293 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Some landlords even forced out tenants to instead rent to fire refugees, who could pay more because FEMA was covering the rent — and dramatically overpaying, ProPublica and the Honolulu Civil Beat reported.
    2. Natural disasters that destroy homes often lead to increased rents. Researchers with the Brookings Institute surveyed rental trends in major markets following natural disasters and attributed increases of between 4 percent and 6 percent directly to the disasters — an effect that “never fully went away,” one of the authors wrote. Other research found permanent rent increases too. Evictions also tend to rise.
  2. Jan 2025
  3. Dec 2024
    1. featuring arches and stonework using the local hardpan sedimentary rock. He became a self-taught artist, and patterned his underground world after the ancient catacombs he admired as a boy, near his home town of Filari, Sicily.
    1. You describe how foundational stories of our Western, Christian paradigm are based on this idea of “a self-enclosed human realm separate from everything else,” and that this paradigm is a wound—one “so complete we can’t see it anymore, for it defines the very nature of what we assume ourselves to be.”

      for - human bubble, ailenated from nature, human world so different from natural world - nice meme - self-enclosed human realm separate from everything else - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

    1. Drawing on ancient wisdom can help co-create systems that prioritise ecological reverence and community over individualistic domination

      for - post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute - to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang

      to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/a2HCSrlTEe-um4thfDGo-A/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0

    1. neoliberalism and its predecessors of industrial capitalism and even proto capitalism were based on separation from the natural world. And and we can we call it sort of separation or dualism

      for - key insight - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - materialism, science and neoliberalism - will technology save us? - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - to - The Three Great Separations

      key insight / summary - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - FIrst, Descarte separated the mind from the body. We have the paradox of: - godlike mind housed in - animalistic bodies - (incidentally, this sets us up for the exageration of the existential crisis of the denial of death in modernity - Ernest Becker) - Then we impose separation of external vs internal world - Then, we have separate categories of mind and nature, and we begin othering of: - women - other (indigenous) cultures - What Alnoor and Lynn forgot to mention was that there is another separation that preceded the industrial revolution, the separation of people into distinct classes of: - producer - consumer - Then with the advance of Newtonian physics and the wild success of materialist theory applied to create a plethora of industrial technologies, a wedding occurred between: - dualism and - materialism - Materialism decomposes everything into subatomic particles that a rational mind can understand - To those who think science and technology can save us from the crisis it helped create - the deeper understanding reveals that science and technology are themselves agents of separation.

      to - See the three great separations - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Finthesetimes.com%2Farticle%2Findustrial-agricultural-revolution-planet-earth-david-korten&group=world

  4. Nov 2024
    1. Just this week I co-facilitated such a process in Colombia, last week in Brazil at the pre-opening events in Rio (G20), and also with other colleagues earlier this year in Chile (cross-sector), and in Indonesia (with the newly elected government and cabinet).

      for - Indyweb dev - Presencing Institute - U-lab - natural application - weaving together these subnets with mindplexes via open source SRG complexity mapping tools in the Indyweb

    1. The NCQG text, by contrast, makes it clear that voluntary contributions count. “This allows countries to opt in…to be contributors to the goal without changing their development status,” Joe Thwaites, a senior advocate in international climate finance at the Natural Resources Defense Council, told Carbon Brief.
    2. The presidency “clearly decided it would be OK to ‘stage manage’ the adoption” over India and Nigeria’s objections, whereas other interventions had not formally “objected”, said Dr Joanna Depledge, an expert on the international climate negotiations at the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance. S
  5. Oct 2024
    1. Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/

    1. Finnland hatte sich beim Ziel der CO2-Neutralität 2035 darauf verlassen, dass große Mengen von CO2 von Wäldern, Böden und Feuchtgebieten absorbiert werden. Inzwischen ist das Land dort keine Kohlenstoffsenke mehr. Dazu trägt die globale Erhitzung selbst bei, durch die viele Bäume sterben, aber auch die Abholzung des Waldes. Finnland ist ein Beispiel für die Schwächung der ländlichen Kohlenstoffsenken, von der viele Länder betroffen sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/finland-emissions-target-forests-peatlands-sinks-absorbing-carbon-aoe

  6. Sep 2024
    1. Brandy Vaughan (the 2020 murdered covid whistleblower) brought me here.<br /> was Ben Johnson murdered in 2019 for his anti-mammogram views?


