1,810 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Degrees of Disciplinary Sanctions:

      8 levels before permeant dismissal

    2. The use of mobile devices (cellphones, beepers, tablets and other smart devices) in the classroom is determined by the faculty member’s mobile device use guidelines for that class. Adhere to the expectations communicated by the faculty member for that course.

      phone use can be against policy if faculty state it is

    3. . Computer and Network Abuse

      Interesting the tech conduct is in the general conduct policy now.

    4. any act that constitutes violent behavior and any other behavior that adversely affects the College or its educational programs or mission.  Attempts to commit acts prohibited by the Code may also be addressed through the conduct process. All members of the College community, students, faculty and staff, have the responsibility to report nonacademic misconduct.

      Everyone is a reporter

    5. If a disruptive student refuses to leave when told, the faculty member will contact SCF Public Safety to remove the student.

      explicit statement about having students removed by security

    1. Violation of Student Code of Conduct ReportStudent's Name: _______________________________________________________________Student Identification Number: __________________________Instructor’s Name: ________________________________ Office Phone #: ________________Instructor’s E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________Course Title: _________________________________________________________________Course Number: _________________________ Section Number: ________Description of Incident (use additional pages if necessary)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe the instructions that were given to the student:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Was the student asked to leave the class? Yes _____ No_____N/A_________Did the student leave voluntarily? Yes _____ No _____Were the police contacted? Yes ____ No ____If yes, officer’s name: _____________________ Officer’s Department: ____________________Action taken by Police (list report number and whether arrest occurred):______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Faculty Member’s Signature_____________________________________Date: ____________Submit copy of form electronically to: student, department chair, and to Student Judicial Programs (who will sharewith Student Development Office) at tp-sheridan@wiu.edu or via fax to 309-298-1203

      form sample

  2. May 2024
    1. the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an 00:13:59 election fairly one time that's the end of free and fair elections

      for - key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - progress trap- US foreign policy that shaped modernity

      key insight - why US geopolitics installed dictatorships - This was the US's rationale to justify the geopolitical mess it created this century: - If you allow democracy in the age of Communism - people might vote for communism, then - kill all the rich people, then - take their stuff, then - redistribute it - You can get a majority support for that in an impoverished country and that was perceived as a threat - So the United States was suppressing Democratic movements around the world - because if an authoritarian if a communist can win an election fairly one time, - that's the end of free and fair elections - So for decades, the US foreign policy agenda was to install dictators to suppress the threat that democracy could produce communism. - But after "communism was defeated" - all these installed dictators around the world that are the direct result of the pathological US foreign policy posed a new, unexpected quagmire - The decades of US foreign policy had created an enormous progress trap that we are all living through now - The US now had to normalize relations with the new world of dictators it had helped created out of its own fears<br /> - A new US foreign policy rule emerged to deal with this fiasco - Stay in your own country - If you want to kill, imprison, brutalize or subjegate your own people, it is fine with the US government as long as it is done within your own state borders - As long as a nation state abuses their own people, the US will continue to: - buy your oil - trade with you - show up at the UN - even have an occasional State event for you - However, Russia broke that rule

    1. mapsize = PAGE_ALIGN(mem_section_usage_size()) >> PAGE_SHIFT;

      Policy application: choosing map size for page usage?

    1. Der Guardian nennt die Stimmung der meisten von der Zeitung zu ihren Zukunfterwartungen befragten IPCC-Klimawissenschaftlerinnen düster; viele sind deprimiert. Viele der Forschenden, die die Zeitung als die am besten über die Zukunft Informierten bezeichnet, erwarten Hungersnöte, Massenmigration und Konflikte. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2024/may/08/hopeless-and-broken-why-the-worlds-top-climate-scientists-are-in-despair

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Die Wirtschaftsminister Deutschlands, Frankreich und Italiens, die sich an Montag in Brüssel getroffen haben, sind sich in der Forderung nach einer gemeinsamen europäischen Industriepolitik einig. Die Energiewende spielt darin eine entscheidende Rolle. Bei vielen damit verbundenen Fragen, z.B. nach der Subventionierung der Solarindustrie, besteht aber Uneinigkeit. In ihrem Bericht bezieht sich die Repubblica vor allem auf eine Analyse des Thinktanks Bruegel.

      Bruegel-Analyse: https://www.bruegel.org/first-glance/smart-solar-strategy-europe

  4. Mar 2024
    1. Georgia also instituted a policy of keeping the land “tail-male,”which meant that land descended to the eldest male child. This feudal rulebound men to their families. The tail-male provision protected heirs whosepoor fathers might otherwise feel pressure to sell their land.53
    2. History of the United States (1834)

      1834 was also interesting with respect to this thesis as Britain was working at the "principles of 1834" which Beatrice Webb focused on and debunked in English Poor Law Policy (1910).

      see: https://hypothes.is/a/NLJSJAe7Ee2xvIeHyTL7vQ

      Would this 1832 work in Britain have bleed over to a similar set of poverty principles in the United States in the same era? Could this have compounded issues in America leading to greater class divisions in the decades before the Civil War?

