- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Wischnewski, M., Bernemann, R., Ngo, T., & Krämer, N. (2021). Disagree? You Must be a Bot! How Beliefs Shape Twitter Profile Perceptions. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8vyxr
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
Stephen Senn. (19:12:01 UTC). De Finetti meets Popper [Data & Analytics]. https://www.slideshare.net/StephenSenn1/de-finetti-meets-popper
- Apr 2021
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Scheel, Anne M., Mitchell R. M. J. Schijen, and Daniël Lakens. ‘An Excess of Positive Results: Comparing the Standard Psychology Literature With Registered Reports’. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4, no. 2 (1 April 2021): 25152459211007468. https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459211007467.
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Exercise can tackle symptoms of schizophrenia
Not only am I unsurprised by this, but I'd be surprised if it were otherwise. The logic is that schizophrenia is a sleep disorder, and exercise enhances sleep. Additionally, lack of movement is one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Therefore, this poverty of movement may play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia symptoms.
I need to start a google search document with predictions prior to actually searching. It will slow down my research speed, but it is necessary in order to provide unbiased data on my intuitive understanding of diseases. It seems like the majority of my strong intuitions are true. Edit: I'll just record the search phrase in my hypothes.is notes. This one was "exercise schizophrenia"
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Studies of great ape behavior show that they are good at cooperating in situations where there is no potential of deception, but behave egotistically in situations where there are motives for deception, suggesting that their "lack of cooperativeness" is not a lack of a cognitive ability at all, but rather a necessary adaptation to a society full of deception.[citation needed] This suggests that human cooperativeness began when proto-humans began to successfully avoid competition, which is also supported by the fact that the oldest evidence of care for the long-term sick and disabled are from shortly after the first emigration of hominins out of Africa about 1.8 million years ago
successfully avoiding competition was key to humans doing super well vs the egotistical, competitive, & deceiving ways of apes
being able to cooperate and get around deception/defection was key to humans doing so well
.. and you can see how we evolved white sclera so others can better follow our gaze, hence work with us
wow! (ape sclera is dark)
www.eyebrowhairs.com www.eyebrowhairs.com
Be sure to make notes while reading and write a little summary at the end. This will help greatly when you need to look back at the text.
Szabelska, A., Pollet, T. V., Dujols, O., Klein, R. A., & IJzerman, H. (2021). A Tutorial for Exploratory Research: An Eight-Step Approach. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cy9mz
- Feb 2021
Witte, E. H., Stanciu, A., & Zenker, F. (2020, October 28). A simple measure for the empirical adequacy of a theoretical construct. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gdm
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Cousins, R. D. (2017). The Jeffreys–Lindley paradox and discovery criteria in high energy physics. Synthese, 194(2), 395–432. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-014-0525-z
mutabit.com mutabit.com
El profesor Ulises Hernandez Pino, ha estado creando unas excelentes versiones en video explicando varias de las herramientas contenidas en la Documentatón (Markdown, CodiMD, Hypothesis).
En el marco dela DataRoda56 hago estos comentarios sobre hypothesis y el ejercicio de lecturas comentadas en general. Más info en la libreta personal
Quise comentar via hipothesis sobre la página de documentatón y no me lo permitió:
https://youtu.be/cKf3lptMy7k?t=59 Sería mejor arrancar con Duckduckgo para no promover del todo al gigante.
- https://youtu.be/DUjjJ5Nhc4k?t=673 Para el uso con niños, niñas y jóvenes puede ser largo 12 minutos. Se podría condensar en mensaje en cápsulas. Tal vez reformularlo como "Comentarios con hypothesis en tres pasos"
- https://youtu.be/DUjjJ5Nhc4k?t=269 : En relación con la experiencia de Ulises, quien comparte estos contenidos en la red de educadores y software libre, sería bueno saber qué recepción tiene el uso de hypothesis entre los docentes. ¿Hay docentes compartiendo estas herramientas con sus estudiantes?¿Cuáles se trabajan colectivamente?
- Por ejemplo:
- Usé la herramienta para promover una discusión pública en redes acerca de un Foro sobre #PensionesAlTablero organizado por Colfondos Colombia con periodistas e influencers: Ver anotaciones en contexto / (Me doy cuenta que no tuvo acogida, ni yo mismo anoté. Dije muchas cosas en twitter en ese momento que acá no quedaron)
- Otro ejercicio que sí use aunque no tuvo eco tampoco. Proyecto de Ley modificatoria de la Ley de Víctimas y restitución de tierras en Colombia presentado por el partido de derecha Centro democrático. Finalmente no fue aprobado. La Ley, afortunadamente, tuvo prórroga por 10 años más sin modificaciones en 2020. Ver anotaciones en contexto
- Por ejemplo:
medium.com medium.com
[Geisel, 2017] Using social bookmarking tools to bookmark, tag, annotate, and take notes on websites; "Better bookmarking"
- Diigo
- Hypothes.is
github.com github.com
- Jan 2021
One hypothesis was centered around the decompression of the squashfs snap taking some time, so we set up tests to run and compare the performance and timing of various supported compression algorithms for squashfs, including: no compression, GZIP, LZO, ZSTD, and of course XZ.
- Dec 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
RSS feeds are inherently unauthenticated, and access to private group annotations requires authentication, so you can’t use https://hypothes.is/stream.rss or https://hypothes.is/stream.atom to receive feeds of private group annotation activity.
This kind of stinks. Would be nice to have HTTP basic auth so private feeds could be pulled.
stats.libretexts.org stats.libretexts.org
The following ANOVA table illustrates the relationship between the sums of squares for each component and the resulting F-statistic for testing the three null and alternative hypotheses for a two-way ANOVA.
The following ANOVA table illustrates the relationship between the sums of squares for each component and the resulting F-statistic for testing the three null and alternative hypotheses for a two-way ANOVA.
files.zotero.net files.zotero.net
hypothesis 3. the hypothesis captures every aspect of the question, from the linguistic features to the contributing factors
hypothesis 1
- Nov 2020
etextbookpub.pressbooks.com etextbookpub.pressbooks.com
hypothesis hashtag test
Hypothesis test: what is the difference between "page notes" and "annotations" in hypothesis?
- Oct 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
not supported on mobile browsers
I have created an iOS shortcut to enable the Hypothes.is sidebar via the Share button on a browser on iOS.
Direct link to the shortcut: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/e9a8b3742f214111b30b4176ad8e0870
More details here: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/jaatcc/shortcut_so_that_you_can_annotate_and_highlight/
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Not since Lincoln
And if I highlight and annotate the copy on my site (http://boffosocko.com/2017/01/19/obamas-secret-to-surviving-the-white-house-years-books-the-new-york-times/), the question is: will it also appear on the original?
Yes, in fact it does!
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
(If I were Virginia Eubanks I might want to capture the pull quote myself, and display it on my book page for visitors who aren’t seeing it through the Hypothesis lens.)
