233 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. Advanced analytics Arc XP offers comprehensive analytics that enables companies to better target content and commerce for higher conversion rates, thereby understanding their audience.Although Arc XP Commerce is a great fit for businesses with complicated needs, it comes with high Arc XP pricing and calls for significant technical knowledge to run and maintain. Small and medium-sized companies with limited resources find this less ideal as a result.

      Are you considering WooCommerce or Arc Commerce for your eCommerce site? This post breaks down both platforms, exploring features, integrations, and business-fit to help you make an informed decision. Discover which platform aligns with your business goals, and how each can support growth in the competitive digital market.

    1. I had hoped to somewhat emulate the success of ex-Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky and his Substack serialization project, Hardcore Software (“personal stories and lessons from inside the rise and fall of the PC revolution”). Sinofsky’s project was an inspiration for mine, but I don’t think I’ve reached his level in terms of reader comments and reshares.

      possibly due to author platform?

    1. There’s a version of the “why writers should blog” story that is tawdry and mercenary: “Blog,” the story goes, “and you will build a brand and a platform that you can use to promote your work.” Virtually every sentence that contains the word “brand” is bullshit, and that one is no exception.
  2. Oct 2024
    1. annotation work

      We are hoping to create a COLLECTIVE COMMONS for our annotations The ancient model is the Celtic SPirtual ANNAL such as the book of kells or Leabhar Gabhala (Book of INvasions) where multipel wisodm keepers over generations add their wisdom IN BETWEEN THE LINES

      For now, Gyuri and Gien call it Hyperpost

      We are using hypothesis (as in this annotation) to play with what tools we have now

      Gyuir and Gien intend to make it CROSS PLATFORM

      They are using the term INDYWEB and INDRAS NETS

    1. Zu Beginn der COP16 für Biodiversität hat die Regierung des kolumbianischen Präsidenten Petro verkündet, sie werde Vertreter:innen indigener Völker eine zentrale Rolle in der Konferenz geben. Es ist aber sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass Indigene mehr Rechte bei den Entscheidungen über die Biodiversität der Erde erhalten.werden. – Nur 10% der 196 Unterzeichner:innen des Kunming-Montreal Abkommens 2022 haben bisher die darin vorgesehenen „nature action plans" vorgelegt https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/20/cop16-colombia-prepares-to-host-decisive-summit-on-biodiversity

  3. Jun 2024
  4. May 2024
    1. tata edar film untuksemua platformtermasuk yang lahirdari perkembanganteknologi informasidan lain-lain.

      Poin ini relevan dengan RUU Penyiaran terkait penyedia konten maupun penyelenggara platform (masukkan pasal-pasal terkait)

  5. Apr 2024
    1. 3. Digital storybooks Regarding kids of younger age groups, stories, poems, and music are always in demand. UX professionals combine all these aspects into digital storybooks, creating engaging content for children. These can also be combined with educational platforms, adding value to the learning experience.

      THIS - should I not focus on a digital storybook? Combined with a educational platform

  6. Mar 2024
  7. Feb 2024
    1. Regardless of what your arguments are, the personal reasons of the developer are what matters for what platforms this game is provided on. You can choose to pay for the game, or not. Paying for the game supports the developer, and allows them to develop more. It is not reasonable to argue that someone should have put in additional unpaid effort to do something for unknown future benefit, or that they should charge less for a game because it's only available on one platform; that's their choice, and their decision.For context, development of Taiji was started in mid 2015; it took seven years to finish. That's with the Commercial Game Engine, and even with that, there were platform-based bugs that needed to be worked around (issues that won't be present on other platforms, or will have different presentations); here's just one of those, involving an issue around mouse sluggishness:https://taiji-game.com/2020/07/13/68-in-the-mountains-of-madness-win32-wrangling...If the developer is not already familiar with Linux, then there's a small mountain of language barriers around using Linux that needs to be overcome first, before being able to get to the game development phase. It's rare for game development to work on different platforms when it can't be tested on those different platforms. While it might be easy to cross-compile on a Windows system (e.g. via IL2CPP), that's only if everything works perfectly (which is unlikely to be the case). 
  8. Jan 2024
  9. Dec 2023
    1. Untangling Threads by Erin Kissane on 2023-12-21

      This immediately brings up the questions of how the following - founder effects and being overwhelmed by the scale of an eternal September - communism of community interactions being subverted bent for the purposes of (surveillance) capitalism (see @Graeber2011, Debt)

  10. Nov 2023
  11. Oct 2023
    1. as the ecosystem around it swirled, the web platform itself remained remarkably stable
    2. There’s a cost to using dependencies. New versions are released, APIs change, and it takes time and effort to make sure your own code remains compatible with them. And the cost accumulates over time. It would be one thing if I planned to continually work on this code; it’s usually simple enough to migrate from one version of a depenency to the next. But I’m not planning to ever really touch this code again unless I absolutely need to. And if I do ever need to touch this code, I really don’t want to go through multiple years’ worth of updates all at once.