  5. Feb 2024
    1. Fachleute rechnen damit, dass ein Sieg Trumps bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen zu einem Rollback bei den Projekten für saubere Energie führen würde, die die Biden-Administration eingeleitet hat. Der Inflation Reduction Act hat bereits zu Investitionen von etwa 200 Milliarden Dollar in solche Projekte geführt. Wie weit der Rollback gelingen würde, ist unklar, zumal besonders republikanisch dominierte Regionen von den Projekten der aktuellen Administration profitieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/19/us/politics/inflation-reduction-act-republican-attacks.html

    1. Die New York Times analysiert den Auftritt von Sultan al-Jaber, Ölminister der Emirate und Präsident der COP28, beim „Peterberger Klimadialog“.Er unterscheidet zwischen Fossilen Brennstoffen und fossilen Emissionen. Viele Beobachter:innen interpretieren seine Statements optimistisch – sie sind aber deutlich auf eine Legitimation der Fossilindustrie ausgerichtet. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/climate/un-climate-oil-uae-al-jaber.html

    1. for - 2nd Trump term - 2nd Trump presidency - 2024 U.S. election - existential threat for climate crisis - Title:Trump 2.0: The climate cannot survive another Trump term - Author: Michael Mann - Date: Nov 5, 2023

      Summary - Michael Mann repeats a similiar warning he made before the 2020 U.S. elections. Now the urgency is even greater. - Trump's "Project 2025" fossil-fuel -friendly plan would be a victory for the fossil fuel industry. It would - defund renewable energy research and rollout - decimate the EPA, - encourage drilling and - defund the Loss and Damage Fund, so vital for bringing the rest of the world onboard for rapid decarbonization. - Whoever wins the next U.S. election will be leading the U.S. in the most critical period of the human history because our remaining carbon budget stands at 5 years and 172 days at the current rate we are burning fossil fuels. Most of this time window overlaps with the next term of the U.S. presidency. - While Mann points out that the Inflation Reduction Act only takes us to 40% rather than Paris Climate Agreement 60% less emissions by 2030, it is still a big step in the right direction. - Trump would most definitely take a giant step in the wrong direction. - So Trump could singlehandedly set human civilization on a course of irreversible global devastation.

    2. The GOP has threatened to weaponize a potential second Trump term

      for - 2nd Trump term - regressive climate policy

  6. Jan 2024
    1. Nach der Invasion der ganzen Ukraine durch Russland wurde russisches Gas in Europa vor allem durch LNG-Importe aus den USA ersetzt. Damit tauscht man eine Abhängigkeit durch eine andere ein, statt die Erneuerbaren entschiedener auszubauen. Ausführlicher Bericht von Bloomberg über die damit verbundenen Risiken. Als erstes Zeichen für Schwierigkeiten wird die Verzögerung der Genehmigung von CP2 gewertet. https://www.energyconnects.com/news/gas-lng/2024/january/gas-addicted-europe-trades-one-energy-risk-for-another/

  7. Dec 2023
    1. you can see it all the time it's 00:41:37 unbelievably it's unbelievably painful we look at all the our institutions
      • for: polycrisis - entrenched institutional bias, examples - entrenched institutional bias - bank macro economic policy - lobbyist

      • paraphrase

        • James provides two examples of major institutional bias that has to be rapidly overcome if we are to stand a chance at facilitating rapid system change:
          • Bank of England controls macroeconomic policies that favour elites and not ordinary people and
            • these policies are beyond political contestation
          • In the normal political system, lobbyists through the revolving door between the top levels of the Civil Service and the corporate sector bias policies for elites and not ordinary citizens
    1. Warning: Do not accept plain user IDs, such as those you can get with the GoogleUser.getId() method, on your backend server. A modified client application can send arbitrary user IDs to your server to impersonate users, so you must instead use verifiable ID tokens to securely get the user IDs of signed-in users on the server side.
  8. Nov 2023
    1. The fact that most free software is privacy-respecting is due to cultural circumstances and the personal views of its developers
    1. Der Critical Raw Materials Actt wird von Industrie-Lobbies benutzt, um Einschränkungen beim Zugang zu Rohmaterialien abzubauen, und zwar auch dann, wenn es nicht um die Energieversorgung geht. IT-, Rüstungs- und Raumfahrtindustrie versuchen von der Krisensituation bei den neuen Energien zu profitieren. Die Libéation berichtet über einen neuen Report von Lobbying-Warchdogs. Die Liste der kritischen Rohmaterialien wurde bereits von 15 auf 34 Stoffe erweitert. https://www.liberation.fr/international/europe/ue-le-critical-raw-materials-act-un-open-bar-pour-lindustrie-miniere-20231112_HZUR6376QJCZVBM5IGIUR6V2QE/

  9. Oct 2023
    1. I assumed, unreflectively, that he had made up the whole thing, simply because for a long time that’s what I would have done.

      Is it possible that many on the far right don't believe science or facts about how people live because they've got a fabulist streak in themselves? They're so used to lying about basic facts about themselves that their first thought is that "everyone else is doing it".

      Now compound this with their utter lack of context as well as their privilege and you've got a terrific cocktail for bad decisions.

    1. Datafiles can be published with a suitable embargo period, forinstance to allow completion of publications or research basedon the dataset, or to respect contracts made by the depositorwith third parties concerning intellectual property rights.DANS encourages embargo periods of 6 months or less.


    2. If a published dataset is improved by amendments to thedata files of the dataset, a major version increment iscreated with a record of changes. In cases where it isnecessary to disable access to earlier versions, these can bedeaccessioned


  10. Sep 2023
  11. Aug 2023
    1. Do science, technology, industrialization, and specializa-tion render the Great Conversation irrelevant?
    2. The revolt against the classical dissectors and drillmasterswas justified. So was the new interest in experimental science.The revolt against liberal education was not justified. Neitherwas the belief that the method of experimental science couldreplace the methods of history, philosophy, and the arts.

      These various shifts in culture and perspective were concurrent with the shift in education from the formal to the progressive.

      See also Education: A Short Introduction

    3. Why did this education disappear? It was the education ofthe Founding Fathers. It held sway until fifty years ago. Nowit is almost gone. I attribute this phenomenon to two factors,internal decay and external confusion.

      Hutchins attributes the loss of classical education to both internal decay and external confusion, but I would suggest that some of the shift was also the need for industrialization and expanded access.

