2,471 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. APPG on Coronavirus. (2022, January 18). 🗣Dr.Claire Steves continued: “Looking in the national core studies, from cohort studies across the UK we’ve looked at 10 different longitudinal studies. Our best estimates are that about 5% of middle aged people are experiencing long term.. 27/ #APPGCoronavirus #LongCovid [Tweet]. @AppgCoronavirus. https://twitter.com/AppgCoronavirus/status/1483453895061999618

    1. Adam Kucharski. (2022, January 18). Below analysis was two years ago (https://bbc.co.uk/news/health-51148303). As well as providing an early warning about the COVID threat, it’s a good illustration of what is often an under-appreciated point: If we want to make sense of epidemic data and dynamics in real-time, we need models… 1/ https://t.co/ZdpzOq3Bzp [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1483368504392880128

    1. It turns out that I am rarely in a position, while writing or thinking, where I want to glance through lots of old notes as a way to figure out what to say or do. Mostly that feels like sifting through stale garbage. 

      Example of someone who doesn't appreciate the work of note taking.

    1. https://reallifemag.com/rank-and-file/

      An interesting example of someone who fell into the trap of thinking that a particular tool or tools would magically make them smarter or help them do a particular line of work without showing any deep evidence of knowing what they were doing. The discussion here flows over a number of mixed note taking domains with no clear thrust for what they were using it pointedly for. The multiple directions and lack of experience likely doomed them to failure here.

    1. Peña-Hernández, M. A., Klein, J., Malik, A. A., Coppi, A., Kalinich, C., Vogels, C. B. F., Silva, J., Initiative, Y. S.-C.-2 G. S., Peaper, D. R., Landry, M.-L., Wilen, C., Grubaugh, N. D., Schulz, W., Omer, S. B., & Iwasaki, A. (2022). Comparison of infectious SARS-CoV-2 from the nasopharynx of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals (p. 2021.12.28.21268460). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.28.21268460

    1. Heesakkers, H., van der Hoeven, J. G., Corsten, S., Janssen, I., Ewalds, E., Simons, K. S., Westerhof, B., Rettig, T. C. D., Jacobs, C., van Santen, S., Slooter, A. J. C., van der Woude, M. C. E., van den Boogaard, M., & Zegers, M. (2022). Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With 1-Year Survival Following Intensive Care Unit Treatment for COVID-19. JAMA, 327(6), 559–565. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.0040

    1. AbScent. (2022, February 7). ⁦the study quoted here looked at an 18 month time interval. In our Covid19 FB group of 34.5k, we have reports of recovery after 18 months—2 years is not unknown @Dr_Ellie⁩ ⁦@MailOnline⁩ https://t.co/5DdXDWLBSQ [Tweet]. @AbScentUK. https://twitter.com/AbScentUK/status/1490636119322644484

    1. Ulrich Elling. (2022, January 12). While #Omicron BA.1 leads the race, the little sister BA.2 is catching up in numbers. They are rather different with likely functional implications. BA.2 might be more immune evasive in RBD, less in NTD. And due to reduced mutation load in NTD maybe different fusion properties? Https://t.co/kEACjzQDs3 [Tweet]. @EllingUlrich. https://twitter.com/EllingUlrich/status/1481214901997682692

    1. Jonathan Li on Twitter: “There’s a lineage of Omicron that’s gained the R346K mutation (BA.1.1). This one could spell some trouble for the AZ mAb (tixagevimab/cilgavimab, Evusheld) that’s being used for pre-exposure prophylaxis. If you want to learn about tix/cil vs Omicron, read on 1/7” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2022, from https://twitter.com/DrJLi/status/1487479972293853188

    1. Who can blame you forprocrastinating if you find yourself stuck with a topic you decided onblindly and now have to stick with it as the deadline is approaching?

      Students may potentially built up enough context within a particular course to be able to luckily stumble upon an interesting question or idea about which to write, but the procrastination and wait times required to get lucky means that they don't have enough time to research and read additional material to move towards ultimate solutions. As a result, their work product is boring and dull and doesn't advance the space in which they're working. And these are the lucky ones which will stumble upon something interesting or be able to remember it. The results of the rest will be even less interesting.

