2,302 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240305082302/https://aiedusimplified.substack.com/p/on-not-using-generative-ai

      This seems an interesting piece on the use of algogens. It probably does not address the issues around transparency, labor, footprint etc. But it does seem to address the search for the spot where algogens are useful in one's own workflow. Like me in [[Coding Personal Tools With GitHub Co-Pilot]]. There getting to action faster, and saving time are key. But only if you use it as intermediate step, never as a result to be used as is or as final output.

      Via [[Stephen Downes]] https://www.downes.ca/post/76336

  2. Feb 2024
    1. ergi

      Highlight and annotate at least 2 areas for each question. The annotations should be 1-2 sentences explaining the following: A. New learning B. Familiar with this C. Use this in practice

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:27:22][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente un webinaire sur l'éducation ouverte et les ressources éducatives libres, organisé par le réseau des leaders en ressources éducatives libres et l'Université de Montréal. Il aborde l'importance de l'accès libre à l'éducation, les politiques de soutien, et les pratiques inspirantes dans le domaine.

      Points forts: + [00:00:20][^3^][3] Introduction au webinaire * Présentation par Marie des Martels * Reconnaissance territoriale + [00:04:01][^4^][4] Contexte du projet * Soutien de l'UNESCO et objectifs de développement durable * Retard des universités québécoises en ressources éducatives libres + [00:14:06][^5^][5] Soutien du ministère * Importance de l'intégration du numérique en enseignement supérieur * Initiatives pour la formation à distance et les ressources éducatives + [00:16:30][^6^][6] Principes de l'éducation ouverte * Élimination des barrières et favorisation de l'inclusion * Utilisation des licences libres et partage des connaissances + [00:26:02][^7^][7] Licences Creative Commons * Explication des licences et des 5 permissions de "royal" * Recommandation de l'UNESCO pour les ressources éducatives libres Résumé de la vidéo [00:27:25][^1^][1] - [00:50:12][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente des témoignages d'éducateurs et de professionnels sur l'importance des ressources éducatives libres (REL) et l'éducation ouverte. Ils partagent leurs expériences et projets visant à promouvoir l'accès libre et la collaboration dans le domaine éducatif.

      Points forts: + [00:27:25][^3^][3] Collaboration éducative * Importance de la co-création * Partage des connaissances + [00:28:05][^4^][4] Projet étudiant * Bourses pour création de REL * Valorisation des productions étudiantes + [00:29:30][^5^][5] Fabrique REAL et réseau des leaders * Projets pour l'éducation ouverte * Financement par le ministère + [00:33:46][^6^][6] Wikipédia et éducation * Potentiel pédagogique * Importance pour les étudiants + [00:37:47][^7^][7] Site web de ressources libres * Engagement moral envers les étudiants * Matériel pédagogique gratuit + [00:48:07][^8^][8] Vision de l'éducation ouverte * Éducation accessible à tous * Partage global des ressources éducatives Résumé de la vidéo 00:50:15 - 01:15:24: La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'éducation ouverte et l'importance de rendre l'apprentissage accessible à tous. Les participants partagent leurs perspectives sur la co-création, l'interdépendance des acteurs éducatifs, et l'importance de l'engagement individuel pour faire avancer l'éducation ouverte.

      Points forts: + [00:50:15][^1^][1] L'appel à l'action collective * Importance de l'éducation comme priorité + [00:52:03][^2^][2] Passion pour l'éducation ouverte * Conviction et engagement partagés + [00:54:02][^3^][3] Lien entre éducation et recherche * Nécessité d'une approche intégrée + [00:55:04][^4^][4] Motivation et interdépendance * Rôle clé des différentes parties prenantes + [00:56:49][^5^][5] Les étudiants comme acteurs clés * Créateurs et consommateurs de ressources éducatives + [01:03:48][^6^][6] Le domaine public comme ressource * Potentiel négligé pour l'éducation Résumé de la vidéo [01:15:26][^1^][1] - [01:16:55][^2^][2]:

      La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde l'éducation ouverte, les obstacles systémiques à l'éducation, et l'importance de l'inclusion des étudiants et des groupes marginalisés. Elle souligne l'alignement avec les recommandations de l'UNESCO de 2019.

      Points forts: + [01:15:26][^3^][3] Éducation ouverte * Réflexion sur les obstacles * Développement impliquant les étudiants + [01:15:52][^4^][4] Groupes marginalisés * Préoccupation pour l'inclusion * Perspective intentionnelle sur la diversité + [01:16:13][^5^][5] Recommandations de l'UNESCO * Alignement avec les recommandations de 2019 * Discussion sur l'engagement et la production du webinaire

    1. scholastic learning

      How much different things may have been if the state, and not the Church, had been the progenitor and supporter of the early university?

      How might education have been different if it came out of itself (or something like curiosity or even society in general) without the influences on either church or state?

    2. scholastic learning would favour externaldemonstration over inner revelation, intellectual agility over endlessmeditation.
    3. the reading-out of commentaries (a format with a now-familiar name: the lecture)

      Link between the commentaries of the early middle ages and modern lectures

    4. centralizing reforms of Pope Gregory VII calledfor a more professionalized clergy. Church officials should now betrained administrators, versed not only in the scriptures but also inthe principles of accounting and law. A papal decree of 1079 orderedthat cathedrals should establish schools for the training of priests,
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:12][^1^][1] - [00:27:16][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente une conférence sur l'éducation nouvelle et son aptitude à répondre aux défis contemporains. Le conférencier interroge ChatGPT sur le sujet et analyse la réponse, soulignant les aspects positifs et les précautions nécessaires pour une mise en œuvre efficace.

      Points forts: + [00:00:12][^3^][3] Introduction à la conférence * Présentation du sujet complexe + [00:01:03][^4^][4] Interrogation de ChatGPT * Réponse sur l'éducation nouvelle + [00:02:15][^5^][5] Analyse de la réponse * Discussion sur l'autonomie et la créativité + [00:03:00][^6^][6] Adaptation et employabilité * Importance de l'adaptabilité + [00:04:03][^7^][7] Conclusion de ChatGPT * Prudence sur l'efficacité de l'éducation nouvelle + [00:11:36][^8^][8] Examen de l'éducation nouvelle * Exploration de la cohérence interne et de l'organisme vivant Résumé de la vidéo [00:27:21][^1^][1] - [00:53:08][^2^][2] : La vidéo traite des tensions et contradictions au sein de l'éducation nouvelle, en utilisant la technique de la "vaccine" pour introduire des idées puis les neutraliser. Elle aborde des thèmes comme le libéralisme, la solidarité, le darwinisme, l'empirisme, et la relation entre le concret et le concept.

      Points saillants : + [00:27:21][^3^][3] Tensions dans l'éducation nouvelle * Technique de la "vaccine" + [00:28:22][^4^][4] Libéralisme et solidarité * Équilibre entre compétition et coopération + [00:29:08][^5^][5] Darwinisme et générosité * Gestion des vainqueurs et des vaincus + [00:29:22][^6^][6] Empirisme et idéologie * Continuité entre le concret et le concept + [00:30:01][^7^][7] Intérêt de l'enfant * Différence entre intérêt et besoin + [00:32:01][^8^][8] Groupe et individualité * Importance du collectif face aux singularités + [00:33:00][^9^][9] Équilibres dans l'éducation * Recherche d'une structuration idéologique + [00:34:02][^10^][10] Charisme et autorité * Influence des leaders sur l'éducation + [00:37:01][^11^][11] Contradictions fécondes * Importance de l'équilibre pour l'action éducative + [00:42:01][^12^][12] Solidarité malgré les différences * Unité dans l'éducation nouvelle + [00:44:08][^13^][13] Indignation et espoir * Motivation des militants de l'éducation nouvelle + [00:45:36][^14^][14] Droits de l'enfant * Articulation des droits à la protection et à la liberté + [00:47:47][^15^][15] L'enfant comme sujet * Refus de la normalisation en faveur de la normativité + [00:51:57][^16^][16] Apprentissage émancipateur * Importance du désir d'apprendre Résumé de la vidéo [00:53:10][^1^][1] - [01:01:59][^2^][2]: La vidéo traite de l'éducation nouvelle et de sa dynamique, en rejetant l'assimilation de l'école à la forme scolaire traditionnelle. Elle souligne l'importance de l'inventivité pédagogique et de la construction d'institutions éducatives qui favorisent le développement et l'apprentissage.

      Points forts: + [00:53:10][^3^][3] Rejet de la forme scolaire * Importance de l'inventivité pédagogique + [00:55:00][^4^][4] Réflexion sur l'éducation * Nécessité d'une lucidité constante + [00:57:08][^5^][5] Vers une éducation écologique * Favoriser le développement naturel + [00:58:57][^6^][6] Éthique de l'indignation * Prioriser la normativité sur la normalisation + [01:00:42][^7^][7] Coopération et émancipation * Articulation de l'émancipation et de la solidarité + [01:01:24][^8^][8] Principe d'éducabilité * Importance de l'inclusion éducative pour tous

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:05][^1^][1] - [00:25:32][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une conférence de Robert-Vincent Joule sur les méthodes pour inciter les gens à agir librement dans leur propre intérêt. Il explore les promesses et les déceptions de la massification scolaire, l'impact des origines sociales sur la réussite et les mécanismes internes de l'éducation qui produisent des inégalités.

      Points forts : + [00:00:05][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Présentation du sujet et du conférencier + [00:03:16][^4^][4] Promesses de la massification scolaire * Justice, efficacité économique, et valeurs démocratiques + [00:10:41][^5^][5] Inégalités et sélection scolaire * Transformation des inégalités avec la massification + [00:17:02][^6^][6] Conséquences de la massification * Changement dans la production des inégalités + [00:20:08][^7^][7] Sélection par l'égalité des chances * Le processus de sélection crée des inégalités + [00:24:00][^8^][8] Perception de l'injustice scolaire * L'école est vécue comme plus injuste malgré moins d'inégalités

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:34][^1^][1] - [00:49:38][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde les inégalités dans le système éducatif français, l'impact des enseignants et des parents sur la réussite scolaire, et les conséquences sociales de la massification de l'éducation.

      Points clés: + [00:25:34][^3^][3] Inégalités scolaires * Effets des groupements d'élèves * Variabilité des notes + [00:27:43][^4^][4] Enquêtes PISA * Mesure des écarts de performance * Inégalités scolaires vs sociales + [00:30:02][^5^][5] Raisons historiques * Obsession de l'élite * Théorème de la constante macabre + [00:33:34][^6^][6] Stratégies parentales * Perte de confiance dans le capital culturel * Préférence pour l'inégalité + [00:37:02][^7^][7] Valeurs des matières * Hiérarchie scolaire * Impact sur les choix d'études + [00:39:03][^8^][8] Capital social * Élévation du niveau de compétence * Déclassement et inflation des diplômes

      Résumé vidéo 00:49:43 - 01:14:54: La partie 3 de la vidéo aborde la question de l'adéquation entre le marché du travail et les choix d'études, la promesse de l'école en tant qu'institution égalitaire, et l'impact de la massification de l'éducation sur la culture et la politique.

      Points forts: + [00:49:43][^1^][1] Marché du travail et choix d'études * Difficulté d'aligner les emplois avec les diplômes choisis + [00:51:34][^2^][2] Promesses de l'école * L'école comme lieu d'apprentissage des valeurs républicaines + [00:53:29][^3^][3] Impact de la massification * Diminution de l'autorité morale de l'école avec l'éducation de masse + [01:04:42][^4^][4] Culture et politique * Changements dans les pratiques culturelles et la configuration politique dû à l'éducation

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:14:58][^1^][1] - [01:20:41][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo discute des mécanismes sociaux qui poussent les individus à internaliser leurs échecs et la responsabilité de leur propre histoire, souvent au détriment de leur bien-être.

      Points clés: + [01:15:00][^3^][3] Internalisation de l'échec * Les individus se sentent responsables de leur situation * L'échec est souvent vu comme une faute personnelle + [01:16:00][^4^][4] Égalité des chances * Concept perçu comme cruel * Conduit à l'internalisation de l'échec + [01:17:31][^5^][5] Impact sur les jeunes * Les jeunes de banlieue internalisent le racisme comme cause de leur échec * Recherche de boucs émissaires pour expliquer les difficultés + [01:18:01][^6^][6] Changement de perspective * Les sidérurgistes lorrains ont accepté leur statut social * Les jeunes actuels endossent une part de responsabilité + [01:19:07][^7^][7] Conséquences sociétales * Colères et ressentiments dus à l'échec * Risques pour la démocratie et les valeurs éducatives

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:58:53][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo est une table ronde sur l'Anthropocène et ses enjeux didactiques, avec Angela Mart, professeure à Aix-Marseille, et Philippe Hertig. Ils discutent de l'éducation à l'Anthropocène, des approches curriculaires et de la formation des enseignants.