      The corollary: you can do that (make it once and never touch it again) if you are using the "native substrate" of the WHATWG/W3C Web platform. Breaking changes in "JavaScript" or "browsers" are rarely actually that. They're project/organizational failures one layer up—someone (who doesn't control users' Web browsers and how they work) decided to stop maintaining something or published a new revision but didn't commit to doing it in a backwards compatible way (and someone decided to build upon that, anyway).

  12. Sep 2023
    1. In the author’s view, using a combination of content-addressing, signed content, and petnames would help decentralise that layer. It keeps centralisation around aggregators (because of the scarcity of attention), but mitigates their harmful lock-in.
  13. Aug 2023
    1. Much social and civic innovation is possible if the GAAF platform monopolies (Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook) are broken up or regulated appropriately. I believe that will happen, and I hope it will happen in appropriate ways. Done right, it will release a torrent of innovation, including social and civic changes. I trust that the general level of competence is growing among digital citizens. So, I am modestly hopeful we can sort out the helpful from the harmful changes for a net positive gain.
      • for: quote, quote - Warren Yoder, quote platform monopolies, internet - regulation, indyweb - support
      • quote

        • Much social and civic innovation is possible if the GAAF platform monopolies (Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook) are broken up or regulated appropriately.
        • I believe that will happen, and I hope it will happen in appropriate ways.
        • Done right, it will release a torrent of innovation, including social and civic changes.
        • I trust that the general level of competence is growing among digital citizens.
        • So, I am modestly hopeful we can sort out the helpful from the harmful changes for a net positive gain.
      • author: Warren Yoder

        • Director of Public Policy Center of Mississipi
  14. Jul 2023
    1. ```js // Log the full user-agent data navigator .userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues( ["architecture", "model", "bitness", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList"]) .then(ua => { console.log(ua) });

      // output { "architecture":"x86", "bitness":"64", "brands":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"99" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98" } ], "fullVersionList":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98.0.4738.0" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98.0.4738.0" } ], "mobile":false, "model":"", "platformVersion":"12.0.1" } ```

    1. ```idl dictionary NavigatorUABrandVersion { DOMString brand; DOMString version; };

      dictionary UADataValues { DOMString architecture; DOMString bitness; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; DOMString formFactor; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> fullVersionList; DOMString model; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; DOMString platformVersion; DOMString uaFullVersion; // deprecated in favor of fullVersionList boolean wow64; };

      dictionary UALowEntropyJSON { sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; };

      [Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface NavigatorUAData { readonly attribute FrozenArray<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; readonly attribute boolean mobile; readonly attribute DOMString platform; Promise<UADataValues> getHighEntropyValues (sequence<DOMString> hints ); UALowEntropyJSON toJSON (); };

      interface mixin NavigatorUA { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData ; };

      Navigator includes NavigatorUA; WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorUA; ```

    1. I think the only purpose of this is to detain programmers from doing anything a non-Microsoft way.

      Probably not really...

    1. In the first half of the 2021-22 school year, the average K-12 student accessed 74 different education technology products, platforms or services while the average K-12 teacher interacted with 86 different tools in the course of their work.
  15. Jun 2023
    1. Platform engineering is trying to deliver the self-service tools teams want to consume to rapidly deploy all components of software. While it may sound like a TypeScript developer would feel more empowered by writing their infrastructure in TypeScript, the reality is that it’s a significant undertaking to learn to use these tools properly when all one wants to do is create or modify a few resources for their project. This is also a common source of technical debt and fragility. Most users will probably learn the minimal amount they need to in order to make progress in their project, and oftentimes this may not be the best solution for the longevity of a codebase. These tools are straddling an awkward line that is optimized for no-one. Traditional DevOps are not software engineers and software engineers are not DevOps. By making infrastructure a software engineering problem, it puts all parties in an unfamiliar position. I am not saying no-one is capable of using these tools well. The DevOps and software engineers I’ve worked with are more than capable. This is a matter of attention. If you look at what a DevOps engineer has to deal with day-in and day-out, the nuances of TypeScript or Go will take a backseat. And conversely, the nuances of, for example, a VPC will take a backseat to a software engineer delivering a new feature. The gap that the AWS CDK and Pulumi try to bridge is not optimized for anyone and this is how we get bugs, and more dangerously, security holes.
  16. May 2023
  17. Mar 2023
    1. ‘networked accumulation’ platform firms (hereafter NAPFs) rely on existing or easily replaceable assets with minimal infrastructure, as distinct to platform firm models that extend or complement transport and accommodation infrastructures through the acquisition of their own fleets of vehicles or suites of properties (Stehlin et al., 2020). NAPFs typically launch local services under a cloud of ‘regulatory indeterminacy’ (Stehlin et al., 2020, 1256), relying on being “simultaneously embedded and disembedded from the space-times they mediate” (Graham, 2020, 454)

