- Feb 2025
www.wiche.edu www.wiche.edu
Lane, Patrick, Colleen Falkenstern, and Peace Bransberger. “Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates, 11th Edition.” Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), December 2024. https://www.wiche.edu/knocking/.
PDF at https://www.wiche.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/2024-Knocking-at-the-College-Door-final.pdf
www.wiche.edu www.wiche.edu
www.google.com www.google.com
On February 3, 2025, several School Closings in Ma have announced delays and closings due to significant overnight snowfall. The weather conditions have resulted in hazardous travel, prompting administrators to adjust school schedules to ensure the safety of students and staff. This report will provide an overview of the current situation regarding school delays and closings in Massachusetts, alongside related information for nearby regions.
- Dec 2024
padlet.com padlet.com
ai tipps und tricks, tools-liste
padlet.com padlet.com
prompting in der lehre - tipps und tricks
thecrookedstoolworkshop.substack.com thecrookedstoolworkshop.substack.com
Combatting ai-use in school the fun way
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the womb is a school room and every baby attend
for - quote - The womb is a school room and every baby attends - David Chamberlain
medium.com medium.com
the food forests like this one behind me, this is a syntropic agriculture system, could become a model for a different kind of economy to grow food, medicine, textiles, construction materials, all the different things we need in this tropical environment can grow in a forest or an agroforestry system like the one behind me, which does not need international corporations, does not need advanced technology, and does not need plutocrats and billionaires.
for - potential synergies - agroforestry regeneration - Unitree - adjacency - school of regeneration - bioregionalism - DIRMBI - Alley cropping - Fair share commons - cosmolocal strategy - TPF - Unitree
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
each one of those stages there's four St stages and we can say that there's equal amount of stages above it has a sacred version and and a version that the sacred is lost
for - wisdom stages - 4 middle school stages and - 4 high school stages - John Churchill
he truth is is there are stages beyond that but I don't you know like then we're going into. one you know then we're going into um um high school you know because this planet is basically let's be honest with us it's basically Middle School
for - quote - levels of wisdom - humanity is in middle school - John Churchill
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
41:26 generation Z? nicht belastbar. streitunfähig. harmoniesüchtig. ungeduld. kurzsicht.<br /> nicht lernfähig. eingebildet. fühlen sich schlau. "school smart but not street smart".<br /> aufgeben beim kleinsten widerstand. nicht belastbar. schwächlinge. keine kämpfer.<br /> opfer. versager. schwächlinge. abhängige. follower. folger. mitläufer. dressierte haustiere.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I wonder if there's a copy anywhere of the Macey business system book that they sold to explain how to use it?
reply to u/atomicnotes at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1fa0240/early_1900s_3_x_5_inch_card_index_filing_cabinet/
This is an excellent question. I strongly suspect you won't find a booklet or book from Macey after 1906 that does this, though there may have been something before that.
You'll notice that on page 9, the 1906 Macy Catalog takes what I consider to be a pot shot at their Shaw-Walker competition in the section "Not a kindergarten". Shaw-Walker was selling not just furniture, but a more specific system, as well as a magazine. Since there's something to be learned for current knowledge managers and zettel-casters in the historical experience of these companies and the systems and methods they were selling, I'll quote that section here (substitute references to enterprise and business for yourself):
Not a Kindergarten
Every successful enterprise knows its own requirements best, and develops the best system for its own purpose. We manufacture business machinery. Our appliances and supplies are boiled down to a few parts, and simple forms, and will accommodate any system in any business. The office boy can understand and use them. If we undertook to teach the whole world how to run its business, we would have to saddle the cost on those who buy for what we tried to teach those who do not.
System in business is desirable, but no system can make a business successful, where the management is deficient. So called ‘Systems’ often result in useless expense and disappointment. We retain what experience proves useful and practical; so far as possible, eliminating all complicated and useless features. This explains how we can employ the best workmanship and material, combined with pleasing designs, and sell our goods with profit at lower prices than the inferior articles offered by others.
There may have been some booklets at some point, but I've not run across them for any of the major manufacturers of the time. (I've only loosely searched this area.) Some of the general principles were covered in various articles in System Magazine which was published by Shaw-Walker, a filing cabinet manufacturer, in the early century. System Magazine was sold to McGraw-Hill which renamed it Business Week, but it is now better known as Bloomberg Business Week. In the December 1906 issue of System, W. K. Kellogg, the President of the Toasted Corn Flake Company, is quoted touting the invaluable nature of the Shaw-Walker filing system at a time when his company was using 640 drawers of their system.
To some extent the smaller discrete "system" was really a part of a broader range of information and knowledge of business and competition. This can be seen in the fact that System Magazine still exists, just under an alternate name, along with a much broader area of business schools and business systems. We've just "forgotten" (or take for granted) the art of the smaller systems and processes which seemed new in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Other companies had "systems" they sold or taught, much like Tiago Forte teaches his "Second Brain" method or Nick Milo teaches "Linking Your Thinking". However, most of them were really in the business of selling goods: furniture, filing cabinets, desks, index cards, card dividers, etc. and this was where the real money was to be found at the time.
A similar example in the space is the Memindex System booklet that came with their box and index cards. The broad principles of the system can be described in a few paragraphs so that the average person can read it and modify it to their particular needs or use case. The company never felt the need to write an entire book along the lines of David Allen's Getting Things Done or Ryder Carroll's Bullet Journal Method. Allen and Carroll are selling systems by way of books or classes. Admittedly, Carroll does have custom printed notebooks for using his methods, but I suspect these are a tiny fraction of the overall notebook sales for those who use his method.
Here's evidence of a correspondence course from the Library Bureau some time after 1927, which was when they'd been purchased by Remington Rand: https://www.ebay.com/itm/335534180049 . Library Bureau had an easier time as their system was standardized for libraries, though they did have efforts to cater to business concerns the way Shaw-Walker, The Macey Company, Globe-Wernicke and others certainly did.
I think the best examples in broader book form from that time period are Kaiser's two books which still stand up pretty well today for those creating knowledge management systems, zettelkasten, commonplace books, getting things done/productivity systems, second brains, etc.
Kaiser, J. Card System at the Office. The Card System Series 1. London: Vacher and Sons, 1908. http://archive.org/details/cardsystematoffi00kaisrich.
———. Systematic Indexing. The Card System Series 2. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1911. http://archive.org/details/systematicindexi00kaisuoft.
- Aug 2024
“Real business is done on paper. Okay? Write that down.” —Michael Scott<br /> (class full of students types the quote into their computer keyboards)
The Office S3 E16 "Business School"<br /> Episode aired Feb 15, 2007<br /> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0964922/ <br /> See also clip at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol-wwJBVncQ
Local file Local file
Do NOT worry about math! You are an adult, and you can learn math muchmore easily than when you were in high school. We’ll review everything you needto know about high school math, and by the end of this chapter, you’ll see thatmath is nothing to worry about.
As an adult you shouldn't be worried about math as you'll learn it faster than in high school
gdgoenkadelhincr.mystrikingly.com gdgoenkadelhincr.mystrikingly.com
GD Goenka Public School in Patel Nagar is known for its commitment toexcellence in education, and this commitment starts right from the pre-nursery level. The program is designed to nurture young minds in a safe, stimulating environment that encourages curiosity and learning.
GD Goenka Public School in Patel Nagar is known for its commitment to excellence in education, and this commitment starts right from the pre-nursery level. The program is designed to nurture young minds in a safe, stimulating environment that encourages curiosity and learning.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~1:40)
Suggested to train analytical reading in high school.
- Jun 2024
www.geeksforgeeks.org www.geeksforgeeks.org
Data structures are an integral part of computers used for the arrangement of data in memory.
The importance of data structures (related to memory)
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The School of the People’s Institute,
I think one of the things that you're describing is what it looks 00:44:00 like to try to do something without breaking something else
for - progress traps - Nora Bateson - response to interviewer's comment on everyday example of complexity - parent encouraging children to go to school - example of mitigating progress traps - complexity is hard!
like when it's time to go to school and it's okay let's put your boots on it's time to go to school no no 00:43:09 I don't want to
for - podcast - Entangled Worlds - interviewer comment - dealing with complexity - everyday example - mother encouraging child to go to school
- Nora Bateson - response to interviewer's comment on everyday example of complexity - parent encouraging children to go to school - example of mitigating progress traps - complexity is hard!
