161 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. What's the hard part?What does success look like?Is the juice worth the squeeze?Who is this for? What is this for?What are potential reasons not to do this, i.e. counterpoints?What is our unfair advantage for doing this?What are areas of risk and how might we mitigate?Why is this likely to work and be a good investment?What evidence, data, and examples am I pulling from?What assets, levers, and constraints are we working with?Who do we need buy-in from in order to move forward?What’s the upside, downside, and trade-offs?Where might I be making an assumption or logical leap that doesn’t make sense?How can we test this in the lowest-overhead way possible?How does this stack rank against other ideas for driving the business?If we decided to move forward today, what would you need to bring this to life?Can we do this ourselves, or do we need to tap into other teams?Why would your target audience be excited to do the thing you want them to do?
    2. Rigorous thinking is realizing that 90% of ideas are probably not worth doing, and the ones that are worth doing, won’t just magically work. It’s realizing that many ideas are decent, but decent doesn’t meet the bar for moving forward when you have limited resources (and resources are always limited, even at large organizations).
    3. Remember: You hired intelligent people, and your best high performers already want to think rigorously. Be their thought partner. If given the chance, they will be excited to sharpen their thinking with your guidance because it's a skill that will serve them now and forever in their careers.

      i think this mindset also helps in a classroom setting. you have to think of your students as intelligent individuals who can produce good ideas and provide good insights. this will also help them in the long run even outside of the classroom

    4. In this world, you rarely say no to an idea, because it's not about saying yes or no. It's about vetting an idea. You ask strategic questions, so your employee ends up realizing themselves that the idea won't work in its current iteration.You work collaboratively to pressure test assumptions. They excitedly go back to the drawing board and come back to you with a stronger iteration and next steps. They hone their judgment and become more strategic over time, requiring less support from you.You have less decision fatigue and get better results. Direct reports feel empowered and take ownership.
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Bartholomew’s most distinctive effort to “update” the Church is his commitment to environmentalism. In the press, he is sometimes called the Green Patriarch. When, in 1997, he declared that abusing the natural environment was a sin against God, he became the first major religious leader to articulate such a position.
    1. This is not a discrete project but an ongoing process and should always be competing for focus in strategic decision making.

      Absolutely agreed. One limitation of the Iron Triangle concept is that it often seems to be used to make decisions based on a snapshot in time (i.e. which two are we choosing now), when some choices have longer half-lives than others.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Imagine an old, heavy suitcase whose well-worn handles are hanging by a few threads. Thehandle is “Trust the Process” or “Story Is King”—a pithy statement that seems, on the face ofit, to stand for so much more. The suitcase represents all that has gone into the formation ofthe phrase: the experience, the deep wisdom, the truths that emerge from struggle. Too often,we grab the handle and—without realizing it—walk off without the suitcase. What’s more, wedon’t even think about what we’ve left behind. After all, the handle is so much easier to carryaround than the suitcase.

      Ed Catmull analogizes the idea of pithy business statements and aphorisms as old, heavy suitcases and their handles. It's easy to grab onto the handle and walk of only with it, particularly when the weight and inconvenience of the suitcase and its actual contents are no longer attached. One needs to make sure that their comfortable old suitcase handle is still attached to the case and the valuable, hard-won wisdom of the contents inside.

    2. Catmull, Ed, and Amy Wallace. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 2014.

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    1. Sultan Timur said, “Then what is it that has brought the caliphate to the Abbasids until this era in Islam?” He said this directly to me, and I replied: “May God grant you victory! Since the moment of the death of the Prophet, the Muslims have differed over whether or not it is necessary for the believers to have some ruler from among themselves to direct their spiritual and their worldly affairs. One party were of the opinion—and among them were the Kharijites—that it is not necessary; the majority, however, held that it is necessary, but have disagreed regarding the legal evidence proving its necessity. On the other hand, all the Shi‘ites adhered to the position that the Prophet designated ‘Ali [ibn Abī Tālib] to be caliph, although the Shi‘ites have more opinions than can be counted concerning the particular succession of ‘Ali’s descendants after him. The Sunnis, meanwhile, unanimously rejected the idea that the Prophet designated a successor. They assert that the only necessity with regard to this [the imamate] is ijtihād, by which they mean that it is incumbent upon the Muslims (as a community) to exert themselves in choosing a righteous, knowledgeable, and just man to whom to entrust the guidance of their affairs.

