395 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
  2. Jul 2020
    1. Если встретят они верующих, то [общаясь с ними] говорят: «Мы [так же, как и вы] уверовали». Когда же остаются наедине со своими дьяволами [оказываясь в привычной для них атмосфере бездуховности, неверия и порока], говорят: «Мы с вами [остаемся такими, какие есть]! Мы [над верующими] лишь насмехаемся (подшучиваем, издеваемся)» (Св. Коран, 2:14).
  3. Jun 2020
  4. May 2020
    1. Some GitLab features can behave differently for each environment. For example, you can create a secret variable to be injected only into a production environment.
    1. Environmental authorities also reported an increase in illegal logging, wild animal trafficking and poaching of large cats since quarantine began
    2. destroying rainforest ecosystems raises the odds of new pathogens making the jump from animals to humans. It also harms our ability to deal with climate change, as tropical forests are a key component in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
    3. criminal groups and opportunists expanding their activities, taking advantage of lockdown and diminished forest monitoring and government presence. The second is that people living in these rural areas are facing increased economic pressures and are forced to rely more heavily on nature for food and income
    4. Environmental agencies have reported an uptick in deforestation during lockdowns, as well as increases in poaching, animal trafficking and illegal mining worldwide
  5. Apr 2020
  6. Feb 2020
    1. GARCIA-NAVARRO: Yeah, the CBC sent a professional dumpster diver out to some major Toronto shopping malls while they were looking into this. And she found all kinds of boxes of new items just thrown in the trash. VASIL: It's really alarming, actually, when you realize how much is ending up in the trash that is perfectly good and still in functional condition.
    1. As developers we love our own local setup. We spend a lot of time and effort on making sure our favorite code editor and command line shell is as we want it to be, everything else is subpar, a hindrance to our productivity. The local environment is king. It’s where we should be coding our load test scripts and from where we should initiate our load tests.
    1. As you can see, having one fewer child still comes out looking like a solid way to reduce carbon emissions — but it’s absolutely nowhere near as effective as it first seemed. It no longer dwarfs the other options. On this model, instead of having one fewer kid, you can skip a couple of transatlantic flights and you’ll save the same amount of carbon. That seems like a way more manageable sacrifice if you’re a young person who longs to be a parent.

      Even if I believed the highly optimistic predictions of very strong climate policy in the USA (which I don't), having one fewer child still reduces emissions each year more than twice as much as living car free or avoiding a trans-atlantic flight every year.

      And they state it as "instead of having one fewer kid, you can skip a couple of transatlantic flights and you’ll save the same amount of carbon." ... but this requires each parent to forgo 2 transatlantic flights they would have taken every year for the rest of their life, if I understand correctly.

  7. Jan 2020
    1. Europium poses no environmental threath to plants or animals. The metal dust presents a fire and explosion hazard.

      Environmental Problems

  8. Dec 2019
    1. Th ough cautions are oft en expressed [e.g., Plomin, DeFries, McClearn, & Rutter, 1997], the fact that reported biological mothers-adopted children correlations are higher than adoptive mothers-adopted children correlations has had a big impact in psychology and on theories of development. Most usually, the correlations have been computed into heritability

      This does suggest some of the supposed heritability is actually prenatal environment (or some other analogous factor). It's also possible that e.g. mitochondrial DNA plays a bigger role than previously recognized, much how thyroid status is the #1 predictor of mental retardation. Perhaps IVF will shed further light on the issue.

    1. This is a browser execution environment. It may provide additional built in objects exposed in the global namespace. It is a specialized execution environment which provides builtin capabilities beyond the base javascript language spec.
    2. This is a non-dom based javascript execution environment. It usually only contains the base javascript language spec libraries and objects along with modules to communicate with OS features (available through commonjs require).
    3. Consider that the client environment as the special case as it exposes objects into the global space to provide certain features and limits others.

      Doesn't the server ever expose objects into the global space??

    1. neutrino build --require dotenv/config You can then tell Neutrino to inject these environment variables in your neutrinorc: ['@neutrinojs/env', [ 'NODE_ENV', 'APPLICATION_NAME', 'LOGIN_STRATEGIES', 'TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL', ]],
  9. Nov 2019
  10. Oct 2019
    1. Aspiring to canonicity, one fun project would be to take the most recent IPCC climate assessment report (perhaps starting with a small part), and develop a version which is executable. Instead of a report full of assertions and references, you'd have a live climate model – actually, many interrelated models – for people to explore. If it was good enough, people would teach classes from it;
    2. But in the notebook format it's much easier for the reader to experiment. Their exploration is scaffolded, they can make small modifications and see the results, even the answers to questions Norvig did not anticipate
  11. Sep 2019
  12. Jul 2019
    1. “you have to buy the class, basically pay for the class […] you had to pay, there’s no way to go around it.”

      Which again raises the question of pedagogy. The practice also creates a classroom environment based at least in part on begrudging compliance and resentment. Not great!

  13. May 2019
    1. Henderson is littered with at least 17.6 tons of (mostly plastic)

      we should avoid using plastics as much as possible.

    1. Por un lado, la urbanización es un proceso territorial y socioeconómico que induce una transformación radical del uso y de la cobertura del suelo y es el evento que mayores transformaciones produce en el ambiente, por lo que se encuentra íntimamente ligado al incremento de los problemas y riesgos ambientales (Merlotto, Piccolo y Bértola, 2012).

      Me parece interesante el análisis del crecimiento urbano en las ciudades metropolitanas que se plantea en el texto, ya que estoy de acuerdo que esta desmesurada expansión de suelo urbano/ comercial cada vez disminuye más las áreas verdes (impermeables) de cada estado local. Sin embargo existe un contraste social, donde estas empresas industriales que migran a las ciudades con el ánimo de posesionarse generan campos de trabajo. Pero aquí surge mi duda, qué sucede con estas empresas ya posicionadas y rankeadas que generan un alto nivel de contaminación y se localizan en una ciudad que no proveen de ordenanzas de carácter ambiental?

      Saludos cordiales,

      Arq. Ivette Alvarez CUENCA, ECUADOR ORCID: 0000-0002-0385-1244

    1. A PLE can be entirely controlled or adapted by a student according to his or her formal and informal learning needs, however not all students possess the knowledge management and the self-regulatory skills to effectively use social media in order to customize a PLE to provide the learning experience they desire.

