2,215 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. Energy efficiency has never been more crucial! The time to unleashing its massive potential has come

      Will this conference debate rebound effects of efficiency? If not, it will not have the desirable net effect.

      My linked In comments were:

      Alessandro Blasi, will this conference address the rebound effect? In particular, Brockway et al. have done a 2021 meta-analysis of 33 research papers on rebound effects of energy efficiency efforts and conclude:

      "...economy-wide rebound effects may erode more than half of the expected energy savings from improved energy efficiency. We also find that many of the mechanisms driving rebound effects are overlooked by integrated assessment and global energy models. We therefore conclude that global energy scenarios may underestimate the future rate of growth of global energy demand."


      Unless psychological and sociological interventions are applied along with energy efficiency to mitigate rebound effects, you will likely and ironically lose huge efficiencies in the entire efficiency intervention itself.

      Also, as brought up by other commentators, there is a difference between efficiency and degrowth. Intelligent degrowth may work, especially applied to carbon intensive areas of the economy and can be offset by high growth in low carbon areas of the economy.

      Vaclav Smil is pessimistic about a green energy revolution replacing fossil fuels https://www.ft.com/content/71072c77-53b3-4efd-92ae-c92dc02f09ad, which opens up the door to serious consideration of degrowth, not just efficiency improvements. Perhaps the answer is in a combination of all of the above, including targeted degrowth.

      Technology moves quickly and unexpectedly. At the time of Smil's book release, there was no low carbon cement. Now there is a promising breakthrough: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/28/carbon-free-cement-breakthrough-dcvc-put-55-million-into-brimstone.html

      As researchers around the globe work feverishly to make low carbon breakthroughs, there is obviously no guarantee of when they will occur. In that case then, with only a few years to peak, it would seem the lowest risk pathway would be to prioritize the precautionary principle over a gambling pathway (such as relying on Negative Emissions Technology breakthroughs) and perhaps consider along with rebound effect conditioned efficiency improvements also include a strategy of at least trialing a temporary, intentional degrowth of high carbon industries / growth of low carbon industries.

    1. Perhaps one of the most important questions to be asked is “What are we not ‘seeing’?.” … “A collaborative project of the late botanists Erwin Lichtenegger and Lore Kutschera celebrates the power and beauty of these otherwise hidden systems through detailed drawings of agricultural crops, shrubs, trees, and weeds. Digitized by the Wageningen University & Research, the extensive archive is the culmination of 40 years of research in Austria that involved cultivating and carefully retrieving developed plant life from the soil for study. It now boasts more than 1,000 renderings of the winding, spindly roots, some of which branch multiple feet wide.”

      These drawings are metaphors for the human meaningverse of an individual and the visible and invisible aspects of our ideas that we present to the rest of the world.

      What is of greatest meaning lives in the individual's salience landscape. That salience landscape is the result of a lifetime of sense-making - all the books we've ever read, talks or presentations we've ever listened to, conversations we've had, courses we've studied. While the other person may have an idea of what is important to us, they are clueless of how that salience landscape came to be.

      This vast network of formative events is usually invisible to the OTHER.

      The public, open source Indyweb that is currently being designed will allow the individual user for the first time to consolidate all his or her digital learning in one place, the user's owned Indyhub. Since Indyweb also has built-in provenance, it will allow traceability of public ideas. This allows the individual to keep track of what would otherwise by invisible and lost - the history of his/her social interaction with ideas.

    1. What can we do with a shift in thinking backed by a total of $3.6 trillion in funds under management? I’m backing strategic circular initiatives to convert the highest return on value for anyone’s money. Stay tuned as we crack open new investment opportunities.

      Her diagram explicitly shows a synthesis of planetary boundaries and circular economy. This is a connection that many in this area are tacitly aware of but is good to explicate it in a diagram of this sort..

      If circular economy is about ultimate reuse and recirculating material flows to eliminate the concept of waste, then how does energy consumption fit into the picture? Obviously, CO2 emissions is a form of material waste that is an undesirable byproduct of carbon-based energy usage. Capturing CO2 and reusing it is one method, but not a very scalable solution presently.

    1. What happens in Indonesia when a textile manufacturer illegally dumps dye waste!

      This is an example of the manufacturer / consumer dualism created by the Industrial Revolution. Since manufacturers have become a separate layer that no longer exist as part of the community, as artisans once did, along with globalized capitalism, the consumer does not know the life history of the product being consumed. The sensory bubble limits what a consumer can directly know.

      One answer is to promote a trend back to local and artisan production. Relocalizing production can empower consumers to inspect producers of the products they consume, holding them accountable.

      Another answer is to develop globalized trust networks of producers who are truly ethical.

      Cosmolocal production has networks by the commons nature can promote such values.

  2. May 2022
    1. Chris, this is a great take, thanks! Visiting the origins of the system doesn't fit into my current interests, but I'm very happy to know more about them.I gave a mini-lecture to my students last night about this system; really it's more about the idea of networking your ideas over anything else, isn't it? My students, who are all working on creative nonfiction projects, were so relieved to have someplace to put and process all the things they inevitably flag in the books they read.

      I've been collecting some feedback on folks who've introduced this to students. I'm curious how your experiment ultimately went? Did they take to it? Do you feel like some are still using or even experimenting with the methods?

    1. We document the order of hooks, but I don't think we document where in that order we integrate Rails helpers which makes this confusing, I do sort of think this is a bug but as we use RSpec to integrate Rails here and RSpec Core has no distinction that matches before / after teardown its sort of luck of the draw, we could possibly use prepend_after for Rails integrations which would sort of emulate these options.
    1. I think RSpec should provide around(:context)/around(:all). Not because of any particular use case, but simply for API consistency. It's much simpler to tell users "there are 3 kinds of hooks (before, after and around) and each can be used with any of 3 scopes (example, context and suite)". Having some kinds of hooks work with only some kinds of scopes makes the API inconsistent and forces us to add special case code to emit warnings and also write extra documentation for this fact.
    2. Now I'm puzzled by the apparently biggest obstacle to implementation of this feature: possible misuse. I love ruby community, but sometimes saving the dummies' asses goes a bit too far.
    1. the memory castle that jordan peter peterson described i think it has potentially a risk of inducing 00:58:28 confirmation bias

      Jordan Peterson apparently has described using a memory palace (castle?) he used with 12 spaces for writing his book (presumably 12 Rules for life?).

    1. Frank Wilhot's: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/
    2. Libertarianism is notionally grounded in the idea of self-determination and personal responsibility, but in practice, powerful libertarians routinely trade off (others') freedom for (their own) tax savings.

      An intriguing thesis.

      Too often we trade away others' freedom(s) for small benefits to ourselves. This pattern has got to stop. The system should be closed in such a manner that the small trade-offs are balanced out across all of society.

      Cory Doctorow also highlights the recent Texas abortion law which targets abortion providers. Rich Republicans who have backed this law will still have the power and flexibility to drive or fly to another state for their abortions when desired. There are no consequences for them because they're not in a closed system. If abortions were illegal everywhere and anyone getting one were to be prosecuted regardless of where they got their abortion, then the system would be more "closed" and without loopholes they could use. As a result, laws like this would never be passed because they would apply equally to those who were making them. Legislators and judges should think more about walking a mile (or a lifetime) in another person's shoes more often.

      For lack of a better term let's use the idea of "political calculus" to describe this. Calculus is the mathematical study of small changes. So a small change to an individual isn't a big thing, but in the aggregate it can have profound and destructive effects on large swaths of the people.

      In large part, this is how institutionalized and structural racism flourishes. We take small bites of powerless individuals which in aggregate causes far more harm.

      This is all closely related to the idea of "privatizing profits and socializing losses".

    1. If you assume cops are basically good and just need help doing their job better, then body cameras make sense.

      This is a deductive argument, but I believe theres no error in the way it's used

    1. Because the geothermal fluid leaves the heat exchanger at 196F in the mixture cycle, it could be used in heat exchange with a second working fluid mixture to obtainadditional work. Thus, a cascade system of two or more binary cycles could be developed to increase thework obtainable per pound of geothermal fluid passing through the geothermal power plant.
    2. a situation which should minimize irreversibilities in the condenser
    3. The fact that the mixtureand the isobutane leave the turbine with 138 F and 167 Fsuper-

      It doesn't from the figure that I left at either of those temperatures.

    4. The geothermalfluid is considered to have the properties of supercooled liquidwater
    5. On the other hand, an essentially infinitespectrum of property behavior characteristics exists for mixtures and thus a mixture can in principle befound which matches the resource characteristics better than virtually any possible pure-fluid choice
    6. (a) Higher pressures can beused in the cycle, which increases the net cycle thermalefficienc
    7. the working fluid in the power production cycle (e.g.Rankine-type cycle) receives energy by heat transfer with the geothermal fluid
    1. The second way that people use their Second Brain is to connectideas together. Their Second Brain evolves from being primarily amemory tool to becoming a thinking tool. A piece of advice from amentor comes in handy as they encounter a similar situation on adifferent team. An illuminating metaphor from a book finds its wayinto a presentation they’re delivering. The ideas they’ve capturedbegin gravitating toward each other and cross-pollinating.

      Missing from this description is the work that is involved in revisting, re-reading, and interacting with your notes. This is not an easy process, but this paragraph belies the work involved and makes it seem "magical" with the use of the words 'illuminating', 'gravitating', 'cross-pollinating' which are all external processes or forces that don't require work from the individual.

    1. "I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."

    2. "Specifically, when one of my classmates stated how he was struggling with the concept and another one of my classmates took the initiative to clarify it, I realized that that individual possibilities vary greatly among students."

    3. "The need to engage with people in terms of evaluating them for the aim of acquiring a different point of view was one occasion this semester where the knowledge I received in class positively changed the way I approached an issue. I was patient enough to explore other perspectives, some of which disagreed with mine, so that I might learn about their opinions without bias or prejudice."

    1. https://forum.artofmemory.com/t/what-language-s-are-you-studying/73190

      I've been studying Welsh on and off now for just over a year.

      I've been using a mix of Duolingo for it's easy user interface and it's built in spaced repetition. I like the way that it integrates vocabulary and grammar in a holistic way which focuses on both reading, writing, and listening.

      However, I've also been using the fantastic platform Say Something in Welsh. This uses an older method of listening and producing based teaching which actually makes my brain feel a bit tired after practice. The focus here is solely on listening and speaking and forces the student to verbally produce the language. It's a dramatically different formula than most high school and college based courses I've seen and used over the years having taken 3 years of Spanish, 2 of French, and 2 of Latin.

      The set up consists of the introduction of a few words which are then used in a variety of combinations to create full sentences. The instructors say a sentence in English and the listener is encouraged in just a few seconds to attempt to produce it in the target language (Welsh, in my case), then the instructor says the sentence in Welsh with a pause for the student to repeat it properly, another instructor says it in Welsh with a pause for a third repeat. This goes on for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. The end result is that the learner gets into the language much more quickly and can begin both understanding the spoken language as well as produce it much more rapidly than older school based methods (at least in my experience, though I have known some college language labs to use a much more limited version of a similar technique). Each lesson adds new material, but also reviews over older material in a spaced repetition format as well so you're always getting something new mixed in with the old to make new and interesting sentences for conversation.