      Ibn Khaldun explaining how there are differing views of leadership (caliph) in islam among Sunni, Shi'ite)

  4. Feb 2024
    1. Transactional leadership style is more practical and focus on “get things done”, whereas thetransformational leadership style emphasizes change, as the name suggests. The driving factor ofa transactional leadership style is power, legitimate or coercive. Subordinate will simply followthe orders from the supervisor. In contrast, the key personality factor that a transformational leadershould have is charisma

      Transformational Leadership is Charisma



  5. Nov 2023
  6. Sep 2023
    1. Hoekstra, a Shell man and a McKinsey man in charge of EU climate policy?
      • for: climate change policy hypocrisy, fossil fuel lobby, EU climate policy, Hoekstra, Fox guarding the henhouse, Linked In post
      • comment

        • What does it say about the EU's authenticity to deal with the global boiling crisis when they put a fox in charge of the henhouse?
        • this seems awfully similar to the choice for positioning an oil man to head COP28.
        • The fossil fuel lobby is EXTREMELY busy in the opaque back end of politics. We need more light to shine and bring the back end fossil fuel lobby activity out of the shadows to pre-empt future leadership betrayals.
      • future research

        • uncover future fossil fuel lobby’s game plan and future attempts to coopt climate change policy leadership
        • needed in order to proactively preempt the next attempt at coopting climate leadership. It’s difficult when we are simply reacting
  7. Jul 2023
    1. So if you have a president 01:19:36 or a prime minister who's won an election, there's no training, there's no oversight, there's no scrutiny other than journalists from the outside. There's often not a criminal background check for politicians before an election. And yet when you end up as a tour guide, you have all sorts of safeguarding, you have training.
      • recommendation
        • politicians and other leaders need deep training and constant scrutiny as a condition to being in those positions
        • it is unthinkable that a tour guide position should have more training than a president of a country!
    2. we have all sorts of stupid biases when it comes to leadership selection.
      • facial bias
        • experiments show that children and adults alike who didn't know any of the faces shown, chose actual election leaders and runner ups of elections to be their leaders
        • China exploits the "white-guy-in- a-tie" problem to win deals.
          • Companies hire a white person with zero experience to wear a nice suit and tie and pose as a businessman who has just flown in from Silicon Valley.
    1. Sometimes it means telling them something they knew unconsciously but had never put into words. In fact those may be the more valuable insights, because they tend to be more fundamental.

      The art of the "aha" moment.

  8. Mar 2023
    1. Whose values do we put through the A.G.I.? Who decides what it will do and not do? These will be some of the highest-stakes decisions that we’ve had to make collectively as a society.’’

      A similar set of questions might be asked of our political system. At present, the oligopolic nature of our electoral system is heavily biasing our direction as a country.

      We're heavily underrepresented on a huge number of axes.

      How would we change our voting and representation systems to better represent us?

  9. Jan 2023
    1. Semantic leadership   Extent to which word usage by one entity is subsequently adopted by others. Specifically, Klein measures how often novel semantic usage in a given newspaper is mirrored by other newspapers. When a newspaper is a semantic leader, its semantic usage better predicts the later usage of that word in other newspapers compared to those other newspapers' own, earlier usage of the word.

      How might this leadership happen within the social epidemic view of Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point framework?

      • the law of the few,
      • the stickiness factor, and
      • the power of context

      and with respect to mavens, connectors, and salespeople?

  10. Dec 2022
    1. Every year schools are looking for ways to improve their system and provide students with the best possible education, which is where good education leadership comes into play. Surprisingly enough, many people involved in their local educational system are uncertain as to what defines educational leadership. Education leadership is a combined process that utilizes the forces, knowledge and talents of teachers, parents and teachers with the goal of improving not just the quality of education but also the education system itself.
    1. Georgetown professor and author of The Necessary Journey, Ella Washington, captured the issue perfectly when she said, “Connecting with employees is often seen as ‘extra’ work for managers, so it goes to the bottom of the list. Companies need to make it clear — it is not extra; it is essential.”

      Connection with employees should be among the top priorities of your leadership team. Creating space for genuine connection inside roles like team lead and manager are essential to your team's long term success and culture development.

  11. Nov 2022
    1. What separates a great manager from a mediocre one? According to Catalyst’s global report, GettingReal About Inclusive Leadership, building an inclusive team culture is key.
  12. Oct 2022
    1. And our president must be teacher as well as doer.

      Our president must be in equal measures a teacher, a leader, and a doer.