      Points forts: + [00:00:18][^3^][3] Introduction de la table ronde * Présentation des intervenants + [00:00:53][^4^][4] Angela Mart * Géographe, spécialiste de la sociologie du curriculum + [00:02:52][^5^][5] Philippe Hertig * Professeur de didactique en géographie + [00:03:57][^6^][6] Contexte de l'Anthropocène * Impact des activités humaines sur la planète + [00:10:06][^7^][7] Éducation et mondialisation * Influence des organismes internationaux + [00:31:36][^8^][8] Approches pédagogiques * Importance de la prospective territoriale + [00:42:43][^9^][9] Bouleversements sociaux * Conséquences de l'Anthropocène sur la société + [00:53:54][^10^][10] Formation des enseignants * Nécessité d'une approche systémique et épistémologique

    1. Résumé de la vidéo de [00:00:00][^1^][1] à [01:05:50][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est un podcast à soi de Charlotte Bienaimé, qui traite du thème de l'autodéfense des enfants face aux violences et aux injustices. Elle raconte son expérience de mère qui veut protéger son fils, et comment elle a découvert les ateliers d'autodéfense pour les enfants de l'association Garance. Elle assiste à l'un de ces ateliers, où les enfants apprennent à faire valoir leurs droits, à dire non, à se défendre physiquement et verbalement, et à trouver des ressources personnelles et collectives. Elle interroge aussi les enfants sur leur vécu, leurs émotions, leurs difficultés et leurs envies. Elle conclut en affirmant que sortir du silence et apprendre à se défendre rend les enfants plus forts et plus heureux.

      Points forts : + [00:00:05][^3^][3] Introduction musicale * Présentation du titre et du sujet du podcast * Citation de Virginia Woolf sur les femmes anonymes de l'histoire + [00:01:35][^4^][4] Le témoignage de Charlotte * Son désir de protéger son fils de 7 ans * Sa prise de conscience de la nécessité de l'armer pour se défendre * Sa tristesse et sa démunition face aux violences du monde + [00:04:29][^5^][5] L'atelier d'autodéfense pour les enfants * La présentation de Laura et Manon, monitrices de Garance * Les trois droits fondamentaux des enfants : être en sécurité, fort et libre * Les situations d'agression et les stratégies de défense * Les réactions et les questions des enfants + [00:41:19][^6^][6] La violence sexuelle des adultes connus * La scène jouée par Laura et Manon sur l'inceste * Les signes d'alerte et les moyens de se protéger * Les personnes de confiance et les numéros d'écoute + [00:59:11][^7^][7] La conclusion de Charlotte * Son admiration pour les enfants et leur capacité de résilience * Son espoir pour un monde plus juste et plus respectueux * La présentation des intervenants et des sources du podcast

    1. Résumé de la vidéo de [00:00:00][^1^][1] à [02:00:00][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est une table ronde organisée par l'INHA ( l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art.) sur le thème des "films qui disent la vérité", en lien avec le documentaire "Les lois de l'attraction mentale" qui dénonce les pseudosciences et les théories du complot dans le domaine de l'histoire et de l'archéologie. Les intervenants sont des spécialistes de l'image, du cinéma, de la sociologie, de la philosophie et de la communication, qui analysent les mécanismes de fabrication et de diffusion de ces "documenteurs" qui trompent le public en se présentant comme des sources de savoir. Ils discutent aussi des enjeux éthiques, politiques et pédagogiques de ces productions, ainsi que des moyens de développer l'esprit critique face à ces discours.

      Points forts : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] La genèse du projet * Présentation du contexte et des objectifs de la table ronde par Clia Carpaye * Présentation des intervenants et du film "Les lois de l'attraction mentale" par Thomas C. Durand et Alexis Soulard + [00:08:24][^4^][4] Le documenteur dans l'histoire du cinéma * Intervention de Ana Champanska sur les origines et les caractéristiques du genre du documenteur * Discussion sur les rapports entre fiction et réalité, vérité et mensonge, information et persuasion dans le documentaire + [00:30:46][^5^][5] Les pseudosciences et les théories du complot dans l'histoire et l'archéologie * Intervention de Alexis Soulard sur les sources, les méthodes et les idéologies des producteurs de ces discours * Discussion sur les effets sociaux, culturels et politiques de ces discours, ainsi que sur les stratégies de déconstruction et de réfutation + [00:57:00][^6^][6] Les enjeux de la communication scientifique et de l'éducation à l'image * Intervention de Thomas C. Durand sur les difficultés et les opportunités de la vulgarisation scientifique face aux pseudosciences * Discussion sur les rôles et les responsabilités des chercheurs, des médias, des enseignants et des citoyens dans la promotion de l'esprit critique + [01:28:47][^7^][7] Les questions du public * Échanges entre les intervenants et le public sur divers aspects du sujet, tels que la place des femmes, la viralité des réseaux sociaux, la diversité des sources, etc.

    1. on est en train de déployer avec l'Éducation nationale un programme assez ambitieux de de de de détection et 03:34:26 d'identification des troubles du langage des troubles visuels des troubles du Rachi chez les enfants avec les professionnels de santé comment on amène des orthopistes des orthophonistes des kinés à l'école s'agit pas de faire à la place des des évidemment des professeurs 03:34:38 mais de de leur apporter de du avoir de la connaissance et cetera
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [02:14:30][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo est une retransmission de la cérémonie de clôture de la Conférence mondiale de l'UNESCO sur l'éducation culturelle et artistique, qui s'est tenue à Abou Dhabi en février 2024. La conférence a réuni des représentants de plus de 190 pays, ainsi que des experts, des artistes, des éducateurs et des jeunes, pour discuter du rôle de la culture et des arts dans l'éducation et le développement durable. La vidéo présente les moments forts de la conférence, notamment :

      Points saillants : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] La performance musicale et dansée du groupe Al Ayyala * Un groupe traditionnel des Émirats arabes unis * Il joue des instruments à percussion et à vent * Il exécute une danse synchronisée avec des bâtons + [00:15:09][^4^][4] Le discours de Roda Alsaadi, une jeune émiratie * Elle lit une lettre qu'elle a écrite à son fils de deux ans * Elle lui parle de l'importance de la culture et de l'ouverture aux autres * Elle l'encourage à apprendre les arts, les danses, les musiques et les poèmes du monde + [00:21:01][^5^][5] Les témoignages de quatre jeunes venant de Colombie, du Ghana, du Kenya et des Émirats arabes unis * Ils partagent leur expérience, leur aspiration et leur vision pour l'avenir * Ils montrent comment la culture, les arts et l'éducation ont transformé leur vie * Ils appellent à renforcer l'éducation culturelle et artistique dans le monde + [00:48:11][^6^][6] Le rapport oral de la rapporteuse de la conférence, Mme Hae Sun Park * Elle résume les principaux résultats et les leçons tirées des sessions thématiques * Elle présente le cadre proposé par l'UNESCO pour l'éducation culturelle et artistique * Elle souligne les défis et les opportunités liés aux technologies numériques et à l'intelligence artificielle + [01:36:55][^7^][7] L'adoption de la déclaration d'Abou Dhabi sur l'éducation culturelle et artistique * Une déclaration qui réaffirme l'engagement des États membres à promouvoir l'éducation culturelle et artistique * Une déclaration qui reconnaît la contribution de la culture et des arts à l'éducation de qualité et au développement durable * Une déclaration qui appelle à la coopération internationale et au renforcement des capacités dans ce domaine

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:40:00][^1^][1] - [02:14:30][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est la deuxième partie d'un spectacle culturel et artistique organisé dans le cadre de la Conférence Mondiale de l'UNESCO sur l'éducation culturelle et artistique à Abou Dhabi en 2024. La vidéo présente des performances variées de musique, de danse, de théâtre et de poésie, ainsi que des discours de personnalités et d'experts sur l'importance de la culture et des arts pour l'éducation et le développement durable.

      Points forts: + [01:40:00][^3^][3] Un groupe de musiciens et de danseurs traditionnels des Émirats arabes unis * Jouent des instruments comme le oud, le tambour et la flûte * Dansent avec des épées, des bâtons et des foulards * Chantent des chansons folkloriques en arabe + [01:48:11][^4^][4] Une présentation du rapport oral de la conférence par la rapporteuse * Résume les principaux thèmes et résultats des sessions thématiques * Souligne le rôle essentiel de l'éducation culturelle et artistique pour la diversité, la résilience et la durabilité * Appelle à l'adoption et à la mise en œuvre du cadre proposé par l'UNESCO + [01:52:11][^5^][5] Une table ronde sur les politiques publiques pour l'éducation culturelle et artistique * Réunit des ministres, des experts et des représentants de la société civile * Partage des expériences et des bonnes pratiques de différents pays et régions * Discute des défis et des opportunités pour renforcer la coopération et l'innovation + [02:03:17][^6^][6] Une performance de slam poetry par un jeune poète français * Déclame un poème engagé sur les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux du monde actuel * Utilise des jeux de mots, des rimes et des métaphores * Fait participer le public en les invitant à répéter des phrases + [02:08:26][^7^][7] Une intervention du directeur général de l'UNESCO * Félicite les organisateurs, les participants et les artistes pour la réussite de la conférence * Rappelle la mission et les valeurs de l'UNESCO pour promouvoir la culture et l'éducation comme des droits humains fondamentaux * Annonce l'adoption du cadre pour l'éducation culturelle et artistique par acclamation + [02:14:24][^8^][8] Une clôture musicale par un chœur d'enfants * Interprète une chanson en anglais sur le thème de la paix et de l'harmonie * Accompagne la chanson avec des gestes et des sourires * Reçoit une ovation du public et des invités

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:55:00][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est un webinaire organisé par le Centre Hubertine Auclert sur le thème des espaces scolaires du secondaire au prisme du genre. Il présente un guide réalisé par une équipe de recherche pluridisciplinaire, qui vise à analyser les enjeux, les initiatives et les pistes d'action pour favoriser l'égalité de genre dans les espaces scolaires du secondaire.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction et présentation du guide * Le guide est disponible en PDF et en version papier * Il s'intéresse aux espaces scolaires du secondaire, peu étudiés en France * Il se base sur une revue de littérature, des entretiens avec des experts et des professionnels, et des exemples d'initiatives + [00:05:51][^4^][4] Les enjeux de genre dans les espaces scolaires du secondaire * Les espaces scolaires reflètent et produisent des inégalités de genre * Les cours de récréation sont souvent dominées par les jeux collectifs des garçons * Les cantines sont des lieux de lutte des places, de bruit et de regroupements entre pairs de même genre * Les foyers sont des lieux de convivialité, mais aussi de reproduction des stéréotypes de genre * Les sanitaires sont des lieux de vulnérabilité, de violence et de contrainte pour les élèves + [00:31:47][^5^][5] Les initiatives existantes pour agir sur les espaces scolaires du secondaire * Il existe des initiatives à différentes échelles, mais souvent peu évaluées et peu diffusées * Les cours de récréation peuvent être végétalisées, aménagées avec des espaces variés, ouvertes sur l'extérieur, ou utilisées pour des activités pédagogiques * Les cantines peuvent être insonorisées, décorées, organisées avec des tables rondes, ou proposer des menus diversifiés * Les foyers peuvent être équipés avec des jeux mixtes, des espaces de lecture, des affichages de sensibilisation, ou des ateliers d'échange * Les sanitaires peuvent être mixtes, ouverts, surveillés, dotés de points d'eau et de protections menstruelles + [00:41:07][^6^][6] Les pistes d'action pour travailler sur les espaces scolaires du secondaire * Intégrer systématiquement l'enjeu de genre lors de la réflexion ou des travaux sur le bâti scolaire * Évaluer les effets des initiatives sur les usages, les représentations et le climat scolaire * Impliquer les élèves, les personnels et les partenaires dans la co-construction des espaces scolaires * Former les acteurs et les actrices à la prise en compte du genre dans les espaces scolaires * Communiquer et valoriser les initiatives et les bonnes pratiques

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:43:00][^1^][1] - [01:55:00][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est un webinaire organisé par le Centre Hubertine Auclert sur le thème "Prendre conscience des biais de genre dans les pratiques enseignantes et éducatives". Il s'adresse aux référents et référentes égalité dans les établissements scolaires et vise à leur donner des outils et des ressources pour promouvoir l'égalité entre les filles et les garçons.

