- Oct 2020
recoiljs.org recoiljs.org
State changes flow from the roots of this graph (which we call atoms) through pure functions (which we call selectors) and into components.
Recoil defines a directed graph orthogonal to but also intrinsic and attached to your React tree.
For reasons of compatibility and simplicity, it's best to use React's built-in state management capabilities rather than external global state.
github.com github.com
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam Kucharski on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1313760847932596224
www.psychologs.com www.psychologs.com
Covid-19: Is Behavioural Science The Key To Handle The Pandemic? (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://www.psychologs.com/article/covid-19-is-behavioral-science-the-key-to-handle-the-pandemic
Solid’s State primitive is arguably its most powerful and distinctive one. Through the use of proxies and explicit setters it gives the control of an immutable interface and the performance of a mutable one
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
Since Solid uses fine grained updates and Components are only rendered in their entirety once, you can wrap over state simply by using closures.
MobX - for me personally MobX is a far better way to manage state than React Hooks. It doesn't care about the UI layer so it can be used outside the React ecosystem, and it's simple to mutate data.
apps.who.int apps.who.int
Pandemic fatigue – reinvigorating the public to prevent COVID-19. Policy framework for supporting pandemic prevention and management. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Bingham, K. (2020). Plan now to speed vaccine supply for future pandemics. Nature, 586(7828), 171–171. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02798-0
The $ contract for auto-subscribing is lovely in its simplicity and flexibility. You can adapt your own preferred state-management pattern or library, with or without Svelte stores as helpers. Svelte does not fuss about how you want to manage your state.
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
So today, as a somewhat limited experiment, I played around with my Hypothes.is atom feed (https://hypothes.is/stream.atom?user=chrisaldrich, because you know you want to subscribe to this) and piped it into IFTTT. Each post creates a new document in a OneDrive file which I can convert to a markdown .md file that can be picked up by my Obsidian client.
Trying to see if this work for me when linking with google drive. Unsure how to convert to markdown.
www.mobs-lab.org www.mobs-lab.org2019nCOV1
2019nCOV. (n.d.). MOBS Lab. Retrieved October 2, 2020, from https://www.mobs-lab.org/2019ncov.html
- Sep 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Learning lessons before launching an inquiry—IfG LIVE 2020 Labour Fringe Programme—YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZl-naQ6UM
www.kennorton.com www.kennorton.com
This last characteristic may be the easiest to evaluate. Unless the position is very junior, I’ll usually hire product managers who’ve actually shipped a product. I mean from start to finish, concept to launch. Nothing is a better indication of someone’s ability to ship great products than having done it before. Past performance is an indication of future success
I always insist that at a minimum, representatives from engineering, design, and marketing meet a potential PM candidate.
I often joke that much of the time your job is to be the advocate for whoever isn’t currently in the room - the customer, engineering, sales, executives, marketing. That means you need to be capable of doing other people’s jobs, but smart enough to know not to. Great PMs know how to channel different points-of-view. They play devil’s advocate a lot. They tend to be unsatisfied with simple answers.
So what do I look for in a PM? Most importantly, raw intellectual horsepower. I’ll take a wickedly smart, inexperienced PM over one of average intellect and years of experience any day. Product management is fundamentally about thinking on your feet, staying one step ahead of your competitors, and being able to project yourself into the minds of your colleagues and your customers.
www.scibeh.org www.scibeh.org
SciBeh 2020 Workshop on “Building an online information environment for policy relevant science.” (2020, September 23). SciBeh. https://scibeh.org/events/workshop2020/
medium.com medium.com
2. Develop specific superpowers — don’t just rely on being a smart generalist.
Bring something to the table. Could be solid design skills in my case (which I don't have yet)
Whatever the future intentions of the PM, one thing remains for certain: this position is at the intersection from where founder strategy, user feedback, development team management, and market awareness come together. From what’s been said, it certainly appears that this is not a role that you “fall” into, but rather could aspire to be in.
What’s more, to be a good PM, individuals also need to understand that it’s all about the bigger picture. Great managers “win” games, meaning that it’s not about getting a product out the door, but by ensuring that over the long-term, the team helps solve a larger problem. Nash says it’s not about getting an “E for effort” and brush off things that don’t work.
The product manager isn’t the one that’s just sitting around overseeing the various teams and seeing whether it’s on track to meet the scheduled delivery or launch date. They are the ones who need to understand the market and that means knowing who the competitors are, what consumers want, and being able to help the marketing and sales teams better target them.
joshelman.medium.com joshelman.medium.com
More tactically,helping your team often means being the person who writes and summarizes notes after a long meeting, or writing a spec to make sure you have captured the team’s consensus and plan in written form.