      Teaching students to become self-regulated learners

  14. Apr 2019
    1. Oedipus, “Not to be born, O man, is the highest, the greatest word. But if you have seen the light of day, then consider it best to depart as quickly as possible to whence you came.”
    2. “It is a pretty nasty world”: Why more Indians choose not to have kids
  15. Mar 2019
    1. This article discusses that technology rich classroom research is lacking in the research world. This paper created a scale in which it could evaluate classroom environments. The authors tested this scale and determined it was a good starting framework for how to improve classroom environments. This scale could be useful later in class when evaluating technologies.Rating 9/10 for help assessment techniques

    1. This paper addresses the question about how today’s modern schools can prepare learners for the future in the age of technology. The response to this question is discussion around innovative learning environments that involve the use of technology. Technology has been a concern for the rapid change in the educational landscape and this paper aims to highlight transformation and innovation in relation to technology for teaching and learning. 9/10 for helpful diagrams and tables.

    1. This paper discusses the idea that design is responsible for developing learning and teaching in technology rich environments. This paper argues Cultural Historical Activity Theory. This paper uses this perspective to discuss their ideas of design in connection with the digital age. This paper is written from the perspective German, Nordic, Russian and Vygotskyan concepts that seek to define the relationship between learning and teaching in relation to design. Rating 9/10 for mixing design with digital learning

    1. What Makes for Effective Adult Learning

      This article provides a short overview or strategies and techniques to make adult learning effective. This article quotes adult learning researches like Knowles to provide information about meaningful learning experiences. This article provides idea for activities that fit in the category of affective adult learning.

    1. This article focuses on the adult learning environment from the teachers perspective. This article explains that there are many types of environments an adult learner experiences and why each of them are important. After reviewing the environments, the author provides recommendations from a professional perspective. Rating: 8/10 for providing an in-depth overview of different learning environments and how they apply to adult learners.

    1. This page is free resource to download a book about how people learn. This selected chapter provides recommendations for assessments and feedback in learning environments in general which also applies to adult learning. In addition to these examples, this chapter provides a section on theory and framework to better understand the overall topics. Rating: 10/10 Great free, open source resource with reputable information about learning.

    1. 5emissionsper vehicle mile travelled by an individual.Initial survey results suggest that overall greenhouse gas emissions could decline (Martin and Shaheen, 2011; Li et al, 2016), but much more research is needed on actual consumer behavior to develop conclusive estimates

      effect on the environment. Increases pollution and co2 emission. Facts and figures used to prove point.

    2. n addition, ridesharing could contribute to important externalities,such ascongestion and emissions. The impact on overall pollution is an empirical question because there are two countervailing factors. Lowering the cost of transportationis likely to increasevehicle miles travelled, which would increase emissions. However, encouraginghigher capacity utilization rates could reduce

      effect on the environment. Increases pollution and co2 emission. Facts and figures used to prove point.

    1. According to the analysis, urban areas were found to be relatively cooler than the surrounding non-urban areas during heat waves. At 44.5°C, the non-urban areas were warmer than urban areas (43.7°C). However, during the night, all urban areas were hotter than the surrounding non-urban areas.

      Urban heat island effect

    1. defining personalized learning This link is included because there is a degree of research-based sources behind their comments. There is an easy to read graphic that succinctly characterizes personalized learning. It is written for someone who is beginning their understanding of this type of learning and plans to implement it at a future point. rating 3/5

    1. stages of personalized learning: infographic This is here because it shows the progression of personalized learning from teacher centered to learner center to learner driven. It has other links to learn more about personalized learning. Usability for the article is adequate but less than ideal for the infographic (which nonetheless has useful information).

    1. An inconvenient truth If you’re keen on your flat whites, yoghurts and cheeses, the truth behind conventional dairy production is not an easy one to face. Most people perhaps are not aware that to produce the milk we desire, cows are kept almost continually pregnant, with calves taken away from their mothers within 24 hours so that milk can be harvested for human consumption – a process that leaves both mother and baby deeply distressed and bellowing for each other for days. Palmer (and animal welfare groups) estimates between 400,000 and 800,000 of male calves (known within the industry as ‘bobby calves’) are sent to slaughter, as is a significant portion of females and while a cow has a natural life expectancy of 20-30 years, most dairy cows are slaughtered around the four-to-five-year-mark once their milk dries up.
    1. Dairy cows add substantial amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In some places they contribute to the conversion of natural habitat to agricultural land due to the increasing demand for feed crops such as corn, alfalfa and soy. Dairy operations can also be significant contributors to water pollution and soil degradation when manure and feed crop production are poorly managed. Farmers can significantly reduce environmental impacts through the use of better management practices and technologies. Climate change Dairy production has a considerable effect on climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. In the US, the greatest sources of these emissions in milk production include feed production, enteric fermentation and manure management. Air Airborne emissions of ammonia can damage downstream habitats, resulting in the loss of species diversity. The output of particulate matter and odor from on-farm activities can negatively impact air quality. Water Dairy operations can consume large volumes of water to grow feed, water cows, manage manure and process products. Additionally, manure and fertilizer runoff from dairy farms can pollute water resources. The increased nutrients in local waterways contribute to the growth of algae, which reduces oxygen for aquatic plant and animal life. Habitat Currently over two-thirds of the world's agricultural land is used for maintaining livestock, including beef and dairy cows. One-third of the world's land suffers desertification due, in large part, to deforestation, overgrazing and poor agricultural practices. In some circumstances, dairy cows can contribute to healthy habitats through well-managed grazing. Soil Health Livestock farming is one of the main contributors to soil erosion around the world. Turning forests into pasture or feed crop production areas, overgrazing and soil impaction from cattle’s hooves can lead to extreme loss of topsoil and organic matter that could take decades or centuries to replace. On the other hand, well-managed manure application and grazing can improve the soil health of pastures and crop lands. Animal Health and Welfare Improper handling of dairy cows decreases the productivity of cows due to stress and ill health, and leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Disease in cattle can limit export options, pose supply risks and contribute to production inefficiencies.
    1. Most strikers want their governments to aggressively cut their greenhouse gas emissions. Some youngsters are even demanding a lower voting age, so they can have a bigger say in political process. They want a safe future, powered by the wind and the sun, not dirty and dangerous coal and gas. For instance in Australia, students are urging politicians to move beyond fossil fuel projects, with the hashtag #StopAdani trending. The fear is that the coal mine project will damage water and the reefs.

      More power to you!

  16. Feb 2019
    1. Company Scorecard

      OK, so this is the table used to create that wild chart above showing DC capacity, compared to renewables capacity in Virginia

  17. Dec 2018
  18. Nov 2018
    1. People learn best when they care about a topic and believe they can master it. This presents us with a problem because most scientists don’t want to program: they want to do science. In addition, their early experiences with computers are often demoralizing, and believing that something will be hard to learn is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      From the revelations in How Learning Works (p. 79) that value and expectancies drive motivation and how these interact derives from the learning environment, I see that in this situation, we need to build a positive learning environment more via the third and fourth factors listed above (Encouraging learners to learn from each other and acknowledging confusion). Setting learning goals that show the relevance of the coding skills to the learners' future professional existence and our own enthusiasm for the coding, will help us create value and design assessments and activities that are in alignment with the goals. Thus, learners' expectations can be enhanced.

