- Jan 2025
drive.google.com drive.google.com
4.3 Geopolitics- study of the effects of geography on politics and relations among states.<br /> Territoriality - a willingness by a person or group of people to defend space they claim. A people's connection to a particular piece of land.
Neocolonialism- Process which powerful countries attempt to control weaker countries because of economic or cultural pressures. Control was indirectly exerted over developing countries. Ex. Transnational corporations based in European countries continued to control the extractions of natural resources through mining and the export of natural resources
- Economic Conflicts- Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Taiwan, and China have claimed sovereignty over the Spralty Islands (in the South China Sea). Shatter belt factors. Unconfirmed petroleum reserves in the area. Fishing grounds supply work and international shipping lanes.
- Religious Conflicts-Sunni and Shia Muslims. (Two branches of Muslims divided on the question of who would succeed Muhammad.) Sunni dominated Saudi Arabia and Shia dominated Iran. Tried to expand its power over territory Which lead to tension and instability.
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the more you come into contact with people who are different from you, the less likely it is that you'll feel threatened by them
for - quote - the more you come into contact with people who are different then you, the less likely it is that you will be threatened by them - adjacency - finding commonality - shared humanity - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - from TED Talk - Can curiosity heal division? - Scott Shigeoka - 2024 Dec
beiner.substack.com beiner.substack.com
for - definition - counter elite - an elite who turns on the elites due to social strife - from Peter Turchin
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
philanthropy is in some ways the the most symbolic externalization of neoliberal capitalism. Some people have amassed huge amounts of wealth through a rigged game of extraction and destruction of life. And then it's also presented back to us as an alternative to capitalism that somehow philanthropy can solve the problems that capital created in the first place. And in many ways, that is the fundamental paradox and the absurdity of modern philanthropy.
for - paradox - of philanthropy - People who amass huge fortunes through a lifetime of extracting from nature, people and destroying the fabric of life - present philanthropy as a way to atone for their own sins - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
ape (or allegations of rape) became increasingly entangled in survival strategies, and in which women were encouraged to represent themselves as survivors of rape in order to establish themselves as legitimate recipients of humanitarian aid
"victim-appropriation" to access donor funding, which led to women representing themselves as rape survivors to receive aid.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
38:20 solution to fix all this?<br /> efficient selforganization. decentralization. tribalism. actual antifascism.<br /> see my book:<br /> Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
overpopulation (caused by pacifism) is the problem. humans are the virus.<br /> please propose "better" solutions to kill the 90% useless eaters, or shut up.
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
vican barrier
for - Weismann Barrier - disputed by Darwin himself, who believed that the body sends information to the germ line to pass on to the next generation - Denis Noble
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
let's go and and create all this great software to deploy it and kind of equalize the the the disparity of wealth across the world and ends up being locked out for by stupid issues like latency and bandwidth
for - internet limitations - server-based location addressing - limits software's capacity to uplift people and address inequality - bandwidth and latency issues affect those who need it most at the edge
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
18:17 A government who creates a currency does not need to tax its citizens to get dollars. 18:25 Currency issuers spend first before they tax - they do not use tax to spend
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - who is - Guy Debord - to - Wikipedia - Situationist International
who is - Guy Debord - Guy Debord was - French - born in 1931 in Paris - Marxist theorist, - philosopher - filmmaker - founding member of the Situationist International
to - Wikipedia - Situationist International - https://hyp.is/muSjgIR4Ee-IdBeTNYoyrg/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situationist_International
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
[Expensive] typing paper it makes me feel like I am obligated to the paper to do as good of a service as I can to serve it. Eliminating typographical errors, having as good of a sentence structure as possible. All of these become inhibitions to the free creative expression.
I end up serving the paper rather than [it] serving my creative needs
—Joe Van Cleave
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Must we expect someone to conquer Zeus?
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
there is one thing that I want to to do on top of proving you know or disproving fact falsifying or not this theory is to finding ways in which people that are ready can have an extraordinary experience of Consciousness like did not through drugs but through methods you know way to breathe or different ways of special meditations what have you they are sufficiently welld developed that they can help the process of people experiencing themselves their Unity with one
for - Federico Faggin - high priority objective - find and implement ways to catalyze authentic awakening experiences for those who are ready
Federico Faggin - high priority objective - find and implement ways to catalyze authentic awakening experiences for those who are ready - Deep Humanity BEing journeys!