- Write notes after meeting and share with team.
A lot of people describe a product manager as a CEO of the product or the “owner” of the spec, but I think that over-ascribes influence and authority to the product manager. The best teams operate in a way where the team collectively feels ownership over the spec and everyone has had input and been able to suggest and promote ideas. The best product managers coordinate the key decisions by getting input from all team members and are responsible to surface disagreements, occasionally break ties, and gather consensus (or at least ensure that everyone commits to a plan) when decisions get made.
"CEO" of the product is an overrated term to describe PM.
- Everybody on the team should feel heard/collective ownership
Great product managers understand the very tricky balance between getting it right and getting it out the door.
Balance between ship/get right = good product manager
While shipping matters, the best product managers help the team make sure it’s the right product. Building something that doesn’t exist yet is always fun, but never a slam dunk.
More importantly, once shipped, the best product managers can measure whether the product shipped is the right one. They should work closely with the team to make sure the right moments in the product are measurable, and that the hard questions about whether people are really using the product can be answered.
Once shipped good PM's know how to measure success fo the product
Great product managers listen to user feedback all the time — whether it’s from usability tests, meeting users in the field, reading support emails or tweets, or working with the people in your company who do all of those things on a daily basis.
www.annashipman.co.uk www.annashipman.co.uk
What do you think the most important things we should be doing over the next year? What will get in the way of us doing that? What’s going well, i.e. what should we make sure we don’t change? Is there anything you think I should know about?
Good questions to ask as a new PM
ferd.ca ferd.ca
To me, abandoning all these live upgrades to have only k8s is like someone is asking me to just get rid of all error and exceptions handling and reboot the computer each time a small thing goes wrong.
the Function-as-a-Service offering often have multiple fine-grained updateable code modules (functions) running within the same vm, which comes pretty close to the Erlang model.
then add service mesh, which in some cases can do automatic retry at the network layer, and you start to recoup some of the supervisor tree advantages a little more.
really fun article though, talking about the digital matter that is code & how we handle it. great reminder that there's much to explore. and some really great works we could be looking to.
www.prognosisresearch.com www.prognosisresearch.com
Home. (n.d.). Prognosis Research. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from https://www.prognosisresearch.com/
github.com github.com
React Stately is a library of state management hooks for use in your component library.
react-spectrum.adobe.com react-spectrum.adobe.com
Provides state management for tree-like components. Handles building a collection of items from props, item expanded state, and manages multiple selection state.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Goodley, S., & Halliday, J. (2020, September 18). Troubled test-and-trace system drafts in management consultants. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/18/troubled-covid-test-and-trace-programme-drafts-in-management-consultants
- is:news
- UK
- office role
- testing
- COVID-19
- turnaround time
- lang:en
- challenge
- test-and-trace
- consultant
- cost
- management
- strategy
- tracking
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Hotz, J. (n.d.). Can an Algorithm Help Solve Political Paralysis? Scientific American. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/can-an-algorithm-help-solve-political-paralysis/
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Webinar series DAY 1 - Insights into COVID-19 modelling & evidence-based policy making. Retrieved from on 21/09/2020 from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzrUckV9eSJAybOPMPxPulI0bciy8HXf
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Webinar series DAY 2 - Insights into COVID-19 modelling & evidence-based policy making. Retrieved on 21/09/2020 from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzrUckV9eSJIF41YCUaUWHOg_CTxmc99
vuex.vuejs.org vuex.vuejs.org
So why don't we extract the shared state out of the components, and manage it in a global singleton? With this, our component tree becomes a big "view", and any component can access the state or trigger actions, no matter where they are in the tree!
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Covid-19: Herd immunity in Sweden fails to materialise | The Royal Society of Medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from https://www.rsm.ac.uk/media-releases/2020/covid-19-herd-immunity-in-sweden-fails-to-materialise/
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Gardner, J. M., Willem, L., Wijngaart, W. van der, Kamerlin, S. C. L., Brusselaers, N., & Kasson, P. (2020). Intervention strategies against COVID-19 and their estimated impact on Swedish healthcare capacity. MedRxiv, 2020.04.11.20062133. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062133
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Lincoln, M. (2020). Study the role of hubris in nations’ COVID-19 response. Nature, 585(7825), 325–325. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02596-8
docs.google.com docs.google.com
It turns out that even the length of time an element has been mounted is an important piece of state that determines what pixels the user sees. And some of this state can’t simply be lifted into our application state.
What this means is that our desire to express UI using pure functions is in direct conflict with the very nature of the DOM. It’s a great way to describe a state => pixels transformation — perfect for game rendering or generative art — but when we’re building apps on the web, the idea chafes against the reality of a stateful medium.