    1. Four billion people are now connected to the same infrastructure, the internet, that we the science and technology community put in place just decades ago. This is creating the conditions for an explosion of open creativity and innovation never seen before. A huge wave of labs of all kinds (living labs, fablabs, social labs, edulabs, innovation spaces, even policy labs) is emerging as the new kind of groups and communities of the digital era. We are moving from the net to the lab. On the 2030 horizon, many of these labs will gather and agree in generating the first universal innovation ecosystems in regions and countries.
      • for: quote, quote - Artur Serra, quote - labs, quote - innovation, quote - internet labs
      • quote
        • Four billion people are now connected to the same infrastructure, the internet, that we the science and technology community put in place just decades ago.
        • This is creating the conditions for an explosion of open creativity and innovation never seen before.
        • A huge wave of labs of all kinds,
          • living labs,
          • fablabs,
          • social labs,
          • edulabs,
          • innovation spaces and
          • policy labs
          • citizen labs
        • is emerging as the new kind of groups and communities of the digital era.
        • We are moving from the net to the lab.
        • On the 2030 horizon, many of these labs will gather and agree in generating the first universal innovation ecosystems in regions and countries.
        • https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/news-and-publications/digital-spokes/issue-45
      • author: Artur Serra
        • deputy director of I2CQT Foundation
        • research director, Citilab, Catalonia, Spain
    1. Recently we recommended that OCLC declare OCLC Control Numbers (OCN) as dedicated to the public domain. We wanted to make it clear to the community of users that they could share and use the number for any purpose and without any restrictions. Making that declaration would be consistent with our application of an open license for our own releases of data for re-use and would end the needless elimination of the number from bibliographic datasets that are at the foundation of the library and community interactions. I’m pleased to say that this recommendation got unanimous support and my colleague Richard Wallis spoke about this declaration during his linked data session during the recent IFLA conference. The declaration now appears on the WCRR web page and from the page describing OCNs and their use.

      OCLC Control Numbers are in the public domain

      An updated link for the "page describing OCNs and their use" says:

      The OCLC Control Number is a unique, sequentially assigned number associated with a record in WorldCat. The number is included in a WorldCat record when the record is created. The OCLC Control Number enables successful implementation and use of many OCLC products and services, including WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Navigator. OCLC encourages the use of the OCLC Control Number in any appropriate library application, where it can be treated as if it is in the public domain.

  12. Jul 2023
      • for: inequality, wealth tax, climate justice, earth system justice
      • policy paper
      • title
        • Survival of the Richest
      • source
        • Oxfam
      • date

        • Jan 2023
      • Executive Summary

        • Since 2020, the richest 1% have captured almost two-thirds of all new wealth
          • nearly twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population.
        • Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7bn a day,
          • even as inflation outpaces the wages of at least 1.7 billion workers, more than the population of India.7
        • Food and energy companies more than doubled their profits in 2022,
          • paying out $257bn to wealthy shareholders,
          • while over 800 million people went to bed hungry
        • Only 4 cents in every dollar of tax revenue comes from wealth taxes and
          • half the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax on money they give to their children.
        • A tax of up to 5% on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year,
          • enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty, and fund a global plan to end hunger.
    1. Paper that introduced the PPO algorithm. PPO is, in a way, a response to the TRPO algorithm, trying to use the core idea but implement a more efficient and simpler algorithm.

      TRPO defines the problem as a straight optimization problem, no learning is actually involved.

  13. Jun 2023
    1. How might humanists adopt STEM-oriented norms around data sharing

      This seems to be a fairly packed sentence. Why should they?

    2. the “Nelson memo” requires all publications and supporting data produced with federal funds be made freely and publicly available without an embargo period and points towards future mandates that would require all data generated with federal funds (not just data associated with publications) to be made public.

      This is the first problem: what does it mean. If I write a book on Middlemarch, what is my data? My notes? The quotations I use (note the non-exemption of publications only).

    1. Writing json_populate_record in the FROM clause is good practice, since all of the extracted columns are available for use without duplicate function calls.
    1. Unlike many developed countries, the United States lacks a national curriculum or teacher-training standards. Local policies change constantly, as governors, school boards, mayors and superintendents flow in and out of jobs.

      Many developed countries have national curricula and specific teacher-training standards, but the United States does not. Instead decisions on curricular and standards are created and enforced at the state and local levels, often by politically elected figures including governors, mayors, superintendents, and school boards.

      This leaves early education in the United States open to a much greater sway of political influence. This can be seen in examples of Texas attempting to legislate the display the ten commandments in school classrooms in 2023, reading science being neglected in the adoption of Culkins' Units of Study curriculum, and other footballs like the supposed suppression of critical race theory in right leaning states.

  14. May 2023
    1. Since using case insensitivity is so widespread, take their sign up email address and make it lower case. Whenever they try to log in, convert that to lowercase as well, for comparison purposes, when you go to see if the user exists. As far as sign up and sign in go, do a case insensitive comparison. If the person signs up as Steve@example.com, you'll still want to allow them to sign in later with steve@example.com or sTeVE@example.com.
    2. But you should also keep track of the email address that they signed up with in a case sensitive fashion. Any time you send an email to them, be sure to send it with that original casing. This allows the email server to handle it however it feels like it needs to. So even though the person may always be signing in to your site with steve@example.com, if they signed up as Steve@example.com, you'll always send email to Steve@example.com, just to be safe.
  15. Apr 2023
    1. Bericht von Bloomberg Green über grüne Investitionen von Venture-Kapitalisten. Im Vordergrund stehen - oft mit öffentlicher Beteiligung - nicht mehr die schon eingeführten Technologien zur Energieerzeugung sondern Elektrifizierung neuer Bereiche und auch das Speichern von CO2. 2022 würden ca. 70 Milliarden USD venture Capital und insgesamt 652 Milliarden in Climate Tech investiert. Der International Renewable Energy Agency zufolge müssen sich die Investitionen jährlich vervierfachen. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-climate-tech-startups-where-to-invest/?srnd=green&leadSource=uverify%20wall

    1. In our minds, there can be no more urgent task for a society than to ensure the health of its system of higher education.

