238 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Die EU bezahlt Russland für fossile Brennstoffe mehr, als sie der Ukraine an Finanzhilfen zur Verfügung stellt. 2024 bezog sie für 22 Milliarden Euro Öl und Gas aus Russland und zahlte 19 Milliarden an die Ukraine, wobei Militär- und humanitäre Hilfe nicht einbezogen sind. Insgesamt betrugen die Einnahmen Russlands aus dem Export fossiler Brennstoffe im dritten Jahr der Invasion der ganzen Ukraine 242 Milliarden Euro. Der Guardian berichtet über einen neuen Report des Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/24/eu-spends-more-russian-oil-gas-than-financial-aid-ukraine-report

      Bericht: https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/eu-imports-of-russian-fossil-fuels-in-third-year-of-invasion-surpass-financial-aid-sent-to-ukraine/

  2. Feb 2025
    1. Siegfried Wolf ist mit seiner Klage, ein Kommentar Hans Rauschers zur österreichischen „Russland-Connection“ sei für ihn kreditschädigend, gescheitert, wobei das Urteil nicht rechtskräftig ist. In Rauschers Kommentar wurde vor allem Wolfs große Mitvervantwortung für die Bestellung Rainer Seeles zum OMV-Chef hingewiesen.Seele habe die OMV „auf den totalen Russland-Kurs gesteuert“. Wolf sei geschäftlich eng mit Russland verbunden und habe wiederholt Sympathien für Putin geäußert. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000253251/klage-von-industriellem-siegfried-wolf-gegen-standard-abgewiesen

  3. Jan 2025
  4. Dec 2024
  5. Nov 2024
    1. the whole point of the Nixon Administration was to split the Soviet Union from China and therefore win the Cold War so they're critical of the support of Ukraine and of Israel because they think that this simply disorient the United States policy

      for - further research - UD foreign policy - Ukraine - Israel - China - Russia - Nixon - Yanis Varoufakis

  6. Oct 2024
    1. A Russian agency is pushing new rules of conduct on Central Asian migrants that severely restrict usage of their native languages and warn them about praying in public and sacrificing animals for religious purposes. Central Asian migrants are told about the strict rules and code of behavior in a 70-minute course created by Russia's Federal Agency of Ethnic Affairs (FADN) in seminars in certain parts of the country. It includes for them to have mandatory knowledge of the Russian language and the country's migration laws, not to use their native language when they talk about Russians, and not to whistle at members of the opposite sex. The course also tells them "not to even whisper" in public using their mother tongue, Kommersant reported. Moreover, the common Central Asian practice of addressing people as "brother" or "sister" is said to be unacceptable when referring to Russians. Along with the language and behavioral restrictions, there are also religious limitations. The slaughtering of animals for religious worship in public will also be prohibited.

      Russia cracks down on use of Central Asian languages.

  7. Sep 2024
    1. Kara-Murza’s grasp of history underpins his certainty that Putin’s regime will collapse – quickly and without warning. “That’s how things happen in Russia. Both the Romanov empire in the early 20th century, and the Soviet regime at the end of the 20th century collapsed in three days. That’s not a metaphor, it was literally three days in both cases.” He believes passionately that the best chance of a free and democratic Russia and peace in Europe rests on Russia’s defeat in Ukraine.

      Kara-Murza's take on Russia is that collapse will be swift, much like twice before, 1917 and 1991.

    1. On 24 August, Ukrainian Independence Day, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had signed Law No. 3894-IX banning the Russian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate (ROC) as well as Ukrainian religious organisations affiliated with the ROC. The Law comes into force on 23 September. In his speech the same day he signed the Law, Zelensky stated that Ukrainian Orthodoxy had made a step "towards liberation from Moscow devils".

      Ukraine enacts new law on 8/24/24 giving government power to ban religious organizations deemed to have links to the Russian Orthodox Church,

    1. i wanted to convey the sense that not doing something to stop that tide of limiting freedom um is not natural it's it it it's limiting to whatever natural telos there may be and to existence

      for - claim - not intervening against Russia, that is trying to limit freedoms is not natural - Bernado Kastrup - counterexamples in ecology

      comment - Isn't a predator species in nature naturally setting a limit on the prey species in the environment? - In that way, the predator population is acting as a limiter of freedom, but keeps the prey population in check and in balance - There are many cases in ecology where the (artificial) removal of a predator species in an existent, balanced ecosystem resulted in overpopulation of the prey species as - there is no predator population to keep them in check

  8. May 2024
    1. they'll be continuing this hollowing out in attrition because the the Atri rate for Russia is significantly more than Ukraine

      from - Jake Broe - Russia Ukraine war analysis - https://hyp.is/6kSnPh5PEe-eKw9uZp-QOQ/docdrop.org/video/AYvyNr4ZMSs/

      from - Times Radio analysis of Russian's unsustainable attrition rate - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/

    2. for - polycrisis - Russia Ukraine war - game analysis

      summary - A simplified but interesting economic game analysis of the trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine war. - Drones have become a critical technology in this war and especially their mobile and cost advantage over much heavier, more expensive and slow-moving Russian equipment. - Drones conserve Ukrainian soldiers and minimize risk substantially. The 3 million drones being manufactured this year will likely accelerate the destruction of the Russian economy, bringing the war closer to ending. - Russia is critically dependent on its oil and gas industry and with the major destruction of its refineries, it will no longer be able to finance the war.

    1. their defense industrial base can't keep up with replacing that um they have replaced a lot of the stuff that they lost in the first 18 months of the 00:00:38 conflict but even at at the rates of losing that mean they can't keep that up so that's hollowing the Russian forces out

      for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate

      to - economic game analysis of Russia Ukraine War - https://hyp.is/avvydB5QEe-aheM72r6J4Q/docdrop.org/video/A-9kLZ19OAE/

    1. Ivan papov

      for - key insight - geopolitics - arrest of General Ivan Papov - suppress uprising

      key insight - geopolitics - Russia - arrest of general Papov - The arrest sends a signal to all the generals - do not try to overthrow Putin

    2. economic tsunami is just that Russian gas and oil that's the 00:33:08 foundation of Russian economy the bread makers and you take those away and then what is left Russia doesn't produce anything

      for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - oil and gas industry destruction leading to economic collapse

      adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Oil & Gas industry - Economic collapse - drone attacks on oil refineries - adjacency relationship - Konstantin' insider news is that the economic collapse is beginning due to the significant damage that the oil & gas refinery infrastructure has been damaged by effective Ukrainian drone attacks and the Western sanctions