  13. Sep 2022
    1. It’s the oxygen mask metaphor. Before you put on the oxygen mask of other people, you have to put it on yourself. So self-care first.
    1. Organizations don’t change—people do Many companies move quickly from setting their performance objectives to implementing a suite of change initiatives. Be it a new growth strategy or business-unit structure, the integration of a recent acquisition or the rollout of a new operational-improvement effort, such organizations focus on altering systems and structures and on creating new policies and processes. To achieve collective change over time, actions like these are necessary but seldom sufficient. A new strategy will fall short of its potential if it fails to address the underlying mind-sets and capabilities of the people who will execute it. McKinsey research and client experience suggest that half of all efforts to transform organizational performance fail either because senior managers don’t act as role models for change or because people in the organization defend the status quo.2 2. For more on McKinsey’s organizational-health index and findings on organizational change, see Scott Keller and Colin Price, “Organizational health: The ultimate competitive advantage,” McKinsey Quarterly, June 2011. In other words, despite the stated change goals, people on the ground tend to behave as they did before. Equally, the same McKinsey research indicates that if companies can identify and address pervasive mind-sets at the outset, they are four times more likely to succeed in organizational-change efforts than are companies that overlook this stage.

      Mindset drives Behavior, and Behavior drives Results.

      We generally focus on behavior, not mindset. We want to get to results, and fast, so we focus on the changing the behaviors necessary to achieve our desired results. We don't see the need to change ourselves, nor do we want to.

    1. Yet, that's something that you'll probably be glad to know about because then, you can think about how long you want to be in that organization.

      Been there. Done that. No longer there. The thing is, you have to decide how much to give, and how much to endure. Another way of saying that is, "don't hope yourself to death."

    2. Patrick starts his video by saying that many people ask him “what do you do about creating a healthy organization if you're not the CEO or in charge of the organization?” However, according to Stephen Covey, we should focus on our circle of influence not our circle of concern. In other words, think about “what organizational components do we have direct influence over” i.e., the department we lead or we're a member of. So, we must realize that “I might not be able to change the whole organization but I can focus on the part of it that I influence directly.”

      Focus on the organization I influence most directly. Recognize my limits but do what I can, with what I have, where I am.

  14. Aug 2022
    1. when an investor sees a Magic Quadrant, they'll think:Can your company actually only differentiate its product on two axes? Does your product beat the competition on just two key benefits or strategies?If that's the case, and your product isn't much different from your competitors, why will people buy it or use it?
  15. Jul 2022
    1. Large companies often have divisions and functions with innovation, incubation and technology scouting all operating independently with no common language or tools Innovation heroics as the sole source of deployment of new capabilities are a sign of a dysfunctional organization Innovation isn’t a single activity (incubators, accelerators, hackathons); it is a strategically organized end-to-end process from idea to deployment Somewhere three, four or five levels down the organization are the real centers of innovation – accelerating mission/delivering innovative products/services at high speed The CTO’s job is to: create a common process, language and tools for innovation make them permanent with a written innovation doctrine and policy And don’t ever tell anyone you’re a “short timer”
  16. Jun 2022
    1. park a crucial question that any leader who has to make a difficult, often unpopular, decision must ask themself: What must I do in this situation, given my position?
    2. Meaningful change, in contrast, supports a culture of integrity that is driven by formative institutional principles and that provides a structure for future growth and change.
    3. When we speak, we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak …”
  17. Mar 2022
    1. Each of us faces a threat as we pursue our craft. Like sirens on the rocks, ego sings a soothing, validating song— which can lead to a wreck. The second we let the ego tell us  we have graduated, learning grinds to a halt. That’s why Frank Shamrock said, “Always stay a student.” As in, it never ends.

      One of the prices of the pursuit of greatness. You're never "there".

  18. Feb 2022
    1. Hiatt wrote in her book: "My next career steps have always been inspired by asking myself the key question of 'What do I want to learn in the next phase of my career?'" Without having a sense of the next leap, it's easy to limit yourself to comfortable roles that avoid stress, instead of chasing opportunities for growth, she says.Hiatt says her managers were often the key indicators of her personal growth trajectory and opportunities. In exchange, she says, it was up to her to be proactive with those opportunities and deliver results. She says she always prioritized the type of people she wanted to work for over everything else, because it would shape the kind of person and leader she wanted to be.

      What is the gap between me and this person, and do I want to close the gap?

