- May 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Ron DeSantis hat in einem Interview bestätigt, dass er genau wie sein Vorgänger Trump eine wirksame Klimapolitik energisch bekämpfen wird. DeSantis wurde mit Millionen-Beträgen von Lobby Verbänden der Fossilindustrie unterstützt. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000108581/ex-omv-chef-seele-darf-bei-hauptversammlung-trotz-gegenwinds-mit-entlastung-rechnen
In den USA hat der von Rechten Republikanern kontrollierte Oberste Gerichtshof die Rechte der Umweltbehörde EPA zum wasserschutz radikal eingeschränkt Punkt die Entscheidung, dass die Agentur nur für Gewässer zuständig ist die direkt mit Fließgewässern verbunden sind, ist nach einer Entscheidung zur Einschränkung der verschmutzungsrechte ein zweiter schwerer Rückschlag für die
www.washingtoninstitute.org www.washingtoninstitute.org
Rede zu einem wichtigen Teil des geopolitischen Engagements der USA unter der Biden-Administration. Dabei sind Innen- und Wirtschafts sowie Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik eng miteinander verwoben. Primär sind Wachstum in den USA und Sicherung von Supply-Chains, die die gemeinsame wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der USA und ihrer Schlüsselverbündeten im Nahen Osten erlauben. Das bedeutet, dass die Energiewende den geopolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen untergeordnet ist, und dass die USA die wichtigsten Produzenten von fossilen Energien langfristig unterstützen werden. Es ist auffällig, wie oft die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate erwähnt werden, die auch eine Schlüsselrolle für die nächste COP haben werden. Aus der Sicht des Klimaschatzes ergibt sich ein Szenario, bei dem die USA Saudi-Arabien, den Emiraten und Qatar weitgehend entgegenkommen werden, um ihre geopolitische Position zu sichern. Dieses Szenario ist auch eine Erklärung dafür, dass John Kerry die Kritik an Sltan al Jaber als Präsident der COP28 zurückgewiesen hat.
www.phenomenalworld.org www.phenomenalworld.org
Die Außenpolitik der Biden-Administration unterscheidet sich in Bezug auf die Wirtschaftsstrategie deutlich von der America First-Strategie Trumps. Im Verhältnis zum globalen Süden sind aber wenig Veränderungen erkennbar, insbesondere nicht, was Zugeständnisse bei der Änderung des Finanzsystems und damit die Finanzierung wirksamer Klimaschutz-Maßnahmen angeht. Hintergrundartikel mit sehr viel Detailinformationen. https://www.phenomenalworld.org/analysis/a-new-foreign-policy/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die US-Umwelztbehörde EPA hat die Emissionsregeln deutlich verschärft. Wenn diese Regeln nicht politisch verwässert werden, könnten die USA damit in die Nähe der von der Biden-Regierung propagierten Klimaziele kommen, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/16/epa-climate-rules-climate-crisis
news.harvard.edu news.harvard.edu
Gepräch mit der bisherigen Klimaeberaterin Bidens Gina McCarthy – Hintergrund zur Energiepolitik der Biden-Administration. Hauptinstrument dieser Politik ist eine Veränderung des Marktes. Bei den erneuerbaren Energien und darauf aufbauenden Techniken sei der Effekt der bisherigen Impuls (IRA, Regulierungen der EPA) größer als erwartet. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/04/u-s-clean-energy-transition-soon-to-be-on-steroids/
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die US-Republikaner wollen bei den Verhandlungen über das Budget durchsetzen, dass der Kongress allen Regulierungen der Administration zustimmen muss. Damit könnten die die Klimapolitik Bidesn weitgehend blockieren. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/12/upshot/republican-bill-government-regulations.html
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In den USA machen rechte Gruppen in Politik und Medien den Geschirrspüler zum Symbol des Kampfes gegen die Dekarbonisierung. Sie werben sich gegen die Versuche der Biden-Administration, den Energiebedarf von Haushaltsgeräten durch Regulierung zu senken. https://www.liberation.fr/international/amerique/economies-denergie-aux-etats-unis-ca-tourne-mal-pour-les-lave-vaisselle-20230512_NZVKEMHXINEKTLNAXFSVWNGMFY/
Bidens Inflation Reduction Act löst offenbar wesentlich mehr Investitionen in Erneuerbare aus als zunächst erwartet. Angekündigt sind Investitionen von mindestens 150 Milliarden USD.Damit werden aber auch deutlich mehr Steuereinnahmen in Subventionen dieser Energien fließen, was zu heftigen Konflikten mit den Republikanern führt. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/03/business/ira-climate-tax-breaks-biden.html
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In den USA versuchen die Republikaner, Zugeständnisse bei der Anhebung der Schuldengrenze dazu zu benutzen, Klimaschutz-Regelungen der Biden-Administration zu kippen und zugleich mehr Investitionen in fossile Brennstoffe durchzusetzen. Eine Anhebung der Schuldengrenze ist notwendig, damit die amerikanische Regierung ihre laufenden Geschäfte weiter finanzieren kann. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/21/us/politics/debt-ceiling-energy-policy.html
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Präsident Biden will in 5 Jahren insgesamt 500 Millionen Dollar für ein Programm zum Schutz des brasilianischen Regenwalds ausgeben. Der Plan stößt auf den Widerstand der Republikaner im Kongress, die die Finanzierung von Klimaschutz außerhalb der USA ablehnen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/20/climate/biden-amazon-deforestation-climate.html
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Mit ihrem bisher eingreifendsten Klimaregulierungsmaßnahmen will die Biden-Administration erreichen, dass bis 2032 2/3 der verkauften Autos und ein Viertel der schweren Lastwagen elektrisch betrieben werden. Die amerikanische Umweltbehörde EPA legt dazu Emissionsgrenwerte für die Flotten fest. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/climate/biden-electric-cars-epa.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Mar 2023
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
However, as a parent, you will always be your child to be self-reliant and at the same time you will also be concerned about their progress and safety in a new country. Call, his article will help you provide a guide on how to prepare your child for USA studies.
www.history.com www.history.com
pictures of early 1900 child labor in the United States
- Feb 2023
julianstaylor.medium.com julianstaylor.medium.com
Ever since President Reagan decided to stop enforcing U.S. anti-monopoly laws, the easy solution to competitive threat is to simply buy the competitor.
Note for historical purposes.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die Ernennungen von zwei Spitzenbeamt:innen signalisieren, dass die Biden-Administration Klimapolitik als Kern des wirtschaftlichen Wiederaufbaus der USA versteht und die in den kommenden beiden Jahren vor allem über die Exekutive durchsetzen will
- Jan 2023
www.thenationalnews.com www.thenationalnews.com
Interview mit John Kerry zeigt die Linie der US-Politik: Priorität hat das Wachstum. Kerry geht von einer engen Kooperation mit dem neuen COP-Präsidenten Al-Jaber und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten aus. Die USA werden sich nicht zu Loss-and-Damage-Zahlungen verpflichten.
