil, but they don’t really have a brand in mind. That’s where your in-store marketing efforts come in.
definition of planned purchase
- Apr 2023
yukilin706.medium.com yukilin706.medium.com
www.bookwhisperer.ink www.bookwhisperer.inkHome1
- Mar 2023
archive.org archive.org
Wigent, William David, Burton David William Housel, and Edward Harry Gilman. Modern Filing and How to File: A Textbook on Office System. Rochester, N.Y.: Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1916. http://archive.org/details/modernfilingate02compgoog.
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
marketing copy
Marketing copy is content written to promote or sell a product or service or to persuade readers to take a certain action. Marketing copy is a useful tool that educates customers, provides resources and details contact information to help businesses increase awareness of their products and services.
www.mailgun.com www.mailgun.com
Our transactional and marketing email services allow you to send emails effortlessly.
www.antinet.org www.antinet.org
2023-03-06: Noting that the list price on this has now dropped to $495 including shipping. He's also closed the wait list, which I'm guessing was set up to both collect email addresses as well as to test market the demand for such a box at his various price points.
- Feb 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I have worked in paper format, hundreds of reference books, and a massive marketing swipe file. A recovering r/DataHoarder who realized piles were causing stress.
Example of an inveterate note taker who indicates they've got a "massive marketing swipe file".
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
How the TSA's Instagram became a must-follow account, thanks to a sticky-note trick by Natasha Piñon
read on Fri 2022-12-09 7:28 AM
- Jan 2023
growthinreverse.com growthinreverse.com
When the article is about 80% done:
Here is a breakdown Harry created about where his subscribers come from across social platforms.
Quick caveat: all of these mentions of “Twitter” can be replaced with “LinkedIn” if that’s the platform you have more traction on. Don’t send the link to the Twitter thread if you’d get much more reaction on LinkedIn.
Once the article is published:
At the very end (and nowhere before), he plugs his newsletter. It got 124 comments on just that one subreddit and probably hundreds if not thousands of visitors to his website.
Of course, he spent time becoming an active member in all of these groups before posting his own content.
And at the end of the thread, he links back to that article and the newsletter.
And as soon as he hit publish on the Twitter thread, he embeds a link to the thread in his email and an email to his newsletter.
By teasing out the best tip from the article, he’s getting people framed for the content. Once the full article is published, people are already going to be intrigued to read the rest of the post.
Many Facebook groups look down on self-promotion (i.e. sharing your own links), so he does something really smart and just shares the tip with little callouts in the corner of the image.
Every time Harry publishes an article, he promotes it in multiple places:
Most people just send everything back to their newsletter, and they miss out on this additional layer of traffic.
Promoting his Twitter thread it gives that post a boost of engagement, signaling to the algorithm that these are valuable. More people share it, and more new people see it.
He doesn’t just post a Twitter thread – he then links to it from his newsletter and embeds it into the article.
Improve the copy on your landing pages and forms
Here is a breakdown from one of his articles showing the percentages of where people opted into his email from.
One of the ways Harry has improved his conversion rate quite a bit is by adding more ways for people to sign up.
In the beginning, he was charging only $2300 a month for a sponsor, but I’d have to hope he’s increased that since.
tedgioia.substack.com tedgioia.substack.com
creative fields like music and writing live and die based on creativity, not financial statements and branding deals.
- Dec 2022
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
- Nov 2022
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
Luhmann writes,
The link here to Luhmann's article is a https://geniuslink.com/ which is specifically built for influencers to use for tracking and affiliate marketing.
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
When people first see your Twitter, without even having to scroll down, they should knowThe name of our Game (make this your Twitter tag, not your company name!)Gameplay footage of our game pinned to the top of the feedOur unique selling point/elevator pitchWhat our logo looks likeWhat genre the game isWhere our Discord isWhere our Patreon isWhere our Facebook isOur email address
Try and think of something catchy that’s easy to remember. Don’t make your name too long or confusing.