    2. As the only way to find outif something is worth reading is by reading it (even just bits of it), itmakes sense to use the time spent in the best possible way. Weconstantly encounter interesting ideas along the way and only afraction of them are useful for the particular paper we started readingit for. Why let them go to waste? Make a note and add it to your slip-box. It improves it. Every idea adds to what can become a criticalmass that turns a mere collection of ideas into an idea-generator.

      Even if the paper or book you're reading doesn't answer the particular question you're researching, you're bound to come across other novel ideas and potential questions. Don't let these go to waste, but instead note them down and save them into your note taking system. They may be useful in the future, particularly if you found them interesting or intriguing.

      It turns out "waste not, want not" is applicable to ideas as well.

      I can't help but also thinking "waste note, want note" as an interesting turn of expression.

    1. In addition to local intelligence and favourable terrain, Pulakeshin had access to the tanks of the ancient world. Elephants. These deadly creatures possessed the mass and sheer shock value needed to break almost any immobile enemy formation sent against them.

      Elephants are armour tanks in Ancient Indian Battle

      • [[=!R How Elephants in Ancient Indian Battle are fierce giants]]

        To the hypnotic beating of battle drums, the elephants were followed by bands of elite hereditary warriors wearing loincloths and minimal armour, also drunk on alcohol. Darpasata - comes in next lines of this article - Banabhatta in Harshacharita (Harsha's deeds)

    1. Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, January 29). Going to say this again because it’s important. Case-control studies to determine prevalence of long COVID are completely flawed science, but are often presented as being scientifically robust. This is not how we can define clinical syndromes or their prevalence! A thread. [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1487366920508694529

    1. Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, January 30). Have tried to now visually illustrate an earlier thread I wrote about why prevalence estimates based on comparisons of “any symptom” between infected cases, and matched controls will yield underestimates for long COVID. I’ve done a toy example below here, to show this 🧵 [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1487578265187405828

    1. At the heart of this research agenda lies the recognition that individuals, in particular thosewho have experienced acute forms of marginalization and oppression, experience the world notjust culturally or racially but also politically and ethically, and develop political identities in rela-tion to these experiences. Youth then carry and enact these identities in various contexts includ-ing within learning environments that either take up and nurture these identities or suppress andmarginalize them.

      how might we support teachers in exploring these facets? how do they already do in other domains?

  2. Jan 2022
    1. Gentles, L. E., Kehoe, L., Crawford, K. H. D., Lacombe, K., Dickerson, J., Wolf, C., Yuan, J., Schuler, S., Watson, J. T., Nyanseor, S., Briggs-Hagen, M., Saydah, S., Midgley, C. M., Pringle, K., Chu, H., Bloom, J. D., & Englund, J. A. (2022). Dynamics of infection-elicited SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in children over time (p. 2022.01.14.22269235). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.14.22269235

    1. Pajon, R., Doria-Rose, N. A., Shen, X., Schmidt, S. D., O’Dell, S., McDanal, C., Feng, W., Tong, J., Eaton, A., Maglinao, M., Tang, H., Manning, K. E., Edara, V.-V., Lai, L., Ellis, M., Moore, K. M., Floyd, K., Foster, S. L., Posavad, C. M., … Montefiori, D. C. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Neutralization after mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination. New England Journal of Medicine, 0(0), null. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMc2119912

    1. Scholarly HTML is a domain-specific rich document format built entirely on open standards that enables the interoperable exchange of scholarly articles in a manner that is compatible with off-the-shelf browsers. This document describes how Scholarly HTML works and how it is encoded.
    1. it is only in equity funds/hybrid aggressive funds that you can turn market volatility to your advantage, by investing on dips and lowering costs. In the absence of that volatility, you get no averaging benefit; in such funds, as long as your timeframe is right, it doesn’t matter whether you invest through SIP or lumpsum.