      SSiW also has modules for Manx, Cornish, Dutch, and Spanish.

      I find that the two done hand in hand has helped me produce much faster results in language acquisition in an immersive manner than I have done previously and with much less effort.

  3. Apr 2022
    1. The lateral keyword allows us to access columns after the FROM statement, and reference these columns "earlier" in the query ("earlier" meaning "written higher in the query").
    1. Why public? There is something about making your posts available to the rest of the world that holds your feet to the fire and makes you commit. I’ve tried dozens of times to keep a private ongoing digital notebook in Evernote, Devonthink, Roam, and Obsidian, but they never stick. But making my notes available to the world in my digital garden keeps me coming back and updating it daily.

      -Chuck Grimmett

    1. This latter equivalence does not hold exactly when more than two tables appear, because JOIN binds more tightly than comma. For example FROM T1 CROSS JOIN T2 INNER JOIN T3 ON condition is not the same as FROM T1, T2 INNER JOIN T3 ON condition because the condition can reference T1 in the first case but not the second.
    2. A LATERAL item can appear at top level in the FROM list, or within a JOIN tree. In the latter case it can also refer to any items that are on the left-hand side of a JOIN that it is on the right-hand side of.

      Unlike with most joins (IIUC), order is important with lateral joins. Weird. Why?

      Maybe because it is equivalent to a cross join lateral (see example), and in an explicit cross join, you have a LHS and RHS?

    3. This allows them to reference columns provided by preceding FROM items.
    1. It is notinsignificant either that among the illustrations of the Roland Barthes par RolandBarthes there are a series of facsimile reproductions of the author’s handwriting,analogic reproductions of linguistic graphemes, pieces of writing silenced,abstracted from the universe of discourse by their photographic reproduction. Inparticular, as we have seen, the three index cards are reproduced not for the sakeof their content, not for their signified, but for a reality-effect value for which ourexpanding taste, says Barthes, encompasses the fashion of diaries, of testimonials,of historical documents, and, most of all, the massive development of photogra-

      phy. In that sense, the reproduction of these three slips ironically resonates, if on a different scale, with the world tour of the mask of Tutankhamen. It refers, if not to the magic silence of a relic, at least to the ghostly parergonal quality of what French language calls a reliquat.

      Hollier argues that Barthes' reproduced cards are not only completely divorced from their original context and use, but that they are reproduced for the sheen of reality and artistic fashion they convey to the reader. So much thought, value, and culture is lost in the worship of these items in this setting compared to their original context.

      This is closely linked to the same sort of context collapse highlighted by the photo of Chief William Berens seated beside the living stones of his elders in Tim Ingold's Why Anthropology Matters. There we only appreciate the sense of antiquity, curiosity, and exoticness of an elder of a culture that is not ours. These rocks, by very direct analogy, are the index cards of the zettelkasten of an oral culture.

      Black and white photo of a man in Western dress (pants, white shirt, and vest) sits on a rock with a forrest in the background. Beside him are several large round, but generally otherwise unremarkable rocks. Chief William Berens seated beside the living stones of his elders; a picture taken by A. Irving Hallowell in 1930, between Grand Rapids and Pikangikum, Ontario, Canada. (American Philosophical Society)

    1. Neighborhood improvement programs designed to protect Upper Roxbury from urban blight began in 1949 when Freedom House joined with community members to organize neighborhood clean-up projects and playground construction.  Abandoned houses and cars and empty lots were targeted for clean-up by Freedom House and other neighborhood block associations. Bars that were considered a nuisance were routed out of the neighborhood and alcohol licenses were denied due to the efforts of the group.  Freedom House worked closely with the city to improve the services provided to Roxbury and with the police department to improve police-community relations.  At the same time, Boston was beginning a formal urban renewal campaign that did not initially include Roxbury.  A telegram from the Snowdens to Mayor Collins resulted in the inclusion of the Washington Park Urban Renewal Project in Boston's campaign.  By 1963 Freedom House had entered into formal contracts with the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and the Action Boston Community Development (ABCD) to serve as a liaison between the planners and technicians, and the residents of Washington Park. This relationship, lasted until the Boston Redevelopment Authority withdrew from Roxbury in the late 1960s, leaving much of its work undone.

      This moment in history is featured in the Norman B. Leventhal exhibit "More or Less in Common: Environment and Justice in Human Landscape" https://www.leventhalmap.org/exhibitions/

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, March 8). RT @DrEricDing: ⚠️UPDATE—#BA2 is now 11.6% in US, up from 8.3% last week. It’s definitely increasing, as warned. #COVID19 still dropping, b… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1501248333876240385

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: "RT @tylerblack32: Ghouls BEFORE COVID: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 ‘Only 0.2% of cancer deaths occur in children! <0.003% will die of cancer! Only about 0.16%…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 7 February 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1490254426719899655

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦. (2022, March 8). What could be causing it? Likely combo of: 1—Dominant BA.2 causing more infections (we await ONS!) 2—Reduction in masks, self-isolation & testing enabling more infections 3—Waning boosters in older people esp I worry that we will be stuck at high levels for long time. 2/2 https://t.co/xZ2SLFNVkS [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1501250081693048838

    1. In these sessions, students didn’t listen to a description ofcomputer science concepts, or engage in a discussion about the work performedby computer scientists; they actually did the work themselves, under the tutors’close supervision.

      The process seen in cognitive apprenticeships seems more akin to the sorts of knowledge transfer done in primary oral indigenous cultures by passing down stories and performing (song, dance, art, etc.) knowledge.

      It shouldn't be surprising that cognitive apprenticeships work well given their general use by oral cultures over millennia.

      link to: Writing out answers will show gaps in knowledge Performing actions will show gaps in knowledge

    1. South Africa has nearly 26 000 schools, 400 000 teachers and close to 13-million learners.

      South Africa has an interesting number of school and learners. with a big number of learners in the country.

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    1. Such radical compositional approaches arecontemporaneous with the Surrealist use of montage, but predateBurrough’s cut-up-fold-in technique, and ‘put[...] the avant-gardeclaims of hyperfiction to shame’ (Krapp, 2006: 362).

      The compositional approaches mentioned here are those of Wittgenstein and Walter Benjamin.

      What was Burrough's cut-up-fold-in technique?

    1. But it is more difficult in a world of manuscriptsthan in the era of printing to evaluate what constitutes a note—that is, a piece ofwriting not meant for circulation but for private use, say, as preparatory toward afinished work

      Based on this definition of a "note", one must wonder if my public notes here on Hypothes.is are then not notes as they are tacitly circulated publicly from the first use. However they are still specifically and distinctly preparatory towards some future finished work, I just haven't yet decided which ultimate work in which they'll appear.

    2. A study of Samuel Johnson (1709–84) has identified four different kinds of reading in which Johnson described himself engaging: “hard study” for learned books read with pen in hand, “perusal” for purposeful consultation in search of information, “curious reading” for engrossment in a novel, and “mere reading” for browsing and scanning “without the fatigue of close attention.”216

      "Mere reading" today consists of a lot of scrolling through never-ending social media posts on mobile phones....

    1. assistive technology

      We should place the definition of Assistive Technology here: Assistive Technology is technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.

  4. Mar 2022
    1. Put Eidsheim 2015 and O'Callaghan 2007 in dialogue with each other.

      Brandon Lewis seems to be talking about actively taking two papers and placing them "in dialogue with each other" potentially by reading, annotating, and writing about them with himself as an intermediary.

    1. An early example of a timber circle witnessed by Europeans was recorded by watercolor artist John White in July 1585 when he visited the Algonquian village of Secotan in North Carolina. White was the artist-illustrator and mapmaker for the Roanoke Colony expedition sent by Sir Walter Raleigh to begin the first attempts at British colonization of the Americas.[2] White's works represent the sole-surviving visual record of the native inhabitants of the Americas as encountered by England's first colonizers on the Atlantic seaboard.[3] White's watercolor and the writings of the chronicler who accompanied him, Thomas Harriot, describes a great religious festival, possibly the Green Corn ceremony, with participants holding a ceremonial dance at a timber circle. The posts of the circle were carved with faces. Harriot noted that many of the participants had come from surrounding villages and that "every man attyred in the most strange fashion they can devise havinge certayne marks on the backs to declare of what place they bee." and that "Three of the fayrest Virgins" danced around a central post at the center of the timber circle.[4]

      Artist, illustrator and mapmaker John White painted a watercolor in July 1585 of a group of Native Americans in the Secotan village in North America. Both he and chronicler Thomas Harriot described a gathering of Indigenous peoples gathered in the Algonquian village as part of Sir Walter Raleigh's Roanoke Colony expedition. They describe a festival with participants holding a dance at a timber circle, the posts of which were carved with with faces.

      Harriot wrote that participants had come from surrounding villages and that "every man attyred in the most strange fashion they can devise havinge certayne marks on the backs to declare of what place they bee."

      Secotans dancing in a timber circle in North Carolina, watercolor painted by John White in 1585

      This evidence would generally support some of Lynne Kelly's thesis in Knowledge and Power. A group of neighboring peoples gathering, possibly for the Green Corn Ceremony, ostensibly to strengthen social ties and potentially to strengthen and trade knowledge.

      Would we also see others of her list of markers in the area?

      Read references: - Daniels, Dennis F. "John White". NCpedia. Retrieved 2017-12-19. - Tucker, Abigal (December 2008). "Sketching the Earliest Views of the New World". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 2017-12-19. - "A Selection of John White's Watercolors : A festive dance". Encyclopedia Virginia. Retrieved 2017-12-19.

    1. Wanta JampijinpaPatrick, a Warlpiri Elder, teaches that north corresponds to ‘Law’,south to ‘ceremony’, west to ‘language’ and east to ‘skin’. ‘Country’lies at the intersection of these directions, at the centre of thecompass: Westerners conceptualise it as ‘here’.

      In Warlpiri, the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west associatively correspond with the ideas of "Law", "ceremony", "skin", and "language" respectively. The idea of "Country" lies at the center of these directions in a space that Westerners would describe as "here".

      This directional set up underlines the value of each of the related concepts and provides pride of place to "Country" and one's being "in Country".

      Compare these with the Japanese pattern of こ (ko), そ (so), あ (a), ど (do) which describe a location with respect to the speaker.

      Western readers should notice here, that the author centers the name and position of the origin of this knowledge at the start of the sentence. While it is associated with him, it is also certainly associated with all his preceding ancestors and Elders who passed this information down.

      One might suspect that this practice isn't as common with base-level cultural knowledge, but that it becomes more important at succeeding levels of intimate area-based restricted knowledge. Placing the origin of the knowledge here at a more basic level of knowledge may help to instruct Western readers slowly and more surely understand how this foreign culture works.

      How closely does this practice generally look like the Western idea of citing one's sources which only evolved slowly over history and became more common with the flood of information in the 1500s?