      Points forts: + [00:43:29][^3^][3] Présentation du Centre Hubertine Auclert * Un organisme associé du Conseil régional d'Île-de-France * Un centre de ressources et d'échanges sur l'égalité femme-homme * Quatre missions : centre de ressources, accompagnement des collectivités, éducation à l'égalité, observatoire des violences faites aux femmes + [00:49:24][^4^][4] État des lieux des inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes * Des inégalités persistantes dans tous les domaines : salaires, temps de travail, orientation, représentation politique, violences, etc. * Des inégalités qui se construisent dès l'enfance et se reproduisent tout au long de la vie * Des inégalités qui ont des conséquences négatives sur la société et sur les individus + [00:58:28][^5^][5] La socialisation de genre * Un processus par lequel les individus apprennent et intériorisent les normes et les rôles liés à leur sexe * Un processus qui s'opère à travers différents agents : famille, école, médias, pairs, etc. * Un processus qui produit des différences de comportements, d'attitudes, de compétences, de goûts, etc. entre les filles et les garçons + [01:08:35][^6^][6] Les pratiques professionnelles à l'aune du genre * Une analyse des interactions, du langage, des sanctions, des outils pédagogiques, de l'évaluation et de l'organisation de l'espace dans le milieu scolaire * Une mise en évidence des biais de genre qui peuvent favoriser ou défavoriser les élèves en fonction de leur sexe * Des pistes pour réduire ces biais et adopter une pédagogie plus égalitaire + [01:31:19][^7^][7] Comment agir pour l'égalité dans le champ éducatif ? * Un cadre réglementaire et institutionnel qui soutient l'éducation à l'égalité * Des ressources et des outils disponibles sur le site du Centre Hubertine Auclert et ailleurs * Des entrées disciplinaires et transversales pour intégrer l'égalité dans les enseignements * Des actions de sensibilisation et de formation à destination des élèves et des personnels éducatifs

    1. Cette vidéo est une émission en direct animée par Cyril, un éducateur spécialisé qui invite Parole d'educs, un autre éducateur spécialisé, pour parler de son expérience dans les foyers d'accueil d'urgence. Ils échangent sur leur parcours, leur métier, leurs difficultés et leurs projets, tout en interagissant avec le chat et en faisant de l'humour.

    1. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000382988.locale=fr

      Voici quelques critiques vis à vis des acteurs non étatiques dans l'éducation qui sont mentionnées dans le rapport de la page :

      • Ils peuvent violer le droit à l'éducation en imposant des frais de scolarité, en discriminant certains groupes ou en offrant une qualité médiocre.
      • Ils peuvent aggraver les inégalités et la ségrégation en créant des systèmes éducatifs parallèles qui favorisent les élites ou les communautés privilégiées.
      • Ils peuvent influencer de manière indue les politiques publiques en matière d'éducation en faisant du lobbying, en finançant des recherches biaisées ou en captant des ressources publiques.
      • Ils peuvent échapper au contrôle et à la réglementation des gouvernements en opérant dans l'informalité, en dissimulant leurs informations ou en résistant aux normes communes.
      • Ils peuvent compromettre l'intégrité et la transparence du processus d'élaboration des politiques en matière d'éducation en manipulant le langage, en imposant leurs priorités ou en excluant les voix des parties prenantes.
    1. ainsi de l’absence de prise en compte des dépenses de capteurs de CO2 dans lesétablissements scolaires, dont il a été constaté qu’ils avaient pu être imputés dans les dépensesd’éducation par des collectivités territoriales
    2. de favoriser la prise en compte de l'éducation pour la santé et la promotion de la santédans l'ensemble des politiques publiques
    3. de suivre l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre des plans ou programmes d'actions préparéspar les ministres dans le cadre de leurs attributions lorsque les mesures envisagées sontsusceptibles d'avoir un impact significatif sur la santé de la population ou sur lesinégalités de santé. »
    4. éducation pour lasanté
    5. éducation pour la santé
    6. promotion de la nutrition santé hors lutte contre l'obésité
    7. ) le montant de la « prévention sanitaire » et l’hygiène et salubritépublique » (communes) et « prévention et éducation pour la santé (départements)
    1. Voici quelques critiques vis à vis des acteurs non étatiques dans l'éducation qui sont mentionnées dans le rapport de la page :

      • Ils peuvent violer le droit à l'éducation en imposant des frais de scolarité, en discriminant certains groupes ou en offrant une qualité médiocre.
      • Ils peuvent aggraver les inégalités et la ségrégation en créant des systèmes éducatifs parallèles qui favorisent les élites ou les communautés privilégiées.
      • Ils peuvent influencer de manière indue les politiques publiques en matière d'éducation en faisant du lobbying, en finançant des recherches biaisées ou en captant des ressources publiques.
      • Ils peuvent échapper au contrôle et à la réglementation des gouvernements en opérant dans l'informalité, en dissimulant leurs informations ou en résistant aux normes communes.
      • Ils peuvent compromettre l'intégrité et la transparence du processus d'élaboration des politiques en matière d'éducation en manipulant le langage, en imposant leurs priorités ou en excluant les voix des parties prenantes.
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:16:19][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de la neuropsychologue Nathalie Rouleau sur la pleine conscience, la compassion et l'éducation. Elle explique les concepts de pleine conscience et de compassion, leurs effets sur le cerveau, la cognition et le bien-être, et comment les intégrer dans le milieu scolaire. Elle partage aussi les résultats de ses recherches sur un programme d'entraînement de l'attention et de la compassion chez les enfants du primaire.

      Points saillants: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction et définition de la pleine conscience * La pleine conscience est l'habilité à porter son attention volontairement sur le moment présent sans juger * La pleine conscience s'oppose au pilote automatique et au vagabondage de l'esprit * La pleine conscience implique une attitude de bienveillance et de compassion envers soi et les autres + [00:11:52][^4^][4] Définition de la compassion et distinction avec l'empathie * La compassion est le souhait d'alléger la souffrance d'autrui * L'empathie est la capacité à ressentir ce que l'autre ressent * La compassion peut prévenir l'épuisement empathique et favoriser la connexion sociale + [00:20:10][^5^][5] L'entraînement de la pleine conscience et ses effets sur le cerveau * L'entraînement de la pleine conscience consiste à pratiquer la méditation pleine conscience * La méditation pleine conscience active et renforce différents réseaux cérébraux liés à l'attention, à la conscience de soi et à la régulation émotionnelle * La méditation pleine conscience modifie la structure et le fonctionnement du cerveau + [00:30:02][^6^][6] L'entraînement de la pleine conscience et ses effets sur la cognition et le bien-être * L'entraînement de la pleine conscience améliore les performances cognitives, notamment l'attention, la mémoire, la flexibilité et la créativité * L'entraînement de la pleine conscience réduit le stress, l'anxiété, la dépression, la rumination et augmente le bonheur, la satisfaction de vie, l'estime de soi et la résilience * L'entraînement de la pleine conscience a des effets bénéfiques sur la santé physique, notamment sur le système immunitaire, le sommeil, la douleur et les maladies chroniques + [00:41:12][^7^][7] L'intégration de la pleine conscience et de la compassion dans le milieu scolaire * La pleine conscience et la compassion peuvent aider les élèves à mieux apprendre, à mieux se concentrer, à mieux gérer leurs émotions, à mieux coopérer et à mieux se sentir * La pleine conscience et la compassion peuvent aussi aider les enseignants à réduire leur stress, à prévenir le burnout, à améliorer leur bien-être et à créer un climat de classe positif * Il existe différents programmes de pleine conscience et de compassion adaptés aux différents niveaux scolaires, basés sur des données scientifiques et des pratiques ludiques et interactives

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00] - [00:17:32]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de Didier Jourdan, titulaire de la Chaire Unesco en éducation et santé, sur les enjeux et les perspectives de l'éducation à la santé tout au long de la vie. Il propose quatre idées pour renforcer les capacités éducatives des différents milieux de vie, en s'appuyant sur deux exemples : les cités éducatives et les services d'aide à domicile pour les seniors.

      Temps forts: + [00:00:12] L'invitation du Crès et l'hommage à Franck Chauvin * Présente le contexte et l'objectif de la conférence * Rend hommage au travail et à l'amitié de Franck Chauvin * Souligne la nécessité d'apporter des solutions concrètes + [00:02:18] Où apprend-on la santé ? * Affirme que la santé s'apprend d'abord dans la famille, puis dans d'autres milieux * Invite à sortir de l'obnubilation par l'école comme lieu unique d'éducation * Donne l'exemple des cités éducatives et des services d'aide à domicile + [00:06:03] Quels sont les enjeux éducatifs pour demain ? * Reconnaît les progrès réalisés en matière de prévention et de promotion de la santé * Identifie les trois leviers d'action : l'environnement, les capacités et l'accès aux services * Insiste sur la dimension éducative de toute intervention de santé publique + [00:08:12] Où se situe l'action éducative ? * Suggère que le territoire de vie est l'échelon pertinent pour coordonner les interventions * Montre la diversité des rôles et des responsabilités des collectivités territoriales * Plaide pour le développement des capacités éducatives des milieux de vie + [00:10:46] Comment construire des parcours éducatifs de santé ? * Préconise de partir de l'existant et de valoriser les pratiques en cours * Explique comment élaborer un parcours éducatif de santé dans une cité éducative * Présente un dispositif de formation pour les intervenants à domicile des seniors + [00:16:52] Conclusion et invitation à contribuer au guide de l'Unesco * Résume les principales idées de la conférence * Souligne l'importance de la co-construction et de la participation des acteurs * Invite à rejoindre le projet de l'Unesco sur l'apprentissage en santé tout au long de la vie

    1. Webinaire sur l'éducation au goût des jeunes, réalisé dans le cadre du réseau régional de l'éducation à l'alimentation et au goût porté par le CRES et le GRAINE, en mars 2023. L'objectif de ce réseau est d'instaurer une dynamique régionale pour la mise en place d’actions en éducation à l’alimentation et au goût.

    1. Francis March was a Professor of English Language and ComparativePhilology at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. The study of Englishin higher education was a development of the nineteenth century, and it tooka long time for English studies to gain recognition. March’s appointment as aProfessor of English in 1857 had been the first in the world that had theprestige of a full professorship – Rutgers appointed its first English professorin 1860, Harvard in 1876, and Oxford in 1885.
    2. The Cambridge jurist and legal historian (and advocatefor women’s education) Frederic Maitland
    1. Résumé vidéo [00:28:40][^1^][1] - [02:44:00][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est la première conférence sur les données statistiques de l'éducation organisée par l'UNESCO. Elle réunit des experts, des décideurs, des journalistes et des praticiens pour discuter de l'importance, des défis et des opportunités des données pour l'éducation.

      Points forts: + [00:29:11][^3^][3] Introduction par Alex, journaliste économiste * Explique le rôle des données pour le journalisme et l'éducation * Présente le professeur James Heckman comme conférencier principal * Donne les règles d'intendance et le hashtag de la conférence + [00:32:10][^4^][4] Discours d'ouverture par Stéania Giannini, directrice générale adjointe pour l'éducation de l'UNESCO * Souligne l'importance des données pour l'ODD4 et la transformation de l'éducation * Reconnaît les lacunes et les besoins en matière de données * Appelle à renforcer le lien entre les données et les politiques publiques * Annonce le lancement du Programme mondial de données sur l'éducation + [00:57:26][^5^][5] Conférence principale par le professeur James Heckman, lauréat du prix Nobel d'économie * Présente ses recherches sur l'économie de l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie * Montre les effets positifs des interventions précoces sur le développement humain * Souligne l'importance de mesurer les compétences non cognitives et socio-émotionnelles * Propose des méthodes et des outils pour évaluer les résultats d'apprentissage + [01:30:50][^6^][6] Panel de haut niveau sur les données pour l'éducation * Réunit des représentants de différents pays, régions et organisations * Partage les expériences, les bonnes pratiques et les leçons apprises en matière de données * Identifie les défis, les opportunités et les priorités pour améliorer les données * Répond aux questions du public et du modérateur

    1. Une table ronde dédiée à l'importance de l'éducation aux médias dès le plus jeune âge, et aux initiatives pédagogiques visant à développer leur esprit critique. Quel est l'intérêt des jeunes pour l'information ? Quelle utilisation font ils des réseaux sociaux ? Une discussion autour des résultat d'une enquête sur les 13-17 ans et l'information menée par Milan Presse et Youtube qui montre des résultats parfois surprenants, loin des idées reçues. Avec Marie-Anne Denis (directrice de Milan Presse), Aude Favre (journaliste & association Fake off) et Stéphanie de Vanssay (Conseillère nationale pédagogie et numérique) Avec Peter Barrett à l'animation.