I have seen games in the past that have used a generic word and then found it impossible to find their game, even when I was actively searching for it
Learn the fundamentals of the field, like value propositions, price anchoring, antes vs drivers, etc
Price is deceptively difficult to get correct, especially when you start talking about microtransactions, but is solvable with competitive research
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
You bring up a really good point. It's important to reach out to Youtubers who are specifically interested in the type game you are making while having a small enough following to actually pay attention to you
Reaching out to a streamer who streams similar games to ours
First of all focus on where your potential "clients" are. Try to sketch'em and list their habits. We call it the Buyer Persona
Finding the buyer persona
don't try to be everywhere, keeping up with accounts/channels, etc that don't do much
Advice to not open up too many social accounts
Ok, so that's clear, but knowing your audience is more than people playing games similar to yours. It even goes beyond demographic data. Really understanding what makes them tick, or developing a persona
- Sep 2022
wniedoczasie.pl wniedoczasie.pl
Artykuł na temat mediów społecznościowych wykorzystywanych przez instytucje kultury i organizacje pozarządowe; o ich roli, charakterze i sposobie podejścia do pracy z treściami tam publikowanych.
Dwoma podstawowymi rolami mediów społecznościowych są: - przekazywanie treści, - budowanie społeczności.
Dlatego istotnym elementem jest komunikacja z publicznością, do tego tak, często, jak często wymaga tego dane zagadnienie, a także bez zbędnego dystansu (zwracamy się "na ty"), czyli z naciskiem na społecznościowy charakter.
Zatem rozmawiamy z ludźmi, jesteśmy blisko nich, tworzymy z nimi przyjazną przestrzeń do wspólnej dyskusji.
used by: skyboundtumbling
Promoting an online marketplace means planning and making a strategy. The right marketing strategy will help you attract vendors and shoppers to your platform.
- Aug 2022
revistapegn.globo.com revistapegn.globo.com
Influenciadora com 2,6 milhões de fãs falha ao tentar vender 36 camisetas – e usuários dão lição de negócios
Influenciadora com 2,6 milhões de fãs falha ao tentar vender 36 camisetas – e usuários dão lição de negócios
learn.marsdd.com learn.marsdd.com
Distribution (or place) refers to an organization, or set of organizations, that is involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user
seoorganichamburg.tumblr.com seoorganichamburg.tumblr.com
Die Unternehmensstruktur erlaubt es Projekte weltweit zu betreuen und umzusetzen.
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
It's available now at https://a.co/4v7H9hZ
This is a rather clever link to the book! It's an Amazon preview page which provides the opening of the book for evaluation.
It doesn't appear to be an affiliate link, but potentially could be.
- Jul 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Sounds like his philosophy fit may have fit in with the broader prosperity gospel space, Napoleon Hill, Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, et al. Potentially worth looking into. Also related to the self-help movements and the New Thought philosophies.
fascinating that he wrote a book Copywriting and Direct Marketing. This may also tie him into the theses of Kevin Phillips' American Theocracy?
Link to: https://hyp.is/E4I_qgvCEe2rQO9iXvaTgA/www.goodreads.com/author/show/257221.Robert_Collier
- Robert Collier
- Napoleon Hill
- positive thinking
- faith
- American Theocracy
- direct marketing
- desire
- The Secret
- abundance
- bookmark
- prosperity gospel
- metaphysics
- self-help
- Billy Graham
- religion
- Kevin Phillips
- psychology
- copywriting
- visualization
- Peter Fenelon Collier
- Rhonda Byrne
- capitalism
- Collier's Weekly
- Norman Vincent Peale
www.dpmarketing.services www.dpmarketing.services
getting better traction especially on search results for plumber or hvac contractors.
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
personal knowledge management (#PKM),#SecondBrain, #BASB, or #toolsforthought. Share your toptakeaways from this book or anything else you’ve realized ordiscovered
smart marketing for those who may be more naïve...
Quantum Notetaking
really?! now we're selling something wiz bang!
- May 2022
Local file Local file
Songwriters areknown for compiling “hook books” full of lyrics and musical riffs theymay want to use in future songs. Software engineers build “codelibraries” so useful bits of code are easy to access. Lawyers keep“case files” with details from past cases they might want to refer to inthe future. Marketers and advertisers maintain “swipe files” withexamples of compelling ads they might want to draw from
Nice list of custom names for area specific commonplaces.