      Elizabeth also shared a screenshot of a text she received from Vaughan in which she expressed worry about being poisoned and apparently referenced the death of Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., NMD in January of 2019.

      “So odd! I worry sometimes about poisoning. Was Dr. Ben ever married? Lived alone? Sorry for all the questions. I’m just so upset about this, especially since he wasn’t even taking on the vaccine issue but mammograms, which one would think was a ‘safer’ issue.”

    1. Our estimated safe ESB is that around 50–60% of global land surface should be in largely intact, natural condition to halt species extinction, secure biosphere contributions to climate regulation, and stabilise regional water cycles.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 50 to 60% global land need to be intact

    2. safe boundary of at least 20–25% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 in human-modified lands (ie, urban and agro-ecosystems) is needed to support both Earth-system NCP and local NCP, in addition to the functions provided by largely intact lands.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - minimum of 20 to 25% natural / semi-natural habitat per square kilometer

    3. The amount of intact natural land as of 2018 was around 15% below this ESB, but could be increased through restoring degraded ecosystems or previously converted ecosystems,102,103,106102.Strassburg, BBN ∙ Iribarrem, A ∙ Beyer, HL ∙ et al.Global priority areas for ecosystem restorationNature. 2020; 586:724-729CrossrefScopus (536)PubMedGoogle Scholar103.Jung, M ∙ Arnell, A ∙ de Lamo, X ∙ et al.Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and waterNat Ecol Evol. 2021; 5:1499-1509CrossrefScopus (162)PubMedGoogle Scholar106.Wolff, S ∙ Schrammeijer, EA ∙ Schulp, CJE ∙ et al.Meeting global land restoration and protection targets: what would the world look like in 2050?Glob Environ Change. 2018; 52:259-272CrossrefScopus (72)Google Scholar with conservation efforts distributed across all ecoregions.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - intact natural systems - 15% below ESB in 2018

    4. We capture the main components by identifying safe boundaries for two complementary and synthetic measures of biodiversity: the area of largely intact natural ecosystems, and the functional integrity of ecosystems heavily modified by human pressures.

      for - biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures - question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales

      question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales - As ecologist David Suzuki often says, economy depends on ecology, not the other way around - Is there quantification at different potential tipping points for extinction for biodiversity at different scales and localities?

    1. Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy

      Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904

    1. our love of freedom is is one of the ways that we as apparently limited beings return naturally to our original condition

      for - comparison - Rupert Spira - limited human being striving for return to natural condition - Dasietz Suzuki - The elbow does not bend backwards - insight - freedom is our natural state - because in our contracted human form - we desire to return to our original expansive form - Rupert Spira comment - As Dasietz Suzuki observed, within the limitations of our form, there is a freedom - After listening for a 2nd or 3rd time, I noted something I missed on the 1st listening. A metaphor helps - My nickname reflects this desire to return to the original expansiveness. "Bottled up" and existing in a "contracted" human form, - we possess a natural desire to expand out of the contracted human form back into its original, primordial expansive state - This is indicated by our innate desire for freedom

    2. i wanted to convey the sense that not doing something to stop that tide of limiting freedom um is not natural it's it it it's limiting to whatever natural telos there may be and to existence

      for - claim - not intervening against Russia, that is trying to limit freedoms is not natural - Bernado Kastrup - counterexamples in ecology

      comment - Isn't a predator species in nature naturally setting a limit on the prey species in the environment? - In that way, the predator population is acting as a limiter of freedom, but keeps the prey population in check and in balance - There are many cases in ecology where the (artificial) removal of a predator species in an existent, balanced ecosystem resulted in overpopulation of the prey species as - there is no predator population to keep them in check

  7. Aug 2024
    1. in the ultimate analysis i think it is the impulse in us to revert to our natural state it is the impulse of a finite mind to divest itself of its limitations and revert to its natural condition of infinite consciousness

      for - quote - claim - natural impulse of finite minds - to revert from finite mind back to infinite consciousness - Rupert Spira

    1. the wonderful thing about children is that they are natural philosophers

      for - Deep Humanity - children as natural philosophers - children - are naturally philosophers

    2. for - Dr. Donna Thomas - book - Children's unexplained experiences in a post materialistic world - analytic idealism - children perspective of reality - adjacency - children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity as reminder of our philosophical nature

      adjacency - between - Children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - At time 59 minute of that interview, Dr Thomas makes a very insightful observation that - children are naturally philosophers - and ask deeply philosophical questions - Another way to look at Deep Humanity is that it is reminding us of these deeply philosophical questions the see all had when we were children - but we stopped asking then as we grew out of childhood because nobody could answer them for us

    1. boundaries between cells, creatures and ecosystems are real but permeable. The bi-directional exchange of energy, information and matter across these boundaries is the communication that makes life possible.

      for - adjacency - multi scale competency architecture - communication between levels - intrinsic to natural flows of life

  8. Jul 2024
    1. Whoosh provides methods for computing the “key terms” of a set of documents. For these methods, “key terms” basically means terms that are frequent in the given documents, but relatively infrequent in the indexed collection as a whole.

