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Loose, Tianna, and Alejandro Vásquez-Echeverría. ‘Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 among University Students in Uruguay’. PsyArXiv, 15 April 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w9rde.
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It is hard to imagine even 50 million tonnes, yet this is equivalent in weight to all the commercial aircraft we have ever built throughout history, or 4,500 Eiffel Towers, enough to cover an area the size of Manhattan - and that’s just one year’s worth of the e-waste we create.
For me as I assume with many others. When the totality of the waste we produce in a year is highlighted into a physical/relative means. It makes the issue that much easier to grasp. When the issue is discussed in large numbers, that may not draw as much panic but when broken down into the size of Manhattan or 4,500 Eiffel towers, we can imagine just how bad the problem is. Lastly, it is unfathomable we create this quantity of waste in a year alone. It makes areas such as the garbage patch easier to understand.
(A great video on how recycling plants can bring harmful effects to the individuals that live in the vicinity of them)
Currently, Pine Island Glacier together with its neighbouring Thwaites glacier are responsible for about 10% of the ongoing increase in global sea level.
- Mar 2021
historymatters.gmu.edu historymatters.gmu.edu
Milton Eisenhower Justifies the Internment of Japanese Americans
This page has an audio clip of the speech, but the US National Archives has captioned video as well:
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ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 9). Session 2: The policy interface followed with a really helpful presentation by Lindsey Pike, from Bristol, and then panel discussion with Mirjam Jenny (Robert Koch Insitute), Paulina Lang (UK Cabinet Office), Rachel McCloy (Reading Uni.), and Rene van Bavel (European Commission) [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325795286065815552
WellAlwaysHaveParis il y a 7 ans • Testament to the power of the Internet...Leonard Bernstein has been dead for 23 years, and yet his knowledge, insight and wisdom perpetually echo forward for future generations. This video was probably lost in an attic somewhere before somebody decided to drop it on YouTube. It warms my heart that 59,000+ people have seen it.
Recordings from the whole lecture series by “born teacher” Leonard Bernstein has been “making the rounds”, thanks in part to YouTubers like Adam Neely who has been linking to those videos in descriptions of some of his episodes.
Part of the reason the series interests me for its #PedagogicalHeritage is that it extend Bernstein’s role, who’s been mostly known as a composer and conductor. These really are lectures, delivered on campus. At the beginning of the first lecture, Bernstein explicitly described his relationship to Harvard and his being “petrified” at lecturing there. His outside status is important. In music, it’s not uncommon for lectures to be given by renowned musical experts without the academic #credentials which usually serve to “qualify” a prof. According to his bio (archive), LB was a visiting prof at Brandeis in the 1950s. When he delivered those lectures on campus, he was “Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry at Harvard”. The lectures were a significant part of the deal. There’s a direct continuity between the lecturer’s experience and the delivery of “teaching material”. In another context, the research behind those lectures might not have qualified a prof for tenure.
There’s quite a bit about prestige to unpack, there. And more than a little about “The Canon”. If I use excerpts from this series in my teaching, I’ll likely start from that: who was Bernstein? Why does it matter that we hear his voice instead of somebody else’s? What learning affordances from these recordings, including the musical examples performed on the piano? The context would likely be my beloved ethnomusicology course. Otherwise, some kind of course about “broad approaches to music theorization”.
What strikes me in this comment (and in the “well, actually…” reply) is the very notion that the Internet gives us access to something valuable. Yet this access might be taken away at a moment’s notice (the ways of the DMCA are impenetrable). Yes, DVDs exist and the content might be retrieved. It’s technically possible to make backups of those videos. Yet the 5Rs of Open Content aren’t obvious, here.
Although, Neely did remix some of the content.
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This displacement is of course operative in the de-funding of public universities, effectively transforming them into non-profits rather than state institutions. The effects of this program of neoliberal1 reform run deep, not least that the dominant motivator behind these privatized institutions becomes sustainability rather than service, leaving universities, like non-profits, in an endless cycle of fundraising and budget cuts.