      The thread in this article is the paradoxical relationship to local place, using it instrumentally to turn it into space

      This also highlights the grey regulatory zone that is typical here

  18. Dec 2022
    1. We find that, during the pandemic, no-vax communities became more central in the country-specificdebates and their cross-border connections strengthened, revealing a global Twitter anti-vaccinationnetwork. U.S. users are central in this network, while Russian users also become net exporters ofmisinformation during vaccination roll-out. Interestingly, we find that Twitter’s content moderationefforts, and in particular the suspension of users following the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, had aworldwide impact in reducing misinformation spread about vaccines. These findings may help publichealth institutions and social media platforms to mitigate the spread of health-related, low-credibleinformation by revealing vulnerable online communities
    1. On Facebook, we identified 51,269 posts (0.25% of all posts)sharing links to Russian propaganda outlets, generating 5,065,983interactions (0.17% of all interactions); 80,066 posts (0.4% of allposts) sharing links to low-credibility news websites, generating28,334,900 interactions (0.95% of all interactions); and 147,841 postssharing links to high-credibility news websites (0.73% of all posts),generating 63,837,701 interactions (2.13% of all interactions). Asshown in Figure 2, we notice that the number of posts sharingRussian propaganda and low-credibility news exhibits an increas-ing trend (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), whereas after the invasion ofUkraine both time series yield a significant decreasing trend (moreprominent in the case of Russian propaganda); high-credibilitycontent also exhibits an increasing trend in the Pre-invasion pe-riod (Mann-Kendall 𝑃 < .001), which becomes stable (no trend)in the period afterward. T
    2. We estimated the contribution of veri-fied accounts to sharing and amplifying links to Russian propagandaand low-credibility sources, noticing that they have a dispropor-tionate role. In particular, superspreaders of Russian propagandaare mostly accounts verified by both Facebook and Twitter, likelydue to Russian state-run outlets having associated accounts withverified status. In the case of generic low-credibility sources, a sim-ilar result applies to Facebook but not to Twitter, where we alsonotice a few superspreaders accounts that are not verified by theplatform.
    3. On Twitter, the picture is very similar in the case of Russianpropaganda, where all accounts are verified (with a few exceptions)and mostly associated with news outlets, and generate over 68%of all retweets linking to these websites (see panel a of Figure 4).For what concerns low-credibility news, there are both verified (wecan notice the presence of seanhannity) and not verified users,and only a few of them are directly associated with websites (e.g.zerohedge or Breaking911). Here the top 15 accounts generateroughly 30% of all retweets linking to low-credibility websites.
    4. Figure 5: Top 15 spreaders of Russian propaganda (a) andlow-credibility content (b) ranked by the proportion ofretweets generated over the period of observation, with re-spect to all retweets linking to websites in each group. Weindicate those that are not verified using “hatched” bars

    1. We applied two scenarios to compare how these regular agents behave in the Twitter network, with and without malicious agents, to study how much influence malicious agents have on the general susceptibility of the regular users. To achieve this, we implemented a belief value system to measure how impressionable an agent is when encountering misinformation and how its behavior gets affected. The results indicated similar outcomes in the two scenarios as the affected belief value changed for these regular agents, exhibiting belief in the misinformation. Although the change in belief value occurred slowly, it had a profound effect when the malicious agents were present, as many more regular agents started believing in misinformation.

    1. We analyzed and visualized Twitter data during the prevalence of the Wuhan lab leak theory and discovered that 29% of the accounts participating in the discussion were social bots. We found evidence that social bots play an essential mediating role in communication networks. Although human accounts have a more direct influence on the information diffusion network, social bots have a more indirect influence. Unverified social bot accounts retweet more, and through multiple levels of diffusion, humans are vulnerable to messages manipulated by bots, driving the spread of unverified messages across social media. These findings show that limiting the use of social bots might be an effective method to minimize the spread of conspiracy theories and hate speech online.
    1. https://www.goodreads.com/notes/59660671-building-a-second-brain/7458926-tiago

      And as if I requested it this morning, here's an example of an author using annotations to create engagement/start a conversation/start an informal book club discussion using Goodreads and annotations on their own work.

      cc: @remikalir

    1. https://www.goodreads.com/notes/57643476-annotation/3524158-markgrabe-grabe

      I rarely see notifications from Goodreads about annotations (typically via Kindle) unless they're from the author of the book posting them, ostensibly to generate engagement with their readers. Interesting to see Mark Grabe sharing his annotations on @remikalir and @anterobot's book on annotation though. :)

  19. Nov 2022
    1. 11/30 Youth Collaborative

      I went through some of the pieces in the collection. It is important to give a platform to the voices that are missing from the conversation usually.