      Very interesting method, and way of looking at the signal. "What makes a document exceptional because something is common within itself and uncommon without".

  9. Jun 2024
  10. May 2024
    1. it means that you can change the course of history for your Offspring based on your exercise and your diet and whether you're drinking or not and what 00:35:59 kind of habits

      for - explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first

      explanation - lay - natural selection happens by epigenetic change first - The change in narrative has enormous ramifications. - It means that you can change the course of history for your offspring based on: - your exercise - your diet - your drinking habits - and many other behavioral and lifestyle choices and environmental explosure you exist in

    2. it's an advantage for epigenetic changes to be temporary because if the environment is only a temporary change you can forget about it if the environment is 00:35:19 longlasting it can get a similation in the genome and you've got speciation that's the extraordinary thing natural selection is not the origin of speciation it's epigenetics 00:35:34 followed by the genetic changes the epigenetic leades

      for - key insight - natural selection happens by epigenetic change followed by genetic change

      key insight - natural selection happens by epigenetic change followed by genetic change - It's an advantage for epigenetic changes to be temporary because - if the environment is only a temporary change you can forget about it - if the environment is long lasting it can get assimilation in the genome and you've got speciation - That's the extraordinary thing - natural selection is not the origin of speciation, - it's epigenetics - followed by the genetic changes - The epigenetic leads - therefore, the environment leads

    1. Die rohölproduktion in den USA wird in diesem Jahr ein Rekord-Hoch erreichen Etwa 25% der US-Emissionen werden durch Öl und Gas verursacht, das auf Bundesterritorien gefördert wird. Die New York Times zeigt ausgehend von einem Beispiel im Golf von Mexiko, warum es angesichts der Mehrheitsverhältnisse in Repräsentantenhaus und Senat und des konservativen obersten Gerichtshofs für die für die Biden-Administration extrem schwierig ist, die Zusage, dort keine weiteren Bohrungen zuzulassen, umzusetzen.


  11. Apr 2024
    1. Rangeland can includethe following:(i)natural lands that have not been cultivatedand consist of a historic complement of adapted plant species; and(ii) natural (go-back lands, old-field) or converted revegetated lands that are managed like native vegetation. Note: The USDA-NRCS rangeland Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) includes this designation in their definition of rangeland. In assessing rangeland conditions and health, keeping these designations separate would provide for more detailed information about rangeland trends and health
  12. Mar 2024
    1. Gebruik het Natuurlijk Planningsmodel uit Getting Things Done om een goed sjabloon voor projecten te hebben.

      Gebruik natural planning model om een checklist grondig te maken.

    1. Die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Pipelinegas ist in zwei Jahren von 40% auf 10% gesunken. Die Importe von LNG haben um 40% zugenommen, wobei auch da ein erheblicher Anteil aus Russland stammt. Die USA sind der weltgrößte LNG-Exporteur. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit werden bei LNG Überkapazitäten aufgebaut. In Österreich ist die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas noch immer hoch, weil rein betriebswirtschaftlich entscheiden wird. Die OMV war 2023 verpflichtet, Gas für gut 60 TWh aus Russland zu beziehen und jedenfalls zu bezahlen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt

    1. Österreich könnte auf russisches Gas verzichten, allerdings sind dazu u.a. Ausbaumaßnahmen (West-Austria Gaspipeline) nötig. Über Deutschland transportiertes Gas verteuert sich durch die Speicherumlage. Die Hauptalternative zu russischem Gas ist LNG aus den USA. Der Artikel, der viele Detailinformationen enthält, erwähnt, dass die Probleme mit der Definition von Erdgas als „Übergangsenergie“ zusammenhängen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000209552/abkehr-von-russischem-gas-erfordert-investitionen-in-vorgelagertes-netz