      SIP Averaging benefit in high volatility (aggressive hybrid funds)

      • ? role of correction
    1. Zimmerman, M. I., Porter, J. R., Ward, M. D., Singh, S., Vithani, N., Meller, A., Mallimadugula, U. L., Kuhn, C. E., Borowsky, J. H., Wiewiora, R. P., Hurley, M. F. D., Harbison, A. M., Fogarty, C. A., Coffland, J. E., Fadda, E., Voelz, V. A., Chodera, J. D., & Bowman, G. R. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 simulations go exascale to predict dramatic spike opening and cryptic pockets across the proteome. Nature Chemistry, 13(7), 651–659. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00707-0

    1. When credit-linked economic stimulus has an uneven impact on growth recovery, the significance of fiscal dominance cannot be undermined

      R? - clear about Fiscal dominance

    1. Three principal themes will guide CEAP investments and activities in the future (Maresch et al. 2008): 1. �Research addressing effective and efficient implementation of conservation practices and programs to meet environmental goals and enhance environmental quality. • �Continue and expand CEAP research projects on the effects and benefits of conservation practices for soil and water quality at the watershed and landscape scales. • �Implement a new research and assessment initiative for grazing lands designed to provide scientific evidence for implementation of conservation practices at the landscape scale. • �Determine the critical processes and attributes to be measured at the appropriate landscape position for evaluation of environmental benefits. • �Expand the scope of assessment to include evaluation of a full suite of ecosystem services influenced by conservation practices and programs.
    1. Angel, D. M., Gao, D., DeLay, K., Lin, E. Z., Eldred, J., Arnold, W., Santiago, R., Redlich, C., Martinello, R. A., Sherman, J. D., Peccia, J., & Godri Pollitt, K. J. (2022). Development and Application of a Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Passive Air Sampler to Assess Personal Exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00877

    1. Patone, M., Mei, X. W., Handunnetthi, L., Dixon, S., Zaccardi, F., Shankar-Hari, M., Watkinson, P., Khunti, K., Harnden, A., Coupland, C. A., Channon, K. M., Mills, N. L., Sheikh, A., & Hippisley-Cox, J. (2021). Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex (p. 2021.12.23.21268276). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.23.21268276

    1. Frere, J. J., Serafini, R. A., Pryce, K. D., Zazhytska, M., Oishi, K., Golynker, I., Panis, M., Zimering, J., Horiuchi, S., Hoagland, D. A., Moller, R., Ruiz, A., Overdevest, J. B., Kodra, A., Canoll, P. D., Goldman, J. E., Borczuk, A. C., Chandar, V., Bram, Y., … tenOever, B. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection results in lasting and systemic perturbations post recovery (p. 2022.01.18.476786). https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.18.476786

    1. In a recent paper, Pierre Azoulay and co-authors concluded that Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s long-term grants to high-potential scientists made those scientists 96 percent more likely to produce breakthrough work. If this finding is borne out, it suggests that present funding mechanisms are likely to be far from optimal, in part because they do not focus enough on research autonomy and risk taking.

      Risk taking and the potential return are key pieces of progress.

      Most of our research funding apparatus isn't set up with a capitalistic structure. Would that be good or bad for accelerating progress?

    2. Along these lines, the world would benefit from an organized effort to understand how we should identify and train brilliant young people, how the most effective small groups exchange and share ideas, which incentives should exist for all sorts of participants in innovative ecosystems (including scientists, entrepreneurs, managers, and engineers), how much different organizations differ in productivity (and the drivers of those differences), how scientists should be selected and funded, and many other related issues besides.

      These are usually incredibly political questions that aren't always done logically.

      See for example Malcolm Gladwell's podcast episode My Little Hundred Million.

    1. Townsend, L., Dyer, A. H., Naughton, A., Kiersey, R., Holden, D., Gardiner, M., Dowds, J., O’Brien, K., Bannan, C., Nadarajan, P., Dunne, J., Martin-Loeches, I., Fallon, P. G., Bergin, C., O’Farrelly, C., Cheallaigh, C. N., Bourke, N. M., & Conlon, N. (2021). Longitudinal Analysis of COVID-19 Patients Shows Age-Associated T Cell Changes Independent of Ongoing Ill-Health. Frontiers in Immunology, 12. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fimmu.2021.676932

    1. I've not seen any doing sessions on Obsidian or Research Rabbit yet, but many (college/university) libraries have group sessions, usually at the outset of quarters/semesters, that walk through the functions in citation managers like Zotero, etc. This might be a useful way of offloading some of the teaching of the technology as well as helping to make it more commonplace across institutions.