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Mbopi-Keou, F.-X., Pondi, J.-E., & Sosso, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 in Cameroon: A crucial equation to resolve. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30373-X
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., & Nedjati-Gilani, G. (2020). How can we help stop the COVID-19 pandemic? Biomedical Science Journal for Teens. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/mrc-gida/2020-04-28-SJK-Report-9.pdf
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Noetel, M., Griffith, S., Delaney, O., Sanders, T., Parker, P., del Pozo Cruz, B., & Lonsdale, C. (2020, May 18). Are you better on YouTube? A systematic review of the effects of video on learning in higher education. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kynez
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Sorrell, M. J. (2020, May 15). Colleges Are Deluding Themselves. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/05/colleges-that-reopen-are-making-a-big-mistake/611485/
www.hprubse.nihr.ac.uk www.hprubse.nihr.ac.uk
Roll-out of coronavirus behaviour change website will help public transition to “new normal.” (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2020, from http://www.hprubse.nihr.ac.uk/news/roll-out-of-coronavirus-behaviour-change-website-will-help-public-transition-to-new-normal/
Pinto, S. F., & Ferreira, R. S. (2020). Analyzing course programmes using complex networks. ArXiv:2005.00906 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.00906
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Odriozola-González, P., Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., Irurtia-Muñiz, M. J., & de Luis-García, R. (2020, May 7). Psychological effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown among students and workers of a Spanish university. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2sc84
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Lee, J. (2020). Mental health effects of school closures during COVID-19. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, S2352464220301097. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30109-7
- Apr 2020
occamstypewriter.org occamstypewriter.org
The new and improved Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2020 were published this week with as much online fanfare as THE could muster. Unfortunately, they are not improved enough.
My sketchnotes here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Dj47SHE2ehzdEMM17
“There are limits to what universities can do and the SDGs don’t capture everything about the impact of our research.”
Plus, the measurement is based on journal articles from commercial databases (eg: Scopus). Those databases index have language bias. On the other hand, we are lacking of national level scientific database that provide dataset for those rankings to process.
All rankings measure the following components, which all of them contain level of bias:
- Teaching (the learning environment): international students vs large amount of internal high school graduates
- Research (volume, income and reputation): high profile research vs "low level" research to solve internal national problem
- Citations (research influence): only based on commercial database with language bias
- International outlook (staff, students and research): lack of national data (eg: tracer study) to share with those ranking, international vs national issues
- Industry income (knowledge transfer): this is mostly controlled by economical situation, which the universities have no control.
These are the rankings that increasingly drive institutional behaviour – and competition between them.
and not to mention it drives external economical-social setting eg: labour market, top university labeling in the mind of parents, etc.
As a result, the THE clings to a methodology that despite taking insufficient account of the false precision and the uncertainties introduced by the proxy nature of the indicators used to ‘measure’ actual performance, still claims to be able to distinguish universities on scores that differ by 0.1%. It is laughable to claim this level of precision. It is to universities’ discredit that they go along.
For less economically stable countries (eg Indonesia), many indicators are very much controlled by national level situations (regulations, funding), geographical settings, and the large sum of high school graduates to enter undergraduate degree. On the contrary, all rankings only relevant for graduate research.