    1. Preceptors must create an environment that is friendly to novice nurses and conducive to perioperative nurse education, particularly in light of the current nursing shortage. Effective teachers use principles of adult learning to facilitate the education of new employees. This results in increased satisfaction for preceptors, preceptees, other staff members, and ultimately, patients.

      The article focuses on adult learning in the medical profession. It is a different perspective than a traditional subject and shows how much education effects all the student comes in contact with in their career.


    1. The paper argues that the adult learning environment can in some instances be a ‘double-edged sword’, in that it can both enhance and limit student engagement.

      This article is about a study performed on both students and teachers about the adult learning environment and the pro and cons. They call it a "double edge sword" because there are different positives and drawbacks.

    1. This article outlines the different aspects of a learning environment that is effective for teaching adults. The author provides suggestions for creating effective adult learning environments.


  19. Oct 2018
    1. Sacrificed for Science Is common, though, now

      The sacrifice of science destroys the planet, to test things and not care about the ecosystem just to prove a point. It’s becoming common because that’s what is being taught.

  20. Sep 2018
    1. environmental impacts

      Improve environmental assessments in the planning stages of industrial and housing developments in source, host and hub communities

  21. Aug 2018
  22. Jul 2018
    1. Rifkin and Howard point out, 'the faster we speed up, the faster we degrade

      Virilio writes that speed, or time compression, also contributes to adverse social and environmental impacts, per Rifkin and Howard: "the faster we speed up, the faster we degrade."

    1. To create unassailable intention, take the intent outside of your mind and create a symbol of intention in the real world. It doesn’t even have to be writing. This is why it’s so effective to put out your gym clothes for the morning ahead. That is a sign of intention in the real world, outside of your crowded thought pool.
  23. Jun 2018
  24. Nov 2017
    1. The number of these pavilions will depend on the number of Professors, and that of the Dormitories & Hotels on the number of students to be lodged & dieted.

      This quote illustrates part of the logistics from the beginning stages of founding the University of Virginia. The group in charge of planning the layout of the University clearly wanted housing to accommodate all professors and students. Counting the number of pavilions and hotels, that means that they expected no more than 10 teachers (since each pavilion had “two to four apartments for the accommodation of a professor and his family) and no more than 108 students (assuming the current single rooms on the Lawn were ‘dormitories’ that could house “two students only,” which may be incorrect) (http://www.virginia.edu/webmap/academicalVillage.html). These low numbers raise curiosity as to what their plan was for future growth, since they thought that this plan was suitable for the “enlargement to any degree to which the institution may extend in future times”. If following this document’s plan exactly (and into the present day), this particular phrase presents limitations on the flexibility and accessibility of housing since the pavilions, dormitories, and hotels cannot hold all of the current professors and students. There are 2,830 full-time faculty members and not all of them live on the Lawn (http://www.virginia.edu/facts). However, the University does offer living options on-Grounds for faculty and staff, so the University still demonstrates its desire to provide for its faculty (https://housing.virginia.edu/faculty-staff). As for students, all first-years are required to live on-Grounds, but they do not live side-by-side with faculty, as laid out in the original plans within this document. There are 15,891 undergraduate students and 6,500 graduate students on-Grounds and housing is not guaranteed for all of them. Housing was definitely built with professors and students at the forefront of the planners’ minds, so at some point over time, the University either decided, or learned, that these ideas for housing cannot keep up with the increasing population of the school.

    1. Zoology

      This illustrates that the writers thought it important for more citizens to understand about different types of fauna. I wonder specifically why they thought the subject of animals was important enough to list in their curriculum. Would they want us to understand the ecological importance of animals or learn how to protect their rights? Were they trying to create a group of citizens who were more environmentally conscious?

  25. Oct 2017
    1. The most remote location on Earth has many names: It's called Point Nemo (Latin for "no one") and the Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility. Most precisely, its exact coordinates are 48 degrees 52.6 minutes south latitude and 123 degrees 23.6 minutes west longitude.

      Space junk cemetery.

    1. General Grammar explains the construction of Language

      I wonder if Jefferson stressed grammar in order to have people get more involved with our government. To be able to write out documents, and understand, for example, the Statute of Religious Freedom, or the Constitution even. To me, this would make sense in order to keep up with the government that had just been set up a little over 40 years ago at this point.

    1. he thing is, it’s really nice here, except when it isn’t. Those Seminole War soldiers would be stunned to see how this worthless hellscape of swarming mosquitoes and sodden marshes has become a high-priced dreamscape of swimming pools and merengue and plastic surgery and Mar-a-Lago. It probably isn’t sustainable. But until it gets wiped out—and maybe even after—there’s still going to be a market for paradise. Most of us came here to escape reality, not to deal with it.

      Nightfall -- night every 5000 (or whatever years) lead to the fall of civilizations. Helliconian winter did the same thing (I think).

      The amazing thing is that there the event was actually unexpected.

      In Florida and similar places, we repeat these mistakes, inspite of knowing that they are mistakes, because we've built structures [0] that almost compel them.

      Those structures were built because other structures -- political, capitalistic, whatever.

  26. Aug 2017
  27. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Young children acquire knowledge of these prosodic features as well as the spe· cific sounds used in a language through interactions wilh people in their environ-ment. Children's auditory perception of these prosodic features contributes to both !heir phonological knowledge and their subsequent somantic knowledge. Infants' perception of the speech intonation of those around them is evident when they begin lo babble aud appear lo mimic the intonation of others. Infants learn to sense when U10ir parent or caregiver is happy, excited, calm, tense, or angry from the intonation, loudness, tempo, or rhythm of the adult's speech.

      This is an example of how infants and children are very observant of their surroundings. This also shows how people can explain children in situations as a "product of their environment". Infants and children will tend to mimic and repeat the sounds and words they hear from their caregivers in places outside of their home environment.

    1. Our Approach Leading the transition to a clean energy future is no small task, and it requires advancing solutions to today’s energy challenges from various angles. The Pembina Institute has spent close to three decades working to reduce the environmental impacts of Canada’s energy production and use in several key areas: driving down energy demand by encouraging energy efficiency and transportation powered with cleaner energy sources; promoting pragmatic policy approaches for governments to avoid dangerous climate change, such as increasing the amount of renewable energy plugged into our electricity grids; and — recognizing that the transition to clean energy will include fossil fuels for some time — advocating for responsible development of Canada’s oilsands and shale gas resources.