    1. militarily I don't 00:19:43 think Ukraine can win if Russia can keep regenerating their forces you look at how many casualties Russia's taking today according to the ukrainians it's close to a thousand how many new contract soldiers is Russia recruiting a 00:19:57 day it's about a th Russia has figured out how to regenerate their losses and they don't care about losses so the only way to defeat Russia is a political or economic collapse

      for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse

      adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia - Ukraine War - polycrisis - How Ukraine wins - Russian economic collapse - adjacency statement - Since Putin is psychopathic and has no regards for how many Russian soldiers are sent to their death, he will continue to force Russian men to their death in large numbers - Russian commentator Konstantin Samoilov best summarizes it by saying: - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FA-9kLZ19OAE%2F&group=world

    2. Russia is going for genocide

      for - genocide - Russia

    3. let's just start blockading Russian ports nothing gets in or 00:16:57 out we're not going to s sink anything we're not going to kill anyone but we will detain some ships if Russia tries to get stuff in and out

      for - suggestion - Russia Ukraine war - shipping blockade of illegal oil tankers

    4. Putin looks at the borders of the old Russian Empire and he wants to roll back the clock to 00:14:49 1918

      for - adjacency - colonialism - polycrisis - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War

      adjacency - between - colonialism - Russia - Putin - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - adjacency relationship - Putin violated the US rule of keeping bloodshed and abuse in your own country by attacking the Ukraine in the manner that it did - Putin is acting as a colonialist to try to rebuild the borders of the Soviet Union

    5. another 00:04:11 mobilization another 300,000 Russian men

      for - Russia Ukraine war - Russia's unsustainable attrition rate - economic game analysis

      reference - economic game analysis video of unsustainable Russian war attrition rate - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FA-9kLZ19OAE%2F&group=world

    6. come this winter if you were paying attention last winter with all the utility failures

      for - Russian economy - domestic problems

      reference - see interview with Russian war domestic economy commentator Kostantin Samoilov - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FXX3zU5QNvCw%2F&group=world

    7. for - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - polycrisis - russia war - metacrisis - russia war - Jake Broe - Russia Ukraine war analysis

      summary - An intelligent analysis of the complexity of the Russia- Ukraine war. - Key points: - Russia's successful misinformation campaign has - created the MAGA disinformed political party and has - delayed the US Aid package - enabled the rapid rise of extreme right wing politics

    1. The Book of Hours was largely developed at the artist’s colony at Worpswede, but finished in Paris. It displays the turn towards mystical religiosity that was developing in the poet, in contrast to the naturalism popular at the time, after the religious inspiration he experienced in Russia. Soon thereafter, however, Rilke developed a highly practical approach to writing, encouraged by Rodin’s emphasis on objective observation. This rejuvenated inspiration resulted in a profound transformation of style, from the subjective and mystical incantations to his famous Ding-Gedichte, or thing-poems, that were published in the New Poems.

      Naturalism was prevalent in the time of Rilke (circa 1900s). Rilke, however, had a mystical experience in Russia? (did he literally have an experience of unity and bliss?) He combined this mysticism with the objectivity that he learned from Auguste Rodin.

      As a result, his writing had a mystical and objective bent to it. How exactly? Was this also present in his Apollo poems (1907)?

    1. 2023 Production Gap Report: Die USA, Russland und Saudi-Arabien planen wie die Mehrheit der 20 am meisten fossile Brennstoffe produzierenden Staaten, 2030 mehr Öl zu fördern als je zuvor. Indien will die Kohleproduktion bis 2030 verdoppeln, Kanada die Öl- und Gasförderung in 25 Jahren um 25% steigern. Brasilien will in 10 Jahren die Ölproduktion um 2/3, die Gasproduktion um 100% steigern. China, Deutschland, Großbritannien und Norwegen wollen die Produktion reduzieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/09/climate/coming-soon-more-oil-gas-and-coal.html

    1. Reclaim Finance zufolge ist 2022/23 die Finanzierung von 437 Öl- und Gasprojekte genehmigt worden. Beteiligt sind 200 Unternehmen in 58 Ländern. Die Projekte widersprechen der Roadmap der IEA zur Klimaneutralität von 2021, in der keine neuen fossilen Projekte vorgesehen sind. Eine Schlüsselrolle haben staatliche Firmen in Öl und Gas produzierenden Staaten. Bei der Zahl der Projekte liegen Russland und Norwegen vorne. Europäische Ölgesellschaften haben eine Reduzierung ihrer (unzureichenden) Dekarbonisierungsziele angekündigt. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/437-nouveaux-projets-petroliers-et-gaziers-quels-sont-les-pays-moteurs-des-energies-fossiles-en-2023-20231130_QRXDTQKM7NBIZGXWUNFQ7QRSWM/

    1. Dichter und sehr gut dokumentierter Überblicksratikel über die Expansionspläne der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Aus unerschlossenen Feldern sollen 230 Milliarden Barrel Öläquivalent gefördert werden - im klaren Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen. Durch Ausbeutung neuer Lager werden bis 2025 voraussichtlich 70 Gt CO<sub>2</sub> und damit 17% des Budgets für das 1,5° Ziel ausgestoßen. Eingegangen wird auch auf den Ausstiegsplan des Tyndall Centre. https://taz.de/Run-auf-fossile-Brennstoffe/!5973686/

    1. Die Pläne der Kohle-, Öl- und gasproduzierenden Staaten zur Ausweitung der Förderung würden 2030 zu 460% mehr Kohle, 83% mehr Gas und 29% mehr Ölproduktion führen, als mit dem Pariser Abkommen vereinbar ist. Der aktuelle Production Gap Report der Vereinten Nationen konzentriert sich auf die 20 stärksten Verschmutzer-Staaten, deren Pläne fast durchgängig in radikalem Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen stehen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/insanity-petrostates-planning-huge-expansion-of-fossil-fuels-says-un-report

      Report: https://productiongap.org/

    1. Grammar Topics to be covered: Please do not ignore any of the Grammar topics, If you do not wish to get "Band 7 or Less in writing". Just read a topic, go for an online test & your marks are good we are good to go …. Topics are Parts of speech, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection, Article, Tense, Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Phrases, Clauses, Conditionals, Modal Auxiliaries, Mood, Subject-Verb Agreement, Right Forms of Verbs, Case, Transformation of Sentences, Modifiers, Narration, Determiners & Quantifiers, Prefixes, Suffixes, Punctuation, Do-insertion / Do-support, Negation, Inversion.

      Please do not ignore any of the Grammar topics, If you do not wish to get "Band 7 or Less in writing". Just read a topic, go for an online test & your marks are good we are good to go …. Topics are Parts of speech, Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection, Article, Tense, Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Phrases, Clauses, Conditionals, Modal Auxiliaries, Mood, Subject-Verb Agreement, Right Forms of Verbs, Case, Transformation of Sentences, Modifiers, Narration, Determiners & Quantifiers, Prefixes, Suffixes, Punctuation, Do-insertion / Do-support, Negation, Inversion.

