218 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Mar 2024
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276403515343 <br /> archived copy

      In 1984, Memindex was selling monthly planning calendars (pocket notebook size with spiral binding and a case) rather than their older small index card sized formats. Their calendar format looks eerily like what Day-Timer, a division of ACCO Brands, has been selling since at least the early 1990s.

      This goes down to even the "cut here" triangles in the lower right corners of pages to help bookmark the current page.

    1. By insisting the issue with Uber was largely cultural, Swisher ends up affirming the myth that Uber was not only an inevitable but ultimately good innovation, a few bad apples notwithstanding.

      Perhaps without the toxic capitalism portion Uber may have been a great innovation? Maybe it would have been better as a co-op, community, or government supported organization which put the value into both drivers' and riders' pockets?

      Naturally the crazy hype which generated the VC money would have been needed to be replaced, so the question becomes: who would have funded the start up?

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Would it bestretching things too much, you suddenly wonder, to call yourRolodex a form of autobiography—a manuscript that you have beenwriting these fteen years, tinkering with, revising?
    1. Die Selbstverpflichtungen der Regierungen zur Dekarbonisierung reichen bei weitem nicht aus. Ein Bericht, der von den Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage für die kommende COP28 publiziert wurde, ergibt, dass 2030 etwa 20 bis 23 Gigatonnen mehr CO<sub>2</sub> emittiert werden sollen, als mit dem 1,5 °-Ziel verträglich wäre. Zum ersten Mal wird in einem offiziellen UN-Dokument das Ende der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe gefordert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/08/un-report-calls-for-phasing-out-of-fossil-fuels-as-paris-climate-goals-being-missed

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/EMBARGOED_DRAFT_Sythesis-report-of-the-technical-dialogue-of-the-first-global-stocktake.pdf

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/631600

    1. Der CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalt der Atmosphäre wird 2024 weiter steigen, so dass die vom IPCC erarbeiteten Pfade, um das 1,5°-Ziel einzuhalten, nicht mehr eingehalten werden können. Das ergibt sich aus einer Studie des britischen Met Office, die sich auf die Daten des Mauna Loa-Observatoriums in Hawai stützt. (Die obere Grenze der Unsicherheitsbereiche dieser Pfade ist erreicht, selbst wenn der El-Niño-Einfluss abgezogen wird. Ein Einhalten der Pfade würde ein sofortiges Absinken des CO<sub>2</sub>-Gehalts erfordern.) https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat-les-concentrations-de-co2-cette-annee-menacent-la-limite-de-15c-daugmentation-globale-des-temperatures-20240119_6JIALPQDBNADFGNHS4MVDXR5QA/?redirected=1

      Animation: https://youtu.be/RYPDvTWDi0E?si=wWEUnypFxQO8M9D7

      Bericht: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/long-range/forecasts/co2-forecast-for-2024

    1. In 1894, she moved to Oxford andher days as a Dictionary contributor came to an end as she took up the post ofLibrarian of Manchester College, the Unitarian college that had opened itsnew buildings in Oxford the year before. The Unitarians and the college hadalways been radical – already co-educational before any other college – so theappointment of a female librarian was in keeping with its spirit. LucyToulmin Smith, with her extensive scholarship and networks, and from an oldUnitarian family, was the perfect candidate.
    1. But lo!men have become the tools of their tools. The manwho independently plucked the fruits when he was hun¬gry is become a farmer; and he who stood under a treefor shelter, a housekeeper.


      This quote is fascinating when one realizes that the Thoreau family business was manufacturing pencils at John Thoreau & Co., one of the first major pencil companies in the United States. Thoreau's father was the titular John and Henry David worked in the factory and improved upon the hardness of their graphite. https://hypothes.is/a/sm7LUpazEe2tTq_GhGiVIg

      One might also then say that the man who manufactured pencils naturally should become a writer!

      This quote also bears some interesting resemblance to quotes about tools which shape us by Winston Churchill and John M. Culkin see: https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw

  5. Jan 2024
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/325982715454

      35 drawer modular card catalog in light mid century modern design. Table with stick legs a 5x6 section including two pull out writing drawers, a 5x1 section and a top. Likely maple, in great shape. All wood and metal, includes all rods.

      Listed in 2024-01-29 for $3995.00 with freight shipping extra from South Bend, IN

      Labeled as a Centura 400 (model?)

      Cost per drawer: $114.00

      This is the first time I've seen a catalog from Sjöström on the market though on searching there are a handful floating around.

  6. Dec 2023
    1. Wish You Were Here - The “Great Lakes” Edition from Field Notes Brand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFemm4LjJbY

      The Newberry Library in Chicago, IL, maintains a collection of the Curt Teich & Co.'s Art-Colortone postcards from 1898 onward. It's stored in tab divided boxes using an alpha-numeric system generally comprising a series of three letters followed by three numbers. The company sold over a billion of these postcards.

    1. Not large enough for most index card collections, but you have to love this listing for this photo of a man snuggling up to his card index:

      Original photo from their website:

  7. Nov 2023
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/404504721511

      Relisted at https://www.ebay.com/itm/404522331579

      This antique stacking file cabinet set is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Made of oak and manufactured by Globe Wernicke in the United States, these cabinets are both original and handmade. With a height of 78.5 inches, length of 25 inches deep, and width of 33 inches, they provide ample space for storage without taking up too much floor space.

      Modular/stackable, oak, multi-drawer, multi-size index card cabinet by Globe-Wernicke offered around 2023-09-20 for $10,500 (starting bid) or $15,000 (purchase). Free pick up from Lindon, UT.

      Appears to be a section of 6x1 drawers of 3x5 cards, a section of 4x1 5x8 cards, a section of 4x2 drawers for 4x6" cards, two sections of 3x1 drawers for 8.5x11 paper, a cabinet section and a bottm section of two pull out drawers.

      Total of 26 various sized drawers.

      (Second photo shows a separate unit of 9 filing cabinet drawers in three sections of three with a lower cupboard section; are they listed together though? If they're together then one could add another 9 drawers to the original 26 and recalculate the numbers below).

      cost per drawer: $403.84 (opening bid); $576.92 (purchase)<br /> (based on 26 drawers total)

      This is not as common as most certainly and earlier XX C.

  8. Oct 2023
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/204498240406

      Offered for $1,200 on 2023-10-13 for local pick up from Scranton, PA. A Barrister/stackable card index/filing cabinet with a two drawer card index section, a letter filing section and a cabinet section with a lower section with legs.

    1. Listed in late summer/early fall 2023.

      Art Metal Company card catalog (drawer sizes maybe 6x9" index cards? with 32 3/4 W x 38 3/4" H x 18 1/2" D). Possibly sectional with top and short leg sections, two sections of 3x2 drawers and a storage section with two doors. Nice patina.

      Listed originally at $1,200 and put on sale in early October 2023 for $960. Local pick up in Savannah, GA.

      Cost per drawer: $85.71 ($68.57 on sale)

  9. Sep 2023
  10. Aug 2023
    1. About ten years ago, a massive breakthrough happened in genomic research technology. A method appeared which is called NGS, next generation sequencing, and this method significantly cuts time and costs of any genomic research. For example, have you ever heard about the Human Genome Project? It was quite a popular topic for science fiction some time ago. 00:03:10 This project launched in 1990 with the goal to decrypt all genomic information in a human organism. At that time, with the technology of the time, it took ten years and three billion dollars to reach the goals of this project. With NGS, all of that can be done in just one day at the cost of 15,000 dollars.
      • for: progress trap, cumulative cultural evolution, gene-culture co-evolution, speed of cultural evolution, human genome project
      • paraphrase
        • the human genome project took 10 years and cost 3 billion dollars
        • with NGS technology, 10 years later, the same job takes 1 day and costs $15,000 dollars
  11. Jul 2023
  12. Jun 2023
    1. Quarter Sawn Tiger Oak 6 Drawer Card Catalog Vintage American Business Systems


      American Business Systems Co. at 212 Summer Street, Boston, MA manufactured six drawer wooden card indexes some time circa early 1900s.

  13. May 2023
    1. Thank you for your interest in our Corporate program.  We offer bulk discounts on product for organizations that are looking to incorporate 3x5 Life into their company culture or would like to utilize our product as a way to stay 'top of mind' with their customers.  We offer a co-branded solution to add your personal touch to the cards.

      Much like its predecessors (Park Sherman Co.) 3x5 Life offers co-branded products to corporations.

      Did Memindex do this sort of co-branding? I feel like I've seen something to indicate it.

    1. The Analog system has a thin metal divider that separates two sections in the base. The broad suggestion is to use this space as storage and the divider for separating the blank stock of cards from used cards. One could also separate the next/someday cards from the today cards (new and finished).

