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osf.io osf.io
Ivanov, S., Webster, C., Stoilova, E., & Slobodskoy, D. (2020). Biosecurity, automation technologies and economic resilience of travel, tourism and hospitality companies [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/2hx6f
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Sevi, S., Aviña, M. M., Péloquin-Skulski, G., Heisbourg, E., Vegas, P., Coulombe, M., Arel-Bundock, V., Loewen, P. J., & Blais, A. (2020). Logarithmic vs. Linear Visualizations of COVID-19 Cases Do Not Affect Citizens’ Support for Confinement [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/h6z4f
Martin, G., Hanna, E., & Dingwall, R. (2020). Face masks for the public during Covid-19: An appeal for caution in policy [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/uyzxe
Kundu, B., & Bhowmik, D. (2020). Societal impact of novel corona virus (COVID ̶ 19 pandemic) in India [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/vm5rz
What It Will Take to Reopen Cities, with Richard Florida. (2020, May 28). SPUR. https://www.spur.org/events/2020-05-28/what-it-will-take-reopen-cities-richard-florida
osf.io osf.io
Mikolai, J., Keenan, K., & Kulu, H. (2020). Household level health and socio-economic vulnerabilities and the COVID-19 crisis: An analysis from the UK [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/4wtz8
osf.io osf.io
Nivette, A., Ribeaud, D., Murray, A. L., Steinhoff, A., Bechtiger, L., Hepp, U., Shanahan, L., & Eisner, M. (2020). Non-compliance with COVID-19-related public health measures among young adults: Insights from a longitudinal cohort study [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8edbj
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Mulligan, M. J., Lyke, K. E., Kitchin, N., Absalon, J., Gurtman, A., Lockhart, S. P., Neuzil, K., Raabe, V., Bailey, R., Swanson, K. A., Li, P., Koury, K., Kalina, W., Cooper, D., Fonter-Garfias, C., Shi, P.-Y., Tuereci, O., Tompkins, K. R., Walsh, E. E., … Jansen, K. U. (2020). Phase 1/2 Study to Describe the Safety and Immunogenicity of a COVID-19 RNA Vaccine Candidate (BNT162b1) in Adults 18 to 55 Years of Age: Interim Report. MedRxiv, 2020.06.30.20142570. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.30.20142570
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Coronavirus spreads through the air, 230 scientists write in open letter to WHO. (2020, July 6). https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-06/aerosol-transmission-of-covid-19/12425852
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COVID Risk Chart. (n.d.). Xkcd. Retrieved July 19, 2020, from https://xkcd.com/2333/
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A COVID-19 vaccine has passed its first human trial. But is it the frontrunner? (2020, May 29). Science. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/coronavirus-vaccine-passes-first-human-trial-but-is-it-frontrunner-cvd/
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Toronto to remain in Stage 2 of reopening while much of the province moves on to Stage 3. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2020, from https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/07/toronto-stage-2-reopening-province-stage-3/
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Digital and net-worked media offer new ways of expanding the reach and accessibility of connected learning so it is not just privileged youth who have these opportunities.