    1. der eben sagt es gibt immer wieder neue galaxien

      Vllt ist dieser Galaxienbegriff zu starr, zu voraussetzungsreich? Vllt hilft bspw. Latours Plug-in Idee hier etwas bescheidener zu sein, kritische Nähe, nicht kritische Distanz

    1. chain to 00:34:22 your mobile

      chained to you mobilephone

      Mit Latour gesagt kann hier wieder ein gewinnbringender Perspektivwechsel vorgenommen werden. Ich denke u.a. an Latours Idee der Plug-ins und ein sein Bild einer Marionette, die an Fäden hängt. Wir werden nicht frei, wenn wir alle Fäden abschneiden, wir werden frei wenn wir uns der Transformationen durch die einzelnen Fäden und entlang dieser bewusst werden. So kann es möglich werden, ggf. auch einzelne Fäden zu kappen oder neue zu binden oder zu kreuzen. Einfach alles abzuschneiden, lässt eine im Nachhinein am Boden liegende Marionette nun auch nicht in der Magie der Freiheit sich Bewegen. m.E. werden hier auch zwei Freiheitsbegriffe durcheinander geworfen. Es wäre erstmal wichtig, zwischen positiver und negativer Freiheit zu unterscheiden (Politische Philosophie - Celikates und Gosepath)

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    1. Shen, X.-R., Geng, R., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Li, S.-F., Wang, Q., Min, J., Yang, Y., Li, B., Jiang, R.-D., Wang, X., Zheng, X.-S., Zhu, Y., Jia, J.-K., Yang, X.-L., Liu, M.-Q., Gong, Q.-C., Zhang, Y.-L., Guan, Z.-Q., … Zhou, P. (2022). ACE2-independent infection of T lymphocytes by SARS-CoV-2. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 7(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41392-022-00919-x

    1. A number ofstudies have demonstrated that instructional videos that include gesture producesignificantly more learning for the people who watch them: viewers direct theirgaze more efficiently, pay more attention to essential information, and morereadily transfer what they have learned to new situations. Videos that incorporategesture seem to be especially helpful for those who begin with relatively littleknowledge of the concept being covered; for all learners, the beneficial effect ofgesture appears to be even stronger for video instruction than for live, in-personinstruction.

      Gestures can help viewers direct their attention to the most salient and important points in a conversation or a lecture. As a result, learning has been show to be improved in watching lectures with gestures.

      Learning using gestures has been shown to be stronger in video presentations over in-person instruction.

    1. L’imitation et l’influence du jeu interactif sont bien mises en évidence dans une étude de Orit Hetzroni et Juman Tannous, de la Faculté des Sciences de l’éducation de l’Université de Haifa (Israël)

      ==>l’échantillon de l’étude est est extrêmement limité, l’étude n’est pas répliqué et elle ne permet pas de retirer de résultats concluants

    1. young companies typically fail because you have a charismatic leader with a bunch of beliefs, but those beliefs don't translate to the rest of their company

      failure in communication

    1. The imperial dream was always there, but you know, empires are often the creation of a very small gang of people at the top. I don’t think the Russian people [are] interested in this war. I don't think that the Russian people want to conquer Ukraine or to slaughter the citizens of Kyiv.

      The interesting modern historical question is why does a small gang of authoritarian leaders seem to rise up to the top and take over Russia? Is there some fundamental lesson that the people of Russia have not yet learned that creates this atmosphere of enabling authoritarianism? Yeltsin tried but it failed and this vacuum created the space for the opportunity Putin to step in. The danger of failed democracy is authoritarianism waiting in the wings.

  5. Feb 2022
    1. I have little use for countless of “collected” links and likes. Published Obisidan Vaults look cool, but the initial excitement wears off pretty quickly.

      Actual public digital gardens, or what I would consider good ones, are exceedingly rare. Even rarer are find ones which have enough subject overlap with my own areas of interest which tends to make them even less directly interesting to me.

      What I wouldn't give to have well tended public digital gardens by people in my areas of interest.

    1. Hence an email address/mailbox/addr-spec is "local-part@domain"; "local-part" is composed of one or more of 'word' and periods; "word" can be an "atom" which can include anything except "specials", control characters or blank/space; and specials (the *only* printable ASCII characters [other than space, if you call space "printable"] *excluded* from being a valid "local-part") are: ()<>@,;:\".[] Therefore by the official standard for email on the internet, the plus sign is as much a legal character in the local-part of an email address as "a" or "_" or "-" or most any other symbol you see on the main part of a standard keyboard.
    2. There's a common design flaw on many many websites that require an email address to register; most recently I came across this bug on CNet's download.com site: for some reason they don't accept me when I try to register an email address containing a "+", and they then send me back saying my address is invalid. It isn't!
    3. "+" is a completely valid character in an email address; as defined by the internet messaging standard published in 1982(!) RFC 822 (page 8 & 9)... Any website claiming anything else is wrong by definition, plus they are prohibiting me and many fellow anti-spam activists from tracking where inbound spam comes from:
    1. you can't see the beetle in my box nor I the one in yours ludwig wittgenstein use the beetle in the Box analogy to suggest that the meaning of sensation words such as pain isn't given 00:01:10 by referring to some private inner introspected something a sensation to which you alone have access in his view there can't be more to the public meaning of our language than we are capable of teaching each other and the 00:01:23 private something the beetle can't have a role in that teaching because we can't get at

      The duality of self and other is the peculiar symmetrical asymmetry of being human, and possibly of being life itself.

      Similarity and differences in the meaning of words between individuals is unavoidable because we all seem to share this quality of consciousness, as well as the quality of experiencing others as objects of our consciousness.

      Nature instills the quality of "unique conscious experience" to each of us. Biological replication is the basis for the repetition of this pattern in all members of our species.

      Why was I drawn to the content of this youtube, which came from this article interviewing Teodora Petkova: https://medium.com/content-conversations/a-semantic-text-strategy-conversation-teodora-petkova-fa6d8ad7c72f Through this youtube and through the interview with Teodora Petkova, I became aware of Ludwig Wittgenstein's beetle-in-a-box analogy for private thoughts.A meme is reproduced and shared over and over, drawing people who resonate with it.

      Hence, my own discovery of this idea demonstrates the mechanics of self and other consciosness. In any rendition of the present, my semantic state has been influenced by countless number of other writers, content developers or consciousnesses, echoing Husserl's Lebenswelt. Once we are bootstrapped into language through a long gestation period of child development, we simply grow our vocabulary of words, and continuously upgrade their individual meaning through the unique experiences of our unique lifeworlds.

      This symmetrical asymmetry is a distinct and unique property of the individual human, showing just how entangled the individual is with the collective, the self with the other.

      It is said that the most obvious is at the same time the most difficult to see. The metaphor "a fish does not know of the water that surrounds it" is apt. Our symmetrical asymmetry of experience is so universal that its salience and peculiarity is easily overlooked and not explicitly discussed except by the philosophically inclined. It is more often subconsciously felt than made into an explicit subject of discourse. It is recognized as obvious and coming with the territory of being human.

      Indeed, we might say that this common peculiarity of the private, subjective world is paradoxically one of the strangest and yet one of the most common at the same time. Its obviousness does not lessen its profound sense of magic.

      The fact that we live in these two kinds of worlds, the private inner and the public outer, and that these terms "private inner" and "public outer" are themselves abstractions, also explains how our participation in collective reality may often not live up to expectations.

      For example, in a time when the world needs to undergo a monumental whole system change, it is a challenge to mobilize sufficient number of people to drive the needed change. Part of the reason for this could be that the individual pole, the salience of the "private, inner" pole could prioritize it above even such collective action. The ideas and feelings in our own life as an individual, driven by our private inner lives may dominate our individual actions. Getting on with life often supersedes even threats to society.

    1. If we put effort into the attempt of retrievinginformation, we are much more likely to remember it in the long run,even if we fail to retrieve it without help in the end (Roediger andKarpicke 2006)
    2. Learning requires effort, because we have to think to understandand we need to actively retrieve old knowledge to convince ourbrains to connect it with new ideas as cues. To understand howgroundbreaking this idea is, it helps to remember how much effortteachers still put into the attempt to make learning easier for theirstudents by prearranging information, sorting it into modules,categories and themes. By doing that, they achieve the opposite ofwhat they intend to do. They make it harder for the student to learnbecause they set everything up for reviewing, taking away theopportunity to build meaningful connections and to make sense ofsomething by translating it into one’s own language. It is like fastfood: It is neither nutritious nor very enjoyable, it is just convenient

      Some of the effort that teachers put into their educational resources in an attempt to make learning faster and more efficient is actually taking away the actual learning opportunities of the students to sort, arrange, and make meaningful connections between the knowledge and to their own prior knowledge bases.

      In mathematics, rather than showing a handful of methods for solving a problem, the teacher might help students to explore those problem solving spaces first and then assist them into creating these algorithms. I can't help but think about Inventional Geometry by William George Spencer that is structured this way. The teacher has created a broader super-structure of problems, but leaves it largely to the student to do the majority of the work.

    3. A coach is not there to do the work,but to show us how to use our time and effort in the most effectiveway.

      Much as coaches help their athletes become better, teachers are there to help students use their time and work efforts in the most effective ways.

  6. Jan 2022
    1. When you stumble across an influencer and want to know what their deal is, your first stop will be their link-in-bio.

      This is a tautology because Instagram only allows you to include one link!

    2. Even major corporations such as Qantas Airlines, Red Bull, and the Los Angeles Clippers have started putting a Linktree in their Instagram and TikTok bios, Anthony Zaccaria, Linktree’s co-founder and chief commercial officer, told me. These companies all have expensive websites, but he said that link-in-bios have come to represent a space in between social media and websites: a regularly updated page where artists can plug their new music, airlines can promote their new flight routes, and even non-influencers can list out the TV shows they’re currently watching. While a traditional website might remain relatively static over time—an airline like Qantas, for instance, is always going to want its flight-booking tool to be front and center—a link-in-bio is a sort of ever-shifting homepage, the ideal spot for brands and influencers to house updates or tout new products.

      Who says the link in bio needs to go to a company's homepage? Why couldn't it be a custom landing page geared toward the social media site the link is placed on?

      The reasoning here is completely false.

    3. In a study done for The Atlantic, the web-analytics firm Parse.ly estimated that Linktree links account for nearly half of all the link-in-bio traffic on Instagram.

      Nearly half of all the link in bio traffic on Instagram comes from Linktree links.

    4. An explosion of companies sporting names such as Shorby, Linkin.bio, Beacons, Tab Bio, and Koji—Rockelle’s tool of choice—are giving the link-in-bio a glow-up.

      How long before the pendulum swings all the way back to the original web?

      cross reference: https://indieweb.org/link_in_bio

    1. New Developments, Frontline Golf, Sea Views, Frontline Beach and more

      Great Marbella Estates is a group of professionals with years of experience in the real estate market, the important mission we pursue is helping our clients to meet and get their right property.

      Our team has access to all the properties available for sale in the Costa del Sol and direct contact with the new development constructors and developers.

      We are people who understands people, we ourselves has bought properties before and know all the challenges involved first hand.

  7. notesfromasmallpress.substack.com notesfromasmallpress.substack.com
    1. If booksellers like to blame publishers for books not being available, publishers like to blame printers for being backed up. Who do printers blame? The paper mill, of course.

      The problem with capitalism is that in times of fecundity things can seem to magically work so incredibly well because so much of the system is hidden, yet when problems arise so much becomes much more obvious.

