257 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. May 2024
    1. FastCut adds animated captions, b-rolls & sound effects to your videos. FastCut은 동영상에 애니메이션 캡션, 비롤 및 음향 효과를 추가합니다.

  3. Apr 2024
  4. Mar 2024
  5. Feb 2024
  6. Jan 2024
  7. Dec 2023
      • for: plan B, climate futures, dystopian future, civilization collapse

      • title: If We’ve Lost the Climate War, What’s Plan B?

      • subtitle: Why a carbon tax won’t save us, and what’s next.
      • author: Crawford Kilian
      • date: Nov 22, 2023

      • summary

        • a good article that shows the complexity and unpredictability of a collapse scenario and system justification theory, which sounds like the boiling frog syndrome
  8. Nov 2023
    1. <b-table striped hover :items="items"></b-table>

      اگر همه چیت اوکی باشه با گذاشتن یه List از object های JSON خودش میره Header و Data را برات می شونه. * هر Object را داخل یک Row از جدول میزاره. * میاد اون Key های Objcet را به عنوان Header ور میداره.(خود به خود kebab-case را ور میداره و به snake-case و Camel Case تبیل می کند.

  9. Oct 2023
  10. Sep 2023
    1. The non–spore-forming Gram-positive bacilli are a diverse group of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. This chapter focuses on the aerobic members of this group. The anaerobic, non–spore-forming Gram-positive bacilli such as Propionibacterium species and Actinomyces species are discussed in Chapter 21 on anaerobic infections. Specific genera of both groups, namely, Corynebacterium species and Propionibacterium species, are members of the normal microbiota of skin and mucous membranes of humans and, as such, are frequently contaminants of clinical specimens submitted for diagnostic evaluation. However, among the aerobic Gram-positive bacilli are significant pathogens such as Corynebacterium diphtheriae, an organism that produces a powerful exotoxin that causes diphtheria in humans, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (see Chapter 23), the causative agent of tuberculosis. Listeria monocytogenes and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae are primarily found in animals and occasionally cause severe disease in humans. Nocardia and Rhodococcus species are found in the soil and are significant pathogens among immunocompromised patients.

      The non-spore forming Gram positive bacilli are either aerobic such as( Propionibacterium ,actinomyces)or anaerobic such as (corynebacterial and mycobacterium).anaerobics tend to be irregularly shaped aerobics tends to be regular inshape .

    1. https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/10jx7gg/wooden_antinet_zettelkasten/

      Scott Scheper commissioned a two drawer solid wood (cedar) zettelkasten box similar to those from the early 20th century. He had it listed on his website initially for $995 and then later for a reduced $495.

      He created a waitlist sign up for it, ostensibly to test the interest in manufacturing/selling them as a product. To my knowledge he never made any beyond the initial prototype.

      The high cost likely dampened interest compared to the much cheaper primary and secondary markets for these sorts of storage containers.

      See also:<br /> - $995 https://web.archive.org/web/20230124062200/https://www.antinet.org/wooden-antinet-waitlist - $495 reduction https://web.archive.org/web/20230306195625/https://www.antinet.org/wooden-antinet-waitlist

  11. Aug 2023
  12. Jul 2023
    1. a “slanderous and nasty-minded mulattress” for rightly describing rape allegations

      This language actually sounds like Trump, except for "mulatress" which most people probaby wouldn't understand today.

  13. Jun 2023
  14. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. And that is part of the larger pattern of the appeal of a new online collectivismthat is nothing less than a resurgence of the idea that the collective is all-wis

      Lanier is saying that the intelligence from the collective is harmful but I feel like throughout my life I have been taught to use other people's knowledge to help me and that teamwork is very important. This made me think of the saying my elementary and middle school teachers have taught me all my life.