      Just a few similar initiatives that you might want to check out:

      Storycorps - people can record their stories via an app

      Project Voice - spoken word poetry

      Living Library - sharing one's story

      Freedom Writers - book and curriculum based on real-life stories

    1. Note that ttx is part of the fonttools mentioned in the accepted answer. It's a Python script, so it's also available on Mac and Linux.
  20. Sep 2022
    1. Benefits verification

      Insurance Benefits Verification Upon receiving a booking form, insurance benefits can be verified allowing the facility to make a quick determination of the patient's responsibility and profitability of the case.

    1. Если вы владеете бизнесом по продаже товаров или услуг в Интернете и задаетесь вопросом, как сделать его более успешным, эти передовые методы разработки электронной коммерции — это решения, которые можно применить. Зачем они вам нужны для создания этой платформы электронной коммерции? Давайте обсудим следующее. Онлайн-платформа электронной коммерции открывает широкий спектр новых возможностей для вашего розничного бизнеса, поскольку вы можете привлечь больше клиентов из любого места и в любое время. Учтите, что 2,14 миллиарда человек во всем мире совершают покупки в Интернете, что составляет 27,6% населения мира. Прогнозируется, что доля электронной коммерции в общем объеме розничных продаж по всему миру увеличится в течение следующих четырех лет, поскольку молодое поколение предпочитает варианты онлайн-магазинов, а не оффлайн.
  21. Aug 2022
  22. May 2022
    1. He notes that authors of such projects should consider the return on investment. It take time to go through community feedback, so one needs to determine whether the pay off will be worthwhile. Nevertheless, if his next work is suitable for community review, he’d like to do it again.

      This is an apropos question. It is also somewhat contingent on what sort of platform the author "owns" to be able to do outreach and drive readers and participation.

    1. I’ve been using heroku for years and while some might complain that it has stagnated and mostly stayed the same since the salesforce acquistion, I think that’s been an asset.
  23. Apr 2022
  24. Mar 2022
    1. Around @11:16:

      "What made HyperCard the ubiquitous product it was in the early 90s... was the fact that it was included free with every Macintosh sold. So anybody could use it to create somethnig, then share their creation with somebody else with the confidence that the other person would be able to run it."

      So that was in that day. What is the box today?

      Let me ask it another way: What is available on every computing device[...]?"

      I would encourage us all to find ways to make the system immediately available to users.

  25. Feb 2022
    1. Unsere Global Enterprise Intelligence (GEI) Platform eignet sich nicht nur zur Beobachtung von Zulieferern, sondern wird auch in ande-ren Bereichen eingesetzt, in denen Firmen beobachtet werden müssen wie z. B. Wettbewer-beranalyse, Partnerbetreuung, Key-Account-Management oder Portfolio- Management.


    2. Knowledge Graph Check & UpdateMithilfe der Neo4J-Graphdatenbanktechnologie werden für die Anwendungen Wis-sensgraphen aufgebaut und ständig um neue Relationen und Eigenschaften der beob-achteten Firmen ergänzt. Die Wissensgraphen dienen nicht nur der Visualisierung der Ergebnisse, sie werden auch zum Entity Linking und zur Erkennung von bereits be-kannter Information verwendet

      Neo4J-Graphdatenbanktechnologie werden für die Anwendungen Wissensgraphen aufgebaut und ständig um neue Relationen und Eigenschaften der beobachteten Firmen ergänzt.

      Die Wissensgraphen dienen nicht nur der Visualisierung der Ergebnisse, sie werden auch zum Entity Linking und zur Erkennung von bereits bekannter Information verwendet.

  26. Jan 2022
  27. Dec 2021
    1. In an effort to mitigate these issues, some book contracts now specify the number of posts required before and after a book is published.

      Perhaps better would be stipulations in the contract that incentivize authors to leverage their platforms in the form of bonuses while removing the advance money in lieu. Make the author part of the promotion, which has been part of the movement in publishing for the last decade.

    2. “It’s become more and more important as the years went on,” said Marc Resnick, executive editor at St. Martin’s Press. “We learned some hard lessons along the way, which is that a tweet or a post is not necessarily going to sell any books, if it’s not the right person with the right book and the right followers at the right time.”