    1. Entering the field of medicine is a lifelong commitment that requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for helping others. The journey towards becoming a doctor is undoubtedly challenging, but it also promises immense personal and professional rewards. In India, two primary paths lead aspiring students to a career in medicine - NEET and MBBS. Understanding the nuances and differences between these two routes is crucial for making an informed decision about which path to pursue. Here we will delve into the world of medical education, decode the complexities of NEET and MBBS, compare the challenges they present, and ultimately help you decide whether NEET or MBBS is the right choice for you.

      Pursuing a career in medicine is a dream for many students. With numerous opportunities available worldwide, choosing the right country to study medicine can be a challenging decision. One country that has gained significant recognition in recent years is Uzbekistan. Renowned for its quality education and affordable tuition fees, Uzbekistan has emerged as a popular destination for aspiring medical students. In this article, we will explore the benefits of pursuing MBBS in Uzbekistan and why it is an excellent choice for your medical education journey.

    1. The Supreme Court (SC) recently made a favorable ruling for students pursuing an MBBS degree from abroad. The court stated that interns who have obtained medical degrees from foreign countries should not face discrimination. Justices Sudhanshu Dhulia and Prasanna Bhalchandra Varle took into consideration the arguments of advocate Tanvi Dubey. As represented a group of doctors. That some medical colleges do not provide stipend to foreign medical graduates during their internship. The court requested details from the National Medical Commission (NMC) about three specific colleges. Regarding the payment of stipend to foreign medical graduates.

      The Supreme Court (SC) recently made a favorable ruling for students pursuing an MBBS degree from abroad.

      The court stated that interns who have obtained medical degrees from foreign countries should not face discrimination. Justices Sudhanshu Dhulia and Prasanna Bhalchandra Varle took into consideration the arguments of advocate Tanvi Dubey. As represented a group of doctors. That some medical colleges do not provide stipend to foreign medical graduates during their internship.

      The court requested details from the National Medical Commission (NMC) about three specific colleges. Regarding the payment of stipend to foreign medical graduates.

  9. Apr 2024
    1. Pakistan hat zum ersten Mal mit chinesischen Yuan für russisches Erdöl bezahlt, das aufgrund der westlichen Sanktionen gegen Russland zu einem verbilligten Preis an die verbliebenen Abnehmerländer geliefert wird. Die Zahlung stellt das bisherige globale System der Bezahlung von Öl infrage, bei der immer der amerikanische Dollar als Währung verwendet wird. Standard-Artikel mit vielen Informationen zu den geo- und finanzpolitischen Hintergründen https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000174993/alternative-zum-dollar-pakistan-zahlt-erstmals-oel-in-yuan

    1. Overview of pursuing an MBBS education in Russia for 2024-25. Top medical universities, fee structure, and Admission details for an exciting rewarding opportunity. The country is home to several top universities that offer excellent medical programs. Universities in Russia offer MBBS in Russia admission to Indian students to MCI approved medical colleges in Russia. Russia 8th ranks in the list of preferred study destinations, attracting students from all over the world. The world rankings of medical universities are around 30 prestigious Russian Medical Universities. The Russian Federation is home to some of the world's best universities and medical institutions.

      There are several advantages to pursuing an MBBS degree in Uzbekistan. Firstly, the medical universities in Uzbekistan follow a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in medical sciences and practical skills necessary for their future medical practice. The emphasis on practical training ensures that students gain hands-on experience and develop the necessary clinical skills required in their profession. Moreover, the teaching methods employed in Uzbekistan medical universities are student-centered and interactive. Professors encourage active participation and engage students in discussions, case studies, and research projects. This approach fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills among students, preparing them to become competent healthcare professionals. Furthermore, the medical universities in Uzbekistan offer excellent clinical training and internship opportunities. Students have access to well-equipped hospitals and medical centers, where they can observe and assist experienced doctors in real-life medical scenarios. This practical exposure helps students bridge the gap between theory and practice, thereby enhancing their clinical competence and confidence. MBBS eligibility criteria in Uzbekistan To pursue an MBBS degree in Uzbekistan, there are certain eligibility criteria that students need to fulfill. Firstly, students must have completed their high school education or equivalent with a science background. This includes subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Additionally, students must have obtained a minimum aggregate score in their high school examinations as specified by the respective medical universities. Furthermore, students are required to pass the entrance examination conducted by the medical universities in Uzbekistan. The entrance examination evaluates the students' knowledge in science subjects and their aptitude for the medical profession. The scores obtained in the entrance examination play a crucial role in the admission process.

    1. Orthodox priests are more vulnerable to bribery than their Roman Catholic peers, Gregorios explained, because they are allowed to marry, and many have large families to provide for.
    2. The Russian investments were followed by a systematic effort to denigrate Patriarch Bartholomew on hundreds of new Greek-language websites, blogs, and Facebook groups, an online offensive documented by Alexandros Massavetas, a Greek journalist, in his 2019 book, The Third Rome.
    1. Great Books tend to arise in the presence of great audiences. by [[Naomi Kanakia]]

      Kanakia looks at what may have made 19th C. Russian literature great. This has potential pieces to say about how other cultures had higher than usual rates of creativity in art, literature, etc.

      What commonalities did these sorts of societies have? Were they all similar or were there broad ranges of multiple factors which genetically created these sorts of great outputs?

      Could it have been just statistical anomaly?

  10. Mar 2024
  11. Feb 2024
    1. Interview mit dem OMV-Chef Alfred Stern. Die OMV hat von der Energiekrise durch den Ukraine-Krieg profitiert, setzt internatiional auf Petrochemie im Joint Venture mit der Adnoc und sieht keine Veranlassung, russische Gaslierferungen nach Österreich zu stoppen. (Das österreichische Ministerium für Klimaschutz und Energie hat wegen der Kontrolle der ÖBAG durch das Finanzministerium und der gemeisamen Kontrolle der OMV durch ÖBAG und Adnoc offenbar kaum Einfluss.) https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article248647270/OMV-Chef-Ist-auch-vernuenftig-russisches-Gas-weiterhin-abzunehmen.html

    1. Im Interview mit Leonore Gewessler wird überdeutlich, dass Machtgruppen in Österreich – darunter die OMV und die ÖVP – den Ausstieg aus russischem Gas und eine mit den europäischen Regelungen konforme Klimapolitik (hier die rechtzeitige Vorlage des Nationalen Energie und Klimaplans zur Begutachtung durch die europäische Kommission) blockieren. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000209031/russische-bombe-in-der-zib-2-gewessler-ueber-omv-gazprom-und-moralische-verpflichtungen

    1. Bericht zu der Diskussion bei Im Zentrum über die Abhängigkeit Österreichs von russischem Gas. Im Dezember kamen 98% des verwendeten Gases aus Russland. Elemente der Abhängigkeit sind der Vertrag der OMV mit der Gazprom, die Entscheidungen der Landesenergie-Lieferanten, die rechtliche und verfassungsrechtliche Situation, die es unmöglich macht die Lieferanten zu anderen Bezugsquellen zu zwingen, und der noch immer nicht gebaute WAG-Loop in Oberösterreich. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000208010/im-zentrum-warum-wir-noch-an-der-russischen-gasleine-haengen

    1. Why don’t the Germans say: ”Look, guys, we give you money and weapons. Open up the valve, please, let the gas from Russia pass through for us.