      Interesting mix of goals for the Pembina Institute. It would be interesting to see how they weight each approach - what kind of connections do they have to oil sands development?

  28. Jun 2017
  29. May 2017
  30. Apr 2017
    1. Dr. Ken Adam
      Dr. Kenneth Adam, who worked on the Environment Protection board during the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, spent the majority of his career working as a professional engineer with numerous engineering companies and private consulting firms. Some of his experiences included working for Templeton Engineering (for additional information, see the annotation for Carson Templeton), I.D. Engineering, Sentar Consultants, and Earth Tech Canada. In addition to working in industry, Dr. Ken Adam had a highly successful career in academia. He was an associate professor at the University of Manitoba working in the Department of Civil Engineering from 1972 to 1976. Dr. Ken Adam specialized in the construction of winter roads, specifically in the Canadian North. Due to his expertise, he was able to publish several articles on the construction of winter roads. The topics of his papers included the environmental impact of snow and ice roads, the development of improved snow blowers and pavers, and much more. His journal article entitled “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” was published in March of 1977 in the Arctic journal Volume 30 Number 1 (Adam and Hernandez 1977). He had another journal article published in the Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation) Volume 46 Number 12 entitled “Hydraulic Analysis of Winnipeg Sump Inlets” in December of 1974 (Adam and Brandson 1974). These are just two of many articles Dr. Ken Adam has published. These papers were researched and published for the government and private business. His clients included the Department of External Affairs, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Izok project, the Environment Protection Board, and others. Currently, Dr. Ken Adam resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Elves 2009). 


      Adam, Kenneth M., and Normal B. Brandson. "Hydraulic Analysis of Winnipeg Sump Inlets." Water Environment Federation, 1974: 2755-2763.

      Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.

      Elves, Daniel. Libraries of the University of Manitoba. January 2009. https://umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/collections/complete_holdings/ead/html/Adam.shtml#tag_bioghist (accessed April 9, 2017).

    2. Carson Templeton
      Carson H. Templeton was born in Wainwright, Alberta. He earned a diploma studying Mining Engineering at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta. He worked at the Madsen Red Lake Mine in Northwest Ontario as an Assistant Assayer, Boat Boy, and Post Office Manager. He attended the University of Alberta to continue his studies of Mining Engineering and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. During World War II, Templeton worked on the Canol Pipeline Project. He then helped construct airports alongside the Alaska Highway for military use. In 1948, Templeton was appointed Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fraser Valley Dyking Board. In 1950, Templeton was appointed Chief Engineer of the Greater Winnipeg Dyking Board. In 1955, Templeton founded a consulting engineering firm which he named the Templeton Engineering Company. Before the Unicity Amalgamation of Winnipeg in 1972, his company worked as the City Engineer for several small cities in Canada. His company performed engineering estimates for the Royal Commission on Flood Cost-Benefits. These calculations led to the construction of the Winnipeg Floodway. Additionally, Carson Templeton’s consulting engineering firm conducted research that supported the writing of “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” by Kenneth Adam and Helios Hernandez (Adam and Hernandez 1977). In 1966, his company merged with Montreal Engineering and Shawinigan Engineering to form Teshmont Consultants Ltd. Teshmont Consultants Ltd. has completed over 50 percent of the world’s high-voltage, direct current projects. Templeton served as the Chairman of the Alaska Highway Pipeline Panel and Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board during the 1970s. As the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board, Templeton orchestrated the hearing process for the Environmental Impact Assessments for the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Winnipeg Free Press 2004). 


      Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.

      Winnipeg Free Press. Carson Templeton OC. October 10, 2004. http://passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-89334/Carson_Templeton_#/ (accessed April 8, 2017).

  31. Mar 2017
    1. Canada has chosen to pioneer offshore oil and gas exploration in the Arctic.

      In the 1970s, rapidly rising oil prices and scarcity, both real and perceived, as the result of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ near monopoly on the market drove many western countries to seek alternative sources of power in a bid for self-sufficiency.1 The drilling of oil in the Arctic would have proven a major source of oil to quell these concerns, but the proposal to install the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline was ultimately denied. In the period since publication, the price of oil has declined and the desire to drill in the Arctic has seemingly been calmed. The major oil companies have all withdrawn from the region, with Shell being the final one to do so after lackluster findings in Alaska’s Chuckchi Sea.2 In the time since, both the United States and Canada have placed moratoriums on oil and gas leasing in Arctic waters.3 Thus Canada has made an about face and is now placing the conservation of the Artic environment over the potential oil and gas to be found there. There is little surprise here, given the relatively low price of oil and a growing concern about its influence on the environment. Even if one is to disregard the possible long term benefits of oil consumption, the hazards from extraction and transportation are also considerable. Where they once hoped to lead the way to a more self-sufficient future through Arctic oil, they have now placed a hold the search. They felt it was simply too risky an expedition to undertake at the current time.3

      1. AHRARI, MOHAMMED E. "The Oil Embargo." In OPEC: The Failing Giant, 111-32. University Press of Kentucky, 1986. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt130j7ns.11.
      2. Koch, Wendy. "3 reasons why Shell halted drilling in the Arctic." National Geographic. September 28, 2015. Accessed March 7, 2017. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/energy/2015/09/150928-3-reasons-shell-halted-drilling-in-the-arctic/.
      3. "U.S., Canada ban offshore drilling in Arctic waters." CBC News. December 20, 2016. Accessed March 7, 2017. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/obama-ban-offshore-drilling-arctic-atlantic-1.3905384.
    2. Dr. Max Dunbar

      Dr. Maxwell John Dunbar, mentioned later in the text as the author of Environment and Common Sense which was published in 1971, began his “lifelong involvement with the Arctic” in August 1935 during an expedition to map the western Greenland coast (Grainger 1995, 306). Dunbar was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, attended the Merchiston Preparatory School followed by the Dalhousie Castle School, and finally, Fettes College. In 1933, Dunbar began attending the Trinity College in Oxford, England to study zoology where he met ecologist Charles Elton. After meeting Elton, Dunbar was introduced to the Oxford University Exploration Club. Through this club, Dunbar was invited to join the expedition in Greenland. He received a B.A. in 1937 and subsequently attended Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut on a Henry Fellowship (for more information on the Henry Fellowship see Yale University’s webpage https://yale.communityforce.com/Funds/FundDetails.aspx?4438534B376C50326C63483341496C39582F4435696B6F6554694364593150486764566B344156473663736768494B34585863553574432B646D5868384E6275). While studying at Yale University, Dunbar was able to take a trip to explore the glaciers of Alaska. He returned to Oxford, England, when Elton offered him the opportunity to join the 1939 eastern Canadian Arctic patrol. After accepting Elton’s offer, Dunbar enrolled at McGill University in Montreal, Canada as a graduate student. During his time at McGill University, Dunbar experienced the Canadian arctic for the first time by joining the R.M.S Nascopie. Dunbar began serving as the consular representative of the Canadian consulate in Greenland in 1942, and again in 1946. After leaving Greenland, Dunbar was employed by McGill University in the Department of Zoology. After beginning research for the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, he designed the first Canadian arctic research vessel Calanus. In 1947, Dunbar founded the Eastern Arctic Investigations laboratory at McGill University. His active involvement with McGill University continued until he retired and was appointed Professor Emeritus in 1982. He continued his quest for knowledge after “retiring” and published at least 32 articles after 1982 (Grainger 1995, 306-307).