  15. May 2023
    1. 39.a člen (prekrški povezanih subjektov) (1) Z globo od 500 do 10.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje pravna oseba, če: -        ne določi kontaktne osebe za informacijsko varnost in njenega namestnika ali ne posreduje njunih kontaktnih podatkov pristojnemu nacionalnemu organu (1. točka prvega odstavka 18.a člena tega zakona), -        ne pripravi analize obvladovanja tveganj informacijske varnosti z oceno sprejemljive ravni tveganj (2. točka prvega odstavka 18.a člena tega zakona), -        ne sprejme ali izvaja minimalnega obsega varnostnih ukrepov za zagotavljanje celovitosti, zaupnosti in razpoložljivosti omrežja in informacijskih sistemov, ki upoštevajo posebne potrebe delovnega področja povezanega subjekta (3. točka prvega odstavka 18.a člena tega zakona), -        ne pripravi navodil in postopkov za obvladovanje incidentov informacijske varnosti s protokolom obveščanja CSIRT organov državne uprave (4. točka prvega odstavka 18.a člena tega zakona), -        ne izvede odrejenih ukrepov CSIRT organov državne uprave v svojem informacijsko-komunikacijskem sistemu (četrti odstavek 29. člena tega zakona). (2) Z globo od 500 do 10.000 eurov se za prekršek iz prejšnjega odstavka kaznuje samostojni podjetnik posameznik ali posameznik, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost. (3) Z globo od 200 do 2.000 eurov se za prekršek iz prvega odstavka tega člena kaznuje odgovorna oseba pravne osebe, samostojnega podjetnika posameznika oziroma posameznika, ki samostojno opravlja dejavnost, ter odgovorna oseba v državnem organu ali samoupravni lokalni skupnosti. 39.b člen (prekrški upravljavca centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema) Z globo od 200 do 2.000 eurov se za prekršek kaznuje odgovorna oseba upravljavca centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema, če: -        ne omogoča vpogleda v delovanje informacijske infrastrukture centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega za CSIRT organov državne uprave (tretji odstavek 29. člena tega zakona), -        ne izvede odrejenih ukrepov CSIRT organov državne uprave v svojem informacijsko-komunikacijskem sistemu (četrti odstavek 29. člena tega zakona).
    2. 34.a člen (nadzor nad povezanimi subjekti) (1) Inšpektor nadzira, ali povezani subjekti izpolnjujejo svoje obveznosti iz prve, druge, tretje in četrte alineje 18.a člena tega zakona, iz odločb, izdanih na podlagi četrtega odstavka 21. člena in četrtega odstavka 22. člena tega zakona, ter ali izvajajo na njihovi podlagi določene ukrepe za varnost omrežij in informacijskih sistemov ter ukrepe, odrejene na podlagi četrtega odstavka 29. člena tega zakona. (2) Inšpektor lahko od povezanih subjektov zahteva, da predložijo informacije, potrebne za oceno varnosti njihovih omrežij in informacijskih sistemov oziroma informacijskih storitev, vključno z dokumentiranimi varnostnimi pravili, ter dokaze o učinkovitem izvajanju varnostnih pravil. Kadar inšpektor zahteva take informacije ali dokaze, navede namen te zahteve in opredeli, katere dodatne informacije so potrebne. (3) Za dokaz o učinkovitem izvajanju varnostnih pravil iz prejšnjega odstavka se šteje ocena varnosti omrežij in informacijskih sistemov, ki jo je za povezane subjekte pripravil kvalificirani revizor. (4) Inšpektor lahko na podlagi ocene varnosti iz prejšnjega odstavka povezanih subjektov izreka ukrepe za odpravo ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti. 34.b člen (nadzor nad upravljavcem centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema) (1) Inšpektor nadzira, ali upravljavec centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema izpolnjuje svoje obveznosti iz tretjega odstavka 29. člena tega zakona in ali izvaja ukrepe, odrejene na podlagi četrtega odstavka 29. člena tega zakona. (2) Inšpektor lahko od upravljavca centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema zahteva, da predloži potrebne informacije za izvedbo nadzora iz prejšnjega odstavka. Kadar inšpektor zahteva take informacije ali dokaze, navede namen te zahteve in opredeli, katere dodatne informacije so potrebne. (3) Inšpektor lahko na podlagi ocene izpolnjevanja obveznosti in izvajanja ukrepov iz prvega odstavka tega člena izreka ukrepe za odpravo ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti.
    3. (5) Inšpektor lahko v inšpekcijskem postopku na podlagi obrazloženega predloga zavezanca za podaljšanje rokov za odpravo nepravilnosti in pomanjkljivosti, ki je dan pred potekom roka za izvedbo odrejenih ukrepov, podaljša roke za odpravo nepravilnosti in pomanjkljivosti oziroma izvedbo odrejenih ukrepov, pri tem pa upošteva že izvedene aktivnosti zavezanca za odpravo nepravilnosti in pomanjkljivosti, objektivne okoliščine za zamudo in posledice za javni interes.
    4. , ter nad izvajanjem odrejenih ukrepov iz četrtega dostavka 29. člena tega zakona
    5. (2) CSIRT organov državne uprave poleg drugih nalog, določenih s tem zakonom, izvaja še naslednje naloge: 1.      sprejema priglasitve incidentov, obravnava ter ocenjuje incidente informacijske varnosti v državni upravi in se odziva nanje ter podatke o tem evidentira, hrani in varuje; 2.      zavezancem, za katere je pristojen, nudi metodološko podporo, pomoč in sodelovanje pri pojavitvi incidenta; 3.      spremlja in se odziva na incidente v organih državne uprave in povezanih subjektih; 4.      opozarja, obvešča ter razširja informacije o tveganjih in incidentih informacijske varnosti v državni upravi in povezanih subjektih ter objavlja opozorila o tveganjih in ranljivostih na področju informacijske varnosti; 5.      opravlja dinamične analize tveganja in incidentov informacijske varnosti ter spremlja razmere; 6.      izmenjuje informacije o incidentih informacijske varnosti s skupinami za odzivanje na incidente informacijske varnosti v državi in tujini; 7.      sodeluje z nacionalnim CSIRT in pristojnim nacionalnim organom ter jima na poziv na varen način nudi informacije o izvajanju svojih pristojnosti na podlagi tega zakona.