      Indeed the Germans would earn more money for supporting the Ukranians but would pay some of these profits for the liquefied gas to their enemy state.

  12. Jan 2024
  13. Dec 2023
  14. Nov 2023
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20231126095958/https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/11/russian-journalists-ukraine-war-wagner-group/676064/

      Journalist Anna Nemtsova on Russian public society decline and losing hope after the post-Soviet period optimism wrt change. Places the turning point in 2011/2012. I worked in Moldova briefly then, and they were aiming to divert their exports to anyplace else than Russia. Kyrgyzstan had just had a revolution in spring 2010 (both towards democracy and Russian influenced). 2014 I wasn't allowed to travel from Kyrgyzstan through Moscow as P had not been seen in public for a week or two, while the Donbas conflict took place (MH17 was shot down a few months earlier). Late 2012 Russia signed onto OGP to withdraw ealry 2013 https://www.opengovpartnership.org/stories/russia-withdraws-from-open-government-partnership-too-much-transparency/ faving a controlled openness (through registered entities) above individual rights. Russia's foreign agents law is also from 2012. So seems to chime with my own experiences.

    1. permanent security”
      • for: definition - permanent security, examples - permanent security

      • definition: permanent security

        • Extreme responses by states to security threats, enacted in the name of present and future self defence.
        • Permanent security actions target entire civilian populations under the logic of ensuring that terrorists and insurgents can never again represent a threat. It is a project, in other words, that seeks to avert future threats by anticipating them today.
      • example: permanent security

        • Russian-Ukraine war
          • Vladimir Putin reasons that Ukraine must be forcibly returned to Russia so that it cannot serve as a launching site for NATO missiles into Russia decades from now.
        • Myanmar-Rohingya conflict
          • The Myanmarese military sought to squash separatism by expelling and killing the Rohingya minority in 2017
        • China-Uyghur conflict
          • China sought to pacify and reeducate Muslim Uyghurs by mass incarceration to forestall their striving for independence forever
        • Israel-Palestine conflict
          • Israel seeks to eliminate Hamas as a security threat once and for all after the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel
        • US-Iraq-Afghanistan
          • The US sought to eliminate Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities and to eliminate Osama Bin Laden for his bombing of the World Trade center.
    1. Die Ukraine wird ab Anfang 2025 kein russisches Erdgas mehr in europäische Länder weiterleiten und sich auch selbst vom.russischen Pipeline-Netz abkoppeln. Sie wird ihre Versorgung aus der eigenen Gasförderung decken. https://taz.de/Transitstopp-fuer-Gas/!5967136/

  15. Oct 2023
  16. Sep 2023
    1. According to YouTube chief product officer Neal Mohan, 70 percent of views on YouTube are from recommendations—so the site’s algorithms are largely responsible for amplifying RT’s propaganda hundreds of millions of times.
    1. ce disinformation campaigns around vaccines?

      In an article published on March 7, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) accused the Russian intelligence services of trying to undermine faith in the efficacy of Pfizer-BioNTech and other Western vaccines with false information, such as that the US government had pressured the licenser authority - do you know the accusation? – that vaccines are not sufficiently effective and have too many side effects. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the accusations:

      If we were to attribute all criticism of the Sputnik V vaccine to the American secret services, we would be crazy, since such criticisms appear in all Anglo-Saxon media at all hours of the day.

      According to a US State Department official, articles disguised as science target countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, and the publications are under the influence of the SSR, Russia's foreign intelligence service. The publication New Eastern Outlook has been accused of calling the mRNA editing used by Pfizer a "radical experimental technique" that is not precise enough and claiming that the regulatory approval process was controlled by Bill Gates and the president's chief adviser , Anthony Fauci urged and pushed through. According to them, only hymns should be sung about the mRNA technology, which has never been used for vaccine production before, otherwise one will become a Russian agent. While Trump was president, the American papers were full of him being politicallicensing authorities are under pressure . Under Biden, this should no longer be raised.

      According to the WSJ, one of the publications, News Front, is the tool of the FSZB, the successor of the KGB. In January, for example, an article was published stating that people vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine can develop Bell's paresis - facial nerve paralysis - and in February they wrote about a Californian man who became infected with the coronavirus after being vaccinated with Pfizer. I did a bit of research: a combined search for Bell's palsy and Moderna gives two hundred and fifty-five thousand results on the Internet, including the prestigious medical journal The Lancet or the announcements of the American epidemiological authority. It occurs very rarely, seven times out of forty thousand vaccinated, which is exactly seven times that of the control group. The case in California also happened .In these examples, coverage was simply classified as intelligence disinformation.

      On March 12, however, the Russians came forward with the claim that the Americans were organizing a disinformation campaign against Sputnik V. Perhaps this is related to the fact that Free Europe, which operates with American money, already called the Russian vaccine controversial on March 11 .

      Many are concerned that the Russian development program was not transparent enough. Additional concerns are that the European Medicines Agency has not yet approved the vaccine, possible production disruptions, and the fact that the Russians themselves are quite distrustful of Sputnik V.

    1. as journalist Branko Marcetic noted on Twitter

      It was not just one journalist that made this claim, nor was a claim of Russian Pravda - it has been noted by many journalist around the world that the, undisputed so far (Sep 2023), claim that it was Boris Johnson who broke the peace negotiations was made by the Ukranian Pravda.

  17. Aug 2023
  18. Jul 2023
    1. Moscow then illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014

      What Reuters and other mainstream media systematically neglect tot write is that what predated the annexation of Crimea was a 2014 a violent US-backed coup d'etat replaced the russia-friendly elected government with a Western-affiliated one that banned russian language (30%-50% of population) and said political parties, arresting their leaders.