      Really?! A conservative saying we should worry about the health of education as his fellows choke off funding to all levels of education in general?

      "Why are you turning blue and gasping for breath?" the Republican asks as he stands on the throat of education.

    1. Aristotle, who had said, many centuries before in Politics (BookVIII): ‘No one would dispute the fact that it is a lawgiver’s prime duty to arrangefor the education of the young. In states where this is not done the quality of theconstitution suffers.’

      Current American climate indicates that Republicans take this quote of Aristotle's to heart, but they're not closely thinking about how they define "education". They're definitely not defining it with respect to John Locke's views in Some Thoughts Concerning Education which encourages political systems that move away from an electorate that is subservient to authority.

      see: https://hypothes.is/a/upfxCtSiEe2wrdd3cOo-Lg for John Locke

  16. Mar 2023
    1. While policies limiting the high emitters are thus unavoidable, such as progressive taxes on emissions, they are hampered by three consecutive barriers.

      Three obstacles to policies limiting elite carbon emissions - First is the realization of connection between wealth and carbon emissions - Second is polarized politics making it difficult to pass or implement policies to limit dangerous consumption - Third is focused policy on the oversized contributions of elites

    1. we remove language that incites or facilitates serious violence

      Believing in "government" REQUIRES hypocrisy, schizophrenia and delusion. One illustration of this is the bizarre and contradictory way in which social media platforms PRETEND to be against people advocating violence.


    1. Nor does the cycles thesis have much to say about what social scientists call policy entrenchment—the way new policies outlast the coalition that created them.

      Policy entrenchment is when policies outlast the people, movements, or coalitions that created those policies.

  17. Feb 2023
  18. drive.google.com drive.google.com
    1. 〈 This section includes wording to provide greater certainty and clarity on how thiscontract should be interpreted and used. We are happy at any time to explainwhat they mean in more detail. 〉

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Governing Terms</span>

      Amendment of these terms is much more involved legally, so instead we opt to make them as clear and legible as possible and to offer to explain them for anyone who would like to unpack these terms.

    2. We reserve the right to suspend you with pay for no longer than is necessary to investigateany allegation of misconduct against you or so long as is otherwise reasonable while anydisciplinary procedure against you is outstanding.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Suspension with Pay</span>

      This has been maintained in the contract to prioritise safety of the team, and enabling the Company to take measures that may be needed in extreme circumstances to do this. However, this would be a last resort and other methods would be explored before a suspension.

    3. Clean Feedback Porta

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Clean Feedback Portal</span>

      This is a portal of information dedicated to resources, training options, guidance, processes and support for providing feedback between colleagues in healthy, clean ways. This can be particularly important when the responsibility for feedback is distributed rather than centralised. Active training in relationships, feedback and power can be an important compliment to working in less centralised structures.

    4. Resolution Infrastructure and Process

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Resolution Infrastructure and Process</span>

      This replaces the term 'Conflict Resolution' because it seeks to emphasise that actions should start much before a tension escalates into conflict. Rather than waiting for Conflict, the aim is to address tensions early and support resolutions with strong infrastructure of training, support and clear processes that are agreed upon by the whole.

    5. 〈 We consider ongoing learning and training as critical to our work and theongoing development of the team. During your onboarding we will introduceyou to a range of training options – some of which will be highly recommendedfor your role; others will be optional. We will also explain any Learning andPersonal Development budgets available at the time in line with the Benefitsinfrastructure, including the processes to use them. 〉

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Training Policy</span>

      The specific training budget is not included in the contract here, in order to enable iteration over time.

    6. Details of how our absence reporting works, and the level of sick pay you may be entitledto, are set out on the Sick Leave Overview page.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Sick Leave</span>

      In this example, the provision for Sick Leave is extensive and partially dependent on an Employment Income Protection insurance scheme. There is risk that the insurance might not longer be possible, thus likely changing the nature of what can be provided. As such, the extended leave policy here is included in the policy page rather than embedded into the contract itself to enable more flexibility for change.

    7. If you are unable to perform your duties due to incapacity (e.g. illness or injury) you mustcontact someone from within the People Circle or one of your immediate team members.Where possible and not confidential, we encourage you to contact everyone who will beaffected by your absence.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Considering Privacy</span>

      We include flexibility in the process of who to notify and how, understanding that some may be comfortable and happy to openly explain illness, others may very much not. Whilst open working is encouraged, confidentiality is an option whenever it is needed, without pressure.

    8. We operate a flexible benefits system in accordance with rules in place from time to time.Further details of these benefits are available in our Benefits Portal.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Benefits Policy</span>

      We have intentionally left the Benefits policies out of the core contract in order to mitigate (high) financial risk in offering generous provision as a contractual obligation.

    9. We will comply with any duties it has under part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008, and wecurrently use the Thriving Ecology pension scheme in respect of these duties. Membershipof the scheme is strictly subject to the rules of the scheme.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Pension Plan</span>

      Actively encouraging team members to opt into ethical, green funds and providing proactive support for team members to select these options may form part of the onboarding process.

    10. ThePeople Circle may vary or withdraw the Additional Leave scheme at any time in accordancewith applicable governance processes.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Iteration of Holiday Policy</span>

      This is included to ensure that there are means by which this process can evolve and iterate over time with appropriate consent from the team.

    11. Your Holiday Leave

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Unlimited Holiday Policy</span>

      The incorporation of a minimum holiday period, rather than a maximum, is to ensure that all team members are actively encouraged to take sufficient rest, particularly those who tend to prioritise the collective over their wellbeing (and thus are more likely to take too little holiday within an unlimited holiday structure). This clause can reinforced throughout other policy materials to help ensure that everyone rests to at least a minimum statutory standard.