      Grainger, E. H. "Maxwell John Dunbar (1914-1995)." Arctic 48, no. 3 (1995): 306-07. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40511670.

    3. The importance of fuel spills should not be underestimated, particularly if the fuel gets into water.
      Oil spills are potentially catastrophic events for the local environment. Published in 1977, Mr. Berger would have recently seen Alaska’s decision to reverse its ruling on drilling in the Kachemak Bay after a relatively minor spill.1 Oil spills on land, such as those from a pipeline, can be tremendously damaging and kills all currently growing tissue.2 Across water, the potential for the spill to spread is greatly increased, and any damage is exacerbated by the Arctic climate, where its slow rate of degradation would allow it to remain for as long as 50 years.3 The spills are most dangerous on the surface, where they prove especially deadly to birds, and there is concern that a spill could quickly diffuse over a large area, increasing the radiation absorbed and greatly facilitating ice melt. Given the event of a catastrophic failure, the pipeline would have the potential to leak tens of thousands of barrels, not including smaller leaks and the time necessary to detect and repair them. Furthermore, attempts to prevent the spill from reaching the water using temperate containment techniques may be more damaging than helpful due to the use of heavy equipment and the risk this poses to the permafrost.4 In 1967, the Torrey Canyon Oil Spill illustrated the dangers posed by a spill. A supertanker ran aground off the coast of England, spilling between 857,600 and 872,300 barrels of oil, contaminating 300 miles of coastline and killing 25,000 birds as well as various seals and other marine life.5 Therefore, any spill is detrimental to the environment, and if it allowed to reach water, these effects will only be compounded.
      1. Panitch, Mark. "Kachemak Bay: Oil Spill Leads Alaska to Reverse Drilling OK." Science 193, no. 4248 (1976): 131. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1743047.
      2. Wein, Ross W., and L. C. Bliss. "Experimental Crude Oil Spills on Arctic Plant Communities." Journal of Applied Ecology 10, no. 3 (1973): 671-82. doi:10.2307/2401861.
      3. Campbell, W. J., and S. Martin. "Oil and Ice in the Arctic Ocean: Possible Large-Scale Interactions." Science 181, no. 4094 (1973): 56-58. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1735934.
      4. Shelton, R. G. J. "Effects of Oil and Oil Dispersants on the Marine Environment." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 177, no. 1048 (1971): 411-22. http://www.jstor.org/stable/75994.
      5. "Torrey Canyon." Joye Research Group. Accessed March 5, 2017. http://www.joyeresearchgroup.uga.edu/public-outreach/marine-oil-spills/other-spills/torrey-canyon.
    1. Raymond Yakaleya, speaking at Norman Wells:

      On the north side of the Mackenzie Rivers in the Northwest territories of Canada, lies Norman Wells. There is a northern research station at Norman Wells. Next to the research station lies Imperial Oils, oil production facility. Raymond Yakeleya is a film director who has taken the stories of families who were forced out of their homes by Imperial Oils. Raymond Yakeleya spoke at Norman Wells on August 9th, 19575. Raymond Yakeleya was speaking on behalf of his people, the Dene people, and their opinions regarding the proposed pipeline. On this day, he expressed, how after all of the words said against the pipeline at this conference, what he is really hoping for is that the government will start to trust his people. The goal is to work as equals, to work without creating further division and separation between the people. For his people they don’t want to feel as outcasts and they don’t want to feel ashamed of who they are. They don’t want to have outsiders decide their futures anymore, they want to be able to decide their own futures, they know more about their land and should be treated as equals and not as less. He expresses that the Indian people are not fighting the white people for money but instead are fighting for their lives. The Dene people do not care about the money the pipeline will make but instead they want to know what benefit it will have for their people. They believe the pipeline will be harmful to the environment and they don’t want the pipeline to be forced upon them.

      Proceedings at Community Hearing. Proceedings of Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, Norman Wells, NWT. Vol. 21. Burnaby, BC: Allwest Reporting Ltd, 2003. 1-148. Accessed March 5, 2017. http://www.pwnhc.ca/extras/berger/report/NT%20Norman%20Wells%20Berger%20V21.pdf.

  32. Feb 2017
    1. an Art of Composition" would imply "a System of Rules by which a good Com-position may be produced";

      Interesting that Whateley equates "art" and "rules".... When I think of art, I think instead of creativity and self-expression. This demonstrates the difference in perceptions of art through the ages, and goes back to the idea that one's rhetorical environment influences their perspectives.

    1. The North

      Generally, when Canadians spoke or speak of "the North," they are referring to both a particular geographical region as well as an idea with rich symbolic value. Geographically, "the North" usually references the area within Canada that lies above the 60th parallel, which roughly corresponds with the territories of the Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Sometimes, commenters distinguish between this "territorial north" and the "provincial north," since there are lands within the Canadian provinces (and thus below the 60th parallel) that have features typically considered "northern": sparsely populated, vegetation and animals common in boreal and tundra environments, and infrastructures that are more common in rural rather than urban settlements. Canadians also have historically viewed "the North", as Berger says here, as a frontier, and thus imbued it with rich symbolic value. Since the confederation of Canada in 1867, "The North" has figured prominently in nationalist views of progress, usually in the context of economic development, defense and geopolitics. Over the 20th century, Canadians began including ideas associated with "the North" into expressions of their national identity. For instance, the lyric "the true north strong and free" can be found in the national anthem. Berger's foregrounding and usage of "the North" here is meant to bring the reader into what will be a very different view of a place that many people think they know well.

      Annotation drawn from Sherrill Grace, Canada and the Idea of North (Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007).