After taking my course
always be marketing... there's a hidden nudge here that there might be knowledge in the course that isn't contained in this book...
smoothremote.com smoothremote.com
Remote Marketing Jobs
About Smooth Remote
Smooth Remote is simply the smoothest remote job board around for anyone on the lookout for remote work. Whether you’re looking for smooth sailing in an established corporation or a new adventure in an innovative startup — your journey starts here. Breeze through the latest remote jobs and find your next destination.
Whether you’re looking for a junior or senior position, remote marketing jobs are on the rise with plenty of exciting and flexible positions tailored around your remote requirements.
Remote marketing jobs include everything from writing small-scale product descriptions all the way up to Marketing Directors. There are entry-level remote marketing jobs here, to roles that require a decade or more of experience. From high-flying, high-growth startups to fully fledged blue-chip corporations, they all need a marketing department.
And marketing departments are chock-full of the kind of remote marketing jobs you’re looking for, no matter your level of experience. And, because it covers so many different areas like writing, design, SEO, and strategy — it won’t be long before you start interviewing for the kind of remote marketing jobs you’ve got your eye on. It’s not a bad idea if you haven’t got the right level of experience to look out for some smaller entry-level freelance positions, and then once you’ve built up a bigger portfolio to try your hand at applying for the more senior remote marketing jobs we’ve got available.
Smooth Remote covers it all! And, if you have any questions about any of our positions, please don’t hesitate to drop us a message and we’ll give you some handy hints to help get you on your way to the remote marketing jobs you’re looking for. You can also check our blog for some helpful interview tips. Whether you’re a word wizard with an eye for catchy headlines, or a designer with an eye for cool concepts, you’ll find what you’re after on our remote marketing jobs board.
Click here to know more about remote marketing jobs.
smoothremote.com smoothremote.com
Find remote jobs, smoothly!
Find the best curated latest remote jobs from home in top categories and work anywhere! For remote developers, designers, and more. The smoothest board with 100% fully remote jobs.
About Smooth Remote
Smooth Remote is simply the smoothest remote job board around for anyone on the lookout for remote work. Whether you’re looking for smooth sailing in an established corporation or a new adventure in an innovative startup — your journey starts here. Breeze through the latest remote jobs and find your next destination.
Remote Marketing Jobs
Whether you’re looking for a junior or senior position, remote marketing jobs are on the rise with plenty of exciting and flexible positions tailored around your remote requirements.
Remote marketing jobs include everything from writing small-scale product descriptions all the way up to Marketing Directors. There are entry-level remote marketing jobs here, to roles that require a decade or more of experience. From high-flying, high-growth startups to fully fledged blue-chip corporations, they all need a marketing department. And marketing departments are chock-full of the kind of remote marketing jobs you’re looking for, no matter your level of experience.
And, because it covers so many different areas like writing, design, SEO, and strategy — it won’t be long before you start interviewing for the kind of remote marketing jobs you’ve got your eye on. It’s not a bad idea if you haven’t got the right level of experience to look out for some smaller entry-level freelance positions, and then once you’ve built up a bigger portfolio to try your hand at applying for the more senior remote marketing jobs we’ve got available.
Click here to know more about fully remote jobs.
- Apr 2022
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The day after his mother's death in October 1977, the influential philosopher Roland Barthes began a diary of mourning. Taking notes on index cards as was his habit, he reflected on a new solitude, on the ebb and flow of sadness, and on modern society's dismissal of grief. These 330 cards, published here for the first time, prove a skeleton key to the themes he tackled throughout his work.
Published on October 12, 2010, Mourning Diary is a collection published for the first time from Roland Barthes' 330 index cards focusing on his mourning following the death of his mother in 1977.