So many online communities to choose from, but as of yet do not discuss the safety/privacy/security of connecting with these online communities
Song, S. (2020). China Experience in Controlling COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/gfnep
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Semple, F. F., & Mayne-Semple, D. (2020). Year 10 and 12 school students’ opinions on returning to partial schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: An action research prospective survey [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/mdjsn
Starominski-Uehara, M. (2020). Powering Social Media Footage: Simple Guide for the Most Vulnerable to Make Emergency Visible [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/ek6tz
twitter.com twitter.com
Seth Trueger on Twitter: “live now! join us for an #IMPACTfulChats event with advisors @MS_Martinez_MD interviewing 7 y/o Olivia Tyler who is helping get masks out to the the homeless in Chicago and beyond! @IMPACT4HC https://t.co/vEV9FVbf99” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from https://twitter.com/mdaware/status/1260678311925157888
Covid-19 has decimated independent U.S. primary care practices—How should policymakers and payers respond? (2020, July 2). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/07/02/covid-19-has-decimated-independent-u-s-primary-care-practices-how-should-policymakers-and-payers-respond/
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Wilson, C. (n.d.). Why hasn’t the UK seen a second wave of the coronavirus? New Scientist. Retrieved July 9, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2248216-why-hasnt-the-uk-seen-a-second-wave-of-the-coronavirus/
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
Why Hanging Out at a Bar During the Pandemic Is a Terrible Idea. (2020, July 4). Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-hanging-out-at-a-bar-during-the-pandemic-is-a-terrible-idea
Flushing “can propel viral infection 3ft into air.” (2020, June 16). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53047819
aip.scitation.org aip.scitation.org
Coronavirus cases may be linked to brain complications, study finds. (n.d.). Thetowntalk. Retrieved July 5, 2020, from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/06/27/coronavirus-cases-may-linked-brain-complications-study-finds/3270615001/
www.dailymail.co.uk www.dailymail.co.uk
Stickings, T. (2020, June 10). Secondary schools resume in Spain, Netherlands and South Africa. Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8406723/Secondary-schools-resume-Spain-Netherlands-South-Africa.html
www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se
www.eurosurveillance.org www.eurosurveillance.org
Heavey, L., Casey, G., Kelly, C., Kelly, D., & McDarby, G. (2020). No evidence of secondary transmission of COVID-19 from children attending school in Ireland, 2020. Eurosurveillance, 25(21), 2000903. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.21.2000903
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Adams, J. U. (n.d.). The Dentist Will See You Now: But Will You See the Dentist? Scientific American. Retrieved July 4, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-dentist-will-see-you-now-but-will-you-see-the-dentist/
- Jun 2020
Brown, S. M., Doom, J., Watamura, S., Lechuga-Pena, S., & Koppels, T. (2020). Stress and Parenting during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ucezm
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Chen, L., Zhang, Z., Fu, J., Feng, Z., Zhang, S.-Z., Han, Q.-Y., Zhang, X., Xiao, X., Chen, H.-M., Liu, L.-L., Chen, X.-L., Lan, Y.-P., Zhong, D.-J., Hu, L., Wang, J.-H., Yu, X.-H., She, D.-Y., Zhu, Y.-H., & Yin, Z.-Y. (2020). Efficacy and safety of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in moderate type of COVID-19: A prospective open-label randomized controlled study. MedRxiv, 2020.06.19.20136093. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.19.20136093
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Tidwell, J.B. (2020 March 12). Guide for behavioral researchers on handwashing behavior change for COVID-19. World Vision & Harvard University. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pkO9kEgDqD07UP93zBZbZz5354rSYWVJy_mH_i7D7TM/edit
www.behaviouralbydesign.co.nz www.behaviouralbydesign.co.nz
5 Innovations in Behavioural Design for Physical Distancing. (2020 May 06) https://www.behaviouralbydesign.co.nz/post/5-innovations-in-behavioural-design-for-physical-distancing
www.dkv.global www.dkv.global
COVID-19 Regional Safety Assessment | DKG. (n.d.). DKV. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://www.dkv.global/covid-safety-assessment-200-regions
www.ft.com www.ft.com
Ahuja, A. (2020, June 16). The two-metre rule and other imperfect Covid-19 risk calculations | Free to read. https://www.ft.com/content/30adbfa1-178f-47e2-97a8-bd41ca590999
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Dr. Tom Frieden on Twitter: “The 3 W’s drive down risk of Covid and must be common practice when we leave our home and are around others. https://t.co/UJAFCPypQI” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://twitter.com/DrTomFrieden/status/1272168183609384961
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Gawande, A. (n.d.). Amid the Coronavirus Crisis, a Regimen for Reëntry. The New Yorker. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/amid-the-coronavirus-crisis-a-regimen-for-reentry
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Lancet, T. (2020). The plight of essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 395(10237), 1587. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31200-9
Louis Lederman: NHS workers need protecting too. (2020, June 1). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/06/01/louis-lederman-nhs-workers-need-protecting-too/
usa.streetsblog.org usa.streetsblog.org
CDC Revise Awful COVID-19 Commuting Recommendations, But They’re Still Not Great. (2020, June 4). Streetsblog USA. https://usa.streetsblog.org/2020/06/04/cdc-revise-awful-covid-19-commuting-recommendations-but-theyre-still-not-great/