    12. 〈 Your base salary is calculated based on our pay formula, which is the same foreveryone who works at the Company. For an overview of the pay formula and tounderstand the thinking and process behind our pay structure see here.We periodically review base salaries through a deliberative Pay Iteration Processthat everyone in the team is invited to take part in; changes are decided byconsent from all. There is no guarantee or obligation on us to award an increaseas part of these reviews.In the event of financial difficulties arising from this procedure please contactthe People Holder(s). 〉

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Reimagining Pay</span>

      For more approaches and options relating to pay structures, please see this Reimagining Pay Portal.

    13. Your Working Hours

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Working Hours</span>

      In this example Working Hours are not set, with some restrictions. This isn't always possible with public-facing work, but we include this here as an example of how employee autonomy can be centered, enabling employees wherever possible to do their work in the spaces and times that work for them, as long as collective needs are also met.

      Other examples we see are in structuring a 4 day working week as part of the wider 4 day work week movement. Alternatively, for example, Huddlecraft uses a 9-day work fortnight:

      “We are trialling a 9 day fortnight. This means that our hours are reduced from 40 to 36, and specifically that the whole team will take every other Friday off. So, in effect, alternating between a 40 hour week and a 32 hour week, to average a 36 hour week overall.

      These hours are flexible, and you should arrange them in a way that works for you, and for the team. The team will generally work for eight hours each working day Monday to Friday, within the hours of 9.00 am and 6.00 pm. You will be required to be available for significant periods during these hours in order to attend meetings and work together.”

    14. a. You are free to determine work locations that are best suited to help you achieve yourwork.b. Our registered address is 217 Mycelium Street, Newcastle and you are welcome to workfrom the office at this address; please contact the #NewcastleOffice for details on anyprotocols of use.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Remote-first Workplace</span>

      This is an example from an organisation operating a remote-first set-up, where there are no core hours that are public-facing and no critical in-person team hours.

    15. You agree to declare any business opportunities that come to your attention which mayreasonably fall within the Company’s remit.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Declaring Opportunities</span>

      This wording has been included to ensure there is fairness in relation to opportunities such as paid speaking events - see the purple box below for more information. It is not intended to stop individuals from working for other employers etc, which is why we have included reference to our Pathways Circle.

    16. We do not operate a line management system and you therefore do not have a ‘linemanager

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Support Contact vs Line Manager</span>

      In this example, the company has tried to remove the fixed hierarchy that comes with a Line Management system and enable a more dynamic and fluid method of hierarchy via role cards.

      There are also functions that Line Managers play outside of the content of the work, including holding review processes, supporting personal development, helping to resolve conflict, communicating company policies etc. These functions, in this example, have been distributed in different ways across roles in the systems in ways that aren't linked to promotion or concentrated in one person.

      Providing Support during the initial stages is one of these functions and is structured here through a nominated Support Contact (normally someone in the direct team) who is a primary point of contact for that person to navigate the system as they settle in.

    17. Role Card

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Role Cards</span>

      For more information about the Role Cards system see the annotation on page 7.

      As an alternative example, Civic Square structures their role relationships as follows:

      We think about relationships within the ecology of our team as first, second and third order connections. We are moving towards becoming teams of teams, so your everyday may involve a smaller focused team; week-to-week some others, and further month-to-month connections with the wider team. In this particular role we foresee you working with these key people initially:

      (a) Primary Connections [Primary connections]<br/> (b) Secondary Connections [Secondary connections]

      The job description is co-developed over an initial period, which looks to define responsibilities individually and collectively, with the understanding that it is not a static process, and they hope to revisit this together regularly.

    18. Mutual Trial Period

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Mutual Trial Period</span>

      This is included in the example in order to still recognise the importance of the first months of employment for both sides in terms of mutually seeing whether there is a strong relational fit. Rather than a Trial Period for the individual, it is structured here as a mutual period of exploration, and the employee is encouraged during this time to review whether the company is a good it for them, as much as vice versa. In this example, there is a proactive decision made before the end of this period to continue in relationship longer-term, and to celebrate that milestone. This example suggests 6 months for this period, as any less than this has often been found to be insufficient.

    19. Roles Board.

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Elements of a Roles Card system</span>

      This requires the Roles Board to include details of how roles can be picked up and passed on (consents required, processes), any time restrictions that apply. In this system, legally it is advised to have a system in place to track the various cards employees use throughout their time with the organisation.

    20. Your Role Card(s)

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Role Cards</span>

      In this example Roles are set in a way that is designed to enable a higher degree of fluidity in the system, based on an example from Dark Matter Labs. Instead of a static job role with a static/fixed ‘line manager’, Dark Matter Labs lays out roles within a system called ‘role cards’, where each person has a set of cards in their hand at any time, but there are processes through which people can pick and pass on role cards in the system. Each role card lays out the resonposnibilities, accountabilities, key activites, skills, connections/dependencies, and evaluation of the role.

      Note: this system particularly makes sense in relation to their accompanying approach for pay.

      In this example, this is needed due to the type of work involved (heavily structured around projects), the emergent nature of the work (regularly moving in content and nature) and funding (shorter-term and less consistent funding). Using a role card system, they enable agency of people to self-navigate following a clear set of processes and protocols, and therefore to not be governed top-down by role 'allocators'. The role card system aims to incorporate the rigour and clarity of detail of a traditional system of roles and responsibilities, alongside more autonomous navigation of roles in moving circumstances. In incorporating this method in the contract example, our aim is not to recommend it as an approach to roles, but to exemplify how alternative methods like this can be incorporated into an employment contract.