      The divider serves as a tabbed divider in many systems, but here there are only a total of three slots for differentiation: one slot for one card with today's list, and two other spaces for other cards that the user can determine their uses for. This definitely makes the system incredibly simple and minimal.

      It's only slightly different from the old common Park Sherman Co. desk note pad systems which sometimes had a universal calendar and one tray space for notes.

  14. Apr 2023
    1. Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory. Documentary, Biography, 2016. https://www.kanopy.com/en/lapl/video/5913764.

      Written, Directed and Produced by Judith Wechsler<br /> Wechsler2016

      sepia image of Warburg looking out over a city next to a hill with the movie title superimposed at the top

    2. Aby Warburg died of a heart attack52:41 on the 26th of October, 1929,52:45 at the age of 63.

      Aby Warburg, scion of a major banking family died on October 26, 1929, just two days before Black Monday on October 28, the stock market crash which marked the end of the "Roaring Twenties" and the beginning of the Great Depression.

      Could family influences or changes at that time have caused small, but underlying issues relating to the crash at that time? What was the reaction of the Warburg family on early Monday the 28th?

      Aby, as the oldest, would have inherited the bank, but by arrangement with his younger brother in their youth apparently gave it to his brother in exchange for books.

  15. Mar 2023
    1. Watts, Charles J. The Cost of Production. Muskegon, MI: The Shaw-Walker Company, 1902. http://archive.org/details/costproduction01wattgoog.

      Short book on managing manufacturing costs. Not too much of an advertisement for Shaw-Walker manufactured goods (files, file management, filing cabinets, etc.). Only 64 pages are the primary content and the balance (about half) are advertisements.

      Given the publication date of 1902, this would have preceded the publication of System Magazine which began in 1903. This may have then been a prototype version of an early business magazine, but with a single author, no real editorial, and only one article.

      Presumably it may also have served the marketing interests of Shaw-Walker as a marketing piece as well.

      Tangentially, I'm a bit intrigued by the "Mr. Morse" mentioned on page 109 who is being touted as an in-house consultant for Shaw-Walker.... Is this the same Frank Morse who broke off to form the Browne-Morse Co.? (very likely)

      see: see also: https://hypothes.is/a/Sp8s4sprEe24jitvkjkxzA for a snippet on Frank Morse.

    1. Muskegon Heritage Museum of Business and Industry  · rsdoSptneoiy4 720fhi2tg41m80ga8Ju2542l, 71510glu065h1t196m9t  · Shared with PublicBrowne-Morse CompanyIn 1907, former Shaw Walker executive Frank Morse partnered with retired plumbing dealer Richard Browne to start a new office equipment manufacturing company. They began in a small factory on Barney Street in Muskegon Heights. Browne-Morse quickly expanded over the next couple of years, relocating to the former Grand Rapids Desk Co building on Broadway. They would remain there for the next 70 years. The image shows the factory as it looked in 1911.


      Attached image of the factory has a sign across two sides of the building that repeats the words: "Quality Cabinets Browne-Morse Company"

      Frank Morse, a former Shaw-Walker executive, partnered with retired plumbing dealer Richard Browne in 1907 to form the Browne-Morse Company which would manufacture office equipment.

    1. En mi opinión los gestores de información digital son de gran ayuda en el manejo de flujos grandes de información, los cuales son comunes en nuestro cotidiano, ya sea en espacios educativos, laborales o de entretenimiento. En cuanto a la herramienta hypothes.is, no la conocía, desde hace algunos meses vengo gestionando mi información con Notion. Creo que hypothes.is, ofrece la ventaja de construir un trabajo comunitario y como desventaja, que para usuarios que no tengan bases en herramientas digitales, los primeros acercamientos con la plataforma pueden resultar complicados.<br /> https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/documentaton/doc/UD23B/es/capitulos/hypothesis.md.html#incluirdocumentosentucuenta

    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/155447667554

      This Catalog has a page with the various sizes of card catalog boxes available from Cole Steel in 1950s. The external sizes can be useful for placing the individual card sizes for some of these boxes on the secondary market.

      They also include approximate card capacities.

    1. Howard L. Wilson, Manufacturer, 45 State St., Rochester, N. Y.<br /> (next to an ad for "Genuine Edison Incandescent Lamps")(p.2 in a 2/3 page ad)

      Carleton, Hubert, ed. St. Andrew’s Cross. Vol. 19. Brotherhood of St. Andrew., 1904.

      Specific issue: Nov-Dec 1904 Vol. 19, No 2-3, Pittsburgh, PA

  16. books.googleusercontent.com books.googleusercontent.com
    1. Macey - Wernicke Cards and Supplies can be purchased throughresponsible Printers and Stationers

      Apparently in addition to a Fred Macey Company and the Globe-Wernicke Co. there was a Macey-Wernicke Co. Ltd. which supplied card index supplies in 1904.

      Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, Volume 38, 1904. (p333)

    2. mindex.THIS is the name Howard L. Wilson, of Rochester, N.Y.,hasgivenhisvestpocket cardsystem.Itisa

      Geyers Stationer. “Memindex Advertisement.” Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, September 15, 1904. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Geyer_s_Stationer/L507AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

      Howard L. Wilson of Rochester, NY named his vest pocket card index system the Memindex.

    1. TheGlobeWernicke Vertical FilingCabinets aremadeformosteverysizeofcommercialpapermanufacturedandin-cludeBill,Letter,Cap,Report,Document,and Card Indexfiles.

      Noticing that while other filing companies have smaller half or quarter page ads in System, Globe-Wernicke Co. has a full page add for their filing cabinets.


      Fascinating to see the 8 various types of hole punches different card index systems may have used on their index card filing cabinets.

      Advertisement from System, December 1906:

      CARD INDEX SYSTEM <br /> If you are using Card Systems, as manufacturers we are in a position to save money for you on these supplies. We make suggestions to anyone desiring to install labor-saving-money- making Card Systems.<br /> Cards supplied for all makes of cabinets.<br /> Write for prices and estimates.<br /> STANDARD INDEX CARD CO.,<br /> 707-09 Arch St., Phila., Pa.

    3. he Automatic File & Index Co.
    4. OurNew "400"SeriesNo.400(likecut)hasdeepdrawerarrangedwithVERTICALFILINGEQUIPMENT,writingbednotbrokenbytypewriter,whichdisappearsindust-proofcompartment.GUNNDESKSaremadein250differentpatterns,inallwoodsandfinishes,fittedwith ourtimesavingDROP-FRONTPigeonholebox.Ifyoudesireanup-to-datedeskofanydescriptionandbestpossiblevalueforyourmoneygetaGunn.Ourreference-TheUser-TheManwiththeGunn."Soldbyallleadingdealersorshippeddirectfrom thefactory.Sendforcatalogueof desksandfilingdevices-mailedFREE."AwardedGoldMedal,World'sFair,St.Louis."GUNNFURNITURECO.,GrandRapids,Mich.MakersofGunnSec-tionalBookCases

      Gunn Desks and filing cabinets

      Example advertisement of a wooden office desk with pigeonholes and a small card index box on the desktop as well as a drawer pull with a typewriter sitting on it.


      INDEX CARDS CAN BE USED IN SOME BRANCH OF YOUR BUSINESS<br /> We have eight very useful forms. You can use one or more to good advantage and profit. Let us send you the Samples?<br /> UNITED STATES CARD INDEX CO.<br /> Office and Factory: 112 Liberty Street, NEW YORK<br /> Also send for our Priced Sample Set 'E' which includes all rulings, grades and weights of Index Cards and Guides.'

    6. Memindex

      Let YOUR MIND GO FREE Do not tax your brain trying to re- member. Get the MEMINDEX HABIT and you can FORGET WITH IMPUNITY. An ideal reminder and handy system for keeping all memoranda where they will appear at the right time. Saves time, money, opportunity. A brain saver. No other device answers its purpose. A Great Help for Busy Men, Used and recommended by Bankers, Man- ufacturers, Salesmen, Lawyers, Doctors, Merchants, Insurance Men, Architects, Ed- ucators, Contractors, Railway Managers Engineers, Ministers, etc., all over the world. Order now and get ready to Begin the New Year Right. Rest of '06 free with each outfit. Express prepaid on receipt of price. Personal checks accepted

      Also a valuable card index for desk use. Dated cards from tray are carried in the handy pocket case, 2 to 4 weeks at a time. To-day's card always at the front. No leaves to turn. Helps you to PLAN YOUR WORK WORK YOUR PLAN ACCOMPLISH MORE You need it. Three years' sales show that most all business and professional men need it. GET IT NOW. WILSON MEMINDEX CO. 93 Mills St., Rochester, N. Y.

      Interesting that the use of the portmanteau memindex (as memory + index) for a card index being used to supplement one's memory. It can't go unnoticed that the Wilson Memindex Co. was manufacturing and selling these as early as 1906, several decades before Vannevar Bush's use of the word Memex which seems derivative and removes more of the traces of index from the root.