Of course, how would she know that the annotation exists? Here's another example of where adding webmentions to Hypothesis for notifications could be useful, particularly when they're more widely supported. I've outlined some of the details here in the past: http://boffosocko.com/2016/04/07/webmentions-for-improving-annotation-and-preventing-bullying-on-the-web/
wptavern.com wptavern.com
Hypothesis Aggregator
Be careful with this on newer versions of WP >4.7 as the shortcode was throwing a fatal error on pages on which it appeared. https://github.com/kshaffer/hypothesis_aggregator/issues/4
p.s.: First!
Kris Shaffer, the plugin’s author
Here's his original post announcing the plugin: http://pushpullfork.com/2016/08/hypothesis-aggregator/
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
In a new paper appearing in Communications Biology
test annotation
www.core-econ.org www.core-econ.orgHome1
Economy, Society, and Public Policy
David Brancaccio and the kind folks at Marketplace are doing a public virtual bookclub with this book as their text for twelve weeks through the Spring of 2020.
Given the complexity of the subject and the public nature, I might suggest that they consider using the opensource and free Hypothes.is platform as an academic discussion tool for allowing everyone to highlight, annotate, and respond to the text and conversations.
I suspect the Hypothesis team would be happy to do a quick run through of their platform as well as potentially creating a private group if they preferred.
- Sep 2020
moderndive.com moderndive.com
9.2 Understanding hypothesis tests
Hypothesis testing
sphinx-comments.readthedocs.io sphinx-comments.readthedocs.io
Hello this is a test !
Hypothesis is a new effort to implement an old idea: A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site
- https://web.hypothes.is/about/
- https://twitter.com/hypothes_is
- https://github.com/hypothesis
- https://twitter.com/choldgraf
Thank you Chris https://twitter.com/choldgraf !
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Kermack–McKendrick theory. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kermack%E2%80%93McKendrick_theory&oldid=951835485
- Aug 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
but there are no comments or tags
Is this not a comment on a highlight? And did I not just add tags? Is this article out of date?
www.journalofsurgicalresearch.com www.journalofsurgicalresearch.com
Althouse, A. D. (2020). Post Hoc Power: Not Empowering, Just Misleading. Journal of Surgical Research, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2019.10.049
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Postal service warning states it may not be able to deliver ballots in time based on current election rules
USPS is having a cockroach infestation
video.foxnews.com video.foxnews.com
Larry Kudlow expects large economic recovery numbers in 3rd and 4th quarter
What is the value of predictions from someone wrong every single time? Since April 2018, Larry Kudlow was wrong on all his predictions regarding economics and other issues that he somehow thought was necessary to comment on. If he would be reciting chicken pie recipes in Esperanto would be a better contribution to the viewers and his career. That would be very bad for him if he would be the Director of the National Economic Council. Thank God he is not.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
DeSantis is the state version of Donald Trump. It's only a state wide range of stupidity celebration. He is not on Mount Rushmore level of moron-ism like the orange president.
He is more like on Robert Lee small town square statue level...but, never than less, he now, holds then decision of living and dying. To much power to anyone, imagine for an anencephalic?
DeSantis, do you know what a body count is?
www.klimafakten.de www.klimafakten.de
Ausführliche Darstellung von Climate Feedback – A Scientific Reference to Reliable Information on Climate Change. Es wird auf den Hintergrund des Projekts eingegangen, auf seine permanente Weiterentwicklung und auf eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne. Ähnliches Projekt: medien-doktor.de - Wir beurteilen die Qualität journalistischer Umwelt-Beiträge in Publikumsmedien nach festgelegten Kriterien..
climatefeedback.org climatefeedback.org
Überprüfung von journalistischen Aussagen durch Wissenschaftler. Verwendet Hypothesis als Werkzeug.
misinfocon.com misinfocon.com
Grundlegender Artikel über die Verwendung von Web Annotations zum fact checking. Deses Konzept wurde von Climate Feedback – A Scientific Reference to Reliable Information on Climate Change umgesetzt. Interessant ist auch die Verbindung der Annotations mit unterschiedlichsten Arten von Metadaten.
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Manski, C. F., & Tetenov, A. (2020). Statistical Decision Properties of Imprecise Trials Assessing COVID-19 Drugs (Working Paper No. 27293; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27293
- Jul 2020
osf.io osf.io
Bogliacino, F., codagnone, cristiano, Montealegre, F., Folkvord, F., Gómez, C. E., Charris, R. A., Liva, G., Villanueva, F. L., & Veltri, G. A. (2020). Negative shocks predict change in cognitive function and preferences: Assessing the negative affect and stress hypothesis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown mitigation strategy [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/qhkf9
- Jun 2020
Local file Local file
Within each neuron, 719 we calculated the expected firing rate for each task condition, marginalizing over 720 distractors, and for each distractor, marginalizing over tasks.
Distractor = specific stimulus / location (e.g. '1' or 'left')?
Task = conflict condition (e.g. Simon or Ericksen)?
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
The creator of a Hypothesis group
According to this issue in Github, in an LMS environment the creator of the group would be the first instructor-user in a course who creates and launches a Hypothesis-enabled reading. Could someone confirm this? Is this specified somewhere else?
notes.peter-baumgartner.net notes.peter-baumgartner.net
The vision is to provide ‘a conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site’.
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Shaw, H., Ellis, D. A., Geyer, K., Davidson, B. I., Ziegler, F. V., & Smith, A. (2020, May 29). Subjective reports overstate the relationship between screen time and mental health. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/mpxra
Peixoto, T. P. (2020). Revealing consensus and dissensus between network partitions. ArXiv:2005.13977 [Physics, Stat]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.13977
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Stadnytskyi, V., Bax, C. E., Bax, A., & Anfinrud, P. (2020). The airborne lifetime of small speech droplets and their potential importance in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 202006874. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2006874117
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Cuskley, C., & Wallenberg, J. (2020, May 14). Noise resistance in communication: Quantifying uniformity and optimality. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wpvq4
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Hypothesis/Brave login now works seamlessly there, and will on any other sites I unblock.
I'm ngl I'm not a huge fan of either of the proposed solutions for this. Just because I'm happy to allow third party cookies provided by hypothesis.is on example.com, doesn't mean I'm happy to allow all the other third party cookies on example.com, which is what the more conservative of the two solutions suggests.
Maybe there's some form of whitelisting we can do so that Brave automatically unblocks all hypothesis.is third party cookies, regardless of URL?
- Apr 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
The team behind Hypothesis, an open-source software tool that allows people to annotate web pages, announced in March that its users had collectively posted more than 5 million comments across the scholarly web since the tool was launched in 2011. That’s up from about 220,000 total comments in 2015 (see ‘Comment counts’). The company has grown from 26,000 registered users to 215,000 over the same period.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
These variations were related to inflammation in the host
In which direction? This statement makes me wonder if inflammation caused the changes in the microbiome.