Was it truly created as a "diary" from the start? Or was it just a portion of his regular note taking collection excerpted and called a diary after-the-fact? There is nothing resembling a "traditional" diary in many portions of the collection, but rather a collection of notes relating to the passing of his mother. Was the moniker "diary" added as a promotional or sales tool?
when done correctly, (cold or warm) outbound is not the same as email marketing- it’s not a mass blast campaign
Gerard Tellis and Peter Golder, both professors of marketing, conducted ahistorical analysis of fifty consumer product categories (including diapers, fromwhich the Pampers versus Chux example was taken). Their results showed thatthe failure rate of “market pioneers” is an alarming 47 percent, while the meanmarket share they capture is only 10 percent. Far better than being first, Tellisand Golder concluded, is being what some have called a “fast second”: an agileimitator. Companies that capitalize on others’ innovations have “a minimalfailure rate” and “an average market share almost three times that of marketpioneers,” they found. In this category they include Timex, Gillette, and Ford,firms that are often recalled—wrongly—as being first in their field.
business.linkedin.com business.linkedin.com
95% of B2B buyers aren't in the market right now. — John Dawes
Every business person is aware that having a good service or great product offering is not even half the battle. The most flourishing companies are the ones that manage to stand out from the marketing and digital field and receive consistent customer interest and awareness. You can have access to the best products but without an effective marketing strategy, your business will struggle a lot and would not get a chance to stand out. In this article, we are going to read about new marketing books to understand marketing in a different way.
Medieval manuscripts did not include title pages, and bibliographers identify them by incipit or opening words: no special markers were needed to recognize a book that one had commissioned and waited for while it was copied.185 By contrast, a printed book needed to ap-peal to buyers who had no advance knowledge of the book, so the title page served as an advertisement, announcing title and author, printer and/or book-seller (where the book could be purchased), generally a date of publication, and also additional boasts about useful features—“very copious indexes” or a “cor-rected and much augmented” text. T
sacks.substack.com sacks.substack.com
If you want to understand how Tesla can become the most valuable car company in the world without needing to spend a dime on advertising, while its competitors futilely buy Superbowl ads, or why 170,000 people pilgrimage annually to Dreamforce for the opportunity to be sold Salesforce products, the answer is that the founders of these companies have created a movement. Obviously, it couldn’t happen if they didn’t also make great products, but marketing is the amplifier of all their other efforts. If sales is like hand-to-hand combat, great marketing is like having an air force.There is a playbook for this. I call it Movement Marketing. It is also known as “earned marketing” because you can’t just buy it, you have to earn it. Unlike paid campaigns, there is no formula for ROI. Earned marketing is about brand, messaging, press, influencers, content — all the things that define who you are. This is undeniably crucial, but since the metrics are hard to quantify, founders often have trouble with it.
Fascinating to see how brands have carved out this earned marketing space.
- Mar 2022
First is that it actually lowers paid acquisition costs. It lowers them because the Facebook Ads algorithm rewards engaging advertisements with lower CPMs and lots of distribution. Facebook does this because engaging advertisements are just like engaging posts: they keep people on Facebook.
Engaging advertisements on Facebook benefit from lower acquisition costs because the Facebook algorithm rewards more interesting advertisements with lower CPMs and wider distribution. This is done, as all things surveillance capitalism driven, to keep eyeballs on Facebook.
This isn't too dissimilar to large cable networks that provide free high quality advertising to mass manufacturers in late night slots. The network generally can't sell all of their advertising inventory, particularly in low viewing hours, so they'll offer free or incredibly cheap commercial rates to their bigger buyers (like Coca-Cola or McDonalds, for example) to fill space and have more professional looking advertisements between the low quality advertisements from local mom and pop stores and the "as seen on TV" spots. These higher quality commercials help keep the audience engaged and prevents viewers from changing the channel.
One of my favorite marketing frameworks is called “AIDA”. It assumes the buyer goes through a linear process of awareness (A), interest (I), desire (D), then action (A).
There is a marketing framework called A.I.D.A. which describes the progression a potential buyer experiences: awareness, interest, desire, and finally action.
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
Posting a new algorithm, poem, or video on the web makes it a vailable, but unless appropriate recipients notice it, the originator has little chance to influence them.
An early statement of the problem of distribution which has been widely solved by many social media algorithmic feeds. Sadly pushing ideas to people interested in them (or not) doesn't seem to have improved humanity. Perhaps too much of the problem space with respect to the idea of "influence" has been devoted to marketing and commerce or to fringe misinformation spaces? How might we create more value to the "middle" of the populace while minimizing misinformation and polarization?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Each highlighted statement expresses political talking points aligned to induce trump-like support.