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In broad terms, when I read this highly abbreviated account of a very complex matter, I cannot help buy see a reflection of what's going on in the US - where Lenin is in the role of Trump.
Most significantly, it seems that in both cases, a madman got the poor and uneducated to throw out one form of power structure for another, in both cases of which the poor and uneducated gained nothing.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Bei seinem Besuch in Amerika wird Emmanuel macron vor allem über die Konsequenzen des Inflation reduction act für die europäische Wirtschaft sprechen. Die US-Regierung wird den Übergang zu sauberen Energien so subventionieren, dass die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette in den USA bleibt. Macron behandelt das einerseits als ein unfreundlichen Akt und setzt sich andererseits für entsprechende Subventionen in Europa ein. Der Artikel in der Libération erwähnt auch die geopolitische Dimension dieses interessenkonflikts, weil Europa auf das amerikanische Engagement für die Ukraine angewiesen ist
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die US-Regierung erlaubt Chevron, in zusätzliche Ölförderungen in Venezuela zu investieren. Die Entscheidung ist Teil einer auch geopolitsch motivierten beginnenden Umorientierung der amerikanischen Venezuela-Politik. Anfallende Lizenzgebühren müssen zur Tilgung von venezolanischen Regierungsschulden verwendet werden. Eine Aufhebung der bestehenden Sanktionen könnte auch zu Investitionen aus anderen Ländern in die venezolanische Fossilindustrie führen.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Amazing how Nixon & Reagan begun the War on Drugs to actually taret hippies (Peace movement) & niggers (Civil rights movements).
tile.loc.gov tile.loc.gov
Treaty Regulating Immigration from China 1880 (also at Wikisource; at Wikipedia), known commonly as the "Angell Treaty" after its primary US negotiator James B. Angell, which amended the 1868 Burlingame-Seward Treaty (in this same document at US Library of Congress; at Wikisource; at Wikipedia).
1868 Burlingame-Seward Treaty (at Wikisource; at Wikipedia).
ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr
Ο δημοσιογράφος και συγγραφέας Σόλων Γρηγοριάδης, ένα χρόνομετά την πτώση της δικτατορίας, δημοσίευσε μια σχετική περιγραφή,που επρόκειτο να προκαλέσει αίσθηση
Αυτή η 3η μαρτυρία αποτέλεσε καταρχήν τη βαση της μυθολογίας που δηθεν τεκνηρίωσε ο Woodhouse, μαζί με αυτή του ιδιου του Μαρκεζίνη και την μαγκική περιγραφή του Σμχ. Σκαρμαλιωράκη, παραπανω.
Δεν γνωρίζουμε αν ο Γρηγοριάδης ήταν παρών στη σύσκεψη της πρεσβείας των ΗΠΑ, αλλα φαινεται πως η συνδεση με το Γιον Κιμπούρ ήταν δική του προσθήκη - ο Day εκφράστηκε εναντιον κ των 2 δικτατόρων για αλλους λογους: ειχαν προηγηθεί συνατησεις του με αντικαθεστωτικούς σε ΗΠΑ & Λονδίνο.
μονεύματα ενός σημαντικού παράγοντα του καθεστώτος Παπαδόπουλου,του σμήναρχου Σκαρμαλιωράκη, ως ιδιαίτερα γλαφυρή και νοσταλγικάβουκολική:Παραστήσαμε τον «δύσκολο» μη επιτρέψαντες στα μεταγωγικά αερο-πλάνα των ΗΠΑ να πραγματοποιήσουν ενδιάμεσες προσγειώσεις σεελ ληνικά αεροδρόμια. Κι αυτό χάριν μιας αμφιβόλου αξίας φιλοαραβικήςπολιτικής [...]. Δεν τις φάγαμε βέβαια απ’ ευθείας από τους Ισραηλινούςαλλά από τον επιδιαιτητή τους. Διότι η καίρια «φάπα», το Πολυτεχνείο,αυτήν την αιτία είχε. Τρίψαμε το κεφάλι μας στην γκλίτσα του τσοπάνου και τη φάγαμε τη μαγκουριά κατακέφαλα και καίρια. Διότι στοχάος και στην σύγχυση που επακολούθησε, αναπήδησε από την αφάνειακαι ο, από ανύποπτο χρόνο, αμφισβητίας [Ιωαννίδης]. Του άνοιξε τονδρόμο ο «επιδιαιτητής» με την γκλίτσα του.3
Κουτσοβλαχικη μαγκια στρατιωτικων για την δηθεν αμπλοκή των ΗΠΑ στην πτωση της Χουντας λογω του Γιον Κιμπουρ.
ο απρόοπτον εκείνο γεγονόςαπε τέλεσεν ένα από τους ασταθμήτους παράγοντας, οι οποίοι επρόκειτονα κρίνουν αποφασιστικώς την τύχην της κυβερνήσεώς μου».
Κατηγορεί τις ΗΠΑ ο μαρκεζίνης στις αναμνήσεις του
Άλλαξε κάτι στη στάση τηςνέας ελληνικής χούντας απέναντι στη συγκεκριμένη αμερικανική απαίτη-ση; Τέσσερις και πλέον μήνες μετά την ανατροπή του Παπαδόπουλου, οισυνομιλίες για τον ελλιμενισμό του αεροπλανοφόρου βρίσκονταν ακόμη«εις στασιμότητα», έως ότου υπάρξει «μεγαλυτέρα αρμονία εις τας αμοι-βαίας αντιλήψεις», σύμφωνα με τη χαρακτηριστική δήλωση του Αμερι-κανού υπουργού Αμύνης James Schlesinger, στις 29 Μαρτίου του 1974.47«Τοιαύτη αρμονία» δεν επετεύχθη μέχρι την κατάρρευση της δικτατορίας,ούτε και στη συνέχεια άλλωστε. Τότε, λοιπόν, προς τι όλα αυτά;48
Καμια περαιτέρω διευκολυνση δεν εδωσε ο ιωαννίδης σε ΗΠΑ (ώτε να τους αποδοθεί η πτώση του Παπαδόπουλου).
Το δημοκρατικό Ισραήλ διασώθηκε το 1973 μόνο χάρη στην ύπαρ-ξη της φασιστικής Πορτογαλίας, όπου προσγειώνονταν τα αεροπλάνατης αμερικανικής αερογέφυρας, της φασιστικής Ισπανίας, υπεράνω τηςοποίας τα αεροπλάνα μας ανεφοδιάζονταν και της φασιστικής Ελλάδας,από τα λιμάνια της οποίας ενεργούσαν ο Έκτος Στόλος και οι νηοπομπές. Στη διάρκεια του πολέμου της Μέσης Ανατολής η Τουρκίαεπέ τρεψε σε σοβιετικά αεροπλάνα να διέρχονται από τον εναέριο χώροτης και έφερε εμπόδια σε εμάς. Αντίθετα, η Ελλάδα επέτρεψε στονΈκτο Στόλο να συνεχίσει να ενεργεί από τις βάσεις της και τούτο είναιη μεγάλη διαφορά μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας σε στιγμές κρίσεως.
