442 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. spawn starts a Python child process from scratch without the parent process's memory, file descriptors, threads, etc. Technically, spawn forks a duplicate of the current process, then the child immediately calls exec to replace itself with a fresh Python, then asks Python to load the target module and run the target callable.
    1. Although Doughnut Economics' safe and just indicators2525.O'Neill, DW ∙ Fanning, AL ∙ Lamb, WF ∙ et al.A good life for all within planetary boundariesNat Sustain. 2018; 1:88-95CrossrefScopus (980)Google Scholar include justice elements, our work goes further by quantifying these elements in the same units as the safe ESBs and by operationalising and quantifying justice issues.

      for - comparison - doughnut economics - vs - safe and just earth system boundaries

    1. our love of freedom is is one of the ways that we as apparently limited beings return naturally to our original condition

      for - comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira comment - As Dasietz Suzuki observed, within the limitations of our form, there is a freedom - After listening for a 2nd or 3rd time, I noted something I missed on the 1st listening. A metaphor helps - My nickname reflects this desire to return to the original expansiveness. "Bottled up" and existing in a "contracted" human form, - we possess a natural desire to expand out of the contracted human form back into its original, primordial expansive state - This is indicated by our innate desire for freedom

  2. Aug 2024
    1. with the Verve foundation's help we set up ecologies of practices uh we have a practice called dialectic into dialogos that helps people get into mutually shared flow states of cognitive exploration and people discover collective intelligence as something that is phenomenologically present and almost agentic in what's happening

      for - comparison - John Vervaeke - Vervaeke Foundation - collective intelligence dialogues - good alignment to Indyweb individual/collective gestalt - Deep Humanity

      comparison - John Vervaeke - Vervaeke Foundation - collective intelligence dialogues - good alignment to Indyweb individual/collective gestalt - When he describes the mutually shared flow states where conversants discover collective intelligence as something that is phenomenologically present - it is a discovery of the intertwingledness between - individual and - collective - that is, the individual/collective gestalt described in Deep Humanity reference https://vervaekefoundation.or

    1. amazon prime castle rock which is based on the work of stephen king

      for - comparison - Amazon Prime - Castle Rock - Stephen King - compared to - Michael Levin caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis - adjacency - universal - vs localized consciousness - empathy - Michael Levin - caterpillar to butterfly

      adjacency - between - Stephen King movie "castle rock" - universal consciousness - localized, individual consckousness - empathy - adjacency relationship - Bernardo compares the Stephen King movie series "Castle Rock" with ghostly beings taking over the identify of an existing physical body. - Universal consciousness is in all of us - but we strongly identify with the localized consciousness - In Michael Levin's caterpillar to butterfly process, - the living being has memories of a caterpillar but what happens when it becomes a butterfly? Those memories don't confer any meaning to the butterfly - But beneath both the butterfly and the caterpillar, the universal consciousness is at the ground layer - When we experience others as ourselves, because we have the same universal consciouness, - then we can truly enact empathy as an expression of recognition

    1. we are using set theory so a certain piece of reference text is part of my collection or it's not if it's part of my collection somewhere in my fingerprint is a corresponding dot for it yeah so there is a very clear direct link from the root data to the actual representation and the position that dot has versus all the other dots so the the topology of that space geometry if you want of that patterns that you get that contains the knowledge of the world which i'm using the language of yeah so that basically and that is super easy to compute for um for for a computer i don't even need a gpu

      for - comparison - cortical io / semantic folding vs standard AI - no GPU required

    2. for example our standard english language model is trained with something like maybe 100 gigabytes or so of text um that gives it a strength as if you would throw bird at it with the google corpus so the other thing is of course uh a small corpus like that is computed in two hours or three hours on a on a laptop yeah so that's the other thing uh by the way i didn't mention our fingerprints are actually a boolean so when we when we train as i said we are not using floating points

      for - comparison - cortical io vs normal AI - training dataset size and time

    3. we basically grow models of let's say same quality like all the others by using thousand time or ten thousand times less training data

      for - comparison - semantic folding vs normal machine learning - training dataset sizes and times

    1. when the body dies you are gone because you are the body in this other theory on the other hand we are the field that controls the body so when the drone dies don't go anywhere you stay where you were and you continue to live

      for - comparison of death in - material vs idealist theories

    1. Jeremy Grantham. He was on my podcast and as worried as he is about climate  change and has been for a long time, he actually thinks that endocrine  disrupting chemicals may be a bigger risk to human futures and other animals than  climate, which is a pretty strong statement.

      for - comparison of urgency - climate change vs endocrine disruptors - Jeremy Grantham

    1. human beings don't do that we understand that the chair is not a specifically shaped object but something you consider and once you understood that concept that principle you see chairs everywhere you can create completely new chairs

      for - comparison - human vs artificial intelligence

      question - comparison - human vs artificial intelligence - Can't an AI also consider things we sit on to then generalize their classifcation algorithm?

    2. the brain is Islam Islam is it is lousy and it is selfish and still it is working yeah look around you working brains wherever you look and the reason for this is that we totally think differently than any kind of digital and computer system you know of and many Engineers from the AI field haven't figured out that massive difference that massive difference yet

      for - comparison - brain vs machine intelligence

      comparison - brain vs machine intelligence - the brain is inferior to machine in many ways - many times slower - much less accurate - network of neurons is mostly isolated in its own local environment, not connected to a global network like the internet - Yet, it is able to perform extraordinary things in spite of that - It is able to create meaning out of sensory inputs - Can we really say that a machine can do this?