  19. Jun 2023
    1. Die EU-Staaten erhalten weiterhin verflüssigtes Erdgas aus Russland und finanzieren damit den Krieg gegen die Ukrains. 16% des im ersten Quartal 2023 importierten LNG und 7% des insgesamt importierten Erdgas stammen aus Russland. Eine Bruegel-Analyse ergibt, dass ein Verzicht auf die russischen Lieferungen möglich wäre, wobei dann aber – wenn der Erdgasverbrauch gleich bleibt – LNG aus anderen Quellen gekauft werden müsste. https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2023/06/28/news/gas_liquefatto_russo_europa-405944960/?ref=RHVS-BG-I330891680-P3-S8-T1

      Bruegel-Analyse: https://www.bruegel.org/policy-brief/eu-can-manage-without-russian-liquified-natural-gas

    1. Das Verschwinden des arktischen meereises hat – in Verbindung mit den Spannungen in anderen Regionen – gravierende geopolitische Konsequenzen. Russland ist dabei, die Arktis massiv zu militarisieren. Dabei kooperiert ist mit China. Es will andererseits von den Schiffsrouten durch das eisfreie Nordpolarmeer profitieren. Wissenschaftliche Kooperation in der Arktis findet seit der Invasion der ganzen Ukraine im Februar 2022 nicht mehr statt. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/13/arctic-russia-nato-putin-climate

  20. May 2023
    1. New to me form of censorship evasion: easter egg room in a mainstream online game that itself is not censored. Finnish news paper Helsingin Sanomat has been putting their reporting on the Russian war on Ukraine inside a level of online FPS game Counter Strike, translated into Russian. This as a way to circumvent Russian censorship that blocks Finnish media. It saw 2k downloads from unknown geographic origins, so the effect might be very limited.

  21. Apr 2023
  22. Mar 2023
    1. Stora delar av den rasideologiska miljön uppfattar Vladimir Putins politiska projekt som en motvikt till EU, liberalism eller ”globalism”. Därför har nyhetssajter och organisationer i miljön knutit band till Ryssland och spridit den ryska regimens narrativ.
    2. Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina har splittrat den rasideologiska miljön. De flesta grupper undviker att ta tydlig ställning. Men i ett försök att framstå som en balanserande kraft i det offentliga samtalet sprider de högerextrema medierna ett okritiskt pro-ryskt narrativ om kriget och krigets orsaker. Det gör den rasideologiska miljön till en tummelplats för rysk desinformation och påverkan.
  23. Jan 2023
    1. T he REVELATIONS about the possible complicity of the Bulgarian secret police in the shooting of the Pope have produced a grudging admission, even in previously skeptical quarters, that the Soviet Union may be involved in international terrorism. Some patterns have emerged in the past few years that tell us some- thing about the extent to which the Kremlin may use terrorism as an instrument of policy. A great deal of information has lately come to light, some of it accurate, some of it not. One of the most interesting developments appears to be the emergence of a close working relation- ship between organized crime (especially drug smug- glers and dealers) and some of the principal groups in the terrorist network.

  24. Dec 2022
    1. The Open Society Foundations extend our condolences to the friends and family of loved ones on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. We are deeply saddened to learn of the loss of the HIV/AIDS researchers and advocates onboard traveling to the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, along with all the other people who perished.
    1. Notice that Twitter’s account purge significantly impacted misinformation spread worldwide: the proportion of low-credible domains in URLs retweeted from U.S. dropped from 14% to 7%. Finally, despite not having a list of low-credible domains in Russian, Russia is central in exporting potential misinformation in the vax rollout period, especially to Latin American countries. In these countries, the proportion of low-credible URLs coming from Russia increased from 1% in vax development to 18% in vax rollout periods (see Figure 8 (b), Appendix).

    1. On Facebook, we identified 51,269 posts (0.25% of all posts)sharing links to Russian propaganda outlets, generating 5,065,983interactions (0.17% of all interactions); 80,066 posts (0.4% of allposts) sharing links to low-credibility news websites, generating28,334,900 interactions (0.95% of all interactions); and 147,841 postssharing links to high-credibility news websites (0.73% of all posts),generating 63,837,701 interactions (2.13% of all interactions). Asshown in Figure 2, we notice that the number of posts sharingRussian propaganda and low-credibility news exhibits an increas-ing trend (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), whereas after the invasion ofUkraine both time series yield a significant decreasing trend (moreprominent in the case of Russian propaganda); high-credibilitycontent also exhibits an increasing trend in the Pre-invasion pe-riod (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), which becomes stable (no trend)in the period afterward. T
    2. On Twitter, the picture is very similar in the case of Russianpropaganda, where all accounts are verified (with a few exceptions)and mostly associated with news outlets, and generate over 68%of all retweets linking to these websites (see panel a of Figure 4).For what concerns low-credibility news, there are both verified (wecan notice the presence of seanhannity) and not verified users,and only a few of them are directly associated with websites (e.g.zerohedge or Breaking911). Here the top 15 accounts generateroughly 30% of all retweets linking to low-credibility websites.
    3. Figure 5: Top 15 spreaders of Russian propaganda (a) andlow-credibility content (b) ranked by the proportion ofretweets generated over the period of observation, with re-spect to all retweets linking to websites in each group. Weindicate those that are not verified using “hatched” bars

    4. Figure 4: Top 15 spreaders of Russian propaganda (a) andlow-credibility content (b) ranked by the proportion of in-teractions generated over the period of observation, withrespect to all interactions around links to websites in eachgroup. Given the large number of verified accounts, we indi-cate those not verified using “hatched” bars.

    1. The style is one that is now widely recognized as a tool of sowing doubt: the author just asked ‘reasonable’ questions, without making any evidence-based conclusions.Who is the audience of this story and who could potentially be targeted by such content? As Bratich argued, 9/11 represents a prototypical case of ‘national dissensus’ among American individuals, and an apparently legitimate case for raising concerns about the transparency of the US authorities13. It is indicative that whoever designed the launch of RT US knew how polarizing it would be to ask questions about the most painful part of the recent past.
    2. Conspiracy theories that provide names of the beneficiaries of political, social and economic disasters help people to navigate the complexities of the globalized world, and give simple answers as to who is right and who is wrong. If you add to this global communication technologies that help to rapidly develop and spread all sorts of conspiracy theories, these theories turn into a powerful tool to target subnational, national and international communities and to spread chaos and doubt. The smog of subjectivity created by user-generated content and the crisis of expertise have become a true gift to the Kremlin’s propaganda.
    3. To begin with, the US output of RT tapped into the rich American culture of conspiracy theories by running a story entitled ‘911 questions to the US government about 9/11’
    4. Instead, to counter US hegemonic narratives, the Kremlin took to systematically presenting alternative narratives and dissenting voices. Russia’s public diplomacy tool — the international television channel Russia Today — was rebranded as RT in 2009, probably to hide its clear links to the Russian government11. After an aggressive campaign to expand in English-, Spanish-, German- and French-speaking countries throughout the 2010s, the channel became the most visible source of Russia’s disinformation campaigns abroad. Analysis of its broadcasts shows the adoption of KGB approaches, as well as the use of novel tools provided by the global online environment
  25. Nov 2022
    1. In broad terms, when I read this highly abbreviated account of a very complex matter, I cannot help buy see a reflection of what's going on in the US - where Lenin is in the role of Trump.