Το 1976 ο επικεφαλής της όλης αμερικανικής επιχείρησης, ναύαρχος Zumwalt, ειπε τα δικτατορικά καθεστώτα της Πορτογαλία, Ισπανίας & Ελλαδας ηταν που έσωσαν το Ισραηλ. Αντιθετα, η Τουρκία πηγε με Σοβιετικούς.
υτό θα σήμαινε λογικά, με βάση πάντα τη συνω-μοσιολογία, ότι το καθεστώς των Tomás – Caetano θα έπρεπε να είναι,ως εκ τούτου, το πλέον διασφαλισμένο καθεστώς της Ευρώπης. Εντού-τοις ανατράπηκε λίγο αργότερα, όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε, στις 25 Απρι-λίου του 1974, τρεις, μάλιστα, μήνες πριν την ελληνική μεταπολίτευση.
Ενδιαφερον αντιλογος στην θεωρία συνομωσίας των Απριαλιανών, αφού η Πορτογαλία που στηριξε ανοιχτά τις ΗΠΑ έπεσε αμέσω μετα!
η συγκε-κριμένη συνωμοσιολογική θεωρία
Ο Καλλιβρατάκης την αναφερει ρητά ως συνομωσιολογική η θεωρία του Γιον Κιμπούρ<-->πτώσης της Χούντας Παπαδόπουλου.
Η διάσταση με τους Αμερικανούς δεν αφορά,κατ’ αυτόν, τη στάση του καθεστώτος Παπαδόπουλου κατά τη διάρκειατου πολέμου, αλλά ξεσπά ένα σχεδόν μήνα μετά και αφορά το αίτημαγια μελλοντικές διευκολύνσεις, στο κλίμα περισσότερο της ευρύτερηςαμερικανοσοβιετικής ψυχροπολεμικής αντιπαράθεσης που περιγράψαμεστην αρχή, παρά της αραβοϊσραηλινής σύγκρουσης.
Οι οχλήσεις των ΗΠΑ ΔΕΝ αφορούσαν τον Γιν Κιμπουρ καθεαυτό, αλλα μελλοντικές διευκολύνσεις που ζητούσε επί αφορμή του, και 1 μήνα ΑΦΟΥ είχε πεσει η κυβ. Μαρκεζνη.
h.diplomacy.edu h.diplomacy.edu
Title : Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: Next Steps for the United States Content : In Dartmouth University , appears AI as sciences however USA motionless a national AI policy comparing to Europe where The Council of Europe is developing the first international AI convention and earlier UE launched the European data privacy law, the General Data Privacy Regulation.
In addition, China's efforts to become “world leader in AI by 2030, as long as China is developing a digital structures matched with The one belt one road project . USA , did not contribute to UNESCO AI Recommendations however USA It works to promote democratic values and human rights and integrate them with the governance of artificial intelligence .
USA and UE are facing challenges with transatlantic data flows , with Ukrainian crises The situation became more difficult. In order to reinstate leadership in AI policy, the United States should advance the policy initiative launched last year by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Strengthening efforts to support AI Bill of rights .
EXCERPT: USA believe that foster public trust and confidence in AI technologies and protect civil liberties, privacy, and American values in their application can establish responsible AI in USA. Link: https://www.cfr.org/blog/artificial-intelligence-and-democratic-values-next-steps-united-states Topic : AI and Democratic values Country : United States of America
www.efsyn.gr www.efsyn.gr
Σωστό "Wired" link.
Die Statements Präseident Bidens auf der #COP27 werden von den ärmeren Ländern und von NGOs als enttäuschend bewertet. Weder sind ausreichende Zahlen zu erwarten, noch dürfte die Administration von ihrer Fixierung auf marktbasierte Lösungen wie Kompensationenfür die Emissionen reicher Länder durch Maßnahmen im Gobalen Süden abrücken.
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
Indian students can select from a number of MBA courses in the USA such as Marketing, operations management, general management, supply chain management, resource management, etc.
- Oct 2022
heathercoxrichardson.substack.com heathercoxrichardson.substack.com
The real danger of this widening schism…lies in this creating the conditions for a future that looks more like present-day Russia or Iran.
Or like The Handmaid's Tale.... SF accurately predicts the future yet again.
daniellacressman.medium.com daniellacressman.medium.com
Did I mention that 92% of prisoners just happen to be fathers?
Interesting statistic. Is this for USA? Globally? In any case, if true, I strongly suspect it means more fathers per capita are in prison than bachelors. The implications could be quite significant.