    2. https://danallosso.substack.com/p/three-basic-elements-of-taking-notes

      Allosso outlines a bit about how he dovetails Research Rabbit (discovery), Obsidian (writing, linking), and Zotero (citations, reading).

    1. enrich the method part step by step
    2. I guess it is reflected in my familiarity with the process of writing RA and a better understanding of the norms of doing research
    3. It also reminds me that the literature review part of RA is quite important
    4. Diversified and appropriate research methods are what I consider significant and require special attention and future efforts.



    1. The spider web system was, in fact, a work in progress; the resulting hypertext was designed to be open-ended.

      One's lifetime of notes could be thought of as a hypertext work in progress that is designed to be open-ended.

    2. That is why Francis Bacon was rather skeptical about the possibility that excerpts might be shared among scholars. His opinion was that ‘in general, one man’s Notes will little profit another, because one man’s Conceit doth so much differ from another’s; and because the bare Note itself is nothing so much worth, as the suggestion it gives the Reader’.47

      See Bacon’s letter to Greville examined by Vernon Snow, ‘Francis Bacon’s Advice to Fulke Greville on Research Techniques’, Huntington Library Quarterly 23 (1960), 369–78, at 374

      This is similar in tone but for slightly differing reasons to Mortimer J. Adler recommending against loaning one's annotated books to other users. (see: https://hypothes.is/a/6x75DnXBEeyUyEOjgj_zKg)

    1. Liu, Y., Ebinger, J. E., Mostafa, R., Budde, P., Gajewski, J., Walker, B., Joung, S., Wu, M., Bräutigam, M., Hesping, F., Rupieper, E., Schubert, A.-S., Zucht, H.-D., Braun, J., Melmed, G. Y., Sobhani, K., Arditi, M., Van Eyk, J. E., Cheng, S., & Fert-Bober, J. (2021). Paradoxical sex-specific patterns of autoantibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Journal of Translational Medicine, 19(1), 524. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-021-03184-8

    1. Olson, S. M., Newhams, M. M., Halasa, N. B., Price, A. M., Boom, J. A., Sahni, L. C., Pannaraj, P. S., Irby, K., Walker, T. C., Schwartz, S. P., Maddux, A. B., Mack, E. H., Bradford, T. T., Schuster, J. E., Nofziger, R. A., Cameron, M. A., Chiotos, K., Cullimore, M. L., Gertz, S. J., … Randolph, A. G. (2022). Effectiveness of BNT162b2 Vaccine against Critical Covid-19 in Adolescents. New England Journal of Medicine, 0(0), null. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2117995

    1. In my very next letter, Letter XVI, I reported that Conor had perhaps heard our concerns about the cult connotations, and also decided to move away from the use of it too.

      I always thought of the #RoamCult hashtag as a bit tongue-in-cheek, but certainly something with a more positive framing could be chosen.

      It's interesting to hear that the project seems to have gone quiet and that the perception is that people are leaving for other projects (many of them open source, which is one of the spaces many of the early adopters were already working in).

      There's definitely a drive in a lot of this space for people to own their own data given it's direct value to them over other (more social facing) tools.