    1. Eric Feigl-Ding. (2022, January 17). Pandemic leadership matters. #COVID19 mortality per capita by state. 📍Public health is policy, policy is politics. 📍Human behavior is often driven by misinformation. 📍Misinformation is often driven by politics. 📍Politics can be changed by voting—Unless voters can’t. Https://t.co/pFkndQZrfr [Tweet]. @DrEricDing. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1483181226815012867

  19. Jan 2022
    1. When a product manager trusts that the engineers on the team have the interest of the product at heart, they also trust the engineer’s judgment when adding technical tasks to the backlog and prioritizing them. This enables the balanced mix of feature and technical work that we’re aiming for.

      Why is it so common for engineering teams to be mistrusted by other parts of the business?

      Part of that is definitely on engineers: chasing the new shiny, over-engineering, etc.

      That seems unlikely to account for all of it, though.

  20. Dec 2021
    1. In 2022, successful business leaders will need to address the continued disruption from the last couple of years and will do so through four human-centric strategies. All of them elevate the importance of individuals. All of them improve the employee-employer relationship. All of them test the degree to which leaders embrace innovative management styles. All of them will impact the company's ability to retain and recruit top talent. And all of them have an impact on a business's bottom line

      It seems like them uncertainty in the world today makes need of higher quality relationships between the employers and their boss as they cannot find it in the systems to the same degree. It will be a time when the character of the leader is tested and the leader will then be in need of a greater input from God or an external source which is stable.

  21. Oct 2021
    1. Jeg synes Solskjær forberedte laget godt etter motstanderen. Vi må alle kjøpe det han sier og gjøre det han forteller at vi skal gjøre. Det hjalp oss til å ta tre poeng i dag, sier målscorer Marcus Rashford.arrow-leftforrige

      Snakk om å innrette seg etter sin leder!

    1. Humility means that each leader’s relationship to other leaders is characterized by an acknowledgment that he deserves none of the recognition, power, or influence that his position affords him.

      Outside of a position, we're all equal. A role follows a position, with a set of actions that is required in order to do the role in a good way.

    1. I think we might need a bit more room for the bios of individuals. Seems like there will be room for more words in each line? Copy wise the length should be medium. Right now we like Constantine's bio. Is this doable in terms of layout. See below: Constantine is among the most respected legal voices in privacy, a frequent speaker at industry events, a trainer of literally hundreds of privacy professionals, and trusted counsel to organizations around the world. In two decades of experience, he has served any number of privacy roles, from Chief Privacy Officer at Mercer to VP at original privacy tech and research firm Nymity to in-demand consultant and privacy lead at PwC. At Divebell, he leads efforts to make sure our tool’s capabilities match the needs of privacy and compliance professionals and the imperatives of new global regulations.

  22. Sep 2021
    1. My father was sharing a book by Brené Brown, Dare to Lead. I shared this website I had created while I was an instructor at the University of the Fraser Valley.

      I pointed him to the TED talk by Brené Brown on The Power of Vulnerability.

    1. 2001) Maior área protegida do país, com 2,2 milhões de ha, fartos recursos genéticos e sítios de inscrições em pedra e cerâmicas antigas. De clima úmido, tem médias térmicas em torno de 26ºC e período mais chuvoso de dezembro a abril. Florestas tropicais e campinaranas recobrem planícies, colinas, áreas inundáveis e interflúvios tabulares. Há grande diversidade de espécies de peixes, anfíbios, répteis e mamíferos; entre as ameaçadas está a onça pintada. A pesca comercial, extração de madeira e visitação inadequada vêm ameaçando a proteção dessa área.


    1. Why look ye, Rogues! D'ye think that this will do ? Your Neighbours thresh as much again as you

      Eternal struggle of competition here. The workers (and the poet) admonish that one compares themselves against their neighbors (competitors) than simply themselves.

      The fix for this is for the leadership/bosses to participate themselves to see if the yield isn't as good as it might otherwise be. So much could be fixed if the "boss" is involved in the actual work or physically on site at least some of the time to experience what is going on. Participation counts.

  23. Aug 2021
    1. Everett, J. A. C., Colombatto, C., Awad, E., Boggio, P., Bos, B., Brady, W. J., Chawla, M., Chituc, V., Chung, D., Drupp, M., Goel, S., Grosskopf, B., Hjorth, F., Ji, A., Kealoha, C., Kim, J. S., Lin, Y., Ma, Y., Maréchal, M. A., … Crockett, M. (2021). Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mzswb

    1. Imitation did not mean exact reproduction; rather, words could be added or substracted, and a passage reworked in order to express the same or a contrary view (52)

      Tangential to my particular study, but consider the idea of Donald Trump as being an imitator within this framing. He would frequently float ideas at rallies (cf. George Lakoff) to see what would get a rise from the crowed and riff off of that. In some sense he's not leading, yet imitating the mobs.