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
It’s Hard to Keep a College Safe From Covid, Even With Mass Testing. (2020, September 11). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-11/how-coronavirus-rampaged-through-university-of-illinois-college-campus
- closure
- university
- is:news
- crisis management
- safety measure
- testing
- case increase
- COVID-19
- higher education
- lang:en
- reopening
- strategy
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Kwon, D. (2020). More than 100 scientific journals have disappeared from the Internet. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02610-z
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Coronavirus cases are rising again in the UK. Here’s what should happen next | Devi Sridhar. (2020, September 8). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/08/coronavirus-cases-rising-uk-second-wave
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Gollwitzer, M., Abele-Brehm, A., Fiebach, C., Ramthun, R., Scheel, A. M., Schönbrodt, F., & Steinberg, U. (2020). Data Management and Data Sharing in Psychological Science: Revision of the DGPs Recommendations. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/24ncs
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Stores are global state. While context is local state.
Notice it's not related to components. Another crucial difference is that it's accessible from outside of components. And good way to determine where goes where is to ask yourself, can this particular state and functionality still makes sense outside of the displayed component?
Spiegelhalter, D. (2020). Use of “normal” risk to improve understanding of dangers of covid-19. BMJ, 370. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3259
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Van Bavel, J. J., & Myer, A. (2020). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ydt95
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Rodriguez, C. G., Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W., & Pepinsky, T. (2020). Morbid Polarization: Exposure to COVID-19 and Partisan Disagreement about Pandemic Response [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wvyr7
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University, © Stanford, Stanford, & Complaints, C. 94305 C. (n.d.). Rosenkranz Prize Winner Leads Effort to Protect Health-Care Workers from COVID-19 in Under-Resourced Countries. Retrieved August 29, 2020, from https://healthpolicy.fsi.stanford.edu/news/rosenkranz-prize-winner-leads-effort-protect-global-health-care-workers-under-resourced
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Yu, X. (n.d.). Opinion | I’m from Wuhan. I got covid-19—After traveling to Florida. Washington Post. Retrieved 17 July 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/15/im-wuhan-i-got-covid-19-after-traveling-florida/
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Heywood, A. E., & Macintyre, C. R. (2020). Elimination of COVID-19: What would it look like and is it possible? The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30633-2
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Gorey, C. (2020, June 29). RCSI team to start trial for promising Covid-19 therapy for severe infections. Silicon Republic. https://www.siliconrepublic.com/innovation/rcsi-trial-covid-19-therapy-alpha-1-antitrypsin
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Hahn, U. (2020, May 20). Bringing together behavioural scientists for crisis knowledge management. Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/bringing-together-behavioural-scientists-for-crisis-knowledge-management/
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Stutt, R. O. J. H., Retkute, R., Bradley, M., Gilligan, C. A., & Colvin, J. (2020). A modelling framework to assess the likely effectiveness of facemasks in combination with ‘lock-down’ in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476(2238), 20200376. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2020.0376
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Barber, C. (n.d.). ‘Instant Coffee’ COVID-19 Tests Could Be the Answer to Reopening the U.S. Scientific American. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/instant-coffee-covid-19-tests-could-be-the-answer-to-reopening-the-u-s/
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What We Know About College Students to Help Manage COVID-19 – Center for Social & Behavioral Science. (n.d.). Retrieved August 26, 2020, from https://csbs.research.illinois.edu/2020/08/16/what-we-know-about-college-students-to-help-manage-covid-19/
Althouse, B. M., Wallace, B., Case, B., Scarpino, S. V., Berdahl, A. M., White, E. R., & Hebert-Dufresne, L. (2020). The unintended consequences of inconsistent pandemic control policies. ArXiv:2008.09629 [Physics, q-Bio]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.09629
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Califf, Robert M., Adrian F. Hernandez, and Martin Landray. ‘Weighing the Benefits and Risks of Proliferating Observational Treatment Assessments: Observational Cacophony, Randomized Harmony’. JAMA 324, no. 7 (18 August 2020): 625–26. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.13319.
- treatment
- RCTs
- epidemiology
- is:report
- causation
- noise
- randomised clinical trials
- clinical management
- benefits and risks
- assessments
- reliable truth
- therapies
- false confidence
- observational
- benefits
- COVID-19
- proliferating observational treatment
- risks
- lang:en
- nonrandomised studies
- confusion
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Optimizing Research Collaboration. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 August 2020, from https://youtu.be/TFNqf7sKwKw
advice.shinetext.com advice.shinetext.com
I have a theory that time scarcity is also linked to something I'll call time scatteredness. This happens when you really have no idea how long it takes us to complete tasks, and this skews how much time you think you have or need.
