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- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
De Brier, N., Stroobants, S., Vandekerckhove, P., & De Buck, E. (2020, April 23). Factors affecting mental health of health care workers during coronavirus disease outbreaks: a rapid systematic review. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w9uxs
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Jefferson, T., Jones, M., Al Ansari, L. A., Bawazeer, G., Beller, E., Clark, J., Conly, J., Del Mar, C., Dooley, E., Ferroni, E., Glasziou, P., Hoffman, T., Thorning, S., & Van Driel, M. (2020). Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Part 1 - Face masks, eye protection and person distancing: Systematic review and meta-analysis [Preprint]. Public and Global Health. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.30.20047217
www.gov.uk www.gov.uk
UK Government. (2020 April 03). £20 million for ambitious technologies to build UK resilience following coronavirus outbreak. Gov.uk. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/20-million-for-ambitious-technologies-to-build-uk-resilience-following-coronavirus-outbreak
- lang:en
- UK
- development
- research
- innovation
- funding
- future
- government
- business
- COVID-19
- protection
- economy
- resilience
- is:news
- press release
- technology
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Cheng, K. K., Lam, T. H., & Leung, C. C. (2020). Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: Altruism and solidarity. The Lancet, S0140673620309181. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30918-1
Local file Local file
DP-3T/documents. (n.d.). GitHub. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from https://github.com/DP-3T/documents
- lang:en
- proximity
- privacy
- tracing
- protection
- data
- tacking
- decentralized
- is:article
- security
- preserving
Blog: Combatting COVID-19 through data: some considerations for privacy. (2020, April 17). ICO. https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/news-and-events/blog-combatting-covid-19-through-data-some-considerations-for-privacy/
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
School for many people is a place to get fed, a place to feel safe, a place to get encouraged. It’s a place to be around people who share your desire to learn. Now they are cut off from that, and some of that can’t be duplicated easily online.
Yes, this is a problem. However... Schools weren't designed to be a safegaurd against poor parenting, but they're treated that way, as if they're a place to escape the idiots they live with.
Schools shouldn't tolerate this. Instead, they should intervene. They should bring in a third party, someone/an organization specifically designed to help kids who come from broken homes, to help heal how they live when school's not in session. Any measure less than this signals, to me, a school system that's not paying attention to their student's emotional needs, which are, I believe, key to ensuring the child thrives throughout their school years.
- Aug 2019
www.accessengineeringlibrary.com www.accessengineeringlibrary.com
In other cases, where guards are impractical and insulation is more appropriate, the insulation is applied only to the piping that is within 7 ft (2.1 m) of the ground or platform in high risk areas.
As per PIP INEG1000 Insulation Design Guide Section 7.2.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
without male supporters and protectors,
As someone who has, in the past, been wholly dependent on the financial resources of an unreliable man, I cannot even begin to express the way this demeans personal dignity and independence.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
among the natives, to make him+ self fully master of it.
I think that this is also a form of protection against an enemy.
- Jan 2019
Local file Local file
est également possible de réduire les émissions et la consommation d’énergies non renou-velables en Suisse en diminuant la production indigène et en augmentant les importations. Agir de la sorte est approprié si l’empreinte écologique d’un produit agricole importé est infé-rieure à celle du produit indigène correspondant et si la capacité de charge écologique sur le lieu de production n’est pas dépassée.
attention à la justification pour l'ouverture des frontières en cas de négociation d'accords bilatéraux!
- Sep 2018
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
However, courts might go further and address the concern that, even where government regulation of cognitive enhancement drugs is rooted in legitimate safety concerns, this should not—by itself—give the government authority to restrict individuals’ mental freedom or “cognitive liberty” far more than is necessary to address those safety concerns. Perhaps, for example, government has imposed a complete ban where something less restrictive will satisfy the safety concerns it is worried about. For example, the state might instead institute a “gatekeeper” system in which a doctor must assess and discuss risks for a particular individual before drugs are prescribed or require a mandatory course on side effects before use of cognitive enhancement drugs.
I believe that this solution to the paragraph directly above it, directly contradicts itself. If the Government bans the use of a drug not because it can make someone happier/better, but because it can have potentially negative or harmful side affects, then this solution is impossible. If the government deems some as potentially harmful then in more cases than not it most probably is. In this way no government could rationally come to this solution rather than the one above it. It would be obscure for a Government to allow a person who is educated about the dangers of a product to choose to use it. In the Government's and the medical professional's eyes this person would not be in their 'right mind'.. How then, could they ever allow someone who they do not deem 'in their right mind' to use a potentially hazardous drug?
- Jul 2018
meity.gov.in meity.gov.in
Upon receipt of notification, the Authority shall determine whether such breach should be reported by the data fiduciaryto the data principal, taking into account the severity of the harm that may be caused to such data principal or whether some action is required on the part of the data principal to mitigate suchharm.