    21. How to use these annotations

      Employment contracts, including this example, are ideally not be not one-size-fits-all, but designed to respond to a specific organisational, legal, and design context. We have created an annotated version of this example contract to explain our thought processes and reasons for why we have made the contract’s strategic decisions in this way.

      We strongly recommend you read this version of the contract with annotations first, before using the contract as a starting point for your own, to understand the context of how that contract was shaped, and reflect on how these constraints or considerations may or may not apply to your own circumstances.

      We have tagged these annotations under the key categories below:

      • <span style="color: blue;">Policy Considerations: how we have considered the organisation’s policy, i.e. how its members decide to work together and run their organisation. </span>
      • <span style="color: green;">Legal Considerations: how we have considered the legal frameworks in creating the contract, including how employment law, contract law, etc., has shaped how the contract works.</span>
      • <span style="color: red;">Design Considerations: how we have considered communications design questions, including information hierarchy, user experience, and how to ensure the nature of the agreement is communicated clearly.</span>

      We also invite you to look at our Reimagining Contract Terms table for our reflections on the typical terms that form an employment contract, and how they can be reimagined beyond their conventional approaches.

    22. cultureprinciples

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Linked Policies - Shared Culture Principles</span>

      In this example, it links to a set of basic principles that every person, and the organisational as a whole, commits to. It lays out the principle (e.g. work out loud' and then expected individual, collective and organisational behaviours that are essential to uphold that principle. It does not express 'all possible behaviours' but rather a minimum set of necessary behaviours considered essential to mutual thriving. The principles and behaviours were drawn up, in this example, through a participatory process and approved through by consensus (note: in this case study it is one of the only areas of organisational development that was agreed by consensus).

    23. Livable Planet

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Employer or Community?</span>

      In this introductory section we have tried to make it clear that we are speaking about 'Livable Planet' as a community rather than the legal entity / employing entity. Note we have done this by using the 'trading name' Livable Planet as short hand for the community and the legal name 'Livable Planet Ltd' as short hand for the employer.

    24. About Livable Planet and ourapproach to employment

      <span style="color: blue;">Policy Consideration: Introduction</span>

      In this example, we have taken inspiration from the employment contract draft of Civic Square and included an introductory section.

      It aims to acknowledge that there is a contradiction between the aim of common abundance with the format and history of employment law that an employment contract is part of. It also aims to acknowledge the rights fought and won through the history of employment law and the intent to value them. It seeks to lay out hopes and expectations with an aim to begin the employment relationship with a deep mutual understanding and appreciation of the relationship being formed. It seeks to invite the other party's input into this understanding so that we hold our new relationship with respect and intent.

    25. 1 of 31Employment Contract

      How to use these annotations

      Employment contracts, including this example, are ideally not be not one-size-fits-all, but designed to respond to a specific organisational, legal, and design context. We have created an annotated version of this example contract to explain our thought processes and reasons for why we have made the contract’s strategic decisions in this way.

      We strongly recommend you read this version of the contract with annotations first, before using the contract as a starting point for your own, to understand the context of how that contract was shaped, and reflect on how these constraints or considerations may or may not apply to your own circumstances.

      We have tagged these annotations under the key categories below:

      • <span style="color: blue;">Policy Considerations: how we have considered the organisation’s policy, i.e. how its members decide to work together and run their organisation. </span>
      • <span style="color: green;">Legal Considerations: how we have considered the legal frameworks in creating the contract, including how employment law, contract law, etc., has shaped how the contract works.</span>
      • <span style="color: red;">Design Considerations: how we have considered communications design questions, including information hierarchy, user experience, and how to ensure the nature of the agreement is communicated clearly.</span>

      We also invite you to look at our Reimagining Contract Terms table for our reflections on the typical terms that form an employment contract, and how they can be reimagined beyond their conventional approaches.

  19. Jan 2023
    1. It's usually undesirable to add a default scope. It will take more effort to work around and will cause more headaches. If you know you need a default scope, it's easy to add yourself .
  20. Dec 2022
    1. We find that, during the pandemic, no-vax communities became more central in the country-specificdebates and their cross-border connections strengthened, revealing a global Twitter anti-vaccinationnetwork. U.S. users are central in this network, while Russian users also become net exporters ofmisinformation during vaccination roll-out. Interestingly, we find that Twitter’s content moderationefforts, and in particular the suspension of users following the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, had aworldwide impact in reducing misinformation spread about vaccines. These findings may help publichealth institutions and social media platforms to mitigate the spread of health-related, low-credibleinformation by revealing vulnerable online communities
    1. Conspiracy theories that provide names of the beneficiaries of political, social and economic disasters help people to navigate the complexities of the globalized world, and give simple answers as to who is right and who is wrong. If you add to this global communication technologies that help to rapidly develop and spread all sorts of conspiracy theories, these theories turn into a powerful tool to target subnational, national and international communities and to spread chaos and doubt. The smog of subjectivity created by user-generated content and the crisis of expertise have become a true gift to the Kremlin’s propaganda.
    1. Getting StartedLivable Planet Ltd operates a system that we call role cards. At any time we expect that you willhold in your hand – like a pack of cards – a cluster of role cards, which each contains a set ofresponsibilities and accountabilities towards our shared mission. These role cards will outlinethe skills needed for the role, and what success might look like in it.You are joining Livable Planet Ltd with the following role cards:

      The reason why we use role cards is,...

    1. As has been demonstrated, it is not a question of paying ornot paying. Rather, it is a question of how we want to pay, which then affectsthe amount we end up spending.
    2. One of the most enduring poverty myths across the political and ideologicalspectrum is that if we were able to provide individuals with enough educationand skills, poverty could be eliminated.
    1. every country is going to need to reconsider its policies on misinformation. It’s one thing for the occasional lie to slip through; it’s another for us all to swim in a veritable ocean of lies. In time, though it would not be a popular decision, we may have to begin to treat misinformation as we do libel, making it actionable if it is created with sufficient malice and sufficient volume.