- podcast - Entangled Worlds - interviewer comment - dealing with complexity - everyday example - mother encouraging child to go to school
www.belfercenter.org www.belfercenter.org
As citizens, we can create meaningful organizations that span our communities but without the permanence (and thus overhead) of old-school organizations.
- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die amerikanische Behörde zur energieregulation Regulierung hat die Bestimmung für Stromnetze radikal reformiert um die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien zu fördern. Unter anderem müssen Netzbetreiber für den voraussichtlichen Bedarf in 20 Jahren planen. Einer neu einen neuen Bericht zufolge werden 50% der positiven Effekte des Inflation reduction Act für die Senkung der Emissionen verloren gehen wenn die amerikanischen Stromnetze nicht grundsätzlich gründlich überholt werden. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/climate/electric-grid-overhaul-ferc.html?region=BELOW_MAIN_CONTENT&block=storyline_flex_guide_recirc&name=styln-climate&variant=show&pgtype=Article
- Feb 2024
www.gdgoenkapatelnagar.com www.gdgoenkapatelnagar.com
As a parent, you understand the importance of the early years in your child's life. It's during this formative period that their foundation for learning, creativity, and social skills is established. Choosing a reputable play school in Patel Nagar is the first step in ensuring your child gets the right start. Let's explore the significance of play schools and why gd goenka patel nagar is the ideal choice for your child's early education journey.
As a parent, you understand the importance of the early years in your child's life. It's during this formative period that their foundation for learning, creativity, and social skills is established. Choosing a reputable play school in Patel Nagar is the first step in ensuring your child gets the right start. Let's explore the significance of play schools and why gd goenka patel nagar is the ideal choice for your child's early education journey.
Local file Local file
Each operator, though initially hired asa temp, and, in some cases, no more than high-school-educated, isthe survivor of a rigorous two-week training program. (Most hiresdo not make it through training.)
Observation in 1994 of short term training of high school graduates for specific tasks which seems to hold true of similar customer service reps in 2024 based on anecdotal evidence of a friend who does customer service training.
Local file Local file
One of Murray’s most helpful advisers on American words was aGerman living in Boston, Carl Wilhelm Ernst. Ernst was a journalist, theeditor of the Beacon newspaper, and a former Lutheran minister who hadmoved to America when he was eighteen years old. Murray wrote to thejournalist in a panic when completing the entry for public school. ‘In workingat this, I overlooked the fact that we had nothing for the US use, and findmyself now almost stranded, and unable to complete the article.’ He wrote toErnst asking for illustrative quotations and for clarification on the Americansense of the word: ‘It is said to be synonymous with Common School. I donot know which of these is the official appellation, and which the popular, orwhether they are both so used. We should like to know this. The designationin England has a long and rather complicated history coming down from theL. publican schola, which is already used by Jerome of Quintilian.’Murray started the entry by defining the use of public school in Englandas ‘originally a grammar-school founded or endowed for the use or benefit ofthe public’ but more recently, in the nineteenth century, as ‘the old endowedgrammar-schools as have developed into large boarding-schools, drawingfrom the well-to-do classes of all parts of the country or of the empire’. Henoted that ‘the ancient endowed grammar-schools or colleges of Eton,Winchester, Westminster, Harrow, Rugby, Charterhouse, Shrewsbury’ aresometimes referred to as ‘the Seven Public Schools’. He contrasted this senseof public school with that in Scotland, the British colonies and the UnitedStates of America, as a school provided at the public expense, usually free.Above six American quotations spanning from 1644 to 1903, Murray added alengthy note, thanks to Ernst’s advice, ‘The term has been used in NewEngland and Pennsylvania from the 17th c., and has been adopted in all Statesof the American Union. An early synonym was “free school”, and a later onein some States, “common school” which is now however generally confined toa school of the lowest grade or “public elementary school”.’
I recently heard someone talking about the differences in public vs. private schools in Britain and America as having opposite definitions.
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
grenoble architecture school
for - architectural school - earthen building - Grenoble Architecture School - https://www.grenoble.archi.fr/#
- Dec 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
eddy7346<br /> 2 years ago<br /> To anyone in college:<br /> If your history/government professor is extremely patriotic, do not ask about war crimes by the US... unless you want to get failed.<br /> P.S: This is just my experience, so that might not happen to you. My prof just happened to be a piece of shit
the established "academia" is just another circlejerk, with teachers abusing their power as gatekeepers, to allow only "the good guys" to rise to power, and students cannot choose their teachers, because moving to a different school is expensive.<br /> this imbalance and injustice is so fundamental that it is "too big to fail". no matter what you do, the casino always wins...<br /> in my "crazy" hypothesis [1] i propose a radical solution for ths radical problem: all human relations must be balanced, so every one can live out his strength and delegate his weakspots to his friends.<br /> [1]: Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type.<br /> github com milahu alchi
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Bloch Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch (6 July 1886 – 16 June 1944)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucien_Febvre<br /> Lucien Paul Victor Febvre (22 July 1878 – 11 September 1956)
In 1929, Lucien Febvre, along with his colleague and close friend Marc Bloch, established a scholarly journal, Annales d'histoire économique et sociale (commonly known as the Annales), from which the name of their distinctive style of history was taken.
See also Bloch's book on historiography:
Bloch, Marc. The Historian’s Craft: Reflections on the Nature and Uses of History and the Techniques and Methods of Those Who Write It. Translated by Peter Putnam. Vintage, 1964.
By describing Franche-Comté's rivers, salt mines, vineyards and other surroundings, Febvre created an accurate and true-to-life portrayal of the atmosphere and outlook of the time. With this approach, Febvre was also able to reveal a negative influence that the French Government of the time played in the life of this province. This approach to history is known as histoire totale, or histoire tout court. Later, Febvre's work would be a paradigm for the "Annales School" and would become a new way of historical thinking.
- Nov 2023
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
The collection was digitized in 1998-2000 through the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Initially, some digital content was limited to onsite access through dedicated work stations available only at the Library of Congress, The New School in New York City, and the Hannah Arendt Center at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. This updated digital presentation of the Hannah Arendt Papers at the Library of Congress is now available publicly online in its entirety.
- Oct 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He pointed out that these questions penalize the more imaginative and favor those who are content to collect facts. Therefore, multiple-choice test statistics, in all their uses, are misleading.
He = Banesh Hoffman
This is tangentially similar to Malcolm Gladwell's claim that standardized testing for law school privileges certain types of thinkers over others, something which creates thinkers who are good at quick things with respect to time pressures rather than slower and more deliberate thinkers who are needed at higher level functions like the Supreme Court.
See: The Tortoise and the Hare, S4 E2 of Revisionist History https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/the-tortoise-and-the-hare
testing imagination versus fact memorization/simple recall compared with thinking quickly under pressure or slowly with time and increased ability to reason
Local file Local file
das Jurastudium, in dem man eine Reihe von Organisations-Trickslernte und zugleich eine Art Augenmaß,
In this interview, Lumnann indicates that he learned a number of organizational tricks while studying law.
What specifically were these? Relation to his ZK?
Any relation to Bruno First's memory work which grew out of his legal studies in the early 1900s?
origin of voucher system - Milton Friedman
- Sep 2023
justrightlunch.com justrightlunch.com
We have a new online ordering system for Just Right Lunch which you will find very simple and user friendly. The website is https://justrightlunch.com/. Simply click on the blue button “Place Order Here”. This will take you to the order page. After ordering, you will receive an order confirmation listing the lunch items you wish to purchase.
If you have already placed orders for upcoming dates on the old system, there is no need to enter your orders on the new site. They will all be brought into the new system automatically. This new order system is for your future orders.
We are also now offering a larger size lunch option.
Just some reminders: <br /> - Advance ordering: Orders must be placed by 9:30 pm on our website, the day before lunch. There are no same day meal orders taken. <br /> - Emergency Lunches: If your student requires a same day emergency lunch, we will gladly serve them. Please contact the office that morning. This lunch will be charged to you at $7.25.
You can pay by Zelle using the information Bridget Khraich 626-664-5294 or by dropping off a check at the school office. Please make the check payable to Just Right Lunch.
For any IT, lunch confirmation or billing questions, please contact kathy.justrightlunch@gmail.com For any other concerns, please contact Bridget, her email address is justrightlunch@gmail.com
We are enjoying getting to know your children.