      Note the use of card sizes 2 3/4 x 4 1/2" and 3 x 5 1/2" for this system.

    7. THE BERGER MFG. CO. ,

      NoHarm Done Fire and Water may play havoc with your office yet your business need suffer either loss nor delay if you will safeguard your valuable documents and business records by the use of BERGER STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE AND SECTIONAL FILING DEVICES fireproof, water-tight and absolutely indestructible. Unlike the insurance company we do not guarantee to replace your loss-we preserve you from loss. We will send free on request our illustrated book " Steelsects" completely describing our handsome line of steel fire- proof Desks, Tables, Wardrobes, Filing Cabinets, Vault Equipments. Webuild special steel office equipment to order. Write us your requirements and we will furnish estimates. THE BERGER MFG. CO. , Canton, Ohio Specialties: Metal Ceilings, Roofing, Siding New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis. and Fire- proof Construction ...

    8. 312 Oak Midget Tray WWeesCoverEquipped same as]No.324,price.55CTohold cards14x3.No.423.Equippedasabove,tohold65Ccards 24x4, priceNo. 533. Standard size.to hold card 3x5, equip-ped as above,price..........No. 7- Nickel ....PrepaidinU. S.onreceiptofpriceNo. 324OakMidgetTraytheCoverWeis75cNo. 644. To hold cards4x6,equipped$1.10(StyleNos.312,423.533and644)asabove......(Style No. 324,213.335and446.)Send for catalog showing many other time-saving office devices. Our goods are soldyour dealer does not carry our line we can supply you direct from the factory.To hold cards 24x4. lengthof tray2%in..equippedwithAtoZindexand100record cards 45cNo. 213. To hold cards 14x3in,, lenght of tray 24in..equipped asabove40cNo.335.Standardsize,tohold3x5 cards.equipped asabove50c80cNo. 446. To hold 4x6 cards,equipped asabove.Any of these trays sent pre-paid in U. S. on receipt ofpriceby stationers everywhere. IfNo. 6 Union St.The WeisManufacturing Co.,Monroe,Mich.,U. S.A.Please mention SYSTEM when writing to advertisers

      Notice the 1 1/4" x 3" cards, 2 1/4 x 4" cards in addition to the 3 x 5" and 4 x 6".

    1. 1930s Wilson Memindex Co Index Card Organizer Pre Rolodex Ad Price List Brochure

      archived page: https://web.archive.org/web/20230310010450/https://www.ebay.com/itm/165910049390

      Includes price lists

      List of cards includes: - Dated tab cards for a year from any desired. - Blank tab cards for jottings arranged by subject. - These were sold in 1/2 or 1/3 cut formats - Pocket Alphabets for jottings arranged by letter. - Cash Account Cards [without tabs]. - Extra Record Cards for permanent memoranda. - Monthly Guides for quick reference to future dates. - Blank Guides for filing records by subject.. - Alphabet Guides for filing alphabetically.

      Memindex sales brochures recommended the 3 x 5" cards (which had apparently been standardized by 1930 compared to the 5 1/2" width from earlier versions around 1906) because they could be used with other 3 x 5" index card systems.

      In the 1930s Wilson Memindex Company sold more of their vest pocket sized 2 1/4 x 4 1/2" systems than 3 x 5" systems.

      Some of the difference between the vest sized and regular sized systems choice was based on the size of the particular user's handwriting. It was recommended that those with larger handwriting use the larger cards.

      By the 1930's at least the Memindex tag line "An Automatic Memory" was being used, which also gave an indication of the ubiquity of automatization of industrialized life.

      The Memindex has proved its success in more than one hundred kinds of business. Highly recommended by men in executive positions, merchants, manufacturers, managers, .... etc.

      Notice the gendering of users specifically as men here.

      Features: - Sunday cards were sold separately and by my reading were full length tabs rather than 1/6 tabs like the other six days of the week - Lids were custom fit to the bases and needed to be ordered together - The Memindex Jr. held 400 cards versus the larger 9 inch standard trays which had space for 800 cards and block (presumably a block to hold them up or at an angle when partially empty).

      The Memindex Jr., according to a price sheet in the 1930s, was used "extensively as an advertising gift".

      The Memindex system had cards available in bundles of 100 that were labeled with the heading "Things to Keep in Sight".

  17. Oct 2022
    1. this course considers at the very end the question of the essence of thereligion: Through all this change, does anything remain constant?

      Religion co-evolves with the people, places, and times in which it exists. Much like human genes, it works at the level of the individual, the local group, the larger groups and communities (of both the religion itself as well as the polities around it), and when applicable at the scale of all people on the planet.

      The Selfish Religion: How far might we take this religion/gene analogy with respect to Richard Dawkins' thesis (1976). Does religion act more like a gene that is part of the particular person or is it more like a virus which inserts itself? The latter may be closer as one can pick and choose a religion rather than it being a core part of their genetic identity.

      (highlight: anchor only)

  18. Aug 2022
  19. Apr 2022
    1. Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes. This time, the index cards werealready there. One of the pages of illustrations of the volume reproduces three ofthem in facsimile. The text doesn’t comment on them, doesn’t even allude tothem. There is just a caption: “Reversal: of scholarly origin, the index card endsup following the twists and turns of the drive.”

      In his book Roland Barthes par (by) Roland Barthes, Barthes reproduces three of his index cards in facsimile. The text doesn't comment or even allude to them, they're presented only with the captions "Reversal: of scholarly origin, the note follows the various twists and turns of movement." "...outside...", and "...or at a desk".

      In this setting, the card index proves itself the most direct co-author as it physically appears in Barthes' autobiography!

    1. the index card. This is despite the fact that itfunctions as such in a variety of different ways in relation to textualorganisation, composition and authorship. In the space that remains,I wish to tease out this idea of the index card as a creative agent inknowledge production by returning to reconsider the issue of theindex card as an archival or ‘mnemotechnical’ device.

      The simple card index can serve a number of functions including as an archive, a mnemonic device, a teacher, an organizational tool, a composition device, a creativity engine, and an authorship tool.

    2. According to Krapp, admissions like this, along with Barthes’inclusion of facsimiles of his cards in Roland Barthes by RolandBarthes, are all part of Barthes ‘outing’ his card catalogue as ‘co-author of his texts’ (Krapp, 2006: 363). The precise wording of thisformulation – designating the card index as ‘co-author’ – and theagency it ascribes to these index cards are significant in that theysuggest a usage that extends beyond mere memory aid to formsomething that is instrumental to the very organisation of Barthes’ideas and the published representations of these ideas.
  20. Mar 2022
    1. Critical approaches are essential. I believe we must support faculty and students by working broadly and collaboratively in three key areas: developing digital literacies and digital capabilities;10 specifically supporting individuals in navigating tensions between privacy and openness; and, most critically, reflecting on the role of higher education and the roles of and relationships between educators and students in an increasingly open and networked society.

      The three key areas of work need to be incorporated into OERs via OEPs. OEPs, then, are pursued by staff and students alike (akin to a negotiated or co-created curriculum). A negotiated or co-created curriculum will work well at certain levels (senior undergraduate, postgraduate, faculty), perhaps less well at entry level? Nevertheless, a focus on learning-to-learn for staff and students at all levels would allow all to move towards a negotiated or co-created curriculum. The major caveat is that professionally accredited degrees will have to carefully scaffold negotiated or co-created curriculae so that they comply with the professionally accreditation requirements.

    1. wathsapp

      En las instituciones educativas de los sectores más vulnerables donde la falta de acceso a las Tics fue la constante, redes sociales como el Whatsapp terminaron siendo el único medio que permitía un contacto esporádico y una educación remota, la privacidad y la cotidianidad de los docentes se vio alterada por la falta de un derecho a la desconexión, la labor docente se volvió una labor de tiempo completo donde la carencia de recursos primo y la creatividad de los docentes para realizar sus clases permitieron sacar procesos adelante.

  21. Jan 2022
    1. Cornelius Roemer. (2021, December 22). @mccarthy_kr I took a look at all these NY sequences. I don’t think these point mutations S:681H are real. Why? Because they appear all over the Omicron diversity. Some sequences have S:346K, some S:701V, most miss S679K, a few have it. That’s the signature of contamination/co-infection. Https://t.co/DcJD4q44EM [Tweet]. @CorneliusRoemer. https://twitter.com/CorneliusRoemer/status/1473507369455923203

  22. Dec 2021
    1. If you cancel within 30 days of the date you received a document called your policy schedule, we’ll refund any monthly payments that you have made. You can cancel after 30 days has passed, but you won’t get any refund.

      If you cancel within 30 days of the date you received a document called your policy schedule, we’ll refund any monthly payments that you have made. You can cancel after 30 days has passed, but you won’t get any refund.