      What to do then when our government reps are already happy to perpetuate "culture wars" and empty talking points?

  21. Nov 2022
    1. The “linguistic turn” in the social sciences focused on the socially constructed nature of “reality” (Berger & Luckmann 1979). With this turn, the focus was on the role of language as both describing and construing our understanding of what takes place in society. This means that we cannot assume that language (such as it is produced, for instance, in policy documents, legislation, parliamentary debates, interviews, etc.) merely describes reality; it also construes the ways in which we understand and conceptualise that (social) reality. Another implication of the linguistic turn in the social sciences is that policy texts cannot and should not be dismissed as “mere rhetoric”, with little to do with “real policy” (Saarinen 2008).
    1. After all, policy also shapes, albeit through law and regula-tion, human activity. For purposes of value sensitive design, we currentlyconsider policy to be a form of technology.



    1. Glyph 0 must be assigned to a .notdef glyph. The .notdef glyph is very important for providing the user feedback that a glyph is not found in the font. This glyph should not be left without an outline as the user will only see what looks like a space if a glyph is missing and not be aware of the active font’s limitation.
  22. Oct 2022
    1. Regarding the categorization of a blog in the Washintonienne scenario, as the internet and its features have expanded the ability to compare things online to things predating the internet has become more and more difficult. Finding anologs during the early days of the internet may have been possible but today most of what exists online is new and thus new policies must also exist.

    2. The ethical issue relating to choosing whether or not to work for a certain company has always existed. However, since the proliferation of the internet and computer technologies these decisions have added layers of complexity. The interconnectedness of certain technologies means that someone could be working on a project with implications they are not fully aware of. These new issues require the need for new laws regarding the transparency of software use, data, and all other internet features.

    3. Phase 3 brought about many of the issues that still exists in cyberethics. Ethical issues such as those present within deontology relating to duty of governing bodies began to surface. Because the internet was universal, policies needed to also be universal.

    4. Ownership of a Twitter account, or any other social media account, is another issue that our current laws do not address. While Kravitz may argue that because he created and operated the Twitter account he is the owner, PhoneDog could argue that the customer list was their property. Laws regarding social media ownership must be balance the power dynamic between individual users and large corporations in a way that allows the internet to be fair for all users.

    5. The anonymity Lori Drew was provided by the internet and social media is a gap in our current policies. Authenticating social media users could help combat cyber bullying but at the cost of decreasing online privacy.

  23. Sep 2022
    1. While libraries pay substantial fees to OCLC and other providers for services including deduplication, discovery, and enhancement, they do not do so with the intent that their records should then be siloed or restricted from re-use. Regardless of who has contributed to descriptive records, individual records are generally not copyrightable, nor is it in the public interest for their use to be restricted.

      Libraries are not contributing records to the intent that access can be restricted

      This is the heart of the matter, and gets to the record use policy debate from the last decade. Is the aggregation of catalog records a public good or a public good? The second sentence—"nor is it in the public interest for their use to be restricted"—is the big question in my mind.

  24. Aug 2022
    1. Dr Dan Goyal. (2022, March 15). What’s been happening This Week in Covid? The schism between reality and policy grew even wider this week... Omicron B.2 sent cases soaring and stock markets sinking! #TheWeekInCovid [Tweet]. @danielgoyal. https://twitter.com/danielgoyal/status/1503699425427968001

    1. Your personal data will be shared both within Beekeeper associated offices globally and with Greenhouse Software, Inc., a cloud services provider located in the United States of America and engaged by Controller to help manage its recruitment and hiring process on Controller’s behalf.

      Personal data will be accessible to different branches (i.e., national affiliates) of Beekeeper.

    1. Politique documentaire Ensemble des objectifs et processus pilotant la gestion de l’information, incluant la politique d’acquisition, la politique de conservation et la politique de médiation des collections. La politique documentaire est une partie intégrante et essentielle du projet d'établissement, permettant de répondre aux missions de la structure et aux attentes des usagers.
  25. Jul 2022
    1. They're drawing primarily from students with the following broad interests: - learning sciences / educational psychology - sociology of education (to influence policy/practice) - those with strong real-world experience (looking to apply it to a specific area)

      tuition coverage & stipend<br /> must be based in Baltimore<br /> prefer one speaks to faculty members for alignment of research areas and mentorship prior to joining

    1. ; until, in 1907, eachclass had come to be dealt with according to principles which wereobviously very different from those of 1834. The report of this investi¬gation was presented to the Poor Law Commission, with the interest¬ing result that we heard no more of the “ principles of 1834 ”! It wassubsequently published as English Poor Law Policy (1910).

      Beatrice Webb studied the effects of the British "principles of 1834" and how they were carried out (differently) from area to area to see the overall effects through 1907. The result of her study apparently showed what a poor policy it had been to the point that no one mentioned the old "principles of 1834" again.

      How might this sort of sociological study be carried out on the effects of laws within the United States now in terms of economics and equality for various movements like redlining, abortion, etc.? Is anyone doing this sort of work?

      There is an example of the Eviction Lab at Princeton has some of this sort of data and analysis. https://evictionlab.org/map

  26. Jun 2022
    1. Numerous studies have shown thatthe fiscal state’s rise in power made a major contribution to the pro-cess of economic development. The new receipts did in fact make itpossible to finance expenditures that proved indispensable not onlyfor reducing inequalities but also for encouraging growth. These ex-penditures included a massive and relatively egalitarian investmentin education and health care (or, at least, a much more massive andegalitarian investment than any previous); expansion of transporta-tion and other community infrastructure; the replacement income,such as retirement pensions, necessary for supporting an aging popu-lation; and reserves, such as unemployment insurance, for stabilizingthe economy and society in the event of a recession.1

      See especially P. Lindert, Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth since the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004).