Thank you, Bridget Khraich
- Aug 2023
drive.google.com drive.google.com
- Jul 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Robert Maynard Hutchins (January 17, 1899 – May 14, 1977) was an American educational philosopher. He was president (1929–1945) and chancellor (1945–1951) of the University of Chicago, and earlier dean of Yale Law School (1927–1929).
www.glendaletechweek.com www.glendaletechweek.com
In her spare time
I her spare time, she also appears to enjoy trolling the local Glendale school system as an intolerant goon who has issues with diversity, equity, and inclusion. https://www.therealjordanhenry.com/team
- Apr 2023
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Recommended Source
Under the "More on Philosophies of Copyright" section, I recommended adding the scholarly article by Chinese scholar Peter K. Yu that explains how Chinese philosophy of Yin-Yang can address the contradictions in effecting or eliminating intellectual property laws. One of the contradictions is in intellectual property laws protecting individual rights while challenging sustainability efforts for future generations (as climate change destroys more natural resources.
Yu, Peter K., Intellectual Property, Asian Philosophy and the Yin-Yang School (November 19, 2015). WIPO Journal, Vol. 7, pp. 1-15, 2015, Texas A&M University School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 16-70, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2693420
Below is a short excerpt from the article that details Chinese philosophical thought on IP and sustainability:
"Another area of intellectual property law and policy that has made intergenerational equity questions salient concerns the debates involving intellectual property and sustainable development. Although this mode of development did not garner major international attention until after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the Yin-Yang school of philosophy—which “offers a normative model with balance, harmony, and sustainability as ideals”—provides important insight into sustainable development."
www.getalongfilm.com www.getalongfilm.com
What a fantastic documentary. Everyone in Pasadena should be forced to watch this.
We need better answers for these problems....
- Mar 2023
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
When instruction must be repeated, it means that the school, as well as the pupil, has failed.
I agree with this statement because the student failed because they couldn't understand the material, but it is the school's fault for not providing the tools for the student to be successful such as tutoring or help make course work easier to understand. I think this is important to the history of psychology because we have more resources now that are being used to help students not fail. Back in history there probably wasn't many resources to make sure someone would pass a class or understand material. There are many resources now that are being used to help improve intelligence and prevent failure.
Statistics collected in hundreds of cities in the United States show that between a third and a half of the school children fail to progress through the grades at the expected rate; that from 10 to 15 per cent are retarded two years or more; and that from 5 to 8 per cent are retarded at least three years. More than 10 per cent of the $400,000,000 annually expended in the United States for school instruction is devoted to re-teaching children what they have already been taught but have failed to learn.
I think this information is interesting because we are being told that more than 1/3 of school children fail to progress to the next grade. I think we need to incorporate different learning styles because what if the individual doesn't understand the concept the way it is being taught. Many people learn in different ways such as hands on learning, auditory learning, and visual learning. I think the reason 10% of $400,000,000 is going into teaching children what they have learned but have failed to learn is because there maybe something up head in learning that they might need to understand for the future. I have been retaught certain things when I moved up to the next grade level and I think it is to help refresh memory. I think another reason 10% goes to reteaching is because the students didn't understand the concept and needs to be retaught so they can understand for future uses.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
It will take some deeper dives, but ostensibly this method seems to look like that of Pimsleur, Mormon Church, SSiW, and other methods.
www.google.com www.google.com
The Pelman School of Memory Training, 1635 Masonic Temple, Chicago.<br /> LONDON , 4 Bloomsbury St., W.C.; <br /> PARIS, Avenuede Nenilly, 109 ;<br /> MUNICH , Mozartstrasse, 9; <br /> MELBOURNE, G.P.O, Box 1635
p 89 There's a Dickson School of Memory selling a Dickson Method.
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Lüdecke, Daniel. “Introduction to Luhmann’s Zettelkasten - Thinking and Its Technical Implementation.” Presented at the Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015, Trier University, October 1, 2015. https://strengejacke.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/introduction-into-luhmanns-zettelkasten-thinking.pdf..
www.thecrimson.com www.thecrimson.com
This is a massive loss for HKS, but a potential major win for the school that picks the project up.
It seems to be a sad use of "rules" to shut down a project which may not jive with an administrations' perspective/needs.
Read on Fri 2023-02-03 at 7:14 PM
- Jan 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
- Dec 2022
www.azcentral.com www.azcentral.com
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
“I thought that art schools should just be places where you thought about creative behavior, whereas they thought an art school was a place where you made painters,” he said later.
We should do better at teaching and training creative behavior in schools. We say that we encourage exploration but somehow do it in all the wrong ways such we discourage it wholly.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
So the four social groups, they're all paradigms. Like when you go meet with like-minded people, so there's four groups. The first group is the group I call the old school
!- definition : first group - old school - still believe in and invested in the system which brought us to the polycrisis - the crisis is short term and we will solve it using the same approach - BAU dismissive of any major existential problem, no doom mongering and are stubbornly adherent to what has worked in the past - at worst, climate denialism and at best, green growth - currently 66% to 75% of all people
- Nov 2022
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
-I will download the full article in EBSCO
-This article will give me insight into how the self-determination theory helped with student engagement during the online learning they received during covid pandemic.
-rating 7/10
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective
This article will provide me with insight into how the use of technology has changed in the grade school education system based on principals' perspectives.
rating 8/10
Ugur, N. G., & Koç, T. (2019). Leading and Teaching with Technology: School Principals' Perspective. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 7(1), 42-71.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Teachers’ Use of Technology in Elementary Reading Lessons
-I will download this full article through EBSCO
-This article will provide me with teaching strategies that use technology in elementary reading lessons.
-rating 8/10
McDermott, P., & Gormley, K. A. (2016). Teachers’ use of technology in elementary reading lessons. Reading Psychology, 37(1), 121-146.
docs.lib.purdue.edu docs.lib.purdue.edu
Elementary Teachers’ Views about Teaching Design, Engineering, and Technology
This article will provide me with insight on the views elementary teachers have on design, engineering and technology.
rating 8/10
Hsu, M. C., Purzer, S., & Cardella, M. E. (2011). Elementary teachers’ views about teaching design, engineering, and technology. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 1(2), 5.
Elementary School Teachers and Teaching with Technology
This article will provide me insight into teaching with technology at the elementary school level.
rating 6/10
Varol, F. (2013). Elementary School Teachers and Teaching with Technology. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 12(3), 85-90.
- Oct 2022
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Mirriam also struggled as an adult English learner. A Spanish language teacher and the owner of a Spanish language school for school-age children, Mirriam immigrated to Oregon after completing two years of college in Mexico.
Learning became firmly subject centred rather than child centred.
What would schooling look like if it had been historically developed as child-centered rather than subject-centered.
the word ‘school’ comes from the Greekschole and interestingly schole means leisure
Winston Churchill’s ‘The only time my educationwas interrupted was while I was at school.’
Mark Twain quipped, ‘I have never let my schooling interfere with myeducation.’
www.telegram.com www.telegram.com
in the city’s public schools
I wonder what his experience was like as a public school teacher.
- Sep 2022
Consider another example—education. It is true that in most countries, asin the United States, a higher level of educational attainment is typically as-sociated with a lower risk of economic insecurity. But the penalties associatedwith low levels of educational attainment, and the rewards associated with highlevels of attainment, vary significantly by country. Full-time workers without ahigh school degree in Finland, for instance, report the same earnings as thosewith a high school degree. In the United States, however, these workers ex-perience a 24 percent earnings penalty for not completing high school.23 InNorway, a college degree yields only a 20 percent earnings increase over a highschool degree for full-time workers, versus a much higher 68 percent increase inthe United States.24 The percentage of those with a high school degree earningat or below the poverty threshold is more than 4 times higher in the UnitedStates than in Belgium.25
The US penalizes those who don't complete high school to a higher degree than other countries and this can tend to lower our economic resiliency.
American exceptionalism at play?
Another factor at play with respect to https://hypothes.is/a/2uAmuEENEe2KentYKORSww
Local file Local file
A . Y A . K H I N C H I N
Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Khinchin
www.aei.org www.aei.org
Limiting zoning regulations, allocating relocation vouchers (as my AEI colleague Michael Strain has proposed), and implementing school-choice reforms all might be among the options in tearing down the walls that separate the poor.
As he rightly says they "might be", but where are his small scale experiments providing any support for these claims??
School-choice is lovely in major cities that might provide it, though often it's a socio-economic ghetto creator moving privileged white children from their dark skinned neighbors. Why not force better public education and funding by rolling back the strangle hold on economic spending going back to Regan? School-choice is nice, but it continually feels more like a dog whistle for institutional and structural racism.