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we don't look ahead and that may derive from the fact that we evolved as hunters 00:30:31 and a hunter is always looking for the next animal to kill
for - key insight - we evolved from hunters - who don't look beyond the next animal we kill
key insight - we evolved from hunters - who don't look beyond the next animal we kill - We are in a binge mode of subsistence that requires instant gratification - This is the same default thinking that runs our economy and much of our lives and it takes effort to counter it
- Jun 2024
www.eerstekamer.nl www.eerstekamer.nl
Er was nog een punt dat openlag, en dat was de vraag wanneer de AMvB eraan zou kunnen komen. Dat gaat over die openbare registers, of de belangrijkste daarvan. Dat zijn er meer dan 65. Voor al die registers moeten we onderzoeken in hoeverre hergebruik mogelijk moet zijn. Maar we gaan vooral kijken hoe we de primaire toegang van maatschappelijke organisaties tot die registers in de eigen wetgeving kunnen regelen. Ik heb de bedoeling — ik bedoel "ik" in overdrachtelijke zin — om voor het eind van het jaar uw Kamer te laten weten hoe we dit gaan implementeren.
nog eens nalezen wat de ODD over inforegisters zegt. Ik las het in eerste lijn als de info-registers die de WOO had gedumpt uit het voorstel maar nu terugkomt. Die lijst bevat van alles, en lang niet allemaal data. Eind 2024 zou er een voorstel moeten liggen mbt omgang inforegisters.
Dan was er nog de vraag of voldoende bekend is welke overheidsondernemingen nu onder deze nieuwe wet vallen en hoe het publiek dat ook te weten komt. De kern is dat de groep van overheidsondernemingen afgebakend is in dit voorstel. Ik heb enkele daarvan benaderd en ook via internetconsultaties zijn vele daarvan geïnformeerd. Niet "vele"; ze zijn allemaal geïnformeerd. Mijn bedoeling is om daar verder bekendheid aan te geven, want dat is wat mij betreft ongelofelijk belangrijk. Voorbeelden van die overheidsondernemingen zijn de NS, Schiphol, TenneT, het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en alle waterbedrijven. Ik wil zorgen dat we meer informatie daarover gaan verspreiden, zodat het voor iedereen helder is welke overheidsdeelnemingen en overheidsondernemingen daadwerkelijk mee moeten werken aan deze wetgeving.
er komt een lijst van overheidsondernemingen
Dan de vraag van Volt over de marginale en administratieve kosten. Gelden administratieve kosten voor de opschaling als marginale kosten, wordt dat doorberekend, enzovoorts, enzovoorts? De administratieve kosten zijn geen marginale kosten, maar vallen onder de reguliere bedrijfsvoeringskosten. Er wordt in die zin geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen statische en dynamische gegevens. Dat is denk ik ook van belang.
dit is wel helder antwoord
In heel veel gevallen blijft het mogelijk om marginale kosten in rekening te brengen. Dat betekent dat je er wel voor betaalt, maar dan meer wat het echt kost. De meerkosten voor het beschikbaar stellen van gegevens zijn tot nu toe beperkt. De schattingen zijn ook dat die beperkt zijn. Het onderzoek van de VNG naar de uitvoeringskosten laat dat ook zien. Ook onderzoeken van de TU Delft en de Europese Commissie geven aan dat de meerwaarde van die open data voor degenen die daarvoor zouden moeten betalen over het algemeen veel hoger is dan de kosten daarvan. Met andere woorden, ook al betaal je ervoor, dan nog is de waarde ook in economische zin hoger dan de kosten die je ervoor moet betalen.
Dit is een warrig antwoord. Hier wordt niet helder gesteld wat marginale verstrekkingskosten zijn. En ja, het idee is dat die lager zijn dan hergebruikswaarde en geen Coasean floor betekenen.
Dat maakt dan ook dat wij steeds moeten inschatten, en met ons alle organisaties die gegevens voor hergebruik aanbieden, of dat anonimiseringsproces niet alleen te complex voor hen kan zijn, maar ook veel te onveilig. Hier geldt namelijk dat de AVG altijd voorrang heeft op het hergebruik.
formuleert het hier als een inspanningsverlplichting tav nu zichtbare risico's, dus imo niet fictieve toekomstige.