    2. Your cover doesn’t rise over time

      Your cover doesn’t rise over time

    3. You can only increase the level of your Payout or monthly payments by taking out extra policies with us. If you’re accepted for an additional policy, the policy will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable at that time.The most we’ll pay out across all Co-op Over 50 Life Insurance policies you hold is £10,000. We’ll change or cancel policies if they would break this limit.

      You can only increase the level of your Payout or monthly payments<br> by taking out extra policies with us.<br> If you’re accepted for an additional policy, the policy will be subject<br> to the terms and conditions applicable at that time. The most we’ll pay out across<br> all Co-op Over 50 Life Insurance policies you hold is £10,000.<br> We’ll change or cancel policies<br> if they would break this limit.

    4. After each payment holiday you will have the option to make up all the missed payments, otherwise we’ll reduce your Payout by the amount of missed payments against the total payments you make for your policy during the Payout term.

      After each payment holiday you will have the option to make up all the missed payments, otherwise we’ll reduce your Payout by the amount of missed payments against the total payments you make for your policy during the Payout term.

    5. age and whether or not you smoke.

      age and whether or not you smoke.

    6. If less than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, we’ll cancel your policy. You won’t get any payments back and you’ll no longer qualify for a Payout when you die.If more than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, your policy will still qualify for a Payout when you die, under our Payout Promise feature.

      If less than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, we’ll cancel your policy. You won’t get any payments back and you’ll no longer qualify for a Payout when you die. If more than half the payments have been made between the start of your policy and your Final Payment Date, your policy will still qualify for a Payout when you die, under our Payout Promise feature.

    7. f you miss a payment and don’t pay it back within 60 days, our next step will depend on how long the payments have been made for

      If you miss a payment and don’t pay it back within 60 days, our next step will depend on how long the payments have been made for

    8. If you’d like to take a break of up to 6 months f

      If you’d like to take a break of up to 6 months f

    9. You can only take up to 2 payment holidays and these must be at least 12 months apart.

      You can only take up to 2 payment holidays and these must be at least 12 months apart.

    10. You can reduce the monthly payments to as little as £3.95 a month. But this will reduce the amount that we pay out when you die. If you already pay £3.95 or less, you cannot reduce the monthly payments further.

      You can reduce the monthly payments to as little as £3.95 a month. But this will reduce the amount that we pay out when you die. If you already pay £3.95 or less, you cannot reduce the monthly payments further.

    11. The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited

      The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited

  23. Nov 2021
  24. Oct 2021
    1. w/ Jurgis Didžiulis, Mark Smith, Amanda Joy Ravenhill, Turquoise Sound, Tamas David-Barrett — 📡 Re&Co RADIO | a weekly transmission of regenerative thinking & musical co-creation |cross-disciplinary conversations, synesthesic jams, and other fluxus | 📡 KPCR.fm 🔴rec
    1. Yarrow Kraner


      Yarrow is the Founder of HATCH and H360.ai, is an Aspen Institute Fellow, RSA Fellow, and named 2015 top 100 creatives in the U.S. by Origins. He is a pioneer of social networking and has been building communities for twenty years.

      Shared by Mark Smith and Jurgis Didžiulis. We were chatting in the RE & CO Radio soundcheck room just before the live event in Clubhouse.

    1. Jurgis Pranas Didžiulis Valencia (born 5 November 1979 in Bogotá , Colombia ) is a performer, song and music author, producer, public figure and activist.
    1. “The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology.

      Quoted by Amanda Joy Ravenhill on RE & CO Radio, Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

      This leads to a sense of learned hopelessness: Things are worse than you imagined, and there is nothing you can do about it.

      But Buckminster Fuller said, “We are called to be the architects of the future, not its victims.”

  25. Sep 2021
    1. The book, This is Service Design Doing, includes journey maps as a method for participatory design and co-creation workshops.

      I suggested to the Stop Reset Go team that we should map out the interactions and touch points to engage people with the process of bottom-up whole system change.

  26. Aug 2021
  27. May 2021
    1. According to a study published last year by researchers at the University of California San Diego, more than three-quarters of American adults now experience moderate to high levels of loneliness — rates that have more than doubled over the last 50 years. Despite rising housing costs across the country, more Americans are living alone today than ever before. As Boone Wheeler, a 33-year-old member of East Wind, told me, “There are literal health consequences to loneliness: Your quality of life goes down due to lack of community — you will die sooner.”

      Loneliness is growing and communities address that ...

    2. IN 2017 BJORN GRINDE and Ranghild Bang Nes, researchers with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, co-authored a paper on the quality of life among North Americans living in intentional communities. Along with David Sloan Wilson, director of the evolutionary studies program at Binghamton University, and Ian MacDonald, a graduate assistant, they contacted more than 1,000 people living in 174 communities across the U.S. and Canada and asked them to rate their happiness level on the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), a globally recognized measurement tool. They compared these results to a widely cited 2008 study by the psychologists William Pavot and Ed Diener, which surveyed past studies that used the scale to analyze 31 disparate populations — including Dutch adults, French-Canadian university students and the Inuit of northern Greenland — and discovered that members of intentional communities scored higher than 30 of the 31 groups. Living in an intentional community, the authors concluded, “appears to offer a life less in discord with the nature of being human compared to mainstream society.” They then hypothesized why that might be: “One, social connections; two, sense of meaning; and three, closeness to nature.”

      People in intentional communities are happier according to a 2017 study.

  28. Apr 2021
  29. Mar 2021
    1. A news co-op is a news organization owned by its readers, whose membership fees pay for open access journalism – no paywall – usually organized as nonprofits (an IRS rule-change lets for-profit newspaper convert to nonprofits).

      I'm sort of wishing that we could also have social media co-ops. I suspect that there are a few on Mastodon that operate like this, but it would be interesting to see some focused around in-person communities as well.

      Why couldn't my local library run a town/city-based social media co-op?

      For this matter, why couldn't my local news co-op also run it's own social media platform?

    1. Nevertheless, co-hyponyms are not necessarily incompatible in all senses. A queen and mother are both hyponyms of woman but there is nothing preventing the queen from being a mother.

      not necessarily incompatible in all senses.

      so is this only a concern/possibility when the word in question is a polyseme?

      but there is nothing preventing the queen from being a mother

      The meaning of the "incompatibility" relation seems really ambiguous. What does that mean precisely?

      And how would we know for sure if an incompatibility (such as a peach is not a plum) or lack of incompatibility (a queen can be a mother and a mother can be a queen) is a sufficient condition to cause it to be or not be a co-hyponym?

      Oh. I guess it says

      Co-hyponyms are often but not always related to one another by the relation of incompatibility.

      so it actually can't ever be used to prove or disprove (sufficient/necessary condition) that something is a co-hyponym. So that observation, while interesting, is not helpful in a practical / deterministic way...

  30. Feb 2021
    1. Another thing I don’t like: our asset behavior is decoupled from the assets. If you’re mucking around in your app/assets folder, then you have to first know that such a config exists, and then hunt it down in a totally different config folder. It would be nice if, while we’re working in asset land, we didn’t have to mentally jump around.
  31. Jan 2021
    1. Here, we present the development and application of the BioMe plate, a redesigned microplate device in which pairs of wells are separated by porous membranes
  32. Dec 2020
    1. a co-op of worker-owners, and hopefully one day a platform co-op (communities owning themselves? absurd)
  33. Nov 2020
  34. Oct 2020
    1. In some cases, I could also create a component without any <script> tag at all. So in that way, I could actually bulk up the logic in one place if I could get some help from the #with block.
    1. Separately, I wondered about having a central registry of warnings, since they're a bit scattered around at the moment. That way, we could check that someone wasn't trying to ignore a non-existent warning.


    1. I'm also persuaded by the arguments that it will be easier to track stuff down by co-location.
    2. I also think this would be great in terms of colocation. If I need some intermediate result I no longer have to jump between script and markup.
    3. I'm persuaded that co-locating just this one type of logic will be useful.
    4. I like this, mostly because it allows me to write small components without creating another separate sub-component for holding the value simple computation. I get annoyed every time I need to create a component just to hold a variable, or even move the computation away from the relevant location. It reminds me of the days where variables in C had to be declared at the top of the function.
    1. When I say that my experience is that it means it's time to split up your components, I guess I mean that there tends to be a logical grouping between all the things that care about (for example) sqr_n, and in Svelte, logical groupings are expressed as components.
  35. Sep 2020
    1. “It’s this sort of infinitely flexible philosophy where, regardless of what anyone said was true about physics, they could then assert, ‘Oh, yeah, you could graft something like that onto our model,’”

      in a way, sounds like astrology

    1. Because of that, it's easy to end up in a situation where the styles for a given piece of markup are defined far away (in terms of number of lines) from the markup itself, which reduces the advantage of having styles and markup co-located in the first place.
  36. Aug 2020
  37. Jul 2020
    1. Zhong, H., Wang, Y., Shi, Z., Zhang, L., Ren, H., He, W., Zhang, Z., Zhu, A., Zhao, J., Xiao, F., Yang, F., Liang, T., Ye, F., Zhong, B., Ruan, S., Gan, M., Zhu, J., Li, F., Li, F., … Zhao, J. (2020). Characterization of Microbial Co-infections in the Respiratory Tract of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. MedRxiv, 2020.07.02.20143032. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.02.20143032

  38. Jun 2020
  39. May 2020
  40. Oct 2019
  41. Sep 2019
  42. Jul 2019
    1. 1)

      As I reflect on how instructors and students might co-create an OER text, I see questions like this, generated by the instructor/author, as an opportunity to establish and explore essential questions together. After brainstorming these questions, a possible next step would challenge students to write their own chapter (or other unit) in response to this question.