    3. this blue ball with three stumps a chair or this strange design object here because you can sit on it and what you see here is the difference the main difference between the computer world and the brainworld

      for - comparison - brain vs machine intelligence - comparison - human intelligence vs artificial intelligence

      comparison - human intelligence vs artificial intelligence - AI depends on feeding the AI system with huge datasets that it can - analyze and make correlations and - perform big data analysis - Humans don't operate the same way

    4. you can measure data but you cannot measure having an idea you cannot measure Innovation you cannot measure knowledge there's no metric there is no quantifiable scale for knowledge or having an idea you cannot say one meter of knowledge one kilogram of idea

      for - comparison - data vs ideas - no metric for ideas

  3. Jul 2024
    1. for - paper review - building a system-based Theory of Change using Participatory Systems Mapping - participatory systems mapping - SRG / Indyweb dev - system mapping - participatory approach

      summary - I'm reviewing this paper because the title seems salient for the development of our own participatory Stop Reset Go system mapping tool within Indyweb ecosystem. - The building of - a systems-based Theory of Change using - Participatory Systems Mapping - is salient to our own project and aligns to it with different language: - Theory of Change with uses theory to perform an evaluation and propose an intervention - The Stop Reset Go framework focuses on the specific type of process called "improvement", or - transforming a process to make it "better" in some way

      to - Indyweb project info page - https://hyp.is/RRevQk0UEe-xwP-i8Ywwqg/opencollective.com/open-learning-commons/projects/indy-learning-commons

    1. it suggests the goal for our action should be sustainability – an anthropocentric, global concept – rather than habitability – a multispecies, planetary concept.

      for - comparison - sustainability / anthropocentric / global vs - habitability / multispecies / planetary

    1. what was going through the mind of the person who cut down the last tree knew it was the last tree

      for - comparison - Easter Island vs Climate deniers

      comparison - Easter Island vs Climate deniers - When they cut down their last trees, the Easter Islanders could not even build canoes to transport themselves off the island - Climate deniers think the same way - justifying in whatever way they can the continuation of the current unsustainable system, until history will prove them too late

    2. written history you can only get in literate societies and and the invention of writing is quite recent and in and in some areas the world extremely recent 00:23:25 so you you just don't have a great big depth of history but archaeology goes back tens hundreds and thousands of years and even millions of years especially when you're talking 00:23:37 about the evolution of our species

      for - comparison - history vs archeology - Ronald Wright

      comparison - history vs archeology - Ronald Wright - Written history is very recent but archeology can go back hundreds of millions of years

  4. Jun 2024
    1. you're going to have like 100 million more AI research and they're going to be working at 100 times what 00:27:31 you are

      for - stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher

      stats - comparison of cognitive powers - AGI AI agents vs human researcher - 100 million AGI AI researchers - each AGI AI researcher is 100x more efficient that its equivalent human AI researcher - total productivity increase = 100 million x 100 = 10 billion human AI researchers! Wow!

    1. this image of a mother feeding her baby is every single one 00:28:58 of those sustainable development goals

      for - comparison - complexity - SDG logo vs baby - response - Nora Bateson - to Entangled World podcast interviewer's comment - unintended consequences can be paralyzing

      comparison - complexity - Nora Bateson response - SDG logo vs baby - In response to the podcasters's question about how do we act for social change when - it appears that every action can have an unintended consequence? - Nora compares - UN SDG logo with 17 different areas of change - an image of a mother and baby - and she talks about how the image of the mother and baby is so intertwingled that it includes all 17 areas (and probably more)

  5. May 2024
    1. if I met a robot that looked very much like a beautiful girl and everything went fine together with her and me but

      for - comparison - human vs AI robot - Denis Noble

    1. a digital Nation today on a nation today is like way too big like we we don't have kinship with all the people

      for - comparison - kinship in digital vs nation state

      comparison - between - digital or network state - nation state - comparison statement - kinship is key to forming digital / network states, but are impossible in nation states - nation states are far too large for any real intimacy - The raison d'etre of network states is strong kinship, it's what defines them - Indyweb is designed to catalyze network states - @GyuriLajos

  6. Mar 2024
    1. Simplifi's account connection is just faster. Simplifi provides real time updates every time you refresh, while Monarch's update rhythm is much slower and it's often unclear why some accounts are more updated than others.
  7. Jan 2024
    1. what kind of character type might he fit?

      Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He's supposed to be the embodiment of a godlike character and hold many powerful qualities. He has many different character types he portrays in this story and is extremely accomplished. He urges the reader in a way to think about reincarnation which is obviously a big part of his character. "The place of the infinite spirit" (line 851) Krishna fits a representation of love, duty, honor and self control. Learning what type of character type Krishna is this early on is important to keep in mind as the story is read. If the reader doesn't understand the true depth of his character the story may not be as powerful. He shows many attributes of a fully developed character that knows the true power of who they are. In HIndu culture, a character like Krishna is all powerful but also shows a variety of character traits that make him a very admirable character.

    1. by far the most illuminating to me is the idea that mental causation works from virtual futures towards the past 00:33:17 whereas physical causation works from the past towards the future and these two streams of causation sort of overlap in the present

      for - comparison - mental vs physical causation - adjacency - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence - Sheldrake's mental vs physical causation

      key insight - comparison - mental vs physical causation - mental causation works from virtual futures to past - physical causation works from past to future - this is an interesting way of seeing things

      adjacency - between - direction of mental vs physical causation - Michael Levin's definition of intelligence (adopting WIlliam James's idea) and cognition and cognitive light cones of living organisms:: - having a goal - having autonomy and agency to reach that goal - adjacency statement - Levin adopts a definition of cognition from scientific predecessors that relate to goal activity. - When an organism chooses one specific behavioral trajectory over all other possible ones in order to reach a goal - this is none other than choosing a virtual future that projects back to the present - In our species, innovation and design is based on this future-to-present backwards projection

  8. Dec 2023
    1. there's this broader issue of of being able to get inside other people's heads as we're driving down the road all the time we're looking at other 00:48:05 people and because we have very advanced theories of mind
      • for: comparison - AI - HI - example - driving, comparison - artificial i human intelligence - example - driving
    2. have the wisdom to distinguish between those situations we can change in those situations we can't so it is important to sometimes say but 00:30:42 the best i can do is to hope that in this situation and part of what honest hope is about is teasing out the places where we can have agency and make a difference in the places where we can't although i argue that frequently we throw up our 00:30:54 hands too soon

      for: comparison - hope that - hope to

      • comparison: hope that - hope to
        • a part of honest hope is to be able to distinguish between
          • situations where we can't do anything about it and
          • situations where we can
        • start from
          • hope to - to explore possibilities
          • if nothing can be done, then goto hope that
    3. distinction between hope that and hope too
      • for: comparison - hope that - hope to

