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- is:news
- target failure
- transmission
- PCR test
- case
- laboratory
- covid case
- variant
- omicron
- COVID-19
- s-gene
- discrepancy
- UK
- lang:en
- data
- prevalence
- dominant variant
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- is:twitter
- reasoning
- behavioural fatigue
- transmission
- public health
- public communication
- delaying lockdown
- vaccine
- asymptomatic
- pseudo-scientific justifications
- COVID-19
- media narrative
- spread infection
- epidemiology
- herd immunity
- misinformation
- lang:en
- Boris Johnson
- government policy
- care homes
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- herd immunity
- misinformation
- inorganic activity
- bot
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- transmission
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- one-sided automation
- conversation
- online misinformation
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