It seems possible that the sweetness itself is the ultimate cause. To test this, a study using oral gavage. It's easily plausible that the flavor alerts dietary patterns (I believe humans eat more calories in response to sweeteners, will need to check on source). Alternatively, direct effects on the brain, and downstream effects on the body, is also not out of the question.
The reason I suspect taste-mediated effects is that it seems unlikely that so many completely unrelated sweeteners would have such similar effects. However, one might might expect more similar results than those found if it were the case (or the dose is so high that the taste changes for some, e.g. saccharin).
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci en Twitter: “RT @paimadhu: I suspect most folks rushing to pre-prints with correlations between #Covid_19 & a host of variables (e.g. BCG, malaria endem…” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from https://twitter.com/scibeh/status/1252311781382541312
You can find the original Google Presentation online.
The side effects of MK-801, which are probably a result of its high affinity for and long dwell time on the receptor, preclude its clinical application
MK-801 has side effect, and may related to its high affinity and long off rate.
Local file Local fileuntitled1
100 nM MLN-4760did not interfere with immunoprecipitation of ACE2 by S1-Ig,nor did this inhibitor interfere with S-protein-mediated infec-tion (Figure 4B and C)
hACE2 inhibitorm MLN-4760, does not interfere with immunoprecipitation of ACE2 by S1-Ig, nor did this inhibitor interfere with S-protein-mediated infection. So ACE2 inhibtor should not be a good way to interfere SARS infection
www.morganclaypool.com.zorac.aub.aau.dk www.morganclaypool.com.zorac.aub.aau.dk
both the body of the annotations and their anchors need to be revised before the annotations are suitable for use in a public discussion.
Is a good practice for hypothesis to make personal annotations first, when reading, without carefully thinking of them too much, and then, once reading is over, go back to the annotations and see which are relevant to make public and polish them a bit?
www.csdl.tamu.edu www.csdl.tamu.edu
Isthere any way of using these annotations (cryptic jottings,emphasis symbols, underlining and highlighting) in theDocuverse?
For example, I think one could sum the highlight in each specific section. If many people highlighted a passage, then the highlight color is higher. That way one would be able to discover passages that many people found important/interesting. Although, it may also bias others to do the same. As usual.
libguides.unco.edu libguides.unco.edu
Getting Started
If you would like to start by integrating Hypothesis into your learning management system (LMS) instead, reach out to us at Hypothesis.
It is free
Hypothesis offers and will continue to offer free annotation capabilities for people to use across the web.
To sustain our project, Hypothesis arranges paid partnerships with institutions looking to use annotation at scale and with integration into their learning management systems for single sign-on, automatic private groups, dedicated support, service -level agreements, dashboards on usage at the class and institutional levels, participation in the AnnotatED community, and more.
In response to the current COVID-19 crisis, Hypothesis has waived all institutional costs for at least 2020.
- Mar 2020
www.the-brights.net www.the-brights.net
. However, the data did not support a meresimilarity effect: Our results were robust to controlling for partic-ipants’ own moral judgments, such that participants who made adeontological judgment (the majority) strongly preferred a deon-tological agent, whereas participants who made a consequentialistjudgment (the minority) showed no preference between the two
But this is a lack of a result in the context of a critical underlying assumption. Yes, the results were 'robust', but could we really be statistically confident that this was not driving the outcome? How tight are the error bounds?
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
(Perusall is one such tool to do that.)
Or use Hypothesis--free and open source!
- Jan 2020
I would say hypothes.is is the most active fork
github.com github.com
Hypothesis considers a "close enough match" to be a success and does NOT place the corresponding annotation in the Orphan category, thus creating a false positive.
annotatorjs.org annotatorjs.org
github.com github.com
- Dec 2019
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Esta página me explica como se usa el servicio de hypothesis!!
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
For example, this note should appear highlighted in yellow. Try clicking on it!
This is what an annotation looks like!
- Nov 2019
Richard Spencer
- Oct 2019
futurepress.github.io futurepress.github.io
Epictetus wrote nothing; and all that we have under his name was written by an affectionate pupil, Arrian, afterwards the historian of Alexander the Great, who, as he tells us, took down in writing the philosopher’s discourses
As it happens, this annotation works through its proper URL) but, Hypothesis butchered the link. You need to turn the page once to see the highlight though.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
little focus on asking students to engage in the kind of repeated practice that can be computer generated and computer graded
Not so. Tools like Hypothesis help streamline discussions of texts in both in-person and online courses, in my experience.
- Sep 2019
Transparent Review in Preprints will allow journals and peer review services to show peer reviews next to the version of the manuscript that was submitted and reviewed.
A subtle but important point here is that when the manuscript is a preprint then there are two public-facing documents that are being tied together-- the "published" article and the preprint. The review-as-annotation becomes the cross-member in that document association.
- Aug 2019
lms.hypothes.is lms.hypothes.is
Can we annotate collaboratively?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred
Now Hypothesis annotations not only show when they were created, but also a second timestamp if they were edited.
- Jul 2019
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Some users have deployed independent Hypothesis servers, and at least one uses an API-compatible reimplementation of the Hypothesis server.
I'm curious about these. Would someone point me in their direction?
The prospect of hosting your own server seems intimidating, if not tempting.
xolotl.org xolotl.org
collaborative, digital, interoperable annotation
Like Hypothesis. Read annotations here or add your own with a free Hypothesis account.
xolotl.org xolotl.org
annotate it
You can make a free account to annotate yourself at Hypothesis.
- Jun 2019
jfix.github.io jfix.github.io
Here is a gratuitous annotation, as an example.
Have a look at the Page Notes section above to see another feature provided by Hypothesis.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
URIs are split on characters `#+/:=?.-` into their keywords.
split chars used for uri.parts parameter
- May 2019
koreatesol.org koreatesol.org
The 40 Years’ War
The 40 Years’ War
www.sdkrashen.com www.sdkrashen.com
Down with Forced Speech
www.sdkrashen.com www.sdkrashen.com
Do Students Like What is Good for Them? An Investigation of the Pleasure Hypothesis with Middle School Students of Mandarin
www.sdkrashen.com www.sdkrashen.com
Case Histories and the Comprehension Hypothesis
sdkrashen.com sdkrashen.com
The pleasure hypothesis
docs.newrelic.com docs.newrelic.com
config_file: Path to the config file name
Since Hypothesis uses a server side config I'm not sure what to do here as there is no config file to provide. 🤔
If it turns out this isn't feasible (although I'm sure there's a solution for this config_file issue) the alternative approach would be to use the post method.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
This would be a good space to let folks really kick the tires with Hypothes.is. I am wondering why they seem reluctant to let the crowd loose on the "actual" program? If someone finds the notes and such distracting, one can turn them off. This is a great feature of Hypothes.is. I sometimes like to read a document all the way through before I read any comments or notes.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
he builds a trail of his interest through the maze of materials available
Recording the trail we wander through this info seems to be a key feature of the Hypothesis annotation view we return to whenever we open the page.
