74 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:14:17][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une recherche sur l'implication parentale dans le système éducatif en Polynésie française, ses effets sur les performances scolaires et les stratégies pour améliorer l'adaptation scolaire des enfants. Elle aborde les problèmes de décrochage scolaire, les défis culturels et linguistiques, et l'importance de l'engagement des parents dans l'éducation.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction à la recherche * Présentation du sujet de recherche * Importance de la valorisation culturelle * Diversité des perspectives éducatives + [00:01:13][^4^][4] Cadre théorique et méthodologie * Typologies d'implication parentale * Modélisation pour comprendre l'engagement * Objectifs de la recherche + [00:02:00][^5^][5] Problématiques éducatives en Polynésie * Taux de réussite et de décrochage scolaire * Corrélation avec le chômage et la délinquance * Nécessité d'améliorer le système éducatif + [00:03:35][^6^][6] Approche de recherche * Méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives * Importance de l'implication parentale * Impact sur l'adaptation scolaire des enfants + [00:05:18][^7^][7] Discussion et comparaison internationale * Comparaison avec d'autres systèmes éducatifs * Influence de l'implication parentale sur le décrochage * Stratégies pour améliorer l'engagement des parents + [00:06:38][^8^][8] Critiques et perspectives * Adaptation du système éducatif au contexte local * Rôle de la langue et de la culture dans l'éducation * Vision pour l'avenir de l'éducation en Polynésie

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:20:29][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une nouvelle approche expérimentale pour les conseils de classe dans un collège, où les élèves analysent et présentent leur bulletin scolaire à leurs parents en présence d'un enseignant. L'objectif est d'encourager les élèves à réfléchir sur leurs performances et à s'impliquer davantage dans leur parcours éducatif.

      Points saillants: + [00:00:13][^3^][3] Introduction de l'expérience * Première tentative au collège * Potentiel de généralisation + [00:01:12][^4^][4] Analyse du bulletin par les élèves * Présentation aux parents * Compréhension des commentaires et notes + [00:03:21][^5^][5] Identification des forces et faiblesses * Auto-évaluation des compétences * Conseils personnalisés des enseignants + [00:09:56][^6^][6] Réflexion sur l'orientation future * Impact des résultats sur les projets d'orientation * Importance de l'auto-évaluation pour le progrès + [00:15:01][^7^][7] Réactions positives des participants * Élèves, parents et enseignants valorisent l'approche * Prise de conscience et responsabilisation des élèves + [00:19:51][^8^][8] Conclusion sur l'expérience * Bulletin comme outil de mesure de progrès * Dialogue renforcé entre élèves, parents et enseignants

  2. Oct 2023
    1. e vous présvent on va commencer c'est vous qui allez bosser je vais vous faire faire deux petits exercices d'implication l'objectif c'est justement qu'on soit pas dans quelque chose de descendant donc si je vous implique tout 00:23:09 de suite si je vous propose des petits exercices d'implication vous allez vous sentir sans doute un peu plus concerné par le la thématique et vous allez faire des liens avec ce qu'on va se raconter
  3. Feb 2023
    1. However, it is often impossible to detect bottleneck events from song diversity due to the continued action of drift or withdrawal of learning

      Implication of findings

  4. Aug 2022
  5. Jan 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 4). “Importantly, higher study quality was associated with lower prevalence of all symptoms, except loss of smell & cognitive symptoms” ....as someone who studies cognition I didn’t find that as reassuring as possibly intended... [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1478341731707981829

  6. Nov 2021
  7. Oct 2021
  8. Sep 2021
    1. e expected to work in this way, but if we had understood beforehand how long and difficult the process would become, we might have more consciously and more quickly worked out strategies of analysis.’

      Analytical strategies need to be reworked sometimes due to the realities encountered in the data. See footnote 7 on page 430

    2. ent provided the necessary social basis for legitimation and pol

      Ideologically driven research is okay



    1. Haber, N. A., Wieten, S. E., Rohrer, J. M., Arah, O. A., Tennant, P. W. G., Stuart, E. A., Murray, E. J., Pilleron, S., Lam, S. T., Riederer, E., Howcutt, S. J., Simmons, A. E., Leyrat, C., Schoenegger, P., Booman, A., Dufour, M.-S. K., O’Donoghue, A. L., Baglini, R., Do, S., … Fox, M. P. (2021). Causal and Associational Linking Language From Observational Research and Health Evaluation Literature in Practice: A systematic language evaluation [Preprint]. Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.25.21262631