      • comparison: hope that - hope to

        • hope that
          • is passive
          • I have no agency
        • hope to
          • is active
          • I have agency
        • Commanding Hope advocates flipping
          • from hope that to
          • hope to
    1. better described by a phylogenetic network than a bifurcating tree.[1] Reticulate patterns can be found in the phylogenetic
      • for: salience mismatch - comparison - phylogenetic network - bifurcating tree

      • salience mismatch: comparison - phylogenetic network - bifurcating tree

        • Dec 11, 2023
        • Dec 12, 2023
          • Salience mismatch lifting. I think you are applying biomimcry here but the comarison between
            • evolution of living systems and
            • evolution of ideas
          • Two (or more) ideas can interact and give rise to a new idea
          • So at the very least, at least 3 ideas can exist autonomously, each being a source for new ideas.
    1. noosphere, the sphere of interconnected cultural exchange and cooperation,
      • for: noosphere, symbolosphere, meaningverse, comparison - noosphere, symbolosphere, meaningverse

      • comparison: noosphere, symbolosphere, menaingverse

        • The last two terms originate in Stop Reset Go's Deep Humanity praxis and are comparable to the noosphere.
        • The symbolosphere stresses the symbolic nature of the experience

    1. Test-Driving a New Generation of Second Brain Apps: Obsidian, Tana, and Mem

      I'm a bit surprised at the conclusion: Evernote still the best and can't be supplanted easily. Seriously?

      But there are some naked truths about Tana and Mem (and Mem X). The Second Brain guy didn't mince words.

      I think he is too harsh on Obsidian. You can't have your cake and eat it. If local-first philosophy is of utmost importance to you, you've got to learn where the vaults are stored locally. Duh!

  9. Nov 2023
    1. Just to understand well Obsidian/Heptabase, if we take the example of Card in Heptabase = Note in Osbidian, and Whiteboard in Heptabase = Canva in Obsidian, what Heptabase do that Obsidian do not? What is your view about that?

      My questions too.

    1. when you have sleep apnea this is something that is called dipping and non-dipping people who have no apnea in the blue notice 00:07:11 what happens their blood pressures go down at nights here in the 3 A.M to 6 a.m goes down at night they're systolic and diastolic but the people who have apnea they don't get the benefit of that dipping they're not getting the benefit 00:07:25 of rest at night it's because of sympathetic nervous system activity
      • for: sleep apnea - blood pressure comparison, dipping vs nondipping

      • interesting fact: sleep apnea

        • dipping and non-dipping
        • normal person relaxes blood pressure at night (dipping)
        • sleep apnea patient has elevated blood pressure at night (non-dipping)
    2. in a normal person this is what their sympathetic nervous 00:06:45 system activity looks like and people with sleep apnea who are having these difficulties at night this is what their sympathetic nervous system looks like during the day when they're actually not having apnea it's because it's ramped up 00:06:57 and this is a problem that causes their blood pressure to not be able to relax
      • for: sleep apnea - sympathetic nervous system - comparison
    1. I'll find the language of Hope and hopefulness hope hopelessness 01:19:11 speak to me more in the sense of are there reasons to still get up clean up suit up and show up and I want to say yes even in the face 01:19:25 of extraordinary difficulty
      • for: comparison - hope and hopefulness vs optimism and pessimism
    1. 張譯本是拆成兩句來直譯,但後段意思搞錯了,宋譯本則索性漏掉不譯


      宋的「流變」在譯movements,「與聞其一」在譯take part in any one of,只是文字太高調、賣弄,裝高雅。張的「有助於」雖然不好,但沒有到搞錯的程度。

    1. I avoid the terms ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘enlightened’ due to their association with a final permanent state and morally perfect individuals.5 Unfortunately, as we know from experience, there have been a significant number of ‘enlightened’ masters in Western Buddhist centres engaging in sexual misconduct. For those who have faith in enlightenment this is an uncomfortable mystery (Domyo 2019).
      • for: comparison - awakening - enlightenment, Kensho

      • comment

        • the author makes an astute observation and articulates an uncomfortable reality about the association of the word enlightenment with so called enlightened masters who have behaved quite immorally.
        • this is a good reason to choose v one word v over they other, although in my experience, both these words have been used at times to describe individuals who have behaved immorally, that is, to bring suffering instead of ease it. I don't if Kensho is a word that is a description of a very specific experience that is decoupled from model behaviour?
        • in the end, it may be different to simply add a caveat when using both terms .
    1. it is easier to try to describe the move between matter-based science and experience-based phenomenology, on the one hand, and between phenomenology and contemplative spirituality on the other.
      • for: comparison -

      • meme

        • matter-based science to experience-based phenomenology
        • phenomenology and contemplative spirituality
    1. I'm tempted to say you can look at uh broadscale social organization uh or like Network Dynamics as an even larger portion of that light 00:32:43 cone but it doesn't seem to have the same continuity well I don't you mean uh it doesn't uh like first person continuity like it doesn't like you think it doesn't it isn't like anything to be 00:32:55 that social AG agent right and and we we both are I think sympathetic to pan psychism so saying even if we only have conscious access to what it's like to be 00:33:08 us at this higher level like it's there's it's possible that there's something that it's like to be a cell but I'm not sure it's possible that there's something that there's something it's like to be say a country
      • for: social superorganism - vs human multicellular being, social superorganism, Homni, major evolutionary transition, MET, MET in Individuality, Indyweb, Indranet, Indyweb/Indranet, CCE cumulative cultural evolution, symmathesy, Gyuri Lajos, individual/collective gestalt, interwingled sensemaking, Deep Humanity, DH, meta crisis, meaning crisis, polycrisis