Trump introduced new marketing and strategy, formulated using concepts and metrics mastered by Reality TV and Hollywood and then paired with advertising propaganda and "selling" techniques to create a "Brand". This is after-all Donald Trump, this is what he does, has done and is the only way he has found to make money. Trump built the "brand" (just barely) while teetering on self destruction.
His charismatic persona became "the glue" that allowed creative narratives to stick to certain types of people in-spite of risk. Trump learned OTJ how to capture a specific type of audience.
The mistake people make about Trump is assuming his audience to be "Joe Six-Pack", redneck's with limited education! This assumption does not have merit on its own.<br /> * There is a common "follower" theme among his audience that is exploited by those who: * Bought the "licensing rights" to the master-class Trump "how-to" course.
- Vladimir Putin
- Snake-oil salesmen
- Modern day Politician
- Savvy Strongman
- Politics
- Manipulation
- Professional Wrestling
- Creation of Brand
- Smoke and Mirrors
- Trump licensed how-to
- Reality TV
- PR
- Multi-Level-Marketing
- Prosperity Preachers
- Used Car salesman
- BS
- Putin-Trump
- Trump
- Trump Audience
- Mafia
- Feb 2022
Mancini, D. P., & Smyth, J. (2022, February 16). Merck struggles to win European approval for Covid-19 antiviral pill. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/2cf0b6cc-b07b-4ff9-a833-42eb1798a576
www.obsidianroundup.org www.obsidianroundup.org
Eleanor Konik describes why second brain is a terrible term for note taking apps.
- Jan 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Another company, Pietra, connects influencers with manufacturers in order to help them launch their own product lines.
When manufacturers, like Pietra, help influencers manufacture their own product lines, we've taken another step from big celebrities having their own product lines (think Martha Stewart cookware and other lifestyle plays her company has made).
This is splitting the difference between the Tupperware parties of old where you're empowering your users to sell your product and having celebrities sell your product.
What is the next step along this evolutionary path of breaking down the sales funnel? Can it be disintermediated further?
Another example of this are the thousands of small Etsy shops that are churning out products as intermediaries. An example of this is the proliferation of sticker companies that are selling somewhat custom designs for 2-3x the going rate and adding a rather large mark up for themselves. In this case there are at least some modest creative pieces being added in the value chain, but at what overall cost?
Will everyone be a manufacturer? When does it all become Amway?
Even major corporations such as Qantas Airlines, Red Bull, and the Los Angeles Clippers have started putting a Linktree in their Instagram and TikTok bios, Anthony Zaccaria, Linktree’s co-founder and chief commercial officer, told me. These companies all have expensive websites, but he said that link-in-bios have come to represent a space in between social media and websites: a regularly updated page where artists can plug their new music, airlines can promote their new flight routes, and even non-influencers can list out the TV shows they’re currently watching. While a traditional website might remain relatively static over time—an airline like Qantas, for instance, is always going to want its flight-booking tool to be front and center—a link-in-bio is a sort of ever-shifting homepage, the ideal spot for brands and influencers to house updates or tout new products.
Who says the link in bio needs to go to a company's homepage? Why couldn't it be a custom landing page geared toward the social media site the link is placed on?
The reasoning here is completely false.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A lagniappe (/ˈlænjæp/ LAN-yap, /lænˈjæp/ lan-YAP) is "a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase" (such as a 13th doughnut on purchase of a dozen), or more broadly, "something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure."[2] It can be used more generally as meaning any extra or unexpected benefit.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Omake (御負け, usually written おまけ) means extra in Japanese.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
graph thinking
- intuitive
- speed, agility
- adaptability
; graph thinking : focuses on relationships to turn data into information and uses patterns to find meaning
property graph data model
- relationships (connectors with verbs which can have properties)
- nodes (have names and can have properties)
- Purchase recommendations for products in real time
- Fraud detection
Use for dependency analysis
roam.elaptics.co.uk roam.elaptics.co.uk
In my very next letter, Letter XVI, I reported that Conor had perhaps heard our concerns about the cult connotations, and also decided to move away from the use of it too.
I always thought of the #RoamCult hashtag as a bit tongue-in-cheek, but certainly something with a more positive framing could be chosen.