    1. Rediffusion de notre live sur Twitch du 12 janvier 2022.

      / scienceshumainesmag

      Depuis les années 2000, une nouvelle posture éducative se développe, au point de s’affirmer aujourd’hui comme un nouvel idéal : l'éducation positive. Mais attention à la culpabilisation des parents, à l'interprétation hasardeuse des données, et aux dérives sectaires...

    1. But many other people who know about the dangers still seemstrangely silent. When pressed, they trot out the “this is nothing new”riposte—as if awareness of what could happen is response enough.They tell me, There are universities filled with bioethicists who studythis stuff all day long. They say, All this has been written about before,and by experts. They complain, Your worries and your arguments arealready old hat.

      For so many issues we face the "nothing new" argument seems to abound. It's not just the bioethics issues Joy points out, but even things like fascism and Nazism.

      How to better argue these points for society so we aren't always having to re-hoe the same row?

    1. Résumé vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:25:55][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est une interview d'Isabelle Filliozat, une psychothérapeute et auteure spécialisée dans l'éducation positive. Elle explique les principes et les bienfaits de cette approche, qui vise à respecter les besoins et les émotions des enfants, et à favoriser leur développement harmonieux. Elle dénonce aussi les effets néfastes de la violence éducative, qu'elle soit physique, psychologique ou relationnelle, et qui entraîne des traumatismes et des troubles chez l'enfant et l'adulte.

      Points forts: + [00:00:36][^3^][3] L'origine du terme d'éducation positive * Vient de la psychanalyse d'Alfred Adler * Adopté par la science et le Conseil de l'Europe * Traduit de l'anglais "positive parenting" + [00:07:01][^4^][4] L'impact du trauma dans l'enfance * Affecte le psychisme et le cerveau de l'enfant * Touche environ 67% des adultes * Augmente les risques de maladies et de problèmes sociaux + [00:13:00][^5^][5] La différence entre obéissance et responsabilité * L'obéissance est une réaction de stress et de soumission * La responsabilité est une capacité de choix et d'action * L'éducation positive vise à développer la responsabilité + [00:18:03][^6^][6] L'importance du regard sur l'enfant * Soit on le voit comme un être de droit et de besoin * Soit on le voit comme un être de pulsion et de manipulation * Le regard influence les interactions et les comportements

      Résumé vidéo [00:25:58][^1^][1] - [00:51:11][^2^][2]:

      La deuxième partie de la vidéo parle de l'éducation positive, qui est basée sur la science et qui vise à respecter les besoins et les émotions des enfants. Elle montre comment la violence éducative, souvent présentée comme nécessaire pour apprendre la frustration, est en fait contre-productive et nuisible au développement cérébral et affectif des enfants. Elle explique comment aider les enfants à réguler leurs émotions, à développer leur créativité et à s'intégrer dans le groupe social sans recourir à la peur, aux punitions ou aux récompenses. Elle propose des pistes pour réparer les erreurs commises par les parents et pour construire une relation de confiance et de coopération avec les enfants.

      Points forts: + [00:25:58][^3^][3] La différence entre la violence éducative et l'éducation positive * La violence éducative bloque le cerveau de l'enfant et le traumatise * L'éducation positive n'est pas du laxisme, mais une façon d'enseigner des compétences aux enfants * L'éducation positive respecte l'enfant et lui permet de grandir, d'explorer et de s'intégrer + [00:28:00][^4^][4] L'expérience du chamallow et l'apprentissage de la frustration * Une expérience qui montre que les enfants qui résistent à la tentation ont plus de succès dans la vie * Les facteurs qui influencent la capacité de résistance sont l'attachement sécure et la créativité * L'éducation consiste à fournir des ressources aux enfants pour faire face à la frustration + [00:34:02][^5^][5] L'importance de l'attachement sécure pour le développement de l'enfant * L'enfant a besoin de la proximité et de la réactivité d'une figure d'attachement pour se sentir en sécurité * La sécurité intérieure se construit dans les interactions chaleureuses avec la figure d'attachement * La présence de l'adulte aide l'enfant à réguler ses émotions et à développer son cerveau préfrontal + [00:40:00][^6^][6] Les conséquences de la violence éducative sur le cerveau et le comportement des enfants * La violence éducative altère différentes zones du cerveau, notamment celles liées à l'inhibition, au langage et à la mémoire * La violence éducative entraîne des troubles psychiques, des addictions, des difficultés relationnelles et des comportements agressifs * La violence éducative perpétue le cercle vicieux de la transmission intergénérationnelle + [00:45:00][^7^][7] Les pistes pour réparer les erreurs et pour adopter une parentalité positive * Reconnaître son impuissance, sa culpabilité et son anxiété face aux comportements des enfants * Réparer les blessures causées aux enfants en reconnaissant leurs émotions, en s'excusant et en leur demandant de quoi ils ont besoin * Développer ses propres compétences émotionnelles, se faire accompagner et se former à la parentalité positive

      Résumé vidéo [00:51:14][^1^][1] - [01:12:29][^2^][2]:

      La troisième partie de la vidéo parle de l'éducation des enfants et des influences de la psychanalyse, du trauma et du jeu sur leur développement. Isabelle Filliozat, psychothérapeute et auteure, dialogue avec Fabrice Midal, philosophe et fondateur de l'École occidentale de méditation.

      Points forts: + [00:51:14][^3^][3] Les croyances qui justifient les comportements violents envers les enfants * Les parents reproduisent souvent les blessures qu'ils ont subies dans leur enfance * La psychanalyse freudienne considère l'enfant comme un pervers qu'il faut limiter * L'enfant roi est un concept qui sert à dévaloriser l'enfant et à nier ses besoins + [00:59:15][^4^][4] L'erreur de Freud sur le complexe d'Oedipe et le trauma * Freud a d'abord reconnu que les névroses étaient causées par les abus sexuels subis par les enfants * Il a ensuite changé sa théorie pour dire que c'était des fantasmes et pour protéger l'image de son père * Il a renversé la véritable histoire d'Oedipe et a culpabilisé les enfants + [01:04:36][^5^][5] Le manque d'extérieur et de nature chez les enfants d'aujourd'hui * Les enfants ne jouent plus dehors et sont privés de stimuli sensoriels et moteurs * Les conséquences sont la myopie, la perte de capacités cardiaques, la difficulté à réguler les émotions * Le jeu est le moyen essentiel pour apprendre et se développer avant 6 ans + [01:09:25][^6^][6] L'impact du sucre sur les capacités attentionnelles et le comportement des enfants * Une étude a montré qu'en diminuant le sucre et en augmentant les vitamines et les oméga 3 à la cantine, les enfants étaient moins violents et plus performants à l'école * Le lobby du sucre empêche la science d'être entendue et l'industrie agroalimentaire fait un lobbying puissant * Le sucre n'est pas une gentillesse mais une drogue qui nuit au cerveau des enfants

    1. Résumé vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:21:12][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est une émission de la revue Sciences Humaines sur le thème de l'éducation positive. Elle réunit deux invités, Bruno Humbeeck, psychopédagogue, et Béatrice Kammerer, journaliste spécialisée en éducation, qui ont contribué au numéro consacré à ce sujet. Ils discutent des origines, des principes, des pratiques et des limites de l'éducation positive, qui vise à favoriser l'épanouissement de l'enfant en respectant sa personnalité, ses émotions et ses choix, sans recourir à la violence, à la punition ou à la récompense. Ils confrontent leurs points de vue, leurs expériences et leurs références, en répondant aux questions du présentateur et des internautes.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] La présentation de l'émission et des invités * Le sujet : l'éducation positive, un courant pédagogique en vogue * Les invités : Bruno Humbeeck, psychopédagogue, et Béatrice Kammerer, journaliste * Le format : une émission interactive, avec des questions du public + [00:03:08][^4^][4] La définition de l'éducation positive * L'origine : une recommandation du Conseil de l'Europe en 2006 * Le contenu : une parentalité qui vise le plein développement de l'enfant * Le problème : une notion vague et consensuelle, qui regroupe des courants divers + [00:09:00][^5^][5] L'évolution du regard sur l'enfant * La reconnaissance : l'enfant comme une personne à part entière, avec des droits et des besoins * La communication : l'enfant comme un interlocuteur, avec qui on négocie et on exprime ses émotions * L'épanouissement : l'enfant comme un individu, qui doit développer son potentiel et sa personnalité + [00:15:00][^6^][6] Les critiques de l'éducation positive * Le risque : l'enfant tyran, qui se centre sur lui-même et ne respecte pas les limites * Le paradoxe : l'enfant dépendant, qui attend l'approbation des adultes et ne développe pas son autonomie * Le défi : l'enfant citoyen, qui doit apprendre à vivre en collectivité et à participer à la démocratie

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Cette partie de la vidéo parle de la recherche expérimentale en éducation, en prenant l’exemple d’une intervention menée par l’association Énergie Jeunes dans des collèges de l’académie de Versailles. L’intervention vise à développer les compétences socio-émotionnelles des élèves, notamment leur estime de soi, leur persévérance et leur conception de l’intelligence. Les chercheurs ont évalué l’impact de l’intervention sur ces dimensions, ainsi que sur les résultats scolaires des élèves, en utilisant un protocole rigoureux avec un groupe de contrôle.

    1. Colloque 2022-2023 : Lutter contre la pauvreté : de la science aux politiques publiques Conférence du 23 juin 2023 : Placing Evidence and Innovation at the Heart of Development Policy: Opening Address

      Intervenant : Abhijit Banerjee, Professor, MIT; J-PAL Director

    1. Dec 29, 2023


      Most of us can probably say we struggle with posture, but for a long period after the turn of the twentieth century an American obsession with posture led to dramatic efforts to make students “straighten up."

    1. Hiya - I'm just curious about how people use Obsidian in academia. I guess you could say I'm looking for examples of what it's used for (e.g. to take short notes or to link ideas) and in what kind of systems may guide people's vaults (e.g. Zettelkasten). I'm also just keen on connecting with other PhD candidates through these blogs. No one at my uni that I know of is currently using Obsidian for academic work

      Reply to Couscous at https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/722584061087842365/1197392837952684052

      A quick survey of currently active academics, teachers, and researchers who are blogging about note taking practices and zettelkasten-based methods.


      Dan Allosso is a history professor at Bemidji State University who has used Obsidian in his courses in the past. He frequently writes about related topics on his Substack channels. One can also find related videos about reading, writing, and research process as well as zettelkasten on his YouTube channel. In addition to this, Dan has a book on note taking and writing which focuses on using a card index or zettelkasten centric process.

      Shawn Graham has both a blog as well as a prior course on the history of the internet using Obsidian. In the course materials he has compiled significant details and suggestions for setting up an Obsidian vault for students interested in using the tool.

      Kathleen Fitzpatrick has a significant blog which covers a variety of topics centered around her work and research. Her current course Peculiar Genres of Academic Writing (2024) focuses on writing, note taking (including Zettelkasten) and encourages students to try out Obsidian, which she's been using herself. A syllabus for an earlier version of the course includes some big name bloggers in academia whose sites might serve as examples of academic writing in the public. The syllabus also includes a section on being an academic blogger and creating platform as a public intellectual.

      Morganeua is a Ph.D. candidate who has a fairly popular YouTube channel on note taking within the academic setting (broadly using Obsidian, though she does touch on other tools from time to time).

      Chris Aldrich is independent research who does work at the intersection of intellectual history and note taking methods and practices. He's got an active website along with a large collection of note taking, zettelkasten, commonplace books, and sense-making related articles. His practice is a hybrid one using both analog and digital methods including Obsidian and Hypothes.is.

      Bob Doto is a teacher and independent researcher who focuses on Luhmann-artig zettelkasten practice and writing. He uses Obsidian and also operates a private Discord server focused on general Zettelkasten practice.

      Manfred Kuehn, a professor of philosophy at Boston University, had an influential blog on note taking practices and culture from 2007 to 2018 on Blogspot. While he's taken the site down, the majority of his work there can be found on the Internet Archive.

      Andy Matuschak is an independent researcher who is working at the intersection of learning, knowledge management, reading and related topics. He's got a Patreon, YouTube Channel and a public wiki.

      Broader community-based efforts

      Here are some tool-specific as well as tool-agnostic web-based fora, chat rooms, etc. which are focused on academic-related note taking and will have a variety of people to follow and interact with.

