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The unintended consequences of interventionism @Nassim Taleb? + America's ridiculous healthcare system
About four peanut-allergic children die every year in the United States from a reaction to peanut.
Kids’ lack of exposure to peanuts, however, seems to have an unintended consequence: more peanut allergies. In the United States, the latest estimates find that 2 to 5 percent of American kids have a peanut allergy. The number of visits to emergency rooms due to anaphylactic reactions to peanuts more than doubled from 2008 to 2012.
In 2016, Vickery left Duke to work full time for Aimmune, where he oversaw a clinical trial of the peanut flour. Two groups of about 250 people with peanut allergies took the peanut pill or placebo every day and were monitored over the course of a year. At the end of the experiment, the participants all ate small, gradually increasing doses of peanut, up to about two peanuts. The researchers measured how much it took to cause a reaction. Almost everyone in the placebo group had a reaction before reaching the full amount. But among the people taking the peanut-flour pill, two-thirds could safely eat two peanuts.
In a small 2018 study, researchers reported safely giving 1/125,000th of a peanut to allergic kids and very slowly working all the way up to 12 whole peanuts.
“Well, I suppose they could,” Casale said. But he went on to explain that the real value is billing codes. When peanut flour is an FDA-approved drug, that means doctors can be reimbursed for prescribing it and overseeing its administration. The process can be covered by insurance. As it is, practitioners who offer their own versions of oral immunotherapy have to be paid out of pocket. This makes it inaccessible to many patients. So, essentially, in order to make the therapy accessible, it has to become part of the system. The system is what allows pharmaceutical companies and doctors to charge insurers thousands of dollars for peanuts.
In April, a meta-analysis in The Lancet confirmed the same: There was “high-certainty evidence” that peanut oral immunotherapy considerably increases allergic and anaphylactic reactions, compared with avoidance or placebo treatment. The FDA committee lists the intended use of the drug as “to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis after accidental exposure to peanut in patients.” Yet in people who’ve taken the drug, this risk has been shown to go up, not down.
“It’s impossible to know if the increase in anaphylaxis was due to increased exposure to peanuts because people felt protected, or if it was due to the drug itself,” Tice notes. This sort of semi-protective treatment can have the complicating effect of making a person feel more protected than they are in the real world. Letting one’s guard down, even a little, can cause any benefit of desensitization to be quickly outweighed.
The old standard was that a drug could not be taken to market until it had proved to be safe and effective in two trials with meaningful end points—ideally treating or curing a disease, or at least alleviating symptoms. Over the past decade, the FDA has loosened standards, requiring only some evidence of an effect that may or may not be meaningful.
- Mar 2020
www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com
This article explains the training that should be in place to support the work of telemedicine. The writing is explicit in what should be involved in the training in order to ensure that patients feel satisfied and healthcare professionals feel efficacious.
- Dec 2019
www.healthcare.gov www.healthcare.gov
Out-of-pocket Limit The most you could pay during a coverage period (usually one year) for your share of the costs of covered services. After you meet this limit the plan will usually pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit helps you plan for health care costs. This limit never includes your premium, balance-billed charges or health care your plan doesn’t cover. Some plans don’t count all of your copayments, deductibles, coinsurance payments, out-of-network payments, or other expenses toward this limit. See a detailed example.
How You and Your Insurer Share Costs - Example Jane’s Plan Deductible: $1,500 Coinsurance: 20% Out-of-Pocket Limit: $5,000
- Nov 2019
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Google has confirmed that it partnered with health heavyweight Ascension, a Catholic health care system based in St. Louis that operates across 21 states and the District of Columbia.
What happened to 'thou shalt not steal'?
- May 2019
www.sourcewatch.org www.sourcewatch.org
Dr Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed as Commissioner of the FDA the day after Reagan's inauguration.[34] In 1981, Hayes sought advice on aspartame's ban from a panel of FDA scientists and a lawyer. It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision, but Hull then installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked.[34] He then personally broke the tie in aspartame's favor.