      Unseen during fecundity is the amount of waste and damage done to our environments and places we live. Unseen are the interconnections and the reliances we make on our environment and each other.

      There is certainly a longer essay hiding in this idea.

    1. note or a (smaller) subject area thatis not linked to the web of references becomes lost irretrievably in the bulk of notes

      Unlinked notes in paper-based knowledge systems can become lost in the shuffle. This is much harder to do in digital systems which have visual checks that highlight unlinked notes.

    1. Updates/edits based on comments should preferably be reflected in the question itself. This way other readers don't have to weed out the whole comment section. You find the edit option under the question.
    1. Yes, precisely because I've been involved in maintaining codebases built without real full stack frameworks is why I say what I said.The problem we have in this industry, is that somebody reads these blog posts, and the next day at work they ditch the "legacy rails" and starts rewriting the monolith in sveltekit/nextjs/whatever because that's what he/she has been told is the modern way to do full stack.No need to say those engineers will quit 1 year later after they realize the mess they've created with their lightweight and simple modern framework.I've seen this too many times already.It is not about gatekeeping. It is about engineers being humble and assume it is very likely that their code is very unlikely to be better tested, documented, cohesive and maintained than what you're given in the real full stack frameworks.Of course you can build anything even in assembler if you want. The question is if that's the most useful thing to do with your company's money.
    1. Checks are usually done in this order: 404 if resource is public and does not exist or 3xx redirection OTHERWISE: 401 if not logged-in or session expired 403 if user does not have permission to access resource (file, json, ...) 404 if resource does not exist or not willing to reveal anything, or 3xx redirection
    1. The spider web system was, in fact, a work in progress; the resulting hypertext was designed to be open-ended.

      One's lifetime of notes could be thought of as a hypertext work in progress that is designed to be open-ended.

    1. Even finding terms totranslate concepts like ‘lord’, ‘commandment’ or ‘obedience’ intoindigenous languages was extremely difficult; explaining theunderlying theological concepts, well-nigh impossible.

      Example of the difficulty of translating words when the underlying concepts don't exist in a culture.

    1. Developing a skill, such as data visualization,

      my self data project is an internet methodion (a methodic ritual almost religion) that consists of self-improvement through engaging in constructive neocultural practices that are focused on novel, alternative and provocative ideas to create a critical citizin in a society.

  8. Dec 2021
    1. Of the many brilliant individual XML leaders from the early days, almost all have moved focus to entirely different technologies. Almost all the companies who sponsored the efforts of these leaders have moved on to different strategic initiatives, seeking competitive advantage elsewhere now that XML has lost its fairy sheen.
    1. The possibility of arbitrary internal branching.

      Modern digital zettelkasten don't force the same sort of digital internal branching process that is described by Niklas Luhmann. Internal branching in these contexts is wholly reliant on the user to create it.

      Many digital systems will create a concrete identifier to fix the idea within the system, but this runs the risk of ending up with a useless scrap heap.

      Some modern systems provide the ability for one to add taxonomies like subject headings in a commonplace book tradition, which adds some level of linking. But if we take the fact that well interlinked cards are the most valuable in such a system then creating several links upfront may be a bit more work, but it provides more value in the long run.

      Upfront links also don't require quite as much work at the card's initial creation as the creator already has the broader context of the idea. Creating links at a future date requires the reloading into their working memory of the card's idea and broader context.

      Of course there may also be side benefits (including to memory) brought by the spaced repetition of the card's ideas as well as potential new contexts gained in the interim which may help add previously unconsidered links.

      It can certainly be possible that at some level of linking, there is a law of diminishing returns the decreases the value of a card and its idea.

      One of the benefits of physical card systems like Luhmann's is that the user is forced to add the card somewhere, thus making the first link of the idea into the system. Luhmann's system in particular creates a parent/sibling relation to other cards or starts a brand new branch.

    1. But we often find such regional networks developinglargely for the sake of creating friendly mutual relations, or having anexcuse to visit one another from time to time;33 and there are plentyof other possibilities that in no way resemble ‘trade’.

      There is certainly social lubrication of visiting people from time to time which can help and advance societies, but this regular visiting can also be seen as a means of reinforcing one's oral cultural history through spaced repetition.

      It can be seen as "trade" but in a way that anthropologists have generally ignored for lack of imagination for what may have been actually happening.

    2. Already tens of thousands of years ago, one can find evidence ofobjects – very often precious stones, shells or other items ofadornment – being moved around over enormous distances. Oftenthese were just the sort of objects that anthropologists would laterfind being used as ‘primitive currencies’ all over the world.

      Is it also possible that these items may have served the purpose of mnemonic devices as a means of transporting (otherwise invisible) information from one area or culture to another?

      Can we build evidence for this from the archaeological record?

      Relate this to the idea of expanding the traditional "land, labor, capital" theory of economics to include "information" as a basic building block

    1. most people trained in our subjects are aware of is the 00:28:22 phenomenon of slavery among non farming populations and actually the classic example is precisely that of the the indigenous societies of the Northwest Coast who are known to have kept slaves 00:28:36 who were actually hereditary slaves in their households which were organized on these highly stratified aristocratic sort of lines what nobody seems to have 00:28:48 been interested up to now is why this practice of keeping slaves seems to sort of fizzle out and stop as you head south into what is now broadly speaking the 00:29:00 area of coastal California

      How many non-agricultural societies practiced slavery?

      Apparently some indigenous societies on the American Northwest Coast did down into coastal California.

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    3. Who is the best Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR

      Aditya Aggarwal, the Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR, is perhaps superior to most specialists in several industry fields. He does not accept the usual persona of getting his ability by experience or intuition. He is reliant on the dependable design's proof-based thought and work measurement. He has built his digital marketing project on a point of view on the aftereffects of a culture ingested in his Shoot Order submitted workforce and its interests.

      Digital *marketing consultant* in Delhi NCR has a wide range of digital marketing affiliations, from fresh connections to top-of-mind brands. He's overseen missions of brands taking leisurely strolls across new domains or evaluated marketing campaigns that had been put up.

      Any brand or association looking for a Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR can come to us for help. We'll have a separate talk regarding Aditya Aggarwal's administration as a digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR. We are giving a fantastic demonstration of digital marketing administrations in India to assist business owners and new entrepreneurs.

      In this piece, we'll look at the value of using a Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR to oversee and address the most widely observed questions and complex zones. Almost every business in India is confronted with the challenge of promoting its products or services through digital marketing. Because the Indian market is exceptionally real in terms of company endeavours and worth.

      Aditya Aggarwal is one of India's most impressive Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR. He is arguably the most certain name in Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR, with an emphasis on giving consumers results through the digital media. I can assist you in growing your internet business as your online marketing consultant in India. As your digital marketing superstar in India, I assist firms in attracting more customers by developing best practises that enhance their image, increasing traffic to their website page, and encouraging their online association by developing a show strategy.

      Digital marketing consultant in Delhi NCR

    4. We are the best social media marketing service in uttar pradesh

      The long stretches of restricting your media to ordinary channels are all gone. Most businesses have a finite marketing financial game plan, so it looks great to spend it cautiously. Marketing through social media marketing service in uttar pradesh can be altogether doable and financially astute. In the event that your clients and potential customers are on social media, you should be clear there as well. Different businesses either don't have the chance or authority to focus on running their social media marketing tries themselves. Instead, they like to work with social media marketing work environments to assist with relating their records on social media. Occasionally, this might involve operating corporate social records; in others, it might be PPC social advertising. You might even decide to run the two different choices, maybe combining it with social media marketing service in uttar pradesh . With the increase of social affiliations generally through quite a long while, it should not stagger to find that different working environments advance social media services. We have organized a synopsis of the leading social media work environments in this article. Brandezza assists brands with various bits of their social media marketing service in uttar pradesh by deploying result-driven services around social strategies, content creation, neighborhood board, paid social advertising, influencer marketing, and that is just the beginning. They split their services into innovative and creative, neighborhood board, social media approach, and social paid advertising. Right when their gathering has an understanding of the business and branding, they move into a conversation around a brief. social media marketing service in uttar Pradesh is a prominent association of India . It very well may be a mission, an intermittent occasion, or anything in the middle. After the succinct, they move into a brainstorm meeting, using grouped brainstorming techniques to think of surprising contemplations for different social stages. Right when they are set up to dispatch their structure, they continue to test, quantify and improve. Assuming you pick an area, Brandezza utilizes neighborhood to address your image, keeping the page piled up with new substance, effectively participating in discussions with your partners. Near the finish of reliably, they audit their undertakings, including liability and aficionado improvement. social media marketing service in uttar Pradesh is a respected association .

      social media marketing service in uttar pradesh

    5. How to find best brand promotion companies in india

      brand promotion companies in india seem as though some other marketing companies – everybody thinks they're commendable at it. Truth be told, plainly, not an extraordinary variety genuinely get it. Review that particularly like with other marketing philosophies, everybody has a substitute definition of what brand promotion companies in india about and what contains incredible branding companies . Here is the definition: Branding makes and advances things and administrations customers will pay for. here you think about brand promotion companies in india . Branding companies have depended upon innovative strategies to gain interminable noticeable quality nearby the accommodating energy. Branding has now turned into an integral piece of a huge piece of the companies including independent undertakings of India. Whenever you can't fight the temptation to think concerning how extraordinary your brand affiliation genuinely is? In the event that you're trusting them with your brand's online presence, promise you see how they're handling their own. Whether or not you are an independent undertaking, or a set up one you may not certainly have to spend your justified cash on a brand office who isn't rendering you the outcomes. Behind each useful thing/administrations there is a brand promotion affiliation .Whether the brand promotion office is a gathering of twelve individuals or 500, or was set up as a standard brand promotion office or a general office, each inventive gathering brings its own style and style to its work. Here is a gander at 5 interactive brand promotion companies in india behind presumably the best marketing tries, which extraordinary something else, a TV show, a local experience, gum innovation no doubt. For what reason are these 5 brand promotional missions the most amazing piece of record-breaking? On account of the effect they had on the improvement of the brand, and considering the way that they figured out some method for hitting on some evident truth that licenses us to survey these missions years after they initially started. Brandezza has assisted companies with generating income through brand promotion companies in india .Brandezza , since its inception has helped Business and Marketing activities of a few . Brandezza satisfies the burgeoning need of new businesses and brands to contact clients reasonably and constantly.

      brand promotion companies in india

    6. We are the best influencer marketing agency in delhi

      Have you looked into the mainstream term, "Influencer marketing?" Well as the time has been changing at a quick speed and the model is a growing FAD, we want something which makes a headway in regular society. Influencer marketing is a basic fragment of modernized marketing where brands use influencers from all domains be it clinical, genuine, social, political or enticing speakers to acknowledge their brands. Influencers are the individuals who have a submitted social following and are seen as specialists within their strong point. Influencer marketing chips away at the high extent of trust that influencers have made with their following, and thoughts from them fill in as a kind of amicable evidence to your image's practical clients. best influencer marketing agency in delhi , brands offer notable praised individuals pay or satisfaction to acknowledge their brands/administrations or to help their causes. Brandezza being the best influencer marketing agency in delhi works expertly in this field. This, in any case, influences a continually increasing number of individuals to purchase their things. Influencer marketing is essentially content-driven marketing attempts, visual headways, crusades, and so on Enormous or little brands collaborate with masters and influencers to move their business Brandezza fills in as best influencer marketing agency in delhi , plans, executes, and controls marketing and advertising tries with grounded and striking online media influencers. Influencer marketing administration in Delhi, on an exceptionally fundamental level infers advertising for brands with top electronic media influencers. Such paid advertising winds up being compelling for brands, as it obviously bases on the gathering who follow these influencers. We work on extraordinary marketing strategies for brands and dissipate the substance that will make the notoriety of the business. Brandezza is best influencer marketing agency in delhi , helps the brands with adapting up to genuine brands. Brandezza as an Influencer marketing agency in Delhi, assists with propelling brands through thin positions, challenge giveaways, hashtag crusades, imaginative influencer crusades. These missions help to make social devotees. Brandezza working as best influencer marketing agency in delhi is a devoted agency that bases on advertising through electronic media influencers and online media handles. We have a huge pool of high-performing influencers with unsurprising and hardworking stories of creating useful online media marketing attempts.

      best influencer marketing agency in delhi

    1. Whatever dies, was not mixed equally

      In Galen's medicine, disease and death were the consequence of a disproportion in one's constituent elements, the 4 humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm.