In de derde plaats wordt in samenwerking met andere overheidsorganisaties ook de handleiding bij de Wet hergebruik overheidsinformatie bijgewerkt. Die zullen we dan ook binnenkort publiceren. Daarmee worden aan uitvoerders handvatten gegeven om gegevens zo open als mogelijk en zo gesloten als nodig is, beschikbaar te stellen voor hergebruik.
Welke is dit? Van BZK of bedoelen ze de Geonovum HVD gids ook?
We hebben ook aan de Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten een subsidie verstrekt om medeoverheden te ondersteunen bij het wijzigen van hun inkoopvoorwaarden, het ontwikkelen van standaarden en het beschikbaar stellen van dynamische gegevens via die zogenaamde API's
Ja wat een onzin was dat. Gemeenten worden niet geraakt door de HVD en daarmee verbonden API-plicht. BZK heeft een miljoen aan de VNG verkwanseld voor een fictieve angst. Ze doen nog altijd alsof HVD heel veel werk voor gemeenten is. Het typische VNG model, veel angst zaaien en zeggen dat een zak geld helpt.
Het wetsvoorstel bevat ook nog aanvullende waarborgen ter bescherming van persoonsgegevens, namelijk dat hergebruikers de gegevens niet mogen gebruiken om mensen te heridentificeren of om pseudonimisering ongedaan te maken. Als daar een inbreuk op moet worden gemaakt, moet dat worden teruggemeld. Wanneer hergebruikers gegevens doorgeven aan derden, gelden die voorwaarden ook voor hen. Dataproviders kunnen aanvullende voorwaarden opleggen aan hergebruikers, ter bescherming van persoonsgegevens. Tot zover de omschrijving van de wet.
vreemd dat dit expliciet in de wet is opgenomen. De AVG betekent al dat hergebruikers die (zorg)plicht hebben. Hergebruikers hebben zelfstandige verantwoordelijkheden in de AVG, en die reflecteren niet upstream naar overheidsverstrekkers.
Maar niet ieder hergebruik van openbare persoonsgegevens is op voorhand uitgesloten. Om daar een goede afweging in te kunnen maken, zullen overheidsorganisaties van geval tot geval een beoordeling moeten maken. Een geschikte manier om met deze spanning tussen hergebruik en bescherming om te gaan is anonimisering. Het zijn dat niet meer de persoonsgegevens die beschikbaar worden gesteld. Dan is de AVG ook niet meer van toepassing.
Hergebruik staat vaak op gespannen voet met de doelbinding. Daarom lenen persoonsgegevens zich maar zeer beperkt voor hergebruik.
Kijk, de Stas zegt het wel helder. De link met doelbinding, niet met imaginaire toekomstige risico's.
et kan dan bijvoorbeeld gaan om gegevens die voor hergebruik zijn overgedragen en waarvan achteraf komt vast te staan dat zij niet overeenkomstig de AVG zijn. Hoe is op dat moment de aansprakelijkheid geregeld?
Dit is sinds het begin imo een weeffout in AVG: je kunt als initiele provider niet uitsluiten dat iemand anders later in strijd met de wet handelt, maar dat kun je imo nooit gebruiken om nu iets niet openbaar te maken. Je verschuilt je dan achter een toekomstig en niet inschatbaar risico, en doet alsof je daar zelf verantwoordelijk bent. Je lekt geen data in retrospectief als iemand anders er in de toekomst illegaal iets van bakt, no?
artikel 1, lid 4 van de richtlijn zelf. Daarin staat expliciet dat de richtlijn geen afbreuk doet aan het Unierecht of het nationale recht betreffende de bescherming van persoonsgegevens. Hoe interpreteert de staatssecretaris dit in juridische zin?
Is Volt wel bij op dit dossier? AVG beperkt in WOO wat openbaar is, en daarmee wat mogelijk onder hergebruik valt in de WHO. Openbare persoonsgegevens is weer een ander ding mbt hergebruik.
Hergebruikers zijn vaak best bereid om mee te betalen aan de verwerving en verwerking van de gegevens. Waarom wordt dit niet door de wet gefaciliteerd en wordt er niet aldus een collaboratief ecosysteem gecreëerd?