      močno spremenjen

    6. (3) CSIRT organov državne uprave je za namen učinkovitega izvajanja nalog informacijske in kibernetske varnosti ter kibernetske obrambe pooblaščen za neposredni, nujni in sorazmerni vpogled v delovanje informacijske infrastrukture centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema, upravljavec centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema pa mu mora to omogočiti. (4) Za namen pravočasnega odzivanja na kibernetske grožnje in preprečevanja škodljivih posledic morebitnega težjega ali kritičnega incidenta ter zaradi izvajanja kibernetske obrambe je CSIRT organov državne uprave pooblaščen, da upravljavcu centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema oziroma povezanim subjektom odredi ustrezne, nujne in sorazmerne ukrepe, ki jih morajo ti nemudoma oziroma v postavljenem roku izvesti v svojem informacijsko-komunikacijskem sistemu.
    7. (3) Pristojni nacionalni organ je pristojen za načrtovanje in upravljanje proračunskih virov na področju informacijske varnosti v državni upravi, razen za izvajanje tehničnih nalog informacijske varnosti oziroma kibernetske obrambe pri upravljanju centralnega informacijsko-komunikacijskega sistema oziroma upravljanju informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistemov, namenjenih področju obrambe, varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, policije, internega informacijskega sistema notranjih zadev, obveščevalno-varnostne dejavnosti, zunanjih zadev, preprečevanja in odkrivanja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma ter opravljanja plačilnega prometa za proračunske uporabnike.
    8. 19.   določi enotno informacijsko varnostno politiko, razen za informacijsko-komunikacijske sisteme, namenjene področju obrambe, varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, policije, internega informacijskega sistema notranjih zadev, obveščevalno-varnostne dejavnosti, zunanjih zadev, preprečevanja in odkrivanja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma ter opravljanja plačilnega prometa za proračunske uporabnike.
    9. izvajalcev bistvenih storitev in
    10. preprečevanja in
    11. ministrstvo, pristojno za upravljanje informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistemov,
    12. V.a Informacijska varnost povezanih subjektov 18.a člen (obveznosti povezanih subjektov) (1) Povezani subjekti so zavezani za izpolnjevanje obveznosti po tem zakonu, in sicer za: -        določitev kontaktne osebe za informacijsko varnost in njenega namestnika ter za posredovanje njunih kontaktnih podatkov pristojnemu nacionalnemu organu in vsakokratnih sprememb teh podatkov v 15 delovnih dneh od njihovega nastanka, -        pripravo analize obvladovanja tveganj informacijske varnosti z oceno sprejemljive ravni tveganj, -        sprejetje in izvajanje minimalnega obsega varnostnih ukrepov za zagotavljanje celovitosti, zaupnosti in razpoložljivosti omrežja in informacijskih sistemov, ki upoštevajo posebne potrebe delovnega področja povezanega subjekta, ter -        pripravo navodil in postopkov za obvladovanje incidentov informacijske varnosti s protokolom obveščanja CSIRT organov državne uprave, ki mu priglašajo incidente z možnim vplivom na centralno državno informacijsko-komunikacijsko omrežje oziroma sistem (v nadaljnjem besedilu: centralni informacijsko-komunikacijski sistem). (2) Vlada podrobneje določi način izvajanja obveznosti iz prejšnjega odstavka in minimalni obseg varnostnih ukrepov povezanih subjektov glede informacijske varnosti ter metodologijo za pripravo analize obvladovanja tveganj iz druge alineje prejšnjega odstavka. (3) V zvezi s priglasitvijo incidentov povezanih subjektov CSIRT organov državne uprave se smiselno uporabljajo tretji, četrti, peti in šesti odstavek 18. člena tega zakona. (4) Centralni informacijsko-komunikacijski sistem je osrednji državni informacijsko-komunikacijski sistem v upravljanju ministrstva, pristojnega za upravljanje informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistemov, namenjen povezovanju lokalnih omrežij organov državne uprave in drugih subjektov za namene izvrševanja njihovih zakonskih obveznosti ter dostopu do skupnih informacijskih rešitev in informacijsko-komunikacijske infrastrukture preko centraliziranega upravljanja in nadzora. Centralni informacijsko-komunikacijski sistem uporabnikom zagotavlja tudi varen dostop do interneta.
    13. (6) Dnevniški zapisi o delovanju ključnih, krmilnih ali nadzornih informacijskih sistemov ali delov omrežja iz prejšnjega odstavka morajo biti hranjeni na način, ki zagotavlja njihovo avtentičnost, celovitost in razpoložljivost v primeru incidentov.
    14. , lahko pa tudi za daljše obdobje, kadar iz analize obvladovanja tveganj in ocene sprejemljive ravni tveganj izhaja, da bi bilo tveganja ustrezno obvladovati z daljšo hrambo dnevniških zapisov
    15. in preprečevanja
    16. , in -        državni organi, organi lokalnih skupnosti, javne agencije in nosilci javnih pooblastil ter drugi subjekti, ki niso organi državne uprave iz prejšnje alineje ali izvajalci bistvenih storitev iz prve alineje tega odstavka in se povezujejo s centralnim državnim informacijsko-komunikacijskim omrežjem oziroma sistemom (v nadaljnjem besedilu: povezani subjekti).
  16. Apr 2023
  17. Mar 2023
    1. https://www.antinet.org/wooden-antinet-waitlist