    2. eye

      The another spherical image in the poem

      Each eye, which is able to be interpreted as each hemisphere, is really a perfect world because, though they are not combined into one, when facing each other, contains both lovers (the one who is reflected and one who reflects is in unity in the eye).

      Source: The Visual Paradigm of 'The Good-Morrow': Donne's Cosmographical Glasse (1986)

    1. “That’s one of the exciting things about math,” said Jack Morava, a mathematician at Johns Hopkins University and the inventor of Morava K-theory. “You can go through a door and you wind up in a completely different universe. It’s very much like Alice in Wonderland.”
    1. The card index appeared to be simply what it was: a wooden box for paper slips. On one of these file cards, Luhmann once summarized his own reflections on just such an experience: ‘People come, they see everything and nothing more than that, just like in porn movies; consequently, they leave disappointed’ (Figure 1).8
      1. Cf. Schmidt, ‘Luhmanns Zettelkasten’, 7. The heading of this file card is formulated in form of a question: ‘Geist im Kasten?’ (‘Does Spirit hide in the filing cabinet?’). Obviously, the answer is no. Many thanks to Johannes Schmidt for providing the image of this file card.

      In a zettel in his system entitled "Does Spirit hide in the filing cabinet", Niklas Luhmann wrote the note: "People come, they see everything and nothing more than that, just like in porn movies; consequently, they leave disappointed." This is a telling story about the simplicity of the idea of a slip box (zettelkasten, card catalog, or commonplace book).

      yellowed index card with the identifier 9/8,3 with almost illegible handwriting in German Niklas Luhmann, Zettelkasten II, index card no. 9/8,3

      It's also a testament to the fact that the value of it is in the upfront work that is required in making valuable notes and linking them. Many end up trying out the simple looking system and then wonder why it isn't working for them. The answer is that they're not working for it.

    1. Deeply importing Svelte components is not supported. Either import all components from one entrypoint, or always stick to deep imports, otherwise it could cause multiple instance of the Svelte library running.
    1. Cryospheric and hydrological changes in combination with socioeconomic changes are threatening downstream water security (Drenkhan et al., 2019; IPCC, 2019). Glacial melting impacts river discharge and the availability of water in areas downstream and change in runoff pattern of rivers draining from the glaciated catchments (Table 4). Hydroelectric power generation depends completely on water availability, and any variability in flow pattern of rivers can have far-reaching consequences for energy security of the country. Available hydrological simulations indicate reduced rainfall and shrinkage of glacier, thereby leading to shortage of water supply for power generation and irrigation particularly in highly glaciated basins (Gautam et al., 2013). The increasing drought frequency combined with other environmental degradation has already affected the livelihoods particularly of smallholder farmers.


    1. The second volume of the Bibliotheca Universalis , published in 1548 under the title Pandectarum sive Partitionum Universalium , contains a list of keywords, ordered not by authors ’ names, but thematically. This intro-duces a classifi cation of knowledge on the one hand, and on the other hand offers orientation for the novice about patterns and keywords (so-called loci communes ) that help organize knowledge to be acquired.

      Konrad Gessner's second edition of Bibliotheca Universalis in 1548 contains a list of keywords (loci communes) thus placing it into the tradition of the commonplace book, but as it is published for use by others, it accelerates the ability for others to find and learn about information in which they may have an interest.

      Was there a tradition of published or manuscript commonplace books prior to this?

  9. Nov 2021
    1. And then they met— the offspring of Skywoman and the children of Eve— and the land around us bears the scars of that meeting, the echoes of our stories.

      There's a subtle sense of repetition here. She frames the result of the meeting in two different cultures: a Western-centric one and an Indigenous one. The Western result is a "scar", but it's retranslated into "echoes of our stories" from the indigenous perspective.

    2. Our elders say that ceremonies are the way we “remember to remember,”

      The Western word "ceremony" is certainly not the best word for describing these traditions. It has too much baggage and hidden meaning with religious overtones. It's a close-enough word to convey some meaning to those who don't have the cultural background to understand the underlying orality and memory culture. It is one of those words that gets "lost in translation" because of the dramatic differences in culture and contextual collapse.

      Most Western-based anthropology presumes a Western idea of "religion" and impinges it upon oral cultures. I would maintain that what we would call their "religion" is really an oral-based mnemonic tradition that creates the power of their culture through knowledge. The West mistakes this for superstitious religious practices, but primarily because we can't see (or have never been shown) the larger structures behind what is going on. Our hubris and lack of respect (the evils of the scala naturae) has prevented us from listening and gaining entrance to this knowledge.

      I think that the archaeological ideas of cultish practices or ritual and religion are all more likely better viewed as oral practices of mnemonic tradition. To see this more easily compare the Western idea of the memory palace with the Australian indigenous idea of songline.

    1. Huang, who has a background in paleography, warns that many characters do not function as a “signific,” a linguistic term indicating a relationship to the word’s meaning. Additionally, the meanings of numerous characters changed over time, or they were “loaned” to other words with separate meanings. Even though more than 86 percent of characters have radicals that also function as significs, Huang encourages teachers to understand some of the exceptions, saying, “It is all right for Chinese teachers not to lecture on these, but they have to know them because students may ask.”

      More than 86% of characters in Chinese function as significs, a linguistic term indicating an association to the word's meaning. Sometimes these meanings can change with time and drift from original meanings.

      The drift can be interesting and important from the perspective of historical linguistics as well as to give clues to changes in culture.

      An example in English might be the use in computer user interfaces that include telephone handset images or old 3.5" floppy disk images used to respectively indicate "call" or "save" despite the fact that these items have either changed shape or are no longer commonly used.

    1. Over the years in academic settings I've picked up pieces of Spanish, French, Latin and a few odd and ends of other languages.

      Six years ago we put our daughter into a dual immersion Japanese program (in the United States) and it has changed some of my view of how we teach and learn languages, a process which is also affected by my slowly picking up conversational Welsh using the method at https://www.saysomethingin.com/ over the past year and change, a hobby which I wish I had more targeted time for.

      Children learn language through a process of contextual use and osmosis which is much more difficult for adults. I've found that the slowly guided method used by SSiW is fairly close to this method, but is much more targeted. They'll say a few words in the target language and give their English equivalents, then they'll provide phrases and eventually sentences in English and give you a few seconds to form them into the target language with the expectation that you try to say at least something, or pause the program to do your best. It's okay if you mess up even repeatedly, they'll say the correct phrase/sentence two times after which you'll repeat it again thus giving you three tries at it. They'll also repeat bits from one lesson to the next, so you'll eventually get it, the key is not to worry too much about perfection.

      Things slowly build using this method, but in even about 10 thirty minute lessons, you'll have a pretty strong grasp of fluent conversational Welsh equivalent to a year or two of college level coursework. Your work on this is best supplemented with interacting with native speakers and/or watching television or reading in the target language as much as you're able to.

      For those who haven't experienced it before I'd recommend trying out the method at https://www.saysomethingin.com/welsh/course1/intro to hear it firsthand.

      The experience will give your brain a heavy work out and you'll feel mentally tired after thirty minutes of work, but it does seem to be incredibly effective. A side benefit is that over time you'll also build up a "gut feeling" about what to say and how without realizing it. This is something that's incredibly hard to get in most university-based or book-based language courses.

      This method will give you quicker grammar acquisition and you'll speak more like a native, but your vocabulary acquisition will tend to be slower and you don't get any writing or spelling practice. This can be offset with targeted memory techniques and spaced repetition/flashcards or apps like Duolingo that may help supplement one's work.

      I like some of the suggestions made in Lynne's post as I've been pecking away at bits of Japanese over time myself. There's definitely an interesting structure to what's going on, especially with respect to the kana and there are many similarities to what is happening in Japanese to the Chinese that she's studying. I'm also approaching it from a more traditional university/book-based perspective, but if folks have seen or heard of a SSiW repetition method, I'd love to hear about it.

      Hopefully helpful by comparison, I'll mention a few resources I've found for Japanese that I've researched on setting out a similar path that Lynne seems to be moving.

      Japanese has two different, but related alphabets and using an app like Duolingo with regular practice over less than a week will give one enough experience that trying to use traditional memory techniques may end up wasting more time than saving, especially if one expects to be practicing regularly in both the near and the long term. If you're learning without the expectation of actively speaking, writing, or practicing the language from time to time, then wholesale mnemotechniques may be the easier path, but who really wants to learn a language like this?

      The tougher portion of Japanese may come in memorizing the thousands of kanji which can have subtly different meanings. It helps to know that there are a limited set of specific radicals with a reasonably delineable structure of increasing complexity of strokes and stroke order.

      The best visualization I've found for this fact is the Complete Listing of the 214 Radicals and Major Variations from An Introduction to Japanese Kanji Calligraphy by Kunii Takezaki (Tuttle, 2005) which I copy below:

      A chart of Japanese radicals in columns by number, character, and radical name & variations with a legend for reading the chart

      (Feel free to right click and view the image in another tab or download it and view it full size to see more detail.)

      I've not seen such a chart in any of the dozens of other books I've come across. The numbered structure of increasing complexity of strokes here would certainly suggest an easier to build memory palace or songline.

      I love this particular text as it provides an excellent overview of what is structurally happening in Japanese with lots of tidbits that are otherwise much harder won in reading other books.

      There are many kanji books with various forms of what I would call very low level mnemonic aids. I've not found one written or structured by what I would consider a professional mnemonist. One of the best structured ones I've seen is A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters by Kenneth G. Henshall (Tuttle, 1988). It's got some great introductory material and then a numbered list of kanji which would suggest the creation of a quite long memory palace/journey/songline.

      Each numbered Kanji has most of the relevant data and readings, but provides some description about how the kanji relates or links to other words of similar shapes/meanings and provides a mnemonic hint to make placing it in one's palace a bit easier. Below is an example of the sixth which will give an idea as to the overall structure.