      This seems like common sense to me, why hasn't the industry grokked it?

    1. How to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?DmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?PublishedMay 8, 2020UpdatedMay 8, 20209 min readDo you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider? We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.

      Do you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider?

      We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.

    1. on Windows, since that's what I'm using

      Good example of why leveraging the browser's runtime is better. i wouldn't have guessed that the md2blog creator was using Windows. (And I didn't. I just assume that everyone is using a Mac, even though I'm on neither.)

  28. Nov 2021
    1. What Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?AlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceRuby/RailsHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipWhat Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?PublishedJul 13, 2020UpdatedJul 13, 202012 min readThe last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing. To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales. When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails. In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.

      The last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing.

      To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales.

      When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails.

      In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.

    1. 4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

      Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.

      In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.

      Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

  29. Oct 2021
  30. Sep 2021
    1. You can choose the displayed language by adding a language suffix to the web address so it ends with e.g. .html.en or .html.de. If the web address has no language suffix, the preferred language specified in your web browser's settings is used. For your convenience: [ Change to English Language | Change to Browser's Preferred Language ]
  31. Aug 2021
    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “@ToddHorowitz3 ok, but I would have hoped that in an ideal public communication medium for science, people had megaphones that were commensurate with their skills and expertise, if there was variation among platform members at all. And I’d hope that users were calibrated re own expertise” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1423710934925598725

    1. They convince people – indeed, entire organizations – to make long-term commitments to their products. Schools offer classes so people can call themselves “Photoshop experts” or “Illustrator experts”.
  32. Jul 2021
    1. There are thousands of audio streaming platforms available in the market but only a small number of streaming service providers make their journey to reap a huge revenue. Thus such music streaming applications are built only by reputed audio service providers by implementing next-gen technologies and strategies.

      Introducing CONTUS VPlayed, a dominant player in providing customizable music streaming solutions globally. CONTUS VPlayed is known for its advanced technology like microservice architecture that delivers a complete peerless music streaming service.

    1. How to Build an OTT Platform?

      1. Select a popular streaming business genre When you start building your own OTT video platform you can choose an apt genre for displaying on-demand videos, movies, mainstream events, or power-packed content to serve the timely needs of your audience.

      Accordingly, you can select your business model to run it better.

      1. Target Your Audience At All Tech Corners It isn’t necessary that your approached audience would occupy only one mode of experiencing your vivid streaming products. So it is necessary for you to make them available at all possible corners of portable devices. Top OTT platform providers can help you to settle your strategic content delivery depending on where your subscribers require to watch them like a laptop, mobiles, tablets, etc.

      2. Plan Resources As Per Unique Broadcast Services While building an OTT video platform right from scratch your cost to develop it will depend on the type of content you would like to showcase to your customers.

      Then, plan your resources to create a tech stack service just like Netflix, & assure a compelling experience to your customers.

      1. Enhance Varied Viewing Experience As it is always said that content remains the king of all traits, it has now become pivotal to suffice with original content & facilitate a fascinating user experience.

      Today with the advent of OTT app development, viewers expect to find more choices since the shift of television has developed a newer format of content.

      The penetration of crip valuable videos is much appreciated among the masses now.

      1. Analyze Your User Behaviour Insights Generally, your target audience here would be wide and dynamic. The variety of entertaining content that you cater to suit their watching moods is likely to establish a particular mindset in the demographic. To study this, you could have user insights with personalized analysis tools like

      Real-time traffic updates Current viewership status User behavior analytics Revenue Report and lots more

      1. Acquire high ROIs with Profitable Monetization Models Mostly OTT video platform revolves around on-demand or live streaming services.

      Moreover, live streaming gives you to provide user-centric content then and there, which could help to monetize both in real-time.

      One of the instant monetization models that could yield you faster revenue is through attracting a large viewership via advertising.

  33. Jun 2021
    1. Different ways to prepend a line: (echo 'line to prepend';cat file)|sponge file sed -i '1iline to prepend' file # GNU sed -i '' $'1i\\\nline to prepend\n' file # BSD printf %s\\n 0a 'line to prepend' . w|ed -s file perl -pi -e 'print"line to prepend\n"if$.==1' file
  34. May 2021
    1. There’s a version of the “why writers should blog” story that is tawdry and mercenary: “Blog,” the story goes, “and you will build a brand and a platform that you can use to promote your work.”Virtually every sentence that contains the word “brand” is bullshit, and that one is no exception.

      "Brand" is bullshit.

    1. Some newspapers, most recently the New York Times, have forbidden writers from launching personal newsletters without permission.

      Using their platform to build your own platform apparently isn't kosher any more?