  24. Jun 2021
    1. Our animating definition of leadership in #Unleashed is that #leadership is about making others better as a result of our presence, and having that impact last into our absence. Tuesday afternoon we will explore the role of #strategy in empowering people in our absence (hint: our strategy is only as effective as its ability to be understood in our absence).

      Francis Frei

    1. To lead effectively — really, to live effectively — you must be confident in yourself, connected to others, committed to purpose, and emotionally courageous.
  25. May 2021
    1. Perhaps for everyone, a moment or occasion of leadership will emerge, reveal itself, and call to us with the painful, necessary task of speaking up, patiently asking for alternatives, insistently rocking the boat

      Leaders - and teachers - must recognise those moments when we're called to do something courageous.

      And we must find or create opportunities for our students to do the same.

    2. leading is risky business

      As is teaching.

    1. Purpose for the Mentor:Develop leadership skills‍Being put in the position of a role model can help mentors become better leaders and instill confidence in their leadership ability. The responsibility of helping guide someone’s career and goals requires the senior employee to teach, to motivate and to offer honest feedback in difficult conversations. All these skills are at the top of the required list for a leader.

      This is something that I've been thinking about in terms of career growth, and how one of the things we expect of engineers as they become more senior - is that they can take on leadership roles, level up other people, etc - but we often don't provide them with the tools or opportunity to work on these skills, or go into what skills are required to go into this tk.

  26. Apr 2021
    1. The Scrum Master is accountable for establishing Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization. The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness. They do this by enabling the Scrum Team to improve its practices, within the Scrum framework. Scrum Masters are true leaders who serve the Scrum Team and the larger organization.

      This is the section in the Scrum Guide that defines the Scrum Master as Leader first. Servant later (below.) The explicit mentioning of accountable and true leaders emphasises the new focus on leadership in a Scrum Master.

      Does this support the ongoing discussion between Scrum Masters and Line Managers?

      Who’s responsible for coding standards? Who is holding the team accountable when they do not adhere to the DOD? What about quality standards? The role of the QA lead? Yes to all who answer: The Team. They are collectively accountable. What if team dysfunction that a SM can’t solve on his own disrupt performance and quality? He has got no disciplinary status/power, and should not, in order to not restrict his coaching attitude?

      There is an article on scrum.org that states that servant leadership is still useful.

      Further consider the self-managing / self-governing ideas https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/scrum-team-self-managing This article enables each organisation to create shared understanding on how much power lies within the team.

      Since the Scrum master is accountable for the effectiveness of Scrum, he must facilitate shared understanding and agreement within the team and within the teams organisation.

    1. more emphasis on leadership

      Where and how does it place more emphasis on leadership? (need to explore!)

      Leading what? Quality goals? Coding standards? Dysfunctional behaviour? → Role of the manager working with a scrum team, within a scrum team, managing people that are part of a scrum team.

    1. When we hand things off, there are usually a set of concerns that we communicate explicitly. But as humans, the things that stoke our anxieties and erode our confidence in others are often the tacit concerns that we’ve failed to communicate but somehow expect people to ‘just know’
  27. Mar 2021
  28. Feb 2021
    1. Establish structured daily check-ins: Many successful remote managers establish a daily call with their remote employees.

      make sure there is space during standup for chit-chat.