- Aug 2022
www.businessinsider.com www.businessinsider.com
Schumaker, E. (2021, September 22). Poll after poll shows the same thing: Americans are cool with vaccine mandates. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/most-americans-support-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-polls-2021-9
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Leonhardt, D. (2021, July 19). Vaccine Persuasion. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/briefing/vaccine-skepticism-vaccination-drive.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Beaumont, P. (2021, September 16). Which countries are enforcing mandatory Covid jabs – and how? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/16/which-countries-enforcing-mandatory-covid-vaccination
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
Ladyzhets, B. (2021, November 9). The U.S. Is Relying On Other Countries’ Data To Make Its Booster Shot Decisions. FiveThirtyEight. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-u-s-is-relying-on-other-countries-data-to-make-its-booster-shot-decisions/
osf.io osf.io
Mulot, M., Segalas, C., Leyrat, C., & Besançon, L. (2021). Vaccination rates and COVID-19 cases: A commentary of “Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States.” OSF Preprints. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/72abp
www.mavenclinic.com www.mavenclinic.com
With Only 26% of Pregnant People in the United States Vaccinated Against COVID-19, New Survey Sheds Light on the Reasons Why. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2021, from https://www.mavenclinic.com/post/covid-19-vaccine-survey-pregnant-people?utm_content=185156625&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&hss_channel=tw-2236392565
Pokora, B. (2021, September 17). Forbes Advisor Guide To Covid Vaccine Requirements For Travel. Forbes Advisor. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/travel-rewards/airlines-cruises-countries-require-covid-19-vaccination/
twitter.com twitter.com
Shawna Thomas. (2021, October 13). When asked on @CBSMornings about the company’s vaccine mandate for staff, the CEO of @united airlines also said, “Out of our 67,000 U.S. employees, there are 232 who haven’t been vaccinated. They are going through the termination process.” [Tweet]. @Shawna. https://twitter.com/Shawna/status/1448261664650973186
Are vaccine passports moving the needle on getting people inoculated? (2021, August 5). CP24. https://www.cp24.com/news/are-vaccine-passports-moving-the-needle-on-getting-people-inoculated-1.5535875?cache=%3FclipId%3D89750%3FclipId%3D263414
www.fda.gov www.fda.gov
Commissioner. (2021, October 29). FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use in Children 5 through 11 Years of Age. FDA; FDA. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-authorizes-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-emergency-use-children-5-through-11-years-age
- effectiveness
- is:other
- children
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- 5-to 11-year-old
- vaccine
- emergency use authorization
- COVID-19
- safety
- lang:en
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Sgaier, S. K. (2021, May 18). Opinion | Meet the Four Kinds of People Holding Us Back From Full Vaccination. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/05/18/opinion/covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy.html
slate.com slate.com
Feldman, J. (2021, September 25). All the Ways That “1 in 5,000 per Day” Breakthrough Infection Stat Is Nonsense. Slate. https://slate.com/technology/2021/09/breakthrough-infections-one-in-five-thousand-nonsense.html
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Lauring, A. S., Tenforde, M. W., Chappell, J. D., Gaglani, M., Ginde, A. A., McNeal, T., Ghamande, S., Douin, D. J., Talbot, H. K., Casey, J. D., Mohr, N. M., Zepeski, A., Shapiro, N. I., Gibbs, K. W., Files, D. C., Hager, D. N., Shehu, A., Prekker, M. E., Erickson, H. L., … Self, W. H. (2022). Clinical severity of, and effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against, covid-19 from omicron, delta, and alpha SARS-CoV-2 variants in the United States: Prospective observational study. BMJ, 376, e069761. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-069761
twitter.com twitter.com
Dowdy, D. (2021, September 21). On the J&J booster news, keep in mind: 1. Median follow-up since 2nd dose was just 36 days, 2. Efficacy vs moderate COVID was 75% globally, and 3. Total number of cases in the US was 15. Please don’t take this to mean that a 2nd dose provides long-term increase in protection. Https://t.co/RnqDNBmwuD [Tweet]. @davidwdowdy. https://twitter.com/davidwdowdy/status/1440323242942554122
www.ipr.northwestern.edu www.ipr.northwestern.edu
Community-Based Research Shows More People Exposed to COVID-19 Virus Than Previously Known: Institute for Policy Research - Northwestern University. (2021, April 13). https://www.ipr.northwestern.edu/news/2021/scan-study-preliminary-findings-of-levels-of-protective-immunity-sars-cov-2.html
www.centerforhealthsecurity.org www.centerforhealthsecurity.org
Brunson EK, Schoch-Spana M, Carnes M, Hosangadi D, Long R, Ravi S, Taylor M, Trotochaud M, Veenema TG, on behalf of the CommuniVax Coalition. Carrying Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination Forward: Guidance Informed by Communities of Color. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security; 2021.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
McGinley, L., & Sun, L. (n.d.). FDA adds new warning on Johnson & Johnson vaccine related to rare autoimmune disorder. Washington Post. Retrieved July 13, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/07/12/johnson-and-johnson-warning/
hub.jhu.edu hub.jhu.edu
Ercolano, P. (2021, September 20). The legality of vaccine mandates. The Hub. https://hub.jhu.edu/2021/09/20/stacey-lee-employer-vaccine-mandate/
www.jpost.com www.jpost.com
Zaig, G. (n.d.). 20% of Americans believe microchips are inside COVID-19 vaccines—Study. The Jerusalem Post | JPost.Com. Retrieved July 21, 2021, from https://www.jpost.com/omg/20-percent-of-americans-believe-microchips-are-inside-covid-19-vaccine-study-674272
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Summers, J. (2021). Little Difference In Vaccine Hesitancy Among White And Black Americans, Poll Finds. NPR.Org. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/03/12/976172586/little-difference-in-vaccine-hesitancy-among-white-and-black-americans-poll-find
Huang, P. (2021, April 1). How The CDC Is Battling The Pandemic And Working To Regain Public Trust: Shots—Health News: NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/04/01/982761755/inside-the-cdcs-battle-to-defeat-the-virus?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social
Franklin, J., & Stein, R. (2022, February 4). 900,000 Americans have died of COVID in 2 years of the global pandemic. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2022/02/04/1078100069/covid19-deaths-us
- pandemic
- is:news
- data
- Democratic
- Donald Trump
- vaccine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- vaccine hesitancy
- prevention
- public health infrastructure
- trust
- public health
- tragic milestone
- Black Americans
- Republican
- messaging
- government
- health department
- case number
- Trump administration
- vaccination
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- 1 million death mark
- death
- 900000 deaths
- White Americans
- politics
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Beers, L. S. (2021, October 26). Opinion | Yes, You’ll Want to Vaccinate Your Kids Against Covid. An Expert Explains Why. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/opinion/covid-vaccine-kids.html
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Collier, A. Y., Brown, C. M., Mcmahan, K., Yu, J., Liu, J., Jacob-Dolan, C., Chandrashekar, A., Tierney, D., Ansel, J. L., Rowe, M., Sellers, D., Ahmad, K., Aguayo, R., Anioke, T., Gardner, S., Siamatu, M., Rivera, L. B., Hacker, M. R., Madoff, L. C., & Barouch, D. H. (2021). Immune Responses in Fully Vaccinated Individuals Following Breakthrough Infection with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant in Provincetown, Massachusetts (p. 2021.10.18.21265113). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.10.18.21265113
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Cox, D. A. (n.d.). Social isolation and community disconnection are not spurring conspiracy theories. American Enterprise Institute - AEI. Retrieved March 8, 2021, from https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/social-isolation-and-community-disconnection-are-not-spurring-conspiracy-theories/
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(((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 30). New York City Update Cases down 67%. Positive rate down to 3.8%, lowest since 12/12. Hospital census down 33%, lowest since 12/28. New admits lowest since 12/21. Getting closer and closer to pre-Omicron levels. Https://t.co/c6H98PUA0E [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1487582265551077387
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ozernov-Palchik, O., Olson, H., Arechiga, X., Kentala, H., Solorio-Fielder1, J. L., Wang, K. L., Torres, Y. C., Gardino, N. D., Dieffenbach, J. R., & Gabrieli, J. (2021). Implementing Remote Developmental Research: A Case Study of an RCT Language Intervention During COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/k9632