And don't forget that for the smaller communities that only have one school option things are even much more dire.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This year, the University of Southern California pulled its education school out of the rankings because of inaccuracies that went back five years.
www.kpcc.org www.kpcc.org
California Could Mandate Kindergarten— What’s This Mean For School Districts And Childcare Providers?A bill that would create a mandatory kindergarten program in California has passed the legislature and is now heading to governor Gavin Newsom’s office for a final decision. The legislation, Senate Bill 70, would require children to complete one year of kindergarten before they’re admitted to the first grade. This comes as districts in California struggle with enrollment, having been a major issue during the pandemic. But if this legislation were to be signed by Governor Newsom, how would it affect teachers, the child care industry, and the children themselves.Today on AirTalk, we discuss the bill and it support among public schools with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) superintendent Alberto Carvalho and Justine Flores, licensed childcare provider in Los Angeles and a negotiation representative for Child Care Providers United.
Timestamps 19:11 - 35:20
CA Senate Bill 488 2021; signed, in process,
Orton-Gillingham method (procedure/process) but can be implemented differently. Rigorous and works. Over 100 years old.
Wilson program uses pieces of OG. What's this? Not enough detail here.
Dyslexia training will be built into some parts of credentialling programs.
Each child is different.
This requires context knowledge on the part of the teacher and then a large tool bag of methods to help the widest variety of those differences.
In the box programs don't work because children are not one size fits all.
Magic wand ? What would you want?
Madhuri would like to have: - rigorous teaching in early grades - if we can teach structured literacy following a specific scope in sequence most simple to most complex - teaching with same familiar patterns over and over - cumulative (builds on itself) - multisensory - explicit - Strong transitional kindergarten through grade 3 instruction
Prevention trumps intervention.
Otherwise you're feeding into the school to prison pipeline.
Madhuri's call for teaching that is structured, cumulative, multisensory, and explicit sounds a lot like what I would imagine orality-based instruction looks like as well. The structure there particularly makes it easier to add pieces later on in a way that literacy doesn't necessarily.
- Aug 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Adams, R., & editor, R. A. E. (2021, September 22). Chris Whitty warns MPs it is ‘inevitable’ unvaccinated children will catch Covid. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/sep/22/chris-whitty-warns-mps-it-is-inevitable-unvaccinated-children-will-catch-covid
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Beaumont, P. (2021, September 16). Which countries are enforcing mandatory Covid jabs – and how? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/16/which-countries-enforcing-mandatory-covid-vaccination
Wise, J. (2021). Winter is coming—But will the gloomiest forecasts come to pass? BMJ, 374, n2357. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2357
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Henry, J., & Tapper, J. (2022, January 29). Schools in England reinstate mask wearing rules as Covid cases soar. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/29/schools-in-england-reinstate-mask-wearing-rules-as-covid-and-absenteeism-soar
Covid: Dutch go into Christmas lockdown over Omicron wave. (2021, December 18). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59713503
- COVID-19
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- Mark Rutte
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ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 2). RT @trishgreenhalgh: A few tweets on masks for kids (thanks @dgurdasani1). US schools were 3.5 x more likely to have COVID-19 outbreaks if… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1477614232556515331
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 11). RT @DocMoschos: Massive French study on school transmission should now put a stopper to the “no transmission in schools” U.K. mantra: Trans… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1469635260451373056
docdrop.org docdrop.org
at I call the game of school.
You and everybody else. I also call these learners 'strategic students'.
podcasts.apple.com podcasts.apple.com
- Jul 2022
compassmag.3ds.com compassmag.3ds.com
3D universes create a collaborative space with which we can analyze different objects or concepts simultaneously, providing more detail in our teaching approach because teaching in virtual reality increases the depth of knowledge,”
virtual reality increases the depth of our knowledge
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
They're drawing primarily from students with the following broad interests: - learning sciences / educational psychology - sociology of education (to influence policy/practice) - those with strong real-world experience (looking to apply it to a specific area)
tuition coverage & stipend<br /> must be based in Baltimore<br /> prefer one speaks to faculty members for alignment of research areas and mentorship prior to joining
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Martha Beatrice Webb, Baroness Passfield, FBA (née Potter; 22 January 1858 – 30 April 1943) was an English sociologist, economist, socialist, labour historian and social reformer. It was Webb who coined the term collective bargaining. She was among the founders of the London School of Economics and played a crucial role in forming the Fabian Society.
Local file Local file
What is the use of this pedantic method of note-taking, involvingmasses of paper and a lot of hard thinking, not to mention the shufflingand reshuffling, which is apparently the final cause of this intolerableelaboration? will be asked by the post-graduate student eager to pub¬lish an epoch-making treatise on the History of Government, or, per¬chance, on the History of Freedom, within the two years he has allottedto the taking of his doctorate. The only answer I can give is to citeour own experience.
Compare this statement to the no less grandiloquence of Niklas Luhmann's mission statement: "Theory of society; duration: 30 years; costs: none”.
This quote would seem to indicate that Luhmann had read or seen this book.
Luhmann's zettelkasten (search on 2022-07-19) only shows one card referencing some of her other work: https://niklas-luhmann-archiv.de/bestand/zettelkasten/zettel/ZK_1_NB_33-1d1A4-1_V
disqus.com disqus.com
It really slows down your test suite accessing the disk.So yes, in principle it slows down your tests. There is a "school of testing" where developer should isolate the layer responsible for retrieving state and just set some state in memory and test functionality (as if Repository pattern). The thing is Rails is a tightly coupled with implementation logic of state retrieval on core level and prefers "school of testing" in which you couple logic with state retrial to some degree.Good example of this is how models are tested in Rails. You could just build entire test suite calling `FactoryBot.build` and never ever use `FactoryBot.create` and stub method all around and your tests will be lighting fast (like 5s to run your entire test suite). This is highly unproductive to achieve and I failed many times trying to achieve that because I was spending more time maintaining my tests then writing something productive for business.Or you can took more pragmatic route and save database record where is too difficult to just 'build' the factory (e.g. Controller tests, association tests etc)Same I would say for saving the file to the Disk. Yes you are right You could just "not save the file to disk" and save few milliseconds. But at the same time you will in future stumble upon scenarios where your tests are not passing because the file is not there (e.g. file processing validations) Is it really worth it ? I never worked on a project where saving file to a disk would slow down tests significantly enough that would be an issue (and I work for company where core business is related to file uploading) Especially now that we have SSD drives in every laptop/server it's blazing fast so at best you would save 1 seconds for entire test suite (given you call FactoryBot traits to set/store file where it make sense. Not when every time you build an object.)
- Jun 2022
www.wikiwand.com www.wikiwand.com
Das gerichtliche Aktenzeichen dient der Kennzeichnung eines Dokuments und geht auf die Aktenordnung (AktO) vom 28. November 1934 und ihre Vorgänger zurück.[4]
The court file number is used to identify a document and goes back to the file regulations (AktO) of November 28, 1934 and its predecessors.
The German "file number" (aktenzeichen) is a unique identification of a file, commonly used in their court system and predecessors as well as file numbers in public administration since at least 1934.
Niklas Luhmann studied law at the University of Freiburg from 1946 to 1949, when he obtained a law degree, before beginning a career in Lüneburg's public administration where he stayed in civil service until 1962. Given this fact, it's very likely that Luhmann had in-depth experience with these sorts of file numbers as location identifiers for files and documents.
We know these numbering methods in public administration date back to as early as Vienna, Austria in the 1770s.
The missing piece now is who/where did Luhmann learn his note taking and excerpting practice from? Alberto Cevolini argues that Niklas Luhmann was unaware of the prior tradition of excerpting, though note taking on index cards or slips had been commonplace in academic circles for quite some time and would have been reasonably commonplace during his student years.
Are there handbooks, guides, or manuals in the early 1900's that detail these sorts of note taking practices?
Perhaps something along the lines of Antonin Sertillanges’ book The Intellectual Life (1921) or Paul Chavigny's Organisation du travail intellectuel: recettes pratiques à l’usage des étudiants de toutes les facultés et de tous les travailleurs (in French) (Delagrave, 1918)?
Further recall that Bruno Winck has linked some of the note taking using index cards to legal studies to Roland Claude's 1961 text:
I checked Chavigny’s book on the BNF site. He insists on the use of index cards (‘fiches’), how to index them, one idea per card but not how to connect between the cards and allow navigation between them.