      Obsidian runs a large and diverse Discord server. In addition to many others, they have channels for #Academia and #Academic-tools as well as #Knowledge-management and #zettelkasten.

      Tinderbox hosts regular meetups (see their forum for details on upcoming events and how to join). While their events are often product-focused (ways to use it, Q&A, etc.), frequently they've got invited speakers who talk about their work, processes, and methods of working. Past recorded sessions can be found on YouTube. While this is tool-specific, much of what is discussed in their meetups can broadly be applied to any tool set. Because Tinderbox has been around since the early 00s and heavily focused on academic use, the majority of participants in the community are highly tech literate academics whose age skews to the over 40 set.

      A variety of Zettelkasten practitioners including several current and retired academicians using a variety of platforms can be found at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/.

      Boris Mann and others held Tools for Thought meetups which had been regularly held through 2023. They may have some interesting archived material for perusal on both theory, practice, and a wide variety of tools.


      I've tried to quickly tip out my own zettelkasten on this topic with a focus on larger repositories of active publicly available web-based material. Surely there is a much wider variety of people and resources not listed here, but it should be a reasonable primer for beginners. Feel free to reply with additional suggestions and resources of which you may be aware.

    1. book aims of education

      for - book - Aims of Education

      Followup - book - Aims of Education - author: Alfred North Whitehead - a collection of papers and thoughts on the critical role of education in determining the future course of civilization

      epiphany - adjacency between - Lifework and evolutionary nature of the individual - - people-centered Indyweb -- Alfred North Whitehead's ideas and life history - adjacency statement - Listening to the narrator speaking about Whitehead's work from a historical perspective brought up the association with the Indyweb's people-centered design - This is especially salient given that Whitehead felt education played such a critical role in determining the future course of humanity - If Whitehead were alive, he would likely appreciate the Indyweb design because it is based on the human being as a process rather than a static entity, - hence renaming human being to human INTERbeCOMing, a noun replaced by a verb - Indyweb's people-centered design and default temporal, time-date recording of ideas as they occur provides inherent traceability to the evolution of an individual's consciousness - Furthermore, since it is not only people-centered but also INTERPERSONAL, we can trace the evolution of ideas within a social network. - Since individual and collective intelligence are both evolutionary and intertwingled, they are both foundational in Indyweb's design ethos. - In particular, Indyweb frames the important evolutionary process of - having a conversation with your old self - as a key aspect of the evolutionary growth of the individual's consciousness

    1. As unregulated as these programs are, that minimal data is something we have access to. There's been great coverage of this, including a recent story in The Wall Street Journal by an education reporter named Matt Barnum, that what we are seeing in state after state is that in the early phases of these new programs, that the parents who are most likely to take advantage of them are not the parents of low-income and minority kids in the public schools despite that being the big sales pitch, that instead they are affluent parents whose kids already attended private school. When lawmakers are making the case for these programs, they are making the Moms for Liberty arguments.

      Benefits of state-based school choice programs are going to affluent parents

      The kinds are already going to private schools; the money isn't going to low-income parents. As a result, private schools are emboldened to raise tuition.

    2. I would point you to something like recent Gallup polling. We know, it's no secret that American trust and institutions has plummeted across the board, but something like only 26% of Americans say that they have faith in public schools. Among Republicans, it's even lower, it's 14%. Groups like Moms for Liberty have played a huge part in exacerbating the erosion of that trust.

      Gallup polling shows drop in confidence in public schools, especially among Republicans

      Losses by Moms-for-Liberty candidates reinforce the notion that there is partisanship in public education.

    1. In 1941, he published "Wells, Hitler and the World State," in which he argued that Germany hewed much closer to a well-run society in which everyone thinks similarly and along scientific lines than England ever has. But it was run by a "criminal lunatic," so that didn't work out quite as Wells thought it would. Orwell also noted that patriotism, which Wells thought of as civilization-destroying, was the primary force inducing Russians and Britons to fight against Hitler.

      first referent "he" is George Orwell

      Example of a time in which patriotism and nationalism may have been beneficial.

    2. "In transport, we have progressed from coaches and horses by way of trains to electric traction, motor-cars, and aeroplanes. In mental organization, we have simply multiplied our coaches and horses and livery stables."

      from World Brain, double check with source

  4. Dec 2023
    1. where every voicematters and all decide as equals with each other
      • for:question - SONEC - is equal voting really equal?, question - SONEC - voter education

      • question

        • all may decide as equals with each other, but each human being is unique so each decision will be unique.
        • some may be better suited to make a decision than another, but if all have equal weight, that is also not fair if someone without enough education decides. How to resolve this?
        • Can the Indyweb help with this to map out the unique lifeworld (lebenswelt) of each individual to surface the unique capacities of each person, and their competencies for voting on a particular issue?
        • Voting is an important decision-making position and the voter is either informed, or if not sufficiently informed should ideally be educated to make an informed decision
    1. 칸아카데미의 미션은 세계적인 수준의 교육을 전 세계 누구에게나 무료로 제공하는 것입니다.
  5. Nov 2023
    1. the andaman islands have become the most popular destination 00:11:09 for india's new middle class the ruling nationalist bjp party is denying the jarwa the right to self-determination something that jarawa say is unacceptable 00:11:26 we don't your we're happy together we have no worries
      • for: Jawara - right to self-determination - indigneous people

      • comment

      • education: self determination
        • there is a need to translate to lay people terms what the saliance of this
    2. seventy to eighty percent of indian tourists will arrive in andamans in their package like it's always there like you know just to have a look like how these genres are like and that became actually a commercial business 00:08:48 for all these travel agents in port berlin and people are taking new photographs and they are selling their cds like you know naked ladies dancing it's i feel like it's it's actually sort 00:09:01 of an exploitation like these innocent abortion or primitive tribes
      • for: SRG intervention - Jawara - tourist education

      • SRG intervention - Jawara - tourist education

        • Is it possible to transform this myopic, ignorant tourism approach into one that could create more cross-cultural harmony?
    1. Dr Reuben Nelson Reuben was born and raised in Calgary educated at Queen's University 00:02:49 Queen's theological college and the United theological College in Bangalore India
      • for: Ruben Nelson education

      • Ruben Nelson bio

        • Queen's University, Calgary
        • Queen's Theological College
        • United Theological College, Bangalore, India
        • a leading practitioner of strategic foresight
    1. RECOMMANDATION 14Accroître le financement public des associations d’éducation populaire qui favorisent les démarches « d’aller vers » et des accompagnements sur le temps long des enfants les plus éloignés d’une pratique culturelle et sportive.Destinataires : Directeurs régionaux des affaires culturelles ; Délégués régionaux académiques à la jeunesse, à l’engagement et aux sports.
    1. One of the primary problems with note taking in most of the mid-twentieth century (and potentially well before, particularly as framed in most educational settings) was that students would take notes, potentially review them once or twice for a test, but then not have easy access to them for later review or reuse.

      People collected piles of notes without any ability to reuse or review them. Perhaps we should reframe the collector's fallacy as this: collection without reuse has dramatically decreasing returns. Certainly there may be some small initial benefit in writing it down as a means of sense making, but not reviewing it past a short period of two weeks or even several months and not being able to reuse it in the long term is a travesty, especially in a world of information overload.

  6. Oct 2023
    1. reply to Our Journey, Day 84 by Dan Allosso at https://danallosso.substack.com/p/our-journey-day-84

      There's already a movement afoot calling for schools who are dramatically cutting their humanities departments to quit calling what they're offering a liberal education. This popped up on Monday and has a long list of cuts: https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/views/2023/10/23/liberal-education-name-only-opinion I was surprised that Bemidji wasn't listed, but then again there may be several dozens which have made announcements, but which aren't widely known yet. The problem may be much larger and broader than anyone is acknowledging.

      Cutting down dozens of faculties into either "schools" or even into some sort of catch all called "Humanities" may be even more marginalizing to the enterprise.

      Apparently, the Morlocks seem to think that the Eloi will be easier to manage if there isn't any critical thinking?

    1. Morgan, Robert R. “Opinion | Hard-Pressed Teachers Don’t Have a Choice on Multiple Choice.” The New York Times, October 22, 1988, sec. Opinion. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/10/22/opinion/l-hard-pressed-teachers-don-t-have-a-choice-on-multiple-choice-563988.html.

      https://web.archive.org/web/20150525091818/https://www.nytimes.com/1988/10/22/opinion/l-hard-pressed-teachers-don-t-have-a-choice-on-multiple-choice-563988.html. Internet Archive.

      Example of a teacher pressed into multiple-choice tests for evaluation for time constraints on grading.

      He falls prey to the teacher's guilt of feeling they need to grade every single essay written. This may be possible at the higher paid levels of university teaching with incredibly low student to teacher ratios, but not at the mass production level of public education.

      While we'd like to have education match the mass production assembly lines of the industrial revolution, this is sadly nowhere near the case with current technology. Why fall prey to the logical trap?

    1. Google is free, do not pay to learn about bullet journaling. .t3_17a8wnt._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }

      Google is free, do not pay to learn about anything...

    1. une association qui est venue intervenir en prison complètement enfin voilà habitué et rodé à faire des séances sur la question de l'homophobie et qui est rentré comme ça 00:53:55 en séance avec cinq six jeunes sur l'homophobie et du coup les jeunes ont très bien compris qu'on venait leur faire un cours sur l'homophobie parce qu'on considérait que comme ils sont des classes populaires comme c'est que des garçons comme ils sont incarcérés ils 00:54:08 seraient forcément tous homophobe et donc en réaction on appelle ça en sociologie un retournement de stigmates ils ont surjoué leur rôle d'homophobes ils ont poussé l'intervenant en l'occurrence dans ses retranchements
    2. ce qui est intéressant dans ces deux enquêtes c'est que enfin dans toutes ces enquêtes c'est de voir comment l'école est considérée comme une institution légitime pour s'emparer des questions de sexualité
    3. l'éducation pour la santé par les Pères
    1. 04:30 education business as scam (bec information is not tangible)

      • information and knowledge, historically speaking, is fundamental to society and culture
    1. The Preoperational Stage is divided into two substages: I. Symbolic Function Substage From two to four years of age children find themselves using symbols to represent physical models of the world around them. This is demonstrated through a child's drawing of their family in which people are not drawn to scale or accurate physical traits are given. The child knows they are not accurate but it does not seem to be an issue to them. II. Intuitive Thought Substage At between about the ages of four and seven, children tend to become very curious and ask many questions, beginning the use of primitive reasoning. There is an emergence in the interest of reasoning and wanting to know why things are the way they are. Piaget called it the "intuitive substage" because children realize they have a vast amount of knowledge, but they are unaware of how they acquired it. Centration, conservation, irreversibility, class inclusion, and transitive inference are all characteristics of preoperative thought.[62] 3. Concrete operational stage: from ages seven to eleven. Children can now converse and think logically (they understand reversibility) but are limited to what they can physically manipulate. They are no longer egocentric. During this stage, children become more aware of logic and conservation, topics previously foreign to them. Children also improve drastically with their classification skills. 4. Formal operational stage: from age eleven to sixteen and onwards (development of abstract reasoning). Children develop abstract thought and can easily conserve and think logically in their mind. Abstract thought is newly present during this stage of development. Children are now able to think abstractly and use metacognition. Along with this, the children in the formal operational stage display more skills oriented towards problem solving, often in multiple steps.

      There are a total of four development stages described in Piaget's theory: the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage.

    1. economist Milton Friedman, and especially in hisideas on education. Back in 1955 Friedman had turned his attention to educationand written The Role of Government in Education. Education intrigued himbecause of its strange and, for the market model, rather irritating position in themarketplace. It didn’t quite fit into a neat demand-and-supply framework withchoice at the centre.
  7. Sep 2023
    1. The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education. 27th Printing. Vol. 1. 54 vols. The Great Books of the Western World. 1952. Reprint, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1984.

      I read the first edition.

      Hutchins, Robert M. The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education. Edited by Robert M. Hutchins and Mortimer J. Adler. 1st ed. Vol. 1. 54 vols. Great Books of the Western World. Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952.

      urn:x-pdf:0ce8391ed9f9f1cfc78c28b6c923abac<br /> Annotation search: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&addQuoteContext=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3A0ce8391ed9f9f1cfc78c28b6c923abac

    1. Gould, Jessica. “Teachers College, Columbia U. Dissolves Program behind Literacy Curriculum Used in NYC Public Schools.” Gothamist, September 8, 2023. https://gothamist.com/news/columbia-university-dissolves-program-behind-literacy-curriculum-used-in-nyc-public-schools.