I relate to this so much I can still feel the sting on my cheek from where it slapped me
advice.shinetext.com advice.shinetext.com
it’s a wise idea to begin tracking your time in order to get a more realistic handle on how long specific projects and tasks take you. That’ll override your optimism bias and keep your expectations for your own productivity in check.
Pushing a deadline back once is one thing. Needing to do it over and over again will make it appear as if you don’t know how to manage your own workload.
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Hong, H., Wang, N., & Yang, J. (2020). Implications of Stochastic Transmission Rates for Managing Pandemic Risks (Working Paper No. 27218; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27218
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Esther Choo, MD MPH on Twitter: “Question for Twitter. Why didn’t academia take the lead on Covid information? Why didn’t schools of med & public health across the US band together, put forth their experienced scientists in epidemiology, virology, emergency & critical care, pandemic and disaster response...” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://twitter.com/choo_ek/status/1291789978716868608
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Whiting, Sue, Sam Wass, Simon Green, and Michael Thomas. ‘Stress and Learning in Pupils: Neuroscience Evidence and Its Relevance for Teachers’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 4 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9j24a.
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‘OSF: A Project Management Service Built for Research - ROpenSci - Open Tools for Open Science’. Accessed 10 August 2020. https://ropensci.org/blog/2020/08/04/osf/.
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Aguas, R., Corder, R. M., King, J. G., Goncalves, G., Ferreira, M. U., & Gomes, M. G. M. (2020). Herd immunity thresholds for SARS-CoV-2 estimated from unfolding epidemics. MedRxiv, 2020.07.23.20160762. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.23.20160762
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Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe’s COVID-19 Response. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13178/
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Reacting Quickly and Protecting Jobs: The Short-Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Greek Labor Market. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved July 27, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13516/
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Sims, E. R., & Wu, J. C. (2020). Wall Street vs. Main Street QE (Working Paper No. 27295; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27295
blog.pragmaticengineer.com blog.pragmaticengineer.com
GTD strategies
Author refers to the [Getting Things Done book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1633.Getting_Things_Done) by David Allen.
Also recommend complementing above with J. Knapp's excellent Make Time book
debunkingdenialism.com debunkingdenialism.com
Sweden Did Not Take Herd Immunity Approach Against Coronavirus Pandemic. (2020, July 29). Debunking Denialism. https://debunkingdenialism.com/2020/07/29/sweden-did-not-take-herd-immunity-approach-against-coronavirus-pandemic/
Akbarpour, M., Cook, C., Marzuoli, A., Mongey, S., Nagaraj, A., Saccarola, M., Tebaldi, P., Vasserman, S., & Yang, H. (2020). Socioeconomic Network Heterogeneity and Pandemic Policy Response (Working Paper No. 27374; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27374
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Eric Topol on Twitter: “It’s 100+ years later and we’re a lot smarter, more capable. Why aren’t we beating the crap out of #SARSCoV2? We will. Just a matter of time. https://t.co/eFGieP4cos” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved July 31, 2020, from https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1287461741236875264
marketplace.digitalocean.com marketplace.digitalocean.com
Note that ONLYOFFICE Document Server does not contain any document management system. ONLYOFFICE online editors (Document Server) can be: integrated with various cloud storage platforms like Confluence, Alfresco, Nextcloud, ownCloud, Seafile, SharePoint, HumHub, Plone, etc.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
provide a link or button (e.g. in the footer) that allows your users to reopen the consent modal and edit their preferences.
Pindyck, R. S. (2020). COVID-19 and the Welfare Effects of Reducing Contagion (Working Paper No. 27121; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27121
adams, jimi, & Light, R. (2020). What Role Does Collaboration have in Responding to COVID-19? [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jqwyr
Starominski-Uehara, M. (2020). Brief Communication Analysis of Brazilian Presidency during COVID-19 [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jr7eq
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Lenzen, M., Li, M., Malik, A., Pomponi, F., Sun, Y.-Y., Wiedmann, T., Faturay, F., Fry, J., Gallego, B., Geschke, A., Gómez-Paredes, J., Kanemoto, K., Kenway, S., Nansai, K., Prokopenko, M., Wakiyama, T., Wang, Y., & Yousefzadeh, M. (2020). Global socio-economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic. PLOS ONE, 15(7), e0235654. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235654
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La, V.-P., Pham, T.-H., Ho, T. M., Hoàng, N. M., Linh, N. P. K., Vuong, T.-T., Nguyen, H.-K. T., Tran, T., Van Quy, K., Ho, T. M., & Vuong, Q.-H. (2020). Policy response, social media and science journalism for the sustainability of the public health system amid the COVID-19 outbreak: The Vietnam lessons [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/cfw8x
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Frega, R. (2020). Out of the lockdown: Democratic trust in the management of epidemic crises [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/xcm7y
Reher, D. S., Requena, M., de Santis, G., Esteve, A., Bacci, M. L., Padyab, M., & Sandström, G. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic in an aging world [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/bfvxt
Kundu, B., & Bhowmik, D. (2020). Societal impact of novel corona virus (COVID ̶ 19 pandemic) in India [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/vm5rz
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Wong, C. M. L., & Jensen, O. (2020). The paradox of trust: Perceived risk and public compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore. Journal of Risk Research, 0(0), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2020.1756386
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Mei, Q., Li, J., Du, R., Yuan, X., Li, M., & Li, J. (2020). Assessment of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 after recovery. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30433-3
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Made analogy with internal combustion engine, which has 1000s of parts, with the "radical simplicity" approach taken by Tesla: they use an electric motor, which only has 2 components!