      2023-03-06: Noting that the list price on this has now dropped to $495 including shipping. He's also closed the wait list, which I'm guessing was set up to both collect email addresses as well as to test market the demand for such a box at his various price points.

  18. Feb 2023
    1. As noted by the IE SA, the HTML publication of contact information was not considered necessary by Facebook’s Security Team and was subsequently discontinued117. The EDPB considers that the analysis of the principle of data minimisation (Article 5(1)(c) GDPR) is relevant for the necessity assessment on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR118. Consequently, the EDPB further finds that such analysis should have complemented the LSA’s assessment on the necessity of the processing for the performance of the contract, with specific regard to the publication of the contact information in the HTML source code on the Instagram website. The EDPB considers that the IE SA could not have concluded that the publication of the contact information of child users in the HTML source code may be regarded as

      EDPB rightly smacks the IE SA around a bit for generally cocking this all up.

    1. Kawakatsu, Mari, Philip S. Chodrow, Nicole Eikmeier, and Daniel B. Larremore. “Emergence of Hierarchy in Networked Endorsement Dynamics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 16 (April 20, 2021): e2015188118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2015188118.

      Reading with respect to suggestion of:<br /> DeDeo, Simon, and Elizabeth A. Hobson. “From Equality to Hierarchy.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 21 (May 25, 2021): e2106186118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2106186118.

      See: related notes at https://hypothes.is/a/doCbOKJYEe27O1tS21jybA

  19. Jan 2023
    1. Best B school in Kerala

      Nowadays Kerala is a promising ideal destination for MBA aspirants because the state is a location of many prestigious business schools with excellent MBA programs. Kerala is regarded as the state with the highest rate of literacy in India and as the centre of the nation's education system. Kerala's rapidly expanding economy, which accounts for roughly 4% of all economic activity in India, makes the state an ideal place to pursue an MBA. Marian Institute of Management is the top-ranked MBA school in Kerala with excellent placement rates.

      The MBA programs offered by MIM - The MBA colleges in Kerala with the greatest placement combine top-notch instruction with recruitment to prestigious businesses. Kerala is the top choice for postgraduate study among students all around India. The two-year MBA program develops professionals with entrepreneurial solid skills out of the applicants.

      MBA programs give students a thorough understanding of and training in business operations and business administration management. MBA programs are open to students from all backgrounds, including the humanities, sciences, and business. When a student is looking for jobs at reputable organizations, interpersonal qualities like leadership, problem-solving, analytical ability, goal-oriented, and strong communication may be an advantage. The best placements are at MIM, Kerala's leading MBA school.