This means that users aren't always informed about a breach of data. That's the prerogative of the Data Protection Authority, and not mandatory, in the interest of the user.
archive.is archive.isTwitter1
A catastrophe happening with nobody on the Left daring to say a word.
- Jan 2018
app.safetyculture.io app.safetyculture.io
There are no audits matching your search
There are no audits matching your search for Dispensary There are no audits matching your search for Cannabis There are no audits matching your search for Marijuana There are no audits matching your search for nutraceutical
www.antipope.org www.antipope.org
Regulatory agencies are our current political systems' tool of choice for preventing paperclip maximizers from running amok.
- Dec 2017
www.intangiblebusiness.com www.intangiblebusiness.com
Diggin' your landing page graphics. https://www.intangiblebusiness.com/financial
Robert Madia II, Attorney 3201 Brighton Blvd., Ste 121, Denver, Colorado 80216
IP Address:
Toll Free: +1 (888) 681-9909 tm.attorney@comcast.net
projectsbyif.com projectsbyif.com
Projects by IF is a limited company based in London, England. We run this website (projectsbyif.com) and its subdomains. We also use third party services to publish work, keep in touch with people and understand how we can do those things better. Many of those services collect some data about people who are interested in IF, come to our events or work with us. Here you can find out what those services are, how we use them and how we store the information they collect. If you’ve got any questions, or want to know more about data we might have collected about you, email hello@projectsbyif.com This page was published on 25 August 2017. You can see any revisions by visiting the repository on Github.
As you'd expect, If's privacy page is fantastic
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
heat trace (heating cable)
Heat trace or heating cable is used to warm or heat underground structures, storage tanks, vessels, and instrumentation in order to maintain a specified temperature or eliminate the possibility of freezing. Heat trace or heating cable accomplish this task by adding the amount of heat energy to the process fluid that is lost from the process fluid. It is desirable to maintain a certain temperature since higher temperatures reduce viscosity, enhance combustion, and prevent freezing or crystallization of the fluid. Within the oil and gas industry, elevated temperatures are required to separate the crude oil or raw natural gas to the surface and freeze protection is required to allow refining and distribution of the fluid (Thermon South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. ). Heat trace or heating cable often utilizes resistance wire to provide a medium for voltage to pass through. Due to the resistance of the wire, the heat trace or heating cable becomes warmer and is able to use this heat to warm the underground structures that it surrounds. One material used in resistance wires is nickel-chromium (Peterjohn, Melillo, Bowles, & Steudler, 1993). Heat trace has been used since the early 1900s to ensure the proper flow of petroleum, tar, and wax through pipelines. Since then, certain products within the petroleum and chemical industries needed to be kept between specific temperatures to ensure their quality. Today, the most commonly used heat trace medium is steam (Thermon South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. ).
Peterjohn, W. T., Melillo, J. M., Bowles, F. P., & Steudler, P. A. (1993). Soil Warming and Trace Gas Fluxes: Experimental Design and Preliminary Flux Results. Oecologia, 18-24.
Thermon South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. . (n.d.). Heat Tracing Technologies. Retrieved from Thermon South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. : file:///H:/Users/rrs020.BUCKNELL.000/Downloads/thermon-sa_heat-trace-technologies_energy-savings.pdf
- Apr 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Dr. Ken Adam
Dr. Kenneth Adam, who worked on the Environment Protection board during the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, spent the majority of his career working as a professional engineer with numerous engineering companies and private consulting firms. Some of his experiences included working for Templeton Engineering (for additional information, see the annotation for Carson Templeton), I.D. Engineering, Sentar Consultants, and Earth Tech Canada. In addition to working in industry, Dr. Ken Adam had a highly successful career in academia. He was an associate professor at the University of Manitoba working in the Department of Civil Engineering from 1972 to 1976. Dr. Ken Adam specialized in the construction of winter roads, specifically in the Canadian North. Due to his expertise, he was able to publish several articles on the construction of winter roads. The topics of his papers included the environmental impact of snow and ice roads, the development of improved snow blowers and pavers, and much more. His journal article entitled “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” was published in March of 1977 in the Arctic journal Volume 30 Number 1 (Adam and Hernandez 1977). He had another journal article published in the Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation) Volume 46 Number 12 entitled “Hydraulic Analysis of Winnipeg Sump Inlets” in December of 1974 (Adam and Brandson 1974). These are just two of many articles Dr. Ken Adam has published. These papers were researched and published for the government and private business. His clients included the Department of External Affairs, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Izok project, the Environment Protection Board, and others. Currently, Dr. Ken Adam resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Elves 2009).
Adam, Kenneth M., and Normal B. Brandson. "Hydraulic Analysis of Winnipeg Sump Inlets." Water Environment Federation, 1974: 2755-2763.
Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.
Elves, Daniel. Libraries of the University of Manitoba. January 2009. https://umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/collections/complete_holdings/ead/html/Adam.shtml#tag_bioghist (accessed April 9, 2017).