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Klein, B., Generous, N., Chinazzi, M., Bhadricha, Z., Gunashekar, R., Kori, P., Li, B., McCabe, S., Green, J., Lazer, D., Marsicano, C. R., Scarpino, S. V., & Vespignani, A. (2021). Higher education responses to COVID-19 in the United States: Evidence for the impacts of university policy (p. 2021.10.07.21264419). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.10.07.21264419
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Victor, S. E., Trieu, T. H., & Seymour, N. (2021). LGBTQ+ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Testing mechanisms and moderators of risk. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3famu
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Epstein, Z., Berinsky, A., Cole, R., Gully, A., Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. (2021). Developing an accuracy-prompt toolkit to reduce COVID-19 misinformation online. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/sjfbn
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Benjy Renton. (2021, November 16). New data update: Drawing from 23 states reporting data, 5.3% of kids ages 5-11 in these states have received their first dose. Vermont leads these states so far in vaccination rates for this age group—17%. The CDC will begin to report data for this group late this week. Https://t.co/LMJXl6lo6Z [Tweet]. @bhrenton. https://twitter.com/bhrenton/status/1460638150322180098
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Lukpat, A., & Hassan, A. (2021, November 2). Covid News: Virus Is Surging on Navajo Nation, Despite High Vaccination Rates. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/11/02/world/kids-vaccine-covid-children
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
arly two dozen Republican state treasurers around the country are working to thwart climate action on state and federal levels, fighting regulations that would make clear the economic risks posed by a warming world, lobbying against climate-minded nominees to key federal posts and using the tax dollars they control to punish companies that want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Republikaner führen einen regelrechten Krieg gegen climate action.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Bisher größter Waldbrand dieses Jahres in Kalifornien
- Jul 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Zum Kompromiss zwischen den amerikanischen Demokraten und Joe Manchin. Es ist interessant, dass bei diesem Kuhhandel zweimal das Wort Geschichte verwendet wird, einmal von Joe Biden.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
"The attack cast serious doubt on the credibility of Russia's commitment," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said
Because that is the problem, this attack is what puts doubts about the credibility
- Jun 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
LIST OF MILITARY RESOURCES REQUESTED TO BE PROVIDED IN SUPPORT OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRODUCTION BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 2018 AND JULY 2019. I. Based on the Paramount scripted titled "TOP GUN: MAVERICK", Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF), in concurrence with Chief, Navy Office of Information (CHINFO) and approval from Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (ATSD-PA), is prepared to provide the following support: a. (b)(6) Assign a senior staff, post-command Officer to review with public affairs the scri 's thematics and weave in key talking points relevant to the aviation community
The Pentagon helped to turn the film 'Maverick' into military propaganda.
McLeod, Alan. 2022. “‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Is Military Propaganda. Official Documents Prove It.” MintPress News. June 13, 2022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220617074530/https://www.mintpressnews.com/top-gun-maverick-military-propaganda-official-documents/281077/.
- May 2022
icisanfrancisco.fr icisanfrancisco.fr
Si vous êtes de passage à San Francisco au cours de votre voyage en Californie, une visite au Golden Gate Bridge est indispensable. Le voir de loin ou l’emprunter ne suffit pas. Vous y intéressez de près, cela mérite le détour parce que ce pont de style Art déco est unique au monde.
- Apr 2022
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Lewis, T. (n.d.). Who Needs a COVID Booster Shot? Experts Answer Common Questions. Scientific American. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/who-needs-a-covid-booster-shot-experts-answer-common-questions/
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ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, October 26). @Professologue @GYamey @ENirenberg I am not American either, but I would imagine that it is decision relevant when the costs of policies not only hit some citizens more than others, but particularly when they hit groups likely to be under-represented or even excluded from making those very decisions [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1453074595146240005
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Lindsley, W. G. (2021). Efficacy of Portable Air Cleaners and Masking for Reducing Indoor Exposure to Simulated Exhaled SARS-CoV-2 Aerosols—United States, 2021. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7027e1
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Subramanian, S. V., & Kumar, A. (2021). Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. European Journal of Epidemiology, 36(12), 1237–1240. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The issue that had roiled the grown-ups in his life seemed to have had no effect on him at all.
I wonder if that suggests the tests matter less, or more?
That pragmatic genius for which Americans used to be known and admired, which included a talent for educating our young—how did it desert us?
Known by who for educating who? This is the most ridiculously reductionist and nostalgic lament in the entire piece.
an idea of education based on real meri
Please define this "real merit".
festooned with all the authoritarian excess of the new progressivism
Do the policies and practices that shape disadvantaged lives come festooned (eg, drug sentencing laws)? Or do they seep out with a colder, darker, less obvious rhetoric?
The teaching of civics has dwindled since the 1960s—a casualty of political polarization
So the lack of civics lamented above is not caused by the global cultural studies that happened? There could be both, right?
Our goal shouldn’t be to tell children what to think. The point is to teach them how to think so they can grow up to find their own answers.
How many generations have passed mistaking this solution as progress?
identity alone should neither uphold nor invalidate an idea
Except ideas have always been structured by identify. Perhaps universal ideas might be better seen as the identity politics of a privilege that doesn't appreciate being interrogated.
the universal principles of equality, dignity, and freedom
It's easy to reach for these "universal" principles, which have always been universal in theory only. It doesn't surprise me that folks heretofore excluded challenge universal principles that have not served their purposes.
It was a quiet plea to be left alone.
Or was it a quiet plea that people can figure things out without hard rules and signs?
Q also used the boys’ bathroom, which led to problems with other boys.
What were the problems with the other boys?
A 95 percent opt-out rate was a resounding success. It rivaled election results in Turkmenistan.
Wow. That's an incredibly long reach to make an incendiary point.
An extensive survey of American political opinion published last year by a nonprofit called More in Common found that a large majority of every group, including black Americans, thought “political correctness” was a problem.
This is where it gets really interesting. I'd have to explore what branches out from here, but the term "political correctness" is not really just one thing that everyone agrees on, and from where I'm sitting, mostly seems to arise around areas where people who historically have had less of a voice start having one that disturbs established POVs.
in part out of disillusionment with the early promise of his presidency—out of expectations raised and frustrated
hm: another statement I'd need to think about or hear more about. How would we measure if there really was significant disillusionment from hope Obama's presidency raised? Sounds sorta right, but hard to prove.
Wait, how does meritocracy value security?
On that freezing sidewalk, I felt a shudder of revulsion at the perversions of meritocracy. And yet there I was, cursing myself for being 30th in line.
This is a great juxtaposition of the trap the author and so many upper-middle-class people find themselves in.
children into overworked, inauthentic success machines
A worry I have for sure...
stay married
Ahhh...so THIS is why we stay married!
True meritocracy came closest to realization with the rise of standardized tests in the 1950s
Interesting, I'm ready to buy that the post-WWII period had the biggest opening to education in the USA — tho far from truly open or meritocratic and definitely unevenly distributed in many ways, including between K12 and higher ed — but I'm not sure I'd put standardized tests first in a list of reasons for the opening. I'd want to hear more about that.