comparison: Sapper vs. Gatsby
- Jun 2020
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COVID-19: The Impact in India. (2020, June 26). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlS96xrFhL0&feature=youtu.be
medium.com medium.com
State management is also easier. Instead of importing hooks and using setters, you just define a property within the script tags. You then change the value by re-assigning it (not mutating the original value).
royalsociety.org royalsociety.org
DELVE group publishes evidence paper on the use of face masks in tackling Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic | Royal Society. (2020 May 04). https://royalsociety.org/news/2020/05/delve-group-publishes-evidence-paper-on-use-of-face-masks/
- behavioral change
- publication
- social distancing
- asymptomatic
- infection
- physical distancing
- management
- policy
- transmission reduction
- evidence
- Data Evaluation and Learning for Viral Epidemics
- learning
- droplet
- public health
- COVID-19
- is:webpage
- lang:en
- face mask
- Royal Society
Corona-Umfrage: Soll der Lockdown weitergehen? (2020, April 15). BR24. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/deutschland-welt/corona-umfrage-soll-der-lockdown-weitergehen,Rw8r84L
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr. Tom Frieden on Twitter: “The 3 W’s drive down risk of Covid and must be common practice when we leave our home and are around others. https://t.co/UJAFCPypQI” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from https://twitter.com/DrTomFrieden/status/1272168183609384961
Gencoglu, O., & Gruber, M. (2020). Causal Modeling of Twitter Activity During COVID-19. ArXiv:2005.07952 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.07952
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Li, Z., Chen, Q., Feng, L., Rodewald, L., Xia, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, R., An, Z., Yin, W., Chen, W., Qin, Y., Peng, Z., Zhang, T., Ni, D., Cui, J., Wang, Q., Yang, X., Zhang, M., Ren, X., … Li, S. (2020). Active case finding with case management: The key to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31278-2
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
I could get a lot more done in an 8-9 hour day with a PC and a desk phone than I get done now in a 9-10 hour day with a laptop /tablet / smartphone, which should allow me to be more a lot more productive but just interrupt me. I don't want the mobile flexibility to work anywhere. It sucked in management roles doing a full day then having dinner with friends and family then getting back to unfinished calls and mails. I much prefer to work later then switch off totally at home.
singularityhub.com singularityhub.com
Gent, Edd. ‘Robots to the Rescue: How They Can Help During Coronavirus (and Future Pandemics)’. Singularity Hub (blog), 1 April 2020. https://singularityhub.com/2020/04/01/robots-to-the-rescue-how-they-can-help-during-coronavirus-and-future-pandemics/.
www.project-syndicate.org www.project-syndicate.org
Reichlin, L. (2020, May 19). An interview with Lucrezia Reichlin. Project Syndicate. https://www.project-syndicate.org/say-more/ps-say-more-lucrezia-reichlin
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Lewandowsky, S. (2020, June 1). A tale of two island nations: Lessons for crisis knowledge management. Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/a-tale-of-two-island-nations-lessons-for-crisis-knowledge-management/
- May 2020
publications.iass-potsdam.de publications.iass-potsdam.de
Ball, D., Humpherson, E., Johnson, B., McDowell, M., Ng, R., Radaelli, C., Renn, O., Seedhouse, D., Spiegelhalter, D., Uhl, A., & Watt, J. (2019). Improving Society’s Management of Risks. A Statement of Principles. Collaboration to explore new avenues to improve public understanding and management of risk (CAPUR). https://publications.iass-potsdam.de/pubman/faces/ViewItemFullPage.jsp?itemId=item_5039889_3
thepsychologist.bps.org.uk thepsychologist.bps.org.uk
‘We had to bring people together’ | The Psychologist. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2020, from https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-33/may-2020/we-had-bring-people-together
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Carey, B. (2020, March 19). Complacency, Not Panic, Is the Real Danger. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/19/health/coronavirus-panic-anxiety.html
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Peikert, A., & Brandmaier, A. M. (2019). A Reproducible Data Analysis Workflow with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8xzqy
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Davis, N. (2020, May 4). Rival Sage group says Covid-19 policy must be clarified. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/04/rival-sage-group-covid-19-policy-clarified-david-king
www.futurelearn.com www.futurelearn.com
FutureLearn. Pandemics, Modelling, and Policy—Online Course. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/pandemics-modelling-and-policy
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Secrets management is one of the most sensitive and critical disciplines in all of DevOps and is becoming increasingly important as we move toward a fully continuous deployment world. AWS Keys, deploy keys, ssh keys are often the key attack vector for a bad actor or insider threat, and thus all users and customers are concerned about robust secrets management.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Where I track capacity, appetite, & commitments. A place where I can stay organized while also allowing transparency for my teams & anyone else who is interested in what I’m currently focused on.