    1. Douaud, G., Lee, S., Alfaro-Almagro, F., Arthofer, C., Wang, C., McCarthy, P., Lange, F., Andersson, J. L. R., Griffanti, L., Duff, E., Jbabdi, S., Taschler, B., Winkler, A. M., Nichols, T. E., Collins, R., Matthews, P. M., Allen, N., Miller, K. L., & Smith, S. M. (2021). Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank (p. 2021.06.11.21258690). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.11.21258690

    1. Carreño, J. M., Alshammary, H., Tcheou, J., Singh, G., Raskin, A., Kawabata, H., Sominsky, L., Clark, J., Adelsberg, D. C., Bielak, D., Gonzalez-Reiche, A. S., Dambrauskas, N., Vigdorovich, V., Group, P. S., Srivastava, K., Sather, D. N., Sordillo, E. M., Bajic, G., van Bakel, H., … Krammer, F. (2021). Activity of convalescent and vaccine serum against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03846-z

  3. takingnotenow.blogspot.com takingnotenow.blogspot.com
    1. What we Remember by Manfred Kuehn https://takingnotenow.blogspot.com/2007/12/

      archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20201021192005/https://takingnotenow.blogspot.com/2007/12/

      Dutch psychologist Wilem Wagenaar conducted memory related experiments on recollecting what, where, who, and when for the most interesting experiences of his days. It turned out that the "What?" was most useful followed by where? and who?, but that "when?" was "useless in every instance".

      p.116 of Stefan Klein, The Secret Pulse of Time: Making Sense of Life's Scarcest Commodity, Marlowe & Company, 2007, New York.

      Despite this, timestamps might serve other functions within a note taking system. The might include conceiving of ideas, temporal order of ideas presented, etc.

  4. Dec 2021
    1. A Marm Kilpatrick. (2021, November 24). How do we get broad immunity to SARS-CoV-2 that will protect against future variants? 2 studies (are there more?) suggest that vaccination followed by infection gives broader protection than infection followed by vaccination. @florian_krammer @profshanecrotty @GuptaR_lab https://t.co/rqdf6rE9ej [Tweet]. @DiseaseEcology. https://twitter.com/DiseaseEcology/status/1463391782742335491

    1. Every serious (academic) historical work includes a conversation with other scholarship, and this has largely carried over into popular historical writing.

      Any serious historical or other academic work should include a conversation with the body of other scholarship with which argues for or against.

      Comparing and contrasting one idea with another is crucial for any sort of advancement.

    1. Eric Topol. (2020, November 28). This will go down in history as one of science and medical research’s greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive. I put together a preliminary timeline of some key milestones to show how several years of work were compressed into months. Https://t.co/BPcaZwDFkl [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1332771238771630080

    1. Patone, M., Mei, X. W., Handunnetthi, L., Dixon, S., Zaccardi, F., Shankar-Hari, M., Watkinson, P., Khunti, K., Harnden, A., Coupland, C. A. C., Channon, K. M., Mills, N. L., Sheikh, A., & Hippisley-Cox, J. (2021). Risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiac arrhythmias associated with COVID-19 vaccination or SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nature Medicine, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01630-0

    1. Dr Merlina Missimer.[3][4] By providing significant granularity on the root causes of social systemunsustainability

      Divide social and ecological unsustainability in the thesis

    2. Future-Fit Business Benchmark co-developed with TNS practitioners Strategic Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) VinylVerified Product Label a product label for specific PVC building applications in Europe. Living Building Challenge (LBC) Sustainable Apparel Coalition Materials Sustainability Index or Higgs Index as developed by Nike in collaboration with TNS
    3. From the Big Bang to Sustainable Societies"
    1. The professionalisation of academic writing has forced us “to substitute the more writerly, discoursive forms, such as the essay, for the more measured and measurable –largely unread and unreadable – quasi-scientific journal article”

      I wonder if it would be useful to distinguish between research and scholarship, where formal research is but one type of scholarly practice?

      If we look at a journal as a channel for promoting scholarship then there's no reason that we can't include essays as a category of writing.

    1. HowardBecker's art worlds

      what are howard becker's art worlds?