    1. Audius is trying to avoid SoundCloud’s copyright issues by not hosting the user-uploaded content itself. Its open-source protocol, built on blockchain, means that the responsibility of hosting and making uploaded content available is spread out among people who register as node operators.
    2. This article kind of reads like a smear piece on Audius

    3. Blockchains make piracy more of a headache.

      How so? Couldn't you just crosscheck the public ledger to verify the uploaders' info??

    1. Email tools/clients are inconsistent in how they render HTML and CSS. A designed email might look great in Gmail, broken in Outlook, and unreadable in Apple Mail. Half of all emails are opened on mobile devices (according to one study). Email looks good in different clients? Great, now make it work on a 4" screen just as well as on a desktop.
  35. Apr 2021
    1. Sorry to hear this Dan, but I might be able to help in terms of providing some perspective for moving forward.

      These days the idea of bestseller means selling in the range of 10,000 books. The average book released these days sells only 250 copies, so if you're over that, you're doing well.

      It's also incredibly uncommon for any publishers to put any serious money behind promoting their titles unless PR opportunities are falling off the trees for them. (This means that unless you've been selling a million copies of everything you write, they probably don't care.) Many publishers will assign you a pro-forma publicist to help when they can, but don't expect much from them. Most publishers will tell you to hire your own book publicist (usually for about $1,500-3,000 a month).

      My guess is that the first run of your book was probably 1,000 to 2,000 books, which will bring the cost of raw printing down to $2 a copy. If you need copies of your book and they're remaindering them, you might offer the publisher $1-2 a copy plus shipping to get 50 or 100 copies for yourself for hand sales over the next decade (for speaking engagements, etc.) or selling a few copies from your own stash on platforms like Amazon, Abebooks, Alibris, etc. The cost of keeping a book in print these days is usually around $12 a year and then they print them on demand.

      Some of the methods you mentioned, talks, online readings, etc. can be useful marketing for both you and your book(s). Look around your local community/state for book events, fairs, bookstores that invite authors, etc to supplement this.

      Depending on your next title, it might be worth hiring a publicist if you're going the route of a text accessible to a broader public.Often this can be a reasonable risk but getting copies into reviewers' hands can be helpful, as can radio or print appearances. Another option is to pay for adds in appropriate print magazine outlets related to your material.

      It's an uphill slog, but getting a publisher to take most of the risk and offering you all the free amenities of editing, proofreading, typesetting and distribution can be worth it in the end to get your material out.

      When choosing your next publisher/editor, have a bit of this conversation with them at the outset to see what expectations they have for themselves. Don't tip your hand though by letting them know prior sales numbers.

      Since you've got your own website/newsletter/social media presence, you should also look into affiliate accounts with the bigger online platforms. Chances are you're actually selling most of your own copies, you may as well get a 4% or larger cut of the referrals you're giving. Your link on this page alone could give you a reasonable little return on top of the boilerplate 7% you're probably getting from the publisher.

    1. With Stack Overflow for Teams being a flexible platform, we’ve seen customers use it for a wide variety of use cases: A platform to help onboard new employees A self-serve help center to reduce support tickets Collaboration and documentation to drive innersource initiatives Breaking down silos and driving org wide transformation like cloud migration efforts A direct customer support platform Enable people who are working towards a common goal, whether a startup or a side project, to develop a collective knowledge base
    1. (Substack has courted a number of Times writers. I turned down an offer of an advance well above my Times salary, in part because of the editing and the platform The Times gives me, and in part because I didn’t think I’d make it back — media types often overvalue media writers.)

      This is an important data point. Almost no one is putting any value on editing and other institutional support that outlets provide. Some writers can see at least a little bit of the future.

    2. This new ability of individuals to make a living directly from their audiences isn’t just transforming journalism. It’s also been the case for adult performers on OnlyFans, musicians on Patreon, B-list celebrities on Cameo. In Hollywood, too, power has migrated toward talent, whether it’s marquee showrunners or actors. This power shift is a major headache for big institutions, from The New York Times to record labels. And Silicon Valley investors, eager to disrupt and angry at their portrayal in big media, have been gleefully backing it. Substack embodies this cultural shift, but it’s riding the wave, not creating it.

      This has always been the case, especially in Hollywood. The problem becomes that everyone thinks they can become rich and famous too. Talent shows like American Idol show us that this is rarely the case. Building a platform for oneself is not an easy thing to do, even if you've got the talent.

