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How effective is second language incidental vocabulary learning? A meta-analysis
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Determinants and outcomes of physical activityin patients with COPD: a systematic review
Determinants and outcomes of physical activity in patients with COPD: a systematic review
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Meta-analysis statistical procedures provide a measure of the difference between two groups thatis expressed in quantitative units that are comparable across studies
The units are only "comparable across studies" if there weren't any mishaps (eg, clinical or methodological heterogeneity). If there's clinical heterogeneity, then we're probably comparing apples to oranges (ie, either participants, interventions, or outcomes are different among studies). If there's methodological heterogeneity, then that means there's a difference in study design
cccrg.cochrane.org cccrg.cochrane.org
PDF summary by Cochrane for planning a meta-analysis at the protocol stage. Gives guidance on how to anticipate & deal with various types of heterogeneity (clinical, methodological , & statistical). Link to paper
Covers - ways to assess heterogeneity - courses of action if substantial heterogeneity is found - methods to examine the influence of effect modifiers (either to explore heterogeneity or because there's good reason to suggest specific features of participants/interventions/study types will influence effects of the intervention. - methods include subgroup analyses & meta-regression
Statistical heterogeneity is the term given to differences in the effects of interventions and comesabout because of clinical and/or methodological differences between studies (ie it is a consequenceof clinical and/or methodological heterogeneity). Although some variation in the effects ofinterventions between studies will always exist, whether this variation is greater than what isexpected by chance alone needs to be determined.
If the statistical heterogeneity is larger that what's expected by chance alone, then what does that imply? That there's either clinical or methodological heterogeneity within the pooled studies.
What's the impact of the presence of clinical heterogeneity? The statistical heterogeneity (variation of effects/results of interventions) becomes greater than what's expected by chance alone
What's happens if methodological heterogeneity is present? The statistical heterogeneity (variation of effects/results of interventions) becomes greater than what's expected by chance alone
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While somewhat modest in size, the literature on chronic tolerance to nicotine in humans is reasonably consistent in showing clear evidence of tolerance to subjective mood effects but little or no tolerance to cardiovascular, performance or other nicotine effects
This is what I'd expect for tobacco, but it tells me little about nicotine. Most of the subjective effects are not from tobacco, so It's still plausible that nicotine does not develop tolerance. Indeed, the effects that don't go away are the effects expected from nicotine.
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Amendments from Version 1
For a blog post commenting on an earlier draft of this article (many points raised remain relevant) see here.
- Feb 2018
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Shared molecular neuropathology across major psychiatric disorders parallels polygenic overlap
- Apr 2016
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
spark even more discussion.
That part never worked. But maybe these annotations will? That’d be neat.