  33. Jan 2017
  34. Dec 2016
    1. you can sit and be totally involved with your own mind and be totally uninvolved with everything around you, unaware of forces that are influencing you-forces that are helpful for you and forces that are not helpful for you. This is a profound disadvantage! This is why people are having problems. There is not a problem with reality, but there is a great problem with interpretation and self-absorption. At the very beginning of true learning, then, each person must become aware of their self-absorption-how much they are involved with their own mind and how little they are involved in life. Often it can seem very upsetting or disappointing and even insulting when you find out that you are actually experiencing very little of life and thinking a great deal.
  35. Nov 2016
    1. But the general process of neighbor-hood change entails a loss of urban cohesiveness and the growth of a new pluralism among residents that will compel congregations to reexamine their identities and play new roles

      Nice conclusion to apply to New Community

    2. The rapid-fire changes that can reconfigure neighborhoods during gen-trification (whether from rezoning laws or the closing of long-established retail outlets) makes transitions between niches both a problem and a pos-sibility for congregations

      A problem all congregations face, not just New Community

    3. Mainline congregations seem best able to bridge the gap between old-timers and a segment of newcomers; their openness to the neighborhood and their liberal positions on women in leadership, gay rights, and other social issues seem a natural fit with new residents
    4. he evangelical lifestyle enclave’s demand that members hold to a common belief system lends itself to the formation of social networks of like-minded believers who define themselves against an unbelieving society

      Similar people do similar things and believe similar things -- Practice at similar churches

    5. the stress on intimacy, authenticity, and community that strikes a powerful chord among young urban newcomers arriving on the current wave of gentrification

      i.e. New Community

    6. The thirty congregations are compared according to nine analytic dimensions: (1) primary identification, (2) neighborhood attachment, (3) membership compo-sition, (4) neighborhood investment, (5) neighborhood activism, (6) prospects for growth, (7) tenure, (8) member proximity and commutation to congrega-tion, and (9) sources of funding and other resources

      Method to surviving

    7. All of these congregations have sought (some more self-consciously than oth-ers) to find their own niche in the religious ecology of Williamsburg and Greenpoint.

      Have had to work to survive the gentrification, but it worked

    8. Following the model of social ecology, these neighborhoods have experienced long-term organizational mortality and adaptations and, most noticeably, the birth of congregations

      So gentrification helped their congregations???

    9. Such a growth in the number of nontraditional families is partly tied to the young age of the newcomers–the median age of the new arrivals between 1990 and 2000 was thirty-five. The study found that older Italian, Hispanic, and Polish communities were in danger of being displaced.

      Similar to the black community being pushed out of Shaw

    10. Far more than belonging to the same neighborhood, congregations tend to attract those of particular age groups or generations as well as those with similar beliefs and worship styles, even eclipsing the importance of denomination (i.e., it is more important to have a born-again experience than to be Methodist, Baptist, etc.)

      so.... churches are more successful when they are multi denominational (aka - New Community)

    11. This chapter looks at how congregations meet the needs of both newcomers and longtime residents in a period of drastic neighborhood change

      Exactly what New Community has gone through!!!

    12. Most social scientists who study gentrification tend to see religious groups and particularly congregations as largely marginal and passive by-standers in the larger structural processes of neighborhood change

      Not New Community

    13. Yet Ley and Martin admit that while conventional congregations may suf-fer losses and even shut their doors, alternative spiritual groups

      That is kind of what New Community is... flexible to the conversation of faith

    14. David Ley and R. Bruce Martin (1993) argue not only that the creative class moving into gentrified zones is secular to begin with, but also that the establishments (such as restaurants and entertainment venues) they bring into neighborhoods force congregations out of these areas.

      Not just the people who push out religion, but new establishments (entertainments/restaurants)

    15. This raises the question of not only how congregations adapt but also how they influence these gentrified zones and their residents.

      The question my commonplace addresses

    16. In many cases, new residents coming into a neighborhood through gen-trification are viewed as potential members with identifiable needs that a con-gregation can meet, as well as talents that a congregation can use.

      How the church views gentrification, but not necessarily how the newcomers see it.

    17. This brief encounter between the puzzled hipster and the Roman Catho-lic participants in the procession of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Williams-burg, Brooklyn, during the summer of 2008 illuminates the ongoing cultural disconnect between newcomers and old-time residents in this gentrifying neighborhood.

      I can see this as a normal occurrence, especially around here. Religion/older traditions are not practiced as much, so when they are people tend to view them in awe/suspicion.

    1. For this report, an initial test determined a tract was eligible to gentrify if its median household income and median home value were both in the bottom 40th percentile of all tracts within a metro area at the beginning of the decade. To assess gentrification, growth rates were computed for eligible tracts’ inflation-adjusted median home values and percentage of adults with bachelors’ degrees.

      define the variables/tests

    2. The District is home to some of the county’s fastest-gentrifying communities.

      It is amazing to see the areas of gentrification in the 1990s compared to now on this map.


    3. Neighborhoods gentrifying since 2000 recorded population increases and became whiter, with the share of non-Hispanic white residents increasing an average of 4.3 percentage points. Meanwhile, lower-income neighborhoods that failed to gentrify experienced slight population losses and saw the concentration of minorities increase

      Racial impact on gentrification.

    4. In the District of Columbia, for example, 54 neighborhoods were found to have gentrified since 2000. Back in the 1990s, just five neighborhoods had gentrified in a decade when the city was dubbed the nation’s “murder capital.” 

      Distinction between the 1990s and now. It had been known as the "murder capital" or dodge city, yet know it is on its way to being completely gentrified.

    5. Portland, OR 58.1% 36 26 80 142 Washington, DC 51.9% 54 50 75 179 Minneapolis, MN 50.6% 39 38 39 116

      Fascinating to look at the different statistics for gentrification across the US.

    6. Compared to lower-income areas that failed to gentrify, gentrifying Census tracts recorded increases in the non-Hispanic white population and declines in the poverty rate.

      Not beneficial to minorities or poor... Not very surprising.

    7. Gentrification greatly accelerated in several cities. Nearly 20 percent of neighborhoods with lower incomes and home values have experienced gentrification since 2000, compared to only 9 percent during the 1990s.
    8. Gentrification still remains rare nationally, with only 8 percent of all neighborhoods reviewed experiencing gentrification since the 2000 Census.

      Surprising that it is not more common. You always here about how cities are being gentrified, yet it only occurs in 8% of neighborhoods.