      • comment

        • True, there is no physical cohesion that binds human beings together into a larger organism, but there is another dimension - informational cohesion.
        • This informational cohesion expresses itself in cumulative cultural evolution. Even this very discussion they are having is an example of that
        • The social superorganism is therefore composed of an informational body and not a physical one and one can think of its major mentations as collective, consensual ideas such as popular memes, movements, governmental or business actions and policies
        • I slept on this and this morning, realized how salient Adam's question was to my own work
          • The comments here build and expand upon what I thought yesterday (my original annotations)
          • The main connections to my own sense-making work are:
            • Within our specific human species, the deep entanglement between self and other (the terminology that our Deep Humanity praxis terms the "individual / collective gestalt")
            • The Deep Humanity / SRG claim that the concurrent meaning / meta / poly crisis may be an evolutionary test foreshadowing the next possible Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality.<br /> - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=MET+in+Individuality
              • As Adam notes, collective consciousness may be more a metaphorical rather than a literal so a social superorganism, (one reference refers to it as Homni
              • may be metaphorical only as this higher order individual lacks the physical signaling system to create a biological coherence that, for instance, an animal body possesses.
              • Nevertheless, the informational connections do exist that bind individual humans together and it is not trivial.
              • Indeed, this is exactly what has catapulted our species into modernity where our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) has defined the concurrent successes and failures of our species. Modernity's meaning / meta / polycrisis and progress traps are a direct result of CCE.
              • Humanity's intentions and its consequences, both intended and unintended are what has come to shape the entire trajectory of the biosphere. So the impacts of human CCE are not trivial at all. Indeed, a paper has been written proposing that human information systems could be the next Major System Transition (MST) that could lead to another future MET that melds biotic and abiotic
              • This circles back to Adam's question and what has just emerged for me is this question:
                • Is it possible that we could evolve in some kind of hybrid direction where we are biologically still separate individuals BUT deeply intertwingled informationally through CCE and something like the theoretical Indyweb/Indranet which is an explicit articulation of our theoretical informational connectivity?
                • In other words, could "collective consciousness be explicitly defined in terms of an explicit, externalized information system reflecting intertwingled individual/collective learning?
            • The Indyweb / Indranet informational laminin protein / connective tissue that informationally binds individuals to others in an explicit, externalized means of connecting the individual informational nodes of the social superorganism, giving it "collective consciousness" (whereas prior to Indyweb / Indranet, this informational laminin/connective tissue was not systematically developed so all informational connection, for example of the existing internet, is incomplete and adhoc)
            • The major trajectory paths that global or localized cultural populations take can become an indication of the behavior of collective consciousness.
              • Voting, both formal and informal is an expression of consensus leading to consensual behavior and the consensual behavior could be a reflection of Homni's collective consciousness
      • insight

        • While socially annotating this video, a few insights occurred after last night's sleep:
          • Hypothes.is lacks timebound sequence granularity. Indyweb / Indranet has this feature built in and we need it for social annotation. Why? All the information within this particular annotation cannot be machine sorted into a time series. As the social annotator, I actually have to point out which information came first, second, etc. This entire comment, for instance was written AFTER the original very short annotation. Extra tags were updated to reflect the large comment.
          • I gained a new realization of the relationship and intertwingularity of individual / collective learning while writing and reflecting on this social annotation. I think it's because of Adam's question that really revolves around MET of Individuality and the 3 conversant's questioning of the fluid and fuzzy boundary between "self" and "other"
            • Namely, within Indyweb / Indranet there are two learning pillars that make up the entirety of external sensemaking:
              • the first is social annotation of the work of others
              • the second is our own synthesis of what we learned from others (ie. our social annotations)
            • It is the integration of these two pillars that is the sum of our sensemaking parts. Social annotations allow us to sample the edge of the sensemaking work of others. After all, when we ingest one specific information source of others, it is only one of possibly many. Social annotations reflect how our whole interacts with their part. However, we may then integrate that peripheral information of the other more deeply into our own sensemaking work, and that's where we must have our own central synthesizing Indyweb / Indranet space to do that work.
            • It is this interplay between different poles that constitute CCE and symmathesy, mutual learning.
            • adjacency between
              • Indyweb / Indranet name space
              • Indranet
              • automatic vs manual references / citations
            • adjacency statement
              • Oh man, it's so painful to have to insert all these references and citations when Indranet is designed to do all this! A valuable new meme just emerged to express this:
                • Pain between the existing present situation and the imagined future of the same si the fuel that drives innovation.
      • quote: Gien

        • Pain between an existing present situation and an imagined, improved future is the fuel that drives innovation.
      • date: 2023, Nov 8
  10. Oct 2023
    1. ideologies and addictions have a lot in common and what most of they have in common is the rigid 00:20:32 incapacity and unwillingness to look at the truth of it t
      • for: comparison, comparison - ideology - addiction

      • comparison: ideology, addiction

        • what they most have in common is the rigid incapacity and unwillingness to look at the truth of it
    1. Whereas MSTs happen to ecosystems, METs and MCTs happen to species.
      • for: MST, MET, MCT, comparison, comparison - MET - MST - MCT

      • comment

        • comparative difference
          • MST happen to ecosystems
          • MEC, MCT happen to species
  11. Sep 2023
    1. Winnicott also had a strikingly different notion of the agent of psychological change.
      • for: Winnicott, Freud, comparison, comparison - Winnicott - Freud, transitional space, Bardo, evolution
      • paraphrase
      • comparison: Winnicott, Freud

        • Winnicott had a strikingly different notion of the agent of psychological change than Freud.

          • Winnicott
            • His psychotherapeutic model was developmental, one that sees.
              • the therapeutic relationship and
              • the original parent-child relationship(s)
            • as analogous.
            • Thus, just as he saw the development of the child as being fundamentally tied
              • to the immediate, visceral relationship with the mother in the experiential unit.
          • psychotherapeutic change was all about the relationship between - client and - therapist.