Huh? Hergebruikers heb ik dat nog nooit horen zeggen, anders dan op 2 manieren: - ik vind het niet erg om te betalen want ik kan dat, en dan bescherm ik de onderkant van mijn markt tegen nieuwe actoren, meestal door grote bestaande hergebruikers - ik wil betalen voor een SLA naast de gratis verstrekking.
Er is bovendien een cruciaal verschil tussen betalen at point of use, of vrijwillig bijdragen aan de infra of deelnemen in governanceraamwerk, in termen van effecten op hergebruik.
de voorliggende wet in samenhang met de Wet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie
uhm, samenhang? ODD = Wet Hergebruik, no?
In de technische briefing hebben we gevraagd wat precies de redenen zijn voor het feit dat het zo lang heeft geduurd. Er werden een aantal dingen genoemd, onder andere covid en de complexiteit van deze wet in relatie tot privacy. Maar dat is best wel mager als je het hebt over een overschrijding van maar liefst drie jaar.
Goede vraag. Ik heb nooit begrepen waarom het zo lang duurde (al vermoed ik dat KvK/AP hier een rol in hebben gehad, en BZK er weinig trek in had. Covid is maar 1 reden, want na de publiek consultatie vroeg 2022 lag het ook lang stil) Al weet ik ook dat BZK er heel weinig capaciteit op had zitten.
Mevrouw Fiers i (GroenLinks-PvdA): Dank u wel, voorzitter. Het is om twee redenen bijzonder om hier vandaag het woord te voeren. Ten eerste — u refereerde er al aan — omdat ik ook namens D66, de SP, OPNL, de ChristenUnie en de Partij voor de Dieren het woord mag voeren. Die eensgezindheid is het eerste positieve resultaat van de oprichting van onze nieuwe Eerste Kamercommissie voor Digitalisering.
In de Eerste Kamer is een commissie Digitalisering gevormd. Dit leidt oa tot woordvoering voor meerdere partijen tegelijk. Klinkt goed. Zie ook motie Fiers mbt rekening houden met samenhang digi/datawetten.
- May 2024
www.codlearningtech.org www.codlearningtech.org
You can’t make a student do the work or be successful in your course, but you can let them know you’re there if they need it!
Good quote - you can't make students work, but you can let them know you are available if they need you. That's your responsibility; theirs is to do the work and reach out when they need you.
- Apr 2024
the one thing I can't teach is taste, and the one predictor I have of the people who will never develop it are
for - quote - taste - who can't develop it - perfectionists - key insight - finding our own unique voice - adjacency - creativity - learning from others - synthesis
quote - taste - who can't develop it - (see below)
- the one thing I can't teach is taste,
- and the one predictor I have of the people who will never develop it are
- the ones who are perfectionists.
- and the one predictor I have of the people who will never develop it are
- Because they're filtering their-- perfectionists that filter their perfection through the feedback of others.
comment - We we are overly dependent on others - it becomes difficult to develop our own - taste or - style - To develop our own unique taste is a balancing act - we are influenced by others by digesting the work of others - but then we must synthesize our own unique expression out of that - A useful metaphor is tuning a string - too loose and it can't work - neither if it is too tight - it snaps
adjacency - between - creativity - learning from others - synthesis - adjacency statement - our creativity depends on a balance of - learning from others - synthesizing what we've learned into something uniquely ours
- the one thing I can't teach is taste,
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
nah mate, youre taking the matrix too literal. just like every great piece of art, the matrix shows the conflict between different personality types. this is timeless, or "classical", because personality types are a part of natural order, laws of physics, laws of macro-chemistry. conflict between different personality types? in the matrix, it is "machines" versus "humans". or as charlie chaplin said "machine men with machine minds".<br /> at its core, its a question of personality type. some people have this inborn mechanistic world view, who want to rationally compute everything, who prefer security over freedom, who prefer fear over lust, who prefer knowledge over feeling. and on the other side you have "humans" who prefer feelings and intuition. like morpheus says "you can FEEL something is wrong".<br /> and to this day, the conflict between different personality types remains the great mystery, which is the basis of slave morality, aka religions, aka politics, aka idealisms, aka blue pills.<br /> by accident, i have created a hypothesis to solve this fundamental problem: how do we have to connect different personality types to crate stable groups? in chemistry, we know exactly: how do we have to connect different atoms to create stable molecules. but for humans? we have no fucking clue! because spoiler: pacifism is the problem which leads to overpopulation degeneration hunger collapse war.<br /> blah. read my book:<br /> pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type
rforresistance.wordpress.com rforresistance.wordpress.com
We need to rebuild a world outside of the grip of the globalist organisations behind the coup, outside of the grip of fascist corporations who would destroy us and the planet for power and profit, outside of the grip of the unelected billionaires parasite class, far from the grip of the corrupt governments who think they are gods and we are their canon fodder, who pretend they care about our welfare while destroying our lives. These people are our civil servants but we have let them act as our masters for too long.