It's interesting to hear that the project seems to have gone quiet and that the perception is that people are leaving for other projects (many of them open source, which is one of the spaces many of the early adopters were already working in).
There's definitely a drive in a lot of this space for people to own their own data given it's direct value to them over other (more social facing) tools.
Controversy kills. Or, anyway, life is too short, the times too weird, and profit too fleeting, to suffer for it.
Just a few years ago the prior Hollywood and publishing marketing maxim had been "any publicity is good publicity."
- Dec 2021
boook.link boook.link
This looks a lot like Linktree, but for books.
Tips and Tricks to Success Used by Top Digital Marketing Companies
Making your website or business to rank on Google is a tough yet important task. Everyone likes to boost sales, conversion and ROI with the help of digital marketing. Abiding by some effective tips and tricks helps a reputed digital marketing company to bring about the desired change. So, it is good to hire the services of the best one.
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Are you looking the best digital marketing expert in Bangalore
Best digital marketing expert in Bangalore, Aditya Aggarwal is India's top digital marketing guru. He is perhaps the most trusted figure in Best digital marketing expert in Bangalore, with a focus on giving customers outcomes through the digital media. I can assist you in growing your internet business as your online marketing specialist in India. My clients benefit from first-rate destinations, web advertising, lead generation, and a variety of other services that I provide.
In this post, we'll look at the most commonly asked questions and challenging areas, as well as how to direct and resolve them with the help of a Best digital marketing expert in Bangalore. Every firm in India is confronted with the challenge of promoting its products or services through digital marketing. Because the Indian market is genuine in terms of business errands and limits.
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Any brand or association looking for a Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR can come to us for help. We'll have a separate talk regarding Aditya Aggarwal's administration as a digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR. We are giving a fantastic demonstration of digital marketing administrations in India to assist business owners and new entrepreneurs.
In this piece, we'll look at the value of using a Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR to oversee and address the most widely observed questions and complex zones. Almost every business in India is confronted with the challenge of promoting its products or services through digital marketing. Because the Indian market is exceptionally real in terms of company endeavours and worth.
Aditya Aggarwal is one of India's most impressive Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR. He is arguably the most certain name in Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR, with an emphasis on giving consumers results through the digital media. I can assist you in growing your internet business as your online marketing consultant in India. As your digital marketing superstar in India, I assist firms in attracting more customers by developing best practises that enhance their image, increasing traffic to their website page, and encouraging their online association by developing a show strategy.
a lot of people start with learning and then they build things and then they close the circle but there's one key piece missing here and some people hate the word but you 00:29:54 learn to love it eventually it's called marketing and marketing means a lot of things to a lot of people but what it means to me is getting the word out because someone else will if you don't and 00:30:05 you are awesome you just have to realize that maybe not everyone knows right away so you should really talk about it more maybe at conferences see what i did there 00:30:17 um maybe on twitter maybe you can just tell your friends and maybe you can ask people to contribute and to support you like what's wrong with that somehow it's frowned upon in the community that if you do 00:30:30 marketing you're not doing it for real but i think that's not true um i think that if smart people and patient and um passionate people as well 00:30:44 if they did marketing then the world would be a better place because i'm pretty sure the evil guys do marketing so do your homework
Marketing is very critical but it has negative connotations in the open source community because it is associated with mainstream business , after all, marketing is derived from the word "market".
Perhaps it is better to think in psychological terms. If we have a great idea, the internet is a way to reach billions of eyeballs. Everyone is, in a sense, forced to compete in an attention economy. Instead of marketing, we can also use the words "attracting attention", because that is really what we are trying to do, be an attention attractor.
The Indieverse, being developed by knowledge architect Gyuri Lajos, offers an alternative to marketing. Marketing is an attention attractor that relies on a "push" strategy. We are making content and pushing it out to different parts of the world we think may resonate with us to attract attention.