            • This was later conceptualised as a shift
              • from a ‘one-person’ psychology
              • to a ‘two-person’ psychology.
          • Freud

            • Freud was focused on rational interventions from the outside
            • This gave way in Winnicott to a co-creative journey occurring in the area in between,
          • which was much more about who one was and what one did, than what one thought or said.
            • In his book Playing and Reality (1971),
          • Winnicott called the location of this experience ‘transitional space’,
            • alluding to its dynamic, insubstantial quality,
            • but also to its nature as a place of becoming.
          • It is, he said, a place we both
            • create and that
            • creates us
          • a paradox that we must accept and not try to resolve
          • where unformulated possibility replaces
            • fixed identities, and
            • experience is necessarily co-constructed.
      • comment

        • Winnicott's transitional space is like
          • the Tibetan concept of the Bardo
          • the biological concept of evolution
    2. Winnicott’s concept of psychopathology was very different from Freud’s.
      • for: psychopathology, psychopathology - Winnicott, comparison - Winnicott - Freud
      • paraphrase
      • comparison: Winnicott, Freud
        • Winnicott’s concept of psychopathology was very different from Freud’s.
          • Freud
            • Freud understood psychopathology in terms of conflicts between:
              • the internal drives and
              • the external demands of the world
            • that what goes wrong is something internal to the person
              • only triggered by the outside world.
            • This basic idea is still very much alive in reductive psychiatric thinking and CBT, which, following the common dualistic model,
              • also locate the problem inside the mind/brain.
          • Winnicott
            • By contrast, Winnicott understood psychopathology primarily in terms of trauma or deficit in the relational domain,
            • which in turn follows from his inherently interpersonal understanding of the psyche.
            • Crucially, what goes wrong is not to be located in the individual per se,
            • but in the experiential units that the person was and is involved including, by extension,
              • the sociocultural milieu in which they find themselves.
  12. Aug 2023
    1. beautiful cities have six qualities
      • for: beautiful cities - qualities, comparison - American vs European cities
      • paraphrase
        • qualities of a beautiful city
          • orderly, but not homogenous
          • they have visible life
          • they are compact, not sprawling
          • have both orientation and mystery
          • appealing scale with ideal height of 5 stories
    1. application/xml: data-size: XML very verbose, but usually not an issue when using compression and thinking that the write access case (e.g. through POST or PUT) is much more rare as read-access (in many cases it is <3% of all traffic). Rarely there where cases where I had to optimize the write performance existence of non-ascii chars: you can use utf-8 as encoding in XML existence of binary data: would need to use base64 encoding filename data: you can encapsulate this inside field in XML application/json data-size: more compact less that XML, still text, but you can compress non-ascii chars: json is utf-8 binary data: base64 (also see json-binary-question) filename data: encapsulate as own field-section inside json
  13. Jul 2023
    1. This lets your test express a concept (similar to a trait), without knowing anything about the implementation: FactoryBot.create(:car, make: 'Saturn', accident_count: 3) FactoryBot.create(:car, make: 'Toyota', unsold: true) IMO, I would stick with traits when they work (e.g. unsold, above). But when you need to pass a non-model value (e.g. accident_count), transient attributes are the way to go.

      traits and transient attributes are very similar

      traits are kind of like boolean (either has it or doesn't) transient attribute flags

    1. We all like games with a wide variety of resources, but most board games or card games never seem to have all that many.  So let's do a comparison with popular games out there.
  14. Jun 2023
  15. May 2023
    1. I would submit that were we to find ways of engineering our quote-unquote ape brains um what would all what what would be very likely to happen would not be um 00:35:57 some some sort of putative human better equipped to deal with the complex world that we have it would instead be something more like um a cartoon very much very very much a 00:36:10 repeat of what we've had with the pill
      • Comment
        • Mary echos Ronald Wright's progress traps
    2. there is this growing Chasm between our Paleolithic brains and what we're designed for and the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
      • Comment

        • Elise says
          • "there is this growing Chasm between
            • our Paleolithic brains and
            • what we're designed for and
              • the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
          • We have changed our environment so rapidly and so radically and we have not kept pace with that change
            • so either we keep changing the environment or
            • we change ourselves to fit the environment and
            • I think the fact that we're consistently making these commodified decisions in which
              • we do expunge more and more of our of our Humanity in favor of profit
              • in favor of short-term decisions i
              • n favor of such abysmal thinking when it comes to complex systems like the human body
            • it is a testament to the fact that these brains are not built for this world and
            • we are not going to be adequate stewards of this system
              • that is now so complex that to keep it held together
            • you actually need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are"
        • Elise Bohan' statements perfectly echo Ronald Wright's famous quote on the nature of progress traps
      • comment

        • I think, however, that Wright would agree more with Mary and less with Elise in Elise's contention that
          • we need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are
          • applying progress to our own cognitive abilities
            • may create the biggest progress trap of all
  16. Mar 2023
    1. Let Docker manage the storage of your database data by writing the database files to disk on the host system using its own internal volume management. This is the default and is easy and fairly transparent to the user. The downside is that the files may be hard to locate for tools and applications that run directly on the host system, i.e. outside containers. Create a data directory on the host system (outside the container) and mount this to a directory visible from inside the container. This places the database files in a known location on the host system, and makes it easy for tools and applications on the host system to access the files. The downside is that the user needs to make sure that the directory exists, and that e.g. directory permissions and other security mechanisms on the host system are set up correctly.
  17. Jan 2023
    1. like a goddess of Victory

      This symbolizes the strength that Mrs. Mallard had during this time period, and shows that she will conquer obstacles in her future.