Carson Templeton
Carson H. Templeton was born in Wainwright, Alberta. He earned a diploma studying Mining Engineering at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta. He worked at the Madsen Red Lake Mine in Northwest Ontario as an Assistant Assayer, Boat Boy, and Post Office Manager. He attended the University of Alberta to continue his studies of Mining Engineering and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. During World War II, Templeton worked on the Canol Pipeline Project. He then helped construct airports alongside the Alaska Highway for military use. In 1948, Templeton was appointed Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fraser Valley Dyking Board. In 1950, Templeton was appointed Chief Engineer of the Greater Winnipeg Dyking Board. In 1955, Templeton founded a consulting engineering firm which he named the Templeton Engineering Company. Before the Unicity Amalgamation of Winnipeg in 1972, his company worked as the City Engineer for several small cities in Canada. His company performed engineering estimates for the Royal Commission on Flood Cost-Benefits. These calculations led to the construction of the Winnipeg Floodway. Additionally, Carson Templeton’s consulting engineering firm conducted research that supported the writing of “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” by Kenneth Adam and Helios Hernandez (Adam and Hernandez 1977). In 1966, his company merged with Montreal Engineering and Shawinigan Engineering to form Teshmont Consultants Ltd. Teshmont Consultants Ltd. has completed over 50 percent of the world’s high-voltage, direct current projects. Templeton served as the Chairman of the Alaska Highway Pipeline Panel and Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board during the 1970s. As the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board, Templeton orchestrated the hearing process for the Environmental Impact Assessments for the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Winnipeg Free Press 2004).
Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.
Winnipeg Free Press. Carson Templeton OC. October 10, 2004. http://passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-89334/Carson_Templeton_#/ (accessed April 8, 2017).
- Mar 2017
- Apr 2016
thenewinquiry.com thenewinquiry.comFitted1
In December 2014, FitBit released a pledge stating that it “is deeply committed to protecting the security of your data.” Still, we may soon be obliged to turn over the sort of information the device is designed to collect in order to obtain medical coverage or life insurance. Some companies currently offer incentives like discounted premiums to members who volunteer information from their activity trackers. Many health and fitness industry experts say it is only a matter of time before all insurance providers start requiring this information.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
Raj: Now, we are back to the feeling of the need for relief, aren’t we, Paul? Which simply means you feel a need to withdraw. We may stop talking in this fashion, but you don’t have to stop checking to see if I am here, and listening for my response. Just notice the feeling of the need for withdrawal into privateness—without judgment. But be aware of it. I will tell you that you can tolerate the active connection longer, and I want you to remember that the reason we are talking is because of your choice. It is not because I am forcing myself upon you. You do not need to withdraw from me. That is the excuse, but the excuse can only make sense if you can be distracted from the fact that you reached out for the connection. You are not, in fact, withdrawing from my embrace of you. You are withdrawing into privateness that does not allow you to experience the fact that you are embracing always! The suggestion is that you are shutting me out. But know that you are shutting yourself in—self-protective withdrawal into isolation for security that doesn’t constitute security, but which constitutes incarceration.
"Just notice the feeling of the need for withdrawal into privateness—without judgement. But be aware of it."
Feeling what we feel without judging it.
"You are withdrawing into privateness that does not allow you to experience the fact that you are embracing always! The suggestion is that you are shutting me out. But know that you are shutting yourself in—self-protective withdrawal into isolation for security that doesn't constitute security, but which constitutes incarceration."
- Jun 2015
www.cga.ct.gov www.cga.ct.gov
The preservation and protection of the wetlands and watercourses from random, unnecessary, undesirable and unregulated uses, disturbance or destruction is in the public interest and is essential to the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state. It is, therefore, the purpose of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45, inclusive, to protect the citizens of the state by making provisions for the protection, preservation, maintenance and use of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values; and protecting the state's potable fresh water supplies from the dangers of drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse and mismanagement by providing an orderly process to balance the need for the economic growth of the state and the use of its land with the need to protect its environment and ecology in order to forever guarantee to the people of the state, the safety of such natural resources for their benefit and enjoyment and for the benefit and enjoyment of generations yet unborn.
Purpose of the Inland Wetland agency.
A. minimizing disturbance and pollution
B. maintaining/improving water quality
C. prevention of erosion, turbidity (soil in water), and siltation.
D. prevention of loss of beneficial aquatic life/habitat.
E. deterring/inhibiting floods and pollution
F.protection for economic,aesthetic, and recreational use.
G. protecting water resources from drought, overdraft, pollution, misuse, and mismanagement.
H. balance between need for economic growth and protection of environment.
- Feb 2014
cyber.law.harvard.edu cyber.law.harvard.edu
T h i s c a s e r e q u i r e s u s t o c l a r i f y t h e e x t e n t o f c o p y r i g h t p r o t e c t i o n a v a i l a b l e t o t e l e p h o n e d i r e c t o r y w h i t e p a g e s