Mind that it’s written in 1919, in Strasbourg (my hometown) just one year after it returned to France. So between students who used this book and Luhmann in Freiburg it’s not far away. My mother taught me how to use cards for my studies back in 1977, I still have the book where she learn the method, as Law student in Strasbourg “Comment se documenter”, by Roland Claude, 1961. Page 25 describes a way to build secondary index to receive all cards relatives to a topic by their number. Still Luhmann system seems easier to maintain but very near.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'> Scott P. Scheper </span> in Scott P. Scheper on Twitter: "The origins of the Zettelkasten's numeric-alpha card addresses seem to derive from Niklas Luhmann's early work as a legal clerk. The filing scheme used is called "Aktenzeichen" - See https://t.co/4mQklgSG5u. cc @ChrisAldrich" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>06/28/2022 11:29:18</time>)</cite></small>
Link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/Jlnn3IfSEey_-3uboxHsOA - https://hypothes.is/a/4jtT0FqsEeyXFzP-AuDIAA
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Michael Otsuka [@MikeOtsuka]. (2022, January 21). 👀Orwellian red-underlined command from the govt’s latest HE guidance👇. Even if this is assessed as too risky, based on best evidence & analysis, we must pretend that everything is now as it was before the pandemic. Ignorance is strength. (@ucu) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1048605/180122_Higher_education_COVID-19_operational_guidance.pdf https://t.co/biDj1FN1Jm [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/MikeOtsuka/status/1484466338034864128
twitter.com twitter.com
pinkblondebonce ❤. (2022, January 13). Well I can’t SEE any Covid particles (I’m sure they are there)...but I can see another boatload of horrid these purifiers are sucking out of rooms at school: Https://t.co/6xNPSpxuqy [Tweet]. @blondebonce. https://twitter.com/blondebonce/status/1481694235283935233
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Nisreen Alwan 🌻 [@Dr2NisreenAlwan]. (2021, November 4). Where is the money for ventilation in schools? Well said @GeorgeMonbiot https://t.co/DjG9Rntz0x [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/Dr2NisreenAlwan/status/1456174302001258497
twitter.com twitter.com
Trisha Greenhalgh #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 [@trishgreenhalgh]. (2021, September 26). Big Thread coming on ‘returning to on-site teaching’. Intended mainly for universities (because I work in one), but may also be useful for schools. Mute thread if not interested. I’ll base it around real questions I’ve been asked. 1/ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/trishgreenhalgh/status/1442162256779821060
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial News. ‘“Issue of Inequalities” for Long COVID Patients Needs to Be Addressed | Imperial News | Imperial College London’. Accessed 22 April 2022. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/232234/issue-inequalities-long-covid-patients-needs/.
- persistent symptoms
- inequalities
- COVID-19
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- imperial college london
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- global challenges
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- is:website
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- long covid
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twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. ‘RT @CAUSALab: Interested in #causalinference? Learn from Top Experts in the Field. Summer Courses Offered at the Harvard T.H. Chan Schoo…’. Tweet. Twitter, 20 December 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1483138177837715464.
twitter.com twitter.com
emma o kelly [@emma_okelly]. (2021, December 6). I was @scoilidepps today looking at ventilation. Built in 60’s with dual aspect classrooms for cross ventilation. Handy outdoor ‘corridors’ too. All designed to prevent the spread of TB. School has also bought HEPA filters for classes. Re Covid it has managed pretty well so far. Https://t.co/KgZgABDeDL [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/emma_okelly/status/1467922855333699587
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, December 10). RT @YouAreLobbyLud: “Let’s aim to be like Denmark in 2022.” https://t.co/807jIVHdpt [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1469272379134201859
petition.parliament.uk petition.parliament.uk
Petition: Funding for ventilation in all school/college/uni classrooms. (n.d.). Petitions - UK Government and Parliament. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/595205
Dr Yvette Doc #TeamGP #StrengthenPrimaryCare [@DrYvetteDocGP]. (2022, January 3). I am a full-time GP with 2 children of primary school age, one who is clinically vulnerable Unless the situation with schools changes to provide a safe place for education, I am considering a career break to home school my children @nadhimzahawi @sajidjavid @NHSEngland [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrYvetteDocGP/status/1478100504039280646
Shenkar wouldlike to see students in business schools and other graduate programs taking
courses on effective imitation.
If imitation is so effective, what would teaching imitation to students look like in a variety of settings including, academia, business, and other areas?
Is teaching by way of imitation the best method for the majority of students? Are there ways to test this versus other methods for broad effectiveness?
How can we better leverage imitation in teaching for application to the real world?
Jean-Martin Charcot, the nineteenth-century physician known as the father ofneurology, practiced and taught at this very institution. Charcot brought hispatients onstage with him as he lectured, allowing his students to see firsthandthe many forms neurological disease could take
Nineteenth-century physician Jean-Martin Charcot, known as the father of neurology, brought patients to his lectures at Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris to allow students to see forms of disease first hand.
When was the medical teaching practice of "rounds" instituted?
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Greg Kelly. (2021, July 5). #COVID19 & kids “Doctors say Australia needs to better protect school kids from #COVID19 through measures incl masks & vaccination” Thanks @sophiescott2 & @leonie_thorne @abcnews for informed & non alarmist article feat me & @NjbBari3 Thread🧵👇 #LongCovid #LongCovidKids [Tweet]. @drgregkelly. https://twitter.com/drgregkelly/status/1412160336497561604
twitter.com twitter.com
Ryan Hanrahan. (2021, April 12). High school vaccinations begin today in New Haven! [Tweet]. @ryanhanrahan. https://twitter.com/ryanhanrahan/status/1381606992763047946
twitter.com twitter.com
Mayor Justin Elicker. (2021, April 12). Nurses getting ready to vaccinate 16+ at Career. Thank you to our nurses for keeping our community safe. Https://t.co/EzoTlqvbrd [Tweet]. @MayorElicker. https://twitter.com/MayorElicker/status/1381604809401327616
twitter.com twitter.com
Kit Yates. (2021, September 27). This is absolutely despicable. This bogus “consent form” is being sent to schools and some are unquestioningly sending it out with the real consent form when arranging for vaccination their pupils. Please spread the message and warn other parents to ignore this disinformation. Https://t.co/lHUvraA6Ez [Tweet]. @Kit_Yates_Maths. https://twitter.com/Kit_Yates_Maths/status/1442571448112013319
twitter.com twitter.com
A_thankless_task. (2021, September 27). @judysimpson222 @KatyMcconkey @beverleyturner Just for anyone interested in why this is a piece of crap. Https://t.co/2XmuuImYzy [Tweet]. @AThankless. https://twitter.com/AThankless/status/1442586893502140417
twitter.com twitter.com
(20) James 💙 Neill—😷 🇪🇺🇮🇪🇬🇧🔶 on Twitter: “The domain sending that fake NHS vaccine consent hoax form to schools has been suspended. Excellent work by @martincampbell2 and fast co-operation by @kualo 👍 FYI @fascinatorfun @Kit_Yates_Maths @dgurdasani1 @AThankless https://t.co/pbAgNfkbEs” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2021, from https://twitter.com/jneill/status/1442784873014566913
twitter.com twitter.com
(20) Prof. Christina Pagel on Twitter: “THREAD (a bit delayed) on UK & covid: TLDR: flattish cases overall are masking differences between nations, regions & age groups. And we’re still out of whack with Europe. 1/20” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2021, from https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1443261013911085056
twitter.com twitter.com
Fionna O’Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 [@fascinatorfun]. (2021, October 29). 🚨😡 9.1% of secondary school aged children positive in week ending 22nd October. That is bloody awful. 1 in 11 ‼️ So is 4.1% in Age 2 and primary age. About 1 in 24. That’s doubled in a couple of weeks. And parents age group ⬆️ Least affected are the recent vaxxed ages [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/fascinatorfun/status/1454053497226268673
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @dgurdasani1: The bigger picture is sadly that we’re seeing rapid spread of B.1.617.2 among school age children in many parts of England…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 August 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1396887312059944962
twitter.com twitter.com
Sir Karam Bales ✊ 🇺🇦. (2022, February 28). 🧵Here we go ONS long covid figures, stats pre Omicron 1% of Primary students 2.7% of Secondary students Deepti: Significant numbers. Shamez: Only 1%/2.7% Will post the threads 1/ https://t.co/MEbn97Aa2f [Tweet]. @karamballes. https://twitter.com/karamballes/status/1498433437820141576
bmjopen.bmj.com bmjopen.bmj.com
Lewis, S. J., Dack, K., Relton, C. L., Munafo, M. R., & Smith, G. D. (2021). Was the risk of death among the population of teachers and other school workers in England and Wales due to COVID-19 and all causes higher than other occupations during the pandemic in 2020? An ecological study using routinely collected data on deaths from the Office for National Statistics. BMJ Open, 11(11), e050656. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050656
www.bristol.ac.uk www.bristol.ac.uk
Bristol, U. of. (n.d.). November: COVID-19 mortality risk in schools | News and features | University of Bristol. University of Bristol. Retrieved 20 April 2022, from http://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2021/november/covid19-mortality-schools.html
mg.co.za mg.co.za
South Africa has one of the most unequal school systems in the world. The gap in test scores between the top 20% and the rest is wider than in almost every other country. On the one side, there are functional, wealthy schools. On the other, which 85% of our students attend, are poorly funded, dysfunctional schools
the inequality in the the is huge. and the 20% of schools appear to probably be in suburbs. meaning the majority of schools in townships are not well equipped for better education.
twitter.com twitter.com
Richard. (2021, October 17). @fascinatorfun Letter to parents sent to me by a friend today … https://t.co/Ivn93WLD9t [Tweet]. @dikt54. https://twitter.com/dikt54/status/1449763622020866055
- Mar 2022
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
The ringing of the bell to signal the beginning and end of a class period, rather than just the beginning and end of the school day is often traced to William Wirt, who became superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana in 1908.