  18. Dec 2022
    1. API TypeMailgun API NamePostmark API NameSending EmailsMessagesEmailManaging SuppressionsSuppressionsSuppressionsManaging TemplatesTemplatesTemplatesManaging Sending SettingsServerManaging ServersServersManaging Sent EmailsEventsMessagesManaging Inbound EmailsMessages, EventsMessagesManage Inbound Processing SettingsRoutesManage email domains you can send fromDomainsDomains
  19. Nov 2022
    1. As you note, Activity diagrams inherently can include concurrency and timing. If you look at this example cribbed from Wikipedia, shown below, you can observe the section with two heavy horizontal bars, and two parallel activities of "present idea" and "record idea". That is read as "start these activities in parallel, and continue only when both are complete." Flowcharts can't express this within the notation. Practically, using activity diagrams lets you think clearly about concurrent processes. I think you'll find that anyone who can read a flowchart will quickly adapt.
  20. Sep 2022
  21. Aug 2022
  22. Jun 2022
    1. The creator of GraphQL admits this. During his presentation on the library at a Facebook internal conference, an audience member asked him about the difference between GraphQL and SOAP. His response: SOAP requires XML. GraphQL defaults to JSON—though you can use XML.
    2. Conclusion There are decades of history and a broad cast of characters behind the web requests you know and love—as well as the ones that you might have never heard of. Information first traveled across the internet in 1969, followed by a lot of research in the ’70s, then private networks in the ’80s, then public networks in the ’90s. We got CORBA in 1991, followed by SOAP in 1999, followed by REST around 2003. GraphQL reimagined SOAP, but with JSON, around 2015. This all sounds like a history class fact sheet, but it’s valuable context for building our own web apps.
  23. May 2022
    1. Given the complexities of the brain’s structure and the functions it performs, any one of these models is surely oversimplified and ultimately wrong—at best, an approximation of some aspects of what the brain does. However, some models are less wrong than others, and consistent trends in performance across models can reveal not just which model best fits the brain but also which properties of a model underlie its fit to the brain, thus yielding critical insights that transcend what any single model can tell us.
    1. I think RSpec should provide around(:context)/around(:all). Not because of any particular use case, but simply for API consistency. It's much simpler to tell users "there are 3 kinds of hooks (before, after and around) and each can be used with any of 3 scopes (example, context and suite)". Having some kinds of hooks work with only some kinds of scopes makes the API inconsistent and forces us to add special case code to emit warnings and also write extra documentation for this fact.
    2. I've been thinking of looking into implementing this in rspec-core, primarily to make the API more consistent (e.g. so that you can combine any scope -- example/context/suite -- with any hook type before/after/around).
  24. Apr 2022
  25. Mar 2022
    1. Flatpak is built on top of a technology called OSTree, which is influenced by and very similar to the Git version control system. Like Git, OSTree allows versioned data to be tracked and to be distributed between different repositories. However, where Git is designed to track source files, OSTree is designed to track binary files and other large data.
    2. Internally, Flatpak therefore works in a similar way to Git, and many Flatpak concepts are analogous to Git concepts. Like Git, Flatpak uses repositories to store data, and it tracks the differences between versions.
    1. The underlying architecture might be summarized as “git for operating system binaries”.
  26. Feb 2022
  27. Jan 2022
    1. Douaud, G., Lee, S., Alfaro-Almagro, F., Arthofer, C., Wang, C., McCarthy, P., Lange, F., Andersson, J. L. R., Griffanti, L., Duff, E., Jbabdi, S., Taschler, B., Winkler, A. M., Nichols, T. E., Collins, R., Matthews, P. M., Allen, N., Miller, K. L., & Smith, S. M. (2021). Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank (p. 2021.06.11.21258690). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.11.21258690

    1. TLDR: Amateur and poorly executed "Qix" type arcade game. Play Lightfish instead. It uses the same core concept but executes much better.http://store.steampowered.com/app/116120/Lightfish/E

      nostalgia (for me) and comparison: Qix

  28. Dec 2021
    1. nference. (2021, November 27). Here is how B.1.1.529 (#Omicron #B11529) compares to Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta variants. Omicron has highest novel Spike mutations including striking cluster on the “crown” suggesting significant selection pressure & antigenic distinction from prior strains (Credits: Nference) https://t.co/4oZQbjhbG8 [Tweet]. @_nference. https://twitter.com/_nference/status/1464404770098229250

  29. Nov 2021
  30. Oct 2021
  31. Sep 2021
  32. Aug 2021
    1. this kind of run-time code generation is certainly more natural in Ruby, it's one of its Lispish elements
    1. Rafael Irizarry. (2021, August 8). Vaccines work in a gif update: COVID19 cases versus vaccination rates in US states through time. The Delta variant effect can be seen clearly starting in July. States with lower vaccination rates are affected much worse. Https://t.co/e0SQpa8Qg0 [Tweet]. @rafalab. https://twitter.com/rafalab/status/1424440520361787392

  33. Jul 2021
    1. In 1996, technology historian Jennifer S. Light compared the talk of “cyberoptimists” about virtual communities to city planners’ earlier optimistic predictions about shopping malls. As the automobile colonized U.S. cities in the 1950s, planners promised that malls would be enclosed public spaces to replace Main Streets. But as Light pointed out, the transition to suburban malls brought new inequities of access and limited the space’s functions to those that served commercial interests.

      Nice historical comparison.

    1. the problem of how to read a number of related books in relation to one another and read them in such a way that the complementary and conflict­ing things they have to say about a common subject are clearly grasped.

      This could be a fascinating discussion to take a close look at later in the book.

    1. sed appears to be able to do this much more efficiently if a large number of files are involved. awk may be easier to remember, but sed seems to be worth a sticky note in my brain.
    1. Vectors with a small Euclidean distance from one another are located in the same region of a vector space. Vectors with a high cosine similarity are located in the same general direction from the origin.
    1. Alvin. (2021, July 8). An Estimated 279,000 Deaths & up to 1.25 Million Hospitalizations Averted by U.S. #COVID19 Vaccination Campaign (@commonwealthfnd analysis) 👉 Interpretation: #VaccinesWork Link: Https://t.co/0m8tq3In4f @Alison_Galvani @EricSchneiderMD @Vaccinologist @V2019N #SARSCoV2 https://t.co/SwaWxFnJ2H [Tweet]. @alvie_barr. https://twitter.com/alvie_barr/status/1413150922356654088

    1. Jesse O’Shea MD, MSc on Twitter: “Okay Twitter! Here is the new vaccine side effect chart (aka reactogenicity) for FDA submitted COVID19 vaccines vs Shingrix & Flu. J&J’s Ad26.COV2.S has the least side effect profile of the COVID vaccines so far. Https://t.co/MFGzWDqQKZ” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2, 2021, from https://twitter.com/JesseOSheaMD/status/1364645966826070016?s=20

  34. Jun 2021
    1. gitree works very similarly to tree but only lists files related to the current git repository.
    1. Yes, AnyCable uses only a single Redis pub/sub channel. Unlike Action Cable, anycable-go manages the actual subscriptions by itself (see hub.go), we only need a single channel to get broadcasts from web apps to a WS server, which performs the actual retransmission. Check out https://docs.anycable.io/#/v1/misc/how_to_anycable_server
    2. they handled this with 4 1x dynos on Heroku (before switching to AnyCable they had 20 2x dynos for ActionCable).
  35. May 2021
    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@JAndreen @ErikAngner details about human contact networks matter, as epidemiologists pointed out last spring. Https://t.co/DC5FoW5ChY If you think I am wrong about the relevant parameters for Sweden, I’d love to hear more. One place to start is saying how it differs from other Nordic countries’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 21 February 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1362757183121854466