      MIM is a part of Marian College, a reputable institution that attracts MBA candidates with its excellent climate and location in the most picturesque hilly region of the Idukki District. This location is blessed with access to global infrastructure, reasonable fees, and a high hiring rate by prestigious firms. Students choose to study at MIM from all across India and other countries as well.

      MIM has been approved by the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, to admit 180 students. The college is approved by the Kerala government and affiliated with Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam. The National Board of Accreditation has granted college accreditation (NBA). Since its founding in 2009, the college has had great success placing its graduates in prestigious organizations that offer competitive salaries.

      Best B schools in Kerala, MBA admission

      For more details


    1. I've seen a bunch of people sharing this and repeating the conclusion: that the success is because the CEO loves books t/f you need passionate leaders and... while I think that's true, I don't think that's the conclusion to draw here. The winning strategy wasn't love, it was delegation and local, on the ground, knowledge.

      This win comes from a leader who acknowledges people in the stores know their communities and can see and react faster to sales trends in store... <br /> —Aram Zucker-Scharff (@Chronotope@indieweb.social) https://indieweb.social/@Chronotope/109597430733908319 Dec 29, 2022, 06:27 · Mastodon for Android

      Also heavily at play here in their decentralization of control is regression toward the mean (Galton, 1886) by spreading out buying decisions over a more diverse group which is more likely to reflect the buying population than one or two corporate buyers whose individual bad decisions can destroy a company.

      How is one to balance these sorts of decisions at the center of a company? What role do examples of tastemakers and creatives have in spaces like fashion for this? How about the control exerted by Steve Jobs at Apple in shaping the purchasing decisions of the users vis-a-vis auteur theory? (Or more broadly, how does one retain the idea of a central vision or voice with the creative or business inputs of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of others?)

      How can you balance the regression to the mean with potentially cutting edge internal ideas which may give the company a more competitive edge versus the mean?

  20. Dec 2022
    1. In my line of work as a writer, there’s a near endless stream of new applications coming out that touch different stages in my workflow: e-book readers, notetaking apps, tools for managing PDFs, word processors, bibliographic databases. The problem is that it’s very tricky to switch horses midstream with these kinds of tools, which means you have a natural tendency to get locked into a particular configuration, potentially missing out on better approaches.

      Steven Johnson indicates that it can be difficult to change workflows, tools, apps, etc.

    2. I quickly found myself in the ironic situation of spending so much time building a tool to help with my schoolwork that I stopped actually doing my schoolwork.

      Early example of being overwhelmed by one's tool.

  21. Nov 2022
  22. Oct 2022
    1. It occurs to me that keeping a “wish-list” of intellectual/creative challenges, even if you’re not exactly sure yet what the exact subject matter will be for those challenges, would be a productive routine to have, for writers and non-writers alike.
  23. Aug 2022
    1. In addition to Australia, Europe and the U.S., ADS-B mandates are in effect in Colombia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Taiwan and Vietnam. Regulatory activity is ongoing in Canada, China and Saudi Arabia.
    1. Amherst College library described in Colin B. Burke's Information and Intrigue, organized books and cards based on author name. In both cases, the range of books on a shelf was random.

      Information and Intrigue by Colin B. Burke

  24. Jul 2022
    1. difference is that the matrix

      Hi, sorry I may have read inattentively, but how to implement this matrix in code?

  25. Jun 2022
    1. The course Marginalia in Books from Christopher Ohge is just crying out to have an annotated syllabus.

      Wish I could follow along directly, but there's some excellent reference material hiding in the brief outline of the course.

      Perhaps a list of interesting people here too for speaking at https://iannotate.org/ 2022 hiding in here? A session on the history of annotation and marginalia could be cool there.

    2. Matthew Fay (Institute of English Studies, University of London)


      Short Bio

      Over the years, Matthew has turned his hand to several disciplines, from high school teaching to theatre directing, before taking the MA in the History of the Book at London University. He is now undertaking research for a PhD on an archive formed by his great-grandfather, Frank Fay (1870-1930), an Irish actor and producer, who collaborated with W. B. Yeats and Lady Gregory on the plays that were performed at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. Matthew is interested in the provenance of books and theatre history.