William Wirt, a student of John Dewey who became the superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana in 1908, was one of the first educators to use a bell to signal the changes between classroom periods.
Bells, primarily handbells, have been a technology of school since their outset, well before "the factory" they were purportedly modeled on. They were used, as were the bells in churches, to summon students to ye old one room schoolhouse for the beginning of the day.
He was, after all, one of the most influential promoters of the "school-as-factory" narrative: that the origins of mass schooling are inextricably bound to the need to reshape a rebellious farming nation's sons and daughters into a docile, industrial workforce.
John Taylor Gatto is one of the most influential promoters of the "school-as-factory" narrative.
I'd wager it's the most frequently told story about ed-tech — one told with more gusto and more frequency even than "computers will revolutionize teaching" and "you can learn anything on YouTube." Indeed, someone invoked this story just the other day when chatting with me about the current shape and status of our education system: the school bell was implemented to acclimate students for life as factory workers, to train them to move and respond on command, their day broken into segments of time dictated by the machine rather than the rhythms of pre-industrial, rural life.
Audrey Watters starts out a piece on the history of school bells with just the sort of falsehood that she's probably aiming to debunk. Perhaps she would have been better off with George Lakoff's truth sandwich model as starting off with the false story is too often has the opposite effect and leads readers down the road to inculcating the idea further into the culture.
She doesn't reveal the falsehood until the end of the third graph at which time one's brain has been stewing in falsehood for far too long.
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Ellie Murray, ScD. (2022, January 6). School & university administrators, as you grapple with this week’s decisions, spare some time to think about how to delay next January’s start date to Jan 16 2022. Do you need to extend into summer? Change course lengths? Figure it out because this is going to happen again! [Tweet]. @epiellie. https://twitter.com/epiellie/status/1478921243961274370
Revealed: What the DfE really thought about reopening schools. (n.d.). Tes Magazine. Retrieved 21 March 2022, from https://www.tes.com/magazine/news/general/revealed-dfe-assessment-covid-policy-risks-school-staff
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
France-Presse, A. (2022, March 13). China battles worst Covid outbreak for two years as cases double in 24 hours. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/13/china-battles-worst-covid-outbreak-for-two-years-as-cases-double-in-24-hours
- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Tyler Black, MD. (2022, January 25). /1 Hi Lucy and your colleagues. Your advocacy toolkit contains poorly sourced, contexted, and biased information on mental health during the pandemic/schooling. And I have receipts too! (Thread) #urgencyofnormal https://t.co/JeWKE0iGn1 [Tweet]. @tylerblack32. https://twitter.com/tylerblack32/status/1486111652076527623
twitter.com twitter.com
Bill Hanage. (2022, January 7). So a brief thread on the state of the pandemic in the Boston area. It is quite plausible that about 10% of the population is currently infected, more in some age groups than others. A lot of omicron. What next? 1/n https://t.co/aXgc5GYk0V [Tweet]. @BillHanage. https://twitter.com/BillHanage/status/1479574053807697920
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Auger, K. A., Shah, S. S., Richardson, T., Hartley, D., Hall, M., Warniment, A., Timmons, K., Bosse, D., Ferris, S. A., Brady, P. W., Schondelmeyer, A. C., & Thomson, J. E. (2020). Association Between Statewide School Closure and COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in the US. JAMA, 324(9), 859–870. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.14348
nces.ed.gov nces.ed.gov
gothamist.com gothamist.com
How cherry-picking science became the center of the anti-mask movement. (2022, February 14). Gothamist. https://gothamist.com
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Kevin Courtney #NEU💝NHS. (2022, January 5). Ventilation isn’t just for Covid.... ...It’s for Education This study looks at the impact of CO2 not just as a marker of pollution but as a pollutant in itself. It shows that as CO2 rises above 700/800 ppm cognitive function begins to be impaired https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/27662232/4892924.pdf?sequence=1&fbclid=IwAR2kWIHIJfssa_sw72MD6W1hnkDvSm4bikK5FOLxwQxhjYLEYjfPCfzXz3E [Tweet]. @cyclingkev. https://twitter.com/cyclingkev/status/1478778857536860170
twitter.com twitter.com
Claudia Sahm. (2022, January 5). “We, as experts, have a responsibility to policymakers and everyday people to match the strength of our recommendations to the strength of our data. When I read Oster, I see a tone and conviction that far exceeds the many limitations of her data.” https://t.co/NqWwj0hi28 [Tweet]. @Claudia_Sahm. https://twitter.com/Claudia_Sahm/status/1478532000441151488
Major COVID course correction immediately required. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from https://ozsage.org/media_releases/major-covid-course-correction-immediately-required/
- recommendation
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- mitigation measures
- work from home
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- Omicron
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- face-to-face
- government
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- vaccine
- close contact
- healthcare system
- is:report
- hospitalization
- mask wearing
- lockdown
- staff shortage
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- school
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Nisreen Alwan 🌻. (2022, January 21). 8% of UK primary school kids had covid last week. Eight percent. Https://t.co/RKP23YxcYd [Tweet]. @Dr2NisreenAlwan. https://twitter.com/Dr2NisreenAlwan/status/1484647167956598787
Barnes, O., & Alabi, L. O. (2022, January 27). UK coronavirus cases tick up 10%, symptom tracker app shows. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/f9833324-7986-48c4-a96c-153049ed9b5a
- COVID-19
- children
- transmissibility
- England
- infection rate
- lang:en
- data
- subvariant
- Omicron
- India
- symptom tracker app
- vaccine passport
- parents
- loosening restrictions
- booster
- vaccine
- UK
- variant
- mask wearing
- research
- effectiveness
- daily cases
- Denmark
- hospitalization
- is:news
- plan B
- staff shortage
- prediction
- school
therebooting.substack.com therebooting.substack.com
The old j-school saying is, “If you mother says she loves you, check it out.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Henry, J., & Tapper, J. (2022, January 29). Schools in England reinstate mask wearing rules as Covid cases soar. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/29/schools-in-england-reinstate-mask-wearing-rules-as-covid-and-absenteeism-soar
www.abc.net.au www.abc.net.au
Queensland schools to resume with mask mandate, as 13 more COVID-19 deaths recorded. (2022, January 30). ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-30/qld-coronavirus-covid19-13-deaths/100783416
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Wise, J. (2022). Covid-19: One in 23 people in England had infection in early January. BMJ, 376, o222. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o222
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Woolcock, E. Y., Chris Smyth, Nicola. (n.d.). Record school infections mean national Covid cases no longer falling. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/record-school-infections-mean-national-covid-cases-no-longer-falling-k2t6js59s
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Mike Cameron 🖋. (2022, January 21). So this is political vetting of public health decisions. By an education Secretary. Https://t.co/RR98moo1rr [Tweet]. @mikercameron. https://twitter.com/mikercameron/status/1484615848388087813
twitter.com twitter.com
Karam Bales🐝🚫🐄. (2022, January 23). Gov: Its all about managing personal risk, No not that like that Right, ill have to ban you then https://t.co/mrFBxdYOyJ [Tweet]. @karamballes. https://twitter.com/karamballes/status/1485327422912356360
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Broadfoot, M. (n.d.). Masks Protect Schoolkids from COVID despite What Antiscience Politicians Claim. Scientific American. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/masks-protect-schoolkids-from-covid-despite-what-antiscience-politicians-claim/
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel. (2022, January 19). This makes it so clear that the release of all measures right now (esp masks, esp schools) is only to protect himself & his job. Boris has zero interest in protecting others from getting sick, needing hospital or dying. Or protecting businesses, schools, NHS from disruption. [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1483884632651313152