"My Plate"
If something is important enough to write down and keep track of, it’s important enough to schedule.
One of the main goals is to avoid some giant, never-ending task backlog, either within the current week’s “To do later” section, constantly being carried over week after week and growing in size, or in a separate backlog.md, or similar, file, also just growing in size and causing most tasks to be completely burried & lost. Either a task should be scheduled as “I plan to work on this” or it should be completely discarded (it can always come back later if it turns out to be important).
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Things that arose throughout the week that captured my interest or demanded my attention and which I felt the need or capacity to do now.
Tasks which I am giving myself permission to avoid doing at all this week. The checkboxes here are for indicating that these tasks have been scheduled elsewhere.
Tasks that I may have been forwarding along or which I may have initially added to the “To do later” list which I no longer plan to do – if they happen, great, but I’m not actively planning to complete them.
www2.deloitte.com www2.deloitte.com
In our review of engagement issues, the first area we found is the importance of simple, clear goals. When people have clearly defined goals that are written down and shared freely, everyone feels more comfortable, and more work gets done. Goals create alignment, clarity, and job satisfaction—and they have to be revisited and discussed regularly.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
RAJAONAH, B., & Zio, E. (2020, May 20). Contributing to Disaster Management as an Individual Member of a Collectivity: Resilient Ethics and Ethics of Resilience. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/g4hst
Early compilations involved various combinations of four crucial operations: storing, sorting, selecting, and summarizing, which I think of as the four S’s of text management. We too store, sort, select, and summarize information, but now we rely not only on human memory, manuscript, and print, as in earlier centuries, but also on computer chips, search functions, data mining, and Wikipedia, along with other electronic techniques.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Savage, M. (2020, May 10). A return to work is on the cards. What are the fears and legal pitfalls? The Guardian | The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/09/coronavirus-return-to-work-employment-law-logistical-nightmare
agilevelocity.com agilevelocity.com
managing yourself and others.
Authors promote two ideologies.
- Managing Self: The Five Eds (well, first Three) from Agile Leadership by B. Joiner
- Managing Others: at its base is Dave Pink's Drive model: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Authors then go to explain some ways of achieving each of previous.
www.ecdc.europa.eu www.ecdc.europa.eu
Contact tracing for COVID-19: Current evidence, options for scale-up and an assessment of resources needed. (2020, May 5). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/contact-tracing-covid-19-evidence-scale-up-assessment-resources
www.health.govt.nz www.health.govt.nz
PDF - Ministry of Health, New Zealand - Approach for testing
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
We believe everyone deserves to report to exactly one person that knows and understands what you do day to day. The benefit of having a technically competent manager is easily the largest positive influence on a typical worker’s level of job satisfaction. We have a simple functional hierarchy, everyone has one manager that is experienced in their subject matter.