sciencebusiness.net sciencebusiness.net
University of Amsterdam scientists launch website that seeks ideal COVID-19 exit strategy. (2020 April 21) Science|Business. https://sciencebusiness.net/network-updates/university-amsterdam-scientists-launch-website-seeks-ideal-covid-19-exit-strategy
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Rasmussen, S., Sperling, P., Poulsen, M. S., Emmersen, J., & Andersen, S. (2020). Medical students for health-care staff shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30923-5
Kleinman, M. (2020 April 16). Innovation agency Nesta backs UK edtech start-up BibliU. Sky News. https://news.sky.com/story/innovation-agency-nesta-backs-uk-edtech-start-up-bibliu-11974089
podcasts.google.com podcasts.google.com
Leach, M. (n.d.). The Wonkhe Show - the higher education podcast - PODCAST: Mental health, universities and Covid-19. Google Podcasts. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://podcasts.google.com?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzQ5Mjk3OTcucnNz&episode=dGFnOmF1ZGlvYm9vbS5jb20sMjAyMC0wMy0yMDovcG9zdHMvNzUzNjE4MQ
sciencebusiness.net sciencebusiness.net
Research on ice across Europe, as all resources are focussed on COVID-19. (n.d.). Science|Business. Retrieved April 16, 2020, from https://sciencebusiness.net/news/research-ice-across-europe-all-resources-are-focussed-covid-19
sciencebusiness.net sciencebusiness.net
Interview: We should tackle COVID-19 head on, but now is not the time to cut basic research. (n.d.). Science|Business. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from https://sciencebusiness.net/news/interview-we-should-tackle-covid-19-head-now-not-time-cut-basic-research
- Feb 2020
mncampuscompact.org mncampuscompact.org
- Nov 2019
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.3 Theories of Education and the Online Environment
This website is part of Angelo State University's online teaching training course for faculty members. This section outlines three prominent theories of education-Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism-and applies them to online learning. Instructional Designers and course instructors can use this guide for the construction of meaningful and active learning environment for students. Rating: 10/10
- Behaviorism
- instructional design
- higher education
- technology integration
- collaborative learning
- adult learning
- online instruction
- etc556
- Constructivism
- active learning
- self-directed learning
- Angelo State University
- Social Cognitive Theory
- educational theories
- e-learning
- professional development
- andragogy
- online teaching
- edtech
- etcnau
- adult education
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.5 Online Learner Characteristics, Technology and Skill Requirements
This website outlines Section 1.5 of Angelo State University's guide to instructional design and online teaching. Section 1.5 describes key characteristics of online learners, as well as the technology and computer skills that research has identified as being important for online learners. Successful online learners are described as self-directed, motivated, well-organized, and dedicated to their education. The article also notes that online learners should understand how to use technology such as multimedia tools, email, internet browsers. and LMS systems. This resource serves as a guide to effective online teaching. Rating 10/10
www.aupresses.org www.aupresses.org
From this page:
AUPresses thinks more readers should be aware of the work they’re doing. That’s why during the organization’s annual University Press Week, it launched a reading list it’s calling READ. THINK. ACT., a list of 75 peer-reviewed books designed to help non-academic readers understand the world and work to make it a better place.
- Oct 2019
oregondigital.org oregondigital.org
3. Letter Regarding the Northwest College Personnel Association Student Relocation Committee
This is a remarkable letter from the Dean's office assigning responsibility to a young professor at OSU to head a committee to oversee the relocation of Axis-related college students in the Pacific Northwest and listing institutions that might accept Japanese American college students. Although Italian and German students are named, only the Nisei relocation is "imminent" (and, presumably, the only one that actually occurred). I wonder how the tuition arrangements were to be made, particularly for those who had scholarships, or were paying state school tuition but were being transferred to a private college?
agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- Jul 2019
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Their work demonstrates a method of quickly “reading” whole words and phrases from the brain — getting Facebook slightly closer to its dream of a noninvasive thought-typing system.
- Apr 2019
We welcome public feedback to strengthen our communique and potential calls to action. Thank you!
- Mar 2019
www.griffinbenefits.com www.griffinbenefits.com
a group of teachers created a program through Baylor University Hospital where they would agree to pre-pay for future medical services (up to 21 days in advance). The resulting organization was not-for-profit and only covered hospital services. It was essentially the precursor to Blue Cross.
Baylor University's teacher's created one of the first "employee insurance companies" which turned into Blue Cross.
adb.anu.edu.au adb.anu.edu.au
first-class honours in physics, leading his class.
First class
Titterton enrolled at the University of Birmingham (B.Sc. Hons, 1937; M.Sc., 1938; Dip.Ed., 1939; Ph.D., 1941) as a trainee teacher, with a scholarship that paid tuition fees and board and lodging at Chancellor’s Hall.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
they never thought of cs• tablishing universities where young minds could be cultivated and strengthened
Does Vico mean "university" on a large scale? Because there was clearly "conditioning of the mind" happening, in localized schools and by educators who conditioned minds on a smaller scale (go, sophists). Was that not happening in a large-scale, communal location (see def. of university, tagged)?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
I hadn't thought about the etymology of university before, but the juxtaposition with "universal grammar" spurred my curiosity about their common roots:
From community, corporation (1214 in Old French; also in Old French as universitei , universiteit , etc.), totality, universality (13th cent.)