Instead, the Indieverse, with its built in read and write provenance can act like a "pull" attention attractor. People can discover you through the built in discoverability aspects of the indieverse. Unlike the private sector, which uses this pull method to try to match you to stuff they want to sell you, Indieverse inegrates tools that exposes relevant content to you. If that content has demonstrably improved your life, which can be tracked through your public sharing, you can sponsor or reward that content. Microsponsorship can even be built in.
aacijournal.biomedcentral.com aacijournal.biomedcentral.com
Wagner, D. N., Marcon, A. R., & Caulfield, T. (2020). “Immune Boosting” in the time of COVID: Selling immunity on Instagram. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 16(1), 76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13223-020-00474-6
“ Card catalogs can do anything ” — this is the slogan Fortschritt GmbH
What a great quote to start off a book like this!
- Oct 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
For service and product advertisements, the internet has become an important medium now. Every company that can afford radio, print, and TV advertisements have also ventured on the Internet into placing ads.
But, how can you make sure that your ad can be seen by your target customers with millions of websites out there being visited by millions of computer users, and that your leads will be followed by these users? In this article app promotion company, prepared for you a few tips are here.
- Place ads on your target customers' websites frequented. You need to define who will be your target customers before doing this. There will gain attention by placing an ad on sites that they usually visit will increase the possibility of your ad and your target customers will be followed.
Consider also the website’s traffic, search engine placement, external linking, and the other ads placed on it. If there are other sites that link to this site, external linking will determine it. This will mean that even if they are browsing a different site, people can get to the site where your ad is placed. Just check if any of your competitors have ads on this site.
- On some sites placing ads cost some money. There are also sites that can place a link to your product, service or site, in exchange for having their link being displayed on your site. About the newsletters sent by site owners to its mailing list members regularly, it is also true.
Having sites link to your pages and having helpful links placed on your site also help in boosting search engine ranking. To make a statement that your site’s content is important, this is similar that other sites have links to your web pages.
The first suggestion for those who have the product and want to market products through the internet:
- Learn first, how much the ‘market demand’ for the goods you want to sell.
Type the name of your product or your ‘target market’ that is approximately related to the product.- Do research, how much the desire to market your goods.
If the result has many, this means good news! you just develop strategies, but before all of these strategies, of course, you must create a website and used good a website script.
Conversely, if the product does not have an interested buyer, you can still do something!
One thing that makes the internet amazing to me, even though sometimes we want a selling product that does not exist or maybe more appropriate if I say “not yet” there, then we can “create” a new target market through our creativity!
For instance, I have a traditional puppet factory. Then I would like to sell my “traditional puppet” through the internet. After I do market research, it appears that very few people who find puppet on the internet, because so many foreigners who do not know about puppets. So what, I will give up and then close my traditional puppet factory? Of course not! If so, it’s not a business!
Our team mobile app promotion services advise you always thinking creatively. And to be creative, are required to always practice. A person can be creative at the time he does start to put aside a little time to think about what he must do to complete a problem.
The more our brain is trained to continue to think creatively, then our creativity will be more tested. And who knows with the elapsing time, also with the experience, training, trial, and error, you may become a ‘creative genius.
bauhouse.medium.com bauhouse.medium.comMonopoly1
monopoly over public discourse
This is the water we swim in.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
As early as 1928, Edward Bernays recognized propaganda as a modern instrument to produce productive ends and "help bring order out of chaos".
Amy Westervelt delves into the history of propaganda to uncover the deceit at the heart of public relations, marketing, advertising, and design in an analysis of the business strategies of oil and gas companies in the podcast, Drilled.
Westervelt pays particular interest to Edward Bernays.
“Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, coined the term ‘public relations’ when propaganda started to become a negative term. His specialty was using psychological know-how to manipulate the masses and orchestrate cultural shifts in his clients’ favor (clients like Standard Oil, the American Tobacco Company, and General Motors).”
- Sep 2021
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Vyas Giannetti Creative is a specialist digital marketing agency that offers the best SEO, Advertising, and social media marketing services in Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi.
- Aug 2021
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It would be fun to revisit this. I'm not sure how much we can expand on the why portions, but looking closer at and thinking about expanding the how would be useful.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
- Jul 2021
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nice point of view
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To the surprise of the soup contingent, the first battery of questions didn’t touch on paper or printing. Instead, the Woodbridge delegation asked questions that focused on soup manufacturing and marketing: problems they had, issues they faced, how they could increase their own profit.
- May 2021
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SaaS startups have become a popular business recently. However, very few startups become successful. How can you avoid startup failure? Check our article.
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