  13. Feb 2024
  14. Jan 2024
    1. Guter Überblick über das Lobbying-Netzwerk der deutschen Gasindustrie. Der Verbraucht an Erdgas hat sich in Deutschland seit 1990 verdoppelt, obwohl Erdgas insgesamt etwa so viel Emissionen verursacht wie Kohle. Die LNG-Infrastruktur, die die deutsche Bundesregierung gerade aufbaut, ist auf um ein Drittel höhere Kapazitäten angelegt, als aus Russland importiert wurden. https://taz.de/Fossile-Politik/!5983492/

    1. the canonical unit, the NCU supports natural capital accounting, currency source, calculating and accounting for ecosystem services, and influences how a variety of governance issues are resolved
      • for: canonical unit, collaborative commons - missing part - open learning commons, question - process trap - natural capital

      • comment

        • in this context, indyweb and Indranet are not the canonical unit, but then, it seems the model is fundamentally missing the functionality provided but the Indyweb and Indranet, which is and open learning system.
        • without such an open learning system that captures the essence of his humans learn, the activity of problem-solving cannot be properly contextualised, along with all of limitations leading to progress traps.
        • The entire approach of posing a problem, then solving it is inherently limited due to the fractal intertwingularity of reality.
      • question: progress trap - natural capital

        • It is important to be aware that there is a real potential for a progress trap to emerge here, as any metric is liable to be abused
  15. Dec 2023
    1. if we live in a 00:01:03 radically evolutionary Universe which we do then why should the laws of nature all be fixed in advance why can't they evolve like everything else
      • for: Rupert Sheldrake, morphogenetic universe, evolving natural laws, question - morphogenetic universe

      • question

        • This is Sheldrake's key claim. Has there been any experiment setup to either validate or refute it yet?
    1. Polyphenole sind ein Grundstoff für die körpereigene Vitamin C Synthese.

      Die "offizielle Geschichte" behauptet, Menschen haben einen Gendefekt, der die Vitamin C Synthese verhindert... aber das ist eine Lüge, wie so viele andere "offizielle Geschichten" auch. Siehe auch: Official Stories. by Liam Scheff. Official stories exist to protect officials.


      The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans

      The full importance of vitamin C remains unappreciated by most health care practitioners today, as it is the most important nutrient in the body, and daily intake must be multigram in amount to even approach the benefits that vitamin C affords the body when optimally present. It has been well-established that the higher the blood levels of vitamin C, the longer and healthier the life.

      The inability of most human livers to make vitamin C from glucose appears to be a combination of genetic and epigenetic defects. However, it has been discovered that the intake of hydroxytyrosol (HT) in the form of a quality olive leaf extract allows most of the consumers to substantially increase their blood levels of vitamin C. It would appear that HT effectively overcomes an epigenetic translation defect allowing the formation of GULO which can then complete the synthesis of vitamin C in the liver. And while the underlying genetic details remain to be clarified and completely understood, multiple studies have indicated that many humans do make vitamin C in utero and after birth, clearly indicating that the ability to synthesize vitamin C is a lost ability, rather than one that was never present. This also indicates that epigenetic (acquired) defects likely play the major role in adults not having the ability to make vitamin C.

      Limited and small experiments have also indicated that humans supplementing HT not only have the return of the ability to make vitamin C, but also the ability to make much larger amounts of vitamin C when faced with acute toxic and/or infectious oxidative stress in the blood. This ability would be profoundly synergistic with all other beneficial treatments for different medical conditions.

    1. Will artificial intelligence create useless class of people? - Yuval Noah Harari

      1:00 "bring the latest findings of science of the public", otherwise the public space "gets filled with conspiracy theories and fake news and whatever".<br /> he fails to mention that ALL his beautiful "scientists" are financially dependent on corporations, who dictate the expected results, and who sabotage "unwanted research".<br /> for example, the pharma industry will NEVER pay money for research of natural cancer cures, or "alternative" covid cures like ivermectin / zinc / vitamin C, because these cures have no patent, so there is no profit motive, and also because the "militant pacifists" want to fix overpopulation this way.<br /> a "scientist" should be someone, who has all freedom to propose hypotheses, which then are tested in experiments (peer review), and compared to real placebo control groups. because that is science, or "the scientific method". everything else is lobbying for "shekel shekel".