stateup.co stateup.co
Filer, T. & Kaminer, R. How governments can engage digital resources to manage their Covid-19 response. (2020, March 9). StateUp. https://stateup.co/how-governments-can-engage-digital-resources-to-manage-their-covid-19-response/
www.pandemicpolitics.net www.pandemicpolitics.net
PandemicPolitics. Pandemic politics: Political attitudes and crisis communication. https://www.pandemicpolitics.net
paper.li paper.li
Jameson, J. (2020 May 8). #Leadership-Research. Paper.li. https://paper.li/jjameson/leadership-research
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Horton, R. (2020). Offline: Independent science advice for COVID-19—at last. The Lancet, 395(10235), 1472. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31098-9
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Mehrotra, S., Rahimian, H., Barah, M., Luo, F., & Schantz, K. (2020 May 02). A model of supply-chain decisions for resource sharing with an application to ventilator allocation to combat COVID-19. Naval Research Logistics (NRL). https://doi.org/10.1002/nav.21905
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
coronavirustechhandbook.com coronavirustechhandbook.com
Remote | Coronavirus Tech Handbook. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/remote
featuredcontent.psychonomic.org featuredcontent.psychonomic.org
Mickes, L. (2020, March 31). COVID-19: What can we do now? Psychonomic Society Featured Content. https://featuredcontent.psychonomic.org/covid-19-what-can-we-do-now/
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Butler, S. M. (2020). After COVID-19—Thinking Differently About Running the Health Care System. JAMA Health Forum, 1(4), e200478–e200478. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamahealthforum.2020.0478
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Halpert, J. (2020 April 11). How to manage panic attacks. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/smarter-living/coronavirus-managing-panic-attacks.html
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Cortese, S., Asherson, P., Sonuga-Barke, E., Banaschewski, T., Brandeis, D., Buitelaar, J., Coghill, D., Daley, D., Danckaerts, M., Dittmann, R. W., Doepfner, M., Ferrin, M., Hollis, C., Holtmann, M., Konofal, E., Lecendreux, M., Santosh, P., Rothenberger, A., Soutullo, C., … Simonoff, E. (2020). ADHD management during the COVID-19 pandemic: Guidance from the European ADHD Guidelines Group. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, S2352464220301103. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30110-3
www.apa.org www.apa.org
Wilson, R., Nicely, S., & Quinlan, K. (2020 April 10). Managing COVID-19 concerns for people with OCD. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/topics/covid-19/managing-ocd
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
However, please note the following: it will depend on how those subdomains are defined. Are they just subsections of a project that belongs together like help.example.com or blog.example.com (and many other possible arrangements that are part of one and the same setup)? In such a case, using the same policy is appropriate. Problems arise when completely different projects which have little to do with one another and whose data collection practices also differ so significantly that they require different privacy policies.
muldoon.cloud muldoon.cloud
Scrum means that “you have to get certain things done with those two weeks.” Kanban means “do what you can do in two weeks.”
If you get a choice, push for Kanban over Scrum
What people will say is that estimates are for planning – that their purpose is to figure out how long some piece of work is going to take, so that everybody can plan accordingly. In all my five years shipping stuff, I can only recall one project where things really worked that way.
Project estimations are just energy drainers and stress producers
Be explicit about the difference between hard deadlines
Different types of deadlines:
- Hard deadline - something seriously bad to the business will happen if the deadline isn’t met
- Soft deadline - somebody will look bad if the deadline isn’t met
- Internal deadline - target internal to the team that will not affect anybody outside of the team
- Expected completion date - team currently predicts that work will be completed
www.perell.com www.perell.com
When People Work Together
How to lay off your lovely co-workers
- Apr 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
scibeh.org scibeh.org
SciBeh. (n.d.). SciBeh. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from https://scibeh.org/
Hahn, U., Lagnado, D., Lewandowsky, S., & Chater, N. (2020). Crisis knowledge management: Reconfiguring the behavioural science community for rapid responding in the Covid-19 crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hsxdk
theconversation.com theconversation.com
L’appel de la liberté se fait entendre dans le management, mais une fois encore les managers naviguent de Charybde en Sylla : comment concilier la demande de plus de liberté de mouvement de certains collaborateurs, avec la nécessité de produire plus de résultats en respectant plus de normes ? Avec, à l’horizon, cet impératif de recréer du sens, de refonder l’autonomie du travail dans des organisations kaléidoscopes…
Question argumentative. L'autrice pose le problème qui occupe sa réflexion et qui induit le thème du débat. La question reformule les problématiques énoncées en début de texte.
La capacité à gérer les entre-deux, en créant de la continuité et de la substance pour porter les transitions entre les pics d’intensité. Cela demande d’acquérir des ressources et de développer des capacités spécifiques de management et d’innovation permettant de générer ces avantages périodiques et de garantir la pérennité.
Point de vue de l'autrice en réponse à l'avantage concurrentiel transitoire.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Hargreaves, S., Zenner, D., Wickramage, K., Deal, A., & Hayward, S. E. (2020). Targeting COVID-19 interventions towards migrants in humanitarian settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30292-9
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hahn, U., Lagnado, D., Lewandowsky, S., & Chater, N. (2020). Crisis knowledge management: Reconfiguring the behavioural science community for rapid responding in the Covid-19 crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hsxdk
Janiaud, P., Axfors, C., Saccilotto, R., & Hemkens, L. (2020). COVID-evidence: A living database of trials on interventions for COVID-19. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/GEHFX
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Powell, K. (2020). Science-ing from home. Nature, 580(7803), 419–421. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-00935-3
www.dfg.de www.dfg.de
DFG, German Research Foundation—Call for Multidisciplinary Research into Epidemics and Pandemics in Response to the Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/announcements_proposals/2020/info_wissenschaft_20_20/
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
The Power of Altruism. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-art-self-improvement/202004/the-power-altruism
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
wouldn't let me send a two-line memo to another department without showing it to him before I sent it. John's leadership style was oppressive. He micr0-managed everything. I learned from the hellish experience of working for him that unless somebody wants another set of eyes on their correspondence, it's insulting and a waste of time to micro-manage your team members' email messages.