- Apr 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Favorable changes occurred in z-scores for weight (one-tailed p < 0.04) for age and gender among children in the combined center- and home-based intervention compared to comparison children at posttest.
Here is an example of a study that used an one-tailed test as opposed to a two-tailed test.
Challenge for readers: Dig into the Methods section and find out why the researchers used an one-tailed test.
- Mar 2019
github.com github.com
jonudell.net jonudell.net
- Feb 2019
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
incorporating community feedback and expert judgment
Biomed Central and ResearchSquare have partnered on a project called InReview, which enables community feedback in parallel with traditional peer review. More on that project here.
peer review reports are published, either anonymously or with attribution;
American Society for Plant Biologists is using Hypothesis annotation to draw the reader's attention to Peer Review Reports, publications that were previously hidden in supplementary materials. An example can be found here. And a list of all articles where such annotations have been added can be found here.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Great paper on orphaned annotations in H.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
on process, increasing the level of investment they have with the content wh
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
You can learn more about Hypothesis annotation tools and practices on their website.
- Jan 2019
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org18.pdf1
“parallel linked systems” where the discussion forum and artifact are presented side-by-side on the screen, and then linked visually via hyperlink. In these parallel linked systems, the distance between discussion and text is less than in traditional threaded discussion forums,
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
Academics will be able to give feedback at the same time the research is actively taking place; and it will be as though scholars are directly connected to each other in the same lab or institution.
Annotation is a great way for folks at a range of institutions to provide public or private collaborative feedback. Get your free account here: https://web.hypothes.is/start/
Local file Local file
Appendix A. The survey instrument
they did notparticularly value the comments of their peers. Moreover, students'perceptions of learning in this class depended upon their sense ofcommunity: when the sense of community was higher, studentsreported higher levels of learning and vice versa. Sense of communityemerged as a significant predictor of perceived learning, with higherlevels of community being related to higher levels of perceivedlearning.
key finding
social constructionof knowledge, which happens by means of sharing knowledge,asserting different perspectives and interpretations, and critiquingviewpoints (Leslie & Murphy
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button
This is a test of Hypothesis, a note created using the tool in public view. It's somewhat like Google Docs. Here's a link to SAE Expression College. Below is a list of things to read in this test article:
- HIghlight some text, then click the highlighting tool.
- Highlight text, then use the comment tool. (Hmm..had to click the list button in this line again????
This is bold text. * Here's italicized.* Definitely not WYSIWYG as in a word processor. Could be improved.
In preview mode, my bold and italicized text don't show up correctly????
- Dec 2018
cleo.uwindsor.ca cleo.uwindsor.ca
In my work, I have strayed far from a background that includes a MA in English Literature and teaching K-12 students written composition. I’ve focused on teaching or analyzing written communication or networked online discourse in the higher education, especially at the graduate level, for the past 16 years or so. But this work, annotating in the open not just for an individual, the teacher who grades the assignment, hits close to my heart in teaching K-CEO learners to write for an audience.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
tutorials. More text. And more text. And more text. And mor
- Oct 2018
medienpass.gbm-ge.de medienpass.gbm-ge.de
einen Kommentar
Um alles zu vereinfachen, haben wir die Kommentare 'öffentlich' gemacht. D.h. alle können lesen, was du schreibst.
- Sep 2018
www.baldurbjarnason.com www.baldurbjarnason.com
Doing the same in digital is incredibly hard without programming skills (see the low success rate above) or expensive tools, even when the closed silos allow it.
Annotation with a standards-based open tool provides great utility in this regard, without the need for programming skills.
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Between publishers' higher costs of textbooks and students' struggle with large amounts of reading materials, getting students to both access and engage more deeply with texts is a challenge.
Two challenges that #OER and #annotation together can provide infrastructure to help solve: the high cost of learning materials and engaging teachers and learners in social reading, discussion and analysis.
Issues to solve: both OER and annotation don't require digital reading, but are both made more powerful through it. Yet technology access and reading preferences don't always support to digital reading.
Solution: Explore online and offline, digital and print experiments in OER and annotation/social reading.
- Jul 2018
alistapart.com alistapart.com
Marginalia#section5 With Webmention support, one could architect a site to allow inline marginalia and highlighting similar to Medium.com’s relatively well-known functionality. With the clever use of URL fragments, which are well supported in major browsers, there are already examples of people who use Webmentions to display word-, sentence-, or paragraph-level marginalia on their sites. After all, aren’t inline annotations just a more targeted version of comments?
Absolutely. This is what I'd love to have with Hypothesis.
- May 2018
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
We’re now in a transformative stage as new tools such as ‘commenting’ emerge that can support a collective reading experience. These innovations allow readers to ‘engage’ with content in new ways.
Or better yet--in-line annotating! Open interoperable standards-based annotation, of course.
- Apr 2018
www.google.it www.google.itGoogle1
benvenuto in Hypothesis!
Hypothesis nasce dal progetto AnnotateIt ( http://annotateit.org), ora dismesso, e permette di creare annotazioni su qualsiasi pagina web , pdf ed epubs.
L'idea di fondo era già venuta a Google con SideWiki (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Sidewiki) che dal 2009 al 2011 aveva permesso
Una alternativa a Hypothesis è diigo.com, in funzione da diversi anni , potente ma con piani free e a pagamento a seconda della quantità di annotazioni prese ...
Con Hypothesis invece non si hanno limiti apparenti, il progetto è gestito da una organizzazione non profit che sviluppa codice open source (v. https://web.hypothes.is/about/)
- Mar 2018
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Open web annotation of audio and video
groups.google.com groups.google.com
Rewriting is necessary to avoid cross-domain frame issues and to allow the user to browse pages with the sandbox and to keep seeing annotations.
cross domain
media.readthedocs.org media.readthedocs.org
pywb Documentation, Release 2.0The default JS rewriter does not rewrite any links. Instead, JS rewriter performs limited regular expression on thefollowing: *postMessagecalls * certainthisproperty accessors * specificlocation =assignmentThen, the entire script block is wrapped in a special code block to be executed client side. The result is that client-sideexecution oflocation,window,topand other top-level objects follows goes through a client-side proxy object.The client-side rewriting is handled bywombat.jsThe server-side rewriting is to aid the client-side execution of wrapped code.For more information, seepywb.rewriter.regex_rewriters.JSWombatProxyRewriterMixi
JS rewriter
blogs.dropbox.com blogs.dropbox.com
A high-level technical explanation of how Dropbox's PDF annotation interface is implemented.