      I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but I'd found an online app called WaniKani for Japanese that has some mnemonic suggestions and built-in spaced repetition that looks incredibly promising for taking small radicals and building them up into more easily remembered complex kanji.

      I suspect that there are likely similar sources for these couple of books and apps for Chinese that may help provide a logical overall structuring which will make it easier to apply or adapt one's favorite mnemotechniques to make the bulk vocabulary memorization easier.

      The last thing I'll mention I've found, that's good for practicing writing by hand as well as spaced repetition is a Kanji notebook frequently used by native Japanese speaking children as they're learning the levels of kanji in each grade. It's non-obvious to the English speaker, and took me a bit to puzzle out and track down a commercially printed one, even with a child in a classroom that was using a handmade version. The notebook (left to right and top to bottom) has sections for writing a big example of the learned kanji; spaces for the "Kun" and "On" readings; spaces for the number of strokes and the radical pieces; a section for writing out the stroke order as it builds up gradually; practice boxes for repeated practice of writing the whole kanji; examples of how to use the kanji in context; and finally space for the student to compose their own practice sentences using the new kanji.

      Regular use and practice with these can be quite helpful for moving toward mastery.

      I also can't emphasize enough that regularly and actively watching, listening, reading, and speaking in the target language with materials that one finds interesting is incredibly valuable. As an example, one of the first things I did for Welsh was to find a streaming television and radio that I want to to watch/listen to on a regular basis has been helpful. Regular motivation and encouragement is key.

      I won't go into them in depth and will leave them to speak for themselves, but two of the more intriguing videos I've watched on language acquisition which resonate with some of my experiences are:

    1. Looking for a property?

      Do you want to buy property in India? Are you looking for best-in-class residential and commercial properties for sale in Delhi NCR, Lucknow, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, and Noida? Well, you have landed in the correct place.

    1. Students are also going through trauma. That will go under the mental health issues. The three deaths of students. We are still in a pandemic. Not to mention Tabor walking on campus and scolding us and telling us what we are doing wrong that could also be traumatic or very entertaining. Not only should we do the pass fail thing. But we should have better security. We should have better police. We should also have therapy sessions that deal with traumatic things that have been happening to us. Not only would just make us better students. This would make a better safe campus. And a lot of things have been going on in this fall semester. You know I’m still working on myself. It should not only be pass fail it should be we should work on campus as a whole.

    1. There was no ancient poet called “Homer,” he argued. Nor were the poems attributed to him “written” by any single individual. Rather, they were the product of a centuries-long tradition of poet-performers.

      Are there possibly any physical artifacts in physical archaeology that may fit into the structure of the thesis made by Lynne Kelly in Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric Societies?

      What would we be looking for? Small mnemonic devices? Menhir? Standing stones? Wooden or stone circles? Other examples of extended ekphrasis similar to that of the shield of Achilles?

      cf: Expanding Ekphrasis to the Broader Field of Mnemotechny: or How the Shield of Achilles Relates to a Towel, Car, and Water Buffalo

    1. I watched Christian from Zettelkasten.de taking notes from a book. He’s a professional note-taker, and it still took him two hours to take four notes in the first video - it does take forever to make good permanent notes.

      An example of someone taking notes in public to model the process. Also an example of the time it takes to make notes.

      Has Dan Allosso (@danallosso) done something along these lines as an example on his YouTube channel?

  10. Oct 2021
    1. Another option is the use the functional library Ramda, while the syntax may be a bit different from the Ruby and Pure JS version, I find it to be more declarive: list = [null, "say", "kenglish", "co", null] R.reject(R.isNil, list) // return new array [ 'say', 'kenglish', 'co' ]
    1. We will also show you how to de-link your Chrome profile from your Google account(s) by stopping Chrome from syncing with Google in the first place. This will help keep your Chrome profile separate from your Google account and enhance your online privacy.
    2. To do that, Chrome automatically links your Chrome profile to a Google account when you sign in to any Google service on the web. That helps Google deliver a ‘seamless experience’ across all devices by letting you sync your history, bookmarks, passwords, etc., across multiple devices. Meanwhile, privacy-conscious users see this as a major threat to their online privacy and advise users to remove their Google account from Chrome.
    3. As mentioned already, Chrome automatically signs you in to your Google account every time you sign into a Google service, like Gmail, YouTube, Google Photos, etc. It also links your current Chrome profile to that account. While Google says that it does so to offer a ‘seamless experience’, it is a privacy nightmare for many users.
    1. Some Chrome users may like the new functionality as it makes it easier for them to sign in or out of Chrome and Google on the Web. Others may dislike it for privacy and user-choice reasons. Think about it, if you sign in to Chrome you are automatically recognized by any Google property on the web as that Google user.
    1. Boyd made use of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system, entropy always increases and everything moves towards chaos. Energy spreads out and becomes disorganized. Although Boyd’s notes do not specify the exact applications, his inference appears to be that a fighter pilot must be an open system or they will fail. They must draw “energy” (information) from outside themselves or the situation will become chaotic. They should also aim to cut their opponent off, forcing them to become a closed system.

      In che modo la [[Seconda legge della termodinamica]] si applica all' #incertezza e come possiamo utilizzarla come parte del modello OODA Loop ?

      Il principio afferma che all'interno di un sistema chiuso tutto tenderà sempre all'entropia. Per questo bisogna essere dei sistemi aperti acquisendo ogni volta informazioni dal contesto, così da evitare che la situazione diventi caotica.

    1. Finding how to check if a list is empty in Python is not so a tricky task as you think. There are few effective methods available to make your functionalities easy. And of course, list play a paramount role in python that come up with few tempting characteristics listed in the below for your reference.

      Hope so, you got the points that are listed in the above points. All the methods are very simple to write and execute! Probably, the best solution is revealed for your query of “how to Check if a List Is Empty in Python

    1. We propose a tri-relationship embedding framework TriFN, which models publisher-news relations and user-news interactions simultaneously for fake news classification. We conduct experiments on two real-world datasets, which demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms other baseline methods for fake news detection.

      It was said in the conclusion that the TriFN can have a good fake news detection performance in the early stage of information dissemination because of the interactions in social media. User credibility was also mentioned since low credibility users tend to spread fake news.

      This means that users play a big part in detecting and reducing fake news in social media. Let's be responsible to only share credible news articles and report the misleading ones.

    1. Lost in Translation

      In the film, Lost in Translation, Bob and Charlotte begin their conversation learning what each of them is doing in Tokyo.

      Bob: What do you do?

      Charlotte: I’m not sure yet, actually. I just graduated last spring.”

      Bob: What did you study?

      Charlotte: Philosophy.

      Bob: Yeah, there’s a good buck in that racket.

      Charlotte: (Laughs.) Yeah. Well, so far it’s pro bono.


      Edge Effects

      In ecology, edge effects are changes in population or community structures that occur at the boundary of two or more habitats. Areas with small habitat fragments exhibit especially pronounced edge effects that may extend throughout the range. As the edge effects increase, the boundary habitat allows for greater biodiversity.

      Wikipedia: Edge effects

    1. The breakdown of water involves a rearrangement of the atoms in water molecules into different molecules,

      Why would hydrogen and oxygen need to be separated for?

  11. Sep 2021
    1. The willingness to trade other peoples' fundamental rights for preferential tax treatment fits neatly into all three of these, as does the delusion that somehow this can be resolved with sufficient "personal responsibility."

      We know enough about psychology and behavioral economics to know that "personal responsibility" is not going to save us.

      This is in even higher relief when we see laws applied in unclosed systems or where other loopholes exist to help the privileged. Frank Wilhot's idea sums things up fairly well:

      "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

    1. Shove et al

      Some research is referenced to just by their names.

    2. (Fletcher, 2014;Gwilt & Rissanen, 2011; Leerberg, Riisberg, & Boutrup, 2010;Rissanen & McQuillan, 2016

      Many in-text citations are used just in the background. They include author's names and years instead of superscripts (which I think would be easier to read but oh well).



    1. The Virginians needed labor, to grow corn for subsistence, to grow tobaccofor export. They had just figured out how to grow tobacco, and in 1617 theysent off the first cargo to England. Finding that, like all pleasurable drugstainted with moral disapproval, it brought a high price, the planters, despitetheir high religious talk, were not going to ask questions about something soprofitable.

      Told from this perspective and with the knowledge of the importance of the theory of First Effective Settlement, is it any wonder that America has grown up to be so heavily influenced by moral and mental depravity, over-influenced by capitalism and religion, ready to enslave others, and push vice and drugs? The founding Virginians are truly America in miniature.

      Cross reference: Theory of First Effective Settlement

      “Whenever an empty territory undergoes settlement, or an earlier population is dislodged by invaders, the specific characteristics of the first group able to effect a viable, self-perpetuating society are of crucial significance for the later social and cultural geography of the area, no matter how tiny the initial band of settlers may have been.” “Thus, in terms of lasting impact, the activities of a few hundred, or even a few score, initial colonizers can mean much more for the cultural geography of a place than the contributions of tens of thousands of new immigrants a few generations later.” — Wilbur Zelinsky, The Cultural Geography of the United States, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973, pp. 13–14.

    1. Hors des heures de cours, les étudiants peuvent intervenir sur des forums écrits ou vidéos. Ils peuvent également utiliser un outil d'annotation collaborative comme Hypothesis pour partager leurs notes de lecture.

      Rough translation: Outside of class time, students can contribute to written forums or videos. They can also use a collaborative annotation tool such as Hypothesis to share their reading notes.

    1. One last resource for augmenting our minds can be found in other people’s minds. We are fundamentally social creatures, oriented toward thinking with others. Problems arise when we do our thinking alone — for example, the well-documented phenomenon of confirmation bias, which leads us to preferentially attend to information that supports the beliefs we already hold. According to the argumentative theory of reasoning, advanced by the cognitive scientists Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber, this bias is accentuated when we reason in solitude. Humans’ evolved faculty for reasoning is not aimed at arriving at objective truth, Mercier and Sperber point out; it is aimed at defending our arguments and scrutinizing others’. It makes sense, they write, “for a cognitive mechanism aimed at justifying oneself and convincing others to be biased and lazy. The failures of the solitary reasoner follow from the use of reason in an ‘abnormal’ context’” — that is, a nonsocial one. Vigorous debates, engaged with an open mind, are the solution. “When people who disagree but have a common interest in finding the truth or the solution to a problem exchange arguments with each other, the best idea tends to win,” they write, citing evidence from studies of students, forecasters and jury members.

      Thinking in solitary can increase one's susceptibility to confirmation bias. Thinking in groups can mitigate this.

      How might keeping one's notes in public potentially help fight against these cognitive biases?

      Is having a "conversation in the margins" with an author using annotation tools like Hypothes.is a way to help mitigate this sort of cognitive bias?

      At the far end of the spectrum how do we prevent this social thinking from becoming groupthink, or the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility?

    1. (They blame Chrome's "feature" addition treadmill, where "they keep adding stupid kitchen sinks for the sole and only purpose to make others unable to keep up.")
    1. Build pathways between communal and private work. Too often, we celebrate one or the other, but thinking actually works best when it has the opporunity to be done both in private and alongside other people. Proximity and ease of movement between the two modes matters. If a person can work on ideas alone and privately for a little while, then easily bring those ideas to a group, then move back to the private space, and continue this cycle as necessary, the thinking will be better.