    1. We assume that the people who are in the bestposition to accurately assess the degree of bullshit in their organizations arethe people who work there; therefore, we set out to develop a reliable andvalid scale to measure employees’ perceptions of the extent to which bullshitexists in their organizations. Next, we turn to how we developed theOrganizational Bullshit Perception Scale (OBPS).
    2. Applying the logic of Petrocelli (2018), leaders will be driven to bull-shit when the social and professional expectations to have an opinion are high,and when they expect to get away with it. These two conditions are subject tohow (un)knowledgeable their audience is. Similarly, if leaders exhibit high levelsof overconfidence, and believe they are popular amongst their peers, this willmake them likely to engage in more bullshit-related behavior (Jerrim et al.,2019).
    1. “WHEN PEOPLE talk, listen completely.” Those words of Ernest Hemingway might be a pretty good guiding principle for many managers, as might the dictum enunciated by Zeno of Citium, a Greek philosopher: “We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.” For people like being listened to.
    1. take the case of an eighteen-month-old infant learning to talk. Imagine the father leaning over the crib in which his baby son is engaging in what the behaviorist B. F. Skinner calls the free operant; that is, he’s simply babbling various nonsense sounds. Out of this babble comes the syllable da. What happens? Father smiles broadly, jumps up and down with joy, and shouts, “Did you hear that? My son said ‘daddy.’” Of course, he didn’t say “daddy.” Still, nothing is much more rewarding to an eighteen-month-old infant than to see an adult smiling broadly and jumping up and down. So, the behaviorists confirm our common sense by telling us that the probability of the infant uttering the syllable da has now increased slightly. The father continues to be delighted by da, but after a while his enthusiasm begins to wane. Finally, the infant happens to say, not da, but dada. Once again, father goes slightly crazy with joy, thus increasing the probability that his son will repeat the sound dada. Through such reinforcements and approximations, the toddler finally learns to say daddy quite well. To do so, remember, he not only has been allowed but has been encouraged to babble, to make “mistakes,” to engage in approximations—in short, to be a fool. But what if this type of permission had not been granted? Let’s rerun the same scene. There’s father leaning over the crib of his eighteen-month-old son. Out of the infant’s babble comes the syllable da. This time, father looks down sternly and says, “No, son, that is wrong! The correct pronunciation is dad-dy. Now repeat after me: Dad-dy. Dad-dy. Dad-dy.” What would happen under these circumstances? If all of the adults around an infant responded in such a manner, it’s quite possible he would never learn to talk. In any case, he would be afflicted with serious speech and psychological difficulties.
    1. The reason for this is that I am an ideas person and can come up with worthwhile projects and initiatives to advance the field and systems. I can work with people to get those initiatives kickstarted and get things rolling. Where I struggle is when the newness wears off, and people’s jobs get in the way.

      I resemble this remark!

  29. Jan 2021
    1. Apple had a very clever idea in defining Directly Responsible Individuals (DRIs) for everything. Having a name accountable instead of a vague "the team" or "the process" makes it easy to make changes

      this is similar to my primary/secondary system at SingleStore

    1. They oversaw the development of playbooks and operating models and revamped corporate processes around such principles as agile funding and mission-oriented initiatives. At that point, everyone on a mission shared the same targets and worked collaboratively in two-week sprints. The organization began to deliver results much faster.

      Results of business agility implementation

    2. Second, the leaders must drive agile behaviors broadly into the organization. This requires authentic belief in the behavioral changes required, as well as playbooks, processes, and support to enable the organization to work in a cross-functional, mission-oriented way.

      Business Agility driving change of behavior within companies, reaching out the overall goal

  30. Dec 2020
  31. Nov 2020
  32. Sep 2020
  33. Aug 2020
  34. Jul 2020
  35. Jun 2020
  36. May 2020
    1. managing yourself and others.

      Authors promote two ideologies.

      1. Managing Self: The Five Eds (well, first Three) from Agile Leadership by B. Joiner
      2. Managing Others: at its base is Dave Pink's Drive model: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Authors then go to explain some ways of achieving each of previous.
  37. Apr 2020
  38. Mar 2020
    1. This article not only focuses on learning but development of leaders. The author explores the importance of leadership development in order to meet the needs of the organization and those of the stakeholders who support or might need something from the organization.

  39. Feb 2020
  40. Jul 2019
    1. Ultimately, Pelosi is right to insist that a case must be made for beginning impeachment proceedings. But it’s her job to make that case, and failure to do so is a failure of omission. And failure to do so in a timely manner that would curtail some of the worst damage potentially produced by the administration is neglect. 

      Similarly, if we look at the history of the rise of Nazi Germany can we see how lack of direct resistance allowed Germany to end up in their ultimate situation with Hitler?

  41. May 2019
    1. whoever would be great among you must be your servant,3 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,

      26/27: Very clearly defined: leadership is servanthood.