Quite interesting for Hypothesis.
muraludg.org muraludg.org
Annotating Open Pedagogy
blogs.nature.com blogs.nature.com
eLife replaces commenting system with Hypothesis annotations
eLife 采用Hypothesis替代原来的评论系统
- Feb 2018
101innovations.wordpress.com 101innovations.wordpress.com
Stringing beads: from tool combinations to workflows
on research workflows and tools
The river created Los Angeles, and almost destroyed it
Emphasizes the power of the river; suggests it has agency. Personification?
www.google.de www.google.de
I've created my Hypothesis account
hypothes.is hypothes.is
ension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents.
Testing the things...
- Jan 2018
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Please create a Hypothesis account here. We're going to try and see if it's helpful to us as a way to more robustly and elegantly comment and annotate within Scalar pages.
Hello everyone, btw I integrated the Hypothesis tool with our Scalar site. Let's play around with it as it looks like it might serve us well for commenting, annotating, and embedding discussion directly into Scalar pages. Please create an account here.
- Dec 2017
crumplab.github.io crumplab.github.io
heories and hypotheses always have this if-then relationship
helpful for forming a hypothesis for an experiment/paper
I hope over time Reviz.in features will be integrated in the original client.
Yes, I certainly hope so too. But what exactly are the additional features? I see the precautions for preventing accidental publication and the "Copy Review Report" button. (The renaming of annotations and page notes is perhaps not such an important "feature"...) Anything else?
- Nov 2017
edu-scenius.blogspot.com edu-scenius.blogspot.com
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
are visible only to other group members
One thing I really like is that you can move annotations from one group into another (or into public). But it would be even better, if annotations could be shared with multiple groups. Because if I move the note from group A to group B, users who are a member of group A but not of group B will no longer see the annotation.
Rap Genius finally gives us the opportunity to find out. It's an ambitious mission, and one we are proud to get behind.
I wonder whether Marc would still write this the same way today, in a world where web annotation is finally a W3C standard and Hypothesis looks much more like the future of web annotation than Genius...
groups.google.com groups.google.com
If you want to access all annotations on a specific URL, you can do that using `uri:<URL>` terms in the search box at https://hypothes.is/search. You can also use `group:<name>` and `tag:<name>` filters here. There isn't currently a convenient way to search for all annotations in a particular domain (say "bbc.co.uk" or something like that), and we know that functionality is important for a number of use cases.
The Hypothesis web service currently supports two kinds of accounts, the first are "first party" accounts which are those a user signs up for on the Hypothesis web site or via the login screen for the client. These can only be created by the user directly, currently with a username and password and in future using external accounts (Google, etc.). The second are "third party" accounts which are created by the publisher via API calls to our service. These accounts can only be used on web pages that the publisher owns and where they embed the client. Third party accounts currently also have some limitations with respect to functionality - there is only one publisher-specific group and users cannot yet create their own groups when using third-party accounts. Also the Hypothesis web site pages at https://hypothes.is/search are not available for third-party users yet. The API can however be used to fetch data for these accounts and present it however you wish.
two types of accounts (I'm not sure I like the the third party accounts that can only be used on the publisher's website, but I guess it's a way of getting publishers to integrate H. I only hope that users can upgrade from third party to "real" accounts without losing data.
steelwagstaff.info steelwagstaff.info
We know that there are few sticky security and implementation issues
Which is probably why @judell’s tate doesn’t show up in Chrome on my system and there’s weirdness with the scrolling once we accept to load unsafe scripts.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Students often lose access to their materials at the end of the semester Students also often lose access to their own work as well, in the form of highlights, notes, and other annotations
Hence the need for #OpenAnnotation to pair up with some of the other opens. Hypothes.is people are doing their part, but still.
- Oct 2017
steelwagstaff.info steelwagstaff.info
I published my own set of core principles for an authoring & publishing tool.
Steel's principles for an authoring and publishing tool.
After our talk, Nate Angell from Hypothesis asked me if I’d be willing to write up a blog post describing in more detail what we’re doing with web annotation specifically. And so here we are.
Ask and thou shalt receive! Thank you Steel!
adamcroom.com adamcroom.com
a set of yes or no questions for edtech products
FWIW, Hypothesis evaluated itself against the Audrey Test.
remikalir.com remikalir.com
Annotating DML
Few conference sessions offer this level of supplemental reference. Thanks for rockin' DML!
- Sep 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
A system-wide Share extension
This is something I would like for my iPhone as I use the share sheets a lot, but I'm not sure how widely they are used.
- Aug 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
<script src="https://hypothes.is/embed.js" async></script>
One line of code adds open, standards-based annotation to any website.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Hypothesis Demo 2017-07-05
helpful product overview
- Jul 2017
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
he wishes Lacuna could be updated more easily. Texts must be submitted to the tech team for uploading, which can take a few days, and once his grant funded fellowship ended, he had to upload documents on his own, he said.
Major difference with Hypothesis. Enabling annotation only in a specialized content repository drastically limits the utility of annotation.
- Jun 2017
github.com github.com
retrieves the JSON data
Step 2: Grabs the data from the URL...
generates a well-formed search URL
Step 1: Creates a URL to be looked at by another fuction/method
To enhance that process, you could add the appropriate path to the output file name in this script, and write a shell script that runs this script and then commits/pushes to GitHub, and then schedule that script to run at regular intervals from your computer/server. I'm going to look into adding that functionality to this script, but it's not ready yet.
github.com github.com
# search for all annotations with the tag IndieEdTech and return them in json format. s = searchurl(tag = 'IndieEdTech') l = retrievelist(s) # print the title of each article annotated. for entry in l: e = Annotation(entry) print(e.title)
I don't get it. Is this all I need to put into a Jupyter Notebook?
given the annotation's API URL
Is this specific to an annotation? Yes, I guess.
- May 2017
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
provide a set of discussion APIs
Digital #annotation is currently demonstrating a model for discussion much like Michael describes, where "discussion" (as annotation) is a separate, generic service and different manifestations of that service can be harnessed for and surfaced in various platforms for different uses. See Hypothesis' work, especially with a Canvas LTI integration.
blog.edtechie.net blog.edtechie.net
orcid.org orcid.org
Each item added to the repository will be assigned a DOI, which means you can trust they will be persistently resolvable. In our exemplar role, we will ultimately be connecting the DOI to the creator’ ORCID iDs
on DOIs and ORCIDs in websites
- Apr 2017
prezi.com prezi.com
Affinity Spaces - MTG: Salvation
Hello Ben,
Nice change of pacing for a presentation! I appreciated the fact that it wasn't another video. I don't have much experience with prezi, but it seemed to fit this particular application well!
I had heard of the game Magic before, but only in passing and never had any real experience with it. Your presentation was thorough and I personally liked how it resonated with your learning throughout this course. You were able to make relevant correlations to the semester's knowledge. I like how you narrated the engagement among the community, you broke it down into cataegories and had a great understanding of the flow of information within the community.