      The Teachers College of Columbia University has shut down the Lucy Calkins Units of Study literacy program.

      Missing from the story is more emphasis on not only the social costs, which they touch on, but the tremendous financial (sunk) cost to the system by not only adopting it but enriching Calkins and the institution (in a position of trust) which benefitted from having sold it.

      link to: https://hypothes.is/a/eicbpgSKEe6vc0fPdIm05w

    1. Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.

      The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.

      The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.

      Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

    1. the pressure exercised bydiscourses that highlight the social dimension of assessment is very strong and pervasive,making it difficult for more exhortative or developmental policies on assessment (Ball et al.,2012) to survive in the polyphonic discursive space of the school. PA3, a policy authority whohas worked as a school teacher, also sees schools as spaces where contradictory discourses onassessment circulate in a paradigm conflict, where the current structure of schools does notfacilitate reform processes either:
    1. Since arriving at the school, I have said to each class that I am too old to change journalism. Instead, I would watch and try to help students take on that responsibility.
    1. 1939 when Professor James Mursell of Columbia University's Teachers College wrote an article for the Atlantic Monthly entitled "The Failure of the Schools."


      See: Mursell, James L. “The Defeat of the Schools.” The Atlantic, March 1939. https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/95dec/chilearn/murde.htm.

      ———. “The Reform of the Schools.” The Atlantic, December 1, 1939. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1939/12/the-reform-of-the-schools/654746/.

    1. For those interested in the history of classical education, manuscripts, books, and knowledge transfer, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and the Shoenberg Institute have a potentially relevant ongoing zoom series called Coffee with a Codex in which they regularly bring out rare manuscripts, codices, incunabula, etc. from their collection to show and discuss.

      Keep in mind that the presentation is done by library curators who may not be subject matter experts on the books they present, but the topics are nearly all relevant to classical education. Most attendees are academics, historians, medievalists, or regularly doing research in the areas of information studies and will often have thoughts, ideas, or experience with classical education, and may be able to answer questions about historical practices in the chat. Presentations are generally informal, short, and meant for a generalist audience. Quite often digital scans of the materials they present are available for browsing online or downloading for further study.

      See the full schedule for Coffee with a Codex three weeks ahead at https://schoenberginstitute.org/coffee-with-a-codex/

      To give folks an idea of the presentations, recordings of Coffee With A Codex since January 2022 are available at their YouTube Playlist. (To my knowledge they don't archive copies of their chat transcripts where the participants are usually fairly active, but some of the chat does make it verbally into the recorded discussion.)

      Of particular interest this coming week is a presentation on a book which will touch on the recent conversation "Ancient Textbooks for Ancient Curriculums?" by u/psimystc with respect to the Carolingian educational program in the 9th-11th centuries.



      Date: Thursday, September 7, 2023<br /> Time: 12:00pm - 12:30pm

      Coffee with a Codex: Boethius and Aristotle <br /> On September 7, Curator Dot Porter will bring out LJS 101, a 9th and 11th century copy of Aristotle translated by Boethius, created as part of the Carolingian educational program. See the record: https://franklin.library.upenn.edu/catalog/FRANKLIN_9951865503503681

      Free registration is required. https://libcal.library.upenn.edu/event/11148297

      An informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually with Kislak curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. Everyone is welcome to attend. Welcome back for 2023-2024!

      Syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicalEducation/comments/16a1oyi/coffee_with_a_codex_at_penn_libraries_recurring/

      • for: system change, polycrisis, extreme weather, planetary tipping points, climate disruption, climate chaos, tipping point, hothouse earth, new meme, deep transformation
      • title: The Great Disruption has Begun
      • author: Paul Gilding
      • date: Sept 3, 2023
      • source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
      • summary

        • good q uick opening paragraphs that summarize the plethora of extreme events in 2023 up to Sept 2023 (but misses the Canadian Wildfires) and also the list of potential planetary tipping points that are giving indication of being at the threshold.
        • He makes a good point about the conservative nature of science that underestimates impacts due to the inertia of scientific study.
        • Coins a good meme
          • Everything, everywhere, all at once
        • He ties all the various crisis together to show the many components of the wicked problem we face
        • finally what it comes down to is that we cannot stop the coming unprecedented changes but we can and must slow it down as much as possible and we should be prepared for a wild ride
      • comment

        • It would be a good educational tool for deep and transformative climate education to map all these elements of the polycrisis and show their feedbacks and interactions, especially how it relates to socio-economic impacts to motivate transformative change and mobilize the urgency now required.
  8. Aug 2023
    1. Network Technician: As a network technician, you'll be responsible for the day-to-day management, troubleshooting, and maintenance of network infrastructure. This role involves diagnosing and resolving network issues, configuring devices, and ensuring smooth network operations.

      Network Administrator: Network administrators manage and oversee the entire network infrastructure of an organization. This includes designing, implementing, and maintaining networks, as well as ensuring security, performance, and scalability.

      Network Support Engineer: In this role, you'll provide technical support to end-users and troubleshoot network-related problems. You'll assist in resolving connectivity issues, configuring devices, and offering guidance to users.

      System Administrator: While not exclusively focused on networking, a system administrator manages an organization's servers, operating systems, and network infrastructure. Strong networking skills are essential for configuring and maintaining network services within the systems.

      Network Analyst: Network analysts analyze network performance, identify bottlenecks, and recommend improvements. They work to optimize network efficiency, monitor traffic, and make suggestions for enhancing the network's overall performance.

      Network Security Specialist: Network security specialists focus on safeguarding an organization's network from cyber threats and attacks. They configure firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and implement security policies to ensure data protection.

      Wireless Network Engineer: With the proliferation of wireless technology, wireless network engineers design, deploy, and manage wireless networks. They optimize coverage, troubleshoot connectivity issues, and ensure seamless wireless experiences. CCNA Classes in Pune

      VoIP Engineer: VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) engineers specialize in deploying and managing voice communication systems over IP networks. They ensure the quality of voice calls and troubleshoot any voice-related issues.

      Network Designer: Network designers are responsible for planning and creating network architectures that meet an organization's requirements. They consider factors like scalability, redundancy, and security while designing network solutions.

      Network Consultant: Network consultants work with clients to assess their networking needs, provide expert advice, and design customized network solutions that align with business goals.

      Pre-Sales Engineer: Pre-sales engineers work with sales teams to provide technical expertise during the sales process. They help clients understand how a product or solution will fit into their existing network infrastructure.

      Network Trainer or Instructor: If you enjoy teaching, you can become a network trainer or instructor. You'll educate individuals or groups on networking concepts, technologies, and certifications, including CCNA.

      Network Operations Center (NOC) Technician: NOC technicians monitor network operations, respond to alerts, and take corrective actions to maintain network uptime and performance. CCNA Course in Pune

    1. (~13:00) Koe argues for making information relevant (Dr. Sung always says you must make info relevant) through the learning for the solving of a particular problem, either for a client, your business, or your personal life. Your problem becomes the lense through which you learn.

      For self-education this is ideal.

      Dr. Sung's approach differs in that he advocates for the creation of relevancy through inquiry (the asking of relational questions) which is also incredibly powerful, however this is more suited to gaining more motivation for forced learning, i.e., in the formal education system.

      In addition, Koe's lense is, I think, more of a high-level filter, whereas Sung's questioning is applicable on the content level. Therefore, both approaches could be, and should be, combined into the same overall (self-)educational system.

    2. (~10:20) Koe makes a very, very, very valid point about education:

      I quote: "There is one thing that the school system did get right which is consistent, daily education in hopes for a better future. But, schools don't prioritize curiosity, so most people hate learning by the time they graduate." (emphasis added by me)

      The larger point that Koe is making is that if we own anything in life, it is our mind; for everything else can be taken away from us; as such, we must spend a significant amount of effort to cultivate it, grow it, care for it, and make it unique.

    3. (~6:07) Koe argues that specializing, or focusing on one aspect only, limits your potential in every conceivable way.

      I think I agree, yet I do also think there is a place for that... It depends on the person and what they enjoy. However, I might still be mistaken.

    4. Dan Koe seems to argue against a specialistic education based on the argument that it is nigh-impossible for a teenager to decide what they want (to be) for the rest of their lives. He also gives the argument that it results in a lack of creativity and underlying knowledge (that which connects the dots, instead of compartmentalization) which would result in abnormal performance.

      I can bypass the limitation of the first point by giving the counter-point that when one has an insane amount of metacognition, which can be trained, it does not matter if one changes path later; why? Because one can easily learn the new subject matter and skills.

      However, the second point is interesting and I think I agree with it. That said, I think there is a continuum, instead of only two points, between super-specialists and super-generalists. I myself enjoy specializing. And I believe a team of specialists (that can also work together) can accomplish much more than one (or even multiple) generalist.

    1. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/courcon1.asp

      Medieval Sourcebook: Robert de Courçon: Statutes for the University of Paris, 1215 The basic course was in the arts. Of the other faculties theology was best represented at Paris, law at Bologna, and medicine at Salerno. Robert de Courçon's statutes lay down the course in arts and enumerate the books to be studied. Students were expect to be able to teach as well as learn.

    1. Do science, technology, industrialization, and specializa-tion render the Great Conversation irrelevant?
    2. The revolt against the classical dissectors and drillmasterswas justified. So was the new interest in experimental science.The revolt against liberal education was not justified. Neitherwas the belief that the method of experimental science couldreplace the methods of history, philosophy, and the arts.

      These various shifts in culture and perspective were concurrent with the shift in education from the formal to the progressive.

      See also Education: A Short Introduction

    3. Why did this education disappear? It was the education ofthe Founding Fathers. It held sway until fifty years ago. Nowit is almost gone. I attribute this phenomenon to two factors,internal decay and external confusion.

      Hutchins attributes the loss of classical education to both internal decay and external confusion, but I would suggest that some of the shift was also the need for industrialization and expanded access.

    4. The object appears to be to keep the child off the labormarket and to detain him in comparatively sanitary surround-ings until we are ready to have him go to work.


    5. If leisure and political power requirethis education, everybody in America now requires it, andeverybody where democracy and industrialization penetratewill ultimately require it. If the people are not capable ofacquiring this education, they should be deprived of politicalpower and probably of leisure. Their uneducated politicalpower is dangerous, and their uneducated leisure is degrad-ing and will be dangerous. If the people are incapable ofachieving the education that responsible democratic citizen-ship demands, then democracy is doomed, Aristotle rightlycondemned the mass of mankind to natural slavery, and thesooner we set about reversing the trend toward democracythe better it will be for the world.

      This is an extreme statement which bundles together a lot without direct evidence.

      Written in an era in which there was a lot of pro-Democracy and anti-Communist discussion, Hutchins is making an almost religious statement here which binds education and democracy in the ways in which the Catholic church bound education and religion in scholasticism. While scholasticism may have had benefits, it also caused a variety of ills which took centuries to unwind into the Enlightenment.

      Why can't we separate education from democracy? Can't education of this sort live in other polities? Hasn't it? Does critical education necessarily lead to democracy?

      What does the explorable solution space of admixtures of critical reasoning and education look like with respect to various forms of government? Could a well-educated population thrive under collectivism or socialism?

      The definition of "natural slavery" here is contingent and requires lots of context, particularly of the ways in which Aristotle used it versus our current understanding of chattel slavery.

    6. Democracy and Education was written before the assemblyline had achieved its dominant position in the industrialworld and before mechanization had depopulated the farmsof America.

      Interesting history and possible solutions.

      Dewey on the humanization of work front running the dramatic changes of and in work in an industrial age?

      Note here the potential coupling of democracy and education as dovetailing ideas rather than separate ideas which can be used simultaneously. We should take care here not to end up with potential baggage that could result in society and culture the way scholasticism combined education and religion in the middle ages onward.

    7. A pro-gram of social reform cannot be achieved through the educa-tional system unless it is one that the society is prepared toaccept. The educational system is the society's attempt toperpetuate itself and its own ideals.

      Current day book banners (2022-2023) wouldn't agree here.

    8. Dewey's chief reason for this recommendation is found inhis psychology of learning. "An occupation is a continuousactivity having a purpose. Education through occupations con-sequently combines within itself more of the factors condu-cive to learning than any other method. It calls instincts andhabits into play; it is a foe to passive receptivity. It has anend in view; results are to be accomplished. Hence it appealsto thought; it demands that an idea of an end be steadilymaintained, so that activity must be progressive, leadingfrom one stage to another; observation and ingenuity are re-quired at each stage to overcome obstacles and to discoverand readjust means of execution.

      Purpose for the work involved or purpose for the worker? Does it show a shift to living to work or working to live here?