We need to go off the grid, off their evil grid, outside of the control of these psychopaths, these leeches, these parasites who have been bleeding us dry for too long.
they control everything, so its hard to find ways to effective resistance…
ive been thinking about this hell on earth for 20 years, and the bottleneck i found are human relations. we just have no fucking clue, how to arrange human relations to create stable groups.
im afraid this is no accident, but deliberate sabotage from above: they dont want slaves who are well-organized, self-sufficient, free. george carlin: “They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people, capable of critical thinking. … They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs”
possible solution: Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type. https://milahu.github.io/alchi/src/whoaremyfriends/whoaremyfriends.html
- Mar 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
here in germany, cops are planning to ban my book, in which i propose an answer to the illegal question "who are my friends?" this question is illegal, because efficient human relations are the foundation of any successful organization, but the empire hates competition, and the empire hates tribalism, tribe wars, small states, minarchy, secession, decentralization, free markets, ...
- Feb 2024
hypothes.is hypothes.is
One of my inquiries was for anecdotes regarding mistakes made between the twins by their near relatives. The replies are numerous, but not very varied in character. When the twins are children, they are usually distinguished by ribbons tied round the wrist or neck; nevertheless the one is sometimes fed, physicked, and whipped by mistake for the other, and the description of these little domestic catastrophes was usually given by the mother, in a phraseology that is some- [p. 158] what touching by reason of its seriousness.
- The parental mistake highlights that even when twins are in the same house or even siblings in the same house can develop diffrent traits through parental mistakes. For instance
- We can see that mistaken one twin for another by spanking the wrong one could create a god complex in the twin that got away with bad behavior. while the twin who was unjustly spanked could feel inferior to the other twin even other people. Therefore nuture developing different traits based on parent's upbringing.
inthesetimes.com inthesetimes.com
for - Title: Losing the Plot: The "Leftists" Who Turn Right - Subtitle: What do we make of former friends who fell down the rabbit hole of the Right? - Author: Kathryn Joyce, Jeff Sharlet - Source: In These Times - Date: Dec 12,2023
Summary - Once leftist thought leaders - like reporter Matt Taibbi - are appearing to shift right - Once writing about Occupy Wall Street for the Rolling Stones and now - appearing in the right-wing Epoch Times. - Other examples are: - David Horowitz - Once a sponsor of In These Times magazine now author of the book: - Blitz: Trup Will Smash the Left and Win - Christopher Hitchens - Joined the religious nationalists he long derided - Comedians - Dave Chappelle - Roseanne - Russell Brand - who make fun of, traffic in and deride - Trans people, - pandemic <br /> - pedophille conspiracy theories - Robert Kennedy Junior
- Naomi Klein, in her latest book Doppleganger,
- chronicles the same subject.
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
consider the role Krishna plays in this text
In the text, Lord Krishna is a massive character in the text. In the epic, people respected Lord Krishna. People saw him as " People consider Krishna their leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all rolled into one." In the epic, Lord Krishna was the mentor of Arjuna and took him under his wing, helping him get through tough situations.
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:10:00 identity politics: the only stable "identity" is personality type, which is inborn and constant for life.<br /> my heresy: i found a hypothesis for the question: how must we connect different personality types to create stable groups?<br /> "the system" likes my work so much, they are threatening to bust my door, steal my stuff, and throw me in jail for five years, as a punishment for publishing my radical answer to the question: who are my friends?<br /> my book: pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type
- Oct 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Browsers can of course choose to ignore this. Again, CORS protects your client - not you.
dazu auch<br /> https://norberthaering.de/macht-kontrolle/who-klimanotstand/
„Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency.“<br /> (Es ist Zeit, den Klima- und Naturnotstand als eine unteilbare Gesundheitsnotlage zu behandeln.)
die einzige "krise" die ich sehe ist die globale übervölkerung,<br /> und die ist genau dann vorbei, wenn 95% der menschen von heute tot sind.
mit welchen lügen die globale militärdiktatur (NWO) aufgebaut wird, ist da eher nebensache.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
When is eval justified? In pragmatic terms, when you say it is. If it's your program and you're the programmer, you set the parameters.