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “this is utterly bizarre: How would one conceptually even begin to determine a number by which the model overestimated unmitigated deaths. What is the comparison unmitigated ‘prediction’ to what actually happened supposed to mean?” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384070393514790918

  36. Apr 2021
    1. I bought this game and hope it will look like Carcassonne.But, my first impression of this lead me to compare this with Go.At the present, I am teaching to anyone that this game is Go with modular board.Yep, Bought this new and Go was my first thought on this, also. Definitely much closer to Go than Carcassonne.
    2. I strongly prefer this over Carcassonne. It plays faster (I don't want a tile laying game to go for more than 30 mins or so) and I happen to like the limited options. Carcassonne just gets on my nerves because I just don't view selecting between so many placement options to be that interesting. Obviously, YMMV. Ditto the previous statement, it's different than Carcassonne. And that's why I like it.
    3. But, my first impression of this lead me to compare this with Go.At the present, I am teaching to anyone that this game is Go with modular board.
    4. Strange that a game published in 2005 that is derivative of a classic would essentially get fired by its predecessor. I fail to see why I would ever play this instead of Carcassonne.
    5. I recently played a prototype of an upcoming game called Bronze. This takes the tile-laying/ territory claiming mechanic and builds on it by adding abilities to each of the tiles. they benefit you in some way if you claim them. The result is a very similar feel to Fjords (competing for a share of the map) but with greater depth.
    6. You can't avoid the comparisons to Carcassonne even though the scoring mechanic is very different. It just looks the same, and the tile placement phase feels close enough to be familiar. However, this familiarity starts to nag at you, only adding to the frustration when tile placement is clumsy and luck-driven unlike Carcassonne. The comparison is not favourable for Fjords.
    1. There are geographical guessing games based on Google Streetview that are much better.
  37. Mar 2021
    1. Erik Angner. (2021, February 18). Periodic reminder that in terms of outcomes, Swedish corona policy is thoroughly average in EU comparison – not exactly a model to be emulated by the rest of the world, nor a crime against humanity that should be prosecuted in the Hague. Https://t.co/E1CHBFMs6S [Tweet]. @ErikAngner. https://twitter.com/ErikAngner/status/1362319246378872832

    1. Isaac then continues on to compare that philosophy to Node.js. They are slightly less succinct but still very enlightening.
    1. It’s grand larceny and, as usual, what is being stolen is power.

      This is a striking last sentence; his representation of the recent voter suppression tactics as theft is a powerful symbolism. His connection to the past, "another of history's racist robberies", also appeals to the audience emotionally since the topic of past racism is touchy and logic; no one denies that these events happened in the past.

  38. Feb 2021
    1. I wanted to keep reviewing restaurants, but I didn’t want to go back into their dining rooms both because of the risk and because I was afraid readers would take it as an all-clear signal. When the governor halted indoor dining again in December, my selfish reaction was relief. Then I briefly got depressed. How would restaurants survive? And how would I keep writing about them?One answer had already started to appear on sidewalks and streets in the form of small greenhouses, huts, tents and yurts. Inside these personal dining rooms, you can (and should) sit just with people from your own household. If the restaurant thoroughly airs the space out between seatings, any germs you breathe in should be the same ones that are bouncing around your home. Many restaurants instruct their servers to stay outside the structures as much as possible, though some don’t.

      Syntax of question and answer reveals itself again. His doubts and negativity are addressed within the first highlighted paragraph with a question coming to Pete's mind. He realized his influence as a critic and decided to take the right step to prevent anything bad from occurring. Despite his sacrifice, the next paragraph he discusses the clever solutions restaurants had come up with which solved his problem for the most part. This description underlines yet more change that brought upon good things, which is the main idea he is relating to the food scene. He creates a comparison between an at home setting along with the solutions restaurants have come up with to further emphasize his point of safety amidst COVID.

    2. Before the pandemic, I normally called chefs after I’d written a review of their restaurant but before it was published, to check facts. The chefs usually sounded as if I were calling with the results of a lab test. One chef called me back from a hospital and told me his wife was in the next room giving birth to their first child, but — oh no, don’t worry, it’s fine, he said; in fact, I’d picked a perfect time to call! These were, in other words, awkward conversations.The ones I had last spring were different. It was as if the fear and distrust all chefs feel toward all critics were gone. They talked about going bankrupt, they talked about crying and not wanting to get out of bed. What did they have left to lose by talking to me?

      Pete highlights a key change that came with COVID, except he emphasizes the good that came from it. This compare and contrast allows the reader to see how the personalities have developed along with the times. There was a silver lining amidst the "crying and not wanting to get out of bed". The drastic comparison of his importance before and after the pandemic with a chef giving equal importance to Pete and his first child underlines just how wrong priorities were previously. His diction, utilizing awkward perfectly to encapsulate the environment surrounding his job before COVID, pushing forth the idea that good can result from change.

    1. There are times where it is useful to know whether a value was passed to run or the result of a filter default. In particular, it is useful when nil is an acceptable value.

      Yes! An illustration in ruby:

      main > h = {key_with_nil_value: nil}
      => {:key_with_nil_value=>nil}
      main > h[:key_with_nil_value]
      => nil
      main > h[:missing_key]  # this would be undefined in JavaScript (a useful distinction) rather than null, but in Ruby it's indistinguishable from the case where a nil value was actually explicitly _supplied_ by the caller/user
      => nil
      # so we have to check for "missingness" ("undefinedness"?) differently in Ruby
      main > h.key?(:key_with_nil_value)
      => true
      main > h.key?(:missing_key)
      => false

      This is one unfortunate side effect of Ruby having only nil and no built-in way to distinguish between null and undefined like in JavaScript.