  36. Mar 2021
  37. afarkas.github.io afarkas.github.io
    1. If set to true the UI of all input widgets (number, time, month, date, range) are replaced in all browsers (also in browser, which have implemented these types). This is useful, if you want to style the UI in all browsers.
  38. Feb 2021
    1. This task force could also meet regularly with tech platforms, and push for structural changes that could help those companies tackle their own extremism and misinformation problems

      there's a solid enough conceptual idea here, that society ought be able to voice some sense, direct & govern the platforms forward & along & upwards. there is something lacking, certainly, in that the companies have nothing to listen to, are so alone. (oh yes there are voices but it's a chaos of voices, there's no scheme for guiding oneself through, so the entity must keep picking for itself what to do.)

      still though,

      It sounds a little dystopian, I’ll grant.

      no. it sounds a lot dystopian. very very dystopian.

      society could use means to weave together coherence, to establish a democratic growth, proclaim the unity it does have. celebrates, accepts & socializes core things to itself.

  39. Jan 2021
    1. Open About Popover

      I have to say, I like how it looks in their Apple and Desktop preview better than the Android/Material preview. I wish they had the arrow in Android Material too.

      But on https://sveltematerialui.com/demo/menu-surface it doesn't bother me quite as much...

  40. Dec 2020
    1. Svelte components are a thin layer over the DOM and naturally expose the web platform. Coding in Svelte feels like I’m moving with the grain of the web.
  41. Nov 2020
    1. I'm not familiar with Svelte. But the UI itself is handled in a custom canvas on mobile (and probably Desktop?) Though, on the web, it is HTML and CSS.
    2. Unfortunately it is not just the semantic that is broken. There are lot of things.For example if you look at some of the examples (https://flutter.github.io/samples/#/) - you can see that indeed there are some div and p tags but it is not entirely normal DOM elements. For example you can't even select text anywhere on the screen. And there are more and more little things like that.Just to be clear - Flutter for web is great, I'm happy it exists, but it is not comparable to React/Vue or Svelte.IMO Flutter for web is good to post live examples of Flutter code or maybe some last-minute-boss-request to make a web version of existing app, but for not for full-blown web app. :)
  42. Oct 2020
    1. Newport is an academic — he makes his primary living teaching computer science at a university, so he already has a built-in network and a self-contained world with clear moves towards achievement.

      This is one of the key reasons people look to social media--for the connections and the network they don't have via non-digital means. Most of the people I've seen with large blogs or well-traveled websites have simply done a much better job of connecting and interacting with their audience and personal networks. To a great extent this is because they've built up a large email list to send people content directly. Those people then read their material and comment on their blogs.

      This is something the IndieWeb can help people work toward in a better fashion, particularly with better independent functioning feed readers.

    1. The blog was not just the venue in which I started putting together the ideas that became my second book, the one that made promotion and various subsequent jobs possible, but it was also the way that I was able to demonstrate that there might be a readership for that second book, without which it’s much less likely that a press would have been interested.

      This sounds like she's used her blog as both a commonplace book as well as an author platform.

    1. Flow is ascendant these days, for obvious reasons—but I think we neglect stock at our peril. I mean that both in terms of the health of an audience and, like, the health of a soul. Flow is a treadmill, and you can’t spend all of your time running on the treadmill. Well, you can. But then one day you’ll get off and look around and go: oh man. I’ve got nothing here. I’m not saying you should ignore flow! This is no time to hole up and work in isolation, emerging after years with your work in hand. Everybody will go: huh? Who are you? And even if they don’t—even if your exquisite opus is the talk of the tumblrs for two whole days—if you don’t have flow to plug your new fans into, you’re suffering a huge (get ready for it!) opportunity cost. You’ll have to find those fans all over again next time you emerge from your cave.

      This is a great argument for having an author platform.

    1. There’s an entire category of products commonly known as Platform as a Service (PaaS) that endeavors to make this possible. But, so far, these services have largely fallen short of what developers need. Many of our customers have come to DigitalOcean after their PaaS became too expensive, or after hitting various limitations.
  43. Sep 2020
    1. Platforms are needed most when the diversity and scale of use cases is larger than can be built—or often even understood—by the company.
  44. Aug 2020
  45. Jul 2020
    1. Used by global platforms like Google, Bing and Twitter, AMP allows users a native-feeling experience across all platforms by defaulting to AMP pages when available.
  46. wordpress.org wordpress.org
    1. AMP formerly stood for “Accelerated Mobile Pages”, but now works completely across desktop and mobile.
    1. On Windows, wall time is measured using GetTickCount(), on MacOS by mach_absolute_time, on Linux by clock_gettime and otherwise by gettimeofday.
    1. Building Your Own Video on Demand Platform Like Netflix

      I’ll walk you through what you need to take care before launching a VOD business and then how to build a video on demand website to sell your videos worldwide.