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
contemporary university
Various definitions for this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/college/2013/08/27/educators-debate-definition-of-modern-university/37437341/
foucault.info foucault.info
Seneca stresses the point: the practice of the self involves reading, for one could not draw everything from ones own stock or arm oneself by oneself with the principles of reason that are indispensable for self-conduct: guide or example, the help of others is necessary
This made me think of David Bartholomae's piece, "Inventing the University." One cannot just know things and be able to write about them unless they are introduced to by some outside force. And, one cannot attempt to find new meaning unless you have prior meaning you can debunk or build upon. https://wac.colostate.edu/jbw/v5n1/bartholomae.pdf
justkidsfromthebronx.com justkidsfromthebronx.com
“There are only three places that have a ‘the’ in the front of their name: the Vatican, The Hague, and the Bronx.” —Mary Higgins Clark
rrchnm.org rrchnm.org
Stephen Robertson and Lincoln Mullen of George Mason University
- Dec 2018
www.nature.com www.nature.com
I think contextualizing the applications of a tool like Unpaywall in the OA movement could be useful in the 5.3 section, as an added paragraph. Unpaywall helps researchers find papers that are available freely on the web. Often these papers are held in university repositories or author websites. The author may have transferred copyright to the publisher at the time of publication for a window of time that has expired, or the author may have retained copyright of their publication. I think that the idea of a scientific language decoder for the public is an excellent educational tool and potential public service.
- Nov 2018
quillette.com quillette.com
it’s the whole culture.
The question to ask here is how to set in motion this cultural shift. Titles prevent us from considering a more flexible learning credential or format.
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
Learning at the CenterA Proposal for Dynamic Assessment in a Combined University and Community Adult Learning Center Course
Learning Center
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
25 Important Apps And Digital Learning Tools For University Students
Excellent article offering 25 important apps to help University students and digital learning.The best part is that they are all free (so easily fits into a students' budget.
From note taking to keeping track of grades, this list of the best apps will help improve classroom success and student engagement.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Aug 2018
Local file Local file
In this consumerist-led version of proletarianization, which is very per-tinent to what is happening with the commodification of higher educa-tion, the argument is that ‘consumers are “discharged” of the burden as well as the responsibility of shaping their own lives and are reduced to units of buying power controlled by marketing techniques’ (p. 34). For example, in rating and ranking scales and league tables, marketing agencies have essentially appropriated the decision-making process from students and their parents. Today’s ‘cognitive capitalism’, Lemmens says, is producing the ‘systematic destruction of knowledge and the knowing subject’ (p. 34), in what Stiegler calls the ‘systematic industri-alization of human memory and cognition’ (p. 34). As Stiegler (2010b) cryptically puts it, what is at stake is ‘the battle for intelligence’ (p. 35) which had its most recent genesis in the ‘psychopathologies and addic-tive ‘behavior patterns’ (Lemmens 2011, p. 34) brought about by the ‘logic of the market’ ushered in by Thatcher and supported by Reagan. This unleashed ‘a cultural and spiritual regression of unprecedented magnitude, transforming the whole of society into a machine for profit maximization and creating a state of “system carelessness” and “systemic stupidity” on a global scale’ (p. 34). It is literally ‘a global struggle for the mind’ in a context where there is an erasure of ‘consciousness and sociality’ (p. 35)
Draws on labour process theory and the work of Stiegler to conceptualise the de-professionalisation of academic workers and their proletarianisation. This relates to the arguments about how economic rationales have colonised all areas of social life.
This seems to mirror similar arguments put forward by Nikolas Rose and Michel Dean and other post-structuralists such as drawing on Foucault's governmentality
Far from ‘competition’ supposedly driving ‘innovation’, Connell (2013) argues that it does the reverse. In the first instance, what a neo-liberal conception of the university produces, is the ‘reproduction of global dependency’ (p. 2)—through a ‘neocolonial dependence...built into performativity through international rankings of journals, depart-ment and universities’, whereby local intellectual cultures are under-mined and obliterated through an unhealthy reliance on ‘impact factors and ‘citations’ (p. 2). Secondly, the ‘entrenchment of social hierarchies in knowledge production and circulation’ (p. 2), act to further sediment privilege in the already advantaged—institutionally, in Australia in the older so-called ‘sandstone’ universities, and individually in the scions of the privileged who attend them.