www.bps.org.uk www.bps.org.uk
BPS issues new guidance for psychologists on safety considerations when returning to the workplace | BPS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2020, from https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-policy/bps-issues-new-guidance-psychologists-safety-considerations-when-returning-workplace
Will temperature checks of employees make workplaces safe? (2020, June 2). AP NEWS. https://apnews.com/13cff07fd340f3acd1bf04dc025d5ca1
zoonosen.charite.de zoonosen.charite.de
Jones, T.C., Mühlemann, B., Veith, T., Zuchowski, M., Hofmann, J., Stein, A., Edelmann, A., Corman, V.M., & Drosten, C. (2020). An analysis of SARS-CoV-2 viral load by patient age. Charité Berlin. https://zoonosen.charite.de/fileadmin/user_upload/microsites/m_cc05/virologie-ccm/dateien_upload/Weitere_Dateien/analysis-of-SARS-CoV-2-viral-load-by-patient-age.pdf
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Adams, R., Stewart, H., & Brooks, L. (2020, May 15). BMA backs teaching unions’ opposition to schools reopening. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/15/bma-backs-teaching-unions-in-opposing-reopening-of-schools
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
Schools “safe” to reopen, Michael Gove insists. (2020, May 17). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/education-52697488
twitter.com twitter.com
The Sharing Scientist on Twitter
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rahman, M. (2020, June 1). Feeling Positive About Reopening? New Normal Scenarios from COVID-19 Reopen Sentiment Analytics. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rp6vt
- May 2020
www.managers.org.uk www.managers.org.uk
A new psychology of work: Workplaces in the post-Coronavirus era. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from https://www.managers.org.uk:443/insights/news/2020/may/a-new-psychology-of-work-workplaces-in-the-post-coronavirus-era
www.wallawallawa.gov www.wallawallawa.gov
Buildings that have been unused or rarely used for more than three weeks are at risk of an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease unless their water pipes are flushed and sanitized. The lack of chlorinated water flowing through the pipes can create the right conditions for the bacteria that causes this disease.
Is it really that easy to allow this to happen?
Why don't we have procedures/automated mechanisms (like something that automatically turns on water flow briefly every day) that prevent this?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Davey, M. (2020, May 28). Questions raised over hydroxychloroquine study which caused WHO to halt trials for Covid-19. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/may/28/questions-raised-over-hydroxychloroquine-study-which-caused-who-to-halt-trials-for-covid-19
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Hill, A. (2020, May 27). UK’s most vulnerable people at risk of losing 60% of their income. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/28/uks-most-vulnerable-people-risk-losing-60-per-cent-income
Altable, M., de la Serna, J. M., & Gavira, S. M. (2020, May 15). Child and Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder in COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kt3a4
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hongbo, L., iqbal, a., & Waqas, M. A. (2020, May 21). PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTORS OF ANXIETY IN RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: EVIDENCE FROM PAKISTAN. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gk6mt
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Savage, M. (2020, May 10). A return to work is on the cards. What are the fears and legal pitfalls? The Guardian | The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/09/coronavirus-return-to-work-employment-law-logistical-nightmare
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Devereux, H. (2020 May 04). Thousands of seafarers are stranded aboard ships, with no end to their shift in sight. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/thousands-of-seafarers-are-stranded-aboard-ships-with-no-end-to-their-shift-in-sight-137324
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kornack, J., Williams, A. L., Johnson, K. A., & Mendes, E. M. (2020, May 8). Reopening the Doors to Center-Based ABA Services: Clinical and Safety Protocols during COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ctxkf
- Jan 2020
www.edweek.org www.edweek.org
That makes digital writing a potentially powerful lever for social good, allowing students to "actively participate in civic society and contribute to a vibrant, informed, and engaged community," as the ALA notes. It also makes digital writing a potentially dangerous tool—decisions about when and what to share online can have repercussions for a student's safety, privacy, and reputation.
I love how digital literacy allows so many to have access to so much and to communicate easily with others. But there is a definite dark side to sharing in any digital format and many don't think about that.
- Dec 2019
- Jun 2019
www.ksl.com www.ksl.com
“I really assumed that because there was a death threat, that it would be taken seriously.” — Amy Simpson, mother
I would assumed that everyone who reads this will feel some sort of way regarding threats and how serious it is. Amy Simpson, a mother of the bullied victim, had also ASSUMED threats to her child would be taken seriously. To read on that it wasn't makes me feel the indignation for Amy. As a mother myself, I would also assumed that serious actions would be taken upon the offender who physically, emotionally, and mentally abused my child. In most cases, parents of victims feel their cases is unresolved and still fear for their child safety. Why in this case was it not taken seriously when all lines are crossed topping it with the threats? Why?