As a matter of fact, you do pay me to think
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Caroline Diard Enseignant-Chercheur en Management des Ressources Humaines - Laboratoire Métis, École de Management de Normandie – UGEI
EC en Management de RH champs de référence légal, réglementaire (juridique) Intérêt pour la performance des entreprises. The conversation ajoute dans sa bio:
- Management des RH
- Droit du travail
- Négociation sociale
- Télétravail
- Vidéo-protection
- Contrôle des salariés
sunsama.com sunsama.comSunsama1
dba.stackexchange.com dba.stackexchange.com
Relational databases are designed around joins, and optimized to do them well. Unless you have a good reason not to use a normalized design, use a normalised design. jsonb and things like hstore are good for when you can't use a normalized data model, such as when the data model changes rapidly and is user defined. If you can model it relationally, model it relationally. If you can't, consider json etc.
Joins are not expensive. Who said it to you? As basically the whole concept of relational databases revolve around joins (from a practical point of view), these product are very good at joining. The normal way of thinking is starting with properly normalized structures and going into fancy denormalizations and similar stuff when the performance really needs it on the reading side. JSON(B) and hstore (and EAV) are good for data with unknown structure.
accessmedicine.mhmedical.com accessmedicine.mhmedical.com
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) should be maintained in a normal range (35–40 mmHg), but for temporary management of acute intracranial hypertension, inducing cerebral vasoconstriction by hyperventilation to a PCO2 of <30 mmHg is occasionally warranted.
The goal of resuscitation and management in patients with head injuries is to avoid hypotension (SBP of <100 mmHg) and hypoxia (partial pressure of arterial oxygen of <60 or arterial oxygen saturation of <90%).
- Mar 2020
clickhouse.tech clickhouse.tech
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
clearcode.cc clearcode.cc
Asking for consent when processing users’ personal data is one of the most important duties imposed on website owners by the GDPR.
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
illustrates the extent to which illegal practices prevail, with vendors of CMPs turning a blind eye to — or worse, incentivising — clearly illegal configurations of their systems
Here are the top consent management platforms platforms, with comparisons around look, feel, and functionality.
Another value-add of CMP tech is that it can sniff the user's location and show the prompt just to EU residents. This helps to comply with the law while not intruding on non-EU user experiences.
haven’t consent tools been around for a while? Sort of! Ever since May 2011, when the EU Cookie Directive went into effect, most EU sites have added cookie notification bars to the top or bottom of their pages. This prompted many third-party solutions to pop-up, including WordPress plug-ins and the leading tool from Silktide. These tools are still around, and many sites continue to use them under the GDPR. However, these solutions were built for the older law, and the GDPR is much more specific about requiring explicit opt-in consent. Most of those older tools don't provide this, nor do they integrate with downstream ad partners, paving the way for the more sophisticated CMPs.
Consent Management Platforms (CMPs), an advertising tech tool for collecting user consent and passing that data to downstream ad partners
usercentrics.com usercentrics.com
www.google.com www.google.com
If your agreement with Google incorporates this policy, or you otherwise use a Google product that incorporates this policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, end users in the European Economic Area along with the UK. If you fail to comply with this policy, we may limit or suspend your use of the Google product and/or terminate your agreement.
brunobernardino.com brunobernardino.com
I've helped over a million people be more intentional about their time.
budgets.calm.sh budgets.calm.sh
github.com github.com
policies.google.com policies.google.com
You can view and manage cookies in your browser (though browsers for mobile devices may not offer this visibility).
policies.google.com policies.google.com
Some people prefer not to allow cookies, which is why most browsers give you the ability to manage cookies to suit you.Some browsers limit or delete cookies, so you may want to review your cookie settings and ads settings. In some browsers you can set up rules to manage cookies on a site-by-site basis, giving you more fine-grained control over your privacy. What this means is that you can disallow cookies from all sites except those that you trust.In the Google Chrome browser, the Tools menu contains an option to Clear Browsing Data. You can use this option to delete cookies and other site and plug-in data, including data stored on your device by the Adobe Flash Player (commonly known as Flash cookies). See our instructions for managing cookies in Chrome.
headerbidding.co headerbidding.co
publishers may choose to act as a CMP