      This is a model that is tacitly being used by the IndieWeb in slowly developing better social media and communication on the web.

    1. The idea of Geisha has a similarity to tummelling, but doesn't translate as well to English for historical reasons. (This is similar to Anthony Bourdain's take/discussion of Geisha in his series A Cook's Tour season 1, episode 2: "Dining with Geishas").

      Tummeller is someone who bridges the in groups and the outgroups.

    2. https://youtu.be/qYsMtroVLeA?t=287

      The big thing that I want to talk about here is out groups. This is a phenomenon that we that we see, which is that it's very very easy for people to decide that someone else is not like them they're different and they should be shunned and talked about.

      This is the minimal group paradigm. Thanks to Rashmi for giving that term. [It] says the smallest possible difference will be magnified into in group and an outgroup. Kevin Marks, Web 2.0 Expo NY 09: "...New Words You Need to Know to Understand the Web"

      Perhaps we can decrease the levels of fear and racism in our society by tummelling? By bringing in outsiders, treating them with dignity and respect within your own group of friends, you can help to normalize their presence by decreasing the irrational fears that others have built up and carry with them about these supposed outsiders.

    1. This video was very educating. It was especially crazy to me to learn that about a language a week dies.

  12. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
    1. the primary causes of extreme poverty are immaterial, theylie in certain deficiencies in education, organization, and discipline”(p. 159). Poorcountries, in his view, did not need more technology or physical infrastructure ormore foreign aid to eliminate poverty.
    1. sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean sudo apt update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-missing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --fix-broken sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt -f install dpkg --configure -a
    1. We are leading influencer marketings agency in Delhi Noida NCR

      Brandezza assists brands with engaging and initiating swarms worldwide through top influencers, for instance, bloggers, lumberjacks and online networking influencers. Leveraging influencers is an extraordinary technique to get your image before the correct gathering. It's nothing abrupt that we go to our partners or individuals we acknowledge when we are looking to purchase. This is the clarification online audits are so basic. Online life is an incredible methodology to get the Influencer Marketing Agency in Delhi Noida NCR perfect individuals talking about your image. Influencer substance might be hovered as acknowledgment advertising; influencers acknowledge the action of a potential purchaser, or might be involved as untouchables. These outsiders can be found in the Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR inventory orchestrate, (instance, retailers or producers) or as worth included influencers, for instance, researchers, scholastics, industry examiners, and expert exhorts. There is a nonattendance of understanding about what an influence is. We invest in getting Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR to share our made substance or experience audits. This not just develops your online life reach and influence, in any case it additionally upgrades brand insistence and brand authority. Using our extraordinary inclination, we make and execute inventive Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR systems to improve your image story at scale and appear to billions of individuals. We help you by networking with the top brands to interface and help you with unleashing the ideal influencer in you. Be it enormity, structure, saying, logging, tech bloggers, or Integra influencers, we have the best brands from different groupings that suit your style! We at Top Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR, ensure that you get your fantasy sponsorships and get a breathtaking opportunity to work with the best brands and help you in branding your ability to the world! We respect the affiliation and worth that creating content and engaging the gathering is your quality. One maker defines them as "a degree of outcasts who exercise influence over the association and its normal clients. Another defines an influencer as an "distant who in an overall sense shapes the Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR client's purchasing choice yet may never be at risk for it.

      Influencer Marketings Agency in Delhi Noida NCR

    2. Know why we are best brand awareness company in India

      Not using any strategies to the disadvantage of a call! Everything diminished to a ten-digit number and a phone. To initially drive the telephone number for the station, outside advertising was utilized to appear at the Brand awareness Campaign in India target swarm . We pushed the number out in each possible condition colossal to this goal gathering: railroad stations, business focuses, trains and even diminished top-up businesses. In these domains individuals considered everything considered to use Brand awareness Campaign in India paid early versatile. What we relatively did, if you dialed the number at any rate on different occasions, by then you got reminders and updates. Brandezza, drives the Brand awareness Campaign in India. A gigantic examination on how they changed a sensible (for instance non-sharp) phone into a free entertainment station to please and interface millions in the Hindi and Bhojpuri-speaking areas, has been extremely lopsided by the Brand awareness Campaign in India moved marketing master. Something that has a genuinely human touch that makes us wonder about the advertisers who made the thought for an amazingly outstanding Brand awareness Campaign in India – that also brought happiness. In overabundance of different million individuals in India have a key phone – for any situation for a couple, that is the main piece of cutting edge rigging they have. So how is it possible that it would be possible that ABC would show up at likely customers? By turning any phone into an on-demand radio station ( Brand awareness Campaign in India, which genuinely suggests the ear-worm station). The Brand awareness Campaign in India started in the particularly 'media diminish' domains of Bihar and Jharkhand, for any situation its flourishing instantly spread – as Berry passed on: "This model has appeared at changed bits of the country, giving every Indian with a phone agree to entertainment and connecting them with the world." Today, Popular Marketing is associated with YouTube recordings, infectious tunes and engaging applications. For any condition, in what way may you produce a viral marketing campaign using basically an indisputable call? ABC Company and their office and Accomplices Overall found the fitting reaction. Brand awareness Campaign in India ABC Company got together flexible administrators, content providers and ABC Company brands to make the Brandezza – the world's overall first uncommon brand-had radio station.

      Brand awareness Campaign in India

    3. Get the best Viral Marketing Agency in India In the event that we do viral marketing by procedure for electronic media the proportion of the individuals who are in the distinctive online life will come to think about your administrations, brands, things and begin purchasing your things, administrations which can help in increase in proposals of your business. Is it genuine that you are looking out for approaches to manage and overseeing interfaces with billions of individuals to plug your extraordinary administrations? By then Viral Marketing Agency in India is the ideal position and best framework. It insinuates the online movement that mainly relies on the informal exchange for brand mindfulness. Brandezza offers a viral marketing technique that guarantees changes nearly to lift the appeal. Moved confined time recordings on YouTube at any rate with no fundamental points of view? Give your stores a back sitting methodology by assigning The Brand improvement, Mumbai, India as the Video Marketing Administration Agency. The Viral Marketing Agency in India group at Brandezza is outfitted with imaginative plans to make recordings so instruments that would in turn explain your video to get prominent online. We give all of you the blueprints expected to influence your business and increase bargains. We do a wide level of marketing like-Facebook marketing, LinkedIn marketing, Viral Marketing Agency in India, and so on Our marketing pack is a specific gathering with an understanding of more than different years. Who can manage your issues by providing you the best marketing answers for your business? There are different approaches to manage direct viral marketing to move your business, video marketing, content marketing, and web journals marketing, and so forth Viral Marketing Agency in India will help in the improvement of your business and make an increase in bargains. Begin Making Benefits Through Viral Marketing. Viral Marketing Agency in India is a Marketing which will viral every one of the reports on your things, brands, administrations to individuals all around of online life regions, and so forth There are in excess of a colossal number individuals there by systems for electronic networking and electronic media destinations that are searching for their principal administrations, things. Right when we do Viral Marketing Agency in India to your picture, thing, and so forth By then there will be progress in your systems.

      Viral Marketing Agency in India

    4. Are you searching for best Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh

      That is a more prominent number of clients and view time than either YouTube recordings. Brandezza, other than the incidental independent YouTube goliath name, not a huge pile of standard individuals can see how to progress or gain reputation on Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh with no other individual's input. Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh is a very genuine and respected company of youtube advertising in uttar Pradesh . Notwithstanding how, Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh isn't something that has influenced a couple of moments back, yet simultaneously there are a colossal heap of businesses which have not been seen. Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh are the most ideal approaches to manage, supervise and make mindfulness about the company or thing or administrations. These all-encompassing lengths of growing innovations, having an incredible online presence is the need. On the Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh removed the possibility that you starting at now invest your centrality running a gainful business or company and need to control YouTube to increase your progress or improve your income, you need to consider outsourcing the undertaking to experienced subject trained professionals. YouTube started as of late a genuinely unsaturated market and this makes it more clear to stand pulled out with a brand and get seen. YouTube advertising is maybe the best mode for affiliations and brands to land at millions or a monster number of likely customers. It's more sensible and more engaging than TV or radio advertising, and not in the tiniest degree like standard mediums, Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh works with the speediest developing business. YouTube marketing in a like way has a titanic effect since it shows your capacity and cleaned limit. Anybody can run a blog. That is inside and out increasingly extraordinary and the uncertainty thusly will be that you will have the choice to give an in each supportive sense, an indistinguishable degree .Finally, Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh is compelling considering the way that it's something an epic pile of different affiliations don't do.

      Youtube Advertising Company in Uttar Pradesh

    5. We are best Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh

      Business owners who visit the Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh site page basically find the kind of advertising that suits their marketing construction and spending plans. Income is gained by charging the advertising affiliations a cost to be recorded on the site, correspondingly as by selling advertising space included on the site. We offer you the best Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh and Web-based long show up at informal correspondence Improvement administrations. We give genuine examination, social studies that deal with your spending limit. We guarantee an effect in your site's active time gridlock fairly as profiteering. With our internet based life marketing administrations that are intended to improve the rankings of your page. Our genuine interpersonal interaction marketing measure guarantees that your business gets an Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh unequivocally changed to your business targets. This is possible just if a business invests in developing and execution of a notable brand framework and that is the thing that we offer to our clients. Brandezza has extraordinarily shown up diversely according to other Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh that has reinforced its circumstance among Top Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh with its innovation. The alliance has the most experienced and innovative gathering of branding trained experts and added to the achievement of various prominent brands in Uttar Pradesh. Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh, we have the right blend of media to associate with obligation and development. Online advertising is one of the colossal structures we use to cause your image to appear to boundless individuals right away. We review your undertaking and work with you to move your correspondences with the objective of situating and adjusting, or re-adjusting your image so it charms your gathering and gives intelligently an incentive to your customers. Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh can help recuperate your lost unforeseen development while better conveying your warning, guaranteeing most insane rehash and reasonableness, focusing on a sufficiently qualified buyer. Progressing to informal correspondence marketing suggestions is the key strategy for acquiring quality musings and traffic for a thing; brand furthermore as administration by strategies for the use of online life stages. Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh is a fundamental part for achievement in marketing and its potential for business progress.

      Online Advertising Agency in Uttar Pradesh

    6. Find affordable Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh

      We give genuine examination, social audits that manage your spending limit. We ensure an impact in your site's dynamic time gridlock proportionately as profiteering. Social media marketing is an incredible course for businesses, considering everything, to show up at anticipated outcomes and customers. The Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh objective is to make content that customers will oblige their social design to interface with a relationship to increase brand introduction and make customer reach. Social media stages are instrumental in bringing about internet marketing, helping any relationship to restore its picture introduction and make customer reach. Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh itself is a stunt all term for zones that may give on an astoundingly essential level of stand-confined social exercises. With our social media marketing administrations, that is intended to improve the rankings of your site. In like way ambiguity over cutting edge stages has gotten more goliath than later in late memory. Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh is an extraordinarily genuine agency in uttar Pradesh. Our social media marketing measure ensures that your business gets a Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh unequivocally changed to your business destinations. Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh resembles an internet marketing that involves making and sharing substance on the internet in requesting to achieve your marketing and branding arrangements . Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh is a genuine and regarded agency in all over india. This change offered progress to a continually increasing number of equipped individuals/packs into learning pushed marketing and setting up their very own working surroundings. For any condition, a hint of the Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh couldn't suffer, while many were amazing in reaching the mountaintop and others are so far trying to accomplish their way towards establishing their organization . As an individual who has been in the business for over different years and progressed toward helping the business make through various marketing frameworks, how the Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh universe of marketing has progressed.