    2. On the NorthAmerican continent particular institutions under scrutiny are the Dia Center for the Arts,The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, The Museum of Modem Art, The San FranciscoMuseum of Modem Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Walker ArtCenter. On the European continent, institutions such as Centre Pompidou (Paris),MuHKA 3 (Antwerp), SMAK4 (Gent) and Tate Modern (London)

      ładna lista muzeów do przedstawienia/zbadania



    1. Heitmann, J. S., Bilich, T., Tandler, C., Nelde, A., Maringer, Y., Marconato, M., Reusch, J., Jäger, S., Denk, M., Richter, M., Anton, L., Weber, L. M., Roerden, M., Bauer, J., Rieth, J., Wacker, M., Hörber, S., Peter, A., Meisner, C., … Walz, J. S. (2021). A COVID-19 peptide vaccine for the induction of SARS-CoV-2 T cell immunity. Nature, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04232-5

    1. In a world where labs become sustainable by spinning out products, researchers need some way to de-risk their initial work, when they won’t have any new products or technologies to sell. I think this is an effective place for open-ended research grant programs.

      This is a lovely idea, but it feels like it's just kicking the can down the road. Who's funding these grants? Where do those monies come from? That's the real problem.

    2. One of my greatest concerns about this field today is that almost all of the problem discovery happens by a kind of self-interested navel-gazing process, where product builders take the quote “build things you would want to use” a little too literally, and build products for the small niche group of people interested in note-taking tools and processes. This leads to products that seem useful to a small group of other people who are also working in this space and familiar with its vernacular and concepts, but are unusable or unapproachable by most people outside of that small community. I think this is a dangerous failure mode.

      The level of complexity to using some of these tools is also a huge hurdle for the everyday user as well. Some require deep knowledge of the tool along with coding ability as well.

      Perhaps this complexity barrier will come down over time, but some projects don't seem to be working toward making things easier and simpler for the end user.

    3. I think this new identity should… build upon a diverse group of people and ideas remember, but not revere, past research and tradition welcome independent contributors, and view itself as a collective of people, not an industry of companies work in the open, and value building and testing ideas over spreading them.

      From the jump, I can't help but think that it sounds like he's looking for a niche within the IndieWeb space.

    1. De Arte Excerpendi: Of Scholarly Book Organization by Vincen-tius Placcius. It offers an overview of contemporary procedures, instruc-tions on regular excerpting, and an extensive history of the subject. Placcius expressly warns against a loose form of indexing as pursued by Jungius. 38
      1. Placcius 1689, p. 72.

      Vincentius Placcius in De Arte Excerpendi: Of Scholarly Book Organization (1689) offers a contemporary set of instructions on excerpting knowledge as well as a history of the subject.

      In the book, he warns specifically against the loose form of indexing exhibited by Joachim Jungius. (p72)

    2. It is an important fact that the Bibliotheca Universalis addresses a dual audience with this technology of indexing: on the one hand, it aims at librarians with its extensive and far-reaching bibliography; on the other hand, it goes to didactic lengths to instruct young scholars in the proper organization of their studies, that is, keeping excerpted material in useful order. In this dual aim, the Bibliotheca Universalis unites a scholar ’ s com-munication with library technology, before these directions eventually branch out into the activity of library professionals on the one hand and the private and discreet practices of scholarship on the other hand

      Konrad Gessner's Bibliotheca Universalis has two audiences: librarians for it's extensive bibliography and scholars for the instruction of how to properly organize their studies by excerpting material and keeping it in a useful order.

  5. Nov 2021
    1. (the VTA is also part ofthis system, but is too small to image with standard fMRImethods, but see [35] for successful imaging methods).

      All imaging studies face questions of validity and should (and many do) link to comprehensive details on instrumentation, methodology, and interpretation. Apparently, the professional consensus remains that, properly executed and interpreted, fMRI and other functional imaging techniques based on detection of oxygenation can lead to highly valid conclusions. (See Nautil.us article.)

    1. “What is the meaning of home?

      “What is the meaning of home?”

    2. “How do Dutch adolescents aged 14-18 en

      “How do Dutch adolescents aged 14-18 engaging in online education experience the meaning of home

      during the Corona pandemic?”

    3. qualitative research method,

      qualitative research method,

    1. esearch suggests that announcing your plans makes you lessmotivated to accomplish them. 38
      • Gollwitzer, P. M., Sheeran, P., Michalski, V., & Seifert, A. E. (2009). When Intentions Go Public. Does Social Reality Widen the Intention-Behavior Gap? Psychological Science , 20(5): 612–618. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02336.