- Mar 2019
fldit-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de fldit-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de
Eine beliebte Klassifizierung dynamischer Eigenschaften liefert die Unterscheidung inSicherheitsbedin-gungen(safety conditions) auf der eine Seite undLebendigkeitsbedingungen(liveness conditions) auf deranderen Seite. Nach [14], S. 94, schließt eine Sicherheitsbedingung das Auftreten von etwas Schlechtem aus, wäh-rend eine Lebendigkeitsbedingung das Auftreten von etwas Gutem garantiert. E
- Feb 2019
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Groups that foster connected learning have shared culture and values, are welcoming to newcomers, and encourage sharing, feedback and learning among all participants
Teaching our students to be open with others' differences is important when setting up their learning environment. We need to have a safe space for every single one of our students no matter who they are.
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
When we encourage students to use technology, do we remind them of the risks of placing their information online and give them choices of how much personal information to reveal?
Safety is super important!
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
Managing and maintaining the privacy and security of your digital identity through behaviors and digital tool settings
Staying safe online is the most important aspect of learning internet usage. Knowing the repercussions of online sharing and how if it gets into the wrong hands can turn very dangeruos, very fast can help us to stay safe and continue to present ourselves in a safe environment.
It also includes having a grasp of security basics, like protecting your online identity and avoiding online scams
Also another thing that should be taught in k-12 schooling. I was talking to 3rd graders about their online identity and one of them said "I don't care if I act crazy in my videos that I post online". Number one, a 3rd grader should not have the ability to post videos of themselves online, in my opinion, and number two, even though they are only in 3rd grade, thses videos coud resurface one day and harm their image online.
- Nov 2018
www.the-hospitalist.org www.the-hospitalist.org
Hospitalists were seen as people to lead the charge for safety because they were already taking care of patients, already focused on reducing LOS and improving care delivery—and never to be underestimated, they were omnipresent, Dr. Gandhi says of her experience with hospitalists around 2000 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “At least where I was, hospitalists truly were leaders in the quality and safety space, and it was just a really good fit for the kind of mindset and personality of a hospitalist because they’re very much … integrators of care across hospitals,” she says. “They interface with so many different areas of the hospital and then try to make all of that work better.”
role of hospitalists in safety and quality
Dr. Wachter and other early leaders pushed the field to become involved in systems-improvement work. This turned out to be prophetic in December 1999, when patient safety zoomed to the national forefront with the publication of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “To Err Is Human.” Its conclusions, by now, are well-known. It showed between 44,000 and 98,000 people a year die from preventable medical errors, the equivalent of a jumbo jet a day crashing. The impact was profound, and safety initiatives became a focal point of hospitals.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Experts suggest family engagement in care can improve safety for hospitalizedchildren
Connection between family engagement in care and safety
- Oct 2018
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
The NYCLU found nothing in the documents outlining policies for accessing data collected by the cameras, or what faces would be fed to the system in the first place. And based on emails acquired through the same FOIL request, the NYCLU noted, Lockport administrators appeared to have a poor grasp on how to manage access to internal servers, student files, and passwords for programs and email accounts. “The serious lack of familiarity with cybersecurity displayed in the email correspondence we received and complete absence of common sense redactions of sensitive private information speaks volumes about the district’s lack of preparation to safely store and collect biometric data on the students, parents and teachers who pass through its schools every day,” an editor’s note to the NYCLU’s statement on the Lockport documents reads.
It might sound like dystopian science fiction, but this could be the not-too-distant future for schools across America and beyond. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, for instance, have already begun publishing models for how to use facial recognition and machine learning to predict student engagement. A Seattle company recently offered up an open-source facial recognition system for use in schools, while startups are already selling “engagement detectors” to online learning courses in France and China. Advocates for these systems believe the technology will make for smarter students, better teachers, and safer schools. But not everyone is convinced this kind of surveillance apparatus belongs in the classroom, that these applications even work, or that they won’t unfairly target minority faces.