    1. This would be more useful if there was an easy way to actually compare the differences...

      This is how I did it:

      cd user-example
      diff -r -u10 before/ after/
      # then compare after/app/forms, which was only in after

      Linked to from https://hyp.is/5YyPAnFNEeu0Vv94pLaypA/github.com/railsgsoc/actionform

    1. You can find a list of applications using this gem in this repository: https://github.com/m-Peter/nested-form-examples . All the examples are implemented in before/after pairs. The before is using the accepts_nested_attributes_for, while the after uses this gem to achieve the same functionality.
    1. Transport Tycoon is easily one of the best Tycoon games, this variant offers indepth control over your logistic networks and zero breakdowns but with loads of new tools to get to grips with you will need to search up a guide.The other variant, OpenTTD, wants to remain more like the original. its not as precise in its logistics but much simpler to pick up and play.Both are multiplayerBoth are freeIf Simutrans feels abit obtuse, try OTTDIf OTTD feels too simple, try Simutrans
  39. Jan 2021
    1. Snaps each pick a ‘base’, for example, Ubuntu18 (corresponding to the set of minimal debs in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). Nevertheless, the choice of base does not impact on your ability to use a snap on any of the supported Linux distributions or versions — it’s a choice of the publisher and should be invisible to you as a user or developer.

      Snaps sound a lot like container images in this respect.

    1. Taglines are more often next to the company's logo on official advertisements, and are dedicated more specifically to brand awareness than slogans. Slogans carry a brand's values and promises as the company grows and evolves, and can be promoted under an overarching company tagline.
    2. Although both "slogan" and "tagline" tend to be used interchangeably, they actually serve two different purposes. 
    3. Companies have slogans for the same reason they have logos: advertising. While logos are visual representations of a brand, slogans are audible representations of a brand. Both formats grab consumers' attention more readily than the name a company or product might. Plus, they're simpler to understand and remember.
    4. In many ways, they're like mini-mission statements.
    1. And since auto is entirely based on content, we can say it is “indefinitely” sized, its dimensions flex. If we were to put an explicit width on the column, like 50% or 400px, then we would say it is “definitely” sized.
    1. A bind mount is basically where you mount a given directory on top of an existing one. Suppose you have a RAID array where you have a partition mounted at /home2, containing some larger user accounts. If you wanted to remount /home2/user to /home/user (to sidestep issue #1), without the issues that come along with symlinks (it is not a directory, just a token that points to it), you'd do something like mount --bind /home2/bob /home/bob and the directory will then be traversable from both locations. The target folder must exist, same as any mount point. The end result is somewhat similar to a symlink, but instead of creating a special filesystem object, it utilizes the operating system's filesystem mounting machinery to do it, which makes it more transparent to running software. Tools like 'du' and 'find' will still be aware that they are cross filesystem boundaries, and will also behave as such if the bind mount is entirely within a given filesystem. Finally, as they're transient by nature (unlike symlinks), they need to be placed in fstab or some startup script to make them persistent.
    1. Both are elements positioned near a "reference" element, and are hidden until they are triggered. They help conserve space by hiding secondary information or functionality behind a hover or click. They are positioned outside the normal flow of the document so when they are triggered, they are overlaid on top of the existing UI without disrupting the flow of content.
    1. While there are always going to be cases where one is more appropriate than the other, border-bottom offers much more precise control over text-decoration and is therefore probably the preferred method. Here's a quick (likely not exhaustive) list of properties that border-bottom can control/enable that text-decoration cannot:
    1. All in all, building icon systems with SVG isn’t that hard! If you have the right tools available, it can be a pretty easy switch. The benefits of SVG sprites have been discussed at length, and the consensus in the web community is that SVG icon systems come out on top when compared with iconic fonts.
  40. Dec 2020
    1. React abstracts the DOM with functionally pure declarative rendering and provides escape hatches back to mutable imperative DOM land. This is a profound philosophical difference that Rich gave a talk about.
    2. It's true that Svelte does not allow you to map over children like React, but its slot API and <svelte:component> provide similarly powerful composition. You can pass component constructors as props and instantiate them with <svelte:component>, and use slots and their let bindings for higher order composition. It sounds like you're thinking in virtual DOM idioms instead of Svelte's.
    3. My frustration is mainly from Svelte's choices that are very un-JavaScript-like. It doesn't have to be "like React/Vue". React is React because it doesn't restrict what you can do with JavaScript for the most part. It's just common FP practice to fold/map.
  41. Nov 2020
    1. Really? I've been using Flutter for about a week and Svelte seems an order of magnitude better designed. I find Flutter overly complicated.
    2. Svelte by itself is great, but doing a complete PWA (with service workers, etc) that runs and scales on multiple devices with high quality app-like UI controls quickly gets complex. Flutter just provides much better tooling for that out of the box IMO. You are not molding a website into an app, you are just building an app. If I was building a relatively simple web app that is only meant to run on the web, then I might still prefer Svelte in some cases.
    3. Unfortunately it is not just the semantic that is broken. There are lot of things.For example if you look at some of the examples (https://flutter.github.io/samples/#/) - you can see that indeed there are some div and p tags but it is not entirely normal DOM elements. For example you can't even select text anywhere on the screen. And there are more and more little things like that.Just to be clear - Flutter for web is great, I'm happy it exists, but it is not comparable to React/Vue or Svelte.IMO Flutter for web is good to post live examples of Flutter code or maybe some last-minute-boss-request to make a web version of existing app, but for not for full-blown web app. :)
    1. For use$ since svelte is never going to support actions for components, i designed something that reminds React hooks that will in some ways replace this feature.

      Isn't that what use$ is trying to do already? How is that "something that reminds React hooks" any different? Will be interested to see...

    1. SVG has the advantage that integrates very well with Svelte, since it’s an XML and the nodes can be managed as if they were HTML. On the other hand, Canvas is more efficient, but it has to be generated entirely with JavaScript.
    1. That is, if Company A owns 80% or more of the stock of Company B, Company A will not pay taxes on dividends paid by Company B to its stockholders, as the payment of dividends from B to A is essentially transferring cash from one company to the other.
    1. The webpack repository contains an example showing the effect of all devtool variants. Those examples will likely help you to understand the differences.
    1. Frontend frameworks are a positive sum game! Svelte has no monopoly on the compiler paradigm either. Just like I think React is worth learning for the mental model it imparts, where UI is a (pure) function of state, I think the frontend framework-as-compiler paradigm is worth understanding. We're going to see a lot more of it because the tradeoffs are fantastic, to where it'll be a boring talking point before we know it.
    1. You may know several Procfile process management tools, but Overmind has some unique, extraterrestrial powers others don't:
  42. Oct 2020