  16. Nov 2023
    1. Vor der Apec-Konferenz haben China und die USA "statements of cooperation" veröffentlicht, die als positive Signale für eine Zusammenarbeit beim Klimaschutz gewertet werden, auch wenn China nicht auf Investitionen in Kohlekraftwerke verzichtet. Beide Seiten wollen die Kapazität bei Erneuerbaren bis 2030 global verdreifachen. Erstmals ist China bereits, Reduktionsziele für alle Treibhausgase festzulegen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/us-china-climate-agreement.html

      Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis: https://www.state.gov/sunnylands-statement-on-enhancing-cooperation-to-address-the-climate-crisis/

    1. Ya se ha vuelto sentido común que muchas llamadas “catástrofes naturales” no lo son, sino que en alguna o gran parte resultan de la acción humana sobre el medio ambiente natural: “La causa de los desastres son los fenómenos naturales, casi todos inevitables; pero sus efectos no pueden ser considerados naturales, puesto que pueden ser evitados.” Esto vale no solamente para inundaciones, sequías, plagas, olas de calor, incendios forestales y desaparición de especies. También vale para los terremotos, como ha sido recordado después de los movimientos telúricos catastróficos de 1985 y de 2017 en la Ciudad de México: “No son los terremotos los que matan gente, son los edificios, y esto se puede evitar”. También las consecuencias de los huracanes, cuyo número y cuya potencia parece estar incrementándose en todo el mundo, dependen en gran medida de la manera cómo han sido construidos edificios y vías de comunicación, cómo se está proporcionando el servicio de agua y corriente eléctrica y cómo está organizado el abastecimiento con alimentos y medicamentos.

      Krotz-2021-Hacia-Glasgow-Palma (2)

      Pensar, además, en el impacto que tiene el humano en la devastación ecológica –selvas, manglares– y su relación con los ciclones. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias en el impacto de los ciclones y otros fenómenos naturales? ¿Hay más vulnerabilidad?

      ¿Todavía "pueden ser evitados", por ejemplo, después de la destrucción de ecosistemas y partes importantes que han regulado los fenómenos naturales durante milenios?

    1. the laws of nature, which forbid us from harming others or their property, provide a form of order in the state of nature.

      property is accepted into normal life, compared to life

  17. Oct 2023
    1. I'm going to kind of give you my 00:04:56 take on what I believe to have been the natural history of or what I believe is the natural history of awareness a sort of a sequence of innovations that occurred that facilitated the appearance 00:05:09 of consciousness on Earth
      • for: key claim, key claim - natural history of awareness leading evolution of consciousness, natural history - awareness leading to consciousnessn
  18. Aug 2023
    1. If leisure and political power requirethis education, everybody in America now requires it, andeverybody where democracy and industrialization penetratewill ultimately require it. If the people are not capable ofacquiring this education, they should be deprived of politicalpower and probably of leisure. Their uneducated politicalpower is dangerous, and their uneducated leisure is degrad-ing and will be dangerous. If the people are incapable ofachieving the education that responsible democratic citizen-ship demands, then democracy is doomed, Aristotle rightlycondemned the mass of mankind to natural slavery, and thesooner we set about reversing the trend toward democracythe better it will be for the world.

      This is an extreme statement which bundles together a lot without direct evidence.

      Written in an era in which there was a lot of pro-Democracy and anti-Communist discussion, Hutchins is making an almost religious statement here which binds education and democracy in the ways in which the Catholic church bound education and religion in scholasticism. While scholasticism may have had benefits, it also caused a variety of ills which took centuries to unwind into the Enlightenment.

      Why can't we separate education from democracy? Can't education of this sort live in other polities? Hasn't it? Does critical education necessarily lead to democracy?

      What does the explorable solution space of admixtures of critical reasoning and education look like with respect to various forms of government? Could a well-educated population thrive under collectivism or socialism?

      The definition of "natural slavery" here is contingent and requires lots of context, particularly of the ways in which Aristotle used it versus our current understanding of chattel slavery.