He had picked this moment to render his very first representational drawing, and our hopes rose.
I like an alternate theory: their kid had been making representational drawings for a long time, but purposely obscuring it until the revelation could make the biggest impact.
Liberals are always slow to realize that there can be friendly, idealistic people who have little use for liberal values.
So idealistic with other values?
barackobama.medium.com barackobama.medium.com
News Literacy Project
"The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan national education nonprofit, provides programs and resources for educators and the public to teach, learn and share the abilities needed to be smart, active consumers of news and information and equal and engaged participants in a democracy." Visit website >
MIT Center for Constructive Communication
"Designing tools, methods, and systems to understand and address societal fragmentation." Visit website >
Platform Accountability and Transparency Act
PATA via Senator Coons website.
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Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD [@PeterHotez]. (2021, December 14). 6. I was really hoping we would get the holidays in before the omicron wall hit. Doesn’t look like it https://t.co/X3Kud2ybdQ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1470895433518133252
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Katherine Ognyanova. (2022, February 15). Americans who believe COVID vaccine misinformation tend to be more vaccine-resistant. They are also more likely to distrust the government, media, science, and medicine. That pattern is reversed with regard to trust in Fox News and Donald Trump. Https://osf.io/9ua2x/ (5/7) https://t.co/f6jTRWhmdF [Tweet]. @Ognyanova. https://twitter.com/Ognyanova/status/1493596109926768645
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Carl T. Bergstrom. (2021, August 18). 1. There has been lots of talk about recent data from Israel that seem to suggest a decline in vaccine efficacy against severe disease due to Delta, waning protection, or both. This may have even been a motivation for Biden’s announcement that the US would be adopting boosters. [Tweet]. @CT_Bergstrom. https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1427767356600688646
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Eric Topol. (2021, June 9). Despite increasing incentives, the US vaccination campaign is really struggling. Notably, the top 5 states are approaching 60% total population fully vaccinated which should provide strong protection vs the delta variant. A different story for the bottom 5 states @OurWorldInData https://t.co/boqk3Khhuc [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1402413221667954690
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Department of State. (2021, April 6). .@SecBlinken: Stopping COVID-19 is the Biden-Harris Administration’s number one priority. Otherwise, the coronavirus will keep circulating in our communities, threatening people’s lives and livelihoods, holding our economy back. Https://t.co/uk20myyICI [Tweet]. @StateDept. https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1379554511606280192
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Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, October 27). President keeps saying we have more cases because we are testing more This is not true But wait, how do we know? Doesn’t more testing lead to identifying more cases? Actually, it does So we look at other data to know if its just about testing or underlying infections Thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1321118890513080322
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Prof. Devi Sridhar. (2021, April 8). Biden-Harris Administration gets that it is COVID-19 itself hurting the economy (the virus circulating, not just the restrictions). Stopping COVID-19 is best way to get people’s lives & livelihoods back. [Tweet]. @devisridhar. https://twitter.com/devisridhar/status/1380095008787857409
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Ryan Hanrahan. (2021, April 12). High school vaccinations begin today in New Haven! [Tweet]. @ryanhanrahan. https://twitter.com/ryanhanrahan/status/1381606992763047946
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Mayor Justin Elicker. (2021, April 12). Nurses getting ready to vaccinate 16+ at Career. Thank you to our nurses for keeping our community safe. Https://t.co/EzoTlqvbrd [Tweet]. @MayorElicker. https://twitter.com/MayorElicker/status/1381604809401327616
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Carlos del Rio. (2021, April 7). U.K. variant now dominant form of COVID in US @CDCDirector As predicted B.1.1.7 is now the predominant SARS-CoV-2 strain in the US. Let’s remember it is much more transmissible and likely also more severe. Vaccines do cover it. @ajc https://t.co/Wc4oaYkxqR [Tweet]. @CarlosdelRio7. https://twitter.com/CarlosdelRio7/status/1379816377356333057
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Hilda Bastian, PhD. (2021, February 6). Unofficial unnamed AstraZeneca insider says they are doing the interim analysis for the US trial of the Oxford vaccine. AstraZeneca spokesperson says 4-6 weeks till data release. Https://t.co/VUHgbHN02d One is wrong? Or they’ll release only when have FDA minimum follow-up? Https://t.co/LgjfX8AIti [Tweet]. @hildabast. https://twitter.com/hildabast/status/1357862227106095105
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Peter Navarro. (2021, August 23). This is what caving to political pressure looks like. Pfizer vaccine is leady and non-durable and risks are mounting. If we had tried to pulled this kind of sh**T in the Trump White...fill in blank. F.D.A. Grants Full Approval https://t.co/6r10euQPus [Tweet]. @RealPNavarro. https://twitter.com/RealPNavarro/status/1429833643808145408
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Trevor Bedford. (2022, January 10). Given ~680k cases per day, this would in turn suggest 0.8% or 1% of the US being infected with SARS-CoV-2 every day. This would translate to perhaps 5% or 10% of individuals currently infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the US. 15/15 [Tweet]. @trvrb. https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1480610448563060738
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Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD [@PeterHotez]. (2022, January 30). Canada 🇨🇦 gave us kindness, tolerance, poutine and hockey, and in turn we exported this awful fake health freedom movement linked to far right extremism that caused so much senseless loss of life in America 🇺🇸, and now might do the same there. Our apologies [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1487579598317629441
www.numberbarn.com www.numberbarn.com
一个神奇的服务: Numberbarn ( https://www.numberbarn.com/number-parking ).
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- is:news
- mass
- vaccine
- distribution
- vaccination
- COVID-19
- India
- gobal
- developed
- medicine
- lang:en
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Jia, J. S., Yuan, Y., Jia, J., & Christakis, N. (2022, January 30). Risk perception and behaviour change after personal vaccination for COVID-19 in the USA. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/afyv8
nsarchive2.gwu.edu nsarchive2.gwu.edu
most dangerous of all are those whom Lenin called false friends of the people, namely moderate-socialist or social-democratic leaders (in other words, non-Communist left-wing). These are more dangerous than out-and-out reactionaries, for latter at least march under their true colors, whereas moderate left-wing leaders confuse people by employing devices of socialism to seine interests of reactionary capital
Stalin had understood the threat posed by leftism in the West societies.
twitter.com twitter.com
Benjamin Mason Meier. (2022, March 13). Having examined the CDC Director’s admonition—“Your health is in your hands”—As a moral failure https://thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00351-5/fulltext, our new article reflects on rising individualism in US COVID-19 policy, undermining collective action, health equity & human rights https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589537022000712 https://t.co/EwG9fUUQC2 [Tweet]. @BenjaminMMeier. https://twitter.com/BenjaminMMeier/status/1502989273125036032
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Wu, K. J. (2022, March 2). The Biden Administration Killed America’s Collective Pandemic Approach. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/03/covid-cdc-guidelines-masks/623337/
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Barnes, J. E. (2021, August 5). Russian Disinformation Targets Vaccines and the Biden Administration. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/05/us/politics/covid-vaccines-russian-disinformation.html
noahpinion.substack.com noahpinion.substack.com
And this needs to be made explicit. EU leaders and Biden need to announce clearly and repeatedly that if Russian troops pull back from Ukraine, the sanctions will all be quickly dropped. The part about removing Putin from power shouldn’t be stated; it will be implicit, since Putin is unlikely to ever personally forge an enduring peace with Ukraine.