  43. May 2019
  44. Mar 2019
    1. Your customer is frustrated because they're having trouble on your website. Your agent is frustrated because he can't see where the customer is struggling. The customer has to describe what's on the screen; the agent has to articulate where to click. It's cumbersome — and results in long handle times.

      Co-browse in many cases are table stakes. Some of our competitors have been capable of co-browse for awhile. I don't disagree with the summary of the "business challenge," but I think there could also be more to indicate that our customers are demanding this functionality.

  45. Feb 2019
    1. In amplifying our intelligence, we are applying the principle of synergistic structuring that was followed by natural evolution in developing the basic human capabilities. What we have done in the development of our augmentation means is to construct a superstructure that is a synthetic extension of the natural structure upon which it is built. In a very real sense, as represented by the steady evolution of our augmentation means, the development of "artificial intelligence" has been going on for centuries.

      Engelbart explicitly noted that what he was trying to do was not just hack culture, which is what significant innovations accomplish, but to hack the process by which biological and cultural co-evolution has bootstrapped itself to this point. Culture used the capabilities provided by biological evolution -- language, thumbs, etc. -- to improve human ways of living much faster than biological evolution can do, by not just inventing, but passing along to each other and future generations the knowledge of what was invented and how to invent. Engelbart proposes an audio-visual-tactile interface to computing as a tool for consciously accelerating the scope and power of individual and collective intelligence.

  46. Nov 2018
    1. At a time of once-in-a-generation reform to healthcare in this country, the leaders of HM can’t afford to rest on their laurels, says Dr. Goldman. Three years ago, he wrote a paper for the Journal of Hospital Medicine titled “An Intellectual Agenda for Hospitalists.” In short, Dr. Goldman would like to see hospitalists move more into advancing science themselves rather than implementing the scientific discoveries of others. He cautions anyone against taking that as criticism of the field. “If hospitalists are going to be the people who implement what other people have found, they run the risk of being the ones who make sure everybody gets perioperative beta-blockers even if they don’t really work,” he says. “If you want to take it to the illogical extreme, you could have people who were experts in how most efficiently to do bloodletting. “The future for hospitalists, if they’re going to get to the next level—I think they can and will—is that they have to be in the discovery zone as well as the implementation zone.” Dr. Wachter says it’s about staying ahead of the curve. For 20 years, the field has been on the cutting edge of how hospitals treat patients. To grow even more, it will be crucial to keep that focus.

      Hospitalists can learn these skills through residency and fellowship training. In addition, through mentorship models that create evergrowing

  47. Aug 2018
    1. Several cities have been cooperating in shaping our attitude towards Smart Cities as well as in creation of the document,  and we have also used some examples of already implemented projects in cities. When setting up the support mechanism, we relied on information from a questionnaire survey that we tried to reach as many places as possible. In our communication with cities, we plan to continue to acquire new themes as well as to improve the Ministry approach to Smart Cities, including
    2. The Ministry has developed a support scheme to support pilot testing of innovative solutions in practice directly on the territory of the city and, with the help of active targeted counseling, to improve the managementof the transition towards administrative and fi nancially more demanding activities. In the framework of the pilot testing of the proposed support mechanism, 5 projects are to be supported, with the allocation for one project covering the costs of preparing a feasibility study of the solution and using a certain share of co-fi nancing of the Ministry resources and City resources for pilot testing in practice. We expect the launch of the pilot call in the 4th quarter of 2017.
  48. Jul 2018
  49. course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
    1. even the comforting effect of ROBINSON CRUSOE

      I would be interested in running a word co-location algorithm to analyze the adjectives and nouns used by the narrator when the invoking Robinson Crusoe. It would also be interesting to run a similar algorithm regarding the narrator's description of himself and his actions and examine the relationship between the sets of words.

  50. Jan 2018
    1. también proponen ideas creativas como el co-diseño mediante prácticas no industriales (crafting), lógicas ‘piratas’ (hacking) y el abordaje de temas difíciles relacionados con conocimientos alternativos, cuestiones políticas, y transiciones a otros modelos culturales y ecológicos para la sociedad (
    1. Plus qu’une vérification des informations, la multiplication des fakes appelle un travail d’éditorialisation, qui recontextualise les contenus partagés en explicitant les logiques transactionnelles[+] NoteVoir les travaux de Manuel ZACKLAD, notamment Transactions communicationnelles symboliques et communauté d'action : réflexions préliminaires , colloque de Cerisy "Connaissance Activité Organisation », 2003 ou « La théorie des transactions intellectuelles : une approche gestionnaire et cognitive pour le traitement du COS », Intellectica, Paris, ARCo,2000/1, 30, pp. 195-222. [9] qui les motivent. Cela suppose non seulement de reconnaître la multiplicité des points de vue, mais aussi leur mobilité dans l’espace et le temps en tant que productions sociales situées, le vrai n’étant que le frottement continu des informations et des contre-informatio

      On a effectivement intérêt à s'outiller pour être en mesure de qualifier les "logiques transactionnelles" à l'oeuvre en sous-texte de nos discussions (comme des dispositifs tels que hypothèse.is nous aident à le faire). Cependant, je me demande quelle conscience commune nous pourrons cultiver de l'impact de notre manière de vivre l'allure (esthétique) de nos délibérations. Car, cela me semble un horizon à viser en plus (outre la maîtrise des moyens techniques de la construction de connaissances partageables) si nous espérons que notre collaboration (et co-éditorialisation) permette de dégager des conclusions relativement stables - provisoires ou non. Si nous voulons cultiver un milieu propice à élaborer une véritable sphère intersubjective (un espace formé de valeurs et structuré autour de certains repères), la dynamique même de nos échanges doit aussi faire l'objet d'une éducation à la fois théorique et technique et, de ce point de vue, il importe de transformer la crise de la vérité (bien réelle) qui affecte notre société en une opportunité concrète de nous rappeler l'utilité d'une formation critique. Mais, cette occasion de bâtir de manière concertée des bases pour une nouvelle co-appartenance ne portera tous ses fruits que si nous articulons à l'enjeu de la formation à une littératie numérique (où la fonction de l'éditorialisation dans la constitution de l'environnement demeure à définir), le souci pour la sensibilisation du public en général (et du monde de l'éducation en particulier) à la question du rôle du développement d'un sens esthétique dans l'effort collectif pour constituer du sens en communs.

  51. Nov 2017
    1. Developers are an important demographic. Apple says they are the biggest segment of Macbook Pro users, which means they spend a lot of money. And they’re a demographic underserved by Chromebooks today.
    2. Chrome OS defenders can come up with some janky web or Android apps that roughly emulate some of these use cases, but none of them are the kind of industry-defining programs you get on other platforms. This is the third generation of these premium Chrome OS flagships, though, so Google must be happy with the presumably low-volume sales of a device like this. If you liked the other Chromebook Pixels, you’ll like this one, but nothing here closes the gap between Chrome OS and other laptop OSes.
  52. Sep 2017
    1. Co-regulation encompasses initiatives in which government and industry share responsibility for drafting and en-forcing regulatory standards
    2. policy makers and scholars should explore an alternative approach known as “co-regulation.
    1. “performance of innovation” (Balsamo, 2011) described how individuals collaboratively design technology in public settings. According to Balsamo, technology design emerges from a collaborative and cultural process that she terms "technoculture." Innovations are not objects, but like technology they are, “assemblages of practices, materialities, and affordances” (Balsamo, 2011, p. 8). Through performance and embodied action, technocultural innovation has a “dual logic”: the expression of the technological imagination and cultural reproduction.
    1. “Co-working is about your living, your money-making life,” Smith explained. “And HackerMoms is about the rest of your life. Like all the other parts that get neglected when you’re trying to make money. And, for us, as mothers, the differentiation is not so clear anymore” (Smith and Cook, 2012).