hypothes.is hypothes.is
1 Matching Annotations
www.yardbarker.com www.yardbarker.com
McDowell was arrested on Monday in Deerfield Beach, Fla., after he allegedly exposed himself in public. According to court records obtained by WPLG Local 10, police received a call that a man was walking around naked near a children’s school. Surveillance footage showed McDowell walk onto the property naked while school was in session.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
Covid-19: Cutting self-isolation to five days would be helpful, Nadhim Zahawi says. (2022, January 9). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59925702
prospect.org prospect.org
DrPH, M. D. H., M. D. (2022, January 11). The Folly of School Openings as a Zero-Sum Game. The American Prospect. https://prospect.org/api/content/4a1fc36e-7263-11ec-9e7d-12f1225286c6/
- school closure
- work from home
- virtual learning
- education
- multigenerational family structure
- lang:en
- transmission
- white supremacy
- in-person schooling
- systemic racism
- disparity
- risk
- paediatric hospitalization
- mortality
- exposure
- economy
- school
- ventilation
- COVID-19
- homeschooling
- children
- low-income
- people of colour
- is:webpage
- online learning
- perception
- Omicron
- economic oppression
- race
- remote learning
- vaccine
- priviledge
- safety
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
O’donnell, C., & Aboulenein, A. (2021, December 30). COVID-19 hospitalization surge among U.S. children spurs new Omicron concerns. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/covid-19-hospitalization-surge-among-us-children-spurs-new-omicron-concerns-2021-12-30/
angusreid.org angusreid.org
Omicron Inevitability? 55% say they’ll be infected regardless of precautions; two-in-five would end all restrictions. (2022, January 13). Angus Reid Institute. https://angusreid.org/omicron-covid-19-inevitable-back-to-school/
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @PassivhausPlus: @NHeadteacher @SuziePeat https://t.co/pNsLTRvfSD More than 300 such systems now installed in German schools...if you fi…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 14 January 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1449880306299785219
twitter.com twitter.com
Ryan Imgrund. (2022, January 2). If schools are not a source of transmission for COVID-19, why were school board per capita rates of infection 1.77x HIGHER than their surrounding community? SOURCE: Ministry of Education data; Compiled on December 17th, 2021; Calculations are mine. Https://t.co/94trbDvw2C [Tweet]. @imgrund. https://twitter.com/imgrund/status/1477683538971529217
twitter.com twitter.com
Barry McAree 💙. (2022, January 6). Teachers on these islands will get FFP2(rightly so).Healthcare workers on other parts of these islands..nah!..Surgical masks/spit guards/not PPE,for working with COVID-positive patients risking other patient’s, our own & our family’s health.”Protect the NHS”🤔@CMO_England https://t.co/OngrD5BBPU [Tweet]. @BarryMcAree. https://twitter.com/BarryMcAree/status/1478883258305814536
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Paul. (2022, January 4). “Eminent” Professor Sunetra Gupta retweets pub landlord. The advancement of “science” 2020-2022... Https://t.co/CRQx5k0WMn [Tweet]. @Aw_what. https://twitter.com/Aw_what/status/1478317495912181762
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Stephen Reicher. (2022, January 3). NHS Chiefs: “Hospitals in Crisis” Head Teachers: “Schools in Crisis” Prime Minister: “Crisis? What Crisis?” (i.e. You will have to sort it out without any support from us) https://t.co/OWDdGFrWl2 [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1478124355431419904
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Coronavirus: Nothing in current data to support new curbs in England - ministers. (2022, January 2). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59853621
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Elgot, Jessica, and Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor. ‘England Could Fit Covid Air Filters to All Classrooms for Half Cost of Royal Yacht’. The Guardian, 27 December 2021, sec. Education. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/dec/27/covid-air-filters-for-all-classrooms-in-england-would-cost-half-of-royal-yacht.
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Keletso Makofane, MPH, PhD. (2021, December 28). As a non-virologist, here are some things I have learned about covid that I would not have guessed before the pandemic. They are super counter-intuitive: [Tweet]. @klts0. https://twitter.com/klts0/status/1475705938548084739
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Omicron and children: Pediatric hospitals in parts of U.S. filling fast. (n.d.). Washington Post. Retrieved December 28, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/12/24/omicron-children-hospitalizations-us/
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
read large chunks, but not all of the article.
Definitely needs to be decolonized as it is a bit too rosy in tone.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Adams, R., & editor, R. A. E. (2021, December 16). Persistent Covid-related absence leaves pupils lagging – Ofsted. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/dec/16/covid-persistent-absence-pupils-mental-health-ofsted
www.irishtimes.com www.irishtimes.com
McQuinn, C. (n.d.). Schools and childcare services to get up to €72m for ventilation. The Irish Times. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/schools-and-childcare-services-to-get-up-to-72m-for-ventilation-1.4753597
- ventilation
- COVID-19
- Ireland
- children
- response
- funding
- infection rate
- guidance
- lang:en
- Omicron
- transmission
- COVID passport
- government
- hospitality
- booster
- vaccine
- prevention
- air filtration system
- variant
- childcare service
- hospitalization
- is:news
- school
irishtimes.com/news/health/schools-and-childcare-services-to-get-up-to-72m-for-ventilation-1.4753597 -
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Huggins, C., Campbell, A., Porteous, D. J., & Altschul, D. M. (2021). Loneliness in Scottish Adolescents Before, During and After the First National UK Lockdown. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/epjrg
schoolsweek.co.uk schoolsweek.co.uk
Classroom carbon dioxide levels three times above guidelines. (2021, November 26). https://schoolsweek.co.uk/classroom-carbon-dioxide-levels-three-times-above-watchdog-guidelines/
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Talic, S., Shah, S., Wild, H., Gasevic, D., Maharaj, A., Ademi, Z., Li, X., Xu, W., Mesa-Eguiagaray, I., Rostron, J., Theodoratou, E., Zhang, X., Motee, A., Liew, D., & Ilic, D. (2021). Effectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of covid-19, SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and covid-19 mortality: Systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 375, e068302. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-068302
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www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Weale, S., & Campbell, D. (2021, November 23). Covid jab wait for 12- to 15-year-olds in England could be up to five months. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/23/covid-jab-wait-for-12--to-15-year-olds-in-england-could-be-up-to-five-months
docs.google.com docs.google.com
“Thanksgiving Time” By Langston Hughes
When the night winds whistle through the trees and blow the crisp brown leaves a-crackling down, When the autumn moon is big and yellow-orange and round, When old Jack Frost is sparkling on the ground, It's Thanksgiving time!
When the pantry jars are full of mince-meat and the shelves are laden with sweet spices for a cake When the butcher man sends up a turkey nice and fat to bake, When the stores are crammed with everything ingenious cooks can make, It's Thanksgiving time!
When the gales of coming winter outside your window howl, When the air is sharp and cheery so it drives away your scowl, When one's appetite craves turkey and will have no other fowl, It's Thanksgiving Time!
drive.google.com drive.google.com
A study of French university studentsshowed that, in a course redesigned around appropriate onlinetools, distance learning achieved similar learning outcomesto a course taught in person
S. Jacques, A. Ouahabi, and T. Lequeu. Remote Knowledge Acquisition and Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 10(6):120, Dec. 2020.
German secondary school students reported spendingmore time on school work if their school offered more digitallearning materials
S. Anger, H. Dietrich, A. Patzina, M. Sandner, A. Lerche, S. Bernhard, and C. Toussaint. School closings during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from German high school students. Report, Institute for Employment Research, May 2020.
S. Jacques, A. Ouahabi, and T. Lequeu. Remote Knowledge Acquisition and Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 10(6):120, Dec. 2020.