    1. We might view human social organization in general in this lens: social organization exists to maximize the extraction of energy from the environment to the group and individual (X), and the efficiency of the conversion of extracted energy into offspring (E). This is identical to the claim that social organization exists to maximize the fitness of the group (Wilson and Sober 1994) and/or the individuals which compose the group (Nowak et al. 2010), given an energetic definition of fitness.
      • for: social organization - evolutionary purpose,
      • paraphrase
        • human social organization exists to maximize
          • the extraction of energy from the environment to the group and individual (X), and
          • the efficiency of the conversion of extracted energy into offspring (E). -This is identical to the claim that
          • social organization exists to maximize the fitness of the group (Wilson and Sober 1994) and/or the individuals which compose the group (Nowak et al. 2010),
        • given an energetic definition of fitness.
    2. Ricklefs and Wikelski 2002)]. In this context, Pianka (1970) argued that, “…natural selection will usually act to maximize the amounts of matter and energy gathered per unit time.” Brown et al. (1993) likewise offered an energetic definition in which fitness is “reproductive power, or the rate of conversion of energy into offspring.” This reproductive power was taken to be a function of both the rate of assimilation of energy from the environment and the rate of conversion of energy to offspring (but see (Kozlowski 1996)).
      • for: energy offspring, natural selection energy
      • paraphrase
        • Pianka (1970) argued that, “…natural selection will usually act to maximize the amounts of matter and energy gathered per unit time.”
        • Brown et al. (1993) likewise offered an energetic definition in which fitness is “reproductive power, or the rate of conversion of energy into offspring.”
        • This reproductive power was taken to be a function of both
          • the rate of assimilation of energy from the environment and
          • the rate of conversion of energy to offspring (but see (Kozlowski 1996)).
  19. Jul 2023
  20. Jun 2023
    1. Certainly you could adapt the code to round rather than truncate should you need to; often I find truncation feels more natural as that is effectively how clocks behave.

      What do you mean exactly? Compared clocks, or at least reading of them. What's a good example of this? If it's 3:55, we would say 3:55, or "5 to 4:00", but wouldn't probably say that it's "3".

    1. Now, the question is not 'why do we not listen to God', but rather why do we forget. The example of Lamen and Lemuel is perfect. They not only were visited by angels (1 Neph 3:29), but also were shocked by their younger brother from God (1 Nephi 17:55). SO, let me explain through analogy from a book called Competing for the future by Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad (1996). In business I am very familiar with cultures that are created, and then I have to show how to break the culture and teach them a new one so that the business can thrive. The analogy I utilize to help explain to the people this concept when I come into their business without sounding condescending is about five monkeys. The analogy states: A study took 5 monkeys. In the middle of a room where these monkeys were placed to live was a ladder. On top of that ladder was some bananas. The monkeys didn't notice the bananas at first. Finally, one monkey takes notice of the bananas and decides to climb the ladder to get them. As soon as the monkey starts for the bananas, the other four monkeys are sprayed with ice cold water until they figure out that the monkey climbing the ladder is the problem. So, they push the monkey down and the cold water stops. When the same monkey tries for the bananas again, the same events takes place, and all is safe when that monkey stops climbing the ladder. The scientist remove one of the monkeys that was constantly sprayed with cold water and replaced with a new monkey. This monkey starts for the bananas and immediately, the monkeys are sprayed and the monkeys keep this new monkey off the ladder. Another monkey is removed and replaced with a new monkey. This time before the new monkey can start up the ladder, all the monkeys attack this new monkey before water can even be sprayed. This happens until all the monkeys are replaced and this continues. In the writing from the researchers, he queried that if latter monkey's could be interviewed, they would probably state that they do this because 'that is what is just done around here'. You can see this with crabs in a bucket. If one crab tries to escape from a bucket then the other crabs pull it down. When we take into consideration the power of the mind, which according to the gospel of 'me' is the opposition within man, we see that we can have a very powerful event take place in our lives, but habit/ conditioned responses are more powerful. In the story with the monkey's, this happens a lot in our everyday lives. Not because we are bad people, but because we develop heuristic pathways throughout our lives. Heuristic meaning mental shortcuts (neurological pathways that have been created and strengthened to help us make quick decisions) to help us be faster in our decision making process. Example: Hand to flame means hot after we touch it. Make a faster decision to not touch flame because it hurts next time we see it. The same thing happened with the monkey's. They developed heuristic pathways to attack the monkey that climbed the ladder because they KNEW bad thing happen. So, when we do this over time those neuro pathways become stronger, and then we choose those pathways faster. Especially when it comes to protecting oneself. So, as Brother Joseph stated that there is opposition in all things, man is no different. Our mind is that opposition to God when we are asked to do things that have already been learned behavior patterns of hurt/ pain. To Lamen and Lemuel their plush lifestyle is now gone, and they are left with pain of the wilderness to remind them of what they had, and how much they wish to go back to that. It doesn't matter the messenger, the dopamine hit they desire is more powerful and already apart of their psychological influence. Doing what God wants is showing opposition to what they have already learned. 'How can our life in Jerusalem be so bad?', is what they were asking themselves.  So, when we pit our psychological development against what God is asking, it is foreign - it hurts. What we think we are and developed over time is now met with the opposition of truth from God makes it harder to let go of strong neuro pathways. Try to ask someone to stop smoking that has done it for 20 years of their life. You have to actually die daily and be reborn again mentally to walk by God's request. Like the monkey's, you have to change your paradigm/ your world view filters. What does that mean? Well, when you have God in your life only during Sunday - but then soaked in the world's influence the six other day's - who will you more likely become? Even as he is? Or more like the world? Thus, this is the reason we are reminded to remember Him always. At the end of the day, you will forget whom you serve."
      • I love that the quote you shared from Elder Maxwell brought up the concept of crab mentality, as it more prevalent in our fallen world than we realize. Crab mentality is destructive in that its concept of unity is founded by a collective desire to be fixed to the system, which is why when a crab breaks free from this fixation, the others pull it down. This can result to both good or bad, depending on the soundness of the system. [[crab mentality]]