    9. The chief exponent of the view that times have changedand that our conception of the best education must changewith them is that most misunderstood of all philosophers ofeducation, John Dewey.

      Hutchins indicates that John Dewey was misunderstood as a philosopher of education.

    10. The educa-tional ideas of John Locke, for example, which were directedto the preparation of the pupil to fit conveniently into the so-cial and economic environment in which he found himself,made no impression on Locke's contemporaries.

      "The educational ideas of John Locke" -- but where they actually his ideas though?

      See: Graeber & Wengrow: The Dawn of Everything.

    1. Technology’s greatest contribution to social and civic innovation in the next decade will be to provide accurate, user-friendly context and honest assessment of issues, problems and potential solutions
      • for: quote, quote - Barry Chudakov, quote - progress trap, progress trap, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap, indyweb - support, future - education
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Technology’s greatest contribution to social and civic innovation in the next decade
        • will be to provide
          • accurate, user-friendly context and
          • honest assessment of
            • issues,
            • problems and
            • potential solutions / comment - indyweb /
        • We are facing greater accelerations of
          • climate change,
          • social mobility,
          • pollution,
          • immigration and
          • resource issues.
        • Our problems have gone from complicated to wicked.
        • We need
          • clear answers and
          • discussions that are
            • cogent,
            • relevant and
            • true to facts.
        • Technology must guard against becoming a platform to enable targeted chaos,
        • that is, using technology as a means to
          • obfuscate and
          • manipulate.
        • We are all now living in Sim City:
        • The digital world is showing us a sim,
          • or digital mirror,
        • of each aspect of reality.
        • The most successful social and civic innovation I expect to see by 2030
        • is a massive restructuring of our educational systems based on new and emerging mirror digital worlds. / comment: This bodes well for Indyweb for education/
        • We will then need to expand our information presentations to include
          • verifiable factfulness that ensures any digital presentation faithfully and
          • accurately matches the physical realities.
        • Just as medicine went from
          • bloodletting and leeches and lobotomies to
          • open-heart surgery and artificial limbs,
        • technology will begin to modernize information flows around core issues: urgent need, future implications, accurate assessment.
        • Technology can play a crucial role to move humanity
          • from blame fantasies
          • to focused attention and working solutions.”
    1. https://danallosso.substack.com/p/retrenchment-day-14

      If done solely from a business perspective, the administration ought to be looking very closely on what their "product" actually is and the quality of what they're directly selling and to whom. It sounds like they ought to re-evaluate their priorities and might benefit from reading The Fall of the Faculty by Benjamin Ginsberg. Is it worthwhile to get a bulk discount and buy a couple hundred copies to send to the deans and senior administration?

    1. Retrenchment is a term that describes the situation when tenure-track or tenured faculty are let go because their positions have been eliminated.
  9. Jul 2023
    1. democracyrequires liberal education for all.

      Two of the driving reasons behind the Great Books project were improvement of both education and democracy.

      The democracy portion was likely prompted by the second Red Scare from ~1947-1957 which had profound effects on America. Published in 1952, this series would have considered it closely and it's interesting they included Marx in the thinkers at the end of the series.

    2. we regard this disappearance as an aberration, and notas an indication of progress.

      disappearance [of education] as an...

      there's also disappearance of context of what has gone before

    3. Great books alone will not do the trick; for the peoplemust have the information on which to base a judgment aswell as the ability to make one.
    1. Background knowledge refresh

      AI as subject matter expert?

    2. If fine-tuned on pedagogy,

      What does that look like though?

    3. Lesson plan generation / feedback
    4. Studies show that a surprising proportion of teachers do not have a core program but use their own lessons or search TeachersPayTeachers or Pinterest,

      Needs citation

    5. Could that change if every teacher had an assistant, a sort of copilot in the work of taking a class of students (with varying backgrounds, levels of engagement, and readiness-to-learn) from wherever they start to highly skilled, competent, and motivated young people?

      AI for teachers as creating efficiencies around how they use their time. Providing feedback to students as opposed to creating or even leading activities.

    1. We prioritize what we see versus what we hear, why is that? Now, what comes to mind when I say that is when, somebody is saying no, but shaking their head yes. And so we have this disconnect, but we tend to prioritize what the action and not what we're hearing. So something that we visually see instead of what we hear.Speaker 1There isn't a definitive answer on that, but one source of insight on why do we do that, it could be related to the neurological real estate that's taken up by our visual experience. There's far more of our cortex, the outer layer of our brain that responds to visual information than any other form of information

      (13:36) Perhaps this is also why visual information is so useful for learning and cognition (see GRINDE)... Maybe the visual medium should be used more in instruction instead of primarily auditory lectures (do take into account redundancy and other medium effects from CLT though)

  10. Jun 2023
    1. Refinements themselves present a significant hurdle to adoption by virtue of their limitations and overall introduction of conceptual complexity. So it’s a tough sell to recommend this for anything outside of personal projects or places with incredibly strong esoteric Ruby knowledge (like, say, hidden away within Rails).
    1. The idea that what happened was not inevitable. Understanding the contingency of the past, I think, may suggest to them that the present and future are similarly “not a done deal”.

      In some respects, even the past is not a done deal. It must be examined and studied and will be viewed differently in the present and in the future, thus making history a feedback loop, though hopefully in positive ways.

    2. I do think it’s helpful for members of the public to know some basic facts about the past. For me, it’s the same idea as the saying “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Similarly, if you know nothing you can be convinced of anything.

      These are much pithier versions of what Robert Hutchins is getting at when he's talking about the importance of the Great Conversation with respect to Democracy.

    1. The models were named after Benjamin Bloom, who chaired the committee of educators that devised the taxonomy. He also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals

      Benjamin Bloom was the originator (and the taxonomy was named after him)

    1. how to helpmost effectively children from ‘poor circumstances’.

      Why do governments and some so-called education leaders ask about how to best help (academically) children from "poor circumstances" in such a way that improving their circumstances is never part of the equation despite it being the immediate root of their problem?

    2. Given the committee’s constitution, it’s all the more remarkable that itproduced probably the single strongest official impetus for progressive educationin the 20th century anywhere in the world.

      Gary Thomas feels that the 1960s Plowden Report was the strongest official impetus for progressive education in the 20th century.

      He suggest that it was a natural successor to the Hadow Report.

    3. One of Dewey’s principal concerns was for the relationship between educationand democracy. He made the point that democracy is not just a form ofgovernment—it is, rather, ‘a mode of associated living, a conjoint communicated

      experience’ (1916: 101).

    4. Neville Bennett’s Teaching Styles and PupilProgress

      Bennett, Neville. Teaching Styles and Pupil Progress. Open Books, 1976.

    5. Informal teaching could, however, seemingly go wrong moreeasily than formal teaching.
    6. The Reggio Emilia approach has become world famous (see Figure 2).Originating at more or less the same time as changes to ideas about curriculumand styles of teaching in the UK and the USA, it especially caught theimagination of educators worldwide for its energy and for the commitmentinvested by all in the community to make it a success. It combined the discoveryapproaches of the progressive educators with a dedication to communityinvolvement and especially the involvement of parents in education.
    7. Table 1. Progressive versus formal education

      a nice little comparative table

    8. The progressives say that the only kind ofmeaningful motivation comes through interest and absorption in the task orsubject itself: it’s called ‘intrinsic motivation’ in the jargon.
    9. There are many things that we have to take on trust; everyminute of every day we have to accept the testimony and the guidance of thosewho are in a position to offer an authoritative view.

      Perhaps there is a need for balance between the two perspectives of formal and progressive education. While one can teach another the broad strokes of the "rules" of note taking, for example, using the zettelkasten method and even give examples of the good and the bad, the affordances, and tricks, individuals are still going to need to try things out to see what works for them in various situations and for their specific needs. In the end, its nice to have someone hand one the broad "rules" (and importantly the reasons for them), so that one has a set of tools which they can then practice as an art.

    10. While the progressives think of education involving discovery and play, theformalists say that to put the emphasis on discovery is to ignore the tapestry ofestablished ideas, rules, and traditions that have been handed down to us fromcountless earlier generations.
    11. For formalists, though, learning is, sadly, hard slog. No pain, no gain. Theycontend that it is just a fact of life that there are some things that you need tolearn the hard way. There is complex information that we need to know to whichthere is no easy route. If you want to learn to write, for example, you need tounderstand the ways in which language is put together; you need to know theglue that binds sentences—the rules for making language work. This isn’t easy,say the formalists, and you don’t ‘discover’ it.

      Formalist education stance: One can't simply discover everything and as a result leaning can require specific work and long practice (learning to write, for example).

    12. For progressives, learning is natural; it’s happening all the time and it’s whathumans are programmed for. Children learn to talk, for example, without anyteaching at all. Progressive educators say that this learning of language providesus with a lesson: it shows that we are almost hard-wired for complex learning—it comes easily, if the circumstances for its acquisition are right. We shouldmake use of this strength, putting children in positions where they have theopportunity to think rather than telling them what to think.

      Progressive education stance: learning is easy and we've got an innate ability to do complex learning tasks. As a result, putting students into situations where they have the ability to think is better than simply telling them what to think, which might be a more formalist stance.

    13. For the formalists,though, it’s a process of imparting and acquiring the skills and knowledgenecessary for wellbeing and success in life. It’s about instruction and theacquisition of information and skills needed for the success of the society inwhich you live.
    14. For the progressives, education is about supporting the ability to think critically:it should be child centred and focused on problem solving.
    1. I turn to Joan and say, “My word, Joan. I’m so impressed. Melissa knows Yiddish?” Joan goes, “No. She doesn’t know Yiddish and I don’t know Yiddish. But anybody who’s speaking to you in Yiddish is telling you a joke so you laugh at the end of it. I’ve taught her that much so nobody will think she’s stupid.” That was Joan in her 50s. She’s almost 80 now and she still treats her daughter the same way.
    1. “All of us are imperfect,” Professor Calkins said. “The last two or three years, what I’ve learned from the science of reading work has been transformational.”

      This is a painful statement to be said by an educator, a word whose root means to "lead out".

    2. Unlike many developed countries, the United States lacks a national curriculum or teacher-training standards. Local policies change constantly, as governors, school boards, mayors and superintendents flow in and out of jobs.

      Many developed countries have national curricula and specific teacher-training standards, but the United States does not. Instead decisions on curricular and standards are created and enforced at the state and local levels, often by politically elected figures including governors, mayors, superintendents, and school boards.

      This leaves early education in the United States open to a much greater sway of political influence. This can be seen in examples of Texas attempting to legislate the display the ten commandments in school classrooms in 2023, reading science being neglected in the adoption of Culkins' Units of Study curriculum, and other footballs like the supposed suppression of critical race theory in right leaning states.

    1. ne serait-il pas mieux de former des citoyens éco-responsables 00:03:18 co-créateur de savoir éducatif qui tient compte du bien commun alors des humains heureux qui vont répondre à leurs propres besoins mais qui sont capables aussi de tenir compte de 00:03:32 l'ensemble des besoins de l'humanité

      C'est aussi ça, la justice épistémique!

  11. May 2023
    1. Why is demographic math so difficult? One recent meta-study suggests that when people are asked to make an estimation they are uncertain about, such as the size of a population, they tend to rescale their perceptions in a rational manner. When a person’s lived experience suggests an extreme value — such as a small proportion of people who are Jewish or a large proportion of people who are Christian — they often assume, reasonably, that their experiences are biased. In response, they adjust their prior estimate of a group’s size accordingly by shifting it closer to what they perceive to be the mean group size (that is, 50%). This can facilitate misestimation in surveys, such as ours, which don’t require people to make tradeoffs by constraining the sum of group proportions within a certain category to 100%. This reasoning process — referred to as uncertainty-based rescaling — leads people to systematically overestimate the size of small values and underestimate the size of large values. It also explains why estimates of populations closer to 0% (e.g., LGBT people, Muslims, and Native Americans) and populations closer to 100% (e.g., adults with a high school degree or who own a car) are less accurate than estimates of populations that are closer to 50%, such as the percentage of American adults who are married or have a child.

      Or. perhaps, it's just rampant civic ignorance. I think there's a significant portion of the population who just don't care to be informed about the demographics of their own countries.

    1. retention, loyalty and advocacy.

      How do we measure these things, especially the latter two?

    2. find long-term success

      This is more about engagement and retention. Users use the product deeply and repeatedly. These things can be measure but it's different meaures?

    3. lack of instructional design

      Paging Christie DeCarolis...