Your interpretation of the interaction of the community according to Gee was very accurate and well thoughtout. The community's practice was well documented through the analysis of the discussion and threads, about the topics directly related to the game, as well as, topics indirectly-related such as the price of decks and the speculations surrounding the release of certain materials.
Your knowledge of the course materials was extremely evident throughout your presentation. It seemed that your experience lent itself to a real-world application of affinity spaces, your chosen community provided you with a robust demonstration of what it exactly means to be apart of a great learning community and network of passionate people contibuting to an AS.
Great job! Thanks for sharing your presentation!
www.edtechmagazine.com www.edtechmagazine.com
www.wired.com www.wired.com
Why Did Vaccinated People Get Measles at Disneyland? Blame the Unvaccinated
clearly underlines the perspectives of the author
mopinion.com mopinion.com
Hypothesis is a lightweight option for adding website annotation with the aim of bringing “a new layer to the web”.
hypothesis.trubox.ca hypothesis.trubox.ca
A fundamental concern when evaluating educational technology for use is the balance of the effort required to learn and implement it against the value it provides in the educational endeavour. Hypothesis is well-position with respect to this balance.
detailed review and tutorial about Hypothesis in education
www.metachat.com www.metachat.comMetachat1
coating ove
Is this the same?
- Mar 2017
hypothesis.trubox.ca hypothesis.trubox.ca
Tutorial for H
teach.kqed.org teach.kqed.org
Good luck with the course!
- Feb 2017
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
Collection of official video tutorials for Hypothesis.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Video tutorial from Jun 2016 showing how to use Hypothesis to annotate a Wikipedia page.
It briefly shows groups and the stream, but using the old (pre-Nov 2016) Hypothesis website.
0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca 0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca
That was the way I learned
We learn by doing. (And annotations do work on the text version. Neat!)
0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca 0-quod.lib.umich.edu.mercury.concordia.ca
Didn’t expect to find [h] embedded here. Problem is, it doesn’t allow for annotations of the actual content.
- Jan 2017
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Now you can create a hypothes.is group and invite others to join you in annotating a text or set of texts amongst yourselves
forums.fast.ai forums.fast.ai
Previous link won't take us to the highlighted text automatically because I shared the whole page link (top right) not the specific annotation link (bottom right).
How to share specific annotation rather than a whole page
annotation with jupyter notebook
How to Annotate Jupyter notebook stored online
hypothesis.zendesk.com hypothesis.zendesk.com
Thank you for your query. I'm afraid that while improving the accessibility (particularly keyboard navigability) of Hypothesis is high on our list of priorities, it's still a little rough in places, and we don't have an accessibility report at the moment.
I'm commenting here because the ticket is closed (and consequently locked), but we do have an accessibility report from August 2016 focused only on the client at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aV4yOqR-rbBjy0t4z3cbmDfz4zKmJMt_YEXjYthGODQ/edit?ts=5745a68c
- Dec 2016
xolotl.org xolotl.org
Let me count the ways
A reference to the Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) poem How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43). "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height // My soul can reach"
Written by rchase, feel free to edit. It's an experiment.
Since I took the notes using hypothesis, the password to edit is hypothesis.
- Nov 2016
github.com github.com
This is a great, short guide for optimizing pull requests for review-ability.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
In this Event Capsule, Jeff Allred and Philip Ewell discuss their use of Skim and hypothes.is to annotate digital documents. Their presentations during the October 25th Lunchtime Seminar encouraged participants to think about how fundamental aspects of note-taking and lecturing are evolving alongside changes in new media.
Hypothesis review starts at youtu.be/nffPZ1kLDHM?t=95
- Oct 2016
tobeclever.ru tobeclever.ru
and to correct solitary people
Solitude is brought up SO many times throughout this whole book. Throughout the book however the family is always together yet they are all individually so alone. Especially in Rebecca's case, she is left alone for so many years and the family just forgot she even existed. Solitude to them is of course being alone, but also being without love or purpose. In Colonel Aureliano Buendia's case, he needs to be in solitude because his purpose was to fight in a war for power, and then he turned back to making fishes but is still in solitude because he is home without a lover. That is also why I believe they all sleep with each other, because they are afraid of being alone. Yet with every "reincarnation" of the children named after their father, brother, uncle, sister, it seems like the curse of solitude is put onto them. I see this especially with Rebecca (even though she isn't really in the family), and Remedios the Beauty. Remidios is the beauty of the town yet she can't even conceive the idea of men really at all. In her mind she isn't cursed, but she is solitary her whole life then is just taken away. This video really helped me grasp what was actually happening in this book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNcCs__vQg)
as he faced the firing squad
This is brought up so often, and is the first line of the book! It's crazy to start off a book with this random connection to the future. Because it tells us at the beginning that he is going to be a colonel, and that he is going to die. Severe foreshadowing! As well as him discovering ice . . .then talking about the origin of his family and village. But when I first read this i just went right over it! Then it brings it up again after is is already Colonel Aureliano Buendia. Aslo really connects to your husbands presentation about fighting for the left or right in Columbia and he just goes after it and is the face for the left. Then he has to be killed for it along with all of his children (with several wives it seems like). The jist I have gotten from this novel is doing things just based on instinct. This family doesn't really seem to have control of themselves and just does things on a whim. It's especially prevalent with Rebecca because she eats dirt! Then if I am remembering correctly dumbs her husband for hr brother!
- Sep 2016
l-adam-mekler.com l-adam-mekler.comuntitled10
He knew that Umuofia would not go to war. He knew because they had let the other messengers escape.
This is when Okonkwo knew that even though he had worked so hard his whole life to prove himself he still managed to do the wrong thing, and is in the wrong in the eyes of the clan.
return early enough to cook the afternoon meal.
Below is a photo of what Igbo women might look like when cooking. In the description, it says that these Igbo women are "making water and cooking pots." https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiemLCn76_PAhUHzIMKHUYtC3MQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fukpuru.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F113355716272%2Figbo-women-making-water-and-cooking-pots&bvm=bv.133700528,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNFQp4laTDyF6UzrBCRn_YqWOeUlPA&ust=1475076616513756
Source: http://ukpuru.tumblr.com/post/113355716272/igbo-women-making-water-and-cooking-pots
Okonkwo was provoked to justifiable anger by his youngest wife, who went to plait her hair at her friend's house and did not return early enough to cook the afternoon meal. Okonkwo did not know at first that she was not at home. After waiting in vain for her dish he went to her hut to see what she was doing. There was nobody in the hut and the fireplace was cold.
I feel like in the Igbo culture that women have some sort of power over men in a way since they are the ones that are expected to cook meals for the men every time they come home. Meals feed men and give them their strength so I think that since Ojiugo didn't make him his afternoon meal, in a sense she deprived him of his strength which is also a type of power for men, thus Okonkwo beat Ojiugo because of it.