      Social Media Marketing Agency in Uttar Pradesh

    7. Get the best Brand promotion service in Delhi Noida NCR

      We are a Brand Promotion Company in Delhi Noida NCR and we are giving administrations like Planning of Occasion, Execution of Occasion, and Promotion proposes raising information on a thing or brand to the existing customers and to the ordinary customers, generating bargains, and creating brand unwaveringly.<br> It is needed for them to make a distinct business character in the market among their adversaries. Main point of the administration is to drive your company and make it a brand. You all around need to visit with our trained experts and they will by then set up the best strategy that suits your brand promotion indeed. Solid applications fill in as marketing instruments as they are anything yet hard to use and execution coordinated. Creating a business site isn't rich for business proprietors to get by in this in a by and large genuine world. Brand promotion company in Delhi Noida NCR is a very genuine company . Innumerable enormous brands are following the clothing of Beneath the line promotion by destinations of rising costs of media based promotion, advertising mix and increased drive purchasing. Brand Promotion includes five most gigantic cutoff points; they are critical selling, advertising, bargains promotion, direct marketing, and introduction. A Brand promotion company in Delhi Noida NCR determines how much idea regarding pay to the entire of the five portions, and how much cash to spend on the technique. Definitely when we see the business areas today they are stacked with unlimited things and administrations. In such a condition when everything is quickly becoming a thing it is the Brand promotion company in Delhi Noida NCR which brings parts to the things and helps win the principal mind-share. We go an extra-mile in promoting your brand: It is the brand which will consider all things considered name, quality and advance. It disconnects your thing from for the most part different things. we do think about such your necessities and serve you with the Brand promotion company in Delhi Noida NCR working conditions for your business Our application improvement pack makes applications that fill in as assets for your business.This interfaces you to charge a higher premium.

      Brand promotion company in Delhi Noida NCR

    8. Choose us for best Brand promotion company in Noida

      Helpful applications fill in as marketing contraptions as they are anything for any circumstance hard to use and execution coordinated. Our application improvement pack makes applications that fill in as assets for your business.Creating a business site isn't rich for business owners to make due in this basically genuine world. This is required for them to make a distinct business in the market among their enemies. This will be fundamental , when an association or company will require the administrations of a Brand promotion company in Noida. Main point of the administration is to influence your company and make it a brand. Brand promotion company in Noida is a very genuine company till date . They do think about your essentials and worth your money to empower with the tremendous administrations in a less inconvenient way. Chiefs of the company will pitch your brand several phases to make more individuals mindful about your business and its point of view. Brand promotion relationships in Noida explain the degree of the characteristics and inclinations of your brand to your customers in an amazing manner and convince the clients to incline toward your brand for their business targets. With this Brand promotion company in Noida in a way maintains the standing of your company by giving stunning outcomes to your clients and offering them quality administrations at genuinely sensible costs. For any situation, in case you need to give a genuine presence to your brand Brandezza is your reaction for it. Packaging Design is more than a wrap. Brand Advertising reports the headway of your brand. At Brandezza, we on an essential level need to visit with our rulers and they will by then set up the best strategy at a Brand promotion company in Noida that suits your brand promotion point of truth. This, yet in like manner the experts of our company will outline the genuine factors and serve you with the reasonable method to administer and put aside your money. In requesting to make a distinct business character for your company with a compelling Brand promotion company in Noida, our gathering of directors handle the best developments.

      Brand promotion company in Noida

    9. Are you looking for top Brand promotion company in Mumbai

      Brand promotion company in Mumbai offer a different choice of cutting edge marketing administrations, for instance, SEO, SEM, Content, ORM, Affiliate and Influencer marketing to benefit whatever amount as could sensibly be considered typical from each flowed correspondence, regardless of whether it be on a robotized or standard correspondence front. Accordingly, from assessing business fundamentals, to engaging objective gatherings and measuring the effort using cutting-edge devices, offers businesses across each industry the benefit of staying a stage before the obstruction. Brandezza who worked with us all around had an extraordinary involvement in us. It in like manner increases your business Degree of piece of elbowroom. Brand distinguishes your business from various businesses and best gives your business. Having an extraordinary brand name invigorates the prominence of your business administrations. Promotion of the association brand makes your business benefits continuously compelling and competent. It furthermore requests that your business be acceptably known by the customers and just by the name of your brand customers reliably review your business. Brandezza is a youthful Brand promotion company in Mumbai . Our company vision is to help brands serve customers best . With an office in Mumbai, India, we invest wholeheartedly in serving our clients through our prepared gathering of innovation and advanced marketing trained experts. Brand promotion company in Mumbai apply client and market insight to make Brand Strategy and empower it with the utilization of cutting edge innovation to give you . That is the thing that makes us one of the top parts in the synopsis of cutting edge marketing relationships in Mumbai. Brand promotion company in Mumbai make your business brand intensely secure, skillful, assumed and complex by implementing our extraordinary administrations for your business advancement and with that we in like manner propose to you a wide degree of philosophy for how to improve the online closeness of your business . Brandezza is a topic master and one of the leading Brand promotion company in Mumbai offering five star branding answers for the clients of Mumbai. Brandezza is an advanced marketing company providing execution administrations and admittance to assorted media stages. We help advertisers upgrade their brand picture, influence purchasers, and produce income through a total set-up of execution and advertising arrangements. We assist you with performing the advanced scene so you can reach, develop, and convert your crowd.

      Brand promotion company in Mumbai

    10. Find the best Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh

      Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh can re-fitting the whole work to office, while we can deal with certain parts themselves and get a decent strategy on the use until a palatable level isn't made. It involves an innovative delineation of understanding your vision and the line of business you are involved in. The logo ought to be wonderful and passed on. Meet diverse new individuals as could reasonably be customary and examine your business and understand theirs with a Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh . Some may be your rivals and which is major for you to know evidently. Give all the insights regarding your things. Get your business on individual to individual correspondence destinations and be connected with clients one on one and utilize the highlights of interpersonal interaction to move your business. Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh Works on client affiliations .This is the spot you begin building your liberality. Look at your clients and work on the issues. Set up customer input and thing review division to amass an information mine . Business promotional administrations are major to each kind imaginable business. Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh is a genuine and regarded company to drive your brand .So you can without a truly astounding stretch reach us to push your brand. This is the main spot to store up your site, check your clients and work on the issues . Continue growing your association and spread your name. Do an enormous store of advertising and make promotions with Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh about your business and things. Begin building your charity one small step at a time. Collect Channel embellishments and be channel partners for other people. You need a wide level of individuals and businesses to be connected with. Brandezza for the customers is the establishment on which the advanced market systems of Web Players Technology is based. As a fruitful and notable IT Solution Company . Our web designing, site developing and computerized marketing systems create intensive top to bottom understanding of your exact business by immersing our accomplished web engineers, creators, and internet marketing specialists in the brand, industry and serious scene of your business.

      Brand promotion company in Uttar Pradesh

    11. We are best for Brand promotion service in India

      promotion company in India state branding is connected with creating brand respect and fortifying brand picture and what maintained spot could there be over the air terminal? With the rising of the greater working class and the rich rapidly climbing the stepping stool, the air terminals in India are experiencing a huge rise in air traffic. We rotate around each Brand mission very and utilize integrated brand promotion exercises to uncover your brand in the genuine business association. All through the drawn out we have helped a couple of relationships change into the pioneers in their solidarity. Offer gigantic appreciation to our Brand promotion company in India that brings together key advanced marketing strategies. Our brand promotion pack uses standard media and other improved modernized media plans to bring your brand to the bleeding edge. We make novel mediums to pull in corporate and budding business individuals. Brand promotion company in India is an extraordinarily genuine company to propel your brand. Brand promotion company in India are connected with creating broadened length incentives for connections by building fundamental securities with the client in a useful and enduring way. Our online brand promotion spins around designing, creating and establishing your online branding presence using marketing. Our Brand promotion company in India involves a show advanced marketing blend involving rehearsals known for capturing the chance to focus on huge numbers. These exercises assist us with collecting key insights regarding how to increase your online presence. This is genuine not only for metropolitan regions of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Calcutta, yet for the most part little air terminals of Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and distinctive metropolitan affiliations have in like way seen a crucial advancement in powerful time gridlock. With endless pioneers traveling by strategies for air every year, branding at Brandezza can give extraordinary mileage to your brands, and plainly makes branding a good marketing investment. Brandezza is a leading Brand promotion company in India which has pragmatic insight involvement with branding and advertising. Brand is the ticket Branding is the transmission of that thought.

      Brand promotion company in India

  13. Aug 2021
    1. Now consider we want to handle numbers in our known value set: const KNOWN_VALUES = Object.freeze(['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3]) function isKnownValue(input?: string | number) { return typeof(input) === 'string' && KNOWN_VALUES.includes(input) } Uh oh! This TypeScript compiles without errors, but it's not correct. Where as our original "naive" approach would have worked just fine. Why is that? Where is the breakdown here? It's because TypeScript's type system got in the way of the developer's initial intent. It caused us to change our code from what we intended to what it allowed. It was never the developer's intention to check that input was a string and a known value; the developer simply wanted to check whether input was a known value - but wasn't permitted to do so.
    1. therefore in practice it's a bit academic to worry about which lines inside that block the compiler should be happy or unhappy about. From falsehood, anythihng follows. So the compiler is free to say "if the impossible happens, then X is an error" or "if the impossible happens, then X is not an error". Both are valid (although one might be more or less surprising to developers).
    2. I wrote down how I understand it using layman's terms for anyone finding this issue in the future.
    1. It means that when having a type guard:TypeScript and JavaScript runtime are tied to the same behaviour.
    2. Inside the if statement, TypeScript will assume that amount cannot be anything else than a string, which is true also at the runtime thanks to typeof JavaScript operator.
    1. I would have seen memory palaces as a simplified version of songlines, but my Indigenous colleague has now pointed out that sometimes songlines are taught before the person goes on Country - that’s how they navigated: teach the songlines and you can then travel knowing where food sources and waterholes are. So my theory is falling down already. But the songline always involves movement (not always dance), song, narrative and a mesh of genres of information.

      Verification of the anecdotal evidence I mentioned before. Teaching of songlines without actually being on Country.

  14. Jul 2021
    1. typhoid diet chart in hindi(health and disease)

      typhoid diet chart in hindi(health and disease):in this pin you can see about typhoid diet chart in hindi and food in typhoid. food should be eat and not in typhoid

    1. Can A.I. Grade Your Next Test?Neural networks could give online education a boost by providing automated feedback to students.

      What problem is AI solving in education?