  36. Oct 2016
    1. Early efforts to renovate the rowhouses raised concerns of displacement among poor black renters. In a 1972 Washington Post article, rowhouse tenants in the 1800 block of Eighth Street NW predicted their eventual replacement by wealthier whites, a forecast that became reality in a few short decades

      This concern was also addressed in Rev Melsons interview

    2. Mostly, renewal efforts resulted in construction of a few high-rise federally subsidized low-income apartments sponsored by church groups

      Including New Community Church & Rev Dickerson

    3. The 1968 riots gave birth to Shaw in a previously unnamed neighborhood of 1910-era rowhouses. There were African-American churches, and small businesses concentrated along U Street


    4. The neighborhood “reminded us of the meatpacking district of New York,” said Kai Reynolds, a JBG partner. In their search for what he calls “authentic,” they also visited the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles and the Pearl District of Portland, Ore.

      This process of gentrification can be seen throughout neighborhoods in most large cities.

    1. When people begin to practice inner listening, the first thing they encounter is all these terrible things, these thoughts they could never think. "God, I had this terrible thought! Only crazy people think thoughts like this!" Or they have terrible images. "Oh, God! I am the source of these images! I must be an awful maniac!" Your thoughts reflect what you see outside, the best and the worst, the most loving and the most hateful. But your Knowledge is beyond all of it and you are not apart from God.


    2. The world, like your mind, can be a terrifying place to be. Its appearances are frightening and threatening, and it is in chaos with great, insurmountable problems-just like your mind.

      The two reciprocal conjugate artificial realities:

      • the outer virtual world (The Separation) and
      • the inner virtual world (the personal mind)
    3. When you listen, you will hear things that come from beyond the web itself. You will realize, in time, that your thoughts and your thinking are no more than a web that you are caught in-a web of your own design, a web that you have designed with others and that everyone is designing and reinforcing constantly. But the web is transparent. You can see through it, you can hear through it and you can feel through it. But you must become very still to do so.
    4. When you begin to listen inside of yourself, you hear the chaos of your own thinking and begin to feel your discomfort. If you are patient and observe these things without running from them, you will pass through them because they cannot keep you from what lies beyond. What keeps people from being free is not their external circumstances. It is their own mind and their own thoughts. They are prisoners to their thoughts. They cannot stop watching their thoughts. It is as if you were watching a movie on a screen and you could never tear yourself away. The screen then becomes ever more real to you, for you have no contrast. You have no experience to remind you that it is just a movie you are watching. As a result, it has greater and greater impact upon you, and you are become a more captive audience with every moment. These things which make you suffer, cause you pain and drive your behavior are only thoughts. They are vaporous things. They have no substance. But for you to look beyond, you must not be afraid of what lies beyond them, for what lies beyond them is a wellspring of tremendous love. What lies beyond them are your true Teachers.
    1. Cosby didn't want the movement to become institutional and frozen by inertia

      Wanted to ensure that his legacy (the work, not his name) continues on past his retirement/death.

    2. After decades of bringing white, middle- and upper-class people into neighborhoods around Columbia Road and Adams Morgan to serve the poor and lecturing to seminarians and faith leaders, Cosby has concluded that societal change might go in the other direction.

      The rich-white are not the only ones who can help...

    3. "We've got to move from believing so deeply to doing," he preached. "We've got to keep in mind the discrepancy between belief and embodiment."


      In his last sermon he makes sure that his parishioners know: it is not enough to come up with a way to help, but you must go into the field and give aid to those who need it.

  37. Sep 2016
    1. “routine burden of citizenship”

      New York Times Editorial

      Justice Thurgood Marshall's dissent was more faithful to the evidence: ''A group of white citizens,'' he wrote, ''has decided to act to keep Negro citizens from traveling through their urban 'utopia,' and the city has placed its seal of approval on the scheme.'' Despite a national commitment to equality, blacks were being kept quite literally in their place.

    2. The effect of these types of residency requirements is often to exclude people who do not live in a given neighborhood from that neighborhood.

      Most of DC allows for two-hour street parking in neighborhoods without a permit.

    3. Documents produced during trial

      These are public record. We could find them.

    4. Washington, D.C.,128
    5. buses, subways, and light rail—in larger metropolitan areas, low-income people and people of color often rely more heavily on public transportation than people from other groups.1

      ATL exemplifies. Try to use their MARTA in and of itself to get to work.

    6. local governments have the power to prohibit these barriers

      I've never thought of this, but I guess we all have a right to access streets, rights?

    7. a public housing project in Hollander Ridge

      There's a fence around the one conspicuous housing project on the new 14th Street. Would be an interesting Built Environment for one of you to work on.

    8. Eight Mile Wall

      M&M, right?

    9. difficult for pedestrians to cross streets or for cars to turn

      I think about this all the time when I see people crossing the street in the middle of the highway. But what choice do they have? It wasn't built with them in mind.

    10. Public education and engagement could also serve to bring more awareness to the fact that the built environment often excludes. This Article seeks to serve that end by offering examples of architectural exclusion with the hope that citizens,

      And its one of the ways you could approach your assignments.

    11. architectural decisions are enduring and hard to change.

      Scary thought!

    12. cation of highways and transit stops, and even residential parking permit requirements can shape the demographics of a city and isolate a neighborhood from those surrounding it, often intentionally.

      How do these work here in DC? How can we find the answers?

  38. Aug 2016
    1. Upload the files

      If you are using WampServer locally, copy the Wordpress directory to the www directory of your WampServer installation. To find out where that is, click on the WampServer icon in the system tray (notification area in Windows 7), and then click on the 'www directory' listing in the menu. Once where you know where that is, you can copy and paste it to that location. There are other options, but this is the most convenient to get up and running with WordPress quickly.

  39. Jun 2016
    1. What is development? How does it happen? How have ideas on development changed since the Second World War? This study guide to International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects will help dig deeper into these questions. Each chapter features a summary of the main conclusions, discussion questions, and suggested readings. The Study Guide Quick Finder is at the bottom of each page.

      If you work in international development? If you are interested in learning more about the history and evolution of the thinking driving international cooperation. This is a site for you.

      The site offers the pre-print version of an IDRC publication entitled International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects, edited by Bruce Currie-Alder, Ravi Kanbur, David M. Malone, and Rohinton Medhora.

      This is an interesting book brings together the voices of over ninety authors, which include international development practitioners, experts and policy makers.

      The site contains a study guide comprised by eight sections of the book, each with a number of chapters. Ideal to use for beginner or advanced courses in universities and as reference for day to day work in the field.