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How it Changes Us
- Source
- Big Think interview
- Book Title
- Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How it Changes Us
- Book Author
- Brian Klaas
- Source
- Apr 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
With the Richer Install UI web developers have a new opportunity to give their users specific context about their app at install time. This UI is available for mobile from Chrome 94 and for desktop from Chrome 108. While Chrome will continue to offer the simple install dialogs for installable apps, this bigger UI gives developers space to highlight their web app.
K, but the installation comes from a context that the app vendor already controls—the entire surface of their own site—so...
Even so, do what you want with your browser UI, but like... there are crazy levels of navel-gazing here.
www.blackpast.org www.blackpast.org
were almost wholly conducted by women;
Fredrick Douglas observed that the convention was ran by mostly women. He says depsite the different opinions and view points, these women maintained good decorum. He says their proceedings were marked by ability and dignity. At this convention, he would see these women read grievances and other documents setting forth the rights for women.
On July 19-20, 1848, 68 women and 32 men attended the First Women’s Rights Convention which was held in the upstate New York town of Seneca Falls
When- July 19-20th, 1848 Who- 100 people (32males/68females) Fredrick Douglas attended and wrote his impressions about the convention in a newspaper. Article named, The North Star What- Very first womens rights conventions. Article : The North Star Where- NewYork, Seneca Falls.
myd2l.lcc.edu myd2l.lcc.edu
Fredrick Douglas was one of one hundred people who attended the very first womens rights conevention. Located in New York, Seneca Falls. Frederick Douglas is the author of the article, The North Star. Dated July 28th, 1848. Article is about
- Jan 2023
hypothes.is hypothes.is假设1
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
this has a few sections we're going to first talk about snakes and 00:12:58 elephants then about this idea of the atman it's the sanskrit name for itself the self that's the english word and the soul or suitcase we might say in christian theology then i will introduce 00:13:10 you to my favorite illusion because it's fun and it will help us to get a fix on what we're doing and then i will argue that in fact you do really think that you have a self so there is a point to all of this there 00:13:21 would be no point if we didn't think we had self there would be no point in refuting them and then we'll fight try to ask why you think you have a self so that's what we're going to do in the first part of tonight's talk
!- who do you think you are : has sections - snakes and elephants - the atman - favorite illusion - argument: you really do think you have a self - why you think you have a self
- Sep 2022
media2-production.mightynetworks.com media2-production.mightynetworks.com
The rhythm of this line seems very much like the sound of poetry. And the sense of it. It makes an outrageous claim: the story is alive, even imposing, and although the story is dependent upon the writer, it is the story that is the taskmaster, judging Forster.
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
Some people eventually realize that the code quality is important, but they lack of the time to do it. This is the typical situation when you work under pressure or time constrains. It is hard to explain to you boss that you need another week to prepare your code when it is “already working”. So you ship the code anyway because you can not afford to spent one week more.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the silurian hypothesis now this is actually a bit of a play on words it's actually based on the episode of doctor who that had a strange race known as sillurians 00:05:52 that evolved millions and millions of years ago from ancient reptiles that also possess intelligence but then because of the climatic changes on the planet essentially went into a prolonged state of hibernation in order to survive 00:06:04 the inhibitable earth waking up on modern earth and then interacting with the doctor and so because of this episode the scientists behind this paper decided to give it a kind of a tony chick name calling it the silverine hypothesis which by itself comes from a 00:06:17 geological period roughly around 440 million years ago and honestly for me personally this right here represents one of the more important papers or one of the more important propositions when it comes to 00:06:29 the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence because at the moment there's really only two possible answers either we're completely alone and we kind of evolved completely by accident and there's really no other intelligence anywhere out there which makes it a kind 00:06:41 of an evolutionary fluke and it's unlikely to repeat anywhere or anyone in the universe or extraterrestrial intelligence and any kind of intelligence is pretty common and we should be finding a lot of it here on 00:06:54 planet earth in the historical record
!- history : Silurian hypothesis - there could be records of past intelligent species in the fossil records
- Aug 2022
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Roth, E. (2021, October 30). Facebook puts tighter restrictions on vaccine misinformation targeted at children. The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/30/22754046/facebook-tighter-restrictions-vaccine-misinformation-children
www.who.int www.who.int
COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape. (2022, April 22). https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Torjesen, I. (2021). Covid-19: Omicron may be more transmissible than other variants and partly resistant to existing vaccines, scientists fear. BMJ, 375, n2943. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2943
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
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3.4 Triangulate your view with believable people who are willing to disagree.