    1. COVID-19 Living Evidence. (2021, November 12). As of 12.11.2021, we have indexed 257,633 publications: 18,674 pre-prints 238,959 peer-reviewed publications Pre-prints: BioRxiv, MedRxiv Peer-reviewed: PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO https://t.co/ytOhLG90Pi [Tweet]. @evidencelive. https://twitter.com/evidencelive/status/1459163720450519042

    1. a series of online meetings(through the Zoom platform) to complement the written stories, and guide


    2. What have been the decisive positive and negative changes andchallenges in the teachers

      What have been the decisive positive and negative changes and challenges in the teachers' professional roles and teacher-student relationship? • What tools and strategies have the teachers used to overcome difficulties and strengthen their ability to cope? • How has EDT affected teachers' health and well-being?

    1. Walter, E. B., Talaat, K. R., Sabharwal, C., Gurtman, A., Lockhart, S., Paulsen, G. C., Barnett, E. D., Muñoz, F. M., Maldonado, Y., Pahud, B. A., Domachowske, J. B., Simões, E. A. F., Sarwar, U. N., Kitchin, N., Cunliffe, L., Rojo, P., Kuchar, E., Rämet, M., Munjal, I., … Gruber, W. C. (2021). Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 5 to 11 Years of Age. New England Journal of Medicine, NEJMoa2116298. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2116298

    1. The pressure is still on – how should we be teaching the current content to the current students in the current context and how does this impact on research?

      current content, current students, current context

    2. t interweaves the three strands which build staff (through research) – students (through the T&L) – and the community (through both).

      the 3 strands

    3. Teaching in a University is different, we use the same word in primary school, secondary school, TAFE, Teachers Colleges, CAEs etc but it is not the same. One of the major differences is of course the extent to which it (the teaching) is interwoven with research and our research principles.

      teaching in univ is diff >> interwoven with research

    4. I believe that this concern with Research Culture is due to broader effects that are manifestations brought about, by and large, by the extraordinary commoditisation of Higher Education in general.

      research culture >> broad effects

    5. This type of academic activity is vital to our research (and not only to the research); it is something that I will be pursuing.

      mentoring is vital

    6. A good mentoring program promotes understanding of the culture of the University and helps staff adjust to new or changing roles and situations.

      mentoring program >> bukan hanya masalah luaran dan metrik

    7. I believe that until we understand what a research culture is and why it is important, that

      intertwined teaching and research >> homogeneous research culture.

    8. We will no longer discuss research; we will be too busy doing it – and talks such as this, will no longer be necessary.

      terlalu banyak meriset >> tuntutan luaran >> jarang diperbincangkan

    9. the moment we stand still, that is fail to keep learning, fail to keep cultivating, our knowledge and experience falls behind the status quo.

      fails to cultivate >> stand still in the moment >> stagnant >> status quo

    10. Most general, the term culture denotes whole product of an individual, group or society of intelligent beings. It includes technology, art, science, as well as moral systems and characteristic behaviours and habits of the selected intelligent entities.

      culture >> tech, art, science, moral systems, etc

    1. it is designed to help institutional leaders reflect on the extent to which their organization can support sustained and values-driven assessment practices, and where they might focus efforts to further evolve them.

      SPACE to support sustained and values-driven assessment practices.

    2. SPACE is a rubric that is composed of two axes

      adaptation to Indonesian institutes

    3. prioritize rankings over their stated goals for diversity, equity, and inclusion

      prioritize rankings over other missions

    4. the metric oversimplification of scholarly achievement distracts academics and institutions

      metric oversimplification >> distractions

    5. Rather, it is due to a growing reliance on proxy measures of research quality in the management of recruitment, promotion, tenure and funding decisions: these proxy measures are widely used because they are convenient, not because they are meaningful. The pursuit of a higher ranking in league tables for universities has also contributed to the problem.

      proxy measures >> convenient but not meaningful

    6. Ghent University in Belgium made headlines in 2019 when it announced a new policy for evaluating faculty that marked a shift away from the 'rat race' of metrics and rankings towards more holistic processes focused on valuing and nurturing talent

      notice >> rat race