      • Thesis: ‘The Fay Archive: Towards a Checklist and Copy-specific Analysis of Key Research Items by W. B. Yeats, J. M. Synge and Lady Gregory.’ (in progress)
  26. May 2022
  27. Apr 2022
    1. Payne, R. P., Longet, S., Austin, J. A., Skelly, D. T., Dejnirattisai, W., Adele, S., Meardon, N., Faustini, S., Al-Taei, S., Moore, S. C., Tipton, T., Hering, L. M., Angyal, A., Brown, R., Nicols, A. R., Gillson, N., Dobson, S. L., Amini, A., Supasa, P., … Zawia, A. A. T. (2021). Immunogenicity of standard and extended dosing intervals of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. Cell, 184(23), 5699-5714.e11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.10.011

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 [@chrischirp]. (2021, November 24). As well as Tom’s new one (B.1.1.529), C.1.2 seems to be spreading in S Africa—C.1.2 was the one with lots of worrying mutations first reported in August... Plus cases in S Africa suddenly increasing again in the middle of their summer. Https://t.co/fCqfOMcO83 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1463504890530086917

    1. Dr Emma Hodcroft [@firefoxx66]. (2021, November 26). We now have B.1.1.529 sequences (designed at @nextstrain clade 21K) up in our Africa build. You can check them out below. These are from South Africa & Botswana—You can see the high number of mutations. CoVariants focal build & updates will come ASAP. https://t.co/fqBldneF5U [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1464145615571623938

    1. Edward Nirenberg 🇺🇦 [@ENirenberg]. (2021, November 30). This is also not limited to the vaccine- any infection we encounter will do the same thing. It’s how we evolved to get around a massive genetic and bioenergetic challenge and it’s brilliant and it’s happening all the time regardless of any vaccines we get. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/ENirenberg/status/1465698637434933254

  28. Mar 2022
    1. L’autisme est un trouble neuro-développemental caractérisé par des anomalies dans l’interaction sociale, dans la communication et dans le comportement (activités répétitives et stéréotypées). Ces anomalies causent, pour la personne atteinte d’autisme, de grandes difficultés cognitives : d’attention, d’apprentissage, de mémorisation et  de décodification de l’information.

      L’autisme est un trouble neuro-développemental caractérisé par des anomalies ==>problème de définition du champ dans l’interaction sociale, dans la communication et dans le comportement (activités répétitives et stéréotypées). Ces anomalies causent, pour la personne atteinte d’autisme, de grandes difficultés cognitives ==>elles ne sont pas conséquence des interactions sociales ni des stéréotypies mais liées au développent du cerveau

      Qu’est-ce que le trouble du spectre de l’autisme : Jadhav, M., & Schaepper, M. A. (2021, août). What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? American Psychiatric Association. Consulté le 11 mars 2022, à l’adresse https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/autism/what-is-autism-spectrum-disorderDiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders : signs and symptoms on Social communication & Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors

  29. Feb 2022
  30. Jan 2022
    1. La lutte contre les trafics illégaux

      Arg3: Les Etats tentent également de lutter contre les trafics illégaux

      • Lutte contre la pêche illicite Selon FAO = 15 et 20 % des prises => 23 Milliards $ /an Moins de préservation du stock renouvelable = surpêche Concurrence déloyale = pecheurs + respect quotas

      • Lutte contre le trafic de cocaïne 2017 - 2019: Cocaïne saisie à bord d'embarcations commerciales x3 = 73 tonnes Moyens ? Sous marins artisanaux, Ou ? Antilles = plaque tournante Quelles saisies ? 3 tonnes sous marins par police espagnole en 2019

      • Lutte contre le trafic des déchets Cout traitement + législation contraignante = Etats exportent leurs déchets / filières illégales ==> Pays d'Asie et d'Afrique: ++ déchets électroniques Malaisie => FR: 43 conteneurs de plastique illégaux

    2. La lutte contre la piraterie maritime

      Arg2: les EM sont confrontés à de la piraterie maritime à laquelle les Etats tentent de faire face

      • Opération de lutte contre la piraterie 2008: Eunavfor = Opération ATALANTE / Golfe d'Aden : Somalie. Soutient bases militaires = Djibouti => Dissuasion => Répression
    3. Les espaces maritimes, des espaces de plus en plus militarisés

      Arg1: La militarisation des EM

      • l'hégémonie américaine EU: 10 portes avions + bases militaires + 7flottes = forte capacité de projection

      • le rattrapage chinois et russe CHINE: 2 portes avions -Liaoning et Shandong depuis Décembre 2019) = Sécurisation Nouvelles routes de la Soie + enjeux M de Chine méridionale et orientale RUSSIE: Forces navales car coopération militaire (Syrie) et ambitions (Arctique). Nouveau SNLE en Mer Blanche (Mai 2018)

      • les puissances émergentes Iran, Inde, Turquie, Brésil (commande de 4 SNA à Naval Group - Décembre 2020)