      • Forgetfulness is a topic that has intrigued me for quote some time now so I apologize if this is going to be lengthy. In the plan of salvation, we understand that every person who followed Jesus Christ in the Council of Heaven passes through the Veil of Forgetfulness before coming to earth. Therefore, whenever we learn something new about the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are essentially relearning or remembering this information in contrast to learning it for the first time. [[the limits of our mortality]] [[learning is remembering]]

      • The gospel of Jesus Christ is effective and efficient in that it has a workaround this Veil of Forgetfulness through the power of reminders. The Lord has the power of priesthood (which His kingdom is built upon) and all the appendix to it (the prophets, revelations, etc.), and the role of the third member of the godhead, the Holy Ghost.

      • This forgetfulness is now an intrinsic attribute to our natural man which is in domination every time we step out of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Our spiritual man is in domination when we remember fragments of truth from the gospel of Jesus Christ. [[the natural man forgets, the spiritual man remembers]]

      • Another crucial detail is that when it comes to our shortsightedness (brought upon by our mortality), remembrance is more of a spotlight, a limited space where only a few select of things can be seen while the rest disappears into darkness. With this, we can think of forgetfulness as a fixed attribute of our natural man, but we have the ability to choose what to forget and what to remember. [[remembering is a choice]]

      • When Jesus Christ came to earth, He chose to remember His Father's will instead of himself. He looked at the world around Him and saw that the world is full of pain and suffering. Following this perspective and mission, it enabled Him to be perfected (completed). This is reminiscent of our mission here on earth: to determine what we should continually remember and let the rest blur and disappear into darkness. This is so because we have no other choice but to utilize our limited memory and perspective for eternal matters. After all, all spiritual things (this includes us; hence our spiritual man) are meant to be eternal. [[all things are spiritual because they're meant to be eternal]] [[it's important to keep an eternal perspective to navigate mortality]]

  21. May 2023
  22. Apr 2023
    1. Informationsreicher Artikel des Guardian über eine neue Anlage von #ExxonMobil zum chemischen Recycling von Plastik im texanischen Baytown-Komplex. Viele Basis-Informationen zu dieser umweltschädlichen Technik und ihrer Verwendung durch die Ölindustrie, um von der wachsenden Produktion von Single Use-Plastik abzulenken. Anlagen zum chemischen Recycling werden vor allem in räumlicher Nähe von Communities, die bereits extrem und der Verschmutzung durch Plastik und Abgase leiden Chemisches Recycling gehört auch zu den Geschäftsfeldern der #OMV-Tochter #Borealis. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/10/exxon-advanced-recycling-plastic-environment

    1. **Recommend Resource: ** Under the "More Information About Other Open Movements" I recommended adding Higashinihon Daishinsai Shashin Hozon Purojekuto, (trans. Great Earthquake of Eastern Japan Photo Archiving Project) which is one of Japan's open government and open data efforts to document all photographs about Japan's 2011 earthquake.

      The site currently contains close to 40,000 photographs of the aftermath of the natural disaster.

      The photos are hosted by Yahoo! Japan and are published under non-commercial clause for open access to the public.