      Ample evidence has shown that increasing taxes in Western countries along with the states' power to use it during the majority of the 1900s not only reduced inequalities but encouraged growth.

    2. In France, a wealthyvoter giving 7,500 euros (the current ceiling) to his preferred politicalparty has a right to a tax deduction of 5,000 euros, financed by the restof the taxpayers.
    3. In concreteterms, a state that levies taxes amounting to only 1 percent of the na-tional income has very little power and capacity to mobilize society.
  27. May 2022
    1. Distributed at Faculty Senate, March 6, 2014

      Context: audience, date (timeline in adoption?); purpose, discussion, relevance, influence over implementation (associated revisions based on feedback?)

  28. Apr 2022
    1. This Playbuzz Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines what personal information is collected by Playbuzz Ltd. (“Playbuzz”, “we”, “us” or “our”), how we use such personal information, the choices you have with respect to such personal information, and other important information.

      We keep your personal information personal and private. We will not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose your personal information to anyone except as necessary to provide our services or as otherwise described in this Policy.

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, October 26). @Professologue @GYamey @ENirenberg I am not American either, but I would imagine that it is decision relevant when the costs of policies not only hit some citizens more than others, but particularly when they hit groups likely to be under-represented or even excluded from making those very decisions [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1453074595146240005

    1. Trisha Greenhalgh #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 [@trishgreenhalgh]. (2021, September 26). Big Thread coming on ‘returning to on-site teaching’. Intended mainly for universities (because I work in one), but may also be useful for schools. Mute thread if not interested. I’ll base it around real questions I’ve been asked. 1/ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/trishgreenhalgh/status/1442162256779821060

    1. Allyson Pollock [@AllysonPollock]. (2022, January 4). The health care crisis is of governments making over three decades. Closing half general and acute beds, closing acute hospitals and community services,eviscerating public health, no service planning. Plus unevidenced policies on testing and self isolation of contacts. @dthroat [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/AllysonPollock/status/1478326352516460544

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 10). Starting soon Day 2 SchBeh Workshop ‘Building an online information environment for policy relevant science’ join for a Q&A with Martha Scherzer (WHO) on role of behavioural scientists in a crisis followed by sessions on ‘Online Discourse’ and ‘Tools’ https://t.co/Gsr66BRGcJ [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1326121764657770496

    1. Julia Raifman. (2021, July 25). Policymakers are pointing fingers at “the unvaccinated” What if they gave them a hand instead? - Bring vax & food to workplaces, schools, homes -Fund local doctors, including pediatricians, to call patients & deliver vax—Learn from success of Indian Health Service approach [Tweet]. @JuliaRaifman. https://twitter.com/JuliaRaifman/status/1419288641885593604

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 18). reports of Covid “parties” and resultant deaths from Austria. This presumably is a potential reason for why policy might chose to not treat recovery as equivalent to vaccination where restrictions based on status are in place (e.g., 2G,3G in Germany and Austria) https://t.co/xH3btENi4X [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1461013914792169478

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2022, January 28). @ollysmithtravel @AllysonPollock that is a policy alternative one could consider- whether it’s more or less effective, more or less equitable, or even implementable in the current Austrian health care framework would need careful consideration.... None of that saves the argument in the initial tweet [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1487043954654818316

    1. Neuropsychiatrists at UCLA had found a willing partner in Governor Reagan’s California Department of Justice, to the tune of $750,000 (equivalent to roughly $4.5 million today), and a whopping $1.5 million from the state. It was prominently affiliated with researchers like Vernon Mark and Frank Ervin, who had gained scientific fame for their work creating brain implants in human patients to change behavior and motivation; also on board was former LAPD police chief James Fiske, a man known for terrorizing the city’s Black population.

      It looks like Ronald Reagan had issues with mental health care even as far back as the 1970s. This incident at UCLA was just a precursor to defunding state mental health care that was already apparently having issues at the time.

  29. Mar 2022
    1. }J22q WO asn 1oj UOHeIperm Jo yeaordde pers ayerajaqoe,

      Food inspection morph USDA inspection into self regulated HACCP system

      • in 1990 USDA asked the FDA to legalize Irradiation for use on beef, veal , pork, and lamb "Irradiation was viewed by many in the industry as the ticket to reducing their liablity under the self regulatory regime of HACCP"

      Taylor would undo a century of USDA meat inspection regulation by trading inspection for treatments.

      Trust used monopoly practices to keep farmers from selling their cattle at a competitive price

      The meat inspiection act of 1906 mandated inspection of each animal carcass and is the basis for regulation and safety for red meats and pork today

    1. “So far, most trials that have compared COVID-19 mortality between jurisdictions with stringent lockdowns against those with more liberal approaches have not demonstrated any mortality reduction from the more stringent policies,” he said.

      That's bollocks. Even when this article was published it was bollocks. There was evidence from all around the world that lockdowns work.

    1. The Ferrari Lab. (2021, July 19). He had me from the start … but then the AI clip rocketed this one to the top of my list of best COVID vaccine explainers … sorry fork hands, it was a good run. [Tweet]. @TheFerrariLab. https://twitter.com/TheFerrariLab/status/1417113413403164673

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@STWorg @ProfColinDavis @rpancost @chrisdc77 @syrpis this is the most in depth treatment of the impact of equalities law on pandemic policy that I’ve been able to find- it would seem to underscore that there is a legal need for impact assessments that ask (some) of these questions https://t.co/auiApVC0TW’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1485927221449613314

    1. For caches high in the memory hierarchy (close tothe CPU) that are implemented in hardware and where speed is at a premium,this policy is usually too expensive to implement because randomly placed blocksare expensive to locate.

      cache 等级高的 memory 为什么不要实现最灵活的 placement policy?