  53. May 2017
    1. To maximize our Collective IQ, the key is to accelerate the natural co-evolution of our Tool and Human Systems toward ever-more powerful Augmentation Systems enabling increasingly effective Collective IQ

      At a meta level, we are directly involved in accelerating co-evolution and co-intelligence...this puts us in the Matrix of Enlivening Edge and Teal.

  54. Mar 2016
    1. BUSH: Look, I admire the fact that Governor Kasich is supporting spending more money on drug treatment and mental health. I think that’s a high priority all across this country, but expanding Obamacare is what we’re talking about, and Obamacare’s expansion, even though the federal government is paying for the great majority of it, is creating further debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren

      Diving into this you see that there may have been some red herring with Governor Kasich trying to divert the question of Obamacare. With Bush's response to this question you see that the audience is mostly likely the younger generation. I think this because he feels compelled to acknowledge children and grandchildren. In turn you find that this is extremely appealing to the audience. When talking about the younger generations as a candidate you hit the bell, most everyone cares about how the choices we make today affect the future and by acknowledging this you create a great amount of credibility for yourself .

    2. Justice Scalia was a legal giant. He was somebody that I knew for 20 years. He was a brilliant man. He was faithful to the Constitution. He changed the arc of American legal history. And I’ll tell you, his passing tonight, our prayers are with his family, with his wife, Maureen, who he adored, his nine children, his 36 grandkids

      There is a huge portion of this argument about supreme justice member Scalia that some Americans just don't quite understand, but the fact that Cruz implements in his statement that he knew him for 20 years makes him credible and therefor appeal to the audience. It is important that at the debate they talk about this because it honors one of our very important members of government and seeing someone’s perspective on what they would do on the event that a supreme justice member were to perish. How they would handle this particular situation is important to the American people.

    1. Now, we had a development in the email matter today when it came out that Secretary Powell and close aides to Former Secretary Rice used private e-mail accounts. and now you have these people in the government who are doing the same thing to Secretary Powell and Secretary Rice’s aide they’ve been doing to me,

      I think that she answered the question that was asked but she immediately diverted the attention away from her and tried to bring other like Powell and Rice in, this is a clear use of the red herring. Clinton does a great job in bring the audience in and establishing firm credibility but it is also true that Sanders does a really good job at getting the cowed to agree with him which at the end of the is all that rhetoric is about

    2. What being part of the establishment is, is, in the last quarter, having a super PAC that raised $15 million from Wall Street

      When it comes to mentioning money in the public debates the intended audience is the adult population, any person that has financial burdens. To implement information about how much a candidate is helping with the initials of our country is an appeal of both logic and pathos. Knowing that money is a big deal for most Americans you, as an American are intrigued with any information that has a dollar value. Then you feel emotional reassurance if you hear that this person is helping.

    3. So can you reassure these Democrats that somehow the email issue isn’t going to blow up your candidacy if you’re the nominee?

      Beyond the candidates using rhetoric, the commentators also use a form of rhetoric in their question. By asking this question there is a complete shake of credibility, and in a way Clinton is getting her ethos challenged.

    4. Yes, of course, the economy has not been working for most Americans

      In this sentence Clinton uses some pathos in the hope to connect with the Americans that the economy is not working for, they then feel like she understands and in saying that she established some credibility.

    1. Now is the time, with this momentous shift, tobecome more purposeful and broaden the dialogue of raceby including many other dimensions such as ethnicity,nationality and culture and also including people of mixedrace heritage to our understanding and body of work.

      Considering the impact that Obama has made the author makes it clear that there is no good of time as not to make changes in the way we think about social inclusion. In general this author does a great job of inspiring the reader to make change happen. The previous though that I had on the bias standpoint was completely wrong. I find that there is no bias and the purpose is informative and persuasive. I think in the logical format of this article comes with a large amount of credibility. Over this entire article shows the thought of someone directly affected by racial views, and gives great insight into the other side of the topic. (AB annotation 5) Works Cited: Cross Jr., Barry. "What Does It Mean For The Field Of Diversity And Inclusion Now That Barack Obama Has Been Elected President Of The U.S.?." Diversity Factor 16.4 (2008): 1-3. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Mar. 2016

    2. My own opinion is that this conclusionadds to the complexity of our field. Ibelieve that just because one Black man has made it tothe top of the political system doesn’t mean that we havetorn down the structures of inequality for everybody. Andbecause of the way we define racism as bias plus power,we will have to see if some people’s fears are actuallyrealized and track to see if power shifts to BlackAmericans. Also, the fact that the media labels PresidentObama as African-American or Black and does not honorhis heritage as “mixed race” means that there is still much more work to do in terms of howwe see, acknowledge, understand, and talk about race as a nation.

      Over all this is a powerful paragraph and expresses many of the same thoughts that I have discussed in my research. I think that it is great that this author even though he is an African American male acknowledges that Obama is of mixed race and that there is a whole other side that the media do not publicize. I like that he states that there is still so much work to do and because there is on black man that made it that does not mean that all of the problems go away. (AB annotation 5)

    3. Publisher’s PerspectiveWhat does it mean for the field of diversity and inclusion now thatBarack Obama has been elected president of the U.S.?

      This article starts off asking the question that I have researched. The title is what intrigued me; I thought it would be a really good addition to my research. This article is also written by an African American man, which makes it rich in diversity of thought. The author Barry Cross, Jr., is an experienced diversity trainer and organizational development consultant and President and Chairman of Elsie Y. Cross Associates, the firm that publishes The Diversity Factor. He has a great deal of credibility in this area of inclusion and diversity. Most possibly because of a racial bias there will be clear side choosing. (AB annotation 5)

    1. Post-Racial America: New Myth for a New Age?

      Within the title for this article I think that this author is coming from a really clear view of how to perceive identity. The author Myra Mendible is Professor in the Language and Literature Department at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers. She is also serving as Interim Director of FGCU's Judaic, Holocaust, and Human Rights Studies Center. Her work in the human rights makes her credible and perfect to use for my research. This title Post-Racial America: New Myth for a New Age? This shows the importance of the view for post (isms) when it comes to any identity. Many believe because we have moved into a society where for the first time in the history of our country one of our presidents does not have the same skin tone of the 43 that preceded we can now get rid of all the thoughts of racism. I think that the topic runs much deeper than that. There is still a large part of our government that does not represent many superordinate groups our president may be black but he is still heterosexual, of able body, and a big one MALE, like the 43 presidents that he proceeds. I think that the claim is right here in the title. Claiming that the way that some Americans see isms is that they don't exist but this article proclaims the post-racial view as a myth. I particularly like this because it acknowledges that we still have so far to grow in this area and this is something that I push for personally. (AB annotation 4)

    1. Philip Perlmutter

      Philip is an author from Europe. He moved to Brooklyn, N.Y. I think that as a white man looking in to the topic the conversation of racial prejudiced he only knows one side of yet over his work he is very credible. He wrote in the Globe, he wrote books such as 1992’s “Divided We Fall: A History of Ethnic, Religious and Racial Prejudice in America,” and for magazines and newspapers such as America, The Pilot, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Social Justice Review". In this work I find that this establishes some credibility over the topic of diversity inclusion.(AB annotation 3)Works Cited Perlmutter, Philip. "The Decline Of Bigotry In America." Society 46.6 (2009): 517-521. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.

    2. Hispanics are undergoing similar socio-economic prog-ress. A RAND study in 2003 found that the children andgrandchildren of Hispanic immigrants, like those of priorEuropean immigrants, are making impressive educationaland economic progress, particularly the third-generation,who earn only about 10% less than their white counterparts.Women, too, have been making great strides economicallyand educationally. Though still earning less than men, thegap has been narrowing, going from 59% of men’s earningsin l975 to 73% in 1998. Educationally, by 1997, womenaged 25 to 29, had a higher percentage of high school andcollege graduates than men—89% compared to 86% formales

      Considering the information given here, these statistics have little to do with Obama and his effects on the country. From this information you can see that the rise of diverse thinking has been in progress for a long time. It is important to acknowledge that the rises in changing thoughts around identity prior to Obama's election helped set him up with a running start so that he was better equipped to handle the topic. (AB annotation 3)

    3. In addition to the above human biases, there isinstitutionalized prejudice and discrimination. Institutionalpolicies and processes can cause, reflect, or reinforcehuman prejudices. By having no or few minority employ-ees, particularly when they are available in the workforce,institutions can be rightfullysuspected of practicingprejudice. Even institutions that hire some or manyminorities can be guilty of prejudice if they permit a workatmosphere in which their minority employees are de-meaned or harassed because of their group identity.Why some people in the same family, group, or nationare prejudiced and others are not, or why some people shedtheir prejudices and others do not, remains speculative

      It is in my belief that in the past eight years we have moved from this way of thinking and moved into more understanding about institutional prejudice. But it is really significant to highlight the influence that of Obama has when it comes to social inclusion. (AB annotation 3)

    4. Though prejudice and discrimination exist inAmerica, it has been steadily declining and measurably so.From our very beginnings, there has been a diversity,accretion, succession, and simultaneity of racial, religious,ethnic, and gender victims and victimizers. Fortunately,there has also been a process of meliorism, epitomized bythe presidential election of a black American of mixedracial parents—Barack Hussein Obama. Regardless of theirgroup identity, today’s generation of Americans has lessvictims or victimizers and has more social, political, andeconomic opportunities than their parents. grandparents,and predecessors had.