      Most significantly, it seems that in both cases, a madman got the poor and uneducated to throw out one form of power structure for another, in both cases of which the poor and uneducated gained nothing.

    1. Βρέθηκαν στη γραμμή πυρός από την αρχή, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της αεροπορικής επιδρομής της 9ης Μαρτίου που κατέστρεψε ένα μαιευτήριο στην κατεχόμενη πλέον πόλη-λιμάνι της Μαριούπολης.

      Συμφωνα με τον Johnny Miller, η ίδια η έγγκυος στη συνέντευξη κατηγορούσε τους Ουκρανούς, αλλα το οι NYT & BBC έκοψαν αυτό το κομμάτι από τη συνένμευξή της.

  26. view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org view.connect.americanpublicmedia.org
    1. Most of the tourist and sporting infrastructure had to be built at enormous expense — estimates range anywhere from$200 billion to $300 billion. Yet the return on investment for huge events like this is rarely positive. The Olympics are infamously pricey  to put on, and the economic benefits for residents of the host city are questionable.  So, with the big price tag and not much to show in return, why do countries like Qatar, Russia and Brazil offer up billions of dollars to host global sporting events? According to Victor Matheson, a professor of economics at the College of the Holy Cross and a former Major League Soccer referee, they may be seeking to burnish their reputations through international media coverage.   “If you’re putting any sort of significant money into infrastructure like Qatar obviously is doing, there’s just no way you can make that back on ticket sales, on media rights, [or] on the amount of money you make from tourists coming to visit your country,” Matheson said in an interview with Marketplace’s David Brancaccio. “So obviously, you’re hoping for some sort of long-run benefits, some sort of legacy, and often that is an improvement in your reputation, either as a tourist destination or as a world player in some ways.” 

      Alternate thesis for why countries and cities vie to host money-losing events like the World Cup and the Olympics: grift.

      With the necessary need for building infrastructure, there's easy and ample opportunity for cooking the books and pushing cash flow into the pockets of contractors and political figures as well as into the pockets of the governing bodies and their officials.

      Cross reference FIFA bribery

      Some of the money may go into the local economy and workers which is good, but who's really benefitting here? Where is the money going? Who is footing the loss? It can't all be written off to goodwill.

  27. Oct 2022
    1. Putin’s regime
      • Why is Russia state a "regime"? More than eg Egypt's or Israel's contra its arab-speakng citizens?
      • Why is Putin responsible more than eg Medvedev or Zuganov of Lacrov or other officials and strongmen of the russia government? Why is it necessary to name the PM of Russia?
  28. Sep 2022
    1. The US then began integrating Ukraine into NATO, such that by June of 2020 it was recognised as an “Enhanced Opportunities Partner”. A year later, the two countries signed a “Charter on Strategic Partnership”, which declared that the US supports Ukraine’s “aspirations to join NATO”.

      After the Maidan revolution the US started to integrate Ukraine into NATO through unofficial means.

      By June 2020 they were recognised as an Enhanced Opportunities Partner (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_176327.htm)

      A year later in 2021 the US and Ukraine signed a "Charter on Strategic Partnership" which declared that the US supports Ukrain's aspirations to join NATO (https://www.state.gov/u-s-ukraine-charter-on-strategic-partnership/).

  29. Aug 2022
    1. he war in Ukraine remains a major variable in the worldwide supply outlook since Russia normally supplies one of every 10 barrels of the global 100-million-barrel-a-day market

      Umfang des Ölmärkte: 100 Mill. Barrel am Tag.

      Russischer Anteil: 10%

      Verbrauch der USA: Ca ein Drittel

    1. Russian oil production has fallen by less than 3% since the invasion of Ukraine, with a swathe of western energy sanctions having only a “limited” effect, the International Energy Agency has found.
    1. Gas und Öl aus Russland haben die deutsche Wirtschaft, die treibende Kraft der EU, angekurbelt, die ihrerseits zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des gesamten Weltmarkts geworden ist.

      Diese Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft ist ein entscheidender Punkt, siehe auch den Bericht in Libération über die befürchtete Krise in Deutschland. @bourdoiseauPourAllemagneDopee2022

  30. Jul 2022
    1. "The attack cast serious doubt on the credibility of Russia's commitment," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said

      Because that is the problem, this attack is what puts doubts about the credibility

  31. Jun 2022
  32. Apr 2022
    1. Let's try to examine the roots of the Ukrainian conflict. It starts with those who for the last eight years have been talking about "separatists" or "independentists" from Donbass. This is a misnomer. The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, were not referendums of "independence" (независимость), as some unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of "self-determination" or "autonomy" (самостоятельность). The qualifier "pro-Russian" suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term "Russian speakers" would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin.

      The referenda of Donestk and Lugansk were not about independence but about self-determination.

  33. Mar 2022
    1. Ben Collins. (2022, February 28). Quick thread: I want you all to meet Vladimir Bondarenko. He’s a blogger from Kiev who really hates the Ukrainian government. He also doesn’t exist, according to Facebook. He’s an invention of a Russian troll farm targeting Ukraine. His face was made by AI. https://t.co/uWslj1Xnx3 [Tweet]. @oneunderscore__. https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1498349668522201099

    1. In the video, the soldiers of the special forces of the DPR described the real situation in Mariupol, criticizing the hooray-patriotic approach of many Russian and local journalists.

      Much down to earth report from a Donetsk fighter about Mariupol progress of Russian invasion, seems to be older than March 30.

    1. Russia has approximately 6,000 nuclear warheads – the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. In an interview on Saturday, Medvedev said Russia’s nuclear doctrine did not require an enemy state to use such weapons first.He said: “We have a special document on nuclear deterrence. This document clearly indicates the grounds on which the Russian Federation is entitled to use nuclear weapons. There are a few of them, let me remind them to you:“Number one is the situation, when Russia is struck by a nuclear missile. The second case is any use of other nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies.“The third is an attack on a critical infrastructure that will have paralysed our nuclear deterrent forces.“And the fourth case is when an act of aggression is committed against Russia and its allies, which jeopardised the existence of the country itself, even without the use of nuclear weapons, that is, with the use of conventional weapons.”Medvedev added that there was a “determination to defend the independence, sovereignty of our country, not to give anyone a reason to doubt even the slightest that we are ready to give a worthy response to any infringement on our country, on its independence”.
    1. Erdogan said. “We are building the Akkuyu Nuclear Energy Plant with Russia.”