    1. p. 71

      Gheen and Midgely 1999 examined "how teachers' reports of social comparison practices related to avoiding novelty and chellenge. They found that teachers' reports of informative social comparison practices related to slightly higher levels of avoidance. However, these practices weakened the association between self-efficacy and avoiding novelty and challenge. In classrooms where teachers were high in their use of interstudent discussion about how to improve one's own work, low- and high-efficacy students were on a more equal footing when it came to avoiding novelty challenge. However, in classrooms where teachers reported using high levels of relative ability social comparison practices, low self-efficacy students' avoidance was higher than that of high self-efficacy students'"

    2. pp. 70-71

      • Gheen and Midgley 1999 looked at classroom practices of sharing information about student work:
      • Where work was shared to "see who got the right answer" (relative ability purposes) and
      • to "get hints for when you have difficulty" (acquiring information purposes"

      No surprise:

      "They found that students' perceptions of the goal structure related to avoidance of novelty and challenge. When students perceived that their classrooms emphasized mastery goals, they reported lower levels of avoidance, but when they perceived their classrooms emphasized performance goals, they were more lilely to say that thei preferred to avoid novel and challenging work."

    3. p.70

      "Students' perceptions of a mastery classroom goal structure were associated with a lower level of help avoidance whereas their perceptions of a performance classroom goal structure were associated with a higher level of help avoidance. In classrooms where students perceived that the focus was on understanding, mastery, and the intrinsic value of learning, compared to classrooms where the focus was on competition and proving one's ability, students were less likely to avoid seeking help with their work when they needed it."

  40. Apr 2016
    1. In 2008, when the Amazon was facing a severe deforestation crisis, Norway, a country made rich from oil and gas production (and the biggest donor to protect tropical rainforests), pledged $1 billion to the government of Brazil if it could slow down the destruction. Doing so would protect the forest’s wildlife and also enormously reduce climate-harming greenhouse gas emissions, which are produced when forests are burned to make way for human development.
  41. Dec 2015
    1. A simultaneous transformation in modes of human interaction with waterand social attitudes towards the body found its logical endpoint in the modern bathroom:a private space that marks a clear manifestation of indirect social control of the type

      Interesting example of how society interacts with its built environment and how they influence it.

    1. Social service workers repeatedly reminded residents that it did not ‘make sense’to be cold when thermostats stood at recommended settings (69–72F [20.5–22.2C])

      That's so interesting. The residents had become entirely habituated and adapted to a much hotter temperature that they actually felt cold at a standard indoor room temperature.. Sounds like people from Southern California (kidding.. or am I?)

    2. An inquiry into the senses directs us beyondthe faculties of a subject to the transfers, exchanges and attachments that hinge abody to its environment’

      Are these attachments made by adaptation to what's initially provided? or are they being developed as the subject is creating their built environment?

  42. Nov 2015
    1. MARPOL VI regulations in 2015.

      Relates to Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Environment/PollutionPrevention/AirPollution/Pages/Air-Pollution.aspx "The main changes to MARPOL Annex VI are a progressive reduction globally in emissions of SOx, NOx and particulate matter and the introduction of emission control areas (ECAs) to reduce emissions of those air pollutants further in designated sea areas.

      Under the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the global sulphur cap will be reduced from current 3.50% to 0.50%, effective from 1 January 2020, subject to a feasibility review to be completed no later than 2018. The limits applicable in ECAs for SOx and particulate matter were reduced to 0.10%, from 1 January 2015. "

    1. [1. “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”.[1]

      This link, while cut and pasted, tested and repeat, fails to work.


  43. Oct 2015
    1. They are also venues where people forge collective identitiesand extend their solidarities beyond their immediate familiar circles toinclude also the unknown, the strangers.

      People are using their built environment to form connections with others who share the same passion or interest.. this can be seen almost anywhere, not just the streets.

    2. But forthose (such as the unemployed, housewives, and broadly the “informalpeople”) who lack such institutional power/settings, streets become acrucial arena to express discontent.

      Riots and defiant parades/organizational rebellions are led along streets... They're literally using their built environment in an abstract way that was probably never thought of being purposed in that way.

  44. Sep 2015
    1. Gov't to review bill on Peru's largest oil field, president says Published September 21, 2015EFE The Council of Ministers will review a bill approved by Congress that would allow state-owned Petroperu to operate Lot 192, the largest oil field in Peru, President Ollanta Humala said.

      "We're within the timeframe and we're going to resolve this once we have the reports and, given how delicate this matter is, it's going to be looked at by the Council of Ministers," the president said in an interview with state-owned TV Peru.

      The government opposed the approval of the bill by Congress on Sept. 4, arguing that the move would require the spending of public funds and that Canada's Pacific Stratus Energy had already received a two-year concession for Lot 192.

      Argentina's Pluspetrol operated the field from 2001 until July, but the company was the target of frequent criticism from residents, who claimed land had been polluted and the oil company failed to carry out environmental remediation work it had agreed to.

      "We have to strengthen Petroperu, but not try to destroy it. So, we have to give it the opportunity to gradually take on greater responsibilities," Humala said.

      The environmental and land claims made by Indian communities around Lot 192, located in the northern Amazonian region of Loreto, are "legitimate," the president said.

      Lot 192, located near the Peruvian-Ecuadorian border, accounts for 17 percent of Peru's oil production.

      About 11,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude are pumped from 16 wells in Lot 192. EFE

  45. Aug 2015
    1. To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin. For human beings to cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity of God's creation; for human beings to degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the earth of its natural forests, or by destroying its wetlands; for human beings to injure other human beings with disease by contaminating the earth's waters, its land, its air, and its life, with poisonous substances – all of these are sins.
  46. Jun 2015
    1. The preservation and protection of the wetlands and watercourses from random, unnecessary, undesirable and unregulated uses, disturbance or destruction is in the public interest and is essential to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45, inclusive, to protect the citizens of the state by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers of drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement by providing an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth of the state and the use of its land with the need to protect its environment and ecology in order to forever guarantee to the people of the state, the safety of such natural resources for their benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of generations yet unborn.

      Purpose of the Inland Wetland agency.

      A. minimizing disturbance and pollution

      B. maintaining/improving water quality

      C. prevention of erosion, turbidity (soil in water), and siltation.

      D. prevention of loss of beneficial aquatic life/habitat.

      E. deterring/inhibiting floods and pollution

      F.protection for economic,aesthetic, and recreational use.

      G. protecting water resources from drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse, and mismanagement.

      H. balance between need for economic growth and protection of environment.

  47. Jan 2014
    1. Support camaraderie and collegiality

      Climate change-- fostering a workplace environment that celebrates compassionate communication.

  48. Nov 2013
    1. Aneen

      Aneen: How people at all levels of life are starting to implement small changes in their daily lives to help environmental issues

  49. Sep 2013
    1. A child who has been veryleniently brought up can acquire a very strict conscience. But it would also be wrong to exaggerate thisindependence; it is not difficult to convince oneself that severity of upbringing does also exert a stronginfluence on the formation of the child’s super-ego.

      genetic vs. environmental influences on the formation of conscience