    4. e tourisme de croisière

      Arg6: le tourisme de croisière reste un enjeu économique majeur

      • Un secteur en essor 2019 - 30M de personnes croisière Caraïbes, Mer Méditerranée, Asie Pacifique

      • Qui est marqué par une forte concurrence et de lours freins Multinationales: Carnival, Royal Caribbean, MSC Emissions CO2, risques accidents + COVID19: mauvaise réputation

    5. Les ressources génétiques marines

      Arg5: Les fonds marins regorgent de ressources génétiques marines

      • Le génome des espères sous marines constitue un enjeu commercial et scientifique algues: produits cosmétiques enzymes des éponges: lutte cancer (pharmacie, santé)
    6. Les ressources minérales

      Arg4: Les ressources minérales sont également très convoitées

      • les utilisations technologiques minerais: Cobalt, cuivre, nickel, or, diamant terres rares: cérium, scandium Nodules polymétalliques = hautes technologies (tel, odrinateurs)

      • jeu géopolitique dps 2010's fouilles Etat // monopole chinois Chine = 90% terres rares M

    7. Les ressources énergétiques

      Arg3: les ressources énergétiques sont également exploitées dans les Mers et les Océans

      • les hydrocarbures 30% hydrocarbures proviennent de gisements offshore Mer du Nord, Mer Caspienne, Golfe de Guinée, Golfe Arabo-persique, Mer de Chine méridionale

      espaces inexploités: conditions extrêmes (Arctique), fonds marins profonds = ++ pression (Brésil qui se lance dans l'exploitation d'hydrocarbures au dela du plateau continental)

      • les énergies renouvelables off shore Usines marémotrices: UM de la Rance (Côtes d'Armor, FR) Parcs éoliens off shore: projets aux îles de Lérons, Europe = 1er prod mondial électricité = 5000 éoliennes off shore (Mer du Nord ++)

      • les avancées scientifiques possibles Bathymétrie est mal connue = couts ++ 90% des espèces marines resteraient à découvrir

    8. Les ressources halieutiques Ŕ doc 1 p. 62 sur l’exploitation des ressources halieutiques

      Arg2: les ressources halieutiques constituent un enjeu économique majeur

      • La pêche et l'aquaculture subviennent aux besoins énergétiques et protéiniques de la population 1950 - auj = production halieutique*8 1950 - 2016 = 19M tonnes - 170M tonnes (dont 150M pour conso° humaine directe) 1980 - 2016 = 4,5M - 80M de tonnes prod° aquaculture

      • les ressources halieutiques sont exportées 27% prod° halieutique = int 143 Milliards $ = CA

      • des intérêts économiques vitaux pour les Etats 60M travailleurs = secteur de la pêche situations précaire = 95% des pêcheurs vivent en Afrique ou en Asie

    9. Selon l’OCDE, les mers et les océans rapportent chaque année près de 1500 milliards de dollars

      Les bénéfices économiques de l'économie bleue

      Economie bleue - Bertrand Blancheton, Introduction aux politiques économiques (2020)

      Mers et océans rapportent 1500 Milliards $/an 3000 Milliards en 2030 "Qui tient la mer tiens le commerce du monde, qui tient le commerce tient la richesse, qui tient la richesse tient le monde lui-même", Walter Raleigh => Halford Mackinder

  31. Dec 2021
    1. The results of the study showed that object control motor skills (such as kicking, catching, and throwing a ball), were better in the children who played interactive games.“This study was not designed to assess whether interactive gaming can actually develop children’s movement skills, but the results are still quite interesting and point to a need to further explore a possible connection,” said Dr. Lisa Barnett, lead researcher on the study.“It could be that these children have higher object control skills because they are playing interactive games that may help to develop these types of skills (for example, the under hand roll through playing the bowling game on the Wii). Playing interactive electronic games may also help eye-hand coordination.”

      This is a deductive argument because the logical premise which is that video games can improve motion control skills is supported by a logical premises which is the evidence from Dr. Lisa Barnett. This premises leads to the conclusion that video games can improve motor skills.