      I tohught the West would demand that Turkey stop cooperating with Russia to acquire nuclear capabilities...not even that!

    2. However, Erdogan said Turkey and Russia were also negotiating a way to use the Ruble and Turkish Lira for tourism as Putin promised the Turkish leader he would encourage Russians to travel to Turkey.

      Mhtsotaki's unconditional pro-West stance has given Turkey all kinds of leverage and benefits, including economical ones.

    1. The American sanctions created more than just sewage problems, and Japanese leaders came to believe they would lose power if they did nothing. They also believed they would lose power if they abandoned the war in China. As a result, Tokyo expanded the war and attacked Pearl Harbor. Critically, the Japanese cabinet chose to attack the United States even after it received analysis which reached the “unequivocal conclusion” that war with the United States “was unwinnable.”

      What if sanctions catastrophically succeed?

    1. Το «φρούριο Δύση» που συγκροτείται, ενάντια σε Ρωσία και Κίνα ξεκινάει και θα συνεχίσει στραμμένο τέρμα δεξιά με τα μισά του κανόνια να κοιτάνε προς τα μέσα.
    1. “The choice that we faced in Ukraine — and I'm using the past tense there intentionally — was whether Russia exercised a veto over NATO involvement in Ukraine on the negotiating table or on the battlefield,” said George Beebe, a former director of Russia analysis at the CIA and special adviser on Russia to former Vice President Dick Cheney. “And we elected to make sure that the veto was exercised on the battlefield, hoping that either Putin would stay his hand or that the military operation would fail.”

      So invasion of Russia's in Ukraine had been explicitly provoked by CIA!

    1. « Η επιλογή που αντιμετωπίσαμε στην Ουκρανία — και χρησιμοποιώ σκόπιμα την ένταση του παρελθόντος εκεί — ήταν εάν η Ρωσία άσκησε βέτο για τη συμμετοχή του ΝΑΤΟ στην Ουκρανία στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων ή στο πεδίο της μάχης» δήλωσε ο Τζορτζ Μπίμπε, πρώην διευθυντής ανάλυσης της Ρωσίας στη CIA και ειδικός σύμβουλος για τη Ρωσία στον πρώην αντιπρόεδρο Ντικ Τσένι. Παρακάτω: η πλήρης διάλεξη του Πανεπιστημίου του Σικάγου John J. Mearsheimer, η οποία τώρα γίνεται ιογενής.. Ο Μπίμπι της CIA ακολουθεί αυτή την σχεδόν απίστευτη ατάκα:  «Και εκλέξαμε για να βεβαιωθούμε ότι το βέτο ασκήθηκε στο πεδίο της μάχης, ελπίζοντας ότι είτε ο Πούτιν δεν θα το αποτολμήσει  είτε η επιχείρησή του θα αποτύχει”.

      Η μεταφραση ειναι χαλια, εδώ το αγγλικό κειμενο.

    1. Russia has said it may close its main gas pipeline to Germany if the West goes ahead with a ban on Russian oil.

      This could be a blessing and a boon to climate change transition to a fossil fuel free world.

    1. The legacy of the expansion of the Russian Empire and the development of Soviet nationalities policies was a complex mosaic of different communities scattered across Eurasia with historical ties to Russia.

      Not "one Russia", but many unique cultures loosely associated with it.

      • Russia and Ukraine DO have a shared culture and origin, but all people have that actually. Both cultures (plus Belarus) shaped each other, it's incorrect to say that any one was once part of the other (the "ancient Rus" were not today's Russians).
      • Putin fits his ideas of a strong Russia into the historical context with disregard for actual facts.
      • In that he leaves the Ukrainians no choice of their own culture or power to shape it, which short-circuits (invalidates) the entire discussion.
    1. However, this assertion does not make sense if Ukraine and Russia are the same.

      Why doesn't it make sense according to his reasoning? This would simply be a territorial dispute if you incorrectly believe that cultures are static (that Ukrainians are carbon copies of Russians). In that case the Soviet Union would have carved Ukraine out of Russia's territory, and after the fall of the Union Ukraine continued as a separate nation without reason.

      That's of course ignoring the historical fact that Ukraine was not actually Russian territory (as described above).

    2. The whole topic is clearly a personal idée fixe for him: back in July 2013, and before the annexation of Crimea and the war in eastern Ukraine that followed during the subsequent year, he gave a speech in Kyiv stating that all of Ukraine was historical Russia.

      Integrating Ukraine into Russia is not a new idea. How many other people inside Russia believe this (disregarding effects of propaganda)? Putin can't be the one who invented it?

    3. Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians have all used Rus’ as part of their compound name at various times; but this only means they are kin, not the ‘same people’. Putin’s argument that the Ancient Rus’ were ancient Russians is, therefore, only one possibility out of four.

      Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians DO have a shared culture -- but that simply means they are similar to each other. No two people are exactly the same.

    1. are halting deliveries to Russia to comply with sanctions.

      Interesting, at least some of the companies pausing business in Russia are forced to do so through the sanctions by the US government.

      • "Restoring the Russian empire" requires an easy victory over Ukraine, as it's meant as a "liberation" from the western "empire of lies".
      • The fierce resistance by the Ukrainian people invalidates this premise. Their national identity is strengthened through the resistance in this conflict.
      • This means Putin pushed Ukraine further away from Russia, rather than integrate them.
      • If he extracts political concessions from Ukraine (e.g. that they won't join NATO), the only way to enforce them is through intimidation. The effectiveness of economic sanctions may prevent this from working longer term
    1. But the Russian despot has told his lie so many times that he apparently believes it himself.

      Does Putin even see the population of Russia as real people? Particularly the activists. Maybe he thinks that most people need to be told what to do ("freed from the empire of lies").

    1. Russia has reportedly been trying for years to “unplug” from the internet so it can completely control communications in the country. Internet providers shouldn’t help the Russian government, or any government, keep people within an information bubble.

      Any good article on this, and on Russia's propaganda machine in general?

      Are they trying to emulate China, or did they arrive on this on their own?

    1. this derails the whole rationale of Putin’s war. Because you can conquer the country, maybe, 00:09:54 but you won't be able to absorb Ukraine back into Russia. The only thing he's accomplishing, he is planting seeds of hatred in the hearts of every Ukrainian. Every Ukrainian being killed, every day this war continues is more seeds of hatred that may last for generations. 00:10:17 Ukrainians and Russians didn't hate each other before Putin. They’re siblings. Now he's making them enemies. And if he continues, this will be his legacy.