  9. Aug 2021
  10. Jun 2021
  11. May 2021
  12. Feb 2021
  13. Oct 2020
    1. élaborer des projets éducatifs avec les parents et les partenaires
    2. Il est essentiel d’associer les parents aux restitutions de ces productions afin de consolider les connaissances communes de ce principe fondateur de l’École républicaine
  14. Sep 2020
  15. Aug 2020
  16. Jul 2020
  17. Jun 2020
    1. Goldman, P. S., Ijzendoorn, M. H. van, Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S., Goldman, P. S., Ijzendoorn, M. H. van, Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Bradford, B., Christopoulos, A., Cuthbert, C., Duchinsky, R., Fox, N. A., Grigoras, S., Gunnar, M. R., Ibrahim, R. W., Johnson, D., Kusumaningrum, S., Ken, P. L. A., Mwangangi, F. M., Nelson, C. A., … Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S. (2020). The implications of COVID-19 for the care of children living in residential institutions. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30130-9

  18. May 2020
  19. Aug 2018
    1. Surveillance studies have tracked a shift from discipline to control (Deleuze 1992; Haggerty and Ericson 2000; Lyon 2014) exemplified by the shift from monitoring confined populations (through technologies such as the panopticon) to using new technologies to keep track of mobile populations.

      Design implication for ICT4D and ICT for humanitarian response -- moving beyond controlled environment surveillance to ubiquitous and omnipresent.

    1. A promising approach that addresses some worker output issues examines the way that workers do their work rather than the output itself, using machine learning and/or visualization to predict the quality of a worker’s output from their behavior [119,120]

      This process improvement idea has some interesting design implications for improving temporal qualities of SBTF data: • How is the volunteer thinking about time? • Where does temporality enter into the data collection workflow? • What metadata do they rely on? • What is their temporal sensemaking approach?

    1. There is also a need for mechanisms to support transformations and processesover time, both for scientific data and scientific ideas. These mechanisms should not only help the user visualize but also express time and change.

      This is still true today. Is the problem truly a technical one or an opportunity to re-imagine the human process of representing time as an attribute and time as a function of evolving data?

  20. Jul 2018
    1. How do we understand such mosaictime in terms of striving for balance? Temporal units are rarely single-purpose and their boundaries and dependencies are often implicit. What sociotemporal values should we be honoring? How can we account for time that fits on neither side of a scale? How might scholarship rethink balance or efficiency with different forms of accounting, with attention to institutions as well as individuals?

      Design implication: What heuristics are involved in the lived experience and conflicts between temporal logic and porous time?

    2. . When creating tools for schedulingandcoordination, it is crucial to provide ways for people to take into account not just the multiplicity of (potentially dissonant) rhythms [22, 46], but also the differential affective experiencesof time rendered by such rhythms.

      Design implication: How to accommodate rhythms and obligation with social coordination work?

      ".. one 'chunk' of time is not equivalent to any other 'chunk'"

    3. Our rendering of porous time imagines a newperspective on time, in whichthe dominant temporal logic expandsbeyond ideals of control and mastery to include navigation(with or without conscious attention) of that which cannot be gridded or managed: the temporal trails, multiple interests, misaligned rhythms and expectations of others.

      Design implication: How to mesh temporal logic with porous time realities?

    4. Yet, thepromise of social control affordedby information and communication technologies belies the inadequacy ofthe dominant temporal logic.

      Design implication: Re-aligning real time needs/pressures/representations with temporal logic.

    5. A close look at the ways that people continually navigate the expectations and rhythms of those around them reveals how much the rhetoric of time management and control, built on the assumption that one is a solo temporal agent,is a fiction.To be considered a success in various social arenas (either via internal assessment or external validation) means that individualsoften cannot choose whether or not to attend to certain temporal obligations.

      Design implication: Empowering people to navigate time more effectively or at least balance obligated time pressures.

      Critique of time management industrial complex.

    6. Thinking abouttime as mosaic raises numerous questionsabout:when the mosaic is and is not obvious; what forms of interaction (or tiles) are given priority in any one moment; what skillsareneeded to engage in mosaic time with more or less effort; and what the effects of mosaic timeareon concentration, stress, and affect. Mosaic time appears mostsuccessful when people engage in attention switching in order to enact multiple social roles at once.

      Design implication: How to accommodate mosaic time needs?

      How to even prompt users to more effectively switch to mosaic time when appropriate?

    7. . Notably, this lack of predictability had large social, rather than individual, implications—a finding that strongly echoes prior CSCW research [1, 4, 13, 15, 20, 22, 34, 35, 36, 38, 45, 46, 59]

      Design implication: This is the nut to crack.

    8. Aligned with chunk-able time is the assumption that each chunk of time, or its particular gridded arrangement, is allocated to a single purpose.

      Definition of single purpose time.

      Design implication: How does single-purpose time align or conflict with multitasking and/or blurred task types that overlap home vs office, personal vs professional.

    9. The expectation that time is chunk-able is conditioned by an understanding that time exists in units (a second, a minute, a year) and that temporal units are equal–that can be swapped and exchanged with relative ease.

      Definition of chunkable time.

      Design implication: Time is experienced in consistent, measurable, and incremental units.

      Ex: 60 minutes is always 60 minutes no matter what part of the day it occurs or in any social context, such as calendaring/scheduling an event.