A study of French university studentsshowed that, in a course redesigned around appropriate onlinetools, distance learning achieved similar learning outcomesto a course taught in person
french secondary school students
role of school as a community
According to teachers, distance learning should be based on a school's strategy where everyone is equally committed and responsible for students
- how to structure to resolve equality
- equality after overcoming disparities
- securing equality will remain a permanent concern
www.news.com.au www.news.com.au
Burke, H. (2021, November 10). Covid jab for children as young as six. News.Com.Au — Australia’s Leading News Site. https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/tga-grants-provisional-determination-for-moderna-jab-for-children-under-12/news-story/a6d44efc230e6b86ceb1ef58a06779e4
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Portfolio, B. and S. S. at N. (2021, November 3). No evidence school closures reduce the spread of COVID-19. Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Portfolio. http://socialsciences.nature.com/posts/no-evidence-school-closures-reduce-the-spread-of-covid-19
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Stephen Reicher. (2021, November 10). Look at this quite shameful graph (from Bob Hawkins) on Covid catch up spending per pupil. All four UK nations provide a few hundred pounds per pupil while others provide thousands. But to make things still worse... Https://t.co/Keprj2qzWN [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1458380613346541576
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Alwan, N. A. (2021). We must call out childism in covid-19 policies. BMJ, 375, n2641. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2641
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Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD. (2021, October 30). Many thanks @FWhitfield for hosting me this Saturday AM @CNN In case it’s helpful, I’ve prepared an informal ‘fact sheet’ on COVID in children and COVID vaccines in 5-11 age group. Highlights attached...feel free to RT or repurpose the information [Tweet]. @PeterHotez. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1454489603013062656
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 30). Does there maybe need to be more distinction between points raised for discussion and any actual decision? Without knowing about votes etc., it’s maybe a bit strong to say ‘JCVI wanted x...’? I’ve sat on many bodies with minutes documenting positions I disagreed with [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1454488759785897987
- Oct 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Code, A., Fox, L., Asbury, K., & Toseeb, U. (2021). How did Autistic Children, and their Parents, Experience School Transition during the COVID-19 Pandemic? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8kzsn
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French, C. (2021, October 18). Half of Canadian parents would vaccinate their 5-11 year old ASAP: Survey. Coronavirus. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/half-of-canadian-parents-would-vaccinate-their-5-11-year-old-asap-survey-1.5627483
- COVID-19
- parents
- Canada
- school-aged children
- vaccine
- vaccination
- children
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- elementary school
- lang:en
- is:news
- approval
- survey
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Meuris, C., Kremer, C., Geerinck, A., Locquet, M., Bruyère, O., Defêche, J., Meex, C., Hayette, M.-P., Duchene, L., Dellot, P., Azarzar, S., Maréchal, N., Sauvage, A.-S., Frippiat, F., Giot, J.-B., Léonard, P., Fombellida, K., Moutschen, M., Durkin, K., … Darcis, G. (2021). Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19 Screening and Mitigation Measures for Primary School Children Attending School in Liège, Belgium. JAMA Network Open, 4(10), e2128757. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.28757
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Weale, S., & Davis, N. (2021, October 22). English schools struggle to cope as Covid wreaks havoc. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/22/english-schools-struggling-to-cope-as-covid-wreaks-havoc
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Yates, K. (2021, October 21). Britain’s Covid numbers show we need to move immediately to ‘plan B.’ The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/21/britain-covid-numbers-plan-b-data
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ReconfigBehSci. (2021, October 22). RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: ONS data published today: 1.8% of the England population had covid during the weeking ending 16 Oct. That is 1 in 55 p… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1451560617416937479
Schraer, R., & Morrison, N. (2021, October 12). Covid: Misleading vaccine claims target children and parents. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58783711
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Covid: Lateral flow tests more accurate than first thought, study finds—BBC News. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58899612
Hughes, R. C., Bhopal, S., & Tomlinson, M. (2021). Commentary: Making pre-school children wear masks is bad public health. OSF Preprints. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/65tdh
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Seth Trueger. (2021, September 14). Https://t.co/LFZ3xWkYYY [Tweet]. @MDaware. https://twitter.com/MDaware/status/1437780952890191878
oneworld-publications.com oneworld-publications.com
I recently found this book at Value Village while exploring the non-fiction books section. What caught my eye was the back cover’s reference to Sallie McFague. I learned about Sallie McFague from Tripp Fuller’s podcast, Homebrewed Christianity, when she died. He dedicated an episode to her influence. Her name also came up in conversation with Sophia at the Faith, Arts + Culture course at Bez Arts Hub.
When I read the title of the article, *The World as God’s Body,” I decided to purchase the book. I have been exploring this theme as it relates to the Gaia hypothesis in articles such as, A Prayer for the Earth.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Rabin, R. C. (2021, September 24). U.S. schools with mask requirements are seeing fewer outbreaks, the C.D.C. finds. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/24/health/schools-mask-mandate-outbreaks-cdc.html
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How Ireland reversed a HPV vaccination crisis. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2021, from https://www.hpvworld.com/communication/articles/how-ireland-reversed-a-hpv-vaccination-crisis/
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Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2021, September 28). Bogus, damaging “consent form” being peddled over in the UK. Ugh. The anti-vaccine movement is trying every grotesque tactic under the sun. [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1442821619068686338
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Bode, L., & Vraga, E. K. (2018). See Something, Say Something: Correction of Global Health Misinformation on Social Media. Health Communication, 33(9), 1131–1140. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2017.1331312
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Adams, R., & editor, R. A. E. (2021, September 15). Covid teams can vaccinate pupils against parents’ wishes, schools told. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/sep/15/covid-teams-can-vaccinate-pupils-against-parents-wishes-schools-told
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Covid cases in England are 26 times higher than a year ago. (2021, August 28). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/28/covid-cases-in-england-are-26-times-higher-than-a-year-ago
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orb-developer. (2021, June 4). Vaccine Confidence Tracker: UK. ORB International. https://orb-international.com/2021/06/04/vaccine-confidence-tracker-uk/
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Salas, M. Z., Javier. (2020, October 28). A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air. EL PAÍS. https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-10-28/a-room-a-bar-and-a-class-how-the-coronavirus-is-spread-through-the-air.html
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Understanding COVID-19 Registration Form. (n.d.). Google Docs. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrC4krKVHcSm_Wi2VcXcGHa4F8l3cilL2xhbB62etcK4sy4w/viewform?usp=embed_facebook
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Barros-Martins, J., Hammerschmidt, S. I., Cossmann, A., Odak, I., Stankov, M. V., Morillas Ramos, G., Dopfer-Jablonka, A., Heidemann, A., Ritter, C., Friedrichsen, M., Schultze-Florey, C., Ravens, I., Willenzon, S., Bubke, A., Ristenpart, J., Janssen, A., Ssebyatika, G., Bernhardt, G., Münch, J., … Behrens, G. M. N. (2021). Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants after heterologous and homologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/BNT162b2 vaccination. Nature Medicine, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01449-9
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Khalik, S. (2021, September 17). Pace of reopening amid Covid-19 depends on price Singapore is willing to pay, say experts. The Straits Times. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/pace-of-reopening-amid-covid-19-depends-on-price-singapore-is-willing-to-pay-say
www.bostonglobe.com www.bostonglobe.com
Campbell’s lived experience as a native Black Bostonian showed her firsthand how uneven and oppressive the school-to-prison pipeline can be. Her late twin brother, Andre, was a victim of the systems she works to rebuild.
Campbell should have won! She is earnest and has a clear vision for what Boston can be to address these systemic issues.
sverigesradio.se sverigesradio.se
Stora skillnader i vaccinationsgrad bland ungdomar. (04:00:00Z). Sveriges Radio. https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/stora-skillnader-i-vaccinationsgrad-bland-ungdomar
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News, A. B. C. (n.d.). Nearly 252,000 children in US test positive for COVID-19 amid back-to-school season. ABC News. Retrieved 13 September 2021, from https://abcnews.go.com/Health/252000-children-us-test-positive-covid-19-amid/story?id=79881315
America Needs an Operation Warp Speed for Rapid COVID Testing. (n.d.). Time. Retrieved 13 September 2021, from https://time.com/6096528/operation-warp-speed-covid-19-testing/
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Schreiber, M. (2021, September 10). ‘I’m nervous’: US colleges wrestle with Covid safety as fall semester begins. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/10/covid-coronavirus-us-colleges-fall-semester
- COVID-19
- spread
- college
- sensitive
- requirement
- lang:en
- mask
- is:news
- online
- vaccine
- vaccination
- campus
- health information
- safety
- contact tracing
- school
ventilation-mainz.de ventilation-mainz.de
Helleis, Frank, Klimach, Thomas, & Pöschl, Ulrich. (2021). Vergleich von Fensterlüftungssystemen und anderen Lüftungs- bzw. Luftreinigungsansätzen gegen die Aerosolübertragung von COVID-19 und für erhöhte Luftqualität in Klassenräumen. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.5070421