      This article The Decline of Bigotry in America, by Philip Perlmutter (who is a very credited author) is approaching this topic in a new way at a new perspective. He, he author makes it clear though his claim that racism is not dead yet it is nowhere it used to be centuries ago. Yes, I would agree with this statement yet when people try to bring up how far we have gotten in the push for equality they seem to leave out how far we still have to go. In this article it reads, "the presidential election of Barack Obama proves how wrong pessimists and paranoids have been about race and prejudice in America". This is a commonly said phrase, it almost sounds as though he is disputing his own claim that racism is not dead, as though having a black president fixes everything. I find that in this article there is lots of bias even in the first paragraph because it gives a strong opinion and uses words such as victims and victimizers to describe the connection between identity and Americans. In general this is pretty relevant information just because it shows a different side of the argument. (AB annotation 3)

    1. Obama again can be seen to be attending tothe needs and interests of the diverse groups that he seeks torepresent. However, more importantly, Obama enlists thissocial diversity into a superordinate level of categorisation—atthe level of the nation. This unifying discourse is especiallyevident when Obama states that‘aproblem facing any American(1.0) is a problem (.) facingall Americans’(ll. 23–25). Thus,Obama draws on this discourse of unity and equality to empha-sise the shared collective identity of all citizens of the nationstate despite the existence of intragroup differences

      This quote is maybe the most important of my research so far. This speaks directly to my topic question and in a ten line overview of what Obama says pretty much answers it. In this article, Obama emphasizes the significance of social inclusion most importantly in government. By incorporating the categories of gender, race, religion and background this is an explicit representation of an attempt of Obama's focus on changing the way Americans view diversity. With in the article there is a clear understanding that they support the influence of Obama and therefor may have very small about of bias. Yet facts are facts and this author presents the facts as a way to capture the audience and solidify logic and credibility. Works Cited Augoustinos, Martha, and Stephanie De Garis. "'Too Black Or Not Black Enough': Social Identity Complexity In The Political Rhetoric Of Barack Obama." European Journal Of Social Psychology 42.5 (2012): 564-577. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Mar. 2016(AB annotation 2)

    2. A Unifying Superordinate National Identity

      Within the idea of unifying superordinate identities this is particularly important with thinking about the topic of how president Obama has influenced the view on identity in America. In my own experience I have felt a great unification of minorities, I've seen superordinate identities come together in a single hope of equality. Through my research I have found very few, in fact no opposing argument that would deny the recent togetherness of the superordinate identities. (AB annotation 2)

    3. Despite Obama’s identification with the African-Americanexperience of race and racism, Harris-Lacewell and Junn(2007) found that Obama was perceived more positively byBlack voters when he was framed as a multiracial candidatethan when he was framed as a Black candidate.

      Of course there are some bias in perception of race whether that be with whites or blacks. We saw in the last article that whites were less likely to vote for Obama in correlation with the darker they perceived his skin tone, this prejudice holds true with the black population also. First by rejecting the fact that Obama is black in the first place blacks then being less supportive when considering him as a multiracial candidate. This supports the claim of the authors here because of the rejection of Obama "blackness" leads to the comprehensive ideology of racial and social discourse. (AB annotation 2)

    4. Obama’sracialidentity had been at the centreof public debate, as Obama himself acknowledged in his speech,‘A More Perfect Union’(Obama, 2008d), where he bemoanedthat he had often been criticised for either being‘too black’ornot being‘black enough’

      This perspective is most likely from the stakeholder viewpoint of the citizen. I think this because it is not politically correct to analyze the fact that someone is "too black, or not black enough". Considering the fact that president Obama was criticized for this holds significance because it shows that because someone does not fit the mold of what it means to be black or African American the get criticized. This in turn demonstrations the view that we are moving further away from social and identity inclusion. (AB annotation 2)

    5. especially given Obama’sminoritymembership status as a Black American and the formidablechallenge this posed for his candidacy as president

      Being an African American myself I understand some of the disadvantages that exist and strive to defy them, so I can imagine the challenges that he faced in his candidacy. I think that the claim is, bearing in mind all of the factors that Obama has overcome, still analyzing the idntity and social discourse that is prevalent in our society. (AB annotation 2)

    1. The election of the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama, has been widely recognised as an extraordinary milestone in the history of the United States and indeed the world. With the use of a discursive psychological approach combined with central theoretical principles derived from social identity and self-categorisation theories, this paper analyses a corpus of speeches Obama delivered during his candidacy for president to examine how he attended to and managed his social identity in his political discourse

      Through this abstract they hit some points that are important to my research. First covering the importance of Barack being the first African American president and how this is a huge step in history of America and the world. I think that in mentioning this they establish some credibility. In the purpose of this article you find the relevancy to my research, how Obama attended to and managed his social identity is a big factor in monitoring his effects on the rest of the country. (AB annotation 2)

    1. We note, however, that in our multivariate model, racial prejudice and perceptions of Obama’s skin tone were not significantly correlated and that these factors, measured initially, predicted subsequent voting behavior and evaluations of Obama. Nevertheless, we caution that our results are most conservatively interpreted as perceptions of Obama’s skin tone predicting more negative responses (primarily among low-prejudice Whites) to him, rather than as causing more negative responses. However, our findings are consistent with and extend research that has demonstrated that skin tone, when experimentally manipulated, can impact evaluations of Black political candidates (Terkildsen, 1993; Weaver, 2012) and Obama, in particular (Caruso et al., 2009).

      Overall there is firm understanding on how skin color or perceived skin color affects support for political candidates. One question that comes to mind form the quote above is that if they found that skin tone is not significantly correlated with racial prejudice what are the other factors to consider in the context. Throughout the article there is no clear bias, it is consistently factual and objective. The information provides greats insight on the subject, and clarifies understanding on influences that changed the support of President Obama in his previous years. The stakeholders in this article seem to be wholly focused toward the political influences so that would be the voter and political candidates. (AB annotation 1) Works Cited West, Tessa V., et al. "Racial Attitudes And Visual Cues In Political Judgments: Support For Obama During The 2008 Presidential Election." Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20.4 (2014): 583-590. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.

    2. The relationship between respondents’ initial perceptions of Obama’s skin tone and their subsequent responses to him is consistent with our hypotheses derived from previous work on effects of skin-tone bias (e.g., Caruso et al., 2009; Terkildsen, 1993; Weaver, 2012). The period leading up to and following a presidential election is typically a period of uncertainty. Within this context, Whites’ may be particularly sensitive to cues that elicit affectively based, threat-related responses (see Redlawsk et al., 2010). Darker skin tone arouses perceptions of danger (Dixon & Maddox, 2005; Kahn & Davies, 2010; Maddox & Gray, 2002) and increases amygdala activation (Ronquillo et al., 2007), a response often indicative of threat

      Looking at the initial thoughts about Obama can better help us understand the shifts that we are currently seeing in the view on social, political, racial diversity. Considering that some associate darker skinned people with danger or threats is a thought that could have been predominant for a long time. This particular portion of the article is a huge buttress for the authors claim. When considering who one wants to vote for you would never go with the option that you feel threatens you, and to see that some felt this way shows how complex the racial attitudes are. (AB annotation 1)

    3. The present longitudinal study examined the complex role of race--including racial attitudes and visual representations of race--in White Americans' responses to Obama during the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Consistent with prior research, participants who perceived Obama as darker skinned were less likely to vote for him and generally evaluated Obama less positively. It is important to note, however, that these effects were stronger among Whites with more egalitarian expressed racial attitudes. Moreover, this pattern occurred over and above effects of political orientation and remained stable over a 2-month period, including pre- and postelection.