  42. Nov 2018
    1. So what now? For all the talk of SHM’s success, HM’s positive impacts, and the specialty’s rocket growth trajectory, the work isn’t done, industry leaders say. Hospitalists are not just working toward a more valuable delivery of care, they’re also increasingly viewed as leaders of projects all around the hospital because, well, they are always there, according to Dr. Gandhi. “Hospitalists really are a leader in the hospital around quality and safety issues because they are there on the wards all the time,” she says. “They really have an interest in being the physician champions around various initiatives, so [in my hospital tenures] I partnered with many of my hospitalist colleagues on ways to improve care, such as test-result management, medication reconciliation, and similar efforts. We often would establish multidisciplinary committees to work on things, and almost always there was a hospitalist who was chairing or co-chairing or participating very actively in that group.”
    1. Teachers often attend professional development that does not pertain to them and what they do. This article looks into various adult learning theories that can be implemented to make professional development more meaningful for the teachers. These learning theories are action learning, experiential learning, project based learning, and self-directed learning. The article recommends blending the different adult learning theories to create a professional development teachers will find relevant to them. The article also states leadership helps direct the relevance of the professional development. Different leadership styles are highlighted and how it helps improve professional development. Rating: 5/5

  43. Aug 2018
  44. Jul 2018
    1. I’ve definitely learned, through being a part of Girls Who Code and through having multiple jobs in tech companies, how to present myself and how to interview well and how to best represent myself.
    2. Related was the challenge of trying to assert ourselves as two very capable females in tech who wanted to organize a hackathon. When we reached out to potential sponsors our capacity was overshadowed by the fact that we were high school students — they assumed we didn’t know what we were doing.

      Caitlin and Emily were exemplary in their confidence and tenacity. I was beyond impressed when they first reached out to Hive for support for their event. They were professional and easy to work with, and it made us want to support them even more.

    3. The reason I created def hacks() with my friend, Emily Redler, was because we wanted to create a hackathon environment that was specifically receptive to high-school students, because typically this group is overlooked when it comes to hackathons — college students are more welcome because they have more experience and they’re a little bit older. We wanted to target high school students because — at the time — we were high school students. Also this group is important because they are younger, which gives them more flexibility to learn.
  45. Mar 2018
    1. The Clavier experience had ignited a spark which fed an intellectual curiosity. Central to this was a realisation of my own agency in progressing educational opportunity for all. I decided to be an open educational practitioner and again my network - an international collection of educators in many different contexts - were reliable in getting involved

      Agency and leadership

    1. Language teaching has been my career since I left university, I completed my Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) back in the 1980s at Warwick and I had worked for 15 years in secondary education rising to a leadership role before joining the Language Centre as a part-time tutor when my children were still young

      Language teaching career

    2. At that time I was working with this umbrella group for languages to support communications using social media and to raise awareness of the need for better government support for languages in the UK.  I have always been a passionate advocate of language learning,

      Advocacy, leadership, social media

  46. Nov 2017
    1. which the legislature require the development: those for example which are to form the statesmen, legislators & judges, on whom public prosperity, & individual happiness are so much to depend.

      This passage, while subtle, seems to accurately sum up the authors' primary motivation in writing this document and in establishing the ideal public institution of higher learning. The authors intended to teach the UVA student the principles of independence and the virtues of knowledge and morality that they may go forth to be contributing leaders in society. In other words, it seems as though every direction the authors make in the document is addressing how to best form these leaders during their time at the University. UVA demonstrates remains very dedicated today to developing these leaders "on whom...individual happiness [is] so much to depend." One example of this is the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy that was founded in 2007 to instruct the University's students in the skills needed to lead in local, national, and global communities alike.

  47. Oct 2017
    1. This paper proposes a shift away from hierarchical policy-driven systems toward networks of strong, responsive schools, with educators collaborating continuously and sharing knowledge both horizontally and vertically. In these transformed systems, leaders at the top empower leadership at all levels, resulting in schools and classrooms that are holistic and adaptive.

      This requires a different kind of leadership. Not everything will work, and leaders need to be comfortable with (authentically) learning from failure. Not accepting failure, but also not punishing failure. We always want our students to learn from failure, but I don't think we allow ourselves to take risks necessary to be truly transformative.

    2. Change is inevitable: transformation is possible.

      I love this quote... potential from inevitability

    1. The best mode of government for youth in large collections, is certainly a desideratum not yet attained with us.

      I find it interesting how the author of the report discusses the idea of self-governance, yet specifically among students. However, the University had not yet been able to attain it. It is also interesting how the report does not elaborate on the idea of the students self-governing themselves, yet the University has taken the idea very seriously. Today, student self-governance is a major facet of the foundation and community at the University, due to the variety of benefits it provides for the school. The idea of self-governance develops character and teaches valuable leadership skills, as well as great group dynamics. -Komal Kamdar, Morgan Negron, and Lyudmila Avagyan

  48. Jun 2017
    1. Team members have a clear understanding of where they can best serve the team’s needs, and everyone is highly motivated to get to the same goal.