Umuofia was feared by all its neighbours. It was powerful in war and in magic, and its priests and medicine men were feared in all the surrounding country. Its most potent war-medicine was as old as the clan itself. Nobody knew how old. But on one point there was general agreement--the active principle in that medicine had been an old woman with one leg. In fact, the medicine itself was called agadi-nwayi, or old woman. It had its shrine in the centre of Umuofia, in a cleared spot. And if anybody was so foolhardy as to pass by the shrine after dusk he was sure to see the old woman hopping about. And so the neighbouring clans who naturally knew of these things feared Umuofia, and would not go to war against it without first trying a peaceful settlement.
In the Igbo culture, if the priests and medicine men were powerful in war and powerful in magic, then the clan itself was very powerful. Since Umuofia were powerful in both, they were powerful overall, so much so that other clans feared it and knew that if they went to war against Umuofiaa that they would lose. This kind of power in the Igbo culture is a physical power that is known by other clans.
Ogbuefi Ezeugo was a powerful orator and was always chosen to speak on such occasions. He moved his hand over his white head and stroked his white beard. He then adjusted his cloth, which was passed under his right arm-pit and tied above his left shoulder.
It seems to me that if one can speak very well, then one is chosen for important tasks on certain occasions, which gives that speaker a certain level of power in the Igbo culture.
Okoye said the next half a dozen sentences in proverbs. Among the Ibo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. Okoye was a great talker and he spoke for a long time, skirting round the subject and then hitting it finally.
Using only proverbs in a conversation indicates some kind of level of power since it is considered an art.
Nneka had had four previous pregnancies and child-births. But each time she had borne twins, and they had been immediately thrown away. Her husband and his family were already becoming highly critical of such a woman and were not unduly perturbed when they found she had fled to join the Christians
This poor woman is probably so sad because she's thrown away eight children already, and she knows she is going to have to throw away two more. Which is so sad to think about because they're her babies and in this culture they think having twins is evil, and she's looked down because of it. At this point she probably just wants answers to why she keeps having them, and why she has to keep throwing them away. Same goes with Nwoye, he is running to the Christians because his whole life he's grown up in a household where he was looked down on because he isn't man enough. In his mind Okonkwo is unfair and abusive, so he believes these new men can save him . So sad but also happy for Nwoye's story.
Then kill yourself," said Obierika.
I have already read this book, but I didn't see this before! Certainly foreshadowing
She has been very well for some time now. Perhaps she has come to stay
Didn't really notice this before! Foreshadowing? Also along with further in the chapter when Ezinma becomes sick again and she is Okonkwo's favorite daughter . . . and he actually shows emotion by caring for this daughter which kinda goes against his "Manly man" portrayal
In his day he was lazy and improvident and was quite incapable of thinking about tomorrow.
Hey before I start annotating, I'm just a little confused if I have to do #7 right now too? Confused, sorry. Anyways! This part of the book really character development to Okonkwo, not his father Unoka, but Okonkwo. This really describes why Okonkwo is the way he is. Okonkwo throughout the whole book does things out of fear because he does not want to be viewed like his father. Even though Okonkwo could still relax and be easy going and people would still view him as a powerful man, but he feels he has to be a man to the extreme of this community. Never let the wives ever mess up, don't let the son stop working, and so on.
Without the tax-related reduction, Mylan’s profits on the EpiPen two-pack were about 60% higher than the figure given to Congress, or $166, it said in a new regulatory filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission Monday.
I chose this article to provide evidence that Mylan is raising the price way too much for the epipen. My inquiry question is how can a company justify raising the price of an item people need to survive an allergic reaction?
Local file Local file
“well then who the fuck did it?”
Exactly. That rather crude statement can sum up the entirety of the podcast. If not Adnan, then who? The use of curse words strategically placed like this can create a feeling of pathos in the audience. If they don't curse than this statement will get their attention pretty quickly. If they do curse they will understand the bluntness of Laura's statement. This statement frames this episode where Koenig takes a closer look at the timeline and the audience finds out things do not add up.
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Well, I really don't see why getting out of Giovanni's room means ' . I getting out of Paris."
James Baldwin writes Hella in as a stupid woman in my opinion. I would like to think I would know something is up. Or maybe he writes her as smart, but not letting on that she knows. Because they both clearly slept with other people and they told eac hother, but to me it seems kind of obvious. Even if she doesn't know the whole truth I feel like she knows a little and is playing dumb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ADfS8WQmw
iguess people wait in order to make sure of what they feel."
Wouldn't let me annotate the whole passage starting with "what is this thing about time?" David is making everyone wait. He isn't sure about what he is doing with his life of who he really is so he makes everyone else wait for him: Giovanni and Hella.
Nobody can stay in the garden of Eden," Jacques said. And then: "I wonder why.''
Getting at the idea that nobody is perfect in a way I believe. Or that even if someones life is perfect, and everyone views their life to be perfect and fulfilled, they're always going to want more. Also connects to later in the book when David is at "home" with Giovanni and that room is his Eden for while, but then his Eden becomes more of a cage where he has no freedom. Changing tones a little to David feeling trapped - this is how I view a lot of people in relationships. Weather or not he's gay/bisexual, I feel like a lot of people who aren't questioning their sexual identity can feel trapped. So maybe he is just bisexual and doesn't want the relationship because it's not working. But he ends up viewing it as his hell in the end. The opposite of Eden. As well as his trap in the "gay world."
And at last I step out into the morning and I lock the door be-hind me. I cross the road and drop the keys into the old lady's mailbox. And I look up the road, where a few people stand, men and women, waiting for the morning bus. They are very vivid be-neath the awakening sky, and the horizon beyond them is begin-ning to flame. The morning weighs on my shoulders with the dreadful weight of hope an4 I take the blue envelope which Jacques has sent me and tear it sl6wly into many pieces, watching them . .. . I dance in the wind, watchiμg the wind carry them away. Yet, as I turn and begin walking tovyard the waiting people, the wind blows some of them back on me. ]
With his time in front of the mirror done, he leaves to the cold outside world, where he finds the details for Giovanni's executio n in his mailbox. Having left behind his thoughts on Giovanni and himself, he tears it into pieces and throws it into the wind. Ho wever, just like how his problems still remain, pieces of the letter blow back onto him.
I've attached a picture that I believe illustrates the imagined scene of Giovanni's execution well.
Then the door is before him. There is darkness all around him, there is silence in him. Then the door opens and he stands alone, the whole world falling away from him. And the brief corner of the sky seems to be shrieking, though he does not hear a sound. Then the earth tilts, he is thrown forward on his face in darkness, and his journey begins. Giovanni's Room 169 I move at last from the mirror and begin to cover that nakedness which I must hold sacred, though it be never so vile, which must be scoured perpetually with the salt of my life. I must believe, I must believe, that the heavy grace of God, which has brought me to thi's place, is all that can carry me out of it.