      Using a chunkable time perspective, we conform our activities/appointments to clock-time increments rather than making the calendar conform. Per Mazmanian, et al., this perspective "perpetuates a sense that time is malleable and responsive" with little concern about how changing an appointment time can affect the rest of the calendar.

    10. A temporal logicoperatesat multiple levels. It is perpetuated insocialand cultural discourse; is embedded in institutional expectations and policies; drivesthe design and implementation of technologies;establishes resilient social norms; and provides a cache of normative, rational examples to draw on when individuals needtomake sense of their everyday engagements with time. When a tool like Microsoft Outlook is designed, presented, and justified in a marketing campaign it is both reflecting and perpetuating atemporal logic.

      Design implication: How temporal logic informs and influences other behaviors.

    11. What would it look like to more explicitly acknowledge power dynamics in information and communication technologies? In the tradition of critical and reflective design [50], how might CSCW scholarship think about designing technologies that ‘protect’ users from temporal obligations and render messiness and disorganization a possible way of engaging with time?

      Design implication: What if porous time was considered a feature not a bug?

      How to better integrate personal agency/autonomy and values into a temporal experience?

      How could a temporal artifact better support a user flexibly shifting/adapting temporal logic to a lived experience?

    1. Notably, a practice-oriented treatment of digital time does open up avenues for research and design, one that resonates with Kuutti and Bannon’s [23] recent account of a practice perspective forming a new paradigm for HCI. They propose that a central issue in a practice-based research agenda is the need to develop the capability to transform practices through technology. Essential to this is understanding the role of computer artefacts in the emergence and transfor-mation of practices, and the possibilities for influencing these by changing the artefacts themselves.

      How can artifacts be incorporated into a revised SBTF data collection practices? What would that look like as a product of social coordination?

    2. Consequently, efforts to design for temporal experience must do more than simply build desirable temporal models into technologies.

      Quote this for CHI paper.

    3. How can we design for time as collective and interdependent, rather than individualised on the one hand, or explicitly scheduled on the other? What does it mean to position collective time not as something that is achieved when people come together, but as a set of relationships through which they are connected? Both Sharma and Mazmanian and Erickson raise this challenge while highlighting the difficulty in addressing it; neither offer a solution.

      The big question!

      Design implication: One advantage that SBTF has is that its work is very relationship-oriented.

    4. A shared context is im-plicit here, but the ways in which rhythms that bind people are shaped has been pulled into sharper focus by Jackson et al. [21]. Picking up on Orlikowski and Yates’ position, theyargue that “distributed collective practices not only have rhythms, but in some fundamental sense are rhythms” [p. 247]. Rhythms shape collective action but are also shaped by it, and efforts to build them and to bring them into alignment are an essential part of collaborative work.

      Lookup Jackson et al paper.

      Design implication: Similar to Wilk paper. How to adopt/adapt these findings to smooth the transition for SBTF to develop new routines/rhythms around temporal data collection.

    5. Wilk [57] has considered how routines come to be cultivated, observing that every day we are presented with opportuni-ties to “naturalize something new”, and turn events into the “precedents” of new routines [p. 151]. He argues that the decisions that surround the adoption of these routines are part of the process of their cultivation, in which uncon-scious habits are brought forward into consciousness, re-flection and discourse. Cultivation can be active or passive (routines may be actively initiated, or forced upon us), and is governed by “tacit rules” that reveal “how often things must be discussed before they can be done without discus-sion, how often things have to be repeated by agreement or with supervision before they can become an accepted part of shared daily routine” [p. 151].

      Design implication: Look up Wilk paper on recommendations for creating precedents of new routines. This will be important in encouraging new/different practices for incorporating time/temporality into SBTF data collection practices.

    6. Designing for an alternative temporal experience means understanding the ways in which multiple temporali-ties intersect, whether these frame a person’s working day, or allow a family to spend time together. While scheduling technologies do of course have a role to play here [see e.g. 31], many of the temporal structures that frame everyday life are not so much scheduled as unfold in a way that isunremarkable [54], or are so firmly established that they are no longer seen as alterable.

      Design implication: To integrate multiple temporalities into technology we need to reconsider temporal structures -- or the patterns of social coordination that we use as rules, rhythms, habits, and practices that guide activity.

    7. As noted by Zerubavel, “[t]ime is definitely one of the principles that can best allow us to establish and organ-ise priority in our lives as well as to symbolically display it” [59, p. 53].

      Design implication: Heuristic of control for user

    8. The temporal experience is as much a product of the ways in which the technologies are used as it is a feature of their design. This points to how, just as has been argued for the case of clocks, digital technologies and practices have coevolved to underpin particular experiences of time.

      Design implication for digital sociotemporal experiences

  21. May 2018
    1. Bypresenting information in a temporal context – in terms of, for example,trajectories, rhythms, and horizons, although potentially too according toother metaphors such as timelines – we can provide tools for more effectivelymaking sense of information and its consequences (Reddy et al., 2001)

      Effective information sensemaking tools integrate temporal contexts, such as trajectories, rhythms, horizons and metaphors.