The neocolonial nature of the research performativity regime and its epistemological dominance.
rgues that the very fibre of democracy which we understand to be ‘individual and collective self-rule’ and which we take to be ‘a perma-nent achievement of the West’ and that cannot be ‘lost’, is in the process of being completely ‘overwhelmed and ... displaced by the economium to enhance capital value, competitive positioning, and credit ratings’ (p. 10)
Is this a problematic argument? The collapsing of the ideas of democracy and liberty into the category of the ´West´.
Transformed in this process is the very nature of knowledge:Neoliberalization replaces education aimed at deepening and broadening intelligence and sensibilities, developing historical consciousness and her-meneutic adroitness, acquiring diverse knowledge and literacies, becom-ing theoretically capacious and politically and socially perspicacious, with [forms of] education aimed at honing technically-skilled entrepreneurial actors adept at gaming any system. (p. 123)
neoliberalism and the transformation of knowledge and knowledge work
By way of explaining why there is so much internal unrest and dissention in universities, Boyer (2011) says that the ‘dominant critical narrative’ emerges from the ‘dissipat[ion of] organizational and collegial auton-omy in order to better saturate universities with market-oriented prin-ciples (knowledge as commodity, faculty as wage labour, administration as management, student body as consumer public, university as market-place)’ (pp. 179–180).The loudest opposition to this intensified neoliberal regime has come from ‘faculty’ who, ‘among the three estates of the university (students, faculty, administrators)...has experienced the deepest erosion of auton-omy under the current reforms’ (Boyer 2011, p. 180). Coupled with this is the view that students stand to ‘enhance their social power with their new image as sovereign consumers, and the re-imagination of the uni-versity as a kind of for-profit corporation run by profit-minded managers has helped to cement the political hegemony of administrators’ (Boyer 2011, p. 180).
Boyer's argument is that faculty feel neoliberalism more intensely than administration of students because it is felt as a direct assault on autonomy. c.f Nixon and Walker on the issue of autonomy and academic freedom as sectional interest in tension with a wider agenda for freedoms.
In other words, neoliberalism works through the way in which it ‘dissemi-nates market values and metrics to every sphere of life and construes the human itself exclusively as homo oeconomicus’ (Brown 2015, p. 176). Brown (2015)
a definition of the way neoliberalism as ideology, governance and economic ordering frames all life in market terms
- Mar 2018
deepblue.lib.umich.edu deepblue.lib.umich.edu
This report summarizes the primary motivations of libraries that invest in open access initiatives.
colony.cs.toronto.edu:40292 colony.cs.toronto.edu:40292
Machine Learning at UofT
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
halfanhour.blogspot.com halfanhour.blogspot.com
On this model, students are responsible for their own education, often forming communities or societies to collaborate. Professors typically worked one-on-one with students, but from time to time would be enlisted to offer a series - or 'course' - of lectures on a given topic. The lectures could be (and often were) public, and were frequently attended by other professors in the same field.
Reminds me of @KevinCarey1 describe the original university of Bologna, in his End of College. Don’t have the quote handy (one of many cases where #OpenAccess would allow for more thoughtful discussion), but the gist of that paragraph sounds similar to what @Downes is describing here
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Embracing an Entrepreneurial Culture on Campus go.nmc.org/uni(Tom Corr, University Affairs, 4 May 2016.) The Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs is gaining global recognition for its efforts to bolster students’ business skills through investing in multiple campus events and programs. For example, the success of Ontario Centres of Excellence has led to the establishment of similar innovation hubs throughout North America, the UK, Australia, and Asia.
What’s fascinating here is that the province might be cutting a major part of the funding for the Ontario Centres of Excellence, particularly the part which has to do with Entrepreneurship Programs. (My current work is associated with Lead To Win, a Campus-Linked Accelerator out of Carleton University.)
a Brazilian Portuguese language textbook they’ve written and maintained for more than 50 years
!! (Wondering about the “but we worked a lot on this” comment against OER.)
opencontent.org opencontent.org
When you think the problem to be solved is the high cost of textbooks, inclusive access programs and OER adoption are just two competing approaches to solving the problem.