      Putin wanted this violence. He planned it for years but as they say "careful what you wish for, it just may come true". Putin will win the battle but will lose the war.

    2. his long-term goal, the whole rationale of the war, 00:07:47 is to deny the existence of the Ukrainian nation and to absorb it into Russia. And to do that, it's not enough to conquer Ukraine. You also need to hold it. And it's all based on this fantasy, on this gamble, that most of the population in Ukraine would agree to this, would even welcome this. 00:08:11 And we already know that it's not true. That the Ukrainians are a very real nation; they are fiercely independent; they don’t want to be part of Russia; they will fight like hell. And in the long-run, again, you can conquer a country, But as the Russians learned in Afghanistan, as the Americans learned also in Afghanistan, also in Iraq, it's much harder to hold a country.

      Does Putin know this? Do his advisors know this? If so, is the current targeting of civilians all to save face? What a price to pay!

    3. The imperial dream was always there, but you know, empires are often the creation of a very small gang of people at the top. I don’t think the Russian people [are] interested in this war. I don't think that the Russian people want to conquer Ukraine or to slaughter the citizens of Kyiv.

      The interesting modern historical question is why does a small gang of authoritarian leaders seem to rise up to the top and take over Russia? Is there some fundamental lesson that the people of Russia have not yet learned that creates this atmosphere of enabling authoritarianism? Yeltsin tried but it failed and this vacuum created the space for the opportunity Putin to step in. The danger of failed democracy is authoritarianism waiting in the wings.

  34. Feb 2022
    1. “We think there will be a need to rethink the whole security situation if these Russian troops and weapons are here to stay [in Belarus] as they appear,”

      Was Belarus allying itself to Russia really that unexpected?

    1. But if you look at [the demands Putin made of the west before invading], it’s not just Ukraine.

      Putin's stated goal isn't even about Ukraine directly, just about preventing its shift to the west politically. https://youtu.be/1qS6J-WbTD8?t=1364

    1. UK-based Shell (RDSA) owns a 27.5% stake in Sakhalin-2, which it describes as one of the world's largest integrated oil and gas projects. Shell says Sakhalin-2 supplies about 4% of the world's current liquified natural gas market.ExxonMobil (XOM)has been in Russia for over 25 years, and employs about 1,000 people there.Its subsidiary, Exxon Neftegas Limited, has a 30% stake in Sakhalin-1 — a vast oil and natural gas project located off Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. It has operated the project since 1995 on behalf of a consortium that includes Japanese and Indian partners, as well as two affiliates of Rosneft.

      Will any of these companies or countries divest?

    2. In addition to its stake in Rosneft, BP had three joint ventures with Russia's biggest oil company — a 20% stake in the Taas-Yuryakh oil project in eastern Siberia, 49% of Yermak Neftegaz in Western Siberia and 49% in the Kharampur oil and gas project.

      Will BP divest in these as well?

    1. Russian armored vehicles are loaded onto railway platforms

      They are loaded onto railway flatcars. The platform is the area in the photo marked by white lines - where passengers board trains.

      Journalists know very little about the world around them yet present themselves as authoritative.

  35. Jan 2022
    1. Ariel Karlinsky. (2022, January 2). Russia at 1.04 MILLION excess deaths since March 2020, which is about 240% higher than their reported COVID-19 deaths. This is 1st place worldwide (for countries with data) in absolute excess mortality, 2nd place on per capita terms and 9th on p-score. #poptwitter #epitwitter https://t.co/aLBRRht3z2 [Tweet]. @ArielKarlinsky. https://twitter.com/ArielKarlinsky/status/1477531141510946818

  36. Dec 2021
  37. Oct 2021
    1. Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer

      is:webpage lang:en COVID-19 graph case death Germany Sweden UK Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Djobouti Dominica Dominician Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Europe Europian Union Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mashall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North America North Macedonia Northern Cyprus Norway Oceania Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philipines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South America South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Togo Trinidad Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe test vaccine chart map table data case fatality rate mortality




  38. Jul 2021
    1. The Daily Beast on Twitter: “The Russian marketing agency Fazze made a splash with attempts to pay off European influencers to spread fake dirt about Western vaccines in an apparent bid to make Moscow’s COVID-19 jab seem more appealing https://t.co/PEOnx1IggE” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2021, from https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1420388337421013001

  39. Jun 2021
    1. Osmanov, I. M., Spiridonova, E., Bobkova, P., Gamirova, A., Shikhaleva, A., Andreeva, M., Blyuss, O., El-Taravi, Y., DunnGalvin, A., Comberiati, P., Peroni, D. G., Apfelbacher, C., Genuneit, J., Mazankova, L., Miroshina, A., Chistyakova, E., Samitova, E., Borzakova, S., Bondarenko, E., … Sechenov StopCOVID Research Team. (2021). Risk factors for long covid in previously hospitalised children using the ISARIC Global follow-up protocol: A prospective cohort study [Preprint]. Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.26.21256110

  40. May 2021
  41. Apr 2021
  42. Mar 2021
  43. Feb 2021
  44. Oct 2020
    1. “every courageous and incisive measure to solve internal problems of our own society, to improve self-confidence, discipline, morale and community spirit of our own people, is a diplomatic victory over Moscow worth a thousand diplomatic notes and joint communiqués. If we cannot abandon fatalism and indifference in the face of deficiencies of our own society, Moscow will profit.”

      Perhaps the best defense against active measures is a little bit of activism of our own

  45. Sep 2020
  46. Aug 2020
  47. Jul 2020
  48. Jun 2020
    1. The habits and appearance of the Ickabog changed depending on who was describing it. Some made it snakelike, others dragonish

      This is reminiscent of dragons in Russian lore. See: Gordy, Lee, How Saint George’s Dragon Got Its Wings (JSTOR Daily, February 2020)

  49. May 2020
  50. Jan 2020
  51. Dec 2019
    1. St. Petersburgh

      One of the northernmost cities in Russia, St. Petersburgh, along with the city Archangel mentioned below, has a name that suggests a journey with theological overtones as Robert Walton moves ever closer on his expedition to his aim of discovering the principle of life, magnetism, and thus symbolically the seat of God.

    2. And now my wanderings began

      "Guided by a slight clue," Victor tracks the monster from Geneva along the windings of the Rhone southward to the Mediterranean. He spots the monster hiding in a ship and follows him to the Black Sea, through the wilds of Tartary and Russia. Ultimately, he travels northward into the ice.

    3. Archangel.

      Archangel is the anglicized name for the town of Arkhangelsk, a large seaport in northern Russia.

    4. hide himself in a vessel bound for the Black Sea

      Victor sails northeast toward the Black Sea, whose far shore is Russia.

  52. Oct 2019
  53. Aug 2019