      Importance of leadership. This is where good leaders shine - always have their eye on the prize, and can communicate that eye on the prize to team members..

    2. The key value to emphasize in the team is positive intent. This is to say that, even when things aren’t going smoothly, each person should assume that their “challenger” is coming from a good place and is trying to act in the best interest of the team.

      Assume good and no ill will. Don't take conflicts personally.

    3. Fair warning to team members (and leaders) who don’t like conflict — things will get awkward. But if teams can’t identify the issues, communicate constructively, and work to resolve them, they will get stuck at this stage.

      Expect conflict. Respectful conflict is healthy and should be encouraged.

    4. The other part is building emotional connections.

      Start with small talk, then move to productivity

    5. What everyone needs most is a clear understanding of their part in the journey.

      What leaders need to do in the forming stage - work with the team to develop clear goals, expectations & roles

    6. Part of this is leading them to realize that their new team members are bringing skills to the table that help everyone to succeed in a way they couldn’t do by themselves. Setting goals together puts these skills and interests into the open.

      Delicate balance as leaders often have something that they need to get done, but there needs to be room for team members to individually contribute here in order to achieve buy-in.

  49. May 2017
  50. Apr 2017
    1. Massanello

      Masaniello (an abbreviation of Tomasso Aniello) led a revolt against Spain in 1647. Born and raised in Naples, Masaniello was a fisherman and fishmonger. In the 1640s, Spain, which ruled Naples, imposed a series of heavy taxes in order to help fund its wars elsewhere. The Neapolitans revolted on July 7, 1647, and Masaniello, a well-known man, attempted to discipline the mob. Eventually, he became the rebel leader, negotiated terms with the Spanish, and became "captain-general of the Neapolitan people." However, he began to act erratically, and by July 17, 1647, he had been assassinated.

  51. Mar 2017
    1. Yet I have to ask: are they (including Mike Wesch, Cathy Davidson, and Randy Bass) enough outside to pull the center to the margin?

      Are these individuals enough to pull the centre to the margin?

      Alone clearly not - there has to be a movement in which suddenly leaders appear - one could say the same about Gandhi, Churchill, Hitler, Trump, Beyoncé, et al

      At a key moment they become iconic

  52. Feb 2017
    1. Oakwood International is the one of the best Leadership training in UAE as their training will help you to develop the good Leadership qualities that are essential for career and organizational success! Browse their website now.

    1. want Leadership training in UAE? Then Oakwood International is the right place for you to contact! They deliver effective training, coaching and consultancy in Leadership and Management in the UK and internationally. Call at +971 4 359 9020 to know more.

  53. Nov 2016
    1. Groups of people, groups of programmers especially have conflict. As the team lead, your job in an agile team is more of a referee or catalyst than in waterfall. When the team has conflict about what design to use for example, you'll make sure that people have equal say and stick to arguing over merits. And you end up being the arbiter to which proposed solution the team will go with when the path is not clear.
  54. Aug 2016
    1. According to their model, our feelings affect behavior along a continuum between, on one end, something they term “generativeness” (that is, how likely you are to explore something that may end up having a good result, if doing so involves risk) and, on the other, “defensiveness” (when you are focussed on avoiding negative outcomes, forgoing opportunities in the process). It’s a concept akin to what the Columbia University psychologist Tory Higgins calls promotion and prevention—that is, the decision to work toward something or to direct your energy toward avoiding something else. When we are constantly monitoring our behavior, we tend to be on guard and act defensively. We tend to prevent rather than to promote.
  55. Dec 2015
    1. Daniel Bassill offers advice on building a culture of ongoing learning and personal networking within a nonprofit organization. This helps you keep volunteers involved, attract new volunteers, and develop partnerships with other organizations.

  56. Nov 2015
  57. Oct 2015
  58. Jun 2014
    1. Technology leadership is not defined by patents, which history has repeatedly shown to be small protection indeed against a determined competitor, but rather by the ability of a company to attract and motivate the world’s most talented engineers. We believe that applying the open source philosophy to our patents will strengthen rather than diminish Tesla’s position in this regard.

      "Technology leadership is....defined by...the ability of a company to attract and motivate the world's most talented engineers."

      The key components of this applied "open source philosophy" seem to be about increasing input, visibility, and collective motivation by taking fear out of the interaction equation.

  59. Feb 2014
  60. Sep 2013
    1. What, then, are the requisites of a good general and what ability do they involve?

      Qualities of a good leader