There was an interesting example of this during a short conference on digital textbooks, back in late 2014. Cindy Ives interim VP Academic at Athabasca (!) presented the etext pilot project in partnership with publishers. Ives’s approach was quite pragmatic and there’s nothing wrong with doing a pilot project on something like this. By that time, Ives was already involved in OER projects. It still struck a chord with those of us who care about OER, including Éric Francoeur who took an active part in the event and did work to create a free textbook through international and interlinguistic collaboration.
To me, a key notion from the ‘r’ in “OER” is the distinction with those content bundles we still call “textbooks”. Sure, it’s already in the 5-R model. But the “Remix” idea in music is to a large extent about unbundling.
“Including open in the list of examples for educational leadership is important because it brings it to the forefront. When I went up for promotion, I took a risk because engaging in open practice was not listed as an example of educational leadership, but not everyone is going to do that. Whereas if it’s strictly laid out it raises the profile for those who haven’t thought about open education and also shows that it is valued by the university as being a form of educational leadership,”
Excerpt from the UBC Guide to Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Procedures (RPT): Evidence of educational leadership is required for tenure/promotion in the Educational Leadership stream… It can include, but is not limited to…Contributions to the practice and theory of teaching and learning literature, including publications in peer-reviewed and professional journals, conference publications, book chapters, textbooks and open education repositories / resources.
via this @SteelWagstaff Tweet, itself via this @_Mike_Collins slide.
- Oct 2017
Local file Local file
West, L. H. T., Hore, T., & Boon, P. K. (1980). Publication rates and productivity.Vestes,23,32–37
- Mar 2017
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Duquesne University announced plans to close its press in February, explaining that it could no longer justify the annual subsidy of more than $200,000.
Always sad to see a press close...
mirrormask.english.ucsb.edu:10001 mirrormask.english.ucsb.edu:10001
university president public years center research million national latimes san executive major project board humanities
The word humanities appears in this third-largest topic of the model. It is an institutional topic, with words about organizations, officers, governing structures, development and resources.
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
My own view of where academic book publishing is heading is that it will mostly continue to publish the kinds of things it does now, but there will be increasing experimentation with formats, a renewed interest in selling directly to libraries, and enlarged activity in D2C — selling directly to end-users.
Probably about right.
- Feb 2017
krissedoff.wordpress.com krissedoff.wordpress.com
A recent piece in the Charleston Gazette-Mail about the press that I direct, while oriented toward regional audiences, is the sort of thing I have in mind. The interview Peter Berkery and Fred Nachbaur did with Publishing Perspectives last fall is also good.
Need to check these out.
Inside Higher Ed made factually incorrect statements about the state of university press publishing.
They should definitely be called out on this error.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The press receives an annual subsidy north of $200,000.
This has to be a drop in the bucket of the university budget.
- Nov 2016
theconversation.com theconversation.com
In 1868 Thomas Huxley produced his essay A Liberal Education, and where to find it. Not at Oxford and Cambridge apparently. Huxley dismissed both as “simply "boarding schools” for bigger boys". British universities, he argued, must embrace research as the basis of great university education. At present, he lamented “a third rate German university turns out more produce of that kind…in one year, than our vast and wealthy foundations elaborate in ten”.
As John Stuart Mill would tell graduates at St Andrew’s University in 1867, until recently the old English universities "seemed to exist mainly for the repression of independent thought, and the chaining up of the individual intellect and conscience”.
- Oct 2016
savageminds.org savageminds.org
OUP is its own sort of beast. I think of it less as a university press and more as the last remaining political institution of the British Empire. In fact I think of it as that empire.
There’s a big difference between, say, McGill-Queens University Press and Elsevier. One of them is a small press which really is in it for the love of publishing good books. The other is part of a massive corporation whose idea of demonstrating corporate responsibility is cutting its connections to the weapons industry.
- Sep 2016
www.concordia.ca www.concordia.ca
"The university is thankful that the tireless efforts of governments, diplomats and colleagues across Canada and internationally were successful. The Concordia community — in particular faculty and staff members and unions — played a critical role in securing her release. This is a victory for academic freedom."
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System's Institute for Transformational Learning and Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin.
Sounds like MOOCs have been part of his role, at least in UT’s collaboration with edX. Which brings an interesting context to the piece, especially in view of what we might call “the end of the MOOC moment”.