    4. There’s another distinct problem that occurs from this arrangement: Because the marketing department is so focused on engagement and conversion metrics, it develops its educational content specifically to meet those goals. Even if the content is informative, it is generally not written as educational content that builds proficiency through specific learning objectives. There tends to be content like passive videos that are informative but do not help build viewers’ competencies.

      Wow, just totally different genres, really.

    5. Education-based marketing is a strategy that shifts the message from a persuasive sales focus to one that imparts knowledge and builds trust,

      I'm down with this!

  12. Apr 2023
    1. Information Creation as a Process

      Information (or knowledge) creation is a *continuous* process. Scientific publication could (maybe should) be continuously be updated as presented in the following book chapter:

      HELLER, Lambert, THE, Ronald and BARTLING, Sönke, 2014. Dynamic Publication Formats and Collaborative Authoring. In: BARTLING, Sönke and FRIESIKE, Sascha (eds.), Opening Science. Online. Springer International Publishing. pp. 191–211. [Accessed 11 January 2014]. ISBN 978-3-319-00025-1. Retrieved from: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-00026-8_13

    1. We can be bolder about asking questions in public and encouraging others to pursue their curiosity, too. In that encouragement, we help create an environment where those around us feel safe from the shame and humiliation they may feel in revealing a lack of knowledge about a subject, which can round back to us.

      As an educator, be courageous, lead by example. Start by asking questions out loud, not only those you wish students to answer, but also those you genuinely don't know, and wish to research together with your students.

    2. Many people, myself included, can find asking questions to be daunting. It fills us with worry and self-doubt, as though the act of being inquisitive is an all-too-public admission of our ignorance. Unfortunately, this can also lead us to find solace in answers — no matter how shaky our understanding of the facts may be — rather than risk looking stupid in front of others or even to ourselves.

      Asking questions is how we learn. Do not avoid it for the sake of not looking stupid. That is stupid. Inquiry-Based Learning.

      As Confucius said: "The one who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the one who doesn't ask is a fool for life."

    1. Recommended Resource:

      I recommend adding this doctoral research article on developing open education practices (OEP) in British Columbia, Canada. The scholarly article is released by Open University, a U.K. higher education institution that promotes open education.

      Paskevicius, M. & Irvine, V. (2019). Open Education and Learning Design: Open Pedagogy in Praxis. Open University, 2019(1). DOI: 10.5334/jime.51

      A relevant excerpt from the article reveals the study results that show OEP enhances student learning:

      "Furthermore, participants reflected on how inviting learners to work in the open increased the level of risk and/or potential reward and thereby motivated greater investment in the work. This was articulated by Patricia who suggested “the stakes might feel higher when someone is creating something that’s going to be open and accessible by a wider community” as well as Alice who stated “students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.” The practice of encouraging learners to share their work was perceived by Olivia to “add more value to their work,” by showing learners the work they do at university can “have an audience beyond their professors.”"

    1. Ferguson, Niall. “I’m Helping to Start a New College Because Higher Ed Is Broken.” Bloomberg.Com, November 8, 2021, sec. Opinion. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-11-08/niall-ferguson-america-s-woke-universities-need-to-be-replaced.

      Seems like a lot of cherry picking here... also don't see much evidence of progress in a year and change.

      Only four jobs listed on their website today: https://jobs.lever.co/uaustin. Note all are for administration and none for teaching. Most have a heavy fundraising component.

    2. In our minds, there can be no more urgent task for a society than to ensure the health of its system of higher education.

      Really?! A conservative saying we should worry about the health of education as his fellows choke off funding to all levels of education in general?

      "Why are you turning blue and gasping for breath?" the Republican asks as he stands on the throat of education.

    3. Mitchell Langbert’s analysis of tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors from 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in 2017 found that those with known political affiliations were overwhelmingly Democratic. Nearly two-fifths of the colleges in Langbert’s sample were Republican-free.

      No acknowledgement here that 2017 was a Republican Presidential administration, which means that a reasonable number of academics left academia to staff the administration. It's a common occurrence that there are reasonable shifts back and forth between government and academia as administrations change. One should look at comparisons from a Democratic presidential administration for a better idea versus Ferguson's cherry picking here.

      Also unmentioned is the general disbelief in logic and the underpinning of science on the right in general, a fact which may make conservatives less likely to figure in these sorts of career paths. Are conservatives more likely to take career paths in capitalism-based endeavors than go into academia in the first place given the decrease in regulatory climate in the last half century?

      Additionally by only looking at liberal arts institutions, he's heavily biasing the sample from the start. Why not also include the wide variety of non-liberal arts institutions? Agriculture and Mechanical Schools, Engineering Schools, Religious Schools, etc.?

      The presumption of liberal profesoriate from the start is also likely to discourage students from considering the profession regardless of their desires and career goals, particularly when the professoriate has significantly shrunk in the last thirty years due to decreased funding. One ought to worry that there are any educators in the business of higher education, much less conservative ones who may be more biased to leave for higher paying careers elsewhere.

      There are so many missing pieces of analysis here...

    1. If there is a core theme to the formal position it is that education isabout passing on information; for formalists, culture and civilization represent astore of ideas and wisdom which have to be handed on to new generations.Teaching is at the heart of this transmission; and the process of transmission iseducation.
    2. Oakeshott saw educationas part of the ‘conversation of mankind’, wherein teachers induct their studentsinto that conversation by teaching them how to participate in the dialogue—howto hear the ‘voices’ of previous generations while cultivating their own uniquevoices.

      How did Michael Oakeshott's philosophy overlap with the idea of the 'Great Conversation' or 20th century movement of Adler's Great Books of the Western World.

      How does it influence the idea of "having conversations with the text" in the annotation space?

    3. There are, one might say, conservativeand liberal interpretations of this world view—the conservative putting theemphasis on transmission itself, on telling, and the liberal putting the emphasismore on induction, on initiation by involvement with culture’s established ideas.

      The formal educational viewpoint (in contrast to progressive education) can broadly be broken into conservative and liberal interpretations The conservative viewpoint focuses on transmission of knowledge while the liberal places its focus on initiation or induction into a culture's formative ideas.

    4. While progressive educators stress the child’s development from within,formalists put the emphasis, by contrast, on formation from without—formationthat comes from immersion in the knowledge, ideas, beliefs, concepts, andvisions of society, culture, civilization.
    5. Out of the ideas of Pestalozzi and Froebel, in the early 1900s Maria Montessorideveloped her method, depending on practical tasks such as personal care andcare for the environment, putting independence at the centre of the curriculum.

      Maria Montessori's educational model stemmed from the ideas of Pestalozzi and Froebel.

    6. Aristotle, who had said, many centuries before in Politics (BookVIII): ‘No one would dispute the fact that it is a lawgiver’s prime duty to arrangefor the education of the young. In states where this is not done the quality of theconstitution suffers.’

      Current American climate indicates that Republicans take this quote of Aristotle's to heart, but they're not closely thinking about how they define "education". They're definitely not defining it with respect to John Locke's views in Some Thoughts Concerning Education which encourages political systems that move away from an electorate that is subservient to authority.

      see: https://hypothes.is/a/upfxCtSiEe2wrdd3cOo-Lg for John Locke

    7. We could saythat he was the first progressive educator not simply because he encouraged hiscontemporaries and successors to think about the child as a special kind oflearner, but also because of his views on education’s role in helping to developan open, liberal polity. A political system, he said, needs people who are fair,open-minded, and think for themselves; it doesn’t want people who aresubservient to authority.

      We could say first, though I highly suspect that his ideas came from somewhere else...

    8. Samuel Butler had made the phrase ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’immortal in his satirical poem Hudibras.

      While the original proverb appears in King James Version of the Bible, Book of Proverbs 13:24, the satirical poem Hudibras is the first appearance of the quote and popularized the aphorism "spare the rod and spoil the child".



      syndication link: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hudibras&oldid=1148518740

    9. He even offeredgrim warnings about children’s bowel movements, stressing the absolute needfor regularity. Regularity should not be achieved, however, at the expense ofdensity or compactness in the, ahem, product, for ‘People that are very loosehave seldom strong thoughts or strong bodies’ (p. 22, original emphasis).

      Locke stressed the need for regular bowel movements in children in his book Some Thoughts Concerning Education and presupposed a link between the looseness of one's stool and the weakness of their bodies. This seemed to be a moralism rather than a question of general health and eating habits which continued into even my own childhood.

    10. Not only does Locke providean intellectual foundation for Rousseau’s view of the child as an experimenter,we can also see the seeds of Rousseau’s notions of the plasticity of the child’smind

      John Locke provides some intellectual foundation in his Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693) for Rousseau's Émile (1762) progressive and empiricist perspectives of teaching and learning.

    1. We are getting our minds so clear about them that soon we shall be able to demonstrate them and explain them to our children in our schools. We do not do so at present. We do not give our children a chance of discovering that they live in a world of universal change.

      What is H.G.Wells trying to say here? Our schools are the most conservative institution in our modern world (2023). It took a literal pandemic to get them online in any meaningful way and they did not adapt very well at all, they could have but they didn't.

  13. Mar 2023
    1. In the fall of 2015, she assigned students to write chapter introductions and translate some texts into modern English.

      Perhaps of interest here, would not be a specific OER text, but an OER zettelkasten or card index that indexes a variety of potential public domain or open resources, articles, pieces, primary documents, or other short readings which could then be aggregated and tagged to allow for a teacher or student to create their own personalized OER text for a particular area of work.

      If done well, a professor might then pick and choose from a wide variety of resources to build their own reader to highlight or supplement the material they're teaching. This could allow a wider variety of thinking and interlinking of ideas. With such a regiment, teachers are less likely to become bored with their material and might help to actively create new ideas and research lines as they teach.

      Students could then be tasked with and guided to creating a level of cohesiveness to their readings as they progress rather than being served up a pre-prepared meal with a layer of preconceived notions and frameworks imposed upon the text by a single voice.

      This could encourage students to develop their own voices as well as to look at materials more critically as they proceed rather than being spoon fed calcified ideas.

    1. Stroebe, Lilian L. “Die Stellung Des Mittelhochdeutschen Im College-Lehrplan.” Monatshefte Für Deutsche Sprache Und Pädagogik, 1924, 27–36. https://www.jstor.org/stable/44327729

      The place of Middle High German in the college curriculum<br /> Lilian L. Stroebe<br /> Monthly magazines for German language and pedagogy (1924), pp. 27-36

      ... of course to the reading material. Especially in the field of etymology it is easy to stimulate the pupils' independence. For years I have had each of my students create an etymological card dictionary with good success, and I see that at the end of the course they have this card box ...

    1. And, my kids learned all about the inner workings of the car in areas that are usually hidden. This was an exhilarating accomplishment, and a triumph of a homeschool project. I hope to do more with the kids over the years so that they have practical life skills, and I encourage other parents to work with their children to fix the family car.
    1. Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams: An Autobiography. Edited by Ira B. Nadel. 1907. Reprint, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

      annotation target: url: urn:x-pdf:36c954cb79cc117f8dbeff1351049bda

    1. For open educators, this runs counter to the very reason we use OER in the first place. Many open educators choose OER because there are legal permissions that allow for the ethical reuse of other people’s material — material the creators have generously and freely made available through the application of open licenses to it. The thought of using work that has not been freely gifted to the commons by the creator feels wrong for many open educators and is antithetical to the generosity inherent in the OER community.
    1. Zo wordt erop gewezen dat wij een zeer beperkt werkgeheugen hebben, het belang van aandacht, en dat “multitasking” (eigenlijk schakelen tussen taken) door leerlingen interfereert met aandachtig luisteren en het functioneren van het werkgeheugen. Andere uitkomsten zijn dat ook kinderen die zelf niet bezig zijn met mobieltje of laptop last hebben van klasgenoten die dat wel doen (trekt de aandacht). Een verschijnsel dat vergelijkbaar is met gedwongen meeroken.
    1. Those who decide to pursue their education in another nation are afforded the opportunity to witness first-hand the natural splendour and diverse cultural traditions of that nation.
    1. they involve the flow state. For this it is necessary to make use of adaptability that in the educational scope allows the personalization of the experience to extend the immersion and fun.

      Use of games involve the flow state. flow state is perhaps the most valuable state a student or anyone trying to learn something could be in. Flow combined with the acquisition of knowledge is a rare occassion that cannot be compared when taking education and insight as valuable with any other state (the normal state). (One could argue Thomas Campbell's trancedental medititative state, but he was a natural 'Talent', and it involves a practice of TM (Transcedental Meditation) that is beyond the scope of the ability of many educational settings to provide or consider).

  14. Feb 2023