It's important for the West to stop demonizing Putin - it's just an elaborate form of saber rattling. And here it is a method to go ahead.
Το «φρούριο Δύση» που συγκροτείται, ενάντια σε Ρωσία και Κίνα ξεκινάει και θα συνεχίσει στραμμένο τέρμα δεξιά με τα μισά του κανόνια να κοιτάνε προς τα μέσα.
www.msnbc.com www.msnbc.com
“The choice that we faced in Ukraine — and I'm using the past tense there intentionally — was whether Russia exercised a veto over NATO involvement in Ukraine on the negotiating table or on the battlefield,” said George Beebe, a former director of Russia analysis at the CIA and special adviser on Russia to former Vice President Dick Cheney. “And we elected to make sure that the veto was exercised on the battlefield, hoping that either Putin would stay his hand or that the military operation would fail.”
So invasion of Russia's in Ukraine had been explicitly provoked by CIA!
www.militaire.gr www.militaire.gr
« Η επιλογή που αντιμετωπίσαμε στην Ουκρανία — και χρησιμοποιώ σκόπιμα την ένταση του παρελθόντος εκεί — ήταν εάν η Ρωσία άσκησε βέτο για τη συμμετοχή του ΝΑΤΟ στην Ουκρανία στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων ή στο πεδίο της μάχης» δήλωσε ο Τζορτζ Μπίμπε, πρώην διευθυντής ανάλυσης της Ρωσίας στη CIA και ειδικός σύμβουλος για τη Ρωσία στον πρώην αντιπρόεδρο Ντικ Τσένι. Παρακάτω: η πλήρης διάλεξη του Πανεπιστημίου του Σικάγου John J. Mearsheimer, η οποία τώρα γίνεται ιογενής.. Ο Μπίμπι της CIA ακολουθεί αυτή την σχεδόν απίστευτη ατάκα: «Και εκλέξαμε για να βεβαιωθούμε ότι το βέτο ασκήθηκε στο πεδίο της μάχης, ελπίζοντας ότι είτε ο Πούτιν δεν θα το αποτολμήσει είτε η επιχείρησή του θα αποτύχει”.
Η μεταφραση ειναι χαλια, εδώ το αγγλικό κειμενο.
blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu
Reichel, C. (2022, March 1). Please Keep Your Masks On. Bill of Health. http://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/02/28/please-keep-your-masks-on/
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
CNN, T. A. and K. D. (n.d.). CDC estimates 140 million US Covid-19 infections. CNN. Retrieved 7 March 2022, from https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/01/health/140-million-covid-19-infections/index.html
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ReconfigBehSci. (2022, March 6). RT @JPWeiland: BA.2 projections in the US: Coming off of the massive omicron wave (Rt=0.64) will provide a lot of immunity to restrict B… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1500489703472222208
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Thrasher, S. W. (n.d.). There Is Nothing Normal about One Million People Dead from COVID. Scientific American. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/there-is-nothing-normal-about-one-million-people-dead-from-covid1/
noahpinion.substack.com noahpinion.substack.com
in which we retaliated for an attack on our soil
Retaliation should have been directed against wahabis in S>Arabia - occupying a whole nation to hunt down a person is a sentimental but flimsy pretext.
in which we intervened in a civil war
Vietnam's civil war was a pretext - spheres of influence was the culprit, as it happened with the [[Greek Civil War]].
- Feb 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
When the C.D.C. published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.
US is not only the worst country from a death/cases standpoint, but also its governmental health services are not adept to the task.
US is a failed state in many domains outside defense & security.
Dr. Peter Hotez: Omicron is like a fast-moving freight train. (n.d.). MSN. Retrieved February 20, 2022, from https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/dr-peter-hotez-omicron-is-like-a-fast-moving-freight-train/vi-AARPfVG
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Auger, K. A., Shah, S. S., Richardson, T., Hartley, D., Hall, M., Warniment, A., Timmons, K., Bosse, D., Ferris, S. A., Brady, P. W., Schondelmeyer, A. C., & Thomson, J. E. (2020). Association Between Statewide School Closure and COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in the US. JAMA, 324(9), 859–870. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.14348
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BNO Newsroom. (2021, November 19). NEW: FDA approves Pfizer and Moderna vaccine booster shots for all adults in the U.S. [Tweet]. @BNODesk. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1461688304886296581
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Schreiber, M. (2022, February 14). ‘The only logical choice’: Anti-vaxxers who changed their minds on Covid vaccines. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/14/covid-anti-vaxxers-changed-minds
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ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @HelenBranswell: The latest “Nowcast” from @CDCgov suggests Omicron has pretty much swept the table. Https://t.co/BAwPhsyPwW https://t.…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 13 February 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1483495777376903175
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Charles #GetCovered-ba 🩺. (2022, February 10). Yup. Https://t.co/UyKb4IVxUn [Tweet]. @charles_gaba. https://twitter.com/charles_gaba/status/1491617409261838340
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Willett, J. D. S. (n.d.). Omicron: Vaccines remain the best defence against this COVID-19 variant and others. The Conversation. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from http://theconversation.com/omicron-vaccines-remain-the-best-defence-against-this-covid-19-variant-and-others-174195
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Jetelina, K. (2022, January 13). State of Affairs: Pediatrics and Omicron [Substack newsletter]. Your Local Epidemiologist. https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/state-of-affairs-pediatrics-and-omicron
Jorge A. Caballero, MD (jorgecaballero.eth). (2022, January 10). 🧵/ I just spoke with two journalists about data that shows how the U.S. healthcare system is collapsing before our eyes. The million dollar question during both interviews was, “What else could we be doing right now?” The answer: Flatten the hospitalization curve. Now. [Tweet]. @DataDrivenMD. https://twitter.com/DataDrivenMD/status/1480607009867132928
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Alberta court grants mother right to vaccinate immunocompromised son against COVID-19. (n.d.). Edmontonjournal. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/alberta-court-covid-19-vaccination-rights-mother-immunocompromised-son-despite-father-objection
- anti-vaccine
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- children
- immunocompromised
- vaccine
- authority
- COVID-19
- consent
- risk
- conspiracy theories
- lang:en
- misinformation
Jorge A. Caballero, MD (jorgecaballero.eth). (2022, January 3). NEW: Daily #COVID19 admissions among U.S. children are twice as high as they were during the peak of the Delta wave source: HHS, https://healthdata.gov/Hospital/COVID-19-Reported-Patient-Impact-and-Hospital-Capa/g62h-syeh https://t.co/JqCksJevoU [Tweet]. @DataDrivenMD. https://twitter.com/DataDrivenMD/status/1478086649271578626