- Sep 2018
Local file Local file
Assessment and implementation of protective measures for long commutes particularly those linked to long hours of work to avoid safety risks
transportation in Greater Toronto
Improve urban and peri-urban transportation for LC workers particularly those with low income
- Aug 2018
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 36.52
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 76.31
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 58.40
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 85.60
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
77.90 High
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 47.90
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
47.90 Moderate
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
43.65 Moderate
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
49.87 Moderate
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 43.65
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 49.87
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 55.34
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Safety Index: 52.05
- Jul 2018
storyengine.io storyengine.io
Think, for example, about the schools who block YouTube and a bunch of other great tools for learning and expression — so youth maybe have access to a computer and internet, but half of it’s blocked from them.
I feel like this point is novel and not as well understood as it could be. That part of digital literacy is about helping schools / educators make smarter (difficult) choices about how to protect kids from the "bad" stuff without unneccesarily blocking them from the good stuff.
- Dec 2017
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to ensure household safety during the holiday season
Many of us are really looking forward to the holiday season because it is the time when people are diligent in filling their houses with holiday decorations, preparing gifts, searching online for more delicious recipes, and a lot more activities related to this season. It is indeed the time of the year for enjoyment, sharing, giving, and loving together with your family and friends.
However, despite all the positive things we’re expecting to this season, accidents could still happen. This season also includes the challenge of the cold weather. And because people would like to experience more warmth, others sometimes misuse heaters and electric blankets and cause accidents on warm fireplaces. Irwin Consulting Services, a consulting company that is committed to public safety, prepared some important thoughts below that could help you maintain the safety of your whole family during this holiday season.
It is necessary to exercise proper care and caution during this season to avoid kitchen fires, electrical fires, and fires caused by flammable objects placed too close to heat sources. You can prevent kitchen fires by being focused and careful while you’re cooking. Cooking requires constant attention so don’t let anything distract you while preparing food for your family to avoid any accidents. Keep everything in order and don’t cook a lot of dishes at the same time since it could lead to disarray. Never bring outdoor grills inside your home because it could be very dangerous.
Live Christmas trees were often the choice for many households because it provides a fresh feeling and of course an enchanting appearance, but this can be the largest fire hazard in a home. Keep it watered every day and ensure that it can absorb water up to its trunk. Decorative lights on the tree must be labeled for indoor use and were approved for its safe use through a UL listing. As said earlier, fire accidents can be a possibility with this kind of tree, so make sure to install it in a spot away from fireplaces and space heaters. Make a clear path leading to exit doors as well. Do not put live candles on live trees to prevent ignition of a fire. Irwin Consulting Services would also like you to make it a habit to turn off and unplug the decorative lights whenever your family goes outside or is going to bed.
Children should not also play with decorative candles, so as much as possible put those in places that are out of reach of your small kids. Organizing decorative lights should be done with a careful process to ensure a proper electrical wiring. Instead of nails, hang decorative lights using plastic clips to prevent accidents of nails penetrating through the wirings and result in shorts. Check the conditions of each string of wire and confirm if all are safe to use to avoid overloads and faulty wirings. You must not plug one extension cord to another extension cord because this can lead to voltage drop and overheat, so be extra careful in using such cords. Both indoor and outdoor lightings are much safer if connected through power strips. Other important things to remember include making sure that the smoke alarms in your house were in good condition and working properly, and that the fire extinguishers were in easy to reach places. It is also advised to buy weather alert radios so consider it as well.
Don’t forget to put a grate or screen in front of the fireplace and see to it that the chimney flue was properly cleaned. Avoid putting stockings and other holiday decorations close to a lit fireplace. The Christmas tree and the pile of gifts should be gathered in one safe place that is away from the fireplace.
Make creating a good escape plan a priority as well and once you’re done with it, discuss it with your family and if you will be having a lot of visitors this holiday season, brief it to them. The path leading to your doors should not be compiled with huge furniture and decorations to avoid hindrance and blockage in case of emergencies. To guarantee a safe use of heat in your house, ensure that your gas lines were checked by professionals. Fire extinguishers should be available in your home and must be charged. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors were also a necessity to assure the safety of the entire family. Choose space heaters with tip-over switches and put them in a safe spot with no flammable materials near to it. You must not bring outdoor heaters inside for indoor heating; materials meant for outside use should remain there.
Irwin Consulting Services wanted you to spend the holiday season with your friends and loved ones with a big smile on your face and peace in your heart. Enjoy this season with no worries in keeping your whole family safe by making proper preparations and following the instructions of professionals and the local authorities.