Taking advantage of the ability to appoint voters in order to manipulate the government in favor of aspartame, aspartame was approved under Ronald Reagan’s administration.
www.threesixtygiving.org www.threesixtygiving.org
Why do organisation identifiers matter? Lessons from the healthcare sector
Why do organisation identifiers matter? Lessons from the healthcare sector
- Mar 2019
www.talentlms.com www.talentlms.com
Using Just in Time Training for Active Learning in The Workplace
This does not necessarily seem to be of top quality but it is the only item I have found so far that addresses just in time training specifically within healthcare. It does not do so in great depth. It does briefly address technology and mobile learning but not in a way that is tremendously insightful. rating 2/2
- Dec 2018
If you’re one of the countless number of Americans who’ve gotten a surprise bill from a health care provider, even though you have insurance, good luck
Game over, man.
- Aug 2018
forumvirium.fi forumvirium.fi
The Kalasatama Wellbeing programme is piloting Wellness Foundry's MealLogger app in collaboration with the programme’s partner, Kesko occupational health care services.
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Health Care System Index: 85.85
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 80.05
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 79.32
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 69.44
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
74.32 High
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 74.23
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
74.23 High
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
63.89 High
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care Index 91.67 Very High
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 70.31
www.numbeo.com www.numbeo.com
Health Care System Index: 67.03
www.smartnation.sg www.smartnation.sg
A web portal and mobile application launched in January 2016, that is slated to be Singapore’s first one-stop online health information and services portal. Functions as the digital healthcare companion for every citizen by equipping citizens with the information, knowledge, tools and services to help them take greater ownership of their own health and wellness. A milestone project under Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Health IT Masterplan (HITMAP), healthcare institutions are now also connected with one another to provide continuity of care for patients.
- Sep 2017
www.catholicregister.org www.catholicregister.org
“We know that poverty is a major driver of ill-health. We also know that poor people trust doctors. It’s a free service. Many other services they won’t access because they worry about the cost,” said Prosper Canada CEO Liz Mulholland.
If only this was an issue in the USA, where going to a doctor is not a free service for the patient, in most cases. The same level of trust is not there; this is unacceptable/
- Apr 2017
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
insurers in states that waived community rating couldn’t tell sick customers to take a hike, but they could jack up premiums enough to make insurance plans for these customers unaffordable or useless.
Community Rating: "A rule that prevents health insurers from varying premiums within a geographic area based on age, gender, health status or other factors." https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/community-rating/
- Mar 2017
nytlive.nytimes.com nytlive.nytimes.com
Between 2010 and 2012, the number of deaths in Texas due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth jumped from 72 to 148. This coincided with a 2011 budget cut that forced 82 family planning clinics to close.
www.cbo.gov www.cbo.gov
Because of the magnitude of its budgetary effects, thislegislation is “major legislation,” as defined in the rules of the House of Representatives.1Hence, ittriggers the requirement that the cost estimate, to the greatest extent practicable, include the budgetary impact ofits macroeconomic effects. However, because of the very short time available to prepare this cost estimate, quantifying and incorporating those macroeconomic effects havenot been practicable.
Rush to legislate doesn't give CBO enough time to project macroeconomic effects as required by House.
Most of that increase would stem from repealing the penalties associated with the individual mandate. Some of those people wouldchoosenot to have insurance because they chose to be covered by insurance under current law only to avoid paying the penalties, and some people would forgo insurance in response to higher premiums.
Causes for new uninsureds.
in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislationthanunder current law
14M people estimated to be uninsured in 2018 under #Trumpcare
American Health Care Act
Annotate the CBO cost estimate for the proposed American Health Care Act online.
- Feb 2017
morecrows.wordpress.com morecrows.wordpress.com
(mandatory) $1k/month plan with a $5k deductible: they’ll still declare bankruptcy and lose the farm if they get sick, but in the meantime they pay a shit-ton to the shareholders of United Healthcare, or Aetna, or whoever.
This is why I think we need universal health care. It seems to really be working elsewhere.
- Jan 2017
quoteinvestigator.com quoteinvestigator.com
We are concerned about the constant use of federal funds to support this most notorious expression of segregation. Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman because it often results in physical death.
-- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Dec 2016
publications.mcgill.ca publications.mcgill.ca
Justin Trudeau
was there for announcement - his health minister has announced extra money for provinces with initiatives in mental health - wonder if there's a connect?
- Sep 2015
consilience-build.iq.harvard.edu consilience-build.iq.harvard.edu
Health Care
- May 2015
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Step by deliberate step, Osio and his team were replacing unnecessary care with the care that people needed.
Wonderful news, for a change.