      Since the election of president Obama in 2008 there has been a plethora of influential events that have followed in my opinion there has been many ways that president Obama has had a great influence on our country. One in particular is the country's view on diversity and identity. From the election of our first us president there has been 219 years of white or Caucasian presidents, in 2008 the election of our first African American president showed a huge shift in the way that this country thinks. In doing extensive research on Obama's effects on the country you can see there is a huge pool of opinions and stakeholders on the subject. Given the influence of president Barack Obama over the topic of identity and diversity there were and are many people that have a fixed mindset when it comes to the subject of inclusion of minorities in positions of power. In this article Racial Attitudes and Visual Cues in Political Judgments: Support for Obama During the 2008 Presidential Election by Tessa V. West, her claim is that there is complexities in the racial attitudes encompassing the election of 2008. One can see from quote above that the diversity among thoughts is significant and relevant because although it is predetermined that not everyone is going to have the same out look on the president the way you perceived him and his skin tone did directly affect for some the support or lack thereof. In 2008 I suggest that this was a common view for many Americans and affected the political influence on the ordinary citizen (AB annotation 1)

    1. “Ultimately, the question to be answered in this matter, and in others like it across the country, is not whether the government should be able to force Apple to help it unlock a specific device; it is instead whether the All Writs Act resolves that issue and many others like it yet to come,” Orenstein wrote. “For the reasons set forth above, I conclude that it does not.”

      You can see that in the conservative perspective they make it more about the phone and the FBI forcing Apple to help with the access of information and then they bring it to a bigger idea and make it about future cases and control over the company and wether or not they can be forced in the future. In whole you can see that they support the fact that Apple should give in regardless of the cost and the cost is where the more liberal view stands.

    2. Judge in New York Drug Case: U.S. Can’t Force Apple to Give FBI Access to Locked iPhone Data

      From the more conservative approach you see that they dive deep into the story from the beginning they mention what kind of case it is and that a judge cant force Apple to give help with access of the phone. One major difference that i see in this is that at the liberal stand point they want to focus on the cost and this article is more about the case in general.

    1. Apple makes clear that creating this "cancerous" code poses a huge risk for the company.

      From the liberal view they try to voice the opinion of Apple. The conservative side was not as interested in understanding why apple wanted to do the appeal from accessing the phones files. the big difference that I see overall is that they are not really telling the same story. One side is more interested in the case and knowing what the phone will do to help that, and the other side is kinda picking a dsde and explaining the cost that it would take for apple to help.

    2. Here's what it would cost Apple to help the FBI hack an iPhone

      From the more liberal news you see that they are making the first part of the story about the cost that it would take the for apple to help the FBI.

  55. Feb 2016
    1. usuallyunder30seconds.Uh,10isreallyasortofarbitrarynumber.Afterconsciousnessislost,thepressurethenhastobemaintainedtightlyandconstantlyforanadditionaltwotothreeminutesinorderfordeathtooccur

      For me this relates to episode 5 of serial and how the gave time for the strangulation of Hea but because she was a big athletic women, the time for struggle would have been much more time so the time line that thy came up with in that episode could have been effected by what this doctor is saying.

    2. ColinMillerThewholethingistroublingtomebecausethemainthingthatmakesalotofpeoplethinkthatJaywasinvolvedishimtellingthecopswherethecar

      Bring this up in class you must understand that although there was lots of thing wrong with Jay's story this is something that can't be refuted. He knew where the car was and only a person that had some involvement with the case would have know this information. With the shiftiness in Jay's stories there is not much credibility there yet because he could find this car for the detectives this gives him lot of cred and lets the prosecution know that this knowledge of where the car was goes a long way.



    1. ColinMillerAccordingtoJay,Jenn’slackofsurpriseaboutthenewsactuallymakessomesensebecausehehadactuallyalreadytoldJennaboutAdnan’splanstokillHaethepriorday.[11:44]JayWilds...hedroppedmhetookmetomyhouse.Uh,IpagedJenniferPusateri.Um...sh...no,I’msorry.Yes,IpagedJenniferPusateri.Um,wehadwenttoGilstonPark.Um,shehadherdogwithher.ThereItoldherwhattheconversationmeandAdnanhadhadearlierthatday.Andherreactionwasjustaboutthesame,and...then,uh...laterthatdayIwenttoChamps,uh...celebratedmybirthday...(Jay’sSecondInterview,pg.3.)[12:24]ColinMillerSoeitherJayislyingabouttellingJennofAdnan’splanstokillHae,orit’sJennwho’slyingaboutherknowledgeofthemurderplot

      I think that overall the story is just coming from one point of view and seems a bit bias. Jay is telling his story and even though they are pointing out the inconsistencies in Jays story he is really thr only on that gets to tell his part.

    2. [8:46]ColinMillerWhatdidJayandJenndowhileJaywasatthePusateriResidence

      I like that in this narration of events everything is mapped out by time yet I think it is a little hard to follow with different narrators going back to back. the difference in reading style makes this particular podcast hard to listen to. I think that the following of questioning by the cops makes this a credible outlet for analysis



    1. This is the first part in a multipart interview. The following has been edited and condensed for clarity.

      This seems to be a credible source yet there is a bit of bias seeing as this is the perspective of Jay.

    2. And people were starting to find out he was a loser, ‘Oh, you and Hae aren’t together anymore. She got a new boyfriend?’ And he didn’t know how to deal with that.

      This is also highlighted in serial, the reaction. I think that the story that Jay gives is probable, I can see a person that is known for being perfect taking it hard when others see them as a loser. I think this is important because finding out what kind of person he is can give insight into how he might react to the breaking up. Because this was his first real relationship there is chances that the reaction to the break up would have been very hardly handled.

    3. what was Adnan’s reputation at Woodlawn?

      Something that continues in this interview is the attempt to understand what kind of person Adnan was. What jay thought about him and how others saw him was something that was important to the case, because trying to find out what kind of person he was can help with the motive behind the murder.

    4. The star witness at Syed’s trial was Jay Wilds, a former classmate who testified that he helped Syed dispose of Lee’s body. Jay’s testimony was critical to the state’s case; indeed, without his testimony it’s virtually impossible that the state could have even brought Syed to trial.

      it is really power that even in this perspective they identify Jay as the star witness. That much because he is although there was parts of the story that did not match up there was a lot of the sore that made too much since to avoid. It holds true in the first part of this review that without his help there would have been no case against Adnan.

    1. "More than 50 women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault."

      This is something that hit the media by storm. 50 women coming out and saying that this had happen is something unheard of in past convictions. Some questions that I would ask here would be... was there enough evidence to convict Kosby? How well in detail did his defence work? because I followed this case i know some places to get some of my questions answered. I know that CNN covered this story over the course and many other news stations did as well that would be the first step to getting the answers that i need.

    2. That quest began with you. On Friday, we took to Twitter with the hashtag #NPRObamaEffect and asked you to weigh in: If somebody else had come into office on Jan. 20, 2009, do you think we'd be having all these conversations about identity? Has the way you identify yourself as a person of color — or as a white person — changed over the last eight years? Have your personal politics around race shifted post-Obama?

      i think that some questions that i have about this particular subject would be... should one give credit to Obama for such a huge effect on America? Will there be a huge change in the way people see race and identities after his presidency. Some things that i might want to look up for this are other presidents that have had a huge effect on similar concepts and how they directly influenced the country. Looking into a variety of different social media could help give clarity on how people think about Obama's influence.

    3. The presidential candidates are wrestling with the issue of political money, which emerged as a bigger issue this cycle than in any presidential race since the 1970s.

      Coverage over the presidential race is big, overall there is a great amount of credibility in this just because it is a well publicized event. Talk on political money brings up lots of question, in the end both candidates want to be funded to continue in the race. With the political flow to this coverage it is hard to say whether or not the appeal ethical or logical but some how become one.

    1. Because literally, like the memory isn’t in their brain anymore, or it never was in their brain?

      Thinking about how and why someone goes about killing another is like trying to figure out why the wold exist, there is just so many things to consider. For Adnan trying to pick apart his brain is not really effective because to think that this seemingly normal kid could kill some one doesn't speak to the facts on weather he did or did not. Koenig does a great job on attempting to involve credible people to support what she is trying to say. by speaking on his character this incorporate a pathos appeal trying to relate him to an ordinary teenager is very appealing. over all Koenig does a great job in keeping herself credible and believable.

    2. Taking tension out of the situation. He was the icebreaker and I knew that whatever was coming out of his mouth half of the time, it was just sweet talk or to take the heat away and half or majority of it was a lie.

      Overall there has been a voice to the character of Adnan and trying to understand his character has really been one of the top objectives in this story, because in some way the character perception of every one else equates to guilt of innocence. This person like many others says that Adnan was charming and used his charm to defuse of wiggle out of things, and this makes him a murderer. in my won personal opinion every outside perspective of Adnan hold no statue in the case he and he alone is an answer to his character because he knows who he is. Knowing that good people commit crimes is very important, proclaiming your innocence is not something some one else really does for you.

    1. Published February 16, 2016 FoxNews.com Facebook662 Twitter0 livefyre618 Email Print Early trials of a potential cancer treatment in which white blood cells are modified to target certain types of the disease have been an "extraordinary" success, scientists said

      Because the fight for cancer is so prevalent in todays wold the tittle alone was good enough to draw me in. Understanding world events as they pertain to science is something that is really important. wanting to know more about how the worlds making progress with something so big creates awareness and in that sense is very credible.