- Sep 2017
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
Even if government may (and perhaps must) monitor and regulate the way that drugs or TMS devices affect our health and safety, there may be aspects of the way we use such cognitive enhancement tools that should be reserved by the Constitution (or perhaps through other means) solely for free and unrestricted individual choice.
Except mind altering drugs often affect more than the individual themselves. Autonomy out to give way, in instances like these, to the greater public good/safety. Our choices always affect more than just ourselves.
- Apr 2017
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Seats in the back of the plane, behind the trailing edge of the wing, had a 69 percent survival rate, while seats over the wing and in coach had a 56 percent survival rate. The front 15 percent of seats had a 49 percent survival rate, analysts found.
Next thing you know, they'll be charging more to sit in the back!
- Mar 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
The benefit of this is that annotations now come under the control and election of the user, rather than at the sole discretion of the publisher.
I'm worried about safety and the ability of publishers to ban trolls. Trolling, doxing, etc., have become a huge problem in many communities. There are many publishers who have already gotten rid of their comment sections (or entire forums) because moderating them became too onerous a task; how are we as publishers (or as users) able to keep our communities safe?
- Nov 2016
www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
Do students recognize the importance of password-protecting their devices and having different passwords across platforms?
I'm curious to know if the answer to this question would differ from Generation Y to Generation Z.
- Aug 2016
www.sciencebasedmedicine.org www.sciencebasedmedicine.org
Credibull score = 6.52 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.davidwolfe.com www.davidwolfe.com
Credibull score = 1.01 / 10
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articles.mercola.com articles.mercola.com
Credibull score = 2.79 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
Credibull score = 3.86 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
immunise.health.gov.au immunise.health.gov.au
Credibull score = 5.63 / 10
To provide feedback on the score fill in the form available here
What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
www.publichealth.org www.publichealth.org
Credibull score = 6.13 / 10
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What is Credibull? getcredibull.com
- May 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
The shortened URL might look safer with "via." added as in its fully expanded address bar form. To look less like a phishing attempt, to indicate that the second "URL" in the entire link gets included via hyp.is.
- Apr 2016
The New York City Health Department closed the Chipotle at Broadway and West 111th Street this week, with the fast-food outpost not expected to open again until Friday, staff said. The department slapped the eatery with violations for improper refrigeration and evidence of flies, after inspectors visited the restaurant Monday to find its walk-in refrigerator had broken down that same day, employees and DOH officials said.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
So, when you feel the need for order, when the conceptual orderlinesses of your experience are dissolving, know that order will be achieved—not by virtue of reestablishing the order in the dream, but—by virtue of connecting with me, thus bringing your point of attention to that Place where You Are, truly, and that Place only where your capacity to experience truly is present and available, in which the absence of order and its potential threat to your sense of your well being gets swallowed up in unchangeable, absolute Order or Harmony, where there is no experience of threat or potential for threat. I will repeat this as many times as I have to.
- Jul 2015
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
into the church
What about school? Can school be a retreat from the culture of the street? Or does it just extend that culture?
dismagazine.com dismagazine.com
It’s like, if you have a nightmare and you wake up and your heart’s pounding. You feel the same as if somebody was in the room when you woke up, but the consequence of you waking up and being alone, scared somebody’s in the room, versus somebody actually being in the room, are very different, and we shouldn’t pretend they’re the same, and say, ‘You have to protect me from that feeling.’ No, you don’t have to protect me from that feeling, you have to protect me from that guy, or that cop. That’s who you have to protect me from.
Sing it!
- Mar 2015
learning2whistle.com learning2whistle.com
Beloved friends, as we speak of these things, though, let not seriousness enter the mind. For in Truth, all we are really doing is describing for you what you need to do, and can do, in order to release the burden of illusion that seems to cause you to feel a heaviness upon your countenance, a sense of a lack of safety in the world. You could think of it as taking your rheostat and turning it up a bit by enlightening you, taking your burden of guilt and judgment from you.
- Jan 2014
www.sfgate.com www.sfgate.com
I call this new kind of bad roadway behavior vague driving. It's as if people are sort of surprised to find themselves behind the wheel of a car. They're slightly puzzled by the experience. They may even be a little intimidated by the car. I'm not sure.
Such an awesome description... and, sadly, apt. I would much rather ride my motorcycle alongside as still-being-tested Google autonomous vehicle than these "vague drivers".