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Tyler Black, MD. (2022, January 4). /1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thread: Mortality in 2020 and myths =-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2020, unsurprisingly, came with excess death. There was an 18% increase in overall mortality, year on year. But let’s dive in a little bit deeper. The @CDCgov has updated WONDER, its mortality database. Https://t.co/DbbvvbTAZQ [Tweet]. @tylerblack32. https://twitter.com/tylerblack32/status/1478501508132048901
blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu
wparmet. (2022, January 5). Major Questions about Vaccine Mandates, the Supreme Court, and the Major Questions Doctrine. Bill of Health. http://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/01/05/major-questions-vaccine-mandates-supreme-court/
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Padamsee, T. J., Bond, R. M., Dixon, G. N., Hovick, S. R., Na, K., Nisbet, E. C., Wegener, D. T., & Garrett, R. K. (2022). Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Black and White Individuals in the US. JAMA Network Open, 5(1), e2144470. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.44470
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Craig Spencer MD MPH. (2022, January 22). In the U.S. more people died of Covid in the past week than died of Ebola during the whole 2014-2016 West Africa epidemic. Maybe it’s me, but the slew of ‘the pandemic is essentially over’ articles seem a bit premature. [Tweet]. @Craig_A_Spencer. https://twitter.com/Craig_A_Spencer/status/1484739130055696387
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(((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 21). NYC update (GREAT news heading into weekend) Cases down 43% with positive rate 7.3% (Manhattan 6.2%). Lowest rate since December 15. Hospital census down 13% back to levels of January 2. All trends (except deaths) favorable. Thanks to everyone who has helped get us here. Https://t.co/MLmptWLxKv [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1484608013885480962
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BNO Newsroom. (2022, January 28). U.S. COVID update: Daily cases drop 13 days in a row, deaths still rising—New cases: 546,598—Average: 600,789 (-29,966)—States reporting: 46/50—In hospital: 143,574 (-2,881)—In ICU: 25,099 (-254)—New deaths: 3,061—Average: 2,525 (+88) Data: Https://newsnodes.com/us [Tweet]. @BNODesk. https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1486860664291446787
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(((Howard Forman))). (2022, January 31). Connecticut Cases down 72% from last week (lower test resulting). Positive rate 7.3%, lowest since 12/20. Hospitalizations down 29%. 46% are fully vaccinated. FWIW - my hospital is 67% down from peak census. Good news! Https://t.co/dOpFO2fjTK [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1488277435342901259
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Seth Trueger. (2022, February 2). Cases are down but deaths have not peaked yet https://t.co/yM2U3lt1kl [Tweet]. @MDaware. https://twitter.com/MDaware/status/1488916026590957573
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Berger, Eric. ‘As Omicron Peaks, the US Healthcare System Is Left “Broken beyond Repair”’. The Guardian, 4 February 2022, sec. Society. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/feb/03/us-coronavirus-healthcare-system-providers.
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ReconfigBehSci. (2022, February 4). RT @DrEricDing: 💡1.1 million #COVID deaths averted by #vaccinations in 2021. Could have been many more had we vaccinated more. ➡️ We need… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1489499545373450240
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Mazar, A., Tomaino, G., Carmon, Z., & Wood, W. (2022). Distance to Vaccine Sites is Associated with Lower COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mux5s
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(((Howard Forman))). (2022, February 3). Connecticut Cases down 19%. Positive rate is 6.6%, similar to early December. We are at comparable case levels to last winter. Hospitalizations down 32%. Deaths continue to decline, down 22%. Https://t.co/vqhn1AwM6b [Tweet]. @thehowie. https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1489334682596429825
osf.io osf.io
Calarco, J. M. (2021). The Moral Calm Before the Storm: How a Theory of Moral Calms Explains the Covid-Related Increase in Parents’ Refusal of Vaccines for Children. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/m7c3p
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
the institutional and national levels
Maybe we should consider other policy-making levels too, as there are good examples of regional/provincial/state level OER policy, such as in Oregon. What are other examples/levels?
twitter.com twitter.com
Viki Male on Twitter: “@jtmayes3 @kevinault Let’s begin by taking the 172,000 number at face value. About 190,000 ppl have been vaccinated during pregnancy in the US. So if that were true it’s a miscarriage rate of 90%… 1/ https://t.co/cXYXDv1UgB” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://twitter.com/VikiLovesFACS/status/1487313040785686528
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Joe Sill on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://twitter.com/joe_sill/status/1473489055136497664
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A cause of America’s labor shortage: Millions with long COVID. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://www.cbsnews.com/news/long-covid-labor-market-missing-workers/
US government moves to end daily COVID-19 death reporting by hospitals. (n.d.). World Socialist Web Site. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/01/15/hhhs-j15.html
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Meg Tirrell. (2022, January 31). Novavax says it’s officially filed for EUA of its #covid19 vaccine in the US https://t.co/QtKunI2sbm [Tweet]. @megtirrell. https://twitter.com/megtirrell/status/1488223548602736640
chomsky.info chomsky.info
Back in 1981, a State Department insider boasted that we would "turn Nicaragua into the Albania of Central America"-that is, poor, isolated and politically radical-so that the Sandinista dream of creating a new, more exemplary political model for Latin America would be in ruins.
Cruelty of the imperialistic US administrator is telling of what we can achieve without toxic capitlalism.
Tayag, Y. (2022, January 31). What causes long Covid? Scientists are zeroing in on the answer. Vox. https://www.vox.com/22906853/omicron-long-covid-vaccinated-symptoms-cause
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Andrew Account for lags Kunzmann. (2022, January 30). Wait two years before we can tell who took the correct approach. OK, we’ll check back in March. Https://t.co/9ypiVCK428 [Tweet]. @1987Andrewk. https://twitter.com/1987Andrewk/status/1487727392286248963
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Deanna Behrens, MD (she/her). (2022, January 30). One U.S. child loses a parent or caregiver for every four COVID-19-associated deaths I’m not discounting mental health effects of the pandemic on children. That is real. But the risks associated with #COVID19 for children and its affects on them aren’t always obvious [Tweet]. @DeannaMarie208. https://twitter.com/DeannaMarie208/status/1487607849664581634
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Abelson, R., & Jewett, C. (2022, January 29). When Omicron Isn’t So Mild. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/29/health/omicron-chronic-illness.html