  32. Nov 2021
  33. Oct 2021
    1. Andreano, E., Paciello, I., Piccini, G., Manganaro, N., Pileri, P., Hyseni, I., Leonardi, M., Pantano, E., Abbiento, V., Benincasa, L., Giglioli, G., De Santi, C., Fabbiani, M., Rancan, I., Tumbarello, M., Montagnani, F., Sala, C., Montomoli, E., & Rappuoli, R. (2021). Hybrid immunity improves B cells and antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Nature, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04117-7

  34. Sep 2021
    1. John Burn-Murdoch. (2021, August 23). NEW: in the last couple of weeks there have a lot of new studies out assessing vaccine efficacy, many of which have touched on the question of waning immunity. Unsurprisingly, these have prompted a lot of questions. Time for a thread to summarise what we do and don’t know: [Tweet]. @jburnmurdoch. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1429878189011111936

  35. Jul 2021
  36. Jun 2021
    1. black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform

      This has been a powerful source of inspiration for me since day immoral

    1. What we want to do isactivate within children the desire and will and greatpleasure that comes from bein

      authors of their own learning."

      way to setup the learning

    2. Although it isn’teasy, we have to make our own paths, as teachersand children and families, in the forest.

      finding our way, living together is not easy, we build relationships to work together in the forest

    3. your happiness, your sadness,your hopes, your pleasures, the stresses from yourlife.

      Both children and teachers bring life each day, how will that be played out in school. How can we grow relationships and connections together to build a strong learning environment

    4. sense very quickly the spirit of what is going onamong the adults in their world.

      body language, openness, being authentic with questions to learn more from the child, inspires a child to take the lead in their learning experiences

  37. May 2021
  38. Apr 2021
  39. Mar 2021
  40. Feb 2021
    1. “Art thou that Beowulf with Breca did struggle, On the wide sea-currents at swimming contended, Did you take part in a swimming-match 10 Where to humor your pride the ocean ye tried,

      meaning he lost in the match with Breca and his honorand pride were in game after that.

  41. Jan 2021
    1. This variant presents 14 non-synonymous mutations, 6 synonymous mutations and 3 deletions. The multiple mutations present in the viral RNA encoding for the spike protein (S) are of most concern, such as the deletion Δ69-70, deletion Δ144, N501Y, A570D, D614G, P681H, T716I, S982A, D1118H
  42. Oct 2020
  43. Jul 2020
  44. Jun 2020
  45. May 2020
  46. Feb 2020
    1. 时间显示排序错乱


  47. Sep 2019
    1. they do not see that a thesis implies a counterthesis and that the presence of opposing or alternative voices implies a view of knowledge as dialogic, contingent, ambiguous, and tentative.




  48. Aug 2019
    1. Israeli consumers may be benefitting from the strong shekel but it makes Israel's tech sector much less attractive. Two weeks ago, for the first time in 18 months, the shekel-dollar exchange rate fell below NIS 3.50/$, following a 7% gain for the shekel against the dollar this year. There are many and varied reason for the strong shekel, relating to the strength and attributes of the Israeli economy, but the cut in the US interest rate also played a role. The US Federal Reserve Board recently raised the interest rate, but last month, for the first time since 2008, it reversed direction. 

      Shekel is too strong

    1. An Israeli air flight attendant who fell ill with measles on an El Al flight from New York to Israel has died, Israeli media say.The 43-year-old woman became unwell on the flight in April. It is unclear where she contracted the disease.It is the third death from measles in Israel since November, after none there for 15 years, reports say.


    1. Campaign Visits This map shows how many days candidates or potential candidates have spent in each state holding public campaign events. Private fundraising events are not counted. Selecting a candidate in the dropdown will highlight which states that candidate has visited.

      Trump Campaign

  49. May 2019
    1. Filippo Argenti

      Filippo is based on a Black Guelph, Charles of Valoi, Dante’s political enemy. Charles of Valoi entered Florence with the other Black Guelphs and destroyed much of the city within a few days. The harsh treatment that Filippo sufferers in The Inferno is payback for an earlier offense that the real life Charles of Valoi had done. In The Inferno Filippo’s violent temper is highlighted in the story as a man who had crossed Dante.

  50. Jan 2019
  51. Jul 2018
    1. Getting started is pretty easy. It’s like joining a gym. Easy to start, easy to go a time or two. It’s the long run that interests me.

      Maybe the idea of a 'long run' is a better way of appreciating big B blogging?

  52. Feb 2018
  53. Dec 2017
    1. This is not a new idea, but the current usage of the term “flipped” is generally associated with students engaging with materials online followed by in-class activities that involve peer learning or small-group work. There are many activities that can be part of a flipped class such as discussions, debates, clicker questions, Q and A, demonstrations, simulations, peer tutoring and feedback, and role playing. An instructor may choose to flip just a few classes a term, where the concepts lend themselves to active learning experiences, or to flip all classes. 

      Bahar Güner Student Centred innovative teaching technique