  23. Mar 2023
    1. Ghana is on the brink of financial distress due to “take-or-pay” contracts that require the government to pay hundreds of millions of dollars each year for unused gas.
    1. The technological revolution of past decades has led teaching and learning of evolutionary biology to move away from its naturalist origins.

      Such a powerful opening statement that captures that changes technology has made within the past few decades. A sign that we are moving further from our past natural selves as a species.

    1. The idea was to make a subterranean home that would originate from the rock bed, forming multiple whirls around the tree and adjoining to create a secure private space below for the residents and a space around the trees above that ensures that the thick vegetation and ecosystem continues to thrive undisturbed

      built right into the rocky landscape, leaving all the trees undisturbed and building a swirling roof of beams and glass that accept the trees

    1. Finding huge quantities of small loose stones during the excavation process for the foundation led to an improvisation in the SHOBRI wall (Shuttered Debris Wall). These stones were utilised in the walls by inserting them into the Debris mix in the shutters as alternating bands.

      shuttered debri wall - beautiful wall using rocks found on site

    1. Justice in the context of consumption corridorsmeans that every person deserves access to a defned minimum level ofecological and social resources necessary to be able to live a good life,solely because they are a human being (what scholars call a natural-law-based perspective on justice).
      • Definition - Natural Law
      • a natural law based perspective of justice claims that every person deserves access to a defined minimum level of ecological and social resources necessary to live a "good life".
  24. Feb 2023
    1. An AI model that can learn and work with this kind of problem needs to handle order in a very flexible way. The old models—LSTMs and RNNs—had word order implicitly built into the models. Processing an input sequence of words meant feeding them into the model in order. A model knew what word went first because that’s the word it saw first. Transformers instead handled sequence order numerically, with every word assigned a number. This is called "positional encoding." So to the model, the sentence “I love AI; I wish AI loved me” looks something like (I 1) (love 2) (AI 3) (; 4) (I 5) (wish 6) (AI 7) (loved 8) (me 9).

      Google’s “the transformer”

      One breakthrough was positional encoding versus having to handle the input in the order it was given. Second, using a matrix rather than vectors. This research came from Google Translate.

  25. Jan 2023
    1. lone bio from Sydney Australia building a Next Generation fertilizer but it's not a fertilizer at 00:18:39 all actually it's mushrooms and when you plant these mushrooms with soybeans not only do you get crop yields to increase not only do you double the amount of CO2 that's being sequestered well you don't use the nitrogen that you're getting in 00:18:53 fertilizer

      !- fertilizer innovation : non nitrogen - mushroom and soybean

    1. a common technique in natural language processing is to operationalize certain semantic concepts (e.g., "synonym") in terms of syntactic structure (two words that tend to occur nearby in a sentence are more likely to be synonyms, etc). This is what word2vec does.

      Can I use some of these sorts of methods with respect to corpus linguistics over time to better identified calcified words or archaic phrases that stick with the language, but are heavily limited to narrower(ing) contexts?

    1. Fried-berg Judeo-Arabic Project, accessible at http://fjms.genizah.org. This projectmaintains a digital corpus of Judeo-Arabic texts that can be searched and an-alyzed.

      The Friedberg Judeo-Arabic Project contains a large corpus of Judeo-Arabic text which can be manually searched to help improve translations of texts, but it might also be profitably mined using information theoretic and corpus linguistic methods to provide larger group textual translations and suggestions at a grander scale.

    1. We are now closer to understanding how ecosystem parameters can be guided by key ecological players in the system to maximize benefits for the life-chances of whole species. In essence, there is a form of “natural justice” that prevails. We now know that, for example, health in forest ecosystems is regulated by what are called “mother trees” that control fungal networks that in turn interconnect trees of varying ages. The control system works to regulate nutrient flows to trees that need them most, such as very young ones.[9] It also works to transfer information and energy from dying species to those that might continue to thrive, thus maintaining the forest as a larger system.[10] These crucially important insights have yet to be incorporated into ecological thinking applied to politics and human societies.

      !- natural justice : ecological systems - not yet applied to ecological thinking of human socieites

  26. Dec 2022
    1. Emily M. Bender, Timnit Gebru, Angelina McMillan-Major, and Shmargaret Shmitchell. 2021. On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 610–623. https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922

    1. In Italien lag der Gasverbrauch in den ersten Monaten des Herbstes um 17% unter dem des Vorjahres. Die Industrie verbrauchte 20% weniger, was offenbar mit einem leichten Absinken der Produktion verbunden war.