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- human rights
- healthcare
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- school closure
- health literacy
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- immigration
- isolation
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- death
- vulnerable groups
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- disability
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Apple descend dans l’arène de la justice européenne, mardi 17 septembre, bien décidé à lutter pendant deux jours d’audience contre la retentissante décision de Bruxelles lui demandant de rembourser 13 milliards d’euros d’avantages fiscaux à l’Irlande.
- Jul 2019
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
So the solution for the U.S.’s relatively high poverty rate will probably rely little on personal responsibility and moral rectitude. Instead, the U.S. should look to European countries, or to Australia and Canada, for ideas on how to reduce poverty. There’s just no substitute for a strong social safety net.
Poverty is not due to individuals, especially when class mobility in the USA does not exist anymore.
- Mar 2019
s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
The European Unionhad filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) about China’s practices of forcing technology transfer as a condition of market access. Under WTO rules, countries may impose tariffs on subsidized goods from overseas that harm domestic industries
Italy joined Belt and Road Initiative in March 2019.
- Aug 2018
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The root cause of extremism among British Muslims is alienation
- Sep 2017
www.europarl.europa.eu www.europarl.europa.euPA_Legam1
Periodical publications which are published for scientific or academic purposes, such as scientific journals, should alsobecovered by the protection granted to press publications under this Directive.
The European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) also suggests that scientific publications be covered by Article 13of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market.
This means that a right of reproduction of press and scientific articles is hold by the publisher.
www.europarl.europa.eu www.europarl.europa.euPA_Legam1
Les publications périodiques qui sont diffusées à des fins scientifiques ou universitaires, telles que les revues scientifiques, devraientégalementêtre couvertes par la protection accordée aux publications de presse en vertu de la présente directive.
The European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) also suggests that scientific publications be covered by Article 13of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market.
This means that a right of reproduction of press and scientific articles is hold by the publisher.
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
Article 2Reproduction rightMember States shall provide for the exclusive right to authoriseor prohibit direct or indirect, temporary or permanent repro-duction by any means and in any form, in whole or in part:(a) for authors, of their works;(b) for performers, of fixations of their performances;(c) for phonogram producers, of their phonograms;(d) for the producers of the first fixations of films, in respect ofthe original and copies of their films;(e) for broadcasting organisations, of fixations of their broad-casts, whether those broadcasts are transmitted by wire orover the air, including by cable or satellite.Article 3Right of communication to the public of works and rightof making available to the public other subject-matter1. Member States shall provide authors with the exclusiveright to authorise or prohibit any communication to the publicof their works, by wire or wireless means, including themaking available to the public of their works in such a waythat members of the public may access them from a place andat a time individually chosen by them.2. Member States shall provide for the exclusive right toauthorise or prohibit the making available to the public, bywire or wireless means, in such a way that members of thepublic may access them from a place and at a time individuallychosen by them:(a) for performers, of fixations of their performances;(b) for phonogram producers, of their phonograms;(c) for the producers of the first fixations of films, of theoriginal and copies of their films;(d) for broadcasting organisations, of fixations of their broad-casts, whether these broadcasts are transmitted by wire orover the air, including by cable or satellite.3. The rights referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not beexhausted by any act of communication to the public ormaking available to the public as set out in this Article.
- Apr 2017
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Masaniello (an abbreviation of Tomasso Aniello) led a revolt against Spain in 1647. Born and raised in Naples, Masaniello was a fisherman and fishmonger. In the 1640s, Spain, which ruled Naples, imposed a series of heavy taxes in order to help fund its wars elsewhere. The Neapolitans revolted on July 7, 1647, and Masaniello, a well-known man, attempted to discipline the mob. Eventually, he became the rebel leader, negotiated terms with the Spanish, and became "captain-general of the Neapolitan people." However, he began to act erratically, and by July 17, 1647, he had been assassinated.
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Holland without a king hathenjoyed more peace for this last century
The Dutch Republic was formed with the signing of the Union of Utrecht in 1579, when several provinces of the Low Countries (the present-day Netherlands) agreed to protect each other against the Spanish army, which had previously controlled them. They existed as a confederacy of seven independently governed provinces joined together by the States General, a federal government. In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic prospered as the Dutch East and West India Companies dominated world trade. The Dutch Republic ended in 1787 when the Netherlands were invaded by Prussia. Dutch East India Company Ship, c. 1600
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
The loose confederation of states that became modern Switzerland first formed at the end of the thirteenth century. In the eighteenth century, the confederacy was nominally a republic but was ruled by an oligarchic group of aristocrats.
The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands, or the Dutch Republic, was a confederation of seven provinces. This confederation lasted from 1581 to 1795. This period constituted what is often called the "Dutch Golden Age," when the Dutch ruled a maritime empire around the globe and was an influential economic power. Dutch East India Trading Company Ship, c. 1600
- Nov 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Ms. Merkel needs to fend off a resurgent Russia that is promoting its brand of illiberal democracy by backing right-wing parties throughout the Continent and fanning the flames of populism. But with Mr. Trump openly admiring Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, even maintaining economic sanctions imposed on Moscow over conflicts in Crimea and Ukraine will be a challenge.
Ms. Merkel had a brisk, assertive tone that was a measure of how far Germany has come since American generosity and protection enabled it to rise from Nazi defeat, first to prosper and eventually to overcome Cold War division.
“Germany and America are bound by common values: democracy, freedom, as well as respect for the rule of law and the dignity of each and every person regardless of their origin, skin color, creed, gender, sexual orientation or political views,” she said. Cooperation with the United States, she said, must be “based on these values.”<br> -- Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
- Oct 2016
publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu
Opening up Education: Innovative Teaching and Learning for All through New Technologies and Open Educational Resources
- May 2016
designandthecity.eu designandthecity.eu
‘academic’ in the contemporary sense, and so co-designed, collaborative, located on the ground, and outputting accumulated learning through numerous channels.
A very nice reframing of the term. Useful.
- Nov 2015
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
draft Local Plan sets out a vision for 2031
This Local Plan is different from the Thanet Corporate Plan and from this Maritime Plan? And further down this page
- Economic Growth and Regeneration Strategy
- Destination Management Plan
- Local Transport Plan
- Jul 2015
www.eblida.org www.eblida.org
European Bureau of Libraries in Europe Public libraries- statistics