He wonders how he can be saved from his own fate a t the end of his life, as Giovanni is near execution himself. He concludes his mirror introspection with the hope that "...the hea vy grace of God, which has brought me to this place, is all that can carry me out of it". At the same time, he concludes his thoughts on Giovanni, relating his oncoming death to him being freed from "this dirty world, this dirty body"(earlier but I can't annotate two things at once disconnected).
The body in the mirror forces me to turn and face it. And I look at my body, which is under senten~e of death. It is lean, hard, and cold, the incarnation of a mystery. And I do not know what moves in this body, what this body is searching. It is trapped in my mirror as it is trapped in time and it hurries toward revelation.
In this passage depicting the somber and ambiguous ending of the story, we see David skipping between his imagined rendition of Gi ovanni's execution and his own thoughts on his fate. In a way, we see the thoughts of both Giovanni and David, from David's perspe ctive and imagination. This gets quite intriguing at parts where he says his own body is "...under sentence of death", all while t he played out scene of Giovanni's last moments is happening in his imagination.
money.cnn.com money.cnn.com
Influential restaurant analyst Howard Penney warned on Tuesday that Chipotle's (CMG) stock could crumble by another 50% as the burrito chain struggles to rebound from the damage inflicted by outbreaks of E. coli, norovirus and salmonella.
My Bias in this article made me laugh! From the start when i read this article i was surprised to learn that my believes about why the market in Chipotle is crashing was true. I have only eat at Chipotle one time and thats because when people talk about Chipotle its always jokes about the after effect of eating it. so when i read the title i said to myself "well if they stopped giving people food poisoning they wouldn't have this problem". Then i was right. http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/06/investing/chipotle-stock-crash/index.html?iid=hp-stack-dom
bleacherreport.com bleacherreport.com
The impact of the controversy on his jersey sales is clear. Mike Rosenberg of the Seattle Times pointed out Kaepernick's jersey ranked 20th in sales on San Francisco's website before the situation made national news. It's now skyrocketed to the top spot in just a few weeks.
Looking at this article the main story is the quarterback for the 49ers protests to not stand during the flag for the purpose he says to support the black lives matter organization. At the same time it seems like the news is using the new jersey sales the quarterback is gaining because of this protest. To implicate that he could be doing this for personal gain or that his cause is actually being more supported. My bias allowed me to believe that he could be doing this for personal gain, but when thinking about the cause it seems that it couldn't be true. It seems the news is trying to take away from the purpose that Kaepernick first expressed. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2661838-colin-kaepernick-has-49ers-top-selling-jersey-since-national-anthem-protest
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
And that page didn’t have Adnan’s prints on it. His palm print was only on the back cover of the book. Plus, thirteen other, unidentified prints turned up on and in the map book. None of them matched Adnan, or Jay. So, the prints weren’t exactly conclusive
Koenig is strategic about the way she points evidence at the things that are important, while still trying to be as unbiased as she can, because that is the rightful thing to do in any court case. The way she presents her research could be seen as not biased because she does pull other evidence into the overall story, not just evidence on Adnan, but sometimes the evidence shown isn't always thoroughly investigated all the way through. If there were 13 other fingerprints, they should have investigated those potential suspects, but rather, they pointed all the blame on adnan because he was already the number one suspect.
This article supports my claim because it proves the relaliabilty of a fingerprint and the procedures needed to obtain a fingerprint test.
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the riv-er— seemed to beckon with a dishonouring flourish before the sunlit face of the land a treacherous appeal to the lurk-ing death, to the hidden evil, to the profound darkness of its heart.
Very repetitive about death the darkness of the river, but the darkness of the unknown. He is only afraid because the people of the forest behave different;y than him and his English friends.
fifty feet below the doorstep I could see the still tree-tops of the grove of death
Very repetitive about death
They were dying slowly—it was very clear. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now— nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation, lying confusedly in the greenish gloom
Even in death they are viewed as weak and slaves. They're only allowed to be free in death. Does seem racist but at the time that was expected. I feel in this passage he does feel a little sorry for them.
Light came out of this river since—you say Knights? Yes; but it is like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker—may it last as long as the old earth keeps rolling! But darkness was here yesterday.
This passage make me think that Marlow is saying we were all savages at some point. at even as they stand on the river Thames he says that not too long ago there was darkness here. Not to long ago, in a flicker of light there were nights conquering the land.
- Aug 2016
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I Annotate 2016 shows that it’s ready for prime time.
Will 2017 be “the year of annotations”?
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My mind,” he said, “rebels at stagnation. Giveme problems, give me work, give me the most ab-struse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis,and I am in my own proper atmosphere. I candispense then with artificial stimulants. But I abhorthe dull routine of existence. I crave for mentalexaltation. That is why I have chosen my own par-ticular profession,—or rather created it, for I amthe only one in the world.”
This selection of texts raises multiple questions when we read it. The heaviest question that we see at the surface, seems to be "what validates our existence?" For Sherlock Holmes it seems to be the idea of busy work, or at least work that distracts you from the paralyzing monotony of our everyday lives. There is a quote from a twentieth century French philosopher Albert Camus who states something to the effect of: “the struggle itself towards the height is enough to fill a man’s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy." What does this mean? Simply, Camus argues it is imperative to our survival and our happiness that we are constantly at battle with something in our lives. Sherlock Holmes, who finds his everyday life to be too simplistic and monotonous for survival, seeks out means to stimulate his expansive and industrious consciousness from drowning in his own boredom and eternal cosmic impermanence as a means of validating his own existence. The very reason that Holmes takes cases that are overly puzzling and excessively complex is because it validates his existence and sedates his mind like narcotics in a bee hive, which is exactly what Camus states is essential to human survival. Sisyphus
You are right,” I answered. “It was cleanedbefore being sent to me.” In my heart I accusedmy companion of putting forward a most lame andimpotent excuse to cover his failure. What datacould he expect from an uncleaned watch?
This gives context to money in this time period. We know it is a large sum based on their reactions, obviously, but clarifies each person's situation based on their reaction as well. It gives Sherlock and Watson context to how well off Miss Morstan is, and it gives us, the reader, a base for Sherlock and Watson's financial situation as well.
We followedthe Indian down a sordid andcommon passage, ill lit and worse furnished, untilhe came to a door upon the right, which he threwopen
Here is some segregation of cultures, I believe it is key to understanding more about 18th century customs and regulations. They are in a shabby neighborhood which is predominantly Indian, this could be intentional or just writing what was true at the time.
What a very attractive woman!
Sort of a little foreshadowing here, with Watson's emotions being displayed flamboyantly.
So much is observation. Therest is deduction.”
This is a classic Sherlock quote, it explains his intelligence in a way that fits Sherlock's attitude and presence. This is a really good way to have believable characters, they say things you would expect them to say.