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Blog Tucker Carlson: Biden Giving WHO Power to 'Deploy Proactive Countermeasures Against Misinformation and Social Media Attacks' By Craig Bannister | May 20, 2022 | 10:39am EDT Tucker Carlson (Screenshot) Pres. Biden has found a new way to censor free speech – by giving the World Health Organization (WHO) control of Americans’ speech – Fox News Host Tucker Carlson warned on Thursday. After dissolving his “Disinformation Governance Board, due to public outcry, Biden is preparing to sign WHO’s new World Pandemic Treaty, giving a global operational control and power – through ‘proactive countermeasures’ - to combat what it deems “disinformation,“ Carlson explained, citing a WHO working group's draft text:#stickypbModal625{ position : relative; z-index : 30; margin:0px px; padding: 9px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);} @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {#stickypbModal625 { flex-wrap: wrap;}} googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-hre-CNS-News-625"); }); “So, what would this ‘operational control’ mean? “Let’s be specific. Right off the bat, the treaty demands ‘National and global coordinated actions to address the misinformation, disinformation, and stigmatization that undermines public health.’ “Oh! Here we go! Right to censorship: ‘People are criticizing us, and for public health reasons, that can't be allowed. If you criticize us, people will die.’ “So, you saw yesterday that the Biden administration, in the face of universal laughter and derision, had to fire the head of its new Ministry of Truth - but they found another way to do it: ‘W.H.O. Secretariat to build capacity to deploy proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks.’” “So, they are going to get to censor anybody who doesn't agree with what they do, as they control the intimate details of your life,” Carlson explained: “And they will control those details. Under this treaty, the World Health Organization will get to establish vaccine passports and regulate travel. World Health organization will ‘Develop standards for producing a digital version of the international certificate of vaccination and prophylactics.’ “Okay. “So you may think, ‘Well, it is just about COVID and I went along with mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports at the time, how bad could it be?’ [Laughs] First of all, if you went along with that, you should be repenting right about now. But, it is not just about COVID because the W.H.O. Will be in charge of ‘The digitalization of all health forms.’ The World Health Organization will also ‘Share real-time information about travel measures.’ “So you are going to find out exactly when you are allowed to get on a bus or train or airplane, or how about your bicycle, will they regulate that too? Maybe. Now the World Health Organization has sought this authority for years. Of course. Who doesn't want more power?” Carlson then played a foreboding comment by W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu. “Here’s Tedros back in April of 2020: “People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end. But the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were. There must be a new normal. A world that is healthier, safer, and better prepared.” Americans should question relinquishing control over their lives to an unelected person and global authority they had no say in choosing, Carlson said:#stickypbModal711{ position : relative; z-index : 30; margin:0px px; padding: 9px; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);} @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {#stickypbModal711 { flex-wrap: wrap;}} googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-hre-CNS-News-711"); }); “Okay, so there’s a guy with a long and documented history of subverting public health, who is clearly a liar, who is acting as an agent for the Chinese government, and you have to ask yourself, ‘Did I vote for that guy? Is he one of my elected representatives in this democracy? How did he get power over where I can travel and when?’ “Good question.”
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I guess @7alhashmi deleted their comment that this was in reply to??
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But more so, external style cannot be applied to a subsection of a web page unless they force it into an iframe, which has all sorts of issues of it's own which is why external CSS is usually ignored. Inline CSS is often stripped by the tag strippers who don't want you turning things on or off... and media queries shouldn't even play into it since the layout should be controlled by the page it's being shown inside (for webmail) or the client itself, NOT your mail.
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Also cross-compatibility with mail clients can be hairy, so you should see what the industry experts are doing.
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We’re the ones who code. The people you talk to are the people who work on your project. When you have a question, we know what we are talking about.
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