  47. Jun 2020
  48. May 2020
    1. Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development is an associate degree source, cross-platform mobile development framework from Google. It permits superior, stunning applications to be designed for iOS and Android from one codebase. It’s additionally the event platform for Google’s future Fuchsia OS.

      The Orientation of Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development Became Perfect App

    1. Shweta, F., Murugadoss, K., Awasthi, S., Venkatakrishnan, A., Puranik, A., Kang, M., Pickering, B. W., O’Horo, J. C., Bauer, P. R., Razonable, R. R., Vergidis, P., Temesgen, Z., Rizza, S., Mahmood, M., Wilson, W. R., Challener, D., Anand, P., Liebers, M., Doctor, Z., … Badley, A. D. (2020). Augmented Curation of Unstructured Clinical Notes from a Massive EHR System Reveals Specific Phenotypic Signature of Impending COVID-19 Diagnosis [Preprint]. Infectious Diseases (except HIV/AIDS). https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.19.20067660

  49. Apr 2020
    1. Running the same code in the browser and on the server in order to avoid code duplication is a very different problem. It is simply a matter of good development practices to avoid code duplication. This however is not limited to isomorphic applications. A utility library such as Lodash is “universal”, but has nothing to do with isomorphism. Sharing code between environments does not give you an isomorphic application. What we’re referring to with Universal JavaScript is simply the fact that it is JavaScript code which is environment agnostic. It can run anywhere. In fact most JavaScript code will run fine on any JavaScript platform.
    1. They are both trying to extract common parts above platform, but Kotlin Multiplatform is interested in logic extraction when Flutter is interested in view definitions extraction. They concentrate on the opposite, and they might highly benefit from working together
  50. Mar 2020
    1. Here are the top consent management platforms platforms, with comparisons around look, feel, and functionality.
    2. Another value-add of CMP tech is that it can sniff the user's location and show the prompt just to EU residents. This helps to comply with the law while not intruding on non-EU user experiences.
    3. haven’t consent tools been around for a while? Sort of! Ever since May 2011, when the EU Cookie Directive went into effect, most EU sites have added cookie notification bars to the top or bottom of their pages. This prompted many third-party solutions to pop-up, including WordPress plug-ins and the leading tool from Silktide. These tools are still around, and many sites continue to use them under the GDPR. However, these solutions were built for the older law, and the GDPR is much more specific about requiring explicit opt-in consent. Most of those older tools don't provide this, nor do they integrate with downstream ad partners, paving the way for the more sophisticated CMPs.
    4. Consent Management Platforms (CMPs), an advertising tech tool for collecting user consent and passing that data to downstream ad partners
  51. Jan 2020
  52. Dec 2019
    1. The Internet permission is only used to display the Google Map, which is only displayed once on creating a new location. Meaning, once you created all your needed locations, you can deactivate the Internet permission and still use the location based reminders (Note: Most devices don't allow you to revoke this permission, sorry).
    1. platform

      Does it have a name and online presence? The details provided here go beyond what's given in reference 13, but some more detail would still be useful, e.g. to connect the initiative to efforts directed at data management and curation more generally, for instance in the framework of the Research Data Alliance, https://www.rd-alliance.org/ .

  53. Nov 2019
  54. Sep 2019
  55. Aug 2019
    1. Work with them on how to create longer-term business cases

      I think integrating the idea of government platforms into regional or local plans could be an actionable first step. These are documents that look ahead 20 - 30 years. I am currently working on the Boston area regional plan for 2050. Most plans have sections relating to "dynamic government". Could be a spot to shift the culture longterm towards new practices.

    2. public forum

      What about public forums like G2, Capterra, or Stackshare, how can these be leveraged to share government software insights? Could be framed as open ongoing RFI processes. We should be sharing with each other openly on these platforms. Hope it would at-least improved the level of interfaces / skin vendors put on the same "management" software.

  56. Jul 2019
    1. canonical registers.

      The descriptor "canonical" has been very helpful for me to distinguish this data structure from others. Have had a few people think I am talking about something biblical, but it seems to stick. Helps distinguish it from data silos and align it with the other needed components of open standards and APIs.

    2. If you have a government email address, you can create a trial account.

      All for it! Built systems allow you the flexibility to include trial accounts.

      Purchased web services that have a trail or free tier have been a great place for my digital teams to learn and experiment. I think if the government marketplace had more easy and acceptable options for free or low cost web service trials it would have a major impact on the pace of change.

      The justified fears of misspent money should be met with research of "did it work" rather than just rules to restrict behavior.

    3. Developing a collective understanding of what makes a good platform is important. A general rule is that if a system is trying to do multiple things, or is highly customizable, it probably isn’t a good platform.

      Love this line. Does this translate into procurement language or is it a best practice norm rather than a rule?