- Jun 2016
driven-to-discover.umn.edu driven-to-discover.umn.edu
Open Textbook Library (OTL),
www.umd.edu www.umd.edu
The cause of the security breach is under investigation by the University of Maryland Police Department, the U.S. Secret Service and federal law enforcement authorities, as well as forensic computer investigators.
Despite this deposition from two years ago, U. Md. still hasn’t updated this page.
- May 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
"Historic trove of documents discovered in city attic," Herald.ie (2016-05-16) http://www.herald.ie/news/historic-trove-of-documents-discovered-in-city-attic-34707155.html
The four missing volumes of Prisoner Books listing the arrests of more than 30,000 people between 1905 and 1918 include the "crimes" of labour leaders Jim Larkin (seditious conspiracy), James Connolly (incitement to crime), revolutionary Maud Gonne MacBride (defence of the realm), and suffragette Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington (glass-breaking with other suffragettes).
"Dublin Metropolitan Police Prisoner Books 1905-1918," The British GENES blog (2016-05-12) http://britishgenes.blogspot.ie/2016/05/dublin-metropolitan-police-prisoner.html
University College Dublin's Digital Library (http://digital.ucd.ie) has just uploaded digitised editions of four Dublin Metropolitan Police prisoners books from 1905-1908, and 1911-1918, at http://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:43945.
- Apr 2016
marketmonetarist.com marketmonetarist.com
The paper with the ambitious title Optimal Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound Bullard has co-authored with Costas Azariadis, Aarti Singh and Jacek Suda.
Author affiliations:
- Costas Azariadis, Professor of Economics, Washington University in St.Louis
- James Bullard President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Aarti Singh Jacek Suda
- Jan 2016
tech.mit.edu tech.mit.edu
Professor Christine Ortiz is stepping down from her post [at MIT] as dean for graduate education to found a new residential research university.
Ortiz said the university would focus on project-based learning and would dispense with some of the familiar hallmarks of university education, like the lecture.
"I don't see it having any face to face, on-the-ground lectures, actually," she said. "No majors, no lectures, no classrooms."
status451.com status451.com
I want to get less wrong
Compare with the phenomenon of (not) interrupting the university lecturer when one does not understand the lecture.
- Oct 2015
chronicle.com chronicle.com
destroy the university
- Sep 2015
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
The move by Deloitte is the latest in a wave of changes by graduate recruiters wanting to look beyond academic results.
Well, yes, except that it isn't. By hiding the name of the university, they're not "looking beyond academic results", just beyond the institution that awarded those results.
- Jul 2015
news.wustl.edu news.wustl.edu
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Bullard's co-authors are Costas Azariadis of Washington University and the St. Louis Fed, Aarti Singh of the University of Sydney and Jacek Suda of the Narodowy Bank Polski.
Author affiliations:
- Costas Azariadis, Professor of Economics, Washington University in St.Louis
- James Bullard President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Aarti Singh Jacek Suda
www.stlouisfed.org www.stlouisfed.org
Author affiliations:
- Costas Azariadis, Professor of Economics, Washington University in St.Louis
- James Bullard President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Aarti Singh Jacek Suda
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
I first witnessed this power out on the Yard, that communal green space in the center of the campus where the students gathered and I saw everything I knew of my black self multiplied out into seemingly endless variations. There were the scions of Nigerian aristocrats in their business suits giving dap to bald-headed Qs in purple windbreakers and tan Timbs. There were the high-yellow progeny of A.M.E. preachers debating the clerics of Ausar-Set. There were California girls turned Muslim, born anew, in hijab and long skirt. There were Ponzi schemers and Christian cultists, Tabernacle fanatics and mathematical geniuses. It was like listening to a hundred different renditions of “Redemption Song,” each in a different color and key. And overlaying all of this was the history of Howard itself. I knew that I was literally walking in the footsteps of all the Toni Morrisons and Zora Neale Hurstons, of all the Sterling Browns and Kenneth Clarks, who’d come before.
I love the details, the pride, the power of this description!
- May 2015
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Selected images from the Desmond FitzGerald Photographs collection in UCD Archives were used to illustrate Conor Mulvagh's video presentation, "The Destruction of Dublin, 1916," issued as part of the UCD Decade of Centenaries web site; it is also available on youtube.